#But this feels a bit uncanny
oceanfloorfires · 2 months
I was watching Fallout and uh
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astarlightmonbebe · 1 year
the appeal of yeojeong as a normal guy who’s just a little bit off. not enough that you would notice when talking to him, of course, but it’s just there, under the surface. a disturbance. and i think it’s interesting because typically you have two types of guys somewhat adjacent to this: guy who seems totally normal but is secretly sadistic/a psychopath, and then guy haunted by a traumatic/troubled past, who has that secret layer of torment running beneath the surface of their image. but yeojeong breaks through these archetypes, and i think part of it is because he’s just so...calm. it’s not that he’s living a double life (kind doctor by day, killer by night) or hiding part of his past (everyone he worked with knew about what happened to his father, and watched his downward spiral during his college days). he’s not the typical male character who is, at every attempt, trying to outrun his tragic past (even though he does run once or twice); he’s not haunted by flashbacks, or suffer from PTSD in the way that is usually portrayed in dramas. and i think part of that is because the glory is a story about victims. it’s dongeun’s story, first and foremost, even though it is also yeojeong’s story, and hyeonnam’s story, and sohee’s story. but it’s a story about dongeun’s pain, and when it’s not about her pain, it’s just about the pain of victimhood - unlike other dramas, this isn’t a show where male pain outweighs the rest.
so yeojeong is just a normal guy. he’s handsome. he has a good career. he’s a plastic surgeon, an interesting choice when both his parents were/are hospital directors, and his father seemed to have worked in the er or something of the sort prior to his death (or at the very least wasn’t a plastic surgeon). something could be said here of yeojeong choosing the ‘safe’ path as a doctor, a path where he cures pain and makes people happy without the added risk of being attacked by one of his patients. there’s no proof of that in the show - why he chose to be a plastic surgeon - but it’s an interesting thought path to travel. 
dongeun says he must have lived a good life. that he’s never had to worry about the path that he’s on. and that’s true, to a certain extent. to everyone, including her in the beginning, yeojeong is perfectly friendly. he’s perfect, but not the perfect that people perceive as too perfect (i.e. the guy who’s hiding things); he has his moments where he spazzes out, gets into fights, goes crazy over dongeun texting him back, teases his mom. he’s perfectly well adjusted (a perfect contrast to dongeun’s ‘maladjustment’). he wears flip flops to work and gets the same coffee order daily. he plays go with old men in the park.
he likes to listen to the fizzing of vitamin tablets in water because it calms him down. is this a strange thing? only because he thinks it’s important enough to mention to his therapist. he does it at work too - drops the tablet in, closes his eyes, rests his head. he does it at home - drops the tablet in, opens the drawer, draws a knife. it’s about the noise. bubbles rising to the surface, like bubbles rising from underwater. he stays underwater until the last possible moment, when he has to break the surface in order to breath. dongeun makes him feel like he’s at the eye of a storm - a deceptively calm center, while everything else rages outside. and i think it’s kind of important that he makes that comparison, when he’s someone always seeking that calm. the soothing noise, that makes him feel lonely.
so he’s just a normal guy. a normal guy who receives letters on a regular basis from the prisoner who brutally murdered his father. he doesn’t like letters, he tells dongeun. who knows what he does with the letters - does he keep them? does he throw them away as soon as he sees them? he must have read some of them; maybe you only need to read one to know what is in the rest. maybe he’s still reading them; maybe he keeps them without reading, an invisible torment. it’s not what he does with the letters that matters, but that he receives letters at all. 
can you still call it a haunting if you’ve almost made your peace with it? if you’re living with it? 
he’s just a normal guy, who looks his therapist right in the eyes and tells her that she couldn’t fix him. he diligently attends therapy for years on a regular basis, even though it doesn’t work. he finally abandons it when he moves to semyeong, because he chooses to embrace dongeun’s revenge. he chooses his own revenge, too, in a way. the dark part of him that he can’t escape. the one that makes him pick up the knife, who asks dongeun who to kill before she even tells him she wants any of them dead, even when he’s a doctor from a family of doctors, and doctors don’t kill - they save lives instead. 
you couldn’t fix me, he tells his therapist calmly. so calmly. as if there’s not a bloodied man sitting next to him, a man he dreams of killing. the man is just life to him, just like the letters are life to him to. a dulled numbness. an acceptance of it. 
is your son going through hell? can you even tell it’s hell, if it’s what you’ve become used to? is it hell when you’re a doctor dreaming of murder? is it hell to no longer be tormented by dead men and living murderers who send you letters? is it?
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stealingyourspins · 1 month
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(Click for better quality)
Ninjago Mermaid AU- Zane.
Species: Narwhal. Chosen because of their ability to withstand cold temperatures plus their color pallet.
Zane is a Marine “spy” Robot used by researchers to record and collect data of Merfolk in their natural environment. Made in a partnership with Borg Industries and Julien Laboratories, he is a revolutionary advancement in the robotics field, going past a simple language learning model level to becoming a true AI in the 25 years of development. Zane’s expedition is simple: to help marine biologists to study Merfolk and blend in the best he can.
(Alt version with no spots under the cut and non transparent versions)
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
For 💖🎀, what about Marx? Little cute creature concealing incredible magic and uncanny features! I think he could be so mean to her ❤️
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oh... anon you are very big brained for this one. he could unfortunately be so so mean to her.... and he has such pretty pretty wings! she would be enraptured instantly.
bonus eye-anim version (cw eyes/flashing gif):
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wave-man · 1 year
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hey its him
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godhurts · 1 month
What's the size and/or colour of the strap?
7 inches and it's pretty and colorful! Like pink/orange/peach stripes 🥰 Maybe I'll post it some time if my ass gets enough love 💕
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softpine · 6 months
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pekoeboo · 4 months
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"It's okay, Khalan. I'm right here. You're safe."
some Pain based on a few new developments within the SMP story. got a decently long explanation under the cut, for anyone interested.
so @cookieg122 and I decided that Khalan and Aya eventually find themselves in Aya's home dimension - a world ruled by a race of powerful fairies who are hell-bent on eternal conquest and proudly declare their violent Empire as the strongest in the world. Aya was their princess, having disappeared under mysterious circumstances (aka when she arrived in Drehmal), and her older brother had been searching for her ever since.
her sudden return ended up placing Khalan under suspicion though - as Aya's brother wrongly assumed that Khalan was responsible for "kidnapping" Aya and had him arrested as a result;; the corrupt king also got involved, hearing terrible rumors that were quickly circulating about Khalan and believing that he had hurt his daughter, so he made the swift decision to have Khalan publicly tortured and executed the next morning (multiple times over; since Khalan is immortal) as a way to make an example out of him to the Empire's subjects and remind them of what happens if they step out of line and threaten the royal family.
so of course Aya saves him!!!! she convinces her brother that Khalan is innocent so he also helps out with the rescue, and between the two of them they manage to stand up to their dad and save Khalan from a terrible situation ;n;;
there's like. so SO much more to this concept that I can't really explain, but that's roughly what's going on within the feelsy art here;; I kept thinking of just. the intense emotions happening within that moment, of Aya stepping up and taking on the role of comforter even though that's normally Khalan's thing. role reversal tropes always get me, and tbh Khalan just needs a moment to break down and process just how terrifying that whole situation was before he can help Aya deal with everything too;;
srry this got long, I wasn't sure how else to explain this pic without going into some detail. but I hope y'all can appreciate the feels anyway ;o;
Aya Armas belongs to @cookieg122 also on deviantart
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haloberry · 4 months
Crazy headcannon, but since q!Tina is a demon, you often think she shaves down her horns enough that they look like cat ears?
Like, her nubbins be looking like small cat ears and her tail is thicker and furrier so people often mistake her for a cat hybrid?
Idk late night thought
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psychidelias · 29 days
I've cracked the code on why it feels so bad when I relate to characters that have illnesses. I look at a character that is struggling with depression (for example) and then to me, with similar (if not the same) symptoms, and I know that I would never ever blame the character for what they do as a result of the illness; but I never seem to extend the same logic to myself.
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eladai0 · 2 years
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Finally, I'm free to hyperfixate over that ghost boy
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citrine-elephant · 2 months
the warden, but after the mace is introduced and gets its enchantments, a player who decides to power slam one..... enters a new dimension....
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bespectacled-bookwyrm · 8 months
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A version of Colress who joined Team Plasma in the hopes of obtaining more information on the whereabouts of Rosa, who is his daughter in all but blood. She suddenly vanished, so, although with great reluctance, agreed to work with Ghetsis under the pretense of gaining insight into her whereabouts.
When Ghetsis refused to divulge any potential leads, Colress grew desperate. So desperate, in fact, that he decided to contact Janet - a former friend from his university days who he cut contact with.
Specialising in Pokémon genetics, he asked her to turn him into a human-Gardevoir hybrid so he can both locate Rosa easier and to be a stalwart guardian.
He is physically frail, and his nature as a hybrid has resulted in poor health. His skeletal and muscular structures have changed, with the most obvious being the dress-like "sheets" present on Gardevoir. The changes to his skeletal structure have resulted in him developing proportions similar to Gardevoir, resulting in long arms and fingers, and being forced to constanly walk "en pointe" (i.e. on his toes).
Oddly enough, one of the physical changes he has experienced is the noticeable loss of his long hair. Attempts at growing it out further have failed, and it now appears to have a feather-like quality to it.
Colress' muscular structure is mostly weak, but he possesses a remarkable amount of strength in his forearms. Consequently, he supports himself with his psychic powers - a behaviour that is done subconsciously, perhaps due to the instincts of the Pokémon he's fused with melding with his human ones.
Curiously, he has geared himself towards a supportive role, rather than an attacking one. Although Colress possess immense psychic powers, he tries to avoid using them unless absolutely necessary.
He hides his appearance with a cloaking device, not unlike the invisibility device he uses in the Ultra games, and uses it to maintain the facade of him being completely human. Aspects of his inhuman nature, however, do slip through the cracks.
The protective instincts of a Gardevoir often clash with his human ones, and his inability to control his mind-reading abilities causes him a lot of problems.
According to Janet's notes, it is theoretically possible for him to acheive the status of mega evolution. The strain it would place on his body, however, could have disastrous consequences.
Just some info and art for an AU I'm calling the "No Matter the Cost AU".
I'm debating whether or not to turn it into a fanfic, or to just stick with images and (when I can motivate myself) comics.
The shirt Colress is wearing isn't his usual attire, by the way. I just put him in it so it's easier for you to see the physiological changes done to him.
Anyway, I hope this all makes sense.
Also, Colress becoming a Gardevoir-human hybrid was inspired by this post:
It is the line at the bottom that specifically inspired this:
With such an overprotective nature, wild individuals are considered dangerous and unpredictable
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heavenlyprinciples · 5 months
i still don't think furina is entirely human btw. like i think she is more attuned to water than most other human beings, even more than some hydro vision holders, and this is partly due to the fact that she is more oceanid than other fontaine citizens. i don't think focalors could cleanly split her humanity and divinity, especially a divinity granted to her in part by celestia!
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mihai-florescu · 4 months
Had a class on interviews and im pissed off at myself, why cant i look normal. I saw myself on camera # day ruined # NEVER AGAIN
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mothnoir · 6 months
every time they make a ui change on this site it's like. they moved the furniture 1 inch to the left. i can smell it
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