beaulesbian · 2 years
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Dream of The Endless, a sort of a compilation
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fixationstationbaby · 22 days
Woe, DOAI doodles be upon ye
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You'll never guess what I'm fixating on again, it's sooo hard to notice (heehee)
Kept these loose and sketchy to warm up. These two are everything istg
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matchalovertrait · 2 months
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The entree round begins! Who will cook the best dish? Who will cook the better soup? Find out... not in the next segment.
Previous / Next (Transcript under the cut)
(1.) [Mia] Somebody here did not fully follow the rules of Diced Junior.
(2.) [Carlo] And that would still be Lewis! A producer pointed out to us that Lewis here did not use the vegetables that were in the flatbread. We didn't even notice since the flatbread was so burnt.
(3.) [Lewis] Oh, I was supposed to use EVERYTHING from each basket ingredient? Anyway, thank you for the opportunity, judges.
(4.) [Mia] Thank you, Lewis. Please audition for Diced once you're older. We'd love to see you compete again.
(5.) [Lewis] Well, I already came to terms with being eliminated before they announced it. Maybe I will try Diced someday.
(6.) [Dulce] Bye, Lewis!!
[Alex] You did good, man.
[Rubiya] We'll miss you.
[Lewis] Bye, everyone. Good luck.
(7.) N/A
(8.) N/A
(9.) [Andrea] Chefs, please report back to your stations. Your baskets for the entree round have been placed.
(10.) [Dulce] Wow, they move fast here.
(11.) [Andrea] Inside your baskets, you'll find jicama, hatch green chiles...
(12.) [Andrea] ...goat chops, and chana masala.
(13.) [Rubiya] I'm pleasantly surprised with these ingredients! They won't be hard to combine. However, the real challenge here will be the time limit while using these complex items.
(14.) [Dulce] Yes! My mom is Mexican, so I am very familiar with jicama and chiles. Also, my mom's friend taught me how to cook some Indian dishes, so I know how to work with masalas. I haven't cooked goat yet, but I should be able to figure it out.
(15.) [Alex] I'm happy with the ingredients, just a lil worried about the chiles. Good thing I've cooked goat lotsa times by now.
(16.) [Andrea] Chefs, the 30-minute timer starts now!
(17.) [Rubiya] I'm making chana masala goat tacos with a green chile salsa and jicama dip.
(18.) [Rubiya] Tacos aren't necessarily easy to make, but with my thirty-minute time limit and these beautiful ingredients, this is the way to go! I'll incorporate the ingredients well. If only I could make the tortillas from scratch, but it is what it is.
(19.) [Dulce] I'm making a tomato soup with goat, jicama, chana masala, and hatch green chiles. I'll add sweet potatoes, onion, kidney beans, and green bell peppers.
(20.) [Dulce] There's a lot of things to dice and chop while also making sure the goat and sweet potatoes are thoroughly cooked, but I want to push myself. Also, the judges seemed to really like how I play with many different ingredients, so I want to do that again.
(21.) [Alex] I'm making an egusi soup with cubed goat meat, hatch green chiles, spiralized jicama, and chana masala. My other ingredients are tomatoes, onions, and spinach.
(22.) [Alex] Well, there aren't any egusi seeds here, so I have to use pumpkin seeds instead. I'll keep the name though, it sounds fancier that way.
(23.) N/A
(24.) [Andrea] Judges, any thoughts and opinions so far?
(25.) [Sofia] We love how confident these young contestants are.
[Mia] However, we also noticed how Alex and Dulce are both making soups. Unfortunately, that will make our judging harsher because we are going to have to compare the two.
(26.) [Carlo] Tsk, tsk. They should have thought more outside the box. Also, Dulce really has to watch the time. Andrea, please check on the contestants.
[Andrea] Will do, Carlo!
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sotangledupinit · 7 months
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i’m obsessed your honor
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ghostly-cabbage · 1 year
reading the alex rider books is just like
alex: yassen is my greatest enemy. my arch nemesis. he has almost killed me so many times. i’m fighting for my life out here
yassen: i keep running into this kid while on jobs and tbh he doesn’t ruin that much for me, i still get paid, but my coworkers want him dead bc he’s an smart arse that keeps insulting them and it’s getting harder to hold them back. PLEASE go home and have a normal childhood
alex: my greatest foil, the one i keep coming to blows with, i must defeat him before he destroys the world
yassen: *showing up in two books as the hired assassin not actually doing any world domination, just trying to do his job* what
NO but literally!!!!! Yassen is absolutely the “What’s with this sassy lost child” OPM meme.
Alex: YOU!!
Yassen: .....It is 1 PM. Shouldn’t you be in school 
He’s just a guy trying to do his job but ofc fate has other things in store for him. AKA fucking putting the child of his mentor DIRECTLY into his path.
It’s simultaneously SO FUNNY and so emotionally compromising how Yassen was straight up ordered to kill Alex and outright refuses to. But then in book 4 was also like “Anyway, here’s the bull pit. Have fun.”
oh, book!Yassen. What a guy.
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cataclysmcrows · 5 months
pet peeve is roleswap aus that may as well just be body swaps like. roleswap aus have sooo much potential to explore what characters would be like if they had grown up under different circumstances and how that would change them. and so many people will just take the two characters, swap their personalities, and call it a day. absurd to me
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 5 months
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"You know how many people I've seen die fighting this idiotic drug war?"
Almost Paradise S01E01 Finding Mabuhay.
Requested by @laser-tripwires
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 month
Ngl youtube videos suddenly got me slowly turning into a Justin Russo hater.
#like mainly later seasons him#early seasons him is fine#but like i guess plot wise you could argue he becomes more iffy because you know the competition will be soon#and justin does want to become the family wizard#as for some reason this show still never fully tackled the fucked up shit of the idea that wizard siblings have to grow up studying magic#only for one or two or whatever number siblings to lose it to one sibling in a competition#like stevie was the closest we got to that#but like it still dont make it less bad with how justin was#like the worst example i can name is him literally refusing to save alex whose his sister btw and shes always dropped shit to save him#because he wants to project onto her that she purposely fucked up his chances to get back into the competition via#pushing the students to take the test only for them to be failed because bad guy being bad guy in reality#and basically blames her for the failure and such as a result and acts like its all an act when she is mad on the students behalf and shit#and his students have to drag him kicking and screaming just to save her from the bad guy's shit#and there's also the competition itself where harper and zeke get grabbed by a creature during it#but alex has to convince her brothers to save the two and thats just cold already on justins end with zeke#but cause they took too long they all lose the competition and magic#and both brothers especially justin proceed to treat alex like shit even during work hours meaning#fucking over family business just to get at alex#and when the dad ultimately almost sells the place justin STILL blames alex#like she was the only one working fully max was being max and justin was being a little bitch to her#aka the infamous refusing to make her orders only max's and when he does he throws the sandwich at her#and cause she was holding drinks at the time and didnt see it coming the drinks went on a customer#and also throwing table trash into her already full bin shes carrying around while cleaning tables#and therefore messing it up for her like#and alex's logo...well from sounds of shit thats just justin again being a hateful bitch to his sister with zero consquiences#even one commenter pointing how he sadistically smiled while telling her all her friends hate her#like dear god if the show was doing this to make everyone root for alex its working i hate later season justin#gonna be interesting if hes matured or not as an adult
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sapphicstaring · 11 months
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rozzwil · 2 years
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Part two of my and @diirthara-ma​’s full Dragon Age OC lineup ft. our inquisitors
Here’s a link to the naked version on twitter, here’s link to part one and, here’s my post on Isha’s diabetic gear!
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dol-dee · 3 months
Hm I would love to continue Dee's dol journey and play it more but I feel like I’m starting to run out of stuff
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nigel & alex - to be haunted by your love
henri nouwen // like minds (2006) // death - melanie martinez // pope alexander - crywank // her mother's kiss - eugene carriere // sometimes i fall asleep thinking about you - catarine hancock // the song of achilles - madeline miller // achilles lamenting the death of patroclus - gavin hamilton // lee martens
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patrice-bergerons · 2 years
Want to write a fic in which Q has a breakdown of a sort and shows up at Bond's door in Jamaica. In years of their acquaintance, he has never asked Bond for anything and Bond owes him this much, he thinks. A break. A break from his life and responsibilities and a chance to collect himself before he becomes a real person again. (That's a decent ex post justification at either rate never mind that in his anguish all he could think to do was to go find Bond.)
And he regrets it immediately the second Bond shows up, tries to leave. But Bond stops him, because he may be too much of a headstrong ass to do anything about it but he has been living in a purgatory of his own making, drifting, and seeing Q here after all these years- it's a reprieve for him as well. Bond knows better than to ask questions too once he ascertains that Q is not there in business.
And the fic is just them spending a week together. A week of sailing and long walks on the beach, lots of sex (naturally), dinners they make followed by drinks in the town. Late night conversations. Do you remember when's. But those carefully steer clear of the old hurts that linger, of the Aston Martin and Madeleine and the zero postcards Bond sent. A question, unvoiced, of what they could have had in a different life. Of regrets that are too late to remedy now.
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sand-rose · 2 months
Me bleeding out from my OTP stabbing me for all the shit I been putting them through in my fic as they proceed to make out over my dying body: This is all I ever wanted.
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alexthevillan · 2 months
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I have been dragged back into tf2 kicking and screaming the entire way there, JELP-
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rhythmicjester · 5 months
ive been listening to god save the animals on loop for like 4 hours what is happening 2 me
jk i always do this with alex g just this album is very christian and it unnerves me. i went into a church once in my life and i threw up when we got outside. no hate 2 christians be who u are for yuour priiiiiiide /srs it is just my gay indigenous girl blues. album is good tho
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