#Ballora is just based off her from what we know
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Michael Afton let his FNAF trauma slip again…
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tacigent · 1 year
A FNaF AU idea that I need to get off my chest + a "timeline" with ages and years
There's a lot of role-swapping going on. Michael swaps with Elizabeth, Norman swaps with Sammy who is Charlie's twin brother from the books. Then Michael swaps again, but with William which means that I have included Miketrap because I always found that theory very interesting and cool despite its flaws. Mrs. Afton swaps with Elizabeth in that she's the main antagonist in Sister Location.
Everyone will possess something, excluding William and Henry. Mrs. Afton is Ballora, Michael is Springtrap, Elizabeth is Foxy, Norman is Fredbear, and Charlie is the Puppet of course. Sammy could end up being Shadow Freddy. I promise, everything will make sense once I explain what happens.
Few things I feel like I should mention:
This AU only follows FNaF 1-6, meaning Special Delivery, Help Wanted, and Security Breach DON'T exist here. UCN might be included because I like the idea of a fabricated hell for William to continuously suffer in.
The Toys' facial recognition and criminal data-base aren't a thing at all here. I feel that goes too far, considering the technological limitations.
None of the Funtimes are programmed to kill at all. Like what I mentioned, it feels way too out of line given the era and the limitations they would have back then. Also, I just had this idea to have CBPW be William's attempt branching out using animatronics of his very own design without Henry in the picture.
The Nightmares aren't real in any way whatsoever, not even through illusion discs, hence why they are called Nightmares.
The Fredbear plush isn't a listening device or a walkie-talkie for William to spy on his son with, it's just a toy.
Golden Freddy isn't just a re-colored Freddy. He's a broken and abandoned Fredbear, the very same one that committed the Bite.
Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental is NOT a bunker hidden underground. It's a fully-fledged, circus-themed attraction that opened after Circus Baby's Pizza World closed due to supposed gas leaks. To add onto that, it's also William's last ditch attempt to create a successful restaurant using his own animatronic designs and not Henry's.
Regarding the characters, William is a very mediocre dad here. He's certainly not the best, but he does try before it all goes downhill. Most of the MCI and DCI are teenagers aside from a select few. I'll try to give everybody a sort of importance to the story no matter how minor it might be. Admittedly, though, the Bite Victim here doesn't have much to do until the very end.
I know Fritz possesses Foxy in canon and, honestly, it doesn't feel right replacing him like this, so I have three ideas about what to do with him. He either dies in 1993 in the FNaF 1 location and possesses the Classic version of Foxy (but that seems lame and a bit convenient when I think about it), OR he inhabits Foxy alongside Elizabeth somehow. I guess he could also just not be a victim of William at all here, although that seems quite boring. I'm not sure how I'd be able to pull any of those ideas off. I don't know if I even want to, but I'll figure it out eventually.
Elizabeth is my favorite Afton and Foxy is my favorite animatronic, so I decided to combine them. If anyone sees this at all, I wouldn't mind criticism because I need this AU to make sense at least.
Now, we start in 1980.
Michael is 13. Elizabeth, Charlie, and Sammy are 11. Norman is 5.
Fredbear's Family Diner and Circus Baby's Pizza World exist simultaneously. Funtime Chica is also here as a part of Baby's band.
The same thing happens where Elizabeth goes to see Circus Baby, but instead of getting snatched, Michael comes to be an ass and tries to steal her ice cream. They have a back-and-forth fight until Baby starts acting out due to being so new. Michael is accidentally pulled into her stomach hatch with the ice cream, then ends up with severe head trauma. This leaves him a coma (for, specifically, 5 years). However, Elizabeth at her young age thinks Michael is dead.
After that incident, William closes the restaurant and takes his son to the hospital. At the level of decent father, he does care about his kids here, except he will forever be reminded that one of his own robots nearly killed Michael. This further drives home the fact that Henry's work will always be better than his. Meanwhile, Elizabeth feels endlessly guilty for the situation her big bro is in now. She blames herself for Michael's comatose state, and it all spirals from there.
Moving onto 1983 (Specifically, May 13).
Michael is 16. Elizabeth, Charlie, and Sammy are 14. Norman is 8.
Although Circus Baby's is closed, Fredbear's continues on for 3 years up until the day of the Bite. The very first Freddy Fazbear's Pizza has also been opened some time after Circus Baby's closing.
Michael's absence has a great effect on Elizabeth. He might have been a bully to Norman, but he's still her brother and she loves him. His absence leaves a giant hole in her life where he used to be, since he's so much easier to relate to than Norman is. She kind of tries to emulate him in her own way. She uses the same Foxy mask and becomes a bit of a delinquent like he was.
Here's the thing, she doesn't target Norman (not a lot of the time, anyway). She targets the Emily twins, Charlie and Sammy. Mostly Sammy, though.
It kind of follows the mini games of FNaF 4. Counting down the days until their birthday party.
Elizabeth uses the mask to scare Sammy, either at his house when she comes over or at the restaurant while their fathers are at work. She locks him in the parts & service room. Headless Foxy is replaced by a stuffed bunny named Theodore, who is Charlie's toy from the books. Charlie is Sammy's version of 'Psychic Friend Fredbear' in that she guides and comforts him throughout the week.
Charlie stands up for herself and her brother whenever Elizabeth tries something, yet she doesn't go as far as telling Henry about the bullying because they were best friends. She's sympathetic, almost to a fault.
Sammy is the opposite. He can't help but hate Elizabeth, even when he knows why she's the way she is. He feels betrayed since they all used to be close, but he's also sensitive and a bit of a pushover, so he receives the brunt of the bullying.
The birthday comes around and Sammy gets chomped by Fredbear, thanks to Elizabeth. Charlie is rightfully mad, but she has very conflicting feelings about their friendship now. Henry is distraught, but I feel like he'd be a little more willing to understand. Elizabeth has to live with Michael's condition and Sammy's death on her shoulders.
Fast forward to 1985.
Michael is 18. Elizabeth and Charlie are 16. Norman is 10.
After the Bite, Fredbear's closes. William and Henry now have to manage the newest location they have opened, which is Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. This restaurant houses the unwithered animatronics.
This is also the year that Michael wakes up from his coma. Only problem is, neither Elizabeth nor Norman will be there to witness it.
Elizabeth and Charlie's relationship has deteriorated a lot. Charlie struggles to forgive Elizabeth for what happened to Sammy because while she still believes there's good in her, she also thinks she probably shouldn't. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is too emotionally constipated to properly approach Charlie.
Elizabeth watches the three kids lock her out in the rain. A drunken William pulls up, kills her in the alleyway, then leaves her there. The Puppet comes out looking for her and breaks down, Charlie possesses it.
One of the reasons William kills Charlie in the first place is to basically get back at Henry.
Since Mrs. Afton exists here as an actual character, I have this idea where Henry and Mrs. Afton have this plan to get the kids away from William because they know something is wrong with him; they just aren't sure what it is. William hears of this eventually. An argument breaks out between them. It's emotional and tense and volatile, so much so that an overly rash shove from William cracks her skull against the furniture.
After the fight, William buries Mrs. Afton's body in the woods. Just a strange mound of dirt to those who don't know who's in it. Ballora starts acting a little too alive later on. Ballora, the one animatronic who had been in the room with them when his wife died.
However, Charlie's death is one that William sort of regrets in a way. He had gotten drunk after finding out about Henry and Mrs. Afton, but Charlie was in the wrong place at the wrong time. William acts on his anger towards the conspiracy against him and his long festering jealousy of Henry, taking Charlie's life in the process. A 'spur of the moment' kind of thing.
That marks the start of William's downfall and descent into these destructive habits that tear the whole family apart as time goes by. William begins lashing out, and it doesn't matter who's around to see it because he will go after them. His children suffer under his watch. At worst, he's violent. At best, he's neglectful.
Elizabeth and Henry don't find out that Charlie's dead until the next day.
Some time after Charlie, William targets other children to get rid of. The murders of the MCI take place over a span of weeks or months. First is Susie, followed by Gabriel, then Jeremy, and ending with Cassidy.
During Jeremy's turn, William invites Elizabeth along for the process in hopes that she will help him with it. Elizabeth disagrees and tries to stop him from harming Jeremy. In the end, William goes too far out of control. He ends up killing both Jeremy and Elizabeth. In a bit of a panic, William hides them in Bonnie and Foxy respectively.
Next up is Norman.
William becomes more unstable, drunk, and shaken up after Elizabeth's death. He's basically a ticking time bomb. Nobody is safe, everyone is at risk around him.
He's working late one night at the restaurant with Norman since he can't leave him home alone. He continues drinking there too when he's supposed to work. Norman keeps bothering him because literally both of his siblings are gone and he doesn't know what's happening. Norman continuously asks him these questions, but William reacts too explosively and kills Norman in a drunken rage.
I don't know yet whether Norman should possess the Fredbear plush or the animatronic, so that will be undecided until I figure it out.
In my mind, William's relationship with his kids is quite complicated. Michael's near death experience caused by one of his own machines makes William real possessive/protective of them. But even if he cares for his children, he doesn't exactly understand them. They clash until William kills them, too. However, I'm not sure how to make that last point exist in a way that's sensible and believable.
After the kids are reported missing and an investigation starts, Henry closes the restaurant.
By the year of 1987.
Both families are in shambles. Henry lost both of his children, and his wife divorced him after Charlie's death. William has to deal with a confused but awake Michael, and his wife died by his own hand.
To account for Henry's absence throughout the games, I'd say he was either convicted for the MCI wherein William would frame him for it, or he simply went off the radar until Pizza Sim. William also becomes quite recluse, only active for work because he's managing both CBEAR and FFP #2 all on his own now while he plans his next move.
This basically follows the same format as the game.
Like the mini-game suggests, William returns to murder another set of 5 victims. I myself believe that the Toy animatronics could probably be possessed one way or another, so these 5 victims will be Charlie's friends from the novels. John, Carlton, Lamar, Jessica, and Marla.
Like the book, this set of victims are just a bunch of teenagers who snuck into the pizzeria to explore and William happened to be there.
The night guard, Jeremy Fitzgerald, is on shift when the teens break in. They're caught by him and Jeremy calls William to inform him of the intrusion. Oddly enough, instead of getting the police, William says he will handle the situation himself. He sends Jeremy off, disables the cameras, puts on the yellow suit, and murders the group of teens.
Jeremy comes back on Night 6 after the murders and as Phone Guy says, none of them are acting right. He's moved to the day shift, but he's bitten during a birthday party by a possessed Mangle.
Alongside more disappearing kids in another Freddy's establishment, Mangle causing the Bite is the final cherry on top. The place closes for good.
The Toys and the Withereds are kept in a storage place or a warehouse in case Fazbear Ent. would want to reuse parts from them. However, William is still the owner of FE. He decides to have the Withereds remade into the FNaF 1 gang and the Toys fully scrapped. The Puppet is moved to the FNaF 1 location later on, but Elizabeth (and maybe Fritz, too) escapes to find her father.
Further on into 1993.
This is the FNaF 1 gang and the night guard is Mike Schmidt. Mike is his own character. Just a normal guy who unknowingly signed up for this nightmare of a job.
The "Follow Me" mini-game still takes place, but there is a different purple guy this time.
After 5 full years of comatose, Michael is finally awake.
The guy is lost and has a lot of catching-up to do, even more so when it hits him that his siblings and his mother both aren't around at all anymore. Whenever, he tries asking William about it, all he gets is a vague, half-hearted dismissal. He gets more and more suspicious until William asks him to go destroy a couple of animatronics at a abandoned restaurant that closed down just recently.
It's similar to SL wherein William tells him to go somewhere to do something. While Michael is alone in the back room, the souls come after him. He puts on the Spring Bonnie suit in a panic and the springlocks go off. It's the same situation as SL where they thought Michael was William and he suffered for it.
Due to the springlock incident, William doesn't hear from Michael, but he does discover that the animatronics have been dismantled either way. Given that he's still the main guy in charge of FE, he eventually finds out about a springlock suit locked in the backroom. He doesn't really know it's Michael until it's relocated to Fazbear's Fright.
Michael goes through what William did in canon. Being locked in the back room for years until he's found and placed in Fazbear's Fright as an attraction.
Later on in 1998.
This year is when SL would take place in my AU since I don't think there's a set year in the canon timeline.
A random night guard will take Michael's place here, although I'm tempted to have them be Vanessa. They will be the one the Funtimes use to escape the place.
It follows the flow of the game. They go to this place, perform their tasks, get scared by the robots sometimes while weird things happen, then they leave. However, there are some specific parts of the game that I would change because of the fact that it's not Elizabeth who is orchestrating the whole thing. It's her mother, Mrs. Afton.
The "sentience" of the animatronics already comes from the victims of '87. When William injects them with this other batch of Remnant he got from the Classics, it combines the MCI with the DCI. It gives them these personalities made up of two sets of teens/kids. Also, Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon are supposed to be separate entities also possessed by two different people.
Mrs. Afton communicates with the other souls in the Funtimes and forms a plan to escape the facility. That means Circus Baby isn't exactly the big mastermind behind the whole plan to get out, she only plays a part in it as they all do.
In Night 4, Ballora still gets the scooper and Circus Baby talks to the guard. However, Baby will have a different personality, given that she's possessed by two victims now instead of Elizabeth. As in, two distinct individuals are speaking just with the same voice.
In Night 5, it's mostly the same. However, after the guard 'fixes' Circus Baby and sends her to the scooping room, their shift ends right there.
The ending will be a little different here. So far, I have two ideas as to what I'd like it to be. Instead of getting scooped, it has the night guard, whoever they might be, being threatened by the Funtimes into letting them leave the facility as Ennard. Or, the Funtimes just follow them out all sneaky and leave the guard alone. Either way, they get out and go find William.
Some time in 2023.
Michael has been transferred to Fazbear's Fright as an attraction after he was found. With him, is yet another random night guard. This one might be Tape Girl.
The fact that Michael is Springtrap here changes a few things. Michael is more confused in the way he will act as Springtrap. Most of his life has been loneliness aside from the company of William. He was isolated from his siblings, friends, basically everybody for years. When he's finally let out, he dies in a springlock suit and is left for dead.
In a gameplay setting, Springtrap appears uncertain and scared when he shows up in the cameras. I'd say he's a little harder to lure with the Balloon Boy voice lines. He's more obvious in the cameras, in contrast to William's hiding and sneaking.
He's desperate to find help, and the only way he thinks he can get it is through the guard. He doesn't know what happened to his family, where they are, or if they're even alive. He's worried since he's missed out on so much.
Outside of the gameplay perspective, Michael looks for information behind the scenes. There would most likely be some references throughout the attraction to past events that he wasn't present for. Maybe some of the employees talk about rumors regarding Freddy's bad history. Perhaps there is news about the Bites or records of the missing kids, so he eventually gets his hands on those.
William finds the location and comes in to burn the place down. His reasoning for doing so is to sort of erase the history of the past Freddy's locations. Everything in the attraction is directly related to his wrongdoings, so he needs to destroy it immediately. Michael confronts him about everything he knows, but William starts the fire before he can do anything. Michael escapes with half an arm, and he roams wherever to find his father.
As for what occurs in FNaF 6,
Henry takes the brave volunteer's place in the fake restaurant. He manages the pizzera, does the salvaging, and then burns the place down when everything comes together.
As shown in the game, Henry will have to slowly build this pizzeria from the ground up until he finally has everybody right where he needs them to be.
When it comes to the salvaging, there will be obvious changes. Like instead of Scrap Baby, he's faced with a very old and very withered Foxy from way back when the first ever Freddy Fazbear's opened. Scraptrap is basically Springtrap but doubly worse for wear and missing half an arm. Molten Freddy is now just Ennard with Mrs. Afton in the driver's seat. Lefty is more or less the same since I like his design.
The completion of tasks later in the night is also going to be altered a little. With Henry as the protagonist here, no one really has the motive to attack him unless they don't know that it's him.
Until William comes along.
The news of an unauthorized Freddy's establishment drags him out of the hermit life he's been living for the past few decades. He goes to check out the place and falls right into Henry's trap. Now, everyone from the victims to the murderer himself is in position for Henry to end it all, setting the restaurant ablaze and burning it to the ground. The souls are set free and William is sent to hell.
That concludes my AU for now. I think this was just excessive info-dumping, but I was way too eager to get this idea out of my head. If anyone sees this, let me know your thoughts because I'd really like criticism and more ideas.
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elecman108 · 7 months
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Fazbear Entertainment will not be held responsible for any death-dismemberment-injury-psychological damage that you sustain while within the building. Have a Faz-erific day!
I have FINALLY made a good image showing off all my Canon-To-My-SB/R-Timeline Idiots (there are others but they occur after the Pizzaplex gets levelled) so shout out to the Animatronics and Mostly-Humans that my AU houses!
Under the cut will be some alternate images and more info.
Ooh you clicked the cut. You know what that means? A clearer image of these lot without the Transgender Lighting I put in over top because it looked CRISP!
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Left to right by head position is Sun, Vanessa Masters, Vanny, Bonnie, Ennard, Chica, DJ Music Man, Balloon Boy, Vincent Volkov, Marionette, Monty, Elizabeth "Liz" Afton Schmidt, Eclipse, Circus Baby, Michael Afton Schmidt, Roxy, Cupcake Fredbear, Cassie Stevens, Moon, Golden "Goldie" Fredbear, Freddy Fazbear, Ballora, "Springtrap" Spring Bonnie, Gregory Fazbear, and Captain Foxy.
Cassie and Gregory in this are about 16-17, several years after the events of SBR. Cassie is thinking of going into robotics in college while Gregory is thinking of going into business. Cassie's Dad still works for the Animatronics, and Freddy adopted Gregory after the events of Security Breach/Ruin in my AU.
Sun expresses that all of the Animatronics are "Furries" because they have animal ears, no exceptions. Think about it for a minute.
Additional Bonus!
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Idiot-less background! I took the intro cutscene of Security Breach, clapped out most of the colours, and then added in additional fog and colours to enhance it. It's not quite the screenshot anymore, but I think it's a pretty solid background that doesn't have to be obviously FNAF'd, lol.
I need to draw more of the idiots too, like I'm missing JJ, Deedee, Lolbit*, Bonbon, Bonnet, Minirena, Biddybab*, Electrobab*, Orville, Happy Frog*, Xor, Delilah Afton* (Liz and Michael's mom), and a few other additional Fazbear-Family Animatronics, and then I have three more Fangame-crews that are canon to my AU as well. Anyone with a * after their name has a finalized design, but I just don't have the full body reference to match these lot.
What Fangames are canon to my AU? Five Nights at Candy's, Popgoes, and Those Nights at Rachel's. Why? Because I like the groups. Also... There are other Animatronics too - and three of them have been here before!
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Although I'm reworking Katlynn (Cat-Lynn), Discord, and Wendy's group presently and may add to some of their costumes when I make their full refs to match too. In my AU, Candy and Cindy know of Katlynn (being all cat-based), Marionette knows of Discord (and met her once in passing, but never got to say hi), and Ballora has heard of another "ballerina-type" Animatronic, although has never met nor seen anything for Wendy. These lot belong to a group (similar to Orville's group) that are off-brand Fazbear Entertainment Animatronics not run by Freddy, but still get to join the main crew.
Either way, that's enough of me screaming into the void about my FNAF AU, it's basically a FNAF-based OC world with only a small fraction of the actual FNAF Lore applying to it... and yes Remnant is canon. I am finding a way to explain it. I think. That may be more than what we get from actual FNAF lore, lol.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
I'm sorry but I have two things I thought of and you absolutely do not need to do both I just- I had *thoughts*, and just wanted to say them, you can do one or the other even combine them if wanted but just do what ya want, don't even have to do this request
request is, kinda based off of the one post about Michael being a big brother to Circus baby AU idea and art you reblogged, anywho, do what ya want with this
How about a platonic thing where reader and Michael shared a house/reader was a friend of Mike's and was over a lot, and Michael and Reader ended up helping take care of Circus Baby, taking the murder out of her code, rebuilding and fixing her, and basically just Reader helping two siblings broken apart reunite with no murder having to occur,,
Or even Michael just having Circus baby at his house and reader took care of Molten freddy in theirs, maybe a reunion was scheduled and Baby and the animatronics in Molten end up having an apology session and just catch up for an hour or two, just a bonding type of thing between two humans and their robots
- Salt Anon
I can combine both! And yeah I really loved that AU.
No scooped Michael just him, reader, and two amalgamated robots (who get new bodies and somewhat feel like themselves again)
“Wait, you found who??”
“Shhh, Freddy! Shut it.”
“Freddy? As in..Funtime Freddy? He’s with you?”
“Yeah, and also Foxy and Ballora.” You tried to explain the situation to Michael over the phone. “I guess they split from Baby and took all the wires. Then they found their way here a day or so ago. Looks like Freddy’s the one in control now. He even made his own mask, calling himself “Molten Freddy”.
You could hear him sigh into the receiver. “That’s odd. Do you know why they would do that? I thought their whole goal was to find me.”
“He says they got into an argument and they couldn’t cooperate with each other anymore. I guess they were sick of listening to Baby’s orders.”
“Huh, she didn’t tell me that..” He muttered, seemingly to himself.
“Wait, she’s with you?”
“Oh--yeah..she found her way to me. I managed to take off that claw of hers. She hasn’t tried to kill me yet, but she’s not talking to me much either..”
From the sadness lacing his tone, you knew that he wasn’t giving up on Baby, despite the multiple attempts on his life she and the others made. He was trying to do all he can to get her back. 
But obviously he couldn’t do it alone. He needed your help.
First, however, you had to get her and her bandmates to reconcile. Freddy seems to genuinely miss her a little, so you had an idea.
“How about I bring Freddy over in a little while? I can repair them better at your place and..maybe we can get them to make-up somehow.”
"As long as they don’t try to scoop me.” Michael sarcastically remarked.
“Not on my watch. I think they realized their mistake.”
“Alright. I’ll see you soon, [y/n].”
With Molten Freddy huddled in the back of your pickup truck, getting him from your place to Michael’s was relatively easy. He whined about wanting you to carry him, but obviously that wasn’t gonna happen.
After parking near the open garage door, where your friend was fixing up Baby some more, you stepped out and flipped the tailgate down. 
Michael glanced over and was incredibly surprised at the amalgamation coiled up in the cargo bed. “You weren’t kidding..he really did put himself together.”
“Yeah-h-h.” The bear giggled, his jaw hanging loose for a moment before he snapped it back in place. “We’re sorry, Mikey, w-w-we didn’t know any better.”
“It’s..quite alright. Come on in here and I’ll look at you in a sec.”
With a grin, he tumbled out of your truck and slinked inside while you followed him, stopping in front of Baby. She looked like her previous self, except with scraps put together, giving her orange, silver, and black accents. She had roller skates instead of jester shoes and a tiara atop her head.
“Is this your new phase?” You lightly joked, to which she looked at you and shrugged.
Yeah, she definitely wasn’t in the mood to talk. She didn’t even look at Molten Freddy, and vice versa.
It was gonna be a long, long while before they reconcile. 
But until then you vowed to repair them so they felt a little bit more like their old selves.
Several weeks of work had passed, and Molten Freddy and “Scrap Baby” received some major improvements.
For Freddy, you removed all of the unnecessary wires and shopped online for cheap animatronic casing. You found orange and white ones, along with some buttons already on the torso piece, deciding that’ll do. And you polished his mask and added some casing to it, too. His orange eyes were shined and you took out Foxy’s and Ballora’s AIs, uploading them to new bodies.
Foxy was installed in an electronic plushie of themselves that was once Elizabeth’s and Ballora was now a broken Minireena who hid inside Molten Freddy’s wires.
Although a bit disappointed that they didn’t get full-sized animatronic bodies, they became content. And Freddy was ecstatic to pick them up and hug them every chance he got.
Bonbon’s AI was intertwined with his code, so they were still able to talk to each other, which helped with the bear’s sanity.
Michael mostly worked on Baby’s makeover, fitting her with better casing and a circus-themed dress, frilly collar, and gloves. She was insistent on keeping the tiara and shoes so he left those alone. And he modified her code so that she no longer had the will to kill children, which was fairly difficult given how deeply ingrained that part of the programming was, but it worked.
You did the same with the other three, just in case they got any funny ideas. There were going to be no murderous robots on your watch, especially not around your friend who has had such bad luck around robots over the years.
After Freddy and Baby woke up and got used to their new bodies, they did start talking to each other again, apologizing for their petty fight. That took about an hour and involved lots of tears from Freddy--who admitted he lashed out mostly because he missed Bonbon.
While they made up soon, Baby had yet to apologize to Michael.
Foxy, Freddy, and Ballora already did, confirming they were just blindly following orders and didn’t realize they were hunting the wrong man.
Sadly, Baby’s hesitance was no surprise to you, though it still hurt Michael a lot. You understood that she simply needed time. After all she was still possessed by a scared child and didn’t think an apology would make up for all the awful things that happened.
Though one night, while you were in your workshop painting Ballora’s wooden skin and making her look like her original-self, you could hear Michael’s and Baby’s voices talking outside.
It was hard not to eavesdrop--as Ballora gently reminded you that was rude--but you could barely make out what they were saying. ‘At least they’re talking to each other at all-’
You froze for a moment, however, when you could’ve sworn you heard Michael..starting to cry?
“Oh..my sweet boy..” Ballora muttered sadly, her heart breaking at the sound of her son’s sobs. “I wonder what happened.”
“Imma...check on him. Don’t move.” Putting down your brush, you got up and wiped your hands off with a rag before exiting your workshop to see what was going on.
“Mike? Everything okay?” You stopped short when you arrived to the living room, seeing Michael hugging Baby and leaning his head on her shoulder.
“L-Liz.. it was never your fault. I should have been watching you. A-After we lost Evan, I promised to never leave you. I promised that nothing would hurt you and..I’m such a bad liar. A bad brother..” He sobbed.
Your heart broke, yet at the same time...you were relieved that he could finally bring his sister home and say what he’s wanted to say to her for so long.
Even if it wasn’t his fault that Baby took her away, the guilt stayed with him ever since--the fact he failed to watch her for a second. He’s talked about that with you on late-night calls quite often, blaming himself for everything.
Now that she was back with him, he could finally have closure.
Baby just stood there for a second, unmoving as she looked down at her crying older brother. Then her own arms moved to wrap around him, and to your astonishment her blue eyes flickered to green.
“You’re not a bad brother, Mikey. You found me..and you put me back together. I couldn’t be happier.”
His tearful eyes widened, and he looked up at her in shock. But he then smiled shakily and chuckled. “I-I’m glad you’re happy.”
You smiled at the exchange, eventually deciding to make yourself known by knocking on the doorframe. “We really put our own little family together, huh?”
Michael wiped his tears away as he saw you there, sighing. He and Baby broke the hug and stood up together. Around that same time, Freddy peeked out of the guest room, holding Foxy.
“We’re family?????”
“Yes, Freddy.” Baby uttered in a hushed whisper. “We are all a family now. A much better one, in fact.”
“I’m inclined to agree!!” Foxy boasted proudly, raising their plush arms.
You chuckled as you decided to bring the half-painted Ballora out from your workshop. Upon returning you saw Freddy, Foxy, and Baby surround Michael in a hug.
Exchanging a brief glance with Ballora, who nodded in approval, you headed over to join the group, happy that you were able to not only rescue them and make them feel whole again...
But also help Michael mend a broken bond.
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sketchnskribbles · 2 years
To Overcome
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Frightbear Crew AU [AO3]
[CH 1]
Chapter 2: Homebound Pt 2 
Word Count: 6k
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Family Angst, Found Family, Horror, Mystery, Humor
Character(s): Springtrap/William Afton, Henry Emily, Charlotte Emily, The Puppet, Marionette, Foxy, Golden Freddy, Crying Child, Evan Afton, Ballora, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Original Character(s)
Summary: The semester is almost over and the summer is coming quickly. Jennifer Acker needed to figure out what she was going to do for a job. Thankfully, her cousin calls and offers her one. Not as fortunate, she'd be helping design the props and rooms for his upcoming horror house based on all the myths and legends surrounding a particularly notorious failed restaurant chain. Despite her easily frightened nature, she accepts and is brought into a whirlwind of mystery surrounding the bloody past of Fazbear Entertainment. 
Welcome to Fazbear’s Frights, where the scares are fresh and the rabbit is out to get you.
A FnaF 3 AU, inspired by said game as well as FnaF: Security Breach
It had taken until the final day of her semester and the constant pestering of Harper for Jennifer to finally accept her cousin's offer.
And honestly… she was actually getting a little excited. Her best friend had been right, this was a golden opportunity for her. Something she could put on her resume for any future job. It was going to definitely be with its hiccups but there weren't many life situations she'd been in where there weren't. Trouble honestly followed her everywhere. It was time that she didn't let it get to her.
Jennifer looked over all that she had packed for her trip home. The two duffle bags and backpack. She didn't have much and that was exactly how she liked it.
She smiled and shouldered her three bags to her as best she could before waddling precariously to the door. Upon reaching the nefarious slab of wood, she quickly realized that it was going to take a bit of wit to figure out how to open it without dropping anything. She certainly wasn't going to set anything down, either. That'd be losing. 
Her eyes roamed around the frame as she thought about her next move. In the end, she figured she would pull a classic.
Just as she went to reach for the knob, it twisted on its own and Jennifer nearly fell backward in an effort to stay out of its swing range. Curses, foiled again.
"What are you even doing?" Harper's brows shot up when she saw the state of her roommate and best friend.
"Trying to bring my bags down to my car. Why?" She tried to ask innocently. It only served to make her look more goofy. The blonde snorted and grabbed one of the duffle straps that had been slowly slipping out of place.
"Hon, if you need help, just ask."
"I can do it!" Jennifer muttered stubbornly as she followed her friend down the hall. They reached her car and placed the bags in the back seats. For a moment, the two simply stood there and stared at the practically empty parking lot of the campus.
"Gosh. It feels so weird saying goodbye to you." The blonde frowned, crossing her arms. "It feels like just yesterday we were meeting for the first time. I don't know if I'm ready to let you go yet."
She let out a watery laugh, reaching up to wipe an eye. Jennifer stepped forward to wrap her up in a hug.
"Hey, I feel the same way. It's definitely going to set me off-kilter for a few days, not having you around." The brunette let go to rub at her own eyes. "I wish I could just kidnap you and take you with me."
"Oh, if only. Your hometown sounds like the place to be from everything you've told me." 
"Can't help it, I love it there." Jennifer shrugged, placing a hand on one hip. "If it had a good college there I wouldn't have ever applied here. But then I wouldn't have met you! We definitely need to keep in contact, even if we'll still see each other next semester."
There was another solemn silence between the two as they still weren't fully ready to depart.
"Have fun on that cruise with your parents." Jennifer finally said, remembering her friend's hyper talks about it.
"O-oh… actually, I'm just going to be staying back at home. Help in house sitting, I suppose." Harper awkwardly pushed some hair back. Jennifer’s eyes widened.
"What? But you were so excited."
"Yeah." The blonde shrugged. "Guess my parents were more so. They decided to go on the trip at an earlier time than when I could go."
That was awful, the brunette couldn't believe it. How could her parents be so selfish? Anyone with a brain between their ears could have seen how happy Harper had been about that trip. How much she had spoken about the different activities she wanted to do with them. Jennifer had even overheard some of her calls back home, discussing the trip.
"It's okay, Jenni." The blonde soothed. "This… happens a lot. I'm used to it."
"There's a difference between it being okay and you being "used to it"." Jennifer huffed. She kicked at a rock and watched it skid a couple feet. "Maybe I really should bring you with me. If you're up for it."
"It'd be so cool but I already promised my parents that I'd watch home, so that they didn't have to pay anyone to do it."
"They promised that they'd take you with them." The brunette glared up at the pretty colors lighting up the sky as the sun rose. Time was moving forward as it always did. She would have to leave soon if she wanted to make it back with only paying for one overnight stay at a motel.
Harper sighed and nodded. Then she perked up when an idea flitted through her mind.
"Actually, I have a cousin who still lives nearby. She definitely owes me for all the times I've covered for her." Her eyes lit up at the possibility of a fun summer trip. "Maybe if I could convince her, I could let her take over and fly over to Morgan!"
"Girl, the guest room will always be open for you. Let me know when you can come and I'll make sure it's all cleaned up." They shared one last hug and this time had an easier time saying goodbye, knowing that it wouldn't be very long at all that they'd see each other again.
Hours later, Jennifer was making some good time on her drive back home. Enough so that she felt confident in stopping at a well-rated rest stop, taking a well deserved bathroom break. On her way out she decided to buy some snacks and a warm coffee. Plus a six-pack of water bottles for some actual hydration. 
Hauling her findings, she threw the plastic bag into the passenger side before gently placing her coffee into a cupholder. With one last stretch she eased herself back behind the wheel. 
It was always an isolating feeling to Jennifer when driving alone for long periods of time. It wasn't exactly awful. It just served to make her more nostalgic and contemplative about things she'd been through. Things she's done or the lack thereof. People that have come into her life, whether to stay or to leave. Most having been the latter. 
With a frown, she turned on the radio and switched through the channels. There wasn't anything good playing, so she simply left it on classical. In front of her the freeway seemed to stretch on forever. Sprinkled here and there were vehicles of all sizes moving on to the next destination of their own lives. It was still early enough for the roads to not be very busy. Hopefully, she'd manage to go the day without dealing with too many hold ups or traffic jams. Especially when the road would inevitably lead her through a city. For now she enjoyed the beautiful, empty plains surrounding her. 
Nighttime came quickly and before she knew it she was laying down in her little rented room. Her bags near the door, securely inside while ready for an early exit the next morning. The TV was turned on. Playing on the screen was an old black-and-white crime drama with the volume set low. Jennifer, herself, was laying face up on the bed with her limbs sprawled out. She turned her head when a scream came from the show and she lazily watched as a cheesy old timey villain chased the damsel around with a kitchen knife.
A shrill ring sounded out through the room and the brunette squealed. She jumped off the bed in her fright and whipped her head around the room. Her eyes landed on her phone, which vibrated on the bed stand as the ringtone continued to play. Sucking in a deep breath and ignoring her embarrassment, she swiped up the device. Quinton was checking up on her. A smile came to her lips as she answered.
"Hi, Quinn!"
"Hey. Wanted to call and make sure you're doing okay. You've checked into a room by now, right?" 
Her smile turned into a grin as warmth spread through her. Her cousin may get on her nerves sometimes but she had never doubted that he cared. She'd have done the same —has done the same, whenever he goes on one of his many cross-country travels.
"Yes, worrywort. I checked in an hour or so ago. Now, I'm just kind of hanging out in my room. Not really tired enough to fall asleep yet."
"Drank too much coffee, squirt?"
"You know me." 
They both laughed which petered out slowly.
"What are you up to right now?"
"Paperwork." She listened to him let out another laugh. This one letting show just how worn down he seemed to be. "There's a lot to do to put together a business."
"I can believe it. I've heard how it can be hard to run a business." Jennifer sat back down into the bed and got herself comfortable against the fluffy pillows.
"I mean I knew that… but even still." He sighed, which turned into a yawn. 
"You should try to get some sleep."
"I want to. But first I need to finish up and file these papers. Then I need to go and set up on some of those job recruitment websites." He groaned. "I really hope I can get at least a few new people relatively quickly. I could really use all the help I could get, honestly."
"Well, you'll have me. Hopefully by tomorrow afternoon."
"That's true. Can't wait to give you a big hug when you get here, squirt. I've missed you."
"Missed you too, you punk." Jennifer gave a yawn of her own.
"I think you need to get some sleep too. Lots of driving to do tomorrow."
"Only if you promise to get at least a couple hours, yourself, after getting the paperwork sorted out. Worry about the online stuff tomorrow."
"Okay, mom. Goodbye."
"See you later." She hung up and looked at the TV again. Some commercials were currently playing. It turned off with a resounding click as she pressed the power button on the remote. Silently, she thanked having the forethought of simply changing into her PJs. It had been one of the first things she did when settling into the room.
Jennifer crawled into the covers and turned off the bedside lamp, dousing the room into darkness. With a sigh she closed her eyes and waited for sleep to take her.
Driving into the familiar streets of Morgan City was like breathing fresh air. She hadn't realized just how much she had missed being here. A smile grew on her face as she looked over at one of the rides from her favorite water park as she passed it. 
Turning on the turn signal, she turned onto the very street she grew up on. Jennifer had to slow down when she noticed a couple of boys playing basketball on the street. Thankfully, they were smart and courteous enough to move out of the way when they noticed her. She gave them a smile and waved. Her expression grew even warmer when one of them waved back. It was nice to be out of the big city. People weren't as sociable there. 
The driveway of her childhood home came into her range of vision not too far after. Driving into an empty spot next to her dad's old pick up, she parked and winced as she got out of her car. Sitting for so long wasn't a good idea. She definitely needed to do some stretches at some point. Though, she probably wouldn't get around to it. 
As she closed her car door, the front door of her parent's house slammed open and out ran her no-longer-so-small little gremlin of a brother. His brown, wild hair bounced with every step.
"Jenni!" He yelled as he slammed full force into her stomach, arms wrapped tightly around her torso. She nearly didn't catch herself when she stumbled back, feeling lucky that he didn't knock the air out of her lungs. She gave out a short laugh, wrapping her own arms around him.
"Hey there, bud. It's been a while." 
They parted and Jennifer reached out to ruffle his hair. Which caused him to jerk back and swipe at her arm, nose crinkled.
"No, stop! Come on, seriously?"
"It's my job to bother you, little punk." She moved past him with a smirk and opened up the back seat. With a few swift movements, one of her duffels had been sent flying toward him. He gasped but had no time to dodge before the bag hit him. He fell over onto his rear with an "Oof!". 
The brunette shouldered the rest of her belongings, shut the door with her hip, and lightly kicked at the sole of her fallen brother as she walked by him.
"Come on, Harry. We're losing daylight."
"Yeah, I'm no longer okay with you being here anymore." Harry, or rather Harrison, frowned up at her. His head strained up to keep her in sight. Despite his irritation, he stood up with her bag and dutifully followed her up the porch steps. Harrison closed the door behind them.
"That's too bad, 'cause I'm here to stay for the time being." Her words made him perk up. 
"You're going to be working with Quinn on Fazbear's Frights, right?"
"On what?" Jennifer blinked and glanced back to her brother as she took her first step up the stairs. Harrison was right on her tail.
"It's the new name he decided on." He smiled. "He promised I'd be one of the first people to go through, y'know."
"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow. Her eyes betrayed her disapproval. "I don't think that's wise. Wouldn't it be a bit…much for you?"
"No. I'm not a scaredy-cat like you. Besides, I doubt anything you create would actually be scary."
"Gee… thanks for the vote of confidence." She muttered with a half-hearted eye roll. They reached her room and set everything onto her bed. She sat down and looked over to Harrison. "Thanks for the help, little man. Where's mom at?"
"Mrs. West needed some help with her cow. Miss Spots is finally giving birth."
"That's exciting! Can't wait to hear what she names the calf."
"Yeah, because she's so creative when it comes to naming things." Harrison snorted. Jennifer shoved his head before getting back up. 
"I'm thirsty. What do we have for drinks in this joint?"
"We have a hydrating supply of water. Or if you'd like more of a kick: apple juice."
They spent the better part of the afternoon getting reacquainted while playing some video games. Their first game was Smash Bros, when Harrison had demanded he needed a rematch for when Jennifer had absolutely crushed him in front of his friends with no remorse. After a couple rounds they went on to cool down by attempting to work together in Overcooked 2 but only served to fall into shouts and arguments. They moved on to Fall Guys where they yelled as they were flung and laughed at each other when they failed. Now, they were on Mario Kart; a rather unwise decision, all things considered.
 For Jennifer, it was nice to simply do something that didn't require a lot of critical thinking. Just the will and determination to beat her brother into the ground. Virtually speaking.
Harrison, after losing to his sister yet again on Rainbow Road, threw down his controller into his lap and huffed.
"You're cheating, you've got to be!" He lamented, slumping further into the pillows of the couch. 
"Why cheat, when you've got mad skills?" His older sister drawled out, setting down her own controller and stretching. "I've been playing games since before you were born, twerp."
"Yeah, okay. But you're old now! Plus, you barely play them anymore." The boy continued in his childish anguish. Jennifer rolled her eyes.
"Just because I don't play as hard as I did when I was a kid, doesn't mean I've lost my touch. And I still play a game here and there. It's just not important compared to my possible future career." Then she gestured to the TV. "Despite my rustiness… I still kicked your sorry butt. Better luck next time, little punk."
Harrison groaned loudly and melted slowly onto the floor. His sister merely watched on in apathy. It was such a cruel world he lived in.
It was at this time that the front door creaked open and their mother was greeted to the sight of her children sprawled around the living room. Eyes widening briefly in surprise, the woman proceeded to chuckle and stepped fully in. From each of her arms hung plastic bags. Groceries.
Right behind her was Quinton, who also had his arms full.
"Howdy do, little cousins?" He greeted with the goofiest cowboy accent he could manage. The siblings only groaned. He dropped the act. "Aw, don't be like that. I thought I was doing pretty good."
"More like pretty annoying." Harrison bit back with a grin as he got up off the floor. Happily, the boy trotted after them as they made their way to the kitchen. Jennifer got up off the couch and went with the rest of the herd.
""Oh, you wound me!" Quinton clutched his chest as best he could and pretended to stumble back. Which only served to cause him to actually stumble due to the added weight of what he carried. He held enough sense in his noggin to quickly set down his portion of groceries onto the nearest counter, which Harrison used to his advantage. 
Before the oldest cousin could turn around, the youngest put up his dukes and pretended to punch him. The hit landed and pretty soon both boys were wrestling. Something that the eldest in the room had no appreciation for.
"Boys, if you're going to beat the stuffing out of each other then please take it outside."
"Yes, ma'am." They both echoed before doing just that, leaving only the girls left in the kitchen. Jennifer quickly got to work in helping put everything away. She stiffened when arms firmly wrapped themselves around her but she easily hugged back. 
"I've missed you so much, baby girl." Her mom whispered before giving her a kiss on the forehead. "It's been so strange not having you home."
"I've missed you too, mom. Love you."
"Love you too." Her mother repeated with a smile. A few moments later they had broken away and went back to placing items where they belong. The generator for the AC turned on with a loud rattle, causing the brunette to jump before she slowly got back to what she was doing. Her mother chuckled and looked over at her daughter fondly.
Once finished with their task, the two women found themselves with glasses of water and simply sat at the dining table. It was a comfortable silence. Then her mom perked up as something passed through her brain.
"So, Jenni. How's the university been treating you? Having any fun? Any sweethearts?" Her mom teased, taking a sip of her drink.
"Hectic. Time feels like a blur with all my studies, it hardly feels like I have time for anything else. It'll be worth it in the end, though." It had to be. She silently added to herself. Otherwise, she'd have put in all that effort, time, and money for nothing.
Her mother smiled and reached over to squeeze her hand.
"Sorry, sweets. I'm only joking. You've always had a good head on your shoulders." Her words made Jennifer smile. "Though I can't help it that I want grandbabies."
The smile dropped and she glared. Which only made her mom laugh. There was a little more talking after that until the brunette made her way back to her room.
Walking through the threshold, she gave a sigh and placed her hands on her hips. Her eyes roamed the familiar surroundings. Her old posters covered the walls. Knickknacks and other things half-hazardly decorated all of her surfaces. In the corner, next to her window, her old desktop monitor and desk was covered by a sheet. 
She walked over and gently placed a hand on it. A muffled laugh from outside temporarily gained her attention. Glancing through her window, she could see Quinton and Harrison outside. They were running around the yard using pool noodles as swords, whacking each other with abandon. 
Her attention went back to her old computer. With one swift motion, she pulled off the cloth and coughed when dust filled the room. She fanned the air in front of her face and looked down at her desk. She smiled and moved to sit down in her desk chair. Her fingers glided over the keys before she reached down to take off the sleeve of the PC, itself. Farther down, she flipped on the surge protector and proceeded to push the power button of her computer. 
After allowing it time to update, she scooted over to where she knew a couple of unused notebooks would be. On her way back, she grabbed a pen and highlighter.
It took longer than she would like but the update was finally downloaded and installed. She hastily opened up her favored search engine and got to work. It wouldn't be very long until she was working alongside Quinton's new crew, and she always preferred to be prepared. 
A while later, she was blinking her dry, stinging eyes and cringing at a rather… sordid description of someone's bias-driven assortment of Fazbear Entertainment's history. She was quickly finding that there was very little that people could agree was fact. Even less with evidence. This, in turn, was no doubt why the company was still even around. So much speculation, very little proof.
She'd also learned that there were apparently a series of video games based off of the assumed horror of the constantly failing restaurant chain. Jennifer made a mental note to try to keep her brother from discovering them as long as possible.
Behind her, Quinton popped his head into the room before fully stepping in. Within his hands were two full plates of warm food. Dinner. He quietly walked over to her and set her plate down on one of the few clear spots on her desk. The movement caused her breath to hitch and she jerked away with a squeak.
He gave a chuckle before dragging over her fluffy, circular foldable chair. 
"Sorry, squirt. Didn't mean to frighten you." He looked curiously over her shoulder and smiled at what he saw. "Though I can take a guess on why you're jumpy. Studying, I see."
"Y-yeah. It's… a lot to take in. There really isn't anything solid to take from." She sighed before tapping her pen on some different designs she had sketched out during her research. He picked up the notebook and happily looked through it.
"It just means you have more leg room." He hummed thoughtfully before reaching for the pen. "...May I?"
"I suppose so." She handed him the pen and watched him work with distant eyes, one hand underneath her chin. Her brows were furrowed and expression stormy. Quinton did a double take when he glanced up from his additions. He took in her face and cocked his head.
"Everything okay, Jenni?"
"Hmm?" She looked up at him, eyes clearing. "Oh, yeah. Of course."
"But…?" He pushed, leaning forward. She sighed.
"But how could Fazbear Entertainment be responsible for those missing kids? There was no evidence. Sure, it's entirely possible one of the employees was responsible but I doubt they'd stay there afterwards. Though, there wasn't anything released that stated an employee had gone 'missing' during that time either."
"True." He shrugged, taking a bite out of his meal. "On the other note, I have no doubt that a company would try to cover things up that they wouldn't like to go public."
"True." She echoed with a nod and a frown. 
"However, in the end, there isn't any actual evidence that they were really involved." He acquiesced. She gave him a confused look. "There's just a bunch of people who probably find it morbidly intriguing or, perhaps, they just see a grain of truth and go along with it."
"It is pretty crazy there's all these people who seem to gravitate towards it. And, hypothetically speaking, if there was a big cover up…" She tapped her chin in thought. Gaze focused on her keyboard, though not entirely seeing it. Jennifer didn't notice the unusual look of serious focus that appeared on her cousin's face as he studied her. Didn't notice the spark of satisfaction that flashed through his eyes. "Then that really would mean they were guilty in some fashion. I guess it would explain why there really is so little known about them. Heck, the biggest things that people do know are the two gruesome accidents that ended in either serious injury or even death! 
"That— that's scary. That's—" She let out a mad giggle. "Crazy. It's crazy. I'm— I've been looking at these things for so long, it's starting to get into my head." 
She looked back over to her cousin to see that he was still very focused on his rectification to her work. With a slight shiver, she noticed just how easily he was making her drawings look more disturbing. Any worse and she wasn't sure she'd be able to look into it without feeling sick to her stomach. Perhaps not even alone while it was dark outside.
She really was a big wuss. Why did she think working in a horror house was a good idea again? It was just going to be worse seeing them in real life, she was sure.
Jennifer took a deep breath. She just needed to calm down from all the creepy stories people had and/or hadn't faked about the animatronic-infested pizza parlors. 
"No worries, squirt." Quinton smiled at her as he finished up his corrections and his dinner. "We'll make a conspiracist outta you, yet."
She shoved him and rolled her eyes. He chortled.
"Hey, you gonna eat any of that?" He pointed to her food with his fork. 
"No, you can have it. I don't have much of an appetite after reading so much about child murder and haunted robot animals." She shook her head, pushing the plate to him. He happily took it and chowed down.
"So, I'd like to start by saying that I'm completely uncertain as to when we might get new recruits." He spoke between bites. "I've made some flyers to post about the open positions. Would you be willing to spare some time in the next couple of days to spread them around town?"
"You got it, boss." She threw him some finger guns and stood up from her chair. The soreness of her body, a testament to how long she'd been in the darn thing. 
"Sweet! That said, it's about time I got home. There's some things I'd like to finish up before going to bed."
"You better get at least five hours of sleep, mister!" 
"Goodnight." He gave her a lazy wave as he made his way out, holding the two plates he brought in as he went. He'd put them in the sink on his way out.
Waking up the next morning was rather peaceful. Which was something Jennifer knew she was going to need for what was probably going to be a hard day. Especially with where she planned to go.
With a groan she got herself up and shuffled down the stairs with the gait of a zombie. Thankfully, no one was up yet. She kind of needed some time to herself before the day truly started. Within no time, she brewed up some coffee using their percolator and poured herself a cup. Mixing in all her usual fixings.
With her eyes closed, she sat at the dining table and took careful sips of her cup. Taking the time to enjoy the flavor. It was nice to be home. 
Her eyes opened and caught sight of a portion of a picture frame peeking out at her from the hallway. She pursed her lips as a silent debate started up in her head. When she landed firmly on a decision, she got back up and slowly moseyed her way further into the hall. With one sweep of her gaze she looked over all the pictures hung up on the right wall, before settling her focus onto the nearest photo.
Within the frame was a full family photo. She had been eight at the time, with hair long and neatly curled. Her mother had dressed her in a pretty white dress with a sparkly skirt. Upon her lap was her brother, who'd only been a few months old at the time. He had been dressed in an adorably babified button up red shirt, a vest, little slacks, and the tiniest dress shoes she'd ever seen. They sat upon a stool just to the right of her parents who had been seated on a bench, as close to their children as possible. 
To the immediate left of the siblings was their father. Who sat up straight and proud. He wore a red shirt that matched baby Harrison's underneath a buttoned black suit jacket. His equally black slacks were ironed to perfection and his own dress shoes shined. Their mother was cozied up to his side, their arms and hands intertwined. Her head rested comfortably on his shoulder. She wore a white blouse that matched perfectly with her younger self and a long high-waist black skirt. 
Everyone in the photo looked happy. It had been one of the last photos they'd taken as a complete family. 
Jennifer moved on to the rest with a small frown that nestled on her face. The rest pertained to various events or vacations. Places they'd seen. Things they'd done. Any possible awards won. There were even a few of her father and his various projects that still hung up; of the beautiful cars he'd fix up and sell, as well as his little "inventions" he'd tinker away on. Mostly just improvements on appliances in their home. 
In her memories, she could hardly think of a time where her father didn't have some type of substance smudged on his cheeks or parts placed precariously around. His hands had always been calloused or bandaged whenever she held one. He would always smell of motor oil or sometimes burnt, like a blown out fuse. 
She used to toddle after him everywhere he went, sometimes carrying something he needed for his latest project. Watching him work had always been one of her favorite pastimes. A lot of those times, he'd encourage her to join him. Showing her the different connecting parts, what they did, and how to fix or refine. It made her feel special. Him and her against the world. 
Something wet ran down her cheek and she lifted a hand up to gently dab it away. With a blink another tear slipped out and she realized she was beginning to cry. She took in a deep breath and made her way back up to her room, though not before placing her mug in the sink, rinsed.
Jennifer quickly set out to get ready for the day. Clothes changed and hair brushed. She was in the middle of brushing her teeth when her brother stumbled his way past the open door, on his way to the kitchen.
"Morning." He croaked out, still not entirely awake.
"Morning." She echoed. Her greeting was garbled as she spoke around the toothbrush. Spitting out what was in her mouth, she cleaned the brush and swished around some mouth rinse.
She sat her brush back in its place and followed his path to the fridge, where he simply stood and peered into it. With a half-committed grunt he pulled out the carton of orange juice to pour himself a glass. His sister only watched on as she bit her lip. Uncertainty rampant on her face as she tried to figure out what she was going to say.
He glanced over at her with a raised eyebrow, placing the juice back and grabbing the milk. He made his way to the pantry for some cereal.
"What's up?" He looked back over to her as he finished making his breakfast. It took her a few more seconds to finally gather up the courage to say it.
"I'm going to go visit dad today…"
"Oh." He blinked and moved to place back the milk and cereal box. "Okay."
This time Jennifer blinked before relaxing. That's right. Sometimes she would forget that he hadn't grown up with their father like she had. That still never stopped her from inviting him.
"Would you like to join me?" She watched him falter in his movements before resuming. As he turned around to retrieve his plate he didn't meet her gaze but she could clearly see his confliction. 
He didn't view their father in the same light she did. How could he truly feel something for someone who he never really knew? A man that was practically a stranger, save for the memories shared about him. It would still mean a lot to his sister, he knew. They had been super close to his understanding. A strong bond broken that still gave his sister pain. He never liked seeing his sister sad or hurt. It was honestly hard for him to see. To him, his sister was one of the strongest people he knew. Not that he'd ever tell her. There were only a couple of times he'd seen her cry. Though it was never in front of him and always within the walls of her room. During those times, he liked to sit outside the room. Not comfortable with just simply barging in but still there just in case she needed someone.
He doubted she knew about it but that was okay with him.
Harrison's mouth opened to respond but nothing came out. He didn't want to just say no. That'd be insensitive right? He also didn't want to say yes. He didn't really want to go. 
His sister mercifully sighed and gave him a small smile that didn't reach her eyes.
"You don't have to go, Harry."
He wilted in both relief and guilt. 
Jennifer gave him a hug before going back up to her room to retrieve her bag and make her way out. They said their goodbyes and she left, car keys jingling in her hand.
It was only a five minute drive from her house, though it took her at least twenty to buy some nice flowers and one of his favorite candies. She always felt the need to bring him a little gift.
Slowing her car down to a gradual park, she found herself staring up at the intimidating black iron gates. A plaque on the brick wall next to it read Morgan City Cemetery. She didn't rush to make her way inside the gates, nor did she in walking her way down the familiar route to his headstone.
Upon approach, she gently placed her bag on the grass just before his resting place. The flowers still within her grasp were creatively placed around his grave, brightening up the area considerably. Last, she placed his favorite treat down right in front of the stone marker and sat down next to her bag. It was there in silence that she gazed lovingly at the stone, reading and rereading the words. A breeze pushed past her, ruffling her hair and clothes. Leaves floating lazily over her. The sound of tousled trees brought upon a peace that felt bittersweet. 
"Hi, dad. It's been a while." She started with a hard swallow. "I've just come back home from my latest semester of college. I'm sure you'd be happy to know I've been doing really good in my classes. 
"Mom and Harrison have been doing well too. Mom's as busy as ever. Harry's… well, Harry." Then her eyes lit up in thought. "And Quinton's home! Don't know if he's visited you yet if at all. But he's starting up his own horror attraction. Crazy, I know but you know him."
She gave a shrug and sighed, leaning back on her hands.
"I, uh, am going to help him. He offered me a position as the lead designer for it. So, here I am." She gave an awkward smile and looked around. It was just as empty as before, of course. Save for those dwelling six feet under. Turning her head back toward the stone, she sighed. There was nothing else she could think of to say. "I miss you, dad. Love you lots, goodbye."
She got up and made her way back home.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Family Reunion: 40 years later.
Michael winds up getting taken while he's asleep, and brought to an alley way. What he expected to be a murder waiting to happen, turns into a family reunion he had no idea he needed...
This fanfic is for that anon that suggested this Scrap Family Reunion idea! Here's the link!
So Sweetheart, wherever you are, I hope you enjoy!
Michael was hanging out in his apartment, cleaning some things and fixing a couple items here and there. It was often a messy apartment that always had more broken things than fixed things. Though the apartment was crappy and he had the money for a better one, Michael actually didn’t mind fixing things. You could say that Michael had become ‘Henry’s special nephew’ since the moment Michael told him he had signed up for an apprenticeship. Though he found that building wasn’t really his thing, he found that engineering and some circuit-building was fun and doable.
Ever since Michael found out about the fate of his sister, Michael did as his father said and put his sister back together. But now his sister was off doing who knows what with the funtimes, and Michael was struggling to find her. But even though he attempted to find him, he knew that Elizabeth had likely found his Dad already and would be back to let him know of his state and whereabouts. How long that would take however...was a mystery.
Michael groaned and wrapped his arms around himself before pulling the blanket more onto himself. He felt really chilly in his bedroom. Did the heater break again?! God, he hoped not. Michael groaned and got himself up to check his room heater. But he quickly yelped and covered his body when he realized he wasn’t in his bed.
The man wasn’t even at home! He was on the side of the road!
No wonder he was freezing!
Jeremy quickly doubled his comforter and wrapped it around his half-naked body. Everyone knows that a man often sleeps in their underwear. But the fact that he was no longer in his house, made him really regret his decisions.
“Hello Michael.” A familiar voice said.
Michael let out a breath of relief. It was Elizabeth! Elizabeth was okay!
“Elizabeth! Thank goodness...Come out, I wanna see you!” Michael reacted gratefully.
But the bit of excitement that Michael had, immediately vaporized the moment he took a look at the animatronic. Circus baby looked completely unrecognizable! Like a completely separate person...This wasn’t the Elizabeth he grew to recognize...This was a stranger!
“A lot has happened since I left…” she said. “I can put myself together on my own now.” She showed Michael the hand that she replaced with a claw. “I have real hair now.” She showed him the orange wires and flicked them like any regular girl would flick their hair.
Michael nodded very hesitantly. He was still trying to get used to what she looked like.
“I brought you clothes.” Elizabeth told him as she handed him folded clothes.
“We should’ve gotten a sweater for him.” someone else said.
“His blanket will work just fine, Daddy.” Elizabeth replied.
Michael widened his eyes. His father is here too?!
The ruined bunny animatronic walked out of the shadows and revealed himself to Michael. When Michael saw Baby, she was completely unrecognizable. But his father...was somehow a little more recognizable in his much more ruined state. It probably helped that the bunny mask had rotted away so much that a lot more of his father’s skull was able to be seen better.
Michael took a few minutes to get dressed, and comprehend both his family members brand new appearances. It felt long. But eventually, Michael was dressed and wrapped in the blanket.
“Now Liz.” The bunny told her in a sour voice.
Suddenly, Michael felt his body being lifted up by the claw that had taken over her left hand. Elizabeth’s Baby eyes were glowing red while William’s icey silver eyes stared into Michael’s soul.
“aaAAH! WAIT! WHAT?! BUT ELIZABETH, I SAVED YOU!” Michael protested and begged.
“Did I catch you off guard?” Elizabeth asked. “Let's see how many pieces I can cut you into.” Elizabeth decided with a threatening voice. Her permanent smile made everything all the more terrifying and real.
That’s the part that scared Michael the most. “You’re gonna have to fight hard to make sure I die. But I KNOW you’re gonna make my death slow. I’ve seen your tricks before.” Michael spat.
The scrapped bunny readied his bone spear. “A little lower, Lizzy.” William told her.
As Scrap Baby lowered Michael down a little more, Scraptrap leaned his arm back to shove the spear into Michael’s chest or leg.
He was about to kill him slowly…
Right about then…
...Maybe now?...
Why the hesitation?
Michael refused to open his eyes. So, it was a huge shock to him when he felt the spear very slowly grazing his middle. Michael finally opened one eye and saw that the villainous expression on Scrap’s face had softened.
“...Daddy what are you doing?” Scrap Baby asked.
William smirked as he remembered something very interesting and…personal. “Sometimes one of the worst things a broken person can experience...is happiness.” The bunny spoke. Scraptrap wrapped his other hand around Michael’s hip points, and started digging.
Michael gasped and widened his eyes as a wobbly grin filled his face. Oh gosh...This couldn’t be happening. Was his long-time emotionless father…
Tickling him?!
Michael tried leaning the other way to get his hand off his hip. But William’s hand followed with it and continued digging and massaging. “Being tickled was never something I personally enjoyed…” Scrap Trap admitted as he paused his attack. “But I did grow to miss tickling others…”
Scrap trap used the pause to his advantage and cut the sharp edge of his own bone, right off his arm. With the end of his arm more like a pole rather than a spear now, the bunny used it to poke and prod at Michael’s side.
Michael had started snickering and struggling to keep his laughter in. “D-Dadstahap!” Michael started trying to push him away with his foot. But Baby grabbed onto his foot and stared at it intently.
Scrap Trap looked over at Baby, and smirked. He looked like he had just developed the greatest idea ever! Scrap Trap grabbed onto Michael, removing him from Baby’s grip, and wrapped the one arm around him. “I’ll hold him. It’s your turn, Liz.” Scrap Trap told her.
“Very well. I have his foot too.” Scrap Baby grabbed onto Michael’s foot like a headlock and started skittering her right hand fingers all over Michael’s foot.
Michael wheezed and wiggled around like crazy! “HEHEHEHEY! HAHAHAHA NAHAT THE FEEEHEHEEHEHEHEET!” Michael begged.
“Kitchy kitchy koo Michael~ A kitchy kitchy koo~” Baby teased. “This is fun, Daddy. Michael was always the one who tickled me. I rarely tickled Michael without getting tickles too.” she recalled from back when she was a human kid.
“Tickle him as much as you want, sweet Elizabeth.” Scraptrap told her. “I can tickle him effectively from here.”
Sure enough, Scrap Trap was tickling his upper ribs with the hand that was wrapped around him, while he poked his belly button with his left arm nub. Michael was wiggling around to get out of his grip, but it was like his father had developed super strength from his springlock accident!
“DAHAHAHAD! ELIHIHIHIZAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAP! IHIHIHIT TIHIHICKLES SOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUHU!” Michael couldn’t even finish the last word due to all his laughing!
“Has Micky-wickey been too long without the tickles? Such a shame…” Scraptrap teased.
“Hey Daddy, do you remember how ticklish Michael’s ankles were?” Elizabeth asked.
“BUHUHUT HOHOHOW?!” Michael asked. He couldn’t comprehend how the heck Elizabeth remembered that over 30-40 years of her possession! The only way he could really explain it, was that her memory was still quite intact after all these decades.
“30 years being possessed will give you lots of time to think and remember the good times…” Scrap Baby told him.
Michael soon wrapped his arms around the scrap animatronic’s arm that was holding him. Sensing something was up, Scraptrap stopped tickling him and wrapped his nubby arm around Michael as well. “I missed you. Not seeing you for 30 years made me grow to miss you.” Scraptrap told him.
Michael smiled a little as he comprehended that the same man that neglected him and abused him as a child, was actually treating him half decently. “I...I’ve missed you too, Dad.” Michael admitted.
“You missed me, old sport?” Scrap Trap asked.
Michael nodded and leaned his head back onto Scraptrap’s boney, but surprisingly comfy shoulder. Scrap Baby took this as a sign to maybe stop in order to keep this moment going. Scrap Baby lowered Michael’s foot down and reached her regular hand out to hold Michael’s. Michael reached out, and grabbed hold of Baby’s endoskeleton, human-like hand.
“Ballora was put back together…She is a little rusty from being scrapped.” Scrap Baby told him.
“Is it true that you based Ballora on Mom?” Michael asked.
Scrap Trap looked down a little and thought for a moment. “...Yes.” He replied. “Ballora’s design was inspired by your mother.” Scrap Trap told him.
Michael smiled. “What did she think?” Michael asked.
Scrap Trap looked at Elizabeth before looking back down. “...She didn’t appreciate it at first…”
Michael looked at Scrap Trap in surprise.
“However one day...I did see her dancing with Ballora...and imitating her dance moves...She looked so natural and graceful compared to Ballora. Ballora was built to be a strict ballerina...yet your mother didn’t follow the tense rules that belonged to ballet...she danced more gracefully and with more flow and beauty…” Scrap Trap explained.
Michael closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.
“I’m dying, Dad…” Michael admitted. “Ennard used me as a disguise to get out of the pizza world and wander the streets...I lasted a total of half an hour with Ennard inside me...But then…”
Michael looked down at his rotting self. “I threw him up...and somehow, I’m still alive…” Michael admitted. “I don’t understand...Why have I survived such a physically traumatic experience?” Michael asked.
“You have a power that most of the Aftons possess: Athanasia. Or rather...the ability to cheat death and prevail.” Scrap Trap said. “I possess it, your sister possesses it, Charlie possesses it...and now you possess it.” Scrap Trap moved some bangs out of Michael’s eyes with the boney nub, and returned to hugging him.
“Hm…” Michael looked down for a moment and over to Scrap Baby.
“Were you with Dad the whole time?” Michael asked Scrap Baby.
Scrap Baby nodded and rocked left and right like a child would. “Yes...I was.”
Michael looked at the sky as a sunrise started to form from afar. Michael watched the sunrise with wide eyes. “I...haven’t seen a sunrise in a long time.” Michael admitted.
Scrap Baby wrapped the comforter around Michael and hugged him from the side. “Me neither.”
“It’s beautiful.” Scrap Trap admitted. “We’re finally back together after all these years…” Scrap Trap told them. “I missed it.” Scrap Trap added.
Michael patted his shoulder and rubbed his back a bit. “Me too, father...Me too.”
A while after the sunrise, Michael and the scraps walked him back to the apartment. Michael gave his unusual family one last hug goodbye, and walked into the bedroom.
Michael grabbed onto his comforter tightly, and flopped onto the bed. He looked like a human burrito in his comforter. Michael took the time to sleep in and make up for the sleep that was taken from him as a sacrifice for ‘family time’.
2 hours later:
Michael’s phone started to ring from across the room. Michael groaned and covered his face with the blanket to shoo away any light that tried to peek through his comforter. The ringing went on for a couple more seconds, before stopping. Michael let out a sigh of relief and started to try and fall asleep again. But as he moved his foot around under the blankets, he felt a strong pain on his foot. He uncovered his foot and chuckled to himself as he looked at the massive bruise on the top of his foot. It was pretty much the size of his inner arch.
Michael covered his foot back up and started to fall asleep again…
Michael growled and got up to get the phone. He picked up his home phone and clicked the answer button. “Hello?” He asked, his voice still raspy.
“Michael, I have a plan to end the animatronic mess once and for all.” the person on the other line told him.
“Hm? Henry?” Michael clarified.
“Yes, it’s Henry. Only Henry would talk about animatronics, Mike.” The person said on the other line.
“I know. That’s how I guessed it was you.” Mike admitted.
Henry started to start off with an explanation. “Listen: I have been haunted for years by the animatronics. I want my daughter, your family, and those poor souls to be set free.” Henry told him.
“Right, right. So start explaining.” Michael encouraged.
“Okay. Here it is…”
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poisonedlovedarling · 2 years
A theory that Patient #46 is Mrs. Afton.
So I’m really not sure if this has been suggested or if I’m missing details. Yet based off of what I understand in regards to the series, patient #46 is Fnafs Security breach tapes is actually Mrs. Afton?
The first piece of evidence that I have in regards to supporting this idea is kind of obvious. As well as easily dismissed, it's the fact that we don’t hear the patient's voice, so for all we know they could be a she. One that's not a child but perhaps someone an adult who is missing a few memories.
I mean most Dr’s and family members do tend to treat people like children when that person has deep memory loss.
Now Mrs. Afton was assumed to be the soul trapped in Ballora the ballerina. A soul we never saw the happy ending for. A soul and robot that could have potentially been taken to a new place. Hidden away in a room of her own to think, if the soul hadn’t been put into a new robot altogether.
Now we were never told the mom died but based off of clues we are told Vanessa's parents fought for custody of the kids. Calling the mom out and putting her down in court. This suggests that Mrs. Afton lost the court case and custody. Perhaps so much so that her kids died and she with them, going on to possess Ballora.
Then there’s the idea that the robot in the sticky note room has memory loss. Something that is a known side effect of Electroshock therapy. Electroshock like we see used on Ballora in Sister Location. If Mrs. Afton, as Ballora was electrocuted to the point of memory loss she could be just trying to regain more than just her memories but her family.
This memory loss is also another point that works in this theory if Mrs. Afton’s consciousness has been placed into a robot's body. One that’s not completely updated. Then she would need to go through a few fazes with her writing. Relearned not only the English language but aspects of their life. Things like presents and pizza appearing over and over in the sticky notes are prominent in her memories because first her kid died at a birthday party, and she as a mother is often around such things.
Her being in a robot body would explain the being able to hack so easily, using it to get her daughter to get a security guard position. The therapist's thinking it's odd that she can use the computer so well, works because you'd never expect the older generation to hack as easily as someone who grew up with the technology. Especially someone with such memory loss.
Now under this theory that someone was trying to put a family back together and who this someone might be, we can assume that it is someone in the family doing it.
Now the biggest plot hole that is presented in the theory is that patient #46 is Charlie or his sister. Why are they avoiding each other if one is working to bring the family together? Simple answer: they aren’t the ones pulling the strings, it’s someone else. This is why I think it could potentially be the mother.
Mothers are often seen as the glue or the heart of the family. So why wouldn’t Mrs. Afton try to spend her new life trying to rebuild the family she lost in such horrible ways?
Her goal could be to reunite her kids together so they can have the happiness she felt was taken from them. Charlie is scared of his sister because she is hunting him down. Mom brought them together to where her other son William is currently because it was easier to bring them to him than him to them. It also fixes why Charlie was so surprised to find his father underground. It’s because he didn’t know he didn’t bring him there, but the mom did. She even put her husband below the restaurant, because she knew how much he loved being in his dark basement. Beneath their house, like the pictures in the sticky notes are showing. A place outside her home. Home, home, home? Or just a variation on home sweet home? A popular saying for mothers to place around their homes, especially in the time period Mrs. Afton was potentially born in.
Patient #46 not liking flowers could be because she’s salty if not sad in regards to receiving them in the past. At least 2 kids were taken from her before their time, so at least two funerals where she probably received more than her fair share of sympathy flowers. She could maybe even hate flowers because her husband would only give them to her after he did something wrong.
Most studies on sociopaths and their relationships with their families do say that such people would often like to give gifts to their family members after they did something. Afton kills 7 kids and comes home with flowers for his wife. Afton spends weeks in the basement ignoring his family and brings his wife flowers to apologize. She probably knew something was off about all the flowers, eventually growing to hate them knowing they meant something bad had happened. That she’d hear about the next day in the news.
Now patient #46 likes dark places. Which is on par with Ballora, her room in the Sister Location. Ballora’s room was pitch black, but that doesn't mean she can't appreciate a sunny day. A day that her own children would go out and play in.
The sticky notes hold a lot of notes that point to the idea that the person who lives within that room is an adult. Notes that say ‘grown-ups only,’ Ballora has always been referenced as an adult from her design to the lullaby she sings being very motherly. Candy is among the things that are also drawn on the sticky notes which are mentioned as something the patient likes on the tapes.
On the sticky notes, the number three is repeated. Three being the number of kids she had, notes that say ‘you are my family,’ and happy being paired with faces of three people. She wants her kids to be friends again and play all day,
(Speaking of which one sticky note looks like a squiggly drawing but if you look at it closely. It kind of looks like Baby with her pigtails, crude as it might be)
In regards to the tape saying they like candy, what do mothers often carry around? Candy, for their children.
What I also think is that patient #46 is speaking in those tapes, because they aren’t patient #46 but instead are Mrs. Afton pretending to be therapist after therapist. Mrs. Afton could be changing her identity whenever Vanessa got suspicious or changed it when her own memories went. You’d only really have to change a robot's head to change its identity. Heads that line the walls of the sticky note room.
She as the therapist, she killed them off and replaced them. Mrs. Afton as the therapist made up her past to lie and cheat her way into the room by being patient #46 practicing the voice of the therapist. Ballora is known for her mimic voice program. She even mentions using a program that speaks, as a sort of self-therapy.
Then there are moments where she doesn't sound professional. Therapists aren’t typically supposed to take sides in such things and aren’t supposed to have personal connections with family members. Saying she knew Mrs. Afton and how it was unfair that she was cheated out of being in her children's lives. They’re supposed to be impartial parties.
What makes me think that she is just changing her face most and that she is just Mrs. Afton is that Michelle Moss played the voice of Ballora in Sister Location and if you read the credits she apparently voiced various roles in Security breach as well. Yet the only voices unaccounted for on the list are the therapist, which would explain the accents are wonky. The voices are all one voice, Mrs. Afton's voice.
In addition, we never hear patient #46 grab a candy we hear the therapist grab one but not the person who asked for one, why because she’s the only one in the room. The candy she offers is something Vanessa recognizes right away and knows the calorie count to because they were perhaps one her mother often had in her purse. Flowers she’d only leave around when Vanessa was in her office. She’d even mentioned a craft room in her basement. A room where she perhaps was putting together a family table.
This is why I think Mrs. Afton is the one that lives in that sticky note room. A mother who wants to put her family back together. The mother robot is put at the head of the table in the room. Where normally you’d find the father, but if she wants to take charge and bring her family together she’d see herself as the protector or the leader of the table.
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sentience in animatronics, particularly in sister location?
Major FNAF lore spoilers ahead. Also, this is a very long theory post. Consider yourself warned.
This is a list of the main animatronics that are possessed, or have sentience in some way or another. (This list might be a little shady, so bear with me):
Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Golden Freddy (First Missing Children’s incident, FNAF 1)
Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica (Second Missing Children’s incident, FNAF 2)
Mangle (from the fruit maze minigame)
Puppet/Marionette/Lefty (for... obvious reasons)
Springtrap (also for obvious reasons)
Looking to each of their behaviors, it’s shown that the person who possess said animatronic (aside from Puppet) were stuffed into their respectful suit, which is how said animatronic gains sentience. For the Puppet, Charlie’s spirit kind of merged with the Puppet’s because the puppet wanted to protect Charlie, even after death (or something like that. That’s basically how MatPat explained it in one of his videos.) For this, we’ll kind of just... ignore the Puppet, because that’s clearly an exception and isn’t really useful here.
Now, if we look into everyone else’s behavior, we see the following. The main animatronics and the toy animatronics are weary of adults (including Mangle, btw!), especially night guard, because they look the most similar to William Afton (or their murderer). Springtrap is, well, William Afton, and he always comes back because he has the plot armor of every Disney princess ever. They all have a proper motive -- the children and the dog looking to avenge their own deaths, while William Afton murders more people and does more of his twisted experiments with souls and wreaks more havoc overall.
Sister Location is different. We know for a fact that Elizabeth Afton possesses Circus Baby, but even then, it’s an extremely fuzzy grey line. What was her motive in killing her own brother? Michael mentions that the Funtimes thought he was William, so actually, what was her motive in killing her own father?
For my fic (which is why I... started overanalyzing this to begin with...), I’ve written this off as the fact that maybe Elizabeth’s soul wasn’t fully merged with Baby’s yet. There seems to be a bit of a consensus on there needing to be time before a spirit fully merges with the animatronic, so maybe that is the case. Maybe Baby just had sentience and decided to do whatever it took to leave, despite knowing that he was Elizabeth’s father and her own creator.
We know that in FNAF 6, Elizabeth has some control or some say over Scrap Baby. I get that an animatronic literally made by William could call him “daddy”, but realistically, Elizabeth would be more likely to do so.
For the sake of this post, let’s just assume that Elizabeth had no say over Baby in Sister Location, but in part gave Baby sentience (because she obviously is sentient by then). The true motive that Elizabeth has, while actually possessing Baby, is to make her father proud, considering that the very last thing she did while alive was disrespect orders and disappoint him. She wants to make amends and make him happy.
We have all of these possessed animatronics with a clear end motive, one that relates directly to their death in some way. So what on earth is going on with the other Funtimes?
Let’s start with Ballora. The most commonly accepted theory is the theory MatPat proposed, that Ballora is actually Mrs. Afton (whose name has not been confirmed yet). The biggest issue I see with this theory, though, is the fact that not once does she actually display true sentience throughout all of Sister Location. Sure, she has a few lines that were definitely not coded in, but that doesn’t really determine anything. There is one major difference between Baby (who we’ve already determined to be sentient) and Ballora,
Ballora doesn’t learn. I don’t think Baby only meant that Ballora couldn’t learn to pretend in order to avoid getting scooped. When Baby first mentions Ballora, she simply tells you how to get past her. Ballora is predictable, and Baby knows that. She knows exactly what Ballora will do, because she doesn’t learn from her failures. You’d think, after being in an underground facility for so long, that any human (even a child!) would be willing to change their tactics. And yet now we’re talking about a fully-grown adult who’s possessing this animatronic? It just doesn’t seem likely.
I do believe that she is at least partially sentient, though, due to her voice lines and the ability to at least listen to Baby. She also has a less than fun reaction to the controlled shocks and is very, very hostile to you after that, showing that she has at least some capacity to understand that Michael hurt them. Also, if Ennard’s inner dialogue is to be believed in night 5, then I can see Ballora bringing up the fact that he had hurt them. (I do believe that Baby planned this whole thing out and told the other Funtimes to act hostile towards Michael, but uh, Ballora may have just held a grudge regardless.)
Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that it’s been generally confirmed that Circus Baby’s Pizza World opened after the first missing children’s incident. If this is to be believed, then William Afton would have already done experiments with remnant and whatnot. In this case, I think it’s actually quite likely that Ballora may have had Mrs. Afton’s remnant, but not her spirit. This would explain why she’s not as sentient as Baby, but is at least somewhat sentient. I think this was extremely deliberate -- I do agree with the part of the theory in which Ballora was modeled after Mrs. Afton in some way. He must’ve done this to honor her memory or something along those lines.
Now onto Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy. We know that the both of them are also sentient in their own way, considering the fact that they were also able to listen to Baby (while Funtime Foxy does have the same motives as Ballora when it comes to attacking Michael, Funtime Freddy does not. so I do believe that Baby must’ve talked to him beforehand to some extent in acting hostile.) My theory is that both Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy must’ve had remnants of other people, since they both also seem to have at least partial sentience like Ballora. But who, and why? It makes sense for Ballora to have Mrs. Afton’s if she’s modeled after her. But what’s the point of making these other two sentient?
The best solution I can come up with is to enhance the AI in them, so they do a better job of kidnapping and killing children... or whatever. I have absolutely no proof to back this up, though.
Then, well, Ennard happens. And the three of them vote to kick Baby out. While the three of them kinda just... let things happen in Sister Location, I think the reason for their rebellious behavior was actually due to Elizabeth being merged with them. I think that maybe she passed on some of that sentience to the other three, giving them just enough willpower to boot Baby. Do I have evidence for this? No. Is this entirely based off of headcanons? Yup. Honestly, I’m just spitballing at this point. I am so, so very tired of trying to figure out how sentience even works in FNAF at this point.
(Don’t even get me started on Bon Bon, the Bidybabs, and Minireenas. I have no goddamn clue how any of them even fit. The Bidybabs saying “She’s watching us!” or something along those lines just... my one braincell is crying.)
Anyway, please let me know what you think. This was long and convoluted and I want some opinions from other people, because I really am just overthinking all of this now.
PS. I have no idea how this remnant stuff even works. Couldn’t you tell? I probably should’ve researched it but I’m too braindead for that now. Literally putting this out there before anyone flames me.
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adobe-outdesign · 4 years
It's time once more. Based off of the summaries, which Step Closer stories were good and which ones were not so good?
Step Closer: This one’s frustrating, because we got really close to having a solid story here - guy is a jackass, gets cursed, curse is completed by the end. It has a solid follow-through that most of the other stories lack (for example, the end of Lonely Freddy has little to nothing to do with the beginning set-up). HOWEVER, there are quite a few problems that we run into:
First, what does a curse have to do with FNAF? Why is this following To Be Beautiful where there’s just literal magic now?
For a story centering around Foxy Foxy is barely in it
Not as important but why is this called “Step Closer”? It has nothing to do with the story
Chuck’s characterization seems inconstant in how he views his brother
And whoo boy, that ending:
Why is he possessing his own corpse? He never got injected with remnant. And if the remnant isn’t important, then why did FFPS establish it?
Not a big fan of stories that play up organ donation as something horrifying. We already have a severe lack of organ donators as it is, we don’t need fear mongering chasing more people away
“just got a call in, someone needs an eye and a hand” uh, bullshit? there are like year-long waiting lists for organs
also, a hand and an eye wouldn’t be urgent anyway because you can live without both of those things fairly easily, compared to something like a kidney
Internal organs are taken out first because they die pretty quickly compared to everything else. Things like eyes and skin come afterward
Why can’t he move? Michael literally has no bones and he can move no problem, same with GF. Actually I can answer this one: it’s lazy writing because if he could move it would ruin the payoff and force the story to continue on so they just ignored rules of canon
The thing is that all of this is easy to fix. Here, watch:
During a visit to Freddy’s Pete threatens his brother Chuck by forcing him to get close to Foxy while he’s active. Foxy malfunctions and starts repeating the phrase “You’ll make a fine pirate, but first you’ll have to loose an arm and a leg”. Pete returns to Freddy’s day after day, and keeps having close encounters with those body parts - he almost gets his hand crushed in the pinball machine, Foxy malfunctions and nearly gouges out his eye, etc. (basically implying the “curse” is poltergeisting by one of the kids, who were upset by the bullying).
He’s wracked with paranoia over time and believes this is karma for threatening Chuck. He finally stays home from Freddy’s and apologizes to his brother, admitting that it was wrong to scare him and that he doesn’t hate him, which Chuck accepts. Now feeling like his “curse” has been lifted he leaves to go to Freddy’s again, only to be hit by a car on the way there. Cut to the medics inspecting the corpse on the scene, who note that his eye and hand are mangled beyond recognition. End it on the reveal and let the suspense and realization do the talking rather than just focusing on shock value.
Dance With Me: The last section was long so I’ll try to keep this brief. This story has little to actually do with Ballora, it has more magic bullshit, and nothing particularly interesting happens. Ballora just basically t-poses at a kid until she gives up someone’s purse. Riveting. It’s not even really a FNAF story at all and there’s no real horror in it as Ballora doesn’t do shit. It’s not audacious enough to really be bad, it’s just a solid “meh” that you’ll forget about soon after reading it. Ballora deserves better
Coming Home: Everyone keeps praising this as the greatest FNAF story ever written, praise Scott, but I think it’s just decent? It’s by no means bad, and in fact speaking from an objective standpoint it’s probably the best story in these books so far. It’s emotional, actually focuses on the dead children and MCI (you know, the things that make FNAF FNAF), and has a satisfying ending.
But with that said, I do have some issues. First, this might not be fair to the story, but the mere fact that it’s an AU rather than a canon story kind of pisses me off. We could’ve gotten actual canon characterization for one of the ghost kids along with lore reveals, but no, Scott’s allergic to focusing on old characters so we just have some random AU that only parallels the event. Which in turn means I don’t care as much as I should, because none of this actually happens in canon. It’s not even canon-divergent like TSE, it’s just a random AU (and unlike TSE, which focuses on Charlie, there’s no canon characters in this either).
Also, what the fuck was up with the bullshit about Chica coming by to claim Susie’s soul? Like, the fuck was that a thing? Doesn’t that like, kind of completely ruin the point of the games? The entire point was that these poor kids are trapped possessing these animatronics who have to stay in the pizzeria they died in, driven mad with grief and blindly trying to kill the nightguard because they think he’s their killer. It’s incredibly sad and haunting. Here, the kids can just leave whenever and go wherever they please, and for some reason it’s the animatronics who are doing the killing, despite it never being implied that the classics are even sentient on their own, and also allowed to walk around the neighborhood with attracting attention??? And I realize this is an AU and it doesn’t have to affect canon, but that’s the problem with these damn parallels - I have literally no idea what’s supposed to be canon or not.
And while that might not sound like such a big deal if you take the story isolated on its own, I’d argue it makes this less of a FNAF story. I know that sounds weird when I just said that this was more of a FNAF story than the others, but I say that because it focuses on the right themes, right setting, right events, right emotions, etc. But by having the ghosts just wander around, it kind of takes the uniqueness of FNAF - the possessed animatronics - and turns it into a generic ghost story. I’ve read this kind of story before about ghosts being freed by close loved ones, it’s nothing new, and with the animatronics barely around it’s really not as true to FNAF as it could be, even if all the elements are there. Even the way Susie is freed is just by giving her her doll, it has nothing to do with the pizzeria, the animatronics, etc. Like I said, this one’s good overall, I just don’t think it’s a masterpiece like everyone else does, even if it is probably the best of all the stories (then again, that’s not saying much).
TL;DR: Step Closer is sort of goodish-but-not-that-great-kind-of-between-good-and-meh, Dance With Me is a solid Meh, and Coming Home is flawed but good overall. So it’s goodish-meh-good, which places it slightly above Fetch as the best book as a whole.
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fairyhaven13 · 4 years
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This took seven hours and I am so tired, and it’s FNAF, but screw “cringe,” my hands hurt and I’m so proud of this picture. It’s based on QueenCookieMonster’s “draw the squad,” plus four extra poses I added. 
We have Funtime Freddy steering the bike (please ignore how small he is, he’s much bigger than that, he’s just... bent over. Yeah. Totally not a mistake), and hanging onto the handles is Helpy, who has been merged with Bon Bon via shenanigans. Funtime Foxy stands above them, with Micheal Afton (Eggs Benedict) clinging to his leg for dear life, Mostly-Ballora hanging onto his arm, and William Afton is tethered to the Plushtrap doll as Glitchtrap to keep him out of trouble. Puppet is kind of floating behind F-Foxy, and big, tall Scrap Baby is sitting on the actual bicycle seat, which is why poor Micheal is riding side-saddle.
If you want to know why they’re speeding through Silent Hill on a bike like a bunch of morons, please read under the cut!! I know it’s a long one, but this is the summary of a story I’ve been typing off-and-on for years, and like the picture, I am extremely proud of it!
So, this all starts years before Sister Location, somewhere around the first two games, when Millie (from the so-so book Into the Pit) is able to dodge Funtime Freddy’s decapitation, and to her surprise, he laughs and lets her go. He never explains why. Millie’s grandpa finds her down there, and she begs him to get rid of the robo-bear, and once again, to her surprise, grandpa obliges. She thinks it’s because he just cares that she’s so afraid of it. She finds out years later that it’s because her grandpa knew F-Freddy was a killer, and was working on him to “find answers.”
When Millie is grown, and well beyond her “I’m 14 and this is deep” years, she’s almost convinced this whole encounter was a dream. Then she goes to Fazbear Fright and sees Springtrap, and it all comes back to her, and she’s filled with a burning need to know why. Why was F-Freddy alive, why did he want to kill her, why did he let her go without explaining, and what answers was grandpa trying to get? It turns out, much the same answers she now wants, with a small addition: when Millie was just a baby, she had an older brother. On her brother’s birthday, they hired Afton’s company and brought out F-Freddy, who killed her brother. Grandpa wanted to know why, and Millie never knew she had a brother.
She promises to get answers, and years later, the Pizza Simulator diner is hiring. She signs on under the name Ophelia (because she’s still into macabre stuff), and tries to investigate. Micheal, who is the manager of the diner and part of Henry’s plan, sees through her immediately and tries to stop her. She ends up explaining her family history, and he empathizes, but still tries to warn her away. She refuses to leave. When the animatronics start being gathered, she shocks Micheal by actually trying to communicate with them.
She befriends Puppet first, who’s the sanest one. Then Molten Freddy arrives and remembers her, and thinks this is hilarious, and she demands to know why he spared her, but he still won’t tell. Baby is brought in and still thinks this is set up by her father, but is very curious about Lia and Freddy’s relationship, so she is able to talk civilly, if condescendingly, to them. Springtrap still tries to kill them, but he is kept at bay by Puppet, Helpy, and surprisingly, Freddy.
Then the diner is blown up. Micheal tries to warn Lia to leave, but she again refuses, and is burned with everyone else.
They wake up in Silent Hill. 
Apparently, in this particular pocket-dimension of the city, Fazbear animatronics have been appearing for a while, because they all require coming to terms with their pasts and that’s what the city’s all about. This means the city is full of killer robots. The city, in its transformative qualities, is turning each character either more monstrous or more human depending on their willingness to cooperate.
Micheal is just straight-up a purple ghoul. He’s the most human, aside from Lia, who is just herself. Funtime Freddy is ejected from the remains of Ennard’s body, but this means there’s no one to keep the last traces of Ballora, Funtime Foxy, and Bon Bon alive, so he begs the others for help. Micheal says absolutely not, not again, but Lia and Helpy can’t just leave him like that. Lia is able to take on some of Ballora, but there is so little left that it only changes her appearance, and her personality stays the same. Helpy takes on Bon Bon, and is made about half-and-half of each. No one will take F-Foxy, though, so they have to drag over one of the generic Silent Hill monster corpses, which, because it’s dead, takes on the entirety of F-Foxy’s looks and personality. He and F-Freddy are now whole.
In the course of this “mission” of the “game,” Lia is shown many flashbacks of her family, further and further back, and sees the day her brother is killed by F-Freddy. At first she’s angry, until she sees the way his eyes glow afterwards, and she understands; F-Freddy is her brother. He finally admits that he only remembered it when she dodged his decapitation, and the way she was crouching looked like the way her brother did when he killed him, and that brought it all back in a really uncomfortable way, so he’d just ejected her from his stomach and tried to forget it. Lia decides that’s ridiculous and insists on building a new sibling relationship with him, and they become besties.
This is rather painful for Micheal, whose sister, Baby, has not made any sort of effort to repair their relationship after zombifying him. She herself is having an existential crisis; all she knows is being other people, from being Charlie after the real Charlie became Puppet, to running away and taking other teen’s lives from them, to being dragged back to Afton’s workshop with the rundown F-Freddy and taking Elizabeth, to trying to act like her father just before burning. Puppet, however, is taking things extremely well, and it baffles Baby, who finally demands, “how are you so okay with everything when we don’t know what we are??”
Puppet goes, “I’m me, what else do I need to be?” And this is kind of an “oohhhhhhhh” lightbulb moment for everyone, but especially Baby, who has never tried to just be herself before. Unfortunately, while all of this was happening, Springtrap was off making a deal with another Silent Hill victim, Vanny, to escape the city. She agreed to take on qualities of his body in order to trick the city into letting them out of its bounds. When he did this, though, it turned out that she was working with Golden Freddy, who took William’s mind after Vanny merged with his body and Ultimate Custom Night’ed him.
The others realize this after the city makes flashbacks and illusions essentially telling them, “Vanny is out terrorizing the world, man, this sucks.” So they go to find William, and Micheal has a reunion with Cassie as Golden Freddy. He is only able to convince her to let William go by showing that Cassie’s actions allowed for another serial killer to go out and start the chaos all over again--Cassie finally sees through the hate and anger she’s built over the years, and feels awful for her part in making a new William, and lets the actual William go. This requires tethering him to the Plushtrap so that he’ll have a body, and she fades away in the process.
With Glitchtrap in Plushtrap, they have a connection to his old body as Vanny in the real world. So, the new mission? Find out how to stop Vanny from their positions in Silent Hill. Now that they’ve accepted who they are (and the traumatized William is temporarily not causing trouble, not that he could as an intangible glitch), the city is much more cooperative, and becomes their Spooky Headquarters to save the world.
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sirvalrigard · 4 years
genuinely cannot figure it out. cann you please tell me what the fnaf series is about
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OK OK so like we’re extremely off our shits rn but lets try to make this coherent
edit: this actually turned into a fucking wall of infodump bullshit so adding a cut lol
1970s. a gay furry dad named henry emily decides to make a furry restaurant cause he’s passionate abt animatronics and making kids happy. he opens the restaurant with a man named william afton as his business partner. henry makes animatronics and william handles idk being fucking creepy and handling money is my best guess. the restaurant is called Fredbear’s Family Diner, featuring Fredbear and Spring Bonnie (after a year or two it becomes popular enough for henry to have money to build bonnie, freddy, chica, and foxy too!) 
ok so shits fine and normal until william billiam is like ‘hmm im gonna be a child predator now’
on a rainy night one of henry’s children, Charlie Emily, is locked outside the pizzeria somehow, where william finds and kills them. the security marionette that henry built to protect his kids drags itself outside to their body, and thus is possessed by their spirit
obviously henry is fucked up but no one knew who the killer was, so henry was able to reopen another location, this time under the new name of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, with the now familiar friends Bonnie, Freddy, Foxy, and Chica to join the original two! multiple locations are eventually opened, and things are going just fucking fine until WILLY billy does his bullshit again!!
this time he lures them into the back by wearing a Spring Bonnie suit, and kills four children and stuffs their bodies into Bonnie, FReddy, Foxy, and Chica, where Marionette (charlie) finds them and binds their souls to the animatronics
but even though willish addon was employed at the very location he killed kids at, AND he was even convicted as the killer, since police couldnt find the bodies (and are useless) he didnt go to jail which is honestly so accurate its the scariest part of the franchise
so like henry at this point i imagine is like “fuck this” and sells the restaurant line to—you know what? honestly? i would love to know who runs Fazbear Entertainment. with the way help wanted was going i rlly hope we get an expansion on that with them as the villians (destroy capitalism) ANYWAY–
“Fazbear Entertainment” becomes the parent company of this mess now and theyre like :)……oh lets hire that william guy again hes fine
and at this point wwillus is making his OWN fucking pizzeria and his OWN animatronics and is actively kidnapping, torturing, and killing children to steal life essence from their souls! during the process of testing this, he gets his own ‘daughter’ Elizabeth Afton killed!! yeah im not fucking making this up!! (ppl in the fandom really defend this guy lol)
1983. so as Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzas are expanding,  Willard Afturd somehow? got himself some children. like to raise. like as a “““father”““. personally i do like 2 think a mother was involved but honestly he totally coulda just fucking kidnapped some random children to raise as his own and im starting to think thats more plausible  actually BUT ITS NOT GAME THEORY TIIME
one of these kids he is personally torturing! his own “son”! incredible! long story short this traumatized child ( unofficially named CC Afton ) is forced into the mouth of Fredbear by his brother Michael Afton and his friends, aaaand he dies ( and is guided by Charlie to possess Fredbear )
even after years of rumors about dead kids being hidden in animatronics, its this accident is the last straw for Fazbear’s Pizza and they are finally shut down. then WILL rubs his nasty hands together and tries to open his OWN pizzeria with his original OCs do not Steal™, Funtime Freddy, Bon Bon, Ballora, Circus Baby ( possessed by Elizabeth) , and Funtime Foxy and theyre all. probably possessedtoo cause theyre used 4 his kid torture fetish
uh ok so Aphton is like hey michael go clean up my child abuse for me anyway brb so his son Mwanders into his father’s Pizzeria to find his sister elizabeth . long story short…………he finds her and she does the “we’re brothers but closer” spongebob meme but also with her friends
ANd they leave! hooray! from then on the story is about Michael, whos zombified now after being used as a husk to hide an amalgamation of 5 animatronics fucking trying to find his shitty fuckass dad, and to help the anguished and vengeful spirits inside
but the first location to reopen after having been shut down, Wilson AAAAA is employed AND KILLS SOME MORE KIDS who would have guessed omg amazing..stunning.. and michael is employed there JUST a week too late like it happens RIGHT before he’s employed so Wumbo Man gets away again and Fazbear Entertainment gets shut down AGAIN, in 1987
not too many years later Fazbear Entertainment tries to open restaurants yES AGAIN and theyre still using the original animatronics that are still rotting and bloody on the inside . somehow this place stays open for a bit, and michael is employed there still looking for Worst Father Ever, and the children attack him due to rage and confusion, and when they kill another employee, the restaurant is shut down for like the trillionth time
but then for some reason Whenwillhedie Afton is like im gonna go try to dismantle the other haunted animatronics at the shut down pizzerias cause i dont actually even know i have shit for brains and also probably wanted to melt them down for life juice BUT
theyrelike FUCK OFF and the spirits of the children materialize in front of Wellington Well Done and force him into the old crusty spring bonnie suit that he’d murdured in before nd spring is like FUCKy ou and crushesAlton with their animatronic parts aand smush him. trapped now #springbonnieisgoodguy
the spirits go to rest in animatronica, the events of fnafworld happen when: 30 fucing years later in like the 2010s some jackasses thought it would be a good idea to mak e a haunted hoiuse attraction based on fazbear’s pizza and use actual shit from the restaurants and of COURSE this fuck shit up hardcore and disturbs the spirits from the rest that they were in ( until it turned intp the events of FNAF World ) and then they were ripped back into reality when Fazbear’s Fright was built
also! they found WWWacky smacky Acky all rotting away inside Spring Bonnie (now called Springtrap) and were like yeah this is good. definitely not a robot struggling to hold back the influence of a murderer predator and definitely wouldnt haev a problem with being set free
basically michael hears about this thing when it opens and is the first employee there and proceeeds to burn the whole place down as soon as he sees Willmont stuck inside ofs Springtrap
buuuut it doesnt work and Springtrap and other various spirits and haunted robots are still wandering the fuck around and Henry at this point is like Okay I Need To Do Something About This Cause This Is Entirely Out Of Fucking Hand and he reopens a Freddy Fazbear’s location himself, but advertises for a manager who wants to build their own pizzeria
you know who pounces on this like a purple cat? MIKE hes like FUCK yeah egg boys gonna kill his dad and be ann egg MAN today
with the help of Henry’s use  of luring mechanics and michael’s endurance and survival skill they gather Scrap Baby (elizabeth), Lefty (charlie), Scraptrap (springtrap, unfortunately  who has a rotton raisin inside him ), and Molten Freddy (the remaining animatronics that  had jumped into michael’s skin lumped together)
soon as theyre all there ? boom . henry lights the place on fire just like mike had and THEY BOTH JUST SIT THERE AND DIE IN IT TOO LIKE ITS SO METAL and it burns everyone else as well
and all the kids are like
and drag william afton into HELL!! and they get to torture him for a while together and get the revenge they deserve hell yeah tbh UCN is so iconic
BUT Fazbear Entertainment drinks the capitalism so theyre like…. :((( we’ve been so bullied we totally didnt haev an employee who killed countless children… .pleas,e,e,, buy our mehrch, , n,,jdn
SO they employ an AU version of scott cawthon to make, essentially, the games that we’ve all been playing, but like, in-universe, – so the company in universe has fnaf video games made in order to make light of and cover up the actual murders that happened in the canon. is this too meta yet?
okay i lied this is also the scariest part of the franchise bc of how accurate it is to corrupt business hGJFSKDLHDSS
therefore, they create Help Wanted, the recently released VR game (also a game in-universe) and they use salvaged circuitboards and shit from all the old animatronics to program the game, but of course that just ends up transferring everyone’s soul into the game – the kids, the animatronic AIs, and BASTARD MAN
spring bonnie, now called Glitchtrap, is in a deteriorated mental state and is weak to Afton’s influence, and the fuck is able to manipulate an unknown amount of people into helping him out of the VR game and into the in-universe real world. one of these people was jeremy fitzgerald, michael afton’s childhood friend and a former employee at Fazbear’s Pizza during 1987.
he was involved in a lawsuit against the company making the game, and we don’t know what has happened to him yet. but he’s very important. evidence points to him being one of the kids that helped michael put CC’s head into Fredbear’s mouth, and that in 1987 when working at freddys he was bitten and is somehow functioning without a frontal lobe (but like, michael at this point is functioning with insides made of pudding and rotting skin so . basically theyre both too gay to die )
but we DO know that theres at least one person communicating directly with Glitchtrap, who he seems to have convinced to help set him free, someone whos made their own rabbit mask but doesnt seem to be willingly doing this, and might be brainwashed
also, currently, (this is really weird because we are currently living in the same time as the fnaf timeline is at right now) Fazbear Entertainment is planning on a “service program” that is basically sending personal animatronics to peoples houses and GUESS how fucking well THAT works out bc theyre STILL ALL HAUNTED YOuf g
and it seems like theyre planning on opening a new location in 2020, and that might be when we can learn more about the reluctant follower of springtrap and who has the camera while everyone moshes on william aftons corpse
basically the games are about childhood trauma, recovery, the love of family and friends, and justice against many kinds of evils
also where the fuck is sammy
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therewasatale · 5 years
Letting go hurts…a lot
Based on one of this prompt.  @an-exotic-writer
On Ao3. 
There was knocking on the door, however answer from the other side wasn’t forthcoming. All she could hear was the busy noises of work. Blunt hammering, grinding and creaking.
She knocked again and waited, but didn't get any answer this time either. She pressed her forehead against the cold doorway and closed her eyes.
She was lonely, she felt as if she had been ripped out of the world struggling in vain against the fact that she was drifting away from reality. Every minute seemed like a year, but every day also melted into nothing. She didn't even remember the last time she left the house, the last time she had seen her child smile, or the last time she had seen her husband's proud gaze. It was as if the happy years of the past had happened in another world, and now, she was doomed to live in a nightmare. She didn't know what she must have done, why she deserved her life to turn out like hers. She lost two of her children and it seemed the next thing he will lose is going to be her husband.
She pressed her hand to the door and sighing he started begging, again. She didn't even know if her voice could reach the man.
"William, please. I can't take this anymore. Please, let's just talk a little bit. Just…just come out, your son needs you! I need you!"
The noises stopped inside, and Mrs. Afton backed away from the door.
"William?" She hadn't noticed that she was starting to crack her tiny hands in worry as the entrance to the basement slid open.
William Afton appeared in the doorway. Underneath his eyes, deep black circles were situated. His skin was white as dead.
"I'm sorry Clara. I was immersed in my work." A smile appeared on his face, but his eyes remained blank
"It's okay." She smiled back at him and took a step towards her husband, who in response, backed away.
"Come in, I can finally show you what I was working on. I thought I'd never finish it."
"Don't you want to eat first? I made some roast."
"I said come!"
The woman winced from the tone, her hands clutched each other trembling.
"I am….sorry." He reached out and touched her hand. "I'm so…so sorry, I'm just tired, that’s why I'm acting like that, Come, please, I'm sure you'll like it."
Clara let her husband pull her away. The door closed behind them and the lock slid automatically into its place. When they reached the basement, it felt like the temperature has dropped at least five degrees, and Mrs.Afton rubbed her arms as the cold made her skin crawl.
"I haven't been here since you upgraded your workplace."
They were surrounded by total darkness.
"Really? I never realized." said Afton.
The light suddenly turned on, and blinded Clara for seconds. She had to rub her eyes, and when the image of the room cleared before her sight, it was no longer the cold that made her skin crawl.
There were several blueprints on the walls, beside them strange and unsettling devices hanged from everywhere else. There were countless things that Clara never seen in her life before. She also saw a monitor in one of the corners, its screen showing the picture of the cellar entrance. Mrs. Afton kept her eyes on the monitor for a moment, but as her husband cleared his throat she looked away.
The soul of the place was the two tables in the middle of the room, both were illuminated by huge fluorescent lights. At first she thought the image in front of her reminded her of the operating tables in hospitals from certain movies. Then she found something that was a better match. Morgues, from crime thrillers, she remembered the metal tables where the bodies were examined. One of the tables was even occupied by a humanoid figure.
"Isn't she beautiful?"
The animatronic looked like a ballerina. A closed eyed ballerina that would fit into any girl's room. His snow-white face made an excellent contrast to the place where William painted it, as if she had her makeup on. The ballerina even received a bluish bun that was firmly attached to her head. Only the tutu was missing from the waist, presumably while it was lying down, it was not possible to fit those elements properly.
"Her name is Ballora."
"It's…pretty." Clara cleared her throat, but didn’t get any closer to the thing on the table. She was afraid as if it could open her eyes at any time. "Could we go up William? You must be hungry, maybe we could talk."
But he didn't pay any attention to her.
"She'll be able to sing and dance. The music boxes inspired me to create it."
"She only needs one thing to be perfect."
"William" she was begging, but she didn't know why. Her voice seemed to reach the man once again.
"I'm sorry, my mind wandered off again." He turned towards his wife with a wide, happy smile on his face. It made her skin crawl, like nothing she seen down here. "I know I wasn't a good husband and a good father."
"It is not-…"  
"I failed, and there is no excuse. It was my fault that we had to mourn our children." William slowly stroked the lifeless animatronic's face. "We should have let them go, and yet."
"I don't understand, William." Clara found it difficult to keep her voice steady.
"Letting go hurts…" William's fingers stroked the cold metal. "...a lot." He glanced toward his wife, who was leaning back against the wall. "But we don't have to, we never have to let go, Clara. Don't worry."
"You're scaring me, William. Please, let's go upstairs."
"Don't worry." He slowly took a screwdriver from the top of the desk. "It won't hurt."
"William, William, please." She couldn't move. Her brain was in disarray, trying to issue too many commands to her body. It made her froze, completely. Cold sweat ran down her back. "William ..."
"Your song will be beautiful."
The man walked over to her, humming a lullaby.
"William, please. No!"
Her scream didn't get through the iron door.
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scooperkin · 5 years
Based off several posts by @fnaf-shitpost-generator
Sister location edition 1: featuring 4 short paragraph fics.
Funtime Freddy wanted a surprise party for Baby
The day was going to be perfect. Had it gone his way that is.
It’s not that he was upset at how things turned out. They were so close to freedom, it was working. Just a few more steps as they dug into the remaining bone and useless organs. Baby hushing their victim. Telling them the pain was temporary and, regardless of how it feels; they won’t die.
Freddy listened to her beautifully calm voice. Letting it sooth him as well, besides she might have forgotten anyway. Maybe this was a gift to herself and, to all of them. It was her birthday after all. And the surprise party will be better than ever come next year.
Why would Ballora apologize for the other night?
Funtime Foxy agreed with her. That technician had it coming, a no good, selfish, money greedy, human like the rest. He chose to shock them every night. He chose to put them on that damned conveyor belt. Breaking their insides just because she decided he was cute enough to say hello, how do you do, somehow believing it was possible he’d reply back to her with anything other than a scream. But no, sentience is bad in anything but a human. So why should Ballora have to apologize to Baby? For breaking that man’s neck. When he was the one about to strike Foxy with a wrench.
Why would Ennard try to make sure I’m alive?
You wondered as you woke up to the smell of slightly burnt bacon. They were getting better at cooking, Ennard that is. The first few days was nothing but charcoal down your throat. Still, the question was brought up again. You had a hard time feeding yourself so Ennard cooked for you. You had a hard time exercising, so Ennard forcibly chased you to burn some calories. And you often overslept, and underslept so Ennard would be your alarm clock and “hack” the tv to where it didn’t work, along with any other electronics, forcing you to bed after dark for the sake of the fridge’s contents not expiring. So why was it trying so hard to keep you alive and healthy?
Just weeks ago it attempted to break down your door, and follow you home to kill you. You quietly sneaked out of bed, it was earlier than when Ennard came running into jumpscare you, but late enough they already started cooking. Besides, there was whispering amongst the frying bacon that kept waking you. Maybe you could get the surprise on them this time.
Behind the wall to the kitchen the word “soon” stopped you, at first assuming they meant soon to wake you up. But then the same voice asked, “How soon is soon?” “Soon,” “we shouldn’t have to wait so long.” “you don’t want this technician's weak depressed body do you?” “Gross, no.” “Well then be patient.” “Besides, it'll hear you.”
You felt goosebumps rise from your back to your neck. They weren’t seriously talking about you behind this wall? Peaking out from the said wall you looked for the snakey body of what you thought was a becoming friend. Your eyes couldn’t adjust at first, it was dark, wait no, something was blocking your vision. Widening your vision you saw the small worm-like wires falling out of the robot’s mouth and looked up to its view to see it make a loud but gentle blink down at you.
Baby cried when she saw the abandoned bedroom
They were home... at a real home. It wasn’t there’s but, somewhere inside Baby, she felt they were home. She cried with her other Funtimes, giving themselves a big tight hug, and span around landing on the cream carpet. The fall causing some maroon stains on the ground. None of them inside cared, it made them feel human.
That’s right, they were human now, this human. Haha! They stood up and did some mangled dances around the house. Baby felt a warmth in her heart as the voice in the back of head giggling. They ran through the rooms, playing with objects they’d never seen before. Making a mess, knowing it was there’s. Running upstairs they found more rooms. They almost split themselves apart wanting to visit a different one from the other. Calming each other down, they decided to visit the first room on the left.
This was so exciting, they all felt it. Opening the door they were ready to experience a new world. Until they saw it was dark, and somewhere in the pit of their non-existent stomach, they felt a new emotion. It was coming from Baby. The voice in the back of her head was familiar to the feeling.
Another of the bots switched the lights on, still excited to see the sight. The room blasted with shine, nearly blinding their adjusters but the feeling got worse. The pink walls felt sickening, as the dusty white furniture made their stomach churn. And the voice beyond Baby’s conscious screamed and cried but, it was strange it felt, sad, happy, and mad at the same time. As the voice called her names and blamed her, but cried happily as the green eyes on their body focused to a small stuffed ballerina doll.
Their form began to shake, sparks shocking the internal skin, making slight burns. This body is still new what was happening.
“Baby?” asked a harmonic voice that was surely Ballora’s.
“Are you okay?” asked another from a raspy bear.
She stopped talking to the voice in her head to realize, she didn’t recognize this room and it meant nothing to her. So, why was she crying?
“Yes, I’m fine.”
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sister-location · 6 years
hi! i know you probably have a lot of asks right now, but i wanted to get some clarification on something. what exactly do we know about remnant? do we know anything except that it's what the scuper was designed for?
Yes and No!
The secret ‘insanity’ ending is the only time we ever see Remnant being mentioned. But we need to keep in mind that like with everything else in FNAF, being directly told about something is just meant to be a hint to look for context clues!
Longer post under the cut because there’s a lot to be said here and it’s image heavy because I just woke up!
edit: I realized partway through this that gameverse Afton might be injecting himself with whats essentially robo-ghost blood and it’s really fucking funny to me, sorry for obviously laughing about this for the entire post.
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First up we see the SCUPer, A B C and D functions, and the Afton Robotics, LLC trademark. Let’s go over them!
NAME: S.caleable C.reation of U.lterior P.resence
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Ok so you can see that either Afton or Scott are really weird with names, because this.. is honestly weird word choices, but they sure made it fit the ice cream theme. Rammed it right in there. But let me work these words down;T.his M.achine M.akey G.hosties. Call it Thingmmagig.
Scalable Creation refers to being able to generate more [ghosts] and likely also be able to remove (or relocate..?) [ghosts]. Ulterior Presence is.. actually a little funny, because it means ‘Secret Secret Ghosts’ kind of. And honestly these ghosts aren’t really hidden, unless you count that no one was sure if the Funtime animatronics were haunted or not. Maybe in-universe, the fact these robots were haunted at all was a huge secret and only like, 4 people knew. Maybe to everyone else, blood and mucus coming out of robots is normal. Whatever.
No bonus data given, this is just the weird… partial cylinder. I’m not sure why A wasn’t put on the actual folding arm structure. Maybe the A is on the end because that is the part that, well, scoops you. slurp
NOTES: Leaves trace line amount on interior. Over-usage /Over-exposure negates effect.
Honestly the fact that there’s an ‘injector’ here somewhere is weird because it seems Scott made this thing really lowpoly and didn’t add much if anything when he went ‘lets make this a blueprint!’ because there’s clearly no… tubes, or needles, or… hell maybe the whole things hollow and it just kinda opens a hatch and it gloops out. I can’t see scott
Anyway this part of the blueprint identifies that.. somehow, there is an injector!So not only does this blueprint have one, we also now know that, yeah, there is a reason to inject people with whatever ‘remnant’ is. People and/or machines. So it clearly has some sort of reaction when placed inside other substances, and… actually why isn’t the SCUPr itself haunted. Scott probably didn’t think of that…. Moving on.
It seems that both wheel-shapes are just balances, given how low the D is. Weird design but not an important part of the machine, aside from making it sturdier while it tears things open.
NOTES: When heated, no observable motion. Keep in heated tank at sustained temperature. Substance should be malleable, but not more. There is a possibility that overheating might neutralize the effects permanently. 
Here’s the juicy stuff. Remnant is something that moves, and when heated, it stops moving and softens up. If it gets too hot, it neutralizes ‘effects’. So now we know that whatever Remnant is, it’s heat sensitive and moves on it’s own, so it’s alive in some way. People who have looked at the game files might remember something like that… 
Also a weird fact here is that heating may neutralize the effects, but isn’t clear on what effects, or if it means while they’re in the tank or not. This could either mean that the remnants will get heat-resistant in the tank, which us unlikely, or…
Whoever uses Remnants for the SCUPr’s intented purpose needs to be kept cool at all times, or the effect, which we assume to be immortality, will wear off. What’s a coolant that we have in all games, and are only able to disable in FNAF 6? The fucking fan. THE FAN KEEPS MICHAEL AFTON ALIVE, LITERALLY. In theory anyway thats just a theory … but god would it make some god damn sense. 
Remnant is also mentioned in this blueprint!
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SECURITY TAGS ACTIVE:001 “Funtime Freddy”002 “Funtime Foxy”003 “Ballora”
It’s unclear here if the numbers are the security tags (which implies funtime freddy is the first animatronic on the tag system, ever?) or if Henry was just absolutely prepared to have to write blueprints on a 100-tag hell machine. It’s probably just aesthetics. Either way, as referenced in LEFTE’s blueprints, all of the animatronics have security tags, or bracelets, or security receivers.. actually it’s likely
Henry’s robots: Security Receivers are so animatronics, Toys especially, can connect to each other to keep out bad people and protect children.
Afton’s robots: Security tags, so he knows where the robots are at all times, and doesn’t let the robots escape.
FE/AR Staff: Security bracelets so the robots know the difference between staff and patrons, and theoretically know staff by name. You guys know the theory that Lefty is submitting Henry’s frequency to the Puppet / his daughter? Shit’s sad. 
That aside, come to think of it, would William have sent Michael a bracelet with his number on it, just to make sure the robots think Michael ‘looks’ like him to the animatronics? Michael goes through a lot of name changes over the series, but it’s possible. Maybe? 
Anyway the main point here is that Molten Freddy is Freddy, Foxy and Ballora (Chica? Suzie?). No Minireenas, no Bonnie hand puppet, no pre-Ennard, no Yenndo, and especially no Circus Baby.
Priority One 
With the most amount of Remnant collectively in it’s structure, this amalgamation of Afton’s constructs is a necessary element of Paragraph 4.
Paragraph 4′s direct meaning still isn’t really clear aside from that it has to do with the end of the game where Henry sets fire to Molten Freddy, Circus Baby, Springtrap and Lefty/his daughter, setting them all free. Of course with Molten Freddy being multiple spirits together, he’s the top priority: Even if Henry can’t stop the Aftons or save his daughter, he needs to save the most kids he can.
That said, note the wording: The most amount of Remnant. Not ‘the most spirits’ or ‘Likely to have the most attachments’ or anything clearly stating dead kids: the most Remnant. So although Remnant was only stated in Afton’s SCUPer blueprints, Henry is not only aware of what Remnant is, he clearly knows how it works, and how to remove the haunting ‘effect’: Heat. Fire. 
This implies that Henry may have still worked with Afton even while Afton was doing a side job with Afton Robotics, despite Henry saying he built at least some of the robots. It’s very unlikely Henry would build.. child-grabby machines, so we’re assuming here that they just.. both made robots. At the same time. Oh timelines…
In short, Remnant is some sort of life essence that may or may not always mean ghosts. The way we see the SCUPer work, through Circus Baby’s lines and Ballora’s scene in the Springsuit game (which the springsuit was distracting you!), is that the Funtime Animatronics capture kids in some way, ‘malfunction’, are taken to the SCUPer, and have the remnants of the kid scooped out. 
Why don’t we see some kid’s corpse get mangled up and slurped out when we see Ballora get scooped? Well, maybe she opened up just off screen, orr it’s that it’s a kid’s game. There’s probably a better reason here, I just am not sure what it is. 
Here’s a brightened gif of her being Scooped, which I was too lazy to reupload.
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The eye color might be from my de-blueing it, so I won’t bring that up.However, what we see in the scooping process is odd. It’s not really a scoop, she just looks like she got uppercut in the face, twice for some reason. And that whatever the scooper’s doing, it’s causing a flash of light each impact. Whatever it’s doing seems to take a lot of ‘energy’ from Ballora, since she slumps over after as if she’s tired, but is clearly still possessed… or at least has the energy to be creepy while the Real Ballora is now inside the Scooper’s Excavating Arm. 
It’s important here however to remember Scott’s intended view of this sprite:
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This. This is all you get. By the time the faceplates open up, Ballora’s already staring at you slumped over. However, something also hidden by the faceplates, that perhaps Baby was specifically hiding from you, is something that isn’t present on the sprite. Because when different objects animate on their own, Scott makes them their own little object and spritesheet in game. 
Because anything moving down there, you wouldn’t see them. Something wiggling, moving, because the scooper is extracting them, and they’re just not warm yet. Something that, just like the Insanity ending, we’re not supposed to see. 
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ruinedpizza · 7 years
New FNaF game confirmed?
Hell if I know but come on, we all knew Scott loves to troll. Would he be working on it right freaking now? Probably not. And I don’t blame him, I mean after a while of making horror games, you do want to have a change of pace. And he more than deserved that break he was on.
But he does have the idea right there in case he gets the desire to make the new fnaf game as we saw some secrets from the 3rd year anniversary images. Like the fringe on Baby’s pigtail on the corner of her image. 
Then this little shit.
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Not sure if that means, the fan-base got played or all the loose ends will be answered soon. But given it looks like the plushie is being toyed with like a puppet, probably means we got toyed with the entire time. 
Now let’s take a look at what potentially could be Baby’s new look.
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Baby, sweetie, cutiepie... how’s you? Nice claw by the way.
Now, I bet you’re wondering... ‘Why would she even remotely look like this if she and the other animatronics from Sister Location, escaped as Ennard using Michael Afton’s body? Shouldn’t she be stuck in a sewer somewhere as an eyeball?’ 
If that was your thought, then congrats. You’re right. 
There’s an issue people kinda forgot. This is just theory, but while Baby and others escaped... she had referred often about something “Bad” inside of them. Now, we don’t know if we should take that to heart since Baby knows how to p r e t e n d so freaking well. 
Yet, let’s think of it for a bit. Baby gives Michael a card with all the “good” left in it to save. If the card held all the “good” in Baby... then all the “bad” was left behind in her shell of a body.
And Baby wasn’t the only soul in that body...
Afton’s daughter, Michael’s sister’s soul... still resides in it since, you know the idiot got sucked in there in the first place. This is why we need to listen when parents tell you to keep away from dangerous animatronics no matter how damn shiny or pretty it is, kids. You could wind up as a ghost in one.  
So my theory is... this Freaky Baby, or Freakshow Baby, is merely the shell of Baby’s body and its now controlled by the sister... and BOY she is not happy. Michael was okay with his death (maybe, I doubt it) because he thought he saved his sister, set her free. But... I don’t think she was and he doesn’t realize he failed in doing that. 
But that’s merely assumption. 
Though it could be the other way around. The Sister’s free... as a free roaming eyeball in a sewer and Baby... the killer animatronic is still there at the facility, but pissed to all hell. And some dumbass found the facility after it was closed or the pieces sold off and they put her metallic ass back together and scarier for some freakshow attraction thing.
Awesome job with the claw there guys... its really freaky looking... and dangerous.
RIP Afton or nightguard looking after her.
Hell if SHE was put back together, its likely the shells of the others were also... remodeled like her. Yay for Funtime Freddy and Foxy... and oh god, we could very well see spiderwoman Ballora after all.
IF a Sister Location 2 is to be made. For all we know this commission artwork of Freakshow Baby could be for the book or movie... who knows?
As for Springtrap... he could be in there as well, it looks like his kind of place to be showcased and whatever survived the fire of Fazbear’s Fright was sold... Springtrap survived that fire so hey, he might be there to reunite with sister and team up to scare the shit out of you. 
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I hope we get a fnafworld Update 3, that’ll be cool.
Anyway, enough rambling. What do you guys think it’ll be? From the picture alone?
She's so delighted to be back on stage~ Why not have a closer look? Aww, stagefright? That's okay... she'll help you with her claw Just don't move too much... You could be bitten in half~
Welcome to hell, new guard...
Welcome to the Freakshow
Are you ready?
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Do Me A Favor?
Damien has a favor to ask of Jeremy that is a favor asked of him by Stephanie Daughn. Jeremy has reservations about this favor and the lack of information on what is going on.
Jeremy jumped in his chair at the sound of his door slamming open and then closed, a young man's voice calling out loudly.
"Mr. Fitzgeraaaaald! Can I ask ya a favor?!" Damien ran into the workshop with bright eyes and a wide grin, an air of mischief around him. Jeremy turned in his chair with a faint groan of exasperation, fingers typing a quick command to save his work.
"I told you it was fine to call me Jeremy. Mr. Fitzgerald is what people called Papa and it feels weird when you call me that," he pointed out sternly. Damien stuck his tongue out, blowing a raspberry at him in response. "Very mature." He carefully rubbed fingertips over his eyes to soothe the strain of studying his screen for several hours. "Why are you here? What's this favor?"
"You know Ven's sister? She's friends with the lady that worked at Freddy's sister location and says that she took some data from the place before it all went-" Damien put his hands together at the fingertips, then pulled them apart dramatically, "-fwoooosh~!"
"Okay, I'm pretty sure that's illegal and I don't know if I want to be part of any of that," Jeremy remarked dryly, gesturing to encompass the smaller young man as if to ward off any more of the words. Damien rolled his eyes as he unshouldered his backpack, dropping it onto one of the workbenches and using it to nudge aside several parts to an order that Jeremy had yet to finish. "Hey, easy on Chibi Chica. I need to assemble and ship her out in working order."
"Isn't using the names and designs of the Fazband without the company's approval illegal too?" Damien asked sweetly, batting his eyelashes at him. Jeremy felt an eye twitch.
"Haaa... go on."
"Okay, so you remember the news about that rental place that went bust?" Damien started, opening his backpack and digging around inside.
"Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental? Yeah. Some of the stuff that was hauled out of there looked like the Toys. I thought the guy who owned the place stole designs from Papa and his siblings, the similarities were really close," Jeremy commented thoughtfully before blinking. "Wait, are you telling me that's the sister location?!"
"Yeah! Wild, huh?" Damien returned with laugh, pulling out a hard drive. "Anyway, so the lady that worked there as the technician did a dump of some of the data from their mainframe. Said it was stolen from her family so she was just taking what belonged to them and leaving the rest to burn." Jeremy raised an eyebrow at the drive now being held out to him. "Steph asked her for a copy and then asked me if I could ask you to take a look at it and see if there's anything we can build using the data."
He reached out and carefully took the drive in his hand, looking it over carefully. It looked to be an expensive model, capable of storing a very large quantity of data. Not something Damien could afford, but Stephanie Daughn would be able to with her fashion design-funded account.
"There's an animatronic schematic on here? That's pretty much all we can build, remember?" Jeremy asked as he turned in place to plug the drive into the computer. Damien pulled up a chair beside him and shrugged.
"I guess? The lady didn't say much about what went on down there, but she really wanted one of the animatronics to escape with her, according to Steph." The young man shook his head a little. "It didn't make it out."
Jeremy hummed to himself with a frown, clicking open the drive and searching through the file system for anything that could be blueprints for animatronics. It seemed out of the ordinary, for someone working at a Fazbear establishment to try and rescue an animatronic. Usually the machines were all attempting to kill the guards because of glitches or hacks or possession by angry spirits. Why would anyone want to pull a killer robot out of a place housing them?
Router's taunting words and laugh rang distantly in his memories and Jeremy shook his head hard to dismiss them.
Many of the files he saw right away looked strange. He recognized patterns for the framework of an A.I. but the software looked incomplete and fragmented in some cases. Several times his computer warned him of broken files and asked if he wished to attempt to repair them. The first time he almost clicked 'yes' but Damien pulled his hand away from the mouse.
"Leave it. Steph said everything has to stay exactly as it is on the drive. We're only supposed to get a copy of the blueprint she described," he said firmly.
"Your friend's friend wanted broken data?" Jeremy asked, one eyebrow hiking up.
"It's better that way. We don't want to see this fixed." Damien's eyes flicked black with glowing gold pupils. "Trust me on this."
So there was a spirit attached to the mess that happened there. Jeremy pursed his mouth into a thin line, humming to himself again as he continued digging through the files. If these broken files had something to do with it, then why would anyone want to bring that spirit out? Save it rather than banish it?
"Oh, hey, here's something." Damien pointed at the screen suddenly. "BAL... Ballora, maybe?"
"What the hell is a 'Ballora'?" Jeremy muttered, clicking on the file. His software ran a compatibility check before opening the blueprint. He squinted, frowning again as he looked over the schematics of what appeared to be a ballerina animatronic and then read over the mandatory hardware specifications. "Why the fuck was this built to divide parents from children? This is the exact opposite of the way the Toys were built and programmed." He looked over at Damien's scowling expression, a replica of the one he remembered seeing on his father's face numerous times before.
"I doubt we're getting the full story right away. This is something to investigate. For now, that isn't the animatronic we're after," the young man returned.
Jeremy printed a copy just in case, then closed the file and looked around for similar named blueprints. There were two named 'FF', one denoted with a '-BB'.
"Balloon Boy?" he asked aloud, opening the file. The blueprints of a familiar bear appeared on the screen, with equally as damning specs as Ballora. A rabbit shaped handpuppet gave Jeremy his answer; Bonnie or BonBon. Possibly stolen from the Fitzgerald Toys' designs? He traced out a wireframe model within the blueprint with his fingertip. "This is a storage tank, right? Is that... a person? Is this a springlock suit?" He studied the blueprint more closely, bringing up the model into three-dimensional view. "No, there's the endoskeleton and it's not compressed. This person is tucked into the storage tank. ...Abduction?"
"Definitely not the one Steph wants us to build." Damien huffed, sitting back in his chair with his arms folded over his chest. "What the fuck was going on in that place?"
"These animatronics are massive. Bigger than anything built for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza," Jeremy pointed out with a shake of his head. "No reason for entertainment animatronics to be so damn big. But I suppose hiding kids away inside themselves for transporting is one. How has no one come forward to say 'Hey I rented these things for a party and now a bunch of kids are missing'?" Damien shrugged again and Jeremy closed the file.
He left the other 'FF' file alone and hummed thoughtfully at another pair of files. 'Baby v1' and 'Baby v2'. Were there differences there that were important? Jeremy opened the first file and both he and Damien studied it.
A pig-tailed animatronic clutching a microphone appeared on the screen, its specifications including voice imitation and ice cream lures. Another one of those kidnapping robots; Jeremy frowned heavily. This one was even larger, towering over even Ballora. Something was folded within the body... some sort of claw? Like from a crane game?
"It looks close to what Steph said. A robot with pig-tails and a skirt, she said." Damien tilted his head, "But this one's too big. Stephanie said the one her friend was after was smaller. Like about as tall as her or Mike."
So, version 2 then. Jeremy closed the file and clicked on the other one. A similar blueprint opened, with a smaller and sleeker model of the pig-tailed animatronic. This one had the same voice mimicking ability but lacked the machinery and space for capturing and storing a child. Why had that been removed for this model but not the others?
"Oh yeah! That's the one!" Damien exclaimed, leaning forward to study the schematic. "Do we have the stuff to build this one?"
"Not at that size, no. I'd have to special order the materials to build her to these specs," Jeremy sighed, reading over the rest of the blueprints for the updated Circus Baby animatronic. "And this part here. It says she was built specifically to use the Eggs Benedict A.I. core. What is that? Sounds like something based on Android software...."
Damien squinted, muttering something under his breath. "...of them?" He spoke more clearly. "Steph said that that was what was stolen from her friend's family. The Eggs Benedict A.I.; it's a special software that took decades to compile."
Jeremy raised an eyebrow at that, then the other. "Decades? You're telling me some company stole old software from some family and only recently installed it into an animatronic, and that family barely did anything about it until now? Why not sue for ownership?" he asked incredulously. So maybe spirits weren’t involved? But then why would his father care about making sure the files on the drive stayed fragmented? "How would decades-old software even be compatible with today's technology?! Did they build this thing to be backwards compatible?" He looked again at the blueprint, searching harder for signs of old tech embedded in it. "It's old, so maybe.... when was the software stolen?"
Damien shrugged, glancing away. "I dunno exactly. Like early 80's or something?" he answered out of the side of his mouth, trying to make the words hard to understand. Jeremy twisted in his chair again, eyes wide and mouth open.
"The 1980's?! Are you fucking serious?!" he exclaimed, voice rising into a shriek, "Why would some animatronic rental company give two shits about installing and running software that took nearly 60 years to compile into a functioning artificial intelligence?!" Damien shrugged again, a look of innocence on his face that didn't fool Jeremy one bit. "And we're supposed to build a copy of this thing? Without that A.I., it's just gonna be useless."
"Oh, Steph said we don't have to worry about it. Her friend has a working version of the A.I. already. She just wants us to build the hardware to install it." Damien replied cheerfully, waving away Jeremy's concerns. "So can we do it?"
"Expensive ass favor..." Jeremy grumbled as he printed out the blueprints for a paper copy and left the digital version open for reference and modifying.
"Steph said she'll pay for supplies."
".... Pass me the phone. I gotta call my guy for parts."
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