#Cavern of Dreams (game)
spoopers-bloopers · 6 months
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character doodles
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kargaroc · 11 months
I love little guys so much you dont understand
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lazylogic · 1 year
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I'm really excited for @bynineb's upcoming game, Cavern of Dreams, and I love the protagonist so I just had to draw the little guy. I tried something a little different too - I tried to imitate those N64/PS1 box art renders where everything is smooth and shiny and the shading is black (though I was a little too scared to go all in with that part). I referenced Yoshi's Story, Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie, and Spyro specifically. It's not perfect but I made an attempt and it was really fun!
Please check out the game, it looks amazing!
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Fynn, from the game Cavern of Dreams. I really recommend it! It's such a fun and cute little platformer, but without harsh punishments. Very respectful of your time. More art on my dA :)
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bigboobshaunt · 3 months
Peach Time!! :)
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inferusrf · 2 months
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La creatura
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sl33py-g4m3r · 1 day
been thinking about this kinda thing a lot~~ what would happen if.....
fun post to offset the anxiety one~~
how would the samurai or other devil summoners deal with an opponent from a bullet hell style game? like if they were in their turf and had to fight by their rules? or vice versa?
would the demons have their own hitboxes? would their demons count in their life stock? would summoning one count as using a bomb resulting in a screen clear? would they give different shot types based on their affinities and weaknesses?
how would they shoot back at the opponent if they were locked into bullet hell game rules? guns probably, if swordplay was impossible due to range and density of bullets. would grazing them do anything beneficial or just take health away? or damage their clothes or anything?
or if the other way around? if the danmaku user wasn't in their original world anymore? would the bullets tire them out if they actually used it? if they weren't in their world anymore, would using danmaku tire them out or hurt them somehow? how would their attacks work in an rpg style setting?
how do teleport tiles work? is it just people? could you troll your teammates by shooting bullets into the teleport tile? would they just hit the wall and vanish or warp through the tile and go the direction you face when being teleported?
would the danmaku damage the walls or just vanish upon hitting one?
ye i should probably play Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia... cause I think that kind of shows what happens if you have danmaku in an rpg. and it looks fun.
imagine my first megaten game ever being a mash up of touhou and retro smt..... lol.....
I really need to try more bullet hell games too~~ start up dimensional dream just to see if I'm still good at it after all this time...
makes my hands shake by the end due to the gameplay but it's fun~~!
need to learn to get that way with megami tensei.... die? hi charon.... keep playing and don't get upset af cause it's pointless. maybe get upset but keep going and don't give up entirely.
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pombomb · 7 months
Howdy fellow goomy fan. If you still are up for doodle requests, how about Fynn the little red dragon from the game Cavern of Dreams? It's been on my mind lately even after finishing it.
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cryptidmomochi · 7 months
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not normally the fanart type at all, but i got cavern of dreams day before yesterday and i love it so much.... its so cute...
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itsbenedict · 5 months
Games I Played In 2023 And Whether Or Not I Thought They Were Good (Part 3/4)
Well, it's 2024 now, and I'm still at these mini-reviews. Definitely gonna be four parts, I think.
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Pikmin 4
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I've already posted my thoughts about this one, but... I think this one's my game of the year. Tunic or Disco Elysium would have it, except they didn't come out this year- which leaves Pikmin 4, which is just such a tour de force of good interaction design. There's so many QoL improvements and bits of time-saving polish in it- I can't remember the last time I played a game with so few interface frustrations. (And they nailed all the usual good things about Pikmin, too.)
Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE
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Man, this fuckin' thing... so this is the new IP from Kazutaka Kodaka, the Danganronpa guy, who decided he didn't want to keep making Danganronpa games. So obviously the first thing he did was just make another Danganronpa game.
It's mechanically almost identical. A murder happens, you spend some time combing the crime scene for evidence, then you go into an extended deduction segment where you use evidence on contradictions and play tangentially-relevant minigames to break things up. It's very the same thing- you go to the Class Trial Mystery Labyrinth and use Truth Bullets Solution Keys to attack wrong statements in Non-Stop Debate Reasoning Deathmatch, spell the word "knife" in an obnoxious hangman minigame (except this time it's an anime girl striptease), mind-snowboard down multiple-choice quizzes, and even do the exact same fill-in-the-blanks-of-the-comic-pages-to-recap-the-case finale thingy.
This isn't a bad thing, necessarily! (Except the stupid spelling minigame, my beloathed.) Danganronpa's formula works, and (with one egregrious exception in the form of the awful case 3 with the resistance guys) the deduction is all pretty solid. Rain Code falls down where it deviates from that, mainly. The new things it's trying almost universally don't work.
Firstly... it's sort of inverse Danganronpa in that instead of a fairly stupid and contrived setup and ending that don't really matter and bookend some satisfying and dramatic cases in the meat of the game... it's a satisfying and dramatic setup and ending that bookend fairly stupid and contrived murder cases that don't really matter in the meat of the game. Rather than having a core cast that develops and interacts throughout the story, the core cast (really bad, incidentally; Halara is the only good character, and the obligatory comedy pervert boy is the worst he's ever been in any Kodaka work) is totally ancillary, and all the cases involve random sometimes-nameless NPCs introduced specifically for that case. You could cut the first four chapters of the game and leave just the prologue and finale, and you'd have a better game. The central plot mystery is actually really cool! Shame you have to faff about with Junko Enoshima Shinigami for four boring cases in between.
Special shout-out to the mini-mystery sidequests the game is crammed with for you to do between cases- they achieve the impressive distinction of not-having-a-single-one-of-them-be-interesting. If you play this game, skip them entirely- the only reward is EXP to spend on a thoroughly useless skill tree.
Ori and the Blind Forest
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Already posted about this, so I'll just copy-paste what I said when I finished it- it's a very polished and enjoyable little metroidvania! I kind of love how saving the game is an anytime action you cast with mana like any other spell, that’s a fun little gimmick- and the “bash” power that lets you use enemy projectiles like boost pads is so fun. The story’s very simple and straightforward but accomplishes what it set out to do, with a very effective final moment, emotionally speaking. Not a game that’s going to really stick in my brain for longer than a couple hours after finishing it (e: yeah nope I'd have forgotten I played it if I hadn't been keeping a record), but very pretty and very pleasant.
(Except those godawful instakill gauntlet escape-the-dungeon sections, oof, those are overlong and so pointlessly mean. Why the hell would you give the encroaching wall of instant death rubberbanding so no matter how fast you go, you never win any breathing room and you’re never more than one slipup away from having to restart the damn thing?)
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I posted about this one a couple years back:
It’s a survival-crafting game like so many others, except instead of a big empty asset flip wilderness, you’re on a raft drifting through the wreckage of an apocalyptic flood that destroyed civilization. The basic loop of “reel in trash” -> “expand raft” is pretty satisfying, and the islands you can visit to progress the story have some pretty fun things going on. I’m waiting to play it in a group with some friends before I finish it.
and I finally got a chance to do that this year. I get the feeling it would've been substantially more annoying solo, since the engine and fuel logistics that become necessary lategame are so complicated and time-consuming, and the later islands are gigantic and want you to pick up like a dozen tiny collectibles scattered across them.
Then again, maybe it would've been substantially less annoying if I didn't have to keep CONSTANTLY CRAFTING BLUE PAINT because SOMEONE thought it'd be FUNNY to keep REPAINTING ALL MY SHIT RED, PYRO
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Likewise, I got to finish Grounded with a group, too- again copy-pasting my take from when I finished it:
Grounded overall has good voicework and a simple but well-executed story and does a lot with the Honey I Shrunk The Kids concept- but I think it was substantially dragged down by all the gear crafting nonsense, grinding for parts to upgrade the best armor sets that have slightly bigger numbers so you can survive hits from bigger bugs. Subtract all the pointless crafting of globs and plating and whetstones for marginal stat bonuses and just balance the game around the base weapons and armor, and you’ve got a much tighter experience, I think.
Also- small thing with an outsized impact- the base-building element is fun, but building a new base requires a specific array of crafting materials that just aren’t available in most regions of the yard (egregiously, acorns, which seem to find their way into every crafting recipe but only exist at the oak tree.) Building materials for anything except grass/weed bases are way too scarce (and necessary for other things) to have much fun building bases in remote parts of the yard, where earlygame starting resources (nonetheless fundamental to building anything) are harder to find.
Also dandelions shouldn’t take up the one accessory slot and thereby make all other accessories mostly unusable because they implicitly come at the cost of You Die If You Fall Off Stuff, in a game with a ton of verticality. They’re so indispensable that they basically lock off all the most unique rewards in the game.
There’s a lot to praise (Wendell Tully is a very fun character, the setpieces are super cool, the way a little backyard becomes a world of adventure is the core concept and does a lot of heavy lifting) but it’s a game that’s weirdly choked by a handful of very small nuts-and-bolts game-design-level decisions that seem to have been made thoughtlessly and could’ve been easily fixed. Mixed feelings, overall positive.
Pokemon Too Many Types
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It's a Pokemon Emerald mod that does three main things:
Randomizes the parties of non-gym NPC trainers
Allows you to see the summary page of enemy pokemon
Adds a shitton of extra types to the game, and retypes a bunch of pokemon (including extra mon from up through gen 8) and moves to use those new types- often giving pokemon three types at once.
It is... fucking wild. And one thing I didn't realize I was missing from Pokémon in general is... not already having the types and type chart memorized introduces this fun element of guesswork, trying to determine what types are probably weak to other types. Do we think "Furry" is weak to "Gender"? What happens if you hit "Crab" with "Guys"? Was that "Angy"-type attack super-effective against "Baby", or "Gun"? It's hilarious and injects a lot of life into an old game.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
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Just managed to finish 100%ing this one December 31st. It's... uh, it's a 2D Mario game. People are freaking out about it because the art style is slightly different, but it's really just a 2D Mario game. Nothing to write home about. It's got this gimmick where each level has a hidden "Wonder Flower" that makes the level into something crazy and wacky, but it's really nothing that couldn't have just been... its own normal level in a different 2D Mario game. Like, they hold back on the level designs so they can hype them up when you get the flower. Some of them are cool but mostly they're just standard fare.
The main thing of note is that this game has a badge system, where you can equip one of a selection of unlosable powerups for each level, which can sometimes break the game wide open. Maybe you get an extra wall jump, or you can use your hat to glide, or you start each level full-size, or... well, none of them are as good as the one that just straight-up gives you a double jump, so it hardly matters in the end.
(Also, all my hate for that fucking super-duper secret special double-final bonus level where it keeps switching up what badge you're using. Why would you make the final segment the one where you have the invisibility badge on so you have no feedback on how exactly you fucked up and died?! You can't get better at it with practice, because you never have any idea what you did wrong! You just have to get lucky!!!)
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Another one I have a more in-depth post on- it's a roguelike action game crossed with an arcadey restaurant sim game, which I have mixed feelings on. It's very visually polished, and if you use the right weapon and approach it the right way the combat is pretty fun, but its level design and upgrade economy kind of force you into playing it that one specific way. The restaurant management half of it is a lot better than the dungeon-crawling half, IMO.
Cavern of Dreams
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This one's a retro-looking N64-style collectathon platformer, and it's just a really nice time. The dragon's various movement abilities feel satisfying, there's all kinds of fun shortcuts and secrets to discover... and it does this cool thing that you wouldn't expect from an N64 game, where items you can pick up in levels can be carried through loading zones and used in other levels. There's just a lot of very clever level design, charming creatures, and good vibes. Not too long, either- I put in about 7 hours. Very cute, very polished, worth a look.
Going to finish up these reviews in a bit with a fourth post, which is going to be all the games I played but didn't finish.
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mattibee · 8 months
hmmnn its only 9pm.. little early for a nap... and yet
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rendoesthedoodle · 1 year
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little guy.... play cavern of dreams demo on steam or else
id start. its a drawing of a small red dragon, with blue horns, wings, boots, and a collar. they also have a round blue ball on the end of their tail. they are looking up to the sky with a little smile, holding their paws close to themself. the background is made of circles, one being the grass and the other being the sunset. there are also some flowers in the background. id end
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viralarcadian · 7 months
i appreciate the effort some people go to making their creepypasta haunted n64 analog horror games by like, actually making the game
but also i can immediately tell that im not looking at an n64 game and that throws me out of the experience. i am looking at something made in unreal 4 made by someone who was probably too young to have actually played an n64 game in any capacity
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stumpmaker · 22 days
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Loving the N64 look of this game. So nostalgic. (Cavern of Dreams)
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carzoony · 2 months
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I love indie games, and my favorite game this year so far is "Cavern of Dreams" by Bynine Studio. I bought it directly for the Switch. A wonderful game, full of charm, creativity, cozyness and secrets that I immediately fell in love with. (I rarely felt so rewarded for 100% completion!)
Cavern of Dreams and Fynn the Dragon by Bynine Studio
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dreamypumpkins · 3 months
Fynn from the game Cavern of Dreams!
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