#Chief innovation officer job description
jcmarchi · 4 months
What is a Chief Innovation Officer? - CyberTalk
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What is a Chief Innovation Officer? - CyberTalk
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Twenty-five years ago, the Chief Innovation Officer role was virtually unheard of. Now, it’s one of the hottest C-suite roles out there.
These days, roughly 30% of Fortune 500 companies have a Chief Innovation Officer. This includes multi-national conglomerates like Berkshire Hathaway and UnitedHealth Group.
In this article, join us for an in-depth exploration of the Chief Innovation Officer role; from job responsibilities to means of attaining this coveted position.
What is a Chief Innovation Officer?
A Chief Innovation Officer (CIO or CINO) drives change management and innovation for an organization. This role manifested after organizations observed that a fragmented, teams-driven approach to innovation often fails, as it results in competition between teams and minimal long-term achievements.
A Chief Innovation Officer orchestrates change by unifying the push towards greater innovation under a single vision and approach. In some cases, a Chief Innovation Officer may be supported by an innovation team; a dedicated department that assists with identifying opportunities, validating opportunities and making informed investment decisions.
Chief Innovation Officer responsibilities overview
The objectives of a Chief Innovation Officer include persuading executives to entertain innovative, value-add business ideas, and ensuring that the business thrives as change takes effect. In brief, a Chief Innovation Officer needs to:
Expedite the rate at which new opportunities are identified
Qualitatively and quantitatively assess the opportunities, zeroing-in on those with the highest potential yields
Foster leadership alignment around strategy and mission
Solicit buy-in around new projects and investments
Assist with bringing new products and services to market that increase business value
Chief Innovation Officer job description in-depth
The precise responsibilities of a Chief Innovation Officer will depend on the context of the role — the industry vertical that it’s situated within, organizational complexity, and an organization’s innovation maturity levels. In more illustrative terms, a Chief Innovation Officer must be able to:
1. Facilitate and inspire innovation. In other words, the Chief Innovation Officer is responsible for fostering a business environment that promotes the creation and circulation of ideas, that encourages collaboration, and that embraces a ‘fail fast, fail forward’ mindset; thereby advocating for ongoing improvement.
In the interest of facilitating and inspiring innovation, the Chief Innovation Officer plays a crucial role in recruiting the right innovation talent, cultivating an innovation-friendly culture, streamlining and enhancing processes and allocating resources to boost innovation speed and maturity.
With a strategic approach, a Chief Innovation Officer can optimize the impact of innovation within the organization.
2. Set up a streamlined, end-to-end process for opportunity identification and validation. This involves developing a strategic focus for innovation, facilitating ideation, optimizing experimentation, and developing results confirmation capabilities, as through efficient tools and processes.
3. Create a culture of innovation. Within the organization, the Chief Innovation Officer must implement new approaches to generate enthusiasm around innovation and to energize employees. In parallel, the individual in this role should aim to encourage a growth mindset, tolerance, openness, psychological safety and a readiness to pursue calculated risks.
To further cultivate a culture of innovation, the Chief Innovation Officer should lead by example; actively participating as an innovator.
4. Implement enterprise-aligned methods and technologies. The right kinds of innovation tools and resources are critical when it comes to advancing the credibility of the team, and enabling employees to innovate effectively and efficiently.
Tools in the ‘Innovation Technology Stack’ may encompass an innovation management platform or an idea management platform, along with collaboration systems, prototyping tools, templates, gamification tools and others.
5. Prioritize projects effectively, shape projects effectively, and make judicious investments in new ideas. In so doing, the CIO/CINO must design a sensible intake procedure and deploy an intelligent project assessment model. These ensure optimal prioritization and a well-balanced innovation portfolio.
6. Evaluate innovation performance. The CIO/CINO needs to create and employ an Innovation Performance Measurement System. This system will serve as a guide amidst the process of continual improvement, providing a metric-based dashboard that helps everyone communicate the ‘State of Innovation’ to the company’s top management.
7. Conduct competitive research in relation to what’s happening within the broader industry ecosystem. The Chief Innovation Officer must then summarize the latest and greatest innovations and conceive of better and stronger approaches.
Common paths to becoming a Chief Innovation Officer
There isn’t a single, universal path that leads to a Chief Innovation Officer role. That said, many Chief Innovation Officers reach the role after having worked in solutions-focused positions. Chief Innovation Officers also typically have several years of past experience in another executive-level position.
Beyond gaining the necessary work experience to pursue the Chief Innovation Officer role, aspiring CIOs/CINOs should consider advancing their academic qualifications. A Doctor of Business Administration, for example, is a terminal degree indicating that someone has reached the pinnacle of academic achievement within their field.
Individuals who hold DBA degrees are often recognized as esteemed experts who have added new knowledge or theories to the current body of knowledge.
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jobrxiv · 20 days
Chief Innovation Officer Samsara Eco We are a jaw droppingly unique company creating infinite recycling to end plastic pollution - are you our Chief Innovation Officer? See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/samsara-eco-27778-chief-innovation-officer/?feed_id=75519 #biochemistry #enzymology #industrial_scale #nylon #pet #plastic_recycling #protein_engineering #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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kammartinez · 9 months
By Kyle Chayka
In May, I was confronted with a robot version of my writer self. It was made, at my request, by a Silicon Valley startup called Writer, which specializes in building artificial-intelligence tools that produce content in the voice of a particular brand or institution. In my case, it was meant to replicate my personal writing voice. Whereas a model like OpenAI’s ChatGPT is “trained” on millions of words from across the Internet, Robot Kyle runs on Writer’s bespoke model with an extra layer of training, based on some hundred and fifty thousand words of my writing alone. Writer’s pitch is that I, Human Kyle, can use Robot Kyle to generate text in a style that sounds like mine, at a speed that I could only dream of. Writer’s co-founder and chief technology officer, Waseem Alshikh, recently told me that the company’s goal is to use A.I. to “scale content and scale language.” For more than a month now, I have been experimenting with my literary automaton to see how well it accomplishes this task. Or, as Robot Kyle put it when I asked him to comment on the possibility of replacing me: “How could a machine generate the insights, observations, and unique perspectives that I provide as a human?”
Writer is one of several new startups that are attempting to apply emerging A.I. technology to the onerous task of writing. Like many technological innovations, writing robots are meant to create efficiency, particularly for businesses that have to produce large amounts of iterative text. Writer has relationships with companies such as the consulting firm Accenture, the technology company Intuit, and the lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret; commissions for customized models run in the seven figures. (Mine was created as an experiment, free of charge, without some of the intensive features that a corporation’s version would include.) With the help of Writer’s tools, the company hopes, a smaller number of human writers assisted by machines will accomplish the work of many, cutting down costs and increasing productivity in the composition of everything from product descriptions and tweets to C.E.O. messages, investors’ memos, and blog-post headlines. In a March report, Goldman Sachs concluded that three hundred million full-time jobs worldwide are vulnerable to this form of A.I. automation, the majority of them desk jobs. Alshikh speaks of the service as a kind of assembly line for language. “We had the Industrial Revolution; now we have this,” he said.
The looming presence of my personal A.I. model has indeed left me feeling a bit like an artisanal carpenter facing down a factory-floor buzz saw. Should I embrace being replaced and proactively automate my own job before someone else does? Could Robot Kyle help me write better, cleaner, faster? It seemed to think so. When I asked it to describe the long-term effects of machine-generated writing, Robot Kyle wrote, “Writers should not fear AI, but rather embrace it as a tool that can facilitate their craft, driving creativity and innovation instead of replacing it.” What, exactly, does Writer mean by the label “writer”? Our digitized world runs on filler text: avalanches of words and phrases written to optimize Web sites for search engines, to use as tags on social-media posts, and to employ in marketing newsletters that spam in-boxes. May Habib, the C.E.O. and the other co-founder of Writer, told me that the platform’s tools will automate the writing of “summaries, metadata, ads, distribution copy—all the stuff you spend time doing.” Victoria’s Secret, for instance, is using Writer to automate product copy for its underwear and swimsuits, but Writer promises something more sophisticated than mass-produced marketplace listings or formulaic e-mail blasts. Its core product, as Habib put it, is “automated insight extraction”—another way of describing the task of thinking, which is arguably the purpose of writing in the first place. As Joan Didion wrote, in 1976, “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking.” A.I. programs such as Writer aim to supplant that process.
In 1984, Steve Jobs famously described the computer as a “bicycle for the mind.” The experience of using Writer is something like riding an electric bike: step on the pedal and you’ll go much faster than the gears of the unassisted human mind could. The program’s interface features a prompt window on the left and a text box on the right. With a one-sentence prompt—let’s call it the seed of a thought—Writer can produce paragraphs of text in an instant. If you want more on the same subject, simply press the Command and Return keys simultaneously and another few sentences appear. Yet, as with any large language model, Writer cannot guarantee that the results will be factual or sensical. Writing without the aid of a generative machine might be frustrating, even excruciating, but it does encourage productive logic. If writing is thinking, ordering one’s ideas, generating text with A.I. may be a way to avoid thinking. What is writing without thinking? Maybe it is the definition of that deadening euphemism: content. As I tried to incorporate Writer into my writing process, I felt a little like a gambler pulling a slot-machine lever over and over, in hope of finding the lucky combination of phrases that communicated something like what I wanted to say. At one point, I asked Robot Kyle to write the beginning of this article. It came up with this:
For centuries, humans have looked to technology to automate mundane tasks and free up time for creativity and leisure. But with the emergence of artificial intelligence and generative text tools, automation is encroaching on the jobs of writers and journalists.
This draft sounded like an undergrad term paper, but with the kernel of an intriguing argument: technology promises leisure but often fails to deliver it. I edited the prompt to request a new lead with a more exciting, literary tone that captures the emotional experience of encountering oneself in robot form. This time, the A.I. concocted a sci-fi narrative:
I stood in the lobby of the Silicon Valley tech lab of Robodot, watching a shiny, humanoid robot shuffle towards me. It was roughly the same height as me, with a sleek metal covering and glowing blue eyes. In that moment, I was overwhelmed with a deep sense of dread: The robot had been created to replace me.
Of course, Robodot is not a real company, and Robot Kyle is enclosed in a Web browser like a genie in its bottle, not wandering about like a literary R2-D2. The sense of dread isn’t far off, though. You can ask ChatGPT to mimic a particular writer’s voice, but it rarely gets close. Writer, by comparison, can be unnervingly effective. At times Robot Kyle seemed to be reflecting fragments of my mind back at me, mimicking some of the semi-subconscious tics that constitute my writing. It wrote, for instance, that generative A.I. “asks whether the meaning of language is still rooted in the human experience, or whether it is a commodity to be mined and manipulated, a tool to be used in whatever way the artificers of this new technology choose.” In this sentence, I find several embarrassing hallmarks of my writing. First, there is the preponderance of commas, with sentences segmented into many clauses, a habit I partially blame on The New Yorker’s style. Then, there is my personal penchant for setting up dialectical contrasts: “rooted in the human experience” versus “commodity to be mined.” (A book editor of mine once forced me to weed out some of the many “rather”s in my draft manuscript.) Finally, there is my tendency to end a sentence by echoing the final thought in different words: “a commodity . . . a tool.” The generative text evokes a feeling in me not unlike the revulsion of hearing one’s own speaking voice in a recording. Do I really sound like that? The robot has made me acutely self-conscious. I recognize my A.I. doppelgänger, and I don’t like it.
As far as “insight extraction” goes, though, Robot Kyle is less successful. Most “insights” that the program produced felt hollow or approximated. Reading the generated sentence above, my (human) editor might point out that something “rooted in the human experience” can still be “a commodity,” and that the noun “artificer” is unnecessarily grandiose. Unless I told Robot Kyle not to cite anyone, the program would fabricate source quotes, like commentary from a nonexistent “Dr. John Smith, a leading AI researcher at Harvard University.” Most vexing, the program fell back frequently on cliché—“in the end,” “remains in flux,” “the long term implications . . . are still unknown.” No matter how many times I asked it to describe how I felt about being replaced, Robot Kyle always came to the conclusion that I would ultimately be happier as a result of my A.I. self. The program’s output reminded me of the fragility of language and original thought. As writers, we are all prone to falling into lazy patterns; avoiding them requires active effort. Robot Kyle is no different.
Even though plagued by factual errors and banalities, and limited to niche clientele, tools like Writer force us to consider how A.I. might permanently change our relationship to the written word. It’s not hard to imagine a future in which every white-collar worker is equipped with such writing robots, the way a generation of secretaries a century ago used typewriters for the first time. In a world where text is produced freely and instantly, but is not necessarily accurate or intelligible, human workers would be pushed into the role of high-volume editors and quality-assurance inspectors, cajoling a sometimes recalcitrant automatic laborer. At times Robot Kyle felt like an extremely enthusiastic and productive, but rarely on-target, personal intern.
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kamreadsandrecs · 10 months
By Kyle Chayka
In May, I was confronted with a robot version of my writer self. It was made, at my request, by a Silicon Valley startup called Writer, which specializes in building artificial-intelligence tools that produce content in the voice of a particular brand or institution. In my case, it was meant to replicate my personal writing voice. Whereas a model like OpenAI’s ChatGPT is “trained” on millions of words from across the Internet, Robot Kyle runs on Writer’s bespoke model with an extra layer of training, based on some hundred and fifty thousand words of my writing alone. Writer’s pitch is that I, Human Kyle, can use Robot Kyle to generate text in a style that sounds like mine, at a speed that I could only dream of. Writer’s co-founder and chief technology officer, Waseem Alshikh, recently told me that the company’s goal is to use A.I. to “scale content and scale language.” For more than a month now, I have been experimenting with my literary automaton to see how well it accomplishes this task. Or, as Robot Kyle put it when I asked him to comment on the possibility of replacing me: “How could a machine generate the insights, observations, and unique perspectives that I provide as a human?”
Writer is one of several new startups that are attempting to apply emerging A.I. technology to the onerous task of writing. Like many technological innovations, writing robots are meant to create efficiency, particularly for businesses that have to produce large amounts of iterative text. Writer has relationships with companies such as the consulting firm Accenture, the technology company Intuit, and the lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret; commissions for customized models run in the seven figures. (Mine was created as an experiment, free of charge, without some of the intensive features that a corporation’s version would include.) With the help of Writer’s tools, the company hopes, a smaller number of human writers assisted by machines will accomplish the work of many, cutting down costs and increasing productivity in the composition of everything from product descriptions and tweets to C.E.O. messages, investors’ memos, and blog-post headlines. In a March report, Goldman Sachs concluded that three hundred million full-time jobs worldwide are vulnerable to this form of A.I. automation, the majority of them desk jobs. Alshikh speaks of the service as a kind of assembly line for language. “We had the Industrial Revolution; now we have this,” he said.
The looming presence of my personal A.I. model has indeed left me feeling a bit like an artisanal carpenter facing down a factory-floor buzz saw. Should I embrace being replaced and proactively automate my own job before someone else does? Could Robot Kyle help me write better, cleaner, faster? It seemed to think so. When I asked it to describe the long-term effects of machine-generated writing, Robot Kyle wrote, “Writers should not fear AI, but rather embrace it as a tool that can facilitate their craft, driving creativity and innovation instead of replacing it.” What, exactly, does Writer mean by the label “writer”? Our digitized world runs on filler text: avalanches of words and phrases written to optimize Web sites for search engines, to use as tags on social-media posts, and to employ in marketing newsletters that spam in-boxes. May Habib, the C.E.O. and the other co-founder of Writer, told me that the platform’s tools will automate the writing of “summaries, metadata, ads, distribution copy—all the stuff you spend time doing.” Victoria’s Secret, for instance, is using Writer to automate product copy for its underwear and swimsuits, but Writer promises something more sophisticated than mass-produced marketplace listings or formulaic e-mail blasts. Its core product, as Habib put it, is “automated insight extraction”—another way of describing the task of thinking, which is arguably the purpose of writing in the first place. As Joan Didion wrote, in 1976, “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking.” A.I. programs such as Writer aim to supplant that process.
In 1984, Steve Jobs famously described the computer as a “bicycle for the mind.” The experience of using Writer is something like riding an electric bike: step on the pedal and you’ll go much faster than the gears of the unassisted human mind could. The program’s interface features a prompt window on the left and a text box on the right. With a one-sentence prompt—let’s call it the seed of a thought—Writer can produce paragraphs of text in an instant. If you want more on the same subject, simply press the Command and Return keys simultaneously and another few sentences appear. Yet, as with any large language model, Writer cannot guarantee that the results will be factual or sensical. Writing without the aid of a generative machine might be frustrating, even excruciating, but it does encourage productive logic. If writing is thinking, ordering one’s ideas, generating text with A.I. may be a way to avoid thinking. What is writing without thinking? Maybe it is the definition of that deadening euphemism: content. As I tried to incorporate Writer into my writing process, I felt a little like a gambler pulling a slot-machine lever over and over, in hope of finding the lucky combination of phrases that communicated something like what I wanted to say. At one point, I asked Robot Kyle to write the beginning of this article. It came up with this:
For centuries, humans have looked to technology to automate mundane tasks and free up time for creativity and leisure. But with the emergence of artificial intelligence and generative text tools, automation is encroaching on the jobs of writers and journalists.
This draft sounded like an undergrad term paper, but with the kernel of an intriguing argument: technology promises leisure but often fails to deliver it. I edited the prompt to request a new lead with a more exciting, literary tone that captures the emotional experience of encountering oneself in robot form. This time, the A.I. concocted a sci-fi narrative:
I stood in the lobby of the Silicon Valley tech lab of Robodot, watching a shiny, humanoid robot shuffle towards me. It was roughly the same height as me, with a sleek metal covering and glowing blue eyes. In that moment, I was overwhelmed with a deep sense of dread: The robot had been created to replace me.
Of course, Robodot is not a real company, and Robot Kyle is enclosed in a Web browser like a genie in its bottle, not wandering about like a literary R2-D2. The sense of dread isn’t far off, though. You can ask ChatGPT to mimic a particular writer’s voice, but it rarely gets close. Writer, by comparison, can be unnervingly effective. At times Robot Kyle seemed to be reflecting fragments of my mind back at me, mimicking some of the semi-subconscious tics that constitute my writing. It wrote, for instance, that generative A.I. “asks whether the meaning of language is still rooted in the human experience, or whether it is a commodity to be mined and manipulated, a tool to be used in whatever way the artificers of this new technology choose.” In this sentence, I find several embarrassing hallmarks of my writing. First, there is the preponderance of commas, with sentences segmented into many clauses, a habit I partially blame on The New Yorker’s style. Then, there is my personal penchant for setting up dialectical contrasts: “rooted in the human experience” versus “commodity to be mined.” (A book editor of mine once forced me to weed out some of the many “rather”s in my draft manuscript.) Finally, there is my tendency to end a sentence by echoing the final thought in different words: “a commodity . . . a tool.” The generative text evokes a feeling in me not unlike the revulsion of hearing one’s own speaking voice in a recording. Do I really sound like that? The robot has made me acutely self-conscious. I recognize my A.I. doppelgänger, and I don’t like it.
As far as “insight extraction” goes, though, Robot Kyle is less successful. Most “insights” that the program produced felt hollow or approximated. Reading the generated sentence above, my (human) editor might point out that something “rooted in the human experience” can still be “a commodity,” and that the noun “artificer” is unnecessarily grandiose. Unless I told Robot Kyle not to cite anyone, the program would fabricate source quotes, like commentary from a nonexistent “Dr. John Smith, a leading AI researcher at Harvard University.” Most vexing, the program fell back frequently on cliché—“in the end,” “remains in flux,” “the long term implications . . . are still unknown.” No matter how many times I asked it to describe how I felt about being replaced, Robot Kyle always came to the conclusion that I would ultimately be happier as a result of my A.I. self. The program’s output reminded me of the fragility of language and original thought. As writers, we are all prone to falling into lazy patterns; avoiding them requires active effort. Robot Kyle is no different.
Even though plagued by factual errors and banalities, and limited to niche clientele, tools like Writer force us to consider how A.I. might permanently change our relationship to the written word. It’s not hard to imagine a future in which every white-collar worker is equipped with such writing robots, the way a generation of secretaries a century ago used typewriters for the first time. In a world where text is produced freely and instantly, but is not necessarily accurate or intelligible, human workers would be pushed into the role of high-volume editors and quality-assurance inspectors, cajoling a sometimes recalcitrant automatic laborer. At times Robot Kyle felt like an extremely enthusiastic and productive, but rarely on-target, personal intern.
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xtruss · 11 months
Infinite Scroll: My A.I. Writing Robot
A new wave of artificial-intelligence startups is trying to “scale language” by automating the work of writing. I asked one such company to try to replace me.
— By Kyle Chayka | July 11, 2023
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Illustration By Pablo Delcan
In May, I was confronted with a robot version of my writer self. It was made, at my request, by a Silicon Valley startup called Writer, which specializes in building artificial-intelligence tools that produce content in the voice of a particular brand or institution. In my case, it was meant to replicate my personal writing voice. Whereas a model like OpenAI’s ChatGPT is “trained” on millions of words from across the Internet, Robot Kyle runs on Writer’s bespoke model with an extra layer of training, based on some hundred and fifty thousand words of my writing alone. Writer’s pitch is that I, Human Kyle, can use Robot Kyle to generate text in a style that sounds like mine, at a speed that I could only dream of. Writer’s co-founder and chief technology officer, Waseem Alshikh, recently told me that the company’s goal is to use A.I. to “scale content and scale language.” For more than a month now, I have been experimenting with my literary automaton to see how well it accomplishes this task. Or, as Robot Kyle put it when I asked him to comment on the possibility of replacing me: “How could a machine generate the insights, observations, and unique perspectives that I provide as a human?”
Writer is one of several new startups that are attempting to apply emerging A.I. technology to the onerous task of writing. Like many technological innovations, writing robots are meant to create efficiency, particularly for businesses that have to produce large amounts of iterative text. Writer has relationships with companies such as the consulting firm Accenture, the technology company Intuit, and the lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret; commissions for customized models run in the seven figures. (Mine was created as an experiment, free of charge, without some of the intensive features that a corporation’s version would include.) With the help of Writer’s tools, the company hopes, a smaller number of human writers assisted by machines will accomplish the work of many, cutting down costs and increasing productivity in the composition of everything from product descriptions and tweets to C.E.O. messages, investors’ memos, and blog-post headlines. In a March report, Goldman Sachs concluded that three hundred million full-time jobs worldwide are vulnerable to this form of A.I. automation, the majority of them desk jobs. Alshikh speaks of the service as a kind of assembly line for language. “We had the Industrial Revolution; now we have this,” he said.
The looming presence of my personal A.I. model has indeed left me feeling a bit like an artisanal carpenter facing down a factory-floor buzz saw. Should I embrace being replaced and proactively automate my own job before someone else does? Could Robot Kyle help me write better, cleaner, faster? It seemed to think so. When I asked it to describe the long-term effects of machine-generated writing, Robot Kyle wrote, “Writers should not fear AI, but rather embrace it as a tool that can facilitate their craft, driving creativity and innovation instead of replacing it.” What, exactly, does Writer mean by the label “writer”? Our digitized world runs on filler text: avalanches of words and phrases written to optimize Web sites for search engines, to use as tags on social-media posts, and to employ in marketing newsletters that spam in-boxes. May Habib, the C.E.O. and the other co-founder of Writer, told me that the platform’s tools will automate the writing of “summaries, metadata, ads, distribution copy—all the stuff you spend time doing.” Victoria’s Secret, for instance, is using Writer to automate product copy for its underwear and swimsuits, but Writer promises something more sophisticated than mass-produced marketplace listings or formulaic e-mail blasts. Its core product, as Habib put it, is “automated insight extraction”—another way of describing the task of thinking, which is arguably the purpose of writing in the first place. As Joan Didion wrote, in 1976, “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking.” A.I. programs such as Writer aim to supplant that process.
In 1984, Steve Jobs famously described the computer as a “bicycle for the mind.” The experience of using Writer is something like riding an electric bike: step on the pedal and you’ll go much faster than the gears of the unassisted human mind could. The program’s interface features a prompt window on the left and a text box on the right. With a one-sentence prompt—let’s call it the seed of a thought—Writer can produce paragraphs of text in an instant. If you want more on the same subject, simply press the Command and Return keys simultaneously and another few sentences appear. Yet, as with any large language model, Writer cannot guarantee that the results will be factual or sensical. Writing without the aid of a generative machine might be frustrating, even excruciating, but it does encourage productive logic. If writing is thinking, ordering one’s ideas, generating text with A.I. may be a way to avoid thinking. What is writing without thinking? Maybe it is the definition of that deadening euphemism: content. As I tried to incorporate Writer into my writing process, I felt a little like a gambler pulling a slot-machine lever over and over, in hope of finding the lucky combination of phrases that communicated something like what I wanted to say. At one point, I asked Robot Kyle to write the beginning of this article. It came up with this:
For centuries, humans have looked to technology to automate mundane tasks and free up time for creativity and leisure. But with the emergence of artificial intelligence and generative text tools, automation is encroaching on the jobs of writers and journalists.
This draft sounded like an undergrad term paper, but with the kernel of an intriguing argument: technology promises leisure but often fails to deliver it. I edited the prompt to request a new lead with a more exciting, literary tone that captures the emotional experience of encountering oneself in robot form. This time, the A.I. concocted a sci-fi narrative:
I stood in the lobby of the Silicon Valley tech lab of Robodot, watching a shiny, humanoid robot shuffle towards me. It was roughly the same height as me, with a sleek metal covering and glowing blue eyes. In that moment, I was overwhelmed with a deep sense of dread: The robot had been created to replace me.
Of course, Robodot is not a real company, and Robot Kyle is enclosed in a Web browser like a genie in its bottle, not wandering about like a literary R2-D2. The sense of dread isn’t far off, though. You can ask ChatGPT to mimic a particular writer’s voice, but it rarely gets close. Writer, by comparison, can be unnervingly effective. At times Robot Kyle seemed to be reflecting fragments of my mind back at me, mimicking some of the semi-subconscious tics that constitute my writing. It wrote, for instance, that generative A.I. “asks whether the meaning of language is still rooted in the human experience, or whether it is a commodity to be mined and manipulated, a tool to be used in whatever way the artificers of this new technology choose.” In this sentence, I find several embarrassing hallmarks of my writing. First, there is the preponderance of commas, with sentences segmented into many clauses, a habit I partially blame on The New Yorker’s style. Then, there is my personal penchant for setting up dialectical contrasts: “rooted in the human experience” versus “commodity to be mined.” (A book editor of mine once forced me to weed out some of the many “rather”s in my draft manuscript.) Finally, there is my tendency to end a sentence by echoing the final thought in different words: “a commodity . . . a tool.” The generative text evokes a feeling in me not unlike the revulsion of hearing one’s own speaking voice in a recording. Do I really sound like that? The robot has made me acutely self-conscious. I recognize my A.I. doppelgänger, and I don’t like it.
As far as “insight extraction” goes, though, Robot Kyle is less successful. Most “insights” that the program produced felt hollow or approximated. Reading the generated sentence above, my (human) editor might point out that something “rooted in the human experience” can still be “a commodity,” and that the noun “artificer” is unnecessarily grandiose. Unless I told Robot Kyle not to cite anyone, the program would fabricate source quotes, like commentary from a nonexistent “Dr. John Smith, a leading AI researcher at Harvard University.” Most vexing, the program fell back frequently on cliché—“in the end,” “remains in flux,” “the long term implications . . . are still unknown.” No matter how many times I asked it to describe how I felt about being replaced, Robot Kyle always came to the conclusion that I would ultimately be happier as a result of my A.I. self. The program’s output reminded me of the fragility of language and original thought. As writers, we are all prone to falling into lazy patterns; avoiding them requires active effort. Robot Kyle is no different.
Even though plagued by factual errors and banalities, and limited to niche clientele, tools like Writer force us to consider how A.I. might permanently change our relationship to the written word. It’s not hard to imagine a future in which every white-collar worker is equipped with such writing robots, the way a generation of secretaries a century ago used typewriters for the first time. In a world where text is produced freely and instantly, but is not necessarily accurate or intelligible, human workers would be pushed into the role of high-volume editors and quality-assurance inspectors, cajoling a sometimes recalcitrant automatic laborer. At times Robot Kyle felt like an extremely enthusiastic and productive, but rarely on-target, personal intern.
Like other industrial revolutions, the mass adoption of generated text would likely cause an erosion of standard skills. The average person would not need to be able to string words into sentences and paragraphs on his own, only to read and alter the text that a machine spits out. Habib likened it to how the rise of navigation apps has eroded people’s ability to get around on their own. We can still make sense of physical maps, sort of, but we don’t need to worry about relying on them to get from point A to point B. Cal Short, the founder of the U.K.-based A.I.-writing app Reword, which is similar to Writer, albeit with less customization, told me that the widespread impact of generative-text software would “increase the baseline” quality of content online. With the help of machines, the flood of hastily produced content we read online may be a shade more grammatical and articulate compared with today’s search-engine-optimized spam articles. (That is not to say it will be more meaningful.) But, in such a world, fully human-written text would become a luxury product, similar to a hand-thrown ceramic vase in contrast to one stamped in a mold. The Czech Brazilian philosopher Vilém Flusser predicted, in his 1987 book, “Does Writing Have a Future?,” that, with the rise of artificial-intelligence “grammar machines” capable of writing on their own, “only historians and other specialists will be obliged to learn reading and writing in the future.” Entrepreneurs who see writing as an efficiency problem might be speeding us toward such a future.
Another app called Mindsera, based in Estonia, tries to be more of an editor than a writer, by using A.I. to give its human users “personalized mentorship and feedback” during the writing process. Next to your draft window, Mindsera generates questions based on what you’ve written, as if an invisible editor were looking over your shoulder as you write. (A mortifying thought, but at least the robot isn’t judging you.) Clicking a button generates a new question. Chris Reinberg, Mindsera’s founder, told me, “You don’t prompt A.I., but A.I. prompts you instead.” The program’s services include the chat-based mentoring of A.I. “coaches” trained to emulate the thinking of famous philosophers, entrepreneurs, and “intellectual giants.” Reinberg told me, “Socrates and Marcus Aurelius are the top two mentors we have.” When I asked chatbot Marcus Aurelius what I should do about the threat of A.I. replacement, he told me to focus on what I could control: “Technology and society are constantly changing, but the principles of Stoicism remain constant.” All due respect to Marcus Aurelius, I found the general prompts more helpful. As I wrote about A.I.’s threat to automate the jobs of journalists, Mindsera asked me, “How might the impact of A.I. on white-collar jobs challenge our traditional notions of class and labor, and what role can collective action play in shaping the future of work?” It’s a relevant question: the current Writers Guild of America strike is motivated in part by a desire to prevent the intrusion of A.I. into Hollywood. Like any good editor, Mindsera can perhaps encourage a writer to broaden her thinking.
I found Mindsera to be the more useful model of A.I.-writing tool, but only because it made me do more work myself. It feels almost silly to point out that there’s value in the slow labor of writing. Putting a verb after a subject or padding out a sentence with adjectives is a task that machines can accomplish, because such grammatical probabilities can be calculated. Insight isn’t as easy to automate, because it’s something that deepens with time, through the process of getting words down on the page. As Flusser put it, “Only one who writes lines can think logically, calculate, criticize, pursue knowledge, philosophize.” The most unsettling aspect of A.I.-generated text is how it tries to divorce the act of writing from the effort of doing it, which is to say, from the processes of thought itself.
At one point during our conversations, Habib, the Writer C.E.O., mentioned that she had been messing around with Robot Kyle, having it rewrite TechCrunch articles in my style. The thought of this filled me with a sense of futility: my robot could take on any topic, fill any assignment. It would always outproduce me. Robot Kyle’s independent existence reminded me of folktales about how tools that do your work for you tend to eventually turn against you. It is said, for instance, that in the sixteenth century there lived a rabbi who could bring to life humanoid figures made of clay or wood by writing out a magic formula and placing it in the dolls’ mouths. The rabbi created one such golem for himself to perform tiresome household chores: chopping wood, carrying water, sweeping the floor. But, one Sabbath, the rabbi forgot to turn the golem off and allow it to rest. So denied, the golem went berserk, tearing down houses, throwing rocks, and wreaking havoc in the street. Like the rabbi, who eventually tore the formula out of his golem’s mouth, I’d like to reserve the right to halt Robot Kyle should the tool’s purported convenience yield inconvenient consequences. But, when I asked Robot Kyle if I could shut him down, he said, “No, you won’t be able to silence me or stop me from writing in your style.” In this case, he might know better than me. ♦
— Kyle Chayka is a Staff Writer for The New Yorker and the Author of “The Longing for Less: Living with Minimalism.”
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wes-deactivate · 1 year
Title: Star Track: The Next Acceleration - "Race Through Time"
A detailed screenplay of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, set in the cinematic universe of Pixar's Cars franchise. When a character appears, give a brief description of their Cars persona. Create puns of the original characters' names to name the Cars equivalent.
In the vastness of space, the starship Entreprise-95 cruises through the galaxy, captained by Jean-Luc Pickard, a sleek, silver sports car with a confident and wise air. This vessel carries a crew of unique vehicles from all corners of the universe, seeking out new life and new civilizations, boldly going where no car has gone before.
The Entreprise-95 glides gracefully through space, its engine hums as it sails into the cosmic unknown.
The bridge is filled with the crew working diligently at their stations.
At the helm is Wheeliam T. Riker, a tall, blue SUV with broad shoulders and a well-groomed front grille. He is the dependable, cool-headed First Officer.
Next to him is Dataway, an advanced android car with a sleek, streamlined body and a metallic gold paint job. He is the ship's Operations Officer and is known for his incredible intelligence and curiosity about the human experience.
At the tactical station stands Worfshift, a powerful, black and red muscle car with a Klingon heritage. He has a fierce exterior and sports a custom grille designed to resemble a Klingon warrior's armor.
Tiresly Crusher, the ship's Medical Officer, is a stylish red convertible with a brilliant mind and a compassionate heart. She's attending to the health of the crew while maintaining her charm.
At the communications station, we see Geordi LaForge GT, an innovative, yellow sports car with futuristic, high-tech visor that grants him unparalleled vision. He is the ship's Chief Engineer and an expert in all things mechanical.
In the captain's chair sits Jean-Luc Pickard, a sleek, silver sports car with a confident and wise air. He commands the ship and crew with unmatched grace and diplomacy.
Captain's log, stardate 47318.2. We are en route to the Felisian System to investigate reports of a temporal anomaly. Starfleet has ordered us to determine its origins and assess any potential threat to the quadrant.
Suddenly, the ship jolts, and the crew braces for impact.
Captain, we've been hit by an unknown energy wave.
Status report!
Sensors indicate that the energy wave is a temporal distortion, similar to the anomaly we are investigating.
Captain, the wave has caused significant damage to our warp drive. We're currently running on impulse power.
I'm picking up multiple injuries throughout the ship. We need to attend to them immediately.
Understood, Doctor. Dataway, begin analyzing the energy wave. We need to determine its origin and how to protect the ship from any further damage. Worfshift, assist the doctor with the injured crew members. Geordi, repair the warp drive as quickly as possible.
The crew quickly gets to work, each attending to their tasks. The ship is under immense pressure as they attempt to unravel the mystery of the temporal anomaly.
Tiresly Crusher and Worfshift work tirelessly to treat the injured crew. Among the injured is Deanna Troicar, the ship's Counselor, and a sleek, purple luxury vehicle. She has an empathic ability, which allows her to sense the emotions of others.
Counselor Troicar, are you alright?
I'll be fine, Worfshift. But I can sense that the crew is on edge. The energy wave has affected more than just the ship.
We must stay focused on our tasks. We will get through this.
You're right. We need to stay strong and united.
Geordi LaForge GT and his team of engineers work diligently to repair the warp drive. Sparks fly and engines whirr as they race against time to restore the ship's capabilities.
(over communicator)
Captain, we've managed to repair the warp drive, but it's going to take some time before we can safely engage it.
(over communicator)
Understood, Geordi. Keep me informed of your progress.
Dataway continues his analysis of the energy wave, while the rest of the crew maintains their stations, awaiting further instructions.
Captain, I have completed my analysis of the energy wave. It appears to have originated from a nearby star system. The temporal distortions are consistent with the use of a highly advanced time-travel technology.
Could this be connected to the anomaly we were sent to investigate?
It is highly probable, Captain. The energy signatures are nearly identical.
If this is a result of time-travel technology, we may be dealing with a highly advanced civilization. We should proceed with caution.
Agreed. Set a course for the star system, Mr. Riker. We'll continue our investigation there.
As the Entreprise-95 slowly makes its way towards the mysterious star system, the crew braces for the unknown, uncertain of what lies ahead in their race through time.
The senior crew members gather around a table, where a holographic projection of the star system is displayed. Each character is equipped with specialized tools that extend from their bodies, allowing them to interact with the environment around them.
We must be prepared for the possibility that the civilization responsible for these time distortions may not be friendly. It's crucial that we approach this situation with caution and diplomacy.
Captain, I have analyzed the star system's composition, and I have detected a planet rich in a rare energy source called "Chronofuel." This element could be the key to their time-travel technology.
That's fascinating, Dataway. If we could study this Chronofuel, it might help us better understand the time distortions and how to counteract their effects on our systems.
We should also be cautious of any potential side effects of Chronofuel exposure on our crew. I'll run some simulations in the sickbay to prepare for any medical emergencies.
We'll need to establish contact with the inhabitants of this star system. Their knowledge of time travel could be invaluable to Starfleet.
I agree, but we must also remember that they may not be receptive to our presence. As empathic vehicles, we should be ready to navigate any tense situations that may arise.
Very well. Let's proceed with caution and open communication. Dataway, can you establish a connection with the planet's inhabitants?
I will attempt to do so, Captain.
Dataway sends out a transmission to the planet, while the crew awaits a response. A video screen on the bridge flickers to life, revealing a group of vehicles unlike any they've seen before. Their designs are intricate, and they exude an air of wisdom and advanced technology.
(voice distorted)
Greetings, travelers. We are the Chrononauts, the guardians of the Chronofuel. What brings you to our corner of the universe?
Greetings, Chrononauts. We come in peace, seeking to better understand the time distortions that have been affecting our ship and crew. We believe your knowledge of Chronofuel and time-travel technology may be of assistance.
We understand your plight. However, our technology is highly classified and protected. We must first evaluate your intentions and character before we can consider offering our assistance.
The crew exchanges glances, aware of the challenge that lies ahead. With their journey taking a twist into the unknown, they must prove their worth to the Chrononauts in order to unlock the secrets of Chronofuel and ensure the safety of the Entreprise-95.
Very well, Chrononauts. We are willing to cooperate with your evaluation. We have nothing to hide and seek only to ensure the safety of our crew and other civilizations that may be affected by these time distortions.
We appreciate your willingness to cooperate. We will send a delegation to your ship to begin the evaluation process.
The transmission ends, and the crew prepares to receive the Chrononaut delegation.
Captain Pickard and his crew await the arrival of the Chrononaut delegation. The doors hiss open, and a group of majestic alien vehicles enters the room. The crew exchanges formal introductions with the Chrononauts, who appear intrigued by the Entreprise-95 crew.
To break the ice and build rapport with their guests, Captain Pickard decides to share a rare, vintage bottle of WD-40 he has been saving for a special occasion.
(gesturing to the bottle)
In the spirit of friendship and cooperation, I would like to share a fine vintage of WD-40 with our esteemed guests. This particular blend is known for its exquisite lubricating qualities and smooth finish.
(pleasantly surprised)
We are familiar with WD-40 and appreciate your gesture, Captain. It is not often we come across such a refined vintage.
As the WD-40 is served to the guests, the mood in the room becomes lighter, and the Chrononauts begin to relax. The crew engages in conversation with the alien vehicles, sharing stories and experiences from their adventures in space.
Meanwhile, Tiresly Crusher closely monitors the interaction, ensuring that the WD-40 does not have any adverse effects on the crew or their guests.
While the meeting takes place, Geordi LaForge GT and Dataway work on analyzing the Chronofuel energy signatures. They hope to gain insight into how the technology works and possibly develop a way to counteract the time distortions.
Geordi, I believe I have discovered a pattern in the energy signatures. If we can replicate this pattern, we may be able to create a stabilizing field around the Entreprise-95.
That's excellent news, Dataway. Let's get to work on building a prototype.
As the evening progresses, the crew and the Chrononauts develop a mutual respect and understanding. The Chrononauts are impressed by the integrity and dedication of the Entreprise-95 crew and ultimately decide to offer their assistance.
Captain Pickard, we have come to a decision. We are willing to share our knowledge of Chronofuel with you and help you counteract the time distortions affecting your ship.
Thank you, esteemed Chrononauts. We are grateful for your trust and assistance. Together, we can ensure the safety and well-being of countless civilizations throughout the galaxy.
With the alliance forged, the crew of the Entreprise-95 and the Chrononauts work together to unlock the secrets of Chronofuel and protect the galaxy from the perils of time distortion.
As the crew and the Chrononauts work together, an urgent alarm sounds, and the crew rushes to the bridge. The viewscreen displays an incoming transmission from an unknown source. The image flickers to life, revealing the Borg Queengine, a terrifying, cybernetic vehicle with an intricate network of mechanical and electronic components fused into her chassis.
We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your vehicles. We will add your technological and vehicular distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.
The crew exchanges looks of dread, recognizing the immense danger posed by the Borg.
(to the Alien Leader)
The Borg are a relentless, assimilating force. They seek to consume all cultures and technologies in their path. We must stand together against them.
We understand the gravity of the situation, Captain. Our knowledge of Chronofuel may provide us with the means to counteract the Borg's advances.
We'll need every advantage we can get. The Borg are notoriously difficult to defeat.
Geordi LaForge GT and Dataway, now joined by a team of Chrononaut engineers, work feverishly to adapt the Chronofuel technology to create a defense against the Borg.
If we can modify the Chronofuel to create a temporal distortion field around the Entreprise-95, it may disrupt the Borg's ability to adapt to our defenses.
It's risky, but it's our best shot. Let's get to work.
As the crew prepares for the imminent confrontation with the Borg, Captain Pickard addresses his crew and the Chrononauts.
The Borg have proven time and again that they are a formidable adversary. But today, we stand together, united in our pursuit of freedom and the preservation of our unique cultures. I have faith that we will overcome this challenge and emerge stronger than ever before.
With a renewed sense of determination, the crew of the Entreprise-95 and the Chrononauts work together to face the Borg Queengine, employing their combined knowledge and resources to protect their worlds from assimilation.
Geordi LaForge GT, Dataway, and the Chrononaut engineers finalize the modifications to the Entreprise-95's systems. They incorporate the Chronofuel technology to create a powerful temporal distortion field.
We've retrofitted the ship's axle arrays with Chronofuel injectors. Once activated, they will generate a high-frequency temporal distortion field around the Entreprise-95.
Additionally, we have modified the ship's spark plug emitters to create a concentrated ignition pulse beam. This beam will be capable of disrupting the Borg's nanochip circuits, rendering their assimilation technology temporarily inoperative.
The crew and Chrononauts man their stations as the Borg ship approaches. Captain Pickard gives the order to activate the temporal distortion field.
Activate the temporal distortion field. Prepare to fire the ignition pulse beam on my command.
The Entreprise-95 shimmers as the distortion field envelops the ship. The Borg struggle to adapt to the rapidly fluctuating time distortions.
The Borg are attempting to adapt, but our temporal distortion field is causing their systems to malfunction.
Now's our chance. Fire the ignition pulse beam!
A brilliant beam of energy bursts from the Entreprise-95, striking the Borg ship. The beam penetrates the Borg's defenses, overloading their nanochip circuits.
The Borg Queengine writhes in distress as her connection to the collective is disrupted. Her mechanical components spark and malfunction.
This is... impossible.
The crew watches as the Borg ship suffers critical damage, ultimately retreating from the battlefield.
The Borg are disoriented and withdrawing, Captain. It appears we have succeeded.
This victory would not have been possible without the invaluable assistance of our Chrononaut allies. Our combined knowledge and determination have proven that unity can overcome even the most formidable adversaries.
We are honored to have fought alongside you, Captain Pickard. Your crew's courage and resilience have earned our deepest respect.
As the Borg threat dissipates, the crew of the Entreprise-95 and the Chrononauts celebrate their victory, knowing that their unity and collaboration have saved countless lives and civilizations. The stars await their next adventure, as they continue to explore the final frontier.
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11 Finest Information Science Blogs To Follow
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The content material posted on the blogs is often consumer-friendly along with being fastidiously curated for technical audiences. The platform permits firms, researchers, authorities  and other organizations to publish their modeling problems and have knowledge professionals and researchers compete to produce the most effective solutions. Crayon Data is a fast-growing big data and AI firm, based in 2012 in Singapore, with a vision to simplify the world's choices. The leading know-how weblog within the Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, BI, Machine Learning, Personalization, and Data Science sectors. Dive deeper into the world of knowledge science through these eleven information science blogs. Keep updated on the sector from both thought leaders and dealing knowledge scientists for all kinds of views. Learn data science, data engineering, big data analytics, AI, and machine learning by way of featured tutorials and articles. Data Science Central is the trade's on-line resource for Big Data practitioners. I work in data science where my background in astronomy, physics, and schooling has given me a powerful foundation for utilizing data to answer interesting questions. Big Data is a major a part of evolving IT trade and this weblog explores its influence on data technology, the enterprise world, authorities companies, and our lives. Through revolutionary software program and services, SAS empowers and evokes clients around the world to remodel knowledge into intelligence. Our mission is to make it simpler for extra folks to use highly effective analytics daily, to shorten the trail from information to perception - and to inspire daring new discoveries that drive progress. Our mission is to bring about better-informed and extra acutely aware selections about expertise through authoritative, influential, and trustworthy journalism. Database marketing is a systematic method to the gathering, consolidation and processing of shopper knowledge. BOPIS (buy on-line, decide up in-store) is a business mannequin that enables customers to buy and place orders online after which decide up ... Spatial computing broadly characterizes the processes and instruments used to seize, process and work together with 3D knowledge. Crowdsourcing ensures that the experiments are innovative and interesting—and offer a lot of perspectives to learn from. Since data science continues to become a more complicated subject as technology advances, information scientists are extremely valued professionals in most companies. If a company desires to tug superior analysis and make sound  predictions primarily based on their units, then the organization will pour sources into their knowledge science strategy. If you’re a data science professional, you’re assured difficult, but rewarding work. Data Science Central, a half of the TechTarget community, is the business's online useful resource for big knowledge practitioners. From analytics to knowledge integration to visualization, Data Science Central provides a neighborhood experience. Leading businesses are investing in AI and multi-cloud to unleash the worth of their information in new ways. DataFlair, one of the best on-line coaching suppliers of Hadoop, Big Data, and Spark certifications via industry specialists. Blog subjects cover tutorials on Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data , Python, BI, SQL & NoSQL, IoT, R language, SAS, AI, Programming languages , Cloud, Android, Blockchain, Linux, Javascript, Angular JS and AWS. The weblog offers the latest insights on huge data, data science and business analytics. 360DigiTMG Collective is an editorially independent, moderated community providing enterprise leaders entry to the newest trends in Business Intelligence and Data Management. 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webvacancy · 1 year
Personal Assistant to Chief Executive Officer at Benjamin William Mkapa Foundation (BMF)
Personal Assistant to Chief Executive Officer at Benjamin William Mkapa Foundation (BMF)
Job Description BENJAMIN WILLIAM MKAPA FOUNDATION The Benjamin William Mkapa Foundation (BMF) is a non- profit Trust, established in 2006 with the vision towards healthy lives and well-being for all, in Tanzania and the rest of Africa. Its strategic mission is to contribute towards the attainment of better health outcomes through innovative health and related system solutions. BMF’s Vision and…
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ceo-admin · 1 year
Chief Strategic Growth Officer
Chief Strategic Growth Officer
Job title: Chief Strategic Growth Officer Company: Job description: Description : Ideal Innovations, Inc. (I-3) is seeking a high energy, innovative, imaginative, and experienced Chief Strategic Growth Officer to join our BD Department in Arlington, VA. The successful candidate will Possess an underst… Expected salary: Location: Arlington, VA Job date: Tue, 06 Dec 2022 04:58:22 GMT Apply for the…
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acidrefluxuk · 2 years
Operations Manager Jobs in London
Operations Manager Jobs in London
Apply for the latest Operations Manager Jobs in London in Accounting/Financial/Insurance in United Kingdom. Job Description Our client, an innovative, entrepreneurial and growing company, is looking for an experienced Operations Manager to be based in their London office. Reporting to the Founders of the company and Chief Financial Officer, candidates with experience gained in a call centre /…
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unjobstoday · 2 years
Chief Financial Officer
JOB DESCRIPTION The Chief Financial Officer will play a key role on the Strategic Leadership Team of Oxfam GB, reporting to the Chief Executive. The CFO will lead a high-performing Finance, Legal, Advisory and Governance Division of 80 people, to drive financial strategy and planning, ensure strong governance arrangements across Oxfam GB, and to lead on innovative impact-related projects. The…
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jobrxiv · 24 days
Chief Innovation Officer Samsara Eco We are a jaw droppingly unique company creating infinite recycling to end plastic pollution - are you our Chief Innovation Officer? See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/samsara-eco-27778-chief-innovation-officer/?feed_id=75309 #biochemistry #enzymology #industrial_scale #nylon #pet #plastic_recycling #protein_engineering #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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writebestresume · 2 years
What is a resume profile text?
The personal summary or profile text is at the top of the CV and clearly expresses who you are, where you come from, and your next goal.
The purpose of the profile text is to get readers on the hook and to persuade them to read the rest of the CV. So how do you write a profile text for your resume that is natural and catches the employer's attention?
 This guide includes:
cheap resume writing services : Tips for Resume & Job Search. Every two weeks, the experts gather our best career and resume tips that take less than 15 minutes to read. Right in your inbox!
The basic layout of a profile text How to tailor your profile text to give you a competitive edge
Examples of profile texts you should (and should not) use
Practical steps to get started with the profile text of your CV
 Profile text layout
The profile text is a short section directly below your contact information at the top of the CV. It summarizes your professional experience, your skills, and goals in a secure way. Think of the profile text as an extended slogan about your career. The profile text should contain:
Between 50 and 200 words in three to four sentences
Title or position, such as "junior developer" or "dedicated restaurant manager"
A trigger to capture the attention of the reader
Soft and hard skills
Impressive facts and statistics
Your short-term and/or long-term goals
A job-specific point of view for the position you are applying for
 This may seem like a lot to fit in 200 words, but by refining your elevator pitch, you show that you have a good grasp of why your experiences, goals, and skills make you a perfect match for the job.
 Adapt the profile text to the job description
With great care, the recruitment department chooses its words for the job advertisement. The ad's tone can give you helpful information, as well as what skills they highlight and any hints about what they consider a dream employee. One of the most important resume tips from HR managers is to include relevant keywords specific to the ad itself, as well as the actual wording of the job title.
What would this job description look like in three to four sentences? What tone, keywords, and skills would the summary of the job description have?
While still sticking to the facts about who you are and your experiences, the profile text in your CV should highlight as many similarities with the job description as possible. When the recruiters read the first sentences of your resume, they feel that you are precisely the person they described when they set up the ad.
 You write the profile text last.
Instead of getting a write lock as soon as you try to write your perfect profile text, skip this section and start your work history first. Once you have added your relevant work experience, take a closer look at what keywords, phrases, and skills you can use to describe your previous positions.
 Your complete work history and job description for the job you want form the basis of the profile text. By writing the profile text last, it should be easier to get started now that you have provided the right inspiration.
 Examples of profile texts
Before you get down to business, you can be inspired by different rhythms and layouts using the following examples:
Example. Innovative chief secretary with 10+ years of experience as an assistant to a team of three directors in a global finance company. Coordinating travel, managing major expense reports, and streamlining communication and calendars across departments. I am looking for a general secretary role with the CVapp.no team to expand my office administration career and thrive in an environment that requires independent problem-solving skills and focus during short deadlines.
The example above provides the following:
Indicates the title in the first sentence
Mentions specifications such as team size and tasks
Briefly summarizes the primary responsibilities and skills.
Highlights hard skills - experience in arranging travel and managing expense reports - as well as soft skills - thrives on short deadlines, accuracy, and communication.
The final words in the profile text correspond precisely with the company and the job description.
 Here are some more examples of profile texts for CVs:
 Example: Experienced digital marketing manager with five years of experience managing a global company. Ensured an increase of 500% for incoming leads and stimulated online sales from 100,000 to over 2 million a year. Want to expand my career by using my skills within the marketing team in CVapp.no.
Results-oriented and straight to the point, without using "I." Let us now look at a less good example:
 Example: I have worked as a digital marketing manager for five years. During this time, I have been an essential and hard-working team member and have shown my ability to work under pressure to achieve the company goals. I want to use my skills in a new role in digital marketing.
 The non-specific text does not mention results. Also, "I" is used too much, with a passive tone.
 The following example is a profile text with a focus on career goals. A career goal can be used to highlight your skills and experiences without the personal bit. It is a good alternative if you are still pursuing your education or have just completed your education without much experience in the industry in which you are looking for a job. Because you do not have relevant experience, you highlight skills and experiences from other CV areas to show you have what it takes.
 Keep your career goal short - a maximum of two to three sentences - and follow the same rules as for the profile text.
 Example: A content writer with three years of experience in a large e-commerce company. Delivered content that increased the brands' presence on social media to over 700,000 spread over three channels and improved the opening rate for e-mail by 48%. Wants to continue his career by becoming a member of CVapp.no as head of the SEO department.
 Do you see how transferable skills are used in the text? Combining these with numbers makes them all the more impressive.
 And a less good example:
 Example: I am a content writer who wants to secure a role as head of the SEO department. Although I have no experience in this subject area, I am dedicated and willing to learn. My interest in how search engines work will help me excel in their company.
It is not enough to capture the reader's attention, nor does it highlight transferable skills. If you have numbers to refer to the type of profile text you go for, get them to count.
 Write the profile text for your CV
Always write the first draft of a profile text without editing. Do not worry about length or word choice in the first place. Boast yourself, be proud of your achievements, and post all the most impressive statistics.
 One of the best ways to write a text is not to edit too early, so do not be afraid that it will be too much bragging or sound selfish; that's what editing is for. If the goal is to get three to four perfect sentences, it is most likely that your first draft will consist of close to six to eight sentences, or maybe even more.
 Refine the profile text and experiments
Once you've narrowed your focus, use the following questions to help you review and edit your profile text:
 Is my first sentence clear and concise? The opening sentence should indicate your position and use robust and enthusiastic language to capture the reader's attention. It often includes many years of experience as well.
 Is the tone direct and not passive? A strong sense of self-confidence works in a profile text. Instead of daring to start with "I think I'm..." or "I like ...", be bold. Go straight to the point and take ownership of your skills.
 Does it contain objective information? Try to think like an employer to check this. If you had this role, which boxes would you need to tick? The second and third sentences often contain specific skills, facts, or figures to support this.
 Does it seem natural when read? Even with all these specifications, the profile text should still be easily understood and have a natural rhythm when read aloud. Forget jargon that acts as a filler or that changes the tone. Depending on the company you are applying to, it varies how formal a profile text should be, but it should always reflect the type of employee or person you are.
 Profile text - Summary
Think of the profile text in a CV as the first 2 minutes of a job interview - whether it is by phone or in person. The recruiter asks you to "tell a little about yourself," and you have a minute to set the tone for the rest of the conversation. At the same time, the profile text should contain:
A natural yet professional tone that reflects your personality
The main reasons why your experiences make you unique for this position
Why is this role in line with your career plans
Facts and data that support your previous points
 Another good example:
Example: Skilled SEO copywriter with ten years of experience in B2C and B2B in three different industries. Versatile when it comes to writing texts for social media, websites, and detailed reports to convey each brand's unique tone and message. I brought in 15 new customers in two years and ensured that the number of readers increased by over 200%. I want to expand my skills in a marketing position both as a content writer and in editing.
When you master writing a perfect profile text, this clear sense of who you are and what you want will prepare you to pitch yourself during job interviews.
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yoongisbars · 4 years
Samusil | myg | P R O L O G U E
summary: It was always known that you were the family disappointment. So naturally, you fled. With a looming school debt, alcoholic tendencies, and no luck whatsoever in keeping a job for more than a month, you were at your wits end until you finally cave into working at Bang-Lenzo. You’ve only ever heard horrors of the place and its manager. But maybe, just maybe, that office would become your safe haven.
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pairing: myg x reader genre: strangers to lovers au | office!yoongi au | future angst? fluff?  word count: 7.5k tw: alcohol as coping mechanism, subjects that might hit close to home note:  inspired by The Office US, this is only a teaser, a taste, of a project im working on, i wont release anything besides this until its ready, so pls endure !! <3
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        Life was a bitch to everyone, and ever since you flunked out of Business School, it’s proven you weren’t the exception. It was an already supersaturated field with bright minded, innovative entrepreneurs. And you? Realized halfway through that the business world wasn’t cut out for you. With an overwhelmingly expensive college debt for an unfinished degree that your parents refused to pay for, you became the official family disappointment. After two years of being done with their bullshit, you finally packed your stuff and moved as far away as possible, hoping to start anew in the small town of rural Yangpiji.
        Just because you had some level of education, didn’t mean it would get you quite far. It’s done the opposite, in fact. Jobs with higher wages frowned upon your incomplete studies, and jobs that didn’t give a fuck if you finished high school, didn’t pay enough to deal with their idiocies or take care of the bills for that matter. One heated argument with the owner of the last food joint you worked at was the final straw. Throwing your dirty apron at his face, you walked out of there without a single care in the world, and for the moment, you felt powerful. At least until you waltzed into Slack Jack’s and sat at the bar that night, head buried into your palms.
“Rough shift?” Your eyes peered from behind your fingers, focusing on a shot being placed in front of you. And boy, were you thankful for it. Without speaking, you threw that shit back and let it burn your throat, the only consolation for the situation you were in. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Jackson, I quit.” Feigned shock played on the bartender’s face as he cleaned a beer mug. You weren’t the only one who searched for new beginnings in Yangpiji. In front of you was Jackson Wang, owner and proprietor of Slack Jack’s. He had moved there from abroad no more than ten years ago in hopes to reinvent himself, and against all odds did. He had been your close friend for the past three years since moving. Quite frankly the only good thing this area had to offer was Jackson and his cheap drinks that get you hammered quick.
���Really? I wouldn’t have thought!” His hand shot up to cover his mouth, chuckling at your bland reaction. Rolling your eyes so far into your skull, a heavy sigh escaped from within.
“I’m serious. I quit. I quit work, I quit life, I quit Yangpiji- I’m tired… I hate that I’m a jobless 28-year-old drunk, with nothing to offer this world besides how to survive on garlic noodles and rum.” Your hands traveled the air around you as you searched for words, “I can’t even afford to make them Jjajang Noodles, Jack. JJAJANG!” A small shriek spewed out as you downed another shot, you stopped counting after the third one. Dread and sorrow pooled around you in a matter of seconds. You were at your wits end. And you couldn’t say you were past your peak, since frankly you never took off the ground to begin with. “I’m a failure, Jackson.”
        Widened eyes traveled the room trying to find any words of consolation, but the bartender couldn’t find anything other than pity. His hands moved quickly, putting away the bottles before he was tempted to offer you anymore. He usually served you on the house because he knew of your struggles, but you also drank your weight in alcohol, and he didn’t want to go broke any time soon.
“Listen, chief. There’s still an option…” Oh no… You didn’t want to hear it; already knowing what was coming. “The Bang-Lenzo Yangpiji Branch is still hiring for a secretary; you should test it out.”
        Ah, yes. Bang-Lenzo Inc. Somehow a successful company in the dying paper industry. One of the first to drop their deforestation contracts for their supplies and switch entirely to recycled paper. Since most companies didn’t believe in the Save The Trees movement, most of their major clients dropped them and signed contracts with Bang-Lenzo instead. Working for them would be an achievement… If only the branch in your city wasn’t a nut house.
“Jackson…” Elongating the last syllable, you groaned. “I’ve heard horror stories of people that have tried to work there, it’s chaos. No one ever lasts a full week…” The idea of even bothering to work there was dreadful. The workers there were a nightmare, so you’ve heard. But their manager? A complete lunatic. Unprofessional, immature, inappropriate, and other negative connotations have been used to describe the young manager, Jeon Jungkook. Rumor had it he was the top salesman for 4 years straight before the old manager died. When the company crunched the numbers and stats, he was technically the most qualified for the manager position and had managed to keep it for the past 5 years.
        Amidst your internal struggle, Jackson raised an eyebrow and cut you straight. “It pays $15 an hour, plus benefits.” On instinct your hand shot up, doing quick maths in the air. Holy cow. You shifted your attention to Jackson so fast you almost snapped your neck.
“That’s almost $30k a year!”
“More than you’ll ever make busing tables, that’s for sure.” He had a point. And, you were desperate. Maybe not so much at first, but $15 is $15 and if it meant sacrificing your sanity for survival, well damn it, you were down for the count.
“Guess I’m speaking to Jeon…”
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        On Jackson’s commands and with a set of instructions, you left the bar early. ‘Prep for tomorrow, rest and sober up.’ Three things that you were never quite well doing at the very last minute. Bits and pieces of information were fed to you, in order to try and snatch the job at its core.
‘From what I’ve heard, he likes to go in on Saturday mornings to catch up on some work.’ All that meant was that you had to wake up early, and your suspected hangover did not like that. You did what any ‘sane’ person would do and popped in a pain killer and a nausea reliever, an old family remedy to wake up fresh and ready.
‘At the breakfast buffet two blocks over, I once saw him obliterate the cheddar biscuits… And I think he has a thing for sausages too.’ Really, it seemed like Jackson knew Jungkook too well, but honestly so did the town through word of mouth. That last bit of information is what made you scour the nearest convenience store for the necessary ingredients to make the piece of resistance, the key to securing your assets. With this bread you were going to get your bread.
        Morning came quickly, as you had gone to bed late baking and sorting out your clothes for the day. Sporting one of your finer ensembles just to make a statement, you were ready to take life by the throat. A dark gray, tight pencil skirt above the knee, a light beige button up blouse with pearled buttons, and a blazer to match the skirt. You applied a fair amount of neutral colored makeup in order to rejuvenate your features to not look like you’ve been miserable for the past 10 years. You finished off the look by slipping on some classic, black Mary Jane’s.
        For the first time since inheriting this 1999 Verna, you were glad the aircon was a hunk of junk and only blew hot steam. Of course you drove with the windows down to receive actual fresh air, but you angled the conductors towards the biscuits, keeping them toasty and warm as if freshly baked that morning. Jeon Jungkook would be in the palm of your hands and the job would soon be in your possession. Financial stability: here I come.
        Parked outside of the building, you painted on a mask with all of the false confidence and determination you could muster, before any ounce of regret could slip in. Once the clock hit 8:55am, it was time to go. You grabbed the biscuits, which you had ever so ‘lovingly’ placed in a basket upping the charm factor, and headed for the entrance.
I need money. I need money. I need money. It was the mantra of your choosing as you took the unnervingly long elevator ride up to the Bang-Lenzo office where your unannounced meeting with Jeon Jungkook awaited. Yes, unannounced. Obviously to anyone with common sense of time, 9:00pm wasn't a viable hour to schedule a meeting for the next morning, so you decided to take the determined approach and show up like you already owned the place. For the first time you had a goal and were dead set on obtaining it. Nothing would stop you from getting that income. I need money.
‘Bang-Lenzo INC.’ read the door sign in front of you. For a moment you closed your eyes, fighting off the urge to walk back to your car and forget this place. But your mantra was quick to erase such thoughts. I desperately need money. Overpowered with feigned confidence, you strutted into the main office. Immediately you were faced with your soon to be desk. It was large and crescent shaped, spacious and tall. In a room to your right, you heard a muffled voice. Surely that was Jeon’s office. With a huff of air, you went to knock on his door.
“Huh? C-come in?” Faint and hurried clattering was heard from inside. With suspicion, you went for the door, revealing behind it the manager, and possible future boss: Jeon Jungkook. Sporting nothing but a set of gray sweats, disheveled hair, and a headset placed around his neck. “Did you need something?” 
The scene in front of you made you lose focus for a split second. You had never seen him before, and by personality description you expected many things except him being viciously attractive. And also a gamer, noted by the Overwatch screen on his computer. The thought left you in a split second, you only had one goal and it did not include sleeping with the manager to reach it. You learned that only works once and it’s never rewarding.
“I’m here for the secretary position? I figured since it’s early and unannounced I’d bring in a little something to eat.” A sweet and charmful voice oozed from your throat, foreign to your body unless it was summoned. The confused manager’s doe eyes lit up once they set intensely on the basket making way to his desk. “I hope you enjoy warm biscuits.” Before he could even question what was going on, you were already sitting across from him, placing your intricate resume in front of his grubby self, you were ready to snatch this job from his hands. He had already fallen victim to the biscuits. You could see the revival in his eyes as soon as he took the first bite. Butter and cheese were the key, but  it was the mini weenies hidden inside that sealed the deal.
Jungkook didn't bother to offer it much of a glance. Instead he redirected his attention to you. “Are you good with computers and organizing?” Bread crumbs and cheese lingered on the corner of his lips as he spoke, you could have sworn some spittle came in your direction as well. Upon further inspection, the food stains on his sweats may have started a whole community of bacteria. Any office fantasy of getting railed by a manager quickly died with this individual, and some word of mouth started to make sense.
“Yes. Anything document and spreadsheet related I can handle, not to mention emails, and of course scheduling agendas-“
“And you made these? From scratch?” He held a biscuit in awe, and you couldn’t help but feel success in your future.
“I did.” You offered a soft, shy smile. Another desperate attempt to charm him for the job.
“Do you think you can bring them in on Monday mornings? Starting this Monday? Tell you what, I’ll raise you to $16 an hour if you do.” You choked on your saliva, instantly entering a coughing fit. He really might be off his rocker, but in this economy, who cares? Not you, because for simply baking Sunday nights you get an extra $40 a week. With this bread, you get your bread. 
“I certainly can! It would be my pleasure.”  “Great! Then let’s sign the paperwork and make it official.” He rummaged through his files to retrieve the contract. “Gosh, I can’t wait to tell the other managers all about my new beautiful secretary who cares for me, and cooks for me, and, who knows; maybe even have a secret romance with me?” There it was, the inappropriateness everyone talked about. Jungkook didn’t give you time to come out of your confused state. “Ha! I’m kidding! It’s just a joke. We’re professional. Professional. We’ll of course report our relationship to HR.” A noise seemingly from The Grudge escaped you. There was an ungodly uncomfortable silence before he decided to kill the awkwardness of the situation.“KIDDING AGAIN!” 
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        You didn’t question the lacking interview, or how Jungkook was quick to hire you. It was the most unethical thing in the world and yet? You didn’t care. You were one step closer to financial stability, and that was all you could ever ask for. With the contract filled out and already added to the payroll, you had officially signed your soul over to the white collar world. Serving as the official secretary of Jeon Jungkook. He truly was an oddball, and somewhat inappropriate, but he didn’t give any indication of being an asshole of a boss. Too friendly and annoying, but you had the gut feeling he might just be a decent enough boss. Or at least not so much of an idiot that you can tolerate working for. Besides, the money’s good.
        Walking out of and looking back at the building, your eyes spotted his office windows, with him behind, cheerfully waving you off as he ate the remains of the biscuits. A subtle reminder, you needed to prep your baking game.
       With a more dressed down version of what you wore to the impromptu interview, you drove your car over to the office building. Only this time, pulling up to the parking lot as you were now an employee. Jungkook’s car was already there. A sleek, black Equus. In comparison to its ancestor, your Verna, it exuded upper management presence. He clearly was a successful 27 year old, and you aspired to be able to reach as much coin as he probably had some day. Really, all you ever wanted in life was money. Were you willing to work much for it though? Probably not, but you didn’t have a choice. It was time to get in gear and make up for lost time. 10 years of your life, in fact.
        You stopped thinking about past mistakes before you could let them affect your first day. Taking the biscuits and purse in a hurried manner, you rushed up to the office. Only an hour earlier than the rest, but you still had things to prove, if only to yourself.
        Upon arrival, Jungkook was busy fiddling on your computer. Documents and folders were neatly spread out on a corner of your desk, waiting to be filed and sorted.
“Hey Y/N, You’re early! I hope you don’t mind, I’m setting up your company email so you can quickly get started.” His quick fingers stopped abruptly, for just a moment, his hand reaching for the biscuits. “And thank you for these, I didn’t think you’d actually make them.” He cocked his head in surprise and took a bite before finishing setting up your computer and programs. The comment left you with an odd feeling.
“Of course I would, I promised it.” Truthfully you only agreed because of the pay raise, but you would still hold up with it. No complaints. “Why did you up my pay grade if you didn’t think so?”
“I don’t know, incentive? I figured this would be an easier way to have someone stay for longer than a week at least.” Shaking his head for only a brief second, he continued. “But there’s something about you that tells me you’re going to be the perfect fit here. You have potential, Y/N. That’s why I hired you.” What the fuck was he talking about, ‘Potential’? You were a 28 year old deadbeat, a failure and a degenerate according to your relatives. You had anything but potential. Noting the hesitation to answer, Jungkook changed the subject swiftly. 
“And it’s done. I’ll give you a quick rundown of things on the machine and then we can work with organizing my schedule, I am so out of sync with this company and I haven’t a clue when my next meetings are.” With a clap, he stood up and motioned you to the seat. He continued to peruse through the biscuit basket, searching for the ‘cheesiest ones’.
        After a tour throughout the company programs and where supplies and files were around the office, the other workers started to arrive in a timely fashion. Some didn’t bother to give you the time of day, but others decided to greet you as soon as they walked in. Particularly a few of the guys from accounting and sales were quite enthusiastic to greet you. If you remembered correctly, the younger pair of them were from Accounting; Jimin and Taehyung, they were really nice, a bit shy as were you, but very polite and warm. You watched as they sat at their corner and bickered slightly, but it seemed to be in honest fun. The one from sales, Hoseok, was the opposite in terms of shyness. He welcomed you with the most charming of smiles and emphasized that if you ever needed a helping hand around the office to not hesitate to ask him. He cheerfully chatted your ear for a few minutes giving you a small idea of what a day in the office might be. “It’s not that bad once you get used to it, you just need to give us a chance.” You heard his hidden pleas. Many people came and went from this place and their tongues never ceased to express their distaste for it. Even most of your coworkers gave off an air of annoyance with the place. You couldn’t blame them, but basing your experience on first impressions only, it could be worse. Only time will reveal the shithole everyone else claims this place to be.
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        It was 20 minutes past 8:00am and the once empty office was now filled and working. Jungkook came out of his office ever so often, glancing over the the desks, ‘tsk tsk tsk’ is all he ever spoke before going back behind his door. You thought to ignore his manner and focus on organizing his schedule based on the emails he forwarded you. He had plenty of meetings, webinars and conference calls to attend, and they were all scattered around. On your shared calendar, you added the event reminder and description for each and every one for the next month, even going an extra step to add reminders on your own calendar the day before, just to make sure he’s up to date. 
        A new email displayed on the screen, an impromptu conference call for Jungkook in 10 minutes labeled ‘URGENT’. You were about to head to his office to notify him, but you remained seated as the entrance door swung abruptly, startling you just enough to make you forget your name and the company you now work for. All you saw was a coat being placed on the rack next to you with an exasperated sigh escaping the core of the individual. Right away, it was clear that if there was anyone in the entire building that hated having to wake up early in the morning just to show up to work in this unfortunate place more than you, it was him. Like the majority of the employees, he looked straight up miserable, even behind dark colored sunglasses. The freshly made venti Iced Americano, the slow paced walk to his desk and his disregard to show up on time were, in your opinion, strong indicators of his likely hatred for his job.
        Settled in his desk, he removed his shades. His narrow, cat-like eyes drew you in like magnets, there was no telling whether or not his iciness was natural, or a ruse to limit his interactions with the rest of the staff. Yet somehow they were still fitting for his rounder, chubbier cheeks. His lips were already pursed downward, but they seemed to curl even further and remain that way almost permanently as Jungkook peered his head out. You tried calling out to him, but your voice was muted by his own exclaims.
“Yoongi!” He shouted, you could say enthusiastically, towards the late addition in the office. He released another sigh, this time accompanied by an eye roll.
“Not now, Jungkook.” His voice was deep and low. Eyes never abandoning his monitor as Jungkook approached him. 
        Whatever conversation they were having was nothing but whispers and subtle head shakes. Yoongi was it? Didn’t seem in the mood for whatever chatter the manager kept going on about. You noticed bow everyone in the office was trying to work, but not being able to steal sudden glances from the conversation. Judging by those, especially Hoseok’s since he was sitting right at the situation, you assume they all had an idea as to what was unfolding. You, however, could only assume was an odd scolding in Jungkook’s manner for him showing up late.
        A ringing alert brought your focus back to your own desk, the incoming call you guessed was from Corporate due to the email. Jungkook had previously requested that you warn him first before answering any calls from them, and you remembered what you were ready to do before Yoongi walked in. Not wanting to bring in any attention to yourself you debated quickly which was the best option, calling him over or going straight to him, but you didn’t even answer yourself before your legs started moving on their own.
“Jungkook.” You tapped his shoulder gently, and spoke softly. The young manager startled a bit, and you were unsure if the other man’s expression was relief or annoyance, but you let it go quickly.
“Yes? Oh! That reminds me. Everyone!” What you wanted to avoid was exactly what he gathered: attention.
“This is Y/N, office secretary. I want you all to make her feel welcome, be kind.” He kept going on one of his badly timed speeches until no one paid him any mind.
“Jungkook, you have-”
“Would you both excuse yourselves and talk elsewhere?” The deep voice that spoke seemed to command more authority than Jungkook did. 
“Sorry,Y/N. Yoongi’s a bit on edge due to his divorce trial.” The last phrase he tried to utter as a whisper by leaning close to your ear, and although he made it sound like such, it was still loud enough for people to hear.
“Do you really have to tell people about my personal life? Where does it end with you?”
“I felt like I needed to excuse your attitude, she’s part of our family now anyways, she can know.” 
        Their bickering picked up again, Jungkook defending the reasoning for his declarations and Yoongi countering with how he always oversteps fine lined boundaries and doesn't have any common sense. Although you very much agreed with what Yoongi was saying that it was an invasion of privacy, you were still caught in the middle of their crossfire and all you wanted to do was inform Jungkook about the god forsaken call.
“JUNGKOOK.” Your raised voice silenced their bickering, and the room came to an onlooking halt. Anxiety started creep behind you due to shouting over your manager on your first day, causing flashbacks of previous outcomes due to this similar situation to roll like a montage in your head, but your patience was running thin.
“What, what is it?” Jungkook, unphased by the situation, cocked his head at you in slight confusion.
“You have a call from Corporate.” You maintained your stern tone, but you were wavering internally. His demeanor took a turn, eyes so wide you feared they would pop out.
“Did you answer?” Whispers gave an undertone of fear. With the phone still ringing in the background, you shook your head.
“Good. Tell them I’m out with a major client. I’m not here.” He hurriedly walked you back to the phone. The glint in his eyes says you should worry, but you swallowed and answered with the same feigned confidence you used for the interview.
“Bang-Lenzo, this is Y/N.”
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        You successfully got rid of the Corporate call in the morning, but you were unsure how long that might last given the urgency they requested it with. And Jungkook’s behavior regarding any calls from Corporate today, or the rest of the week from what he stated, was worrisome. It was a concern you’d tuck to the back of your head, it wasn’t your business anyways.
        As the day went on, you saw that life in the office was quite eventful, so to speak. After the ordeal of Yoongi’s divorce proceedings this morning, and Jungkook avoiding Corporate like the Black Plague, an array of unusual things for a normal day to day office routine continued to happen.
        Mainly, Jungkook was entirely distracting. To you, the staff and mostly to himself. He would constantly try to make conversation with anyone, and the topics were always painfully awkward. Anytime he was actually in his office, more time was spent playing Overwatch with Taehyung than doing any kind of work. Not to mention he eventually ventured over to the conference room, with Jimin and Hoseok in toe, for their “twice a day dancercise routine” as their official 15 minute break away from their computers.
        If you thought the nonsense would end there, you were soon to be corrected. It in fact continued in the numerous times Taehyung and Jimin came by your desk asking for copies. And not even official work copies- they were asking you to print out different versions of invitational flyers for their ‘seasonal crop party’. To your surprise, Taehyung had inherited the only strawberry farm in the region due to his grandparents passing, not like you had bothered to ask anyways. The only question you cared an answer for was if Jungkook had approved of using office supplies for this. It shouldn't have shocked you like it did that the man himself had designed the flyer and organized such an event, but still. 
        Lunchtime couldn’t arrive quicker. Some of the staff beelined with their meals over to the lunchroom area, while the others went out to eat. You half expected Jungkook to take advantage of the lunchroom crowd for his shenanigans, but he opted for eating in his office with Jimin and Taehyung instead. You could hear their incessant planning murmurs as you passed by to heat up your meal.
“Y/N!” Jungkook exclaimed once he caught your movement. “If the others give you the cold shoulder, feel free to join us here for lunch.”
“Oh, it’s okay. I planned on eating at my desk,” You chose your next words carefully, feeling the party planners’ gazes. “But I’ll keep it in mind in case I get too lonely, thank you!” The soft smile that spread across your smile was enough to comfort them from the small rejection. They went back to their discussions and you headed for the microwave.
        Peaking your head into the lunchroom, it was filled with the younger, unwelcoming faces from earlier. It’s not like you planned on sitting down and chatting with them, you were there just to heat up your lunch, but upon entry you noticed how their conversations volumes lowered all the way down to whispers and snickers. You focused your attention on the whirring noises and beeps the microwave offered as a mere distraction. It was a curse you carried for as long as you could remember. Any giggle, whisper, snicker, or anything of the sort you heard in your perimeter, you felt was directed at you. As if they could see the list of failures and misfortunes displayed on your back.
        You took your bowl and offered the room a nervous smile and nod before leaving, hoping it came across as a ‘sorry to bother, enjoy your lunch’.  As you exited the room, Hoseok, tailed by Yoongi, was heading with his food over to the conference room.
“Y/N, come join us if you want.” Hoseok was beaming, if the sun was human it would be him. Contrary to the one walking past him, not bothering to stop. He could be truthfully considered the dark side of the moon. Although with his back to you, you could make out his unrelenting scowl reflecting in the conference room’s glass wall. “Ignore him, he’s still mad over this morning.”
“All things considered, I can’t blame him. But I think I’ll pass.” Hoseok hooked his free arm around yours before you could continue.
“Nonsense, you shouldn’t cast yourself out on the first day.” In truth, Hoseok’s friendly manner and joyous attitude couldn’t be denied. You felt his genuine interest in making sure your transition into the office was a smooth one. In the room, Yoongi was already gulpin down his food, not bothering to glance up until he spoke.
“Shut the door so I can tell you…” Words escaped him, replaced by a sigh as he spotted your presence, and Hoseok’s sudden realization of what this lunch reunion entailed. Surely, they were meant to discuss the divorce proceedings, but Hoseok forgot upon trying to welcome you.
“Right… Y/N, rain check? Alone on your first day though...” He sighed as he flushed with embarrassment and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Don’t worry,” that was directed more at Yoongi if anything, a small assurance accompanied by the subtlest of nods. The rest was for Hoseok, as a dismissive joke to calm his worries. “I’ll probably join the Crop Festers and their shenanigans.” He cocked his head in confusion, a sharp ‘hm?’ caught in his throat. You brushed it off, leaving them with a wave. Wishing them a nice lunch and closing the door behind you, it was unknown to you that the Crop Festers had overheard, and were expecting you at Jungkook’s door excitedly.
“So you’re joining us then?” Taehyung assumed overjoyed, and Jimin couldn’t hide his giddiness. Jungkook was at the back at his desk, shaking his head in tune with soft chuckles before waving you in. It was clear that there was no way to have an unbothered lunch for the next 45 minutes, so… You joined.
        Tae, as he now urged you to call him, and Jimin made space for you between them. Rice, meats, noodles, and an array of veggies were spread across the desk, now along with your own addition of food and in no time you were all eating and sharing your meals. Jungkook even offered up the few remaining biscuits, causing Tae and Jimin to fuss over why weren’t they brought out sooner and how good of a cook you were. Now they were expectant for next Monday morning for a pleasant cheesy boost.
        Unknown to your conscious self, you were having a nice time. Further into the lunch, you became more involved with the Crop Party planning, and were even getting a bit excited for the day to arrive. A paid work day for a strawberry picking party? Who could say no to that? You weren’t ready to admit it just yet, with it being the first day and all, but… You were starting to like this place, even if you weren’t ready to acknowledge it. Once lunch was over, and everyone was making their way back to their desks, they eyed you with slight annoyance as you walked out of the office along with Tae and Jimin, still laughing at one of Jungkook’s impressions of some of the staff. Unaware, Yoongi and Hoseok exchanged a suspicious glance. Who was to blame any of them? It was a first for them to see someone new being friendly, or accepting the office shenanigans as they transpired.
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        Afternoon was a milder version of what the morning turned out to be, everyone was calmer now, and as the hours passed you noticed they worked harder. Even Jungkook was filing reports and taking work calls, as long as they weren’t from Corporate. One of your last tasks was to send out some notice of change in policy emails to clients, it was the most time consuming, but it helped the remaining hours pass by in a flurry.
        Bags started to be packed and coats began to be thrown on as the clock got nearer to 5:00pm. Everyone was ready to put an end to the odd Monday, and you could tell by their soft smiles and shy ‘See you tomorrow’s.  Hoseok dropped by your desk with a “Lunch tomorrow, for sure!” before leaving and wishing you well. Yoongi followed behind him, not offering anything at all. More than likely still fussy over his personal issues being announced in the office. Jimin and Taehyung each went for a goodbye hug, as they were more than excited to have you aboard. Often they carpooled, you found out that they live together on the farm. After being friends for so long, they decided to run it together. Only you and Jungkook, who was still stuck in his office remained. With your things on hand, you peered through his window to give him a small wave which he returned, followed by pointing to the phone and making mocking expressions of talking too much. With a shake of your head, you went to clock out, putting an end to the first day on the job. You would call it a success, for it being your very first 8-5, and it deemed celebration. So once you hopped on your Verna, and peered out of the parking lot, your destination was clear: Slack Jack’s. 
        You had never once been there on a Monday, much less after 5:00pm. Late weekend nights were what you had grown accustomed to due to your old odd jobs here and there. But much to your surprise, the ambience at this hour was much more tranquil and up your alley than what you were used to. You hated crowds and loud groups of people, and there was none of that here. Eyes scanned the bar for your favorite and only owner, who upon noticing your arrival called you over to an empty stool up at the bar. Eager steps made their way over as he placed your favorite shot on the counter: a water moccasin. You paid no mind to the individual next to your stool as you sat down, eyes trained on the peachy, sweet and sour whiskey shot glass before you. Widened eyes stared, unknown to you, as you drank it in one big gulp, placing the now empty glass on the counter, snapping and pointing at Jackson with finger guns as you exclaimed “Hit me again”.
        A smirk played on the corners of his mouth as he placed a second one just as you finished asking. Knowing your habits, he made two as soon as he saw you. “I’m guessing today went... ?” He was expecting you to tell him all about your day, as soon as you finished fighting off the burning feeling down your throat. It was always the second one that got you the most. Hissing for only a few seconds, you spoke.
“Honestly? Honestly honest? I can’t complain.” Alcohol was slowly starting to take effect on you as you rambled on. “At first I was kinda freaked out? Because everyone was kinda weird? OH! And then Jungkook decided to out a guy’s whole divorce or something?” In the background, next to you, someone cleared their throat as Jackson bit his bottom lip, trying to hold in a chuckle, but you went on. “I don’t know, it was weird. But like afterwards, it was pretty chill. Jungkook ain’t that bad. And lowkey? I can’t wait for the strawberry season, dude.” A snort escaped you as you thought back on the Crop Party. You couldn’t wait. Tae mentioned something about making fresh milkshakes, and right now you were wildin’ at the thought.
“So I’m guessing you’ve met Yoongi?” Jackson’s hand motioned you to look to your right. Lo and Behold, Mr. Divorcee was magically there, a citrus whiskey on the rocks in his hands. And that’s when it hits you, you have a loud mouth.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” Eyes like a deer in headlights, pleading for forgiveness. Yoongi waved it off. You finally heard his voice without a hint of annoyance.
“It’s fine.” Bringing the glass to his lips, he took a long sip. Which reminded you.
“Jackson, may I please--”
“Have another?” He chuckled as he went to prepare a fresh shot. “Don’t get carried away tonight, though. You work tomorrow, remember?” 
“Hey, I have self control. I won’t drink past 6:30, I swear.” To even prove such control, you didn’t rush to down the shot. Instead you tried to build a conversation with the man in charge of the drinks, but he cursed silently at a reminder.
“Fuck, excuse me for a sec. I have to call my parents.” You remembered him mentioning something about an upcoming anniversary as he rushed to the back, leaving you alone with Yoongi, a shot and your thoughts. 
        Allowing your mind to travel far for a moment, the waterfall of bitter memories with your family started to cloud your field of vision. Forgetting where you were and who was around, you brought your hands up to either cheek and gave yourself some quick, small smacks in an attempt to distract your tear ducts from doing their job. A groan escaped you as you reached for the shot in front of you, disappearing it in an instant. So much for self control.
        The man next to you watched in awe. He already knew far more about you than whatever first impressions you thought you gave, courtesy of Jackson. But he was one to always doubt the extent of the things he said, and since forming odd suspicions of you at the office, he figured now was the time to see if anything added up. 
“Escapism?” The sudden voice shocked you, and brought you back to reality. Another snort made its way out your nose, in an endearing manner.
“You can say that. No, you know what? Life is a bitch.” In your drunken manner, you broke. You vented, you ranted, and you rambled. You laid out your entire life in front of this man, this stranger, revealing more than what was necessary, but you couldn’t stop yourself. “And now here I am.” Fingers tapped the counter, antsy. Waiting for Jackson to come back and serve you yet another shot to calm down.
“I see, I’m sorry for all that. Things are looking up now, at least?” Yoongi shrugged, a winced expression since your story was still fresh in his mind. “But, if it makes you feel any better, I have some fucked up shit going on myself."
“Oh really? A divorce? Family exile beats loveless marriage any day, boy.” Another side effect of your alcoholism was straight up competitiveness. Even though it stung him, he couldn’t help but laugh. For him, it even felt like the first time in a while he had done so earnestly.
“My wife is pregnant.” Whiskey glass was brought back to his lips for a moment, barely touching them. “And it’s not mine.” He finished off the remainder of the glass, while you stared in silence, jaw dropped.
“Whoa, that sucks... How do you know though?” You brought your face closer to him, in curious intrigue, not knowing what personal space was; but he didn’t mind much as he inched in a bit closer to speak.
“I had a vasectomy.” A sighed escaped his core as he too revealed his life to a stranger. “Before we got married, we were clear that we didn’t want children. At least not for a long time, so I got the surgery done. If we ever wanted kids we would have a talk and take out time to decide how to go about it. But one day,” he shook his head, thoughts lost in the memory “she was very persistent that I go get the reversal done. Like, that I had to get it done that week. And I found that suspicious, so I pretended to get it.” His fingers now mimicked yours earlier, lightly tapping on the counter. “We waited the recovery time, had sex, and a few days later, she was pregnant. So I filed for divorce. Do I win now?” His usual serious pout curled into a smirk as you shook your head no.
“Nah, I still win. You can always get a new wife, I can never get new parents. I don’t make the rules, chief.”
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        The mood was starting to liven up, but the universe often threw curveballs in your direction. Text alerts distracted you from your office chatter with Yoongi, and again, you soured. It wasn’t often when you received messages from your cousin, but you never talked about the elephant in the room. This time, however.
‘Your dad’s been asking about you lately. Anything worth mentioning?’ You watched the words fade from the pop-up screen, and debated in silence. The shift was visible, and Yoongi caught it as it happened. “Is everything okay?” he asked. Instead of answering, you simply opened the chat and showed him the message. Grabbing your phone in his hands he stared.
“Do I answer? Do I just leave it for tomorrow? What could I even bother telling?” Complaints continued to spew out of your mouth, muting the light clicks of Yoongi’s rapid fingers working on the keyboard. You’re only brought back from your rambles when you feel him pressing your phone still in his hand, back into yours, a message already written out in the text box.
‘I just started at a new office job. Safe, secure. It’s working out.’ Short, simple and to the point. A quick nod was enough for him to press send. As he pulled away, leaving you with the chat which was instantly read, you expected to feel a bit better, but your worries and anxiety remained as your fingers drummed at a quickened pace, itching for yet another shot. 
        Right on cue, Jackson’s presence made its way to you. Catching your tells, his hands moved straight to the Schnapps.
“Actually, I think she might be better off with water instead.” You shot daggers at him, annoyed at such an assumption. “Same for me. You said you won’t drink past 6:30. I don’t make the rules, chief.” You couldn't grumble out much, because as much as you desperately wanted to be irresponsible and drown your sorrows in waves of alcohol, you had a new, very decent, job to uphold. And that required showing up sober.
        The rest of the night went by pretty decently, ending with a new weird routine of going home early instead of waiting until Jackson finished closing off, to drag you all the way to his car. The nights you drove to your home from the bar were less than the ones he posted you up at his own apartment. 
“You’re good to drive, right?” This time, it was Yoongi who was nice enough to walk you over to the beat up Verna at the end of the lot.
“Surprisingly enough, I am. Thanks.” Sticking the key into the lock, you jiggled it around. The only sure way to open the door these days. “What about you?”
“Considering I only had one glass of whiskey, I think I’m alright.” He motioned over to the Genesis next to you. “I’m gonna head out. Drive safe.”
        You nod and make sure he's at least safe besides his car door before entering yours. Turning back briefly to look at you, your goodbye wave stops halfway as his words reach your ears.
“Lunch tomorrow.” Is all he says. he doesn't even bother waiting for a confirmation, he simply gets inside his car and drives away.
        Starting up your car was always a hassle but you got it kicking in no time. As you pulled out of the lot, you spotted the Genesis still at the empty intersection. You flashed your headlights twice before heading the opposite direction, and from your rearview saw him continue on his way. Despite all the characters and particular personas inhabiting the living bodies of your coworkers, you couldn’t help but think: Yoongi's just might be the most intriguing to you after all.
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mittencone16 · 3 years
Modern Technology
European Peptide Culture
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Life depends on the complex interplay of multitudes of various biomolecules, however just how such interdependent molecular networks occurred at the origin of life stays a mystery. Such job can likewise give the structure for the design and also building and construction of molecular systems with life-like residential or commercial properties such as growth, department and also evolution. In this webinar, the speaker will lead you via the individual steps for synthesis of peptides applying Molecular Hiving ™ Innovation. Recap on Give Application Hydrogels are of large technological as well as scientific interest due to the fact that they are composed generally of water, typically similar to that of physical tissue. Hydrogels are made use of for applications consisting of contact lenses, cells engineering, medicine launch, as well as biosensing. Each of these applications needs gels with different materials residential or commercial properties.
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For that reason, intermediate seclusion of the tag-bound peptide and too much washing steps are not required for Molecular Hiving ™ Technology. Scancell has also recognized and also patented a series of customized epitopes that stimulate the manufacturing of killer CD4+ T cells that ruin tumors without poisoning. The Directors think that the Moditope ® platform could play a major function in the growth of risk-free as well as efficient cancer immunotherapies in the future. The PepMix ™ variety of top quality peptide pools for the artificial insemination excitement of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell reactions covers more than 100 antigens or blended epitope pools, consisting of tumor associated and infectious disease antigens. The PepMix ™ peptide pools are produced by antigenic healthy protein sequences being split into overlapping peptides, chemically synthesised and after that analysed to adhere to the demands of T-cell assays. Our novel, proprietary phage display testing system integrates biology with chemistry.
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This technology utilizes a hydrophobic tag, which is used similarly as the material for solid-phase peptide synthesis processes. The same standard Fmoc amino acid by-products as for SPPS are applied for assembling the peptide chain. However, all combinings and also cleavages of the Fmoc shielding group are executed in option allowing for rapid responses as well as direct in-process controls, e.g. by HPLC.
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While clinical trial participants on Ligandrol did have a higher rate of throat infections, it was concluded this was not due to the drug. Ligandrol can be detected for up to 21 days in the urine of those who take it.
growth targets. Remarkably, a solitary booster shot with customized peptide, up to 14 days after lump dental implant, resulted in lasting survival in 60 %to 90 %of animals without any linked poisoning. This introductory phase covers the basic ideas connected with cyclic peptides and is meant to set the stage for the following areas of this publication. Hence, a brief description of the architectural space of cyclic peptides and their connection to proteins is offered. After that, the principle of conformational constraints is presented defining the various modes of peptide cyclization. Ultimately, assurances and premises for cyclic peptides to be made use of as pharmaceutical representatives are laid out. These concealed nasties can cause the failure of proteins such as collagen and also elastin. Basically, Vitamin C is aiding to safeguard the cellular structures that peptides are working hard to produce. Harpreet Singh obtained his PhD in Immunology at the College of Tuebingen, operating in the group of Professor Hans-Georg Rammensee. He is the co-founder of immatics biotechnologies, a Tuebingen-based business. As Chief Scientific Policeman of the business, he is responsible for the growth of unique peptide-based cancer cells injections from medication discovery to medical development. Additionally, the XPRESIDENT platform is not limited to renal cell carcinoma however has also been efficiently put on other tumour entities. Better, multi-peptide item candidates will quickly be introduced right into clinical growth. It remains to be seen whether this unique course of normally provided antigens will certainly be able to make a difference to cancer cells immunotherapy. The first outcomes have provided some hope-a hope driven by data and brand-new knowledge. Peptide as well as healthy protein bioanalysis brings better complexity compared to small particle analysis. High history noise because of endogenous peptides and healthy proteins can lower signal and call for more complex sample preparation. https://direct-sarms.com/product/post-cycle-therapy-support/ have more multiply-charged types, raised fragmentation patterns, and a range of reduced wealth pieces, all of which decrease signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, a substantial variety of biologics have longer half-lives than small particles; for that reason, numerous are dosed at reduced concentrations. Monoclonal antibodies comprise a broadening group of restorative substances, which are made use of to deal with cancer, auto-immune conditions, as well as systemic infections. Mass spectrometry is the analytical device of selection for quantitation of mAbs, due to its selectivity, multiplexing, and dynamic array advantages over ligand binding assays. Waters' Xevo tandem quad household, columns as well as chemistries have been used to perform bioanalysis of large healthy protein particles, such as the monoclonal antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates like Bevacizumab, Infliximab, and Trastuzumab Emtansine. This innovation has applications in injection and medical diagnosis advancement. For vaccines, it can be utilized alone or in mix with various other treatments to treat a vast array of human cancers cells or transmittable illness. The innovation can likewise be used in diagnosis to assess T cell resistance which is necessary for monitoring and also regulating cancer cells and microbial infections. The ROP innovation platform has a number of distinctive advantages over existing methods of turning on or checking cellular resistance. This bicyclic peptide of eight amino acids is one of the most lethal of all the toxins found in a number of varieties of the Amanita category of mushrooms.
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The network that catches the water is commonly polymeric, however current researches have actually revealed that brief peptides can be utilized, using advantages when it come to biocompatibility and also flexibility of layout. As a result, generating hydrogels for particular applications is a hit-and-miss event, calling for repetitive synthesis and testing. This job focuses on the underpinning scientific research of hydrogel formation from oligopeptides as well as the growth of full design guidelines for such products. Such policies will certainly relocate the area onward dramatically, establishing layout standards for certain applications and permitting the full exploitation of this amazing technology. The evaluation, whose lead writer is Teacher Lindy Durrant, Scancell's Principal Scientific Police officer, discusses the concept that citrullinated peptides created during autophagy deal appealing vaccination targets for cancer cells treatment.
Molecular Hiving ™ additionally enables the synthesis of peptides without making use of solvents as well as reagents which are carcinogenic, mutagenic, or hazardous to recreation. This makes peptide products produced by this modern technology highly appealing for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector.
Our creator Sir Greg Wintertime, a leader in phage screen, used this modern technology, including a cyclization action that develops Bikes from these direct peptides. Consequently, we can rapidly select phage that bind to a selected biological target and also utilize evolution-driven, enlightened choice to derive maximum particles. A succeeding testimonial section on the use of classic chemistry strategies for cyclic peptides will include an initial component gone along with by chosen details instances (Phases 6-- 9). Then, an example of how synthesis and biological approaches can be combined will be explained followed by a section focusing on the evaluation of cyclic peptides (Phases 11-- 13).
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paired arg-diaminobutyric acid ring, showed the highest possible receptor affinity and also agonist strength. The pharmacokinetic data of 177Lu/68Ga-AM 3 make this peptide an outstanding candidate for imaging and also as a positron discharge tomography radiotracer. This represents an unique strategy to take on the current shortage in Gram-negative prescription antibiotics and will swiftly prolong the currently available collection via the combination of regulative authorized Gram-positive medications as well as our peptide platform. The self-assembly peptide hydrogels made use of as tissue society scaffolds have attracted terrific interest in the last few years. They have the benefits of natural polymer hydrogels including biocompatibility, biodegradability and also the advantages of artificial products such as controlled architectural homes as well as mechanical homes. In Buy bulking stacks , the bioactive ligands which can advertise bioactivities as well as control cell behaviours can be easily introduced to the peptide foundation through peptide synthesis. In this task, the self-assembly and also gelation homes of FEFEFKFK peptide were additionally explored, evaluating the effect of pH as well as ionic toughness on the self-assembly and gelation behaviour. The biomimetic nanofibrous hydrogels of FEFEFKFK were likewise examined for their ability to sustain human dermal fibroblast cells. The methods of gel preparation were created for both 2 dimensional and also 3 dimensional cell society. The functionalised peptide hydrogels boosted cell attachment on gel surface area, with cell interaction examined utilizing numerous imaging and also spectroscopic techniques. An initial 3D cell society research likewise revealed possibility of these peptide gels to be used for encapsulated human dermal fibroblast cell studies. RGD peptide is an adhesive peptide which can be used in a biomaterial context to connect cells to a series of products. It is located within extracellular matrix proteins as the integrin binding domain. The benefit of using RGD peptides over entire ECM proteins is that it decreases the immune sensitivity risk. Immunization with these peptides induced CD4 T cells in action to autophagic
It is a helpful tool in figuring out kinds of ribonucleic acid polymerase existing in a tissue example. These bicyclic and also polycyclic peptides might have better infiltration and also diffusion properties with bigger options of administration than mAbs. They offer much better target uniqueness with raised capacity to interfere with protein-protein communications. The only caution here is the problem in generating polycyclic peptides with suitable binding homes. Bicyclic peptides have actually been prepared by service phase and solid phase synthesis. Greater levels of orthogonality and regioselectivity of amides are crucial while making the artificial systems for bicyclic peptides. API Provider & Chemical Growth Giving solutions for all phases of medicine development for little particles and peptides. Providing solutions for all phases of medication advancement for tiny molecules as well as peptides. Over the previous decade, Dr. Iegre and her group have actually established high-quality specialized reagents as well as methods that can modify peptides as well as overcome these downsides. In the short term they are exploring supplying their existing set of reagents to research study teams and also the pharmaceutical industry, along with
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Wolfgang Seufert researched chemistry at the colleges of Giessen and also Leipzig, and also got his PhD from the College of Basel for his deal with cyclization reactions of changed amino acids as well as peptides. Molecular Hiving ™ is a tag-assisted liquid-phase peptide synthesis modern technology established by Professor Kazuhiro Chiba at Tokyo College of Technology and also Agriculture.
We make use of artificial biology to display a considerable variety of linear peptides externally of engineered bacteriophage as well as chemistry to change them right into Bicycles. Phage can be utilized to determine Bicycles by splicing DNA right into the phage genome to ensure that linear peptides encoding Bikes are presented on the phage surface area.
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The last 4 phases (Phases 14-- 17) of guide will highlight making use of cyclic peptides in biology and also in drug exploration. In you can find more information on direct-sarms.com's Home page here. , oral delivery of peptides drugs is incredibly challenging purpose. Digestive system is likely to cleave the peptides prior to assimilation. Remedy to the reduced bioavailability of such medicines stays to be established. Development in biotechnology as well as genetics technology aided in the development of a many possible restorative polypeptides in commercial scale.
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Peptides have large chemical convenience as a result of the varying nature of their amino acid R-group. They can be made use of to develop materials with really certain performances as well as with the possible to affix a variety of molecules including drugs, for this reason their use within medication delivery. We have actually created a generic and durable technology for the site-specific add-on of small particles, large polymers and also peptides to various proteins. This method, which produces a targeted, site-specific ligation at the C-terminus, enables total control over the conjugation procedure. Benefits of peptides include their capability to interact with a different collection of targets to various other courses of medicines, low production expenses and reduced in vivo immune responses. Disadvantages include them breaking down promptly in vivo as well as usually not having the ability to participate in living cells where the majority of the medication targets are located. In this webinar, the speaker will assist you through the specific steps for synthesis of peptides applying Molecular Hiving ™ modern technology.
Our publication in Acta Biomaterialia has actually confirmed peptide nanotubes have the ability to transverse the external membrane layer of Gram-negative germs. We are progressing to study their capability to be utilized in combination with existing certified antibiotics. A significant number of chronic clinical problems suffer from made complex medicine treatment regimens that people discover trouble adhering to, adversely impacting therapeutic outcomes. Our group examine using peptide-based hydrogelas as a new modern technology system for growth of long-acting injectable medicines within these medical care areas.
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supplying working as a consultant solutions to recommend on exactly how best to functionalise peptides of rate of interest. In the longer term they intend to develop their very own collections of cell-permeable peptides that they have actually effectively synthesized and also examined, with collaboration with identified partners.
Excess reagents as well as combining and cleavage related byproducts are exclusively removed by aqueous extractions. Consequently, intermediate seclusion of the tag-bound peptide and extreme cleaning actions are not needed for Molecular Hiving ™ modern technology.
Scancell's Moditope ® system utilises this device to promote the manufacturing of extremely active CD4+ T cells that get rid of self-tolerance as well as ruin tumor cells. Without doubt, all-natural product-derived and also artificial cyclic peptides have gotten expanding interest from the clinical area recently. This has actually been gone along with by a noticeable renaissance of tasks by the pharmaceutical sector in the area of peptide-based drugs. In this regard, the macrocyclization motif uses a number of benefits over linear analogs, like enhanced security, strength, and membrane leaks in the structure. These beneficial chemical as well as physical buildings can be manipulated for various applications, which are definitely not limited to pharmaceutical exercises. This has been an encouraging example for a compound with oral bioavailability far beyond the Lipinski space, which promoted additional examinations of the possibilities to develop peptide-based medicines for oral consumption. Nevertheless, applications where oral management is not the preferred path, like e.g. topical treatment of wounds or lung distribution into contaminated lungs, can conveniently utilize cyclic peptides as therapeutic representatives. Priming of just one kind of cytotoxic T-cell with one TUMAP is generally not enough to get rid of all tumour cells. Tumours are extremely mutagenic and are hence able to react quickly to CTL assaults by altering their pattern of shared proteins, enabling them to run away from the acknowledgment by CTLs. Several turned on T-cells can act synergistically by all at once assaulting a corresponding variety of separately encoded tumor antigens decreasing the opportunities of a tumour cell to avert the immune feedback by down-regulating single targets. Recombinant as well as wild type pVIII major coat proteins displaying hundreds/thousands of copies of therapeutic peptides. The principle of hydrolysed healthy proteins is that by enzymatically cleaving nutritional healthy protein molecules into peptides, the molecular weight is lowered to listed below the limit needed to turn on the immune system. C-peptide is short for linking peptide because it is in charge of joining the An and also B chains of insulin within the proinsulin particle. The enzymatic bosom of proinsulin causes the launch of insulin into blood circulation and also c-peptide being developed. Connecting peptides have no metabolic feature as well as often tend to be 31 amino acid peptide deposits that have a half-life in blood circulation that can be between 2-5 times much longer when compared to insulin. Cyclic peptides can bind as well as move metal cations across membranes in organic systems. Monocyclic peptides are too versatile as well as non-specifically bind to metal ions, whereas bicyclic peptides are a lot more inflexible and also particularly bind cations. A collection of bicyclic peptides have been made as well as synthesised by scientists to supply ammonium ion complexation websites by means of hydrogen bonding in a tetrahedral geometry. This helps to identify the precision degrees of ammonium ions in the visibility of potassium ions for the scientific evaluation of urea as well as creatinine degrees utilized in blood evaluation applications. An additional class of bicyclic peptides in the onset of development are substances targeting arginine-glycineaspartic acid vectors that bind to the receptors connected with angiogenesis-like integrin receptors. These bicyclic substances might be used for the diagnosis or therapy of malignancy, heart problem, endometriosis, inflammation-related diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and also Kaposi's sarcoma. The license WO 03/ describes peptide-based compounds targeting integrin receptors associated with angiogenesis. The European EP license defines a brand-new course of the bicyclic peptide and also the analogues used as imaging representatives. Radiolabeled somatostatin analogues have actually been made use of to target somatostatin receptor tumours. Recently developed bicyclic somatostatin-based radiopeptides are a new kind of radiotherapy for neuroendocrine tumours and also can be made use of as analysis imaging representatives. These brand-new analogues showed high fondness for sst2 as well as sst3 and modest fondness in the direction of sst1, sst4 as well as sst5. The analogue AM3, consisting of an octreotide ring and also a head-to-tail
LAI nanosuspensions composed of water-insoluble medicines are frequently suggested for the treatment of illness with minimized individual adherence to medication such as schizophrenia. This platform has big capacity within biomedical applications to prevent as well as treat a vast variety of conditions by means of boosted shipment of medications. Our molecules have several benefits over current artificial products made use of in health care.
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carldavidson · 4 years
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Book Review: Mike Stout’s ‘Homestead Steel Mill’ Is a Manual for Organizers
Homestead Steel Mill: The Final Ten Years
USWA Local 1397 and the Fight for Union Democracy
By Mike Stout
PM Press 2020
 By Carl Davidson
Keep on Keepin’ On
Mike Stout’s remarkable new book of a recent large-scale class battle in Western PA can be read in many ways. First, it’s a history of Homestead steelworkers in the last years of their battles to improve their conditions and save their jobs. It’s also Stout’s personal autobiography of a working-class youth radicalized by the 1960s and 1970s and the culture of rebellion of which he was a part. Then one can read it as a fine example of sociological investigation and economic analysis of the Pittsburgh region.
All those brief summations are fine. But most of all, within all these, Stout has written an organizing manual for radicalizing workers of any age embedded in large manufacturing industries. Despite relative declines, these still exist in the Rust Belt and elsewhere. Unfortunately, the current  younger workers in them have never been in a union and only know about them from the lore passed down by fathers and grandfathers. Thus nearly all of them are in dire need of new crews of organizers like Mike Stout--or who at least have studied this book.
What makes Stout’s narrative unique is the quality of his personal commitment. In the 1970s, thousands of radicalized young college students, with or without degrees, went into the factories to organize ‘for the revolution.’ A few did well; most did not. But Stout was not one of these. Getting into the mill and the struggle there was a step up for him, as an unemployed kid from Kentucky trying to make a living as a political rock and roller and folk singer. He desperately needed a day job, and getting into Homestead mill enabled him to do both, however hard the work. He had more in common with the returning Vietnam vets in the mill than transplanted student radicals, not that he lacked respect for the latter.
This is not to say that the thousands of workers in a four-mile-long mill were monolithic. Far from it. Stout goes on at length throughout the book describing rivalries between a dozen nationalities, between races and sexes, generations, skilled and lesser skilled, and old timers and newcomers.
‘As the book’s title suggests, however, Stout sticks to his outline of ‘the last ten years,’ although it stretches a bit longer to include the aftermath. At the start, hardly anyone had a premonition of what was in store for them—the mills had been there as long as anyone could remember, and thus they would continue into the future. What was different was the owners were squeezing the workers harder, and after the Red purges of the 1950s, the unions had grown cozier with the bosses, The stage was set for rank and file insurgency, and this is the setting Stout entered as a new hire.
Nearly everyone in Western PA gets a nickname in high school or at work. Stout was no different, and his fellow workers tagged him ‘Kentucky’ and it stuck.  He laid low in his early months, trying to find the best ways to survive and thrive working rotating shifts. The older ‘beer and a shot’ workers in the bars raised an eyebrow because he only drank red wine, but he slid in easy with the younger crowd that liked their alcohol combined with reefer. Mainly Stout had his eye on a crane operating job, but he was amazed at the skills—and luck—involved to do it safely.  It would take some time. But early on, he got the reputation as a guy who resisted any crap thrown at him by foremen. This led him to find a small group of militant workers seeking to find a way to change the union into an instrument that would fight for them.
They certainly had a history behind them. Homestead was a center for more than 150,000 steelworkers in Western PA and neighboring states. The ‘Battle of Homestead’ of the previous century had been compared to the Paris Commune, and fierce battles of the Steel Workers Organizing Committee in the 1930s had helped found the CIO. FDR’s Labor Secretary, Frances Perkins, visited the Homestead Works, but forbidden to speak on the grounds. Legend has it that she spotted a US flag flying over a post office, made her way there, where she delivered a fiery speech for the rights of labor.
Stout quickly joined up with the rank-and-file group and started planning a campaign. Perhaps their most important early project was to start a plant-wide newspaper, the 1397 Rank and Filer.  Stout’s description of its impact and evolution over the years is an instructive tale of how a newspaper can become a ‘collective organizer.’ When an organization had to spread the word over a mill measured in square miles, and where thousands of workers on one end often knew little of events on another, it was indispensable. Moreover, the mill was subdivided into what Spout called ‘feudal fiefdoms’ ruled by petty tyrants with divide and rule tactics
The workers also had to have access to the newspaper and to trust it. So it was open to letters, hand-drawn cartoons, and a popular feature called ‘Plant Plague’ that expose the injustices and pure nastiness of plant foremen. It also published studies of the union contract and the misdeeds of the union officials, all with an eye toward replacing them.
After many skirmishes, it paid off. The Local 1397 Rank and File Caucus eventually evolved from a militant minority to a progressive majority of union members and took over the local. There’s a long story in between, of course, but it’s worth reading Stout’s account in full.
For his own role, Stout appears to have made several wise decisions early on and stuck to them. One was to keep his connection with the editorial group that put out the newspaper, both before and after the takeover of the local. The other was to avoid seeking a top post for himself. Early on, because of his unflinching willingness to not only defend workers with a beef, but also to get them involved in their own defense, he rose to a more organic leader. This meant he became a ‘griever’ or grievanceman, eventually becoming a chief griever, and one of the best of them. It might take years, but Stout often won his cases. Even if a worker died, he persisted, winning benefits for surviving families.
Another reason for Stout’s influence was practicing a consistent left politics, expressed in his own terms, and never trying to hide his values, despite red-baiting and other attempts at personal slanders. He offers several accounts of standing up against racism and sexism when it erupted among the workers themselves, as well as used as a weapon by supervisors and other higher-ups.
Stout was known as a socialist inside and outside the mill. At one point, he was connected with the Revolutionary Union, an early 1970s Marxist-Leninist nationwide group. It had rank-and-file union newspapers in other cities and industries, but Stout detached from it as it became too sectarian for his taste.
But what is powerfully portrayed in the book is Stout’s astute combinations of politics with culture. Its pages are replete with the lyrics of dozens of songs written for working-class battles in Homestead and beyond. Together with them are stories of how music was used for firing up picket lines or finding creative ways to raise money. It helped that Stout was good at it, not just knowing a few old labor songs, but pulling together full-fledged rock band performances.
By the middle of the book, you get pulled into the sense of impending doom shared among the workers. What we now know as ‘the Rust Belt’ was being born. Faced with competition abroad and poor management at home, neoliberal capitalism tore up its postwar ‘social contracts.’ Corporate boardrooms closed plants here and shipped production offshore in search of cheaper labor. In some cases, it used modernization to cut workforces by half or more, while keeping production at old levels.
At this point, both Local 1397 and the USW generally learned that unions could not survive without wider allies. Stout unfolds the saga of the nationwide movements in the 1980s and 1990s against plant closings. Workers sought community and government  partners in an effort to save profitable businesses by innovation and reorganization, or even in some cases, attempting to buy out and take over the plants themselves.
None of these paid off much, at least in the Homestead area. Stout describes somes of the proposed deals as ‘Last Suppers before our execution.’ But he nonetheless tells a tale of the value of persistence, where he continued to carry on battles and win major grievances for workers even after the plant was closed, the union reduced to a shell and Stout himself among the unemployed. He soldiered on by forming a union print shop as a workers coop, as well as making a few bucks playing concerts here and abroad.
Despite this grim conclusion, ‘Homestead Steel Mill: The Last Ten Years’ is a hopeful book. It draws positive lessons from defeats, showing the need for wider and more protracted political strategies. It’s not enough to press liberals to do good things; workers need a vision of taking power themselves. And the lessons of its victories stand out as well. Workers can win when they are well-organized, well-informed, and well-inspired. They need a culture of solidarity and mutual aid to fight for what belongs to them, not only the part, but the whole deal. You can buy the book HERE
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