#Charles underperforming in quali
cupidskissx · 3 months
Did you take photos? #australiangp ^^
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thearchercore · 2 months
also i know there are certain individuals on here who will crucify charles even though they claim to be his fans and i just want to let you know i wont be spreading any of that agenda because you can a) be disappointed and b) think he can do better but claiming he's underperforming and not doing well because he doesn't have the best car for quali right now is, in my personal opinion, a bit of a reach.
if you look alone at 2023, we were in trenches and only updgades helped charles reach his full potential by the end of the year to develop the car to maximize the results. ferrari is expecting its first upgrades around imola so for the love of god, please wait before you write him off as a "washed" driver (even if you claim to be a fan) because the car still has areas to improve -- especially if the quali results resulted from tyre temperature issues and not from a clear driver error.
so please think before you post questionable hot takes because we're only on round 4 and jumping to conclusions based on that is a choice.
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lelithefirst · 3 months
I hate it when charles underperformes in quali, because then I have to put up with all sort of psychoanalysis about his character and I don't have the energy for that...
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mountinez · 11 months
You can simply look at the results. So he is underperforming
did you start watching racing last week? let's forget about all the nuances of this season and that this sport involves machinery. what do you base your statements on? i'm not taking anything from max, he is the driver who is more prepared to win right now but his team has a rocketship from a car and most importantly in the last few years: reliability. which other team has shown any potential to pair with red bull during this season?
y'all come for charles because he achieves something your faves do not. he is the only one to get a pole, besides lewis, in a red bull dominated season in qualis, sprints, and races. if you even care, look at the telemetry of each one of the races in which he has bad results and tell me what do you see? apart from miami that he indeed had a poor pace, and made a huge mistake at q3 (for a good reason but i'll give you that), where did his result match his performance?
not even mention that catching more than one pole and a p2 with 0.48s from verstappen is proof that the driver is outperforming a car that can't make more than one good lap. a car that has poor driveability, gets "sensitive" in windy and wet conditions, which not only charles but also carlos has complained since the beginning of the season.
don't come to me with your bullshit! one more and you'll get blocked.
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pressradio · 3 months
I mean of course Carlos and his team will use everything that happened to shop around for his next seat. Like all driver would do. And especially after last race when people only talked about Ollie, this week end make them forget about it. I mean people on Twitter etc weren’t praising Cl finishing p4 with beak issues but experts knew the race he managed to do was kind of a miracle. And that a bad quali being p5 is kind of the bad day every team wishes for. Except with dirty air the quali results for this race were all it was about, it was very boring even without max cruising on front.
I believe everyone important in f1 knows what’s up with every driver. They talents and weaknesses. Carlos is a good driver he can be helpful to many teams. I don’t worry about his seat next season, there are plenty to grab and not that many great midfield seasoned drivers. It’s very useful and new talents are not quite there yet and maybe will need a year or two in a satellite team. I have zero worry about him, his team is just playing the game to get the better deal. And so far it’s not bad for Ferrari because he is racing good and and being a good team member (which is also what’s expected for other teams to want to sign you, team first)
At this point I'd bet that Carlos ends up in Merc, which would be fun to witness.
I agree with you that strong Carlos is beneficial for Ferrari. At this point it seems like WCC might be the goal (long season though), because Perez will underperform here and there. Also Charles need a competition (preferable not the fight against bad luck).
But good team member and Carlos are two different things and I'm pretty sure Charles will refuse to take a tow from Carlos which would compromise some of his qualifications.
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Checos fans are reaching Lewis cult of annoying. The thing is Lewis and his fans can be this cocky because by all metrics he is the most successful Formula 1 driver in history. And then there is Checo. Like be for fucking real. Just FYI even if Max let him through in Brazil he would have finished 3rd in WDC. With a car that has been more dominant then the 2020 Merc. That's how bad Checo is. //
Checo and Max aren't given the same chance to win the championship so the comparaison is pointless to me. how many races and qualy did he sacrificed for his teammate because that's his role? he's not there to try to win the championship so of course he's behind and will be as long as there's a red bull golden boy driving - but remember how fast he can be with the right car, especially at the beggining of last season, but that being said, we need to see him fighting for the title for an entire season to really judge. I honeslty think that no matter if he ended up 2nd or 3rd in the championship, it's not the point because it wasn't the right behavior from Max to not give back the position, for his teammate first, but also for his team and his own image - he lost over 100k followers. but I agree with the fact that the extreme fans are so so annoying, like Brazil was months ago
How is it pointless? Horner himself said they were allowed to race each other, it’s no one’s fault that Checo can’t perform the way Max does and it’s okay to admit it, just like many of us admitted Mick and Daniel were underperforming -but treated like shit by their teams-. The whole golden boy narrative is sooo boring and out of date now, because there’s a reason he’s “the golden boy”. It’s because since he entered F1, he’s been one of the sports’ champion prospects -like Charles-, he performs the way the team needs to and he’s on another level. Even if people hate Max, his talent is -almost- never discredited, unless you’re that bitter.
Checo had an entire season to fight for the championship like everyone else. They had the most consistent car on the grid despite Ferrari looking the fastest sometimes. Checo also had a race advantage at the start of the season because Max DNF in Australia; and not to mention, he could’ve battled Charles for that P2 way before in order to enter the championship fight again. I know he had DNF’s that didn’t let him do it, but if he hadn’t had said DNF’s, he could’ve been there but he wasn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️
Call me a Max fan, I don’t care, because I proudly am 🥰 but there are some things that we can’t be blind about.
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charleslebatman · 9 months
Because now the car seems to be a lot stronger than before and carlos seems to be doing great and charles struggling. before the break they were not that different // the car has been for Sainz style from the start but the thing is Carlos was majorly underperforming. He lost many opportunities to get podiums and p4 due to penalties because of his mistakes. Fortunately for him he started performing at tracks Ferrari is good and Redbull have given up quali to focus on race pace.
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thearchercore · 3 months
nah this race really showed who the real chirlies are and who are the fake ones only using him for their fanfictions like yall will never see me putting down charles and especially when he alr is his own biggest critic and puts himself down so much i would defend him with my life
i saw a lot of takes online, and don't want to engage with certain charles fans who turned on him and started openly criticizing him after one mediocre quali performance (after 7 consecutive front rows, but anyways...)
i think charles' honesty is such an amazing trait, he does not bullshit anyone. when he messes up, he admits he did a bad job. he owes up to it. you could see in the ferrari post quali vid where he said he "did a bad job" like 6 times in span of 30 seconds. even fred is always defending charles and says his biggest problem is being his own biggest critic ever since his rookie sauber year.
certain drivers don't have the same trait and rather come up with excuses when they underperform which can cause a bit of pr crumble because there will be many opinions about their performance and them not being 100% transparent can open up space for discussion, speculation and even misinformation.
so in charles' case, he says he did a bad job, because he thinks so, and owes up to it, and certain individuals take it literally and use it as an evidence that he's "washed" and "fumbled".
it's very unfortunate, because calling charles any of these things when he built himself from the ground up after the mess that was sf23, and hasn't placed outside of top 5 since AUGUST, is a consistency stat that certain other drivers simpy don't have.
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mountinez · 11 months
I see people saying that charles is underperforming this season and at first I was very defensive but he is indeed doing more mistakes, like the quali today, where he did a mistake and qualified p4. It seems like a lot of weekends there is one little mistake here or there .... and yes other drivers like George and Carlos do too and they are less judged about it, but I think the reason is because many people expected charles to be on another level compared to those.
i respectfully disagree with you, anon!
i don't see charles making more mistakes than in previous years. he used to be more reckless in 2019 when he just arrived at ferrari, but since 2021 he did grow in this matter and even though he is the kind of driver to look for the edge, he barely makes huge mistakes. i'm still pretty defensive about it because the mistakes charles does are not even peculiar once they're sort of... a pattern for every driver.
considering a car that apparently has free will and goes in different directions, one the driver can't control or turn sometimes, i would say he is pretty OKAY. he is not doing MORE mistakes. you are just seeing it now because the results are bad.
he is on another level. it's just a difficult season for the team altogether. we didn't see charles troubling mercedes when he joined ferrari and in a championship fight last year for people to doubt it. due to all the respect for george and for carlos somehow, charles is on another level and people talk this much exactly because of it.
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pressradio · 10 months
I like Fred.
But I feel like he kind of gaslight Charles whenever he can publicly about his mistakes, and also saying he shouldn’t criticize the team.
I find it weird when it’s your n1 driver stressed the car doesn’t perform and you want to renew. That and also the fact that in the meantime, Carlos can say anything and nobody comes at him for putting the team on a spot (his radios ? His post race/quali comments ? …). I haven’t forgotten the way they protested his penalty caused by the sun too.
I get Charles has the mentality to let it slide, while Carlos seem to need to be coddled and protected more.
But it’s Charles career too. I don’t want to see him becoming those drivers who are just wasted potential because the team is bad and they did not make right career choices.
Today was both the car and Charles. But the way Fred put him on the spot and also the way Xavi seem clueless. I have nothing against Xavi I’m afraid issues lie deeper in Charles garage. But comparing Charles & Carlos radio : Charles never gets answers on the spot, he has next to no useful info, two penalties already because the team did not warn him (on those ones, Carlos lack of penalty today seem unfair but good for him it’s not like the FIA would go after him for impending or being dangerous on track they haven’t for several races).
I don’t know…
I love him ah Ferrari but … again seeing McLaren leaping in front, Williams have a good car in those conditions, Mercedes being better to driver, AM too. Ferrari is a real mystery. You never know if they are really able to get their sh*t together.
I can’t wait for Monza. I almost hope Charles takes all the penalties he can tomorrow to have a fresh engine and gearbox. I don’t want the team to take risks. But also they didn’t at the start of the season and still destroyed 2 great races for him with mechanical issues so …
Hey hey! I send you my hugs after that disastrous race.
Thank you for your thoughts even though I’m going to disagree a bit. Sorry for all mistakes I made, I’m pretty far from my computer.
I hope I’ll be able to organise my answer in a way to make it understandable.
I think the main issue here is expectations.
No one expects anything from Carlos, nor Elkann, nor Fred. Not even Carlos’ fans themselves. No podiums? That’s OK. No poles? That’s OK. Settle for p5-p6? That’s OK. Shameless shit in interviews? Who cares? He’s just the other guy.
And the situation with Charles is completely different. Do we want it or not, Charles is the face of Ferrari. No one gives a shit if the car is drivable or not. The bar is in the space already. And Ferrari is underperforming. Which means Charles is underperforming as well. To be honest, with everything going inside and ptsd after 2022, I don’t think he should do miracles. But again, who cares? He is underperforming.
I like Fred as well. And Charles has been known him since he was a teenager. And if he says that he prefers their relationship to be direct and he likes it this way - I assume he knows what he is talking about. I haven’t seen all Fred interview this weekend, but what I read was pretty OK. Also maybe I’m delulu but I prefer to remember that all interviews are PR work and everything might be very much different from what’s been said.
P.S. the fact that they didn’t change everything for new components and took penalty here scares shit out of me before Monza.
P.S.2. Charles’s side of garage should be burned and then drown in holy water (with the sf-23) /half-joking
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