#Dayton Ohio Roofing
thrushandson · 1 year
GAF Roofing Shingles: Unmatched Weather Resistance and Award-Winning Superiority I Thrush & Son® I You’re Hometown Contractor
Discover the unmatched #weather resistance and award-winning superiority of @gafroofing shingles! Protect your #home from hail, wind, and more with the gold standard in #roofing. 🏠🛡️🌩️ Read our latest blog post! #GAFShingles #RoofingExcellence
When it comes to the protection of your home, the roof is the first line of defense against the elements. The type of roofing material you choose plays a crucial role in determining the longevity and durability of your roof. GAF roofing shingles have emerged as the gold standard in the industry, offering unrivaled weather resistance and award-winning superiority compared to other manufacturers.…
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mlucerophotography · 2 years
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SunWatch Indian Village
Dayton, OH. October 2021. Photos by M. Lucero.
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keepermarck-blog · 5 months
Choosing the Right Roofing Material: A Decision-Maker’s Guide
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Roofing is one of the most essential and crucial parts of a building as this will protect the whole structure of your property. You need to be very vigilant and careful when choosing the material for your residential roofing in Dayton, Ohio. You need to make sure that it won’t just complement your whole building and be aesthetically pleasing but it should be also well-functioning and durable.
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handeaux · 6 months
Don’t Eat The Oatmeal! The Curious Case Of The Dayton Street Poisoner
Among the most peculiar crimes ever recorded in Cincinnati was the mystery within a mystery spawned by breakfast at 912 Dayton Street on the morning of Friday, March 30, 1900.
Four generations lived in a two-story house at that address, owned by a renowned and aged Methodist minister, the Rev. Dr. Mordecai J.W. Ambrose. Doctor Ambrose was in poor health and was attended by a full-time nurse named Ellen M. Galvin. Also living under his roof were Ambrose’s daughter, Francephin, her husband Charles A. Aiken, their divorced daughter Susie Winold, and Susie’s two young children, Harold and Frances. A couple of weeks earlier, the Aikens had hired a servant girl who said her name was Violet Foster.
On the morning of March 30, Mr. Aiken arose early and left for his job at the American Book Company. Mrs. Aiken, Mrs. Winold, Harold, Frances, and Miss Galvin sat down to breakfast about 9:00 a.m. The new servant girl served an egg dish, but Mrs. Aiken sent it back and claimed the eggs were stale. The servant then offered oatmeal and served a portion to everyone except Mrs. Winold, who said she was not hungry. As the family got up from the table, everyone but Mrs. Winold complained of stomach pains and several became violently ill. Mrs. Winold ran to the kitchen to find the servant girl but she was not there. Mrs. Winold eventually located her upstairs in her room, apparently also ill.
Mrs. Winold called for a doctor who lived in the neighborhood. He immediately diagnosed arsenic poisoning. After caring for the obviously ill, he took one look at Violet Foster and determined that she was faking her symptoms. Someone called the police. The doctor’s suspicions were confirmed when a police detective ordered the servant girl downstairs and she got up immediately, showing no further evidence that she was in any sort of distress. Thanks to the doctor’s timely attentions, none of the poisoning victims died.
Police visited several neighborhood pharmacies. At the Overbeck drug store, employees identified Violet Foster as the woman who had purchased arsenic the evening before. Pharmacies at that time recorded the names of anyone who bought poisonous substances, and the young woman signed for the arsenic as Lena Heigh. It looked like a simple case of attempted homicide until Violet Foster, alias Lena Heigh, confessed.
The local newspapers swarmed to this story because Susie Winold and her children had created a front-page sensation in Cincinnati the previous year. Susie married a traveling salesman named Charles O. Winold in 1892. He was from Massillon, Ohio, and his job took him over most of the eastern United States. Over the years, the marriage soured. Charles blamed his mother-in-law. Whatever the cause, Susie moved out, taking her children, and relocated to South Dakota. Charles knew she was establishing residency to get an accelerated divorce, so he tracked her down and kidnapped their children. Charles first brought Harold and Frances back to his parents’ home in Massillon, then took them to Brooklyn. A nationwide search for the abducted children resulted in their discovery in Hoboken, New Jersey. Susie, now freshly divorced, and Charles met in a Brooklyn courtroom where she was awarded custody and he got weekly visitation. Charles made only minor efforts to see his children as his business kept him traveling, but neighbors began to report him watching the house on Dayton Street.
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Violet Foster, under police interrogation, claimed that it was Charles Winold himself who forced her to buy the arsenic and that it was Charles Winold who had placed the arsenic in the oatmeal. Winold, the servant girl claimed, had appeared at the kitchen door on several occasions, explaining that he intended to kill his wife in revenge for taking his children away. As he was being dragged into this case, Winold was wending his way through his sales territory, making no effort to hide his location. He was apprehended in Baltimore and brought to Cincinnati for questioning.
Further investigation revealed that Winold had iron-clad alibis for every instance in which Violet Foster testified that he was threatening her at the Ambrose house. On the morning of the poisoning, Winold was in a Toledo hotel. The servant’s story crumbled further when police learned that her real name was Faltha Gilliam and that almost nothing she had told them about her past was true. Although she claimed her parents were dead, police found her mother, father and a handful of siblings living in poverty in Lower Price Hill.
Faltha Gilliam was tried and sentenced in Judge Rufus Smith’s courtroom in October 1900. She was sentenced to four years in the Ohio Penitentiary. At her sentencing, the newspapers reported that she had been flirting so indiscriminately with the male prisoners at the county jail that a couple of young men were ready to fight a duel over her.
Only a few newspapers looked beyond the version of the story assembled by the police and presented in court. Faltha Gilliam’s many and repeated lies called her credibility very much into question and enabled Charles Winold, confessed kidnapper, to totally escape blame. The Cincinnati Commercial Tribune [1 April 1900] published statements made by Gilliam to a reporter that suggest there might have beenh a very different motivation for the poisoning:
“The extraordinary creature admitted repeatedly yesterday that she has known and met Winold clandestinely since last December; that he knew when she secured the situation as a domestic at Dr. Ambrose’s residence in Dayton Street, and that he planned and she assisted for days in the arrangements for the commission of the crime.”
The Commercial Tribune reported that Gilliam had herself once worked as a traveling salesperson, met Winold on a train in Indiana, reunited with him in Cincinnati and that he had encouraged her to take the servant position at his ex-wife’s house. If true, Winold may have set her up to take the fall while he traveled to establish his alibis. It was never explained why Gilliam served poison oatmeal to Winold’s children after his ex-wife refused the deadly concoction.
Faltha Gilliam was released from the penitentiary a year early because of good behavior and she seems to vanish from the historical record. Charles Winold moved back to Massillon and remarried in 1905. He died from prostate cancer in 1914. Susie Winold lived a long life in service to the Methodist church and died in New Jersey, aged 80. Harold and Frances both recovered from their deadly breakfast. Frances married a man in Michigan in 1915. Harold served in the Navy through World War I, married and had a daughter. The nurse, Ellen M. Galvin, sued Dr. Ambrose, as head of the household, for hiring the poisoner without checking her background, and the pharmacy, for selling the arsenic, asking $10,400 from each. Both cases were dismissed. Although she claimed the poisoning left her unable to work, Galvin was listed as a nurse in the Cincinnati city directory for several more years.
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neopronounhaven · 2 years
Happy 179th birthday to Miss Maude Milbourne, aka Professor R. F. Milbourne, born 15 Aug 1843, who in 1905 told the local newspaper: “While physically I am a man, yet spiritually and intellectually I am neither a man nor a woman, while I feel that in form and spirit I incline more to effeminacy and am gradually taking on more of the nature of womanhood.”
Another time, the newspaper reported, “They do not know whether they are a man, woman, or a spirit, and nobody else knows what they are either.” [edited to use neutral pronouns]
Based on my research, in modern terms I think Milbourne would fit well into the definitions of transfeminine and nonbinary.
Below I’ll share some of the coolest newspaper clippings I’ve found for Prof. Milbourne.
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Image description: A cropped newspaper clipping from page 4 of The Cyclone and Fayette Republican, published in Washington, Ohio on Thursday, May 22nd, 1902. It’s titled “Prof. R. F. Milbourne, the Female Impersonator, as Miss Maud Milbourne.” Below that is a grainy black and white photo of Milbourne, standing and wearing feminine clothing, including a long dress. The newspaper says:
We present herewith a good picture of Prof. Randolph Milbourne in female attire, the picture having been taken a few days ago. Prof. Milbourne has decided to give entertainments throughout the county. His first public entertainment was given a few nights ago for the local Elk's Lodge, and the report is that it made a big hit. The Professor has had a number of photographs taken representing himself in female attire, as well as in male attire in various Delsarte poses. One would not imagine in looking at the above picture that the original was a veteran of the civil war and was one of “the boys.” He has drawn a pension from the government for many years.
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from page 8 of The Cyclone and Fayette Republican, published in Washington, Ohio on Thursday, December 25th, 1902. It says: “Miss Maude Milbourne, formerly Prof Randolph Milbourne, gave a rehearsal at the opera house on last Friday afternoon in the presence of the Al G Field Minstrel aggregation. He gave a number of female impersonations and ended with an A B C sermon, impersonating an old man preaching a sermon. The Professor says that one of the men belonging to the company runs a roof garden in New York City in the summer time, and that he offered him $100 a night to give his impersonations, and he prefers this offer to the Fields offer of $300 a week.”
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from page 5 of The Cyclone And Fayette Republican, published in Washington, Ohio on Thursday, April 30th, 1903. It is titled, “Maude Milbourne Gives an Entertainment at Dayton,” and says:
The Dayton, Ohio, Journal, of April 27, says:
The members and friends of Diester Post No. 446 and Women’s Belief Corps were entertained on Saturday evening with a musical and elocutionary program given by Mr. R. F. Milbourne, assisted by home talent.
Considerable fun was occasioned by the printing of the programs to read, “Miss Maude Milbourne,” and showing a cut of a handsome young woman whom those not in the secret supposed was the reader of the evening when in truth it was Mr. Milbourne in stage dress.
The program consisted of numerous fine musical selections, after which Mr. Milbourne gave a demonstration of delsarte including posing and sword manipulations. Then changing his costume and appearing in what was supposed to be “male characters,” the earstwhile young lady appeared in the rule of an Irishman lately arrived in this country, and also as a burlesque college professor. During the intermissions Mr. Donald McDonald entertained the audience with playing old war tunes upon the Jews harp, accompanied on the piano by Mr. Huber.
“The committee of ladies from the Relief Corps and the comrades of Diester Post received many compliments upon the entertainment provided.”
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from the Democratic Standard of Coshocton, Ohio, published 21 April 1905. The article is titled, “Man Prefers to Dress Himself in Female Garb,” and says:
Washington, C. H., Ohio, April 17. Randolph Milbourne, of this city, has ust written to Attorney General Ellis for an opinion on a very peculiar question. A few days ago Milbourne was arrested and reprimanded by the Mayor for appearing on the streets in female attire. He claimed that he had as good a right to wear the dress of a woman as Dr. Mary Walker has to wear the garb of a man, and he wants to know from the Attorney General if his position is not well taken for the Attorney General to work, and his answer is awaited with interest. Mr. Milbourne says that if the Attorney General gives it as his opinion that he can go upon the streets dressed as a woman he proposes to do so, as he wears female attire because he thinks it becomes him much better than men’s clothing, and he feels more comfortable in skirts.
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Image description: A cropped newspaper article from The Spokane Press published May 15, 1905, titled “Ohio Man Wears Woman’s Garb in Spite of Courts.”
Washington Courthouse, O., May 13—Randolph Milbourne, who was arrested here a few days ago for appearing on the streets dressed in female attire, has not received an answer to the letter he wrote Attorney General Wade Ellis asking his opinion as to whether he can not continue to wear women’s clothes on the streets without violating the law.
Milbourne asserts that the law does not touch his case, as he desires to wear female attire because it better suits his form, and he feels more comfortable when thus dressed than when he Is dressed as a man. He says he never did like to wear men’s clothing, and for years he has been wearing the garb of a woman about his hobe, where he lived alone.
Mr. Milbourne says: “It has been my intention for a long time to discard men’s clothing and dress only in female garb. For years I have worn ladles’ garments about my home and I feel much better than when dressed as a man. While physically I am a man, yet spiritually and intellectually I am neither a man nor a woman, while I feel that in form and spirit I incline more to effeminacy and am gradually taking on more of the nature of womanhood.
“There is today too much attention paid to the kind of clothing a person wears. In New Testament times men and women dressed alike, in long, flowing robes, and now I am arrested for wearing garments in vogue in those days. Why should I be arrested for wearing clothing of my choice when I am doing it because I think it is my duty to do so?
“Dr. Mary Walker, a woman of Washington, D. C. chose to wear men’s clothing because she thought them better suited to her profession, holding that in the sickroom men’s clothing does not stir up the dust of the floors as women’s skirts do, and hence should be worn by her. Dr. Mary Walker was arrested for wearing men’s clothing. She pleaded her own case and won ln the courts.
“If Dr. Walker can lawfully wear men’s clothing upon the streets of American cities, why should not I be allowed to wear women’s garments if I prefer to do so? Another thing, my form is better gutted for female dress than for male attire, and I never feel comfortable in men’s clothing, while I am at perfect ease when dressed as a woman. For 10 years I have worn a woman’s corset, and could scarcely live without It.
“If the authorities insist upon preventing me from wearing the attire of a woman it is my intention to petition the legislature at its forthcoming session for the special privilege to wear female attire.
“I am 61 years old, and for three years fought for the Union, serving the last year as drum major ln the Veteran Reserve corps at Detroit barracks, having been transferred from the Eighty-first Ohio, and no one will go further than I will to stand by the law of the land.”
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from page 1 of The Cyclone-Republican, published in Washington, Ohio on Thursday, May 11th, 1905. It says:
A most remarkable feature of the Beal local option contested election case last Friday was the testimony of Prof. Randolph Milbourne, the female impersonator, who was arrested not long ago for appearing on the streets dressed in female attire. The drys claim that a large number of voters did not vote at the local option election, and that this fact, coupled with the fact that the returns show the largest vote ever polled in the city, indicates that there were many illegal votes cast. Prof. Milbourne did not vote, and he was called to testify this fact. He said he had been a resident of this city for many years, but at the last election he did not vote. Asked by Mr. Jones, attorney for the wets why he did not vote, he said that it was because he was not sure as to whether or not he had the legal right to vote at a general election as he was in doubt as to whether he was a man or a woman.
Milbourne's testimony created considerable interest in the court room, and after he had testified he was seen by the writer, and asked farther regarding his unusual position. He said that he did not know whether he would try to vote again or not, as he had been told that his vote will be challenged if he attempts it, but that he might try to vote again just to test the case. He says that he does not know whether he is a man, woman, or a spirit, and nobody else knows which he is.
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from page 8 of The Cyclone-Republican, published in Washington, Ohio on Thursday, June 1st, 1905. It’s titled, “Prof. Milbourne Recieves a Letter from a Follower in Iowa,” and says:
Prof. Randolph Milbourne the female impersonator recently recieved the following letter from a follower in Iowa. We quote the letter as it was written:
Keokuk Iowa May 22 05.
Mr Randolph Milbourne
Sir havi seen an acount in a Paper that you are adictet to Female atier and as I am One Ove your Folowers as I to have ben Wering Female atier and will ware it as Long as I Live But I have Only Ware it at home I have ben Wering it Far the Last ten years and I Find it Ever so mutch mare Comfertabe then male garmeuts I hope you Will Be succesfull and Be Premited to Ware Female atier as I am Very mutch interested in you and would like to farespond With you.
Yours truly
A J Reimer
1125 main St, Keokuk Iowa
Interpreted Transcript of Letter:
Sir, having seen an account in a paper that you are addicted to female atire and as I am one of your followers as I, too, have been wearing female atire and will wear it as long as I live, but I have only wore it at home. I have been wearing it for the last ten years and I find it ever so much more comfortable than male garments I hope you will be successful and be permitted to wear female attire as I am very much interested in you and would like to [farespond?] with you.
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from page 1 of The Ohio State Register, published in Washington Court House, Ohio on Friday, December 14th, 1906. It says:
“Dress Reform Convention” to be Held in This City.
For some weeks past mention has been made by the press of the unusual convention that it claims will be held in this city, ere the winter is over.
It seems that the idea originated with Major Randolph Milbourne, of this city, who has distinguished himself from the rest of the masculine persuasion by appearing on the street, dressed in female attire.
The convention will be held in the interest of “dress reform”, and Dr. Mary Walker, of New York, Mr. Marks, of Washington state, and dress reformers' from Kentucky, Indiana, Pennsylvania and many other states are to be honored with invitations to meet here.
There has been no little talk about this convention, and already a number of spectators have signified their desire of seeing the men and women who are dissatisfied with the present way in which they are compelled to dress.
Should this convention prove to be a reality, the exhibition of duds suitable to the tastes of martyrs of this class, will doubtless be worth going miles to see.
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whereareroo · 14 days
WF UPDATE (5/17/24)
Today I learned that Dayton is just like everywhere else in America. The weather person is almost always wrong. Instead of the predicted sunshine, we got hit by rain. In my next life, I’m coming back as a weatherman. I never had a job where I could be wrong most of the time.
Instead of biking on our last day in Dayton, we toured by car. We didn’t let the rain get us down. We had fun anyway.
Our primary goal was to visit the Findlay Market in Cincinnati. It started in 1852. It features about 50 vendors that sell all sorts of food products. Based upon two minutes of online research, it looked like a small version of Reading Market Terminal in Philly, or Pike Place Market in Seattle, or Quincy Market in Boston. We’ve had fun visiting those places. If it was a sunny day, we never would have gone the 50 miles to visit Findlay Market.
On the way to Findlay Market, we got distracted by Jungle Jim’s International Market. It’s about 10 miles outside of Cincinnati. Jim’s story is amazing. In 1970, after selling vegetables from a truck, he set up a little farm stand. By 1974, he was ready to expand. On a bigger lot, he built a roof that covered 4,200 square feet. That’s not all that big (roughly 65 ft. X 65 ft.), but it was a big move in the right direction. Jungle Jim’s place became legendary and it grew enormously. The location we visited today is over 300,000 square feet. (There’s a smaller second location, closer the Cincinnati, that’s 200,000 square feet.) At a quick pace, it took us almost 3 hours to walk through the place. They have food from all over the world, and it’s arranged by country. We saw stuff from at least 50 countries. It’s not a market that I expected to see in Ohio. We had a blast.
We got to Findlay Market in time for a very late lunch. Then, we explored the Market itself and the surrounding streets. It’s smaller, and less interesting, than the other public markets that we’ve visited. It was fun anyway.
Here are a few lessons from today:
1. Never trust a weather person.
2. Never let the weather get you down.
3. Don’t be afraid to make unscheduled stops. We thought that the Findlay Market would be the best stop of the day. We were surprised by Jungle Jim’s International Market. It turned out to be the best stop of the day.
Thanks for joining us on this trip. We head home tomorrow. The next few weeks will be very, very busy. I’ll try to find time to write. Stay tuned.
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bonedryroofingdayton1 · 2 months
Bone Dry Roofing Dayton
We understand that protecting your home or business starts with a solid and reliable roof. That’s why Bone Dry Roofing Dayton offers a full spectrum of roofing services designed to meet the unique needs of the Beavercreek region. Whether facing harsh winter snows or summer storms, you can trust that our skilled craftsmen employ industry-leading techniques and materials to keep your property safe and dry.
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Our knowledge in the field allows us to address all roofing necessities effectively. From initial inspections where we meticulously assess your roofing situation, to maintenance programs designed to extend the life of your roof, Bone Dry Roofing Dayton is here for you. Our team specializes not only in remedying any current issues but also in safeguarding against future concerns.
Trust is paramount when it comes to choosing a roofing company near me, and local residents know they can rely on Bone Dry Roofing Dayton for honesty, integrity, and results that last. Every project carries with it our reputation for quality craftsmanship cemented by years of serving the Beavercreek community.
Contact US
Bone Dry Roofing Dayton
Address : 3230 Dayton Xenia Rd, Beavercreek, Ohio, 45434, US Phone : 937-739-8332 Website : https://www.bonedry.com/dayton/ Hours of operation : Monday - Friday : 08:00 - 17:00 Saturday - Sunday : Closed
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bonedryroofingdayton · 2 months
Navigating the Role and Importance of a Dayton Roofer
Dayton roofers play a pivotal role in the residential and commercial property sectors. Ensuring your roofing system is reliable, durable, and efficient can significantly contribute to your buildings overall safety and value. This article delves deep into what Dayton roofers do, their indispensable services including roofing contractor responsibilities, and why it is beneficial to utilize their skills.
Critical Expertise of a Dayton Roofer:
A Dayton roofer possesses specialized knowledge and expertise in handling different types of roofs. These professionals are trained to provide comprehensive roofing solutions, from regular maintenance checks to significant repairs or replacements. Their experience with local weather conditions allows them to offer tailored advice on the best material choices that can withstand Ohios diverse climate.
Role as a Roofing Contractor:
The primary responsibility of a roofing contractor is to ensure your roofs longevity while maintaining its aesthetic appeal. They assess existing roofs, identifying areas of wear or damage before devising an appropriate action plan. Be it fixing leaks, replacing shingles or installing an entire new roof; Dayton roofing contractors see every project through from start to finish.
Major construction builds also rely on these professionals who skillfully install roofing systems for new structures. By collaborating closely with other experts involved in the build—including architects and construction managers—they ensure that all aspects are aligned from design considerations to functionality needs.
Insulation Services:
Dayton roofers also flourish as insulation contractors. A well-insulated attic plays a vital role in maintaining your home’s energy efficiency all year long—an aspect particularly important for buildings enduring Ohios freezing winters and hot summers.
Through inspecting your existing insulation condition or newly-installing proficient systems, these professionals ensure optimal thermal comfort inside your house while reducing energy usage- A win-win! Furthermore, proper insulation mitigates extensive mold growth—a common issue in poorly insulated attics—contributing greatly to the overall health of the building and its inhabitants.
Emergency Services:
The uncertainties of life often extend to your roofs. In the face of unexpected leaks or damages from severe weather conditions, Dayton roofers provide swift emergency repair services. They recognize the urgency of these situations, and through their rapid response, they can help prevent further property damage and ensure peace of mind for homeowners.
Why Invest in a Pro Dayton Roofers Services?
Utilizing professional Dayton roofer services assures you of reliable workmanship backed by warranty policies—something less likely when handling DIY roof repairs. These experts also strictly adhere to safety regulations during operations, safeguarding you from potential accidents. Moreover, through regularly scheduled maintenance checks by your trusted contractor, you eradicate extensive issues down the line that could lead to costly repairs or replacements.
Engaging Dayton roofers is not just about addressing pressing roofing issues but also investing in professional expertise that ensures a smoothly functioning roofing system—a crucial player in your homes longevity and value. From their role as attentive roofing contractors to proficient insulation experts, these professionals warrant careful consideration for securing both safety standards and aesthetic appeal for your property. Their critical functions extend beyond immediate fixing needs—they offer lasting solutions protecting your home against all odds, providing an undeniable peace of mind.
Bone Dry Roofing Dayton
Phone:(937) 739-8332
Address: 3230 Dayton Xenia Rd, Beavercreek, Ohio, 45434
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shyfunbanana · 2 months
Unveiling the Expertise of a Cincinnati Roofer
The integrity of a building's structure significantly relies on its roof, making it one of the most vital parts of your home or business. A professional Cincinnati roofer possesses the knowledge and skills required for roofing jobs ranging from minor repairs to more complex projects, such as roof replacements or installations. This article provides an inside look into the role and vitality of a Cincinnati roofer, emphasizing services like roofing contractor work, foundation services, and insulation contracting.
The Mastery of Roofing Contracting 
Qualified roofers in Cincinnati hold a significant role in maintaining and enhancing your property's value, visual appeal, and safety. They are well-equipped with knowledge about various types of roofs – be it asphalt shingles, wood shake, metal roofs, or flat roofing systems. These professionals are adept at identifying current or potential issues during routine inspections and suggesting necessary repairs or replacements to prevent further damage.
Anything from storm damage to normal wear can deteriorate your roof over time. Proper maintenance from a reliable roofing contractor can expand your roof's lifespan considerably while ensuring that any problems are promptly addressed before they escalate.
The Indispensable Element - Foundation Services
Whether erecting a new home or conducting renovations on an old property, engaging skilled Cincinnati roofers is imperative due to their hands-on experience with structural foundation work. Ensuring that the structure lies on firm footing safeguards against future architectural complications due to shifting ground or weather conditions.
Proficient roofers bring invaluable insight into what materials should be utilized based on soil composition analysis results coupled with climate considerations for Cincinnati's typical local weather patterns. Their vast experience provides them with a refined perspective about addressing unique challenges presented by different sites – adequately ensuring that your structure stands stable and secure.
Insulation Contracting 
The overall comfort and energy-efficiency level of buildings in places like Cincinnati where winter weather can be particularly brutal significantly improve with proper insulation. Equipped with the expertise to install various types of insulation effectively, skilled roofers are crucial to ensuring your structure is capable of maintaining an optimal temperature.
Insulation installation by a professional roofer will help prevent damage caused by moisture accumulation, reduce energy bills through more effective heat retention during winters, and minimize ambient noise levels by creating sound barriers between walls and floors.
A Cincinnati roofer well-versed in insulation contracting offers more than just roofing services. They provide an added layer of protection to buildings, ensuring you remain comfortable within while equally benefiting from a practical standpoint in saving on energy bills.
In conclusion, the essence of a Cincinnati roofer extends beyond simple repair tasks. Their multifaceted expertise encompasses areas such as roofing contractor services, foundation work, and insulation contracting – all crafted toward improving your home's integrity and comfort. Whether it's identifying potential future problems during roof inspections or choosing the right materials for foundational support based on local conditions, experienced Cincinnati roofers bring keen perception and precision into their work. By enlisting their services, you can ensure that your home remains both visually appealing and structurally sound for years to come.
Bone Dry Roofing
Address: 9940 Cincinnati Dayton Rd,, West Chester Township, Ohio, 45069
Phone: (513) 984-2663
Website: https://www.bonedry.com/cincinnati/
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Bone Dry Roofing - Facebook
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bonedryus · 2 months
Bone Dry Roofing
Nestled in the heart of West Chester Township, Ohio, Bone Dry Roofing stands as a front-runner in providing top-notch roofing services that include essential roof repair near me solutions tailored to the local community. Our dedication to safeguarding and enhancing homes within West Chester Township has established us as a cornerstone of reliability and craftsmanship.
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Our team is composed of seasoned professionals who excel in diagnosing and addressing a myriad of roofing issues that homeowners face throughout the seasons. From subtle wear and tear to more urgent concerns such as storm damage or natural aging, Bone Dry Roofing ensures rapid response and comprehensive treatment. Our roof repair near me services are renowned for their meticulous attention to detail and usage of superior materials that guarantee longevity.
Bone Dry Roofing
ADDRESS:9940 Cincinnati Dayton Rd,West Chester Township,Ohio 45069, US
PHONE NO: (513) 984-2663
company website:https://www.bonedry.com/cincinnati/
company mail:[email protected]
Sunday Saturday : ClosedMonday-friday   : 08:00 - 17:00
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thrushandson · 1 year
The Ultimate Homeowners Checklist for Your Next Roofing Project - Courtesy of GAF I Thrush & Son® I Your Hometown Contractor
After you choose a #roofing #contractor, determine if work permits are required for your roofing #project. Then, clarify if you or the contractor will obtain them. #Thrushandson #Homeimprovment #GAF
By Annie Crawford 09-24-2021 Schedule Tasks in Advance After you choose a roofing contractor, determine if work permits are required for your roofing project. Then, clarify if you or the contractor will obtain them. Put the permit process in motion right away so that there are no delays in your project timing. It’s also important to schedule the removal and replacement of items such as…
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allaroundroofing2 · 3 months
6 Top-Rated Gutter Companies In Dayton, Ohio
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Discover the leading gutter solutions with our comprehensive guide to the 6 top-rated gutter companies in Dayton, Ohio. From seamless installations to expert repairs, All Around Roofing, Siding & Gutters presents an insightful breakdown of the best options for ensuring your home's protection against the elements. Whether you need routine maintenance or a complete overhaul, trust our recommendations to find the perfect fit for your gutter needs in Dayton, Ohio.
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keepermarck-blog · 6 months
Lincoln Restoration in Dayton, OH Offers Unparalleled Roofing Solutions
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In Dayton, Lincoln Restoration has become synonymous with roofing excellence, offering a comprehensive range of services for both residential and commercial properties. From roof repairs to complete replacements, the skilled team at Lincoln Restoration employs cutting-edge technology and high-quality materials to deliver roofing solutions that stand the test of time. If you need residential or commercial roofing services in Dayton, OH, look no further than Lincoln Restoration for a restoration that lasts. Set an appointment with us now! Dial (937) 985-2501 or visit lincoln-restoration.com.
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bluelineroofing · 3 months
Van Martin Roofing, Dayton,Ohio - Dayton Local
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bestchoiceroofin · 4 months
Best Choice Roofing
Best Choice Roofing stands tall among the premier Roofers Dayton and surrounds, proudly serving Kettering, Beavercreek, Springboro, Middletown, and other local Ohio communities. Our reputation as a trusted roofing contractor is rooted in our unwavering commitment to excellence and precision in every job we undertake. Specializing in both residential and commercial sectors, we understand the unique nuances that each project brings.
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Our portfolio of services encompasses Residential Roofing that caters to homeowners looking for a personal touch and Commercial Roofing that understands the stakes of business imperatives. For roofing systems compromised by time or weather, our Roof Repair services ensure swift and effective resolution, maintaining the integrity of your building's structure. When it comes to longevity and renewing your property’s shield against the elements, you can count on us for top-of-the-line Roof Replacement.
The process of Roof Installation offered by Best Choice Roofing is tailored to each client’s specific needs. We expertly navigate complex designs whether you opt for traditional Asphalt Shingle Roofing known for its cost-effectiveness and durability or choose modern Metal Roofing with its exceptional longevity and style. Our hands-on approach combines quality materials with expert installation techniques to create roofs that not only protect but also enhance curb appeal.
Serving as dedicated Roofers Dayton area demands expertise familiar with Ohio's climate patterns - an attribute embodied by our skilled team. As pillars in Kettering's community-centric landscape, we extend beyond a pure service offering; Best Choice Roofing embodies a partner invested in safeguarding your piece of Ohio heaven.
Trust us to deliver excellence atop your home or business – where cutting-edge technique meets Midwestern craftsmanship - ensuring peace of mind beneath every layer of our workmanship. Contact Best Choice Roofing today; let's shape a secure and beautiful skyline together.
Contact Us: Best Choice Roofing Address: 1839 E Stroop Rd,Kettering,Ohio, USA 45429 Phone: (937) 871-3690 Website: https://bestchoiceroofing.com/dayton/ Company Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
External Links: Ted Hometalk 4Shared All4Webs Pastebin
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osprey312 · 5 months
Osprey Roofing Solutions is a premier roofing company in Dayton, OH & McAllen, TX. As a veteran-owned and operated business, we prioritize quality of work and customer service above all else. Our team of experts are licensed and insured, providing top-notch roof inspections and repairs. We also have licensed insurance adjusters on staff to assist customers throughout the insurance claims process.
Full Address : 4700 Wilmington Pike, Dayton, OH 45440
Phone : 866-861-0193
Business Email : [email protected]
Payment Methods : Cash, Check, Card
Owner Name : Michael Chesbrough
Opening Hours : Monday-Friday 9AM - 5PM
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