Jackdaw Quest
So I've been playing the fabulous game of Hogwarts Legacy and so has my friend. I was just telling him how I did the Jackdaw quest and he was super confused because we ended up going two very different paths to get the same end.
What I've seem is most people had to go Azkaban and talk to the alleged killer of Jackdaw. You then complete the quest 'Prisoner of Love' and find the cave...
Now I didn't do that at all, infact I never got that quest.
So what happened in my game is that I was wondering around the grand staircase chasing keys when I ran into Nearly Headless Nick. He wanted me to go to the kitchens and get some rancid meat for him, so he could try bribing his way into the Headless Hunt. I did and I got to speak to some of the house elves, who where so cute and said I could visit them whenever.
Now after getting the meat I got to participate in the Headless Hunt, which boiled down to hide and seek in the pumpkin patch. In the end I talked to Jackdaws head, and he lead me through the forest to the cave.
I find this amazing, I love this game and I hope you guys are as well. It's so well made and they take great care in having as much fun lore from the original story as possible. I love it, either way I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for reading.
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poisonedlovedarling · 2 years
So I just watched the new Movie MOXIE! And Yes! I loved it! (BTWs Spoilers Ahead!)
So I watched MOXIE! And I love it! Not just because it shows female empowerment at its best and worst, but because it shows the consequences of going about a rebellion the wrong way. I say Yeah stand up for what you believe in but don't go pushing people down while doing it.
Moxie puts this on full display! Feminism isn't about pushing up by pulling men down. It's about Making all people equal by pushing everyone up on a level playing field.
In the movie, they do this by showing the truth of going about fighting the toxic way, that fighting can be toxic and claims can be unfounded. Showing that yeah fighting is hard and there will always be new roadblocks, new glass ceilings. There will be people who want to silence you and people who will stand with you without raising their own voice. Yet fighting battles in a way that silences any voice that disagrees with you or may sound different. Is toxic and makes your cause become the problem you were trying to fight against.
I like the movie because though the main character has a love interest, but their relationship is a side story. I went online to find another movie like it. However, it was labeled under romance and I got nothing but romances as suggestions. Not movies that will inspire me to do something, like MOXIE does but instead suggest that romance is all I need. MOXIE! Is not a romance movie, it's a message about the ways to go about change in our world. Our main character eventually gets way too into her female empowerment and takes everything that doesn't follow her views and puts it down.
Just because the two men at the table aren't including her in a conversation she takes it as they don't think she's good enough to include. When all that happened is that they found a common interest and were talking, she just didn't seem to want to participate in anything to do with the dinner. Which is why they hadn't included her out of respect not because they didn't want to.
The double standards throughout the film were apparent and a few were addressed. Such as the fact that a busty girl was pulled out of class for her tank top, while a not-so-busty girl wasn't. While on another hand a guy in the school who kept taking off his shirt and harassing the female students was ignored and never even talked to about his behavior.
When another male was bullying a girl and when she tried to report it she was shut down and told not to use certain langue that would make the principal have to take action against that male student. However when the same male student said that he was being bullied; which in a way he was. The point the movie was trying to give what that he wasn't ignored, and was even allowed to speak up about it in front of the entire school.
Things that would allow the students to fight back were kept from being told how they could go about it properly, though to be fair they didn't try to go looking for those methods and just took it all as blatant insults to their cause.
They also put in the movie that men were also supporting the cause, and the teachers weren't legally allowed to do anything without fear of losing their jobs. One particular male student supported the female's cause from the sidelines. In his way, he was showing support without trying to take it over or make it about him. He honestly was the least toxic character in the movie. Sure perhaps his support was to get the girl he liked to like him back, but he didn't stop her and even tried to voice his option when he thought was going too far. Like when she started defacing the school property.
Yes, what she did was toxic in a way, she could have been heard without making others feel bad. Stickers that she forced on people saying they were A**holes weren't positive and shouldn't be the way to fight. She cause was seen sure but people were hurt along the way. We saw that when her best friend took the fall for the actions of the main character. This movie is great in its own way and deserves to not be just labeled as another love story.
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poisonedlovedarling · 2 years
A theory that Patient #46 is Mrs. Afton.
So I’m really not sure if this has been suggested or if I’m missing details. Yet based off of what I understand in regards to the series, patient #46 is Fnafs Security breach tapes is actually Mrs. Afton?
The first piece of evidence that I have in regards to supporting this idea is kind of obvious. As well as easily dismissed, it's the fact that we don’t hear the patient's voice, so for all we know they could be a she. One that's not a child but perhaps someone an adult who is missing a few memories.
I mean most Dr’s and family members do tend to treat people like children when that person has deep memory loss.
Now Mrs. Afton was assumed to be the soul trapped in Ballora the ballerina. A soul we never saw the happy ending for. A soul and robot that could have potentially been taken to a new place. Hidden away in a room of her own to think, if the soul hadn’t been put into a new robot altogether.
Now we were never told the mom died but based off of clues we are told Vanessa's parents fought for custody of the kids. Calling the mom out and putting her down in court. This suggests that Mrs. Afton lost the court case and custody. Perhaps so much so that her kids died and she with them, going on to possess Ballora.
Then there’s the idea that the robot in the sticky note room has memory loss. Something that is a known side effect of Electroshock therapy. Electroshock like we see used on Ballora in Sister Location. If Mrs. Afton, as Ballora was electrocuted to the point of memory loss she could be just trying to regain more than just her memories but her family.
This memory loss is also another point that works in this theory if Mrs. Afton’s consciousness has been placed into a robot's body. One that’s not completely updated. Then she would need to go through a few fazes with her writing. Relearned not only the English language but aspects of their life. Things like presents and pizza appearing over and over in the sticky notes are prominent in her memories because first her kid died at a birthday party, and she as a mother is often around such things.
Her being in a robot body would explain the being able to hack so easily, using it to get her daughter to get a security guard position. The therapist's thinking it's odd that she can use the computer so well, works because you'd never expect the older generation to hack as easily as someone who grew up with the technology. Especially someone with such memory loss.
Now under this theory that someone was trying to put a family back together and who this someone might be, we can assume that it is someone in the family doing it.
Now the biggest plot hole that is presented in the theory is that patient #46 is Charlie or his sister. Why are they avoiding each other if one is working to bring the family together? Simple answer: they aren’t the ones pulling the strings, it’s someone else. This is why I think it could potentially be the mother.
Mothers are often seen as the glue or the heart of the family. So why wouldn’t Mrs. Afton try to spend her new life trying to rebuild the family she lost in such horrible ways?
Her goal could be to reunite her kids together so they can have the happiness she felt was taken from them. Charlie is scared of his sister because she is hunting him down. Mom brought them together to where her other son William is currently because it was easier to bring them to him than him to them. It also fixes why Charlie was so surprised to find his father underground. It’s because he didn’t know he didn’t bring him there, but the mom did. She even put her husband below the restaurant, because she knew how much he loved being in his dark basement. Beneath their house, like the pictures in the sticky notes are showing. A place outside her home. Home, home, home? Or just a variation on home sweet home? A popular saying for mothers to place around their homes, especially in the time period Mrs. Afton was potentially born in.
Patient #46 not liking flowers could be because she’s salty if not sad in regards to receiving them in the past. At least 2 kids were taken from her before their time, so at least two funerals where she probably received more than her fair share of sympathy flowers. She could maybe even hate flowers because her husband would only give them to her after he did something wrong.
Most studies on sociopaths and their relationships with their families do say that such people would often like to give gifts to their family members after they did something. Afton kills 7 kids and comes home with flowers for his wife. Afton spends weeks in the basement ignoring his family and brings his wife flowers to apologize. She probably knew something was off about all the flowers, eventually growing to hate them knowing they meant something bad had happened. That she’d hear about the next day in the news.
Now patient #46 likes dark places. Which is on par with Ballora, her room in the Sister Location. Ballora’s room was pitch black, but that doesn't mean she can't appreciate a sunny day. A day that her own children would go out and play in.
The sticky notes hold a lot of notes that point to the idea that the person who lives within that room is an adult. Notes that say ‘grown-ups only,’ Ballora has always been referenced as an adult from her design to the lullaby she sings being very motherly. Candy is among the things that are also drawn on the sticky notes which are mentioned as something the patient likes on the tapes.
On the sticky notes, the number three is repeated. Three being the number of kids she had, notes that say ‘you are my family,’ and happy being paired with faces of three people. She wants her kids to be friends again and play all day,
(Speaking of which one sticky note looks like a squiggly drawing but if you look at it closely. It kind of looks like Baby with her pigtails, crude as it might be)
In regards to the tape saying they like candy, what do mothers often carry around? Candy, for their children.
What I also think is that patient #46 is speaking in those tapes, because they aren’t patient #46 but instead are Mrs. Afton pretending to be therapist after therapist. Mrs. Afton could be changing her identity whenever Vanessa got suspicious or changed it when her own memories went. You’d only really have to change a robot's head to change its identity. Heads that line the walls of the sticky note room.
She as the therapist, she killed them off and replaced them. Mrs. Afton as the therapist made up her past to lie and cheat her way into the room by being patient #46 practicing the voice of the therapist. Ballora is known for her mimic voice program. She even mentions using a program that speaks, as a sort of self-therapy.
Then there are moments where she doesn't sound professional. Therapists aren’t typically supposed to take sides in such things and aren’t supposed to have personal connections with family members. Saying she knew Mrs. Afton and how it was unfair that she was cheated out of being in her children's lives. They’re supposed to be impartial parties.
What makes me think that she is just changing her face most and that she is just Mrs. Afton is that Michelle Moss played the voice of Ballora in Sister Location and if you read the credits she apparently voiced various roles in Security breach as well. Yet the only voices unaccounted for on the list are the therapist, which would explain the accents are wonky. The voices are all one voice, Mrs. Afton's voice.
In addition, we never hear patient #46 grab a candy we hear the therapist grab one but not the person who asked for one, why because she’s the only one in the room. The candy she offers is something Vanessa recognizes right away and knows the calorie count to because they were perhaps one her mother often had in her purse. Flowers she’d only leave around when Vanessa was in her office. She’d even mentioned a craft room in her basement. A room where she perhaps was putting together a family table.
This is why I think Mrs. Afton is the one that lives in that sticky note room. A mother who wants to put her family back together. The mother robot is put at the head of the table in the room. Where normally you’d find the father, but if she wants to take charge and bring her family together she’d see herself as the protector or the leader of the table.
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poisonedlovedarling · 3 years
MLP Gen 5 Theory.
My theory on why Gen 5 had no magic at the beginning of the movie.
(PS spoilers ahead, also I haven't really watched or read other theories so if this has already been said, cool.)
So at the end of Gen 4, we are shown that Twilight has gotten comfortable in her role as Princess and much like how Celestia chose her successor, in Twilight. Twilight has a student of her own Luster dawn. Whom she takes to Ponyville. We are shown that all species are living in harmony together in Ponyville around the school of friendship. We are left to assume Luster dawn is to go on her own adventures until she too becomes a Princess perhaps to replace Twilight. Because although she is an alicorn she will not live nearly as long as Celestia and Luna.
Now at the beginning of the gen 5 movie. We are introduced to a world without magic filled with fear and prejudices. By the end, we are left to assume that the loss of friendship between the clans of ponies led to the downfall and lack of magic in their world.
The gen 4 saying friendship is magic being what we can assume was the basis of this. In the final scene, of the Gen 5s movie where all the pony leaders come together allow magic to once again spread through the world.
Now the movie left a lot of questions unanswered; Where did Twilight fail? Do the Alicorns still exist? Why didn't the Windigos come back when the ponies hated each other? Why did they get torn apart in the first place? What are the crystals? And where did they come from?
Now in gen 4 we are told a lot of tales of how ponies used to be, before the mane 6's story. Some tales of which was about the clans not get along.
The unicorns being in charge of bring day and night, the pegasus controlling the weather. In exchange, the earth ponies grew food for everyone. Which the Earth ponies found unfair. Each group distrusted the other, Earth ponies hated that they could not use magic or fly. This hatred between the clans festered into the dark magic that summoned a dark winter. Which none of them could fight against. Windigos were the source of the summoned dark magic and only fueled the discourse, making the snow worse. It wasn't until the ponies got along that they created a 'fire of friendship' that drove away the cold and Windigos.
However, during this same time, it would take many unicorns to raise the sun and the moon. That was until two unicorns, who eventually became alicorns. Were born with the skill to raise them alone, no help needed.
(Two alicorns who are also presumed dead by gen 5.)
Which makes you wonder if Luna and Celestia are no longer raising and setting the sun and moon. And the unicorns had no magic, who's moving the sun and moon?
This could be answered from another episode. Where when Twilight became a princess she was given basically a button to raise the sun and moon with. So sure they could be using Twilights gadget but even that still requires magic. (I think...)
My theory for are there still alicorns is NO, not until Sunny. (who if you read my last theory might not stay an alicorn)
Now, why do I think that?
First, because the only royalty we see are pegasus, not alicorns and second without magi you can't really transform into one. Last, you could be born as one but it's unlikely, the only natural-born alicorn on record was Flurry Heart. Who more than likely was born as one because she was born of 'true love.'
I think that when Luna and Celestia died their magic was release allowing the sun and moon to rise on their own. (Maybe them basically becoming ethereal forms, they are at least a thousand years old.)
Or their magic was contained in an object that someone in a long line of protectors is using to raise the sun and moon without the need of magic.
Now, where did Twilight fail? Why is the friendship between clans, not a thing?
I think it's because of the big bad three. Aka...Cozy Glow, Queen Chrysalis, and Tirek. I think it was them because they have done it before. Tirek is known for taking magic, Queen is known for causing discourse between ponies by pretending to be them, and Cozy has basically caused an all-out war between clans before as well.
These three are known for causing discord.
The big bad three, either break out of their stone coffins and spread discourse among the ponies. Making magic vanish with friendship. Only to be stopped by Discord and taken to the other world and with no magic left in the pony world, they can't return and are trapped for the rest of their days in the human pony world.
Or one someone tried to do what Twilight and her friends did to Discord. They set the big bad three free on purpose trying to turn them good with friendship. The big bad pretend to go along with it only to betray the ponies causing all magic to fade away along with friendship. With no magic, they grow old and bitter dying in their search for more power.
Discord sad at Fluttershy's eventual passing goes into his void world and never returns afraid of losing everyone he loves.
Now it wouldn't be hard to turn ponies against each other, ponies like King Sombra used mind control. Who says that it wasn't suggested that all unicorns could do it. It's not far-fetched that more powerful ponies came along like Starlight who could do great big scary things.
Earth ponies are often seen as jealous of those around them. Not being able to use any kind of magic. It could also be suggested that the resentment between clans came about because the next Alicorn princess was almost always some kind of unicorn.
Sure Unicorns could get wings but could a pegasus get a horn or earth pony get either? Sunny is in fact the first pony we see get wings, one who wasn't a unicorn first. Resentment could have already been there and the big three played off that.
Now for the Windigos, they didn't return with this discourse because the only three left in existence were taken to another world and trapped there as seen in the pony movies. They can't cause more winter because there are no more of them.
Now last question where did the Crystals come from?
Here are my thoughts... Remember the flame of friendship, the elements of harmony, and the items that might have been left to Twilight to raise the sun and moon? (Those things I mentioned back there...)
I think...With no magic to transform with...Eventually, none could replace the princess, no magic meant no more alicorns.
My thoughts are that the Crystals are either the last reminisce of the tree of harmony, the flame of Friendship, or Luna and Celestia's magic. If not all three.
When friendship failed the tree finally died, no magic meant that the forest couldn't try to take over again.
Because you can't completely take away love and laughter, or friendship. The tree is left as just these three crystals. The flame of friendship left as only a glimmer in the gems. Making them never far from those who are the embodiment of the elements.
The magic they represent allows the crystals, for a while to hold the only magic in the world. Earth ponies are not able to use magic were left to think it was nothing putting it away as just a pretty bobble. Going on surviving like they always did without magic.
Unicorns probably were able to use small amounts of what magic was left, perhaps only when they said the forbidden words as activation. Magic probably being unstable made them fear it, made even them paranoid. Eventually, when magic was all gone they lost hope and weren't productive in trying to move on.
Maybe proximity to the Pegasus crystal allowed some fly. This is why the Royals held it, they kept the last of their magic close. Until there was none left and they were left to fake it.
It wasn't until the seed of friendship was planted at the end of gen 5's movie and the magic reignited. The flame of friendship shiny brightest in the mane character who held hope and friendship closest in her heart.
But those are just my theories/ thoughts.
Well sorry for the long post. Tell me what you think in the comments. And what are your theories on the gems?
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poisonedlovedarling · 3 years
My MLP Gen 5 movie review and hope for the future.
If you haven't seen the MLP Gen 5 movie please do so, and not just because there are spoilers ahead.
First off I can't tell you how much I love this movie. It's well made and written, the music is catchy, and the story speaks to the viewers without being preachy. Each character is relatable and loveable.
The movie was adorable, well animated and the voice actors amazing. Above all the animation was so amazing it alone carried the story where it sometimes faltered. The story was a bit generic and the plot twists weren't exactly hard to see coming. Yet it was thoughtful and each expression of each pony was carefully thought out. From the main 5 characters each having their very own mannerisms to unforgettable facial expressions.
I think they successfully brought MLP back by not only adding a male character who isn't toxic, i.e. Hitch. But by adding a girl character that isn't super feminine but also doesn't shy away from cute stuff, i.e. Zipp. A character whose love for flying is so pure it shines as bright as a rainbow.
This brings me to the characters and what I hope to see happen to each of them. As well as what Element of harmony I think each represents.
Starting with my fav and now spirit animal, Zipp!
Anyone who knows me knows I adore Rarity. She was always my fav, but I really identify with Zipp. This is amazing because my preconceptions going into this movie were that Zipp was going to be a Rainbow Dash copy, and she isn't!
We were comparing her to Rainbow dash, not only the cool style she has and her love of flying but honestly. Between Rainbow and Zipp, I like Zipp better because she's not like Rainbow. My favorite moments with Rainbow in OG series were when she wasn't all about flying, but instead, the episodes about her love of a book series were my favorite things about her.
Sure Rainbow loved flying, obnoxiously so at times which was her character. A confidant sometimes snarky character, and we love her for it. But Zipp, Zipp didn't grow up flying. Her love for it is almost pure compared to Rainbow's love.
Zipp had to learn other ways to glide, or imitate flying. Zipps pure joy at suddenly being able to fly is adorable. However with her character. I could see her spending days never touching the ground just because she'd be afraid she'd never get up again.
Zipp has insecurities that Rainbow doesn't have, and it's mostly because of how she was raised in the castle. Hiding the fact that she can't fly that she had to use wire. Her mother loved her but Zipp always comes second best to her sister. Rainbow didn't have that Rainbow was raised flying and told how good she was, that helped make her the confidant person she was.
In fact Zipps mother showed her love to her sister more than for Zipp. Who honestly seems fine with that because her joy in life is flying. Though it be nice to see in the future a mother daughter bonding about how she wants to be treated a bit better by her mother. To be listened to and not shut down. Like she had been in the movie.
Zipp knows everything about flying as shown on her calk board in the movie. Rainbow never really had that spark of passion. Zipp is more insecure in herself, so basically Zipp isn't Rainbow and I love her.
Now as for where her story may lead. The Wonderbolts! We know them we love them and Rainbow was one of them.
Zipp only knows about Wonderbolts from a photo and probably some of the history she's been told. In fact, I could see her wanting to be one just not in the same way Rainbow did. Rainbow wanted to be one to prove she was the best. Zipp doesn't have that kind of view.
Mostly because they don't exist anymore. They more than likely were disbanded or rebranded when no one could fly. I could see Zipp having a mission to start the team up herself, not because of the status or the idea that Wonderbolts are the best of the best. She'd more than likely start it make friends all in an effort to share the love of flying with everyone. I doubt all ponies who can fly will try to fly. Whether out of fear or lack of confidence in themselves. I can see Zipp using the Wonderbolts as a jumping-off point to help show what wonders the sky holds for ponies. To share her spark with them.
I hope they don't shoehorn her into just a pony that is a girl but doesn't like frills. I feel like Zipp isn't the holder of the element of Loyalty like Rainbow, but instead, she's honesty. She hated lying to people sure she'd never abandoned her new friends but she knows the value of honesty and the distrust lying can bring to a kingdom when the truth is revealed.
Now for our second Pony, we have the pony I think could be any of the elements of harmony but more than likely is the element of Loyalty. The ever-adorable Izzy who at first we thought would just be a mash of Rarity meets Pinky, to make up for the fact that there are only 5 mane characters. Her cutie mark being something crafty and her personality being very bubbly.
Honestly, she is adorable and you can't help but love her. If Zipp wasn't so amazing Izzy would be my fav. Although Izzy may have looked like she was going to be a fashionista or party pony. She was far from what we expected and we love her for being her own pony.
Her recycling is an amazing idea, being a crafty pony and making fun things. Is such a great idea and sets her far apart from the fashion ponies and party ponies. She is a loveable goof who is helpful without being pushy. Her pure joy in making things for friends is what we love about her.
In comparison, Rarity loved the praise her fashions got, a perfect dress for every pony, and to make them all shine was her goal. Pinky wanted to put smiles on people's faces with parties and jokes, she wanted to bring joy to every pony.
Izzy just wants to make friends and share her stuff with said friends. I could see her setting up a shop, she could sell her friendship stuff like the bracelets. But I think her joy in life will come more from sharing special moments with a small group that with love her for her. In all her shiny sparkle ways. I see her more like a pony who will start a business that will allow ponies to make their own memories rather than sell pieces already made.
Izzy is a ball of sparkles that I hope doesn't become a character that's just there for the giggles. I can see her being the element of Loyalty because once you're her friend you'll mean more to her than anything in the world.
Now we all love a good strong non-toxic character, big mac is a good example of this. Hitch is another. He's strong confident and yet kind in his own way. He is the ideal male character. Someone who will be the voice of reason without making others feel bad. He is compared to Fluttershy in most ways because of the animals and I do agree that he more than likely will be the holder of the element of kindness. Yet he isn't Fluttershy.
I think the fact that he loves every living thing and wants them to live happily and as equals, why he'll be the elements holder.
Hitch unlike Fluttershy isn't an animal caretaker, but a protector. He has a stronger voice than Fluttershy, he won't back down from a challenge if it means protecting anyone or any creature that is under his care. He is a welcome addition to the pony cast. Giving the little boys who love ponies a pony that isn't a girl, but also isn't just a background character.
Sure the stereotype of the Sherriff being a male pony is a little, overdone. Yet Hitch is a kind person who only wants to help and protect and he does things even if he knows may not look cool because it make a friend happy. Like the scene where he does the secret hand shake with Sunny. You just can't help but love Hitch and hope he isn't to be the only male in this group for the entire show. Perhaps getting a male friend probably a unicorn or another creature like a dragon to balance the main cast.
I hope in the future we get to see just how he protects not just his friends but every pony without being aggressive but by being kind. Showing people like Sprout that there is away to help without overdoing it or forcing it.
Then there is Princess Pipp who I think is the holder to element of generosity. She is a girly girl but also speaks to the Gen that she is aimed for. Always on social media and on her phone. She's a soft jab at how the real world is in a way. Sure she could be compared to Rarity, but her love for music and phone sets her apart. I can see her story being about who to make the world better. Showing how the effect of love and humor can altered those around her.
We know Zipp is next in line for the throne, so what does the future hold for Pipp. Perhaps a career in music or something about how no matter how famous and rich she becomes it doesn't help with her sense of completion. How her close friends are where she'll find true happiness while helping others find that same sense of belonging. Will she help those around her by giving them what they not just want but what they need. Weather they know what that was or not. That's what I hope to see in her story.
The good and the bad, the outcome of just handing people something like fame or a big break. Learning the lesson that you can fail at what you don't want and might as well take a chance at what you love. I can't wait to see what they do for our new princess.
Sunny...what to say about Sunny? First she's not Twilight, in any way shape of form. Sure she got an alicorn body at the end of the movie, but that doesn't make her a princess. She is a good example of the fact that this isn't gen 4.
On the subject of her new horn and wings. I doubt she'll keep that form. I wouldn't mind if she did because it's cute but it also doesn't seem fully deserved. Sure she brought magic back, but she played no more a bigger part than Izzy. If anything Izzy played a bigger part. Izzy ventured out while Sunny only took the time to change her corner of the world. Sure I love Sunny her story is amazing but I feel like she needs more fleshing out. Like the world she leaves us with so many unanswered questions.
Sure I love that she was an activist and protester, she went about trying to spread love without really being pushy. Which is nice she was amazing and you can't help but love her. Yet she seems too naïve, her gaining the abilities of someone equal to Twilight seems a bit much. In fact the only element of harmony I wouldn't give Sunny is, magic.
She's funny but the element of Laughter isn't her goal. She wants everyone to be happy but laughter isn't what she's after...lol...She's kind but Hitch is more suited for that element, just like Loyalty is Izzy.
Sure Sunny would never leave a friend behind, and Loyalty is rather close to being the element for her but she also understands after years of bullying that not everyone is her friend.
As for generosity, she isn't exactly someone to just hand things to people without thinking. She'd happily give someone a cupcake but I doubt no matter what would happen she'd never hand over her note book or father necklace to just anyone because it make them happy. As for honesty she lied to Hitch her friend without remorse, enough said about that.
Now that leaves only magic, sure her pure hope for friendship and to find a place among her kind is likely to be equal to magic. I don't think the element suits her. I think if anything Sunny is the seventh element the lost element of harmony.
The element of Acceptance.
(Also seen in MLP Equestira girls being Sunset shimmer.)
I think in the future I want to see Sunny spend her time uniting the world, making friends and helping everyone learn the new world that she has set in motion. How she will show the world that their is a value in friendship. I also hope she seeks out the truth about the past and answer the many questions movie gave us.
(Sorry for the long pose... But why don't you tell me what you think in the comments. What would you like to see in the upcoming show and what element you think each character might be.)
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poisonedlovedarling · 3 years
MLP Gen 5 Theory on how Netflix (Hasbro)will ruin Gen 5, if they don't stick with the 3D animation or something equivalent.
Are all pony's ready?
Before we get into the theory. First, if you haven't seen the new Gen 5 movie yet, please do because it's worth a watch.
I also recommend seeing the movie because honestly, it's a treat. Like everyone else I was skeptical about what they'd come up with after ending such a long-running amazing show. The little shorts such as; pony life, and MLP stop motion. Were a far cry from what we wanted and honestly were far from entraining. At least the Equestria Girls in my opinion was a well-thought-out and rather well-animated show/Movie series.
This brings me back to the new Movie MLP New Gen.
Although the story was often predictable and the plot twists were more than obvious. Whatever shortfalls the story had, which were very few. The animation helped with any shortfalls the story might have had. The 3d animation was amazing. However with the new season coming soon. We can only hope the animation stays the same, sure any story can survive a bad animation. However, some of us can't see past what might becoming...i.e. this catastrophe of 2d animation.
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This photo is from the Hasbro official site. In their coloring book, I can only hope that this is just a bad mistake in judgment and not a glimpse into what the ponies may end up looking like. Hasbro if you read this WTF is up with their necks and why are their heads so big in comparison to their bodies. Honestly, I know we'd all be happy to wait longer if it meant that we wouldn't have to endure this type of 2d animation.
Because my theory is that if the animation looks as bad as this coloring book shows it might. This show is going to bomb worse than the Cats movie. As long as the animation is something like the movie or even like gen 4's first season the fans would be happy.
If it isn't that be...Honestly, it would be sad because the movie was very well done, but also left a lot of questions that we hoped to see answered in the upcoming show.
So that was my two cents...I'll have my review of the movie and what I hope to see happen in the upcoming story up soon so keep an eye out. Goodbye for now my lovely ponies.
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poisonedlovedarling · 3 years
Loki Theory!
Spoiler warning for Episode 1 & 2 of the Loki show! You warned my lovely darlings.
(PS this was just written to get it out of my head if you disagree with any part or have seen a similar theory. This is just my version of the theory.)
Theory Lady Loki is in fact the Enchantress, and the TVA is lying to Loki because they know he'd choose to fight with her like he always does.
Fact one, we learned in the show Scarlet witch that magic color is important. Agatha uses Purple, Scarlet uses Red. Loki uses Gold, as where Lady Loki uses Green.
Loki in all his Movies despite always being depicted with the color green for clothing and merch. Has almost always used gold magic not green! However the Enchantress from the comics uses green magic, like Lady Loki is depicted using.
On top of that the Enchantress is known for sharing all kinds of magic with Loki. Which could have possibly been confused for a Loki variant and not the Enchantress. The Enchantress uses Loki type magic from mind messing to body switching, however unlike like Loki the Enchantress also uses seduction and Time magic.
Which would make her a prime target for the TVA.
Her time magic if amplified somehow and her not just using the TVA portals or a stolen time stone, would explain how she keeps jumping through time escaping them.
Two! Loki in all his looks has always kept the black hair color. Whether having short hair, long hair, or odd dreadlocks. Loki's hair has always been black when he's male or female.
This is probably because he unknowingly is trying to look like Odin's daughter, but that's a different theory.
The Enchantress on the other hand has always been depicted with Blonde wavy hair.
Yes I know you could argue that it's a style choice by the makers of the movie but come on. Marvel would love to capitalize on the Female Loki doll. However little kids wont want a lady Loki if she doesn't look like Loki, Loki. The broken horn crown in a nice nod to the comic version of Lady Loki but even she has short black hair.
Third, the TVA has a short window to reset a timeline. If lady Loki was a thing then it more than likely would have happened at birth. Which means they'd have been up against a baby not a full grown woman. Which means either they didn't erase the baby but raised her instead, the ladder of which is very unlikely.
Besides even if Loki took a female form at one point for a joke, he wouldn't have kept it. Far easier to hide if you look different than what they have on file. If they caught a female and if she did escape, reverting back to male even an entirely different look would help her hide. Loki's to smart to not know that wearing the Loki look isn't the best way to hide. Which makes you wonder why she's wearing the Loki outfit, it's a dead giveaway of who she is (or more likely isn't).
(Which you could argue that the TVA didn't seem to know that the Variant Loki was a she which would be weird. Also another lie to keep Loki or the audience from knowing the truth until the last minute.)
Which I think means this isn't a Loki but the Enchantress. Her outfit makes sense if when she was pulled from the timeline during a joke where she was messing with people pretending to be Lady Loki. Totally something she would do. Especially if it was to mess with Thor her rival. Besides she and Loki totally had a thing, so her wearing an outfit like his as she runs around making chaos is something she would do. Put the blame on Loki and make them not realize who they're truly chasing.
Loki even said in the fight that he wouldn't treat himself like this. (AKA kick his own butt really hard.) The Enchantress would totally beat up Loki for fun, and would explain why she doesn't want him to call her Loki. She's not a Lady Loki but the Enchantress out for revenge on Thor or something similar. Like She-Hulk who the Enchantress is also known from fighting. (and loosing horribly to).
This reveal of her not being Lady Loki but instead the Enchantress would set up many things. Mostly the Multiverse, but also a female villain for She-Hulk to fight. She probably at one point will pair with Thor, (stabbing him at least once) to bring back Asgard. If she's not just after a way to bring back her lover Heimdall.
Either way that's my half theory, the TVA is lying to Loki and Lady Loki isn't Loki at all but a new female Villain the Enchantress here to help give us a multiverse. The Enchantress known for seducing men and bring back Asgard.
Thank you for listening to my rambling.
(Next Theory, how all universes will end thanks to the TVA having infinity stones. Thus resetting the universe to be a full on Multiverse.)
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poisonedlovedarling · 3 years
Milo Murphy’s Law Theory
Okay I’m sure somewhere out there someone has had a theory like this. However! I just wanted to put it down in my own words, mostly to get it out of my head. 
In a short, my theory is that Balthazar Cavendish and his lovely partner Vinnie Dakota, (If not the entire time traveling agency) are the reason Milos family are cursed with Murphy's law.
Evidence! I hear you cry into the void, yes. Well the best I can offer you is theoretical science. (I hear you complaining in the background well you don’t have to listen...lol.)
Theoretical Science time! 
According to the laws of time travel, you might know this one. You go back in time and step on a butterfly and next thing you know all of humanity has never been born. Now the problem with this is that there are many theories saying that if you change time you can erase yourself from existence. However if you did that you then couldn’t have gone back in time and changed things in the first place. Causing a Paradox. Or less commonly known as Circular causation, you can’t change the past if you don’t exist 
Now on the other hand, there is a theory that you can change history causing yourself to never having been born but still existing to be the one to go back in time and change that point in history. Basically if you change a point in time you’re not changing your version of time but instead creating an alternate time line that runs parallel to your own. The future you return to you may not have been born but can still exist because you are from a timeline where you were born and are just riding the waves through a new timeline. Basically visiting an alternate earth where the history was change and you never existed. 
There's a ton more like this, such as self fulfilling prophecy, you couldn’t change time because what happened. Happened and you were suppose to do what you did anyways. 
Basically Time travel’s a messy.
However by changing history, you can cause unknown havoc. Example (though not proven by science) you drop a rock in the ocean in California. The ripples that the rock causes become bigger and more dangerous eventually reaching Japan not as ripples but as tidal waves. Causing havoc.
(For examples look at Futurama, Rick and Morty, or The Flash.)
Now if you are still reading theirs another time travel theory this one actually relating to my idea. This time theory states that if you do change history the time line will try to fix itself to change around it. Something small like stepping on a butterfly that was suppose to pollenate some flowers. It will make another bug or even wind do it instead, no big deal. Yet, if you do something big like prevent the death of a President. The timeline will have them die another time, car ride home heart attack. It will change history but not by much and is a lot harder for the timeline to fix. Sometimes that little rock becomes a tidal wave that hits but doesn’t kill who wasn’t already meant to die.
A lot of time this will effect those closest or those related to the target. Which Theory Time! Loops me back to Cavendish and Dakota. The time travelers who don’t follow the rules of time travel. My theory is the Milos families curse is because the timeline is trying to fix itself.
In the episode ‘The Island of Lost Dakotas’ (Spoilers ahead) we learn that one of our favorite characters Cavendish has ‘died’ many times over. Each time Dakota has gone back in time and changed the outcome. Saving his friend and then his past self goes on a trip to a lost island where versions of himself are making shoes and watching film of his travels with his friend. 
Now one or twice the timeline would just change how Cavendish dies, but Dakota keeps changing it. Which means that the timeline can’t fix itself the easy way. Instead the pebble Dakota keeps dropping is rippling back in time. 
If we follow this theory this means that either Cavendish or Dakota are related to the Murphy's. Great great ex. grandchild of Milo Murphy. Now based off the show it sounds as if the curse only effects the males of said family and follows the name not the people of the family. Which means that one of Milos kids finally change their last name perhaps in an effort to end the curse only to give birth to the curser or just another Murphy with a different last name. 
Well other than them not sharing the Murphy name, one of them could still be a Murphy.
Dakota is a popular choice, the bad things happen around him and though he doesn’t look much like Murphy’s family being a great something descendant he could still be. Especially with Milos love interest looking more like Dakota, and we can expect Milo and Amanda end up together in the end. Also we can see that in Milos experience the Murphy law effects the people around him equally if not more than it does the Murphy's themselves. So if Dakota is a descendant his curse would effect Cavendish as much if not more than it effect himself.
Now the best bet under this thought is that it’s Cavendish whos related to Milo. Between the two Cavendish looks more like Milo having the family hair trait. As well as the same body type as Milos father and Great ex. grandfather the original Murphy. Body types of all the characters at first look fairly similar but things from their noses to face shapes and body types tend to stay accurate within families. This means that through his family ties all the bad things that ‘kill’ him ripple back and instead effect his family. 
Cavendish’s deaths over and over again would effect the timeline. It would try fixing itself, effecting every last member of Cavendishs family. The epicenter being Milos ancestor the original Murphy in his own time travel version of the Bermuda triangle. Creating the Murphy law that the timeline needed to exist anyways. Now since the time line can’t kill any of the past Murphy's it also explains why the Murphy’s are so good at escaping deadly situations. The timeline can’t kill them but it sure can mess with them. 
Now if neither of them are related to Murphy then it just means that there relationship with Milos family, Dr.D. (Spoiler- Professor Time), and the time agency. All the things they change through out time made a time Bermuda triangle where the OG Murphy lived. These negative probability particles in that triangle could potentially be causing his family to be effected by it until those particles eventually run out if they run out. 
Now this theory is lengthy and all over the place. So here’s the long and the short of it. 
Cavendish or Dakota or even the time agency itself. Are the reason Milo and his family are cursed with Murphy’s law. By changing time they cause havoc which is centered around the Murphy family, because of their personal if not family  related relationships with Time agency. 
You don’t have to believe me honestly I just needed to write this down to get it out of my head. I’ve got many more theories about other tv shows, that might or might not be coming your way.
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poisonedlovedarling · 6 years
Story Idea Quote
"On a scale of one to son of Aphrodite, how hot is he?" She asked, I looked discreetly over the book self and whispered. "Sweetie, Aphrodite is jealous." There was a pause before she said, "I'll be there in ten."
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poisonedlovedarling · 6 years
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Winter or spring?
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poisonedlovedarling · 6 years
Random Story Thought
What if ghosts are actually time travelers who are stuck in the time space continuum or vortex, which ever you prefer. They can’t quite appear but they can waver in and out of existence. They can be seen by those most sensitive to the disruptions in time. Things move or get knocked over because the time travelers are trying to ground them self's back into the normal time plane. They flout through walls because they could be seeing the house or place, as what it is set up in a different time period. Whether it’s in the future or past. They could look like a dead ancestor because they’re your future great-great grand child, or something and just are spitting images of your family member. Just think about it, ghosts are actually lost time travelers.
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