#Business Audits
scarlettohairdye · 1 year
PSA to printed zine makers
As a 37 year old who's been running a sole proprietorship for the last 10+ years, I just want everyone who is planning to run a fandom project that involves accepting money for printing & shipping costs to know that you're actually running a small business and you need to plan for taxes. It doesn't matter if you don't make any profit: that is business income and the IRS will see it as such if you get audited.
If you only take enough money in to cover the cost of printing & shipping then you can write that off as a business expense and probably not pay taxes on it, But in order for that to fly you actually have to do business accounting, especially if you're doing it at scale. Like, you can probably skate by without reporting a $500 project; I absolutely would not fucking risk it with a $5000 project.
Back when I was producing shows there were years when I was where I made $20k in ticket sales only to turn around and immediately pay $18k to my performers. I only made $2k for myself, but I had to report the entire $20k, because it was ALL INCOME. (I only paid taxes on the $2000, because that's how writing off expenses works!)
Yeah this is boring grownup shit and I'm getting my boring grownup fingers all over your fun fandom, but boring grownups doing boring grownup things are the reason fandom spaces exist at all (paying for servers is deeply boring), and I'm way more fun than an audit
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davidpasqualone · 2 years
3 Tips To Optimize Your Business | Affiliate Insights
3 Tips To Optimize Your Business | Affiliate Insights
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
Tenoch Huerta on why the idea that “hard work always reaps its rewards” isn’t true. Talent and hard work alone doesn’t guarantee entry into certain spaces (you’ll always be sidelined even when you’re included), but it will determine your longevity once you force your way in.
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nighted-doors-au · 9 months
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unluckyprime · 1 year
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happy non-dndads tuesday have some valentines doodles <3 six days til the comic eheheh >:)
also this is just my way of saying I think lincoln would write everyone lovely letters for valentines <3333
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captainkirkk · 2 months
My captaaaaain! I read Hands of the Emperor because of you and I am *obsessed*. It's so... there are books that try to keep you reading because Things Are Happening, but HotE is so quiet with it? It is all of my favorite older relatives telling me stories without all of the context and showing me what they love(d) about their lives and the people in them, and the regrets that they can't *really* bring themselves to regret and this book just loves people so goddamn much that I can't stand it. You start reading and it's so comfortable to pick up and put back down that even the hard emotional moments feel like lightly defined colors but clear brushstrokes and now I am three quarters of the way through the book and I am going to die if I can't get more of my uncle Clioper's slice of life in the government of fantasy 1800s. I shall never be the same.
You put it into words!!! Some fantasy books are really fast paced and chaotic, but HOTE will have you SCREAMING about middle aged men DARING to make small talk and look one another in the eye. It'll have you laughing hysterically about a career burecrat auditing a bank in his home town. And then something totally batshit will happen like a lord mage turning someone into a table and it's never mentioned again. This book makes so tender and happy and also feral. What a read!!
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smoshpvnk · 4 months
i would LOVE a damien and shayne show again, i want that really bad actually, but i would 1000% be okay with them just having fun and being dudes and not too often so they don’t burn themselves out and the time they are together is special. you can tell with defy era shaymien show they would film SO MANY back to back to back, like they were getting sick and their voices were raspy or squeaky and gahhh my heart i just want to give them all the hugs. i’d be happy with them watching bad movies, giving silly life hacks, whatever just i need shaymien content
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jokingluna · 1 year
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Today’s joke is from Alexa.
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eardefenders · 3 months
Are you still going write transcripts for the mailbag episodes? No pressure if your busy
Oh yeah I am! I've had work (audit and now it's month end again 🥲) so I've been trying to snatch moments where I can.
I'm eight minutes into mailbag three so I think I'll have that posted on Wednesday. And then I'll get started on mailbag four, which I want to get out before our next mailbag next Monday.
I've also been working on the John Twitter archive, writing some fanfiction, and creating the Sherlock & Co 18+ Discord (invites will be posted later this week).
Plus my son is turning three in a couple weeks so I'm splitting my time on that too lol
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bunabi · 2 years
hate how anxiety & depression is construed as weakness or fragility
getting zero or negative stimulation from living and living anyway is brave
auditing your thoughts & behaviors every day is the opposite of taking the easy way out like.........be forreal—
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madebysimblr · 1 month
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Entr'acte - January
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xehanortsreport · 2 months
it's april and i haven't posted any art online i think this is it for me
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Just totally bombed the dance audition for City on Fire. As in Got Two Moves In And Then Froze Completely, Mind Blank, People Running Into Me, Giving Up. Twice.
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the-commonplace-book · 5 months
wow fuck sag-aftra for screwing over video game voice actors
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Not just the length but also the anniversary in general 😭
I just. Gosh xd
HSMTMTS mean so much to me. And if I remember correctly, episode 5 was the first episode released after I started watching (we watched the first four in one night lol). Seblos were one of the first queer couples I'd seen in a show I watched. HSMTMTS is pretty much the best and most accurate show out there for theatre kids. And it has so many queer characters lol. Not to mention, of course, amazing music.
It just means so much to me, and I miss them all so much <3.
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melonpond · 1 month
bruh all this time I thought people were lying about coursera courses being free because I could only ever find the "start free trial" button on courses and assumed you had to pay for them, but apparently they're just hiding the audit button behind the "start trial" thing and I could have been working on them all this time *head in hands*
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