#Bellflower Eve
gillysims · 2 years
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Sometimes you want to start a CAS legacy, and then you trip and accidentally start a whole new full legacy. -clears throat-
Anyway. Coming soon to a simblr near you: The Heart Legacy.
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tsunael · 3 months
If there's anyone out there that cares about flower language and symbolism like I do, I made an informal write-up some time ago about the in-game flowers (that you can put in your house) and the different symbolism that they can mean.
I included the symbolism for the in-game colors as well when they were available.
Also as a disclaimer these could be incorrect, have contrasting meanings, or have different meanings in different real-world cultures. White chrysanthemums (kiku) are usually a funeral flower in Japan for instance. (My Japanese professor once said they were a faux pas for her to receive in a bouquet!) So your mileage may vary!
This was simply a fun personal project I made for myself that I thought other people might enjoy as well! So here's a question to answer in the tags:
What flowers would your WoL have in their residence?
Arums (calla lily) 🔷magnificent beauty, feminine modesty
Brightlilies (easter lily) 🔷purity, refined beauty 🔷White: virginity, purity, majesty 🔷Pink: wealth and prosperity 🔷Red: warmth, desire 🔷Yellow: gaiety, falsehood, "I’m walking on air" 🔷Orange: hatred
Campanulas (bellflower) 🔷humility, constancy
Chrysanthemum   🔷cheerfulness, "You’re a wonderful friend" 🔷Red: I love you 🔷White: truth 🔷Yellow: slighted love
Cosmos 🔷harmony, peace, modesty, "the joys that love and life can bring", beautiful
Dahlias 🔷dignity, elegance
Daisies 🔷innocence, beauty
Lilies of the Valley 🔷return of happiness, sweetness, humility, purity
Oldrose 🔷Red: I love you, love, beauty, passion, romance 🔷Blue: mystery, attaining the impossible, love at first sight 🔷White: innocence and purity, "I am worthy of you", reverence 🔷Yellow: decrease of love, jealousy, friendship
Shroud Cherries (cherry blossom) 🔷spiritual beauty, a good education
Tulips 🔷perfect lover, fame 🔷Red: declaration of love, true love, eternal love, romantic love, "believe me" 🔷Yellow: hopeless love, unrequited love, brightness, sunshine 🔷White: ask for forgiveness, purity 🔷Purple: royalty
Hyacinths 🔷sports, games, rashness 🔷Purple: I am sorry, sorrow, "please forgive me" 🔷Red: play 🔷White: loveliness, "I’ll pray for you" 🔷Blue: constancy, sincerity 🔷Yellow: jealousy
Hydrangeas 🔷heartlessness, boastfulness, "You are cold"
Morning Glories 🔷love in vain, affection
Violas (violets) 🔷modesty, faithfulness 🔷Purple: daydreaming, "You occupy my thoughts" 🔷Blue: watchfulness, love 🔷White: candor, innocence 🔷Yellow: rural happiness
Byregotia (begonia?) 🔷Beware
Carnation 🔷fascination, love, distinction 🔷Red: "My heart aches for you", deep love, admiration 🔷White: sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love 🔷Yellow: "You have disappointed me", rejection, disdain 🔷Purple: capriciousness, changeable
Moth Orchid 🔷love, beauty, refinement, beautiful lady
Sweet Pea 🔷departure, good-bye, delicate pleasure, tender memory, blissful pleasure
Triteleia 🔷 They're a North American wildflower also called 'triplet lilies' or 'Ithuriel's spear' which is a reference to John Milton's epic English poem, Paradise Lost. It's about an angel sent by Gabriel to find Satan in the Garden of Eden. Satan, in the form of a toad, is introducing evil suggestions into the ear of Eve when Ithuriel pokes him with a spear. Satan then returns to his true form, "for no falsehood can endure Touch of Celestial temper, but returns Of force to its own likeness." It is to an unknown but imaginative scholar of English letters that we owe the common name of this plant.
Long story short, I can't find any symbolism for this one. Would make a possibly good Halone/Ishgard reference if you wanted to read into it, though!
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silky-silks · 2 months
Remember the time where I threw everyone into a massive crossover into the galaxy? Well welcome back, here is just a random (i guess you can say shitpost but..idk) tiny storyboard of it. I found videos a few videos of SpongeBob into the galaxy and I went (I NEED TO DRAW THIS)
Hopefully this adds a bit of expanded lore and explanations to how everything boiled down.
But here we are again with Silky, Patches and the epic leader Eric (Whom patches literally had to keep an eye on 24/7)
-why did i make this-
Pepper and Patches (Beginning)
Eric Velseb and Nina Velseb and Snowy (alongside the other cat) @ericvelseb666
Mono and Ducifer @22a-girl-from-galaxy22
(Minor appearences but still epic people)
Bellflower the Bat @sg-the-mag-by
Asher P and Taffy B @hooded-skelly-sceankid
Bob Velseb belongs to Sr. Pelo
Video Link
Note (This was made before Silky's vacation. Silky still gone ya'll)
Dont worry...*HE* is not coming back*
(also the audio may be a bit off since Pencil 2d is a bit trashy)
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kayakin-world · 5 days
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Name: Mindy Mónati (Mimi)
Age: 18
Height: 170cm / 5'5
Birthday: August 20
Species: Nyrilis (bellflower)
Earth: 11 (Eve World)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Sexuality: Hetero / Demi
Occupation: Caretaker
Ability: Chlorokinesis, plant body, nature magic
Relationship status: Neon (boyfriend)
Status: Alive - Active
Mimi is a lazy and slow-paced girl, always looking like she's gonna fall asleep at any moment. She doesn't like doing heavy work, and prefers to snuggle in blankets. She often falls asleep mid talk, and looks like she doesn't listen to what others tell her, but in reality she does. In fact, she's a better listener when she's sleeping. She won't offer advice, but she might give pats. Despite her laziness, she's a powerful elemental, though she doesn't like conflict.
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lauras-happy-place · 1 year
Watch list for 2023 🐇 //Some might be shows I haven't watched al episodes of or haven't seen in a long time. Gonna be a long list. It’s for this whole year!
Busy World of Richard Scarry
Scooby Doo
Gabby's Dollhouse
The Bellflower Bunnies
Barbie movies
Airbud, or something dog movie, like ooo Beethoven!
Charlotte's web
Disney channel series: either Wizards of Zack or Cody etc.
Mickey Mouse (any show)
Narnia (only the 1st)
Curious George
Dino train
Fairly Odd Parents
Lazy Town
Play with me Sesame
Yin Yang, Yo!
Drake and Josh
Thomas the Tank Engine
Gotta keep up with the adult cartoons like South Park
Let’s plays from youtubers I really enjoyed watching the 1st time
I’m gonna update which one I’ve watched during the year. If you have suggestions, I’d love to hear them!)
Jakers! (especially the cabbage episode)
Jane and the Dargon
Nostalgic East-European cartoons
Pattson and Findus
Spongebob (duhÍ!)
Old CN shows like Dexter’s lab or I am weasel!
I wann watch new shows too so I guess I’ll update!
This post was supposed to be posted on the day after New Year’s Eve but I was in the hospital so anyway-
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nikkiliddi · 1 year
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December—a busy, whirlwind month.
I: hosted a Christmas party for our friends, ate at the Cheesecake Factory for the first (and last) time, got really into the World Cup, and ate a ton of Grandma’s tangerines.
My mom came to visit, and we had a nice trip up north with lots of heart-to-hearts and way too much whiskey. We spent an evening with my brother and his kids, which made me feel like the grinch when his heart grows three times in size. We drove down to Santa Barbara and spent the night with Carly, meeting her BF and demolishing an insane amount of food at the place where he works.
We had a cozy solstice at home and spent Christmas Eve in Bellflower, celebrating Nicholas’s second birthday with rainbows and “man-man.” On Christmas, Andrew and I spent the day at home by ourselves. I kept the traditions alive—starting the morning with Nat, overfilling the waffle maker, going for a long walk, etc. The day after Christmas, my dad and his wife came to visit. We went out for pasta and came home for lane cake, another tradition from even before my time.
Later this week, we’ll see my grandma, aunt, and cousins. We’ll celebrate the new year with friends and meet the newest Serna. But for now, I am le pooped. I’m ready to read and puzzle and snooze my way through the rest of 2022 ✌🏼
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thalkons-garden · 1 year
Introduction/Table of Contents
Welcome to my garden!
I will be placing plant information here as I learn it. The plants this blog will be focusing on will be ones that I am currently interested in, am planting, or have identified on my own. Each post will contain the plant name, scientific name (if I was able to figure it out which plant I have), how to plant it, care for it, harvest it, save seeds from it, and if it companion plants with other plants (with links hopefully). If you’re interested in Herbs and how to heal with them, you can check out my blog @herbalist-thalkon where I will be updating my research into healing with plants. There will most likely be cross posts, but the posts on this side will deal with more growing and maintaining the plant, whereas the posts on my other blog will have more information on recipes, healing properties, and anything else that I felt was needed to be added to the posts. So, without further ado, the table of contents.
Table of Contents
Pincushion Peperomia
Lace Aloe
Eve’s Pin Cactus
Hobbit Jade Plant
German Chamomile
Rover Bellflower
Norway Maple
Yellow Sheep-Sorrel
American Burnweed
English Ivy
Munson’s Grape
Sweet Rocket
Shepherd’s Purse
Taraxacum Campylodes?
Bird’s Rape
Hairy Crabgrass
Slender Yellow Woodsorrel
Sun Spurge
Prostrate Knotweed
Jagged Chickweeds
Epipactis Helleborine?
Hoary Bowlesia?
Bishop’s Weed?
Stiff Hedgenettle?
Hedge Woundwort, Whitespot?
Vitis Vulpina (Frost Grape)
Canadian Goldenrod
Garlic Chive
Peach Tree
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hamberder-km · 1 year
An Invitation Accepted
Today I arrived at the manor of Lady Jamandi Aldori, Swordlord of the free city of Restov in Brevoy. I have been summoned here by my friend Orin Absalom (volume 3, page 281 and beyond) who passed along to me, during my most recent stay at the Monastery Breksta, a flyer promoting a venture to reclaim what Brevoy refers to as 'the Stolen Lands'. I bring along with me Noelle Roen (volume 4, page 103 and beyond) from Breksta and Orin has brought his friend Mina Bellflower, a sprite with the most impeccable of manners. I look forward to hearing the stories she has to tell.
The four of us were, thankfully, seated at the same table. With us were also seated the following individuals: a Human noble: Maegar Varn, a pale Elf: Jaethal, a Gnome: Tartuccio, and a Halfling: Linzi. Of most interest to me was Jaethal who's skin is even paler than mine and who's silver eyes very closely mirror mine own. Linzi and Noelle seem to me to be two kindred spirits. Tartuccio seems to have little time or care for anyone else, even maligning the importance of our host. Maegar, as many in his position are wont, is polite enough but very sure of his own worth and importance. Through the course of the meal the four of us came to know those we would be exploring the lands to the south alongside us a bit better.
About Maegar, we learned, that he is the 3rd son of a swordlord who is hoping to use connections he has previously made with the Nomen, centaurs in the Stolen Lands. He hopes to found a city, Varnhold, in the lands and to expand the name of his family in any way he can. He and Mina formed the beginnings of a camaraderie as she also has associations with the Nomen.
Linzi exudes a love for life, greatly enjoying food, music, and all that the world has to offer. She and Noelle are of the same soul and I look forward to reading the novel that she writes about Noelle's journey into her own.
I genuinely hope that I will never hear the name Tartuccio again after this meal. The man is a brash and dismissive fellow who loves the sound of his own voice. If you meet him, ask him about his travels to the city of Absolom and you will have your hours filled for you. Lastly, Jaethal is a mystery that I hope to unravel at some point in the future. She says little about herself and is quite defensive of where she came from as if to avoid further harm. As I have tried to in the past, I hope to provide whatever succor I can to this fragile soul, should we cross paths again. She says that she is looking for someone named Andrial. She says the name with much importance, but no explaination... perhaps I shall keep mine own ears perked should I hear the name in the future.
As dinner wound down, the Lady Aldori bid us a good eve and said that tomorrow we shall all receive specific requests or instructions. She honored me greatly by allowing me to play the Ballad of Choral the Conqueror for her and the gathered crowd as she departed.
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sour-heart-treats · 2 years
HIIIII ITS KUMIBELL ANON AGAIN!!! i am back with my silly propaganda
so its kinda implied (or i’m just looking into it too much) that bellflower and ginseng got turned to stone when gingerbrave and co. went to the lotus paradise and that got me thinking- imagine kumiho going to visit bellflower only to find her in that frozen state……
Though not the most stealthy of approaches, the playful marshmellow fox known as Kumiho would be whining and yipping worriedly as she rushed through street after street in the Fragrant Lotus Paradise. She's no stranger to disasters caused by dragons, and… this was no exception. There'd been uproars even outside of the Paradise her beloved remained in, something about 'The Age of Dragons' and how catastrophic it was going to be for the cookies of this world. Her first thought of such danger? Rushing miles away to ensure Bellflower's safety. Her lover's safety.
Though tired from running, Kumi would shift her form to that of her more cookie form. To Bell, she was more recognizable in this form, and if anyone were to know her from sight alone, it would be her bell-oved. With a whimper, she'd continue to scour the streets of Paradise, finding nothing but bodies turned to stone. The terrifying thought of Bell being one of those victims was something that she'd never forgive herself for. Men, women, children, others… Some were holding hands or holding each other in the terror of what was likely their fate being their last moments together. Kumi's heart and the hearts she'd eaten that day sank to her stomach.
Body tense and mind filled with fear, there was no stopping this fox from finding the one she'd come here for. Along the ground, there were gilded, circular-looking objects that did not fit the aesthetic of this place whatsoever. Though she was curious about what they were or what they would do, she would rather not find out. Besides, putting two and two together… The kumiho would much rather not turn herself into stone. Not without Bellflower there with her.
Rounding the corner of an out-of-commission restaurant, whose owner was apparently turned to stone right in front of the place, Kumi smelt it. Though faint, the scent of Bellflower was unmistakable. Not just the flower of herself, but there was the slight hint of ginseng to go along with such. The moment her senses picked it up, she'd use her cookie legs to sprint to where her senses took her. Though she was a little clumsy in cookie form, stumbling and not being used to having to run in this form at such speeds, her mind had forgotten that she could easily revert to fox form. Her mind was preoccupied elsewhere. Tails swishing behind her as her dress blew in the wind of her speed, Kumi would trace the scent, heading right towards it- with the scent getting stronger and stronger, turning 'round the bend of some Lotus lamp store and-
… "No… No, no this is a sick joke, isn't it?" Standing with her arms outstretched, covering Ginseng in the hopes of saving someone, expression with that of unwavering determination… was Bellflower. Turned to stone. Her gorgeous yellow and purple locks, her gorgeously freckled skin… all turned to a dull, lifeless grey. The scent rang strong in Kumi's mind as he shakily approached her love, lifting a paw to place on top of Bellflower's outstretched and cold hand. "You can't- you're… You are better than this love, you-…" There was no malice in her words, only sheer shock. Perhaps there was something in her mind telling her that this was just a prank... That Bellflower was fine! This was just- just some paint plastered over her beloved. Though the rocky texture Bell was now made of was unmistakable…
With tears filling her eyes, Kumiho would choke out a sob before throwing herself against the stone statue of what was once her one and only Wrapping her arms around the body that had long gone cold, her tears would wet the already frozen surface of Bellflower. Kumi would wordlessly beg that this wasn't her true fate. With everything that the two had built together, all the time the two of them spent going against one dragon, only to have another come through and wash everything away… Kumiho begged, pleaded, and cried out to the empty streets of a frozen paradise.
An unheard whirring sound would rise from behind Kumiho, uncaring of such an emotional display. One of the gilded orbs from before, risen from a temporary slumber, rose above the grieving fox. With no hesitation within itself, not that it could feel, it would complete its designated task of an abrupt end to the loud cries of the kumiho. Stone coated over fur and dough alike. It was a quick process, one that Kumi would barely register before her mind ceased to function, becoming mineralized that Bellflower was made into. Her frozen form? Wide, tearful eyes with arms held tight around her beloved.
Just another stone statue in the land of the Frozen Lotus Paradise.
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sundove88 · 2 years
Cars (Sundove88’s Version) Casting Parody
In a world where the towns are peopled with cartoons, and even the bugs are mini toons, a young ambitious racer called Duke Nukem is a star. On his way to an important event he has to stop in the little town of Radiator Springs after he accidentally damages the road and is forced to repair it. He finds living in a community oddly endearing, making true friends and beginning to realise there's more in life than winning.
Racer Duke Nukem and his starfish buddy, Patrick, have had their share of adventures together but nothing like what they experience when they head overseas for the first-ever World Grand Prix. While Duke has his eye on the road to the championship, Patrick takes a detour to international espionage when he meets British-Indian master spy Cal Suresh and stunning spy-in-training Iben Bia.
Blindsided by a new generation of blazing-fast cartoons, the legendary Duke Nukem finds himself pushed out of the sport that he loves. Hoping to get back in the game, he turns to Caramel Arrow Cookie, an eager young technician who has her own plans for winning. With inspiration from Paragus and a few unexpected turns, No. 95 prepares to compete on Piston Cup Racing's biggest stage.
Duke Nukem as Lightning McQueen (Duke Nukem)
Joseph Joestar as Strip “The King” Weathers (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Dio Brando as Chick Hicks (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Leongar as Mack (Kirby)
Eve as Sally Carrera (No Straight Roads)
Paragus as Doc Hudson (Dragon Ball Super)
Broly as Himself/Doc’s Son (Dragon Ball Super)
Patrick Star as Mater (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Dante and Vergil as Luigi and Guido (Devil May Cry)
Augustin Madrigal as Ramone (Encanto)
Suzie Q as Lynda “Mrs. The King” Weathers (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
DJSS as Filmore (No Straight Roads)
Neon J as Sarge (No Straight Roads)
1010 as Themselves/Sarge’s Soldiers (No Straight Roads)
Julieta Madrigal as Flo (Encanto)
Isabela, Luisa, and Mirabel Madrigal as Themselves/Flo and Ramone’s Daughters (Encanto)
Almond Cookie as Sheriff (Cookie Run)
Walnut Cookie as Herself/Sheriff’s Daughter (Cookie Run)
Bellflower Cookie and Ginseng Cookie as Lizzie and Stanley (Cookie Run)
Heatwave as Red (Transformers)
Fiibo Fiddlepie as Himself/The Mayor of Radiator Springs (Bugsnax)
DJ Zam as Darrel Cartrip (No Straight Roads)
Popcorn Cookie and Cheerleader Cookie as Mia and Tia (Cookie Run)
King Dedede as Tex Dinoco (Kirby)
Dark Choco Cookie, Licorice Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, and Poison Mushroom Cookie as Boost, DJ, Wingo, and Snot Rod (Cookie Run)
Cal Suresh as Finn McMissile (Balan Wonderworld)
Iben Bia as Holley Shiftwell (Balan Wonderworld)
Sentinel Prime as Sir Miles Axelrod (Transformers)
Megatron as Professor Z (Transformers)
Freddy Fazbear as Francesco Bernoulli (Five Nights At Freddy’s)
King K. Rool as Rod Redline (Donkey Kong Country)
The Autobots as Themselves/Friends of Radiator Springs (Transformers)
Hooverton as Frank (Balan Wonderworld)
Dodoria and Zarbon as Grem and Acer (Dragon Ball Z)
Tsunade and Jiraiya as Van and Minny (Naruto)
Barktholomew as Tubbs Pacer (Balan Wonderworld)
Starscream as J. Curby Gremlin (Transformers)
Soundwave as Victor Hugo (Transformers)
Devastator as Vladimir Trunkov (Transformers)
Caramel Arrow Cookie as Cruz Ramirez (Cookie Run)
Red Velvet Cookie as Jackson Storm (Cookie Run)
Sensei Wu as Smokey (Ninjago)
Pain as Sterling (Naruto)
Princess Marey as Miss Fritter (Balan Wonderworld)
Dolores Madrigal as Natalie Certain (Encanto)
Here’s your hint for the next Crossover Casting (It’s Blue Sky):
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danveration · 2 years
Angelonia, Bellflower, cardinal flower ✨
angelonia: my favourite tv show at the moment would have to beee killing eve!
bellflower: favourite animal is 100% cats (i want one so bad 😭😭 i’m gonna have to find a pet shop around here soon)
cardinal flower: ummm i do yeah!
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gillysims · 2 years
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Mr. Heart (Boss): Do let us know if Nandina continues to make her... decisions. The farm is still ours, regardless of what she might tell you
You: Got it, boss.
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The 12 Days of Christmas: Day 1
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Ah…That’s it!
*Makoto leans back in his seat, shaking off his energy as he finishes up the work for the day.
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You seem to be in a good mood tonight. Any plans this Christmas Eve?
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Well, I spent pretty much all of this morning making preparations for a Christmas Party tomorrow, plus throwing you a birthday party.
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Huh? A b-birthday party for me?
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Your birthday is just as important as Christmas for me. And the rest of us too.
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Since you joined Future Foundation, we can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done.
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I haven’t done anything…I’m just cleaning up my mess…
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Not only that, but I also have a date with Kyoko tonight. I need to make a reservation as soon as possible, but I had no time this morning.
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Oh…I see…
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Well, here’s the phone. I assume you already have your eyes on a place.
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There’s a lot to do. I need to book, buy some flowers, etc.
*Makoto takes the phone from Mukuro and rings up the restaurant.
Reservation: Thank you for calling sir? Were you hoping to make a reservation?
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Yes please. Dinner for two sir.
Reservation: I’m sorry sir, but you see, tonight we are already fully booked.
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What!? Aw…
Reservation: I’m sorry sir. Please accept my humblest…hm?
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Huh? What’s the matter?
Reservation: Oh, really? Hah. Well then.
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Is everything ok over there?
Reservation: Worry not sir. You see, you may have had a stroke of luck just at the right moment. One of my colleagues has just informed me that one of our prior reservations has had to cancel after being unable to make it. They also wanted a table for two, so if you’d like, you can take their space.
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Really!? Wow, that’s amazing.
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It is a shame though. I feel bad for the couple who weren’t able to make it.
Reservation: It is nice to hear such sympathetic words sir. We will have a table ready for you.
*Makoto hangs up.
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That was lucky…!
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Well, that’s kind of standard for me at this point…
*Makoto suddenly hands Mukuro some money.
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Th-This is…!
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Good work today Mukuro. Make sure you take a break tonight.
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You don’t have to spoil me like this you know?
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Don’t worry about it. You’ve been overworking yourself lately, so you deserve a few days off…
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Well, if you insist.
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Goodnight Mukuro. Enjoy yourself.
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*Makoto and Mukuro split off, and Makoto starts packing away his things.
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Now I just gotta get some flowers, then it’s off to the aquarium, and then dinner!
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Wow…it’s amazing.
*Makoto and Kyoko begin their Christmas date at the aquarium, with Kyoko peering through the glass at the several colorful fish.
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Have you ever been to an aquarium before?
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No, not really. My father never took me to one, neither did my grandfather. What about you?
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My parents took me and Komaru to one when we were younger. That was quite a long time ago though.
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I kind of forgot just how magical this place is…Although, that may just be because you’re here with me.
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Well, when we finish up here…How about we go and grab some dinner?
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Where will we be going?
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Oh, you’ll see. I may or may not have made a reservation.
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What? Really?
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Ahaha…Now you’ve got my hopes up. I can’t wait.
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I really hope it goes well. I got really lucky with the reservation, so I hope it’s worth it…
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*Later, at the restaurant in a high rise building, the man at the desk ushers Makoto and Kyoko to their seat.
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This restaurant is amazing. How’d you come across something like this?
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It was…recommended to me by a friend.
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Oh, really now?
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Well, if you can call it that. He may be a bit irritating and awkward, but Kuripa really does have the best intentions half the time.
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I see, so you put your faith in Kurafto again?
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I know, it’s a bad habit, but he’s not a bad kid.
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You don’t say…
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Although, if I’m being honest…this is probably the most smooth and adult I’ve ever seen you act before.
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You really think so…?
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Not to say you can’t be mature when the time calls for it…
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But when it comes to large scale events like this, you usually act a lot more uncomfortable and awkward. When you went to talk to the staff about our reservation, you were really cool and composed.
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Aw shucks, you’re making me blush.
*All of a sudden, the lights in the building dim.
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Huh? What’s going on?
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Haha…Just wait a second…
Announcer over loudspeaker: Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for joining us on this very special night. We wish you all an unforgettable Christmas eve, with one last present from the staff here.
*All of a sudden, the curtain in the window next to where the couple are sitting opens up, to reveal a view of the entire city from where they sit.
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…! W-Wow…
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*Makoto hands Kyoko a bouquet of flowers he was concealing since they arrived.
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They’re bellflowers and lavenders. They reminded me of the color of your eyes, so…
*Kyoko takes the flowers from Makoto.
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Merry Christmas.
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Um…what are you?
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*Makoto is cut off as Kyoko suddenly leans in and engages a long kiss with him.
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My apologies…I know initiating things like that isn’t very much like me…but I’m so happy right now, I think my heart could burst…
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This almost all seems like an elaborate story from a TV show of book…but now it’s happening to me and…I’m not sure how to react.
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I’m…really happy…
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Maybe if I was more used to being in a relationship, I’d have more of an idea of what to say…Though I’m not too sure…
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To be honest…who really cares about that? Even if you had, do you think you’d be this happy?
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…Though, to be honest, while I didn’t expect any of this…It’s no surprise that it comes from someone like you Makoto…
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What do you mean?
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Whenever you put yourself through a long and difficult trial, it’s almost never just for your own sake.
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There are many who should probably take a page out of your book…
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I’m just trying to do what’s best for people…and in this case, I’m doing what’s best for the girl that I’ve decided to marry…
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Do you…have any plans after this?
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No, this was the last one…why do you ask?
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I’d…like to spend some time with you for the night…
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I’m not trying to come off as obsessive but…I feel like my serotonin levels are higher than they ever have been before. I’m not sure how to deal with it.
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You really don’t need to be so wary. I love you. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have gone this far to appease you.
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*He moves around and nestles into her shoulder.
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Christmas is a time that you should spend with the ones you love, don’t you think?
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I love you Kyoko…
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I love you too…so much…
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silky-silks · 3 months
You know what?! Time to curse you all!
Master post of Buff silky so i can get back to the comic (Massive amount of sketched because im tired)
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Van Helsing Au Silky
Silky is a big gal in the van helsing Au, So big in fact she can no longer fit inside the castle (Well not really). Hanging out with Sapphire she proposes she challenges the alpha in a fight. Surely Howdy can take a fight with a buff wendigo right?
Sapphire belongs to @eve-pie
Scenario 2: The Auntie squad
Auntie Silky and Auntie Bellflower forming the ultimate Auntie Squad.
Need a baby-sitter? They got ya
Need to murder a bully? They got ya?
Need tickets to a move? WE GOT EM
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Bellflower belongs to @sg-the-mag-by (cool bat oc!)
Scenario 3: Destiny and Silky
Silky just hanging out with Destiny as usual. But when someone decided to bully Destiny due to her wing disability: Silky coming their way.
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Destiny: You're going to die!!! (She belongs to @buenos-diaz)
Scenario 4:
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Pov: They both caught you lacking. How was it that hard? You can do better.
(what was the person lacking on? You decide)
Silly mouse fellow belongs to @senpa10
and....That's a wrap. Buff Silky has now left the chat.
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      Eve arrived at the door of Barraca Mansion, waiting for someone to answer. She had a feeling one of the 1010 bots would be first to greet her, unless they were off performing. She figured today would be a popular day for them, given how many... ahem, 'adoring fans' they had. But then again, if Neon J had offered to let her visit, then maybe the boys were still at home? She realized she knew 1010 so little that she didn’t even know if the boys were allowed to be out and about without their manager’s supervision.
      The diva shook her head, shooing away the negative thoughts. Not today. Too many times had she let this holiday get inside of her head, but she was determined not to let this one do the same. So, she patiently waited, doing whatever she could to keep herself distracted. She’d been donning a new outfit, but funnily enough it didn’t seem to have any themes of romance to it, or at least, none that were very clear to the average joe. Strange shapes that bled various colors decorated her person, with an almost otherworldly circlet to tie together her look.
      Eve glanced down to her gifts. She hoped Mr. J would like these. A bouquet of bellflowers, mums, and hydrangeas... she was quite impressed at how well they blended. The florist offered to arrange them herself, but Eve did not allow it, instead buying the flowers outright and arranging them herself. A few styrofoam shapes branched out within the bouquet, giving it that personalized “Eve” flair. Aside from that, she had some hand-crafted chocolates--this time, not of her own creation, but they were definitely strange flavors that were her own signature--dark, milk, and white chocolates filled with various jams, lavender flowers, matcha, and marzipan. Lastly, there was a bottle of a drink labelled “Ruby Queen” in her possession.
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      Suddenly, a thought dawned on her that hadn’t come before--he was a cyborg. He wasn’t going to be able to eat any of these sweets! How could she have been so foolish!? She thought about fleeing in that moment, to get something to replace the useless gifts she’d gotten, but it was too late. The doorbell had already been rung, and there was likely security cameras watching her like a hawk. As humiliating as it was to bring such gifts to Neon J, it would have been far more humiliating to run off while the cameras were watching. So, she was forced to wait, the artist anxiously clutching to the gifts as she waited for the painful moment to arrive...
                                                         ~ @dadj​ ~
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Established Relationship Sherlolly Fics (Rated K/K+) Post 2 of 10
Apology Apple Bobbing As Though Fire Burns Under Your Feet At a disadvantage Attachments (Everybody Wants to Rule the World series) Baby Steps Baby’s First Words (Aurora Holmes series) Back to Bed Bad Day Bad Day, was it? Baking Balancing Baby Balm for a Bad Day (Love is Like series) Bathtime! Beanbag Beat Value (Dating Life of Sherlock Holmes series) Beautiful Chaos Bedsheets Bedside Manner (Unexpectedly Wonderful series) Bedtime Stories Belief Believe It Bellflowers, Petunias, and Lungwort (Every Kiss series) Belly Best Laid Plans (What Can Go Wrong series) Better Than Dreams Beyond My Control, Dear (24/7 series) Birthday (Lullabye series) Bittersweet Life Black Nail Polish Blackmail Blessing Blushing Body Pillow Bonding Time Bonus Points Booster Born To Run Borrowing Baby Watson Bouquet of Roses Bra Brahms's Lullabye Bribery is NOT Cheating! Bring On the Dancing Horses Brotherly Intervention Bruise Bumps in the Road (Aftermath series) But In All Chaos There Is Calculation (Undead Is The New Alive series) Cake Calm Christmas Can I Kiss You? Can You Lick? Can't Help Falling In Love With You Candy Candy Coffee Canon-Schmanon Caring Is Not An Advantage Carpe Diem Cat Burglar Cat Problems Celebrity Crush Chagrined (I Can Explain...series) Change of Plan Checklist Chocolate Factory Chorus Elf Number Four Christmas at the Holmes House Christmas Cards Christmas Conundrum Christmas Cookies Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Christmas Lights Clocks Cocoa, Interrupted (Sherlolly Lite series) Codename: Marry Me Come Back When You're Pretty Come over here and make me! Coming back Companions (Apologize series) Complementary Complementary Conflict and Cluedo Congratulations Consequences Chapter Conversations Costumes Cosy Christmas Counting Counting Cars (Cabin Pressure Crossover)
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