#But he's so determined to get everyone happy he's actively arranging people dates and 'accidental' meetings
zerozeroren · 9 months
In addition to polo, I'm now seriously considering the potential of croquet for ballgown au
And charades on stage with props (like in Jane Eyre)
And Lohen writing and directing short plays with his new friends for actors
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anubislover · 4 years
“A Heart to Be Used as Needed” Chapter 3
A month of torture. That was the only way Law could describe the wedding planning. His blood pressure was through the roof, sleep was harder to come by than usual, and he was beyond pent-up. After thirty-one days of reigning in Doflamingo’s extravagant suggestions, enduring his boss’ intense scrutiny, and ignoring the far-from-subtle mocking from his colleagues—all without his usual outlets for stress—it was a miracle he hadn’t just abandoned his ten-year plan and attempted to tear out Joker’s heart with his bare hands.
He could live without sex, but with the additional strain the wedding brought on, he barely had time for his experiments or even senseless violence to let off some steam. Joker might not have banned them, but it seemed he was determined to make sure he was too busy to get in any form of relaxation. People called Law sadistic, but clearly, he’d learned it all from the best.
Sanity close to snapping like a stale breadstick, he nearly called off the engagement by week two, but Baby 5 had inadvertently persuaded him otherwise.
Body parts spun in the air like windmills as Law sheathed Kikoku, a sadistic grin adorning his face when they fell to the ground, landing in a neat little stack on his laboratory floor. Baby 5’s head plopped on top of her arms, rocking unsteadily for a brief moment before rolling down the bloodless pile, across the floor, before finally being halted by his boot.
It might not have been as viscerally satisfying as tearing into a helpless victim with his scalpel and hearing them scream as the blood painted the walls, but it was far less messy and almost as effective at lightening his mood.
“Thank you, Baby-ya,” he cooed down at his decapitated bride-to-be. She’d been doing her best not to tempt him, believing his month of abstinence was his way of displaying his devotion to her, but still regularly visited his lab to drop off coffee and receive his approval on all the little wedding details she and Doflamingo had been obsessing over. She’d come down to ask him some inane question about the ceremony, but upon seeing how tired and stressed he was—not to mention how close he was to murdering someone—she’d immediately offered to let him cut her to pieces if he needed an outlet. The words had barely left her lips before she was engulfed in a blue aura, and the past ten minutes had seen her vivisected and put back together in nearly a dozen different ways.
Blinking away the dizziness, she weakly smiled up at him despite her obvious discomfort. Even if his Room made amputation painless, it was far from a pleasant experience. “I’m just glad I could be useful to you.”
“Of course you are. Now, you had a question for me?” he asked, gently picking up her head from the floor. She was such a considerate thing, sacrificing herself to suit his needs like that. It really did bode well for their marriage.
“I wanted to know if you think we should we use our real names in our vows,” she replied, eyes sparkling at the thought of their wedding day.
He stiffened. He’d nearly forgotten that she knew his true name. If she dared utter that fateful D. in front of Doflamingo, Law was a dead man. Forcing a smile and dropping a chaste kiss to her brow, he replied smoothly, “No. I trusted my name only to you and Buffalo, and that’s how it’ll stay. And I like the idea of being the only one who knows your real name; a romantic little secret between husband and wife.”
Somehow, her eyes sparkled even more at the prospect. “Whatever you want, darling!”
From then on, even though it drove him batty, Law’d made sure to be as involved with the wedding planning as possible. He didn’t fear Baby 5 accidentally revealing his name, but it was a strange and sudden understanding that she unknowingly had a small amount of power over him, and it was in his best interest to fully convert her to his side. Otherwise, she could be a dangerous liability.
So, the Surgeon of Death endured the hours of flower arrangements and napkin selections, all for the sake of keeping his bride happy and in check. In turn, she allowed him to cut her apart any time he needed, and as the wedding date grew closer, Law felt more secure in his decision to make her a part of his scheme. It turned out she had uses beyond her sexy body and Buki Buki no Mi. He’d taken to asking about her day and quickly discovered that she was far more observant than he’d given her credit for; she knew everyone in the Family’s likes, dislikes, schedules, quirks, and even a few of their secrets. To many, she was practically invisible, able to listen in on conversations, and her presence at any particular time was hardly questioned, as it was her job to clean the whole castle. She’d make a fantastic spy, and her happiness that Law was willing to listen made her eagerly spill some lovely tidbits about Sugar and Pica that he had every intention of exploiting.
At last the big day came and Law was able to breathe a sigh of relief. The ceremony had been opulent but thankfully not the multi-day festival and gladiator tournament that Joker had originally proposed. Sugar made an admittedly adorable flower girl, though Law wasn’t sure he wanted to know who the toy soldier acting as ring bearer had been. Doflamingo walked the bride down the aisle, and even the Surgeon of Death could admit Baby 5 looked so blissfully happy it was hard not to be a little pleased with himself that he’d made her dream come true.
Especially since it brought him one step closer to his own.
The reception had been a true test of his patience and resolve. Joker had thankfully come through on his promise that there would be no bread during dinner, but it was only a small comfort in the nearly five hours of off-color speeches, too-loud music, mocking calls for the new couple to kiss or dance, and just generally being trapped in a room full of the people he hated the most. It all served as a sour reminder that if the World Government hadn’t poisoned his city and murdered his family, he likely never would have become a pirate and his wedding day might have been worth celebrating.
Still, Law endured it all with a charming smirk, laughing off Buffalo’s embarrassing Best Man toast and playing his part as the contented groom. The woman pressed to his side made it all slightly more bearable, acting as a constant reminder of the delicious prize he’d finally claim at the end of the night. Though the poufy ballgown Baby 5 had chosen prevented him from teasing her under the table like he wished, making her shiver by lightly brushing her bare arms and the back of her slender neck had provided a suitable enough alternative.  
It was nearly midnight when, after the cake cutting and bouquet and garter toss, Doflamingo finally elbowed him in the ribs. “Go. You held up your end of the deal, and I can tell you’re ready to pop,” he sniggered. For the former World Noble, the whole affair couldn’t have gone better. His Corazon was even more firmly entangled in his twisted family web, his deadly maid wouldn’t stupidly run away with the next guy who proposed, and in a few years he’d have another genius child he could mold to take Law’s place after he got his eternal youth surgery. “Just don’t break the poor girl. She’s still got an important part to play, after all.”
The words were barely out of his boss’ mouth before Law activated his Room, teleporting himself and Baby 5 out of the ballroom and into his quarters. The hated feathered coat was spitefully tossed into a lonely corner of the room as he pounced on his long-awaited prize.
Amethyst eyes blinked in surprise; she’d been talking to Violet mere seconds ago, and now they were upstairs? Shouldn’t they have said goodbye to their guests? “Wha—”
Law cut her off with a fierce, aggressive kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth and savagely claiming the spoils of victory. He knew it was nothing like the soft, chaste peck he’d given her at the altar, but he refused to hold back now that he finally had the chance to indulge.
It was time for Baby 5 to discover what she’d really signed up for when she’d agreed to be the Surgeon of Death’s wife.
Still, when her tongue tentatively attempted to dance with his, he forced himself to slow down. This was not some whore he could satiate himself with and discard, but a valuable asset. He had to break her in carefully if he wanted her blind loyalty, and it was better to take his time and teach her how to please him, since she’d be doing it the rest of her life.
Besides, Law’d waited years to get his hands on the tempting little maid. No matter how ravenous he was, this was a night meant to be savored.
So, he pulled away to allow them both air, giving a lopsided smile as he loosened his tie and shrugged off the tuxedo jacket. “Sorry. I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve been wanting to kiss you like that for too long.”
“I understand, darling,” she said, cheeks flushed scarlet and lips already deliciously swollen. “I…I want to make you happy, so kiss me however you need.”
“‘However I need’, huh?” he taunted, trapping her against the wall. “That’s a dangerous thing to say to a man, Baby-ya. I’m beginning to see why Joker was so protective of you.” Leaning in, he bypassed her mouth to kiss along her jaw, nipping and sucking a hot trail to her ear. “You’re aware that I’m a man who has a lot of ‘needs’, aren’t you?”
“Of…of course! That’s why we’re perfect for each other!” she gasped as he wrapped his lips around the sensitive lobe. “I’m happy to attend to each and every one!”
A low chuckle rumbled like distant thunder as his tongue played with a delicate pearl earring. Releasing her flesh with a wet pop, he purred, “Of course you are. A good girl like you would do anything to please her husband, wouldn’t you?”
The shudder that rocked through her body and the way her breath staggered were highly amusing. Law’d both tortured and entertained himself planning out exactly how he’d defile her on their wedding night; imagining what he’d say and do to grant or deny her pleasure. It had become increasingly clear to him that she had a praise kink—which he intended to exploit all night long—but he was eager to see what other urges and weaknesses he could play with.
“Get undressed, Baby-ya,” he ordered, voice barely more than a growl as he pushed away so he could observe her properly, unbuttoning his shirt as he did so. Bit by bit, his dark skin and black, heart-shaped tattoos were exposed, and he preened at how his bride’s violet eyes were locked onto his lean muscles.
“Do…do you want me to undress completely?” she asked shyly. Nervous, she fiddled with the full skirt of her dress, though she couldn’t pull her gaze away from her husband’s chest as Law carefully stripped off his tie and shirt. She’d seen the bold, swirling tattoos plenty of times, but watching him peel away the soft linen in the intimate setting of his bedroom—their bedroom, and just for her—sent a jarring surge of liquid fire between her legs. “Or just to my underwear?”
A dark blue eyebrow lifted curiously, and Baby 5 continued, “I was given some special wedding lingerie and I was told you…might want to see me in it.”
Intrigued, a wicked smirk stretched across Law’s narrow face. He’d caught a glimpse of white lace and thigh-high stockings during the garter toss but hadn’t allowed himself to linger lest his already-straining control snap. “In that case, take off your dress and give me a little show. Let me see what naughty secret you’ve been hiding under that innocent gown all day.” Licking his lips, he added, “Oh, but leave the veil on.”
Obediently she nodded, reaching behind her back to unzip the fluffy white dress, letting it fall to the floor like a pile of snow. Law had to take a moment to stare at the ensemble underneath; whoever had dressed her had gone all-out with the lingerie. From the sheer, white lace corset to the matching stockings, garters, and panties that barely covered more than the essentials, she looked like a pin-up. The contrast of the pure color with such slutty scraps of clothing more than did its job turning him on. On top of that, each piece was adorned with little white bows, making her look like a present all wrapped up for him. Leading her further into the room where he could get a better look at her, he twirled his finger in a silent demand to turn around so he could appreciate the back. Blood instantly shot down to his cock when he saw the back of her panties had a heart cut-out right across the cheeks, another sweet little bow sewn daintily above it.
His brain quickly pushed aside any inquiries regarding who gifted her such a naughty ensemble. None of the options were particularly palatable, and the most likely one threatened to turn his mood from lust to loathing.
Instead, he wrapped his tattooed hands around her pale waist, yanking her towards him and grinding his already half-hard length against her pert ass.
“You look so fucking gorgeous.”
Her reply was adorably bashful. “Thank you,” she mumbled, head ducking to hide the blush that spread across her cheeks.
Oh, she was just precious. Such a sweet, innocent lamb, despite her impressive kill count and allegiance to one of the most vicious pirates on the Grand Line. A better man might even hesitate to strip her of her remaining virtue, but not him.
Innocence never lasted long around Trafalgar Law.
Sweeping aside her hair, he leaned down to nibble the sensitive shell of her ear. “Don’t be shy; you’re my wife, now. If there’s anyone you shouldn’t feel ashamed to show off your sexy body to, it’s me.” Dropping a kiss to her bare shoulder, he rasped, “In fact, you should wear this for me all the time.”
“But it’s wedding lingerie…”
“Who cares?” he asked, left hand sliding down to pry her legs apart. The sweet heat between her thighs urged him to wiggle his fingers beneath the fabric of her panties and delve inside but he held off, settling for just cupping her gently, gratified when she instinctively bucked against his palm. Carefully, he shifted their bodies so they faced the full-length mirror. His cock felt wonderful cradled against the soft meat of her ass, but he wanted to see her face as he played with her for the first time. “You look sexy as hell, and it turns me on. If I want you to wear it, you’ll wear it.”
“Yes, darling.”
“That’s a good girl,” he replied, chuckling as he felt her clench around his hand at his words. In the reflection he could see her cheeks flush further, and he briefly wondered if she might pass out. As a precaution, he wrapped her arms up and around his neck, with the added bonus that he now had full access to her luscious curves. “From the moment you kissed me, you agreed to be mine,” he purred, eyes locking onto hers in the mirror. Both his hands roamed her body, grasping and massaging the tender flesh hidden by intricate lace as he rolled his erection against her firm rump. “I’m curious if you even know what that means.”
“Of course I do!” she squeaked as his blazing palms squeezed her full breasts. She noted in the mirror how nicely his tan skin contrasted with her ivory tone, like coffee and cream. Further proof in her mind that they were perfect for each other. “I’ve read Giolla’s romance novels, and the girls…clarified some things for me during the bachelorette party.”
“Did they? Well, wasn’t that nice of them?” he chuckled as he teasingly traced the tips of his fingers along the lacy edge of the bustier. He doubted any of them had truly prepared her for what she was in for—the debauchery that took place in Trafalgar Law’s bedroom wasn’t easily put into words, after all.
A curious, devious thought entered his mind, and he whispered, “Did you fantasize about me, Baby-ya? Imagine all the sexy, naughty things I’d do to you now that we’re married? How I’d touch you and fuck you?”
“I…maybe a little…”
“Did you touch yourself while you thought about me?”
Gold eyes narrowed, mildly insulted. He’d filled the wet dreams of men and women for years, but his bride hadn’t even pleasured herself while she imagined him fucking her? He harshly pinched her nipples as a reprimand. “Why not?”
Whimpering, her hips bucked in response to his rough treatment. It hurt, yet sent delicious sparks crackling trough her. “Because my body belongs to you! It’d be selfish to touch myself, especially when you weren’t allowed to!” Embarrassed, white teeth worried her bottom lip before she confessed, “And…and it wasn’t enough. E-even when I touched my clit, nothing felt as good as what you would do…”
A hot swell of lust shot straight down to Law’s cock. He found he liked the idea that a small, teasing touch from him could get her wetter than masturbation, and he knew he needed to get started immediately. “Stay right there, Baby-ya,” he rasped with a final sharp nip to the top of her ear, smirking as he felt the full-bodied shiver that ran through her at the promise in his voice.
Reluctantly prying himself from her warm body, he headed over to his desk and fished a small vial from the top drawer. It was filled with a red, viscous fluid that he swiftly chugged down, scowling at the bitter aftertaste. It was a solution he’d developed years ago that acted as a male birth control, leaving his seed infertile, though it wouldn’t diminish his performance—in fact, it reduced his recovery time to nearly half. Satisfied that he wouldn’t have to worry about producing the heir Doflamingo wanted while still getting to fuck his woman as much as he desired, Law discarded his shoes, socks, and belt before turning back to his wife, who had obediently stayed put.
“Given how…inexperienced you are, we both agree that I should take the lead on this, yes?” he asked rhetorically. Law wasn’t the kind of man who relinquished control, especially in the bedroom.
Coyly looking at him over her shoulder, the maid nodded her head. “I’ll do whatever it takes to please you, darling.” Biting her lip, she added, “Use me however you need.”
He hadn’t been looking for permission, but he certainly wasn’t going to refuse it. Prowling towards her like a ravenous leopard, Law spun her around, grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. With a feral smile, he dragged his tongue up her throat to just below her ear where he purred, “I’m going to fuck you all night long, sweetheart. I’ve got exceptional stamina, and I haven’t been satisfied in over a month thanks to you. So, get ready to be used thoroughly.”
Without waiting for a reply, he once more claimed her lips, this time taking a moment to appreciate them despite his hunger. They were smooth as the skin of a plum, softer than down pillows, and so deliciously pliant beneath his own. Prying them apart, he delved past to coax her tongue to dance with his; teaching her how sensitive the inside of her mouth was with every stroke and twirl. She gave a muffled mewl when he lightly brushed the top of her mouth with the very tip of his tongue, tickling her palette before pulling back to give her bottom lip a harsh nip.
“Ready for me to show you the kind of ideas you put in my head?” he rasped, running the pad of his thumb across the bite.
In leu of an answer she eagerly took his hand, wrapping her mouth around his thumb and sucking eagerly, just like in the lab. Smirking, he let her lavish his thumb with attention, piercing eyes never leaving hers as she licked and suckled, excited to see that hot, hungry look he’d given her in the garden again. The past month had been filled with wet dreams about the heady promise in his honey eyes, and now that they were finally married, Baby 5 was desperate to discover what his veiled words had meant.
With a chuckle, Law reluctantly pulled his hand back. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’ but didn’t I say that was one of my tamer thoughts? There’s a better place I want you to put that mouth.”
“Just tell me where, darling.”
“Get on your knees.”
Instantly she obeyed, the hard sound of the boney joints smacking down on the marble floor echoing through the room. Baby 5 hardly seemed to notice, though, as she realized her current position brought her eye-level with his crotch, cheeks flaming at the bulge straining against his dress pants.
Carefully combing back her hair so he could fully see her pretty face, he said, “I’m sure someone explained to you what’s expected of a loving wife when she’s in this position?”
Swallowing, she nodded, blunt, white teeth worrying her lip. “I’ve read about it in books and…Monet told me what to do. She said she’s…sucked you off, before.”
“Yeah, she has. Several times, actually. She was so jealous when she found out you’d be taking that honor from her.” Tilting her chin up to meet his eyes, the Dark Doctor smirked. “She tried to talk me out of marrying you; said you’d never satisfy me like she could.”
Baby 5’s eyes widened, then narrowed in jealous rage, flames igniting within the violet orbs as she snarled, “I’ll kill her!”
“Mmmm, maybe later. Right now, I think you should focus on proving her wrong.” Threading his long fingers through her hair carefully so as to not dislodge the lacy veil, he tugged her face closer to his erection. “Show me you can do better than her. That you deserve to be my wife. Start by unzipping me.”
Determined to outdo the imagined rival for her husband’s affections, Baby 5 studied his pants like a general making a battle plan. The light caught his metal zipper, and she suddenly recalled something Violet had told her about during the bachelorette party. Something she often did to drive Doffy wild whenever she was called to his chambers.
As carefully as she might handle the palace’s best china, Baby 5 grasped the little metal tab between her teeth, tugging down slowly. Her amethyst eyes remained locked on his as each tooth of the zipper unlatched with a gentle click, until his trousers were gaping open and her nose brushed against the soft fabric of his boxer-briefs. She kissed up the covered bulge until she reached the waistband, trailing her fingers lightly along his abdominal muscles before hooking them inside the elastic, pulling the cotton down to at last release his straining erection.
Law’s breath came out a little harsher at the show she put on. “Very good; Monet never did it like that. Such a smart, sexy wife I have.”
Eyes lighting up at his praise, she gently wrapped her hand around his fully-erect length, though her heart sped up as she finally got a good look at it. The books she’d snuck from Giolla’s room had always described a man’s equipment as being absurdly long, but Law’s, though intimidating, seemed far more manageable in comparison. About seven inches long and over an inch and a half thick, it felt like a steel rod covered in silk. The Corazon was usually such a cold man, but his shaft radiated heat against her palm, and she swore she could feel the blood pulsing through the thick veins. Giving it an experimental stroke, she blushed at Law’s pleased grunt in response. Confidence rising, she leaned in to take him in her mouth, but just as she was about to wrap her ruby lips around the mushroomed tip, she paused.
“Why are you hesitating?” He barely managed to suppress a growl, hand tightening in her hair. Law was a patient man, but at this point, he was far too on edge to appreciate any teasing when he was so close to finally getting sweet relief. She’d better have a good explanation; otherwise he’d cut off her head and literally fuck her throat.
Baby 5’s shoulders tensed at his tone and she averted her eyes in submission. “It’s just…if she didn’t want you to marry me, I’m worried Monet might have taught me the wrong way to do this. You know, as sabotage so you’d go back to her.”
Law grinned, mood instantly lightening. Of course the harpy would be the first to inadvertently damage Baby 5’s unquestioning trust in the Family. Jealousy was so easy to manipulate in his favor. “Aren’t you just the cleverest little thing? She probably at least threw in a few nuggets of bad advice in hopes of making me regret choosing you.” Rocking his hips forward, he brushed the leaking tip against her bottom lip, smearing a dollop of precum across the seam of her mouth. “I guess it’s a good thing you practiced on my thumb. Start like that, and I’ll tell you what else to do.”
Relief that she hadn’t made him angry was painted across her lovely face. Curious, she licked the drop of white fluid from her lips, surprised at the salty tang. Law’s hips jerked slightly when she experimentally flicked tip of her tongue against the glistening head of his erection, and the smirk he threw down at her proved it had been a good thing. Eager to keep him happy, she finally wrapped her sweet mouth around the frenulum, strangely enjoying the musky taste of him.
“Fuck, yeah, like that. You’re doing great, sweetheart, but I know you can take more.”
Needing no more instruction than that, the dutiful woman opened her mouth wider, allowing him to gradually sink another three inches inside her wet cavern until he hit the back of her throat.
Carding his fingers through her thick black hair, his hips jerked as she gave his shaft a particularly delicious suck, tongue stroking the thick vein that pulsed along the underside of his length. Regardless of whether or not she’d be useful in his plans, Law was definitely patting himself on the back for securing such a delectable and eager concubine. “Just like that, Baby-ya,” he praised. “Take a deep breath through your nose and relax your jaw; let’s see how you handle deep-throating your husband’s cock.”
Obediently she did so, and Law could have cum just from the feeling of her hot, wet mouth slowly engulfing his straining length. It was far from a new sensation, but after over a month of celibacy, the delicious feeling of her tongue stroking him as he sank into her, combined with the light scrape of teeth and the sight of those luscious, cherry red lips wrapped around his girth, made it nearly as overwhelming as the first time.
For a moment, she choked, unable to breathe around the thickness of his meaty shaft, her gag reflex straining against him. Law took a few seconds to enjoy the sensation of her throat muscles constricting before pulling out, allowing her to take in a few desperate gulps of air.
It took an absurd amount of willpower to stop himself from shoving his cock back inside her, Baby 5’s discomfort be damned. Logically, he’d known it would be too much for her—she’d never even been kissed before today, much less given head—but he just had the most twisted desire to push her limits and see how far he could go before she broke.
He ran the back of his tattooed fingers across her cheek. “I’m sorry, sweetheart; I thought you’d be able to take it. After waiting all month for you, I needed a proper blowjob, but I guess I expected too much,” he said, disappointment bleeding into his voice.
“No!” she gasped, panicked. Law needed her, and here she was, letting him down! “I can take it! I just wasn’t doing it right!”
A devilish smirk curved his lips. Perhaps she’d be harder to break than he’d assumed, at least physically. After all, this was Baby 5—a woman willing to destroy herself to make someone happy. The prospect excited him. “Well, if you’re sure you can do it, I’m not going to stop you. In fact, let’s make it easier; why don’t you focus on relaxing your throat and leave the rest to me?”
Swallowing hard, she nodded, once more opening her jaws as wide as possible and letting him fill her until the corners of her mouth hurt, wincing as the bulbus head of his cock bumped against the back of her throat. The fist in her hair angled her head back to take him better, while Law’s other hand stroked along her bulging throat, coaxing the tense muscles to relax and swallow down the mix of saliva and precum that gathered in her slick mouth. Inch by inch he worked himself further down with slow, careful thrusts, murmuring encouragement as she took him, finally stopping with a pleased groan. Baby 5’s eyes widened upon realizing her nose was buried in his pubic hair, the lightheadedness from lack of air and pride that she’d swallowed down all seven inches of him making her nipples pebble and sending thrilling tingles straight down into her core.
Face flushed and eyes dark with desire, Law gave the top of her head a little pat, like a dog who’d managed to get a new trick right. “There you go. Monet could never take me like this, but I knew you’d get there. Now just sit still and let me fuck your face.”
Slow and steady, he rocked his hips back and forth, using her mouth and throat shamelessly. The hands fisted in her hair guided her up and down his cock with no resistance, the woman completely submitting herself to his needs. With enough training, he was sure she’d be able to take him like this whenever he desired—and if training failed, he was happy to surgically modify her.
Little whimpers and moans sent delicious vibrations up his shaft as her throat clenched, further increasing his pleasure. Looking down, Law couldn’t imagine the innocent assassin looking more beautifully ruined. Tears had formed in her glazed eyes while drool leaked out of the straining corners of her mouth. The pure white veil was slightly askew in her mussed black hair. Scarlet burned across her cheeks as his swollen length pushed past plush lips with every thrust, and he swore he could feel her tongue rise up to stroke him. He was certain if he looked at her delicate neck, he’d see her throat bulging.
And yet, through the pain and tears, she looked almost blissful in the knowledge that she was pleasing her husband.
Her expression mixed with the pleasure he was feeling was enough to send Law over the edge. “I’m gonna cum, Baby-ya! Swallow every damn drop, sweetheart.”
The Corazon didn’t wait for her to brace herself, large palms merely holding her head in place as he fucked her face hard, groaning as his thick seed shot down her throat like liquid missiles. He could feel her desperately trying to swallow it all, the rippling of her throat muscles lewdly milking him.
Panting and pleased, he extracted himself carefully, stroking her tear-stained cheeks and whispering little compliments to the coughing maid. “You did so well, sweetheart. Took me beautifully. And that face—you looked so good sucking me off, I just couldn’t help myself. I’m a lucky man to have you as my wife.”
As she caught her breath and fought to swallow down the taste of him, her cheeks flushed further at his words of praise. Noticing this, Law chuckled as he rubbed her damp panties with his toe. “Did you cum just from sucking me off, Baby-ya?”
Whimpering, she rubbed her thighs together. “No, but if you need me to—”
Yanking her to her feet, he indulged in a deep, filthy kiss, tongue delving past her lips to taste the lingering drops of his seed still clinging to her teeth. When he finally pulled away to let her breathe, he chuckled, “As hot as I find the thought of you creaming yourself just from having my cock down your throat, I’d much rather feel you cum around me.” He ducked his head to trail wet kisses along her jugular in a false apology. “Did I hurt you? The first time’s never easy, but you did a great job.”
“You mean that?” she rasped hoarsely. Law hoped he hadn’t strained her throat too badly—he was looking forward to hearing her scream his name with what he had planned next.
“I’d never lie to you,” he cooed, voice full of poisoned honey as he nipped at her neck. “And since you were such a good girl, I think you deserve a little reward. Would you like that, Baby-ya?”
“If…if you think I should be rewarded,” she answered demurely, through the way her hands clutched his biceps betrayed her eagerness, especially when he started sucking the delicate flesh directly above her fluttering pulse.
Really, her pleasure shouldn’t matter. She was just a weapon in his arsenal; a tool to be used and discarded as needed. Her purpose was to be his fuck toy, alibi, spy, and secret weapon. But there was a small part of him that wanted her to enjoy this. That soft spot he had for his childhood friend demanded that, as much as this was his victory, Baby 5’s wedding night should be good for her, too.
Besides, the practical part of him knew that it was easier to ensnare the undying loyalty of those you’ve shown consideration to. It was how Doflamingo had managed to brainwash his “Family.” If Law wanted to break Joker’s hold on the loving-yet-volatile assassin and replace it with his own, he had to treat her even better.
Luckily for him, he was going to give her things the Heavenly Demon never would.
With a final luscious lick up to her ear, Law whispered, “You’re so damn precious I just want to eat you up. Sit on the edge of the bed and spread your legs. I love rewarding good girls like this.”
Instantly she did so, and Law took a moment to appreciate the sensual picture she made. Her thighs were pale and muscular, the white stockings and garters covering much of the flesh but leaving a sliver of skin at the top tantalizingly exposed. Full breasts were barely contained by the corset as she took deep, steadying breaths. And at the apex of her legs he could see her slick arousal seeping into her white panties, coaxing him to bury his head between her thighs and have a taste.
Slowly, he sauntered towards her, leaning down to brush a teasing peck over her lips, smirking when she unconsciously tried to chase after him as he pulled away. “Hold still, sweetheart; a good girl accepts her reward graciously.”
Her cheeks flushed further, and Law couldn’t stop himself from letting out a soft laugh. God, she’s so easy. I wonder if I could make her cum just by talking? Hmmm, maybe that’ll be tomorrow night’s fun. Mentally putting that on his agenda for the honeymoon, he slowly kissed and licked his way down her body, trailing his lips over the tops of her breasts, down her trim waist, smirking as she desperately tried not to wiggle as he teased her through the lace. Finally, his mouth reached her core. Firm hands stroked the exposed skin of her thighs before he looked up at her, grin stretching wide at her aroused expression when he ran his tongue along her covered slit.
“Ah, Law!” Baby 5 cried, burying her fingers in his dark hair as she tossed her head back.
In retaliation he sank his nails into her plump ass as he tugged her forward, mouth teasing her mercilessly. Even through the lace he could taste her feminine musk, and he knew the heat of his tongue was like nothing she’d ever felt before. She was undeniably untouched, but so wet and eager—practically begging to be used like a cheap whore.
Her hips twitched in time to his strokes, biting back mewls and moans as he pleasured her. Law had every intention of getting a better taste of her sweet juices later, but for now he retreated, ignoring her protests to reach under the bed and fish out a large box. “Don’t worry; I’ll give you more of that soon,” he promised, grabbing her shoulder with his free hand and pushing her down onto the bed. “Lay back against the pillows, close your eyes, and put your hands over your head. Your reward is only just starting.”
Aroused and keen to get more of her “reward,” Baby 5 did so, though her brow did furrow in concern when she heard a soft metal clink. Her eyes snapped open as her strength was sapped from her the second the Seastone cuffs touched her skin. “Darling, why?” she cried, weakly jerking her arms, but the chain was securely connected to a secret hook at the bottom of the sturdy headboard. She was further pinned down by Law straddling her waist. As he removed the gloves that had protected his skin from the power-draining metal, he rolled his hips so she could feel how he was already once more half-hard in anticipation.
Flipping the key to her shackles into the air and catching it easily, Law gave her a devilish grin before slipping it into his pocket. “Because I like the idea of you being completely helpless while I ravish you. You’re lucky it’s just cuffs—I’ve gagged and blindfolded my past lovers when I’ve done this.”
“But Seastone—”
“It’s just a precaution; can’t have you turning into a rocket mid-orgasm, can I?” he mocked. Holding out his hand, he surrounded her with a blue light as he whispered, “Mes.”
“Law, what are you doing?!” she cried as her heart popped out of her heaving chest, floating delicately over to her sadistic husband.
The Corazon chuckled, his wicked gold eyes studying the rapidly beating organ in his hand. “We’re married, aren’t we? That makes this mine by rights. I just thought I’d give it a little attention.”
“Wha-what do you mean?” she asked, a tremor in her voice. She’d seen him remove hearts before, but they’d always belonged to his enemies or people who seriously annoyed him. What had she done wrong? He said he was going to reward her for being a good girl, but this didn’t seem like a reward to her!
In answer, Law brought the transparent cube to his lips, dusting a feather-light kiss to Baby 5’s pulsing heart. It stuttered in his hand at the contact, and he watched the face of the chained woman beneath him contort in confused pleasure.
Like this, he had the power to crush the delicate organ to a pulp or give his new plaything sensations she’d never even imagined were possible. It was a hell of a rush, and Law intended to make it last. Honey eyes locked on her face, his tongue stroked up from the bottom of the left ventricle up to the aorta, relishing the way her mouth gasped in silent pleasure even as her brow furrowed in discomfort. Her fruitless writhing provided delicious stimulus to his hardening shaft as it rubbed against her stomach.
Reaching behind him, he stroked two long fingers along the soaked lace of her white panties, teasing her slit as he gave the heart another sensuous lick. The hips beneath him jerked in response, slick thighs attempting to snap together to trap his calloused digits, but he pulled away too quickly.
Helpless against the sensations, Baby 5 stared at him desperately, panic and lust warring in her eyes.
It was a look Law found unspeakably arousing. His fingers returned to curl against her, teasing her entrance through the barrier of her panties as he asked, “What is it, Baby-ya? Am I making you feel good?”
“Law, please…”
“You didn’t answer my question; am I making you feel good? How can I trust you to be a good wife if you won’t communicate with me?” he jeered with a smirk, pressing another fleeting kiss to the surface of the heart.
With a whimper, she managed to shakily respond, “It feels…strange. It m-makes me hot, but…scared, seeing you with my h-heart.”
He knew she was being honest; he’d played with his own heart a few times, partially out of morbid curiosity, and the sensation was hard to put into words. Adrenaline was certainly a common reaction, but the human body—being confused due to the inherent wrongness of such sensations inflicted upon a vital internal organ—usually let off a wide and fascinating array of responses. “You precious thing. Don’t you trust me? I mean, sure, I’ve broken plenty of hearts,” he said, giving it a little squeeze for emphasis. Baby 5 cried out in alarm and pain, and Law quickly loosened his grip, peppering kisses across it in apology, “but I’d never do such a thing to you.”
“You…wouldn’t?” she gasped, tears beading like pearls in her thick lashes.
Another kiss, this time more amorous with plenty of tongue, was his initial response. When she cried out in shocked pleasure, he rewarded her by finally slipping his hand inside her panties, giving her clitoris a firm rub. The little bundle of nerves was already slick with her juices and swollen with lust, prompting him to pinch it between his thumb and forefinger, chuckling at the way her hips tried to jerk under him in response.
“Of course not. You’re special, Baby-ya. The one woman in the whole world I could imagine being my wife.” Slowly, his index finger trailed down further to work its way inside her tight sex, chuckling darkly as she moaned. Experimentally, he gave a shallow thrust, and when she clenched around the digit tightly, he knew he had her.
Timing the curl and thrust of his finger to the licks and kisses he lavished across Baby 5’s heart, he watched as her cheeks flushed, and her fearful whimpers gradually morphed into lustful pants and mewls. Pleased, Law decided to kick things up a notch, forcing another long finger inside while rubbing her pearl with his thumb.
His cock swelled as he felt her hips buck, even as she once again scrunched up her face in discomfort. “Mmmm, how does that feel, Baby-ya?”
“It…it hurts. Just a little…”
“Of course it does. A precious little virgin like you is going to be amazingly tight.”
“I’m not sure you’ll fit,” she whimpered, remembering just how much of a strain deep-throating him had been. She knew the female body was designed for this, but if two fingers were already stretching her, the idea of taking his cock seemed impossible.
“Oh, I’ll fit. You just need some extra preparation,” he purred, finally returning her heart to the perfectly cubic hole in her chest before crawling down her beautiful body. He reluctantly removed his fingers from her warm depths, but only so he could strip her panties from her toned legs and finally get a good look at his prize.
Fuck! Law thought lustfully, black pupils dilating as he stared down at her quim. Pink and glistening, her netherlips looked just as kissable as the ones on her face. Her clit was swollen and practically demanded he play with it, while the scent of her desire teased his nose. What surprised him, however, was that she was perfectly smooth and waxed, except for a small, neatly trimmed patch of dark hair in the shape of a swirling heart, much like his tattoos.
“Do…do you like it?” his bride asked, voice trembling in anticipation. “Since it’s your motif, I thought—”
“God, you are just begging me to fuck you, aren’t you?” he growled. Really, she couldn’t have declared herself his property any more clearly, and Law felt his shaft swell even more.
“So, you like it?”
Leaning in, he pressed a fleeting kiss to her sensitive pearl. Naturally, she bucked at the electric sensation, and he responded by blowing a stream of cool air over it before replying, “It’ll do for tonight, but tomorrow, you’re shaving it so I can replace it with something more…permanent.” Raking his eyes across her beautiful, untouched body, he flashed his teeth wickedly. He could already picture it—his hearts tattooed on the smooth, sweet flesh above her ripe quim, ass, and around both nipples.
“Of course, darling,” she mewled breathlessly.
“Good girl,” was all he bothered to say before he hooked her legs over his shoulders and dove in to properly feast on her juices. Finally, he didn’t have to hold himself back; the flat of his tongue lapped at her dripping slit with abandon while his sideburns rubbed roughly at the delicate skin of the maid’s inner thighs. Baby 5’s cries of pleasure grew louder as he moved his mouth up to wrap his lips around her throbbing pearl, sucking hard as he thrust two fingers back inside her aching canal.
His tongue delicately flicked the pulsing bundle of nerves as he curled the digits against her G-spot. Baby 5’s back arched off the bed in response. “You like that?”
“Y-yes,” she mewled, hands balling into tight fists, her nails digging into her palms as she helplessly writhed beneath him. God, he was incredible! She’d never felt anything like this! Every time he twisted his fingers and flicked his tongue across her clit, another surge of fire and lightning overwhelmed her, making her toes curl and heart pound. It was a like a spring was coiling tighter and tighter in her lower belly, and she instinctively knew it was only a matter of time before it snapped.
Law could tell she was close. Her quim began to spasm around his fingers while her high-pitched cries bordered on shrieks, and for a moment, he considered denying her the orgasm that had been building up. But as much as he wanted to see her twist and squirm in frustration, he wanted to hear her scream as he pushed her over the edge so much more. And with how tight she was, the orgasm would make penetration easier for both of them.
So instead he pressed on, even managing to work a third finger inside before his bride at last came apart. Her back arched completely off the bed as she screamed his name in extasy, her sweet cream gushing over his chin and hand as her thighs clenched tightly around his head out of pure reflex.
It took Baby 5 a while to calm down from such an overwhelming orgasm, Law’s tongue sadistically lapping at her musky essence through the aftershocks, prolonging her climax. Tremors wracked her body with every hot lick, and when her legs finally relaxed enough for him to extract himself, the Corazon smirked down at her with an almost feral smugness. The flushed look of rapture did his ego good; she was staring at him like he was a god.
“So,” he drawled as he crawled upwards, brushing his damp lips against her mouth to let her taste her own juices, “did my lovely wife enjoy her reward?”
Barely able to catch her breath, she still attempted to chase after his lips as he pulled away. “Ye-yeah,” she panted. Her first orgasm had been earth-shattering and like nothing she’d ever experienced before. She felt like a stripped wire—exposed and sparking at the slightest touch.
“Such a good, sweet girl,” he purred, running his tongue along his upper lip to clean away the glistening cum. “You taste so much better than the whores I used to play with. Sweeter than honey. I think I’ll eat you out for dessert every night.” Wordlessly, he activated his Room, and he chuckled as he watched her instinctively flinch at the blue light. “Now, now; I’m not going to play with your heart again.” At least, not literally, he thought. He pulled the key out of his pants pocket before Shambling them, along with her corset and his underwear, off to the other side of the room. Careful to avoid touching the metal with his bare skin, Law unlocked the Seastone cuffs, dropping a light kiss to the assassin’s abused wrists once they were finally free.
With nothing to act as a barrier between them, his cock ground hotly against Baby 5’s aching cunt. “Ready to truly consummate the marriage?” he murmured, draping one of her legs over his hip as he lined up with her entrance. It was a rhetorical question—he intended on fucking her regardless of her answer. The woman existed to serve his needs, and with the serum now in full effect, Law was primed and ready to fill her with as much of his cum as she could take.
But the illusion of choice was important if he wanted to completely turn her to his side.
Baby 5 swallowed hard, clearly still nervous, but even more afraid of disappointing her husband.
Sensing her hesitation, he crooned, “I’ll make you feel good, Baby-ya. I promise. That orgasm was just a taste of what I can give you. Don’t you trust me?” He gave a slight pout for extra measure, and when she reached up to grab his biceps, bracing herself, he knew he had her.
Inch by inch Law sank his hot, pulsing shaft into her tight, slick sex, taking his time partially for his virgin bride’s sake, but mainly so he could savor the moment. Part of him wondered why he was enjoying this so much—tight and sexy as she was, fucking Baby 5 wasn’t that different from anyone else.
Then again, she was living proof that he’d managed to play Doflamingo for a fool. That his patience and subtle machinations were finally beginning to pay off. That Joker might have been powerful and difficult to kill, but he wasn’t some omniscient, unbeatable god—he was a mortal man that could be manipulated and beaten.
Claiming Baby 5, one of his most loyal subordinates, meant Trafalgar D. Water Law was one step closer to avenging Cora-san, and that was something to savor.
“You’re…so big!” the woman beneath him whimpered, nails digging into his tattooed arms as the intrusion stretched her virgin cunt. Even during the rare moments she’d sought to pleasure herself, she’d never been so full. It bordered on painful, the way his girth worked the untrained muscles. “Law, it’s too much!”
He could have laughed. An assassin who could transform into weapons complaining about pain? How ridiculous. “Now now, Baby-ya—a good girl would take her husband’s cock without complaint. It might be overwhelming right now, but soon you’ll be begging me for more,” he rasped, leaning forward to wrap his lips around one of her neglected nipples. She would beg him. He didn’t care what tricks or techniques he had to use; he’d have her screaming his name and cumming around his cock like the desperate whore that she was. It wasn’t just for the sake of testing her limits and loyalty; his pride demanded that she ended the night a flushed, lustful mess.
He’d waited weeks—years—for this, and he deserved nothing less.
Sneaking a hand between them, he flicked his thumb over her swollen and sensitive clit, smirking around her nipple when he felt her walls ripple around him in response. Wet tongue curling around the peachy nipple, he carefully strummed her little bundle of nerves with surgical precision as he slowly sank deeper inside her cunt. He could hear her pained whimpers gradually morph into ones of pleasure, and his free hand stroked up her sweaty body to play with her neglected breast, pinching and squeezing the amazingly soft skin.
His mouth released her nipple with a lewd, wet pop as he finally bottomed out, and a low, satisfied groan escaped his throat. She may have complained about him being too big, but her cunt eagerly sucked him in, silken walls instinctively milking his cock.
“See?” he grunted, giving a shallow thrust as she moaned beneath him wantonly. “I knew you could take it.”
“Ye-yes, darling!” she gasped, hips bucking experimentally to meet his thrust. When the friction resulted in a hot pulse of pleasure rocking through her core, she wrapped her arms around Law’s neck and threw back her head, submitting herself to him fully.
Thrusting hard and pulling out slowly, Law relished the feel of Baby 5’s wet heat milking his thick, meaty shaft. His fingers clutched her hips with a white-knuckled grip, lifting her ass off the bed so he could get a better angle, snapping into her hard enough to knock the breath from her lungs. His thumb was long enough to continue stroking her pearl, and his grin turned utterly depraved when the curved tip of his hot length pressed against her G-spot, coaxing a shocked and shameless cry from her lips. He didn’t think he could get any harder, but good god, her sexy little mewls and moans right in his ear made his balls tighten and his cock throb.
Baby 5 was in heaven, overwhelmed by the heady fire Law’s thick cock stoked inside her. Her heaving chest was flushed to match her face, her jaw hung loose as she moaned helplessly, and her sensitive breasts brushed headily against his chest every time he rammed into her, taking care to hit that magic spot inside her every time. That knot of pressure was building up again, tightening with every thrust, but somehow, she knew their current pace wouldn’t be enough to send her over the edge.
Or at the very least, she was certain she wouldn’t cum until Law gave her permission, and that wouldn’t happen until he got exactly what he wanted from her.
“Are you ready to start begging?” he groaned as he forced himself to maintain a slow and steady pace. Oh, he’d fuck her senseless, but not until she did what he asked. “Even good girls like you have to earn the right to cum. Tell me how much you like getting fucked and beg me for more.”
It was positive reinforcement, in a way; so long as she did exactly as he commanded, she’d get the pleasure she craved. The pleasure only he could give her.
“Please, Law,” she mewled in his ear, nailed scraping enticingly down his tattooed back, “you feel so good. I love getting fucked by you! Please, use me like you promised!”
Oh, she couldn’t have phrased that better.
Hooking her legs over his shoulders, he groaned as the new angle allowed her to squeeze him even more tightly. He halted his thrusts to lean forward and kiss her languidly, practically folding Baby 5 in half as pressed her legs to her chest.
When he pulled away, Law smirked devilishly as he whispered, “You asked for it, sweetheart.”
Forsaking any restraint, he proceeded to fuck her brutally, hips rapidly pistoning in and out of her like a jackhammer. The bed creaked with the force of this thrusts, though the sound was nearly impossible to hear over Baby 5’s desperate cries.
After what felt like an eternity, her silken walls clutched his cock like a vise as she erupted with pleasure. The greedy way she milked him was enough to set Law off, his hot, sticky cum gushing into her womb. A calloused thumb ground against her clit to drag the feeling out as he let his softening shaft rest inside her, relishing her warmth and the way she tensed and rippled around him.  
Sweaty, panting, and pleased, the Surgeon of Death eventually pulled out to study his handiwork. Baby 5 looked utterly debauched and satisfied, just like he’d always dreamed. Sweat-slicked hair gleamed like obsidian. Creamy skin glistened under the dim lights. Rosy nipples were diamond hard and straining for more stimulation on her abused chest. Red welts from where his fingers had grabbed her ass would surely darken into purple bruises to match her eyes. Drops of white sperm and her own translucent juices leaked from her swollen quim.
The sight, combined with the stimulating effects of the serum in his bloodstream and the fact that he was still horny after a month of celibacy, made his cock ache for more.
Gently, he fisted her thick black locks and coaxed her onto her hands and knees, drawing her head towards his lap. He hadn’t fully softened, so his shaft, practically gleaming from their combined juices, stood at half-mast, eager for stimulation before the next round. “Clean me up, Baby-ya. With your mouth.”
Panting, the maid obeyed, wrapping her hot little mouth around his cock and swirling her tongue around the leaking tip. With the hand fisted in her hair guiding her, she licked up and down the length of him, lapping up the salty cocktail of their mixed cum. For a moment, she wondered if he planned on fucking her face again, but he seemed to like the teasing kisses and sucks she pressed to the sides of his erection, making no move to force himself back down her throat.
“Mmmm, where’d you learn to do this, sweetheart?” he purred as the flat of her tongue ran along the sensitive vein that protruded from the underside of his shaft.
She pulled away to answer, her hot breath inadvertently teasing him as she replied, “Nowhere, darling. I was just imagining it was a popsicle.”
“Do you always eat popsicles like that?”
“I will if you want me to.”
His only response was a low chuckle, his licked-clean rod once more hard and aching. He knew he could go at least another round before he needed a break—but oh, what position to choose? There were just so many ways he wanted to fuck her; he was simply spoiled for choice.
Pulling Baby 5 onto his lap, he held her right above his pulsing erection. He took a moment to grind the tip against her entrance, teasing her with the anticipation of penetration, but refusing to sink into her just yet.
“Eager for my cock now, eh?” he asked as she wiggled in his firm grip above him, anxiously trying to sink onto his turgid member.
As the mushroomed tip brushed her pulsing clit, Baby 5 whimpered and nodded. The two intense orgasms had been exhausting, yet she still craved more. She’d never felt pleasure like what Law had given her, and as sore as she was from his rough pounding, she ached even more for him to fill her up again and bring her over the edge once again.
Gold eyes glimmered in devilish glee. Perhaps it was because she’d stayed a virgin so long, but it appeared his innocent bride was well on her way to becoming a nymphomaniac. “Then ask me nicely.”
“Please, Law,” she squeaked as he caught one of her pebbled nipples in his mouth and gave a sharp little bite.
“Please what?” he muttered against her pale flesh, nuzzling the soft globe.
“Pl-please fuck me again.”
“Good girl,” he chuckled as he languidly lowered her back onto his cock. “What position should I fuck you in this time? Any suggestions?” His long fingers caressed down her spine to slip between her smooth ass cheeks, the tip of his middle finger teasingly brushing against her puckered hole. “I’ve filled your mouth and cunt—shall we go for the hat trick?”
“I-it doesn’t matter to me,” she gasped, though there was clear hesitation in her voice. Law didn’t miss the way the muscles in her pert rear tensed at the suggestion. “So long as you’re happy.”
Annoyed, he stopped, hand moving from her ass to harshly grab her chin he could glare down at her. “You’re evading the question. If you don’t want to get fucked in the ass tonight, say so. I won’t stand for a dishonest wife,” he snapped. Much as he wanted her as his pliant little fuck toy, it was more important that she never even dreamed of lying to him. She’d of course be required to lie to the rest of the Family, but to him, she needed to be an open book. There was only room for one manipulator in this marriage, after all.
Law suddenly had a wicked idea. Cock still buried inside her, he rolled onto his back, groaning as the new position made her sink down even further onto his aching length. Steadying his breathing, he let one hand rest behind his head while the other gripped the maid’s waist. “If can’t tell me how you want to be fucked, you’ll have to show me.”
“What?” she asked, eyes wide and slightly panicked.
His grin was sensual and cruel. “Ride me. Fuck yourself on my cock. Rub your clit. Do whatever it takes to make yourself cum.”
“I can’t!”
“Didn’t you promise to be a loyal, obedient wife, Baby-ya? And yet here you are, on our wedding night, already disobeying me.”
“You’re to do as I say, when I say it. When I tell you to ride my cock while touching yourself, I don’t care if you think it’s selfish to take your own pleasure; just do it.”
The pathetic little whimpers she made might have swayed a lesser man, but Law simply lay there, watching her struggle internally. If she was going to be part of his plan, he needed her to obey any order he gave her. If she couldn’t give herself an orgasm because Law told her so, how was she ever to be trusted to follow him during his coup?
Finally, with no choice but to accept the Dark Doctor’s sadistic will was greater than hers, Baby 5’s pale, slender fingers slowly inched down to her swollen clitoris, experimentally giving it a light rub. The reaction was immediate; her hips bucked involuntarily as the over-sensitive bundle of nerves reacted to the sudden stimulation.
The man beneath her groaned as her walls clenched around his length, and he could see the wheels turning in her head. “Do that again, sweetheart,” he rasped, his grip on her hip tightening. Obediently, she did so, sending more shockwaves through her core, once more earning a pleased sound from her husband.
It finally clicked that her taking her own pleasure would bring Law pleasure, and she took to her task with gusto, flexing her hips and thighs so she bounced up and down on his thick shaft, her back arching as it hit that secret spot inside her. Masturbation had never felt right to her, but this was different; Violet and Monet had told her that men rarely cared about a woman’s pleasure, but clearly her darling Law was the exception!
“Much better,” the man in question growled, forcing his own hips to remain still, relegating himself to do nothing more than watch and guide her. At least physically. Throughout the night he’d been forcing himself to keep his words cloyingly sweet, but now that his snare was surely tightening around her, it was time to test the waters with some dirty talk. “You look fucking delicious like that. I think you were made for my cock.”
“W-we were—ah!—destined to be together!” was her strained reply as she rested her free hand on his hard chest to give herself better leverage.
“You think destiny had anything to do with how horny I get you?” he scoffed with a smug grin, flicking his thumb across her pearl for a brief moment before moving it out of her reach, smirk widening at her disappointed cry. “Don’t sell my skills short. I’ve made women cream themselves just by talking. And you…well, you’ve starred in my wet dreams for years. If it hadn’t been for Joker, I would have fucked you in every room of the palace a hundred times over.”
“I…I never thought you wanted me…” she admitted as she quickened her pace, chasing after that fire Law had ignited in her earlier. It was harder without his touch, but he needed her to fuck herself on him, and she wouldn’t dare disappoint her beloved.
The way she clenched his throbbing erection was sweet torture. “Well, I guess you were wrong,” he groaned, unable to stop himself from bucking slightly. When she moaned in response and rested both palms on his chest, he glared, grabbing a slender hand and forcing it back between her legs. “I never told you to stop touching yourself, Baby 5.”
Small white teeth sank into her abused bottom lip as she once more pinched and rubbed her pearl. It felt so good, especially when combined with the way Law’s hard cock stretched her so perfectly.
But…it still wasn’t what she needed. The coil of pleasure in her belly was tightening, but not nearly as much as when Law had touched her. It just wasn’t enough. Wasn’t right. Her body was supposed to be his to play with—like this, it felt like she was using him.
“Law,” she simpered, peering down at him through her thick lashes, pouting in what she hoped was a seductive manner, “don’t you want to touch me?”
It wasn’t hard to catch onto her game—she had never been good at subtlety—and Law smirked cruelly in response. “I’ll touch you when you tell me what I want to hear.”
“I…please, fuck me in the ass,” she whimpered, pinching her clit harder in hopes of pushing herself just a little bit closer to that daunting precipice, but climax remained out of reach. Violet had warned her that being taken in that hole would hurt more than the others, but if that’s what it took to finally get Law to bring her over the edge, she’d endure it.
Tempting as it was to take her up on that offer, partially as punishment for continuing to lie to him, Law staunchly refused. As much as he’d love to defile all three of her virgin holes in one night, training his new concubine honesty and obedience was far more important. Besides, leaving that one orifice unfucked gave him something to look forward to. Perhaps he’d save it for a special occasion…
He shook himself out of his fantasy when Baby 5 clenched sharply around him, back bowed as she rubbed herself harder. From the way her cheeks flushed and the desperate sounds that were pouring from her throat, it was clear she was caught on the precipice of her climax, but not quite able to push herself over.
“You’re still lying to me, sweetheart. I’m not going to do a damn thing until you give me the answer I’m looking for.”
“What…you’re looking…for?” she panted, aroused mind desperately trying to figure out what he wanted so he’d just fucking touch her and release the tight knot that twisted tighter and tighter inside her pulsing core.
Licking his lips lewdly, he purred, “Tell me what you want, Baby-ya. Tell me what dirty things you want me to do to you.”
Swallowing hard, managed to choke out, “I…I want you to fuck me.”
Law rewarded her honesty by removing her hand from her clit and replacing it with his own, giving the poor, abused bundle of nerves a brief but tantalizing grind before resting his palm back on her hip. “How do you want me to fuck you? Do you want me to bend you over my desk and take you from behind? To spank your cute little ass until it’s red and throbbing, then fuck it brutally while I play with your greedy cunt? Do you want me to tie you up and fuck you with an assortment of toys?”
“Yes~” she moaned, furiously riding his cock like she needed it to live, bucking in a frantic attempt to have his thumb brush against her pearl again. She was so close, she just needed that last touch from Law…
He wasn’t letting her have her way, though. “Wrong. Those are my fantasies. I’m asking you to tell me what you want. Now.”
Like waves futilely crashing against the rocks, Baby 5 clawed and grasped at the Dark Doctor’s chest, wordlessly begging him to just touch her, but he stood resolute.
“L-Law, please,” she finally screamed, tears welling up in her amethyst eyes. “I just want to cum! That’s all I want! I can’t make myself…” she trailed off, face a lovely scarlet as she buried it in her hands, ashamed and aroused and utterly desperate.
Gold eyes widened in both understanding and fascination. So, her psychological damage was to the extent that she couldn’t even take her own pleasure? Couldn’t climax at her own touch because her mind saw that as being selfish? No wonder she’d been so responsive to his touch. So eager for another orgasm. She’d likely never fully experienced one before tonight.
Oh, this just got so much better.
Grabbing her muscular waist with both hands, he slammed her down onto his cock, his hips snapping upwards to meet her halfway, smiling like the devil himself as she let out a gasping cry in response when the curved tip hit her G-spot. “Such a needy little thing,” he chuckled, brutally fucking up into her. “You weren’t desperate to get married; you were desperate to get fucked, weren’t you?”
“Ah! No, I—” she tried to argue, only to be cut off by a sudden climax, her mental barriers finally deeming it acceptable for her to cum.
“You were looking for a hard, thick cock, not a ring,” he taunted, continuing to take her through the aftershocks. Mischievously, he shifted his hand so he could rub his thumb over her pearl, relishing the way her slick walls spasmed and clenched him so perfectly as he once more prolonged her orgasm. “You would have spread your legs for anyone. Poor Baby 5 couldn’t get the job done herself, so she was willing to marry the scum of the earth just so she could finally get off. What a slutty little minx.”
He hit his own peak just as her tears started to fall, hot cum filling her tight cunt while saline drops splashed on his bare chest.
As soon as he caught his breath, Law flipped them over so he could hover above her, relishing her broken expression like an artist appreciating his work. Sweaty, crying, flushed, and caught between post-orgasmic bliss and despair, hers was a face he chose to burn into his memories.
Yet as much he enjoyed taking her apart, he would always make sure to put her back together; she just wasn’t as much fun in pieces, and that went for her mind, too. It was almost funny—even though he was trying to turn her into an obedient, compliant little weapon and plaything, he was remiss to relinquish that feisty spark she had. He always liked that she was willing to talk back to him, and he was a greedy man; he wanted both her obedience and her fire.
It would take some time and careful maneuvering, but he was patient, and the result was well worth the effort.
Pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, he cooed, “Lucky for you, I like slutty little minxes, and you’re definitely my favorite.”
“I-I am?” she hiccupped.
Cupping her face, he tenderly wiped away her tears, smirking slightly when he saw he was smearing her juices on her cheek. Leaning in, he licked away the mess, relishing the salty taste of her pain and pleasure. “Of course you are you precious thing. And so long as you’re only a slut for my cock, I’ll give you all the pleasure you could ever ask for. Because I’m your husband, and I always reward my good girl.”
Her smile was so beautifully ruined beneath him, he was nearly tempted to fuck her again, but his body demanded a break to properly recover. Acquiescing to his body’s needs, he pulled out and reclined against the headboard, wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist to pull her slick, exhausted figure against him. The veil in her hair was barely holding on to a few tangled strands, and he chuckled, plucking out the white lace comb and tossing it carelessly over the side of the bed.
As Baby 5 cuddled against him, Law activated his Room to fetch a cigarette and a lighter from his desk. The little orange flame licked at the end of the white stick as he promptly lit it, taking a long, steadying drag.
“So,” he began, releasing the smoke from his lungs as studied his thoroughly fucked wife, “was it as good for you as it was for me?”
“It felt amazing, darling,” Baby 5 replied, glancing up at the cigarette enviously. “Was it…everything you wanted, Law?”
“I got exactly what I wanted,” he murmured, rubbing his thumb along her swollen lower lip. “I knew he was wrong about you.”
Though his expression remained carefully neutral, he could feel dark anticipation rise as he prepared to break her just a little more. “Joker thought you wouldn’t be able to satisfy me. Hell, none of the men did; they assumed you’d be a prude. Even took bets at the bachelor party on whether or not you’d get me to cum tonight.”
The naive maid’s jaw dropped slightly at the revelation. “They did?”
Law took a long, deep drag of his cigarette, drawing out her torturous doubts before he finally replied, “Mmm, I had faith in you, though. I knew such a good, obedient wife would give me all the pleasure I could ever ask for. Even if you did need some coaxing.”
“I…I’m sorry,” she whimpered, looking away in shame.
A tattooed hand gripped her chin, carefully turning her head back to face him. His other hand pressed the butt of the cigarette to the seam of her mouth, enticing her to part her lips and take it. “Shhh, it’s okay; now that we’re married, we’ll have plenty of time to practice. You’ve heard how…insatiable I am, and as my wife, it’s your duty to fulfill my needs.”
Her eyes lit up. “Of course!”
“My needs aren’t just sexual, you know,” he warned. “Now that you’re mine, that means you’re part of the Heart Army. Pica may outrank you, but you’re my subordinate now, so you no longer answer to him. My commands take the highest priority. So if I have a mission or task for you, you’ll obey without question, right?”
“Anything you need, Law!” she said happily. Though she’d miss serving with Buffalo and the rest of the Pica Army, it felt so good to know that her beloved wanted her at his side, even in battle.
Law couldn’t stop the dark, wickedly pleased smirk from curling his lips. Snatching the cigarette away, he gave her a long, hard kiss to compose himself. For a few minutes, he relished the way the assassin enthusiastically allowed him to dominate her mouth, tongues curling and stroking until they were finally forced to part for air. “That’s what I like to hear from my good girl. Can you keep a secret?”
“Yes!” she panted.
He gently ran his fingers through her sweaty, tangled locks before cradling her cheek with his palm. “Even from the rest of the family? Can you do as good a job keeping this secret as you have my name?”
“Anything for you, darling!” she cooed, nuzzling him affectionately.
His deep voice practically dripped with false concern. “Joker expects us to have a child together. Now, while I know you’ll be a wonderful mother, I’m scared; what if I didn’t remove all of my Amber Lead Disease, and it passes onto the baby? I couldn’t bear to watch my child suffer like I did.”
Violet eyes widened, the maid’s mind quickly remembering how weak and sickly Law had been as a kid. Of course he wouldn’t want his own children to endure the pain and stigma he had. And it might just kill her to watch her son or daughter wither away due to illness. “I understand, Law,” she said sadly, wrapping her arms around his waist to comfort him. “You need me to lie and say that it’s my fault; that I’m the reason we can’t have children.”
Long tattooed fingers stroked soothingly up and down her bare back. “No, but your consideration is appreciated. Doflamingo’s given me one year to study our DNA and do what I can to ensure we have a kid to carry on my legacy. But that’s not my only concern.”
She looked up at him, silently begging him to tell her what was on his mind. He knew she wouldn’t be able to bear the thought of her darling husband having troubled thoughts, especially now that he was dangling the possibility of a child in front of her.
“Perhaps I’m worrying over nothing concerning my disease, but even if you give birth to a perfect, healthy baby, I have so many enemies—people who might want to hurt our child. I even suspect there might be a traitor in our midst.”
Baby 5 gasped. “What?! Who?!”
He hid his grin by taking a long drag of the cigarette. Who indeed? “Right now, I can’t say—I only know that someone wants me dead.” That person was Doflamingo, of course, though only after he’d performed the eternal youth surgery. But at the sharp, protective gleam in his wife’s eyes, Law knew it was exactly the right thing to say. “I know we’re all supposed to be one big, happy family, but the Heart Seat is highly sought-after. Vergo is still bitter that Joker gave it to a disrespectful kid. Trebol frequently undermines my suggestions. Even Pica’s shown jealousy towards me, since no one mocks my voice.” Leaning in, he brushed his lips over hers. “I hate to say it, but you’re the only one I can trust, Baby-ya. The only one I know really, truly cares about me. The only one who would never even think to betray me.”
“Of course. Why else would Trebol have proposed? He must have caught on that I had feelings for you and wanted to steal you away.”
The fact that the disgusting executive had obviously proposed as a joke and had taken it back was irrelevant; in Baby 5’s cracked, romantic mind, this was a completely logical explanation. “He…to think I was almost stupid enough to accept his proposal!” she cried, burying her face in her hands in shame. He darling Law had been pining after her, and she’s nearly given herself over to another! Oh, how could her beloved even look at her, knowing she’d been so careless?
A pair of rough hands gently pried her fingers from her face, and gold eyes peered at her with adoration. “I forgive you, Baby-ya,” Law murmured, leaning in to brush a soft kiss to her lips. “What matters is you married me, and Trebol’s plans were foiled. But I don’t doubt he has something else up that snotty sleeve…”
“I’ll never fall for his tricks again!” she exclaimed, clutching his hands in hers, eyes full of earnest determination. “You said I’m the only one you trust? Then you’re the only one I trust! You were right, back in the lab; you’re the only one that cares about me enough to tell me the truth.”
Oh, the irony of it all. Still, perhaps later on he’d be more honest, once she was securely tangled in his web. He’d show her the dark side of the Doflamingo Family, offer up more proof that none of them had ever given a shit about her, and ensure that once his final plan for revenge was set in motion, she was past the point of no return.
The image of him standing over Joker’s dead, mutilated body was a regular fantasy, but now he envisioned Baby 5 resolutely at his side, arm a smoking gun as she shot a bullet or two into the heartless corpse for good measure.
The very thought brought a smile to his face, and he knew exactly what he had to say next.
Nuzzling her nose with his, Law whispered, “Baby-ya, I need to you promise me one last thing.”
“If you see Joker trying to kill me, I need you to fight him with everything you have.”
“What?! But Doffy—”
“—has killed your fiancés before without hesitation. Perhaps it’s all some sick joke; to give you exactly what you’ve always wanted, then steal it away,” he sighed, hand dropping to run his palm up and down her thigh. The white stockings were smooth against his skin, and the likelihood of exactly who gave her the wedding lingerie once more taunted him. “Where you’re concerned, he seems to become somewhat…irrational and cruel. Despite us clearly being perfect for each other, it took a ridiculous amount of convincing to make him agree to our union.” Law’s other hand cupped her chin, tilting her head upwards so he could look into her eyes with trepidation. “I even wondered if perhaps…he wanted you for himself.”
“That’s ridiculous, Law—Doffy sees me as his little sister!”
A midnight blue eyebrow raised in disbelief. “Does he? No one can deny he’s even more insatiable than me when it comes to women. He’s been dressing you in that skimpy maid uniform for years—if he really saw you as his sister, he’d never put your body on display like that. He even told me he’d take you for himself if it weren’t for the fact that it would be the end of his bachelor lifestyle.”
“He…did he really?” she whispered, an edge of horror in her voice.
It took everything he had not to smile as he hammered the final nail in the coffin. “Baby-ya, who gave you your wedding lingerie?”
“…Joker did.”
Law shook his head. “Once we’re on our honeymoon, we’ll burn it and I’ll buy you a new set—the idea that he might be fantasizing about you in that puts me ill at ease.”
Baby 5 nibbled on her lower lip in thought. “But darling, if Joker wanted me for himself, why did he let you marry me?”
“If I had to guess, I’d say he’s got a long-term plan.” He pretended to think it over as he ran his thumb across her abused pout; she’d bit through the delicate skin hard enough that a few minuscule droplets of blood had bubbled to the surface, staining her already ruby lips a deeper red. “He only agreed to my request for your hand in marriage on the condition that I impregnate you with another medical genius—someone to replace me once I die giving him the Perennial Youth Surgery. Perhaps…once I’m gone, he intends to make his move. Take you for himself under the guise of providing for the widow of his late executive. He’d have you, eternal youth, and his next Corazon all in one fell swoop.”
“I’d never betray you like that, Law,” Baby 5 insisted. “Even if you died, I’d never even look at another man. And I’d certainly never marry the one that killed you!”
The Dark Doctor smiled like a leopard who’d had a baby deer stumble into its claws. “I know you wouldn’t. But if that’s really what Joker’s planning, we need to be careful. We can’t let him know we suspect him. We certainly can’t be sure who else in the Family might be in on it. So I need you to play the part of the feisty, dutiful maid and assassin while keeping your eyes and ears open for anything useful.”
“Absolutely. Anything I uncover that could be of use, I’ll tell you.”
“Good girl. And if the day comes where he realizes we’re onto him, do you promise to protect me, Baby-ya? To be a good wife and come to your husband’s defense should Doflamingo try to kill me?”
“Of…of course.”
Kissing her forehead to hide his smirk, he replied, “Such a good girl. I knew I was right to marry you.”
She beamed vibrantly at him; despite discovering that the people she’d considered her family had been plotting against her, she was comforted by the fact that she had Law by her side.
Wrapping her arms around his waist and gently kissing his tattooed pectorals, Baby 5 sighed contentedly. “It all feels like a fairy tale; I spent years looking for love, and there you were, right in front of me.”
The word “love” ripped at Law’s heart for a moment as Cora-san’s smiling face and final words overwhelmed his mind. What would his savior say if he knew what had been done in his name? Would he regret sacrificing himself for the sake of a man who would go on to take his place as Corazon?
It didn’t matter. Really, Law was doing more than the dead Marine had; he was successfully leading Baby 5 away from the Doflamingo Pirates. He was putting an end to the Heavenly Demon’s criminal empire. He would eliminate one of the shichibukai and perhaps even free Dressrosa as a result.
Not that he cared about any of that. All that mattered was revenge—the rest was just a lucky side effect.
Pushing away the memory of the man who had tried to protect him from this life, Law pulled his new wife flush against him. “Ready for another round, sweetheart?”
“Already?” she gasped as his mouth latched onto her throat, sucking a bright red hickey onto her neck—a mark of ownership nearly as unmistakable as the ring around her finger.
“All this talk of Joker lusting after you makes me want to remind myself that you belong to me; heart, mind, and body,” he purred, stroking her lush curves. “And you did tell me to use you however I needed tonight.”
“I did,” she agreed, turning her head to catch his lips in a kiss. He readily returned it, hands busying themselves with ridding her of the white stockings so she lay naked and defenseless to his lustful attentions.
Perhaps Cora-san wouldn’t approve of his actions. Would think him as cruel and monstrous as Joker. Right now, Law didn’t care. He deserved this. Life had been one massive pile of shit for him, from the Amber Lead to the genocide of Flevance to his servitude to Doflamingo—the universe owed him something as simple as a dutiful, sexy wife who could aid him in his ultimate plans.
Law needed this small victory to keep going. A reminder that his goal was attainable. And even if the universe didn’t owe him anything, Baby 5 did—he gave her her dream, so she had damn well better be willing to sacrifice everything for his.
They’d both be free of Joker or die trying.
The End
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prinanalogicality · 6 years
Okay, wowza. I have written lots of things for the Sanders Sides fandom, so here I am to make a masterpost of all of them. So many of them date back to before all the names were revealed, so ignore the use of things such as “Morality” or “Anxiety,” hah. I hope you enjoy!
If for some reason a link is not working, leads to the wrong thing, or I am missing anything, please feel more than welcome to send me a message about it. I would really appreciate it! Also, my ask box is always open, so feel free to send in requests for me to write things.
No Particular Ship:
Fluff. An ask was sent in, talking about Virgil enjoying having his hair played with. This is a list of headcanons where the different sides discover that he enjoys having his hair played with and how he and the others react to it.
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This is an AU that I came up with, called the Three Spaces AU or the Physical Space. This piece details the basics of just what the AU entails.
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Fluff. I Won’t Say I’m In Love. Summary: After a particularly bad day, Morality, ever the peppy dad, suggests the idea that Thomas and the others have a fun filled night of karaoke. After a considerable amount of peer pressure and persuasion from everyone and a comment from Logan, Anxiety gives in to sing one and only one song. Logan takes the opportunity to pick the song, determined to conduct his experiment, of sorts.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Mild Angst / Fluff. Ruined Shirt. Summary: I received a prompt from a drabble list. The prompt was: "Sorry isn't going to help when I kick your ass!" Morality accidentally messes up one of Anxiety's favorite things, and Anxiety gets upset. Roman steps in to diffuse the situation.
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Fluff. Prinxiety Headcanons. Summary: Just a handful of cutesy prinxiety diddies.
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Fluff. Meant to be Mine. Summary: Roman and Anxiety have been together for three months now. The longer they are together, the more they notice about one another, and one thing that Anxiety has noticed is that Roman likes to make sure Anxiety knows that he is Roman’s, and that everyone else knows as well. They belong to one another, body and soul. So, when Anxiety hurts his hand and has trouble combing his own hair, Morality steps forward to help out his buddy. Roman doesn’t take too kindly to others playing with his Sunshine’s hair.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Fluff. The Physical Space. Summary: Based upon the Physical Space AU that I came up with, tagged above. The sides experience their first time venturing out into the physical plane. Thomas, knowing how they bicker and afraid that he would somehow lose one of his sides, had always refused to let them out, but one day he gives in and decides to take them to the local park. Morality is ecstatic to pet all the dogs he sees, Logan is constantly flitting about to make sure Morality doesn’t contract a disease from any stray dogs, Anxiety is just trying to chill and admire nature and how cool it is to be free like this (despite feeling really anxious about being around so many other people face to face) and lastly, Roman wishes he can pay more attention to his new surroundings, but the beauty that is Anxiety in the physical space distracts him more than anything.
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Fluff. The Sash. Summary: An ask was sent in to my tumblr, requesting a piece from a sentence starters list. The prompt was: "You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex." After Anxiety ruins one of Roman’s sashes, Roman is none to happy with his boyfriend.
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Fluff. Weak. Summary: An ask was sent in to my tumblr with a request from a list of sentence starters. The prompts were: "Ha! I found a weak spot on you, didn't I?" and "Are you wearing my shirt?" Roman wanders into Anxiety's room and is a bit surprised by what he finds.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Heavy Angst. Don’t Take My Sunshine Away. Summary: An ask was sent in to my tumblr with a request from a large prompt list. The prompt was: "Don't die on me - please." After a fight with Anxiety, Roman not only experiences a sleepless night, but he also forgets to enchant his door to keep the beasts he often vanquishes at bay. One gets out, leading to unfortunate events.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Fluff / Implied Smut. That Can Be Arranged. Summary: I received a request on my tumblr from a large list of prompts. The prompt was: "Bite me." Roman demands that Anxiety gives him his attention over his phone, leading to a bit of a tickle war.
AO3 Link.
Smut. Teasing. Summary: I received an ask on tumblr with two prompts: "Stop teasing so much..." and "Good boy." There is nothing in this world that Roman enjoys more than taking care of his boy.
AO3 Link.
Angst. Doubt. Summary: I received an ask on tumblr with a request for a fic to be based off of the song Doubt by twenty one pilots. Anxiety and Roman are in a relationship. Despite that, Anxiety doesn’t believe that he is someone that deserves to be loved. Roman disagrees.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Fluff. Of Idiots and Ink. Summary: Human!Sides. In this world, whenever your soulmate writes on themselves, the ink shows up on your body as well. Many soulmates use this as a way to communicate and meet up with the one they are meant to be with, and, wanting to meet his love, Roman writes cute notes on himself everyday in hopes that one day the soulmate link will be found and his lover will view his words of love. He has always been excited about the prospect of his soulmate responding and living happily ever after. One morning he writes “Good morning, my love” on his forearm and checks back to see “No morning is good” written beneath it in a handwriting that is most definitely not his own.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Heavy Angst. Not About Angels. Summary: One-sided. Anxiety has dreams.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Fluff. The Netflixing and the Chilling. Summary: I received a prompt from a drabbles list on my tumblr. The prompt was: "You can't banish me! This is my bed too!" Roman tickles Anxiety, steals his pants, and all Anxiety wants to do is watch Netflix.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Heavy Angst. My Love. Summary: Human!Sides. All Anxiety wants is to grow old beside Roman, but it seems that fate has different plans in mind.
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Smut. The Switch. Summary: A prompt was sent in to my tumblr. The prompt was to have Anxiety taking charge in making Roman feel good, versus the other way around.
AO3 Link
Fluff. The White Hoodie. Summary: An ask was sent in with the prompts "You're Satan" & "Stop being so cute". Roman buys Anxiety a new hoodie.
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Fluff. Kitty Anxiety. Summary: A short series of little drabbles revolving around half-cat Virgil.
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Angst. Skinny Love. Summary: And now all your love is wasted, then who the hell was I?This is the unplanned part two to my piece titled "Not About Angels." I suggest going back and reading that first if you have not done so already, though this can be read as a stand alone. I also suggest that you listen to the song "Skinny Love" by Birdy while reading, so you can get the full angst effect.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Fluff. Protection. Summary: Human! Sides. Walking home from work late one night, Virgil comes across a circumstance where he sees someone who may need help. In all actuality, it turns out that the antagonist may need more help than the guy Virgil was initially going to assist in the first place.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Fluff. Collide. Summary: An ask was sent in to my tumblr from a prompt list of things couples can do together. "Slow dancing in the living room." Logan and Anxiety don’t have date night often, but on this particular night, they do. Logan decides to ask Anxiety to partake in an activity he learned about from a romance novel he read.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Fluff. Enchanted. Summary: I received an ask on tumblr with a prompt that read: "I could kiss you right now!" Roman decides to enchant Anxiety’s mug to make it so any liquid consumed from it makes a person outwardly happy, but the magic does not have the desired affect.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Smut. Private Nights. Summary: Based off of “Flesh” by Simon Curtis. Logan and Virgil have a private night together, plus aftercare.
AO3 Link
Fluff. Still Get Jealous. Summary: I received an ask on tumblr with a prompt: "Are you jealous?" Anxiety doesn't like it when Logan reads to Morality.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Light Angst / Fluff. No Bounds. Summary: I received an ask with an idea. Anxiety has a hard time believing that Logan loves him, and Logan proves to him that he is all he wants.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Fluff. New Year’s Kiss. Summary: Virgil doesn't understand what is so important about a New Year's kiss. Logan shares his confusion, so he proposes an idea so they can both figure out what the fuss is all about. Or, the one where Logan uses science as an excuse to kiss Virgil, and maybe Virgil does too.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Smut. Beauty. Summary: Human!Sides. I received a request on tumblr with a prompt: "Car sex looks so much easier in the movies." Anxiety takes Morality out on a date and decides he wants to try something new.
AO3 Link
Smut. My Honeybee. Summary: Can be seen as part 2 of Beauty. Human!Sides. I received an ask on tumblr requesting "You're so beautiful all spread out like this, just for me." Morality loves taking care of his honeybee in bed.
AO3 Link
Fluff. Human! Moxiety Headcanons. Summary: Based off of things from Beauty and My Honeybee. Just fluffy backstory of how Virgil and Patton got together, completely sfw. Beauty and My Honeybee do not need to be read in order to understand this.
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wanderingcas · 7 years
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Week 5: Rarepairs! 
[Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful submissions to Week 5 of Spn Fanfic Submission Thursday!! So many wonderful fics in this list, with so many pairings! If you want to participate in next week’s fic submissions, check out the schedule!
Please signal boost so we can get these great fics circulating!]
What If by @galaxystiel 
What if, before Castiel fell, he arranged for Benny to be pulled from purgatory and resurrected?
Teen and Up. 741 words. (Complete)
[canon divergence, implied past sexual encounters]
Where We Are by @envydean
Benny’s just got married to Andrea. Dean gets drunk at the reception and ends up telling more than he wanted during his best man’s speech.
Teen and Up. 2.9k words. (Complete)
[Accidental Love Confessions, Angst, Happy Ending, Reuniting]
Enough by @coffeeandcas
Dean is the new cop on the block and has only been at his new job for three weeks. Already he’s made three epic screw-ups and has drawn the attention of his boss. Deputy Lafitte, who Dean has been dating for a while now outside of work, calls him into the office and reprimands him, then asks him to make a very interesting choice…
Explicit. 9.5k words. (Complete)
[Sub!Dean, Dom!Benny, BDSM, rope bondage, spanking, leather, sub drop]
found by @babybluecas
Purgatory has still got its hold on Dean, but it’s another embrace he ends up in at night.
Teen and Up. 1.1k words. (Complete)
[canon based, established relationship]
Morning at Brookdale by @braezenkitty
Sam and Eileen wake up and get reacquainted.
Explicit. 715 words. (Complete)
[Shameless Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Heterosexual Sex, Morning Sex]
What Did Sam Do This Time? by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Mature. 1.2k words. (Complete)
[Fluff and Angst, MoL Bunker, implied destiel]
One and One Make Three by @braezenkitty
Dean’s crushing hardcore on his friend, Cas. He doesn’t know him all that well since they only met at the start of the semester a few weeks earlier, but seeing Cas in classes four days a week was bound to affect him. He’s smart, goofy and charismatic, but somehow also serious and socially clueless; he’s athletic with the body to prove it; and he’s fucking gorgeous with the bluest eyes Dean has ever seen. In other words, he’s a total catch and way too good for Dean.
Dean is resolved to suffer his crush in silence until it goes away. Only it doesn’t, of course, because when is Dean Winchester’s life ever easy or simple? That’s when he finds out the person he thought was Cas is actually two people—identical twins. When the twins realize Dean’s blunder, they decide to have a little fun. They refuse to reveal the other twin’s name until Dean earns the right to know it. Which means Dean’s stuck doing their bidding until they decide to have mercy on him.
Explicit. 25.5k words. (Complete)
[Mildly Dubious Consent, Twincest, Blow Jobs, Dean in Panties, College AU]
The Case of the Masked Swordsman by @jhoomwrites
There’s a strange, masked swordsman acting as a vigilante in Richmond. The man fights the prevalent corruption in local mining towns and is suspected of helping men escape their indentured servitude for new lives. In all honesty, Dean admires the man’s efforts, but he’s been tasked with investigating the claims and bringing the masked man to justice.
Mature. 9k words. (Complete)
[twincest, historical!au, zorro!au, blowjobs, minor michael/anna]
Love at First sight by @fpwoper
Dean Winchester is the owner of his own car restoration store slash garage, aptly named “Winchester Cars”. His brother, Sam, and best friends have all moved away from the medium-sized city he lives in, and Dean is lonely. He’s not coping very well - J.N., a porn actor slash lingerie model, is profiting a lot from his lonely nights - and the only person keeping him happy is Charlie, his best friend. Their Skype conversations don’t always help, though. One night, after being pressured by Charlie to finally go out, Dean strikes out again. He decides to just give up and wanders around the city until he finds a bar he likes, and enters. He decides to go in and hope for the best - maybe he’ll find someone there…
Explicit. 28.5k words. (Complete)
[cas and jimmy don’t know if they are related, confused identities, jimmys a porn star]
Some Things Last by @rosemoonweaver
Jimmy Novak had nearly everything he’d ever wanted; a decent job, a beautiful daughter, and a boyfriend he adored. But his father’s sudden death threatens to destroy the things he holds most dear when he’s forced to come face-to-face with his past and the one person he never wanted to have to face again: his brother.
Castiel Novak had been managing life just fine. It hadn’t been going the way he’d expected, but still, things were fine. That was of course until his father died and he was back in the same room as his twin brother, Jimmy, and all that managing was a little harder to do. Between his brother, his memories, and his brother’s gorgeous new boyfriend, Castiel was fairly certain it’s only a matter of time before something snaps.
Dean Winchester thought he’d had things relatively figured out. He was in love and more than ready to take the next step with his boyfriend, until he found out about that twin brother his boyfriend had never mentioned. There’s some kind of damage between the two of them, shaking Jimmy up and messing with his head. Dean is determined to find out what and hopefully fix it. Now all he has to do is figure it out and not fall for the wrong twin in the process.
Explicit. 61.7k words. (Complete)
[Past Child Abuse, Infidelity, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Lovers to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers]
Dean's a Secret Romantic by @fragments-of-stardust
Valentine’s Day is coming up, and Sam wants to take Cas on a date. Dean grudging agrees, and they plan out the date in earnest.
“Are those heart-shaped pancakes?” Sam asked him, an eyebrow raised in disbelief. “Are you, Dean No-Romance Winchester, making heart-shaped pancakes?”
Explicit. 4.1k words. (WIP)
[Established Relationship, Shower Sex, Flustered Dean]
To Fall Down At Your Door by @samanddeaninpanties
Dean is Cas’s submissive and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s never been conventional by any stretch of the word, so why follow along with the way Alphas are expected to behave? Their dynamic works for them. Screw anyone who says an Omega should never dominate an Alpha. When a homeless Alpha enters Dean’s Artisan Bakery it bothers him more than he cares to admit. Cas insists Dean wouldn’t hurt anyone unless he didn’t have a choice. Alphas don’t usually mate because it tends to lead to injury or death. So, the attraction he’s feeling doesn’t matter. Self-preservation does and despite Cas believing it wouldn’t end badly Dean doesn’t wanna take the chance. Some lines aren’t meant to be crossed. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done, especially since Cas has decided he’s gonna fuck Sam.  
Explicit. 5k words. (WIP)
[Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, bottom!Dean, switch!Cas, switch!Sam, voyeurism, porn with feelings]
Warnings: under-negotiated kink in chapter 3 (but fully consensual)
Dean/Jake Peralta (Crossover)
What happens in Brooklyn.... by @procasdeanating
Dean's hunting a vamp in NYC. A cop named Jake crosses his path …
Teen and Up. 1.3k words. (Complete)
[Brooklyn 99 Crossover, Love Confessions, POV Dean Winchester]
Oh, Won't You Please Take Me Home by @bold-sartorial-statement
Balthazar meets Gabriel in the angel afterlife. Snarkiness ensues.
Teen and Up. 1.2k words. (Complete)
[Afterlife, Fluff and Crack]
Warnings: Hate sex fantasies, Rape fantasies (all actual sexual activity is consensual), Canonical Character Death
I'll Be Your Iocaste by @bold-sartorial-statement
Sam finds out why Gabriel really eats candy, and he doesn’t like the answer
General audiences. 200 words. (Complete)
[Oedipal Issues, Family Issues, Emotional Manipulation, No Wincest]
An’ It Harm None, Do What Ye Will by @intotheruins
People are disappearing into a forest outside a small town in northern Michigan, and they aren’t coming back out. When Sam and Dean question the locals, they’re told all kinds of tales about the different fae folk who live in the woods, and nearly all of them could be responsible. In the end, they have no choice but to go into the forest themselves.
The trees speak. Pixies giggle at them from sunbeams and mutated fae attack without warning, and the forest won’t let them leave. The only safe place is the home of a pair of witch twins who save them from a kelpie, but even their protections might not be enough to keep the forest out.
Explicit. 28.7k words. (Complete)
[Alternate Canon, Witch Jimmy, Witch Castiel, Magic, Case Fic, Outdoor Sex, Fae & Faeries, Autistic Castiel]
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Sibling Incest
Fireworks by @deansleather
While celebrating the Fourth of July, Cas finally gets some alone time with Meg. He can’t help but confront his feelings for her, no matter their differences.
Teen and Up. 1k words. (Complete)
[fluff, firework show, pining, a dirty joke, kissing]
Hard Feelings by @funnywings
Meg’s bargained her way out of a life of crime and into WitSec, but with the caveat that she has to deal with a fed living with her to make sure she doesn’t run before she testifies. Cas is strange, but maybe he’s growing on her.
Teen and Up. 4.6k words. (Complete)
[Fake/Pretend Relationship, Falling in Love, Witness Protection]
Semper Fidelis by @darkheartinthesky
Balthazar only ever saw Castiel cry three times
Teen and Up. 2.7k words. (Complete)
[Season 6, Introspective, Angst. Canonical Character Death]
On the Lemonade  by @thayerkerbasy
The Mark of Cain so generously gave Crowley a brand new Knight of Hell, but the bromance was up to him.
Teen and Up. 1.7k words. (Complete)
[Crowley, demon!Dean, pre-slash, bromance, pre-episode 10x01]
Slowly, then all at once by @hekate1308
Dean lives an orderly life. As a single omega close to forty, he knows exactly who he will end up being: the respectable spinster, the adoring uncle. He got over any small regrets years ago. To say he expects no change would be an understatement.
And yet it arrives in the most unexpected of ways - the arrival of a confirmed bachelor in the neighbourhood.
General Audiences. 2.7k words. (Complete)
[Regency AU, past Dean Winchester/Aaron Bass]
Christmas Dreams by @lies-unfurl
Ever since coming back human from Purgatory, Castiel has been in a depressive fugue. Sam takes it upon himself to cheer him up, but his plans get somewhat sidetracked when he, Dean, and Castiel are sent on a hunt for Bigfoot.
Teen and Up. 17.5k words. (Complete)
[Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Christmas, Bigfoot - Freeform, Cuddling & Snuggling]
Burn by @wearingdeantoprom
Castiel is a WW2 Paratrooper from the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion. His mission is to drop in to help the Allied forces re-gain the Ardennes. When He and Dean are ordered to assist a sniper take a strategic position, Tragedy strikes. When Cas wakes up in a hospital in Britain, He is in pain and has no idea what happened to his friend Dean.
Explicit. 23.2k words. (Complete)
[Hurt/Comfort - Hurt Castiel - Nurse!Sam - Paratrooper!Cas - Bottom!Cas - Top!Sam - Suicidal thoughts - plans of suicide - Masturbation - Power imbal]
Learning Curve by @rosemoonweaver
Sam Harvelle-Winchester finally got his first job teaching at North Star Academy, one of the best private schools in the city. It’s a good job but the issue is Castiel Novak, the fifth-grade teacher down that hall he’s absolutely smitten with, but probably doesn’t have a chance with. After so many awful dating experiences, Sam just doesn’t have it in him to ask him out and even if he did, there’s always the chance that Sam’s sex would be an issue anyway.
Teen and Up. 13.7k words. (Complete) [Non-traditional A/B/O, A/B/O, alpha!Cas, beta!Sam, homophobia, anti-beta sentiment, Suicidal Thoughts, teacher!Sam, teacher!Cas, referenced drug use, referenced alcoholism, fluff]
Dude-Flick Moment by @osirisapollo 
Dean comes home early and finds Sam and Castiel in the shower. Together. He decides to ask his brother about it, while making it as painful for him as possible.
Mature. 2k words. (Complete)
[Sexual Humor, Euphemisms, Dean Finds Out, Secret Relationship]
Bird by @justrandomspnstuff
“It wasn’t the first time a child had been abandoned in front of the fire station. It broke her heart every time, but she thought she’d never seen anything so cruel as the scene in front of her:
The blue-eyed toddler held a dead bird in his arms like a teddy bear, chubby cheeks stained with salt from crying.”
After a long shift at the fire station, Charlie finds abandoned little Cas.
Teen and Up. 1.5k words. (Complete)
[Toddler!Cas, Toddler!Dean, Firefighter Charlie, Darlie, Angel!Cas, Married Darlie]
Music of the Night by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell 
Sam and Lucifer take a night to themselves.
Explicit. 2.3k words. (Complete)
[Explicit Sexual Content, married life, Phantom of the Opera inspired, Love Making]
Lucifer's Lullabye by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
Sam can’t sleep.
Teen and Up. 1k words. (Complete)
[Angst, Canon Divergent, Alcohol Abuse, Insomnia, Separation, Set Sometime after Season 7, Lucifer In the Cage]
Just Call Me Angel by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
Lucifer is Michael’s Angel of the Morning
Mature. 2.6k words. (Complete)
[Inspired by Juice Newton Song, Angst, Canon-Compliant to a point, ABO, Alpha!Michael, Omega!Lucifer, Michifer, Samifer, Plot Twists, Alpha!Sam]
Doctor Novak And Officer Lafitte Book The Criminal by @mydrunkendean
Benny had a sly grin on his face as he took a duffle bag from Castiel and opened it up to reveal a set of chains and a belt. “You okay with this, Chief?” Benny asked in his southern drawl that always seemed to make Dean melt. “It’ll just be what we spoke a out last week,” Castiel added even though Dean remembered exactly what had been said in that conversation. “I’m good. Green for go.”
Explicit. 4k words. (Complete)
[Doctor Roleplay, Police Officer Roleplay, dub-con roleplay, Sub!Dean, switch!cas, Dom!benny, Anal Sex, Coming Untouched, Aftercare]
Handmade by @mydrunkendean
Cain has made something very special and he gets Cas to try it out. Dean wants nothing more than to hear the beautiful noises Cas will be making.
Explicit. 2.2k words. (Complete)
[Polyamory, Dildos, Light Bondage, Anal Sex, blindfold, dom!Cain, Sub!Dean, sub!cas, switch!dean, Coming Untouched, Cock Cages, Chastity]
Hear Me by @lies-unfurl 
Dean tries to give himself what he needs.
Explicit. 1.9k words. (Complete)
[Dean/Endverse!Dean, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Frottage, Praise Kink]
Warnings: past prostitution, torture in Hell, heavily implied depression
You Should Ditch the Suspenders by @hells-keeper
He doesn’t know how and why, but he’s somehow there, with himself, but completely different. How does he get back? Does he even want to?
Teen and Up audience. 947 words. (Complete)
[kissing, WIP, Deancest, reference to endverse/Croatoan]
Partition by @deanirae
When the leviathans were deciding who goes play Sam and who goes play Dean, the monster who tried for Sam, but got the older brother instead, happened to find himself quite fascinated when he saw what kind of a man he’s meant to deal with. Going off on a solitary leviathan hunt, Dean didn’t know what’s going on… until he did. A life collision with Dean Winchester always seems to take an unexpected turn.
Mature. 2.4k words. (Complete)
[Dean Winchester/Leviathan, Dean Winchester/Dean Winchester, season 7]
Share My Body With You by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
Michael and Dean take some “alone” time with each other
Explicit. 1.2k words. (Complete)
[Masturbation, Body Sharing, Season 5 Divergent, Dirty Talk, Snark]
Perfect Arrangement by @purgatoan
Dean and Charlie are married. They couldn’t be happier, performing as Rose and Jack, and taking care of their daily lives. One day, Samuel Campbell, one of the big fish in the industry, offers to become their manager. However, he soon transforms from the manager to a friend and undeniable attraction between all of them seems to push them into a state that everyone could easily describe as more than friends.
Explicit. 6.3k words. (Complete)
[fluff and smut, unrelated Sam/Dean, drag king!Charlie, drag queen!Dean, bi!Charlie, fingering, barebacking, top!Sam, switch!Dean]
Like a River’s Song by @samhedrin
Sometimes Sam has trouble scrubbing off the dirt and grime from the tough life he’s led. But when he’s with Jody, he doesn’t feel like he needs to.
Teen and Up. 1k words. (Complete)
[canon!fic, PTSD, flashbacks to torture]
Sam Winchester/Max
Stone by Stone by @dreamsfromthebunker
Who the hell moves an entire castle from the Rhine to goddamn Missouri? Dean, Sam, Donna and Max don’t know, but a free vacation is a free vacation. Unless there’s German ghosts, possessions, and unfortunate hotel staff, which mean the week away from the hunting life is gonna have to wait.
Explicit. 8.3k words. (Complete)
[Dubious Consent; Case Fic; Haunting; Possession; side pair of Dean/Donna; Season 12]
Sam Winchester/Sarah Blake 
True Love Delayed for a Little While by @funnywings
A Princess Bride AU in which Sam is the farm boy and Sarah is the bride to be of King Michael.
Teen and up. 11k words. (WIP)
[temporary MCD, Action, True Love, Humor]
Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore
First, Last by @ellis-park
“Hey, like, not to be rude, but I can’t see around your hair.”
Those are the first words Jessica Moore, art history senior, says to Sam Winchester, pre-law junior.
Teen and Up. 2.6k words. (Complete)
[Canon Character Death, canon compliant, fluff&angst, implied sexual content]
These Arms of Mine by @fromashell
Dean comes home to Cassie after a trying job.
Explicit. 3k words. (Complete)
[Smut, PWP]
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inloveandwords · 5 years
The Buzzword Readathon starts on Monday and I’m SO ready.
OK, maybe not SO ready, but kind of ready and also nervous because I have a lot of physical books on my list and only one audio. Finding time to sit down and read a physical book is always a challenge for me, but that’s the whole point right?
If you’d rather watch this TBR and rec, check out my video here:
Otherwise, keep reading!
Buzzword Readathon TBR
The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill
Every year, the people of the Protectorate leave a baby as an offering to the witch who lives in the forest. They hope this sacrifice will keep her from terrorizing their town. But the witch in the forest, Xan, is kind and gentle. She shares her home with a wise Swamp Monster named Glerk and a Perfectly Tiny Dragon, Fyrian. Xan rescues the abandoned children and deliver them to welcoming families on the other side of the forest, nourishing the babies with starlight on the journey.
One year, Xan accidentally feeds a baby moonlight instead of starlight, filling the ordinary child with extraordinary magic. Xan decides she must raise this enmagicked girl, whom she calls Luna, as her own. To keep young Luna safe from her own unwieldy power, Xan locks her magic deep inside her. When Luna approaches her thirteenth birthday, her magic begins to emerge on schedule–but Xan is far away. Meanwhile, a young man from the Protectorate is determined to free his people by killing the witch. Soon, it is up to Luna to protect those who have protected her–even if it means the end of the loving, safe world she’s always known.
What if it’s Us by Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera
Arthur is only in New York for the summer, but if Broadway has taught him anything, it’s that the universe can deliver a showstopping romance when you least expect it.
Ben thinks the universe needs to mind its business. If the universe had his back, he wouldn’t be on his way to the post office carrying a box of his ex-boyfriend’s things.
But when Arthur and Ben meet-cute at the post office, what exactly does the universe have in store for them?
Maybe nothing. After all, they get separated.
Maybe everything. After all, they get reunited.
But what if they can’t quite nail a first date . . . or a second first date . . . or a third?
What if Arthur tries too hard to make it work . . . and Ben doesn’t try hard enough?
What if life really isn’t like a Broadway play?
But what if it is?
Anywhere but Here by Stephanie Hoffman McManus
Seven years ago, I left Conway, South Carolina swearing I would never go back. I put that town in my rearview and didn’t stop until there were several hundred miles between me and the memories I wanted to leave behind. But you can’t outrun your own heart. The past always comes back, and it didn’t matter how far I went, I couldn’t erase the mark he left. I’d never met anyone like Kellen Nash before. He made me feel so . . . alive. Until I made the mistake of falling in love with him. I spent seven years trying to forget only to be forced to come face to face with him again. I wasn’t prepared for old wounds to be reopened or for him to still have this effect on me. He nearly broke me once. I won’t give him the chance to do it again, even if he does still look at me like he can see everything I keep hidden inside. There’s too much history between us, like the North and the South, to forgive and forget so easily, but the longer I’m back, the more I start to question what really happened then, and the more I worry about what will happen if he discovers my biggest secret.
At seventeen she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, and not at all what I expected. A girl like her didn’t belong with a guy like me, but that didn’t stop me from wanting her, or breaking her heart. I never thought I’d see her again, but she’s back. Only she isn’t the girl I knew. In her place is an angry spitfire even more gorgeous than I remember, and she’s determined to take all that anger out on me. I’ve spent seven years missing her, living with the regret of letting her go, and when I start to catch glimpses of the girl I loved, I realize it’s never too late. Or is it?
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon
Dimple Shah has it all figured out. With graduation behind her, she’s more than ready for a break from her family, from Mamma’s inexplicable obsession with her finding the “Ideal Indian Husband.” Ugh. Dimple knows they must respect her principles on some level, though. If they truly believed she needed a husband right now, they wouldn’t have paid for her to attend a summer program for aspiring web developers…right?
Rishi Patel is a hopeless romantic. So when his parents tell him that his future wife will be attending the same summer program as him—wherein he’ll have to woo her—he’s totally on board. Because as silly as it sounds to most people in his life, Rishi wants to be arranged, believes in the power of tradition, stability, and being a part of something much bigger than himself.
The Shahs and Patels didn’t mean to start turning the wheels on this “suggested arrangement” so early in their children’s lives, but when they noticed them both gravitate toward the same summer program, they figured, Why not?
Dimple and Rishi may think they have each other figured out. But when opposites clash, love works hard to prove itself in the most unexpected ways.
Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler
Min Green and Ed Slaterton are breaking up, so Min is writing Ed a letter and giving him a box. Inside the box is why they broke up. Two bottle caps, a movie ticket, a folded note, a box of matches, a protractor, books, a toy truck, a pair of ugly earrings, a comb from a motel room, and every other item collected over the course of a giddy, intimate, heartbreaking relationship. Item after item is illustrated and accounted for, and then the box, like a girlfriend, will be dumped.
Roar by Stacy Sims
Women are not small men. Stop eating and training like one.
Because most nutrition products and training plans are designed for men, it’s no wonder that so many female athletes struggle to reach their full potential. ROAR is a comprehensive, physiology-based nutrition and training guide specifically designed for active women. This book teaches you everything you need to know to adapt your nutrition, hydration, and training to your unique physiology so you can work with, rather than against, your female physiology. Exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist Stacy T. Sims, PhD, shows you how to be your own biohacker to achieve optimum athletic performance.
Complete with goal-specific meal plans and nutrient-packed recipes to optimize body composition, ROAR contains personalized nutrition advice for all stages of training and recovery. Customizable meal plans and strengthening exercises come together in a comprehensive plan to build a rock-solid fitness foundation as you build lean muscle where you need it most, strengthen bone, and boost power and endurance. Because women’s physiology changes over time, entire chapters are devoted to staying strong and active through pregnancy and menopause. No matter what your sport is—running, cycling, field sports, triathlons—this book will empower you with the nutrition and fitness knowledge you need to be in the healthiest, fittest, strongest shape of your life.
♥ ♥ ♥
Buzzword Readathon Recs from my Bookshelf
Hideous Love by Stephanie Hemphill
An all-consuming love affair.
A family torn apart by scandal.
A young author on the brink of greatness.
Hideous Love is the fascinating story of Gothic novelist Mary Shelley, who as a teen girl fled her restrictive home only to find herself in the shadow of a brilliant but moody boyfriend, famed poet Percy Shelley. It is the story of the mastermind behind one of the most iconic figures in all of literature: a monster constructed out of dead bodies and brought to life by the tragic Dr. Frankenstein.
Mary wrote Frankenstein at the age of nineteen, but inspiration for the monster came from her life-the atmospheric European settings she visited, the dramas swirling around her, and the stimulating philosophical discussions with the greatest minds of the period, like her close friend, Lord Byron.
This luminous verse novel from award-winning author Stephanie Hemphill reveals how Mary Shelley became one of the most celebrated authors in history.
What I Thought Was True by Huntley Fitzpatrick
Gwen Castle has never so badly wanted to say good-bye to her island home till now: the summer her Biggest Mistake Ever, Cassidy Somers, takes a job there as the local yard boy. He’s a rich kid from across the bridge in Stony Bay, and she hails from a family of fishermen and housecleaners who keep the island’s summer people happy. Gwen worries a life of cleaning houses will be her fate too, but just when it looks like she’ll never escape her past—or the island—Gwen’s dad gives her some shocking advice. Sparks fly and secret histories unspool as Gwen spends a gorgeous, restless summer struggling to resolve what she thought was true—about the place she lives, the people she loves, and even herself—with what really is.
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
Everyone in Shaker Heights was talking about it that summer: how Isabelle, the last of the Richardson children, had finally gone around the bend and burned the house down.
In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is meticulously planned – from the layout of the winding roads, to the colours of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principle is playing by the rules.
Enter Mia Warren – an enigmatic artist and single mother – who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenage daughter Pearl, and rents a house from the Richardsons. Soon Mia and Pearl become more than just tenants: all four Richardson children are drawn to the alluring mother-daughter pair. But Mia carries with her a mysterious past, and a disregard for the rules that threatens to upend this carefully ordered community.
When the Richardsons’ friends attempt to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a custody battle erupts that dramatically divides the town and puts Mia and Mrs. Richardson on opposing sides. Suspicious of Mia and her motives, Mrs. Richardson becomes determined to uncover the secrets in Mia’s past. But her obsession will come at unexpected and devastating costs to her own family – and Mia’s.
Little Fires Everywhere explores the weight of long-held secrets and the ferocious pull of motherhood-and the danger of believing that planning and following the rules can avert disaster, or heartbreak.
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore
To everyone who knows them, best friends Miel and Sam are as strange as they are inseparable. Roses grow out of Miel’s wrist, and rumors say that she spilled out of a water tower when she was five. Sam is known for the moons he paints and hangs in the trees, and for how little anyone knows about his life before he and his mother moved to town. But as odd as everyone considers Miel and Sam, even they stay away from the Bonner girls, four beautiful sisters rumored to be witches. Now they want the roses that grow from Miel’s skin, convinced that their scent can make anyone fall in love. And they’re willing to use every secret Miel has fought to protect to make sure she gives them up.
How to Find Love in a Bookshop by Veronica Henry
The enchanting story of a bookshop, its grieving owner, a supportive literary community, and the extraordinary power of books to heal the heart
Nightingale Books, nestled on the main street in an idyllic little village, is a dream come true for book lovers–a cozy haven and welcoming getaway for the literary-minded locals. But owner Emilia Nightingale is struggling to keep the shop open after her beloved father’s death, and the temptation to sell is getting stronger. The property developers are circling, yet Emilia’s loyal customers have become like family, and she can’t imagine breaking the promise she made to her father to keep the store alive.
There’s Sarah, owner of the stately Peasebrook Manor, who has used the bookshop as an escape in the past few years, but it now seems there’s a very specific reason for all those frequent visits. Next is roguish Jackson, who, after making a complete mess of his marriage, now looks to Emilia for advice on books for the son he misses so much. And the forever shy Thomasina, who runs a pop-up restaurant for two in her tiny cottage–she has a crush on a man she met in the cookbook section, but can hardly dream of working up the courage to admit her true feelings.
Enter the world of Nightingale Books for a serving of romance, long-held secrets, and unexpected hopes for the future–and not just within the pages on the shelves. How to Find Love in a Bookshop is the delightful story of Emilia, the unforgettable cast of customers whose lives she has touched, and the books they all cherish.
♥ ♥ ♥
Buzzword Readathon Recs I’ve Read
Atheists Who Kneel and Pray by Tarryn Fisher
Yara Phillips is a wandering muse.
She dates men who need her, but always moves on to something new, never staying in one place for very long.
David Lisey is in need of a muse.
A talented musician lacking lyrical inspiration. When he first sees her, he knows he’s found what he’s been looking for.
Yara believes she can give David exactly what he needs to reach his full potential: A broken heart.
David’s religion is love.
Yara’s religion is heartache.
Neither is willing to surrender, but religion always requires sacrifice.
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
Adrift after her sister Bailey’s sudden death, Lennie finds herself torn between quiet, seductive Toby—Bailey’s boyfriend who shares her grief—and Joe, the new boy in town who bursts with life and musical genius. Each offers Lennie something she desperately needs… though she knows if the two of them collide her whole world will explode.
Join Lennie on this heartbreaking and hilarious journey of profound sorrow and mad love, as she makes colossal mistakes and colossal discoveries, as she traipses through band rooms and forest bedrooms and ultimately right into your heart.
As much a celebration of love as a poignant portrait of loss, Lennie’s struggle to sort her own melody out of the noise around her is always honest, often uproarious, and absolutely unforgettable.
Where the Silence Gathers by Kelsey Sutton
In this companion novel to the critically acclaimed Some Quiet Place, Alex must choose between Revenge and Forgiveness.
For as long as she can remember, Alexandra Tate has been able to see personified Emotions, and she’s found a best friend in Revenge. He’s her constant companion as she waits outside Nate Foster’s house, clutching a gun. Every night since Nate’s release from prison, Alex has tried to work up the courage to exact her own justice on him for the drunk driving accident that killed her family.
But there’s one problem: Forgiveness. When he appears, Alex is faced with a choice—moving on or getting even. It’s impossible to decide with Forgiveness whispering in one ear . . . and Revenge whispering in the other.
Buzzword Readathon TBR & Recs! + {New Video} The Buzzword Readathon starts on Monday and I'm SO ready. OK, maybe not SO ready, but kind of ready and also nervous because I have a lot of physical books on my list and only one audio.
0 notes