#Big MemSaab
zibah-ho · 10 months
sometimes I wonder why I’m into the kinda media I am and why I respond to it the way I do and then I have a three hour discussion with my mother critiquing fitzgerald and then I get it
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ambiguous-sanskars · 1 year
Hi guys! This is Part 1 of a prompt fill for my dear friend @vijayasena <3 Hope y'all like it!
Read on AO3 (click for additional tags, notes, and translations!)
There was fire, a single-minded force that forged its path on the ashes of the bodies it had burned.
There was water, a devotion so potent that you lost yourself in its gentleness, only to wake up six feet under.
And then there was air, a lightness that left no footprints, which held the power to both stoke and extinguish the flames.
“Annayya, please! Carry me for a little longer!”
“Akhtar, you’re so heavy. And annoying,” Ram said, aiming for irritation and missing by a mile.
“And whose fault is it that I had to dance so long? You couldn’t have lost sooner?”
“That’s it, I’m leaving you in the roadside gutter-”
The honk of a car horn stopped them in their tracks.
“Hey!” Jenny called, rolling up next to them. “Need a ride?”
“Akhtar does,” Ram offered immediately. Akhtar got down, giving Jenny a sheepish grin.
“Want to come to my place for coffee?” Jenny asked him. Akhtar looked at Ram, who was already beginning to translate.
When he heard the offer, Akhtar’s eyes widened in anticipation. This was his one golden opportunity to reach Malli. He nodded enthusiastically.
“Sorry,” Jenny said to Ram as Akhtar got in the car. “I’d give you a ride too, but there isn’t room.”
“I think I’ll be alright,” Ram said with a wink. “I’m waiting for a friend.”
As they drove away, Ram stared after the car. There was something about that paint-
The roar of a motorbike interrupted his thoughts. It screeched to a halt in front of him. When the dust cleared, he realized that the rider was watching him with an amused gaze.
“Hi,” she said. “Need a ride?”
“Uh,” Ram stammered. “No, I’m waiting for-”
“A friend, yeah, I heard. I figured that was a clever little lie so you could set your friend up with gori-memsaab.”
“Come on, sit! Let’s go to the train station.”
Ram finally seemed to recover his wits. “What, you want to elope already? We just met,” he teased.
The biker grinned widely. “The station has the best chai.”
“I don’t know, I think they use too much saffron,” Ram bantered as climbed onto the bike behind her.
She scoffed. “You mean the stuff the British are colonizing us for? Better get some while it lasts.”
“So, stranger,” Ram said as he walked two cups of chai to the bench, handing one to the biker.
“Sakshi,” Ram repeated. “Nice to meet you. I’m Ram.”
“Big shoes to fill, with a name like that. I’ve always wondered why parents name their kids after the gods.”
“Does the name really define the person?”
“It can,” Sakshi shrugged.
They sipped their chai in companionable silence. Ram turned to look at her.
“What?” she asked.
“Sakshi means… witness.”
She laughed. “And what do you make of that?”
“I don’t know,” Ram said, smiling with a light shake of his head. “I don’t know.”
“So what do you do?” Sakshi asked after a beat.
“You don’t have a job?”
“Oh, yeah- I mean, no,” Ram fumbled. He couldn’t very well tell her he was a high-ranking officer with the British police. And he definitely couldn’t tell her that he was a rebel.
“Then how the hell did you get into Scott’s party?”
Ram startled. “How did you know-”
“Relax, I’m a historian at the mansion. That’s why I was there. You dance well, by the way.”
Ram tried and failed not to blush. He felt a twinge of regret for not having noticed Sakshi back at the party.
“What need does the governor have for a historian?” he asked, changing the subject.
“Eh, you know. Facilitating interaction with the locals, teaching the Brits Hindi and basic cultural stuff. Keeping records.”
“I’m a guard. At the mansion,” Ram lied.
“Really? I feel like I would’ve seen you around.”
“I’m kind of new.”
Sakshi smiled. “I’ll keep an eye out for you, then.”
Later that evening, Sakshi pulled up in front of Ram’s house.
“Hey, wake up. You’re home,” she said, gently jostling his head where it lay on her shoulder.
Ram snapped awake, looking around frantically. “Wha-”
“Relax, it’s just me. You fell asleep. Long day, eh?” Sakshi asked with a grin.
Ram blinked in disbelief. He was not in the habit of trusting people enough to fall asleep on the back of their motorcycles. At least not until he had met Akhtar.
“Sorry,” he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“For what?” Sakshi asked, voice fond.
“Come in for chai, please?”
“We just drank chai.”
“That was 4 hours ago.”
Sakshi conceded with an indulgent sigh, turning the motorbike off and following Ram into his house.
Someone was already there.
“Akhtar?” Ram asked in surprise. Akhtar was sitting at the foot of Ram’s desk, lost in thought, as if he had been waiting for a long time. He looked like he had been crying.
Ram quickly knelt in front of him. “Akhtar, what’s wrong? What happened? When did you come back?” A thought occurred to him. “Oh my god. Did something happen at Jenny’s?” He ran his hands down Akhtar’s shoulders and arms, looking for signs of injury. “Are you hurt? Did one of the guards-”
Akhtar met Ram’s gaze, shaking his head. “Annayya, I’m fine. Please don’t worry, I’m not hurt.”
“Then why-”
Akhtar drew a breath to say something, and then abruptly changed his mind. He looked at Ram with tears in his eyes. “I fear I will say too much. Don’t ask me anything, Annayya. You know I cannot lie to you.”
Ram had never seen Akhtar look quite so fragile, and it was breaking his heart.
“Okay, okay,” he said, wrapping his arms around Akhtar and holding him close. “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me anything. I won’t push. Don’t cry, it’s okay.”
“Do they even see us as human, Annayya?” Akhtar wept into Ram’s shoulder, the memory of Malli in that cage seared into his mind. “What have we ever done to them that they- they…”
“Nothing, you’ve done nothing wrong. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have sent you alone with her-”
Akhtar pulled back, shaking his head. “No, Annayya, it wasn’t Jenny. She is very kind to me. It was nice to spend time with her. There were just other things that were… not so nice.”
Worry and helplessness swirled like a storm in Ram’s chest. “You know you can tell me anything, right, Akhtar?”
Akhtar wiped his eyes, smiling genuinely. “I know. I know. But you haven’t even told me who you brought home with you.” He looked at Sakshi, who was standing inconspicuously by the door.
Ram turned, tentatively holding his hand out to her. She took it immediately, making Ram blush despite himself.
“Akhtar, this is Sakshi. My friend.”
Sakshi crouched down next to Ram so she could be face to face with Akhtar.
“Hi, Akhtar,” she said, reaching out to brush a tear from his cheek with the easy familiarity of someone who’d known him for ages. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Akhtar looked at the two of them. At the faint pink on Ram’s cheeks. At how comfortable Sakshi seemed, squatting amidst the piles of books. At how they were still holding hands.
Akhtar smiled. “Welcome, Vadina.”
Sakshi couldn’t help the grin that lit up her face like a thousand suns. Ram choked on air, blushing deeper.
“Akhtar!” he scolded.
Akhtar ignored him. To Sakshi, he continued, “Please have a seat. I’ll make chai.”
He brushed past them into the kitchen. Ram stared after him in bewilderment.
“That boy will be the death of me,” Ram said.
Sakshi laughed. “We should listen to him. Please tell me you have a couch or a chair somewhere under all these books.”
“Very funny. Come on.”
They settled on the couch, sitting shoulder to shoulder with their hands intertwined, exchanging soft conversation. The fragrance of elaichi and ginger drifted lazily from the kitchen.
“I should go help him,” Ram said after several minutes. “It’s your first time here, I wanted you to taste my chai recipe.”
Sakshi hummed thoughtfully, resting her head on his shoulder. “Is it better than Akhtar’s?”
Ram paused. “No, I guess not. He’s got a way with spices.”
“Then it’s all good. We’ll have plenty more chances to have chai.”
“I should at least help him bring the cups,” Ram sighed, reluctantly detangling himself from their cuddle. “I’ll be right back.”
Ram stepped into the kitchen just as Akhtar finished pouring the chai into the clay cups, humming softly as he worked. As he moved to pick up the tray, Ram stopped him.
“Akhtar, leave it. How much work will you do? You are a guest; go and sit comfortably, I’ll serve.”
Akhtar turned to Ram with wide eyes, looking hurt.
“Annayya, I came here thinking I was coming to my own home. Why do you estrange me by calling me a guest?”
“No, Akhtar, that’s not what I meant,” Ram amended immediately. He lovingly cupped Akhtar’s cheek. “Everything that’s mine is first yours. It’s just that you’ve had a long day, and I want you to rest.”
Akhtar smiled. “Annayya, I insist. Go and sit with Sakshi-vadina. It’s no great effort to bring out a tray of chai.”
“Okay, okay. I’m going.”
“What happened?” Sakshi asked when Ram returned empty-handed.
“He kicked me out.”
“You got kicked out of your own kitchen?”
“See, the things I have to deal with,” Ram said with an exaggerated sigh, curling up on the couch next to Sakshi.
“Chai!” Akhtar announced, bringing in the tray with cups and neatly stacked snacks.
“Oh, this smells divine,” Sakshi said as she took a cup.
The conversation flowed easily for the next several hours. It was nearly 2AM when Ram managed to yawn so widely that his jaw cracked, causing Sakshi and Akhtar to pause their conversation to laugh at him.
“And that’s my cue,” Akhtar said, standing up to leave.
“Sit down,” Ram ordered. “Where do you think you’re going so late at night? I have an extra blanket, you can stay here.”
“Annayya, any other night and I absolutely would. But today I have some important work.”
“What work could you possibly have at this hour?”
Akhtar looked at the floor, expression clouding. The atmosphere in the room shifted; what had felt like family seconds before suddenly felt like three colleagues in an awkward work meeting.
Ram shook his head to clear it. “Okay, fine. Drive safely.”
Akhtar hesitated. “Annayya, I’m sorry if I-”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” Ram was no stranger to keeping secrets; he of all people had no right to begrudge Akhtar his personal life. “Go do your work. I wish you every success.”
“Thank you, Annayya. That means more than you could know.” Akhtar turned to Sakshi. “Good night, Vadina.”
They watched Akhtar’s motorcycle roar down the street. Then Ram turned to Sakshi.
“And what is your plan?”
Sakshi sighed wistfully. “I also have somewhere I need to be tonight.”
“Okay.” Ram eyed the dark streets suspiciously. “Are you sure it’s not too late to be out here alone?”
Sakshi tossed her hair to get it out of her face as she climbed onto her motorbike. It was such a mundane gesture, but Ram was transfixed by the way the orange streetlights glinted off her locks. As though for a second, she was engulfed in flames.
Ram snapped out of it to find Sakshi cocking an eyebrow at him. “Sorry, what?”
“You seem lost.”
Ram shook his head. “I’m worried. Should I drop you home?”
“Your poor horse is fast asleep.”
“He won’t mind being woken up.”
“Relax, Ram. I know this city like the back of my hand. There isn’t a being alive here who can hurt me. Believe me, several have tried.”
With that, Sakshi revved her engine and sped off into the night.
Ram returned to his living room, already missing the warmth and laughter from just a few minutes ago. As he walked the tray of empty cups back to the kitchen, he stopped. Something in the corner of his mind was nagging him.
He paused, carefully going over the interactions of the past few hours. What had he missed? He set the tray down next to the sink. That’s when it hit him.
When he’d walked into the kitchen earlier to help Akhtar, Akhtar had been humming a tune. Something familiar that Ram hadn’t clocked as significant at the time. He tried to recall it now.
Where had he heard that song before?
The girl in the mansion. The one who’d been kidnapped. What was her name? Malli. That was Malli’s song.
But Malli was a tribal girl, and the song was a Gond folk song. Akhtar had lived in Delhi all his life. So how could he have known it?
Ram took embarrassingly long to put two and two together. As the realization dawned, a crushing pressure in his chest forced him to his knees. He couldn’t breathe.
I’m dying, Ram thought. Please. Please let me die.
After a minute, the thoughts and the pain dissipated, leaving behind pure, unadulterated rage. Ram got to his feet with a guttural shout. He swiped the tray off the counter, causing the clay cups to shatter against the tile. Unsatisfied, he turned and punched a hole straight through the kitchen wall. Then he stormed into the living room and kicked over his desk, sending papers flying.
In the end, there was no decision to be made. His fate was written in his father’s blood. He had no more say in his life than a sword did in the hands of its wielder.
He put on his uniform and ran out the door.
“Yes. You’re afraid of him.”
“It’s not impressive to deduce that. I’ve admitted as much. My question is, am I right to be?”
Sakshi paused. “He is loyal, I believe. He did not reveal his rank, but he also did not deny serving the throne.”
“What did he say?”
“That he was a guard, sir.”
“Hmm,” Governor Scott turned to face her. “And did he buy into your little act?”
Sakshi smirked. “It wasn’t hard, sir. I expected to have to break through more walls. But I guess when you’ve been alone for so long, you’ll let anybody in.”
“Not just anybody, Sakshi. You. You have talent.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“You know, in many ways you remind me of the little girl.”
Sakshi’s brow furrowed. “What girl?”
“Ah, some tribal girl,” Scott said with a wave of his hand. “Talented artist. Voice like honey. Catherine heard her sing once and decided she just had to have her.”
“Have her? Meaning?”
“I think she gave the tribals a full 50 paisa for her. I’ve told Catherine many times that it’s not necessary to be so generous. Spoils them. Makes them feel entitled. But she doesn’t listen.”
“50 paisa?” Sakshi’s face grew ashen.
Scott narrowed his eyes. “Those people are savages, Sakshi. You know that. The girl is a hundred times better off here than with them. Did you forget what they did to your mother?”
Sakshi inhaled sharply.
“Yes,” Scott said. “That’s what I thought.” He turned back to face the window. “Keep a close eye on Ram. I’ve noticed a change in him, of late. If his loyalties are shifting, I want to be the first to know.”
“Yes, sir.”
“We are fighting for a great purpose here, Sakshi. We are fighting to bring civilization to barbarian lands. We are fighting so that no woman is ever burned to death on her husband’s pyre again.”
The memory of her mother’s screams echoed through 20 years of time. Sakshi’s resolve hardened.
“I won’t let you down, sir.”
Sakshi walked back to the inner chambers. She’d largely grown up in this mansion. She wasn’t in the habit of looking back. But today, as she passed a dark corridor she’d gotten used to ignoring, she stopped. What was down there?
Sakshi had tried exploring it once. It had been way back when she was a child, new to the mansion, wide-eyed and curious. She hasn’t made it very far. It was the only time the governor had ever disciplined her with a whip.
With a furtive glance over her shoulder, Sakshi turned down the hallway. It seemed to go on forever. At the end was a… cell? Certainly not enough privacy to call it a room. There wasn’t so much as a curtain hanging over the metal bars.
On the bare-bones cot lay a child, curled up in the fetal position. She couldn’t have been more than 9 years old. Sakshi’s heart dropped. How long had she been here?
A horrible thought occurred to Sakshi. What if this girl wasn’t the only one? This corridor had been here for as long as Sakshi could remember, and she hadn’t wandered down here once. How many innocents had been trapped here over the course of her life?
Sakshi fought down a wave of nausea. She was going to come back. She was going to get this child out of here, Governor Scott be damned.
Sakshi had always believed her life had improved after Scott brought her to the mansion as a child. But somehow, the thought of another child meeting the same fate, or worse, set off alarm bells in her head.
She was no longer a person, Sakshi realized. She was a weapon. Scott’s weapon. She couldn’t allow that to happen to this girl, too.
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coolblurbs · 2 years
🍭 ━━━ continued ━━━ 🍭 @busy-bii  - @blurbsblurbing
they had a great time at kenny's stand-up, and then two others that followed. their laughs were heard mixing as some joke threw an unexpected curveball to the story, and through it all, ajay snuck a few glances at the junior to see if he was enjoying himself. he was. with delight at that, ajay later parted ways with him with a big smile on his face and a friendship allowed to be earned.
the initially aloof fresher had given him his name before leaving.
yet, ajay had called out, “ phir milenge, shahzaade! ”
after helping his friends wrap things up and dropping a friend off at their place, ajay had finally gotten home around half past one, locking the door and heading right to his room than disturb his mother's slumber.
- - - - - - -
sunlight filtered in through the window, casting it's warmth over the sleepy male. the curtains fluttered as a cold breeze swept through, making him hug his jacket a little closer.
the sound of the vegetable vendor could be heard giving the residents a good offer. the aunty at the end of the street could be heard stopping the vendor, bargaining for more than the offered amount.
“ chod na sarita. uss bechare ki bhi toh roz guzarni chahiye. ”
“ haan memsaab, aise boliye unko. har roz yehi jhagda! ” the vendor complained.
sarita aunty huffed as they bought the vegetables, “ rathod tai ne kaha toh aaj chod rahi hoon. lekin phirse nehi bachega tu, haan! ”
his mother's voice brought a half-conscious smile on his lips.
a few minutes pass, as his surroundings lull him in and out of sleep, and a certain laughter from his memory echoes in his ears.
stirring awake, ajay turned to his side and cuddled against the jacket, warm and at peace, sleepy eyes blinking slowly as they registered it's surroundings.
the big teddy bear initially left on the couch was put away on his desk chair. must be his mother's doing. but well, technically, it should be at karan's place. he'd won it for his junior, after all.
karan singhania. he doesn't know why, but his instincts make it seem like a very special friendship in the works with this boy.
stretching with a little noise, ajay woke himself up enough to get out of the bed, cozy as it was, and heads right into the living room to greet his mother.
“ good morning maa, ” he hugs her from behind, placing a little kiss on the back of her head before he joins her at the table.
“ good morning, bete ji, ” she responds in a sing-song voice, a soft smile curling up on her lips when she noticed a similar one on her son's face. “ haan aaj saturday hai, lekin time ka koi dhyaan hai aapko? paune nau ho rahe hai. ”
ajay simply gives her a bigger smile, taking the knife and board from her to chop the onions. “ sorry, maa. ghar aate der ho gaya. ”
his mother hummed as she went on to sort through the leafy vegetables, “ how did the freshers party go? did your juniors enjoy it? ”
“ it went well, everybody seemed to like it. ”
ajay's eyes shine with a new fondness when he adds, “ and i made a new friend. karan singhania. ”
his mother studied his expression for a moment, humming in response as if telling him to keep talking. she hadn't seen that expression on her son's face in a while.
“ he's a bit shy, aloof. thoda guarded hai, doesn't open up easily. but he's a good guy. ”
it wasn't unlike ajay to share everything with his mother. she was his best friend all these years, uncontested.
“ kabhi ghar leke ao, uske pasand ka khana banayenge, ” the older woman said and ajay grinned, “ alright. ”
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sightego · 3 years
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always w a fckng cigarette in his hand
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Chapter 2: Mission
Bheem's POV
My heart shattered as i realised what I'd done in my quest to save Malli. Seetha had told us about Ram, about how he was so close to completing the promise given to his father but had given it up in order to help his bestfriend escape. He had given up on his mission for me.
I had to do something to get Ram out of that hellhole. I had to help complete his mission.
"Don't worry. Seetha will not roam around in search for Ram. Ram will have to come to her. I will bring Ram here." It hurt me a little to know that Ram loved someone. I loved Ram as something more than a friend, but those feelings were one-sided. I couldn't lose my bestfriend because of such feelings.
"It'll mean a lot to me and the villagers if Ram comes back. But please, promise me you'll take care of yourself. Ram won't forgive himself if he loses you." She walked towards me with something in her hands.
"What is this?" I asked as she gave me a half-moon shaped necklace pendant. "Ram gave it to me as a promise that he'll return safely. Give it to him so he knows I'm here." She kept it in my hands and closed my fist around it.
Jenny's POV
I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I had to get to my car before they caught me. I'd managed to break out of my room through the window but it was difficult to get out of the palace. I'd stabbed 5 guards with Ram's dagger which Bheem had given me to protect myself incase someone tried to hurt me.
"STOP THIS BITCH" yelled Lady Scott as more guards started chasing me. 6 more steps, 6 more steps and I would be in my car.
I quickly got into the car, getting onto the streets. I had to get to the outskirts. They'd lose me that way. I had only one thing on my mind, my mission to meet Bheem and tell him about Ram.
Seetha's POV
Me, Babai and Lacchu sat waiting for Bheem and Ram to arrive. The market was really busy. There was a big crowd and so it was easy for us to blend in.
I saw a car stop right in front of us as one British woman got out of it. Babai quickly covered his face with his turban as Lacchu turned around to hide his face.
The woman went past us as we walked into the opposite direction but I felt a sudden tug at my pallu. I looked back to what had caught my pallu only to see that it had tangled with the woman's bracelets. 'Shit', I thought. I signalled for Lacchu to go and hide behind the stall beside us along with babai. That way we could all still see eachother but they would be hidden from the woman.
"Oh!" She said, her voice as sweet as honey. I turned around to look at her but couldn't see her face as someone on the cycle crashed into the boy beside us, which made the boy crash into the woman as she fell forward, the plates in the boy's hands sent flying into the sky.
I caught her in my arms as we were covered in the colur red, some rose petals falling onto us. I finally saw her face as the flowers stopped falling. 'OH GOD' I thought, 'She's GORGEOUS'
Her short brown hair perfectly framed her delicate face, her cheeks a beautiful shade of pink. She looked into my eyes as I finally noticed her spectacular brown eyes. They were the shade of brown that reminded me of the beautiful trees in our village and the land near the banks of Ma Godavari, where I'd spent my entire life.
Ma Godavari. Our village. Ram. Bheem. The British. It finally hit me as I quickly made her stand up.
"Sorry, memsaab." I muttered before turning around but she stopped me by holding onto my wrist. She held it so delicately, her hands were really soft.
"Hey, can you please help me?" She asked politely as I turned to her.
"I'm Jenny. I'm looking for a woman named Seetha. Bheem wanted me to give her this. Do you know her?" She asked as she opened her hand to show me a dagger. Ram's dagger. How had she gotten it? Were Ram and Bheem okay? The questions surfed their way into my head. What if... I stopped myself before i thought of something I would regret. They were going to be okay. They had eachother.
"Yes. I do know her. Come with me." I told the woman, "Go ahead, I'll tell you the way."
I signalled Babai to follow us along with Lacchu. I needed to talk to this Jenny woman alone.
@manwalaage @lil-stark @thewinchestergirl1208 @contemporarykafka @gauri-vishalakshi @aurora2238 @irisesforyoureyes @itsfookingloosah @rambheem-is-real @adrakchutneyofficial @nerdreader @mayuriebubblie @darlingletshurttonight @redirection04 @zaddylokiandthorsimp @arcxmantula @nainawithspecs @alien-chicken-baby @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @slurrrrp @miriseven @seherie @hissterical-nyaan @bromance-minus-the-b
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How a Popular Decolonizing Yoga Summit Became a Colonizing One
Three big critiques of the yoga industry: it caters to white women, is prohibitively expensive, and promotes selfishness rather than social good. Authentic yoga - not just asana but the entire knowledge tradition from which it emerges - is available to all sincere seekers, is not connected to capitalism, and is not about celebrating our bodies but about our relationship to the planet.
The idea that yoga is available to make white women feel better is simply a reinvented colonial trope: Spiritual India exists to assuage the delicate sensibilities of British memsaabs that are overwhelmed by the surrounding swarms of barbaric natives.
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nmfnews-blog · 7 years
Television sweethearts, Upen Patel and Karishma Tanna, dominated tabloids this year with their love affair that started in the Bigg Boss house and continued well enough after it. Their stint on Nach Baliye this year was applause worthy too and they actually got engaged on the show. Fans love them and are always requesting to see them back together on screen. And looks like, they’ve obliged!Reality shows have a lot of takers in India, with multiple shows in various formats striking a chord with the audience. The actors who participate in these shows, as a result, also tend to become popular. Now, in what seems to be the latest trend on the small screen, several such stars are opting to return as judges of reality shows they have previously participated starred in, as well as others.
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australian-desi · 6 years
KZK ~ Episode 34: Of Dumb-ass Gunday, Choti Dadi’s Shenanigans and Dances
Aur kuch ho na ho, Anurag will sit with Prerna somehow for the pooja 
I can bet $1000 on that
Goddammit panditji, can the muharat get any more specific: 8:18-8:19, surely bhagwanji has better things to do than create a muhurat at such a specific time. Nice touch with the, this is the best time since 120 years to do such a pooja. Won’t make Mohini shit herself at all when Anurag sits with Prerna (I’m 100% sure that will happen)
Oh good, another character to fuck shit up
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 When you touch an aunty’s feet = automatic good sanskar 
Man I can’t take the gunday seriously, they are cracking me up
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Love how Anurag walked right past them without even acknowledging that something may be up
I thought you were the smart one in this place
Even fucking choti dadi who only saw them together for a second knows what’s up 
Thank god Prerna noticed them and used her remaining brain cell
Lolllll they aren’t even hiding their intentions, look at the way they are staring at murtis:
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Surely, being as rich as the Basu’s are, they don’t leave their jewels lying around, like they would put them in a safe or the bank 
This smooth motherfucker
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“Woh tumhare liye nahi, Naveen babu ke liya tha. Shivani unhe kuch khaas pasand nahi karti na, isliye tumhara naam liya” Kisko bewakoof bana rahi ho, you couldn’t even say that without stuttering 300 times 
AHAH she was super jealous with the Chandrarekha stunt 
but honestly, how can she compare the two things
Okay, hopefully Onu has a mind and a half and susses this shit out
Thank god, Naveen got ushered away I can only deal with one creep per episode 
SHIETTTT I TOLD YOU ALL, HE’S GONNA SIT IN THE POOJA - also you idiot, if Prerna’s doing the pooja, why do you think you’ll be doing the pooja with her
Ohhh Nivi is the one who is F R E A K I N G instead of Mohini
She honestly needs to chill though
Oh good, Mohini is also freaking, more than Naveen somehow
For some reason Madhuri has a greater reaction
“Kyun jo mujhe nazar aa raha hai, woh aur kisiko nazar nahi aa raha” Wellllll, you are surrounded by bumbling idiots, so I guess that would be a major factor
Holy shit, Prerna has also had enough of these couple dances like the rest of us.
That time she dug her heel in his foot was quite memorable 
Choti Dadi has more akal than anyone here, and she’s come to assert dominance #GoChotiDadiGo 
Don’t take no for an answer
Oh straight up, the first single boy in sight: “Tum karoge humaare Prerna se shaadi?” Choti Dadi got straight to the point that anyone is better than Naveen
Anurag is shook 
Don’t worry Choti Dadi, usko bohot pehle se manzoor hai
he’s just a bit of a dumb fuck, who will understand his feelings for her during the worst time possible
They’re literally having a running gag on dementia 
It’s a pretty common old age disease which isn’t a joke, right now she may forget details, but later on she can forget things like to shower, to eat, basic human necessities 
I dont get why in tellywood, whether it be the lgbt rights, diseases, marriage etc. why are these a joke 
Nahi, not another weird couple dance, they make me uncomfortable, Prerna uncomfortable, Prerna’s family uncomfortable, Anurag uncomfortable, and everyone around them uncomfortable 
Anurag’s reactions are absolute gold, his face is literally like, “Are you srs Prerna, thought you grew a brain by now, but nope” 
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“Pink dupatte wali memsaab, will you dance with me?” Kyun public mein beisti karwana chaahtha hai, she said no to you literally 5 minutes ago 
List of things I wasn’t expecting:
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Mohini be like ‘yes baby’ now, but watch her be ‘NOOO ONU BABY NO’ in a month’s time 
The dance was nice and all, but the random hand gestures kinda ruined it 
Precap: Anurag ne dekh bhi liya toh what’s the big deal, the idiot doesn’t even realise he could get out his phone and record them, and then whatsapp the recording on the family group chat. But no instead he is going watch all of this, act shocked, then tell Prerna, who will tell him to fuck off, then tell his mother who will also tell him to fuck off and then he will cry to his dad saying “what should I do now” 
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loadfantastic971 · 3 years
Streaming Nyai Ageng Ratu Pemikat
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Nyai Ageng Tegalrejo adalah satu di antara beberapa tokoh perempuan di Jawa yang punya andil besar dalam sejarah negeri ini. Ia adalah pejuang sekaligus ulama dan nenek buyut dari pahlawan nasional Pangeran Diponegoro. Ia juga berada dibalik pembentukan karakter kepribadian Pangeran Diponegoro. Dari pernikahan itu, lahir Ki Ageng Getas Pendowo, yang menurunkan manusia penangkap petir, Ki Ageng Selo, yang berputra Ki Ageng Nis, berputra Ki Ageng Pemanahan, dan berputra Panembahan Senopati yang menurunkan raja-raja Tanah Djawa. “Biasanya, jika Eyang Syech Maulana Maghribi rawuh selalu ditandai dengan datangnya angin yang cukup besar.
There seems to be quite the controversy as to whether her name is two words Calon Arang or one word Calonarang depending on where you look! Controversial for its frank depictions of sexuality and coarse language, the film was banned in Bandung but nonetheless the most popular domestic production of the year. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Some people said that she looked young in her old age because she ate jasmine flowers. Together, in , they established the film production company Tri Murni Film, which produced only one film— Segenggam Tanah Perbatasan , starring both Suzzanna and Suprapto—before closing. A dark sci-fi prequel , huge performances at the Oscars , and a star-studded new season of mockumentaries are our picks of the week. Home boy uses the book to defend himself, and Calonarang ends up destroying the book and herself in the process, or something along those lines. Their final effort, Tidar Jaya Film, was most successful; (1) it produced four films between and
She died on 15 October , in Magelang at 66 years of age, after 30 years of fighting with diabetes. Archived from the original on 9 August Monster Island Resort Podcast. Some people said that she looked young in her old age because she ate jasmine flowers. Newer Post Older Post Home. Barry and Suzzanna have never let me down. Fighting Femmes, Fiends, and Fanatics.
Suzzanna, Farouk Afero, Dicky Suprapto. In any case, why cheat yourself?
Edit Cast Credited cast: Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. About Me Todd View my complete profile. Calonarang goes to get her book back, and there’s a big final showdown!
That’s a great informational comment! Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title? Can they rely on the c Suzzanna, William Alvin, Dimaz Andrean.
Download Film Ratu Sakti Calon Arang | thydunsorpdabla
Darah dan Doa Archived from the original on 9 August In this film, Suzzanna took the role of Ratna, a woman who must protect her husband’s land deeds while he is working in Borneo. Newer Post Older Post Home.
There’s lots of song and dance numbers like this Motown tribute! Special lucha issue with articles by me, Dan Madigan, Keith J.
RATU SAKTI CALONARANG – “May Peace Be In Your Heart” ()
Home boy uses the book to defend himself, and Calonarang ends up destroying the book and herself in the process, or something along those lines. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet!
Rama Yohanes adoption Their final effort, Tidar Jaya Film, was most successful; (1) it produced four films between and But they seem to contain everything that I need in motion picture entertainment, so I don’t know how much longer I can resist.
Nyi Ageng Ratu Pemikat Share this Rating Title: Memsaab, this may be your lucky day, because I’m pretty sure you can get both “The Warrior” and “The Devil’s Sword”, which are dubbed in English, from Netflix.
In this film, Suzzanna portrays a woman who travels to Jakarta in search of her husband, only to fall victim of a human trafficking ring. Out to pasture – Covering Thai cinema and living in Thailand for the past decade or so auzana been an illuminating experience, one that I’m not sure whether I’ll regret.
Streaming Nyai Ageng Ratu Pemikat 2019
I don’t know if there’s enough of them to support an addiction. Her daughter from her marriage with Dicky Suprapto, Kiki Maria, is also an actress.
Cold Ground – The late 70s. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory without noting the vast amount of body dysmorphia happening, both to the featured I think I may need to invest in some subtitled Barry Prima. This group of witches is into all sorts of black magic and depravity like human sacrifice! She was soon cast in Ismail’s film Asrama Dara(1) in which she portrayed the daughter of a politician who must stay at a boarding house for girls.
Ratu Sakti Calon Arang
Monster Island Resort Podcast. Your basic storyline after that is that in order to rid themselves of Calonarang’s reign of terror, they will send a young man to seek her daughter’s hand in marriage, and then after he’s on the inside, he can steal Calonarang’s Book of Black Magic and end the madness!
However, it would be her final appearance. Add the first question. She died on 15 Octoberin Magelang at 66 years of age, after 30 years of fighting with diabetes.
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
Where was the style at the Hum Style Awards?
On Saturday night, some of our brightest celebrities descended to Karachi’s Expo Centre to strut their stuff down the Hum Style Awards red carpet.
While a lot of big names were missing, the red carpet was still buzzing. Now, when you’ve got the word style literally in the name, can you blame us for expecting some fun fashion? We were disappointed. Not all the looks we saw were terrible, just most of them. Here’s the lowdown on who should’ve gotten a better stylist, and a handful of those who look hot, no matter what (we’re looking at you, Kiran Malik!): Nay: Kubra Khan Just us or does this look like a Christmas tree in mourning to you guys too? This could have been salvaged if more effort was put into styling this; the rust shoes and silver earrings just looked dated and mismatched. Speaking of looking dated… Meh: Sonya Hussyn Another winner from the night who wore something less than inspiring, which is surprising because we usually look to Hussyn to mix things up on the red carpet. Ruffled dupattas are so two years ago. Meh: Ayesha Omar We love experimental looks. But as the saying goes, ‘go big or go home.’ Even though Omar ended up bagging the Style Icon of the Year accolade, we felt like this gothic mummified ballerina vibe wasn’t one of her bests. Sure, the makeup and hairdo worked and we liked the minimal yet striking accessories, but all in all, this Elan creation was a fairly forgettable number. Nay: Mansha Pasha From the stockings to the one-shoulder trench coat dress with tacky embroidery, we couldn’t find a single redeeming quality in this Barbie gone bad look. Not Shamsha Hashwani’s best work. Also, would it kill the ladies to work a bright lip? Yay: Zara Abid We see a red lip, yes! This monochrome look by the model was simple yet classy without being dull. Telling you, a bold pout does wonders. Yay: Mahnoor Baloch Finally! Mahnoor Baloch doesn’t attend many award shows but when she does, she gives the other starlets some serious competition. She wore a gorgeous silk ombre sari by Menahel and Mehreen with a velvet halter blouse, looking like the most beautiful peacock we’ve ever seen! Now if she could just point us to the fountain of youth that she’s been drinking from, that’d be great… Yay: Zara Shahjahan Clearly a solid sari was the way to go. We loved how the designer kept the makeup minimal, her hair in a snatched ponytail and topped her maroon sari with a leopard print blazer. So chic and right on trend! Meh: Momina Mustehsan There’s just too much going on here: the feathers, the frills, the belt, the red shoes. Mustehsan is a repeat red carpet offender. Sad to report, she missed the mark this time around as well. Yay: Sahad Sajal and Ahad were twinning in black but to be fair, we’re not even really looking at the fashion here. The best accessory these two were rocking was each other as arm candy. Nay: Zara Noor Abbas So. Much. Chiffon! This Asim Jofa dress looks like it was some serious work to walk around in. Unfortunately, it wasn’t worth it. If you’re wearing a ball gown, go all out. Make sure it fits like a glove, be savvy while accessorising and maybe do something more interesting with your hair than just a regular blow-out? This just screams poofy and boring. Meh: Mira Sethi Mira Sethi clearly hasn’t been skipping the gym! While the top half slayed, the skirt was ill-fitting and not so flattering; pants would have looked better. We approve of the dangly earrings though! Meh: Nausheen Shah Shah usually always ends up on our best-dressed list but this enemble was a little disappointing, especially because we’ve seen this outfit on Hania Amir before. Personally would have skipped the in your face emblem belt and OTT earrings. Yay: Kiran Malik Malik could wear a potato sack and still make it work. Any one else would have faltered in this quirky, print on print Ali Xeeshan sari. Not the Pinky Memsaab actor. Coupling the sari with slicked back hair, a statement ear cuff and choker, she somehow made it work without looking outlandish. How does she do it?! Yay: Mikaal Zulfiqar Again, someone who pretty much rocks whatever he wears. The Ruswai actor paired a black tee with a grey blazer; casual but also full of swag. Classic Mikaal.
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/where-was-the-style-at-the-hum-style-awards/
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clipper28 · 5 years
बिग गंगा के ‘मेमसाब नं. 1’ के ख़िताब की विजेता बनी महिमा राज मित्रा
बिग गंगा के ‘मेमसाब नं. 1’ के ख़िताब की विजेता बनी महिमा राज मित्रा
वाराणसी: प्रतिष्ठित डांस रिएलिटी शो‘मेमसाब नं. 1’ का ख़िताब पटना की महिमा राज मित्रा को दिए जाने के साथ ही इसके ताजे सीज़न का सफलतापूर्वक समापन हो गया। इस ख़िताबके अलावा विजेता को नकद ईनाम के साथ 50’ LED TV भी प्रदान किया गया। शाम को हुए इस समारोह में बेहतरीन भोजपुरी सेलिब्रिटी काजल राघवानी, रितेश पांडे, श्यामली श्रीवास्तव के अलावा शो के जज और एंकर मौजूद थे। पहला रनर अप का ख़िताब जमशेदपुर, झारखंड…
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moviessportsnnews · 5 years
Successfully culminating its recent season, the coveted dance reality show ‘Memsaab No. 1’crowned Mahima Raj Mitra from Patna as its ultimate winner. Apart from the title, the winner was awarded with cash prize along with a 50′ LED TV. The gala evening was graced by some top notch Bhojpuri celebrities like Kajal Raghwani, Ritesh Pandey, Shyamli Srivastava along with the judges and anchor.
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tanzubee · 7 years
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It was a working Saturday. After sitting at a coffee shop for a couple of hours, sipping disappointing and over priced coffee, my colleague and I decided to shift base to Bombay Brasserie, the newly opened quaint little restaurant on 12th Main, Indiranagar. I instantly took a fancy to the place! The big beautiful teal door at the entrance, the printed mosaic tiles, vintage pieces, large square windows, and the teal/white colour scheme add to the over-all charm. We stuck to beer since we had a few excel sheets and documents to cover. But for my next visit, I have my eyes on 'Memsaab's Favourite Pink Gin' and 'Sailor's Spiced'. We charged at the food as soon as it was laid out, hence no pictures of that. But the staff-recommended Bombay Dabba Gosht and Chur Chur Paratha were truly delicious! I thought the Mango-bites along with the bill were a fantastic idea. The sinking feeling you are faced with when you see a bill is quickly replaced by glee when you find Mango-bites along with it. Although, to be fair, the restaurant is decently priced. Definitely making a trip back again for more of the food and the desserts! :) #tanzuprofiles (at Bombay Brasserie Bangalore)
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Karishma Tanna to do a cameo in Ranbir Kapoor’s biopic on Sanjay Dutt
Karishma Tanna to do a cameo in Ranbir Kapoor’s biopic on Sanjay Dutt
Karishma Tanna’s last notable outing in Bollywood was Grand Masti. Post that, she has been busy on TV with shows like Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, Nagarjuna – Ek Yodhha and Big Memsaab. The good news is that she has signed on a new Bollywood project and a big one at that. The sexy lady will be doing a cameo in Ranbir Kapoor’sbiopic on Sanjay Dutt. The film helmed by Rajkumar Hirani has been making news…
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mangeshramteke · 7 years
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At the sets of dance reality show BIG Memsaab (at SJ Studios)
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Reliance Entertainment TV Channel 'Big Magic' launch a new dance reality show Big Memsaab. Many TV celebrities Karishma Tanna, Sambhavna Seth & Pritam Singh are come to the premiere of this show.
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