#Ben sgb
thatonehomosexual79 · 2 months
back at it again with SGB but it’s gay
PopStar🎤🌟(YIPPIE) since Ben can still talk he just hates the sound of his voice, here’s my silly gay hc where the only real words that Logan has truly heard from Ben is only 3 words and that’s “I love you” and Logan finds it really sweet that Ben would deal with the sound of his voice just to love Logan:3 they make me ill I hate pop star sm/j
I may end up deleting this btw
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kediiperisii · 1 month
X: Onun neresinden hoşlandın?
X: O ne?
-Bende iyi duran,
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Kanker- Een second opinion Heeft mijn leven gered.
Dit is mijn verhaal:
Mijn Naam is Debbie Martina. In 2021 hebben ze pas kanker bij mij geconstateerd.  
Ik heb heel lang als docent gewerkt op SGB MBO. Als hobby gingen mijn man en ik altijd 3 keer per week langs de boulevard lopen of soms Joggen.
Medio 2019 heb ik pijn gekregen in mijn linker borst. De pijn was best heftig! Ik heb gelijk de dokter gebeld en melding gemaakt van de pijn die ik had. Mijn huisarts zei dat ik gelijk moest komen zodat hij een hartfilmpje van mijn hart kan laten maken. De resultaat kreeg ik gelijk en alles was piko bello. De dokter zei toen tegen mij Je bent harstikke gezond. Je mankeert helemaal niks. Als je weer pijn krijgt moet je paracetamol innemen.
In de avonduren kreeg ik weer pijn en heb besloten om Paracetamol in te nemen op advies van de dokter.  Daarna was de pijn weer weg. Dus ik dacht nou dan zou er misschien niks aan de hand zijn. Twee maanden later kreeg ik dezelfde heftige pijn. Ik heb weer de huisarts gebeld om aan te geven dat ik pijn heb in mijn linkerborst. Ik mocht weer op gesprek komen bij de dokter. . Dit keer heeft hij mij niet onderzocht maar zei: “Ik zie dat je zithouding verkeerd is. Je zit helemaal ingezakt. Je moet gewoon rechtop zitten. Je moet aan je zithouding werken en dan komt het helemaal goed. Je bent gewoon gezond er is niks hoor!
Dus ben ik weer naar huis gegaan en ik baalde van de hele situatie. Ik ben weer naar huis gegaan en dacht niet meer aan. Ik bleef al die tijd gewoon werken omdat ik niet wou dat door mijn afwezigheid de studenten benadeeld zouden worden. Dus ik heb me niet ziek gemeld.
Ondertussen begon mijn linker borst hard te worden en rood. Maar de pijn heb ik een hele tijd niet gevoeld. In 2020 ging ik naar de dokter voor een volledige controle. Dit deed ik elk jaar tijdens de vakantie periode om te weten of mijn gezondheid goed is. Ik noemde het mijn jaarlijkse controle. Tijdens mijn zelfbedachte jaarlijkse controle heeft de dokter ook tegen mij gezegd dat ik gezond ben en dat ik me nergens zorgen voor hoefde te maken. “Ik vroeg aan hem: Dokter heb ik misschien kanker?” Hij zei: Nee, hoor! Hoe kom je nou erbij? Ik zei: dokter want mijn moeder is aan kanker overleden. Hij zei, Nee, Jij bent kern gezond. Ik zie je zelf langs de Boulevard Joggen met jouw man, je bent kern gezond.
Zo ging weer een jaar voorbij. In maart 2021 brak de covid uit en ja, hoor die had  ik ook gekregen. Ik was behoorlijk ziek maar omdat de dokter niet precies wist wat de covid was, is hij niet thuis bij mij geweest om niet besmet te worden. Hij gaf via telefoon de opdracht welke medicijnen ik moest laten halen.
Omdat ik Covid had, dacht ik dat alles wat ik voelde had te maken met de Covid. Na 3 weken werd ik beter van de Covid en ben weer gaan werken. Ik kreeg naderhand verschrikkelijke hoofdpijn die ik niet kan beschrijven. Ik bleef 6 maanden lang Paracetamol innemen. De 6e maand ben ik naar de huisarts gegaan om aan de doktersassistent te vragen of ik een second opinion kon krijgen want ik kom niet uit met mijn huisarts.
Ze zij is goed en ik werd ingepland voor de volgende dag. Toen ik bij de vrouwelijke dokter ben gegaan, heb ik haar hetzelfde verhaal verteld wat ik ook aan mijn huisarts had verteld. Ze zei gelijk tegen mij: “doe je shirt uit.” Zei ging op mijn borst voelen en merkte dat mijn borst heel erg hard was. Ze zei: dit voelt niet goed aan. Je gaat nu naar het ziekenhuis voor een mammografie. Ik zei tegen haar, dokter ik kan niet naar het ziekenhuis gaan want ik heb geen afspraak. Ze zei: Ik zal NU de afspraak voor je maken. Je mag niet naar huis je gaat nu gelijk naar het ziekenhuis. Zei heeft gebeld en heeft aangegeven dat ik met spoed een afspraak moest krijgen.
Vervolgens heeft zij ook een nieuwe afspraak voor mij gemaakt bij haar. De ziekenhuis was tegenover de huisartsenpraktijk, dus ik kon de straat oversteken om naar het ziekenhuis te gaan.  
Ik ben naar het ziekenhuis gegaan en toen ik daar aankwam moest ik me aan de balie aanmelden. Ik werd gelijk geholpen. De verpleegkundige heeft een mammografie met mij gedaan. Ik heb tegen haar gezegd wees voorzichtig want mijn borst doet heel veel pijn. Zij zei: wees niet bang ik zal heel voorzichtig te werk gaan. Nadat zij de mammografie heeft gedaan, zei ze ook tegen mij dit ziet er niet goed uit. Ik zal jouw gegevens naar de specialist brengen maar jij mag nog niet naar huis. Je moet even wachten op de resultaat van de specialist.
Ik ben op de gang gaan zitten om te wachten op de resultaat van de specialist. Omdat ik even moest wachten heb ik tussendoor mijn man gebeld om te vertellen wat gaande was. Mijn man was op zijn werk, maar hij zei ik kom er nu aan.
Ik hing de telefoon net op en de verpleegkundige kwam vertellen dat de specialist een punctie met mij moet doen. Een punctie is wanneer er met een naald een stukje weefsel word verwijderd van je borst. Het is een biopsie om te bepalen welke ziekte er sprake kan zijn.
Nadat zij de punctie met mij hebben gedaan zeiden ze tegen mij dat de weefsel naar Curaçao opgestuurd moest worden om in een laboratorium te worden gekweekt. En na 7 dagen moet ik terug komen voor de uitslag. De dokter heeft gelijk een afspraak voor mij laten inplannen en ze zei verder tegen mij je mag absoluut de afspraak niet afzeggen. Je moet op deze afspraak komen.
Ik ben na 7 dagen naar de ziekenhuis gegaan om te weten wat het resultaat was van de biopsie. De Specialist zei tegen mij: “wij hebben geconstateerd dat je kanker hebt. Het is een heel zeldzame kankersoort en het is al ver gevorderd.” Ze vroeg aan mij of ik vragen had. Maar alles was zo snel gegaan dat mijn enige vraag op dat moment was: Ga ik het nog redden?” Ze zei, wij gaan voor jou ons best doen. Verder zei ze tegen mij: “ik zal contact opnemen met het ziekenfonds zodat jij naar Nederland kan gaan om behandeld te worden.
Ik zei: tegen haar wanneer zal dit gebeuren? Ze zei dat ga ik gelijk doen. Ik zei tegen haar ik heb daarna een afspraak met de huisarts die mij naar jou heeft doorgestuurd dus ik moet gaan. Ze zei is goed ik zal nog contact met je opnemen.
Ik ben de straat overgestoken, overmantelt van verdriet, ben naar de huisarts gegaan die mij naar het ziekenhuis heeft doorverwezen. Toen ik bij haar binnen was gegaan zei ze Ik heb slecht nieuws: “je hebt kanker” Ik zei tegen haar: ja ik weet het. De Oncoloog heeft me dat net verteld. Toen vroeg ik aan haar: hoeveel % zeker zijn jullie dat ik kanker heb? Ze zij 90%. Ik zei tegen haar, dus er bestaat nog 10% dat ik dat niet heb. Ze zei: De 10% is om te kijken of we je kunnen helpen. Toen zakte de moed in mijn schoenen.
Volgende week Ga ik verder met mijn verhaal: wil je meer weten hoe het verder afliep, Typ: Ja, vertel verder.
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 6 months
Sciopero treni, domani stop di 8 ore dopo incidente ferroviario in Calabria
(Adnkronos) - Dopo l'incidente ferroviario di ieri in Calabria, i sindacati proclamano per domani giovedì 30 novembre lo sciopero dei lavoratori del settore ferroviario. Diversi gli orari dello stop ai treni: per le organizzazioni sindacali Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Ugl Ferrovieri, Orsa trasporti e Fast Confsal la mobilitazione durerà 8 ore dalle 9 alle 17, mentre per i sindacati di base sarà invece di 24 ore.  Sciopero di 8 ore, dalle 9 alle 17 di domani, dei lavoratori di tutto il Gruppo Fs italiane e di tutte le imprese ferroviarie per denunciare, in attesa che la magistratura faccia piena luce sull'incidente ferroviario avvenuto ieri nei pressi di Thurio di Corigliano Rossano, "la fragilità di un sistema infrastrutturale dimostratosi nuovamente inadeguato per utenza e lavoratori". A proclamarlo sono le organizzazioni sindacali Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Ugl Ferrovieri, Orsa trasporti e Fast Confsal, esprimendo “il nostro cordoglio ai familiari delle vittime e la nostra vicinanza a tutte le persone coinvolte nel grave ed ennesimo incidente ferroviario”.  "Da anni - precisano le organizzazioni sindacali - denunciamo la pericolosità dei passaggi a livello in tutti i livelli di confronto, chiedendone la soppressione totale. Eppure, nonostante l’Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza Ferroviaria abbia evidenziato il numero di incidenti e di vittime determinati da incidenti analoghi a quello odierno, i passaggi a livello in Italia sono ancora migliaia”.  “Le Istituzioni ed RFI - concludono i sindacati - non si preoccupano di innalzare gli standard di sicurezza sull’infrastruttura ferroviaria, in un continuo rimpallo di responsabilità decisionali ed economiche e c’è addirittura chi progetta la privatizzazione del Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, ma intanto le lavoratrici ed i lavoratori muoiono". E sarà invece sciopero di 24 ore quello proclamato dall'Usb, Cub trasporti, Cat e Sgb. "Basta morti: vogliamo il reato di omicidio sul lavoro", chiede il sindacato l'Usb secondo cui si tratta di una nuova "strage" che segue di poco quella di Brandizzo. "I problemi di sicurezza legati all’obsolescenza della rete ferroviaria, agli appalti e ai tanti, troppi passaggi a livello antiquati sono ben noti al gruppo Fsi così come ad Ansfisa, mai concretamente finanziati, messi a progetto e risolti. Puntualmente la scelta di non investire nella sicurezza e nell’ammodernamento della rete ferroviaria presenta il suo tragico conto. Oggi non serve a nulla piangere l’ennesima strage ferroviaria, siamo stanchi delle doglianze complici. A quante altre stragi dovremo assistere prima di vedere introdurre il reato di omicidio sul lavoro nell'ordinamento del nostro paese?", si chiede l'Usb ricordando la proposta di legge di iniziativa popolare in corso. "Possibili ripercussioni su Frecce, Intercity e Regionali. Gli effetti sulla circolazione, in termini di cancellazioni, limitazioni e ritardi, potranno verificarsi anche prima e protrarsi oltre l’orario di termine dello sciopero". E' una nota Fs a spiegare quali potrebbero essere le conseguenze dello sciopero di 8 ore proclamato per domani da Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Ugl Ferrovieri, Fast Confsal e Orsa Trasporti.  Trenitalia, si legge ancora, invita tutti i passeggeri a informarsi sui collegamenti e i servizi attivi, prima di intraprendere il viaggio, attraverso l’app Trenitalia, la sezione Infomobilità del sito web trenitalia.com, i canali social e web, il numero verde gratuito 800 89 20 21, oltre che nelle biglietterie e negli uffici assistenza delle stazioni ferroviarie, le self-service e le agenzie di viaggio convenzionate.  "Concentrare l’astensione collettiva in un’unica grande mobilitazione sindacale, nella giornata del 30 novembre 2023, dalle 9 alle 16.59, considerate le comuni ragioni sottese alla protesta che avrebbe così luogo nell’immediatezza del grave evento". Così il Garante sugli scioperi nei servizi pubblici essenziali 'richiama' i sindacati di base Cub trasporti, Cat, Sgb e Usb sulle mobilitazioni di 24 ore. L'invito da parte della Commissione arriva "pur riconoscendo pienamente le ragioni e il valore dell’azione di protesta, legittimata dal gravissimo incidente ferroviario costato la vita ad una lavoratrice e ad un lavoratori".   [email protected] (Web Info) Read the full article
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liathgray · 3 years
YOURE SO VALID my autism is the opposite of that lmao i like everything being called something... feels organized. its kinda funny to me u get like that bcuz my friend gets really mad too when i call him out on being a libra because its always accurate BUT HE HATES IT. btw im doing very good thank you!! how r u?? :) -sgb
HECK this got buried sorry birds I have failed u....
but I’m doing okay I think! I miss my friends but and have been a touch unmotivated but burnout is normal so I think its fine
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college papers
About me
The 2020 Length Limit For The Common Application Essay
The 2020 Length Limit For The Common Application Essay Evidence that the scholar meets certainly one of these criteria might be requested by the higher schooling institution. At least two of the next documents have to be submitted, with dates that proof the 12-month qualifying period. At least one of many documents should be from the First Tier. As some proof is more persuasive than others, more than two could also be requested. No single piece of documentation might be thought of conclusive. Additionally, there should be an absence of data that contradicts the applicant's declare of residency. Associate Editor Hannah Lopez calls for that all online classes ought to have an asynchronous option. Bird mentioned UT might transition to completely on-line lessons if the variety of cases would create a public health menace to the UT group and overwhelm the University’s ability to test, trace and isolate. Our holistic admission course of considers your tutorial background as well as your pursuits and interests outdoors the classroom. Researchers have produced what may be the first kinematic examine of how the slingshot spider stores sufficient vitality to supply acceleration 100 occasions the acceleration of a cheetah. Meeting minimal admission requirements does not guarantee admission. Ben King, board member and chief of finance, authored the bill with co-authorship from President Eric Macadangdang and Aboli Kesbhat, allocations committee chair. The invoice is posted online for public remark until SGB votes Tuesday. The risks the COVID-19 pandemic poses have exasperated the unfair energy disparity that exists in college sports. On what he wished to do after faculty, he said he was into cinematography and was already experimenting with song videos and was approaching filmmakers. We hear from a Penn first yr, sophomore, junior, and senior to compare how COVID-19 will impact their school experiences. This web site shops cookies in your computer to enhance your searching experience. The university does not gather personal information as you browse. No memes, cheating, piracy, or admissions, please. For considered one of my classes this semester I even have to write a three paragraph close read of various passages on a history guide and then do a word reflection each week on the material and discussion. Walmart may be the world’s largest retailer but it has largely failed in its efforts to interrupt Amazon’s on-line dominance. The liberating quasi-anonymity of the online world allowed me to divulge feelings and fantasies I wouldn’t in any other case. A Republican pupil group at Arizona State University has drawn ire for giving cash to Kyle Rittenhouse, who allegedly shot two Kenosha protesters. You can’t stop the beat — and with streaming recommendations this good, why would you want to? This weekend, we’re pondering of everything musical. From Broadway diversifications to face-alone episodes, you’ll be tapping your foot very quickly. One of the greatest challenges on the finish of school is securing a stable job after commencement. According to Sophia Cosentino, a 2020 Pitt graduate, this is even more daunting during the COVID-19 pandemic. SGB unveiled Board Bill at its weekly assembly last Tuesday, seeking to update the governing code’s extra outdated policies. Admissions decisions are selective and competitive. If a student does not meet our desired GPA and test rating ranges we may place them in a maintain decision status. Completing a international language college course at the elementary 2 degree or larger. I don’t think I’ve ever recognized any assistant professor, let alone anybody in academia, get a lot good press in so little time. This could be all misplaced to forgetting to incorporate quotations marks with wanted. She calls herself a “rising scholar” on her site, but the failure to punctuate as wanted may have caused her to plateau, or fall from the excessive precipice of the academy. Seems that Harvard was willing to modify the complete paper and forgive the writer’s overt “forgetfulness” quite than retract the plagiarized paper. Neither the University of Mississippi nor the University of Oklahoma immediately responded to Yahoo Life’s request for comment. However, they're far from the only larger studying establishments scrambling to reply to both the dangers and considerations put forward by their pupil our bodies. In response to the newspaper’s editorial, a spokesperson for the college pointed Yahoo Life in the direction of a letter addressed to the University of Maryland community from Pines on Monday.
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antifainternational · 6 years
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Oggi come ieri - Rho antifascista e antirazzista
La rete di realtà sociali, politiche e sindacali che sul territorio ha iniziato un percorso antifascista e antirazzista invitano tutte e tutti domenica 22 aprile dalle 14:00 alle 23:30 a Rho presso il Parco Europa (C.so Europa ang. via Pertini) per una giornata di festa popolare per la Liberazione che espliciti quei meccanismi sociali virtuosi di solidarietà, apertura, accoglienza, mutuo soccorso ben vivi nella nostra città, nella quale razzisti e fascisti non sono i benvenuti. OGGI COME IERI Rho ama e lotta per la libertà 25 aprile antifascista e antirazzista a Rho Una giornata inclusiva e plurale che faccia vivere i sentimenti antifascisti e antirazzisti cittadini, espressi attraverso dibattiti, incontri, cultura, arte, sport, musica. A BREVE IL PROGRAMMA COMPLETO DELLA GIORNATA Promuovono: ANPI sez. "A. Gornati" (Rho) - ANPI sez. "O. Brambilla" (Pero) - ARCICheDonne (Rho) - Centro Studi Canaja (Rho) - Collettivo La Sciloria / Corte Popolare (Rho) - Fronte Popolare (Ovest Milano) - Movimento ALT! (Lainate) - Nabad / Spazio Mondi Migranti (Parabiago) - Rifondazione Comunista (Rho, Pero) - SGB Sindacato Generale di Base (Milano) - SI Cobas (Rho) - SLAI Cobas Alfa Romeo - SOS Fornace (Rho)
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thisdancingheart · 7 years
The thing I find truly distasteful about the Septics is the way they are always accusing BC and SHC of shilling products. Look at Eddie R & his wife & you will see lots of fashion tags on Hanna in the Fail just like they do with Sophie, but do they accuse those 2 of having a relationship for shilling purposes? Nope! Just Sophie & Ben. The only reason the Fail put a fashion tag on Sophie's shoes is that was the only item in the pix that they could ID. No other reason! But Septics luv to hate SHC!
Well of course they do. The old saying applies, “Sophie Hunter could walk on water to save one hundred drowning babies and the SGB would complain that she can’t swim”. 
I just laugh quietly to myself and remember the stories from members of the Cumbercollective who have met her personally and report that she is very kind, soft spoken, a bit shy, but quite friendly once she feels at ease. Not surprising information at all, when you think about it.
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shit-bc-haters-say · 7 years
Thisheartisastone wrote "they are jealous so they started digging" in reply to Iamjohnlockd explaining away her skeptic behavior. Let that sink in. A well known skeptic accuses other fans of digging into someone's past. Right. Because skeptics don't have a brigade of people searching the entire social media presence of any person who has ever seen Ben or Sophie out in public or mentioned them favorably in any way. People who have then closed or privatized their accounts because of sgb bullies.
This from the people who bought Christopher's birth certificate...
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tinfoil-hat-brigade · 7 years
One question that the SGB has never answered (to my knowledge) is: Why are there so many people willing to help Sophie in her alleged quest to ensnare and/or shakedown Benedict? What did he do to piss off so many people that they would be so willing to silently watch his demise? Money? From what source? Mrs. Cumberbatch does not seem to be a woman of infinite means, if you catch my meaning. Ben's money? Not enough to go around, as wealthy as he may be. Not with as many people involved as alleged
I’m just as puzzled over it as you are, Nonny. It’s quite contradictory that in almost the same breath, they claim that Sophie was broke and set her sights on Benedict for his money, but at the same time she was paying people off left and right to help her do her dirty deeds or to keep them silent. As you said, no one on the haters’ side has never even attempted to explain that dichotomy. (As if any of them could spell dichotomy, let alone explain what it means.)
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whatevenisthisrant · 7 years
So some poor innocent stumbled upon the skeptics and believed them (why? Who knows? Jesus be some critical thinking skills) and got really worried about Ben being in a bad marriage to a horrible woman. Thankfully some Good Samaritans stepped in and reasoned her out of her funk. I say all this to say that there is a reason why "antis" are needed and it has nothing to do with "saving Benedict". We simply can't just be all high brow and ignore it and let the SGB bile go unrefuted because it ends up being the only voice and story out there in the fandom and susceptible people will fall for it. And of course, for obvious reasons that's a bad look for any fandom.
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werkvanwilna · 7 years
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20 july 2017 I Architecture Bonaire, Retrospect october 2005
Architectuur op Bonaire , mijn artikelen in de Bonaire Reporter
In 2005 ben ik begonnen om de huizen en gebouwen die mij opvielen op Bonaire te gaan fotograferen en beschrijven. Niet alleen de bouwstijl of materialen, maar juist de plaats die ze nog elke dag in het leven op Bonaire innemen. Ook in de oude, soms kleine huizen wordt gewoond, het erf wordt gebruikt en vaak zijn het juist de foto’s die dit het beste kunnen weergeven.
Deze serie is in de Bonaire Reporter, de Engelstalige krant op Bonaire verschenen onder de naam ‘Antique Living Houses of Bonaire‘, ze zijn in oorspronkelijke opmaak terug te vinden als PDF op de site van de Bonaire Reporter en zullen nu ook hier in blog-vorm vanaf eind augustus worden getoond.
Architecture on Bonaire, my articles published in the Bonaire Reporter In 2005 I started to photograph and describe the houses and buildings that grabbed my attention on Bonaire. Not just the style or materials, but the way they are part of peoples lives on Bonaire every day. These old, sometimes quite small houses are home to their occupants, the yard is in full use and it is often a picture that captures the spirit of these places best. This series appeared in the Bonaire Reporter, the English-language newspaper on Bonaire, under the title "Antique Living Houses of Bonaire". Back issues in the origional layout are available  in PDF on the website of the Bonaire Reporter, and will also be published in blog-fromat on my Tumblr from the end of August.
Bonaire Reporter, october 2005
‘This week begins the new Reporter bi-monthly feature column, ‘Antique Living Houses of Bonaire’, by Wilna Groenenboom. Wilna, an artist, photographer and art teachter at the SGB (high school), notices that on Bonaire there are some simple old buildings – the unsung heroes of the unique architecture of Bonaire – with very attractive details. These antique buildings are not ruins; they are still being lives in or used in some way. At the escalating rate that so many of our old buildings and houses on Bonaire are being torn down we felt some sort of photographic record should be made of thes historical places and especially their intersting details before it’s too late. Wilna will be capturing them in her photography.
This week, as a precursor of things to come, Wilna shows a composite of photots of different houses, soms details and the people who live in them. ‘Antique living Houses of Bonaire’ will be an artistic feature, with the emphasis on the photos rather than on a lot of tekst. As Wilna says ‘People remember images sometimes more than reading tekst. We want it to be an eye opener, to show people how important it is to preserve the art of the past. Don’t just throw it away or cover it up! It could be a treasure of Bonaire’.
In the weeks to come the only tekst accompanying the photos will be where the building is, who the people are, how the house functions and its detail. ⌂ L.D.’
(bron: Bonaire Reporter)
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beetjetriest · 7 years
alle nummertjes aub
1: Name? Aïsha Plancke
2: Age? 18
3: Fears? alleen gelaten worden, dat er niemand meer om me geeft
4: 3 things I love? Mijn vriend, dieren en mijn vrienden
5: 4 turns on? goh, een mooie lach, krullen, mooie ogen en idk man
6: 4 turns off? drugs, geen diploma, en pff idk
7: My best friend? @nerdydaddy
8: Sexual orientation? hetero
9: My best first date? met mijn huidige vriend, drie jaar en half geleden
10: How tall am I? 1m67
11: What do I miss? een persoon
12: What time were I born? geen flaaaauw idee, ik denk 9 uur ‘s ochtends ofzo
13: Favourite color? zwart 
14: Do I have a crush? ja
15: Favourite quote? ‘’how beautiful is it that someone could make your heart beat so fast when you don’t want it to beat at all”
16: Favourite place? mijn bed
17: Favourite food? KIP
18: Do I use sarcasm? yes, like, a lot
19: What am I listening to right now? lovely body - SGB & Ronnie Flex
20: First thing I notice in new person? humor
21: Shoe size? 40 
22: Eye color? blauw
23: Hair color? blond
24: Favourite style of clothing? zwart zwart zwart
25: Ever done a prank call? ja, met twee vriendinnen. een klasgenoot had de les eerder verlaten en we hebben hem gebeld en ons voor gedaan als de politie en zo, was heel grappig
26: Meaning behind my URL? ik ben.. een beetje triest.. duh :)
27: Favourite movie? big hero 6
28: Favourite song? come again - ronnie flex & boef
29: Favourite band? kleine sanders
30: How I feel right now? verschrikkelijk slecht
31: Someone I love? @otter1
32: My current relationship status? taken
33: My relationship with my parents? pretty good
34: Favourite holiday? kerst
35: Tattoos and piercing I have? none
36: Tattoos and piercings I want? een septum maar ik mag er niet aan denken of mijn vriend dumpt me, hij haaaat tattoos en piercings, oops, i love them
37: The reason I joined Tumblr? ik wou mijn gevoelens kunnen delen 
38: Do I and my last ex hate each other? niet echt
39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? zelden, dus feel free om me te sturen
40: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? nee
41: When did I last hold hands? gisteren
42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? een half uurtje
43: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
44: Where am I right now? in mijn huis
45: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? niemand lol
46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? loud
47: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? yes
48: Am I excited for anything? zaterdag , lil kleine live zien hehe
49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? yes
50: How often do I wear a fake smile? iedere dag 
51: When was the last time I hugged someone? gisteren
52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? zou ik een moord plegen waarschijnlijk
53: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? ja
54: What is something I disliked about today? het is maandag
55: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? @otter1
56: What do I think about most? mijn vriend
57: What’s my strangest talent? ik kan mijn neus aanraken met mn tong
58: Do I have any strange phobias?ik ben bang van spiegels
59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? erachter , zeker weten
60: What was the last lie I told? heet gaat wel
61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? on the phone
62: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? geesten ja, aliens minder
63: Do I believe in magic? nah
64: Do I believe in luck? denk zelf dat het niet bestaat in mijn leven
65: What’s the weather like right now? regen met een straaltje zon
66: What was the last book I’ve read? de hemel begint bij je voeten
67: Do I like the smell of gasoline? nee
68: Do I have any nicknames? ja
69: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? ik ben ooit in een fontein gevallen (lomp) en sinds dien heb ik een put in mijn scheenbeen
70: Do I spend money or save it? normaal saven, maar nu ben ik behoorlijk blut
71: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?  JA DAS MIJN VERBORGEN TALENT
72: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? nee
73: Favourite animal? een raaf
74: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? muziek luisteren in bed
75: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? geen idee lol what
76: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? come again
77: How can you win my heart? geef mij bloemen en een hamster
78: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? oei, gewoon mijn naam en datum is genoeg
79: What is my favorite word? babygirl
80: My top 5 blogs on tumblr? @otter1, @tleven, @ochtendglorie, @muisjee en @vervreemdvandebuitenwereld, wel niet in volgorde hoor
81: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? HEY 
82: Do I have any relatives in jail? ja, mijn nonkel zit momenteel binnen
83: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? teleporteren
84: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? heb je mij graag 
85: What is my current desktop picture? een stomme foto van mijn broer lol
86: Had sex? ooit je
87: Bought condoms? ooit ja
88: Gotten pregnant? nee 
89: Failed a class? yes
90: Kissed a boy? yes
91: Kissed a girl? no
92: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? ja
93: Had job? ik heb een job ja
94: Left the house without my wallet? altijd
95: Bullied someone on the internet? ja
96: Had sex in public? ja
97: Played on a sports team? ja
98: Smoked weed? nee
99: Did drugs? nee
100: Smoked cigarettes? ja
101: Drank alcohol? jaaa
102: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? nee
103: Been overweight? wat denk je zelf
104: Been underweight? BESTE KLUCHT OOIT
105: Been to a wedding? nee
106: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? ja
107: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? sowiso
108: Been outside my home country? jup
109: Gotten my heart broken? jup
110: Been to a professional sports game? ja 
111: Broken a bone? nee
112: Cut myself? ja..
113: Been to prom? nee
114: Been in airplane? nee
115: Fly by helicopter? nee
116: What concerts have I been to? GERSJE PARDOELLEKE
117: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? nee
118: Learned another language? ja
119: Wore make up? ja altijd man
120: Lost my virginity before I was 18? ja
121: Had oral sex? ja
122: Dyed my hair? een paar weken geleden, semi permanent paars
123: Voted in a presidential election? nope
124: Rode in an ambulance? nee
125: Had a surgery? nee, amai ik heb een saai leven
126: Met someone famous? nee nie echt 
127: Stalked someone on a social network? ja lol
128: Peed outside? ja
129: Been fishing? ja
130: Helped with charity? ja
131: Been rejected by a crush? heeeel veeel
132: Broken a mirror? ja
133: What do I want for birthday? een beetje liefde zou fijn zijn
134: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? twee, Luna en Louis
135: Was I named after anyone? achter da liedje 
136: Do I like my handwriting? nee not at all
137: What was my favourite toy as a child? ik speelde meer met dieren dan met speelgoed
138: Favourite Tv Show? bones
139: Where do I want to live when older? antwerpen ofzo
140: Play any musical instrument? nee
141: One of my scars, how did I get it? door een konijn
142: Favourite pizza toping? ANANAS
143: Am I afraid of the dark? ja
144: Am I afraid of heights? minder
145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? nee , ik ben braaf
146: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? ja altijd
147: What I’m really bad at? school
148: What my greatest achievments are? en secundair diploma
149: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: pleeg zelfmoord
150: What I’d do if I won in a lottery? reizen en veel diertjes kopen
151: What do I like about myself? mijn ogen
152: My closest Tumblr friend? @ochtendglorie
153: Something I fantasise about? ik fantaseer amper
154: Any thoughts on the paranormal? ik geloof in geesten lol
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thoroughlyskeptic · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Its amazing what happens to one’s brain when one doesn’t leave Tumblr, isn’t ? I just yesterday mentioned Ben’s name to someone. We had a lovely conversation. Let’s just say, she’s on our side.
As to the tags, this has come up before. It’s only a problem if @gatorfisch floods the tags. Or is being reblogged heavily.
What happened to your tags #SGB? Or yeah. No one cared.
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thisdancingheart · 7 years
Good goddess, the SGB are just trash human beings, aren’t they? They have really, really, really, really shown the absolute depths to which they will sink these past few weeks. Sophie in Atlanta, Sophie at Wilderness, the two of them at The Ferryman, and now the two of them at Angels in America closing night to see Ben’s friend Russell Tovey. Two children, 2 1/2 years of marriage, no signs of it being over despite Gator’s hater fiction, and the potential that they will have to do many public appearances for the rest of the year because of Benedict’s multiple projects. 
Come to think of it, it’s going to get worse. Brace yourselves, trufans, this might just be the beginning of their worst and not the end of it. Sigh.
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shit-bc-haters-say · 7 years
Anon submit: Picture Proof!!
Sophie was there at the festival with Ben and the haters know it. Here’s a pix they have posted on their blogs and it is definitely Sophie wearing sunglasses with her arms in the air while Ben is standing beside her taking a pix with his phone. They are claiming the woman beside him is too short but there are tons of pix of him and Sophie together where the height differential is identical. They know it is her! It’s just like the pregnancy photo of them at the National Theatre. They can choke on the truth and deny it all they want but there isn’t any doubt in my mind this is Sophie with Ben having fun at the festival together. Suck on that Septics!!! Anon as usual thanks. I can’t seem to get the pix to print out - maybe you could… thanks. http://68.media.tumblr.com/f9d938d4f1547adbb3e6a44a719f0e3a/tumblr_inline_oud0ovz4741sgrwlu_540.png
I've seen the various photos, including one from the stage from another angle, and yes undoubtedly Sophie was there supporting Benedict.
I don't expect anything else from the SGBs. They'll deny Sophie was there until they are blue in the face.
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