#Chie writes.
puff-z · 8 days
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a-sketchy · 4 months
persona misogyny is so fucking wild. ignoring literally everything else about the entire rest of the games, every single s.link with a female character is like “entirely for having been born a woman i have had to work twice as hard for a fraction of the benefit. even now, i am stripped of my agency in a position i never wanted in the first place” and/or “i’m put on a pedestal by the people in my life because of my looks. men see me as an object to be conquered, women hate me for ‘stealing’ ‘their’ men. if i’m withdrawn i’m a bitch, if i’m friendly i’m easy. because of this, i’m alone” and/or “because of my personality or hobby or lack of cooking skills, i feel like i’m failing at femininity. if being a woman is something i can fail at, then where does that leave me? i’m scared at the loss of my identity and place in society”
like very consistently they present female characters with complex thoughts towards their place in society as women, femininity as a whole, and facing issues stemming from misogyny, and then the payoff is always “my problems were entirely my own fault. i wasn’t strong enough, i was a coward. but now, i’m gonna work hard to be exactly what society expects me to be (which is what i want to be)! i’m gonna do better at femininity (which is still something tangible i can fail at)! i’m going to try hard at making friends (which was my fault for not doing)! all my problems are solved through personal responsibility (that im totally culpable for), effort (which i previously was not putting in), or you, a man! i am Happy and Satisfied with this outcome, can i be Your woman?”
and like hello? why are we here. what the fuck are we doing. why do we keep doing this every single time. can we not do the constant lukewarm attempts at criticizing misogyny so you can jerk off to your own thoughtfulness, while ultimately reinforcing patriarchal systems and brushing off any deeper misogyny-bred issues as a lack of deference to one’s rightful place in society? like maybe don’t do that? for fucking once? just an idea
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blackdamvi6 · 10 months
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god am i obsessed in a webcomic
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prrtnrr · 9 months
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Rise: we had stopped in the city yosukes from and he mentioned meeting up with a friend while we were in town. unfortunately i had a fan signing event so i couldnt go along- i told yosuke to take pics and send them while i was working to cheer me on! this was one he sent! i think the mysterious boys name was katsuya? no... thats wrong... hmmmm, im pretty sure it had katsu in it but im unsure Teddie: i've lived with yosuke for almost 7 beary long years and ive never seen or heard of this guy!! what about you sensei?? Souji: He looks... familiar... but, no, Yosuke's never mentioned him to my memory. Rise: i was too busy that it slipped my mind to ask yosuke more about him... yk yosuke may never shut his mouth, but he really doesnt talk about himself much...
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chierafied · 19 days
Jily Microfic January 10: Bedraggled
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@jilymicrofics, 490 words. On AO3. 🦡💛
James slumped his way down the fifth floor corridor, soaked to his very bones. The Quidditch practice had ran long. The October evening had been nippy and the relentless downpour hadn’t helped. But it was good training, practising in such shitty conditions. Or so he kept reminding himself and the team.
The adrenaline was seeping out now, leaving him exhausted and sore all over, his robes splattered with mud. He wanted a stiff drink, a hot bath and to lounge on the couch by the fireplace. The drink seemed unlikely. The couch was a possibility. But he’d definitely be getting that bath.
James strode past the statue of Boris the Bewildered and stopped in front of the fourth door to the left. He leaned in close and gave the password.
The door opened with a creak. James plodded in and bolted the door behind him. He sighed a little, relief swirling down his spine. He ran his hand through his rain-slicked hair and then froze, his eyes finally registering what they were seeing; his brain finally catching up to the fact that the Prefect’s bathroom was already occupied.
James managed to take in the curling dark red hair, creamy pale skin and a smattering of freckles across the curving shoulders in one single, appreciative glance, before he had the good sense to turn around.
“Sorry!” he said, his voice close to a squeak.
“No worries,” came the calm reply. His teeth sank into his lower lip as the water sloshed. Then, the feminine, amused voice called out: “There’s room enough here for two.”
James swallowed. His throat was dry, his ears were burning, and his body was starting to react to the sly suggestion in the worst way.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he choked up. “In fact, I think I’ll just go and—“
Everything ground to a halt. He wasn’t sure which surprised him more, hearing his name instead of the usual pithy Potter, or the soft tone of voice she’d used.
The tone grew firmer the next moment, as she continued, showing him no mercy. “Look at me.”
The groan was out of James’ mouth without a conscious thought. A young man could only resist the sweetest of temptations for so long.
He turned and met the bright green eyes of Lily Evans.
She had propped her elbows on the floor by the sunken tub and was leaning on them, half out of water, her bare upper body on bold display.
James made a valiant effort to keep his gaze locked with hers, even as she let out a small laugh which trembled down her chest in the most interesting way.
“Stop trying to be a gentleman,” she told him, a smile curving her lips, “and get in.”
“All right, Evans,” he replied, and started to pull off his wet Quidditch robes. “As you wish.”
And went to get the best bath of his life.
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chiechie97 · 8 months
The Cigarette's you left at Mine
A Jily Microfic for @jilymicrofics
Prompt: Smoke
The smoke curled around her tongue, it's acrid taste a bitter reminder of the man who had left them in her flat.
"Lily?" Mary called from inside. "He's at the door again, should I—"
"Tell him, to fuck off."
James Potter had never been good at taking a hint. Or no for an answer.
She thought things were serious between them. She thought he knew how she felt.
But apperantly he didn't see things the same way. She'd taken one look at the letter from Clara Clearwater on his kitchen counter and seen enough.
'You looked good last night. I'll see you this weekend for the charity ball. I still love you.'
All written in a letter that had arrived that morning.
She'd balled up the letter and thrown it at his face, yelling at him for being a prick, for leading her on, for making her think there was something serious between them.
Lily took another harsh drag of the ciggarette, watching the smoke from it swirl between her fingers like a snake.
The door to the terrace slid open behind her, the warm air from inside sliding up her back.
"Is he gone?"
She whipped around, the cigarette falling from her hand as she turned to stare at James.
"I thought I told you to fuck off."
"And I thought you told me smoking was a filthy habbit."
He had bags under his eyes, his shirt was rumpled and untucked from his trousers. Since leaving Hogwarts he'd become considerably more put together, but at that moment he looked like shit.
She glared at him. Stomping out the the remains of the fag that had fallen onto the floor of her balcony.
"Lily, please just listen to me for one minute. Let me explain." He had his hands up deffensivley, like he was waiting for her to strike him with her words.
"You have one minute."
He sighed in relief. Hand jumping to his hair, which was more unruly than usual.
"Clara and I ran into eachother at a dinner party my parents threw, I didn't know she would be there I haven't spoken to her since graduation."
"And she just sends you a love letter out of the blue?" Lily questioned, arms crossed angrily over her chest.
"You know our parents were hopeful for a relationship when we were in school. I have a feeling her parents still haven't dropped that idea." He explained.
"And yours have?"
"Yes." He emphasized, taking a step closer to her. "Because they know how crazy I am about you."
She sucked in a breath, an unwanted flutter in her chest lit up at his declaration.
"Do you swear that nothing has happened between you and Clara?"
"I swear on my life."
Lily starred at him for a moment, assessing the sincere and desperate look he was giving her.
"Alright I believe you."
She pulled his pack of cigarretes out of her back pocket, her hands shaking with a deep sense of relief. "Do you want a smoke?"
He grinned, accepeting his own cigarette before reaching out to light the one she had put between her lips. His hand brushing against her cheek.
"Smoking is a filthy habit." He said, parroting her own words back at him.
"So are you."
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lazuliquetzal · 9 months
Fic Stats Game
Ohoho thank you @tavina-writes for the tag!! Pretty sure this is gonna be the same 3 fics over and over but we'll see :)
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
1) Most Hits
It's AA Batteries (Daiya no Ace). I know this without even looking, it's AAB 100% and by... not a significant, but a decent lead. That thing breached containment. I'm glad that it did, because I had fun writing it, but it always surprises me because sports anime twin OC fic? Really?
But I'm glad it's my most popular fic, even if I don't consider it my best, because even if it's a canon rewrite, I finished a 100K+ fic and I am proud. I'm literally never over it, I could talk about it all day.
Like, I usually don't ship things very strongly, but Misawa is insane to me. Also, do you know how embarrassing it is to relate to Miyuki Kazuya? And not even in a 'generic repressed character' way, I'm talking in a Hey I Literally Was In His Shoes And Made The Same Exact Fucking Mistakes And Decisions way. Nobody gets Miyuki Kazuya like I do. I'm fucking Miyuki kin. I didn't ask for this. I didn't--
2) Second Most Kudos
This one is also AAB, so I'll go with first place: Reflection (The Magnus Archives). A classic. A nice and simple time travel fix-it comedy.
I remember the writing of this one because I had been utterly obsessed with TMA. It would not let me go. I drafted the early chapters on my phone while walking across my college campus. I almost got ran over by a bike when I was writing the "Martin witnesses Jon have a mild breakdown in the break room" scene.
3) Third Most Comments
Dawn of the Fourth (Linked Universe). The LU fandom is super giving with their comments! Probably the most comment-friendly fandom I've been in.
I think it also helped that DotF is one of those stories where every chapter is a punch to the throat lol. If you didn't comment after ch7, it's probably because you zoomed through haha.
4) Fourth Most Bookmarks
It's DotF again, so I'll go with third place: ain't no rest for the wicked (Naruto).
Ah, this one... I'm fond of it, in the way I'm fond of all my writing, but also I was in high school. There's a lot about it that I would do differently now. But I learned a lot from writing it, and actually Chie, Issei, and Riku are still my children and I love them all. I'm proud of the color test. :)
5) Fewest Words
If you ignore the Zelda comic and the CSS formatting test and the anonymous April Fool's fic that I will not be claiming ownership of publicly, my shortest fic is Blackout Blues (Daiya no Ace) at 1101 words. If you subscribe to the belief that a picture is worth a thousand words, then that bumps the word count up to 4101 words.
I should draw more art for my fanfic. I have the power. It's fun.
tagging (if you want!): @yellowocaballero @xxsolar-writesxx @ellie-tarts @zarvasace @dottie-wan-kenobi and anyone else who wants to!
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futabascomputer · 8 months
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i love them
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kafonn · 9 months
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Some Adult Chie stuff since Atlus hasnt made a P5AU yet
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ragecndybars · 1 year
I was rambling about this the other day, but I feel like I'm ready to expound upon it a little more, so... AU where Shinjiro Aragaki, post P3P femc route, ends up on the Investigation Team in Inaba two years later.
Obviously he couldn't go back to school right away after the events of the game, given that he'd just come out of a months-long coma and had been wasting away from the suppressants for years before that. So he had to take a year off for health reasons. But when the time came for him to actually have his third year of high school, he found that he couldn't go back to Gekkoukan. It was just... too painful. His only memories of that school now are either bittersweet at best or actively painful. And the rest of SEES had just graduated, save Ken of course, so it wasn't like he had any friends he wanted to stay for.
Mitsuru would want him to apply to a ton of prestigious, highly-ranked schools, of course, but don't get it twisted -- he agreed to finish high school, not become some model student out of nowhere. Sure, he's a smart guy, and he actually doesn't mind studying, but, even with his conscience cleared of the events of October 4th, he's still a badmouthed delinquent who hates authority and cuts class. Most prestigious schools aren't owned by a close friend of his, and therefore take issue with admitting someone whose attendance record and rap sheet are as bad as Shinjiro's. And it's not like he wants to put up with those high expectations and strict rules, anyway.
So, to appease Mitsuru, he applies to a decent enough school, one with pretty high average test scores, but he mainly makes his decision based on his own wants and needs. He wants a school that's relatively lenient with delinquents, but without a large delinquent population -- he doesn't have the time to be surrounded by punk kids, even if he himself is still a punk kid at heart -- and, most importantly, someplace calm. Someplace small and out in the middle of nowhere, so that he can get some damn peace and quiet.
It doesn't get much quieter than Inaba.
Of course, because God hates him, there's a murder in town, like, two days after he gets there. One minute, everyone in Yasogami is whispering non-stop about how one of the transfers this year is a third year delinquent-looking guy who's visibly pushing 20. The next minute, they're all being sent home, and then a dead body is found.
Initially, Shinjiro doesn't suspect any Shadow- or Persona-related weirdness is afoot, but then he hears all the buzz around school that something called the "Midnight Channel" was showing the victim's face in the days leading up to her death, and he has had enough horrid supernatural experiences at midnight to be suspicious. So he tests it out for himself, sees Saki Konishi on the screen, and the next day, she turns up dead the same way Yamano did.
So... great. Amazing. Perfect. Obviously something is going on, and Shinjiro has no idea what it is or what to do about it. At least back in Iwatodai, he knew that someone else was on top of the Shadow shenanigans, so he didn't have to worry, and he had a direct line to the Dark Hour experts if he ever needed to step in. Now, as far as he knows, there's no one around but him to handle this. Sure, he could probably call Mitsuru and have her send the newly-formed Shadow Operatives to handle it, but... well, he's not entirely sure that it's actually Shadow-related, and, even if it is, it's not like he has any other information that could help them solve it, so they would be wasting their time. And... okay, to be honest, things are still a little tense between him and the others right now, and his pride can't handle having to ask for help less than a week after moving away. Especially since Akihiko and Mitsuru in particular had both been hesitant to let him out of their sight.
So... for now, he's on his own. He'll look into this himself, at least until he gets a bit more information.
First things first: the next time he watches the Midnight Channel, he looks carefully and tries to find out who it's depicting. He knows barely anything about the town, so he isn't able to figure it out just from noticing it's a girl in a kimono, but he spends the next day looking around for a place where people might wear kimonos as daily attire, and the news pieces on the Amagi Inn put Yukiko on his shortlist.
Before he can do anything but hypothesize, though, she goes missing. Not yet knowing how the TV world works (or even of its existence), and hypothesizing that he might have until midnight to find and save her, he goes into crisis mode and starts frantically searching. Luckily, while he never would have found her on his own, in the midst of his search, he runs into something that he does know how to handle.
Namely, when he's asking around about Amagi, he hears a lot of people mention her friends, and said friends are acting suspicious as hell. Butting into the police investigation. Getting caught with weapons in the Junes food court. Skulking around outside Daidara Metalworks after school. Gathering around and muttering to one another in a cluster in the lunchroom.
This isn't Shinjiro's first rodeo. He knows the signs. Those kids are Persona users, and clearly they know what's going on more than he does.
But obviously he can't just leave it alone at this point. If those idiot kids bite off more than they can chew and get themselves killed, that'll be on his shoulders. So he corners them outside Junes, confronts them, reveals to him that he knows something supernatural is going on and that he can tell they have Personas, and manages to convince them to bring him into the fold.
They escort him into the TV world -- I think he probably wouldn't be able to enter by himself at first, but once he was in the first time, he would be able to enter freely. He doesn't manifest a Shadow due to already having his Persona, which makes them a bit less wary of him, since it lends validity to his story. He also summons Castor with an Evoker at first, but it freaks them out so much that he begrudgingly learns how to crush the tarot card instead, just so that these damn kids will stop looking at him like that.
With his help, they manage to rescue Yukiko in record time, but they're still a little leery of Shinjiro and his supposed old friends. Given that they kept the police completely in the dark as well, I think it's unlikely they would trust him to bring in an extremely shady group of unknown "Shadow Operatives", and... well, like I said, Shinjiro's pride doesn't want him to contact Mitsuru, either, so he doesn't fight them too hard about it. At this point, it seems like they'll be in good shape to safely rescue everyone who gets tossed in, so it's not like Mitsuru being there would necessarily help, anyway. Or he's able to convince himself of that, at least.
From there, the plot would proceed more or less unchanged. Maybe they manage to save everyone a little faster than they would've without Shinjiro's help; maybe they're able to resolve some conflicts amongst themselves that would've lasted a little longer if Shinjiro wasn't there to give them a smack upside the head and tell them to get over themselves; maybe a few other arguments run even longer than they would have because they strike Shinjiro in a sore spot. But, overall, they save everyone who gets thrown in and they collect clues as to the identity of the culprit at a similar rate to canon.
Eventually, the IT would warm up to Shinji and he would warm up to them. Like I said, the plot would be mostly unchanged up until around Naoto joined, at which point they would finally contact the Shadow Operatives for help.
Of course, they immediately come running to help, and Shinjiro isn't going to admit it, but he feels horribly guilty for having not contacted them earlier. Even though it was technically the Investigation Team who refused to let him, he still went along with it because of his pride, and now he feels that Morooka's death and the suffering that the rest of the IT went through are all on him, even if the Shadow Operatives couldn't have logically prevented all of that.
He starts withdrawing from the team somewhat, guilty and uncertain, until, at the worst possible moment, he suddenly finds that he can't summon Castor anymore. Next thing he knows, another dungeon is forming in the TV world and his Shadow drags him inside, forcing both the Investigation Team and the Shadow Operatives to rescue him.
I keep going back and forth on what his Shadow would be, but I keep going back to the idea of Shadow Shinjiro is literally hunting Shinji down like an animal, just like Castor used to turn on him -- because it's a manifestation of Shinjiro's self-hatred and inability to forgive himself for the death of Ken's mother.
Only after accepting his own Shadow does Castor evolve, and Shinjiro no longer has to take suppressants to stop it from rebelling. It was his own self-hatred and rejection of himself -- rejection of Castor -- that was making it act out. Finally, he's forced to face himself and accept himself rather than running from the guilt that's haunted him since October 4th.
And like. the ending of the game would not really change, either. But just. Shinji gets closure and self-acceptance. The Investigation Team gets someone a little older and more experienced to look after them. Kanji gets a good role model, even if Shinji won't admit that he is one. Yu gets someone who isn't afraid to question his decisions but is still willing to back him when they agree.
Just... soft self-indulgent fluffy fanfic where Shinjiro joins the Investigation Team and gets to experience the normal teenage years that he never got (even if there's also more Persona nonsense and a murderer thrown in there).
Before I end this post, here are the basic character dynamics I'm envisioning:
Souji/Yu: Actively trying to befriend Shinjiro from the beginning, but Shinjiro resists and avoids him because he sees too much of FeMC in him and it brings up bad memories. Yu tries to give him space at first, but ultimately is persistent and manages to make Shinjiro open up a little. Their relationship has a lot of mutual respect, but it takes a long time for them to progress past their uneasy alliance. Once they do, though, they're pretty tight.
Yosuke: Doesn't get along with Shinjiro at first, being much more wary of him than the others. Even when he decides that they're definitely on the same side, he's still kind of scared of him. Once Shinjiro proves himself, they get along better, often feeling like the only sane men in the group and bonding based on their shared exasperation. Shinjiro does get on his case a lot, though, and tends to treat him like a kid.
Chie: Looks up to him for his fighting ability and experience, but they also clash a lot because he snarks at her and calls her an idiot constantly. He can't help it. She's too much like a young Aki for him to treat her as anything but an annoying little sibling.
Yukiko: Thinks he's hilarious, much to his chagrin. They have a pretty average and respectful relationship most of the time, and half the time they end up feeling like the only sane men among the group. He also refuses to let her cook, even in the name of giving her "lessons", which annoys her, but whenever he bars her from the kitchen it usually means he'll take over, so she's willing to look past it.
Teddie: Flip-flops rapidly between being genuinely scared of Shinjiro and hanging off his arm. Shinjiro tolerates both of these behaviors because he thinks of Teddie as a young kid, and therefore is extremely protective of Teddie. This persists even when Teddie grows his body and looks/acts more like a teenager. In Shinjiro's head, he's just a very tall, very annoying toddler.
Kanji: Thinks he's the coolest guy ever. Shinjiro gets flustered by hates this lowkey idol worship and tries to dissuade it by being extra short with Kanji. Not only does this not help, but he can't even keep up the act half the time because he actually really likes Kanji and is way too fond of him to stay gruff. It doesn't help that, every time Kanji's "girlish" hobbies come up, Shinjiro feels the need to come to his defense as a fellow manly man who likes to cook and sew.
Rise: Thinks he's kind of unremarkable and a little intimidating. She's one of the few people in the group who actually has the guts to tease him to his face, though. She does not fear God. Luckily, being a non-combatant renders her completely safe from retaliation, so he mostly just glares and talks big whenever she pisses him off.
Naoto: Extremely appreciative of Shinjiro for being the Only Sane Man (Yosuke gets booted out of the position for being kind of a dumbass at times). Also annoyed because Shinjiro has a tendency to treat them all like kids, which bugs Naoto more than the others. They both appreciate one another's company and general maturity/intelligence, although Shinjiro doesn't like when Naoto tries to drag him into deductions or anything.
Nanako: Very scared of him and he doesn't know what to do about it. He tries not to show it, but it really gets to him. When she eventually warms up to him, he's so happy about it that he has to flee the house immediately before any of the IT catch on.
Dojima: Leery of him. Doesn't want Yu spending time with him at first, and only relents because he begrudgingly admits that it's not his place to decide who Yu befriends. Even then, Yu is constantly subject to prying questions about his group of shady-ass friends (known-delinquent Kanji and sword-in-food-court Yosuke don't help with this either, but nearly-twenty-and-still-hasn't-graduated-because-of-a-fucking-gunshot-wound Shinjiro takes the cake). Dojima eventually comes to accept that Shinjiro isn't a bad guy, but they never progress past icy stares and terse nods.
Marie: They get along okay but don't really like each other. They both think the other is weird as hell.
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ipsen · 7 months
Trick or treat!!!!!!
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i don't have candy, but i do have a keyboard. here you go:
Shuu stared out at Lunatic Eclipse, growing smaller and smaller as Kirishima drove him, Father, Yomo, and Hori away from it. Away from the carnage, all wrought by his hands.
"Hori," he said, keeping as calm as he could. "Why?"
She looked at him as if he'd smashed her favorite camera into her dog. "What do you mean?"
"Why did you go to such lengths... for me?" The faces of Matsumae, Maino, Aliza, Kanae, and countless others, others whose names he hadn't ever bothered to learn, flashed across his memory. And yet, they all chose him above themselves to live. A thousand deaths... for one life. "I am just one ghoul..."
She paused for a good long while, still giving him the same look. Anything could come out of her mouth, and he would be surprised. That was just who she was: blunt and honest, yet still unpredictable.
Finally, she spoke. "There's only one Shuu Tsukiyama, you're right." She sat back down in her seat. "Only one in the whole world."
You are the only one of you.
Shuu chuckled. "Thank you, my friend. Thank you..."
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nibblelinephym · 7 months
ough . i need 2 stop staying up so late ii keep wanting 2 Do things. current urge is write fanfic but like. king where r you going 2 post it if you write it cant just stay in your notes app. thats right bitch nowhere you arent confident enough in your writing !!
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a-sketchy · 4 months
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oh come on, where’s my option to join forces and two team them? or cheer her on from the sidelines even. chie can wreck shit actually i don’t want to deny her that
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hibikiniji-official · 6 months
Hey idiot @ayanechie-official
Happy late birthday.
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peachiime · 8 months
everyone stop posting about daisuke nagase right now only i understand him
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chierafied · 2 months
Jily Microfic March 30: Inferior
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@jilymicrofics, 300 words. On AO3. 🦡💛
“What are you doing out here by yourself?”
The angry hiss comes seemingly from nowhere, startling her. Heart madly beating in her throat, Lily whirls around, her wand at the ready—only to see a scowling James Potter.
“I’m patrolling,” she snaps. Her fear’s morphing into irritation now and she props her hands on her hips.
“Alone? Aren’t you supposed to go in pairs?”
She shrugs. “Remus was feeling poorly.”
“So you decided to go on alone?” His hazel eyes flash and his hand shakes a little as he rakes it through his messy hair. “Are you stupid?”
“Excuse me ?”
“You shouldn’t wander about at night by yourself!” James spits, jaw clenched.
“A bit of a pot calling kettle there, Potter,” Lily scoffs.
James shakes his head, cheeks flushed. “I can handle myself—“
“Oh!” Lily cuts in, cold derision colouring every syllable. “And you think I can’t?”
“No!” He looks insulted. “That’s not—You’re brilliant, Evans, but you’re—“
Lily steps close and prods his chest with an accusing finger. “I’m what? A weakling? A Muggleborn? A girl ?”
He throws up his arms and gnashes his teeth. “You’re infuriating, that’s what you are! Stop putting words in my mouth.” He leans close, levelling her with a dark glare. “You are a target, Evans. There are people in this castle who’d really like to hurt you.”
The tension in Lily’s shoulders eases a fraction. “I know. But if I let that keep me from going about my life, I’m letting the bastards win.”
“For fuck’s sake, Evans! There’s a difference between giving in to fear and staying safe. Don’t be a brave fool—!”
Lily grabs the front of his robes. “Shut up, Potter.”
Touched by his worry for her and riding on adrenaline, Lily’s lips crash against James’ in a bruising kiss.
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