#D/s rpg
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From the 1920’s to the 1960’s the Catskills were a place of indulgence, food, fun, all was able to be found at the some 500-odd resorts in the mountains just a few hours from Manhattan. But as time went on, people began to stop going for their yearly trips to the Catskills, rather than resort for the summer, they began going on cruises, and trips to Europe. By the 1970’s most places had shuttered their doors and closed for business permanently; that is until golden boy Walker Rosewood came home.
After taking a look at the ailing town, and the resort, Walker came up with an idea to get the town and the resort back on the map, and it was then he began to collect investors for Rosewood Resort- where all of your dreams and fantasies can come true. In a desperate bid to get people back to the region, the town of Rosewood was eager to allow Walter to do whatever he wanted, so a resort where the super wealthy and those willing to spend whatever it takes to fulfill their wildest sexual fantasies was not a hard sell. Boasting nightly sex shows, lectures, and lessons, virginity raffles, clothing optional pools, and anything else the guests’ hearts desire, Rosewood has become the premier place for sex positivity on the Eastern Seaboard.
Rosewood RPG is a new, mature RPG taking place in the East Coast of the United States.
Join us for a safe space to explore plots that may not be welcome elsewhere; Rosewood is the place where any and every plot is welcome!
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Application Count: 1/10
Female: 1 Male:
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 6 months
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Name: Gwen Morgan-Daniels Designation: Domme Age: 25 Birthdate: October 31, 1998 Faceclaim: Renee Rapp Orientation: Heterosexual (deeply closeted lesbian) Kinks: sadism (impact play, knife play, genital torture, ruined orgasms, predicament bondage, sounding), body worship, humiliation Anti-Kinks: pet play, vanilla sex, scat, vomit
 Key Points: - (Austin Fabray's arranged claim)
Maintains a flawless yet icy exterior
Suffers heavily from Dom drop but refuses to address it
Has a soft spot for big dogs, fluffy cats and beautiful girls in pink, feminine lingerie (though that last one is a very heavily guarded secret)
Gwen Morgan-Daniels was born into a charmed life, and she knew it. From a young age, she was granted nearly everything she wanted (her requests for a unicorn went unanswered, unfortunately.) The beautiful second daughter of Bart Morgan and Harriet Daniels, there was no doubt that Gwen would make a name for herself in the world. As a child, she tended more towards the arts, finding a love of drawing where her older sister was in every sport imaginable for a young woman. Bart and Harriet weren't exactly pleased with her hobbies, but since Lauren was a star athlete and cheerleader, they weren't terribly concerned with Gwen and her less than desirable hobbies. Which, Gwen was perfectly content with. Her sister loved her artwork, and so did her friends. What else would she need?
Things changed for Gwen when she went into high school. A freshman while her sister was a senior, she felt a lot of pressure to change. She was undeniably beautiful and naturally in shape (if a bit on the thicker side), but her lack of interest in athletics and dating wasn't something the people in her school could comprehend. Lauren defended her sister, but the pressure remained on the younger Morgan-Daniels to conform.
Spring of her freshman year, Gwen became close to a senior girl in her art club. The two of them spent time together most afternoons in the art studio on campus, Gwen charmed by the attention from the older, more experienced girl. One afternoon, her new friend turned their usual hug goodbye into a kiss, gentle and sweet and nothing Gwen had ever thought about before. The experience was fleeting though, as Lauren interrupted them, dragging Gwen away from the older girl.
It was then that Lauren gave her a glimpse into how she needed to behave. Their family wasn't necessarily homophobic, but they had a very set idea of what life would look like for their girls. Lauren was headed to Duke in the fall, pre-med. Gwen was expected to go into law like their mother. Both of them would be Dommes like generations before on their mother's side, and they would claim beautiful men to dote on them before finding rich husbands to marry. There was no room for negotiation in this plan, not if Gwen expected to keep the life she was used to - and to still have contact with her family.
Terrified, Gwen heeded her sister's advice. Over the summer, she started training, determined to become the girl everyone expected her to be. Three months of hard work led to her not only making the cheer squad, but becoming captain of the JV team. She focused on her studies, leaving behind her art classes. She gained a whole new set of friends through cheer, becoming the popular queen bee her family expected her to be. All the while trying not to think about how she dreamed almost nightly of that one and only kiss she'd ever had with another girl.
Gwen chose to go to Columbia for her pre-law degree before attending an institute. It was there that she began to discover what being a Domme actually meant. She experimented with boys on campus, learning how to manipulate to get what she wanted, learning how to give pain and love the cries and whimpers she got in return. Nothing got her off more than a begging, sobbing boy covered in marks and blood, just aching for even a taste of her skin - and denying them even that.
But with as hard as she played, the boys she was with only seemed to want the minute amount of aftercare, which left her feeling lost. It took a bit for her to recover from intense scenes, her mind feeling adrift and almost - depressed. The more she played and ignored it, the worse it got - which only served to add to the anger she felt towards herself for hiding her sexuality. Gwen didn't learn about Dom drop until she went to her first institute, and despite her teachers assuring students it was just as common as sub drop, she refused to admit that was what was happening to her.
Though she had never been a particularly warm person, these secrets she hid made her even icier. The less people close, the less people had the opportunity to find out what she was hiding. Unfortunately her attitude coupled with her penchant for sadism made it hard to find a claim. She played around with plenty of submissive boys, but they either wanted a softer Domme, or a male Dominant in the end.
After her 25th birthday, her father revealed he had a plan for her. A business partner of his had offered one of his sons for her to claim in exchange for a major deal. Initially, Gwen was embarrassed and angry about it, thinking her father didn't trust her to find a claim of her own. But in the end, she found herself accepting the arrangement. Though there was a grace period, after a while, Gwen didn't see a point in staying at her current institute. No one there wanted her anyway, and she might as well at least know what her intended claim looked like. She didn't have any interest in romance or feelings - she'd never managed to have something like that towards a man anyway. It was merely a business transaction, an arrangement to keep them both out of slavery and to keep up appearances.
And who knew, maybe there was a pretty submissive at this Stonewall place who would be able to handle her - even if she wouldn't be able to play with the ones she truly wanted.
What are your feelings about the mark you have received? - Pleased. I expected nothing less considering my family and their background. Anything less would have been shameful.
How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it? - They are very similar. My parents both have their own claims outside of their marriage, to manage the house and fulfill what needs they cannot get from each other, as well as several slaves. I intend to lead the same kind of life once I establish myself in a law practice.
Where do you see yourself after you graduate?  - Ideally Harvard to pursue law school, with my claim by my side. Whoever it is will have to deal with the New England weather.
How do you feel about authority? - It is necessary to keep things running the way that's best for everyone involved. Of course, leeway can be given in some circumstances but in the end, governing bodies and figures are put in place to make sure the needs of their constituents are met in a way that is most beneficial for the maximum number possible.
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lavish-promo · 1 year
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Higher beings have spent their immortal days spent attempting to find entertainment when it comes to humankind. And after a while, why not adopt some of the more interesting ways of entertainment with twist?
Everyone is escaping from something in their life. A depravity they’d rather take to their grave then ever admit out loud. Maybe it’s a guilty pleasure? A sin against humanity? An embarrassment that has set them to be the black sheep of society? Whatever it may be, the higher beings have seen it and have selected you to have a do-over.
You’re approached by a handsome stranger to tempt you with the promise of a clean slate and leave your old life behind, only leaving a small trinket in your possession for you to use as your key to the new life. Once accepted, you’ll step through a pocket dimension into a whole other alternate universe that runs on kink, following the dynamic of power exchange between Master and slave within the mountains of Scarleway City.
The twist? Everything that happens within this dimension is broadcast to every other dimension within the universe like a reality tv show as the higher beings pull the strings of your new life to cause chaos.
This is an 25+ semi-app discord m/s roleplay group for oc’s, that pulls inspiration from The Truman Show, Love Island, the Twilight Zone, and other sprinkles of various media. Explicit content is covered with kink and many smut related themes that follow bd/sm protocol of d/s & m/s, and there is dark material covered by plot and muse. Connection building and interaction is encouraged and pushed for through activities, tasks, games, events, and plot drops. You do not need to know about kink to join, there is plenty of learning curves offered if you’re willing to learn and participate in on the fun that the plot, members, and staff offer! This is a LGBTQ+ muse only environment, which means all muses are required to fall under the queer umbrella to join.
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retrogamingblog2 · 2 years
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Pokemon RPG Class Pins made by YuuKen
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cursed-yoyo · 6 months
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Beijingjoburg 2099
Rattle big black bones in the danger zone There's a rumblin' groan down below There's a big dark town, it's a place I've found There's a world going on underground
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callmemerry00 · 8 months
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Kaguya and Tsukihime's first meeting
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danielnelsen · 1 year
am i losing my mind or does the dragon age rpg core rulebook not have DRAGONS in it????
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charliesinfern0 · 1 year
i have sooooo many art ideas aaaaaaa!!!
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silvercreekhq · 2 years
looking to join a pretty fun and active group? look no further! come check us out. the discord link can be found in the navigation. otherwise, you can message us!
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From the 1920’s to the 1960’s the Catskills were a place of indulgence, food, fun, all was able to be found at the some 500-odd resorts in the mountains just a few hours from Manhattan. But as time went on, people began to stop going for their yearly trips to the Catskills, rather than resort for the summer, they began going on cruises, and trips to Europe. By the 1970’s most places had shuttered their doors and closed for business permanently; that is until golden boy Walker Rosewood came home.
After taking a look at the ailing town, and the resort, Walker came up with an idea to get the town and the resort back on the map, and it was then he began to collect investors for Rosewood Resort- where all of your dreams and fantasies can come true. In a desperate bid to get people back to the region, the town of Rosewood was eager to allow Walter to do whatever he wanted, so a resort where the super wealthy and those willing to spend whatever it takes to fulfill their wildest sexual fantasies was not a hard sell. Boasting nightly sex shows, lectures, and lessons, virginity raffles, clothing optional pools, and anything else the guests’ hearts desire, Rosewood has become the premier place for sex positivity on the Eastern Seaboard.
Rosewood RPG is a new, mature RPG taking place in the East Coast of the United States.
Join us for a safe space to explore plots that may not be welcome elsewhere; Rosewood is the place where any and every plot is welcome!
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rosewood-resort-rpg · 5 months
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Application Count: 2/10
Female: 1 Male: 1
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BOSTON Discord Link Here.
BOSTON is a Dominant, Switch, and Submissive universe Discord roleplay set in the city of Boston, Massachusetts.
Every person in this universe has the biological need to submit, dominate, or both which starts around puberty. They take classes on nonsexual dominance and submission, aftercare, and learn how to meet their needs nonsexually (think like a health class) while in middle and high school. If someone tries to ignore their biological needs they will start to feel symptoms that will increase in severity until the need is met. To this day, no medication has been found to prevent biological needs.
On a person's 18th birthday, they are given a stone that shows by the color if they are Dominant, Switch, or Submissive. Royal blue is the stone color for Dominants, forest green for Submissives, and turquoise for Switches. Everyone puts the stone into a ring, but the ring's design is up to each person, they can change the ring at any time, but the stone always represents what they are.
Boston is a plotless, original character, character-driven roleplay with character development tasks and events to help with plotting and character growth. We strive to create a safe and welcoming space for our members and have lax activity rules, understanding that real life comes first. Members must be 19+, and muses and faceclaims must be 21+.
Come join us at BOSTON! What does life have in store for you?
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lavish-promo · 1 year
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Higher beings have spent their immortal days spent attempting to find entertainment when it comes to humankind. And after a while, why not adopt some of the more interesting ways of entertainment with twist?
Everyone is escaping from something in their life. A depravity they’d rather take to their grave then ever admit out loud. Maybe it’s a guilty pleasure? A sin against humanity? An embarrassment that has set them to be the black sheep of society? Whatever it may be, the higher beings have seen it and have selected you to have a do-over.
You’re approached by a handsome stranger to tempt you with the promise of a clean slate and leave your old life behind, only leaving a small trinket in your possession for you to use as your key to the new life. Once accepted, you’ll step through a pocket dimension into a whole other alternate universe that runs on kink, following the dynamic of power exchange between Master and slave within the mountains of Scarleway City.
The twist? Everything that happens within this dimension is broadcast to every other dimension within the universe like a reality tv show as the higher beings pull the strings of your new life to cause chaos.
This is an 25+ semi-app discord m/s roleplay group for oc’s, that pulls inspiration from The Truman Show, Love Island, the Twilight Zone, and other sprinkles of various media. Explicit content is covered with kink and many smut related themes that follow bd/sm protocol of d/s & m/s, and there is dark material covered by plot and muse. Connection building and interaction is encouraged and pushed for through activities, tasks, games, events, and plot drops. You do not need to know about kink to join, there is plenty of learning curves offered if you’re willing to learn and participate in on the fun that the plot, members, and staff offer! This is a LGBTQ+ muse only environment, which means all muses are required to fall under the queer umbrella to join.
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whimseysthrone · 14 days
D&D 5e's alignment trap
The 5e alignment system is a useful shorthand and a misleading trap. The Outer Planes as presented in the 2014 Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide only make the alignment system’s problems worse. The perfect overlap between alignments and planes—and the total lack of alternative Outer Planes—reinforces the alignment system’s worst inclinations: easy stereotyping, reductionist thinking,…
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thevellaunderground · 27 days
The Harmonious Convergence of Gaming and Music in Baldur’s Gate 3
Baldur’s Gate 3 is not just a game; it’s an experience that transcends the boundaries of interactive storytelling and auditory artistry. The game’s soundtrack, a masterpiece crafted by the talented Borislav Slavov, is a testament to the emotive power of music in gaming. Let’s delve into the creation of this iconic soundtrack, explore similar musical masterpieces, unravel the significance of the…
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