#Deeks-Blye family
densi-mber · 1 year
Bring out the Holly
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“Hey, how are we doing on snacks?” Kensi asked, turning to Deeks as he popped in the kitchen with a load of empty bowls. She was currently wrist deep in a bowl of cheese dip. Her stomach turned slightly at the squelching sound as it mixed, but so far, she’d done pretty well by sipping on 7UP.
“Uh, we need more chips. And if Arkady keep going at his current rate, way more vodka,” Deeks responded. He dumped the rest of a bag of potato chips and then tortilla strips into bowls.
“Well, it’s a good thing we stocked up.”
Deeks grinned, making a detour to kiss her firmly while they had a moment. They’d been going pretty much non-stop since this morning, and the pace had only picked up once guests started arriving.
Kensi heard a loud cheer, which she assumed had something to do with Arkady, and possibly Roberta. She could only imagine what they were getting up to.
Deeks dragged in a deep breath. “Ok, I’m headed back into the wild. Keep me in your prayers. Kensi snorted, watching him balance the bowls of snacks before she turned back to the dip.
Deciding it was as mixed as it would get, she transferred it to a cut glass dish Roberta had insisted giving them during her recent move, washed up, and fortified herself with another sip of fizzy pop.
When she made it out to the living room and few minutes later, she found everyone spread out in little groups. Fatima and Rountree were talking with Rosa by the Christmas tree. Sam, Callen, and Anna appeared to be in a lively conversation with Arkady. Meanwhile, Nell and Eric were sandwiched between Julia and Roberta on the couch. Deeks was circling the room making sure everyone had enough to drink and eat.
When Nell caught sight of her, she hurried over, enveloping Kensi in a massive hug.
“Hey you!”
“Hey. You know, we did see each other less than 20 minutes ago,” Kensi reminded her teasingly.
“I know, but I really missed you,” Nell said, reaching up to straighten her Christmas inspired headband. Miniature ornaments hung from her earlobes and she wore a piece of sparkly garland as a necklace. Looking over her shoulder, she added, “Plus, I needed a minute. Your moms are grilling us about out relationship.”
“Oh, do tell?”
“Uh, you know everything thing there is to know, and I am not delving into that very complicated can of worms on Christmas.”
“Fair enough,” Kensi agreed. “But, once the holidays are over, be prepared to be grilled.”
A pair of arms wrapped around Kensi’s waist, followed by the familiar and reassuring presence of Deeks’ chest.
“Just so you know, Fatima and Rountree are trying to convince our daughter to move out of state for college,” he murmured.
“How dare they.”
“Ooh, I didn’t get a Shaggy hug yet,” Nell realized, reaching around Kensi to give Deeks a very big hug.
“I missed you too, Velma,” Deeks said, grinning as he pulled a couple pieces of tinsel from Nell’s outfit out of his mouth. “Maybe we should go rescue your partner in crime, he’s looking a little suffocated.”
“Yeah, I’m going to need at least one more drink before that happens.”
“Fair enough.”
Sam, Callen, and Anna wandered over then, making a pit stop for snacks on the way.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve been here since you two completed all the renovations. It looks good,” Sam commented. Kensi had no doubt that he’d been discreetly examining the drywall and flooring.
“Thanks. We had a lot of help from good friends,” Deeks said.
“Mostly thanks to Deeks’ surfing connections.”
“So, your first Christmas as parents in your new home. How’s that feel?” Sam asked, grinning when Deeks groaned.
“Terrifying,” Kensi answered. “Amazing, but terrifying.” Anna reached out to squeeze her hand.
“Alright, time for a new topic before we stress out our hosts,” Nell decided. Kensi sent her a grateful look.
“Ok, how about Arkady’s taken command of your kitchen?” Callen suggested. “His words, not mine.”
“Do I want to know what he’s doing in there?”
“According to him, making a famous Russian drink that only our family know,” Anna answered with a raised brow for emphasis. “I would not go in there right now.”
“Fantastic,” Deeks said, shaking his head. “But, It’s Christmas, so we’re not going to worry about it.”
“What are we not worrying about?” Eric asked, positioning himself between Nell and Deeks.
Kensi noticed that he automatically wrapped his arm around Nell’s waist. She pressed her lips together, holding back a litany of pointed comments. That could wait for later.
“Whatever weird and wonderful things Arkady is currently doing in our kitchen. How’d you escape the terrifying duo that are our mothers?” Deeks glanced over to the couch, but Julia and Roberta had moved on to join Rosa’s little group.
“Uh, with my extremely agile way with words,” Eric answered. “I learned from the master after all.” He bowed to Deeks and then casually added, “By the way, we’re having a June wedding.”
“Great, we can make it a double wedding.” Callen grinned and raised his glass of egg nog in a mock toast, ignoring Nell and Anna’s twin glares.
“It’s been nice knowing you, brother,” Sam said, slapping Callen on the back,
Fortunately, Rosa, Fatima, and Rountree came over before things could get too out of control.
Kensi noticed Rosa wore the birthstone necklace they’d given her that morning. She’d worried it was a little too personal, or Rosa might find it cheesy, so seeing her with it now warmed Kensi’s heart.
She took a quick sip of ginger ale before her hormones got completely out of control and she started crying.
“So there’s this Christmas game going around. I thought it would be fun to play,” Rosa said, more animated than usual. Kensi wondered just what she’d been talking about with Rountree and Fatima. “Basically, you put a bunch of gift bows on the table, and each person takes a turn trying to scoop them into a basket while blindfolded.”
“You want to blindfold a bunch of highly competitive people, at least half of whom know multiple fighting styles,” Deeks summed up, pulling a face. “I see absolutely nothing going wrong here.”
“Hush, we can behave ourselves,” Sam protested with a smirk.
“We’re also going to need a lot of dollar bills,” Fatima added. “It’s part of the game.”
“Well, I don’t have any ones, but I got a stack of 20s,” Eric offered.
“Why the hell do you have a bunch of 20s, Eric?”
“He likes to be prepared.” Nell patted his shoulder, looking up at her not-fiancé with a happy smile.
“Oh, this is a going to be a massive disaster,” Deeks commented with a chuckle as everyone headed off to gather bows and spatulas. Callen was making side bets on who would collect the most bows.
“Definitely,” Kensi agreed. She took advantage of the relative privacy to pull Deeks in for a deep kiss. “But I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
A/N: I would describe this as the happy chaos that develops when you gather a bunch of different people together for the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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ejzah · 2 years
Hi! (based on the promo for 14x07) could you write a fanfic about Rosa getting the flu and densi taking care of her please?
A/N: This is just a wee bit late. Sorry about that. Obviously differs from what actually occurred in “Survival of the Fittest”.
Type of A
“So, how was your math test?” Deeks asked, trailing Rosa into the house. She’d more quiet than usual on the drive home, which he presumed had something to do with the results of said test. Overall, she was doing amazingly well academically, but he knew Rosa would be upset with anything less than a B.
“I think it went well,” she responded with a shrug and a quiet sigh. “We won’t get grades back until next week.”
“Oh, well that’s good. Anything interesting happen at school?”
“No.” Dropping her book bag next to the door, she flopped onto the couch. Deeks raised an eyebrow, giving her a second look. Under the better lighting she seemed a little pale and listless.
“Are you feeling ok?” he asked, his concern growing when she lifted her shoulders in a weak shrug.
“Yes, I’m just tired,” she said. Deeks leaned over, gently palming her cheek. He frowned at the heat emanating from her skin. Shivering, Rosa pulled her hoodie closer around her body, and peered up at him with slightly gazed eyes.
Yup, she was definitely sick. Concern knotted in Deeks’ stomach, even as he reminded himself that Rosa was healthy and probably just had the latest cold floating around the high school.
“Hey guys, dinners almost ready,” Kensi said cheerfully, appearing from the kitchen. She glanced between them, her smile dropping in an instance as she took in Deeks’ protective stance over Rosa. “What’s going on?” she asked flatly.
“Rosa has a fever,” he answered.
“Oh my god.” Kensi rushed forward, and brushed her knuckles over Rosa’s forehead. Rosa made a halfhearted attempt to wave her off.
“Estoy bien. Solo necesito dormir,” she insisted, falling into Spanish as she often did when she was tired or particularly emotional. In direct contrast to her words, Rosa shivered, her eyes slipping shut. Deeks swore her cheeks were more flushed than a minute ago.
“Si claro,” Kensi said with a roll of her eyes. Turning to Deeks, she added, “Voy a buscar el termómetro.”
“Good idea,” Deeks said distractedly as Rosa rubbed her temples, brows scrunched together in obvious pain. He quietly headed to the bathroom, returning with a bottle of ibuprofen and water.
Rosa peeled an eye open when he open the bottle, and silently held out her hand for him to shake a couple of tablets into her palm.
“Thanks,” she whispered once she’d swallowed them down. By now she had tipped over sideways, her head cushioned on arm of the couch, arms wrapped tightly around her torso.
Kensi came back with a thermometer, and nudged Rosa awake enough to slip it under her tongue. When it beeped a half minute later, Deeks glanced down at the tiny screen.
“102 degrees. Yeah, somebody’s taking a sick day tomorrow,” he drawled. “You must feel pretty crappy.”
“It’s ok,” Rosa repeated quietly. “It’s not the first time I’ve been sick. I can take care of myself.”
“But you don’t have to,” Kensi reminded her, gently smoothing a hand through her hair. “C’mon, let’s get you more comfortable.”
Ten minutes later, Rosa was firmly ensconced on the couch with a mug of steaming tea, wrapped in a thick blanket with a selection of cold medicine and lozenges on the side table. She sipped at her tea, the warm beverage seeming to revive her slightly, and sighed, resting her on the back of the couch.
“Thank you,” she murmured again, offering them a sleepy smile. “You guys are good parents.”
Deeks grabbed Kensi’s waist, tugging her against his side.
“See that,” he whispered, pressing his lips to her temple. “We’re kind of good at this.”
A/N: Rough Spanish translation, thanks to google translate and quora:
I’m fine. I just need to sleep.
Sure, you are. I’m going to get a thermometer.
Thanks for the prompt!
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keenmoonus · 11 days
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"They always come back, Owen. Until one day they don't."
ncis: los angeles - season 05 (2013 -2014)
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liar-or-lawyer · 1 year
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Season 5 : Episode 2
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deeksblye · 1 year
I still can't believe I'm gonna have to live without this show! It has been such an amazing ride... This characters will forever be in my heart ❤️
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ryan9098 · 2 years
Assuming that the real dog that played Monty is no longer with us, I think the writers should have Deeks get Rosa a puppy/dog.
Deeks would probably play it off to Kensi as "Every kid should have a dog" so he got their daughter one.
Kensi will know of course that he got the dog for himself just as much as he did for Rosa because he misses having a dog around. The new dog would never replace Monty in his heart, but she knows that her husband has plenty of room in there for new family members be it human or animal.
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mauraeyk · 1 year
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let me introduce you to the deeks-blye-reyes family :)
NCIS Los Angeles | 14.21 “New Beginnings, Part 2“
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veneredirose · 2 months
i’m finally doing the review of NCIS: Los Angeles
this is one of the comfort series that I watch and that feels like i’m a part of the family. the first time i watched it I was a little girl, recently I wanted to watch it again because I wanted to understand better the events and connect the dots. so here’s the review!
possible spoilers of NCIS: Los Angeles
the plot is one of my favorite, all the investigations are solved by a two persons-team formed by Special Agent G. Callen and Special Agent Sam Hanna, an ex navy-seal. The other team is formed, for the first season, by Special Agent Kensi Blye and Dominic Vail, a young operative agent who is killed in action during the first season, leaving Kensi Blye without a teammate and full of feelings of guilt. the spot is taken, in season 2, by Detective Marty Deeks, who make a liaison between LAPD and NCIS. He holds this position until departmental reforms in season 12 end up terminating it, after which he completes FLETC training and officially joins NCIS as an Investigator. Henrietta Lange is the leader of this office. In OSP, the team is completed by Operational Psychologist Nate Getz, and Technical Operator Eric Beale. Nate is assigned, after season 1, to different operations by Hetty, and returns only for occasional guest appearances. During the second season, Intelligent Analyst Nelly Jones joins the team, and forms an amazing team with Eric, until eventually the two of them become closer. during the remaining seasons a lot of people appears in the series, like Assistant Director Owen Granger, assigned to the team as oversight whit Hetty, who dies in season 8 after discovering he was ill with cancer (it coincide with real-life battle of the actor, Miguel Ferrer, who was ill with cancer and died). In season 9 Hetty goes to Vietnam on a personal mission, and her place is taken by Executive Assistant Director Pacific Shay Mosley, who is basically in search for revenge and almost get the entire team killed during a non-authorized operation. Later she sends the team and her trusted assistant, Special Agent Harley Hidoko, to Mexico, to rescue her son from her criminal ex-husband. the operation ends well, but her assistant remains killed during the op. The OSP is put under investigation and, at the beginning of the tenth season, Shay Mosley resigns. During season 11/12 Nell and Eric depart for the private sector, so the OSP recruited two rookies: Agents Fatima Namazi and Agent Devin Roundtree. Hetty leaves again so Admiral Hollace Killbride is assigned as Director of Special Operations in season 13. The series ends with Callen married to Anna, Kensi married to Deeks and finally pregnant, and Callen and Sam taking a side project mission to find and rescue Hetty, supported by a new team, including old teammates Nelly and Nate.
During the series:
Callen wants to figure out who his family was, because he grew up in foster homes. At some point he finds his father and his half sister, but their relationship is difficult.
Sam has to deal with the death of his wife, killed during a joined operation with CIA, leaving him with two children and a sense of guilt that never goes away.
Kensi and Deeks decide to adopt a girl from Mexico, and later they find out that Kensi is pregnant.
Hetty faces the difficulties of a life spent undercover.
In my opinion this series is one of the most tricky and challenging series i’ve ever watched. you want to watch episode after episode to discover what is going on. i literally devoured it, i liked it a lot. it’s worth the time you spend to watch it.
thank you so much for reading this review, i hope you like it and i hope you liked this series as i did!
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
Best Day of the Year
A/N: Been holding onto this one for awhile. Happy Birthday to our favorite Special Agent! Rated T for language.
40. The big 4-0. Many people hate the age and the so-called mid-life crisis that’s supposed to come with it. She’s only 19 hours into her first day and it’s already the best year of her life. It couldn’t’ve started more perfect. Her husband woke her up with sweet kisses, singing his own rendition of happy birthday to her before they joined their very enthusiastic girls in the kitchen who had cooked up a mean breakfast fit for one Kensi Blye Deeks. A stack of chocolate chip pancakes, candles, and another round of happy birthday later, the family of four spent the rest of the morning at the beach, surfing. 
After their morning at the beach, Fatima and the two Roundtree siblings picked up Rosa and Pilar, whisking them away to Disney for the weekend. Now here they are…just the two of them, walking down the street to the restaurant of her choosing. She’s not all that into PDA but today’s just too perfect not to be. Her arms have been wrapped around her husband’s since they stepped out of the truck…her husband, he’s a special one. Not that she hadn’t already known that but in the 7 and a half years they’ve officially been together she’s never felt less than the most important thing in his entire world. 
He has this way about him that can make any special occasion or normal day, exciting. She loves everything about his enthusiasm for life, especially on days like today when he really shines. Actually, today might be her favorite of all because when it comes to her birthday he shines the most. It’s hard to find words to describe just how much she feels loved by him…seen by him. And cherished, most definitely cherished.
She’s so lost in the moment, the brunette doesn’t even register what he’s saying until he stops them in their tracks. “Hey, this place looks kinda cool. We should check it out.”
“Baby, we have reservations.”
“We still have time. Come on let's just check it out real quick and then I promise I’ll buy you double chocolate everything on the dessert menu.”
“You were gonna do that anyway.”
“Fine. How about I’ll eat you out at least 4 times tonight?”
Her jaw drops and her skin turns flush, immediately transported to a few hours from now when they’re in a big empty house, just the two of them. “Maybe we should just forgo dinner altogether.”
“You’re insatiable.”
“Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat.”
The blonde can’t help the grin that curls at his lips, god how he loves this woman. Shaking his head, he leans down, his lips finding hers in a not-so-chaste kiss. “Fine. What if we check this place out first and then get dinner to go?”
“Extra chocolate syrup?”
“Come on before I get arrested for indecent exposure.”
The pair step into the dimly lit bar. Deeks ushers her in a little further to the back which should set off her warning bells but just when she’s about to question him…
She’s been searching for him for a good 10 minutes now, but it seems as though she’s misplaced her husband. Wouldn’t be the first time. “Hey, have you seen Deeks anywhere? I went to the restroom and now he’s gone.”
“Last time I saw him he was-“ Sam smiles as he catches a glimpse of the small stage.
“Hey, everybody, settle down.”
The sound of her husband’s voice pulls her attention in the direction where the former Navy SEAL is looking. He hasn’t done anything yet but she can already feel the heat working its way up her neck. Her eyes meet his and the smile that’s solely reserved for him curls at her lips. 
“Kensi, baby, you mean everything to me and I don’t know what I did in this life to deserve someone as beautiful and amazing as you but I’m glad I did it. You’re everything…baby, you’re everything. Happy Birthday, Sunshine.”
The familiar tune of My Favorite Girl begins to play. Deeks starts to belt out the first few lyrics but then suddenly stops. She’s expecting to hear just the music but another voice comes from the speaker…a voice she can’t quite place. Then it happens, the person who belongs to the voice steps out on the other side of the stage. 
Max’s eyes go wide in surprise. “Is that-“ 
“Holy shit. That’s Joey McIntyre.” Mandy answers the other woman’s question before she can even get it out. 
Mindy keeps her eyes trained on the stage, but lets her thoughts be known to the birthday girl whose being serenaded. “KayKay, you better give Marty anything he wants tonight.”
“Oh, please, like she doesn’t already do that.” Tiffany with a y states. Her eyes also glued to the stage. 
Mindy shakes her head. “I’m talking extra.”
“Oooh, maybe you could talk him into having a threesome with Joey.” Tiffani with an I blurts out.
“Tiff!” Mandy shakes her head, chastising the blonde. Can’t take these women anywhere.
Tiffani shrugs, unbothered. “What? When is she ever gonna have another opportunity like this?”
They turn to Kensi, expecting to be met with an affronted glare but the trance she’s in tells them that her attention is clearly elsewhere. Her eyes are glazed over, darker than ever before as she watches him move to the beat of one of her favorite songs and dance next to her favorite boy band member. Oh, she is doing things to him tonight.
“Kens?” Max tries to get the brunette’s attention.
“Huh?” She ‘answers’, but her eyes stay on her husband.
Max grins, shaking her head. “Never mind, Tiff, I think she’s already thinking about it.”
She’s staring. She knows she’s staring but she can’t look away as her husband and childhood crush go on about not being able to dance like they used to. 
“Listen, guys, I gotta leave. Sorry to sing and run.”
“Oh, no problem, man. Thanks for doing this.” The blonde shakes the other man’s hand before they both turn their attention to the birthday girl. 
“Oh, it was an absolute honor. It was very nice to meet you, Kensi. Happy birthday, again.” 
She’s screaming on the inside as the boy band member steps up to her and wraps her in a hug. Her eyes dance with glee as she looks over at her husband and sends him a playful wink. “Thank you, Joey.”
Pulling back from their embrace, the brunette moves closer to her husband’s side, her hand finding his, intertwining their fingers as they watch Joey turn to leave before he suddenly remembers something and pivots back towards them. 
“Oh, one more thing.” He reaches into his jacket pocket and proceeds to pull out lanyards but not just any lanyards.
“What are these for?” The agent enthusiastically takes the backstage passes from the other brunette, her wide fan girl eyes shining bright in amazement.
“Well, I heard from a little birdie that it’s been a dream of yours to go to one of our concerts in Hawaii.”
A knowing smile spreads to her lips as she turns to her husband. “A little birdie, huh?”
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone that talks as much as much as you do, Marty.”
He shrugs, wrapping his arm around his partner and pulling her into his side. “I’d talk every second of every day if it meant that my baby got what she wanted.”
Her eyes meet his as her arms thread around his waist. “Aw…but please don’t.”
The brunette watches the two with a smile. “And on that note, I gotta go see my wife.”
As Joey makes his way out the door, there’s a beat of silence that fills the air, their eyes locked onto one another yet again. 
“Come with me.” Taking hold of her partner’s hand, Kensi pulls him to the hallway just off the stage where no one can see. 
“What’s wrong-“ Before he can finish his sentence, she cuts him off with her lips in a fiery passionate kiss as she pushes him up against the wall. 
They’re in a public place with their friends in the next room, somebody’s gonna come looking for them but he can’t pull away from her, not now, not ever. Threading his fingers through her beautiful brown mane, he wraps his other arm around her waist, closing any distance left between them. 
A few minutes and swollen lips later they’re forced to pull back. The rise and fall of their chests show just how much air they're lacking.
Licking her lips, the brunette looks at her husband and then meets his eyes, the same darkening desire she feels in her own, shining in his cerulean blues. “We’re leaving.”
“But what about your party?” He tries to convey concern but the darkening hue in her eyes sends a thrill through his entire body and the way she’s licking her lips sends him over the edge. Why did he ask that question again? 
“I told the girls to tell everyone that we had to leave.”
“Why? Wherever else could we be going?”
“Well…” She brings her lips to his ear, tracing her finger down his chest seductively. “I vaguely remember you making a promise to me earlier about your mouth in a special place and I have a few places that I’d like to put mine.”
A shit-eating grin curls at the former detective’s lips as his wife takes hold of his hand yet again and pulls him out the back door. “Did I mention how much I love your birthday?”
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ncisladaily · 1 year
“NCIS: Los Angeles” showrunner R. Scott Gemmill’s goal with the series finale on Sunday, May 21 was to give the characters of the long-running CBS procedural as happy an ending as possible.
“It really was about trying to find a way to wrap up the series that would leave the fans feeling hopeful for the future of all our characters. And so we gave everyone what we figured was their version of happily ever after… at least for the time being,” he told TheWrap in a recent interview.
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Sam Hanna (LL Cool J) finds a promising Alzheimer’s study for his father Raymond (Richard Gant), Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) tells Marty Deeks (Eric Christan Olsen) that she’s pregnant and Devin Rountree’s (Caleb Castille) legal case against the LAPD is satisfactorily settled.
“We really knew we had to go through each character and figure out what would be best for them, what place would be the happiest for them once we say goodbye,” Gemmill said.
However, the series leaves one storyline open, with Sam and Callen being summoned by Hetty for a “side project” in Morocco. When they get there, they instead find Nell (Renée Felice Smith), Nate (Peter Cambor) and Vostanik Sabatino (Erik Palladino), who need their help to rescue Hetty, who, as Nell put it, “got herself into a bit of a pickle.” Nell asks, “Are you ready for your next adventure?” and, of course, they are indeed.
TheWrap: How hard is it to wrap up such a long-running show and try to tie up all the loose ends? R. Scott Gemmill: It’s very difficult to be honest. You know, there’s a lot of emotion involved because you live with these characters for so long and and then try to put them to bed after all that time. Not really easy, but hopefully we did a good job.
You decided to leave things open with Hetty, sending Sam and Callen on another adventure to go save her. Why did you go that route? It just seemed like that was a storyline that we needed to resolve. And what better way than to go and send a rescue team?
What would you say set “LA” off from the other “NCIS” series? I think the real difference was probably the familial nature of the show. Everyone was there to have fun. Even though we took on some serious cases, at the end of the day, it’s really a family that enjoys working and playing together. And that’s true behind the scenes and I think that translates onto the screen. I think you can feel that when you watch the show that we’re having fun while we’re doing it.
The show never really got that dark. Was that a conscious choice? We did some darker episodes. For me, what I thought the show did best was that when you tuned in you knew you were gonna have an hour of escapism. It wasn’t gonna leave you stressed out or worse than when you turned it on. I find some of the darker shows are so dark that it’s stressful, and our show is the exact opposite. We have some laughs and some good times, see a little fun action and then that you can get back to your life. But I always thought our show was this sort of hopeful escape.
You’ve gone 14 years with very little changes to the cast line-up. How rare is that? Yeah, a lot of shows may run 12 years or so. But by that time you get there, [you may have] replaced the entire cast. We’ve added some people, but we have our main four so I think that this shows you how much everyone enjoyed working on the show and then working together.
What’s next for you? Do you have something lined up or are you taking time off? A little bit of both. I had some things I was working on before the [WGA] strike came, so everything’s on hold while we, hopefully, resolve this. So at the moment, I’m taking a forced vacation, which is a vacation nonetheless. 
Are you staying in touch with the cast and crew? Oh yeah. I was just talking to Lance, my props guy, yesterday, and I talked to Eric Christian Olsen this morning. A lot of us are friends outside of the show. It’s inevitable when you work with someone for 14 years. We’ll all be together. And there’s a good chance we’ll be working together [again]. There are other projects we’ve been kicking around. And Hollywood is a small town at the end of the day. 
Deeks’ line about “teamwork makes the dreamwork” kind of sums up the show. Yeah, it’s been a real family, as much behind as in front of the camera. It’s bittersweet. All of us are so grateful that we had so much time together, but it is tough saying goodbye to everyone.
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madhare0512 · 2 years
The Chaos Crew
hello and welcome to me explaining/talking about my aus:
today's au is: the Chaos Crew
this started out as a dinky little idea presented to me by my good friend @galaxysanduniversesinmymind. their idea was, "what if Street from S.W.A.T., Deeks from NCIS, and Buck from 9-1-1 knew each other" and then spiraled from there as we added more and more fandoms. the first fic was posted in January of 2021 and a year and a half later, now has 6 other writers and 38 fics with more planned.
let me tell you, if you'd told me two years ago that a universe I made would blow up so much, I'd laugh because nothing I've ever made has ever blown up like that.
the Chaos Crew universe was originally named 'how two LAPD officers and one firefighter accidentally become the most powerful people on earth' and mostly featured S.W.A.T.'s Jim Street. then, as I branched out into other shows, it gained more and more stars. galaxy started writing a chat fic and truthfully, it only went uphill from there.
if I'm honest with myself I couldn't have done this without galaxy or another friend of ours. this universe grew out of my control and I'm happier for it. so, in honor of 1 and a half years (a totally real anniversary I definitely didn't just make up) here's a bit of explaining what the CC is:
the CC refers to the universe of the Chaos Crew. it also refers to the Chaos Crew consisting of 12 members well versed in creating and survived chaotic situations.
the twelve members are: Jim Street (S.W.A.T.), Marty Deeks (NCIS: Los Angeles), Evan "Buck" Buckley (9-1-1), Matt Casey (Chicago Fire), Jay Halstead (Chicago PD), Will Halstead (Chicago Med), TK Strand (9-1-1: Lone Star), Christopher LaSalle (NCIS: New Orleans), Nick Burkhardt (Grimm), Nick Torres (NCIS), Diego Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy), and Clay Spenser (S.E.A.L. Team)
they have a group chat called Chaos Incarnate, which we'll sums up their interactions and their daily lives. the CI chat has a sister group appropriately named the Chaos Caretakers, nicknamed the Caretakers chat. this chat is for the people who take care of or care for a person in the CI chat.
the people in this chat are Chris Alonso (S.W.A.T.), Eric Beale (NCIS: Los Angeles), Josh Russo (9-1-1), Kelly Severide (Chicago Fire), Adam Ruzek (Chicago PD), Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz (Chicago PD), Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med), Judd Ryder (9-1-1: Lone Star), Sebastian Lund (NCIS: New Orleans), Monroe (Grimm), Jimmy Palmer (NCIS), Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy), and Brock Reynolds (S.E.A.L. Team)
this is also a Soulmates universe. there are three types of Soulmates: romantic, platonic, and familial.
ships include:
The S.W.A.T. Polycule (Jim Street, Donavon Rocker, Victor Tan, Bonnie Lonsdale, Chris Alonso, Erika Rogers)
Densi (Marty Deeks/Kensi Blye)
Calic (Eric Beale/G Callen)
Russley (Evan Buckley/Josh Russo)
Sevasey (Matthew Casey/Kelly Severide)
Mousestead (Jay Halstead/Mouse Gerwitz)
Buruzwater (Adam Ruzek/Kim Burgess/Kevin Atwater)
Rhodestead (Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes)
Tarlos (TK Strand/Carlos Reyes)
Jace (Judd Ryder/Grace Ryder)
Monrosanick (Nick Burkhardt/Monroe/Rosalee Calvert)
Palmtorrezzo (Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer/Tony DiNozzo)
Lundkingsalle (Christohper LaSalle/Sebastian Lund/Dwayne Pride)
Patchgreeves (Diego Hargreeves/Eudora Patch)
SpiritWitch (Klaus Hargreeves/Elijah Mikaelson)
Reynser (Clay Spenser/Brock Reynolds)
Soulmate bonds work quite similarly to a telephone game. Romantic Soulmates get thoughts and feelings, Platonic Soulmates might be able to catch what you thinking and they can feel what your thinking, familial bonds are muted feelings and work of those feelings alone.
the distinction between Soulmates isn't quite clear, sometimes you end up dating your Platonic Soulmate or someone in your familial bond. most people find their Soulmates, but some people don't have Soulmates or don't want a relationship beyond friends or any relationship at all.
a good example of this is Julie and the Phantoms. Julie and Luke are Romantic Soulmates, however, Julie is dating Carrie while Luke is dating Alex and Reggie.
fandoms for this universe include:
- SWAT (2017)
- 9-1-1
- Lone Star
- NCIS: Los Angeles
- NCIS Hawai'i
- Chicago Fire
- Chicago PD
- Chicago Med
- Chicago Justice
- Grimm
- Umbrella Academy
- SEAL Team
- Scorpion
- MacGyver
- Hawai'i Five-0
- Magnum PI
- Supernatural
- Shadowhunters
- Percy Jackson & the Olympions (and relating books and fandoms)
- Mission Impossible
- Sherlock
- Law and Order
- Criminal Minds
- Flashpoint
- Vampire Diaries
- The Originals
- Legacies
- Charlie's Angels
- James Bond
- Numb3rs
- Marvel Cinimatic Universe -- X Men
- House MD
- The Listener
- Teen Wolf
- Brooklyn-99
- Ghost Whisperer
- Lucifer
- The Old Guard
- Fast and Furious
- White Collar
- Now You See Me
- National Treasure
- Lie to Me
- Baby Driver
- Grey's Anatomy
- Station 19
- FBI Universe
- Julie and the Phantoms
- Doctor Who
- Torchwood
special thank you to my fellow CC writers:
- @existential-bisis
- @chewiemadwriter
- @madddddy
- @bravo-four-seal-team
- @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou
- two friends who don't have tumblrs I'm aware of
- and galaxy
thank you! and please feel free to ask any questions!
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densi-mber · 6 months
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A/N: Once again, @mashmaiden is responsible for the premise of today’s story. We’re starting off Densimber with a whole lot of fluff.
It Takes a Village
The next morning, Rosa found herself still thinking about skipping the outside Christmas decorations. Maybe it was a silly thing to worry about, but she’d noticed how disappointed Kensi and Deeks seemed at missing out on part of the tradition, despite their attempts to brush it off.
Yesterday had been fun for sure, between sharing stories, adding Kensi’s ball of lights to the tree, and consuming their weight in cookies and the hot chocolate Rosa made. Somehow it didn’t have the same magic as the year before when they’d started decorating after everyone got home, needing to pull out lights to finish, and then all stood outside examining their efforts in the dark.
Since it was a Saturday, she met for a morning study session, and then was free for the rest of the day. As she waited for her coffee at one of the campus cafes, a plan started to form.
Heading for the student center, she looked around for one of the students who’d become a close friend in the last few months. Alex Swartz was tall, lanky and in two of her pre-law classes. He also spent the majority of his time outside of classes camped out at one of the tables outside the cafeteria.
“Hi Alex,” she greeted him, taking a seat on the opposite side of the table. He looked up from the book in his hands, instantly straightening as a smile stretched across his lips. In many ways, he reminded her of Marty. If only in his personality.
“Rosa, hey! I didn’t know you were coming in today. You should have told me,” he said.
“I just had a study session. What are you doing today?”
“Um, studying for my history exam and then I’m not sure what else,” Alex said, lifting an eyebrow. “Why?”
Rosa folded her arms on the table, leaning forward, and exhaled quickly. “How would you feel about coming to help me decorate my parents’ house while they’re out at an appointment?”
“Oh my god, those chicken strips smell amazing!” Kensi groaned, thumping her head back on the headrest of her seat. After a financial appointment, a trip to the grocery store, and stopping at the Dairy Queen drive through, she felt like she could easily eat an entire chicken. Not that the twins would allow that at this point in her pregnancy.
“I told you I don’t mind if you dig in,” Deeks reminded her as he pulled into their neighborhood.
“No, no. You just got the truck detailed. I’m not getting grease on the seats.”
“That’s true love,” Deeks teased. He turned the corner onto their street, slowing down to accommodate the various cars and trucks parked along the sides, and frowned at the two parked on either side of their driveway. One he recognized as Rosa’s, the other was a mystery.
“Is it just my imagination or are there three kids on our roof?” Deeks asked as he climbed out of the truck with a bag of groceries.
“Nope. There’s definitely kids on our roof, and if I’m not mistaken, they’re putting lights up,” Kensi replied, walking up the driveway with him.
“Hi, Mr. And Mrs. Deeks!” called out a dark-haired young man Deeks had met a couple times before, waving from his perch on the roof.
“Hey Alex,” Deeks drawled as Rosa appeared from the garage.
“Oh, Kensi and Marty, I didn’t expect you back so soon,” she said in a rush, hurrying towards them.
“Clearly. What’s going on?” Kensi asked.
Intertwining her hands a little nervously, Rosa pressed her lips together, which made her resemble Kensi remarkably, and let out a short breath. “I asked Alex and his roommates to come help decorate.”
“Rosa, that’s—”
“I know, I know. You said you didn’t care, but I know how much it means to you,” she interrupted, her accent increasing slightly as she spoke more quickly. “And you’ve done so much for me, always making sure I have the best, and sacrificing for me. I wanted to do something for you, even if it isn’t that important.”
She finished with a little shrug, and Deeks’ face crumpled at the uncertainty in her voice. Simultaneously, he and Kensi enveloped her in a hug. Rosa made a little “oof” sound as she was squished between them.
“That’s one of the sweetest things you could have done,” Kensi whispered. “Thank you.”
“Best present ever,” Deeks added, kissing the side of Rosa’s head. “Just for the record though, there isn’t anything we wouldn’t do for you, and you never have to repay us for any of it. Because we love you.”
“I love you, too,” Rosa whispered, and Kensi pulled back waving a hand in front of her face.
“Ok, we gotta stop before I start bawling in front of your friends.”
Rosa laughed wetly, hugging Kensi closer as she leaned into Deeks’ shoulder.
“Hey, Rosa, I thought you were going to come up here and help me,” Alex called out from the roof, breaking the moment.
Rosa rolled here eyes, pulling back with an apologetic shrug. “I’m supposed to do the eaves.”
“Be careful,” Deeks shouted after her, watching her jog back to the house. “Damn, we sure got lucky, didn’t we?”
“We did,” Kensi agreed softly, laying her head on his shoulder.
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ejzah · 4 months
A/N: A small Densi family fic in honor of @mashmaiden’s birthday. Hope it’s been a great day!
Sandwiches and Slides
“Hey, hey, hey, get back here!” Deeks called out, breaking into a slight jog to keep up with a running Caleb. He stopped, looked back over his shoulder at Deeks, then started off again across the foamy surface of the playground, giggling madly the whole time.
Caleb narrowly missed a low hanging swing, but swerved at the last second. It was enough to slow him down though, and Deeks caught up with him, snatching him up under the arms.
“Ah, where think you’re going?” he asked conversationally, swinging Caleb up into one arm. It was more difficult now at 14 months. Caleb laughed and wiggled for a few seconds before he gave up, and settled.
“Looks like somebody’s giving you a workout,” Kensi observed from across the playground. She stepped over the ledge, walking towards them with something in each hand. She’d gone in search of snacks about fifteen minutes ago.
“Yep. Apparently making me chase him is way more fun than the plethora of features designed specifically for him to play on.” Deeks gave Caleb a mock stern look, and the toddler grinned up at him. “Isn’t that right, Mr. Caleb?”
“Dada kiss,” Caleb requested, presenting his forehead, and Deeks obliged.
Turning back to Kensi, Deeks nodded at the stack of wrapped packages in her hands. “What’s that?”
“I got us waffle sandwiches.” She peeled back a wrapper enticingly. “Bite?”
“Yes, please.”
Smiling, Kensi held out the sandwich for Deeks to take a bite, then started in on the other side herself.
“Where’s Rosa?” she asked, brushing a few wind blown strands of hair out her face.
“By the slides with Thing Two,” Deeks answered, gesturing with his chin now. Kensi offered him another bite, and Caleb leaned forward, opening his mouth wide.
“Bite,” he echoed.
Shaking her head indulgently, Kensi broke off a small piece and popped it into Caleb’s waiting mouth.
“Ank you,” Caleb replied around his mouthful.
Between the three of them, they finished one sandwich. Kensi balled the empty wrapper up and stuff it into the backpack on Deeks’ shoulder.
“We better go find the girls,” he said. “They’ll be furious if they found out we ate without them.”
“Mm. It’s amazing how similar they look when they’re mad,” Kensi commented.
“They get it from their mother.” He threw a wink at Kensi, who gave him a wry smile.
“You wanna play on the slides with your sissies?” Kensi asked Caleb as Deeks set him down once more. He perked up at that, pointing in the direction of the slides.
“Sopee?” He made a face as though he’d completely forgotten the existence of his twin. “Sopee! Sopee!” he called out at the top of his lungs, keeping it up until they reached the other side of the slides.
As soon as he caught sight of Rosa and Sophia, he ran the rest of the way, crashing into Rosa’s legs. Rosa stooped to hug him, then he moved over to Sophia, and they hugged as though they hadn’t seen each other in months.
“We got you lunch,” Kensi called out, holding one of the remaining sandwiches in the air.
“Oh thank you, I’m starving,” Rosa said. She hurried over to get it, taking it back to a bench off to the side, the twins tagging along.
Kensi sighed, resting her head on Deeks’ shoulder. “You know, I worried a little bit about the age difference between them, but seeing them like this makes me realize that it was the best thing that could happen.” Across from them, Caleb and Sophia were steadily conning Rosa into sharing her food. For every bite she took, they got two.
“We have some amazing kids,” Deeks agreed softly.
“Yes, we do.” Kensi tipped her chin up for a kiss. “Share the last sandwich with me?”
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typingtess · 2 years
NCIS: LOS ANGELES – “Glory of the Sea” Teaser/Act One
In a small beach house, J Peterman who is Rear Adm. Ted Gordon is singing sea shanties as he makes himself a liquid breakfast – more Arkady than Sam liquid breakfast – when he loses power.  There is a commotion outside – “those damn kids” Gordon thinks when three men enter his home, throw a hood over his head and kidnap him.
Fatima arrives while Kensi is sitting on the couch.  Deeks is taking a personal day.  Deeks and Bertie are apartment hunting, he’s taking a personal day.  She wants to live closer to the Deeks-Blye home to help with Rosa.  Fatima wonders if that is a good idea.  Kensi is coming up with “fun” things to do with Rosa and Kensi’s ideas are art and theater.  Fatima suggests shopping, go to a taping of a sitcom.  Fatima/Kensi sneak peek.  Kensi does not have being the fun parent.
Sam is on the phone in the driveway when Callen arrives.  The fire department just left the Hanna house.  Raymond forgot he was making steak and eggs on the stove.  Sam’s problem is Raymond went from being a leader of a battalion to needing a caretaker.  Going into the office, Callen and Sam sneak peek about suits.  Sam’s tailor is use to a certain kind of clientele so he’s paying for the Callen’s suit.  They have a case.
Ops sneak peek – adding in that Gordon is single and retiring.  There are robot gliders in the water that act as spies and Gordon worked for the civilian company that makes them.
Kensi and Rountree sneak peek in the boat shed (wow, they’re running through these).  The developer mentions that he and Gordon had an issue that cause them to stop inviting them to family dinner.  Gordon is cool, according to the developer, but appeared on a popular military podcast talking up with the gilder.  Never mentioned the company making the glider, just took credit for it.  A clip of the podcast shows Gordon talking about “my” glider.
The Admiral sees the podcast’s video.  Gordon doesn’t give away any military secrets.  The podcaster flew to China the day after the interview with Gordon and met with a group of Chinese hackers.
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liar-or-lawyer · 1 year
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deeksblye · 1 year
the way Kensi looks at Rosa 🥰
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