Chapter 20 lives in my mind rent free!
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•July 20, 2022•
Would you stay the night in a haunted house?
Have you been in a haunted house/building?
Not the set up Halloween haunted houses. The houses with a lot of paranormal activity.
I want to, it sounds like it would be interesting but I feel like I would chicken out halfway through the night.
CR: I wasn't able to finish CC2 befor my library loan was up so I am going to start Glint and Some Mistakes were Made and hopefully I can get CC2 back soon.
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3schia · 1 month
“Hey! Wake up. Why are you saying my lines?” I said. 
“I had a nightmare!” Gray replied. 
“What is it?” 
“I went to Steven’s jail.” 
“Ugh. Nothing. He just said he doesn’t have a soul.” 
“At least he knows!” 
GRAY: If I am given a life again, I hope to be someone who can forgive easily, just like you. 
ISLA: Are you joking? 
GRAY: If not through me, you might not be continuing this. So, I feel bad. 
ISLA: You shouldn’t, I did it for Faith. 
GRAY: If you were given a life again, who would you choose to be? 
ISLA: Not who, but what. 
GRAY: What do you mean? 
ISLA: To be a man. 
GRAY: Why? 
ISLA: I feel like there’s something special about being a man. Though I’m grateful that I was born a woman. 
GRAY: Well, we wouldn’t be taking this revenge if not for two... Ahh, one precious woman in our lives. But I can’t argue with your opinion since I haven’t experienced living the life of a woman. 
ISLA: Hmm. We’re also doing this for aunt. So, yeah, it’s for two precious women. 
I remember that thing you told me about Precious. 
GRAY: What? 
ISLA: You told me that she broke up with you because there’s a third party involved. 
GRAY: Yeah. 
ISLA: Are they still together? 
GRAY: They are not. 
ISLA: Oh, good. 
GRAY: Because she’s dead. 
ISLA: Oh, I’m sorry 
GRAY: It’s fine 
ISLA: Why did she die? 
GRAY: The night before the day of the accident, Precious texted me. 
ISLA: What did she tell you? 
GRAY: ... That she still loves me. So, we planned to meet the next day. I waited for almost three hours at the park where we usually had our dates. 
ISLA: Then? 
GRAY: I called her phone several times, but she didn’t answer until it became unattended. 
ISLA: What happened? 
GRAY: That jerk might have known that Precious had a plan to go back to me. So, he planned a car accident. 
ISLA: Ohhh... 
GRAY: Under investigation, they claimed that it was a real accident. But I know it was planned 
ISLA: How do you say so? 
GRAY: Someone intentionally hit Precious’ car.  
A maid who left Steven’s mansion told me that she heard Steven asking someone to hit Precious’ car. 
ISLA: Steven? 
GRAY: Yap, that jerk. 
ISLA: Ohh.  
GRAY: I’m sorry, I confessed just now. 
ISLA: That’s why I really had that feeling that you might have other reasons for our revenge. Anyway, why didn’t you go to the police and use that maid as a witness? 
GRAY: She was riding a motorcycle back then, and they suddenly left after saying that to me. She was so afraid because she knew how powerful Steven was. And even if I could make her a witness, I know I couldn’t win, as Steven could just simply give them millions to make him innocent. 
ISLA: He stole Precious from you and made her die, yet he did this to you? Well, maybe it’s still because of your stepdad, who left them. 
GRAY: A day after the accident, Steven learned through Precious’ best friend that Precious was three months pregnant with him. 
ISLA: Ohhh. 
GRAY: So, yeah. He’s blaming me for his own mistakes 
ISLA: Tsk. 
GRAY: Yeah. She really is so precious to me. She’s really kind, sweet, and loving. 
ISLA: Can I see a photo of her? 
GRAY: Here! 
ISLA: Oh. She looks like the combination of Raquel and Cherry. 
GRAY: Yap. 
ISLA: Is it just a coincidence? 
GRAY: Partly, yeah. But I really approached them because they resembled Precious. 
ISLA: Hmm. You said you’re poly because you don’t like feelings like jealousy in a relationship? 
GRAY: That’s just one of the reasons. 
ISLA: But the main reason is because they remind you of Precious? 
GRAY: Yeah.  
ISLA: Oh. Her name really suits her since she’s so precious to you. 
GRAY: Of course, that’s 10 long years. 
ISLA: You really are a Libra... You don’t easily forget. 
GRAY: Well, how can I forget someone whom I dreamed of having a happy ever after? 
ISLA: You’re right... Do you blame him for your suffering?   
GRAY: I will lie if I say no. 
ISLA: I hope it’s only him who you blame.  
GRAY: What do you mean?  
ISLA: Why don’t you have a spiritual life? Is it because you also blame God?  
GRAY: I also had faith in God back then.  
ISLA: Back then? So, you mean it was lost?  
GRAY: Maybe. 
ISLA: That faith you had before is not worth keeping.  
GRAY: Why do you say so?  
ISLA: I have read a book saying, “Any faith lost in suffering isn’t a faith worth keeping, for genuine faith will be tested while false faith will be lost.” 
GRAY: Aren’t we the same? If your God is really good, why does He make us suffer?  
ISLA: I don’t know. 
And then, I went back to my family in Ciudad Real to settle again and continue to pursue my passion. 
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One day, Gray and I had long, deep talks about random things in our past,  
including our previous jobs. We had this talk about my senior manager at ZTN Corporación, whom I got a bit close with. 
ISLA: He's so lucky to have survived from prostate cancer because of her daughter. 
GRAY: What did his daughter do? 
ISLA: Her daughter looked for ways to have the money needed for him to be treated well. 
GRAY: Oh. 
ISLA: There really is hope. His surname suits him well. 
GRAY: What do you mean? 
ISLA: His surname is hope. 
GRAY: Hope? 
ISLA: Yeah. 
GRAY: As in “H-O-P-E"? 
ISLA: Yeah. 
GRAY: What’s his first name? 
ISLA: Jan Welmer 
Then Gray stared at me for a few seconds... 
ISLA: Why? 
GRAY: Do you have a photo of him? 
ISLA: Here. 
GRAY: Where is he living? 
ISLA: In Castellón. Why? 
GRAY: Can you contact him? I want to meet him. 
ISLA: Why?! 
GRAY: He’s Precious’ dad 
ISLA: Oh! What the...?! 
GRAY: There’s a possibility that he chose to be with Steven for money so she could finance his dad’s medical needs. 
ISLA: Ohh!  
GRAY: Contact him. I want to meet him. 
ISLA: Okay... Let me see if I still have his number... Gotcha! 
Trrt trrt... Trrt trrt... Trrt trrt... Trrt trrt... 
“Sir Jan. This is Isla Salcedo.” 
“Oh. Hi.” 
“I’m sorry to bother you, but this is something important.” 
“What is it?” 
“Did your daughter Precious had a boyfriend named Apollo Gray Mcdowney?” 
“Oh. I remember him. How did you know?” 
“He actually wants to meet you. He will explain.” 
“Okay. Let’s meet at Castellón Park today.” 
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And then here we are. 
DAD: I was actually undergoing dialysis back then.  
GRAY: I thought she chose Steven over me because of money.  
DAD: No.  
GRAY: That’s a relief. That's why, despite knowing she cheated on me, I still loved her back then.  
DAD: That's not how my daughter is. She loved you so much.  
GRAY: She didn't tell me you're undergoing dialysis.  
DAD: Maybe she didn't want to be a burden to you. 
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GRAY: Isla, you seem to have discovered a lot about my past.  
You seem to have so much purpose for me.  
ISLA: Well, my pleasure, Master Libra. 
GRAY: What do you think is my ultimate purpose for you aside from this and your revenge on that jerk? 
ISLA: I don't know... Do you believe in destiny? 
GRAY: You mean predestination?  That means no one has free will, and I like to believe people have a choice. 
ISLA: I mean, when people meet, are they destined to meet, or is it just a coincidence? 
GRAY: Ohh, specifically for meeting people?  
I’m not sure, I don’t think of an event of meeting someone as something that is set in fate, if I believe that, then there must be other forms of fate.  
Like... What makes meeting someone different as compared to what you end up doing as your job in life? Even Protestant churches are split on predestination or not. How about you? What are your thoughts on free will versus predestination? 
ISLA: In terms of meeting people, I feel like some of them are meant for us to meet for some purpose. 
GRAY: Well, we don’t have to figure out everything. 
Going back to the passion that has given me a sense of fulfillment. By selling my digital arts, I was able to earn far more than the salary I was receiving at my previous jobs. The saying, “Everything really happens for a reason” is damn so real. I didn’t expect that I would be this grateful for the bad experiences I had at my job before. It was part of the process all along. God really moves in mysterious ways. 
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GRAY: Hey, let’s have an official relationship. Like, a serious one. 
ISLA: Why? 
GRAY: Hmm. I just want you to be my only one. 
ISLA: Pssshhh. Funny! I have a suitor right now, and I like him. 
GRAY: More than me? 
ISLA: Of course, you’re more valuable to me than him! As of now, ha? But soon I’ll be wanting a serious relationship again. 
GRAY: Then choose me. 
ISLA: Hmm. Give me time for that. 
GRAY: What’s one lesson you gained from me that you’ll never forget? 
ISLA: It’s when you told me that there are probably people who don’t like you, but you don’t have a negative view of them. I really like your mindset. 
GRAY: Well, everyone has good and bad sides. The mere fact that people can maintain even just one or two loved ones for a long time only tells something about them. They definitely have these good sides, which they can only show to certain people. The same goes for their bad sides. So, we don’t need to have a negative view of them, even if they don’t like us. We don’t like everyone either, but that doesn’t mean we hate them. 
ISLA: Do you believe in karma? 
GRAY: Hmm, to be honest, not really. You make your own future, and your decisions can affect what things happen to you, even if it’s good or bad. Of course, there are some things you can’t control at all, but that’s life. Since we’re a society, you kinda have to hope that society will do good for you. And for the completely random things in life, then you just trust God. 
ISLA: So, you still have this side who believes in God.  
GRAY: How about you? Do you believe in karma? 
ISLA: Yeah, I believe in karma, both good and bad. Though we did revenge...  
GRAY: Next month, I’ll tell you about the 10th ordinance. That will be the last. 
ISLA: Ha? There’s still one? 
GRAY: I have a suggestion. 
ISLA: What? 
GRAY: Get your tattoo today. 
ISLA: I'll do it right after our mission. You just said that there's still one left. 
GRAY: Can I ask you a favor? 
ISLA: What? 
GRAY: Do it today. 
ISLA: But we aren’t done yet. 
GRAY: Can you just do it, please? 
ISLA: But it's a personal thing for me. 
GRAY: Can you just trust me this time? 
ISLA: Alright! I'll do it today. 
GRAY: I'll have my 2-month vacation in Somalia. Can you come with me?  
ISLA: Of course.  
GRAY:  If there’s one place you won’t ever be back again, where is it? 
ISLA:  In that church. 
GRAY:  What church? 
GRAY: You were just sad... I’ll help you pack your things. 
Then, here we are in Somalia. ~ 
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We took a walk and went inside a church.  
Gray then prayed to God.  
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After this, I asked him... 
“I thought you're an atheist?” 
GRAY: Not anymore 
ISLA: So, since when did you start believing in God?  
GRAY: Since I loved you...  
ISLA: Sorry, but I don't love you that way.  
So, what's the 10th ordinance, Master Libra? 
 “LOVE ME.” 
Yeah, the Pisces won... 
I love you, Isla. 
Won’t you say anything? 
ISLA: Since when did you love me that way? 
GRAY: A few weeks after we met. 
ISLA: So, I was supposed to be a millionaire even back then. 
What did you pray to God? 
GRAY: I want to live in peace 
ISLA: We finished the mission. Aren't you satisfied?  
GRAY: I don't know. I hope I just followed you.  
ISLA: With what?  
GRAY: Not to continue the revenge. 
ISLA: I said that to you? 
GRAY: Yeah. 
ISLA: When? 
GRAY: Hmm. I can’t remember. 
ISLA: I thought it was a dream since I was in denial that Faith was dead. But did I actually say that to you? 
GRAY: Hmm. I just remember...* 
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ISLA: Well, I was almost consumed during our vengeance, but I had a change of belief, that's why I continued.  
And you know what? I’m actually not a Pisces. 
GRAY: Then what are you? 
ISLA: I’m also a Libra... 
GRAY: What?! 
ISLA: Yeah! 
and I love justice and balance.  
So, I believe that what we did was right and just. It only balanced the scale between them and us.  
This worldly life is already unfair.  
Since many people can be controlled by money, we must make our own ways to make this life more even. With this, we can reduce the real evils.  
I also felt tired of being constantly put in situations that contradicted my spiritual beliefs and moral values. But I realized that it will never make us less for believing in a thing like revenge that most people don't believe in, for we all have different encounters in life.  
Some people may even say that only weak people seek revenge. 
But that isn't real.  
That is gaslighting... 
The so-called “psychological short- and long-term effects” are just bullcr4p. 
Some people will never understand us until the real evils approach their lives and experience the same pain... 
Some people will never understand us until they lose someone they love in an unfair way.  
I understand that we're being controlled by some moral principles and standards to make this world a better place to live in. However, exceptions do exist in such a way that some actions that may seem bad could be morally justified if we will deep dive.  
There are really some bunches of horsesht beliefs and teachings that seem unrealistic and inapplicable to some real-life situations. You know? It is not our mistake if we're put in a situation like this where, in the eyes of others, integrity and justice cannot coexist. After all, what matters more is that we're trying to be good human beings. 
We just have to be responsible for its outcomes.   
But really...  
Revenge is good as it stops $htty people from doing $htty things to you.  
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GRAY: After all this time, you’re also a Libra?! What’s your birthdate? 
ISLA: October 22. 
GRAY: Why didn’t you tell me the truth? Is it because I told you that I usually like Pisces people? 
ISLA: Nope! I didn’t tell you, so you won’t know my weakness. 
GRAY: What weakness? 
ISLA: You’re also a Libra, right? 
GRAY: Yeah, I know. But what weakness are you referring to? 
ISLA: ...That I love deeply and can’t accept being betrayed by people I love the most. So, if ever you betray me, you wouldn’t know that you hurt me deeply. 
GRAY: So, does it mean...? 
ISLA: Yap. I love you... so deeply and sincerely. 
“The Law of Karma” 
One day in our family’s home... 
BROTHER: Sis! You have such a good taste! 
ISLA: Ha? 
BROTHER: Your boyfriend is here tho! 
SISTER: Hunk! 
ISLA: Ha? 
BROTHER: Are you high? Why not get out of your room and welcome him?! 
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MOM: Why didn’t you tell us about him? 
DAD: You’re just like your mom. Both have a good taste in men. 
MOM: Wow, ha? 
DAD: Let’s eat! 
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While eating, I whispered to Gray... 
ISLA: How did you know? 
GRAY: Thanks to GPS navigation apps. 
ISLA: I mean, the home address? 
GRAY: I edited your CV tho! 
ISLA: Oh. Yeah. 
And Gray roamed around our home... 
GRAY: Are you this girl? 
ISLA: Yeah. 
GRAY: Oh, common! You were that girl?! 
ISLA: Where? 
GRAY: The one I put out of the canal when I was about fourteen! 
ISLA: Oh, you were that boy?! 
GRAY: What a small world it is! 
And then Gray had long, deep talks with my family. 
“Hey! Let’s watch on cinema.” 
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“What is this?” 
“A VIP ticket of your favorite band.” 
“Ohhh. Thank you!” 
What a happy day huhu. 
One day... 
Gray told me to invite my family to his resto bar’s 10th Anniversary next week.  
“Happy 10th Anniversary!” ~ 
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We are all so happy for Gray’s continuous success. 
And look how small the world is. 
Gray’s mom and my mom were classmates when they were in college. 
Lots of talks happened ~ 
Lots of games were played ~ 
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Lots of prizes were won ~ 
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Almost everyone gets drunk ~ 
The day was filled with lots of smiles and laughters ~ 
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GRAY: We all got so drunk last night. 
ISLA: Yeah! 
GRAY: What exactly did my mom do to your mom to get her job back then? 
ISLA: Mom told me that your mom simply told her to apply for that job. With that, she was able to finance Grandma’s medications back then, which are obviously prolonging her life. 
GRAY: Oh!  
ISLA: That firm was established in 1921 by nine intelligent men. It’s a good company to work for. 
GRAY: It’s just a small act of kindness but look how it turns out to be a big blessing in my life. 
ISLA: So, I'm a blessing to you?  
GRAY: Of course! 
ISLA: No wonder you are so considerate. You’re just like your mom! I hope more people realize the importance of initiative, no matter how simple it is. 
GRAY: Well, she didn’t lose a single centavo for doing such a simple thing! Right? 
ISLA: Right! Unless she’s a toxic, manipulative, insecure, psychotic, badass, bch! 
GRAY: HA-HA correct! 
“What’s this?” Gray asked. 
“Open it!” I said. 
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“Oh. Dark chocolate! Thanks!” 
“To activate your happy hormones!” 
“Well, you’re better than a dark chocolate. You’re my happy pill.” 
“I dreamed about Faith.” 
“What is it?” Gray asked. 
“She gave me a sunflower.” 
“Oh. That symbolizes happiness and joy.” 
“Won't you get tired of me? Because you know, feelings fade.” I asked 
“There's a difference between feelings and love or commitment to be honest. Don't worry, I love you, that's commitment. You eventually got tired of your exes, right? I'm more afraid that you won't see me as amazing anymore and leave too.” 
“No. I love you, and that's commitment... I remember you telling me that I have so much purpose in you, and you asked me what your purpose is for me.”  
“Mhmm?” Gray expressed. 
“I feel like you don’t have to figure it out. You were just reaping the fruits of your and your mom’s kindness to me and to my mom through me. That’s the answer.” 
“That was two and three decades ago. But yeah. That’s how the world works.” 
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~ THE END. ~
The quality of one’s life is not solely based on its length, though of course it has a significant impact since when you live longer, you have more time to do things. The point is that you can make your life worth living when you maximize its use by living with your purpose. 
We are living in a world full of injustices. When you are weak, you have no better place in this world, so being strong is not a choice, rather, it is mandatory. 
When a couple breaks up, it’s not automatically a failed relationship. If we deep dive, we’ll realize that some relationships that have been broken are somehow successful in the sense that some beautiful things happened to both when they were together. No one can change it because it happened. There were laughters that added colors to their lives. There were lessons they have carried to becoming better individuals. And so much more. 
It is not all about the length of time that makes a great relationship, but the quality of the connection you have built. 
Don’t let the pain of your past prevent the happiness you could find in the present. 
We can’t judge a person in just a chapter we saw, we don’t have any idea what's going on in their lives during those times. 
We mourn, and we move on. 
It is indeed true that villains are not born; they are made either by people, by situations, or by themselves. 
Taking revenge doesn’t automatically make someone bad or evil. It may not undo past events but, at the very least, it gives someone justice. In a moral universe, this could sometimes be justified, especially if the people around you cannot do anything with your situation, cannot understand what you’re feeling, and the people who wronged you don't admit the mistakes they intentionally committed for their own pleasure that caused you damage. This is when your only choice is to either let it be, or time will do the justice, or stand up now on your own and get your own justice. God knows everything anyway and that in the end, we will all be judged accordingly.   
Each one of us has different situations, beliefs, and morals. We have different hereditary traits. We’ve been in different environments. We’ve been exposed to different encounters in life. And all of that had a significant impact on how we see the world and life in general. This is why we shouldn’t compare ourselves to anyone else, though we should still be open to being influenced if that makes us feel better. Just keep in mind that we must be able to manage the possible outcomes of every decision we make and the views we used to believe in, especially since we are living in a world with so many rules and beliefs installed in our minds, not to mention the absolute principles, for these only require common sense. The bottom line is that what may be right for you may not be so right or totally not right for others. The same goes with what may be wrong. So just expect that you will face different judgments from society. Nevertheless, it is our choice what to change, what to retain, and what to fully let go of. It lies in us how to be better and to live better.  
It’s fine if you haven’t figured out everything yet, no one knows everything anyway. Well, even the smartest people who have ever lived don’t know everything. So, you just have to keep going and continue learning. 
Insecurity is like a termite that slowly eats up relationships of any form. No matter how good you are to them, if they want to destroy you, they will. There are really f*ck*g people who want to see you fall to make themselves feel better. Like they will silently kill you! What's worse is that some of them are the people you least expect. Believe it or not, it’s your gain or loss, not mine. Well, you are one in a million lucky btch3s if you don’t experience the pain it causes. But this is a reality you should be aware of in advance, so you won't be surprised if you get to experience it. You’re welcome. 
We can forgive, but we can never forget, unless you have an amnesia. XD 
No one will admit the sins they committed unless they are either brave or punished.  
When money is involved, people reveal who they really are. 
Never let the betrayal of someone take away the kindness inside you. Let them live in conscience, if they have one. 
Age is just a factor in maturity in the sense that as people age, we tend to experience more in life. But the combination of experience, mindset, and attitude are the ultimate factors to it. 
Not forgetting a past mistake does not make us unforgiving. It is not our mistake to be hurt enough to finally cut ties with $htty people who wronged us. If detachment is the only way to forgive people, do it not only for yourself but for them as well. Because if forgiveness should always be given freely, you would wonder: Why are there souls in hell? Well, it’s simply because they chose to be there, they don't repent, and they don't ask for forgiveness. 
Intended sins left unpunished don't exist. Every act and every thought we had will all be put on a scale to be measured. 
Just because "someone" is more approachable to you than the "other one" doesn't mean he is kinder to you than the latter “behind closed doors”. "Someone" may seem friendly to you but is constantly backstabbing you, while "the other one" may be defending your name when you are not around. So, you must be careful with whom you favor. The saying, "Even salt looks like sugar," is damn so real. We really can't judge a person's true character based on just one positive or negative side we see. That’s one proof why this world seems to be mysterious, for we really can’t rely alone on what our eyes can see. 
As we get older, we will discover more about life that will surely blow our minds. (for example, traitors are just around the corner...XD) 
It’s fine not to be liked by everyone; you don’t like everyone either. But be sure to be more understanding of animals. Keep calm. -_^ 
In a world like this where living with convenience takes a lot of effort, you will see having someone in your life who is doing better than you as a blessing, not a threat, unless you are a bull$ht, afraid to be compared, easily intimidated, and have a low-quality mindset. 
Make sure that those you prioritize are the ones you can rely on when you need help the most. 
Gaslighters and silent killers do exist. They may be hiding behind innocent, smiling, beautiful, ugly, or average faces. Looks can truly be deceiving, be wise who you trust. 
When you are receiving unreasonable hate from people, I guess we don't need to have much talk about the reasons behind it. Just expect that they will be silent about your success but loud about your failures, imperfections, and mistakes. And if they team up just to bring you down, just laugh at them. Their action is just a reflection of their character anyway. My dear, they are seeing something in you, and they know exactly what they are feeling. Keep on shining. 
Some people are not real friends, they are just approaching you because of what you have in life, such as your accomplishments, popularity, status, wealth, looks, and things alike that if you don’t have, they won’t be there for you. Be careful. Some only seem friendly because of what you have in life, not because it's you. They are not worthy of us. However, do not misinterpret people. Some are approaching you because they really like you and admire your success and influence. The main point is to just know who’s genuine and who’s just pretending. 
Before we judge a certain issue, make sure to know the full details. We must not draw a conclusion based on the characters of the people involved. Someone can “appear” having a better character in the eyes of many than the other one, but that doesn't mean the former is the one who's more right or totally right on that certain issue. Everyone makes mistakes, no matter how good a person is. So, we must not judge without knowing the whole situation. 
We are all valuable, valueless, and in between, the determination lies in perception, situation, and when & where we are. Similarly, we are all good, bad, and in between, the determination lies in perception and in the chapters where people meet us. 
Never let anyone define your entire worth, not even the people you love and the people who love you the most. You, yourself, only have a piece of an idea of how valuable you are, so what about everyone else? 
All of us are made of both light and dark. Use your light as an advantage in life, not only for yourself but for others as well. Likewise, recognize your dark sides and work on them. Don’t let it discourage you from growing in any way, as it’s just part of yourself, not your whole self. 
Some failures are blessings in disguise. 
A simple act of kindness can turn into something huge, just as a simple betrayal can turn into a lifetime regret. That's how the world works. 
A past mistake doesn’t define the person in his end, as it is just a part of a chapter in his life. It is not our mistakes that count, but rather our willingness to be better.   
There will be happenings in life that we will not fully understand at some point. However, life must go on. 
There’s no one more handsome than a father who is selfless enough to allow their children to love their mother more than him. I'm not generalizing, but in most cases that I saw, that’s how a gentleman should be, and no man competes with his woman unless he's gay or not an alpha one. 
When a couple breaks up, it’s just so funny to know that most people assume the cause is having a third party. Little did they know that faithfulness is not the only thing that significantly matters in a relationship. How about the support, the initiative, words of appreciation, gestures, and things alike? 
Being a kid is just so special since we do not know how to keep the pain and anger inside us. We don't care that much if people have wronged us, for we could easily move on. So, there is really beauty in not knowing much about life, about everything that happens. With that, we could be happier and more at peace. Nevertheless, we may experience more pain as we get older, but at least, through pain, we become stronger and wiser. 
Most of the pain caused by betrayals cuts deepest when it's caused by people we love most. But it means almost nothing when it's done by people who don't matter to us. 
In every suffering, we learn, and we tend to appreciate more the smallest things that could provide a little joy. 
Spread love, not hate. But remember, my dear, never tolerate being betrayed, for you are worth more than you know. It's not ego, but pride. 
There's no one-size-fits-all definition of success. The same goes with kindness. So, never feel obliged to prove your kindness to people, it’s what’s inside that truly matters.  
Acceptance is the main key to one’s healing, while denial, in the long run, won’t do anything. Allow yourself to feel the pain, no matter how long it takes, it will disappear anyway. 
Some chapters have to close so that new chapters can begin. Similarly, people really come and go. But sometimes one must leave for others to come. 
If you have the means to help others, do it. You may not have an idea, but one simple initiative can go really far.  
Never get too attached to anything or anyone in this world. But do not take your loved ones and those of other importance for granted. Everything here is temporary. So, you must be spiritually complete on your own, for at the end of your worldly life, you will only have yourself, for you are your only soul. The only real treasures you will carry are the good deeds you made and the intensity of your faith and love for God. Nevertheless, you must not deny that “no man is an island.” We really need other people to live a happier and more meaningful life. 
Life is much more beautiful than we expected. And that can only be felt if we have a good heart and mindset. 
There’s a deeper reason why the brain was placed higher than the heart. 
There is love we cannot accept, but what's worse is that there is also love we cannot have in the end. 
There are really love stories that will not last a lifetime. But at least, at some point in our lives, we were given the chance to love and to be loved by that special someone. And even if you didn't end up together, you can still carry the memories, lessons, and love you’ve shared in this lifetime. 
It is how genuine love is that matters more than anything else, even the length of time you’ve shared it together.  
Being betrayed is really part of any type of deep relationship. So, you will either: forgive and stay; or forgive but leave; or stay but don't forgive; or leave and don't forgive. We can share our lives with people even if we know that they may suddenly hurt us, either intentionally or not, for everyone makes mistakes, no matter how good they are or how much they care for or love us. We just have to know that we are responsible for the outcomes of our choices. Nevertheless, I still believe that love is stronger than hate, simply because we are humans, and we are designed to love. We just have to choose people who are worthy of risking the pain of betrayal. Because if we don't forgive, we won't reap the love and support we could possibly find. 
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~ After losing some people I valued and loved, I must admit that I tried not to get too attached to anyone. So, if I must leave them or they leave me in any way, sadness won’t consume me again. I saw beauty in this heavy trial of my life, for through this, I used to appreciate more the art of solitude that had given way to creating this piece. 
By being alone, I was able to recognize the grudge I had been holding for so long, caused by betrayals done by toxic people in times when I was already carrying burdens in life. It was like a dark energy that had been holding me back from seeing the joy that life could still offer me. I questioned several times, "The world was bad, so why would I be good?". The harshness of life almost burned the kindness living in my heart. The world left me with no choice but to be bad just to survive. It was like an exchanged energy for the darkness that this world had given me. 
Until a time came when I realized that the world itself is not bad, it’s only the people I met who did bad things to me, making me feel that the world was bad. But then I finally accepted that life is really not a straight path. We will experience so many random things that will truly leave us questioning the existence of God. I felt afraid that if I went back to living a God-centered life, another heavy burden would approach me one more time. The thought served as a defense mechanism to protect my emotional well-being. Nevertheless, I decided to surrender my heart again to God. And I realized that it was for my own sake in the end, and it actually paid off really well. As I grew older, I realized that maintaining kindness in this chaotic world takes a lot of inner strength. Through this, I was able to learn more about the importance of forgiving people and finally have the peace of mind I had been longing for. Well, we all have no other choice but to help ourselves be healed from the wounds of our past. We have no choice but to move forward, live life, accept things that have already happened, and leave those we can no longer control.  
This life is so short to live in hatred, and the time finally came when I felt so tired from keeping this burning pain. So, I asked for strength and guidance from Above, and through this, I was able to see and feel again His light. And this is undeniably a win for my side. Nevertheless, if we delve into life, we will wonder why the brain was placed higher than the heart; thus, I still believe in the power of vengeance. And I will stand firm that this belief can truly be justified. So many evils have approached me before. And it was only through vengeance that those evils stopped when I finally learned to fight back. So, this belief will never make me feel again that I am bad. Though as of writing, I had some reflections in life. I witnessed that God really is justified, for I have seen how some people who wronged me experienced a lot of suffering. My words seem to be conflicting with “taking vengeance” versus “letting karma do the work”, I guess, in the end, the belief lies in every individual, for we all have different experiences in life. 
By choice, I was almost alone for a long time, for no one could betray me this way. After all, it is not my mistake if I was traumatized by the betrayals done by real psychos out there. The only mistake I unconsciously made was holding the pain for so long. But the good thing is that, while writing this novella, I realized that we, as humans, are not afraid to care and to love; we’re just afraid to be betrayed and to be left behind. We’re just too afraid that our trust will eventually be broken by $htty-btchy-crappy–trashy-f*cky-people around us. Nevertheless, we should share our lives with chosen people, for that’s one way of making this life more meaningful. We just have to be aware of protecting ourselves, just in case, and find ways to be genuinely happy just by ourselves alone. And this realization is being shared to serve as a reminder that... 
“You’re not alone in being alone.”  
... ‘coz there is a ghost when you turn your head back. XD 
Well, seriously... 
“You’re not alone in being alone.” 
Read it twice and have your own interpretation, because, you know? 
I’m getting tired of thinking of an explanation. XD 
You’re welcome. ~ 
21 April 2024 
To everyone who came this far, I thank you with all my heart. 
This is the very first story I made and published, and it really means a lot to me. 
I’m happy that I finally had enough time to share it with you. 
And just in case you enjoyed the story... XD  
Here’s my PayPal: [email protected] 
My GCash, Maya Wallet, & Coins.ph number: 0912 611 6170 (Patrischia Andrea Gapasin) 
You may also send crypto here on Binance ID: 866 677 270; or Coins.ph. 
You can message me on my WhatsApp, Viber, or Signal (0912 611 6170) and let’s have some talks about life! 
There are just lots of things I have to do right now, but for you, I promise to write stories again in the future. 
Trischia ~ 
Credit to the owners of the images used: 
Cover Photo background: Pexels 
Isla: Unsplash 
Mercedes: PIXNIO 
All other characters: Pexels 
Chapters 1 to 21: Pexels, Unsplash, Pixabay, PIXNIO, Adobe Stock., istockphoto.com
Page backgrounds: 
Synopsis: Pexels 
Characters: Unsplash 
Special thanks to the photographers of Pexels, Unsplash, Pixabay, PIXNIO, Adobe Stock., istockphoto.com, and the creators of websites for adding life to this piece of art. 
Special thanks to QuillBot.com for the grammar checking. 
Special thanks to Picsart, for the story’s cover photo, synopsis, and character “texts”, and for the compilation of photos (characters). 
Special thanks to Tumblr for providing such a good platform.
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caffedrine · 2 years
Master List of Summaries
When there's enough going on that I should organize it.
Ikemen Prince
Rio Common Route
Chapter01 Chapter02 Chapter03 Chapter04 Chapter05 Chapter06 Chapter07 Chapter08 Chapter09 Chapter10 Chapter11 Chapter12 Chapter13 Chapter14 Chapter15 Chapter16 Chapter17 Chapter18 Chapter19 Chapter20
Rio Romantic Route
Chapter21 Chapter22 Chapter23 Chapter24 Chapter25 Epilogue
Rio Dramatic Route
Chapter21 Chapter22 Chapter23 Chapter24 Chapter25 Epilogue
Keith Common Route
Chapter01 Chapter02 Chapter03 Chapter04 Chapter05 Chapter06 Chapter07 Chapter08 Chapter09 Chapter10 Chapter11 Chapter12 Chapter13 Chapter14 Chapter15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter18 Chapter19 Chapter20
Keith Romantic Route
Chapter21 Chapter22 Chapter 23 Chapter24 Chapter25 Epilogue
Keith Dramatic Route
Chapter21 Chapter22 Chapter23 Chapter24 Chapter25 Epilogue
Side Events
Rio - Two Ending Bonus: Three Years With You
Rio - Maid Event
Rio - From Now on, You're My Woman
Rio - Two People on a Mellow Night
Rio - Second Birthday (Emma POV)
Rio - Aphrodite’s Kiss
Rio - Your Fault I'm Lusting
Keith - From Now on, You're My Woman
Keith - Lucky to be Loved
Keith - Two Ending Bonus - The Secret Only the Bookmark Knows
Keith Howell and Leon Dompteur - He is Me and I am Him?!
Gilbert - More Love with the Beast
Gilbert - First Birthday (Emma POV)
Gilbert - Two People on a Mellow Night
Gilbert - Public Persona
Gilbert - Private Persona
Gilbert - Merry Christmas ‘22
Gilbert - Bodyguard Prince
Gilbert - Challenge From the King of Trampling
Alice in the Country of Hearts
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neesieiumz · 2 years
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A single father, a new nanny, and a delusional ex-fiancé, what could go wrong?
summary: Ken Ryuguji, the face of TOMAN MODELS AGENCY, is one of the top models in all of Japan. He’s also the father to the sweetest little girl named Ryoko Ryuguji. He’d do anything for her, including keeping the little one away from her manipulative mother. When Draken struggles with finding child care so Ryoko could know some sort of stability. Mitsuya comes to the rescue, contacting an old friend from college.
Updated every Saturday
taglist: @somniari-94 @prettyling @tokyosimp @rizakari @highhjime @sunyrose @kenmasbimbo @misinfe @ashleyandanxiety @bontensbabygirl @woahhajime @mrsryuguji @blvebcrry @lisia-primary @tirzamisu @sunghoonsblackgf @sanzuharuchiyoswife @multiwendi @velkna @seokjin-bby @kenryug @satsuri3su @tsugikunisaisei @shuujin @cupidines @bokutossidepiece @horkniitamago @someone4414 @buns-inhiding @denkis-slut @6-022-10-23 @nightmareoncasstreet @matsunosan @sun-daddy-yoriichi @izukusfreckle
<<<<previous masterlist next>>>>
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mymadmedleyw · 1 year
Fic-writing year-review for 2022- Alice version
Penner did a similar one and it inspired me to make one too, because it is fun to collect everything.
(I'm tired right now to develop it, but give me a day to heal from New Year's Eve and this entry will be shiny and contain some proper details about the fics too - also the link for those.)
Green and Gold (GG) is a series of short-fics in what Dan and Dani lives together, try to find their place in normal daily life and meanwhile attempting to exist as siblings (of course neither of these works as easy as it sounds)
DA AU, called 'fate written in the sky' series, is also an au when both of them are hybrids. FYI, a female!PD au. My current obsession, I love exploring them.
(in that month I finished in the university and while didn't post the fic in what I worked off my overall stress, I wrote some chapters for a once-coming DarkGray long-fic from what actually the Valentine one came - can't tell the exact word count I wrote)
February (6.650 words):
- Sailor, 6.650 words (part of a once-happening long-fic DarkGray concept; partly inspired by @ghost-pasta's DP Valentine prompts)
March (12.376 words):
- On The Line, 1.213 words (part of GG series)
- Two Side Of A Dream Coming True, 7.032 words (GG series; Dani grows fangs and her brother tries to help her; made for Side Hoes Week)
- Change in The Core of Heart - Chapter1, 4.131 words (GG; Side Hoes Week - Angela)
April (2.836 words):
- Not Him, 2.836 words (allowed to write and inspired by @dp-marvel94's take on a prompt)
May (15.474 words):
- Dani's First Mother's Day, 1.756 words (part of GG series; made for Mothers' Day)
- Bits Of The Past (collection of missed scenes from WTPH) - Chapter14, 5.544 words
- My family, my brother, 8.174 words (GG; made for DannyMay and DoMaystic event)
June (14.151 words):
- stars align - Chapter1 (DA), see entire word count in September (introduction of Astra)
- There Is An Exception To Every Rule - Chapter1-3 (GG), altogether with Chapter4 in July: 14,151 words (heavy talks within the siblings about old scars, connection to Vlad and so on, I just love it)
July (3.346 words):
- Maybe Not Just A Coincidence, 2.494 words (GG)
- Benefits of school detention, 852 words (related to Bang fic; Danielle Masters AU)
August (40.542 words):
- Bits Of The Past (collection of missed scenes from WTPH) - Chapter15, 3.007 words
- Snapshot, 3.949 words (GG)
- Down The Rabbit Hole, 33.586 words (made for Big Bang; parallel words, Danielle Masters AU)
September (13.630 words):
- gathering clouds, 5.419 words (DA)
- stars align - Chapter2, altogether word count: 5.468 words (DA)
- quarter to midnight, 2.733 words (made for Shiptember) (DA)
October (10.972 words):
- turning gears - Chapter1 (DA), w.c. see: November
- (un)defined by time, 5.610 words (made for Ectoberhaunt) (DA)
- eye of the god - Chapter1 (DA), 1.162 words
- one of a kind - Chapter1 (DA), 1.759 words (made for Ectoberhaunt)
- the worst beneath the legendary facade, 2.441 words (DA)
November (21.219 words):
- thorn of the dead rose, 1.233 words (DA)
- turning gears - Chapter2&3 (DA), word count altogether: 14.280 words (made for Ectoberhaunt)
- broken fate - Chapter1 (DA), 4.503 words
- death and death again, clockwise - Chapter1, 1.203 words (new, yet undefined au)
December (32.928 words):
- What The Past Holds - Chapter20, 21.966 words
- in her service, 1.544 words (DA)
- knight to serve his king, 9.418 words (DA)
Written-shared words on ao3 in 2022: 174.124 words (I didn't count the ones that are in docs, half-done but not shared yet, nor the DP Holiday Truce fic)
Conclusion: I saved a lot of money, because surely writing doesn't cost a penny, while going instead to handle mental problems through a therapist would have cost a lot otherwise xD But seriously, I might have a problem... It is nearly insane to write this lot.
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joechia · 1 year
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New corner at @isetanthejapanstore ✨🙌🏼 We are happy to share that we have relocated to a new space within Isetan the Japan Store, Lot10 Kuala Lumpur! In light of this new transition, all operational and sales arrangements of our new space will be fully managed by the Isetan team moving forward. You may find our Spring/Summer 2023 Chapter20 collection now at Isetan the Japan Store and online at shop.joechia.com where free shipping is provided for deliveries within Malaysia. In the meantime, you may find our latest updates when you subscribe to our newsletters on joechia.com or contact us on WhatsApp at +6011 1600 6510 shall you require any assistance regarding our products. As we move into a new phase, we thank you for your tremendous support along our journey as we continue to develop new, enticing experiences for you. (at Isetan The Japan Store KL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CprvrTaJtHS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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testbank-zone · 3 months
Test Bank For Canadian Income Taxation 2023-2024 26e By Bill Buckwold
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Test Bank For Canadian Income Taxation 2023-2024 26e By Bill Buckwold
  TABLE OF CONTENTS   Preface   Award-Winning Technology   CPA Competency Map   Part 1 A Planning and Decision-Making Approach to Taxation   Chapter1 Taxation-Its Role in Decision Making   Chapter2 Fundamentals of Tax Planning   Part 2 An Overview of Income Determination and Tax for the Two Primary Entities   Chapter 3 Liability for Tax, Income Determination, and Administration of the Income Tax System   Chapter 4 Income from Employment   Chapter 5 Income from Business   Chapter 6 The Acquisition, Use, and Disposal of Depreciable Property   Chapter7 Income from Property   Chapter8 Gains and Losses on the Disposition of Capital Property-Capital Gains   Chapter9 Other Income, Other Deductions, and Special Rules for Completing Net Income for Tax Purposes   Chapter10 Individuals: Determination of Taxable Income and Taxes Payable   Chapter11 Corporations-An Introduction   Part 3 The Corporate Structure   Chapter12 Organization, Capital Structures, and Income Distributions of Corporations   Chapter13 The Canadian-Controlled Private Corporation   Chapter14 Multiple Corporations and Their Reorganization   Part 4 Other Forms of Business Organization   Chapter15 Partnerships   Chapter16 Limited Partnerships and Joint Ventures   Chapter17 Trusts   Part 5 Selected Topics   Chapter18 Business Acquisitions and Divestitures-Assets versus Shares   Chapter19 Business Acquisitions and Divestitures-Tax-Deferred Sales   Chapter20 Domestic and International Business Expansion   Chapter21 Tax Aspects of Corporate Financing   Chapter22 Introduction to GST/HST   Chapter23 Business Valuations     Read the full article
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christianauthor1 · 1 year
The deadly sin of envy. Parable of the Vineyard worker Matthew 20: 1-16
This week we will be reading Jesus’s words from Matthew chapter20. My goal is to reach verse 16, but we’ll just see where the Holy Spirit leads us. Matthew 20:1-16 (New Living Translation) Parable of the Vineyard Workers 20 “For the Kingdom of Heaven is like the landowner who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay the normal daily wage[a] and sent them…
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what-sidhe-said · 6 years
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were (you) — Chapter 20
link to archiveofourown.org, chapter20
link to fanfiction.net, version
Track 01 - Pray by Kodaline Track 02 - You Do It Well by Saint Motel Track 03 - Wolf and I by Oh Land Track 04 - Eruption by Tobacco Track 05 - Watch Over Me by Teen Daze Track 06 - Wait For Me by Moby Track 07 - Silhouette by Of Monsters and Men Track 08 - Hard Time by Seinabo Sey Track 09 - Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons Track 10 - Windshield Smasher by Black Moth Super Rainbow Track 11 - One More Day by Lydia  Track 12 - Between the Bars by Elliott Smith Track 13 - Mad Sounds by Arctic Monkeys Track 14 - Before I Ever Met You by BANKS Track 15 - Bound by Indiana
link to 8tracks, playlist
link to youtube, version
link to spotify, playlist
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ei-w · 1 year
scheduling time/plans in case you are wondering...
(updated - February 24th)
- - -
(chronological, but in some cases it breaks due to other reason to keep another order for reveals)
(plans might alter when irl things hit in or when editing overwhelms me, but I'll try my best with it)
- - -
chapter1: 29.01 ✅
missing/additional scenes within chapter1: 30.01-056.02. ✅ ✅ ✅
(schedule changed due to happenings irl)
scenes within chapter1&2 (3+1): 06.02-12.26.02. ✅ ✅ ✅ ...
chapter2: 05.03. (latest time for it to be posted)
chapter3: 12.03.
chapter4: 26.03.
chapter5: 12.03.
chapter6: 19.03.
chapter7: 02.04.
pov differed scene in chapter7: 03.04-09.04.
chapter8: 16.04.
scenes played between chapter8&9: 17.04-23.04. (2)
chapter9: 30.04.
chapter10: 07.05.
scene between chapter10&11: 08.05-14.05.
out-of-chronological one - part1: 15.05-21.05.
out-of-chronological ones - part2: 22.05-28.05 (2)
chapter11: 04.06.
chapter12: 11.06.
out-of-chronological ones - part3: 12.06-18.06 (2)
chapter13: 25.06.
chapter14: 02.07.
chapter15: 09.07.
scene between chapter15&16: 10.07-16.07.
chapter16: 23.07.
chapter17: 30.07.
chapter18: 06.08.
out-of-chronological one - part4: 07-13.08.
scene after that as well as between chapter18&19: 14.08-20.08. (2)
out-of-chronological one - part5: 21.08-27.08.
additional scenes: 28.07-03.09. (2)
chapter19: 10.09.
chapter20: 17.09.
chapter21: 24.09.❔
- - -
invisobang is planned too, independently from this schedule. invisobang posting is happening on the first week of september. at the latest, I'd like to share this upper work until then, meaning: 01-07.09. -- note to self: have to pick it up!
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essayly · 1 year
A paper related to legal topic
A paper related to legal topic
All 201 and 202 students will be permitted to write a paper, no longer than 500 words in length, on any legal topic of their choosing that relates to materials covered in your course.   I have cover Chapter12 -Chapter20 expect Chapter 18. You can choose one of them to write a paper
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bluepointcoin · 1 year
How a new adaptation of the hit book Braiding Sweetgrass delivers Indigenous wisdom to a younger generation
How a new adaptation of the hit book Braiding Sweetgrass delivers Indigenous wisdom to a younger generation
The Next Chapter20:30Monique Gray Smith and Nicole Neidhardt on Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults Monique Gray Smith and Nicole Neidhardt on Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults. It took Braiding Sweetgrass nearly seven years to make it onto The New York Times bestseller list. It has been flying off shelves ever since. Now, the 2013 book by American scientist Robin Wall Kimmerer has been…
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ysrysrysr · 2 years
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butterandcookiesand · 2 years
Provide adequate humidity, sunlight and wind
We pray to God that He will protect us from pests and diseases and give us the blessing of producing abundant, abundant and good fruits.
We pray that you will always bless us through Christ Jesus with the Holy Spirit of God, so that we may also lead a healthy and godly life.
[성경 聖經 :성서 聖書 : The Bible : Scripture:The Holy book ]
John chapter20 verse27‭ verse28
Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
[성경 聖經 :성서 聖書 : The Bible : Scripture:The Holy book ]
約翰福音 20章 28節   29 節
多馬說:「我的主!我的上帝!」 耶穌對他說:「你因看見了我才信;那沒有看見就信的有福了。」
多馬說:「我的主!我的上帝!」 耶穌對他說:「你因看見了我才信;那沒有看見就信的有福了。」
多馬回答,對他說:「我的主!我的上帝!」 耶穌對他說:「你因為看見了我才信嗎?那沒有看見卻信的有福了。」
Обеспечьте достаточную влажность, солнечный свет и ветер
Мы молим Бога, чтобы Он защитил нас от вредителей и болезней и дал нам благословение производить обильные, обильные и хорошие плоды.
Мы молим, чтобы Ты всегда благословлял нас через Христа Иисуса Святым Духом Божьим, чтобы мы также могли вести здоровую и благочестивую жизнь.
[성경 聖經: 성서 聖書: Библия: Писание: Священная книга]
Иоанна глава20 стих27 стих28
Тогда говорит Фоме: подай перст твой сюда и посмотри на руки Мои;  и подай руку твою и вложи ее в ребра мои; и не будь неверующим, но верующим.  И Фома отвечал и сказал ему: Господь мой и Бог мой.
Затем он сказал Фоме: «Положи сюда палец;  увидеть мои руки.  Протяни свою руку и вложи ее в мой бок.  Перестань сомневаться и верь».  Фома сказал ему: «Господь мой и Бог мой!»
توفير الرطوبة الكافية وضوء الشمس والرياح
نسأل الله أن يقينا من الآفات والأمراض ، وأن يفرحنا بإنتاج ثمار وفيرة وفيرة وجيدة.
نصلي أن تباركنا دائمًا من خلال المسيح يسوع بروح الله القدوس ، حتى نتمكّن أيضًا من أن نحيا حياة صالحة وتقوى.
[성경 聖經: 성서 聖 書: الكتاب المقدس: الكتاب المقدس: الكتاب المقدس]
يوحنا الفصل 20 الآية 27 الآية 28
فقال لتوما بلغ اصبعك وانظر يدي.  ومد يدك الى هنا وادفعها الى جنبي. ولا تكن غير مؤمن بل مؤمن.  فاجاب توما وقال له ربي والهي.
ثم قال لتوما ، "ضع إصبعك هنا ؛  انظر يدي.  مد يدك ووضعها في جانبي.  توقف عن الشك والصدق ".  قال له توما ، "ربي وإلهي!"
לספק לחות נאותה, אור שמש ורוח
אנו מתפללים לה' שישמור עלינו מפני מזיקים ומחלות וייתן לנו את הברכה להפיק פירות בשפע, בשפע וטוב.
אנו מתפללים שתמיד תברך אותנו באמצעות ישוע המשיח ברוח הקודש של אלוהים, כדי שנוכל לנהל חיים בריאים ואלוהיים.
[성경 聖經 :성서 聖書 : התנ"ך : כתבי הקודש: הספר הקדוש ]
יוחנן פרק 20 פסוק 27 פסוק 28
וַיֹּאמֶר אֶל-תּוֹמָס, הוֹשֵׁךְ אֶת-אִצְבְּךָ, וְהִנֵּה יָדַי;  והושיט את ידך הנה ותחב אותה בצידי: ואל תהיה חסר אמונה כי אם מאמין.  וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלָיו תּוֹמָס, אֲדֹנִי וּאֵלַי.
ואז הוא אמר לתומס, "שים את האצבע שלך כאן;  לראות את הידיים שלי.  הושט את ידך והכנס אותה לצדי.  תפסיק לפקפק ותאמין".  אמר לו תומאס: "אדוני ואלוהים שלי!"
Fournir une humidité adéquate, la lumière du soleil et le vent
Nous prions Dieu qu'il nous protège des ravageurs et des maladies et nous donne la bénédiction de produire des fruits abondants, abondants et bons.
Nous prions pour que vous nous bénissiez toujours par le Christ Jésus avec le Saint-Esprit de Dieu, afin que nous puissions également mener une vie saine et pieuse.
[성경 聖經 :성서 聖書 : La Bible : Ecriture: Le livre saint ]
Jean chapitre20 verset27 verset28
Alors il dit à Thomas : Avance ici ton doigt, et vois mes mains ;  et avance ta main ici, et mets-la dans mon côté; et ne sois pas infidèle, mais croyant.  Et Thomas répondit et lui dit : Mon Seigneur et mon Dieu.
Puis il dit à Thomas : « Mets ton doigt ici ;  voir mes mains.  Tends ta main et mets-la dans mon côté.  Arrêtez de douter et croyez.  Thomas lui dit : « Mon Seigneur et mon Dieu !
Proporcionar humedad, luz solar y viento adecuados.
Oramos a Dios para que nos proteja de plagas y enfermedades y nos dé la bendición de producir frutos abundantes, abundantes y buenos.
Oramos para que siempre nos bendigas a través de Cristo Jesús con el Espíritu Santo de Dios, para que también podamos llevar una vida sana y piadosa.
[성경 聖經:성서 聖書: La Biblia: Escritura: El libro sagrado]
Juan capítulo 20 versículo 27 versículo 28
Entonces dijo a Tomás: Pon aquí tu dedo, y mira mis manos;  y acerca tu mano, y métela en mi costado; y no seas incrédulo, sino creyente.  Y Tomás respondió y le dijo: Señor mío y Dios mío.
Luego le dijo a Tomás: “Pon tu dedo aquí;  ver mis manos.  Extiende tu mano y ponla en mi costado.  Deja de dudar y cree.”  Tomás le dijo: “¡Señor mío y Dios mío!”
पर्याप्त नमी, धूप और हवा प्रदान करें
हम ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करते हैं कि वह हमें कीटों और बीमारियों से बचाए और हमें प्रचुर, प्रचुर और अच्छे फल पैदा करने का आशीर्वाद दें।
हम प्रार्थना करते हैं कि आप हमें हमेशा मसीह यीशु के द्वारा परमेश्वर के पवित्र आत्मा से आशीषित करते रहें, ताकि हम भी एक स्वस्थ और ईश्वरीय जीवन जी सकें।
[성경 :성서 : बाइबिल : स्क्रिप्चर: द होली बुक ]
यूहन्ना अध्याय 20 पद 27 पद 28
तब उस ने थोमा से कहा, अपक्की उंगली यहां पहुंचा, और मेरे हाथ देख;  और अपना हाथ यहां पहुंचाकर मेरे पंजर में डाल दे; और अविश्वासी न होकर विश्वासी हो।  और थोमा ने उत्तर देकर उस से कहा, हे मेरे प्रभु और मेरे परमेश्वर।
तब उसने थोमा से कहा, “अपनी उँगली यहाँ रख;  मेरे हाथ देखो।  अपना हाथ बढ़ा कर मेरी बाजू में रख दो।  संदेह करना बंद करो और विश्वास करो। ”  थोमा ने उस से कहा, हे मेरे प्रभु और मेरे परमेश्वर!
알맞은  습도와  햇빛과  바람을   주시고
병충해로부터  보호하셔서  풍요롭고   풍부하고 좋은   결실을   맺는  축복을  우리에게  주시기를  하나님(하느님)께   기도드립니다.
우리도 건강하고  경건한  생활을  하도록  늘  우리에게   하나님(하느님)의  거룩한  영으로 그리스도  예수님을  통해 우리를  축복하여 주시기를  기도드립니다.
[성경 聖經 :성서 聖書 : The Bible : Scripture:The Holy book ]
요한복음 20장28‭절29절
도마가 대답하여 가로되 나의 주시며 나의 하나님이시니이다 예수께서 가라사대 너는 나를 본 고로 믿느냐 보지못하고 믿는 자들은 복되도다 하시니라
그러자 도마는 “나의 주님이시며 나의 하나님이십니다!” 하고 대답하였다. 그때 예수님이 도마에게 “너는 나를 보고서 믿느냐? 보지 않고 믿는 자는 정말 행복한 사람이다” 하고 말씀하셨다.
도마가 예수께 대답하기를 “나의 주님, 나의 하나님!” 하니, 예수께서 도마에게 말씀하셨다. “너는 나를 보았기 때문에 믿느냐? 나를 보지 않고도 믿는 사람은 복이 있다.”
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mymadmedleyw · 2 years
Hi. Yesterday I made an overall file from notes for a work I have (purposely) neglected for a while. I tried to write to it: hated every sentence. Now, after a bit of sleep, I changed my mind. Actually, it has to be lame. I'll make sections and obviously not the whole can be then interesting or anything, so now I like it.
Meaning: guys, wtph is on to be cooked again! 🙌
(I really plan to share with you chapter20 this year!)
Bad thing: I'm gonna put away for a bit everything else until then - read as my current fixation about my DA AU. Maybe I'll share something, belonging to that, if that certain chapter is nearly entirely done, but for now not that line will be my first preference.
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