#Car Safety Market price
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"Lead is a neurotoxin; it causes premature deaths and lifelong negative effects. It’s said “there is no safe level of lead exposure” — as far as we know, any lead causes damage, and it just gets worse the more exposure there is.
After a 20-year, worldwide campaign, in 2021 Algeria became the final country to end leaded gasoline in cars — something the US phased out in 1996. That should make a huge difference to environmental lead levels. But lots of sources remain, from car batteries to ceramics...
Bangladesh phased out leaded gasoline in the 1990s. But high blood lead levels have remained. Why? When researchers Stephen Luby and Jenny Forsyth, doing work in rural Bangladesh, tried to isolate the source, it turned out to be a surprising one: lead-adulterated turmeric.
Turmeric, a spice in common use for cooking in South Asia and beyond, is yellow, and adding a pigment made of lead chromate makes for bright, vibrant colors — and better sales. Buyers of the adulterated turmeric were slowly being poisoned...
But there’s also good news: A recent paper studying lead in turmeric in Bangladesh found that researchers and the Bangladeshi government appear to have driven lead out of the turmeric business in Bangladesh.
How Bangladesh got serious about lead poisoning
The researchers who’d isolated turmeric as the primary cause of high blood lead levels —working for the nonprofit International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh — went to meet with government officials. They collected samples nationwide and published a 2019 follow-up paper on the extent of the problem. Bangladesh’s Food Safety Authority got involved.
They settled on a two-part approach, starting with an education campaign to warn people about the dangers of lead. Once people had been warned that lead adulteration was illegal, they followed up with raids to analyze turmeric and fine sellers who were selling adulterated products.
They posted tens of thousands of fliers informing people about the risks of lead. They got coverage in the news. And then they swept through the markets with X-ray fluorescence analyzers, which detect lead. They seized contaminated products and fined sellers.
According to the study released earlier this month, this worked spectacularly well. “The proportion of market turmeric samples containing detectable lead decreased from 47 percent pre-intervention in 2019 to 0 percent in 2021,” the study found. And the vanishing of lead from turmeric had an immediate and dramatic effect on blood lead levels in the affected populations, too: “Blood lead levels dropped a median of 30 percent.”
The researchers who helped make that result happen are gearing up for similar campaigns in other areas where spices are adulterated.
The power of problem-solving
...When the Food Safety Authority showed up at the market and started issuing fines for lead adulteration, it stopped being a savvy business move to add lead. Purchasers who were accustomed to unnatural lead-colored turmeric learned how to recognize non-adulterated turmeric. And so lead went from ubiquitous to nearly nonexistent in the space of just a few years.
That’s a better world for everyone, from turmeric wholesalers to vulnerable kids — all purchased at a shockingly low price. The paper published this month concludes, “with credible information, appropriate technology, and good enough governance, the adulteration of spices can be stopped.”
There’s still a lot more to be done. India, like Bangladesh, has widespread adulteration of turmeric. And safety testing will have to remain vigilant to prevent lead in Bangladesh from creeping back into the spice supply.
But for all those caveats, it’s rare to see such fast, decisive action on a major health problem — and impressive to see it immediately rewarded with such a dramatic improvement in blood lead levels and health outcomes. It’s a reminder that things can change, and can change very quickly, as long as people care, and as long as they act."
-via Vox, September 20, 2023
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
“A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips,” my high school ballet teacher Miss Pirouette would sneer whenever she saw me with my usual lunch (four uncooked potatoes and half a jar of mayonnaise.) If this theory was true, and I had no reason to doubt a reclusive spinster who would later get arrested at the airport carrying a violin case full of Russian research chemicals, then automakers have certainly been putting a lot of things on their cars’ lips recently.
There’s a lot of reasons why cars are getting wider. The engineering answer is that a wider chassis provides a car with more stability, and more room to shove parts. The safety answer is that you need to provide more room for the metal to get all crunched up when you drive the front-left corner of the car into someone else’s front-left corner, because both of you are nearly sixteen meters away from the drivers’ side mirror. And the marketing answer is that people like a car with a big fat ass. Some part of our primate brain really loves wide-body race cars, and also having a deep enough storage pocket in the door to insert one (1) Subway party sub and completely forget it was ever there five seconds later.
This trend gives no sign of stopping any time soon. After all, there’s still some unused room inside highway lanes that they can take up. Unfortunately, parking spots haven’t grown in decades to match. This is because small business landlords are concerned about the difference in revenue between being able to accommodate only 240 cars, rather than the 325 that they need in order to keep their suburban strip mall in the black. In the 90s, some General Motors engineers were arrested after they were a little bit too loud scraping the paint off and redrawing the lines outside the local mall, so now everyone just parks in two spots. It’s the price you pay for stability.
So, once/if Miss Pirouette gets out of prison, she can go right back to driving her spindly Talbot Horizon to work. If she gets a little tired of driving, she can pull into the wheel well of a passing BMW luxury barge and just ride on the inside of the wheel the rest of the way there.
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no-one-anon · 1 year
Incorrect quotes!
{fun fact: reqs are open - please I need ideas}
Y/N: L is for the love, I don't receive~
Soap: *Kinda concerned*
Y/N: O is something no one makes me reach~
Ghost: *Wtf is wrong with them*
Y/N: V is for, very very unlikely to get married
Price: *What the fu-*
Gaz: *Makes sense*
Y/N: E is I don't even know I try anymore. Fuck love
Soap: Would you still love your partner if they were a worm?
Y/N: I have never asked him this question before
Soap: Ooooh~~
Price: That's a flex
Gaz: That is a flex
Price: So, do I write the politically correct answer or do I write the real answer?
Y/N: I mean, you are a worm.. you know.
Price: But it's hard to love you if you're a worm say...
Soap: 😳
Price: 😨
Gaz: 💀
Ghost: 😀
Y/N: *writing*
Y/N: *still writing*
Price: Why's it so long? It's yes or no...
Y/N: 'Yes, and I will feed you <3'
Price: 'Yes'
Y/N: I get bonus points
Soap: I will feed you, TO THE BIRDS
Soap: I'm just kidding-
Y/N: Price, allow me to interrogate them.
Price: Go ahead
*A few moments later*
Y/N: What I'm saying is, the missions bloody failed.
Price: *Sighing* I know but-
Y/N: There's some things we can do to make it out alive. Are any of them available?
Soap: I mean, may-
Ghost: 😨
Gaz: 🧍
The whole team except Y/N: ...
Y/N: Hey, you want to do a trust fall?
Graves: Sure!
Y/N: Alright, fall backwards
Graves: Alright!
Graves: Hey, aren't you supposed to be behind me?
Y/N: Do you trust me?
Graves: Uh.. yeah I -
Y/N: Do you trust me?
Graves: Okay ..
Graves: *falls backwards*
Graves: Oh, it's a mattress! I knew I could trust -
Y/N: *Gun shots*
Y/N: Trust no one.
Price: So Y/N said they found something last night. I didn't believe them until this happened.
Price: *Shows a recording*
Price: What do you have?
Y/N: *Laughing*
Y/N: I found a cat outside!
Y/N: *Has a raccoon stuck to their arm*
Y/N: *Still laughing*
Ghost: 😨
Gaz: 🤨
Soap: 💀
Price: Y/N's pieces of advice for the people.
Price: Number ten!
Y/N: Keep it real.
Soap: Number nine!
Y/N: No one's ever regretted a tattoo.
Gaz: Number eight!
Y/N: With foreign markets volatile, now's a good time to invest in bombs.
Ghost: Number seven.
Y/N: Go see toy story three, the toys are back in town.
Price: Number six!
Y/N: Always purchase missions through authorised retailers. That pay royalties to the team.
Soap: Number five!
Y/N: Don't get mixed up with drugs, gangs, or oil executives.
Gaz: Number four!
Y/N: Remember the magic words: please, thank you, and step off idiot.
Ghost: Number three.
Y/N: Money doesn't buy happiness. It buys crazy bloody happiness.
Price: Number two!
Y/N: If I sign something for you, and I see it on eBay. When you go home, I'm going to be under your bed.
Soap: And the number one, Y/N's piece of advice for the people.
Y/N: Don't waste your time watching this recording.
Gaz: 😀
Soap: 💀
Ghost: 😨
Price: 😀
Y/N: *Walking down stairs*
Price: *Also walking down the stairs, after just smoking*
Price: Ah, what's the wonderful aroma!
Y/N: I'm going to push you down these stairs..
Price: I'll beat you to a pulp.
Gaz: Hey, uhm could you go out there and get the ram-a-doodle?
Y/N: The ram-a-doodle?
Ghost: Yeah, yeah it's, uh. Right out the tent and to the right
Gaz: You'll see it
Y/N: Uh, okay
Soap: It's right out there around the corner!
Gaz: You can't miss it!
Y/N: Yeah, uh alright
Ghost: Today, please
Gaz: Come on hurry up!
Y/N: Oh hey uh, captain mind showing me the ammo boxes?
Price: Uh, yeah it's right out here..
Gaz: No! No! No!-
Price: *Gets water thrown on-top of him*
Gaz: Oh shoot!
Price: Soap, you're scrubbing the cars!
Soap: Captain- th- wha- d-
Ghost: What an idiot.
Gaz: 😮
Y/N: 💀
Ghost: Idiot's not a bad word..
Y/N: Yeah, but you have to be nice!
Ghost: Oh f....
Ghost: Shit!
Gaz: 💀💀
Soap: *Wheezing*
Y/N: *Cackling*
Gaz: You have to do it twice now!
Ghost: Goddamn it!
Gaz: *Laughing*
Soap: *Giggling*
Y/N: 💀💀
Ghost: Oh shit, what is that?
Ghost: *flabbergasted*
Literally everyone: 💀💀
Ghost: four pumps?!
Ghost: Shit...
Everyone: *Laughing*
Ghost: Fuck!..
Everyone: *Wheezing*
Gaz: Six!!
Soap: That's six!
Y/N: Stop speaking and start eating your peppers, bitch!
Everyone except Y/N: 💀💀
Price: What's goin' on?
Gaz: Can you please, take them to the hospital.
Y/N: Gaz, stop. I'm fine, I don't wanna go to the hospital.
Price: Well, unfortunately we can't force people to go to the hospital, uh some would consider that kidnapping!
Y/N: See! I told ya! You're just overreacting.
Ghost: Alright whatever, can you just please check out their foot before you leave, though?
Price: Yeah, of course. I'll definitely take a look and see what's going on. *Lifts up blanket*
Price: .. You need to go the hospital, right now.
Y/N: Why?
Price: There's a bone! Sticking out of your foot!
Y/N: Eh, it'll heal on its own!
Price: Wha- no it won't! That's not the way the hUmAn body works!
Soap: Sorry, price I can't get my gloves on-
Price: Is he being seriou-
Soap: *Faints*
Gaz: Hah ..
Price: Ugh...
Ghost: Told ya they needed to go.
Ghost: When it comes to vodka, I drank 105 shots.
Y/N: Вы ненормальный? (Are you insane?) *Wheezing, clearly drunk*
Gaz: Did you just speak in Russian?
Soap: Is German! *Also is clearly drunk*
Y/N: I'm sorry! *Wheezing*
Ghost: Why are you speaking in Russian, you idiot!?
Price: You just drank like two shots, and you already start speaking Russian!
Gaz: What the heck?!
Ghost: Did you bloody drink ХЛЕБНАЯ, dude? (Bread)
Gaz: What the heck are you drinking?!
Graves: You look like a piece of shit and you look gay.
Y/N: When?
Graves: Did you ask? Nice try idiot.
Y/N: Nah, when did your mom decide to abort you?
Everyone except for Y/N and graves: 💀
Graves: *Flabbergasted*
Y/N: *Pissed*
Gaz: *Sweating in a sauna*
Gaz: Dude, this feels like torture! Dude, this is like hellfire! Damn!
Soap: *Fully clothed, scrolling through TikTok on their phone and chilling*
Gaz: White people don't sweat, dude?!
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Plymouth GTX Concept  (1 of 1)
This is the only 1972 Plymouth GTX you’re ever likely to see because it’s the only one that was made. And it wasn’t made by Plymouth, it was made by Gary and Pam Beineke using formerly top secret images from the Chrysler archives. The Plymouth GTX is a muscle car that was produced by the Plymouth division of Chrysler Corporation from 1967 to 1971. It was introduced as a high-performance version of the popular Plymouth Belvedere and was marketed as a “gentleman’s muscle car” with good performance, but with a more luxurious interior and smoother ride than some of its more hard-edged counterparts. When it was introduced the GTX was available in two-door hardtop and convertible body styles and was powered by a 440 cubic inch V8 engine that produced 375 horsepower. It also featured heavy-duty suspension, power brakes, and a floor-mounted four-speed manual transmission as standard equipment.In 1968, the GTX received a facelift and a new optional engine – the legendary 426 cubic inch Hemi V8 that produced 425 horsepower. The Hemi was claimed to be the most powerful engine available in any American production car at the time, and it gave the GTX serious street cred among muscle car enthusiasts.Over the next few years, the GTX continued to evolve with various engine and styling updates. In 1969, the car received a new front-end design and a new optional engine – the 440 Six Pack, which featured three two-barrel carburetors and produced 390 horsepower.In 1970, the GTX received a completely new body style and a revised engine lineup that included the 440 Six Pack and the 426 Hemi, which was now rated at 425 horsepower.
Sadly by the early-1970s it became clear that the muscle car era was coming to an end, and by 1971, rising insurance rates and tightening emissions regulations had taken their toll on the high-performance car market in the United States.
For 1972 the GTX name was relegated to what was essentially only an option package, called the Road Runner GTX. Any Road Runner that was ordered with the 440 V8 received Road Runner GTX badging, and this continued until the model was phased out in 1974, in the dark shadows of the 1973 Oil Crisis.
There were rumors of a potential comeback for the GTX in the late 1990s however a production car never materialized.
The car you see here is the only one of its kind in the world, it’s a 1972 Plymouth GTX but as mentioned further up, it wasn’t actually built by the Chrysler Corporation. Each year the husband and wife team of Gary and Pam Beineke build one car. And not just any car, but a car that previously existed only in the Chrysler archives. They find original drawings and images of planned models that never made it into production, and then they painstakingly build the car themselves. Interestingly this work isn’t their full time job. Gary is an attorney and a registered contractor, and Pam is a registered nurse who works in the operating room. They call the series of cars that they have built “What If’s” – and they do it all on nights and weekends while holding down full time jobs.
The couple first came across the planned 1972 Plymouth GTX when looking over the uncovered archive items discovered by Steve Juliano. This car was designed by John Herlitz and it was far from just a stying exercise, multiple full scale models were made and it did seem for a time as though it would be the successor to the 1971 Plymouth GTX.
Sadly it was not to be. The perfect storm of increasing emissions restrictions and crash safety regulation combined with soaring insurance premiums on muscle cars resulted in demand dropping significantly by the early 1970s.By the time of the 1973 Oil Crisis, with its sky high gasoline prices, automakers were already focusing on smaller and more fuel efficient vehicles. The GTX name did live on for a short time, as part of the aforementioned Road Runner GTX package on 440 V8 equipped cars, but it was killed off as a free standing model after 1971.
Gary and Pam Beineke took it upon themselves to right this wrong. They sourced a 1971 Road Runner and set to work creating the car that Herlitz had designed all those years ago in the late 1960s. They poured over the images of the long destroyed models, and they were able to discuss their work with Herlitz her offered them guidance on what the production ’72 GTX would have looked like.
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soapskneebrace · 1 year
Okay, first of all hello! I hope you are having a great day.
Secondly, remember how you said that Price and Alejandro are the only MW2 guys that could be sugar daddies?
I’d like to add two more, Graves and Valeria. Graves is the CEO of a private military company, I bet you that man is loaded. I’d say more about my love for him, but I know that In the Fandom you kinda either love him or hate him, and idk where you fall 😭
Then Valeria, the leader of the mexican cartel, WE SAW that fucking house. Only stipulation would be time and danger. And honestly, my goal in life is to be a pretty and loved thing on her arm. I’d let her do whatever she wants with me 👀
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Don’t even sweat it, we love Commander Phillip “Failgirlie” Graves here. (Also did you draw that?? That’s so funny ahhdhwufudhdh)
I did address Graves in the comments of that post, but I agree, Graves would definitely like to be a sugar daddy. I’m of the opinion however that he probably isn’t drawn to people who want to be sugar babies—he just finds people with his same ambition and drive more attractive. Naturally, those people would object to being taken care of, so Graves’ sugar daddy dreams can’t really be realized. He can, however, get away with being very very generous at Christmas and birthdays.
And VALERIA. I can’t believe I forgot her, she would absolutely be a sugar daddy (yes, daddy). Taking care of her little wifey (gn), making sure they were spoiled rotten with everything they could ever want? Valeria to a T.
You’ll always get to have your hair done, nails done, staff to clean your house, people to cook your food, a massive closet full of Gucci, Balmain, Valentino. You want to vacation in Corfu, cariño? She’s already got the jet spinning up. Wanna see the northern lights this weekend? The entire hotel will be rented out, it’ll just be you and her (and some security she will make sure you never have to see). It snows diamonds at Christmas and rains your birthstone on birthdays. You only drive the safest, nicest cars on the market, if you even drive at all. Your name is at the top of every VIP list, anywhere you want to go.
Honestly out of any of the mw2 cast Valeria is really peak sugar daddy. She wants a pretty little thing at her side that knows nothing but comfort, love, safety, and ease.
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TW: discussion of finances, difficult/abusive friendships and relationships, ideation and attempts, mental health, physical health
(Mod: anon, my sympathies as this sounds like a very difficult/intense situation)
Mod, you might want to throw this under a cut. I got a bit rambly and off topic, and some content might be uncomfortable for some blog readers. People will want to skip this one.
I almost offered to buy a bjd from a friend and I'm so glad I didn't. Context- she's in a rough spot financially and was selling off what she could. I considered offering my best guess at market price, with the understanding that she'd be able to buy the doll back unmodified, maybe with a faceup with permission, probably with some new clothes for the naked boy, whenever she wished. Basically loan with collateral and some doll clothes.  She does nothing with him normally, so it would just be a graceful way give her some help. He's in pieces, so I'd even restring him for her. Straight loan isn't an option since she borrowed a substantial amount from me for rent, claimed she'd pay me back, then continued to complain she couldn't while buying random playline dolls. I forgave the loan in an attempt to keep the friendship (and I now regret it- that was some of my savings and more than a month of my low income. I will be fine and it'll make minimal difference longterm, but it hurts emotionally). I should have wasted it on more dolls or something less dishonest. At least a snappy joint doesn't hide that it turns red when it makes you bleed in a restringing...
Due to a variety of factors, I'm debating cutting contact with her. I don't want to lose her, since she can be an amazing friend when she wants to be, but this friendship is destroying me. She's willing to lie to, use, and manipulate me even when I express discomfort with what she's doing. She's guilt tripped me into a situation where I was concerned for my safety.  The next time she wanted me to be around that person, she just didn't tell me he was involved and invited me with no disclosure. She couldn't drive due to surgery, violently abusive ex wouldn't be around her without a witness to agree he didn't do anything, and I was the only one that might put up with their stupidity, so she pretended she was inviting me because she wanted me there. I had to leave my car behind so I had no way to get away for hours. This happened repeatedly, minus the car, and she would have blown up on me if I hadn't done it. I should have sent an invoice for my involuntary adult babysitting sidegig. That would have been a lot of doll money. She'll get on my case for being "prickly"- never mind that she lashed out at me for months at everything before I finally snapped. A chunk of it is in her own head. Text doesn't convey tone and she lashes out when she jumped to the worse conclusion possible, then gets mad when I'm confused and point out she jumped on me. I can be a jerk and lash out once in a while, but the real stuff she's mad about only started after MONTHS of being her emotional punching bag, the turning point being when I developed probable PTSD because of her. She flips out over the smallest things too- I once got yelled at for picking up a clump of dog fur off her floor. My therapist can't legally diagnose me, but we agree I meet minimum DSM-V PTSD criteria (and then some) as a direct result of her actions (I can't tell her- I saved her life when she attempted. She'd feel guilty and never ask for help the inevitable next time. I know I shouldn't blame her for attempting, but I can't tell if she even did it or faked it to guilt trip her ex back to her and out of anger at me. She did NOT care who it hurt if it had a chance of getting him back. She's never once apologized for what she yelled at me that night or how she's treated/used me since he left her.) I don't know if I can end the friendship without her trying again or trying to get back at me. She's the needs to be needed type and so knows a lot about me that could seriously impact my life if it got out. We met three years ago when she was in her mid thirties and I was a very anxious, lonely teenager (minor at the time) desperate for someone to understand me. She's got an alphabet soup mental health record, so it feels wrong to blame her for anything. Especially since she'll excuse any action anyone does to me if they have a diagnosis. Hypocrite. There's a chance she's got a terminal illness, but that's still up for determination and who knows if she's lying again. I don't want it to be true, but I can't help realizing that's my peaceful way out. 
I'm so sick of it. If I had tried to help her vy+ that stupid doll, I'd be trapped by a promise. I couldn't have even gotten rid of the thing without breaking my word. I'd have to go near her to dump it on her doorstep and I'd lose the money. I've met online doll people now. We're not friends and I'll likely never go to a meetup, but the void of squealing over a shared interest together feels filled. I'm for sure an outsider, but I've finally got a bit of a hobby community (and one sane long distance friend- the other local one wants occasional emotional support and ghosts most of the rest of the time. LD stays friends the whole time and appreciates my dolls even if he's not interested personally). Some of y'all can get crazy, but most of the people I've met are genuinely nice. Very opinonated on certain topics, sure, but chill if I don't rock the boats. 
Sorry for the rant. I'm exhausted and losing my filter. Plus you guys like drama, so eat some popcorn and please don't repeat my mistakes or do this to someone. 
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
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Rivian Automotive, a market leader in producing electric pickup trucks, has struggled with producing electric vehicles (EVs) that can accomplish tasks their gasoline engine counterparts handle with ease. A new report from the Wall Street Journal shows the company also struggles with profitability. The company reportedly loses an average of $33,000 for every truck it sells.
The Wall Street Journal reports that Rivian Automotive has positioned itself as a trailblazer in the electric vehicle sector, aiming to deliver an unparalleled driving experience by combining sports-car handling, advanced features, and robust design in its pick up trucks and other models. But not everything is working out according to the company’s plans.
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Workers assembly components of a Rivian R1T electric vehicle (EV) pickup truck at the company’s manufacturing facility in Normal, Illinois, US., on Monday, April 11, 2022. Rivian Automotive Inc. produced 2,553 vehicles in the first quarter as the maker of plug-in trucks contended with a snarled supply chain and pandemic challenges. Photographer: Jamie Kelter Davis/Bloomberg
Rivian’s vehicles, with an average selling price exceeding $80,000, have not resulted in profits. In fact, the company suffered a loss of $33,000 on every vehicle sold in the second quarter. The financial strain is evident, but Rivian Founder and Chief Executive RJ Scaringe claims, “We’re competing to build something that’s truly better than all the alternatives, and to try to do that on a limited budget would be detrimental to us achieving our mission.”
Rivian’s journey has been marked by a juxtaposition of financial success and operational struggles. The company made a splash in the market with its IPO in 2021, raising nearly $12 billion and momentarily achieving a valuation surpassing some established automakers. However, the operational side painted a different picture. Rivian grappled with manufacturing troubles, burning through half of its $18 billion cash pile in two years and operating at less than one-third of its build capacity. The company’s ambitious launch of three models in quick succession further complicated the production dynamics.
Breitbart News previously reported on the poor performance of Rivian’s electric pickups in the real world. In one case, an owner’s “honeymoon phase” ended when his truck got stuck in the snow:
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In an interview with Insider, Merrill explains that he was initially overjoyed with his new R1S, saying: “I was in a honeymoon phase. It’s an incredible car, and it handles unlike anything I’ve ever driven.” However, when the car got stuck in 2.5 feet of snow, his love affair with the truck promptly ended. Merrill commented on his expectations, stating: “I had seen all the Rivian marketing campaigns with the cars just eating through the snow, so it was kind of like, man, this is disappointing.” When the Rivian truck became stuck in the snow, a safety feature immobilized the vehicle. The vehicle displayed a critical error and indicated it would have to be taken to a service center. Merrill later suggested that a straightforward reset might have fixed the problem, but Rivian’s customer service did not mention that option during his initial call.
Recently, CEO RJ Scaringe made comments mocking the purchase of gasoline vehicles, seemingly forgetting the problems his electric pickups are constantly running into.
As Breitbart News reported:
Electrek reports that Rivian CEO, RJ Scaringe, recently compared the purchase of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to “building a horse barn in 1910.” Rivian exceeded market expectations by delivering 12,640 EVs in the second quarter of this year. The company is on track to meet its annual production guidance of 50,000 vehicles. “The performance and drivability of an EV makes it so much more desirable than an alternative,” Scaringe said. He added, “Buying a non-EV just feels very old,” adding that while the environmental responsibility is a factor, he also feels that regular ICE cars are boring.
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hirocimacruiser · 5 months
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T04E turbine equipped FC is fully tuned & fully certified
garage Carrera
3-29-15 Wakagi, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 147 03-5398-1565
Now is the time to buy FC3S. There are many cars available in the market and it is easy to choose. If you miss this period, the rest will be good.
There will only be less and less, and prices will go up accordingly. This garage Carrera FC3S has been properly tuned, and the price is 1.55 million yen. For the tune menu, I replaced the turbine with T04E , added 7200x2 to the original computer, and controlled the fuel with AIC. The intercooler is an Amemiya two-layer type, the waste gate is a TRUST racing type, and the muffler is a 90 mid-range sports type.
Although it is a 1st year model, this is all there is to it.
It's been done, fully certified, and 1.55 million yen is cheap. Surprisingly, the mileage is only 48,000km, so I'm sure the engine has a lot more to offer. The only exterior features include Amemiya's Type 1 rear spoiler and Yours' aero mirror. The suspension has Esprit. It has a casual appearance and gives off an atmosphere dedicated to driving. In fact, seeing that the 5-point system was installed in the roll cage, the previous owner must have been very picky about running. The FC's body rigidity was low, especially in this part with the large hatch. This twisting of the body is the reason why even if you keep your feet steady, you still feel ambiguous near the limit. The purpose of building a roll cage is to increase safety in the event of a fall, as well as increase body rigidity. Even a 5-point system is quite effective. Driving on the circuit in the same condition as purchased
I think I can make a good time If you look at the actual 5-point system installed in the roll
●Neatly laid out white meters are lined up inside the glove box. The interior is so clean that it's hard to believe it's a very old FC.
●Equipped with a 5-point roll cage. The increased rigidity around the rear makes suspension settings easier. It seems to be a must-have item for younger model FCs.
●The T04E turbine does not have peaky output characteristics, so it is easy to handle. The low sound quality that comes from the sports muffler gives off an atmosphere of great power.
Savannah RX-7
1999 model inspected December 8th
Mileage 48,000km 1,550,000 yen
Tune data: T04E Turbine
Trust Racing wastegate
Amemiya 2-layer intercooler
Original computer
additional injector 720cc×2 EVC
OS twin
Blow-off valve
Tower bar
Earl's Oil cooler
Yours aero mirror
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rideboomindia · 6 months
Description of product/service offering; define value proposition; define competitive differentiation of RideBoom
RideBoom is a transportation service that aims to provide convenient and reliable rides for customers. Our product/service offering revolves around connecting riders with professional drivers through a user-friendly mobile app. Whether you need a ride to work, the airport, or any other destination, RideBoom strives to make your transportation experience seamless and efficient.
Value proposition: Our value proposition lies in the following key aspects:
Convenience: RideBoom offers a simple and intuitive mobile app that allows users to request rides with just a few taps on their smartphones. With our extensive network of drivers, we strive to provide quick pick-ups and drop-offs, reducing wait times and ensuring you reach your destination on time.
Reliability: We prioritize reliability by thoroughly vetting and training our drivers to ensure they meet our high standards. Our drivers are professional, courteous, and committed to passenger safety. Additionally, our advanced technology enables real-time tracking of rides, providing transparency and peace of mind to our customers.
Affordability: RideBoom offers competitive pricing, providing cost-effective transportation options for riders. With transparent fare structures and no hidden charges, we aim to deliver value for money.
Safety: Safety is a top priority at RideBoom. We employ rigorous driver screening processes, including background checks and vehicle inspections, to ensure passenger security. Furthermore, our app features emergency assistance buttons and the ability to share ride details with trusted contacts, enhancing user safety.
Competitive differentiation: RideBoom stands out from competitors through several competitive differentiators:
Diverse Vehicle Options: We offer a range of vehicle categories to suit different customer preferences and needs. From standard sedans to luxury cars and larger vehicles for group travel, RideBoom provides a variety of options to accommodate diverse passenger requirements.
Exceptional Customer Support: We pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service. Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to address any concerns or inquiries. We aim to resolve customer issues promptly and ensure a positive experience throughout the ride.
Focus on Sustainability: RideBoom is committed to environmental sustainability. We are actively working towards incorporating electric and hybrid vehicles into our fleet and exploring other eco-friendly initiatives. By providing greener transportation options, we strive to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.
Seamless Integration: Our app integrates smoothly with popular third-party services and platforms, such as payment gateways and mapping systems. This integration enhances user convenience and provides a seamless experience when using RideBoom alongside other applications.
Overall, RideBoom aims to provide a reliable, convenient, and affordable transportation service that prioritizes customer satisfaction, safety, and sustainability, setting us apart from our competitors in the market.
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anonymusbosch · 8 months
have seen the "you really bought a tesla?" post a couple times now and it's another one of those things that I think people often have misconceptions about
1. the cheapest Tesla (model 3) was the world's bestselling electric car from 2018 to 2020, when it was ousted by the 2nd-cheapest Tesla (model Y). the model Y was the single best selling car in the world in the first quarter of 2023. they are very popular.
2. the cheapest Tesla is $40,240 new. with the $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles, a price tag of $32,740 puts it on par with the Honda Odyssey minivan's base price or with slightly nicer trims of SUVs like the Subaru Outback or Toyota RAV4, and only about $100 more than a new Prius Prime. People in California may also qualify for an additional $2000-$5000 rebate for buying one, bringing the price down to $27,740 - just $1000 more than a new Toyota Camry.
3. the concerns about safety are often weighted against an incorrect baseline - so far, current data show that electric vehicles aren't more likely to catch fire in an accident than gas vehicles and are actually less likely to do so (but this is difficult to get solid data on. there's a bunch of articles reporting on a study by an insurance company showing a massive reduction in fire risk but the underlying data are highly suspicious).
4. the big point of distrust that I think is grounded: recalls. some of the 22 (22!) model 3 recalls are ~trivial, like "the driver's side sun visor may be missing the airbag warning sticker", but some are more serious, like "the airbags might not be correctly connected to the car." it seems like a lot of the issues have been addressed on the current (2023-2027) line, but the recurring problems with things ranging from minor software issues to pretty serious function issues are good cause for concern. None of the ones I've read about seem as severe as Toyota's "oops the accelerator gets stuck and your car can't stop moving forward" recall or Ford's "oops the engine explodes" recalls [plural], and even the worst ones are on par with things we've seen before especially from US automakers (glaring at Ford, GM, and Ford again). Ford and GM are both guilty of continuing to use known bad parts for >5 years with (in one case) thousands of fires and (in another) over a hundred deaths. moreover, GM's Bolt EV is under a 100% recall for the 2017-2022 model years for high fire risk and Ford recalled over 100,000 hybrids for fire risk - so is Tesla worse than GM or Ford? I don't know if I'd say that, but I'd really want a car I buy to live up to a higher standard.
in short, the most popular teslas by a huge margin are the two most affordable ones, which are fairly accessible to consumers (especially in California). the risk of a tesla exploding or catching on fire is not, as far as I can tell, higher than other cars (and it appears to be less likely per million miles traveled than some other EVs on the market). teslas still have a bunch of quality issues, and they still have some stupid design choices - but you can easily buy a shittier car for a lot more money, particularly an American-made one.
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Breaking Down the Factors That Affect Market Perception in Auto Transport
Market Value Over Time
Resale value is a critical factor when purchasing a vehicle, as it represents the predicted market value of a car, truck, or SUV at the time of sale. It is essential to understand that a new car that depreciates faster than its competitors can lead to a lower trade-in value, potentially costing the owner more in the long run if they owe more than the vehicle's worth on a long-term loan. According to Kelley Blue Book's Best Resale Value Awards, vehicles that maintain the highest 5-year residual values, expressed as a percentage of their original Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), are recognized for their ability to retain value. These awards are determined by experienced automotive analysts who utilize extensive data, including millions of transactions, vehicle specifications, economic conditions, and auction results, to predict and track vehicle depreciation effectively.
Brands like Lexus and Audi consistently rank near the top for value retention in the luxury segment, indicating that these vehicles are likely to depreciate less over time compared to others.
Conversely, brands such as Jaguar, Land Rover, and Volvo may struggle with maintaining high resale values, especially when compared to high-volume models like the Honda Civic or Toyota Sienna.
Brand Prestige and Consumer Perception
Brand perception significantly influences a vehicle's market value and resale potential. Consumers' perceptions are shaped by direct and indirect experiences with the brands, and this perception influences their decision-making process.
For instance, Lexus is often seen as the epitome of high resale value, which enhances its appeal among luxury buyers who consider future trade-in values.
On the other hand, mainstream car buyers who have experienced strong resale values with brands like Honda or Toyota may find the depreciation rates of luxury brands like Jaguar or Volvo less appealing.
The automotive industry's perception is also affected by factors such as safety, reliability, and operating costs. Dramatic events, such as Toyota's large-scale recalls, have been shown to impact brand perception negatively, affecting resale values.
Conversely, brands that manage to maintain strong safety reputations, like Volvo, despite challenges, can sustain their position in the market.
However, as consumer preferences evolve and more brands begin to excel in multiple categories, the perceived difference between top car brands and challengers is diminishing, making the competition for high resale value more intense.
In summary, understanding the factors that influence resale value and consumer perceptions can guide consumers in making informed purchasing decisions that consider both immediate benefits and long-term financial implications.
Making the Right Choice for Your Needs
Assessing Personal Needs and Preferences
When selecting the right vehicle for city driving, it is crucial to assess personal needs and preferences thoroughly. One should consider how the vehicle aligns with their lifestyle, budget, and driving conditions they frequently encounter.
For individuals residing in urban areas, factors like vehicle size, maneuverability, and fuel efficiency take precedence. Compact cars with a tight turning radius are particularly advantageous in cities, where parking spaces are scarce, and streets are narrow.
Understanding one's commitment to vehicle maintenance is essential. A car is not merely a tool for transportation; it reflects one's responsibility and care. Regular maintenance such as timely oil changes and adherence to service schedules extends the lifespan of the vehicle and ensures reliable performance. Prospective buyers should ponder whether they are prepared to maintain a luxury car, which often requires more attention and higher costs, or if an affordable, reliable model better suits their practical needs.
For finding a reliable and responsible auto transport services, you can browse around this website. Lucky Star Auto Transport provide a professional car shipping services in California and nationwide. They offer direct car shipping guide, with fully insured car carriers and transporters that are reviewed for excellent service and competitive prices.
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digitalglobalcompass · 3 months
Discover Ecuador: A Traveller's Dream Come True
In a world of fast-paced cities, demanding routines, and incessant digital distractions, the significance of travel is immeasurable. It's an opportunity to escape the routine, discover other cultures, sample unique foods, and take in breath-taking scenery. Journeying revitalises the spirit, expands viewpoints, and produces lifelong memories.
Ecuador is a hidden gem that is just waiting to be found if it's your next travel destination. Located in the centre of South America, this small but diversified nation provides an unmatched combination of vibrant culture, rich history, and breathtaking natural features. Ecuador has enough to offer everyone, from the verdant beaches of the Pacific coast to the towering peaks of the Andes Mountains and the lush Amazon rainforest.
Now, let's delve into some of the best places to visit in Ecuador
Galápagos Islands
A sanctuary for wildlife aficionados and a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Galápagos Islands present a rare chance to see a wide variety of exotic species up close. The islands are home to a wide variety of wildlife, including blue-footed boobies, sea lions, giant tortoises, and marine iguanas. Hiking, diving, and snorkelling are all abundant, letting tourists fully experience this natural paradise.
Ecuador's capital city is a mesmerising fusion of vibrant plazas, busy markets, and colonial grandeur. Discover the UNESCO Cultural Heritage site, Old Town, with its intricate churches and quaint cobblestone alleyways. Don't pass up the opportunity to ride the second-highest cable car in the world, the Teleférico, for expansive views of the city.
The Amazon Rainforest
Venture into the heart of one of the planet's most biodiverse ecosystems, the Amazon rainforest, on an unforgettable experience. As you make your way through the maze-like network of rivers and thick jungle, you'll come across pristine nature, rich ecosystems, and indigenous settlements. Experience unusual animals, such as birds, monkeys, and elusive big cats, and learn about the rich cultural legacy of the Amazonian tribes.
Cotopaxi National Park
A haven for outdoor enthusiasts, Cotopaxi National Park is home to the magnificent Cotopaxi volcano, the highest active volcano in the world. Trek across difficult terrain while taking in breathtaking views of rolling grasslands and snow-capped peaks. Adventurers can ride horses through the park and see the spectacular grandeur of the Andean highlands, or they can attempt to peak Cotopaxi.
Now, why should you choose Digital Global Compass company for your travel trip to Ecuador?
With Digital Global Compass, travelling is smooth and hassle-free, and every part of your trip is meticulously planned and carried out. Digital Global Compass alleviates travel stress by emphasising price, safety, and security so you can fully enjoy Ecuador's beauties without worrying about the details.
To guarantee that your trip surpasses your expectations, Digital Global Compass goes above and above with professionally designed itineraries, informed guides, and dependable transportation. Personalised service catered to your requirements and preferences is offered by Digital Global Compass, whether you're going on a family holiday, a romantic retreat, or a solo excursion.
Why then wait? Utilise Digital Global Compass to begin organising your ideal trip to Ecuador and set out on an incredible journey.
In Conclusion
Travellers seeking to take in the splendour of the natural world, the depth of cultural diversity, and the excitement of adventure will find Ecuador to be an excellent location. There is something for everyone to enjoy, whether you choose to explore the Amazon rainforest, cruise through Quito's historic alleys, or explore the Galápagos Islands.
Additionally, Digital Global Compass is the ideal travel companion to ensure a worry-free and seamless vacation. They prioritise quality, value, and individualised care so you can unwind and savour every second of your journey across Ecuador.
Why then wait? Prepare for an incredible experience in one of the world's most stunning nations by packing your baggage and using Digital Global Compass to plan your travel.
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gps-mea · 4 months
What Things You Should Bear In Mind While Buying The Dash Camera For Your Car
If you need to increase the car's security, you can install the dash camera. The dashboard cam is one of the popular vehicle security cameras, which is mounted on the rear and front of the car. This tool must face the road and will record the road while driving. Nowadays, many people are using two-wheelers and four-wheelers, which increases the chance of accidents. Installing the dash camera kuwait not only increases the safety of drivers but also lessens claims costs. In addition, it stores the video recorded in the cloud effortlessly. Therefore, you can use those videos as evidence whenever you want.
Why invest in a dash camera 
In recent times, there are numerous cameras for car recording, which have AI features. Dash camera is equipped with a GPS device, which aids you in finding the accurate location of your car effortlessly. Besides, the advanced dash cam can turn on if the car is knocked when in the parking area. It enables the vehicle owner to catch culprits who scratch their car. When you invest your money in the dash camera for your vehicle, you can stay in peace of mind. 
The camera comes with Wifi support that lets the user adjust the settings through a mobile phone. With the help of a dash cam, you can collect evidence against rash driving and road rage. In addition, the dash camera helps to lessen the insurance premium and also protects the vehicle. The driver can use this camera to maintain the car insurance policy at a reasonable price.  
Things to consider while buying a dash camera 
Buying the dash cam for a car in kuwait can be time-consuming for the new driver. Today, there are different kinds of dash cameras in the market, such as connected cameras, SD cams, and external cams. You can select the most excellent dash camera for your vehicle by considering important aspects. Here are some things to keep in mind when purchasing the dash camera. 
Checking the resolution and display is essential before selecting the dash cam. It comes with a parking mode that helps to safeguard the vehicle. If the camera has high resolution, it provides you with excellent clarity. 
It is essential to check whether the camera has a night version and IR. If the camera has low visibility, you don’t obtain a clear recorded video. Therefore, you should select a dash camera with night vision that records videos in low-light conditions. 
Remember to look out for the angle coverage because it can capture videos and pictures clearly. You can go with the dash camera at 120 or 180 degrees for better clarity. 
Also, the vehicle owner must pay attention to the G-sensor in the dash camera. If you park your vehicle, the dash camera may go into the standby form and get activated while detecting the motion. Therefore, you don’t want to worry about the safety of your vehicle. G-sensor informs you instantly if anyone damages your car. 
You can compare the cost of dash cameras from various suppliers that help you to buy a dash cam without breaking your financial plan. It has amazing features that boost the security of your car.
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tittyinfinity · 11 months
What I really don't understand about housing is that it's treated like a business and not something humans need to live. It's inhumane.
The US constitution says we have the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. You know what's required for those things? A place to live. Homelessness in itself is unconstitutional. And don't we all agree that everyone deserves a place to sleep? Don't we all agree that we don't want people on the streets?
Banks and landlords should not decide whether or not someone has a place to live.
Let's think about it this way.
This is the reality for a lot of people.
You owe money to your past landlord? Even if they lied about the circumstances? Sorry, no one can rent to you now because that money is more important than your & your kids' safety and going homeless. They "can't help it", they need their "business" to prosper, not you. They're not gonna get their money paid back any faster – in fact, now you have MORE expenses & it'll be a slower process.
Maybe the company that owns the place is worth millions and they won't be hurting at all without the money. Doesn't matter. You're going to be punished since you couldn't help make them richer. Their lives matter more than yours, sorry.
Now you're either couch hopping, living out of your car, or out on the streets. You have to find a way to pay back your landlord instead of saving up for another place. Now let's say you're on disability like I am, or in between jobs. You're having trouble getting someone to hire you or getting on any assistance because you no longer have a mailing address. You only have a few hundred bucks per MONTH to survive off of.
Maybe your landlord agrees to do a payment plan, but now you have to choose between having food & your other bills paid for or paying them a minimum $150-$200 a month, that they want delivered to them in person every time. Now you assume someone will rent to you because you have proof that you're paying it off, but you're losing money on application fees because they still won't work with you. You have to somehow come up with the money for the applications, a down payment, and first month's rent while also paying back your previous landlord in the off chance that someone MIGHT rent to you after you've already blown $300 on application fees.
Your landlord made the decision to make you homeless.
"Well they have to add that stuff to their rental record!" that record is only kept to work with other landlords to make sure that no one can have a place to live unless they're profitable. They're contributing to that system.
"But landlords need a way to make money too!" Here's a tip: find a real job. Owning something and receiving passive income from it is not a job. Your tenants are busting their asses at their real jobs just for you to take 1/3 of their income so you can live comfortably knowing that other people's labor is paying your bills.
Landlords are a class of people that should NOT EXIST. There is no reason we need a person that stands between us and owning a house – just to tell us what we can and can't do in the place we're paying for.
"But I can't afford a mortgage and need to rent!"
You're already paying off your landlord's mortgage and MORE. The housing market is the way it is because landlords drove the prices up. And this is where it's the bank's fault as well. You can't save up for a down payment because you're paying off someone else's mortgage; you can't get approved for a home loan because with the price of housing you have to be able to qualify for a larger amount than before, or maybe you happened to have one or two unexpected life events that lowered your credit score. The banks decide that their profit is more important than human lives, too.
The vast majority of us are only a couple of missed paychecks away from homelessness.
We can't keep complaining about homelessness while ignoring the root cause of the issue.
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sellurcar · 1 year
Tips to know before selling your car in Toronto.
Here are some steps you can take:
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Gather information: Collect all the necessary information about your car, including its make, model, year, mileage, condition, and any additional features or modifications. This information will be helpful when creating listings or speaking with potential buyers.
Determine the asking price: Research the market value of similar cars in your area to determine a competitive and realistic asking price for your vehicle. Online resources like Kelley Blue Book or local classifieds can help you get an idea of the appropriate price range.
Clean and prepare your car: Give your car a thorough cleaning, both inside and out, to make it more appealing to potential buyers. Remove any personal items and ensure that the vehicle is in good condition for viewing and test drives.
Advertise your car: Create compelling and accurate listings for your car. You can advertise in various places, including online classified websites, local newspapers, community bulletin boards, and social media platforms. Include clear and attractive photos of your car, along with a detailed description of its features, condition, and any recent maintenance or repairs.
Respond to inquiries: Be responsive to inquiries from potential buyers. Provide accurate information about your car and be ready to answer questions or schedule viewings and test drives. Ensure that you prioritize safety when meeting with potential buyers and consider having a friend or family member accompany you during the process.
Negotiate and finalize the sale: When you find a potential buyer who is interested in purchasing your car, be prepared to negotiate the price and terms of the sale. Once you reach an agreement, ensure that you complete all the necessary paperwork for the transfer of ownership. This typically includes a bill of sale, vehicle transfer forms, and any other relevant documentation required by your local jurisdiction.
Payment and handover: Arrange for a secure payment method, such as a bank transfer or certified check, to ensure that you receive the payment in full before transferring the car to the buyer. Once the payment is confirmed, provide the buyer with all the relevant documents, including the keys and any spare parts or accessories.
Remember to check and comply with any local laws or regulations regarding the selling of used cars in your area.
Contact SellUrCar.ca today to sell car in Toronto, Ontario.  
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