#David Hasselhoff Night Rocker
80smovies · 2 years
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relaxvideobar · 2 years
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Sabías que, el 17 de julio cumple 70 años el actor, productor y cantante estadounidense David Hasselhoff, nacido en Baltimore. Conocido principalmente por sus papeles en las populares series de TV, ‘Knight Rider’ (El coche/auto fantástico) y ‘Bay Watch’ (Vigilantes de la playa / Guardianes de la bahía) de los años ochenta y noventa, también grabó discos que lograron gran éxito en países como Austria, Alemania y Suiza gracias a temas como ‘Night rocker’ (1985), ‘Looking for freedom’ (1989) y ‘David’ (1991). Desde el año 2000 ha participado en diversas producciones de Broadway como ‘Chicago’, ‘Grease’, ‘Jesucristo Superstar’ y ‘Peter Pan’, encarnando en esta última a ‘Hook’, el capitán Garfio. No ha dejado de grabar álbumes para el mercado alemán, donde mantiene un buen número de seguidores. En 2017 publicó el single ‘Guardians Inferno’, perteneciente a la banda sonora del film ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ’ y en 2019 publicó un nuevo álbum titulado 'Open Your Eyes' con versiones de temas populares como 'Sweet Caroline' o 'Lips like sugar'. En 2020 se atrevió con el heavy metal y colaboró con el dúo austríaco CueStack en el single ‘Through the night’. @relaxvideobar www.relaxvideobar.com (at RELAX VIDEO BAR) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgNovOos9Vx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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In 1987, David Hasselhoff decided to tour with his talking car and set himself on a path no one saw coming. Here is the footage of that (hilarious) concert and why it's so important.
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doc-alister · 5 years
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Night Rocker Lucio (Concept)
“Lucio may be the undisputed master of music, but sometimes, you just can’t beat the classics.”
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thriftstoreoddities · 7 years
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I'm stuck at work while my boyfriend is out thrifting with a friend. Luckily he is sending me updates.
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allisonpregler · 5 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/04OeE4GFZfKpBaI9cD4vM0?si=i4C9sCjyTfe4gMLq6FPF4Q)
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schoolofrockgr · 5 years
Ο Hasselhoff ηχογραφεί metal δίσκο γιατί μπορεί
Μία από τις καλτ φιγούρες των καιρών μας, ο Knight Rider της καρδιάς μας, ο David Hasselhoff που έκανε και εξαιρετική εμφάνιση ενός δευτερολέπτου στο Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, ηχογραφεί νέο δίσκο όπως αναφέρει το zeit.de.
Να σας πούμε την αλήθεια, δεν είμαστε και γεννημένοι γερμανομαθείς, οπότε ας ελπίσουμε να μην είναι site σαν το Κουλούρι, γιατί θα στεναχωρηθούμε.
Τώρα όσον αφορά την είδηση, ο άνθρωπος που δημιούργησε timeline paradox στην ταινία Baywatch με τον The Rock, αφού και οι δύο ήταν Μιτς Μπιουκάνον, τόνισε για την κυκλοφορία του νέου του δίσκου:
«Γιατί να μην δοκιμάσω metal; Δεν έχω τίτλο ακόμα για οτν δίσκο, αλλά θα έχει τα πάντα. Κάνω τα πάντα επειδή μπορώ και επειδή θέλω».
Παλιότερα, ο 66χρονος ηθοποιός τραγουδιστής και ανθρωπινό ον, είχε δηλώσει πως γουστάρει να ακούει Iron Maiden και Metallica όλη την ώρα.
Το 1985, ο Hasselhoff είχε κυκλοφορήσει στο Night Rocker που έπιασε #1 στα Γερμανικά τσαρτς, ενώ ψηλά βρέθηκαν και τα επόμενα: Lovin’ Feelings και Looking For Freedom.
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roboraindrop · 6 years
You and Rein w the even questions for the musical asks?? (You two are adorable!)
Aaaaa thank you!! */////* This'll definitely help get my mind off of anxiety---2. What kind of music does your f/o like? If it’s stated in canon, do you agree or have your own headcanons? -He likes David Hasselhoff! I haven't gotten the chance to listen yet, but I enjoy all types of music, so I'm sure we'll find a common interest!! 4. What kind of instrument do you think your f/o would play? What would they want to play and what would they actually be good at?-I could see him playing guitar, honestly?.... I was thinking about the possibility of him playing drums and just.... He'd more than likely break them. And I would more than likely laugh :B6. Does/would your f/o ever sing to you to cheer you up or lull you to sleep?- He actually does this all the time! Rein has a very... Unique voice. And while most people find it too loud and.... Off-key.... I think it's great! I absolutely love hearing him sing. Mostly at night it's humming. He actually learned that I hum Greensleeves to myself when I get too anxious, so he'll start humming it with me 💕 He's a big softie8. Do either of you ever sing in the car?- I do! All the time! As soon as we get in the car I'm singing loudly. If it's something we both like and he's feeling silly he'll sing along with me, but most of the time he just likes to listen to me 😊10. What do you and your f/o think about vinyl records? Would you ever buy them? Would it be just for decorative purposes or would you listen to them?- I actually have a collection of them! We listen to the good ones together, but my record player isn't very good, so mostly they're for show. We regularly listen to my Monkees vinyls together though!12. What kind of music do you and your f/o like to dance to? If either of you don’t dance, do you think you could convince the other to do so?- I'm not a big dancer, I never really learned. Rein likes to dance to classical music- waltz's and such. He's tried to teach me, but most of the time I end up just standing on his feet while he moves and it's just the same :b It hurts his back to stay hunched to dance with me too long though, I am a very smol and he is a very tol. So we don't dance very often ^^'14. What is your or your self insert’s favorite song? What do you think your f/o’s would be?- Rain's favorite song is the Postmodern Jukebox version of Thrift Shop... Because they're vintage music trash like me :b And I'm gonna just go ahead and say that Rein's favorite would be Night Rocker :b
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thebossbaronbear · 7 years
Overwatch - new ideas for Emotes and Voice Lines
Today I began to think of new ways in which people could interact with one another more in Overwatch. My thought began with emotes as these can be done by anyone at anytime. Then I remembered that in Team Fortress 2 many people would do the Kazotsky Kick together, even with the enemy participating too! So that thought became “what if each OW character had a unique dance from their culture/background or of their own personal taste?” I believe that this could add a little more favour to each character. I had an idea for voice lines too. I dunno how popular this would be with many people but what if each character could whistle or hum songs of both past and present (OW present not our time) songs depending on the person? For example Reinhardt might hum or might even sing a short verse from David Hasselhoff’s Night Rocker. Who wouldn’t want to hear the old lion sing a song from his youth? Another idea that sprouted for a song VL could be Tracer singing “Sound of the Underground” by Girls Aloud. Anyhow I did have more thoughts but I’ll leave it there for now. Here’s to the future of Overwatch! 🔫😎👍
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Best Albums of 2016
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I think we all know how we feel about 2016, though I will say that on a personal level it was actually pretty good, and involved a lot of positive personal development, though also a fair amount of death, and I’m not talking about all the celebrities right now. My aunt, grandfather, and former band instructor all passed away this year.
As far as music, my tastes feel like they fall on the same continuum they always do, though there seem to be a few more old guy rockers than usual, which I guess means I am no longer aiming for “Noisey” but rather “Rolling Stone.” This is probably also personal: I am not an old guy yet, but I am getting closer and I am also becoming aware that I will probably not accomplish all of my artistic goals within the next 5 to 10 years, and so am becoming increasingly open to artists staying relevant into their middle age and beyond.
RIP all the folks, RIP all the artists and celebrities, RIP all the people in Syria and Yemen and the Philippines, and all the people killed in terrorist attacks in Europe and Africa and the Middle East, and killed in shootings (police, mass, and otherwise) in the United States,  and RIP the short term possibility of having a federal government that is at least potentially responsive to the needs of marginalized people. Here are the best albums of 2016, according to me:
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Image via the Hold Up music video
1. Beyonce - Lemonade.
This album was cathartic when it was released at the beginning of the year, but now that we’re at the end we probably need it even more.
Though largely about infidelities within an interpersonal relationship (dammit Jay), with a heavy smattering of race commentary (particularly in the videos) and empowerment feminism, the frustrations and self-empowerment in the face of all adversaries expressed in these songs transcend the specifics. Especially in a year determined to put us in our place, to make us feel worthless or powerless.. Whether a cheating lover, an orange race-baiting huckster masquerading as politician (and ascending to the highest office in the land), the goddamn fucking forces of white supremacy/the patriarchy/global capitalism or our own private struggles with self-doubts and mental illness, this album had something to offer, if nothing else than a reminder to hold our heads up and say “fuck ya’ll.”
I didn’t like every song on this album but look: When I saw a room full of women, middle fingers raised, jamming out to “I’m Not Sorry” like a giant “fuck you” to whatever it was that was fucking their day up, telling them they weren’t valuable or whatever, I realized that it didn’t necessarily need to be for me.
Rubbery dancehall, Nahleans jazz,  futuristic (though I guess present now) R+B, diva voice: Beyonce does that thing where she overdubs like 20 different vocal tracks over one another, but her voice is already so powerful it sounds like a chorus of Amazonians or gods. And of course there’s the image of Beyonce walking around smashing car windows with a baseball bat in the “Hold Up” video, which now seems to be remarkably prescient.
The biggest pop star in the world right now has our back. We could do worse.
Watch “Hold Up”
2. Anderson .Paak - Malibu
Deceptively breezy soul and funk that inherently understands the political power of a block party. Like so many artists before, Anderson .Paak understands that sometimes just getting by is a revolutionary act, and thus this album often seems like a celebration of the awe one feels at their own continued existence. Some pretty good jams for fucking also.
Watch “Come Down”
3. Schoolboy Q - Blank Face
A gangsta rap album that absolutely nails the paranoia and sense of menace that must accompany the lifestyle. The vibe alternates between blazed out soul samples and claustrophobic, almost manic moments of paranoia. Sometimes you’re smoking the Kush and then sometimes there’s a black SUV in your rearview. Schoolboy Q rides over all this with straight-faced hood talk and almost gleeful depictions of acts of depravity, like so many others grasping power in whatever avenue is available to him. Kanye West has a show stealing feature and Vince Staples continues to shine, but I’m all about those Jadakiss and E40 bars.
Watch “John Muir”
4. Danny Brown - Atrocity Exhibition
Beats that sound like they were compiled from the intro to old VHS tapes and people banging on trashcans.  Little oft-kilter touches mirror the descriptions of substance abuse, the pitch-heightened background voice in “White Lines,” B-Real’s blitzed nursery rhyme delivery of the hook on “Get Hi.” Not that much music can probably still scare your cool boomer parents, but I’d nominate this one.
Watch “When It Rain”
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Image via the Nobody’s Baby video
5. Sheer Mag - III
Sheer Mag sounds like the best basement band in the world, grimy rock n roll made by people who got punk but also grew up on Thin Lizzy and Jackson Five. Guitar solos that sound liberating instead of masturbatory and powerhouse vocals from Tina Halladay about love and heartbreak, like someone’s memory of what 70s rock n roll was like, inevitably better than it actually was.
Watch “Nobody’s Baby”
6. The Falcon - Gather Up The Chaps
Technically this is a punk rock supergroup, with members of the Loved Ones and Alkaline Trio, but it feels very much like Brendan Kelly’s vision, a chance to get a little grittier than the Lawrence Arms and indulge in his ever present artistic interest in the guy puking in the alley, then asking you if you know where to score some coke. There’s a song named after the video of David Hasselhoff drunkenly eating a cheeseburger, and though in a different band this may be a gimmicky (and like, really really out of date) reference to internet culture, here it comes across as a recognition - a dark moment is a dark moment no matter how meme worthy it becomes.
Watch “Sergio’s Here”
7. Jeff Rosenstock - Worry
Massive sing alongs, noisy genre hopping (or combining), and huge power-pop hooks that always seem to be just on the verge of descending into chaos. Jeff Rosenstock has often managed to make whatever he’s going through personally seem to speak to larger scale generational woes (I’m pretty sure there were at least two albums about not wanting to get a job, which came out at the same time that I and most of the people I know also didn’t want to get jobs). A reoccurring theme here seems to be the gentrification of places that you love, which is connected to the experience of getting older and feeling like you’re missing out. Jeff has definitely crafted his own “sound” at this point, so when he switches styles to the straight genre homage in the three-song punch of “Bang On the Door,” “Rainbow” and “Planet Luxury” (garage punk, third-wave ska and hardcore) in 3 blistering minutes, it’s a perfect reminder of all the music we (well, me) grew up loving.
Watch “Wave Goodnight To Me”
8. Kamaiyah - A Good Night In the Ghetto
Remember when people used to call beats “slappers?” Probably only if you were into Bay Area hip-hop circa 2007. Anyway, this shit slaps.
Watch “Out the Bottle”
9. YG - Still Brazy
Similar to how A Good Night in The Ghetto feels like an amalgamation of several decades of Bay Area hip hop, this is puuuuuure fucking LA fat bass, eerie keyboard sampling G-funk. Gangsta rap has always been political. Have I written that before? It’s worth saying more than once. Those last three songs though. FDT will obviously have a lot of shelf life, but “Blacks and Browns” and “Police Get Away Wit Murder” are sharp contributions to the tradition of “fuck this shit” also.
Watch “FDT”
10. Run the Jewels - RTJ3
A rush of weird beats, shit talk, and surreal imagery, hip-hop dispatches from a dystopian future, but one that feels weeks rather than years away. El-P and Killer Mike are honestly not that similar stylistically, (El-P is more from the highly conceptual east coast underground school, Killer Mike is more the southern testifying and telling straight truths school) but their mutual love of the game has always made this work and they are both world class shit talkers.
Watch “Talk To Me”
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Image via the Chili Town video
11. Hinds - Leave Me Alone
Garage… pop I guess? that feels close to the vein, emotionally. I don’t mean heartbreak, though that’s here too, but also friendship, drinking wine in the sun, with surfy guitar melodies. There’s something that sometimes happens with some lady bands, where people kind of get into some sort of perceived naiveté or innocence or something, so I’m going to assume these women can fuck you up.
Watch “Warts”
12. Pup - The Dream Is Over
The frustration of reaching your mid-20s, realizing that you have not accomplished any of your goals and that you don’t have any prospects. In song form. It would sound like a kiss-off if the singer wasn’t desperately grasping for change.
Watch “DVP”
13. A Tribe Called Quest - We got it from Here… Thank You 4 Your service
Classic Tribe components still here - the swing in the rhythm, the walking bass lines, motherfucking Busta Rhymes(!), but with a foot firmly planted in the present. Did they used to swear this much? I don’t remember. Extended music breaks. Guitar flourishes. Q-Tip is clearly the ringleader, wearing the role more comfortably than ever, but with a kind of quiet humility that comes from age. Yeah, we still here, shit still sucks, but sometimes you find those little moments, you know?
Watch “We The People”
14. Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker
Is there hope for salvation before death? Or just further disappointment and failure? An album to drink wine to in a dark room, alone but for ghosts.
Watch “You Want It Darker”
15. Drive-By Truckers - American Band
Pretty sure the Truckers have always been angry and political, it’s just never lined up with current events quite this overtly - but there’s always been a real siding with the have-nots, the people screwed over by bad economics, and the (not just white) working classes, though sometimes this manifests as concept albums about Lynard Skynard. Still, with a band that clearly flirts with a Red State target audience, at least sonically, and judging from the youtube comments on some of their videos, hanging their hat so clearly on the “blue side” is a risky move and one that should be commended. Here we get stories about the founder of the NRA murdering a Mexican teenager in the 20s, the shooting at Umpqua community college, hypocritical religious folks, and Black Lives fucking Mattering.
Watch “Surrender Under Protest”
16. David Bowie - Blackstar
To be honest, I thought this sounded a little bit too much like Pink Floyd the first time I heard it (plus a sax player) but the sultriness of cuts like “Lazerus,” the keyboard line in “’Tis a Pity She Was a Whore” that sounds like it came out of an 80s fantasy movie, and the weird vocal flourishes and marching rhythm of “Girl Loves Me” won me over. Bowie has left this mortal coil, and either ascended to a tinsel covered 70s movie set or an 80s computer game about going to the moon, but it’s definitely some kind of heaven.
Watch “Lazerus”
17. Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
A soundtrack for glitchy meme art, ordering 2CI off the Silk Road, and those computer generated DeepDream images, while MC Ride bellows avant-garde street poetry. I’ve never been sure if Death Grips are railing against or with the shitposting internet culture that’s embraced them. Some of these tracks are just fucking metal though.
Watch “Eh”
18. clipping - Splendor and Misery
Breakneck raps over the sound of an airshaft opening on a spaceship. This is supposedly a concept album about a slave revolt in outer space. Musically this equates to old spirituals and malfunctioning computers.
Watch “Air Em Out”
19. The Coathangers - Nosebleed Weekend
In the music video for “Nosebleed Weekend” the women in the band crash a party of hipsters to punch everyone in the face, but then the video ends with them probably trying to keep a straight face while they get covered with buckets of fake blood. Tough sounding surf punk, much about heartbreak.
Watch “Nosebleed Weekend”
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Image via the Victim of Me video
20. Descendents - Hypercaffium Spazzinate
There’s a lot of older musicians on this list for whatever reason (all the dead guys I guess,) but a few lyrics about dietary changes aside, this band could have stepped wholesale out of their 1994 variation. Fast, hooky, with the most underrated bass lines in punk.
Watch “Victim of Me”
21. Paul Simon - Stranger to Stranger
Alright, this one’s a little NPR but I will say that I think Paul Simon sounds a little more of-kilter, a little moodier than he sometimes does. There are dark things around the edges in this one, whether it’s the ghostly guitars on the title track, or the way his funny song about getting stuck outside a club you’re supposed to play suddenly starts alluding to class uprising, a buildup that feels both surprising and also strangely inevitable.
Watch “Wristband”
22. Mikey Erg - Tentative Decisions
A lot of emotionally earnest music (dare we bring up emo?) gets slammed, essentially for being melodramatic. It’s a difficult balancing act, but I’ve always felt like the Ergs managed to avoid this, and here Mikey Erg continues that streak on his first solo album, with tastefully poppy tunes full of yearning melodies and (more) broken hearts, ala Big Star or an early Beatles album. When I saw this guy live a few years ago, it made my friend get back together with his ex-girlfriend.
Watch “Faulty Metaphor”
23. NOFX - First Ditch Effort
There is no way I’m not putting an album that has a song where Fat Mike sings about being a fetishistic crossdresser in my top 25.
Watch “Six Years On Dope”
24. Ramshackle Glory - One Last Big Job
It’s amazing how many people’s favorite band this is with virtually no mainstream recognition. Like, even Bomb the Music Industry put out stuff with Asian Man, who’ve put out Alkaline Trio records and stuff. And yet this (and Patrick Schneeweis’s other projects) is like Bob Dylan to thousands of kids across the country. I knew something was up when all the kids at the Rainbow Gathering I went to (2011) were playing Johnny Hobo covers. Anyway, this is their last album, and as such is a somewhat slow, contemplative affair. Pat’s always been excellent at espousing anarchist ideals while also representing that problems and hypocrisies that accompany radical lifestyles. Swan song for a true alternative.
Listen to “Face the Void”
25. AJJ - The Bible 2
Very much continuing ideas first developed on Christmas Island, a collection of noisy rock/pop tunes with upbeat melodies and lyrics about losing your shit, dirty middle schoolers who hang out by themselves in construction sites, and the Herculean task of feeling kind of ok with yourself.
Watch “Goodbye, Oh Goodbye”
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metalindex-hu · 5 years
DAVID HASSELHOFF - A Whitesnake feldolgozását hallottad már?
DAVID HASSELHOFF - A Whitesnake feldolgozását hallottad már? - https://metalindex.hu/2019/09/30/david-hasselhoff-a-whitesnake-feldolgozasat-hallottad-mar/ -
Arról már tavasszal írtunk, hogy a Baywatch és a Knight Rider sorozatok szupersztárja, David Hasselhoff egy új lemezt ad ki, amelyen lesz néhány heavy metal szám is. Az Open Your Eyes című album pénteken látott napvilágot, és ha még nem hallottad volna a Whitesnake feldolgozását, a Here I Go Again-t, amelyben az LA Guns-ból Tracii Guns a gitáros, most megismerkedhetsz vele. De akár a teljes lemezt is végighallgathatod.
Hasselhoff első albuma egyébként 1985-ben jött ki Night Rocker címmel, és amikor 2014-ben fellépett a Nova Rock fesztiválon az Iron Maiden után, azt mondta az osztrák Kuriernak, hogy heavy metal rajongó: “Szeretem az Iron Maident és a Metallicát. Ez az a fajta zene, amit hallgatni szeretek.” Az Open Your Eyes albumon vendégként az LA Guns gitárosa, Tracii Guns is játszik, akárcsak a Billy Idol mellől is ismert Steve Stevens, vagy éppen a Ministry zenekar.
  DAVID HASSELHOFF feat. Tracii Guns – Here I Go Again (Whitesnake, a 2019-es Open Your Eyes albumról)
DAVID HASSELHOFF – Open Your Eyes (a 2019-es album)
DAVID HASSELHOFF – Open Your Eyes (a 2019-es Open Your Eyes albumhoz)
DAVID HASSELHOFF – Open Your Eyes (09/27 – Cleopatra Records)
01. Open Your Eyes (feat. James Williamson) 02. Head On (feat. Elliot Easton) 03. I Melt With You (feat. Steve Stevens) 04. Lips Like Sugar (feat. A Flock Of Seagulls) 05. Heroes (feat. Tyler Bates) 06. Here I Go Again (feat. Tracii Guns) 07. Jump In My Car (feat. Todd Rundgren) 08. Rhinestone Cowboy (feat. Charlie Daniels) 09. If You Could Read My Mind (feat. Ava Cherry) 10. Sugar, Sugar (feat. Steve Cropper) 11. Mit 66 Jahren (feat. Patrick Moraz) 12. Sweet Caroline (feat. Ministry) 13. That’s Life
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80smovies · 6 years
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
Box Office: Germans Are Loving the 'Baywatch' Movie (Thanks, David Hasselhoff)
Box Office: Germans Are Loving the 'Baywatch' Movie (Thanks, David Hasselhoff)
6:30 AM PDT 7/10/2017 by Pamela McClintock
The R-rated comedy, which flopped in North America, has earned more in Germany than any other foreign market.
It’s no wonder why Dwayne Johnson has personally thanked German moviegoers via Instagram.
Baywatch, Johnson’s summer comedy, is riding a tidal wave of popularity in Germany, earning a huge $16 million to date, one of the best showings ever for an R-rated Hollywood comedy. And it’s by far the best showing of any foreign market (the next closest is the U.K. with north of $12 million).
Overall, Paramount’s film adaptation of the classic bikini-and-surf TV show swam past the $100 million mark at the international box office over the weekend even while getting dunked stateside with $57.6 million to date.
The secret to the movie’s success at the German box office? The television show Baywatch was incredibly popular, while TV series star David Hasselhoff — who makes a brief appearance in the movie — is also a brand name there because of his singing career.
Hasselhoff’s 1985 debut album, Night Rocker, inexplicably shot to No. 1 in neighboring Austria. His German invasion began several years later as the Berlin Wall began to fall when he reconfigured a hit local song from the 1970s, “On the Road to the South,” as the patriotic “Looking for Freedom,” which became the No. 1 single on the West German charts for eight weeks.
He’s gone on to release 10 albums in Germany in addition to making numerous concert and TV appearances. Most recently, he attended Paramount’s Berlin premiere of Baywatch, walking the red carpet with Johnson, who has become a force in his own right in terms of global star status. Additionally, American comedies have a history of over-indexing in Germany, with Baywatch being one of the more extreme examples.
“Germany is our top market,” says Paramount’s Mark Viane, president of international distribution. “The movie has also done great in the German-speaking parts of Switzerland and in Austria. When David Hasselhoff shows up, people pay attention. And Dwayne Johnson is one of the biggest stars in the world. When a comedy crosses $100 million internationally amid all these summer action movies, it has a voice of its own.”
In Germany, Baywatch ranks among the top 10 grossing films of 2017 so far, handily out-grossing the likes of Transformers: The Last Knight ($12.3 million), Wonder Woman ($7.9 million) and The Mummy ($7.5 million). The only two summer tentpoles that have done more business are Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 with roughly $30 million and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales with north of $28 million.
Last year, summer comedy Central Intelligence, starring Johnson opposite Kevin Hart, earned $8.4 million in Germany, the third-best showing of any foreign market behind Australia ($11.5 million) and the U.K. ($11.2 million).
#Baywatch #Box #David #Germans #Hasselhoff #Loving #Movie #Office
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schnuron · 7 years
My new playlist
14th February, 2017: Air (Pete Namlook) - Air (1993) 8) Air (Pete Namlook) - Air III (1996) Steve Roach - Empetus (1986) 8) Various - Stand by me OST (1986) Gesaffelstein - Aleph American Football - American Football (1999) Iasos - Celestial Soul Portrait* (Compilation) Faex Optim - Mercury (This one is for Boards of Canada fans.)
Songs: Tool - Sober (1993) Pharmakon - Intent or Instinct SHINee 샤이니 - Tell Me What To Do David Hasselhoff - Night Rocker (1985) Sakanaction (サカナクション) - ミュージック Big Star - Feel (1972) The Damned - New Rose (1977) The Durutti Column - Requiem Taint - Vivisection Of A Lovely Young Woman (1998) 8\ 10* Blood Axis - Sarabande Oratoria (1998) MIA - Paper Planes (2007) Colonel Abrams - Trapped (1985) Merciless - Pure Hate (1990) James L. Venable - Jack in the Club (2004) Chromeo - Bonafied Lovin' (2007) Chromeo - Fancy Footwork (2007) Basshunter - DotA (2006) 8\ Yelle - A Cause des Garcons (2007) Rasthof Dachau - The Sleeping Rose (2006) 20* Street Fever - Chamber Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects - Sol Niger Within (1997) The (Hypothetical) Prophets - Wallenberg (French Version) (1982) Les Yeux Interdits - Prison (1982) Saul Stokes - Hurried Space (2000) Jean Jacques Perrey - The Elephant Never Forgets (1970) Dizkodeath - Orchid
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