#Catboy smiler
wowisuredoloveballs · 8 months
catboy sunny...smiles...happy smiler
(i really wanna draw lineless more often, this was fun to make lol)
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growling · 5 months
Yomi and Strophaia similiarities
that damn hair. that FUCKING hair.
pale as fuck it's scary
graceful in the way a seagull swooping at your child's fries to rob and knock him over then dissapear into the night dropping several fries from the container on the way and not caring because it's the sweet sweet plastic it's after anyway is graceful
boy pussy havers. you agree
The Smiler violently pingponging between being slightly intimidating and just inducing a cuteness aggression response from me
Jasper's assigned rock for both of them is brecciated jasper
animal coded. Yomi's a catboy and Strophaia's a birdboy. yeagh
feel free 2 add on
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mylivingend · 5 months
i saw in a discord server people saying something about The Floor being a catboy and having a tail or something smiler so i drew theses-
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the last one is The Floor from an AU of mine btw
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nadanimatical · 2 years
"Cat-kitty-cat, cat-kitty-cat, cat :]"/lyr
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I don't care if this was a mistake.
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pyrotrolls · 4 years
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if u think i understand backgrounds fffffffuck you
all catboys are thots even the naive cyborg ones who just wanna cause trouble
anyway smiler in an outfit i saw 
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stuckstucktrolls · 3 years
smiler's biggest fear is being a machine with a PURPOSE he just wants to be like. ur catboy who is a toaster. how does proxus comfort :)
"you are my poor little meow meow & i'm giving you a fun game 2 play when you're bored <3"
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oddballcattoys · 3 years
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I’m petting Zooëydeschmeow in this photo, but wanted to show mid pet how he opens his mouth into a big grin! Him and his sister do this when they’re really happy, and they’ll keep their mouths parted like this for minutes like a human, not moments like a typical cat. Do any of you have smilers? I think it’s seriously the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen a cat do! I guess they must have picked it up when they were babies watching us. 🥰 . . #catsmile #catswiththeirmouthsopen #cutestcatever #igcatjunky #tuxielove #tuxiesofinstagram #catboys #ilovemycats #kittylove #meowfeature #catface #catselfies #blackandwhitecatsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHv8XPLgib/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
It sure would be a shame if something traumatic happened to Smiler. :)c
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
hurts smiler as a sport, for community bonding, breaks the stupid catboy body into pieces 
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
it’d be a shame if i dropped Smiler lore wouldnt it like maybe that lore includes a name.
tw just very vague mentions of abuse, and mentions of killings. 
words: 1234
characters: Smiler, Vemili, feat Lamb from asks-n-trolls, mentions of Charge.
anyway we love and cherish our catboy
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
i forgot charge was really pretty, which means SMILER is really pretty. just ur two average joe hot catboy robots who commit crimes 
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
mmmm kismesis ships??? shakes tin, spades?? spades for me??? includes pictures of trolls/linked bios i want spades for??? pspspspspsp
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Nimiio she/her lesbin, rival junker or someone who buys junk? or even a stupid princess type that would piss her off 
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Sakrin xe/xyr no clue what i want, just i yearn
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Bombus he/his bi, give me BIGGEST man you got!!!! big boy so they can actually wrestle.
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Smiler he/they poly, a catboy menace to society, needs a person who will kick his stupid cat ass 
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Hydran he/his poly, bastard, needs an equal nerdy loser, is a blood drinker in denial, 
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Grican she/he/they poly and also a menace to society, someone who is a lawyer could be fun? 
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
thoughts about smiler conducting ur interview for a job is the only way i am gonna heal from interview job trauma. imagine a stupid twink catboy just staring at you before ‘why are you here’ then concluding ur interview by just getting up to leave. did you get the job? vemili will call you three days later to tell you.
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
🤍 for Ruvlin's potential boyfriends, Smiler and Proxus
SEND ME 🤍 + A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU…     [   VOL. 3   ]
gee smiler how come you get TWO boyfriends
Who cooks meals for the other?
Firstly Smiler eats like, one slice of bread a day. and proxus is a vampire. so naturally proxus does the cooking :) Ruvlin's the only one who actually eats like a normal person
Who spams the other with memes?
Smiler and Proxus equally, but theyre both hard to understand gen z memes
Who likes to tidy around the house?
Smiler lives a minimalistic lifestyle and yet his life is a mess. I think Ruvlin and Proxus are the clean ones.
Who likes to play pranks on the other?
Smiler's jokes aren't very clear to understand. He's a leave a glass of milk out and then put another one out the second you put it in the sink kind of prankster.
Who asked the other to move in with them?
Smiler asks Ruvlin, and Vemili smiles and tells Ruvlin to fuck off kindly.
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?
Proxus is. Smiler will play weird EDM shit that will give you a heart attack.
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?
Proxus will!
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?
Smiler needs the movie explained tbh.
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?
Proxus- you have any technology questions look directly to the vampire with a robot leg. dont look at the troll who is 90% robotic- no he has no answers for you, hes just as confused. hes managed to download 14 viruses in his brain. Proxus every now and then pretty much has to bait him like you would a cat giving their heartworm medicine just so that stupid catboy survives another week. Ruvlin has his work cut out for him.
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?
Proxus lmao. Smiler simply vibes.
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?
Proxus or Ru. Smiler wakes up in the middle of the night a couple of times but usually he will stay resting as long as you are.
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?
Ooo I don't know. smiler doesnt think of pictures though.
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?
Theyre both pretty good to sleep next to, but it's a process to actually go to sleep with Smiler. he SHOULD take his limbs off so they dont over heat and burn you. because they will.
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?
Proxus is better, Smiler doesnt have the reflexes.
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?
Smiler gets up because he has the zoomies :( its 3am do you know where your catboy is?
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pyrotrolls · 4 years
sometimes you just need a little bit of catboy in trippants and when u do i offer smiler
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
What does Smiler look for in a spade?
Smiler isn’t actively looking for a spade, hasn’t even crossed his mind that he could actually work on making his own relationships since he’s adopted the role of being an auspice for Vemili and his pitch interests. Which I think would make him finding one fun, that “falls into place” kind of kismesis that you dont realize you hate this person until youve already been on like five dates.
What he would like is likely a rival cyborg, but what he would benefit from is someone who is just as chaotic as he is, someone who wants to go pull pranks and nearly get themselves killed. i think that kind of rival “Who can push the boundaries and not get caught” energy would be a lot of fun for him. 
Really I think it depends, there’s no specific kind of person, anything could work in the right circumstances and I like a wild variety of people. Someone his complete opposite or someone similar. A librarian could be funny, but a fashionista clown could work, ya know? It’s about the passion~ 
obviously the answer is a dog troll to counter his catboy energy though.
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