#Best Sop Samples
mim-essay12 · 1 year
You want to opt for a computer science program in your high school now. Maybe you have been a swimmer during your high school days, but you grew out of it to pursue a career in finance with time. While swimming may seem out of the picture here, and you would want to focus on your academic and professional pursuits as per your future plans, it is not always the case.
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taylorsage22 · 3 months
Let Me Hear You! (Alex Karev x Reader)
Warning-Oral smut,
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You bit your lip harshly as you tried to keep a handle of the noises threatening to spill out of you, tugging at the ropes that kept your hands tied above your head. Alex growled at that, head between your legs and peering up at you with his mesmerizing brown eyes.
His tongue continued to work it’s magic on you, bringing you towards the edge at an alarming rate. Alex Karev was talented in many areas, everyone knew that. But this was one area only you were able to sample his expertise in.
He let out another appreciative grumble as he felt your pussy clench on his fingers. Two of them continued to fuck into you at a toe-curling pace, stroking parts of you that you’d never be able to reach on your own. His mouth worked steadily on your clit, sucking rhythmically in a way that only served to hypnotise you further. Every time the flat of his tongue licked over the bundle of nerves, you couldn’t help but jolt, doing your best to bite back a squeak.
Are you going to cum babygirl?” He barely pulled away from you, lips still brushing your clit as he spoke. The sound of his voice comforted you yet it’s predatory edge did the opposite. You nodded eagerly, still biting your lip and screwing your eyes shut to escape the intensity of the situation.
“Uh huh…” You let out a muffled sound despite your best efforts.
“What was that sexy girl ?”
“Yes Alex!” You wheezed, face turning red. You couldn’t help but buck your hips up, trying to get his mouth back on you again. Alex smiled, satisfied.
“Good girl…”
You let out a choked sound, the sensations feeling overwhelming but addicting at the same time. Alex watched you closely through his lashes. He crooked his fingers just right inside you, fucking them into you at a faster pace than before. He sucked harshly at your clit, brushing his teeth against it lightly and revelling in the little squeak you failed to keep under wraps.
No matter how long you’d been dating Alex, you always did your best to keep quiet in the bedroom. Whether it was from shyness or the prospect of being overheard Alex didn’t know but it was beginning to frustrate him. So tonight, he’d do his best to change that.
“Cum for me, baby…”
And you did, practically at his command. Your breath came out in punches as your entire body was overcome with convulsions, straining against the ties of your wrists. Your legs shook around Alex's head, squeezing and releasing as each wave of pleasure came over you. The man hummed in satisfaction as he felt your wetness on his tongue, your pussy squeezing his fingers impossibly tight.
But for the most part, you stayed annoyingly silent, letting out a few breathy gasps yet pressing your lips tightly together whenever you wanted to be louder. It only made Alex more determined.
He pulled away once you’d ridden out the last waves of your release, body going lax against him and legs flopping back onto the mattress. You stared at him in awe with glazed over eyes, still riding the endorphin high. You looked every bit the debauched mess that Alex wanted you to be. He observed you closely, eyes briefly flicking up to your wrists to check you weren’t cutting off your own blood supply.
While you caught your breath, body still relaxed, Alex took the opportunity to manoeuvre you how he wanted. He hauled himself up onto the mattress from where he’d been kneeling on the floor between your legs and spread your thighs. He sat between your legs, moving one so it was around his waist while using his own leg to pin down the other. The position left your swollen, sopping wet pussy wide open for him.
He couldn’t help but groan at the sight of it, still twitching and clenching around nothing where it was oversensitive. It was at this point that you began to take note of the position you found yourself in. You were completely vulnerable and exposed to him, unable to move your arms or your legs. You struggled weakly against his hold, testing Alex’s strength only to find it was far superior to yours.
“Now, baby…” He started, stroking up and down your inner thighs. “I’m feeling very generous tonight, so lets see if you can cum again, hmm?” He didn’t wait for a reply, trailing his fingers down your thighs again until they came to your oversensitive, wet heat.
You made a startled sound when he slipped two fingers inside you easily, already clenching and curling your toes. When his other hand came to rub your clit softly, you couldn’t help but start straining against him, trying to escape the sensations as you clenched your jaw shut.
In his mercy, Alex started with softer touches before working his way up, wanting to overstimulate you but not the point of causing any real problems. But that didn’t stop a pained sound passing your lips as you squirmed against him, eyes closed. His touch was a constant, unrelenting pressure. His fingers inside you continued to fuck into you hard, jabbing somewhere that made you see stars. His other hand rubbed your clit just as harshly. The dual stimulation was far too much and you thought you might pass out at any second.
“Let me hear you baby…” Alex hummed, smirking in satisfaction as you twitched helplessly beneath him. “Tell me what you need…”
You let out a whimper, face bright red as you struggled to obey him. Being loud didn’t come naturally to you but you didn’t want to disappoint him.
“Please!” You squeaked out, wanting more than anything to cover your face with shame.
“What do you want, princess?”
“It’s too much! I-“ You cut yourself off with a loud, drawn-out whimper that erupted from you without warning. You were a shaking mess beneath him, completely at his mercy. Alex’s touch was like fire against you but you were no longer sure if you wanted it to stop.
“Talk to me Y/n, let me hear you.”
You could do little more than pant and beg, and Alex knew it. Smirking, he added another finger, your pussy easily accommodating the extra stretch. You whined as he pressed against you more firmly. You twitched every time his fingers rubbed your clit just right and you thought you might be losing your mind.
“Are you going to cum again for me?” You nodded. “Sexy Goddess…” He breathed. “Go ahead then, show me how much you love this.”
His gaze was intense as he caught your eyes, holding yours for a moment before they began to roll back into your head. You came again, harder than you ever had before.
You jerked against him as Alex continued to rub you through your orgasm, teetering on a knife edge between pleasure and pain. The shudders were uncontrollable, as were the noises coming from your mouth. You weren’t sure what you were saying at that point, only that you were being obscenely loud. The thought of it only served to make you more aroused.
Alex pulled his fingers out of you with a wet sound. If you had the energy to blush, you would’ve. He continued to rub your clit softly for a few more moments, revelling in the unrestrained whimpers you let out as your body jolted.
“You’re such a good girl…” Despite it all, you smiled at the praise. “And you sounded so fucking gorgeous for me, I almost finished in my own fucking pants. You shouldn’t keep all those delicious noises to yourself, Baby…”
You looked down, suddenly shy at the fact Alex had heard you like that. When you looked away, he clicked his tongue disapprovingly. He took your chin in between two of his fingers and tilted your head up to give you a messy kiss. You whimpered into his mouth when he bit softly at your tongue.
“Now how about you help me out, hmm?” He ground his cock into your hip, breath mingling with yours. “Your mouth is producing all kinds of wonders today, I wonder if it can do one more.”
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flock-talk · 7 months
For each of your birds which photo of them best captures their personality? Which image best conveys Mia's queendom, or Toto's...Toto?
Let’s be real their personalities cannot be encapsulated by a single image so I limited myself to two instead
We’ll start with señor Flippy, the boisterous boy who was so aptly named for his nightly routine of doing backflips off the roof of his cage to prep his bedtime perch for sleepy time. He sang the loudest songs to anyone who would listen and man could this man POOF. He made sunbathing in to a competitive sport. He would also routinely try to fight anything he deemed necessary, including threatening the parrotlets which is a fight he definitely could not win but, we’ll let him talk big, don’t want to deflate his poofy ego.
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Zeeby occasionally located a brain cell and when she did she didn’t use it in the most functional ways. She would chew perches like an old bugs bunny cartoon, chewing the base of the perch while she’s standing on the very tip of it then forgetting she has wings when it plunged to the ground- surprised that gravity afflicts her. The fact that she passed trying to produce an egg twice as large as a standard egg for her lesbian wife is honestly probably the only way that makes sense for her.
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Her majesty the bean, miss Mia moo berry, connoisseur of local hot spots (literally) and a palate for only the finest of foods for her royal tum tum. She was the pickiest bean, would not have a bath unless it was the exact right tub, in direct sunlight at high noon, the room must be warm but the water ice cold if any of these variables are off it is unacceptable. Veggies she refused for a year before sampling one, yet again they must be presented in a manner fit for the Queen, fresh and crispy in direct sunlight, if the veggie so much as looks at her wrong it becomes indigestible. How dare you. Running a Queendom is hard work, as a result any time not spent eating was spent napping where she would locate the best sunny spot in the house and hunker down. Doesn’t matter if that spot is in the middle of the floor, you will protect the Queen at all costs and imply proper security tactics (image below)
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Newt has a heart of gold, he dedicated two years earning the Queen bean’s trust and she didn’t make that easy. He took his time, respected her boundaries and eventually earned the privilege of preening and cuddling Miss Mia. With this heart of gold there is also the mind for Crime, he plots thefts and incriminating acts on the daily but between his sweet demeanour and immense intelligence he’s yet to be incarcerated. This isn’t to say that he is conniving all the time, he of course likes his down time in his preferred state of being- absolutely sopping wet.
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Toto! Oh toto…. I don’t know how a creature can exist with a grand total of zero brain cells at any given point in time but man he does it! A very simple man who just wants to love his husbirb, preen his husbird, gather stick for husbirb, husbirb is life. But also if human is willing to offer a scritch then human is also very good option. Will get stick for human, humans like stick. A big fluffy man filled only with love and affection.
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palmtreesx3 · 11 months
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Act 1 - Foreplay
Aphrodisiac (Robin's Chapter)
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Summary: (6.8K) The pair are settling in at The Hideout but not without some bumps in the road, and are exploring the city and sampling a bit of all that it has to offer. Steve is trying hard to find things that he likes to do and he's totally baffled to see Robin so effortlessly spreading her wings. Robin's got a date. A real legitimate, public date and she quickly gets fixated. Meanwhile Steve's got another lonely evening by himself. The pair - well maybe just Robin - gets in the mood in this Robin-centric installment of Act 1. 
Warnings: it's a sex shop and generally just NSFW so 18+. Sex toys and self-exploration, female masturbation, shop talk, fluffy affection, LGBTQ acceptance (which isn't much of a warning, it's a goddamn right), self-loathing, mild depression and *you* make your first appearance.
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Almost-July, 1993
What Robin failed to consider when wagering a digital pet bet with Steve Harrington is that this boy was born and raised competitive. She forgot that in the Harrington household "lose" wasn't in their vocabulary. She also forgot just how forgetful she is. Ironic. So it should have been no surprise that in the last 24 hours, her Tamagotchi has been sick three times and was always beeping incessantly. 
"Rob, you're a horrible mother. You're gonna owe me 5 drinks before we even get our first paycheck." Steve gloats, tucking his healthy, happy, bouncing pet into his pocket before sitting down to lace up his sneakers. 
Meanwhile, Robin who is shoving her feet unceremoniously into her Chucks ignores the shit talking and dishes out some of her own. "Dude, we have to do something about this." She kicks her chin in his direction as he smooths out his clothes. 
"What?" Steve snaps back.
"I can't believe you still dress like that. Honestly. 1984 called, they want their Sears Catalog back." 
"Ok Robin, sorry I didn't know you also got a job as the fuckin fashion police."
"I'm just saying, small town Indiana polo fashion ain't gonna cut it in the big city, boy. You wanna keep bagging hotties like you did the other weekend, we'll have to do something. You don't have to dress for mommy anymore." And as she says the last bit she immediately winces "Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean … "
"No it's okay, Rob. I know what you're trying to say. Maybe. Maybe once we have some extra money I'll get something new. You can help me. Deal?"
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After a few weeks of exploring, Robin and Steve have zeroed in on quite a few of their own places. A bench they prefer in the nearby park, nestled in the shade of a swaying willow tree; a greasy corner store that sells the best breakfasts to sop up what's left of an evening out; an arcade that makes them nostalgic and think of the kids at home and gives them something to talk about when they call; and this place - a nice little coffee shop tucked in between towering complexes and quaint stores just one block over from their place. There are always records playing of the baristas favorite bands, the coffee is good and strong and cheap and they're always open when they need it. 
Steve and Robin have gone to the coffee shop almost daily since they found it. But this time Robin was out on an errand herself so she popped in on her own to grab two cups to-go and bring back to the apartment, where Steve, no doubt, was still sleeping. Perusing the wall of records in rotation while she waits for her order, Robin is startled by a quiet voice beside her, whispering closer in her ear than she's used to from a stranger. "This week it's good stuff, huh? I'm loving The Smashing Pumpkins new one." the voice says. 
Robin's eyes dart to her left and quickly back up to the wall of vinyls, the stranger's proximity and attention making her squirm just a bit. "My last .. girlfriend. She was into all the pop stuff. Not really my vibe, ya know." And at that, Robin's eyes rise to meet the womans who is standing next to her. There's not much that can actually shut Robin Buckley up, but here's a few: a really fuckin' beautiful girl, eye contact and someone casually talking about their sexuality. It was the perfect storm. 
Robin bit her plump, pink lips and nodded at the stranger, feeling a little ridiculous at the interaction so far. What is she supposed to say? Do I ask her about her ex- GIRLFRIEND? Do people really talk that openly here in the city? I don't even know her name! Robin's voice may be silent but her brain is going a mile a minute.
"Alex." The stranger says. Just as the barista shouts Robin! Your order is up! in the background. 
As Robin reaches across the counter for the two steaming cups, Alex counters "And I'm assuming you, are in fact Robin." with a grin. "No boyfriend today?" She says, and as Robin's eyes twist in confusion, she pipes up again "No no, I'm sorry, I'm not being weird I swear. I just come here a lot and I've seen you guys. Nothing freaky I promise."
"No." Is all Robin awkwardly says, totally deadpan. 
Alex waits for more, but nothing comes. After a moment she chuckles, picking up her own cup of tea and raising it to her lips to take a sip, but not before whispering out "No, what?" in a question. 
"Ha. No. No he's not my boyfriend." Robin says as she plays with the hem of her denim cutoff shorts. 
"Ah, too bad. He's a hottie." Alex shrugs and Robin stands confused. It's happening before she knows it started and Robin's dumpster fire of a brain starts rambling. 
"Wait. What? No he's not my boyfriend he's my roommate and yeah we come here, we're still kinda new in town. We're actually from a small town - Hawkins - but what… I'm sorry I thought you said your ex-girlfriend liked pop music so… "
"Yeah. That's what I said." Alex takes another nonchalant sip of her steaming mug. 
" So .. but Steve. He's… " Robin stutters out. 
"Well he is hot isn't he?" The woman counters. 
"I mean, yeah I guess. He has no trouble with the ladies if that's what you mean. Always Mr god-damned Popular cause he has perfect fuckin' hair but I swear they should see him in the morning, it's not all rainbows and butterflies then!" and the words just keep spouting out of her mouth uncontrollably. 
Alex looks on at her, almost endearingly, as she lets her go and spit it all out. "You done?" She asks. 
Robin nods, mutters an apology for her rambling and starts to head towards the door "I should go. Nice to meet you, Alex."
She shuffles her steps quickly in an attempt to bolt as far away as she can from the pretty girl who she just made a fool of herself in front of. God, I'm gonna have to tell Steve we need to find a new coffee place. Shit. 
"Wait! Wait, sorry. I can be intense." Alex muses, kicking her feet at the chair next to where they stand, before looking back at Robin's flushing face. "Yes, I did say ex-girlfriend. I also said your whatever he is is hot. I'm not stalking you, I just must get my tea when you guys get your coffee and, I hope I don't make you totally run off in terror when I say this next part, but I'm gonna anyway - I have just been distracted by you guys. I thought you were both pretty hot and I was distracted by the coffee shop couple every time I'm here. You were solo today so I thought I'd break the ice. Sorry. I hope I'm not making this weird "
Robin's mouth is absolutely hanging open right now. 
"Yeah, so the tables turned pretty quickly and I'm thinking I'm the one that should be embarrassed right now so, hopefully I see hot coffee shop couple around and I didn't totally scare you away from this place. " 
"Oh God, no. The coffee is too good and too cheap for us to stop coming here. He's not my boyfriend. Steve is 100% my roommate and that's it, no coffee shop couple here. Yeah, he's hot but don't you ever tell him that. Christ, he doesn't need a bigger ego. And the last time I talked to a girl like you I think I peed my pants, so excuse me I'm going to go hurl myself off the Willis Tower, if that's okay with you?"
Alex lets out a deep laugh. A genuine one. She reaches out to touch Robin's forearm, to keep her there… or ground her, she's not sure which. "Please don't. I can't have you falling if it's not for me." and at that Robin's eyes go wide as saucers. "Are you free tomorrow? Maybe we could get dinner? Downtown. Meet here so it's not weird and sketchy first…that is, if your hot roommate doesn't mind I borrow you for a bit?"
She's stunned. Robin has never been asked out on a date before. Is this a date? Holy shit.
She musters up every ounce of courage she has to smile and nod. "I get off work at 6, so can we make it 7?" Only to be interrupted in that moment by the shrill chirping on her keychain signifying yet another dead digital pet. 
A wide, sparkling smile spreads on Alex's face as she starts to head out the door, turning back to shout out "7:00, meet you here. Can't wait! "
And as soon as the bell on the door dings and she's sure it's shut, her brain starts catching up and Robin drops both cups of coffee on the floor. 
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Today, Murray is not entertained by Steve. Usually the banter between the pair has remained humorous and for the most part, friendly. Today Steve is just pissing him off. 
First Steve dropped an entire shipping box of condoms, spilling single wrapped rubbers all over the floor. It took him an hour and twenty three minutes and three side-eyeing customers stepping over him to clean them all up. Then Steve knocked over the mannequins like dominoes after he struggled with the BDSM display Murray assigned to him for the second part of their shift. Robin snickered as Murray delegated the task to Steve, knowing damn well it was just to make the boy suffer. Robin watched gleefully, sitting at the register, resting her chin in her hand as Steve grumbled through the entire task. At one point, he was fumbling so much with all of the straps and buckles and ties that before he knew it the head of the mannequin he was attempting to gag toppled off its shoulders and knocked three other mannequins down in its wake. All Steve could do in response was throw the ball gag to the side as he stormed off, yelling back "Tell that asshole I took my 15! I'll deal with the bondage when I get back!" 
As he marches off in anger, Murray does in fact slide over and lean down next to Robin. "How's Casanova doing? BDSM not his thing, I see?" He chuckles. Robin cocks a sideways grin at him shaking her head. "He doesn't even know what his thing is, Murray. He's just a lost little puppy."
"What about you, Red. You doing good?"
"Yeah, yeah I am. I think he's stressed because he's not really finding his thing. He's used to things coming easy for him and they're just… not here."
"What does Mr Hometown Heroes' emotional journey have to do with how you're doing, huh?"
"A lot, actually. He's absolutely a bumbling fucking idiot, but he is the kindest person I've ever known. He has a weird way of showing it, but that's because his parents are Grade A assholes. He's been more supportive to me than anyone on this planet and I am trying so hard to help him but I don't know how." 
"Well, Red, this is a journey of lifelong self-discovery. Ya gotta learn to love thyself before you can love another. That goes for both of you, ya know?" and with that, he pushes off the glass countertop and saunters back to his office while humming an indistinguishable tune. 
When Steve returns from his break Robin recognizes the look on his face. It's the one that comes back ready with his head in the game after an excruciatingly awkward pep talk he gave himself - out loud. If anything, all those years of organized sports at least gave him a method to get himself back on track. 
That's why it was so abysmal to watch as he confidently tried to help a young customer, flowing brunette hair curled and brushed out into bouncy ringlets, asking in a tiny voice behind batting eyes to be pointed in the direction of the Ben Wa. 
"Oh yeah, I got you covered on this! Haven't been here long and I never heard of those before our manager got one for us and just the other day I stopped in at this place that looked interesting… "
The customer's eyes narrow, not sure where Steve is going with this conversation just as Murray joins in next to Robin to watch the drama unfold. He brought popcorn this time and was audibly chomping on it with an open mouth behind a gaping smile. "I gotta see where he's going with this." Tilting the bag towards Robin in an offering as they watch. 
"Yeah, so if you just go down the block a few more streets you'll see a place on the corner. It actually says Ben Wa on the window, so you will definitely see it when you get there. I was surprised at how much I liked it!" Steve says to the miffed young lady as she is heading for the door. "Have a great day! Enjoy!" Steve yells after her.
"What the hell man! Where'd you send the good paying customer!" Murray outstretched his arm towards the door before reaching into his bag to throw a kernel of popcorn right square into Steve's forehead. 
"What the fuck, Murray. She wanted to know where to get a fuckin sandwich. Last time I checked we don't sell sandwiches!" He yells as he spins his outstretched arms from left to right, showing off the wares inside the shop. 
"A sandwich? You fuckin' small town nincompoop, no! Ben Wa. Ben Wa balls. She wanted to put 'em up her coochie you idiot!"
Beet red from holding back, Robin finally lets out a cackle that fills the entire store. "Oh my God, someone get me a white board! You gotta be shitting me. This is better than watching him sink at Scoops, hands down."
"Wa-what are you talking about? Ben Wa - like the sandwich from that Korean place? You got it for us for lunch three days ago!"
"Oh for the love of God. You're pretty but you're dumb. BAHN MI. Say it with me BAAHHHN MEEEE" he overemphasized.
"I-i… well.. what… what the fuck man! I don't know!" 
Meanwhile, Robin is on the floor with tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. 
After Robin gets her shit together and Steve returns to his normal shade of sun kissed peach, ever the educator, Murray fills the pair in on what the customer was actually looking for. Pulling them over to a display case in the rear, a menagerie of colorful metallic, glass and silicone balls are laid out for viewing. All the sizes as big as or smaller than an egg, Murray explains both their practical use as well as how they can be used for pleasure. 
"See some ladies come looking for these after they have a baby, nothing to do with getting off… for now at least … everything to do with tightening things back up again. Just a run of the mill afternoon at the vaginal gym shesh." Steve grimaces as the analogy but nods in understanding. "Girls …or guys - might use them to stretch themselves out a bit and train their holes." Robin looks on, fully engaged and taking all the information in earnest. "They have little weights inside though, so if you're wearing them for a while or they're jostling around there's a whole lotta movement in there if you know what I mean. A few tugs on those strings and you got yourself a party." 
The rest of the day goes off without a hitch, but gnawing at the back of Robin's mind are a bright red pair of Ben Wa balls from the display case, round and smooth and silicone, shaped like two cherries on a lime green stem. She's never owned a toy before, and she's feeling kind of intrigued, so while Steve is in the employee room gathering his things and clocking out, Robin seizes the opportunity to pull the toy from the case and ring it up quickly. She rings up the amount, and hastily keys in her employee discount before slipping them into her satchel just before Steve returns to the floor. 
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Robin has increasingly spent her free time idling around town and making her own discoveries. She finds herself often at a community park enjoying some local outdoor music that pops up regularly on the weekends and has stumbled upon a vintage bookshop a few doors down from the coffee place that she has made a comfortable home in their reading nook a few days a week while also making fast friends with the laid back cashier there on the weekends. 
Meanwhile Steve has failed at any attempt to casually find something he likes to do on his own and, as evident today at work, there's something that's got him stressed and Robin thinks this is it. He tried to join her at the community park, but he has yet to get into any of the music they're playing and he joined her once at the bookstore when she excitedly wanted to share her big find with her friend, but he just didn't get the hype after sitting there thumbing through a book he had no interest in actually reading. The apartment doesn't have any cable, and there's only so much coffee shop and Tamagotchi a guy pushing 30 can handle. Needless to say, city life isn't coming as naturally for Steve as it is for Robin and that is throwing him for an absolute loop. 
After a long talk on the fire escape over a cigarette, Robin actually had some wise insight into Steve's problem. "Dude, it's because you don't have any hobbies! Tell me one thing you've ever done because you chose to do it?"
"Robs, I played sports for years! Of course I have hobbies!" 
"No. That's not what I mean. Who signed you up for those? Who made sure you made the varsity team your first year? Who told you to run laps? Do you still play them now? Just cause you convinced yourself you liked it, doesn't mean you actually did."
And that resonated with Steve. He thought about why he actually liked all the baseball, all the nights on the basketball court and all the swim meets - it wasn't because he actually liked the sports, he liked how it made him feel to win. For his dad to give a shit every once in a while. For his teammates to need him. So Steve stayed up late that night, gazing at the stars on that fire escape and thinking long and hard about how he has spent his time - team sports that his dad got him into that eventually made himself feel useful, dialing up radio stations that played music he heard at other people's parties and cassette tapes of other people's favorite songs in his glove compartment, cooking meals that he has to or else he wouldn't be fed. 
The only damn thing he ever chose to do himself was watch out for those godforsaken kids back home and even through all his griping about them, it was always worth it. But driving a bunch of preteens around doesn't constitute an interest. "Fuck man, I don't even know myself." He muses into the late night sky, taking one last long drag before closing the window behind himself and idling off to bed. 
The next day, the two had a late start at The Hideout, and Robin threw her satchel over her shoulder while yelling out to Steve "Dingus, I'm going out to the bookshop for a bit. Need anything while I'm out?" 
"Nah Robs, I'm good."
"Kay - don't miss me while I'm out and you're home sulking!" She pokes, and the door clicks shut behind her leaving him in the quiet. Steve reaches for the radio and as he dials the station over to filter out the static and he's immediately back to thinking about last night. Why am I even putting on this station? I don't even think I like these songs, do I? He thinks to himself. So Steve sets out that morning to try and figure something out about himself. 
Inspired by the records displayed every week at the coffee shop, Steve finds himself fingering through bins of Vinyls at a record shop he found as he walked about the neighborhood. "Anything we can help you with, man?" the employee asks as he approaches. 
" Uh yeah. Actually I think…I mean, I think I want to get some records."
" Oh bud, happy to help! What are you into and what kind of player do you have?"
Steve stares at the man, stubble on his jawline, in a fitted yellow Queen T Shirt that looks worn and soft coupled with his ripped denim. A man that looks like he knows what he likes. Steve's stare is blank and he's absolutely at a loss. "I'm sorry, I have no idea. I should go."
"My brother, music is for everyone. Let me hook you up and we'll figure it out. No need to stress."
The man spends the next hour showing Steve how to use a basic model record player. They try out a few different vinyls to see what he might like. After a while, the pair have a stack piled up next to the record player - Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Tears for Fears, Red Hot Chili Peppers and a few others littered with popular music and rock artists he didn't really know by name before - and Steve is checking out. 
As he's getting ready to hand over a stack of cash to the man that helped him discover what kind of music he likes, they're interrupted by a deep hum, "Now that's a nice stack you got there." Steve turns around and is a little taken aback by what he sees. It's you…and you're standing there all casual and comfortable, looking very at ease in the record shop. "Hey Brian. What's up?" You nod in the kind man's direction.
"Hey hot stuff, I got what you came for back here. Just let me finish up with this guy and I'll get you taken care of. "
"Hi" Steve waves in your direction. "I'm sorry." No one quite sure what he's actually apologizing for in the least.
"No need to be sorry, you were here first. I just came to pick up the new Pearl Jam record and I am in absolutely no rush."
"Pearl Jam?" Steve questions. 
"Yeah man. Eddie Vedder? You might actually like it, all things considered." The man named Brian motions to the eclectic stack Steve has accumulated during his visit. 
Looking back at you standing there, not impatiently, just smiling brighter than the sun, he mutters "Yeah cool. Yeah I mean, if you have another can I add that? I'll give it a try."
And as Steve loads up his wares in his arms and turns to leave, your charismatic smile finds him one last time, " I hope you like it… ." You draw out waiting for him to fill in the blank. 
"Steve." He finishes for you.
You nod, "I hope you like it, Steve"
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The next night at the apartment, Robin is gearing up for her date and she is absolutely in her head about it. She has asked Steve one hundred times today if he's sure this is a date. "But Stevie's she .. I really think she might just want to hang out and be friends." 
"Robin, I swear to Christ if you don't just STOP this." Steve sucks in a clipped breath before continuing on. "It's a date. I'm one hundred percent sure this girl asked you on a date and you're going. Relax, please! Fuck, you're stressing me out and I have nothing to do with any of this!" Steve shouts for the last time tonight, leaving Robin in the bathroom doorway, staring at herself in the mirror trying to make herself presentable.
Through the damp hair falling into her vision and the steam still speckling on the mirror after her shower, the girl is trying desperately to hype herself up and get ready to spend time with Alex. But Robin is not a confident creature. She's starting to feel herself crawl back inside the cave forged deep in her personality and carved into the bedrock of Hawkins, Indiana. "I gotta fuckin' snap out of this." She says to her reflection, splashing water on her face and retreating back to her bedroom. 
She hears the new and welcome sound of vinyl scratching from Steve's bedroom, before the reverberation of Fleetwood Mac's The Chain blares loudly through the walls. She sighs, sitting there still wrapped in her towel from after her shower, mind wandering to Alex and her tall, thin frame. Still not sure how a girl like that was referring to her as the hot one, Robin's thoughts drift to the deep black of the woman's mascara, fanning her eyelashes out and emphasizing her deep green eyes. She thinks about how she was too much of a spaz to appreciate the curve of her cupid's bow and she's still not sure if she was imagining the softness of the swell of her hips or not. 
Mixed up in thought, Robin's forearms graze the front of her towel and the rough material scratches at her exposed nipples underneath. She lets out a wispy gasp, not realizing just how turned on she was until that second. Her mind is racing. She looks at the clock and sees she has 20 minutes until she needs to head downstairs to the shop to meet Alex. Immediately she eyes her bedside table, knowing those deep red, cherry Ben Wa balls are sitting just inside. She thinks about what Murray has been saying and all of his preaching about “loving thyself before you can love another, Red!" and with one last racing thought of the woman who actually wants to take her on a date… out in public, she's clamoring for the drawer. 
She has never been more grateful that Steve has picked up a new interest, and that it was a loud one, because as she lets the towel draping her body loosen while she's leaning back into her soft cotton pillowcases she lets out a soft whimper before she's even touched herself once. Robin tentatively lets her soft hands and glossy nails trace the outline of her slit, delicately rubbing and pressing on where she needs it most and experimentally flicking the hood of her clit. After considering things one last time, she purses her eyes closed tight and holds her breath as she guides one of the cherry balls inside her opening. 
The gasp that leaves her throat this time isn't soft and quiet and she finds herself gyrating and writhing as she rubs and tugs at the cherry stems attached to her toy. The weights inside are rolling and undulating just like Murray said they would, sending vibrations up and back down her body. Robin feels filthy, thinking about Alex as she uses her free hand to rub at her clit while still pressing in and tugging at the ball with her other, but not filthy enough to deny how much she is enjoying this game she is playing with herself. 
Robin's eyes are rolled back in her head as her orgasm rushes over her, the weights of the ball continuing to move and rattle inside coax her through her comedown. Thighs shaking and breath stuttering, she lets out a deep sigh "Holy fuckin' shit. I love my job." 
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Fumbling and running late after her little self-love session, Robin bounds through the doors of the coffee shop a little dramatically. As part of her grand entrance, she knocks her hip into the chair of the two-top situated right inside the entryway and doubles over at the pain. "Shit." She means to whisper, but instead says at a volume loud enough to reach the back of the shop, and if the entrance alone didn't alert Alex to her arrival, she certainly would have heard that.  
The barista greets Robin cheerfully by name just as Alex walks up to greet her with her hand outstretched, coffee cup there as an offering to break the ice. "I thought you might need a pick me up after work. She hooked me up with your usual order, so… "
Robin feels her freckles burn at the gesture, like they do after a day at the lake in the sun. She catches Alex's eyes scanning her body and she feels her chest flush, no doubt accentuated by the emerald green satin tank that's cut a bit lower than she usually ventures. The deep color making her hair, her eyes and her fair skin pop, covered by a cropped denim jacket DIY frayed at the edges has definitely caught her date's eye. 
"I wanted to pop into this Gallery I really love, if you don't mind indulging my creative side tonight? It's a great spot and… there's a graphic artist showing there now I just gotta check out before it's gone. It's this amazing social commentary on pregnancy as a lesbian. Like a totally butch lesbian decides to get pregnant with her partner, so what now? It's just… I gotta see it. The diversity at this place is phenomenal."
Robin's wide eyes are not white in astonishment this time, but instead they're with pure intrigue and reverence. Knowing that not only are there people like her in this city, but enough people that feel the same or respect it enough to go to an art gallery to check out doodles about a pregnant butch lesbian and it's not the butt of a homophobic joke is… enthralling to her. She nods vehemently "Hell yeah, that sounds…  really amazing. I mean… I'm not used to that kind of transparency, so, yeah. Let's do it."
And as they turn to leave the shop, coffee and tea in respective hands, Robin feels the tickle of a finger brushing her open palm. Barely registering what is happening, she finds herself in a brief yet unnecessary panic as she feels Alex's hand settle in, intertwined with hers. She can't help but scan her surroundings for passerby oggling the two women holding hands and walking down the sidewalk, but she saw not one the whole walk down the block to the train platform. The thrill of holding a pretty lady's hand out in public is sending tingles up her spine, or maybe it's the gentle, internal humming of the Ben Wa balls she opted to keep inside for the evening, but Robin could definitely get used to this. She smirks at herself as they ascend the steps towards the incoming train and asks curiously,"So tell me, what's this artist's name?
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Meanwhile, Robin just missed Steve on the same platform not 10 minutes earlier. Shortly after Robin finally headed out, Steve found himself standing in the kitchen staring at a barren refrigerator - nothing more than a carton of milk, some OJ and a row of eggs left in there for him to choose from. He tries not to be irritated at his current situation, but he can't help the groan he lets out as he reaches for the phone, readying himself to order way too much pizza for one lonely guy on his couch late at night. 
Before he finishes dialing he shakes his head, thinking about how he doesn't have to keep himself cooped up here. He has done so much on his own, but all of that was such a… necessity. Is it really that crazy to go off and do something alone without it being totally pitiful? "I mean, Robin goes places by herself all the time." He muses to himself. 
So that's how he found himself hopping off the train downtown and wandering into the first restaurant that looked reasonable and …  good. Not just food but something he might actually enjoy tasting. It's a quaint Italian place. Authentic, by the looks of it. Walls lined with corked bottles of olive oil and limoncello, twinkle lights strewn over the white lattice work ceiling, the unmistakable smell of carbohydrates and garlic. 
This is yet another something he hasn’t ever done before. Not just a quick bite or a fast food, but instead going out to a proper restaurant and sitting down for a real meal. Solo. Alone. Alone but NOT lonely, he thinks. In the past 24 hours since Robin pointed out that he never does anything for himself that he enjoys, he has done a lot of introspection and has made it a point to seek out new experiences hoping something will stick. Sitting at the cozy little restaurant place downtown adorned with faux plants, and filled with tables of other guests, he finds himself so grateful to have Robin’s perspective and support. So instead of worrying about how he's not sharing the table with a date, or Robin or anyone else for that matter, he's toasting to her, in absentia.  
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On the other side of town, Robin and Alex find themselves tucked into a booth at a dimly lit, definitely more trendy than she’s ever experienced before in her life, kind of bar. Alex has the table filled with an assortment of bites to eat and has ordered up all of the bartender's signature drinks on a mission to get Robin to broaden her horizons and shake that small town dust off of her coattails. “Ok, so, we have to find something here that you’re into. You can’t just tell me warm beer or straight shots are your drinks of choice - every city girl’s gotta have their go-to cocktail.” 
Robin first confidently grabs at the Manhattan from the selections laid out in front of hrr, recognizing the deep amber of the liquid and the familiar smell of whiskey that reminds her of Steve. It is quickly after she brings it to her lips that she sputters it back out, spraying the cocktail over her hand and most likely, her date. Alex says nothing about it, eyeing the ruby red blush on Robin’s cheeks and chest, but she stifles a small laugh before she says “Got it. No whiskey cocktails. Check. Here, here…cleanse your palate.” She says, handing her a small plate filled with creamy green, roasted artichokes splayed out like a lotus flower. “They’re the best in the city. Stuffed artichokes - ya know? They’re my favorite. Doesn’t hurt that they’re an aphrodisiac, huh?”
And if Robin hadn’t already spit out that whiskey drink, she definitely would have at that. So bold. So brazen. Dumbfounded that even at how blatant Alex has been with her flirting all night, it didn’t prepare her for that comment and the implications it held behind her eyes. And when Robin didn’t move to immediately grab a bite, Alex instead responded by picking up a delicate stuffed petal and holding it out to Robin’s pillowy lips, urging her to open up. She tentatively parted those lips and took a bite, wide-eyed at the flavor and simultaneously at the way Alex’s eyes remained locked on hers. 
Before the end of the date, Robin had successfully spilled a cup of water, knocked over the salt shaker and tried sips of 6 different cocktails before she settled in with a bright orange and red drink in a highball glass, lips wrapped around the straw and playing with the stem of the cherry hanging over the side of her glass. “This one is definitely a winner.” She grins, as she turns to look at Alex, excited to have found something that she likes while simultaneously excited that she finds she doesn’t really care that she did no less than 10 embarrassing things on this date anymore. She doesn’t feel embarrassed in the least and that is still a pretty new feeling for her.
“Why am I not surprised? I should have known.” Alex laughs out.
Robin shrugs, a questioning look in her eye as she sucks down the last of the drink, rattling the ice as the straw drains the cup of the last of it, loud enough to turn a head in the booth next to theirs when she forgets she’s someplace a certain level of chic that Hawkins must repel just by its sheer podunk nature.
Alex leans in close, right next to Robin’s ear to whisper, but makes sure she pulls back just as quickly to watch the flush spread over her freckled face like she knew it would “I should have known you’d like Sex on the Beach.” Sealed with a wink. 
And with that, the ice wasn’t the only thing rattling anymore, as Robin is keenly reminded as she feels the shudder travel up and down her spine that she chose to keep those Ben Wa balls.
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"And she said what to you? Oh yeah, your date wants to get in your pants. For SURE.” Steve said as the cool edge of a frosted mug hit his tongue. It was a long day at The Hideout and they barely had time to shoot the shit between odd jobs and a colorful group of customers, and Robin got in so late last night that he didn’t even get to grill her about her date when she rolled in. Disregard the fact that Steve was tucked soundly in his bed after a nice warm belly full of pasta and red wines (who knew, he liked red wine? He sure didn’t). After such a long day, and the bet hanging in the air, the pair stumbled upon a local dive bar on their walk home and that’s where they find themselves now - unwinding and finding themselves totally relaxed in the warm, dimly lit and unceremonious Benny’s Taproom.
“God, Steve, I don’t want to talk about it!”
“What do you mean, you don’t want to talk about it? You owe me three drinks and you’ve gotta spill your guts, Robbie.” 
“Ahhh, I don’t want to hear about the bet, Steve! I’ve been a little distracted. My keychain has been the least of my worries, genius.”
“Excuses, excuses.” he winks, the beer tasting even better knowing it was his prize for caring for his tamagotchi much better than his friends, just as he suspected. Robin cycled through three whole pets so far, while Steve’s has grown into a thriving, young thing and he gloats about it every moment he can. “Now, spill it. I need to know the details about your date, Robin. Stop avoiding this.”
As they sit there arguing over digital pets and sharing (or avoiding) stories of their night prior, a gravely ahem comes from over the bar as the gruff, stone faced and bearded man behind it places his hands wide on the counter in front of the two friends. “If you’re in my bar, drinking my drinks, then you gotta share, missy. This place is boring lately, and you guys are fresh meat, so please…entertain us with your stories. I gotta live for something around here.” he sternly says to the two, before he smiles wide and says “If you’re here, you’re family, so listen to your friend and give us the scoop, for God sakes!” 
Robin tells them about her first date - about all of the coy flirting, about all of the embarrassing things that didn’t feel so terribly embarrassing in front of her date, about all of the appetizers and cocktail tastings, about the menu items spread out on their table with double entendres and that Alex kept ordering things she kept referring to as Aphrodisiacs “I swear I thought aphrodisiac was another word for Oysters, and then I thought that it meant something sexual just because … oysters. They’re like…ya know.” as she blinks her eyes downwards to her lap.
“Oh honey, he is into you.” Jim breathes out as he adjusts to lean back against the sink with his arms crossed.
Maybe it was Robin’s tight-lipped smile in response to that, or maybe it was how Steve gargled his last sip of beer right back into the mug before setting it down on the ratty old, stained coaster on the bar, but Jim’s eyes flitted between the pair looking for the information he must certainly be missing. 
“Ah!” He claps his hands together as he takes Steve’s mug, swirls it around eyeing the backwash, throws it in the sink and fetches another one. He immediately moves over to the tap to refill it while noting “Alex…. He’s a she…isn’t she?” 
Jim leans over the bar, braced on his elbows and spends the next twenty minutes telling her that she's just had a taste of what the city has to offer. .. a taste of dating. A taste of Alex. And if she's feeling like that - if one taste is making her feel so so good, it's worth embracing it and diving right in.
TAGLIST: @livsters @katie-tibo @johnricharddeacy @angywritesstuff @k-k0129 @tisthedamnseason69 @middle-of-the-earth @thebrazilianatheist  @mochminnie @micheledawn1975 @falling-throughthe-hourglass @rafaaoli @ash5monster01 @gabessock @onyxslayss
The artist referenced in this Chapter is A.K. Summers who did, in fact host an exhibit at a Chicago Gallery in 1993. See her work Pregnant Butch here
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mrsarnasdelicious · 2 months
MeChat NSFW Alphabet - J [Jack off (masturbation headcanon)]
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Adonis Cosmelis: He doesn't want to think of you too much, but here he is, leaned against the bathroom mirror, spreading lube generously over his cock to simulate your sopping wet cunt. zhe strokes himself in an almost hurried way. He groans your name when he cums, all over hte sink. He knows he's too far gone on you.
Blaize Everbleed: Gets HORNY during the last part of his pregnancy. He constantly needs to get off. Thr postate milimg vibe is perfect for desperate moments such as these. He's on his belly, humps a pillow, whining your name, begging for you to fuck him. Cums like, four times in a row.
Calle Malmberg: He doesn't usually do this. It is just to relieve himself of the tension that is building between you and him. But he's bought a fleshlight just for the occasion and he is going ham on it, his eyes squeezed shut. He thinks of you, naked in his bed, moaning his name and he cums too quickly for his taste.
Cedric Casier: It's all he has, alone in his cell, gazing at your pictures. He wishes he could climb through the screen and touch, but he can only touch himself, working his cock with a spit slick hand, whispering to himself how badly he needs it to be you. He does his best not to groan too loud as he cums.
Corey Moore: He is thinking of you all the time lately. And when he thinks of you, he almost instantly becomes horny. He carefully works himself to full hardness. He lets his thoughts of you run wild. The feel of your lips, the taste of your cunt, your need for him when he told you you belong to him. He finished quick and loathes that it is not inside you.
Dance: She's on the pole, feeling powerful, everyone around her is turning mindless, partying till they drop. She revels in your eye on her. Her hips undulate, the metal warming to a fever pitch. She tugs aside her thong and grinds against it until she squirts, wet and hot, all over the pole.
Dare: He's always keen to get off, with or without you. He doesn't care he's in public. He just wips his dick out and dares anyone within earshot to watch him. He enjoys their eye on him. He edges himself, for as long as he likes. Then he makes himself cum, thick gushing ropes of jizz.
Drink: Doesn't care to be seen. He's got his hand in his boxers while sampling the finest whiskeys. A little spills over his chin while he rubs his glans between thumb and fingers. It's the flavour and the alchohol that truly get him his rocks off. He spends himself in his hand and licks himself clean.
Elijah Silva: They only get themselves off when you explicitely allow them to. And they don't dare ask you for permission. But when they are allowed, they record their moans for you. They beg for your permission to cum, edging their huge throbbing cock until you count them down. Their climax is explosive and they thank you profusedly.
Flynn Knightly: His resting mood is horny. He's fapping more often than not. And Gods is he loud. He likes it when you listen though your shared wall. He'll spill the filthiest dirty talk and all but scream your name as he cums.
Glenn Hobbs: He just can't keep his hands to himself, especially not when he is all alone. It's the best way to stop his mind from wandering. He'll grab his latest toy and get himself going. He edges until he's begging. Begging you even though you are not there. He cums hard, making a mess. The post nut clarity sucks, so he starts all over again.
Johnny Roe: He doesn't do this often. There is a bit of guilt attached to getting himself off like this. But sometimes he tension runs so high, especially when he is thinking of you. He'll try to be quick about it, but ends up dragging it out, stroking himself almost to completion a few times before exploding in a climax that leaves him sort of shaking and panting.
Koby Bates: Only practises self love when he finds himself missing you too much. He is fantasizing about you, mostly letting his mind work in getting him off. He strokes himself slowly. He is definitely edging, not wanting it to be over too swift. He cums in his own hand and gets up to wash his jizz off at the nearest sink.
Lan Ying: Tends to get aroused very swiftly when just discussing bondage with you. During the conversation he is respectful and gentle. But once you have left him alone, he slowly edges himself to a shudder climax, while he pictures you in the sex swing, bound a gagged, looking so amazing at his mercy. He moans your name, praising how great you are while he cums.
Leclerc Hardwood: He can hardly handle himself when you wear slightly sexy clothes. He's so into you that his body goes haywire. He hides himself away in a bathroom you have no access to and tries to swiftly stroke himself to completion. He does not quite succeed, his imagination running away with him. He cums all over the sink and his nice suit. And when he comes face to face with you, he is a bit flustered.
Optimo Lynx: The more you give him, the more he wants. But you will of course not always be available. So he'll have to help himself out. He pictures you, fantasizes about being intimate with you as he strokes himself slowly to completion. He edges himself a little, not wanting the good feeling to end. He whimpers as he cums, whining out your name.
Oscar Dawson: He has a wild fantasy, so his imagination runs wild with him, thinking of you and Percy. He can't help himself, he just has to get off. He strokes himself swiftly, but it still takes him a good bit to cum, because he focusses on his imagination more than his touch. His orgasm is rather drawn out and he moans your and Percy's names over and over.
Percy Montgomery: Usually gets off in the shower to unwind. He is a bit of a no fuss no muss guy when he gets off on his own. He simply strokes himself with a bit of lube in his hands, mind focussed on the feeling and the hot water on his skin. It brings him to completion quite swiftly, painting the shower wall with his seed.
Philip Aluredes: He isn't much for lending himself a hand, he has many other ways to get off. By sheer thought or telepatic touch. Though he secretly indulges himself in a bit of pillow humping, wings beating steadily against the air with every slow grind against your pillow. He marks your most personal of belongings with his ethereal seed.
Serge Halphen: Really only touches himself like that when sexting, cuz he knows he can get laid perfectly well. But when you text him something raunchy, he just has to adress it. Of course he has a fleshlight and of course he sends you pictures. When he cums he even films himself, filling the fleshlight with rope after rope of his hot seed.
Shion Komatsu: You are on his mind almost constantly. And his mind wander, quite often. He gets hard swiftly and he just can't help himself. He steps away, fiddling with his fly, growling that he needs you, even though you are not there. He strokes his hard throbbing cock, trying to be swift, but not quite succeeding. He cums in his cupped hand and washes his hands before returning to what he was doing.
Social: Let's be real, he does everything for the view and the click. So he is smirking for the camera while giving his followers a full on show. He is like a pro OF model, knowing just what angle to use and how to move his body. He could probably make money with it, but all he wants is clicks and views, that is how he gains his power.
Tamura Blood: The tension between you is ever rising. It is evident that you feel the same, but Tamura is hesitant to act on it. All he can do is lean against the wall you share and slowly stroke himself to completion as he knows you on the other side, so near but so far. He grits his back teeth in order not to moan as he cums all over his pricey suit.
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itzjustq · 2 years
Heyy, so this is just a little sample of probably something i'll write but when ever I get time, inspired by that song
"put that d*ck up we not h*mping!"
cw : cursing, bad spelling, smoking, sexual language mentioned, bad bitch reader
Steve Harrington x Melanin!female reader
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High school year at Hawkins and you were going through another break up, which you wasted no time on, you had lost interest and it showed but by the time ole boy texted you he wanted to break you, you were fine and had been moved on, you messaged him back "so sad, don't come back, because I won't give you another chance." then blocked and deleted his number. Ooooh, you cocky little bitch, you had plenty of boys that liked you up at Hawkins and I do mean plenty. You stood out to everybody in the best ways, the girl with the fattest ass, you were curvy, hips, waist on snatched and perfectly rounded breast, how were not like able? You were "that" bitch, multiple girls wanted your spot, be good with the boys how you were.
The next rising you had finally arrived at school, you were showing off today, you wore black fitting leggings, a plain white tee and black and white platform converse shoes, as you roamed the halls skipping your class the second time that week. while you were doing so you felt eyes all. over. you. All you did was smirk to yourself as you continued on your way.
"y/n?" Steve called out from behind you, you didn't hear him the first time so he ran up behind you and squeeze your hips to get your attention, you jumped and turned around. "you scared me!" you said giggling slightly as you wrapped your arms around him, he wrapped his arms around your waist, you two embraced each other for a sweet moment till you pulled away. "heard you and pretty boy went your separate ways" you frowned as you grabbed Steve by his chin squishing his cheeks. "you're my only pretty boy" you said with an innocent smile but behind that, you were craving him, ever since that little one night stand the two of you had, you hadn't been the same since. you couldn't look at Steve the same, you could only see how he looked staring down at you from on top of you, with that sinful smirk but not only that, how those eyes pierced into your soul as he ate that sopping wet puss of yours. God you were addicted from only one time with him. "hey y/n? are you even listening to me?" Steve said as he snapped you out of your thoughts "what did you say? my bad, I didn't hear you" you knew Steve wasn't the greatest at hiding his feelings from you, he was a lot more talkative towards you, touchy, he came to you for comfort so you caught on quickly to that little pattern.
[ finishing.. ]
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admissifyedutech · 6 months
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Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Study Visa Application
Certainly! Here's a sample Statement of Purpose (SOP) for a study visa application:
Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Study Visa Application
Dear Visa Officer,
I am writing this statement to express my sincere intent to pursue higher education in [Country Name] and to apply for a study visa for the upcoming academic year.
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My name is [Your Name], and I have always been passionate about [your field of interest]. This enthusiasm has driven me to excel in my academic pursuits and to seek out opportunities to further my knowledge in this area.
Academic Background
I completed my [Previous Degree] in [University Name] with distinction. During my studies, I was exposed to a diverse range of subjects, but it was [specific courses or projects] that truly captured my interest. These courses equipped me with a solid foundation in [mention relevant skills or knowledge areas], which I am eager to deepen through advanced studies.
Choice of Program
After extensive research, I have identified [University Name] as the ideal institution to pursue my [Desired Program]. The curriculum offered is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of [specific subjects or skills] and its emphasis on practical application. Furthermore, the esteemed faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and the vibrant academic community at [University Name] align perfectly with my academic and professional goals.
Career Aspirations
Upon completion of my studies, I intend to return to my home country and contribute to [specific industry or field]. I believe that the knowledge and skills gained from the [Desired Program] will play a pivotal role in addressing the challenges faced by this industry. Additionally, I aim to actively participate in [relevant extracurricular activities or organizations] to further enrich my understanding and network with professionals in the field.
Reason for Choosing [Country Name]
I have chosen to study in [Country Name] because of its global reputation for excellence in education and innovation. The multicultural environment and exposure to diverse perspectives will undoubtedly broaden my horizons and enhance my global outlook. Moreover, [Country Name] is known for its welcoming attitude towards international students, which provides a conducive environment for learning and personal growth.
Financial Support
I have secured sufficient funds to cover my tuition fees, living expenses, and other associated costs for the entire duration of my program. I have attached the necessary financial documents to support this claim.
I am genuinely excited about the prospect of studying at [University Name] and immersing myself in the academic and cultural experience that [Country Name] has to offer. I am confident that this opportunity will not only contribute significantly to my personal and professional development but also enable me to make a positive impact on my home country's [industry/field].
I sincerely request you to grant me the study visa to pursue my dreams and aspirations in [Country Name]. I assure you of my commitment to abide by the laws and regulations of [Country Name] during my stay.
Thank you for considering my application.
Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]
Remember to customize the SOP according to your specific details, aspirations, and the country you're applying to. Make sure to also follow any specific guidelines provided by the visa application process. Good luck with your application!
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mim-essay12 · 1 year
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content-euphoria · 9 months
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worldivfcentreindelhi · 11 months
Setting Up an IVF Lab: Essentials and Best Practices
The success of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments greatly depends on the quality and efficiency of the IVF laboratory. Setting up an IVF lab requires careful planning, adherence to industry standards, and implementation of best practices. Want insights into the essentials and best practices for establishing an effective IVF lab? Stay tuned. From physical layout considerations to equipment selection and quality control measures, we are here to give you hands-on training in IVF. Understanding these crucial elements can contribute to improved outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Lab Design and Layout 
Creating a well-designed and functional IVF lab is the first step towards success. The physical layout should ensure proper segregation of different laboratory zones to prevent cross-contamination and maintain a sterile environment. This includes separate areas for handling gametes (eggs and sperm), embryo culture, and cryopreservation. The lab should also incorporate designated spaces for storage, equipment maintenance, and administrative tasks. Additionally, optimal lighting, temperature, and air quality control are essential for maintaining optimal conditions for embryo development.
Equipment Selection and Validation
Choosing appropriate equipment is crucial for an IVF lab's success. This includes selecting microscopes, incubators, centrifuges, micromanipulators, and other essential instruments that meet industry standards. Each equipment piece should undergo proper validation and calibration processes to ensure accuracy and reliability. Regular maintenance and timely replacement of aging equipment are necessary to prevent operational issues and maintain consistent performance.
Embryo Culture Systems 
The selection of a suitable embryo culture system significantly impacts IVF success rates. Choosing the right culture media, gas mixture, and incubation conditions is crucial. Quality culture media should support optimal embryo growth and development, minimizing stress during the critical early stages. Incorporating time-lapse imaging systems allows continuous monitoring of embryo development, aiding in the selection of the most viable embryos for transfer.
Cryopreservation and Storage Facilities
An IVF lab should have proper cryopreservation and storage facilities for gametes (eggs and sperm) and embryos. These facilities should be equipped with reliable cryopreservation equipment, such as liquid nitrogen tanks or vitrification systems, and have adequate storage capacity for long-term preservation. Implementing secure and organized sample tracking and inventory management systems ensures accurate identification, tracking, and retrieval of stored specimens when needed.
Compliance with Regulatory Guidelines
Adhering to local and international regulatory guidelines is crucial when setting up an IVF lab. Familiarize yourself with the specific regulations and requirements governing assisted reproductive technology (ART) in your jurisdiction. This includes obtaining necessary licenses and permits, maintaining appropriate documentation, and ensuring compliance with ethical and legal standards related to ART procedures, patient privacy, and informed consent.
Quality Control and Quality Assurance
Implementing robust quality control measures is essential for an IVF lab. Regular monitoring and validation of laboratory processes, including temperature and pH measurements, equipment calibration, and culture media checks, are crucial to maintain consistent and reliable results. Establishing standard operating procedures (SOPs) and quality assurance protocols ensures adherence to industry guidelines and helps identify and rectify potential issues promptly.
Staff Training and Competency
An IVF lab's success is greatly influenced by the expertise and competency of its staff. Comprehensive programs in hands-on training in IVF should be in place to educate lab personnel on best practices, standard protocols, and the latest advancements in the field. Continuous professional development and participation in workshops and conferences should be encouraged to ensure the staff stays updated with the evolving techniques and technologies in IVF.
Data Management and Documentation
Accurate and efficient data management and documentation are essential in an IVF lab. Implementing a robust laboratory information management system (LIMS) facilitates efficient record-keeping, traceability, and data analysis. Proper documentation of procedures, observations, and results ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and facilitates quality audits.
Patient-Centric Approach
An IVF lab should prioritize a patient-centric approach to provide personalized and compassionate care. This involves effective communication with patients, ensuring their understanding of the procedures, and addressing their concerns. Creating a comfortable and supportive environment within the lab can help alleviate patient anxiety and stress. Continuously seeking feedback from patients and incorporating their suggestions into lab practices can enhance patient satisfaction and overall experience.
Continuous Quality Improvement
Regular audits, performance reviews, and monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) allow identification of areas for improvement. Implementing quality improvement initiatives, such as regular team meetings, peer reviews, and benchmarking against industry standards, fosters a culture of excellence and promotes the delivery of high-quality care and improved patient outcomes.
If you are planning to receive hands-on training in IVF, contact the World IVF Centre today!
Source: Medium.com
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globaledg · 1 year
FIND BEST UNIVERSITIES IN CANADA-There are 97 public universities in Canada and all of these accept international students. There are 97 public universities in Canada and all of these accept international students. These universities are spread over ten provinces in Canada. Our abroad educational services provide instruction and education offerings in a wide variety of subjects. Get detailed information for courses & programmes now!This is the first and probably the most important step in the entire process of applying to universities abroad. Our team would counsel you one to one and evaluate your profile using our SPEC9 system for profile evaluation. Once the profile is evaluated, choice of course, university & country becomes extremely easy & greatly helps in shortlisting universities.Once your course, university and country are shortlisted, we would start your application and admission process. This would include sharing list of documents required for applications, arranging them as per university requirements, filling application forms and uploading all the documents. Once applications are made, we keep track of them and take action whenever necessary. Regular updates would be provided on the progress of the above.Statement of Purpose (SOP) and Letter of Recommendation (LOR) are extremely important for most of the applications. They play a very important role in admission decision along with the academic marks. Statement of purpose also helps in availing scholarships. Letter of recommendation can be academic or professional or both (depends upon university to university). Kindly visit us to see samples of SOP & LORs.Scholarships are given to students on the basis of merit. Countries like Ireland, UK, New Zealand, France, Germany, etc are scholarship friendly countries. Most of the scholarships are granted to students along with their offer letter. For a few countries, apart from normal scholarship, a separate application for more scholarship is also required. Scholarships are given to offer holders only, hence, it is always advisable to apply early to avail them. Sometimes, they get over as early as 8 months before the intake start date.Most of the universities abroad have provision for university accommodation on their campus, and if not on campus, they have tie ups with accommodation providers closeby. Cost of accommodation varies from country to country. It is always advisable to apply early to avail university accommodation else it may get full. Our experienced study visa consultants in Delhi will help you prepare your study visa file. Visa file should be prepared as per embassy guidelines. There are proper checklists (updated from time to time) for documents to be included, and specific order in which study visa file should be arranged. Don’t take risk of applying for visa without expert assistance. It is a moral responsibility of any abroad consultancy in Delhi to assist students in visa file preparation. Before departure, it is always better to have some knowledge/ information about the country/ destination. We provide pre-departure brief to our students.
For more information contact us
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thedisneychef · 1 year
San Angel Inn: A Review of the Restaurant and Its Menu
When it comes to restaurants on the World Showcase, I don’t think you can find one that’s more polarizing than San Angel Inn. People either love it or they hate it. They think it’s the best hidden gem in the World Showcase, or they think it’s restaurant with great ambiance and lackluster food. So who’s right? Well, depends on who you ask and when they went… Allow me to explain. In the 90’s, eating at San Angel Inn was one of the few dining experiences I remember. The gorgeous ambiance, the proximity to an underrated and deeply relaxing ride (El Rio del Tiempo, which had pretty much the catchiest soundtrack of all time), and the drool-worthy food. It was so good we ate there twice in one trip on consecutive days and deeply regretted discovering it at the end of our trip so we couldn’t eat there a third time. When it came to planning my first trip of the new decade (in Thanksgiving week of 2008 to be exact), the very first reservation I had to make was San Angel. For months I talked up the sheer awesomeness of this place, even debated using two ADRs for two different meals. I was so hype, I couldn’t wait to eat here again. And when we finally ate there, the food was…  Um…  Not so good.  At all. In fact, I won’t pull any punches here… It was pretty awful. The food was bland, cold, the menu pretty boring, the service was a step above having to walk to the kitchen and get the food ourselves… It stood out as the dining failure of the trip. I was so, so, so disappointed. I had nothing but great memories of my precious San Angel Inn, but it didn’t come close to delivering quality food or service.  And, unfortunately, my experience wasn’t really unique. Pretty much everybody who ate there had a really, really negative experience. My expectations walking in were less than what I had for your average trip to McDonalds. I was hoping it’d be a nice view and a cool room. That was it. I claimed my ADR, which was pointless as more than half the dining room was empty but our table was right next to the water, which was pretty cool. It was darker than I remember and the tables were very, very close together, maybe even a tiny bit loud.  But overall, it was super nice.  Very cozy, intimate, and relaxing. The chip basket came out and, I have to say, I consider myself quite the connoisseur of chips and salsa and it takes a lot to impress me. The salsa, however, really impressed me. Fresh, clean, definitely a zip, but a nice sweetness to it, and it tasted so incredibly fresh. So at this point, I figure with awesome chips and salsa, at least I won’t starve. I still remember what I ordered… The pollo a las rajas… Grilled chicken breast served over rice dopped onions, peppers, chorizo in this beautiful cream sauce and topped with melted cheese. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. The chicken was incredibly moist, I didn’t even need a knife to cut it. The onions and peppers were cooked to perfection, not limp and sopping like I was worried they would be, and the rice was so delicately spiced that it balanced out the sweetness of the peppers and onions and really cut the heaviness of the sauce and cheese. They used to serve it with a lemon wedge, which they don’t anymore, and I find it to be a shame. With fresh squeezed lemon over top, it’s pretty much the best food ever made. If it hadn’t been tacky (and distinctly off my dining plan) to ask for seconds, I would have. Sampling the other dishes on the table, the sirloin con Chile Relleno, the tostadas de tinga, even the mahi-mahi fish tacos… It was all to-die-for. Perfectly cooked, exceptionally seasoned, and slammed with flavor. Don’t even get me started on desserts… At the time, they had this amazing dish, isla flotante… A lime meringue served over a vanilla sauce with fresh berries… Honestly, it seems cruel to describe how good it was seeing as it’s not on the menu anymore. Let’s just say it was my favorite dessert on Disney property. Yeah, it was that good. Since that trip in September of 2011, I’ve been 3 more times, every Disney trip but one (I wasn’t in control of the ADRs on that trip and I felt my soul die a little not going there for a meal, but by goodness did I try to make it work…) January 2012, September 2012, and May of 2013. It continues to be the place with the best meal of the trip, the first ADR we make, and the meal that is the most looked forward to. Once a hidden jewel where you had to convince people to try it, one of the places you knew you could get a table without a reservation, it’s now impossible to walk in and increasingly difficult to get a reservation. In April of 2013, Gordon Ramsay’s wife Tweeted pictures of the food and Chef Ramsay declared it one of the best places for Mexican food in the country…  Making reservations just that much harder to get. I’m proud to say that I’ve sampled most of the things on the menu and while I haven’t had a bad experience… Well, I take that back. I did have a bad experience after eating the Mole Poblano… Little Miss Peanut Allergy forgot that mole is made with peanuts… But that was my stupidity, not theirs, and I will say that it tasted amazing and I don’t regret eating it…Though I do regret wandering back to the hotel in misery at 7pm and wasting a meal at my favorite restaurant… Even then, however, the staff was so sweet and when they saw I was ill, they packed me my dessert, an extra dessert, and another entree to enjoy in my room when I felt better… Which is just plain awesome. Anyway, while I’ve always had a great experience with them (despite my best efforts) and the new menu, there are certainly dishes that stand out. The pollo a las rajas, the tostadas, the soupa azteca are all standouts (I love how they serve the soupa!  Brilliant!). However, on this last trip, I found the dish that is quite possibly the best I’ve ever had there, Camarones a la Diabla.  Roasted spicy shrimp served with poblano rice and yuca puree, topped with a chile sauce. So spicy, so sweet, and amazingly flavorful. I still dream about this dish. When I talk about that dinner, I talk about it with the hushed tone that people reserve for truly awe-inspiring moments in their lives. It was incredible. I’m already dreaming about having it as my last meal before running the Wine and Dine Half Marathon. As far as the desserts go, one can’t go wrong, but I personally think the Crema Bavaria, a creamy mousse topped with berries, cinnamon, and orange liqueur, is phenomenal. Again, one of the best desserts on property. Despite a rocky period in the mid-2000’s, San Angel has become my hands-down favorite place to eat on property. The ambiance, food, and overall experience can’t be beaten. People may be turned off by the dark dining room, the closely packed tables, and the louder-than-average ambient noise, and those looking for classic Tex-Mex or Americanized Mexican as well as people who are a tad on the picky side may have trouble with the menu… But trust me, for those who like a little spice and seasoning or a meal with unique flavors, a degree of authenticity that’s hard to find even along the World Showcase (Neither fruit and Jell-O salad or vanilla pudding with chocolate chips is a German dessert, regardless of the vaguely German name you give it…  Biergarten, I’m looking at you…), and a completely unique dining experience will love San Angel Inn. Personally, no Disney trip is complete without me stuffing myself silly and then wandering over to Donald’s boat ride to digest… No line, and they’ll let you ride that more than once without having to get up. Trust me. Read the full article
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scispot · 1 year
Scispot - GUI and CLI first ELN plus LIMS for fast growing bio startups
Scispot - GUI and CLI first ELN plus LIMS for fast growing bio startups
Top 5 Essential Features For Lab Management Software
The global laboratory information management system market size, valued at 1.85 Billion USD in 2021, is growing rapidly at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.0% from 2022 to 2030.
The high demand for laboratory information management systems is the result of technological advancements pertinent to life science laboratories, stringent regulatory requirements and the rising interest in lab automation.
However, there are hundreds of lab management software in the market, leaving the lab managers, lab informatics teams and scientists overwhelmed with options.
To help you choose the best lab management software, we've listed 5 must-haves every lab should expect from their lab software vendors.
1. Templates for repeatable research and operational processes Every lab needs to have standardized workflows to ensure reproducibility of their experiments, eliminate experiment error rates, preserve institutional knowledge and increase the output. The lab management software you’re using should be able to make templates of your repeatable protocols, experiments, standard operating procedures and even operational processes such as approval flows, multi-well plates, request forms, notifications rules and much more. Scispot makes all of this possible by allowing you to drag & drop pre-populated protocols or SOP templates and set automation rules to prepare your R&D projects with unrivaled speed.
2. Strong framework for internal and external collaboration Lab work is a team effort. You need to be able to collaborate, notify and selectively invite your labmates, partners, customers, and vendors (e.g., CROs, core labs, etc.) so that research is done the right way. Keeping everyone up to date on Scispot is a cinch. Scispot helps you to collaborate with your customers or CROs on R&D projects and share the results in no time flat.
3. Global search functionality for instant data access Storing data is hardly of any use if you can't easily find your data, filter it and make correlations to extract essential insights on a daily basis. With the right lab management system, you should be able to retrieve information at a moment’s notice using different parameters such as samples, customers, partners, experiments, locations, instruments, project, file type, etc.
4. Compatibility with 3rd-party apps & your legacy systems to centralize data in one spot The most important asset of any lab is its data. However, the data only becomes valuable when it is structured correctly, machine-readable and has all the context associated with it -- for this to happen, you need to bring in data from multiple sources and connect them with the proper context. Your lab management software should be able to centralize data from 3rd-party apps, your legacy systems and instruments. Scispot connects with hundreds of 3rd-party apps (Hubspot, Google Sheets, Shopify, etc.) and legacy systems (ELN, LIMS, LES, etc.) to unify all of your data in one spot.
5. A wide array of customizable and configurable offerings Every life science company is unique, so lab software should be able to adapt to the diverse scientific needs of each one. You cannot and should not use a rigid off-the-shelf product like ELN (electronic lab notebook) and LIMS (lab information management system).
‍ Scispot offers no-code configuration, a developer toolkit and custom engineering support to personalize the platform for every life science company -- be it a contract research organization (CRO), industrial biotech company or biomanufacturer. Scispot is more than a LIMS or ELN platform. It is fully configurable, highly intuitive and completely integratable with other 3rd-party tools such as Google Sheets and Asana.
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From Aaron Sloan New York, 10 January, 1956 Dear Mr Buñuel, Since my knowledge of French is best when applied to reading, I am answering your letter of December 5 in English. Your picture opened December 3 at the Trans-Lux 52nd Street Theatre in Manhattan under the title This Strange Passion to mixed reviews. I am enclosing a representative sample. It was of great pleasure for me to work on the picture in its preparatory stages for the American version. It needed extensive cutting, which I supervised; plus, titling. I hope if you ever get a chance to see our version of it, you let me know what you think of the English titles, which I wrote. So far as the commercial promise in US art theatres for This Strange Passion, I must in all honesty inform you that there is none. The picture flopped irrevocably – completely. Although a couple of New York reviews were highly favourable, the majority were strongly thumbs-down. Moreover, audience word-of-mouth served to compound the critics’ bombshells. At the Trans-Lux in New York, the house suffered one of its worst setbacks in its history during the run of the picture. If this puzzles you, let it be said that it puzzles me, also. But the above are the facts in the case. Perhaps it should be augured that the taste of the public, so conditioned to pictures with Cinderella-like themes and milk-sop plots, could not appreciate so atmospheric a tale as was presented in This Strange Passion. I am enclosing various advertising samples, etc., relating to the opening of the picture. Could you, perhaps, send me synopses of your new pictures, including the one you shot in Paris and/or the South of France last summer, and The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz? In closing, may I convey the regards of Jean Cocteau, who said some very nice things about This Strange Passion. The best to you and your family for the New Year: may it be one of Peace for us all. Cordially, Aaron Sloan Omnifilms, Inc. 229 West 42 Street, New York 36
Jo Evans & Breixo Viejo, Luis Buñuel: A Life in Letters
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sofiahotelhuahin · 1 year
Asian Food Guide: Where To Find And Try These 6 Curry Dishes First! || SofiaHotelHuahin
Nothing screams comfort food like a bowl of warm, creamy, thick curry! Curries typically contain coriander, cumin, turmeric, and coconut milk, but virtually every nation in the world adds its own twist. They are instantly recognizable by their sensual aromas. While Cambodians slather on the shrimp sauce, the Japanese prefer their curry thick and sweet. This gorgeous stew is typically credited to India, but Europeans adore it so much that the UK named curry its national food! Travel to Asia to sample foods that are spicy, lemony, substantial, or soupy!
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1. MASSAMAN CURRY | Thailand | Chiang Mai
When you tuck into this hearty stew of potatoes, carrots, and onions covered in an absurdly rich curry broth, you might not realize you're eating Thai cuisine. Although there is a minor (hundreds of years old) debate as to who first created the renowned dish for royalty in central Ayutthaya or whether Malaysians from the south introduced it, everyone is appreciative of the perfectly blended and filling soup! Take advantage of our fantastic savings on Thailand hotels, homes, airfares, and activities when you book your ideal vacation with SofiaHotelHuahin.com. go to the sofiahotelhuahin website!
2. RENDANG | Bali, Indonesia, Ubud
Consider yourself lucky if you find yourself devouring a platter of beef rendang while traveling in Indonesia. Someone worked very hard to prepare that meal just for you! This succulent coconut beef stew is typically served at ceremonies and to honored visitors because preparation requires a lot of perseverance. Even though the meal is made with tamarind pulp, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and toasted coconut, rendang is considered a delicacy because chunks of beef are simmered in the broth for hours on end.
3. CHICKEN TIKKA MASALA | India, Chandigarh
Most people are familiar with the tikka masala's hearty flavors. It is a favorite because of this all over the globe, including Scotland, which has claimed it as its own. Of course, Punjabis in India vehemently differ, but it is impossible to dispute the popularity of this orange and creamy pub food anywhere in the world. The spicy marinade for the chicken pieces came from India, but the British, who like to smother their foods in gravy, added masala sauce as a compromise, according to food fablers.
4. AMBUL POLOS | Galle, Sri Lanka, a young jackfruit curry
Perhaps it's not appropriate to call this meal "the fruit that tastes like meat," but we're going to anyway! And that's totally fine because everyone adores this veggie favorite. A major component of amble polos, young jackfruit has a texture similar to cassava or potato, and for this Sri Lankan favorite, bite-sized chunks of the fruit are boiled in a flavorful broth until they are tender enough to melt in your mouth. Some claim it could be mistaken for meat. You can layer it on top of some rice and make your own decision.
5. KARI AYAM | Malaysia, Gombak
There is a genuine risk of becoming addicted if you consume Malaysian chicken curry in any way. The combination of coconut milk, ginger, lemongrass, and garlic is amplified by the inclusion of regional chili peppers. The meaty chicken parts are then soaked in the base broth and simmered there until they are completely tender. With a large serving of white rice or heated roti, sop up every last bit of liquid.
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6. Chicken Samla Curry in Khmer, Siem Reap, Cambodia,
Chicken Samla Curry is distinguished from related dishes in the neighboring countries of Malaysia and Thailand by the presence of shrimp paste. The most well-liked curry in Cambodia, also known as Khmer curry, can be found in neighborhood eateries and on the streets, but dining at a table with a welcoming Khmer family is the best way to consume a dish of this velvety lemongrass deliciousness!
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