#CIS: Miami
glenncoco4 · 2 years
Anyone else’s Paramount+ acting weird? I started watching CSI: Miami which I don’t ever recall watching it on this platform. I watch one episode and then the next one starts playing halfway through the episode like someone went in and watched only half of every one before going to the next.
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richardhlm · 1 year
Richard hotline miami is mean trans man representation
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krimitastisch · 1 year
Empfehlung für heute
20:15 Uhr im ZDF
Tatort: Eine Leiche zu viel
20:15 Uhr im MDR
1:25 Uhr im ZDF
2:55 Uhr im ZDF
Die Rosenheim-Cops
4:25 Uhr im ZDF
CSI: Miami
1:45 Uhr auf RTL
CSI: Den Tätern auf der Spur
3:45 Uhr auf RTL
Tatort: Der Wald steht schwarz und schweigt
21:45 Uhr auf HR
Tatort: Nemesis
22:00 Uhr auf RBB
Polizeiruf 110: Thanners neuer Job
23:30 Uhr auf RBB
Alarm für Cobra 11
ab 20:15 Uhr auf Nitro
Inspektor Barnaby: Der Tod geht ins Kino
20:15 Uhr auf ZDF NEO
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I wondered if people back home would ever know what it cost the soldiers to win this war. In America, things were already beginning to look like peace time. The standard of living was on the rise, race tracks and nightclubs were booming. You couldn't get a hotel room in Miami Beach, it was so crowded. How could anyone ever know of the price paid by soldiers in terror, agony, and bloodshed if they'd never been to places like Normandy, Bastogne, or Haguenau? reconcile the fact that Nixon followed Winters from OCS to the paratroops, that they were two officers born in the same year amongst a company of mostly 18-year old baby boys, that Winters was so impressed at Nixon getting him the support and ammo he needed at Brecourt and so flattered when Nixon asked him to give a lecture on leadership to the incoming officers after D-Day that he had to write in his memoir about how that 'cAuGhT mY AtTenTion', that immediately after Winters explains how you can't let yourself succumb to emotion at the loss of men while you're on the front-- lapses in his incredibly professional and technical recollection of the war to say that had he lost Nixon to that bullet to the helmet in Holland, that THAT WOULD BE HIS ONE EXCEPTION, that everyone went on leave to Paris and who knows where but Winters and Nixon were the only two officers spending their night on base together right before the news that the Ardennes offensive had broken through??????, that Nixon gave up his blessed leave to the States to stay on the front in Bastogne and help, oh I dunno, the general war effort I guess??, and not a singular, daily-shaving, suffering-in-silence 2nd Battalion XO????, that Winters unintentionally described Nixon's alcoholism as "BEAUTIFUL" because it meant Winters would watch over everything during the day while Nixon would watch over things for him during the night and that they were essentially a military match made in heaven (it's! on! record! the voice clip!! is out there!!!), that Winters looked at this stupidly handsome, post-demotion alcoholic on VE-Day and said.... u kno wat.... here's some more of the stuff..... i saved it all under special guard duty just 4 u.......enjoy......"bro"......., that Nixon was COMPELLED !!! COMPELLED !!!! to drag this guy's butt back home to Jersey with him after the war, that years after the show when Ron Livingston was asked what his favorite scenes to shoot/watch were, he brought up previously mentioned moment and describes loving the bromance aspect of it, and has the AU-DA-CI-TY to liken the tension in it to when you're "INVITING THE GIRL TO PROM" (?!?!?!?! his words!!! not mine!!!), that Winters was Nixon's best man AND gave the eulogy at his funeral, THAT--
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darkinfinity · 6 days
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Happy 28! Here are all the fics I read and enjoyed this past month!
☁ Call out my name by lesbidirection (E, 101k)
Apparently, it's bad PR to fall in love with the omega you hired to help you through your rut.
Harry Styles begs to differ.
A soulmate AU where two lovers find each other entirly by accident, featuring photoshoots, Gucci suits, too many takeaways, having sex and feeling sad, an alpha who feels lost, and the omega that finds him. It shouldn't be this easy, but it is.
☁ don't be afraid to love (and love again) by @voulezloux (T, 83k)
All Louis’ life, he’s known he’s been different. There’s always been something at odds about how he felt.
As the eldest daughter of seven kids, he knew something was wrong with his body. Something was off, he just couldn’t quite put his finger on it. His mum dressed him in dresses and tights, plaits in his hair as he wandered around with the local neighborhood boys. They called him a girl, called him she and Rosemary when his name is Louis. He had told the boys as such, but they would tell him Louis is a boy’s name, not a girl’s.
Louis is a boy. He knows he is.
or the one where louis is trans and afraid, harry is cis and brave, and being 100% yourself is easier said than done.
☁ Wither & Bloom by @dizzy-pixie17 (E, 65k)
No one knows that legendary Harry Styles is an omega. The record label, the fans, and even his family have no idea, leading to a very isolated and very lonely life for Harry. He knows it's for the best. Otherwise, he'd never have the career he wanted and he contents himself in the knowledge that he's not the only one. But when Harry injures his voice during a performance, his manager hires a new vocal coach to help put him to rights. Cue Louis Tomlinson, the sweetest, sexiest, kindest alpha in the world, stepped right out of Harry's dizziest daydreams. While Louis tries to figure out why there's something so incredibly un-alpha-like about 'Alpha-King of Pop' Harry Styles, Harry is busy trying to control his omega's undeniable urge to throw himself at the object of his infatuation.
Amid an accidental misgendering, getting slick in public, tour bus snuggles with awkward boners, and unprovoked drops, Harry will have to choose whether he wants to keep living a lie for the sake of remaining in the spotlight or if he'll sacrifice everything to be with the man he loves… Assuming Louis ever comes back.
☁ Give me love by @falsegoodnight & @soldouthaz (E, 41k)
Despite being an omega, Louis’ always had a blatant dislike of alphas.
Or, Louis doesn't feel like a good omega, Harry doesn't remember how to be an alpha, and they figure it out together.
☁ Freeway of love (in a pink Cadillac) by @mizzhydes (E, 33k)
Louis was on his way to Miami to visit an old friend. Harry was going there for a little R&R and take in the sights and sounds. A sudden upgrade in seating brought these polar opposites together. The universe works in mysterious ways and they are unknowingly about to embark on an adventure they will surely remember for a lifetime.
Prompt 107: Sugar daddy AU inspired by this tweet: “going to sit next to the richest looking middle aged man on my flight and scroll through my nudes for three hours straight” with rich daddy Harry and bratty baby Louis
☁ this brokenness inside me might start healing by @loveislarryislove (T, 29k)
Louis grew up in a tiny town, where everyone knew everyone -- or at least, they think they do. Then he left, and became a successful singer-songwriter, a star that everyone in the country knows -- or at least, they think they do.
But when Louis returns home for the birth of his first nibling, he meets a librarian who doesn't know him at all. And that's all Louis could ask for.
☁ Cuddlebug by sun_flowr (Not rated, 19k)
When the call from the adoption agency finally calls, Harry and Louis are surprised to discover that they have been tentatively paired with a young pup named Rami, who suffers from a multitude of issues stemming from the abandonment he’s suffered. But no matter the challenges, they know they will do everything they can to care for and love this pup as if he was their own.
Prompt: a/b/o established relationship where they finally go adopt a child and find a toddler with touch depri/abandonment issues and they build him a nest and comfort him
☁ Stars will align for us by @2tiedships2 (Not rated, 15k)
"The serial monogamist is single," Niall said by way of introduction when he sat down across from Harry in the canteen.
Harry sipped his chocolate milk. "What are you going on about?"
"Your alpha dream boat," Niall said. "That tiny little footie player? I heard from Hannah that he's broken it off with his boyfriend so he’s single and ready to flamingle. Now's the time to make your move."
Harry sipped his chocolate milk harder to keep himself from replying.
Or the one where Harry is an omega at a loss of how to get past his pining and gain the attention of Louis…especially considering the alpha is always in a relationship.
☁ now i'm tracin' all my steps to you by @alwaysxlarrie (T, 5k)
Of all the things Harry was prepared for this summer, Louis Tomlinson and his wonderful, wonderful scent isn't one of them. It probably shouldn't be as shocking as it is that it makes Harry want to nest. There's only one slight problem -- Harry and nesting aren't exactly on familiar terms. At all.
This does not stop Harry from borrowing ("borrowing") Louis' things all throughout summer, though. Oops?
☁ Send me your pillow (the one that you dream on) by fairytalefemme (G, 3k)
Harry is embarrassed to realize he's nesting but can't stop stealing Louis' things for his nest.
Short fluffy o/o gaybo drabble with lots of cuddles and softness and sock stealing <3
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abr · 28 days
Da una breve ricognizione alla ricerca dei fatti, non delle isterie:
la storia del Matteo, ragazzotto italico "torturato" dalla polizia a Miami, ricorda Jerry Calà che fa il frescone di provincia nel cinepanettone: entra "per errore" in uno strip club, cerca l'approccio con una ragazza che gli chiede 500 $. Al che ne cerca un'altra che non gli chiede soldi ma lo fa bere. Matteo-Jerry si rilassa, si sente italians do it better. "Al momento di pagare, lo studente ha avuto la sensazione che volessero prelevargli dalla carta più soldi del dovuto e ha protestato. Da quel momento la ricostruzione si è fatta più confusa."
Quello che ha fatto Matteo sin qui non importa. Nemmeno che cercasse stripper senza pagarle o che abbia protestato. Il grave, o meglio lo stupido davvero inizia qua: il ragazzino si è messo a fare il fenomeno con gli agenti chiamati da quelli del locale.
Deve solo ringraziare il suo dio, ammesso ne abbia uno, che dev'essere stato ubriaco in modo evidente (dice schiacciasse col dito la patch sulla divisa dei poliziotti), altrimenti l'avrebbero NEUTRALIZZATO davvero. Altro che fargli la bua, pardon le "torture".
Dopo, smaltita la sbronzetta è già fuori - là so' civili sul serio non per finta, non sequestrano la gente come qua - coi suoi lividi da "torture" che ai miei tempi avrebbero fatto curriculum. Talmente debilitato dalle "torture" da riuscire a frequentare subito l'università che gli paga mammà. Certo che ora noi qui non ci comportiamo più così coi ragazzi, ne abbiamo così pochi ...
Il punto è che qui DOVREMMO NEUTRALIZZARE LE MAMME ISTERICHE, QUELLE DELLE CHAT DI CLASSE, causa prima di come vengan su questi imbarazzanti coglioncelli.
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thesituation · 4 months
i’ve never liked her as a person but i feel so fucking awful for nikita dragun, she was clearly having a manic episode and instead of getting her help she was arrested in miami and booked as a man.. there’s no excuse for that. she’s legally female, she has gotten millions of dollars worth of plastic surgery and looks more delicate and feminine than 90% of cis women i know including me. florida is legitimately dangerous for trans people to be in, the government acts in intentionally malicious ways to make trans people suffer for absolutely no reason
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Psycho Analysis: Lois Einhorn/Ray Finkle
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(WARNING! This analysis contains LETHAL LEVELS OF TRANSPHOBIA! Literally what the FUCK!)
I have wanted to review Ace Ventura for a long, long time. I mean, this was part of Jim Carrey’s break into the big time alongside Dumb & Dumber and The Mask, two films I wouldn’t hesitate to call comedy classics. But then there’s Ace Ventura, a film many would say sits alongside those… and to a degree, it does. The titular character may be one of the funniest and most awesome film protagonists ever made, and for the most part it is a genuinely funny comedic mystery.
But then comes the twist.
The villain of the film is revealed to be Lois Einhorn, a cop that Ace had been working with. But that’s not actually the real twist. No, the real twist is that Einhorn is disgraced football player Ray Finkle… and thus, a man. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the problem here.
Finkle/Einhorn has long been considered one of the most transphobic characters in 90s media, and it is genuinely hard to disagree. But is there anything of value to them? Is this character really as bad as people say? Well, I’m going to tell you how I feel, though two things need to be kept in mind. First, I’m a cis guy. I am going to be upfront and say I agree this character is horribly problematic, but I definitely recommend seeking out what actual trans people have to say about Finkle as well (this video’s a good place to start). Second, I’m going to be using “They/Them” pronouns for Finkle. I’m doing this mainly because the movie is wildly unclear about how they view their own gender identity, and it’s actually unclear if they’re actually trans or just so insane they’ve gone to the biggest extremes to disguise themselves as a woman for their vengeance since, you know, the movie doesn’t particularly care about their gender identity beyond it being a vehicle for mockery.
Now, let’s go ahead and open this big ol’ can of worms...
Motivation/Goals: Finkle’s motivation is where they really shine, because it’s genuinely insane and amazing. They ended up being shunned by society and disgraced after a screw up that cost the Miami Dolphins the Super Bowl, and went completely insane from the derision. This led to them concocting an absurdly complicated plan that involved the kidnapping of the team’s mascot, rising through the ranks of the police department, and assuming the name of a dead hiker, all to kidnap and kill their former teammate Dan Marino for his role in their fumble. It’s so brilliantly batshit!
Oh, and they decide to unndergo a sex change as part of this scheme. It’s done as tastefully as you can imagine a 90s comedy would do.
Performance: Blade Runner’s Sean Young plays Finkle-as-Einhorn (and even portrays Finkle in a photograph back when they were a man). Whatever problems this character has, I don’t think it’s completely fair to blame them on Young; she does a relatively good job playing a comedic femme fatale villain when it comes right down to it. If the writing were better, this could easily be a career highlight for her. Alas, that’s not the world we live in.
Final Fate: They get arrested. I guess it’s better than them getting killed? They were in a room full of cops, it was the early 90s, and they are presenting as a woman while being assigned male at birth. It is genuinely a miracle that the worst thing that happened to them is that they were sexually harassed by Jim Carrey.
Evilness: This is the tricky one. On the one hand, Finkle has quite a list of genuine crimes under their belt: Murder, kidnapping, attempted murder, animal abuse… They might also be responsible for the death of the original Lois Einhorn, but it’s extremely ambiguous and I’m not going to hold it against them. On the other hand, Finkle’s downfall and subsequent shunning by their own hometown to the point their life was destroyed and they were driven insane is so over-the-top in how cruel it is that it’s kind of hard not to feel a little bit of sympathy for them. Like hell, I think I’d go batshit insane too ifI got treated like that for a mistake that was out of my hands! The narrative is trying to say they should score a 4 or even 5, but I think they’re more around a 3, a tragic villain who was driven to madness. It’s certainly a high three because it’s hard to excuse some of their worse actions, but I’m feeling a little more lenient towards them than the movie is.
Worst Scene: The big gender reveal at the end, of course.
Let’s ignore that dolphins have been observed having gay sex before. Let’s also ignore there is a non-zero chance that someone on the police force isn’t totally straight; there was a cop in the Village People for a reason, after all. Setting all that aside, this just isn’t fucking funny. It’s just a tasteless, bottom-of-the-barrel gag cranked up to eleven. I know the 90s weren’t the most enlightened years, but this is still excessive, especially since this is the gag the entire movie’s central mystery builds up to.
Final Thoughts & Score: There is so much to unpack here. Like, unbelievable amounts. This is a villain in a fucking detective comedy film, this really shouldn’t have to be so goddamn hard to talk about!
This character is just so stuffed full of offensive stereotypes that there is genuinely no charitable read for them. Looking at what the film is laying out for you, we have a man who has gone to insane lengths to disguise themselves as a woman for their revenge scheme, the sort of lengths that are usually reserved for people who are actually trans. So this isn’t even straightforward transphobia, it’s invoking the “trap” stereotype. For those of you blessed with ignorance, the “trap” is a nasty stereotype of trans woman that essentially believes they are a man disguised as a woman looking to rape unsuspecting men. It’s a pretty vile term that was and still is pretty popular among the coomer crowd, so yeah, not a good look when your character is what 4channers were calling Bridget Guilty Gear for years.
But hey, maybe the transphobia is just accidental! Even the director has said the intended joke with stuff like Ace barfing after discovering the truth is meant to be a dig at how fragile his masculinity really is if he falls to pieces over something like kissing a man! So instead of transphobia, the joke is… homophobia! Yay? This excuse doesn’t even hold water when the entire police force and the fucking dolphin barf at the big reveal too.
All of this is bad enough, but here’s the kicker: Aside from that massive, glaring flaw, Finkle is actually a genuinely good villain for a story like this. Their plan is insane and convoluted, perfectly fitting into a comedic narrative, but they’re also a genuinely threatening villain when they need to be. But this just makes it all the worse, because they took this good idea, wrapped it up in the sort of shit Joanne Rowling writes for her crappy detective novels, and then made it the punchline the whole movie builds up to.
If it weren’t for the exaggerated 90s bigotry the character is steeped in, I think they’d be a really solid bad guy who would likely deserve a score at least as high as Buffalo Bill got. But the existence of the novel that elaborates on Bill’s whole deal, the (admittedly minor) efforts of the movie to deny Bill is trans and is merely insane and delusional, and the fact he is played entirely seriously and is not the butt of jokes make him far more defensible than Finkle is.
I don’t think there’s ever been a twist villain that so thoroughly decimates the quality of the film they’re in. Bellwether didn’t ruin Zootopia, Hans didn’t ruin Frozen, and Roy Burns didn’t ruin Friday the 13th: A New Beginning. But Finkle? They fucking tank Ace Ventura, and it didn’t have to be this way. There are plenty of ways to have a character pretend to be a woman and have it be tasteful and funny; Bugs Bunny is a queer icon for a reason, and movies like Some Like It Hot and Mrs. Doubtfire, while obviously not perfect, manage to be a lot more tasteful in their jokes. But here, they just aim right for the bottom of the barrel.
With how times have changed, I think it’s genuinely easy to read them as a sympathetic character, provided you can look past the murder and homicidal revenge of course (something easy to do when you remember what caused them to snap). When the movie is doing all it can to demonize and humiliate them for not conforming to gender norms as opposed to ridiculing them for the sheer absurd lengths they’re going to for revenge or the fact they literally fucking killed someone, it’s hard not to take their side. The narrative is already against them for the stupidest reasons, so why dogpile them? You go, girl! You can have a little murder and kidnapping, as a treat.
I’ve gotta give them a 0.5/10. And that .5 is pretty much only because aside from the horrible twist, they’re honestly not a bad villain and there’s actually a lot of great foreshadowing that they’re behind the dolphin kidnapping. It really is just the gender reveal thing that not only completely ruins the character, but torpedoes the movie too. Ace Ventura is probably one of the best characters ever, and one of Carrey’s best performances alongside Truman and Robotnik, but he’s stuck debuting in a film where the big joke is “queers are fucking freaks lmao.” What a sick joke.
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Cis faggots going to Fl*rida to take thirst trap selfies on Miami Beach is rapidly turning into the new version of gays going to Israel or Dubai. Find another place to be an Instagay that isn't a fetid fascist swamp lol.
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peachiseas · 2 months
okay i am very new here, so i need a through introduction to your mcs! like eve for example, pls post his whole biography o(╥﹏╥)o
fr tho, tell me anything and everything :D
TOOK SO DAMN LONG SINCE I WANTED TO DRAW A STEP ONE REF OF EVE BUT ITS GONNA TAKE A MINUTE so here are the sketches,,, Anyways- gonna introduce the main two mcs/ocs you'll see here: Eve Cortez Williams and Aaliyah Dubious
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(dont mind my ipad scribbles on the screenshot iofqiowogi) Lemme put this under a readmore actually so yall dont get slammed with a long ass post:
Starting with Eve:
He's my Tamarack MC, but I figured since uh. all my art that was a given
He has a strained relationship with Qiu in step 1 but they become besties by step 2 and by step 3, they are like family to each other. If no one got Eve, Eve knows Qiu got them, amen 🙏
He comes out as transmasc by step 2, and by step 3 he gets top surgery and starts taking testosterone and firmly identifies as a butch lesbian
He's from the southern part of Miami, Florida. He's Golden Grove's residential florida man
He practices martial arts religiously, he's a big fan of Goku and Dragonball in general so he wants to be like his idol
His story deviates a bit from the OL2 generic mc story, he did have a dad! Opal and his dad wanted a kid but they both didn't want to get married and since the two of them were best friends, they decided to have a kid together (or well two but we'll talk about that later)
What's important to note from above is that his dad isn't around anymore because his father passed away a few months ago due to a car accident and Eve was hospitalized as a result
So by the time he's at Golden Grove, he's in anger stages of his grief and he doesn't want to be bothered. Which sucks cause hes neighbors with the two loudest kids on the block
Doesn't help he's a ESL speaker (English as a Second Language) and Golden Grove's population is majorly white so he has even harder of a time adjusting to it
He gets into fights in step 1... a Lot. Someone will look at him funny and they'll get punched in the face
He does adjust but he still doesn't like Golden Grove by step 3 but funnily enough, he moves away at the end of step 3 for treatment but moves back in step 4, crazy how that shit works huh
He has two emotional support bunnies; Bulma and Chi-Chi! He gets them in step 2, Qiu and Eve bond over them LMFAO
As for Aaliyah:
She's my Qiu MC, to the shocker of no one. Tamarack is also her best friend <3
Aaliyah is from New Orleans, Louisiana! She's full blooded Haitian and she has family in Haiti
She's also transfem! She passes for cis in step 1 thanks to hormone blockers and some makeup and then starts taking estrogen in step 2 and onwards
Her being black and transfemme is integral to her character and how she navigates around Golden Grove, she doesn't tell anyone she's trans until near the end of step 1. By step 3, the girl gang and Qiu knows shes trans
^^ That's because she had a very negative experience coming out to her community who previously loved her but flipped on her just as fast
So moving to Golden Grove was supposed to be a fresh start for her as herself but by that point she feels like she has to keep up her "cis-sona" lest she gets bullied again
She still gets bullied for other reasons in step 2 though (being a pretty black girl and the one person who has a crush on her is the most popular kid in school... its rough! 😭)
By step 4 though she is proud to call herself trans and will let people know!
She lovessss animals! And the animals love her back! She feeds them all the time and keeps animal food on her for that purpose when she goes to the park to read by herself, she got a flock of crows and stray cats that like to follow her
She has a cat named Kiki!!! Kiki loves everyone except Qiu though, Aaliyah doesnt know that though-
I hope that was enough of a info-dump! If anyone has anymore questions please ask i have so much lore please-
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nevver · 2 years
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Miami, SHOK-1
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gregor-samsung · 2 months
" Vengo invitato come relatore a un convegno di tre giorni a Torino, un workshop internazionale con decine di partecipanti. Non conosco nessuno di questi colleghi, ma apprezzo la circostanza di un ambiente del tutto nuovo e di gente mai vista. S. è morto da sei mesi. Al ristorante dell’albergo dove si svolge il convegno i posti non sono assegnati e alla prima pausa per il pranzo mi ritrovo a dividere il tavolo con un relatore olandese, un afroamericano di Miami, una canadese, un belga, una brasiliana e un altro italiano, di Roma. L’imbarazzo iniziale dura poco, ci troviamo a discorrere come se ci conoscessimo da mesi, amici di lunga data. La casualità che ci ha riunito allo stesso tavolo si trasforma all’istante in un legame. Finiamo per trascorrere insieme il resto di questi tre giorni. Il convegno, i pranzi, le cene, le serate fuori a bere nei bar della città. Essere sconosciuto fra sconosciuti è rilassante, l’atmosfera di unità che si è venuta a creare fra noi, destinata a durare una finestra di tempo così limitata, ha qualcosa di magico. Ognuno di noi lo riconosce.
L’ultima notte del convegno faccio un sogno eccezionale. Sono in un enorme luna-park e mi aggiro incuriosito fra le diverse attrazioni. Giungo a una giostra composta da una ruota orizzontale alla quale sono agganciate una serie di seggioline a due posti. Decido di salire e ne occupo una da solo. La giostra si mette in moto e dapprima gira piano, poi acquista velocità e comincia a piacermi parecchio. Anzi, mi dico che era tanto che non salivo su un’attrazione del genere e che avevo dimenticato quanto potessero essere divertenti. La velocità del carosello si fa vertiginosa, ormai non riesco neppure a intravedere i volti degli occupanti degli altri seggiolini, è tutto troppo frenetico e confuso, ma questa folle velocità invece di preoccuparmi mi fa ridere fino alle lacrime. Poi il mio seggiolino si stacca dal resto della giostra e comincia a schizzare verso il cielo. Non provo alcuna paura, al contrario ne sono estasiato. Sto volando incontro al cielo, il vento nei capelli, la terra che si allontana sotto di me, sto compiendo un viaggio imprevedibile ed è una sensazione stupenda. Con un’improvvisa intuizione razionale mi rendo conto che sono felice, felice come non ero da mesi. Ed è a quel punto che accade: sento la voce di S. al mio fianco, che nell’orecchio mi sussurra: “Questa felicità è il mio regalo. Buon compleanno”. Mi risveglio all’istante. È la mattina del 18 aprile: me ne ero dimenticato, ma è il mio compleanno.
Questa felicità è il mio regalo. A oggi è il sogno più bello che abbia mai fatto. "
Matteo B. Bianchi, La vita di chi resta, Mondadori, 2023¹; pp. 144-145.
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iceicewifey · 1 year
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shamelessly copied Sinner /j /lh and did one of those Araki style character sheets for Shay to see if i could share her info easier and I'll say it worked 😳
had to redo the template because I'm stupid and the layout kind of confused me plus I'll never pass up an opportunity to make my own version of whatever thing fjdnfjdgb but I hope it makes sense. alot of the info can be found in her mini bio, but it was still fun to fill this out. plain text under the cut because it's alot to read. thanks again to sinner for both posting theirs and providing the original template ♡
editing because this is so outdated already 😭
Name / Nicknames
Shayleigh Disa Malmsteen / Shay, Spanky (childhood nickname), Dee (from Hol Horse)
23 (SDC)
CIS Female
Birthday / Zodiac Sign
August 12th, 1965 / Leo
Blood Type
Miami, FL USA
5'4" / 162cm
~137lbs / 62kg
Sexual Orientation
Hair Color
Platinum blonde
Eye Color
Pale icy blue // Pink (Manga)
Eyesight / Colorblindness / Wears Glasses?
Slight myopia Not enough to warrant glasses.
Dominant Hand
Type of Voice
High pitched / "soprano" A bit scratchy from smoking
Medical History
Minor nerve damage from particularly deep scar in right forearm, partially perforated septum (corrected; from cocaine use) Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation — required surgery
Scars / Birthmarks / Tattoos
Numerous scars on hands, arms, torso, shoulders, back, legs, and left eyebrow // Barbed wire tat around right wrist, palm tree on left ankle, devil tail on lower back
Other Defining Physical Features: Nose, Eye Shape, Chest Size, Legs, Moles, etc.
Slightly downturned doe eyes, small slits in eyebrows (left has hair displaced by scars, right is shaved to match). Larger than average chest (~E cup)
Ancestral Background
½ Swedish on father's side
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Criminal Record / Education
Criminal record is extensive. Dropped out of high school during 11th grade but stopped attending long before then.
Formative Experiences as a Baby or Young Child
Grew up without birth mother (passed away soon after she and her twin sister were born), Father worked as motorcycle mechanic and would frequently bring his daughters to work; fostered her love of motorcycles at a young age. Dealt with abusive stepmother for ~7 years.
Sexual History / Lovers
Several boyfriends & a girlfriend during high school years, numerous ‘flings’ throughout mid 80’s. Not on good terms with any exes.
Thoughts Towards Romance / Marriage
Says she’s indifferent. Would like to get married, but wants it to be with “the right person.” Has trauma from parents about relationships.
People the Subject Looks Up To / Idolizes
Evel Knievel, Lemmy Kilmister
People the Subject Hates
Her father. Stepmother, Lydia. Stepbrother, Adam. Half brother, Viggo. Estefania, Jotaro Kujo, Polnareff, Nukesaku
Personality Traits / Habits / Fav. Sayings
Tends to hide her true emotions, acts apathetic. Cautious around new people, especially if they know who she is and she doesn’t recognize them. Her defense mechanism tends to make it so she comes off as rude or abrasive. // Honestly just enjoys telling people that annoy her to shut up.
Dreams for the Future
Wants to eventually return to Miami. Wants to build her own custom Harley, right down to the paint job. Wants “a buncha badass lookin’ tats” to cover her more prominent body scars.
Drowning, being strangled, seeing more of her friends die in front of her, upsetting DIO and having to face his wrath.
Most Traumatic Experiences
The years of emotional and verbal abuse from her stepmother and stepbrother. Her first night in jail. Witnessing the deaths of some of her closest friends at the hands of the gang they once belonged to.
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Relationships - Incl. Behavior
Neneh is the first best friend she’s ever had; loves her dearly and would kill for her if she asked. Misses her dearly while in Cairo. Gets along well with other Terence T. D’Arby, Kenny G., Enya, and most other mansion residents. On DIO’s better side. Romantically involved with Vanilla Ice.
Familial Relationships - Incl. Behavior
Hasn’t seen her sister since 17, misses her. Got along very well with Swedish grandparents, used to visit every Christmas as a child; visits slowed and eventually stopped upon her father remarrying. Positive relationships with maternal aunt, Caroline and her daughter, Rita. Gets along well with ‘pseudo father’, Ozzy, misses him while in Cairo. The gloves she wears to hide her scarred hands were a gift from him.
Problematic Relationships
Relationship with father was good as a young child but has deteriorated. Misses how he used to be, hurt that he chose a new partner over his daughters. Never had positive relationships with stepmother or stepbrother. Never really got along with former “boss”, Estefania despite trying. Feels no remorse for her death. Her murder is the reason she ends up in Cairo.
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Education / Work History
John F. Kennedy Middle School (Miami, FL) Elizabeth Cobb Middle School (Tallahassee, FL) Lincoln High School (dropped out; Tallahassee) Has never been formally employed or had a ‘legal’ job.
Economic Class
Grew up middle class, struggled with money after being kicked out.
Pets / Plants
Never had pets. Had a monstera clipping that grew in the motel room she lived in.
STUBBORN. Hates being told what to do and will often do the opposite. Tends to clash with authority figures. Has a bit of a sharp tongue, she’s wary of strangers and tends to speak her mind freely, even if what she says isn’t exactly polite. Used to act out rudely for attention from a bad home life but grew out of that phase. Rarely rude to strangers without reason nowadays. Insanely devoted to friends and loved ones, likes going the extra mile to show that she loves and cares for them. Very outgoing, a bubbly ‘people person’ and a bit of a ‘party girl‘. She’s typically laid back and enjoys being surrounded by those she loves. ‘Bitchiness’ is a defense mechanism stemming from trauma; “If I don‘t care, I can’t get hurt.” She’s a spitfire with a feisty side and a terrible temper, never one to back down from a fight and will start one if she’s worked up.
Loyal to the end, skilled with knives and using her stand, won’t quit until the task is done or it kills her, can seemingly sense when someone is upset, can pick things up with her feet
Hedonistic, lower physical strength than muscular male opponents, argumentative, easy to anger, extensive criminal record, bottles feelings Deep down she’s scared and hurt, hiding behind a façade to escape any future pain
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Special Skills / Fighting Style(s)
Mostly accustomed to street fighting. Fights dirty; punching, hitting, slapping, kicking, biting, hair pulling, nothing is off limits. Skilled with using switchblades. Likes to use her stand to trip non-stand user and see their confusion when they stumble.
Wields twin automatic “stiletto” switchblades, keeps them hidden in her boots
Driver's License / Vehicle of Choice / Driving Language
Obtained learner’s in 1981 and full license in 1983 but had been illegally driving since she was ~14 // Prefers motorcycles over cars. Favorite bike is the 1973 Harley Davidson FL Electra-Glide // Typical Florida Driver™. Has a lead foot and tends to speed. Tends to get a bit aggressive at times and will partake in road rage if provoked.
Hobbies / Recreations
Likes to draw things she thinks are cool; skulls, motorcycles, tigers, devils, playing cards. Tinkering with her bike, watching trash TV, riding motorcycles with friends, swimming, etc. Often upset she can’t do much of this in Cairo
Likes & Dislikes
Likes metal music, leather pants, motorcycles, billiards, chicken shawarma Dislikes formal clothing, being bossed around, running out of hairspray, driving in the rain, prudes
Food / Clothing / Shelter
Had a few outfits (a lot of them shoplifted) and mostly ate instant or microwaveable food while living in a motel paid for with money from ““odd jobs”” // Kept most of the same clothing upon moving to Cairo, despite her style clashing with local culture. Lives and works in DIO’s mansion
Motives / Passions
Self preservation, making “a shit ton of money”, has thought about killing her stepmother in the past but doesn’t want to deal with the consequences
Favorite Color / Locations / People
Dark teal, black, hot pink // South Miami Beach, Aunt Carol’s house // Neneh, Terence, Vanilla, and Enya
Fashion Style
Wears a lot of tight and overly revealing clothing after years of being forced to dress “like a proper girl” as a child. Likes wearing leather and wants to look like the girls in the metal magazines (i.e. Doro Pesch)
Used Substances
Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana (formerly), cocaine (formerly addicted)
Perfume / Cologne?
Used to wear “City Girl” perfume, but prefers scented lotions.
Any Accessories?
Crescent moon earring worn only on her left ear (twin sister wears the other), two hoops on right ear // stud on left side of nose // black leather fingerless gloves to hide scars
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Supernatural Abilities / Attuned to Spirits?
Not necessarily sensitive to spirits but sometimes feels what she assumes is her mother’s presence when she sits on the beach alone at night. She can’t explain it, but it’s somewhat comforting and tends to happen when she’s stressed or upset.
Accent / Dialect
Miami accent; pronounces the ‘L’ in “salmon” // speaks in short form and slang often (i.e. wanna, gonna, ain’t) // drops the ‘g’ on words that end in ‘-ing’ (i.e. swimmin’ )
Anything Else?
Knows how to juggle. Allergic to shellfish. Not a serious reaction but the kind that makes her throat tingle. Used to think it happened to everyone, not just her.             ↓ “Everybody’s throat tingles after crab cakes. It’s part of the experience.”
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raccontiniper18 · 7 months
Secondo racconto erotico
Mi presento sono Chiara. Ho 18 anni e dopo la mia maturità andrò in gita con le mie due migliori amiche Sofia e Isa. Viaggio triste direte, ma io con le mie due amichette del cuore è tutto ciò che desidero.
Partiamo per Miami, non perchè abbiamo programmi particolari ma perchè abbiamo trovato un offertona per pochi euro e ci costava meno di altre mete,perchè insomma si sa ,non serve la destinazione ma con chi si va.
Ora voi penserete che noi tre abbiamo lesbicato o altro invece vi stroncherò,perchè non abbiamo fatto niente, anche se ammetto che da adolescenti tipo prima o seconda liceo ci sgrillettavamo insieme.
Partiamo,arriviamo e appena scendiamo conosciamo 4 ragazzi,belli muscolosi, carini, e italiani come noi. Facciamo subito amicizia, ma se la matematica non è un opinione era uno in più, quindi una delle tre non avrebbe ''concluso''. Andiamo a fare serata assieme. Ci ubriachiamo ,Isa ci lascia per prima e va nel nostro hotel ( dove c'eravamo state solo per riporre le valige) mentre io e Sofia ce la ''giochiamo'' per accaparrarci uno dei tre,visto che l'altra si sarebbe ritirata e tirata un triste e solitario ditalino. La sfortuna vuole che Sofia,mi sorride e mi dice ''hai perso'' io vado a casa loro.
Uffa penso fra me e me. Mi farò sto benedetto ditalino, da sola visto che non posso scoparmi due ragazzi (ah dimenticavo non potevo perchè avevo il cu*etto vergine). Comunque fatto sta che beviamo e beviamo tantissimo,ma tanto proprio che ad una certa con tutta la voglia che avevo e la rabbia per le amiche decido che si vive una volta sola. Allora appena ritorna Isa che ha già ''fatto'' le chiedo le chiavi e le dico che adesso non me ne basta uno ma tutti e due. Loro ubriachissimi a loro volta scelgono (ovviamente) di seguirmi.
Arrivati a casa ci mettiamo sul letto (matrimoniale) dove poco prima ci aveva ''dato'' Isa con il loro amico. Faccio uno spogliarello con loro due sul letto e loro mi guardano esterrefatti. Guardo i loro bozzetti sulle patte e mi congratulo con me stessa per quanto sia stata brava. Una volta nuda gli sorrido e gli dico che è il loro turno.
Si spogliano e sorpresa due cazzi,ma due cazzi opposti uno grosso e corto e uno lunghissimo ma poco spesso, sorrido e gli dico di segarsi mentre io mi coccolo un po' il mio clitoride.
Dopo 5 minuti mi chiedono di scopare,perchè sennò vengono e non vogliono venire con una sola se*a. Allora colpo di genio.
Dico: ''Sentite io sono vergine dietro''
Loro sorridono e si strattonano per chi deve ''sverginarmi'' e vedo le loro spade toccarsi, mi brillano gli occhi a vedere quelle spade.
Continuo dicendo: ''ragazzi non c'è problema il culo lo do ad entrambi, solo che per averlo dovete fare una cosa per me.''
Rispondono in coro: ''Qualsiasi cosa.''
''Allora dovete incularvi a vicenza,prima tu lui e poi lui te, cosi' da non essere l'unico culo sverginato perchè immagino che anche voi lo siate''
Impressionante come l'uomo sia cosi debole,subito si afflosciano i loro piselli e diventano paonazzi e negano di volerlo fare e quasi piangono. Allora non se ne fa niente mi dispiace, il ragazzo con il pisello più corto si inizia a fare una sega, e dice ''ok oggi mi prendo due culi vergini''
L'altro controbatte con sognalo.
Credevo,non si facesse più niente ma alla fine ingoia la saliva ok inculami ho troppa voglia di scoparmi lei.
Il piccolo cazzo sale sopra e senza sputo o lubrificante (che avevo io in mano) lo impala da una decina di colpi e smette e mi sorride. L'altro inculato si addrizza alla prima botta, ora si invertono i ruoli il pisello lungo inchiappetta l'altro penso. E cosi' succede il pisello lungo inchiappetta il pisello più corto, ma sorpresa.
Io rimango a bocca aperta il pisello corto viene, e dopo un paio di botte il pisello lungo appena esce viene e fa compagnia alla sb*rra del ragazzo passivo.
Io rimango colpita mi do due o tre colpi decisi al clitoride e vengo anche io.
Loro due sono imbarazzati e non parlano allora si rivestono e vanno via quasi piangendo e vergognandosi.
Io resto in casa,poco dopo mi chiamano le mie due amiche e ritornano a casa.
Tutte e due con la fi*a appagata e mi chiedono com'è farsene due. Io sorrido e dico ''Immaginate pure''.
Purtroppo alla fine mi sono accontentata di un ditalino.
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Siento que estoy empezando a ganar la batalla con mi mente, detener los pensamientos recurrentes que no causan nada más que estrés, estoy ocupándome lo más que puedo en mi.
Hoy estoy contenta por que hemos empezado el trámite de visa para que mi papá puede visitarnos, a penas estamos llenando formularios pero espero que se cumpla y pueda traerlo de paseo.
También hemos empezado los primeros pasos para establecer nuestro emprendimiento de carteras en Miami.
He retomado un proyecto de un terreno que tenía en Nicaragua, y quiero empezar el trámite de legalizarlo para más adelante emprender.
Empecé una lista de cositas para comprar en Amazon y cambiar algunas áreas de la casa, quiero darle un nuevo look al baño y tener un escritorio para mi, iré comprando poco a poco, amo demasiado ir adaptando mi espacio.
Ah y si el Real Madrid ganó ayer 👏🏼 A por la 15
Hoy siento que es un día provechoso, tengo q seguir con la pila puesta.
By Ci
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laineycaldwell · 10 days
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I don't have any control over what actually happens except for that I have full control over my will for myself, my intention, and why I'm there. That's all that matters.
NAME: alaina joy caldwell NICKNAME(S): lainey, lain LABEL: the go-getter AGE/BIRTHDAY: 30/october 26, 1993 BIRTHPLACE: miami, fl NEIGHBORHOOD: cardinal hill GENDER IDENTITY: cis woman, she/her SEXUALITY: pansexual ETHNICITY: nigerian, german, scottish FACE CLAIM: zendaya
TLDR ; Lainey's family moved to Blue Harbor when she was six, just after her father retired from a very successful Formula One career. Though, Gerry Caldwell could never really leave racing behind-- instead, he focused his energy on training Lainey's older brother Freddie, and later Lainey's first "real" boyfriend CJ. When CJ dropped out of high school to join Lainey's father in Europe, she ended things. Since then, Lainey has been hell-bent on making her own name. After four years on the Stanford women's basketball team, Lainey launched her own successful career as a sports agent... which she's taking a break from now, momentarily, after sleeping with the talent. Oops!
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