#CN death
the-delta-quadrant · 9 months
cripplepunk to me has sadly become a red flag, not an immediate reason to block someone but i am definitely extra cautious because they're almost always violently ableist (and i do mean violently like... its so fucked up to threaten other disabled people with like "i will beat you to death with my cane") i wish there was something as popular as that term which could be used as a green flag. i follow the disability unitypunk blog and i love the term unitypunk but looking through tumblr search it seems they're basically the only person using the term 😅
i unfortunately agree. and it sucks to know there are even more red flags i didn't know about holy shit. i use the tag unitypunk sometimes but not often.
i haven't really looked at it but is dyspunktional any better?
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this-is-exorsexism · 2 months
a 16 year old nonbinary high-school student, Nex Benedict, was beaten to death in oklahoma by fellow students, and staff did not call an ambulance.
this is exorsexism. rest in pride. 🖤
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muntadhir · 15 days
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Mentioned this in tags for a post yesterday but here's the letter on Geppetto's blackboard. Posted this on Reddit/DW ages ago, dunno if anyone ever fully transcribed it but here it is partially.
until I gave them one where an article was sold for £24 at a loss. X so much per cent. What was the cost price -- well, a member got £20 for the X so I retired badly wounded. Friend called at night school last Friday and told me he had seen you and survived -- so I asked X to remember(?) me to you which I hope the varlet(?) did. Have you learned(?) the little story of the German soldier who had his foot shot off and asked the Irish priest to carry him to the X. On the way a shell took off the German's head but [name?] went on X of the fact. X X, the C.O. said, "what's the good of bringing in a man with his head shot off, [name?]? His head, is it" says [name?] "He told me it was his foot"! So cheer up, [name? Arthur?] you'll soon be up and moving(?), and
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joyce-stick · 8 months
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berg-gry · 4 days
Klaus Otto Nagorsnik, langjähriger Jäger von "Gefragt – Gejagt", ist überraschend gestorben. Er wurde 68 Jahre alt. Diese Nachricht erfüllt die "Gefragt – Gejagt"-Familie mit großem Entsetzen und tiefer Trauer.
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year
Happy Queer Media Monday!
Today: The Blue Caftan (2022)
A very recent movie, so if you are lucky, you might still catch it in a cinema. (Time stamp: March 2023)
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(From left to right: Youssef, Mina and Halim, eating together.)
The Blue Caftan is telling the story of a married couple who run a traditional tailor shop in Morocco. The husband, Halim, is gay. At the beginning of the movie, he starts to make a blue caftan for a rich client. Over the time it takes for him to finish, we get to watch the developing feelings between him and his young apprentice, Youssef, as well as the progression of the wife’s, Mina’s, terminal breast cancer.
While the summary does sound a little bleak, this movie is so full of love and tenderness, it seriously softens the pain to something beautiful. While it is made very clear through the acting that Halim is not sexually attracted to his wife, his and Mina’s relationship is very deep and loving. Mina does show some animosity towards Youssef at the beginning, but as her illness progresses, she comes to accept and even appreciate him, so it really is three people who care deeply about one another up against Life. There is also a lot of nonsexual intimacy going on, mostly between Halim and Mina, but also between Halim and Youssef. All in all, it is a very soft, tender movie, that still deals with some very heavy topics.
The Blue Caftan premiered 2022 in Cannes, won multiple prizes at film festivals, and is Morocco’s official submission at the 2023 Oscars shortlist in the "International Feature Film" category. 
I can’t really link much about it, but here is the IMBD page.
Queer Media Monday is an action I started to talk about some important and/or interesting parts of our queer heritage, that people, especially young people who are only just beginning to discover the wealth of stories out there, should be aware of. Please feel free to join in on the fun and make your own posts about things you personally find important!
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itsagrimm · 1 year
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it's going great.
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(unfinished short, spring 2021)
The first couple of months weren't so bad. Time to reflect on past mistakes, grudges, memories. But at one point you are through with constructive reminiscence and enter the phase of second-guessing.
Of doubt, the phase where you know that everything you did was terribly wrong. Xe was now far beyond that phase even. All xer thoughts were free again, even though, from time to time, a memory would resurface, only to be subdued by a short meditation or a big sip from xer flask.
A funny thing, that flask, xe had more than enough cutlery, silverware and glasses at xer disposal, far more than xe would ever need. But the act of filling the anachronistic flask with the synthetic liquid from the canister simply labeled "recreational ethanol base", gave xer a feeling of measurement. Xe couldn't in a dozen lifetimes ever empty that canister, but to know that another quarter liter had gone was good to know, somehow. It gave xer a feeling of knowing when to stop and then ignore it.
So wherever xe went, so did xer flask.
Sometimes, xe would sit and look out the window into the vastness of space, and xer mind would start reaching out. Never to reach any destination, it would fly in circles and spiral out of control. When it returned, xe would have a sip from the flask, and sometimes it would drown that feeling of something pulling inside xer chest. It never stopped the pain, though. Most often xe would fall into a deep state of unease, wondering about things that could never have been anyway. All possibilities ended the moment that xe took off. At least all possibilities that were directed by xer.
It seemed like so much time had been wasted. Time burdened by mistakes, which now existed solely in the only record of events that would ever matter: xer memory. And xe had little else to do than to refine the imprint of events until every last action, choice, thought was dipped in doubt.
It wasn't quite true that there was nothing to do. In theory, there was a ship to command - but nothing in any direction to steer towards or away from, nothing to crash into, nothing to slow the ship down, just emptiness in all directions but one. Going back, back where, xe had wondered more than once, disected the idea of returning to the nothingness that expanded itself where a ship had been, and a field of debris slowly dissipated. The debris, at worst dead bodies floating in the eternal night.
There was a library or two in the databanks, ready to be read or watched or listened to from xer drained phone. If xe had wished, even research to read. But reading got old fast. The millions of produced games gave some more comfort, but when at one point a game had asked xer to download additional data, xe emptied almost half of xer flask at once. "Download from WHERE?" xe had shouted and punched the display. A red light and an alert had pierced the atmosphere, "HULL INTEGRITY WARNING", every display had shown. As if it were that easy to just punch a ship to sink. Why still "sink", xe had thought.
Occasionally xe would receive some random transmission, mostly a sign that the array had moved on it's own. Xe had muted the main channel to earth as soon as xe realized that no one had even noticed the sinking of the Sinai. HBS Sinai. Xe wasn't sure, but that fucking name should be written on xer little nutshell as well. His Baptised Ship. No wonder the fucker sank. Had xe not accepted a job on the 30 year mission, it would have been funnier.
Sometimes xe would focus the ship scannere on the debris field. thousands of miles behind, and wonder how many had made it. Technically, I am still on the clock, xe thought to xerself, realizing that the contract had been paid into an account that would unfreeze 30 years after it's opening. Could have been a shitty deal, depending on inflation. Could have been the last deal. But it had become both. The shitty, last deal.
Xe knew of some other ships, going in different directions and at various speeds, all trapped like xer in the vastness of space. If any of them would reach help- big "if", there.
For xer part, drifting through the night had almost had romantic appeal. Were it not for the enormous loneliness. Which didn't improve with the implied romance of a skyless, starry night.
The ship was designed to house six, and was stocked for years. In addition to the regular supplies, there was some extra stored, probably because there wasn't enough storage space on the Sinai. Those crates, water filters, ethanol, food MREs would last xer several lifetimes.
But that meant that other ships might have different supplies. Or no water filters. Or no food. But they might have powertools. Uranium cells to increase drive output. All kinds of stuff that was stored on a ship that didn't mean to return. The irony wasn't lost on xer, that the Sinai was a one-way ticket, when now xe was the one on a voyage to nowhere.
Then again, what good is it to be able to put more power into the drive when you don't have a single MRE to put in your stomach.
There had been tons of engineers, not all of them religious, on the Sinai. Better bring extras when you're on a one way trip into the unkown. Better not to have had faith then to have lost it, xe considered. The Sinai project had swallowed up at least two classes of STEM fields, all those souls Earth gov hadn't had a plan for anyways. It wasn't easy to find a job, and if you did, the pay was seldom union approved or the position even registered.
The Sinai had great contracts, at least if inflation prognosis was to be believed. In 30 years xe would have been rich.
The plan had been to go straight ahead for thirty years, the longest and furthest anyone had ever been, and then start some theological studies. While the floor personell would have been put in hypersleep and sent back in one of the ships xe found xerself in right now. Hypersleep sounded like a sweet relief, only the pods were on some other ship. Or destroyed with the Sinai. They were to be installed, at a later time that never came. Like the Sinai's destination. Forever out of reach. Xe would have installed a couple of them xerself, had it come to that.
"The directional servos are faulty", xe thought, aiming the scanner with manual control.
[never continued to write this heavily pandemic-inspired short. lmk if you have ideas
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poke-nom · 11 months
💙💛 for the ask game!
Already answered with my plans (go to lots of parades! Organize some talks! Sew cute outfits for my Pokémon!)
Who is/was my number one supporter in terms of self discovery?
Professor Cassandra in Wintown.
Imagine me, fresh out of undergrad, kinda strained relationship with my parents after surgery, few friends, rocking up to this far-off research outpost. She took me aside after the group introduction, took one look at me and asked my name and pronouns. My actual name, not my dead name. She was so incredibly kind, not only in terms of my identity. She got me interested in focusing on language as a cultural tool and talked to the rangers when I found Orb and was too rattled to talk straight.
I'll never forget what she did for me. She died last year, and I got to help carry her casket. I'll never forget her.
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lunar-fandoms · 5 months
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the-delta-quadrant · 2 months
we live in a world that is putting so much effort into erasing trans people, so we limit ourselves.
we live in a world where our lives are threatened, so we freeze in fear.
we live in a world where we have to watch our siblings suffer and die, so we hang our heads in sorrow.
we live in a world where living as a trans person is met with hatred, so we live in black and white.
we live in a world where our existence leads to violence, so we exist behind closed doors.
we live in a world where being ourselves is punishable by death, so we are ourselves quietly.
the world. fucking. sucks.
but we need to remember
that every breath we take is revolutionary
that every day we survive spites our oppressors
that every moment of joy is radical
that simply existing as a trans person is an act of unbelievable bravery
that our mere presence here matters
that our lives have value.
all of this we need to remember so we can stay.
so that maybe we get to see the day
where the world welcomes us with open arms
and protects us
and values our presence,
where the world meets us with love
and respects us
and celebrates our lives.
all of this we need to remember so we can hang on.
so maybe one day we get to experience a world
where we can take up space
where we can blossom with confidence
where we get to be at ease
a world where we can live in full vibrant colour
where we can exist openly and authentically
where we can be ourselves out loud.
maybe we get to see freedom.
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muntadhir · 6 days
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I got my Bad Things Happen bingo card a while back! Followers are free to make prompt + LOP pairing combination suggestions but please leave it at that (this is free, costs zero dollar, I'm just here to write dark things. If you want me to write more specific things you can feed me vegetarian chicken noodle soup in exchange).
If you're like: "would Tungle user muntadhir actually write X LOP ship," the answer is probably yes. I like to challenge myself by writing new things. Mostly I kind of just need a sort of "hook" for new ships (like, what are the vibes!! What makes them want to fuck! So if you suggest a ship I haven't considered, I might ask what you like about it).
Underlined red are the ones I have pairings picked out for. Blue heart ones are vaguely Giangio but I don't have specific pairings picked for those, so feel free to suggest for those too.
Some prompts definitely fit certain characters' vibes for me but I haven't decided on what pairings to go for (e.g. came back wrong I picked particularly for real boy Carlo).
I am incredibly bad about keeping stuff up to date multiple places, so Dreamwidth has the latest deets. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
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joyce-stick · 10 months
So here's a slightly interesting factoid about the titanic submersible thing
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What you're looking at in these screenshots are the deletion rationales of two images of Hamish Harding, one of the billionaire shitheads who are missing and presumed dead by most normal people in the Titan submersible incident. They were evidently uploaded a few days ago, around the time that this incident broke the news.
The natural assumption is that they were added to help illustrate the developing Wikipedia article covering the incident, which, as you all can see, is a bit wanting for visual clarity. There are no photos of the submersible, nor of the people who were onboard. That's not to say photos don't exist, it's just that they can't be used.
Specifically, they can't be used because the currently extant photos of such haven't been released under a Creative Commons or other free license. If you're not familiar, Wikipedia requires images that are released under such licenses to illustrate articles, unless there is a credible case for fair use- such as, it's a relevant image relating to a copyrighted media work like a film or TV show, in which case a free alternative is likely impossible to produce, or it's of a person who is dead. (See, [[WP:NCFI]]#10.)
So anyway. Since the submersible itself is lost/damaged, and the for-profit company OceanGate isn't likely to release any free images of it, there probably won't be any good free photos of that. However, editors will (probably) be able to use currently extent photos of the individuals on the submarine, on either the page covering the incident, and/or (more likely this would take priority) Harding or Dawood's biography pages, (which are also not very illustrated), if they are found to be dead, either physically, or legally declared as such. (If they're miraculously alive, then, y'know, free photos can still yet be taken (and probably will be in that circumstance)).
To summarize, if at any point you see this picture featured in Harding's Wikipedia infobox, he's probably most definitely not coming back.
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animeomelette · 11 months
Is it just me, or is this a distasteful way for BBC News to present this information?
CN: Death
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formulatrash · 2 months
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RIP IndyCat, you were the best little cryptid prawn land seal in the whole world and I will miss you screaming under my bed and treating every interaction as an opportunity for ultraviolence so so much. 19 is a hell of an innings and you stubbornly survived the odds all the way to the end. I hope there's things to bite in the afterlife.
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itsagrimm · 1 year
older people are just next level sometimes.
my grandma just told me a friend of hers had her husband cremated and made into a diamond after he died. The reasoning? he was constantly cheating on her when alive but now she has him close and in her hand forever.
She literally wears his ashes as a diamond ring now.
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