#Creatures of Sonaria fanfic
jeena-says-hi · 1 year
Ok so I was bored and was asking an Ai chat generator to write a story based of the game Creatures Sonaria (the roblox game)
I told it the basic story but it made the rest, I’m not taking credit for the whole thing, anyone can make a fic with ai
So if anyone cares, here it is:
In the world of Sonaria, the creatures lived in peace in their respective territories. However, one day, chaos erupted in the Oasis territory. A massive, ferocious Gnolrok was on a rampage, killing any creature in its path. The animals were terrified and scattered, trying to escape the gnashing teeth of the beast.
The small but resourceful creatures of the Oasis knew that they had to do something to stop the Gnolrok. They had heard tales of a powerful Parahexilion that lived in the mountains beyond the Oasis. The Parahexilion was known for its bravery and strength, and the creatures hoped that it could save them from the vicious predator.
A small group of animals set out on a dangerous journey to find the Parahexilion. They crossed deserts, climbed mountains, and swam through rivers until they finally reached the Parahexilion's lair. They explained their plight to the mighty creature and begged for its help.
The Parahexilion listened intently and knew that it had to act fast. It quickly made its way to the Oasis, where the Gnolrok was still causing havoc. The creature's massive, feathered wings beat heavily against the air as it flew towards the danger.
The Gnolrok saw the Parahexilion approaching and let out a deafening roar. It charged towards the new threat, ready to attack. The Parahexilion was not afraid and met the Gnolrok head-on. They clashed in a fierce battle, their roars echoing across the Oasis.
For hours, they fought with tooth and claw, each trying to overpower the other. The small creatures of the Oasis watched from a distance, hoping that the Parahexilion would emerge victorious. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the Parahexilion landed the final blow. The Gnolrok fell to the ground, defeated.
The creatures of the Oasis rejoiced as the Parahexilion emerged from the fight victorious. They thanked the mighty creature and praised it for its bravery and strength. From that day forward, the Parahexilion was seen as a hero to the creatures of Sonaria, and its legend was passed down from generation to generation.
After the Parahexilion had saved the Oasis from the Gnolrok, peace was restored, and the creatures went back to their normal lives. However, this newfound peace was not to last. A group of Vaumoras, who had been seeking a new territory, had set their sights on the Oasis. They saw the abundance of resources and prey and decided to take it for themselves.
The Vaumoras arrived in the Oasis with their sharp teeth and claws, ready to kill any creature that stood in their way. The animals of the Oasis tried to fight back, but they were no match for the fierce and powerful Vaumoras. The Vaumoras killed the Parahexilion and took control of the Oasis, ruling with an iron fist.
The creatures of the Oasis lived in fear and misery under the Vaumoras' rule, and it seemed like there was no hope for them. However, a small group of animals, including a Monelle, a Turgeon, a Gyrodon, and a Felisio, saw that they could not let this continue. They decided to put their differences aside and work together to free the Oasis from the Vaumoras' control.
The group of animals banded together and began planning their attack on the Vaumoras. They knew it would be dangerous, but they were determined to save their home. They attacked the Vaumoras with all their might, using their unique skills and abilities to their advantage.
The battle was long and grueling, with casualties on both sides. The Turgeon, in particular, fought bravely but was ultimately killed in the heat of battle. Despite this loss, the animals continued to fight on, and eventually, they were able to defeat the Vaumoras and free the Oasis.
The creatures of the Oasis rejoiced as they were finally free from the tyranny of the Vaumoras. They mourned the loss of the Turgeon but celebrated the bravery and courage of all those who had fought to save the Oasis. From that day forward, the animals of the Oasis lived in peace and harmony, united in their love for their home and their determination to protect it at all costs.
After the hard-fought battle against the Vaumoras, the creatures of the Oasis had finally achieved peace. However, that peace was short-lived as a new threat appeared. The nearby volcano, which had been dormant for years, suddenly erupted, spewing ash and lava across the Oasis.
The creatures of the Oasis were scared and panicked, not knowing what to do. Many of them fled to the caves, hoping to find shelter from the chaos. The Monelle, Gyrodon, Felisio, and the rest of the animals huddled together in fear, waiting for the eruption to pass.
Days turned into weeks, and the Oasis was covered in ash and lava. The animals were running low on food and water, and they started to lose hope. But then, as suddenly as it had started, the eruption stopped. The creatures emerged from their hiding places, covered in ash but grateful to be alive.
The animals of the Oasis celebrated the end of the eruption, knowing that it wouldn't happen again for years. They had survived another disaster and were determined to rebuild their home. They worked together, cleaning up the ash and debris and rebuilding their shelters.
The Monelle, Gyrodon, Felisio, and the other animals took this as an opportunity to strengthen their bonds and unite even further. They knew that they were stronger together than they were alone, and they were determined to protect their home from any future threats.
Years passed, and the Oasis flourished. The animals lived in peace, knowing that they had each other's backs. The memories of the Gnolrok, the Vaumoras, and the volcano remained, but they were distant memories. The creatures of the Oasis were grateful for the peace they had achieved and promised to protect it at all costs.
As the creatures of the Oasis were finally living in peace, a new creature arrived with a group of others. It was Jeff, the notorious and arrogant creature who believed that he could conquer and rule over any territory he desired. Jeff and his army of small creatures marched through the Oasis, demanding that the creatures submit to his rule.
The Monelle, Gyrodon, Felisio, and the other animals of the Oasis laughed at Jeff's demands. They knew that they had faced far greater threats than him and his small army. They refused to submit to Jeff's rule and instead decided to capture him and his army.
Jeff and his army were no match for the strength and unity of the animals of the Oasis. They were quickly captured and held prisoner. The creatures of the Oasis saw Jeff and his army as a source of food, and they thanked him for providing them with such a large and delicious meal.
Jeff and his army were shocked and terrified as they realized what was happening. They begged for mercy, but the creatures of the Oasis showed none. They saw Jeff as a threat to their peace and safety, and they knew that they had to eliminate him.
As Jeff and his army were consumed by the creatures of the Oasis, the animals celebrated their victory over yet another enemy. They knew that they were safe and protected in their home, and they promised to never let anyone threaten their peace again.
Years passed, and the Oasis continued to thrive. The animals lived in harmony and prosperity, grateful for the unity and strength that had brought them together. They remembered the threats that they had faced and the battles they had fought, but they knew that those were distant memories. They were focused on the present and the future, building a better life for themselves and their families in their beloved Oasis.
As the years passed, the Oasis continued to thrive, and the creatures living there lived in peace and harmony. However, fate had something else in store for them. It was on a fateful day when a Jot and a Sar'Hingaro were locked in a fierce battle in the skies above the Oasis.
The two creatures had been mortal enemies for years, and their rivalry had reached a boiling point. As they clashed in the skies above the Oasis, their battle grew more and more intense. Their immense power destroyed everything in their path, and the peaceful Oasis was caught in the middle.
The creatures of the Oasis tried to flee, but it was too late. The Jot and the Sar'Hingaro were too powerful, and their battle soon destroyed everything in its path. The once-beautiful Oasis was reduced to rubble, and all the creatures living there were killed.
The Jot and the Sar'Hingaro continued their battle, unleashing their full power on each other. As they fought, their energy consumed them, and they were both destroyed in a final explosion of power.
The Oasis was now nothing but an abandoned wasteland, and the creatures that had once called it home were no more. The land was barren, the air was filled with the stench of death, and the once-beautiful landscape was now nothing more than a desolate wasteland.
The tragedy of the Oasis was a warning to all the creatures of the world, a reminder of the dangers of pride and hatred. The Oasis had been a place of peace and harmony, but in the end, it had fallen victim to the arrogance of two powerful creatures.
The creatures of the world mourned the loss of the Oasis, but they learned from its destruction. They promised to work together, to put their differences aside and build a better world. They would never let the tragedy of the Oasis happen again, and they would always remember the lessons it taught them.
Yea it got a little depressing at the end lol
If u actually read this thanks, ik it’s not my usual stuff but still
And obviously AI can’t and shouldn’t replace real fic writers, they are amazing
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catthegreat123 · 2 years
Creatures of sonaria fanfiction for you
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alternativedreams · 2 years
Creatures of sonaria quick fanfic, just read it pls
In the beginning of sonar when it was still yesterday, this world was but the playground of fifteen gods. 
Creators, beings who forged lands long before. Where dragons flew and man had tamed like little more than an unruly dog. Adventures as endless as the skies they tamed and the land they breached with civilization.
Beings who watched and toyed with the land like a little sandbox, smashing what they wished not. 
Never paying mind to the bubbling rocks that screamed in agony. 
The head, Ethyria queen of all and master to the world around her.
CatBoyNathan, the exiled, forever building the ruined world of Daimona, leaving without a trace.
Eti, The Spirit, coder of all worlds, building our very wills in its careless paws.
Stood04, and WolfDragon, the builders, imaginative minds with thoughts beyond our possible comprehension.
These gods grew in their ambition, a longing for another purpose. They had finished the land where dragons still flew and even more with the want to create.
They abandoned that world, occasionally gifting it with purpose but nothing more
So the first   all-mothers    were created. 
The gods breathed a puff of catastrophic life, a broken puppet of what would become. The ikoran, a lion, hollow and so..so broken.  Pity unto that poor beast..
What would be a distorted roughed up world, a vast landmass emerging in their wake. 
Endless sea’s that laid toxic black volcanos in rest, and massive trees that flowered glowing grasses.
A region where merely walking on its sands would drop you through the very world below your feet.
 Snowy canyons where it felt as if you fell for eternity, blowing winds nipping harshly through these endless rifts.
The power that held in these beings, these careless gods made lands beyond my dreams, lands I watched as nothing more than a cast away toy, oh so long ago. 
Oh to the gods… how i wanted to walk on that world, oh how I WISHED 
The fifteen gods who created -
The land, in which many ran 
The sea, in which few drifted
A sun and moon haphazardly making the seasons nothing more than a roll of the dice. Switching in a snap.
One is none, two will fall through, and Three.. Well  T h r e e
They created me, my sisters.
The All-mothers, my sisters, three of what would become many, and many would become more. The very first of their species, the first mothers. They were much like false gods, worshiped for their power but just as dangerous and killable as a minawnii. 
Even a great volcano will die down with time I guess, crumbling to dust…. Rebuilt anew…something like that…
Heh, funny.
For I felt the rocks shift, as I watched my sisters leave for the shallow colors above me, to make a world their own. The seas are their turf to run and play.
As brave little crabs and uncertain Reviiation danced around my dwelling. Koipse sang their song and nimoona screamed. I closed my eyes, far too many, too much to see, in time perhaps…
 I want to sleep, for I do not care for yesterday it bores me, though I do quite like the island in the middle.  Where herds culled the weak, sacrificing the males to the dragons the gods were too lazy to make. A place I dreamed of…
It’s so full of life, as all places will and won’t be….that’s the only place I want to go. Maybe I will go one day…maybe…
A deadly hammer racks the ground with cold delight
Earthquake rumbled the earth, tearing away into new unthought of shapes
Silence follows for a couple second
Yes… yes… the world will turn and dust will settle this world forevermore at the little rivers bore nevermore.
I reached my head out of the sea, water crashing away in great duvets in my path  as my unsightly maw lifted, massive fangs grazing the land. I watched the sands of today calling for something to take me from this sea to the land beyond.
 I have hoped for eons for that, now yesterday is gone, Today is here, and Tomorrow, well… we’ll see…
A place nothing like before and the same as everything after….
I have watched things pass over me as the land becomes lush, huge white kangaroo-like beings, Diesura I think. 
They had black pupils that bore into me…I will not care when they die.. their soulless eyes dove into water white as snow. Maybe, just maybe I might’ve sometimes wondered what they did think of me.
Maybe a monster from the deep, 
Or perhaps a watching god
Maybe something so, so, so old that not even their unchanging sky could remember when I was born
As I beg at a watery fence, a wall blocking my exploration a nycoton, icy horns sagging in the heat comes to me, oh how I owe them my life.
 I know now I should not have cared for another mortal again, losing something so impermanent pulling at my soul like a game of tug-a-war, oh so pointless
 Even after this, a warning never noticed, after a warning I never took heed-
I didn’t, and it hurts me still.
The Nycoton stared at me like a pitiful dog who just fell in the river, wondrous but still wary.
 I am older than the lush grass beneath that creature's claws, more ancient than the skies above yet it stared at me so…pitifully. 
It made me ANGRY
Hoisting me above its head, odd beady eyes-
Put me down please, a fate would befall, death so horrid it would be living hell. But still-
Though I will never be able to tell them not in my garbled words, corrupted and vile. Still in the old tongue of the gods' own sadistic code. Nothing more than garbage noise, 1’s and 0’s
Nothing less than a useless error honestly…
It hoisted me from the water, carrying me on its horns, and it began to crack under the weight. But like Jason, carrying the queen of the gods herself across the tormenting river…
It proceeded
The white beasts, the black-eyed things that came and attacked the poor nycoton. Nipping at its feet, trying to stop its efforts, fearful of the monster that watched them being brought to their own water.
Eating away at the creature while the diesura tore them apart, blood bubbling from their sides, pools endless as gushing like sourceless currents.
They died
 Taking me to that lake was something the poor creature stood by. A selfless endeavor without rhyme or reason
Even in my eternity I wonder how it would be if they never lifted me from that cursed stream. Never taking a second glance. Maybe life would be peaceful
They lifted me from those waves and took me to a lake, an oasis. The same white creatures stare at me forever more like I am a plague coming to kill them. In the end I was I guess…
The days grew hotter and I watched the pond shrink as centuries passed it became sand, the dense fur of those white diesura made them leave I think. Heated winds clawed at their fur like a burning rake.
 They looked panicked every time I rose my head from the water, tossing meat at me in fear. 
They ran and the oasis was empty for a while. I watched hungrily, and soon wardens came.
Huge creatures, hellions I believe, well, they came in wondrous elegance casting order in an empty land. Tails whirling in horrible icy winds at any who dared.
Verdants, weaklings as they ran and darted like eulopii, cowards, them all.
Boreals tall as mountains cold as the ice on the tippy top of the hills, legs like twigs, so easy to break.
A garra, downcast and horrifying, nothing more than a pest in the end though.
They were at war I think, they didn’t like their own poisonous copies.
Perhaps it was because the overseers were big as them 
Or maybe because they were as toxic as a mola mola.
I watched as in fear a huge green portal ripped through the sky, I watched as these wardens, overseers, protectors.
They betrayed their own duty….
They chased the creatures they warred onto to the sky killing those who ran. 
Sorry. Just salty..h..heh…..
I saw a young sar’hingaro fly away in tears, given mercy and vengeance by the wardens, allowed to live forever alone in this evil land. Ripped wings and much more like a fearful mouse.
I decided this land must learn, I told stories and legends from yesterday to anyone who came near my pond, speaking of trees bigger than imaginable, and mushroom grass that fed you like berries.
They all listened to these tales, some stayed to hear more, despite the stories being limited to the tales and songs told to me by the winds.
Something…something I hear it….
These tales attracted many beings across the lands, some came to the oasis for the stories. But it seemed like it had become that the creatures wanted to not be alone. 
Creatures who would’ve died of heat stroke endured. The promise of camaraderie is too big of a lure to ignore.
Many creatures were roaming the land, alone save for their family. This barren desert served a collection, 
 steps and gallops, flaps and slithers, nothing limited them. 
The trampling and snapping creatures caused the oasis to become more desert-like, more and more covered in the lives of thousands before. Too much for the endless sands to hold but hold they still did.
Under the wardens’ rule the land flourished, but I listened to the wind, and heard the cries of that sar from oh so long ago.
It was called grief, it was alone forevermore, all its people left in a wasteland save for this poor beast.
Grief, as what was its name, grows to vengeance, and vengeance turns to gut wrenching fury. So I watched as the sky was painted green in its monstrous size.
I watched helplessly, as the wardens’ queen, a huge boreal, followed by verdants, ardors, and hellions alike.
It was a slaughter, the beasts I played games with. The Goliath's I stared in Awe at and wondered . The creatures Who showed me snow. The young creatures I watched dance under the moon,
Fine point lasers painted the sand red as the sar named grief destroyed the land, blowing holes in the mountains. As the beams of energy made canyons emerge in the sand like lines on a paper.
I watched it felt as if my gills ate at themselves, as if my heart had been torn out boiling my body in acidic nothingness and cried with me.
The rule of the wardens had ended, and chaos reigned
The emperors of the sand were dead, the oasis had no purpose. Its reins were snapped like a lion set free on a crowd of zebra.
Years I cried, filling the lake with tears like rain, I was a creature made by the sea of course.
One day a black and white kendyll heard my woeful song, a hopeless dream left to dust.
Watching with something I do not know….pity?
 Yes. That is what it was.
 it listened to my distorted garbling, incomprehensible but full of tangible emotion. I had not eaten in so long and I was nothing but a sad little goldfish to them. As thin as the last day of summer and more or less….I-.. I-
Never mind…
The kendyll listened eyes curious of the monster in the lake
I quieted as it’s eyes flickered, it cooed and left for a few days and bringing me a carcass 
Oh a hunk of meat looked like a Caroline feast at that moment.
Even if it was the body of something too marred with bites and blood to tell. I stayed quiet, carnage wrote itself over this poor thing.
I feasted like a starving dog that night.
I learned how to speak sonarian better because of that kendyll, endless nights of it repeating words until they meant something.
It was a she..beyond that not much more I knew…. she talked to me so much….it was nice.
 A friend…I hadn’t had that in many millennia it sounded nice. Even if they were something that would be gone oh so quickly, a fruit flies lifespan compared to my eternity. But, they were something I wanted to be if I could walk these lands…
But all things die, some more brutal than most.
I woke up one day swimming to the shallows looking for that kendyll who spoke to me so much bringing me food and warming a heart as cold as the trenches below. 
Only to find only her dead floating body , bobbing on the surface of my lake covered in poison, already starting to rot.
Yet again I felt my heart twist and feel heavy, yet again that horrible feeling you despicable mortals call….sorrow. 
no….back to the story.
I swam around the shallows looking for any sign it was a joke…it wasn’t…
I will keep hope I WILL , I WILL, I WILL.
you mortals are just….lost…
But after a week or so, her child came to me, tail between their legs filled with the same twisting sight in their own hearts. They ranted sadly about how unfair it was and so on and so forth, I listened to it, my heart broke a little more…. More than a god could even stand….. funny.. for I was as legless as a worm.
I have been here since the world began but I just can't let go of the fact that mortals are corrupt. You either live a short life of a hero or die to see yourself become the villain.
The young kendyll grew older, as all mortals grew, they shone like stars on their stripes. A beauty to rival the three moons above our own heads. Ever so cruelly at the cost of their own mother. A sad price I don’t think any being would pay… in spite of my own parentlessness.
I came to the shallows again hoping to be given food by the sad kendyll but found their drowned body instead, another friend had died. Those useless mortals can’t stay ALIVE why can’t they just STAY.
Yet again I cried and cried, but I didn’t want them to be eaten by a hungry idiotic scavenger so I buried their body in the sandy waters where kelp still grows, green by my blessing.
The last of these kendylls to bring me food was the sad one's niece. I never learned their name but they were excitable. They lived when the rulers of the oasis were divided, and laws were strict and cruel.
But-... she grew older. Noticed all the wrongs far to early i must say
She howled to me about the unfair rules and made plans of rebellion, they never came true though…. She died of sadness after she found her eggs crushed, and wife dead.
So useless….
   The ani’s lasted longest out of all the rulers of the oasis, probably more than in the rule of the cruel Jeff’s. 
The Jeff’s I never saw, but was told to me by the gods. The Jeff’s  who built castles out of lightning and rock. Bigger than mountains and crushed creatures big and small out of rage.
 The ani’s grew to an empire across the oasis. They swam in my waters playing and giving me food, as every ruler did before.
They were cruel, killing every carnivore that came, it was hypocritical in a sense, they kept me alive at the cost of many I will never know…..
    Their foolishness though led them to die in a volcanic eruption. I do not miss them though, they were religious and hateful to other species. 
The ones who had lived under other kings, queens, emperors and empresses.
   The final true caretaker was a green kendyll, scarred and mute. He never spoke but he is the only one I knew by name. The kendyll’s name was luv, a weird one but land dwellers are like that.
He showed me things in the sand I will never see and I marveled at it despite my life eons longer than his.
   He liked to bring me food more than the others, quiet, always seeming regretful.
One day I watched as he looked around with insanity in his eyes, a need to kill.
I watched as he killed anyone in his path, it was a slaughter. He killed everything, the sands blood red. Bubbling with hate and white hot vengeance.
Luv roared words that could only be described as madness, and anger that was fueled by a broken mind. He had been a ticking time bomb and I had been perhaps much to hopeful…
  He screamed and crashed in hatred killing the divided rulers and their people. When I looked out of the pool of water I saw blood everywhere. Many sought retribution.
  He came back after a few weeks scarred beyond comprehension and filled with grief. I couldn’t bear to lose another “friend”. I tried to protect him but….Luv didn’t survive his grief of killing so many. I tried hard to protect him maybe even to heal his broken mind, but it was all for not.
So that night he passed away.
   As many centuries passed, empires and tyrants rose and fell like the suns above us all, the oasis changed. The sand would forevermore be red with rage and insanity and murder and disaster haunted every corner. This place was cursed to never find peace and only when it did it would be gone like a snap.
 I protected those who asked but was still feared.
   Kohiiki’s as old as me looked ghoulish and as ancient as I was. I still hoped every little creature to every mammoth would live in peace one day.
   One who shared my thoughts was a small vaumora not even three, who danced and played on the shallows of my large pond, always joyous when I spoke in my garbled mimicry of you land dwellers language.
    The vaumora seemed to light up every bit of the red sands painted by blood for so long. Making even the worst of the inhabitants smile. But the little vaumora’s joy didn’t last, caught in the crossfire of a turf war, they died in flames.
   I loved the oasis but I had seen it grow for what was three millennia now, crying over lost friends or watching coldly over corrupt rulers.
    The last of these rulers to ever reign under my blessing and hopes was a group of jotunhel.
    These seals were smart enough to sometimes protect or ally with the worst but after so many generations the ideals changed. War painted the dunes, the plains, and redwoods. What was my last promise was gone, so I take my last goodbye.
   I have watched the world change and the tears of the last wardens. I hope while I leave the dark abyss that I came from, immortal as I am. That your world changes to something better.
   But I will not watch, my heart has been ripped from my gills too many times for that.
I want to come back, maybe when you have learned…
   So goodbye to the oasis May we meet again at a time which is better.
    I have listened to the words of the wind for a long, long time. Watching the waves sing their hymns to me
    My hope, despite being broken so many times, may just be true. So I tell my sights back to the place I raised from the ground up so long, long time ago.
   When I returned it was not the same place, scattered but at peace. It did have an overseer of sorts.
    I really should have listened to those words and warnings the wind carried to me, through the depths of the ocean to the place this world rose from.
   I placed too much hope in you creatures filled with greed and fear, too angry at each other to notice what had watched, like me for an eternity.
   Aereis were old things, things that had been there since before the mountains were even molehills.
Made in the image of the coder, eti, three eyes and a halo, feathery wings. A saviour at first sight but nothing more than a murderer. Created as his favorite, like a god's angels.
    They always watched, some came but many hid and died in the ancient mountains of yesterday.
    But for every species there was an allmother, the first of their kind, immortal and huge. There were three Aereis that were allmother’s, 
One of them watched just a bit too closely. They were jealous of the allmother kohiiki who despite their title never had a single child.
   A false god of sorts, she was oh so jealous that they played, and spoke, and shared eternal knowledge to those from today and tomorrow. The Aereis waited, and waited for thirteen millennia, and finally the Kohiiki allmother left, sad and hopeless.
    The Aereis flew down casting order and life into a broken kingdom teaching them of the world from before, when the volcano was a mountain in a sea. When the very oasis they stood on was nothing more than an island therochales congregated in massive herds of thousands.
   The broken lands stood divided, conflicting, hollow eyes staring hatefully at the first predators, the ones who caused this wonderlands destruction.
   From this hate the Aereis allmother molded the land into what she thought as perfect.
    A land with no rules and only her false prophecies stolen from the great lmakosauridons from when they had long taken sleep and dreamed of better days.
   I saw what had become of my waters filled with scratch marks, trying to get rid of what was the last words to this beloved place to me.
   What changed?
    I saw the Aereis, staring along the land like it was a juvenile just out of the egg. What cruel fate was this?
   I forged this land though my broken heart and it now belonged to a false god? They did not know who had forged these sands into something better, who watched it change and cry?
I- I-
   I looked for anything that remained, I may have been confined to the waters and held captive by the binds of the waves but the rain and wind told me songs and stories from tomorrow and today.
   I listened to what happened, not of peace but of trickery and jealousy, and I raged.
 I called every storm I could call hoping for change
 I called for the greatest floods and the strongest hurricanes wanting their retribution
The most evil gales that tore through mountains like paper, begging of their cunning
I called to every cloud and every drop of water to reek justice to what had been my hopes and dreams.
Dishonor to had been, traitorous to what once was, but I am not cruel.
I called to the furies, begging bargaining for what I had sent to not harm those who still remembered, those undeserving of the evils. Those who met justice would be given it in kind, I will reap just what they sowed. 
What was left of my land, stricken, grew better, the red sands filled with blood no longer. Washed away by the rivers of purity.
What had haunted the corrupt oasis. 
Trees grew tall and the island from yesterday grew back. But this cruelty still must meet justice.
I swam to the heart of this world and cried my regret, not thinking of the blood shed to a world that will never know. I will give something back to fix what has been lost.
I wanted to give the gift of a portal locked away. The wardens were long gone, I could not open it.
So I searched for someone who could. For decades I swam the endless waters, listened to the rain chatter and the winds excited symphonies.
Diving in muddy swamps, earning glares from puppet horses and plant covered nymphs. Not for what I had done but mostly for interrupting their day.
I passed under immense reefs, Zghelijin and Denjzi chirped in surprise as a passed by thm, almost killing some.
A lure actually swam up to me once saying these words
“ Allmother of the gloom of the trench I ask of you to leave my home for we do not want your anger. Nor the trouble I know you shall bring”
That honesty…new, but.. Nice? So I responded as calmly as a thing so much bigger,so much greater to feel rage of the cheek of the lure.
“ I wish not to cause trouble but I seek something you could never understand, move from my path or I shall swallow you as I once did the world of which you will never know. ”
The lure, afraid, moved…wise of the reptile..
Finally I reached the place in which Greif rested.
“Oh green rage I bring a proposition, one which will rid the loneliness that consumes you and the one trapped in the world of the exiled. “
The great beast lifted its old head, gray scales and faintly glowing wings stared, quiet understanding
Splatter, rip, tear.
A soul for the lives of many, a debt repaid
A portal ripped through the sky, a world newly freed.
Finally my gift had been given, the world the wardens locked away in their unfit justice.
So few were left from that exile but they came back and I was happy.
I watched as my gift healed the blood that had built this tomorrow.
I am at peace now so I say this to my last hopes and dreams, I am ready to sleep. I have rebuilt a world into something that yesterday had been, today had destroyed, and tomorrow was trying to be.
It has been 20 long millennia and I am tired, so I sleep in the primordial rocks I came from with my two sisters. They will comfort me while I sleep, having been away from them for much too long…
From the ends of the earth and the reaches of the sky, my greatest treasure, I have told to you,
Till I awake again,
Mother of the oasis, creator of none, forever my bleeding heart to yours.
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iturastudioswingsmp · 7 months
Writing fanfics? Nah that muse died years ago lol, I don't even like the reading class I'm in haha
Wattpad: Bullshit.
*Me teasing the image of a WIP book cover for my 3rd COS fanfic*
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Yes I KNOW this isn't TADC or DSMP but creatures of sonaria will forever have a place in my heart no matter how boring, toxic or how much of a pay-to-win game it's become.
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the-aceofyour-h3arts · 8 months
Blog Directory
Hello and welcome to my creative blog! This will be where I post all of my art, fanfics, writing, etc, anything creative I'll be posting here. My name is Ace, and I go by they/them pronouns. I'm a proud floridian of murica🦅🦅🔫🦅🦅🔫🦅🦅🔫🔫🔫🔥🔥🔥
If you'd like to see more than just writing and fanfics, go to my main blog, axolotlhalo, I post and reblog bullshit there for my enjoyment.
Twisted Wonderland
Flight Rising
Roblox: Dragon Adventures
Roblox: Creatures Of Sonaria
Wings Of Fire
Generation Loss
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
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Please spam my inbox with any ideas of yours, as well as writing and art requests ^^
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hornet-breaker · 2 years
SonariaCraft (1)
Warning:this story contains graphic descriptions, low tier gore, and very strong language. If you are not okay with any of this, please feel free to click out. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Tommy woke up with a groan, unsure of what happened or where he was. He appeared to be in a field of sorts, soft vibrant grass billowing gently next to him. He sat up, rubbing his head, what happened?
“Where am I? Where’s everybody?” Tommy mumbled sleepily. His eyes shot open fully. The last thing he could remember, Dream, Dream killed him, he slashed him with an axe and broke his ribs, the last thing he felt was the cold hellforged axe hitting against his neck, then a faint scream of horror. Tubbo’s scream.
“But that was a year ago we were fighting on the cliff! We won, right?” He said, no, it wasn’t the cliff, “this was at Phil’s house,” he realized. He could remember some part of what else had happened.
“Sapnap what the fuck were you thinking?!” Philza scolded.
“I was thinking about the safety of my friends and loved ones.” Sapnap retorted.
“You were thinking about your pride! It’s a lose-lose! He gets a ghost, you get erased from existence!” Philza scolded. “Fuck, we need Kirstin to fix this,”
Sapnap, Tommy, Techno, and Philza had met up at Phil’s house to discuss further actions against Dream since people were getting suspicious. Sam had broken out and Dream was furious and rampant.
“No we don’t, Phil, I’ll be fine.” Sapnap growled briskly.
“Mate, this was the dumbest shit you could have done, you backed yourself into a corner and the only way out is to be completely erased from space-time itself?! And Dream can have the possibility to come back?!” Philza yelled, slamming his hands on the table and flaring his still healing wings.
“Well when you put it like that…” Sapnap said quietly, shrinking away from the angered immortal.
“You know what? You got yourself into this mess, you find a way to get out. You dense fuck.” Philza snarled, walking away. Or at least he would have if Tubbo hadn’t come bursting through the door carrying Micheal and crying.
“Phil! Techno! We have to hide Micheal! They’re here!” Tubbo cried, terrified. Phil shot Sapnap a look and somehow the Texan got the message, dipping out of sight to go scout.
“Give him to me I have a place he can’t escape or get found.” Techno said. Tubbo nodded shakily, passing the baby piglin to Techno as he rush down Tommy’s old raccoon hole.
“Tommy, get your shit on, we got company and it’s not good.” Philza said, dawning his armor. “Tubbo, go find shelter.”
Tubbo shook his head. “I’m staying to protect Micheal and Tommy until Techno comes back.”
“Tubbo this didn’t end well last time.” Tommy said.
“We have Phil, Techno, and Sapnap, we’ll be fine.” Tubbo replied, calming down now that Micheal was probably far enough away he couldn’t worry as much.
The three rushed out, Tommy and Tubbo held their shields up, Sapnap was circling Dream.
“That fucking dumbass,” Phil mumbled, “it’s like he wants to be erased.”
“Last chance Dream, back the fuck away or I won’t hesitate to drive this axe through your mangled chest.” Sapnap warned.
“Your threats mean nothing to me when I’m only hear for one person,” Dream turned his attention to Tommy. It was at this point in time he noticed Punz and George beside him. “Get the kid.”
Tommy rubbed his temples as a shrill metal cry rang through the air. Above him he saw a large bat circling. He waved his arm as if to tell the bat to piss off and he wasn’t dead, but suddenly it twisted into a dive. Tommy’s heart began to race as adrenaline kicked in, getting up and running as fast as he could. He heard the sound of wind whooshing behind him and the cry again, but far louder. He didn’t dare look back as he dropped to the floor, narrowly missing hungry jaws snapping at him.
It circled around and Tommy got up to run again. There had to be somewhere it couldn’t get him! He heard some kind of whoosh and felt heat behind him. He jumped out of the way into water as a jet stream of flames shot past him. He surfaced and started swimming towards a small cave. He made it in just as the beast was about to fly in to snatch him up, its upper half got stuck. Tommy screamed as the beast snapped wildly, biting his leg and leaving a terrible gash. It inhaled and shot a plume of flames wildly, roaring with frustration. Although it was dead set on eating Tommy for breakfast, he could get a good look at it. Definitely a giant bat with tan fur and black and white markings, that were kind of familiar. Eventually it gave up, prying itself out and taking off. Or at least Tommy thought it was taking off. Tommy waited and sighed a breath of relief when the cry was so distant it was barely audible.
So, the only question that remained, was where was he? And more importantly, how was he gonna get home?
(Part 1 is complete! We get a viscous attack from a Sochuri and some backstory to what happened to Tommy before he arrived. He’s got a long way to go lads!)
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alternativedreams · 2 years
Creatures of sonaria quick fanfic, just read it pls
In the beginning of sonar when it was still yesterday, this world was but the playground of fifteen gods. 
Creators, beings who forged lands long before. Where dragons flew and man had tamed like little more than an unruly dog. Adventures as endless as the skies they tamed and the land they breached with civilization.
Beings who watched and toyed with the land like a little sandbox, smashing what they wished not. 
Never paying mind to the bubbling rocks that screamed in agony. 
The head, Ethyria queen of all and master to the world around her.
CatBoyNathan, the exiled, forever building the ruined world of Daimona, leaving without a trace.
Eti, The Spirit, coder of all worlds, building our very wills in its careless paws.
Stood04, and WolfDragon, the builders, imaginative minds with thoughts beyond our possible comprehension.
These gods grew in their ambition, a longing for another purpose. They had finished the land where dragons still flew and even more with the want to create.
They abandoned that world, occasionally gifting it with purpose but nothing more
So the first   all-mothers    were created. 
The gods breathed a puff of catastrophic life, a broken puppet of what would become. The ikoran, a lion, hollow and so..so broken.  Pity unto that poor beast..
What would be a distorted roughed up world, a vast landmass emerging in their wake. 
Endless sea’s that laid toxic black volcanos in rest, and massive trees that flowered glowing grasses.
A region where merely walking on its sands would drop you through the very world below your feet.
 Snowy canyons where it felt as if you fell for eternity, blowing winds nipping harshly through these endless rifts.
The power that held in these beings, these careless gods made lands beyond my dreams, lands I watched as nothing more than a cast away toy, oh so long ago. 
Oh to the gods… how i wanted to walk on that world, oh how I WISHED 
The fifteen gods who created -
The land, in which many ran 
The sea, in which few drifted
A sun and moon haphazardly making the seasons nothing more than a roll of the dice. Switching in a snap.
One is none, two will fall through, and Three.. Well  T h r e e
They created me, my sisters.
The All-mothers, my sisters, three of what would become many, and many would become more. The very first of their species, the first mothers. They were much like false gods, worshiped for their power but just as dangerous and killable as a minawnii. 
Even a great volcano will die down with time I guess, crumbling to dust…. Rebuilt anew…something like that…
Heh, funny.
For I felt the rocks shift, as I watched my sisters leave for the shallow colors above me, to make a world their own. The seas are their turf to run and play.
As brave little crabs and uncertain Reviiation danced around my dwelling. Koipse sang their song and nimoona screamed. I closed my eyes, far too many, too much to see, in time perhaps…
 I want to sleep, for I do not care for yesterday it bores me, though I do quite like the island in the middle.  Where herds culled the weak, sacrificing the males to the dragons the gods were too lazy to make. A place I dreamed of…
It’s so full of life, as all places will and won’t be….that’s the only place I want to go. Maybe I will go one day…maybe…
A deadly hammer racks the ground with cold delight
Earthquake rumbled the earth, tearing away into new unthought of shapes
Silence follows for a couple second
Yes… yes… the world will turn and dust will settle this world forevermore at the little rivers bore nevermore.
I reached my head out of the sea, water crashing away in great duvets in my path  as my unsightly maw lifted, massive fangs grazing the land. I watched the sands of today calling for something to take me from this sea to the land beyond.
 I have hoped for eons for that, now yesterday is gone, Today is here, and Tomorrow, well… we’ll see…
A place nothing like before and the same as everything after….
I have watched things pass over me as the land becomes lush, huge white kangaroo-like beings, Diesura I think. 
They had black pupils that bore into me…I will not care when they die.. their soulless eyes dove into water white as snow. Maybe, just maybe I might’ve sometimes wondered what they did think of me.
Maybe a monster from the deep, 
Or perhaps a watching god
Maybe something so, so, so old that not even their unchanging sky could remember when I was born
As I beg at a watery fence, a wall blocking my exploration a nycoton, icy horns sagging in the heat comes to me, oh how I owe them my life.
 I know now I should not have cared for another mortal again, losing something so impermanent pulling at my soul like a game of tug-a-war, oh so pointless
 Even after this, a warning never noticed, after a warning I never took heed-
I didn’t, and it hurts me still.
The Nycoton stared at me like a pitiful dog who just fell in the river, wondrous but still wary.
 I am older than the lush grass beneath that creature's claws, more ancient than the skies above yet it stared at me so…pitifully. 
It made me ANGRY
Hoisting me above its head, odd beady eyes-
Put me down please, a fate would befall, death so horrid it would be living hell. But still-
Though I will never be able to tell them not in my garbled words, corrupted and vile. Still in the old tongue of the gods' own sadistic code. Nothing more than garbage noise, 1’s and 0’s
Nothing less than a useless error honestly…
It hoisted me from the water, carrying me on its horns, and it began to crack under the weight. But like Jason, carrying the queen of the gods herself across the tormenting river…
It proceeded
The white beasts, the black-eyed things that came and attacked the poor nycoton. Nipping at its feet, trying to stop its efforts, fearful of the monster that watched them being brought to their own water.
Eating away at the creature while the diesura tore them apart, blood bubbling from their sides, pools endless as gushing like sourceless currents.
They died
 Taking me to that lake was something the poor creature stood by. A selfless endeavor without rhyme or reason
Even in my eternity I wonder how it would be if they never lifted me from that cursed stream. Never taking a second glance. Maybe life would be peaceful
They lifted me from those waves and took me to a lake, an oasis. The same white creatures stare at me forever more like I am a plague coming to kill them. In the end I was I guess…
The days grew hotter and I watched the pond shrink as centuries passed it became sand, the dense fur of those white diesura made them leave I think. Heated winds clawed at their fur like a burning rake.
 They looked panicked every time I rose my head from the water, tossing meat at me in fear. 
They ran and the oasis was empty for a while. I watched hungrily, and soon wardens came.
Huge creatures, hellions I believe, well, they came in wondrous elegance casting order in an empty land. Tails whirling in horrible icy winds at any who dared.
Verdants, weaklings as they ran and darted like eulopii, cowards, them all.
Boreals tall as mountains cold as the ice on the tippy top of the hills, legs like twigs, so easy to break.
A garra, downcast and horrifying, nothing more than a pest in the end though.
They were at war I think, they didn’t like their own poisonous copies.
Perhaps it was because the overseers were big as them 
Or maybe because they were as toxic as a mola mola.
I watched as in fear a huge green portal ripped through the sky, I watched as these wardens, overseers, protectors.
They betrayed their own duty….
They chased the creatures they warred onto to the sky killing those who ran. 
Sorry. Just salty..h..heh…..
I saw a young sar’hingaro fly away in tears, given mercy and vengeance by the wardens, allowed to live forever alone in this evil land. Ripped wings and much more like a fearful mouse.
I decided this land must learn, I told stories and legends from yesterday to anyone who came near my pond, speaking of trees bigger than imaginable, and mushroom grass that fed you like berries.
They all listened to these tales, some stayed to hear more, despite the stories being limited to the tales and songs told to me by the winds.
Something…something I hear it….
These tales attracted many beings across the lands, some came to the oasis for the stories. But it seemed like it had become that the creatures wanted to not be alone. 
Creatures who would’ve died of heat stroke endured. The promise of camaraderie is too big of a lure to ignore.
Many creatures were roaming the land, alone save for their family. This barren desert served a collection, 
 steps and gallops, flaps and slithers, nothing limited them. 
The trampling and snapping creatures caused the oasis to become more desert-like, more and more covered in the lives of thousands before. Too much for the endless sands to hold but hold they still did.
Under the wardens’ rule the land flourished, but I listened to the wind, and heard the cries of that sar from oh so long ago.
It was called grief, it was alone forevermore, all its people left in a wasteland save for this poor beast.
Grief, as what was its name, grows to vengeance, and vengeance turns to gut wrenching fury. So I watched as the sky was painted green in its monstrous size.
I watched helplessly, as the wardens’ queen, a huge boreal, followed by verdants, ardors, and hellions alike.
It was a slaughter, the beasts I played games with. The Goliath's I stared in Awe at and wondered . The creatures Who showed me snow. The young creatures I watched dance under the moon,
Fine point lasers painted the sand red as the sar named grief destroyed the land, blowing holes in the mountains. As the beams of energy made canyons emerge in the sand like lines on a paper.
I watched it felt as if my gills ate at themselves, as if my heart had been torn out boiling my body in acidic nothingness and cried with me.
The rule of the wardens had ended, and chaos reigned
The emperors of the sand were dead, the oasis had no purpose. Its reins were snapped like a lion set free on a crowd of zebra.
Years I cried, filling the lake with tears like rain, I was a creature made by the sea of course.
One day a black and white kendyll heard my woeful song, a hopeless dream left to dust.
Watching with something I do not know….pity?
 Yes. That is what it was.
 it listened to my distorted garbling, incomprehensible but full of tangible emotion. I had not eaten in so long and I was nothing but a sad little goldfish to them. As thin as the last day of summer and more or less….I-.. I-
Never mind…
The kendyll listened eyes curious of the monster in the lake
I quieted as it’s eyes flickered, it cooed and left for a few days and bringing me a carcass 
Oh a hunk of meat looked like a Caroline feast at that moment.
Even if it was the body of something too marred with bites and blood to tell. I stayed quiet, carnage wrote itself over this poor thing.
I feasted like a starving dog that night.
I learned how to speak sonarian better because of that kendyll, endless nights of it repeating words until they meant something.
It was a she..beyond that not much more I knew…. she talked to me so much….it was nice.
 A friend…I hadn’t had that in many millennia it sounded nice. Even if they were something that would be gone oh so quickly, a fruit flies lifespan compared to my eternity. But, they were something I wanted to be if I could walk these lands…
But all things die, some more brutal than most.
I woke up one day swimming to the shallows looking for that kendyll who spoke to me so much bringing me food and warming a heart as cold as the trenches below. 
Only to find only her dead floating body , bobbing on the surface of my lake covered in poison, already starting to rot.
Yet again I felt my heart twist and feel heavy, yet again that horrible feeling you despicable mortals call….sorrow. 
no….back to the story.
I swam around the shallows looking for any sign it was a joke…it wasn’t…
I will keep hope I WILL , I WILL, I WILL.
you mortals are just….lost…
But after a week or so, her child came to me, tail between their legs filled with the same twisting sight in their own hearts. They ranted sadly about how unfair it was and so on and so forth, I listened to it, my heart broke a little more…. More than a god could even stand….. funny.. for I was as legless as a worm.
I have been here since the world began but I just can't let go of the fact that mortals are corrupt. You either live a short life of a hero or die to see yourself become the villain.
The young kendyll grew older, as all mortals grew, they shone like stars on their stripes. A beauty to rival the three moons above our own heads. Ever so cruelly at the cost of their own mother. A sad price I don’t think any being would pay… in spite of my own parentlessness.
I came to the shallows again hoping to be given food by the sad kendyll but found their drowned body instead, another friend had died. Those useless mortals can’t stay ALIVE why can’t they just STAY.
Yet again I cried and cried, but I didn’t want them to be eaten by a hungry idiotic scavenger so I buried their body in the sandy waters where kelp still grows, green by my blessing.
The last of these kendylls to bring me food was the sad one's niece. I never learned their name but they were excitable. They lived when the rulers of the oasis were divided, and laws were strict and cruel.
But-... she grew older. Noticed all the wrongs far to early i must say
She howled to me about the unfair rules and made plans of rebellion, they never came true though…. She died of sadness after she found her eggs crushed, and wife dead.
So useless….
   The ani’s lasted longest out of all the rulers of the oasis, probably more than in the rule of the cruel Jeff’s. 
The Jeff’s I never saw, but was told to me by the gods. The Jeff’s  who built castles out of lightning and rock. Bigger than mountains and crushed creatures big and small out of rage.
 The ani’s grew to an empire across the oasis. They swam in my waters playing and giving me food, as every ruler did before.
They were cruel, killing every carnivore that came, it was hypocritical in a sense, they kept me alive at the cost of many I will never know…..
    Their foolishness though led them to die in a volcanic eruption. I do not miss them though, they were religious and hateful to other species. 
The ones who had lived under other kings, queens, emperors and empresses.
   The final true caretaker was a green kendyll, scarred and mute. He never spoke but he is the only one I knew by name. The kendyll’s name was luv, a weird one but land dwellers are like that.
He showed me things in the sand I will never see and I marveled at it despite my life eons longer than his.
   He liked to bring me food more than the others, quiet, always seeming regretful.
One day I watched as he looked around with insanity in his eyes, a need to kill.
I watched as he killed anyone in his path, it was a slaughter. He killed everything, the sands blood red. Bubbling with hate and white hot vengeance.
Luv roared words that could only be described as madness, and anger that was fueled by a broken mind. He had been a ticking time bomb and I had been perhaps much to hopeful…
  He screamed and crashed in hatred killing the divided rulers and their people. When I looked out of the pool of water I saw blood everywhere. Many sought retribution.
  He came back after a few weeks scarred beyond comprehension and filled with grief. I couldn’t bear to lose another “friend”. I tried to protect him but….Luv didn’t survive his grief of killing so many. I tried hard to protect him maybe even to heal his broken mind, but it was all for not.
So that night he passed away.
   As many centuries passed, empires and tyrants rose and fell like the suns above us all, the oasis changed. The sand would forevermore be red with rage and insanity and murder and disaster haunted every corner. This place was cursed to never find peace and only when it did it would be gone like a snap.
 I protected those who asked but was still feared.
   Kohiiki’s as old as me looked ghoulish and as ancient as I was. I still hoped every little creature to every mammoth would live in peace one day.
   One who shared my thoughts was a small vaumora not even three, who danced and played on the shallows of my large pond, always joyous when I spoke in my garbled mimicry of you land dwellers language.
    The vaumora seemed to light up every bit of the red sands painted by blood for so long. Making even the worst of the inhabitants smile. But the little vaumora’s joy didn’t last, caught in the crossfire of a turf war, they died in flames.
   I loved the oasis but I had seen it grow for what was three millennia now, crying over lost friends or watching coldly over corrupt rulers.
    The last of these rulers to ever reign under my blessing and hopes was a group of jotunhel.
    These seals were smart enough to sometimes protect or ally with the worst but after so many generations the ideals changed. War painted the dunes, the plains, and redwoods. What was my last promise was gone, so I take my last goodbye.
   I have watched the world change and the tears of the last wardens. I hope while I leave the dark abyss that I came from, immortal as I am. That your world changes to something better.
   But I will not watch, my heart has been ripped from my gills too many times for that.
I want to come back, maybe when you have learned…
   So goodbye to the oasis May we meet again at a time which is better.
    I have listened to the words of the wind for a long, long time. Watching the waves sing their hymns to me
    My hope, despite being broken so many times, may just be true. So I tell my sights back to the place I raised from the ground up so long, long time ago.
   When I returned it was not the same place, scattered but at peace. It did have an overseer of sorts.
    I really should have listened to those words and warnings the wind carried to me, through the depths of the ocean to the place this world rose from.
   I placed too much hope in you creatures filled with greed and fear, too angry at each other to notice what had watched, like me for an eternity.
   Aereis were old things, things that had been there since before the mountains were even molehills.
Made in the image of the coder, eti, three eyes and a halo, feathery wings. A saviour at first sight but nothing more than a murderer. Created as his favorite, like a god's angels.
    They always watched, some came but many hid and died in the ancient mountains of yesterday.
    But for every species there was an allmother, the first of their kind, immortal and huge. There were three Aereis that were allmother’s, 
One of them watched just a bit too closely. They were jealous of the allmother kohiiki who despite their title never had a single child.
   A false god of sorts, she was oh so jealous that they played, and spoke, and shared eternal knowledge to those from today and tomorrow. The Aereis waited, and waited for thirteen millennia, and finally the Kohiiki allmother left, sad and hopeless.
    The Aereis flew down casting order and life into a broken kingdom teaching them of the world from before, when the volcano was a mountain in a sea. When the very oasis they stood on was nothing more than an island therochales congregated in massive herds of thousands.
   The broken lands stood divided, conflicting, hollow eyes staring hatefully at the first predators, the ones who caused this wonderlands destruction.
   From this hate the Aereis allmother molded the land into what she thought as perfect.
    A land with no rules and only her false prophecies stolen from the great lmakosauridons from when they had long taken sleep and dreamed of better days.
   I saw what had become of my waters filled with scratch marks, trying to get rid of what was the last words to this beloved place to me.
   What changed?
    I saw the Aereis, staring along the land like it was a juvenile just out of the egg. What cruel fate was this?
   I forged this land though my broken heart and it now belonged to a false god? They did not know who had forged these sands into something better, who watched it change and cry?
I- I-
   I looked for anything that remained, I may have been confined to the waters and held captive by the binds of the waves but the rain and wind told me songs and stories from tomorrow and today.
   I listened to what happened, not of peace but of trickery and jealousy, and I raged.
 I called every storm I could call hoping for change
 I called for the greatest floods and the strongest hurricanes wanting their retribution
The most evil gales that tore through mountains like paper, begging of their cunning
I called to every cloud and every drop of water to reek justice to what had been my hopes and dreams.
Dishonor to had been, traitorous to what once was, but I am not cruel.
I called to the furies, begging bargaining for what I had sent to not harm those who still remembered, those undeserving of the evils. Those who met justice would be given it in kind, I will reap just what they sowed. 
What was left of my land, stricken, grew better, the red sands filled with blood no longer. Washed away by the rivers of purity.
What had haunted the corrupt oasis. 
Trees grew tall and the island from yesterday grew back. But this cruelty still must meet justice.
I swam to the heart of this world and cried my regret, not thinking of the blood shed to a world that will never know. I will give something back to fix what has been lost.
I wanted to give the gift of a portal locked away. The wardens were long gone, I could not open it.
So I searched for someone who could. For decades I swam the endless waters, listened to the rain chatter and the winds excited symphonies.
Diving in muddy swamps, earning glares from puppet horses and plant covered nymphs. Not for what I had done but mostly for interrupting their day.
I passed under immense reefs, Zghelijin and Denjzi chirped in surprise as a passed by thm, almost killing some.
A lure actually swam up to me once saying these words
“ Allmother of the gloom of the trench I ask of you to leave my home for we do not want your anger. Nor the trouble I know you shall bring”
That honesty…new, but.. Nice? So I responded as calmly as a thing so much bigger,so much greater to feel rage of the cheek of the lure.
“ I wish not to cause trouble but I seek something you could never understand, move from my path or I shall swallow you as I once did the world of which you will never know. ”
The lure, afraid, moved…wise of the reptile..
Finally I reached the place in which Greif rested.
“Oh green rage I bring a proposition, one which will rid the loneliness that consumes you and the one trapped in the world of the exiled. “
The great beast lifted its old head, gray scales and faintly glowing wings stared, quiet understanding
Splatter, rip, tear.
A soul for the lives of many, a debt repaid
A portal ripped through the sky, a world newly freed.
Finally my gift had been given, the world the wardens locked away in their unfit justice.
So few were left from that exile but they came back and I was happy.
I watched as my gift healed the blood that had built this tomorrow.
I am at peace now so I say this to my last hopes and dreams, I am ready to sleep. I have rebuilt a world into something that yesterday had been, today had destroyed, and tomorrow was trying to be.
It has been 20 long millennia and I am tired, so I sleep in the primordial rocks I came from with my two sisters. They will comfort me while I sleep, having been away from them for much too long…
From the ends of the earth and the reaches of the sky, my greatest treasure, I have told to you,
Till I awake again,
Mother of the oasis, creator of none, forever my bleeding heart to yours.
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catthegreat123 · 3 years
From life to death, from the last to the first
In the beginning there was only yesterday, ruled by fifteen gods.
These gods grew in strength and even more with the want to create.
So the first Ą̸̡̨̛̭͎̲̪͔̜͖̰̱̜̘͇̹͚͓͍͚̼̗̦̯̬̞͔͓̣̘͖̥̘̱̩̯̃̋̏̉̔͋͋̒̀͛̑̽͒̌̄̐̀̇͊̍̓̊́̽͌̒͗̇̒̈̅͘̚͘͝͠͠͝ͅl̷̨̛̜̺͙̤̘͆͑̆̈̇̃̊̀̽͂̔̀͑̎͆̔̀̅̂͂̌̉͒͆͗̍̆̋͊̚̕̕̕͘ͅl̵̨̛̛̦͍̥̅̈̓͒̐̎̾̅͂̌̃̊͆̅̌̊̉̔́̆͊̓͐͆̀͒̀̓̅͛̒̋͛͆͘̕̚̚͘͠͠m̴̛̲̟̳̪̱̻̰̞̪̲̯̺̉̂̔̍͑̌̈́̓̽̉̾̀̌͐̍͑́͊̾͊̈́̇̈̏͌̅͊͘̕͝͝͝o̷̧̧̡̧̢͖̤̹̩̼͉̩̭̾̌̒̉̀̾̅̐́́̏̓͌̍̑̓́̈́͛̑͒̓͊̓̂̔̕͘͜͝͠͠ẗ̷̡̢̜̬̺̮͕̬͖̹͎̪͓͉̳̳̮͕́̈́͋̇̚̚͜h̷̛̥̖̬̜̘̼͎̣̟͚̯͙͉̱̥̦̥̭̀̌͑̈́͛̐͗̈́̕͜͝͝ͅe̶̢̢̢̛͇̰̟̦̦͎̟̪̱̭̘̹͕̫͈̜̮͈̰̞̬͊̒̄̈̉̋̋̅̔̉̅̊̈́̎̀͐̌͛͋͛͗̑͌̂̈̊̎̓̆͗̃͂̽̍̕̕̚͝͝͠͝͠͝ŗ̵̧̢̨̧̡͙̥̼̯̣̭͕̙͖̗͉̣͙̫̫̜͕͍̜̟̣̻̪̱̘͕̗̰̦̜̮̝͖̞̖͇͈̤͔̻͊̌̓̂͜ͅͅͅs̸̨̧͓͈̳̩͚̑͌̋̆̑͋̈́͂̈́̀̾̒͑͘̕ were created.
They breathed life into a distorted growing world, a vast landmass emerging in their wake. The fifteen gods who created land and sea.
The Ą̸̡̨̛̭͎̲̪͔̜͖̰̱̜̘͇̹͚͓͍͚̼̗̦̯̬̞͔͓̣̘͖̥̘̱̩̯̃̋̏̉̔͋͋̒̀͛̑̽͒̌̄̐̀̇͊̍̓̊́̽͌̒͗̇̒̈̅͘̚͘͝͠͠͝ͅl̷̨̛̜̺͙̤̘͆͑̆̈̇̃̊̀̽͂̔̀͑̎͆̔̀̅̂͂̌̉͒͆͗̍̆̋͊̚̕̕̕͘ͅl̵̨̛̛̦͍̥̅̈̓͒̐̎̾̅͂̌̃̊͆̅̌̊̉̔́̆͊̓͐͆̀͒̀̓̅͛̒̋͛͆͘̕̚̚͘͠͠m̴̛̲̟̳̪̱̻̰̞̪̲̯̺̉̂̔̍͑̌̈́̓̽̉̾̀̌͐̍͑́͊̾͊̈́̇̈̏͌̅͊͘̕͝͝͝o̷̧̧̡̧̢͖̤̹̩̼͉̩̭̾̌̒̉̀̾̅̐́́̏̓͌̍̑̓́̈́͛̑͒̓͊̓̂̔̕͘͜͝͠͠ẗ̷̡̢̜̬̺̮͕̬͖̹͎̪͓͉̳̳̮͕́̈́͋̇̚̚͜h̷̛̥̖̬̜̘̼͎̣̟͚̯͙͉̱̥̦̥̭̀̌͑̈́͛̐͗̈́̕͜͝͝ͅe̶̢̢̢̛͇̰̟̦̦͎̟̪̱̭̘̹͕̫͈̜̮͈̰̞̬͊̒̄̈̉̋̋̅̔̉̅̊̈́̎̀͐̌͛͋͛͗̑͌̂̈̊̎̓̆͗̃͂̽̍̕̕̚͝͝͠͝͠͝ŗ̵̧̢̨̧̡͙̥̼̯̣̭͕̙͖̗͉̣͙̫̫̜͕͍̜̟̣̻̪̱̘͕̗̰̦̜̮̝͖̞̖͇͈̤͔̻͊̌̓̂͜ͅͅͅs̸̨̧͓͈̳̩͚̑͌̋̆̑͋̈́͂̈́̀̾̒͑͘̕ had three for every of their species, the first mothers. They are false gods, worshipped for their power but just as dangerous and killable as a minawnii.
I feel the rocks shift, I watched my sisters leave for the shallow colors above me. I want to sleep, I do not care for yesterday it bores me, though I do quite like the island in the middle.
It’s so full of life and society builds around herds of thousands….that’s the only place I want to go. Maybe I will go one day…maybe…
I reached my head out of the sea, watching the sands of tomorrow calling for something to take me from this sea to the land beyond. I have hoped for eons for that, now yesterday is gone, Today is here.
I have watched things pass over me as the land becomes lush, huge white kangaroo-like beings. They have black pupils that have watched me…I will not care when they die..
As I beg on this watery fence a nycoton comes to me, oh how I owe them my life. I know now I should not have cared for another mortal again after this NYCOTON but I did, and it hurts me still.
They stared at me like a pitiful dog who just fell in the river, I am older than the lush grass beneath that creatures claws. Though I will never be able to tell them not in my garbled words, corrupted and vile.
The white beasts came and attacked the poor creature ripping them apart, they died taking me to that lake, forever I wonder how it would be if they never lifted me from that cursed stream.
They lifted me from those waves and took me to a lake, an oasis. The same white creatures stare at me forever more like I am a plague come to kill them. In the end I was I guess…
The days grew hotter and I watched the pond shrink as centuries passed it became sand, the dense fur of those white diesura made them leave I think. They looked panicked every time I rose my head from the water, tossing meat at me in fear.
They ran and the oasis was empty for a while I watched hungrily, and soon wardens came.
Huge creatures, hellions I believe they came in wondrous elegance casting order in an empty land. They were at war I think, they didn’t like a poisonous alternates, big as them or as toxic as a mola mola.
I watched as in fear a huge green portal ripped through the sky, I watched as these wardens, overseers, protecters.
They betrayed their own duty….
They chased the creatures they warred with to the sky killing those who ran. I saw a young sar’hingaro fly away in tears, given mercy and vengeance by the wardens, allowed to live forever alone in this evil land.
I decided this land must learn, I told stories and legends from yesterday to anyone who came near my pond, speaking of trees bigger than imaginable, and mushroom grass that fed you like berries.
They all listened to these tales, some stayed to hear more, despite the stories being limited to the tales and songs told to me by the winds.
These tales attracted many beings across the lands, some came to the oasis for the stories. But overtime it became that the creatures wanted to not be alone.
Many creatures were roaming the land, alone save for their family. This barren desert served a collection, the steps and gallops of these creatures led to the oasis becoming more desert like.
Under the wardens rule the land flourished, but I listened to the wind, and heard the cries of that sar from oh so long ago.
It was called grief, it was alone forevermore, all it’s people left in a wasteland save for this poor beast.
Grief, as what was it’s name, grows to vengeance, so I watched as the sky was painted green in its monstrous size.
I watched helpless, as the wardens queen, a huge boreal, followed by verdants, ardors, and hellions alike.
It was a slaughter, the beasts I played games with and wondered at snow the young creatures I watched dance under the moon,
Fire painted the sand red as the sar named grief destroyed the land, blowing holes in the mountains.
I watched it felt as if my gills ripped themselves from my body and cried with me.
A black and white kendyll heard, it listened to my distorted garbles, incomprehensible but full of tangible emotion, I had not eaten in so long and I was sad.
The kendyll listened and left for a few days and brung me, a carcass of something too marred with bites and blood to tell. I stayed quiet, carnage wrote itself over this poor thing.
I feasted like a starving dog that night.
I learned how to speak sonarian better because of that kendyll, she talked to me so much….it was nice. A friend…I hadn’t had that in many millenia they were something I wanted to be if I could walk these lands…
But all things die, some more brutally than most.
I woke up one day swimminb to the shallows looking for that kendyll who spoke to me so much bringing me food and warming a heart as cold as the trenches below. Only to find only her dead floating body , bobbing on the surface of the sea covered in poison, already starting to rot.
Yet again I felt my heart twist and feel heavy, yet again that horrible feeling you despicable mortals call….grief. I swam around the shallows looking for any sign it was a joke…it wasn’t…
I will keep hope I WILL you mortals are just….lost…
But after a week or so, her child came to me, tail between their legs filled with the same twisting sight in their own hearts. They ranted sadly about how unfair it was an so on and so forth, I listened my heart broke a little more…. More than a god could even stand….. funny..
I have been here since the world began but I just can let go of the fact that mortals are corrupt.
The young kendyll grew older, as all mortals grew, they shown like stars on their stripes, a beauty to rival the three moons above our own heads, but at a cost of their own mother. A sad price I don’t think any being would pay…
I came to the shallows again hoping to be given food by the sad kendyll but found their drowned body instead, another friend had died. Those useless mortals can’t stay ALIVE why can’t they just STAY.
Yet again I cried and cried, but I didn’t want them to be eaten by a hungry idiotic scavenger so I buried their body in the sandy waters where kelp still grows, green by my blessing.
The last these kendylls to bring me food was the sad ones niece. I never learned their name but they were excitable. They ruled when the rulers of the oasis were divided, and rules were strict and cruel.
She ranted to me about the unfair rules and made plans of rebellion, they never came true though…. She died of sadness after she found her eggs crushed, and wife dead.
So useless….
The ani’s lasted longest out of all the rulers of the oasis, probably more than in the rule of the cruel Jeff’s.
The Jeff’s I never saw, but was told to me by the gods. The Jeff’s who built castles out of lightning and rock. Bigger than mountains and crushed creatures big and small out of rage.
The ani’s grew to a empire across the oasis. They swam in my waters playing and giving me food, as every ruler did before.
They were cruel killing every carnivore that came, it was hypocritical in a sense, they kept me alive at the cost of many I will never know…..
Their foolishness though led them to die to a volcanic eruption. I do not miss them though, they were religious and hateful to other species.
The ones who had lived under other kings, queens, emperors and empresses.
The final true caretaker was a green kendyll, scarred and mute. He never spoke but he is the only one I knew by name. The kendyll’s name was luv, a weird one but land dwellers are like that.
He showed me things in the sand I will never see and I marveled at it despite my life eons longer than his.
He brung me food more than the others, quiet, always seeming regretful.
One day I watched as he looked around with insanity in his eyes, a need to kill.
I watched as he killed anyone in his path, it was a slaughter. He killed everything, the sands blood red. Bubbling with hate and white hot vengeance.
Luv roared words that could only be described as madness, and anger that was fueled by a broken mind.
He screamed and crashed in hatred killing the divided rulers and their people. When I looked out of the pool of water I saw blood everywhere. Many sought retribution.
He came back after a few weeks scarred beyond comprehension and filled with grief. I couldn’t bear to lose another “friend”. I tried to protect him but….Luv didn’t survive his grief of killing so many. I tried hard to protect him and heal him, but it was all for not.
So that night he passed away.
As many centuries passed, empires and tyrants rose and fell like the suns above us all, the oasis changed. The sand would forevermore be red with rage and insanity and murder and disaster haunted every corner. I protected those who asked but was feared.
Kohiiki’s as old as me looked ghoulish and as ancient as I was I still hoped every little creature to every mammoth would live in peace one day.
One who shared my thoughts was a small vaumora not even three, who danced and played on the shallows of my large pond, always joyous when I spoke in my garbled mimicry of you land dwellers language.
The vaumora seemed to light up every bit of the red sands painted by blood for so long. Making even the worst of the inhabitants smile. But the little vaumora’s joy didn’t last, caught in the crossfire of a turf war, they died in flames.
I loved the oasis but I had seen it grow for what was three millennia now, crying over lost friends or watching coldy over corrupt rulers.
The last of these rulers to ever reign under my blessing and hopes was a group of jotunhel.
These seals were smart enough to protect and Ally with the worst but after so many generations the ideals changed. War painted the dunes, the plains, and redwoods. What was my last promise was gone, so I take my last goodbye.
I have watched the world change and tears of the last wardens. I hope while I leave to the dark abyss that I came from, immortal as I am. That your world changes to something better.
But I will not watch, my heart has been ripped from my gills to many times for that.
I want to come back, maybe when you have learned…
So goodbye to the oasis May we meet again at a time which is better.
I have listened to the words of the wind for a long, long time. Watching the waves sing their hymns to me
My hope, despite being broken so many times may just be true. So I tell my sights back to the place a lot oh so long ago.
When I returned it was not the same place, scattered but at peace. It did have an overseer of sorts.
I really should have listened to those words and warnings the wind carried to me, through the depths of the ocean to the place this world rose from.
I placed to much hope in you creatures filled with greed and fear, to angry at each other to notice what had watched, like me fro an eternity.
Aereis were old things, things that had been there since before the mountains were even molehills.
They always watched, some came but many hid and died in the ancient mountains of yesterday.
But for every species there was an allmother, the first of their kind, immortal and huge. There were three Aereis that were allmother’s, and one who watched a bit to closely. They were jealous of the allmother kohiiki who despite their title never had a single child.
A false god of sorts, she was jealous that they played, and spoke, and shared eternal knowledge to those from today and tomorrow. The Aereis waited, and waited for three millennia, and finally the Kohiiki allmother left, sad and hopeless.
The Aereis flew down casting order and life in to a broken kingdom teaching them of the world from before, when the volcano was a mountain in a sea. When the very oasis they stood on was nothing more than an island therochales congregated in massive herds of thousands.
The broken lands stood in confliction staring hatefully at the first predators, the ones who caused this wonderlands destruction.
From this hate the Aereis allmother molded the land into what she thought as perfect.
A land with no rules and only her false prophecies stolen from the great lmakosauridons from that long taken sleep and dreamed of better days.
I saw what had become of my waters filled with scratch marks, trying to get rid of what was the last words to this beloved place to me.
What changed?
I saw the Aereis, staring along the land like it was a junevile just out of the egg. What cruel fate was this?
I forged this land though my broken heart and it now belonged to a false god? They did not know who had forged these sands into something better, who watched it change and cry?
I looked for anything that remained, I may have been confined to the waters and held captive by the binds of the waves but the rain and wind told me songs and stories from tomorrow and today.
I listened to what happened, not of peace but of trickery and jealousy, and I raged.
I called every storm I could call hoping for change
I called for the greatest floods and the strongest hurricanes
The most evil gales that tore through mountains like paper
I called to every cloud and every drop of water to reek justice to what had been my hopes and dreams.
Dishonor to had been once was, but I am not cruel.
I called to the furies had sent to not harmed those who still remembered, those undeserving of the evils. Those who met justice would be given it in kind, I will reap just what they sought.
What was left of my land, stricken grew better, the red sands filled with blood no longer haunted the corrupt oasis. Trees grew tall and the island from yesterday grew back. But this cruelty still must meet justice.
I swam to the heart of this world and cried my regret, not thinking of the blood shed to a world that will never know. I will give something back to fix what had been lost.
I wanted to give the gift of a portal locked away. The wardens were long gone, I could not open it.
So I searched for some being who could. For decades a swam the endless waters, listened to the rains chatter and the winds excited symphonies.
I found what could’ve been, the tired ancient sar’hingaro from the days of the hellions, and it’s dying hope. I took what was needed, a soul for the freedom of a wastelands sorrows.
Finally my gift had been given, the world the wardens locked away in their unfit justice.
So few were left from that exile but they came back and I was happy.
I watched as my gift healed the blood that had built this tomorrow.
I am at peace now so I say this to my last hopes and dreams, I am ready to sleep I have rebuilt a world into something that yesterday had been, today had destroyed, and tomorrow was again.
It had been 20 long millennium and I am tired, so I sleep in the primordial rocks I came from with my two sisters. They will comfort me while I sleep, have been away from them for much to long…
From the ends of the earth and the reaches of the sky, my greatest treasure, I have told to you,
Till I awake again,
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iturastudioswingsmp · 3 years
Y'all I forgot about this Creatures of Sonaria fanfic I'm writing on Wattpad. Read it myself, needs finished. Like, a LOT. I mean, chapter 5 is sad (no spoiler). Link and cover photo below. So basically, this book is about pero themed creatures in the game. (Y'know, creatures with black heads and lower legs. Peros), but one pero themed creature in general named Aire, striving for survival and safety of her offspring (will come later in the book). The enemy to not only Aire's kind, but all pero creatures is a Jotunhel named Igiris, who's basically hiring hitmen to kill Aire, but failed. The story's a WIP, and idk maybe it'll be a Fandom. Hope it does.
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