#But sometimes I wonder if I would miss it less of I wasn't a participant
the-halfling-prince · 10 months
Just saw a post from an agtuber on Instagram from 2016 saying "this year id like to finish filming season 6 of [show that never got a season 6] and season 2 of [show that never got a season 2]" I feel like I've discovered records in the ruins of a once glorious city from right before it fell.
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
Can I see "You're not alone. You never were." with Satan please?
Hello there, anon!
Okay, this was the first one I've done, so hopefully it turned out okay. It was like a little puzzle trying to figure out how to fit in the line of dialogue! Anyway, it's also kinda long because I have decided not to give myself a word limit... not sure if that was a good idea or not lol.
Due to the nature of this particular prompt, this one turned out a little angsty in the middle, but it ends with fluff.
Anyway, thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Satan with prompt "You're not alone. You never were."
Warnings: hurt/comfort, some angst
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From the very beginning, Satan was paying attention to you. When you showed up that day at RAD, he hadn't been sure what to expect. A human exchange student? One that didn't know anything about the Devildom or magic prior to their arrival? He thought you would be weak or stupid or both.
You might have been a little scared to find yourself in such an unusual place, but you surprised him with the way you handled yourself. As time passed, you continued to catch him off guard with how quickly you learned, how easily you adapted, how you stayed strong and confident through everything.
Satan was always observing you, noticing the little things that his brothers might have missed. The way you shifted your weight when you were nervous. The little treats you sometimes snuck from the kitchen in the middle of the night when you couldn't sleep. How you always scrunched up your nose when you were dealing with a particularly difficult homework assignment.
There were so many things that Satan wanted to say to you and found for once he didn't have the words. What could he say to someone like you? A human who not only made pacts with the seven demon lords, but also became part of their family? Someone who was so impressive with their magical skill that Solomon himself had taken them on as his apprentice? A person who didn't just fit in with angels and demons and sorcerers, but was respected by them, too.
And then there would be times when Satan would remember that you were only human. He might catch you getting frustrated over a spell that you couldn't get right. He might see you suppress a wince when someone was rude to you. He might hear you swear under your breath when you made a mistake.
These things didn't make him think any less of you. They served as reminders that despite everything, you needed help sometimes, too.
It was in these moments that Satan found himself able to distract you. He went out of his way to cheer you up, bringing you to a cat cafe or giving you a particularly good book about something that he knew you were interested in.
Every time he did this, you would smile at him, even if you were in a bad mood, and the way your eyes went soft and fond made his heart melt.
You looked at him as though just seeing his face made things a little easier for you.
For a while, Satan was content to offer you these small comforts when it seemed as though you needed them. He wondered sometimes if you would ever seek him out for comfort on your own. If you noticed the way he was always there to lift your spirits when you were down.
There were several days when you seemed to be struggling, overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities that you had accumulated. Not only did you have all of his brothers to deal with, but you were now also a sorcerer and a student council member. You were studying with Solomon and doing student council work on top of your RAD studies.
Satan could see that it was starting to get to you. There were dark circles beneath your eyes and an almost vacant expression on your face. You moved through each day as though you were doing it only by memory.
One night you sat at dinner, eating woodenly, participating in the conversation with only one or two word sentences. Satan wasn't sure if the others had picked up on your mood, but if they had they weren't acting differently because of it.
After dinner, you went straight to your room, closing the door behind you without saying anything to anyone. Everyone else dispersed for the evening.
Satan paced in his own room for nearly half an hour before he decided to be direct with you. Normally, he would bring you something he knew you liked or maybe ask you to go somewhere nice with him. But it was different this time. You were hurting in a way he had never seen before. And it made him angry.
Satan left his room, striding purposefully down the hall to your door. He tamped down on that anger and knocked.
You opened the door for him and the sight of you standing there with your hollow eyes made him feel completely shattered.
"MC," he said. "Can I come in?"
You shrugged and moved aside.
Satan entered your room, closing the door behind him.
You looked at him blandly. "Is there a problem?"
Satan felt a burning within him and he fought to keep it from bursting out. "Yes. The problem is you."
You blinked and then frowned, the most expression he'd seen from you all day. "Me? What did I do?"
"Do you think I haven't noticed?" Satan asked. "You aren't sleeping. You're barely making it through the day. You're distant with everyone and there's this… emptiness in your eyes."
You stared at him for a moment in surprise before the frown returned. "I have too much work to do to worry about anything else. So if you only came here to get on my case about sleeping or my attitude, just leave."
Satan felt his anger spike and though he tried to stop himself, he couldn't. "You think I'm here to scold you? MC, I'm worried about you."
You threw up your hands. "And on top of everything else I have to do, you want me to fix that, too? I'm always the one who has to take care of everything because you all rely on me so much! Every day is full of something that needs my attention and it feels like everyone just expects me to do everything like it's no problem! Like I'm the only one who can! So I just keep going and going and even though I'm surrounded by people, I still feel so alone!"
Your voice broke on the last word and you realized you had been unloading, almost yelling. You covered your mouth and turned away from Satan.
Satan put his hands on your arms. He felt you shaking beneath his touch. "You're not alone. You never were."
Gently, Satan turned you around to face him. He took the hand that was covering your mouth in one of his, then used his other hand to lift your chin.
"I've always been here, MC," he said. "Since the very beginning, I've been looking out for you. I'm here because I want to help you. Won't you let me?"
Satan watched as your eyes filled with tears. The feeling roiling through his chest was unpleasant, but for once it wasn't anger.
To Satan's complete relief, you suddenly tumbled into him, pressing your face to his chest and wrapping your arms around him. He carefully held you in his embrace, pressing his cheek to your head.
The two of you stayed that way for some time before you took in a shaky breath and said, "I'm sorry, Satan."
Satan kissed your forehead. "It's all right. Just let me help you."
You pulled away a little to look at him. The remnants of shiny trails of tears were visible on your cheeks, though you were no longer crying. "You already have."
There was a light in your eyes again, one Satan hadn't seen in some time. You surprised him by kissing him, the warmth of your lips creating a heat in his heart that was unlike anything anger had ever sparked in him.
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Been wondering about the timing of the Great Hunts that happened prior to the one that we play through, and it got me thinking.
There were 3 hunts that happened during the Great Galactic war, which lasted for about 30 years, and since we don't know the specific years, I assume they happened every 7-8 years. Then there were 3 hunts during the Cold War, one taking place right after the treaty of Coruscant, one - a year before the second Great Galactic war (the one we participate in), and one somewhere in the middle, meaning they happened every 5 years or so.
Now, at the current moment in SWTOR storyline it's been about 16-17 years since the last Great Hunt took place. And that makes me wonder - were there any hunts during this period? I don't remember any mention of that in the game or anything additional materials (although I could've missed it), that leading me to assume that there wasn't, at least that we know of.
But that seems a bit weird. The Great Hunt is an old tradition for mandalorians, a great test for them as warriors, they wouldn't just drop it. Plus there are only three surviving Champions by the time our BH finishes their class story, I assume they would want to have more Champions. So I headcanon that at least one Great Hunt took place after the one we took part in, the question is when.
To answer that, I looked at the frequency of the Great Hunts in the past (the ones that we know of), and it seems that during the time of war it happens less often, and that's understandable - the mandalorians were busy with the first Great Galactic war. Then, during the Cold War the frequency increased a bit, probably bc the things got a bit more stale after the Treaty of Coruscant. That makes me think that another GH would not take place under Shae as the Mandalore (first they struggling against Zakuul, then after joining the Alliance they were busy with security and whatnot, and now they are split between Shae and Heta), so a much more fitting time would be during the second GGW (especially because Artus didn't make the call to the clans, so they are not as involved with the war as before). Probably sometime between the events on Makeb and those of Shadow of Revan.
That would give our hunter something interesting to do (of course that depends on what kind of person they are), getting involved to see this Hunt through, test the new Champion with the targets from the Blacklist, maybe interact more with Mandalore and the Huntmaster. Plus it opens space to make even more new characters (altoholics would be happy).
Idk, it just sounds neat.
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honkadori · 10 months
twined around your heart - omake
"But he told me he'd be only a minute," Shion huffed, her gaze returning to their lord for the upteenth time.
With a smooth move of his hand, Benimaru guided her back towards the garden. "He'll be here soon, don't worry."
“She’s right, though,” Shuna’s voice startled him from behind, as she peered over his shoulder, “I wonder what's taking so long…”
Trying to keep also his sister at bay, he parroted Rimuru’s excuses, “He stayed behind to wait on the storm dragon while he finished the sacred text…”
"But at this rate, Rimuru’s going to miss the start of the fireworks!” Shion shrugged Benimaru’s hands off of her and slid away from his hold, once again looking at the veranda.
"Oh!" She gasped, "They're not there anymore!"
A feeling of dread washed over him, instantly mirrored when he looked at Souei next to him. Ever since he dragged Shion away from the veranda, he knew what was going to happen between their lord and his partner, only he wished he was wrong.  While Souei silently stepped inside his shadow, Benimaru scrambled to find some more excuses to pacify Shion.
He pasted on a conciliating smile, even though he felt more like grimacing. "They surely have matters of importance to discuss," he cleared his throat, suddenly feeling dry, “Matters that obviously demand the utmost privacy.”
Such feeble excuses could fool a simple girl like Shion, but not his sister. The second he spoke those words, he felt rather than saw the piercing gaze Shuna directed at him– a cutting glare that triggered an instinct in him to bolt and hide behind a rock. Then again, the situation was far too critical.
So, Benimaru kept strong, refused to crack under pressure, and simply gave her a wordless shrug.
That earned him an even harder glare. The thing is, he was well aware of Shuna's unwavering, and deep loyalty to their lord. In her best interest, it was best to let her remain blissfully ignorant, much like everyone else. But if it wasn't ever-growing difficult maintaining this charade. As his general and one of his closest confidants, Benimaru held profound respect for Rimuru, and he would never go against his wishes. However, there were moments when he wished Rimuru had a better awareness of his surroundings.
Shuna cocked her head, pursing her lips. "So important that he won't tell us too?"
Benimaru didn't have the heart to tell that sometimes, it's wiser to keep even the closest allies in the dark. 
That celebration for their lord's ‘coming of age’ a few months back was enjoyable, until it bordered on overbearing. It went on for over three whole days, and while their lord appeared to be participating genuinely, there were moments when a disgruntled look would cross his face, whenever he believed no one was watching. Since then, Benimarutook it upon himself to ensure he lived his private life in... well, privacy. Keeping Shion and Diablo in the dark proved to be the most difficult, as their tasks required them to remain in close proximity to Rimuru at all times. Surprisingly, the demon turned out to be less troublesome than expected— Benimaru only had to keep him away from Rimuru’s study once. That time, the demon stood still for a moment before abruptly turning his back and walking away, his unsettling chuckle echoing eerily through the corridors.
Clearly, Benimaru would never have managed this impossible task without Souei's support. Considering their always open communication link, Souei was well-informed about their lord's every move, which proved incredibly useful when dealing with impromptu meetings between their lord and his partner (much like the current situation).  Besides, it had always been impossible to keep any secret from Souei since their childhood days. 
Shion's mumble cut through his thoughts. “I don't get this…”
“There are things we aren’t privy to…” Benimaru almost added luckily for you, but he held himself back in time when his sister looked at him through slitted eyes. 
Unusually petulant, she crossed her arms. “He's been spending a significant amount of time alone with the storm dragon recently…”
“We have to be patient,” he offered lamely to her. 
He was about to say something else to her, but Souei's return to Benimaru drew his attention, his figure materializing in the shadows behind the ogre.
"In the tearoom," he whispered to him. He was leaning his ear to his wrist, listening– rather, eavesdropping on their lord. "Already in foreplay, fifteen minutes at most."
That was a lot. A short time for an... erm, encounter, but a very long time to keep people occupied. Thankfully, he and Souei had prepared extensively for such situations. Words were unnecessary; both knew their roles perfectly. While Souei directed his squad to patrol the garden's perimeter and guard the main building, Eric clapped his hands and flashed his most charming smile.
"Let's all move closer to the lake, so that we can relax while the show starts," he told the rest of the group, which all immediately complied and walked to the lake. His commander skill surely came in handy in these sort of occasions.
Getting to her feet, Shuna softly patted her kimono. "Is this an attempt to move us away from somewhere specific, I wonder..."
He chuckled nervously. "Well, there are trees around here that could obstruct the view..." He felt as if he could shrink beneath his sister's intensifying stare. "Aren't there?"
Almost nothing could unnerve Benimaru, but he couldn't stand Shuna's silence. She glanced at the veranda for a moment, then turned back to him and whispered, "You're not covering up something inappropriate, are you?"
He vigorously shook his head. "Of course not!"
Her eyes slitted even thinner than her eyebrows, all under Shion's confused gaze.
"What's inappropriate?!"
At that, Shuna's expression melted into an agreeable smile and she linked her arm with Shion's. "Nothing at all!"
It never ceased to amaze Benimaru how effortlessly she could shift from one mood to another.
Her tone turned gentle as she tugged Shion along. "Come on, let's go enjoy the show."
The ogre protested, "But..."
"Rimuru will join us shortly," she turned to Benimaru, and a shiver ran down his spine. "And if our lord doesn't, I'm certain there will be a perfectly reasonable explanation."
He nodded at them, but actually he was going to leave to Rimuru the explanations, thank you very much. After all, he was already working overtime here.
His eyes followed them as they walked away, reassured when he saw them sit down by the lake's shore. Just one urgent task remained, a contingency plan in case things got a bit loud on his lord’s part. Swiftly, he hurried over to the hobgoblin crew responsible for igniting the fireworks. He managed to intercept them just in time, as they were already preparing to light the fuse. With a few quick words, he asked them to hold off for a couple more minutes and start the fireworks only after receiving his signal.
Following that, he climbed back up the hill to survey the group from above. The night was clear enough, and everyone was enjoying the starry sky while a nice summery breeze caressed them. Benimaru nodded in approval for a job well done.  Now, all that remained was to wait patiently, ensuring that no one approached that tearoom for any reason.
But no sooner than he let his breath out (exactly at the eleven-minute mark) Souei signaled him. Benimaru’s eyes widened in surprise. Already?! Luckily, his arm was faster than his brain, as he motioned to the fireworks crew to begin. At the same time, a thunder hit a bush right behind him, making the poor ogre jump out from his skin. The subsequent loud crack almost went unnoticed as the fireworks commenced. The night sky was instantly painted with vibrant bursts of color, capturing everyone's attention as they looked up to enjoy the dazzling display. 
A bit electrified and panting, Benimaru let out a sigh of relief.
It all went according to plan, like always. To everyone else, Rimuru remained their their pure leader.
He looked towards Souei to give him a thumbs up, which he reciprocated. The ogre then stiffened and signaled to his squad to hide in the bushes. Benimaru's eyesight was very sharp indeed, for even from a distance, he distinctly saw his lord emerging from the tearoom with his partner draped over his shoulders, and... Was the storm dragon half naked?!
Benimaru quickly averted his eyes, feeling a burning blush creep up his cheeks. He could handle being aware that something had transpired, but delving into the explicit details was a different matter altogether.
His gaze remained fixed on the lake, its obsidian expanse mirroring the vibrant hues of the fireworks above.
He was ready to go to great lengths for his lord, sure... but a small part of him wished Rimuru exercised a touch more discretion.
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lilac-gold · 8 months
AI-less Whumptober: Day 2 Overworked | Exhaustion | Insomnia @ailesswhumptober
Fandom: OMORI Rating: Teen Word Count: 3129 Summary: Hero uses studying to cope. Unfortunately, staying up all night revising can lead to passing out at the most inconvenient of times. AO3 LINK
After Hero returned to school, it quickly began taking up a huge portion of his life. He flung himself headfirst into his studies, determined to catch up on all he'd missed and pass each of his exams flawlessly. His parents wanted him to be a doctor, and for that, he needed good grades.
Of course, that wasn't the only thing he'd need when he applied to college. He had to get involved with events and hobbies, have evidence of his other skills. So, he revised all morning and night, spent all day at school, and all afternoon practising his strengths.
His parents thought he should list piano as one of them. He'd taught himself how to play, inspired by Mari's beautiful pieces and wanting to make her smile.
Hero refused. He couldn't even look at a piano without breaking into tears.
But he was fine! He stayed away from pianos, from music rooms, from the entire arts department of his high school, from the side of the campus where instrument and home economics and food preparation lessons were held, and things were fine. Hero was fine.
Then his brother signed him up for a baking competition.
Hero sometimes helped Daphne and Bowen out at the baking club , sure (of which they were the only members), but that was different. He just got the ingredients, tried their bread. He didn’t participate. He didn’t bake.
Baking had been one of Mari’s favourite things to do. Hero couldn’t do this.
“Oh, Kel, that’s a lovely idea!” His mom beamed at the dinner table that night, and Hero tried not to face-plant his enchilada. “It’s been so long since you last baked something, Hero! You have a talent for it.”
No, he didn’t. Baking was Mari’s thing. Hero was adequate.
“This will be a nice, fresh start for you, hey, son?” His dad nudged him. Hero didn’t look away from his plate. “I bet those twins you’re friends with will be taking part too!”
“I guess,” Hero agreed reluctantly, weariness pulling at his limbs. As soon as he got upstairs, there was an assignment he needed to finish. It was important, worth a large percentage of his Biology grade. Hero was so tired, he could hardly think straight . “Sure.”
“So you’ll do it?” His mom asked hopefully. “Hero, sweetie, that’s wonderful.”
“Mmhm,” Hero agreed distantly, zoning out as he stared at nothing, his mind a million miles away. 
It was so warm at the dinner table. He could almost feel Mari’s welcoming arms encircling him. The bright lights above him made his eyes hurt, Hero almost squinting at the sight of them, and he had to shut them multiple times to stop them rolling into the back of his head involuntarily. They prickled and ached, weighed down by the weight of countless sleepless nights, and Hero felt himself nodding off. The darkness was so inviting, a soothing nothingness that let him just be for a while. Then, the hand holding him up crumpled, and Hero quickly sat upright again. He was fine. This was fine. “I… I’ve got a Bio assignment I need to get done,” he told them hastily. A distraction would be good right about now.
“Okay, cariño,” His mom nodded, a flicker of worry dancing across her already worn features. She didn’t need any more stress, especially not from him. Hero felt cold guilt pool uncomfortably within him. “Just make sure you get some rest!”
The Biology project took him a few hours, but eventually, it was done. Now, Hero wouldn’t have to worry about it later, able to hand it in in three weeks’ time with no stress whatsoever. So, with a quick glance at the time– only 2AM, not too bad!–, he shut off his lights and laid down in his bed. Kel could sleep with the light on, Hero remembered how he used to be scared of the dark. Hero, on the other hand, could not. He enjoyed the comforting silence and darkness, the lack of stimulation, the feeling of just existing for a while, retreating into his own head.
But when all that surrounded him was black, Hero’s mind tended to conjure up its own pictures.
Images of a hanging corpse, of a lone gravestone, a rainy funeral. The sun shined brighter when she was here. Of a sea of black umbrellas, drowning in his sorrow, his fear, his guilt –
WIth a sigh, Hero sat upright again, trying his best to ignore the uneasy churning that had started up again in his stomach. That tended to happen a lot, when he tried to sleep. As soon as he let his body shut off, his mind ran rampant, and not a lot of its thoughts were particularly pleasant.
Mari’s death was his fault, Hero had realised that a long time ago. Every day, he hated himself for his failures, allowed silent tears to trickle into his pillow, did anything, everything to distract himself from the crushing weight of his remorse. Nothing worked, nothing beside keeping his mind and body so busy that the former couldn’t take control. Then, he could ignore the visions and the nightmares and make his parents proud all at once! It was a flawless plan.
It was only 2AM, after all. Hero could afford to get some more revision in.
He turned his light back on, recoiling at the sudden onslaught as his eyes struggled to adjust. He rubbed them painfully, feeling his eyelashes grate against what lay beneath them. His face ached, his arms ached, his whole body ached. He discarded his blanket. The warmth was too tempting. If he kept it with him, he’d fall asleep, and he’d have to see Mari’s corpse yet again.
This was easy stuff. DNA, dominant and recessive genes, Hero knew all of this already. His, Kel’s and Sally’s brown hair and eyes were dominant characteristics, passed onto each of their parents’ offspring. Hero wondered what a Punnett square on his own family would look like. Rather boring, he presumed. Lots of capital Bs.
He answered question after question, stubbornly ignoring the way his notes grew steadily messier as time went on. He got distracted thinking about something or the other and sliced straight through a flashcard for his current Chemistry topic. Hero didn’t know why it was so difficult to concentrate– the whole point of this was to distract him! At his fingertips was a plethora of knowledge, of content he needed to know for his exams. Why wasn’t it distracting enough for his thoughts to shut up for a while?
When Hero next looked at the clock, it was flashing 5AM, and he suppressed a groan. Another sleepless night, it seemed. Oh well. At least he was being productive.
He decided to go on one of his morning jogs, to clear his head a bit. The chilly January air bit at his face, asthmatic lungs protesting loudly as he continued on, each exhale leaving a puff of thick, white smoke in its wake. Frost lined the surrounding houses and the grass under his feet, and when a small breeze blew against him, Hero suddenly registered that he’d forgotten to put on a coat.
It was hard to keep going, Hero struggling to find even the tiniest bit of energy or motivation. The sky painted a pretty picture above him, splashes of warm orange and rosy pink brightening the wintry dark blue of the night prior. On his jog, plenty of the Faraway citizens who were awake at that time asked him for help, and Hero, as always, obliged. He was like the town errand boy, really. He had been since he was tiny.
Hero liked to help. Really, he did! He was just so tired , and there was so much to do, and he just… Had a lot on his plate, without enough time to eat it all without choking. His morning jogs were quiet, the only sounds the cheerful tweeting of birds or the dull thrum of a car engine. His bus didn’t arrive until eight, and Hero still had to get changed into his school clothes from the jogging pants and hoodie he’d thrown on before leaving, but there was plenty of time. At one point, he came across a frozen-over puddle. There were tiny, miniscule cracks in it– invisible to those who didn’t look closely enough for them. Small shards missing, the edges sharp and dangerous. Hero frowned, and continued his jog in the other direction.
By the time he got back home, his face was flushed, and entering the house again made him wince. The sudden contrast from the bitter cold outside to the all-encompassing warmth within made his vision blur and cheeks flood with heat, Hero quickly removing his hoodie. He needed some coffee. Lethargically, he dragged his aching limbs to the kitchen and began heating some water, making sure not to grab his father’s decaf by mistake.
He dumped an unhealthy portion of sugar into his cup– not for the taste, no, but to keep his eyes wide open at least until lunch. He tended to begin dozing off a little before then, but he’d begun sneaking chocolate-coated coffee beans into class, and they did wonders. Hero was managing just fine, chugging down his morning cup and ignoring the too-strong taste of sickly sweetness and intense bitterness.
Methodologically, Hero organised his bag. He kept looking around warily, something darting about in his peripheral vision that he couldn’t quite place. Hero didn’t like it, and remained tense as he began some of his Math practice. Kel woke up, greeting him hello and rushing downstairs to make himself a couple slices of toast. Sometimes, Kel made him some too, making smiley faces into the bread with some trick he’d seen on the Internet and claiming that Hero didn’t eat enough. Kel was so silly sometimes.
They took the bus to school, Hero getting the window seat for once and watching Faraway pass by in a blur. Some melancholy song played on his earphones, Hero didn’t pay much attention. Kel fidgeted the whole way to school.
“Um, Hero?” Kel said nervously when they finally arrived, averting his eyes. “You’re… You’re not mad at me, right? About the baking contest? I’m sorry, I know I should have asked you first. I can tell whoever’s organising it that this was a mistake, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to! I… I know this must be a lot.”
Hero plastered a smile onto his face in the hope that Kel would copy him. Such a forlorn expression would do well to vacate his brother’s face immediately. It had no place there.
“I’m fine, Kel, really. I’m…” Hero swallowed the dry lump in his throat. “I’m actually looking forward to it!”
“Really? That’s great!” At the blatant lie, Kel brightened up, and Hero tried to keep himself from grimacing. He’d been wearing a facade for this long, he could afford to keep it up now.
“I haven’t seen Daphne and Bowen in forever,” Hero mused. “I wonder if they’ve changed.”
Daphne and Bowen had not, in fact, changed. At all. Whatsoever.
They wore the same style of aprons and shirts as they did when they were younger, sported the exact same haircuts, wore those familiar, ever-solemn expressions as he walked up to them. Daphne and Bowen hadn’t changed a jot, and Hero felt something in his chest ache. He, on the other hand, had changed so much over the last couple of years. To everyone else, Hero didn’t seem any less like himself either, but the eyebags he dutifully covered with concealer every morning told a different story.
“Ah. Hello, Hero,” Daphne greeted politely. “It has been a while.”
“We have missed your presence,” Bowen added on, something almost like a smile on his lips. “You are quite pleasant company.”
“Thanks, guys,” Hero grinned back. “I missed you too.”
However, instead of the acceptance he was expecting, the twins frowned in almost comical unison.
“Your smile,” Daphne began critically after the moment. “It is…”
“...Unnatural,” Bowen finished curtly. “We typically enjoy the unnatural…”
“In this case…”
“It is simply rather concerning,” Daphne concluded, brow furrowed. “What troubles your soul, Hero?”
Hero’s eyes widened. “Oh. Um, it’s– it’s nothing.”
They levelled him identically unimpressed stares, and Hero worried at his lower lip nervously.
“Seriously, it’s fine. Can we please… Not talk about this now?” He smiled again, anxiously.
The twins didn’t look happy, but agreed, giving him a tour of the newly updated kitchens. Hero remembered making food with Mari in home economics there before. Hero ignored the pang that hit his heart again.
“We have many different ideas for our submission to the competition,” Daphne informed him.
“And have carefully considered each to figure out which best ensures our enemies’ crushing and humiliating defeat,” Bowen said seriously.
“We thought of baguettes…”
“Rye bread…”
“Pita bread…”
“Banana bread…”
“French toast…”
“Look, guys, that’s great,” Hero interrupted, a sheepish look crossing his face as they stared at him, appalled. "But what if we made something… Other than bread?"
He was met with two blank looks.
"...Something… Other… Than bread?" Daphne echoed slowly, as though testing the words out on her tongue. A mixture of befuddlement and concern was painted clear as day across her features.
“But that’s– that’s–” Bowen spluttered, usual eloquence quite forgotten.
“Preposterous!” Daphne supplied, eyes wide with confusion.
“Completely ludicrous,” Bowen conceded, shaking his head. “Whyever would such a thought possess you?”
“Bread is the ultimate form of baking, Hero,” Daphne said solemnly. “To claim otherwise is practically blasphemy.”
“Sacrilege,” Bowen seconded, looking thoroughly disappointed. “Clearly, your eyes must be opened.”
“And thus, we have selected only the purest of dishes…”
“A true sight to behold…”
“A regular loaf of bread?” Hero guessed with a sigh.
“Exactly,” Daphne nodded proudly. “Prepare the oven, dear brother. We have a lot of bread to make!”
And make a lot of bread they did. Hero spent the next few hours in a perpetual cycle of kneading and baking, ensuring every batch was just soft enough, a perfect golden-brown. The twins revelled in each one, and during the short break they took, Hero could have sworn he saw the pair of them praying over it.
Finally, finally , they were finished. With increasing alarm, Hero noticed just how much time he’d spent baking, his heart pumping faster and faster. He’d wasted so much time! There was still so much to do!
“Hero,” Daphne addressed him, snapping him out of his spiralling thoughts. “For all Bowen and I’s endless sophistication and expansive vocabulary– in addition to our well-versed nature in the art of teenage slang–, we are, ah… Not the best at swaying people to our side, for some reason. They are strange. Too full of evil, too impure. Not like bread. Not like you. And that is why we want you to be our spokesperson. You shall advocate for our bread like no-one ever has before! We have seen the way you communicate, Hero. It is all up to you.”
“...O-oh,” Hero squeaked out eventually. “...Thank you?”
“Write a speech,” Bowen advised importantly. “It is very helpful when one is surrounded by curious viewers.”
“Will do,” Hero nodded absently.
He did not write the speech until 4:30AM the next morning, and spent recess polishing it off before the competition at lunch. When he arrived, Daphne and Bowen were wearing the scariest expressions he’d ever seen them adorn, which was saying a lot. Hero had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
Each of the schools in the area did their own speech on why they should win– on why their baking was the best, their food the best, their teamwork the best. Hero’s mouth felt as dry as a desert. Breathe in, breathe out. Eventually, it got to his turn. He could do this. Daphne and Bowen stood behind him, stiffly stretching out an arm in presentation of the bread… Shrine… They had compiled.
“U-um– good afternoon, everyone,” Hero greeted awkwardly, cursing his newfound lack of confidence and the way the microphone before him screeched with feedback. Before Mari’s death, he’d been a great public speaker. What happened to him?! “I’m sure you’ve heard many… Amazing propositions already today.”
Hero glanced nervously around at their rivals. Not a single one was smiling at him, and cold sweat pooled on the back of his neck.
“B-but I’m here today to tell you why the Faraway High Baking Club’s beats all of them,” Hero said, his voice far less stable than he would have liked. A strange fog had descended on his brain, Hero having to read over each line of the paper multiple times before it computed in his brain. “You see, each member of our club is… Is hard-working, kind, and passionate about baking. She was amazing at it, better than I could ever be, and I… Wait, I…”
The lines descended into tiny squiggles that Hero couldn’t make heads or tails of, and he felt his energy being sapped away. No, no, no, no. Not here. Not now!
Black spots danced in front of his vision, and Hero blurted out. “It’s bread. Thank you.”
Then, he stumbled off of the podium. The forced, polite clapping was somehow worse than if there had been nothing at all. Hero’s face burned, especially when he met Daphne and Bowen’s puzzled gazes. He didn’t look at them, glancing away and squeezing his eyes shut–
And the next thing Hero knew, a swooping feeling had enveloped him and he’d fallen right off of the podium. Shouts rang out around him and the twins rushed over to him, Hero collapsed embarrassingly at the bottom of the small flight of stairs. Stairs. His innards shook. He couldn’t be here anymore.
Cries of mockery and concern echoed after him as he fled, Hero’s aching muscles screaming with the pain of a new injury. He rushed into the school, trying desperately to be casual, to respond to every greeting in the hallway and look normal while getting out , he was about to pass out, tiny bugs were crawling across his vision–
They didn’t end up winning. Of course they didn’t. But they received a participation award, and Daphne and Bowen told him that it was his. They’d decided, and any member of their family was far too stubborn to go back on a decision like that.
That afternoon, Hero returned home with his most miserable award yet, and collapsed onto his bed in a sprawled tangle of throbbing limbs. By that point, he was too exhausted to even dream.
Hero was only grateful that his brain could finally, finally shut off.
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alheria · 1 year
Anniversary (one-shot)
Ghost wasn't one to celebrate any holidays or special occasions.
But König was.
And since they were dating, he had to adapt in order to keep his partner happy. Because, obviously, he had gotten too emotionally involved and would hate to ruin their stable, somewhat healthy relationship. So they compromised, celebrated everything the Austrian wanted except the lieutenant's birthday. It was the only thing he could not stand, by any means. Painful days full of bad memories should not be acknowledged. Ever. The younger man luckily respected that.
The most important event to recognize was surely their anniversary. They’ve been together for nearly two years now, and the first milestone unfortunately happened to occur while both were on separate missions in two different parts of the world with no way to at least contact each-other.
For Ghost, this wasn’t a big problem, didn’t even think about it too much, too busy trying not to die. König, on the other hand, was utterly heartbroken. Upon them reuniting, he cried, a lot, then informed that missing the first anniversary was a bad sign, and they will surely break up soon because they are doomed. Which was a really stupid, baseless assumption. Nevertheless, the lieutenant ensured next year the date is in the middle of their off-duty period. Just in case. Which involved promising he will do some stuff he didn’t necessarily want to do. Like helping train new recruits or taking over half of Price’s paperwork.
The things people do for love!
Right, love. The emotionless soldier never thought he would use such a term in reference to his own, barely existing feelings. Until the weirdly tall, socially awkward, all soft and mushy Austrian showed up and effortlessly turned his dark, freezing cold world upside down. Proved that loving someone did not make one seem any less scary or vulnerable. Ghost actually appeared to be even more dangerous, now he had something dear to protect.
Which also meant he needed to go that extra mile to make his partner happy enough to not leave him, because if he did, he would have to kill him. And losing König would kill him in return. That’s why he had to agree to participate in the younger man’s undisclosed fantasy for their upcoming anniversary. So they both can stay alive.
The crucial for the success of their relationship day had started with them waking up unreasonably early in the Austrian’s apartment in Graz. Neither was ready to leave the bed just yet, therefore they stayed, embracing each-other’s naked bodies under the cosy blanket. Ghost absolutely fucking adored those rare moments when König rested safely between his protective arms whilst there was nothing to worry about since they weren’t in a war zone but in a normal place, in a regular house, in a comfortable bed big enough to fit both of them.
Sometimes he wondered if this precious time turned into reality, would they still be happy? Probably not. It is truly nice, being in this secure, warm bubble, although it cannot be accurately compared to that intoxicating sensation of being in the field, desperately fighting for survival, and killing your bloodthirsty enemies. Nothing feels as good. Not even sex.
-I need you to let go, love. -the lieutenant whispered softly, loosening the hold around the taller man, who didn’t move an inch, his cheek plastered to the muscular chest.
-Why?! -he whined, making his boyfriend smile. Such a big baby.
-Coffee. -Ghost responded vaguely. -You know I quickly get cranky without my morning coffee.
-I know. -König huffed in annoyance, eventually rolling on the other side of the bed, nearly fully covering himself with the claimed blanket to retain pleasant heat. The Brit got up, and instantly regretted his decision to leave the nice warmth. He swiftly put on some clothes randomly found on the floor and fondly glanced at the steaming burrito as he stretched the stiffened limbs.
-Happy anniversary, my pretty beast. -he hummed once ready to roll, pressing a tender kiss to those ruffled hair before leaving the bedroom. And maybe he didn't see the Austrian's definitely smiling face, but could tell it was blushing furiously. König was naturally terrible at hiding his feelings, which was the sole reason for him wearing the spooky mask on a daily basis. Before knowing better, Ghost thought maybe he was horribly disfigured due to some accident, however as it turned out, he was just readable like an open book, and simply hated that.
Nearly twenty minutes passed before the unmasked soldier showed up in the kitchen, not a single piece of clothing his. Shameful thief. The lieutenant was half-sat on the wide windowsill, nearly empty cup in hand, watching the city slowly start another busy day.
-Took you long enough. -he pointed out, shifting slightly so the other man could fit between his welcoming arms. It was a habit for them at this point, cuddling in the morning anytime they were together to absorb this much-needed affection.
-I'm worth waiting for. -the Austrian murmured, pressing his nose into the Brit's neck. -Thank you for sorting out this time off. It means a lot. -added, softly kissing the muscular shoulder.
-All the best for my precious baby. -Ghost responded, his chilly hands sneaking under the thick hoodie as the cheek rested on his boyfriend’s head. -I love you, —. A lot.
König smiled widely hearing the heart-warming confession followed by his name he used to deeply hate, and recently began to enjoy once again.
-I love you too, Simon.
In the early afternoon, they went to get something to eat, knowing well-enough planned for later activities will drain all their energy. There was this small Croatian restaurant in a narrow alley the two of them discovered a few months back while on a walk, and wanted to give it a try since then, but never got about actually doing it. Until now.
Wasn't a disappointment, no fireworks either. Simply delicious food in a great company. Which was completely enough. On a daily basis their lives were filled with constant danger and unhealthy excitement, therefore they immensely enjoyed those slow, peaceful moments when it was only the two of them and no war.
Despite having plans, there was no rush to return home, so they took a longer route, basked in the sun while holding hands. And perhaps some people kept looking at them funny, however neither cared. Today was all about love, and if someone dared to ruin that, they would surely end up dead.
-Where should we celebrate next year? -König asked out of nowhere, fairly surprising his partner with that question.
Next year?
Next year, they will be together for three years.
He didn’t expect them to go past three months.
-Wherever you want, sweetheart. -Ghost answered eventually, not having anywhere concrete in mind. Constant work-related travelling was enough, there was no desire in him to do it casually in his scarce free time.
-Hmm…Finland maybe? -the Austrian suggested after taking a moment to think it through.
-Finland? -Simon frowned, unsure where that idea came from. His boyfriend always run a little cold, thus usually preferred hanging around warm places.
-What?! -the younger man chuckled, seeing the lieutenant's confused expression. -We're always getting shipped to those hot climate countries, a change of scenery would be nice!
The Brit smiled, playfully ruffled those soft, messy hair. 
-As I said, wherever you want. I’ll follow.
Once back home, they shortly found themselves in the bedroom, both starting to feel that anxious tingle of excitement from knowing what’s about to happen. The unique gift exchange.
-That’s your outfit for today. -König informed, handing his boyfriend a large, heavy cardboard box he had stored under the bed. -Can't wait to see you in it. -winked before recovering another package, presumably containing his costume.
Ghost quickly removed the loose lid and couldn’t believe this was the mysterious fantasy his partner didn't want to reveal. Inside, there was a brown hat, a pair of light blue jeans, real life fucking cowboy shoes, a thick belt with a big buckle and some black leather straps serving an unknown purpose.
But clearly, some kinky shit.
-Just to clarify…you want me to wear…this? -he asked, pulling out this strange, complicated looking accessory. -What the fuck is even that thing?
-It’s a harness, and yes, I want you to wear that thing. -the Austrian sighed once he got up from the floor. His partner had a rather unhealthy tendency to have a negative attitude towards trying new things. He was surely working on it, however still struggled to show enthusiasm at times.
-How am I supposed to put it on? -Simon frowned, closely examining the confusing object. 
-You’ll figure it out babe. It’s actually pretty straightforward. -the younger soldier smiled, reassuringly patting the lieutenant’s shoulder as he passed by towards the exit, heading to the bathroom to change. 
-I doubt. -the Brit muttered under his breath.
-Just give it a try. -König rolled those pretty, slightly annoyed eyes, and promptly left the room, leaving Ghost alone with this strange contraption.
Somehow he managed to put it on, mostly because it was “actually pretty straightforward”. He felt a little stupid wearing such a ridiculous costume, although damn, it truly looked good on him. Every single piece fit his muscular body perfectly, creating a really fucking weird image of a BDSM loving queer cowboy. But yeah, hats off to that sneaky Austrian for secretly getting correct measurements.
As instructed, once ready, Simon sat down on the bed, awaiting his boyfriend’s arrival. The excitement was prominent at this point, flowing through his veins and making that fat dick of his slowly harden. With every passing minute he grew more and more impatient to see what the other man chose for himself.
And oh, when those doors finally opened, his jaw dropped all the way to the ground, overstimulated brain immediately crashed.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
There was a skirt. A very fucking short skirt. Black skirt, white shirt. Tight shirt, shiny logo, babygirl. Stockings, see-through, high leather platforms. Very high. So tall. Skirt so short.
Leather collar.
-Speechless much? -König grinned, more than proud of himself for breaking his lover’s mind, and fucking delighted Simon obediently put on this ravishing outfit that made his own penis twitch.
-Babygirl… -Ghost swallowed heavily, his throat suddenly dry, brain barely operating, cock wildly hard. -How…how did I deserve this… -he blurted, struggling to comprehend the unbelievable sight. This was beyond sexy. All his instincts screamed to get up right fucking now, press that indecent man to the nearby wall, pull his slutty skirt up and fuck deep into that juicy ass.
-You’ve been treating me very well lately, daddy. -the Austrian fucking purred, slowly approaching the other soldier, short skirt shamelessly swinging in tandem with those narrow hips. -Is it okay if I repay your kindness? -asked as he heavily dropped to his knees, right in between the lieutenant’s spread legs, greedy hands already sliding through the thick thighs towards this visibly strained zipper.
-Please do. -the Brit whispered, further shocked by a sparkly headband entangled in the younger man’s strands, surely preventing them from soon falling into his eyes when he finally leans down to suck that needy dick he’s been trying to free for a painfully long time. Clearly on purpose. -You’re pushing your luck, princess. -Ghost growled as he firmly grabbed his partner's chin and pulled his confused face up. -You're so fucking pretty sweetheart, but for fucks sake, suck my dick already. -he ordered. The response was immediate, König released the prominent erection from its confinement, squeezed the wide base between his fingers and teasingly licked a long stripe before swallowing the hard shaft. Fuck.
The sound that escaped Simon’s throat was way too loud, accurately described the utter pleasure resonating through his body. His head instantly flew back, one hand instinctively held the sliding hat while the other cupped the back of the younger soldier’s moving neck.
-Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking good at it. -he groaned, letting himself melt into the blissful act. That was his favourite part of sex, having that sleek tongue explore his length, silky throat contract on his swollen tip, hot breath dance on the sensitive flesh. Blowjobs were the best, and ones given by his partner?
Fucking divine.
Didn’t take long for him to feel the orgasm build. There was also no reason to hold back. After all, neither liked a long game, quick and dirty was their forte. That’s why not hesitating a bit, when he was at the edge, he pressed his lover’s head down and with a loud moan spilled inside, in a much more powerful manner than usual, causing the other soldier to start choking. Getting further aroused by the visibly struggling, squirming man, he didn’t let go until his leg got patted three times, a sign whatever is happening needs to stop immediately.
-Daddy! -the Austrian whined after coughing his lungs out and finally catching breath, his eyes beautifully watery, palm slowly travelling to his pulsating manhood, giving it a suggestive squeeze. -Help me.
And just like that, Ghost’s sanity nearly offed itself, held together solely by desperate need to violate this disgustingly erotic individual driving him mad.
-Get up sweetheart. -he instructed, and König obediently rose to tower over the older man. He was already really fucking tall, but damn, in those platform shoes his painfully erect penis was in the straight line of sight. -Good girl. -Simon praised his boyfriend as his finger slid through the sleek stocking and curiously pulled up the short skirt, revealing a sizable bulge tightly hugged by a black leather thong. With satisfaction he licked his lips before, without a warning, sucking onto that covered flesh, nearly making his lover drop back on the floor when his knees gave up momentarily.
He could feel those large hands desperately grab his hair and clench them tightly, a subconscious reaction to being overwhelmed with pleasure. The quiet, frequent noises the soldier started producing were going straight to Ghost’s dick, causing him to want more. So he reached towards the back, between the muscular cheeks, and nearly fucking lost it.
There was something there. 
A plug.
-Enough. -Ghost barked as he abruptly pulled away, fully ready to go again. -I’m gonna lose my shit if I don’t fuck you right fucking now. -informed while swiftly getting up and joining their lips in a heated kiss. His arms wrapped around the waist, sneaked under the cropped shirt, thigh forced itself between those long legs. Their clashed hips quickly began to rub each-other, greedily chasing that insanely pleasurable friction. -You may wanna remind yourself that safeword of yours, babygirl. -the lieutenant whispered into his partner’s steamy mouth when he broke the kiss as his fingers returned to that interesting toy, started to slowly take it out. The Austrian whined so prettily in response, Simon couldn’t stand not being in him anymore. He removed the obstructing plug in one smooth move, roughly turned König around and violently pushed him towards the wall. -And if you can’t talk, you clearly know what to do. -he grinned once close enough to speak into the younger man’s ear. And then, without further ado, lined himself up and buried deep inside his shocked boyfriend's ass.
Who surely had an idea of how lucky he was that his hole was somewhat pre-lubed, otherwise the Brit would be mercilessly pounding him raw.
-Daddy, please, it hurts! -he cried out, his legs shaking so bad, the lieutenant struggled to hold him up as his fat cock penetrated the tight hole. Ghost didn’t say anything, only slid his hand from the waist to that rock hard bulge, began to squeeze it through the leather, providing his lover both pain and pleasure. An intense mixture that clouded his barely coherent mind, overpowered all his overstimulated senses and eventually, made him come into his underwear.
The power of König’s orgasm nearly forced Simon’s when the contracting insides crushed his penis, but knowing it would take long to recover after two closely spaced releases, he managed to withstand the ecstatic wave without finishing. And it wasn’t easy with those euphoric whines echoing in his spinning head.
-Babygirl. -the older man hummed softly, seeing tears roll down his boyfriend's flushed cheek. -You okay sweetheart? -asked while gently pulling out of the crying soldier. The quiet "yes" assured this is simply a reaction to being emotionally overwhelmed, and he, in fact, did not seriously hurt the person he loved. So they could happily continue, which was great, because he had a fun idea. He took off his stupid hat and put it on the surprised Austrian's head.
-You’re the cowboy now, princess. -the lieutenant informed as he walked back to the bed he lied himself on, his half-erect cock on full display, one hand slowly masturbating it while the other grabbed a bottle of lube and threw it onto the mattress. -Ride me.
König's glossy eyes instantly went wide open. He quickly removed the dripping with cum thong and eagerly climbed over his groaning partner.
-Stop touching yourself, I want to. -pouted, making Ghost laugh at that comically offended expression.
-All yours, baby. -he winked, letting go of the hardened shaft, his fingers promptly replaced with heavily lubricated ones. The cold liquid spreading through the sensitive flesh felt heavenly, caused him to forget shame, and neighbours, exist. Moans filled the room, soon joined by the Austrian's whimpers as he impaled his wet hole onto that fat penis. Looking at his tall, muscular man's back arch in pleasure while he fucked himself on his dick, Ghost once again approached the edge, began to lose his balance. And when that slutty skirt started to rise, pulled up by the rapidly growing erection, he had to fight very, very hard to last a little longer.
-Daddy, touch me! -König whimpered, his movements so erratic, he had to be close too. Not wasting any time, Simon reached under the skirt, closed his palm around the sticky shaft and began to jerk it violently, hoping for them to finish together.
Soon, his wish got granted. The Austrian bottomed down, overstimulating the Brit's cock, making his hand clench on the penis it held. The two soldiers came nearly simultaneously, their bodies trembled at the euphoric sensation, lips blindly joined in a desperate, messy kiss while they spilled inside and out.
Once this blissful feeling of release passed, the energy seemed to have left alongside. König barely managed to lift himself up before dropping onto the pleasantly cold pillow.
-My ass hurts. -he complained, trying to send Simon a nasty look, but was too content to be mad. The sex was rough and painful however he hated it any other way. Consequences sucked though.
-I’m not sorry. -Ghost snorted, taking the hat off his partner’s sweaty head. -Why do I feel like you put me in this idiotic costume just to have a laugh? -he then asked, examining the accessory closer. Surprisingly, it wasn’t a cheap toy, the quality was excellent.
-Because I absolutely did! -the Austrian grinned, so very proud of himself for successfully pulling that out. -I wanted to see you as a cowboy, and I knew you wouldn't say no for our anniversary. You did look hot tho!
-You cheeky bastard! -the older soldier laughed as he pressed that hat back onto his laughing boyfriend's head. -Actually, speaking of the anniversary, I have an additional gift for you. -he informed, reaching for something he hid earlier in the night stand drawer and placing it in his partner’s hand. -There you go.
-...what…Simon? -König gasped, in shock gazing at a small, elegant black box he slowly opened. Inside, there was a silver ring composed of several connected skulls, which looked oddly familiar. Upon closer observation, he quickly recognized these as exact replicas of Ghost’s mask. It was so fucking adorable, his poor heart nearly exploded.
-Don’t get any stupid ideas. -the lieutenant huffed, suddenly realising this looks a lot like a proposal. -It’s just so you don’t feel insecure about our relationship every time we’re apart. -he clarified, feeling himself blush involuntarily regardless. They never spoke about ever getting married, although considering how strong their connection was, maybe it wouldn’t be the worst idea to open the subject sometime soon.
-I…thank you. -the younger man smiled softly, unable to stop staring at this amazing gift he truly didn’t expect. -That’s so thoughtful. -whispered, barely holding back happy tears. He couldn’t believe his terrifying, merciless, emotionally distant lover cared for him this much. Didn’t feel real. -C-can you put it on for me?
-Of course. -Ghost agreed, gently grabbing the Austrian’s left palm to put the ring there. -We’re solid now, yeah? -he confirmed once done, with satisfaction looking at the perfectly fitting, clearly visible sign of belonging decorating his boyfriend’s finger. König was full-on sobbing at that point, overwhelmed by pure joy to the point he barely managed to respond:
-Yes. Yes we are.
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julymineee · 2 years
just yourself (kageyama tobio x reader)
Summary: Your first date makes Kageyama nervous. He tries to prepare everything carefully but it makes Kageyama different from you Genre: fluff, active reader, female reader.
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The first date is always more nerve-wracking than ever. Kageyama Tobio is no exception. He's trying to make himself look polite, he's trying to talk to look like a grown man. Anxiety can be well-defined. Kageyama doesn't want to ruin your first date after your rooftop confession. He tried to prepare very carefully, from asking his seniors to his first-year friends to even the obnoxious blonde Tsukishima. Obviously Kageyama is super interested in this, because you stood on the rooftop and shouted to the world how much you love him, now he wants to return you by giving you a The first date session was wonderful and memorable. "Do you… do you want to go… ah d-go drink s-something… do you?". He is also shy, because when he speaks in a memorized way like in class, his face will look too serious and sometimes even weird. Kageyama was trying to look natural and as if he wasn't nervous at all even though he really wasn't. "Opps". Kageyama hurriedly left the house after looking at the clock, he ran as fast as he could to the rendezvous point hoping he wouldn't be late. Standing in front of the mall he was panting from fatigue, glancing back and forth looking for you in the crowd.
"Kageyama, here I come." You ran towards him, thinking that you had made him wait too long. "U-Um". He nodded once while staring intently at you. You look really lovely today in a short red checkered dress and active sneakers with plaid stockings. Your hoodie also makes you look beautiful in his eyes. He seems shy to see you like this instead of the usual schoolgirl uniform. As for Kageyama today wearing a white short-sleeve shirt, a black jacket over the black jeans and shoes he usually wears. His eyes stare at you curiously, you wave back and forth in wonder because your boyfriend keeps staring at you. "Kageyama are you shy?". "N…no". "Is it true? Your face is turning red, Kageyama". "I…I told you…no." Kageyama stammered in reply, he tried to deny it despite his outward appearance. His body was shaking because even at the beginning of the date, his embarrassed expression was revealed. "Okay, let's go to the center." He held her hand because he thought that if you both kept quiet, he would stand here all day with you and miss out on this wonderful day. Kageyama comes out of his solid state, leading you by the hand into the mall. You can feel his anxiety as his large hand begins to grip yours. "Ah". You hissed in pain, Kageyama looked at you confused. He immediately loosens his palm and rubs it a little bit because he thinks he's hurt you. "Sorry, I…I'm a little nervous". "Ah, it's okay. Kageyama give me your hand." You raise your hand, look and smile at him. Maybe you think you should do something to make him less nervous or things will get worse. "Ah…o-okay". He touches your hand, and you start to intertwine your fingers. Kageyama was almost taken aback by your actions, as your palms touched, your soft fingers dipping into the back of his hand. Kageyama didn't know how to react but he really enjoyed it, his anxiety eased a bit. Kageyama took out his phone to look at the message after it vibrated, everyone on the team seemed interested in his date. They knew they both needed their own space, but seeing Kageyama's reaction made them a little nervous. Even though Daichi was against the plan, the third year siblings did not participate in it either. Enoshita also stopped the curious Nishinoya and Tanaka beacause Kageyama solved it by himself, but they still insisted on carrying out the plan. They managed to get the first year along, even a tough guy like Tsukishima. He was completely bribed by his ticket to the limited edition "Jurassic Park" movie at the cinema, although he always denied it. He seems smart enough to have planned ahead while secretly spying on Kageyama and friends. Tanaka made the first step to send a message to Kageyama with the content "The way you go, there is always a supportive senior behind you". Kageyama doesn't seem to understand it very well, but he doesn't mind when you and him go to the arcade. "Kageyama wants to play that game?" You point to the shooting machine, you seem pretty eager to try it out with him. Kageyama nodded and led you to the counter to buy some coins to use to play games on the other machines. His friend and he spent 1,000 yen and both of them got 20 cents, today seems to be a weekend so the center has reduced prices on many things and it's also convenient for students like the two of you . "Nineteen…Twenty, okay you have ten cents, I have ten cents. Let's go". "Um". You follow him to the game machine, both of you for a while because someone is playing there. "Have you ever played this game before?" You ask Kageyama as he stares at the screen with curious, childlike eyes. "Oh no…this is the first time". "Really".
"Kageyama, here I come." You ran towards him, thinking that you had made him wait too long. "U-Um". He nodded once while staring intently at you. You look really lovely today in a short red checkered dress and active sneakers with plaid stockings. Your hoodie also makes you look beautiful in his eyes. He seems shy to see you like this instead of the usual schoolgirl uniform. As for Kageyama today wearing a white short-sleeve shirt, a black jacket over the black jeans and shoes he usually wears. His eyes stare at you curiously, you wave back and forth in wonder because your boyfriend keeps staring at you. "Kageyama are you shy?". "N…no". "Is it true? Your face is turning red, Kageyama". "I…I told you…no." Kageyama stammered in reply, he tried to deny it despite his outward appearance. His body was shaking because even at the beginning of the date, his embarrassed expression was revealed. "Okay, let's go to the center." He held her hand because he thought that if you both kept quiet, he would stand here all day with you and miss out on this wonderful day.
Kageyama comes out of his solid state, leading you by the hand into the mall. You can feel his anxiety as his large hand begins to grip yours. "Ah". You hissed in pain, Kageyama looked at you confused. He immediately loosens his palm and rubs it a little bit because he thinks he's hurt you. "Sorry, I…I'm a little nervous". "Ah, it's okay. Kageyama give me your hand." You raise your hand, look and smile at him. Maybe you think you should do something to make him less nervous or things will get worse. "Ah…o-okay". He touches your hand, and you start to intertwine your fingers. Kageyama was almost taken aback by your actions, as your palms touched, your soft fingers dipping into the back of his hand. Kageyama didn't know how to react but he really enjoyed it, his anxiety eased a bit. "Kageyama wants to play that game?" You point to the shooting machine, you seem pretty eager to try it out with him. Kageyama nodded and led you to the counter to buy some coins to use to play games on the other machines. His friend and he spent 1,000 yen and both of them got 20 cents, today seems to be a weekend so the center has reduced prices on many things and it's also convenient for students like the two of you . "Nineteen…Twenty, okay you have ten cents, I have ten cents. Let's go". "Um". You follow him to the game machine, both of you for a while because someone is playing there. "Have you ever played this game before?" You ask Kageyama as he stares at the screen with curious, childlike eyes. "Ah…no, this is the first time". "Really?". You two put coins into the game machine, press the start button. Luckily this game can be played by two players so you can play with him. You seem pretty excited about it and so is he. At the beginning of the game, you are almost reflexively slow, so you lost your turn. "It's okay. I'll w-win". Kageyama recalls his senior's advice to cheer you up. You giggled at Kageyama's slightly shaky voice, he looked at you with wide synonyms and red streaks on his cheeks. "Haha, your face looks funny Kageyama". You giggled and he stood there because he didn't understand why you said that. Negligence caused Kageyama to lose the game and lose points, neither of you getting any redemption tickets this turn. "This game…" Annoyed at the loss of Kageyama, he slightly grimaced. "Damn it, I'm gonna win this game". You decide to give Kageyama your remaining coins and stand there cheering for him. During all eighteen plays, Kageyama had a few moments when he lost focus and uttered weird cheesy phrases that made you laugh. He seemed to remain stiff while repeatedly denying his anxiety. "Can we go get ice cream?" You stop in front of the ice cream counter at the mall, enjoying the counter's new chocolate ice cream cones. "Okay". Kageyama walked over to the table and pulled out a chair for you, having been told to take the initiative to do so. But because you pulled the chair a bit too fast, you almost fell, luckily because he reacted in time to catch you. You're a little freaked out by this, but you're also a little embarrassed that Kageyama touches your waist. You order chocolate ice cream for yourself and milkshakes for him. The two of you also talked while waiting. You feel rather strange about the Kageyama of today, he behaves stiffly like a robot.
Although he tried to be a comedian, Kageyama still couldn't do it naturally because he wasn't that type of person at all. "Kageyama is worried today." You ask him to interrupt your shyness. "What's wrong? W-who said that". Kageyama is quick to protest, he doesn't seem to like it when you guess his thoughts right. He's trying to do as senpai doesn't show his anxiety because he thinks he'll lose his impression on you. But actually it makes you quite awkward because you yourself are extremely worried, you also go online to find out how to react properly to Kageyama. But his expression deviates from your expectations so you don't know what to do. You and him eat your ice cream together in silence. He sometimes glances up at you a little, starts a conversation, but both of your reactions are blurred.
"Do you want to eat Takoyaki?" Kageyama takes the initiative to ask you when you're walking down the street. You nod in agreement, and he shakes his hand and leads you to the counter. You seem sluggish even after fueling up with a glass of ice cream. You like Takoyaki, so when waiting for it, your limbs are weak because of its delicious smell and shape. You clung to Kageyama and almost blushed at the eye-catching Takoyaki balls. Kageyama stiffens as you move closer to him. "Um, if you like, um, I'll buy more beautiful people." What did I just say, Kageyama thought to himself at his words. He looks at you with a smile to reduce the awkward atmosphere around. He rushes to pay and holds a delicious cake in his hand, he wants to feed you because he thinks you will like it. You're a bit embarrassed because there are so many people here but reluctantly let him do it for Takoyaki. "ah…ha…ha, wa…ah". You get excited by its taste. He also hurriedly tried it and both of you looked at it with bright eyes. "If nobody's here, I'm going to jump." "Um". Both of them really enjoyed the food. You look at him smiling happily, he's never seen you like that during the whole date. It seemed to be telling him something about today. "Ah…ah, you…you like it". "Um, yeah, I like it." You look at him, eyes filled with excitement and happiness. He laughed unconsciously. The two of you walked hand in hand to the bridge to watch the sunset because it was now more than half past five in the afternoon, the sun was about to set. The surrounding atmosphere makes you two much more comfortable, you thank him for the Takoyaki, thank him for the day that was given to you. "Today I think Kageyama has changed but Kageyama is still Kageyama. You act strange." "Ah…n-no. Because…today, I. I'm worried, I think I'll ruin it because people say I don't communicate well. I asked, um, everyone in the club help, didn't think it would be unnatural". He looks nervous, you laugh at his thoughtfulness. It seems like he really cares about you. "Do not need". You take his hands, doing the interlacing of your fingers again. "I like Kageyama because you're Kageyama. You don't have to be funny, romantic, or fancy. As long as you're Kageyama, that's fine." You kissed the back of his hand lightly, your face turned red, your eyes shyly looked at your lover. He's shy about your words, being actively said by a girl makes him feel happy. When he is himself, is Kageyama himself. "You keep saying such things you idiot. I should be the one to take the initiative." He shivers and moves closer to you. You almost know what's going to happen so slowly close your eyes. The closer he got, the more he trembled and their faces turned red. He felt his heart beat faster than usual, the pounding sound felt by both of them. The train passed by, that moment the two of you met lips. His soft touch fascinates him, and so will his cool scent delight you. "How do you feel?" You lowered your head shyly asking after that brief moment of happiness. Kageyama flinched at his actions for a moment, he looked at you with a red face. Doing some strange things with his hands, Kageyama pursed his lips at that moment. "N-Not bad". "Me too". anything, anything whether with you or Kageyama. You will still love him as long as he is himself.
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monsoonblooms12 · 3 years
Detectives By Chance: Ch-6 Unforeseen
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A/N: Hi, how is everyone doing? I took a nice break to get a grip on myself and it really worked wonders. So sorry for taking such a long time to get this out. I hope this will be worth the wait!💛
Series Summary: It was supposed to be a usual weekend for the four. Coffee, fun, friends and love. But an unexpected case changed their lives in a way they had never imagined. A mystery - a murder - many secrets… Will Ethan, Pooja, Alexandra and Mark, be able to survive? Or will the circumstances twist and break their lives forever?
Pairing: Ethan × f!MC (Dr. Pooja Sharma)
Disclaimer: PB owns most of the characters. I only own the OCs and my MC.
Word count: 1890
Triggers: Mentions of murder
Rating: General
I am participating in this week’s @wackydrabbles​. The prompt for this week is “I meant every word.” and it will appear in bold.
Sometimes Destiny, has a strange sense of humour,
When we think it is the end, it is usually just the beginning.
The four had just fallen asleep when sudden banging of the door woke them up. 
Ethan woke up abruptly. He saw how peacefully Pooja was sleeping. 
Ethan didn't want to wake her up. 
He got out of the bed and took a look at the clock. 
7 in the morning. 
It was pretty late as compared to his usual waking time. But after everything they did last night, they were tired as hell and hence it felt like they had slept not 4 hrs but 40 minutes. 
Yawning, he got to the door and was very, very, taken aback.
Standing by the door, was the Police.
"Officers, How may I help you?" Ethan inquired in a very professional tone.
"Dr Ramsey. Sorry to disturb you at such an early hour. We wanted some information." The police officer standing at the front informed.
Ethan let out a heavy sigh but knew better than to argue with them. So he acknowledged, "Please come in. People around will be concerned if they see the Police standing at my doorstep." He stepped aside to let them in. 
By the time, Mark, Alex and Pooja had also waken up due to the sounds and came out of their rooms. All three were surprised to see the Police.
The officers too, stopped short on seeing them. Their gazes stopped on Mark and Alex.
"Look who we have here." One of the officers implied to the other, pointing at Mark and Alex.
"Seems like our work here has become a lot easier."
"Excuse me, Officer, what exactly are you talking about? You stated you wanted information." Ethan said, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, we wanted information about the whereabouts of Dr Danvers and Dr Walton." The way the Officer emphasized whereabouts was enough for them to know that something was wrong.
"Officers, we are here. Tell us what you wanna know." Mark spoke before Ethan could say anything.
"Sure, Dr. Danvers. You have an awful amount of confidence for a criminal." The Officer scoffed.
This time it was Pooja who spoke. "Wait! What? No, No what? CRIMINALS?"
"Of course, Dr Sharma. Not just mere criminals, these two are Cold Blooded Murderers." The police officer grumbled.
"Officer, I am sure there has been some misunderstanding. They both were with us all the time. Lex, er, Dr Walton and me, we discovered the body together." Pooja tried to intervene.
"Oh yes, Dr. Sharma? Then how on Earth did the original key of the patient's room get into the office of MARK DANVERS?" The man shouted the last words.
"WHAT! How is that even possible? I didn't even know the real key of the room was missing until the body was discovered!" Mark replied in his defence.
"Save it, Dr. Danvers, Save it. Tell all you want to tell in the court. Besides, that is not the only proof we have. We have asked your neighbours about your whereabouts on the night of the murder. Some of them say you two returning late at night, and as per their description, that is just after the time of the murder.” 
“Also, while scanning Mr Davis's room, your fingerprints and a piece of paper with both of your names was found. When we questioned his colleagues, it was revealed to be his handwriting. He wrote in that way in a hurry. So, I guess that enough proof for us to arrest you two." The Police laid all the information in front of them.
"All this is BULLSHIT. We did not do anything like that. All this is a lie." Alex was on the verge of a breakdown. 
She made a motion to grab one of the officers' collar when Pooja grabbed her and stopped her from doing anything that would make matters worse.
"No Lex, you won't. Don't make matters worse, I beg you." Hearing Pooja's plea, Alex calmed down.
"Dr Mark Danvers, Dr Alexandra Walton, you both are under arrest. Kindly follow us." The police officer said in an almost ruthless voice. 
Alex was about to intervene, but Mark grabbed her hand. 
Ethan laid a hand on Mark's shoulder and assured, "We promise we will get you both out before they can present you before the court. We promise." 
Mark turned around, gave him and Pooja a one-armed hug. Alex too, hugged the both of them, and then the two went away, holding hands all the time.
After the Police had left, Ethan and Pooja sat down on the couch. Never had they imagined that this would be the beginning of their morning.
"How the freaking hell did this happen? They are innocent, we know they didn't do anything." Pooja was breaking down again.
"Yes, we know. And now we have to prove it. We need to find evidence that can free Mark and Alex up. Something which can prove their innocence. We need to check Miles Danvers's private clinic. That is our only hope." Ethan answered.
 The two of them hurriedly got dressed and set off to the second address. 
The address they had never checked.
It took a good 35 minutes took 3147, Rainy Day Drive. The day was cloudy and grey, and the street looked gloomy but less terrifying as compared to last night.
 Ethan let out a dry laugh and said, "One rainy day brings us to Rainy day drive." They looked around to locate the clinic. But where they arrived appeared so broken and messy that it was obvious that it had been through a lot.
Taking a look at the status of the place, and thought of Pooja's condition.
"Rookie," Ethan said.
"I am going in there."
"Of course. I am going in too. Wasn't that why we came here?" Pooja questioned, surprised why Ethan was stating the obvious.
"No, I said I am going in, not we, Poo."
"What the hell do you mean by that? You are trying to say that you are going to that place alone? Is this really the time to play jokes, E?" Pooja charged, angry and worried.
"I am not kidding, Poo. I meant every word."
He cupped her cheeks. 
"Rookie, please try to understand, okay? My priority is and will always be you. I can't let you get hurt in any way. I will go there first and check if everything is alright. If all is clear, I will send you a text. Then you can come in." Ethan tried to explain.
"And if everything is not clear?"
"Then I will search alone and keep you updated if I find anything."
"You mean that I should leave you alone in the fire?"
"Poo, I am just going to check. This place is so old, I don't think there will be any trouble in there. But I promised that I would protect you at any cost. See it just as me keeping my promise."
"But what if-"
"No, what-ifs. I am going. I will check and update you soon. Promise me you won't go in until I tell you too."
"But Et-"
"Ethan, List-"
"Fine, Promise. But in case you see any trouble, text me at that moment. I will come running."
"Promise, Rookie, Promise."
Before Pooja could say anything else, Ethan had already walked into the dilapidated building. So she had nothing else to do other than wait.
While waiting, Pooja tried to arrange all the information they had in her mind. She started surfing the web to know more about Mr Davis and the 2011 scam he had supposedly conducted. About 100 people had lost tons of money in that scam, and it was pointed out that since 2011, Mr Davis started living a rich life. He said it was from his inheritance of his dead uncle and a promotion, but now, it was obvious that it was all the money from the scam.
What a criminal! Only if he had got caught, maybe then all the hassle, worries and pain that entered their life without as much as a precaution, could have been avoided, Pooja grunted. Her heart grieved on remembering Mark and Alex. "They don't deserve this.", she thought.
She checked her phone and, Oh dear! Thirty minutes had passed by, but there was neither any text nor any sign of Ethan. She was worried sick. But she had promised, and Pooja had been known for keeping her promises. When she promised something, she always fulfilled it, no matter what. 
Suddenly her phone lighted up with a 'Ping!' making her aware of a new notification. She saw Ethan's name light up on her screen, and without even glancing at the text he had sent, she rushed into the ruptured clinic.
Once inside, she looked around. The place was dark, had a look of a horror house and smelt sickening. Pooja turned on the flashlight of her phone and began to look around. She sensed something was eerie. She presumed that the moment she would walk in, she would see Ethan.
But the place was soundless. Her heart thumped with panic.
"Ethan! Ethan! Ethan, can you hear me? Ethan, please reply I-I am scared. ETHAN!" Pooja screeched but met with silence. Dismay and agony made her feel weak. She sat down on her knees and began weeping.
"Now is not the time to breakdown." Pooja thought to herself and urged her body to stand up. 
"Keep calm, Keep calm for Ethan." She reiterated the words in her mind like a prayer holding her up.
Suddenly, she recollected that she never checked the text Ethan sent. She opened Ethan's text, but it did not read "All clear".
It read, "MiD To."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean? MiD, MiD, MiD..." Pooja thought harder and harder, overlooking everything, only focusing on the letters M.i.D.
"MiD, MiD... Oh, hell!" It struck her like lightning. "MiD is M-Miles Danvers. Oh my god!"
Suddenly, the sound of her phone ringing jolted her out of her thought process and spread an alarm through her body. She hoped, desperately for it to be Ethan.
But she saw that it was an unknown number. Her first thought was to ignore it, but then she wondered, "What if, what if it is Ethan? Trying to reach her and tell her where he was?"
She acknowledged the call. "Hello?"
"Ahh!!" A hoarse voice uttered from the other end. "Dr Sharma, is it?"
"Who the hell are you? I don't have time for any of your shit." Pooja fumed.
"But you surely have time for Dr Ramsey, don't you?" The man implied with cruel amusement in his voice.
"What the-? How the hell-? Wait, are- are you Miles Danvers?"
The man let out a menacing chortle, more like a crackle of a witch. "Oh, yes! I am. And don't worry! Your dearest boyfriend is here, in my utmost care, and under my most watchful eye."
The humour in his voice went away, and a nerve chilling sinister voice revealed, "If you want to save him and your dearest best friends, come to the address I am sending you as soon as possible. Don't you dare ignore this call. Well, unless you want them to rot and die. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha."
PS: If you enjoyed the story, please like, leave a comment or reblog. Your feedback keeps me going💕. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have a great day ahead!
Tags (Please let me know if you like to be added or removed) :@bbrandy2002 @whimsicallywayward15 @ohramsey  @nervoussaladsludgeopera @trrfanaddict @hopelessromanticmonie @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey @lovablegranny @bellcat2010 @gkittylove99 @starrystarrytrouble @3riche @chetachisblog @zoehanji @withbeautyandrage  @drariellevalentine @mvalentine ​ @aestheticartsx ​@angela8754​ @schnitzelbutterfingers ​ @ao719 ​ @choicesstan1 @arnikki-2406 ​ @neotericthemis ​ @anotherbeingsworld @maurine07 @sophxwithers @twinkleallnight
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imekitty · 3 years
I saw in the tags that you've done NANOWRIMO before and I was wondering, how do you stay motivated and disciplined enough to actually keep up the word count? Like is there anything in particular, like a habit or strategy you follow maybe that helps? Thank you in advance!!
I have participated in NaNoWriMo six times and won all six times. The first time I participated, I was a senior in high school and had only just learned about it like a month earlier.
Winning NaNoWriMo does indeed take discipline. It means forcing yourself to write even when you don't want to. If you skip even one day of writing, your chances of winning go down significantly. Because you're that much more likely to decide not to write the next day either. And then there's a decent chance you'll quit altogether because suddenly your daily word count goal is several thousand words in order to finish on time.
So my first bit of advice is to never ever skip a day of writing no matter how tired or unmotivated you are. Absolutely sit down and meet your quota for the day even if you hate every minute of it and all you want to do is go to bed or scroll through Tumblr. The mantra that always helps me is "It's just one month of suffering." Like I just keep in mind that I can be as lazy as I want in December. I don't have to write a single thing in December, nothing at all. But November is just thirty days of pain and I can do that. And it is SO awesome on December 1 when your 50k words are all done and you breathe a sigh of relief and look at what you wrote like "wow, I did it! I'm that much closer to being done with my novel."
I remember there was one night after Thanksgiving where I was literally falling asleep, I was SO drowsy and just wanted to go to bed. But I had not yet written anything. So I forced myself to stay awake and meet my quota, figuring that even if I did write something incoherent and bad, I could always edit it later. I just needed to get something written so I wouldn't get behind and have to catch up the next day, which I knew was going to be just as busy. And honestly, what I wrote wasn't actually that bad lol. And I was really glad I did it. It was temporary discomfort to achieve a goal that is permanent even today.
As for actual strategies that I use, there are two that I have tried:
1. I did this the first time I participated. I had the typical goal of 1,667 words a day. But if I wrote 2000 words on Day One, then for Day Two, I first determined how many words over my goal I wrote (2000 - 1667 = 333). I then subtracted that answer from 1667 to get my new word count goal for Day Two (1667 - 333 = 1334). If I wrote 2000 words again on Day Two, I would calculate a new total for Day Three (2000 - 1334 = 666; 1667 - 666 = 1001 word goal for Day Three). But if I only wrote the minimum of 1334 words on Day Two, then the goal for Day Three would be back up to 1667. And if I ever wrote less than the goal, then I had to add the words I didn't write to the next day's quota. So there were days when I only had to write a couple hundred words and then other days where I had to write close to the full 1667 words. But because I never missed a day and I always met my minimum quota, I never fell behind.
2. This is now the technique I always use. The NaNoWriMo website also has a nifty feature that uses this same technique and calculates your new word count goal each day for you, but I'll explain it here anyway. I start out with a daily word count goal of 1667 words a day and then recalculate a new goal each day. For example, if I wrote 2000 words on Day One, my new goal for Day Two would be 1656 words a day (50,000 - 2000 = 48,000 more words to go; 48,000 / 29 days left = 1655.17 words to write a day to win). I enjoy this technique because I like seeing the word goal get lower and lower each day. :b Like it's fun for me to see how much of a change there is. And sometimes I would write a few hundred over the word count goal and other times I would write the minimum I needed for the day. But I never missed a day or failed to meet my quota.
Those are my main strategies but here are a couple fun bonus things I do:
- I treat 11:59 on October 31 as "Day Zero." You are allowed to begin as soon as midnight strikes and switches over to November, so I try to write a good amount right at the start to get my daily word count goal lower than 1667 for the very first day. This is a "cheat" to get 31 nights of writing instead of 30. But you have to follow the rules and not start before midnight or else it doesn't count. So if you like to stay up late, then I definitely recommend this to give yourself a boost, even if you only write a couple hundred words. Trust me, every little bit helps.
- I sometimes create bullet or graphic calendars with little boxes that I fill in every time I write a hundred words (or sometimes even fifty). I keep the calendar posted on my wall next to my computer so I can see it every day. I enjoy having a physical way to track my progress, and I like to use colorful paper and markers in rainbow color order. Creating the calendar can take a couple hours to both plan and then actually set up, especially when you're drawing hundreds of little boxes for the whole month. But creating the calendar gets me psyched to start, and it definitely motivates me because I WANT to color in those boxes every day.
NaNoWriMo is a chore, honestly. But it's really worth doing. The discomfort is only temporary and you won't regret it.
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bxllafanficc · 3 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
(Part two)
Part two. Part one Part three Part four part five
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Your POV*
There. All set and done. You took a last look at the pair of eyes staring back at you in the full body mirror. Your hair all dried up with a blowdrier and a pair of white jeans along with your favorite leather jacket. A grey turtleneck on that and that was the outfit for today. Keeping it classy since Victor failed to cancel the meeting with the press a couple of hours from now. 'A big hoodie would've been the ideal alternative though' you thought and sighed. Nowadays it's all about keeping it as simple yet kind of professional for every day. Social media were all star struck about the world's latest announcement. 'Winner of this year's Grand Prix senior division goes on a tour with none other than the (y/n) (l/n)!' The newspapers were first out as usual thanks to the reporters crowding her personal space since two weeks from now since the news came out. A collaboration between a figure skating competition and a competition for vocalists. You never saw that coming but you could see the appeal. The currently hottest male skater along with a popular female singer, fighting for the spotlight even though they're sharing it evenly. Him with his skills and she with her voice. You agreed to participating when asked, of course. It was a great opportunity and experience. And currently you sought out every great possibility at the market right now. That's what lead you here.
You made your way out the room you were staying in and headed towards the dining area in deep thoughts. 'So that's Yuri Plisetsky up close?' You thought as you passed the living room. You entered the dining area and stood still at the entrance to take in the scene before you. Yuri Plisetsky is sitting at the dining table with his back facing you. Beside him with his side profile turned at your direction is coach Yakov who's chatting with Victor and Yuuri opposite of the table. Yuri is not talking. He's busy eating a dish called the pork cutlet bowl, you assumed. You had never tried one before but the dish was all too familiar thanks to the last Grand Prix competition on Yuuri Katsuki's behalf. You eyed Yuri carefully and entered the room. He's a little shorter than what was given away on television but other than that, very much the boy you'd seen competing time to time. His skating was without doubt impressive to say the least. His jumps were always perfect as expected and his upper body movements in beat to the music. Though, you always deemed something missing in his already amazing performances. Expression. The year he won gold at the senior division, you saw some great scenes of emotion displayed in his skating but it was clear that he never let them consume him. It always looked as if there was something on his mind and that held him back, even made him stop and hesitate sometimes.
"Whoo! (Y/n) is back! Yuri! Meet your coach in musical expressional performance."
The boy's attention was suddenly entirely on you now, in comparison for being totally relaxed and unfocused. He tensed up and the pair of breathtakingly blue and green eyes widened at her for the second time today. 'Hope this is not becoming a regular habit of his' whenever he sees me. It's starting to get a little embarrassing.'
"You! What even- What are you doing here?! A-aren't you like 19 years old or something? That's just two years away from me! That's.. You're far too young to be my coach!" The startled reaction of his kind of made you wonder what was up. He did meet you just about- ah. Your face mask and your covered hair clearly disguised you well enough for the boy not to recognize you. Though he clearly knew you.
"Great, so you're familiar with me. Then I don't need a further introduction." You flashed him a smile.
"Who isn't familiar with the star of We Are Voice and winner of gold two years in a row? At this point, you're basically stealing the spotlight I fought so hard to gain at my senior division debut." The words came out in a mutter and the negative impact of the comment made you raise an eyebrow at the boy on the floor in front of you. He still hadn't stood up to greet you which would be the appropriate thing to do first time meeting your coach. Then you pouted and leaned your now crossed arms against the wall to your right.
"Though, I am a little disappointed you didn't recognize me by voice. I mean, if I am as famous as you speak of, you surely would've known right away." That just earned a scoff from him.
"There are thousands of girls who sound similar to you. Yes, even with that (nationality) accent. Your voice isn't that special." The other men in the room widened their eyes. Ouch. And he's just as grumpy and homeboy teenage-crisis as he was portrayed in television and social media as well. You had thought it was only mere acting in an attempt to shun people away and making the attraction towards him less appealing.
"I see... Well that's one way putting it."
It certainly worked on you, you had thought for several years now but turns out he's just a jerk. Yakov moved to get in Yuri's face and scold him.
"Where is your manners? Quit playing a brat all of a sudden."
"What? Am I not allowed to speak my mind now when you have to suck up to miss universe over here all of a sudden?"
You raised a silent hand for the arguing pair to let their words die down and then you locked gaze with the insolent boy. Your eyes were blank but rock hard and you could swear that you saw a faint gulp forming in his throat.
"Get on your feet and get over here. Turn sideways." At least I didn't have to ask twice. But I didn't really ask him either. He rose to his feet and took some hesitant steps towards me. It was clear that he didn't trust me. 'Something to work on' I hummed to myself. His posture was stiff and crooked but after another word from Yakov, he straighten his back for me to see him properly. He pulled the hood of his hoodie off and mirrored my blank hard stare. I began to circle him, getting a fair look on what I would be working with for a set of weeks. His eyes didn't dare follow mine as I stepped beside him, knowing that I was out for him to break character. A stale being is much harder getting to know than a forward and open one.
Then, when you were behind his back, you reached out with your hand to his back and - shoved him casually forwards. A yelp of surprise echoed through the room as he stumbled and fell towards Victor who caught him right before hitting the floor face first. You and Yakov locked gaze and gave each other a slight nod before you once again turned to the upset boy.
"What the hell was that? You pushed me for what? Are you that sensitive for a little negativity for once?"
"Your balance is off." You simply said with the same blank expression and a headshake. He seemed dumbfounded of the answer and got off Victor with quick feet. He was close to you this time and the daggers you received was intended to leave wounds after he was done.
"Because you pushed me."
"I wasn't prepared!"
"We have some work to do, Yuri. Your break has been too long, it seems. She was only picking up on where you left off, in a way." Yakov spoke up between the one-sided staring contest. The boy turned towards the man which included his back facing my front once again. But this time, he was careful on taking a few steps forward to avoid history repeating itself.
"She's not you. She shouldn't do your job. It's none of her business anyway."
"It actually is if you think harder on it. There's no point in me working on your emotional performance if your practical performance is flawed. A skater who can't manage a simple shove will not get up on his or hers feet at the competition as well." You expected some kind of backlash from Yuri, at least a glare or something. But you were met with nothing to your surprise. He didn't speak up either.
"It's settled. You and I will rehearse you back into your former shape before your time with (y/n) begins, starting tomorrow. Meanwhile, also take some time to get to know each other, you two. You seem to need it." Yakov declared the schedule and choose to pinpoint the obvious tension between you and Yuri. You somewhat agreed on spending time besides training. Though, you would rather not take a verbal beating more than once a day further on.
Yuri still didn't speak up but he didn't object either.
"(Y/n), there's food left for you too! Please join us for dinner." Yuuri Katsuki exclaimed and waved an energetic hand towards the bowls and plates on the table. In front of you, you saw the back muscles of the Russian skater's form tense at the words.
You had to decline though. If not for the meeting, then for the sake of giving Yuri some space. It must be hard, after all. Whatever's he's going through right now.
"I would love to! But I have to excuse myself this time. After all, I have a meeting to attend and if I don't get going, I'll soon be running late. See ya folks later!"
And with that, you dashed off.
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dino0316 · 3 years
Eden Hazard: "I want to show that I am made for Real"
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(Words: Jürgen Geril / Photo: Kris Van Exel)
Fasten your seat belts. This is your captain speaking. The Red Devils kick off their European Championship in Russia tonight and then it is Eden Hazard (30). Not quite fit yet, but soon the captain who can lead us to the European title. Despite a season full of injuries, Hazard allowed us an exclusive interview in which he got quite personal. "My sons are very sorry if I can't play with them in the garden due to injuries."
Eden Hazard
The injections I got in both hips work, but I will never be 100 percent in that first match
You don't just arrange an interview with Eden Hazard. At Real Madrid he continuously held off the boat. Because Real is a world team that does not hand out its stars on a tray, but also because Hazard was injured more than fit and received a lot of criticism. Then you are not always in the mood to talk. At the Red Devils, the captain excelled in his absence for 17 months.
But a conversation is possible during this European Championship preparation. That is, if we can present a negative Covid test. So, one day after we let such a Swiffer stick tickle our eyeball, we sit down at Hazard's table. Eden slumps sprawled under a parasol. “During such preparation, I do have some free hours,” he says. “Okay, sometimes I play cards with teammates, but Mertens and co. don't always like it when I join. (grins) I'm not very good at it and then I cheat to tease the others. Creating atmosphere, huh. Fire your questions.”
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Eden, there's been so much speculation about your thigh injury. You indicated that you will never be one hundred percent fit for the opening match. What about now? Can you play against Russia?
“The desire to appear at the kick-off is, of course, there. I can play a good match without training a lot, but – honestly – I don't want to start just to start. The good feeling in my legs will return and the injections I received in both hips work, but I will never be 100 percent in that first match. Even if I just come in, don't expect me to make the difference against Russia right away."
You played only 9 minutes against Croatia. Don't you need net matches to grow into your best form?
“I get better when I can play one, two, three matches in a row. Then the ball feeling returns and the rhythm returns, but I don't want to force it either. If I have to be more patient, so be it. Fortunately, I am not the only one in Belgium who can decide a match. We have so many good players who can score.”
What I wonder: is there no mutual competition among the Devils who is now the greatest world champion? You, De Bruyne, Lukaku,...?
“We don't participate in such games. The ranking is clear, isn't it? When it comes to passing, Kevin is the best, no one can finish better than Romelu, Doku is the sprint bomber and Thibaut Courtois is the best with his hands. Everyone has their specialty and that's what makes us so good. Where am I? I'm hanging in there. I'm good at everything, but I'm not the best at anything. I am a good mix.” (grins)
You say you don't want to force against Russia. Did you do that at Real Madrid? For example, you played in the Champions League against Mönchengladbach after two group training sessions.
(hesitating) “With all those injuries I forced once, yes. I had already been out twice and felt pain again during training. I thought to myself: This is no longer possible. If I now indicate that I am in pain, I have to stop for another two weeks . So I was silent and continued. At Chelsea I often played football with discomfort. Stiffness, a kick I got,... Once warmed up, it went well and in seven years that never led to major injuries in England. Unfortunately, at Real it was the other way around. The next day: Bam, more pain. ”
It all started with that kick by Meunier in the Champions League in 2019. Then you started having problems with that plate in your ankle and since then you have had one muscle injury after another.
“Ah, I played with that picture for two years at Chelsea without hindrance. It's just hard to understand. I do everything I can to not get injured, work hard in the gym – which is really boring – and then a new injury often followed. Bad luck. Hopefully that period is behind me now, because I've had it with it."
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Belgium knows you as a cheerful French, but your eyes are dimmed.
“I'm still the same, you know. I still have fun, but I can't say I'm happy. That's only me when I can have fun on the field. That has not happened in the past two years at Real. If you have one or two injuries, you can easily turn the switch. You rehabilitate to come back stronger. If it's five, six, seven injuries, it's much more difficult mentally. But I continue. It's not that I'm 36 years old and can say enough is enough. I also get a lot of support during such periods. The whatsapp group with my parents and my brothers Thorgan, Kylian and Ethan does not stand still. My wife and children are also there. Although my sons find it especially bad because I can play football with them less in the garden.”
Are your four sons – Yanis, Leo, Samy and Santi – addicted to playing soccer with their daddy?
“We often play football. Then they try to play a ball through my legs and if they succeed, that's great. That's football. But for now I gate them more often than they gate me. My kids are starting to get it, because now they are constantly defending with their legs closed. They're not bad, but it's too early to tell if they have the talent of the Hazards."
Do they play with the youth of Real Madrid?
“No, Yanis and Leo play together in a team close to our house, Samy just started training there and the youngest is still too small. They should play football for fun. If I can, I'll look, but then I'm not constantly giving directions. That's the coach's job."
We don't really see a trainer in you later on. Not at a professional level, anyway.
“Never say never, but for now I share your opinion. I would be a bad coach. One that says: Grab a ball and do something fun with it . I don't like tactics. If we have an hour of video analysis, as a professional football player, of course I pay attention. You can always learn something, but it's not my favorite activity. I also watch less and less football on TV. Not to the Belgian league anyway, unless my brother Kylian participates at Cercle. In Germany I follow Thorgan at Dortmund, but for the rest? I am more concerned with my family.”
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Do your children empathize with you?
“They are fans of Real, but they don't follow every match. During this European Championship they will support the TV with Belgian shirts. It's double. The more we win, the longer they have to miss their daddy, but okay: the boys hope that Belgium becomes European champion and above all that I am fit and healthy on the field."
What do you think of the statement that your injuries are due to stress? At Real you span your muscles through the nerves.
“ N'importe quoi . bland. Of course there is pressure. Real Madrid is the biggest club of all. When you play football there, people expect you to be the best in the world. But why should I be stressed? It's my dream club from when I was little. I looked at Zidane with admiration at Real...”
You are the record purchase of 120 million. Some argue that Chelsea got even more.
“I don't know how much it was myself. Hundred million or more? I am not concerned with money. I only think about the field.”
You also had to succeed Cristiano Ronaldo at Real.
"That is something else. I am not Cristiano Ronaldo. Ronaldo scores 60 to 70 goals in a year, I score 60 to 70 goals in seven or eight years. We are different. For example, I will never jump that high above a defender to head in a ball. Imagine. But I did not enter Madrid with the idea: I have to be the new Ronaldo here . I just have to be Eden Hazard.”
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According to our analyst René Vandereycken, they are still not playing you well at Real. They should – according to him – also give you the ball if there are two men in your back.
“It makes sense that they don't, because I haven't shown anything at Real yet. If we play a match tomorrow and I dribble from between three players, they're going to play me more like that. Then confidence grows. That's how it was at Chelsea, that's how it is at the Red Devils. The European Championship can also help me show myself to Real Madrid.”
So are you one hundred percent sure you'll stay?
“Yeah, it didn't even occur to me for a second that I better leave. I'm not going to leave there a failure. I just want to prove that I am made for Real Madrid. The past two years have been difficult. I was in Madrid without actually being in Madrid, you know? And if I did play, it was difficult because of Covid. We played in that small stadium on the practice complex without fans, while I just signed to play football for a full Bernabeu. I hope that the works on our stadium will be finished soon and that the stands will fill up again. I need that.
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Real remains another universe. A kilo too much or a bad match and you will be killed. The press and the fans are on your skin. Bale once said: 'When I come out, I immediately have fifty fans behind me.'
“Criticism is part of Real, just like the attention of the fans is part of it. Okay, luckily I live in a closed neighborhood where you don't just drive in. If the supporters could ring my door, it wouldn't be possible. (laughs) But I don't mind signing autographs elsewhere. I try to live a normal life.”
Fans and press were outraged when you laughed and joked with Chelsea players Mendy and Zouma after the elimination in the semi-finals of the Champions League.
“That was wrong, yes. What Mendy and Zouma said wasn't even funny, but I've played with Zouma and I know Mendy through the door. It's always nice to see friends again. Although I understand that I have damaged the image of Real Madrid. Everyone thought I didn't lose sleep over that shutdown, but nothing could be further from the truth. Deep down I was very disappointed. If there was one match I wanted to win, it was against my ex-club Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. I was shocked when I saw those images.”
How did your teammates react?
“I got some phone calls, but honestly: it's a very nice group of players. That is also one of the reasons I absolutely want to stay: the good atmosphere. You know, when I first stepped into Real's dressing room, I was impressed. That was my favorite all-star club, but guys like Sergio Ramos or Karim Benzema are just regular guys. The Spaniards sometimes take the whole group to quiet restaurants.”
Hold on... Eden Hazard was impressed?
“Yes, but I'm fast, you know. When a new talent arrives at the Red Devils, I quickly think: Wow, he can teach us something . Jérémy Doku, for example. What he shows in training speaks for itself. His dribbling, his acceleration.”
Do you recognize yourself in Doku?
“It is a dear guest. He's even faster and more explosive than the young Eden. Jérémy integrates well, but that is not difficult with these Devils. We grow older in age, but our minds remain young. I am still eighteen years old in that regard. I'm not saying that the previous generation of Devils was surly and unkind, but this core is more open to youngsters."
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Have you asked Dries Mertens what it is like to work with Carlo Ancelotti? He will be the new coach of Real Madrid.
“Ancelotti has already messaged me. He told me that he is very happy to be coach of Real Madrid again, but that we will have time to talk at length later. He wished me luck at the European Championship. I didn't have to ask Mertens how Carlo Ancelotti is, because at Real there are still many players – Benzema, Modric, Kroos,...– who remember him from his previous visit in Madrid. They all say that Ancelotti is fantastic. A good person who knows how to play and lead a group. Last season Real won nothing, next season we want to take revenge.”
With Zinedine Zidane, your great patron left Real Madrid.
“I called him. It hurt me to see him leave. We had two years where we could show beautiful things and it failed. That is a disappointment to both him and me. Everyone knows the relationship I had with Zidane. He used to be my idol. Because of him I started to watch football with admiration. That goal he scored in the Champions League final against Bayer Leverkusen... Everyone knows that volley. Well, hopefully one day I will score such a beautiful goal. I must try that. Maybe at the European Championships.” (laughs)
Another great idol will return to the Red Devils: Thierry Henry.
“That's great. Better to have Titi with us than to have him elsewhere. A former player like Henry means an added value. He has experience in tournaments, won the World Cup and the European Championship. There are few ex-football players who have such an appearance.”
In what area does he help you the most?
“Actually, he doesn't talk much. Henry radiates calm, romps around the terrain and occasionally gives tips: Why don't you walk like that? There is the free space... He has a special aura. It is good for us that such an icon is now back in our staff. Moreover, it frightens the opponents. If we had to play against a team with Zidane as coach tomorrow, we immediately think: oh la la .”
Are we the favorites to win the European Championship?
“No, Belgium is a team that can win the European Championship, but the big favorite is France. They are world champions and still have the same team, supplemented by some new strong players such as Benzema. They are the team to beat. We are an outsider.”
Final question. You never played in Belgium. Will we ever see you play football in Belgium like Kompany did at a later age?
“All due respect to Kompany. He took Belgian football to a higher level, but I don't see myself playing in the Belgian league. I have been living abroad with my family for years: seven years in London and hopefully five years in Madrid. Returning with the whole family seems complicated to me. After my career I may live in a remote place. Laid back. But believe me: I still have five or six great football years ahead of me.”
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