#BUT i do like ghost felix haunting shit. even if it's not actually him but like a narrative/traumatic thing
harbingersecho · 18 days
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wooahaes · 2 years
cover, uncover
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pairing: vocalracha & gn!reader
prompt: ghost [private fall prompt list]
word count: 3.2k~
warnings: big death tw both because reader is a ghost in this + depictions of their death are seen/primarily heard through video footage. arguments between two people, jealousy. supernatural occurrences.
daisy’s notes: admittedly the pacing is rushed in this since it’s meant to be part of the october fall-themed drabbles! if this were a proper fic, it’d definitely be a lot longer haha (i was hoping to hit more on like... an indie horror game feel).
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All because of one lost bet, Jeongin was stuck going into the abandoned schoolhouse that everyone was pretty damn sure was haunted.
The others had been standing outside after hopping the fence with him, the doors having been broken into years ago and never fixed. With the news that the place would be demolished, no one ever came back to fix the doors. Yet Jeongin, just as everyone else in the area, knew the legends. That machinery would break down whenever demolition was supposed to be started, that there had been “accidents” (non-fatal every time, but accidents nonetheless) caused seemingly by nothing. The land was left alone, the damage costing more than it’d be worth to pursue work, and the school stayed standing.
Better him than someone like Felix, who was already clinging to Minho outside. He had tried to call off the bet, to say that Jeongin didn’t have to go inside. But Jisung had stuck to it, saying that the place wasn’t really haunted. All Jeongin had to do was take a series of pictures of himself with a few stupid things--the skeleton in one of the science rooms, an abandoned easel in the art studio. They’d even joked about finding a way up to the roof, which was securely locked for safety reasons. Stupid shit that was left standing and coated in a thick layer of dust, no doubt. All he had was the flashlight on his phone and a spare charger in his pocket, on the off chance that he’d need it.
It was stupid, and he was admittedly more unnerved than anything being in a building that was completely silent, but Jeongin didn’t believe in ghosts. The psychology classes he’d taken had taught him that the human mind was a powerful thing.
Yet he couldn’t help the scream he let out when someone grabbed at the back of his shirt, whipping around to face Seungmin--who had let go and thrown his hands up to show he wasn’t there to do any harm.
“You don’t have to do this,” he said. “This is stupid and Chan’s pretty sure it’s not actually safe.”
Jeongin, who had seen plenty of broken windows on his way inside, was inclined to agree. “They’re going to call me a coward--”
“They’re going to call you stupid if you get hurt in here,” Seungmin grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him back toward the entrance. “Come on.”
Jeongin sighed in relief. As much as he didn’t want to be called a coward for backing out, there were five pictures he’d need to get and he didn’t even know the full layout of the school--Hyunjin’s map (stolen from somewhere online, Jeongin was sure) was only so helpful. Seungmin started going off about how they shouldn’t have even let him go inside, that they could see broken windows--what if he didn’t notice the broken glass and got injured? And then they’d have to admit to trespassing, and--
Seungmin jostled the double doors leading into the school. “What?”
“They aren’t supposed to lock,” Jeongin reached past him, grabbing the handles and giving a firm tug.
Seungmin opted for banging his fist on the door. “This isn’t funny! Han Jisung!”
The slightest movement caught Jeongin’s eye, papers fluttering. Maybe once they were school announcements, but he drew closer, flashlight held up so he could read: find me. 0/6.
“This is stupid,” Seungmin frowned. “This place isn’t really haunted. What kind of stupid prank--” He jostled the doors again, banging a fist on them once more. “The number isn’t even right.”
Jeongin took slow steps away, staring ahead. If he focused just enough, he could vaguely see a figure standing in the moonlight. He reached back behind him, pawing through the air to get Seungmin’s attention. “There’s someone there--”
In the distance, you watched him for a moment before turning, fading into the moonlight as you walked away. Jeongin called out before he took off running, following after you. He could hear Seungmin yell at him to stop, to come back and try to flag down one of the others with him, but soon could hear his footsteps echoing down the hall as he followed after him. You disappeared through a closed door after looking back, catching Jeongin’s eyes for just a moment.
Jeongin didn’t think: he just pulled open the door, stepping into a classroom. Every desk was coated in a thick layer of dust, except for a few along the sides where he could see someone’s fingers having traced through them. He walked alongside it, pulling up Hyunjin’s map to realize this was one of the rooms. On the teacher’s desk was an assortment of papers, no one knew where from. He went to open his camera, flashlight going off and leaving him to stand there in the moonlight alone as Seungmin walked in. He turned the camera so that he could take a selfie standing in front of the desk.
And then he saw you standing there, rolling your eyes, and he yelped. His phone fell to the ground, Jeongin rushing to scoop it up.
... Had he meant to take a video? The recording button went off after a moment. He could have swore...
“Play it back,” Seungmin crouched next to him on the ground. He watched Jeongin stare at his phone for a second longer before he rolled his eyes, snatching it from his hands and pressing play.
The man in the video was most definitely not Jeongin, even though he had been the one to take the picture--or video, Seungmin couldn’t be sure if it was intentional or ghost-flavored bullshit fucking with the phone. The pair stared at the face of a man with messy hair and tired eyes, who--just as he did--yelped and dropped his phone. Your voice came out clearly from his phone, laughter light and airy. “It’s still just me. Do you really think this place is haunted, Donghyun?”
Donghyun looked nervous as he fumbled with his phone camera. “Ah--You’re so mean... I just got startled. Did you find it?”
“Yeah,” they could hear your footsteps. “Right on top. Just like the legends say. Do you think the ghost was waiting for us? Or--”
“Stop teasing me,” Donghyun groaned. “You aren’t funny--Shit, I’m recording--”
The video cut off there. Seungmin dropped the phone back into Jeongin’s lap as he stood up. “They’re guiding us,” he said. He could see dust being disturbed on a desk.
Smartie, with a heart drawn in right next to it.
He rolled his eyes. He’d heard stories of ghosts before, but usually they were more... malevolent from being wronged. Either you were biding your time before you started throwing shit around, or you weren’t wronged. Nonetheless, you stood at the classroom door, barely visible in the moonlight as you nodded for them to go before walking right out.
“Really? We can’t teleport around like you,” he called back after you. “At least wait for us--”
“You’re really going to follow them?” Jeongin said, rising to his feet. He looked down at his phone, at the video that just... appeared there. “I don’t know if we can help them. What if they’re involved in a crime? We can’t go to the police--”
Seungmin frowned at him, already pulling out his own phone and turning on the flashlight. “They’re not going to let us leave. If you want to go wait by the doors, then give me your charger in case I need it.”
Jeongin’s hand hovered over his pocket for a moment, yet... He shook his head, heading toward the doors. He saw the lost look in your eyes, so distant and hurt. He saw the life in your eyes in that video, heard the way you laughed. Whatever killed you must have hurt more than he’d like to know, but... He wanted to figure it out. If there was a way to help you move on, he would do it.
You stood at the end of the hallway, nothing but a vague outline of a person, but still waiting for him and Seungmin. He watched you clasp your hands together, turning on your heel and disappearing around the corner. Jeongin followed after you, steeling his nerves. You were the scariest thing in the building, truthfully (it probably came with the territory of being a ghost), and yet you hadn’t done him any harm yet. 
You had disappeared at the end of a hallway by a broken window, nodding toward it. You know what to do, your actions said.
So Jeongin pulled out his phone, Seungmin right behind him, and pressed record. This time he was greeted with the sight of Donghyun standing there, staring out the broken window. He furrowed his brows together, leaning forward.
“Just thought I saw something.” Donghyun looked back at you. “Why are you recording now? There’s nothing here but me.”
“Exactly!” You giggled. “Which is why I wanted to record you. For the memories, Donghyun... Anyway... We’re supposed to hear back from the company tomorrow, right?”
Jeongin could see the disappointment on Donghyun’s face. “Right...”
“So? Lighten up! They’re going to accept both of us. Even if they don’t,” you extended a hand to Donghyun, pinkie out, “It doesn’t change anything between us. I believe in you, alright?”
Donghyun linked his pinkie with your own, a shy smile on his face. “Fine,” he said. “You’re so childish sometimes...”
“That’s why you love me!” You had laughed again, only to fumble with the camera. The recording cut off shortly after, the sound of you swearing being the last thing Jeongin heard.
Seungmin frowned from behind him, watching where you had once been standing just minutes ago. “It’s obvious, right?”
Jeongin nodded. “But it’s not enough, is it?” Jeongin looked ahead. “There’s more they want us to see.”
Following you was easy. Your ghost lingered around, always waiting to be within their line of sight before you moved on. Yet that next time, they followed you a while--up a set of stairs, deeper into the building. Seungmin reached out, grabbing Jeongin by the wrist to stare out the windows. The other six were just... standing in front of the building. Like they hadn’t heard them pounding on the doors, but it was clear enough that they were discussing something.
“We should hurry,” Seungmin said. “Chan’s probably trying to figure out if they should find a way in or not.”
Jeongin nodded, watching Seungmin make his way forward--to the end of the hall, where you had disappeared into a classroom. “Wait.”
Seungmin stopped, turning back. Behind him, Jeongin could see you peeking back out at the two of them.
“Why was the school shut down?”
He could see it on your face that you knew. The painful way your face contorted, wincing at the question. Jeongin had heard the legends--dramatic things of scorned lovers, or bullying that grew too severe--but... What made it close? It had to be something bigger, right? The building was still standing, and there hadn’t been reports of people going missing--just seeing a ghost. Seeing you, Jeongin suspected.
Seungmin frowned. “Why do you think I’d know? I only know the rumors.” He sighed, turning around. “There was a fight between the teachers that went wrong. That’s the one most people believe.”
“What about--”
“The others sounded fake,” he said, continuing forward. “They’re waiting for us. We should keep going.”
Jeongin hurried after him, watching Seungmin as he entered the classroom--the art room on the second floor. He walked ahead, pointing out the easel at one side of the room.
“That one. It has paint stains on it still.”
So Jeongin raised his phone and hit record, just like before.
“Hey. Donghyun?” You were recording again, this time with your phone held out enough to capture you in the shot. You made a dumb face at the camera, before turning back to face him. “Do you really think those teachers fought?”
He toyed with his sleeves--long enough that they almost hid his fingers entirely--as he looked back at you. “Yes.” He frowned, crossing his arms. “One was bitter and jealous of the other getting a higher position, you know. They say it was an accident. But... It still happened. It sounds too real to not believe.”
“I thought you didn’t believe in ghosts?”
“I don’t. I believe in facts, and there’s no proof that any of the other stuff happened.” Donghyun sighed. “People make up stupid stories all the time. “Scorned lovers” and bullshit... If anything else is real, it’s probably the bullying. You know how high school can be.”
“Right... But we haven’t seen anything else. No offerings for an angry ghost...” You had walked away, looking over the paint-stained easel. “Hey. Donghyun. Paint me like one of your--”
“Shut up.”
The video cut off there with your crackly laughter, and Jeongin looked to Seungmin. Seungmin reached out for his phone, taking it and replaying the video--volume lowered this time. Jeongin almost wanted to jab at the fact that Seungmin, the psychology major, was probably looking for tell-tale signs of what was to come. Like there was some hidden quirk in your face to explain it, or explain Donghyun’s attitude throughout.
“Do you really think he...?” Jeongin didn’t want to say it out loud. But... if you were a ghost, there had to be something keeping you tethered to the world. A sense of being wronged, or things that didn’t get resolved... the simplest one would be that you were murdered, wouldn’t it? That was why you wanted them to ‘find you’, right?
“The cause of most murders are robbery, jealousy, and vengeance. They both look like college students, so I doubt it would be robbery,” Seungmin looked up. Apparently, those criminal justice classes were coming in handy, too. He spoke so casually about it, though, that Jeongin couldn’t help but feel unnerved. He dropped Jeongin’s phone back into his hands, heading out into the hall. “The science room should be on this floor.”
Sure enough, it was: several rooms down, close to the staircase. Despite the chill that traveled down Jeongin’s spine, he followed after Seungmin--sticking as close as he could. You had been benevolent, sure, but now he was getting this feeling that they weren’t alone. The temperature felt like it had dropped, the cold nipping at his fingertips--and with a shaky exhale, Jeongin swore he could see his breath.
The sooner they found everything, the sooner they could get the fuck out.
They barely even opened the door to the science room, skeleton model visible, before Jeongin’s phone reacted again. Donghyun stood in front of you, looking at the model.
“I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me!” You were upset, and Donghyun refused to look at you. “I thought we were close, Donghyun. I wouldn’t have brought it up earlier if I knew--”
“That you’re better than me again? Do you know how many times I hear that from my family? That you’re always so smart and thoughtful and--and that you’re going to do great things?” He turned on his heel to face you, anger sparking in his eyes. “You would only pity me for failing while you went on to succeed again. Congrats on the position,” Donghyun shoved past you, heading down the hall.
“Donghyun?” You sounded hurt. “Lee Donghyun! Calm down and come talk to me--”
Seungmin was already headed down the hallway, toward the same staircase Donghyun was headed towards in the video. Jeongin looked down at his phone, realizing that the video never stopped. You had followed after him, still calling his name as you headed up the stairs--and so Jeongin did the only thing he could and followed your steps. He could see your ghost going through the motions just ahead of him, the rooftop door already open. Seungmin stood outside, looking around before he faced Jeongin.
Seungmin quickly hurried back to him, watching the video. Donghyun stood ahead of you, visibly disgruntled that you had followed him up.
“I didn’t tell you because I’m jealous of you!” He snapped at you. “We’re both equally qualified and yet you always get everything! The scholarship, the job--even our friends like you better than me.”
“Donghyun, that’s not true--”
“It is! You don’t have to keep lying--I know that you’re only around because you pity me.”
You reached out for him, circling round to face Donghyun. Jeongin couldn’t understand why you kept recording--maybe you didn’t realize it. It looked like your phone was stuck in your shirt pocket. You had laid both hands on his upper arms, Donghyun staring at the ground. “Donghyun, you know I love you because you’re sweet. You’re so talented. One job rejection isn’t going to ruin everything. You know that. Come on. Listen to me--Please?”
“Just get away from me!”
 Donghyun had shoved you back toward the railing, the footage glitching for just a second. Even though neither Jeongin or Seungmin could see what happened, they heard the sound of the railing snapping off followed by your scream filling the air. The sound of your impact hitting the ground, the broken gasps for air--Jeongin would never forget that sound.
The footage kept going, recording the clear night sky above. Soon enough, they could hear the doors slam shut as Donghyun approached.
“Oh... Oh shit...” His voice was shaking, eyes wide as he stared at you. He called your name, already sobbing as he dropped to his knees. “Nononono--You weren’t--This wasn’t--”
Jeongin thought his legs were going to give out on him, and Seungmin’s tight grip on his arm brought him back to reality. Donghyun had found his phone, already making a call.
“My--My friend fell off the building--I think they’re dying. Oh fuck--Oh god--”
It wasn’t intentional. You stood before both of them, that same sad look in your eyes. You knew it wasn’t intentional, but... Donghyun had killed you. That much was obvious.
Donghyun had grabbed your phone after he ended the call, realizing that you’d been recording everything. He swore underneath his breath, clearly pressing the button to end the recording--yet it kept going. He turned, throwing your phone as far as he could. Seungmin and Jeongin watched as it landed in the grass, the sound of sirens in the distance piercing the air.
You laid a hand over his phone, screen still visible through your outline. “Please,” you said, voice broken and raspy. And then you pointed out toward where your phone must have fallen. “Please?”
They didn’t know what you wanted, but the two could only nod. You weren’t angry, just... Hurt. Neither of them could blame you. Maybe all you wanted was for someone to know the truth--and maybe for Donghyun to accept responsibility for what he did. Accident or not, it was what killed you.
The two returned to the front doors soon enough, finding them unlocked. Despite the way that Chan started questioning why they stayed inside, the others wondering how they had locked the doors--and why they never answered the missed calls that were just now appearing on their phones, both boys were headed toward the fence. It’d be broken, they were sure, but you had pointed them in this direction.
Seungmin was the one who found your phone, screen cracked and the thing refusing to turn on. He almost wanted to call Donghyun stupid: what if someone had found it anyway? Then he’d still be in trouble.
Neither Seungmin or Jeongin tell the others what happened that night. But they walked away from that building knowing that they would set things right and let you rest.
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✧・゚ 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐
I’ve decided to put together a tiny collection of threads / plots / dynamics I would love to write. So, if anything catches your interest don’t hesitate to hit me up for a little bit of plotting. Alternatively, you’re always welcome to tag me in a starter, but that happens once in a blue moon so until then -- thanks for reading at all :3
★ A ride or die best friend for Saffron. Both of them aimlessly strolling through the streets at night, trashing bottles, shoplifting, youth having no idea what to do with themselves and being stuck in a haunting smalltown-melancholia that tastes like cigarettes and tears.
★ Give my little ghostboy Davey puppy love. No matter if it’s one-sided or mutual. I love High School threads in general with him while he’s still alive, making friends and such. But also, I have never had a darker thread with him although I really need to write that side of him more often -- I would love if he could haunt someone else, maybe something like being the “invisible friend type”. Corrupting a peer with his negative energy and they slowly grow on each other in the process. Could also be an adult who used to know him during school or even bullied him and is coming back to their old hometown, having to deal with his ghost now.
★ I crave a thread with Benji and that child he never knew he had with one of his former girlfriends. Like, imagine the possibilities! Small kid, moody teen... could be so intersting. I have so little family tropes, this would be so nice.
★ FOUND FAMILY. Penelope would adopt any wayward kids to teach them cool hunter stuff. Benji would finally open his heart up again to care for others who need his help and who also help him in return to get better with all of his shit going on. And My angsty teens Casper and Saffron would love to get adopted, too.
★ Joe would be so down for a thread inspired by Angels Of Death // Satsuriku No Tenshi. Two muses stuck in a predicament, a bad place, making a deadly pact in order to get what they want - to keep it more vague and open to possibilities, but don’t get me wrong. Him having a deadly pact with someone else who wants to die and with him being the only one who’s allowed to take them out in return for their help would be perfect, too! Who wants to be the Rachel to his Zach ??
★ Honestly, I would die to write a thread with Emry in his earlier teen years when he’s still on the road with his dad / parents and gets attached to someone at school. I would love to explore that part of his life bc it’s such an important one that formed him into the guy he is today. I would love to have some heartbreak over him having to leave again, teenage shenanigans, him running away to come back to see his friends or a love interest bc he hates moving around and misses them so fucking much. Fun, angst, gimme all of it.
★ Felix is so competitive and needs a proper rival. Or boyfriend. Or BOTH xD
★ Anything dystopian. A thread inspired by THERE IS from Box Car Racer would be amazing. Maybe two penpals who grew super close over the years, but then catastrophe strikes. They don’t have anything left but each other and manage to find the other in all of that madness. But I love all kinds of dystopian storylines.
★ Speaking of dystopian storylines, how about two muses go batshit crazy and terrorize people during the apocalypse ?? They’re nightmares everyone is afraid of :D
★ I mean... I’m never declining a Bonnie & Clyde thread for BROTPs and couples. Or just super duper idiot criminals who are forced to work with each other and it works out surprisingly well bc they are more lucky than having actual the brains to pull it off xD
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keikaru · 3 years
Listless after the war, Felix wanders across the continent with a bleak outlook. He returns to Garreg Mach—presumably to tie up any loose ends—but Bernie and Seteth persuade him to stay and work for the Fódlan Postal Company.
While the war was harsh, assimilating to civilian life was harder. He would try if it meant seeing Sylvain again.
Originally posted on A03 but deleted it because I believe I could improve the quality later on. Personally, I think the story lacks some panache, so when it returns, I hope it meets my own expectations! Here’s the first draft if you’re still interested. Rest assured, I WILL revamp this story. 
A Violet Evergarden AU. First draft under the cut.
Tags: Assimilating to Civilian Life, Post-Time Skip, Crossover, Fluff and Angst, Felix basically becomes an Auto Memory Doll, Pining, Suicidal Thoughts, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Other Characters Tags to Be Added 
Felix continued wearing gloves because he knew the red stains would never leave his hands.
A metallic scent always permeated through the air; the phantoms of war did not let go of his sword. Even vestiges of the past hid in mirrors and shadows, following him whenever he traveled to snowcapped lands or to fields of grass that resembled the ocean.  
No matter how far he traveled, the whispers of war, blood, and regret would remain with him.  
Where to then? He wondered exhaustedly. If he could not outpace his demons, what was there to do but return to the start?
He traveled for too long that even Garreg Mach seemed so far away.
Garreg Mach. The Officers Academy. Places he hasn’t stepped foot in after the war ended.
If he saw a glimpse of the Professor—the archbishop , he amended—perhaps the ghosts of war would be laid to rest. If he went back to the beginning, maybe he could make amends and disappear for a final time.
So he made up his mind.
Quite possibly, he thought, finally realizing how tense his body was, the boar, no… Dimitri would stop haunting him. Maybe Ingrid’s melancholic eyes would stop gazing at him. Maybe Glenn would stop appearing in the mirror. And maybe, just maybe Sylvain was…
No . He stopped his line of thought. There was no use indulging in the past. Nothing but painful memories awaited him.
Minutes passed before Felix unclenched his hands and slackened up.
How much longer would he live life, simply to endure it? It was enough for him to feel sick to his stomach. But perhaps it would all stop if he went back to the beginning.
So Felix traveled.
Despite the arduous journey, he somehow felt lighter. Calmer. As if invigorated by the prospect of returning. Not to a home, but to a memory he was fond of.
During the last week of the Great Tree Moon, Felix Hugo Fraldarius arrived at Garreg Mach Monastery.
Felix stood on the bridge that connected itself to the inner town. He shielded his eyes from the harsh sunlight and observed the skylarks that flew over him. Their song carried in the wind as he walked, taking slow but measured steps through the iron wrought gates and into the bustling marketplace.
It was disorienting when he passed a group of giggling children, past colorful merchant stalls. The fresh scent of bread wafted throughout the square and it reminded him that he hadn’t eaten in hours.  
Pausing in front of a modest vendor, Felix called for the shopkeeper.
“Excuse me—” he stopped, realizing how hoarse he sounded. A quick swig of water. It was enough to replenish his voice.
Being a polite person was different from talking with one’s sword. He always had a habit of pointing to menus and never bothered with small talk.
Today, he remembered that he had to be a Person and not a Mercenary For Hire.
And yet he found himself forgetting how to speak. As if he cut off a part of himself the moment he left his noble title behind.  
“How can I help—ah, pardon my manners, um, sir! Sir Felix, err, Lord Felix.”
The man quickly bowed, and Felix only stared, puzzled by the sudden formality. It had been forever since someone addressed him by the title of sir or lord.
The seller then straightened himself and continued, with a relieved expression on his face.
“I’m glad that you’re alive. I wondered where you disappeared to after the war ended.”
Felix gave the man a doubtful look and paused.
“…have we met?” The swordsman handed a few marks of bronze to the seller and pointed to a loaf of bread, cheese, and a slab of jerky. The man bagged his meal and Felix took it from him with a curt nod. “Thanks.”
As Felix turned to leave, the seller spoke up again.
“You saved my life,” the seller spoke solemnly, taking off his cap. Felix stilled. He imagined the sincerity on the man’s face as he listened. “For that, I’m grateful. Even if you don’t remember, I still wanted to thank you. May the Gods bless you, sir.”
Without another word, Felix raised a parting hand and left.
In truth, Felix did not remember the man. It was more accurate to say he did not remember much during and after those five years of war.
Now that it was over, little else seemed to matter to him. Often, he felt like a ghost that wandered for far too long. It was enough for him to take a lengthy swig from a different canteen. Alcohol was not his favorite, but the bitterness that burned in his throat helped him forget.
Somewhere near the town square and under the shade of an elderly tree, he found an empty spot. Felix then ate his meal in silence. Minutes passed and he was satisfied. He wrapped up the remainders and placed it inside his bag. With a stretch, he rested against the trunk of the pine and crossed his arms over his chest.
As the wind threaded through his hair, he listened to the quiet ambience of the town. Tranquility was a quality he used to think he wanted. But now, tranquility seemed to translate to idleness.
Like now , he thought, debating where to go next.
He closed his eyes. If anything, a quick rest would do him good. The moment he counted to ten, he promised to stand up and find an inn.
And just like that, he then opened his eyes and realized the sky was now a soft orange.  
Ah shit . He thought blearily, straightening himself. The third time.
During all those years of traveling, it was rare for him to lower his guard. Yet somehow, he felt no signs of danger.
My senses have dulled then.
He glanced to his left. Just as he suspected, his worn bag was still beside him, seemingly untouched. It wasn’t as if he carried anything valuable except his sword.
Speaking of which, he glanced to his right. His sword was beside him. He sighed, relieved that nothing went missing.
“Felix? Are you finally awake?”
Instantly, he snapped his head toward the source and unsheathed his sword.
“What do you want?” he positioned himself into a fighting stance. Felix narrowed his eyes and berated himself. He was foolish enough to forget himself.
Ambushes could happen at any time.
“H-Hey, wait! It’s me—” the voice squeaked out, with a familiar nervous quality to it— “it’s Bernie! So please, put your sword away!”
Just like that, the sword returned to its scabbard.
The young woman before him was indeed the same girl he knew from back then. The shy, reserved daughter of Count Varley.
“Oh,” he deadpanned. “Why?”
“Wha—you ask why ?!” baffled, she huffed at him. “At the very least, you could ask how I’m doing. You haven’t changed much, have you?”
Felix lowered himself to the ground, sitting against the tree trunk again and gathered his belongings. “OK. How are you?” But then he switched topics, choosing to ignore how she flailed her arms because of his curtness. “By the way, where’s the nearest inn?”
“The nearest inn huh,” she murmured; her eyes lingered on the sword at his side. A bit of the blade poked from its scabbard and gleamed dully in the light. The expression in her eyes changed. It appeared melancholic. “Hey Felix,” she started quietly, “did you know that—"
She realized that Felix was busy fastening his bag around himself and counting the bronze and silver marks in his hand. Bernadetta paused and allowed a soft sigh.
“Something wrong?” Felix spoke, somewhat absentmindedly. He stood up, pocketed his money, and brushed off the dust on his pants. He double checked his gear. “You’re too quiet.”
Bernadetta held her hands behind her back and smiled at him. Felix inquired back with a stare.
Now she was acting odd.
Finally, he noticed how she wore an outfit that resembled a uniform. It was not the one from the Officer’s Academy but a different type.
While he was curious, he wasn’t that intrigued.
“Actually, follow me,” she piped up, turning around and vaguely gesturing at the tall brick buildings in the back. She adjusted the cap on her head. “It’s a bit of a walk but I can guarantee the place is cheaply priced.”
“Ah. Thanks then.”
He followed her and realized how much the monastery changed. The merchants in the square bustled with enterprise and quality wares. Tea imported from regions unknown to him could be found here, along with other artisan goods and regal weapons. Before leaving Garreg Mach again, he wished to see if any of Zoltan’s weapons made their way into a blacksmith’s hand.
He looked in front of him. The architecture remained largely the same, but some of the brickwork stuck out like efforts of reconstruction. Bernadetta suddenly turned, and he followed suit, wondering how much further was left.
Felix was relieved that the silence between them was companionable. Occasionally, she pointed out a few new landmarks and he was enthralled by the changes throughout the town. Fountains, lampposts, well-tended topiaries—Garreg Mach transformed much while he was away.
It somehow left him with a sense of awe and nostalgia. Except one thing gnawed at his chest.
Most of the faces he knew before—they no longer stood beside him.
They continued passing corners and streets and crossed a bridge. Soon, Bernadetta stopped.
Felix looked elsewhere and abruptly halted, nearly colliding into her back.
“Cheap huh?” He said, marveling at the sight before him. He could see why she stopped.
A dark bricked manor house towered above him, with long windows winking back the afternoon light. In front of the gray stone steps was a small crowd of people that varied from nobles and commoners alike.
Felix squinted at them.
Most seemed to be holding something in their hands. It appeared to be scraps of paper.
“Let’s go.” Bernadetta ambled forth, passing the iron gates and flowerbed. She paused and waited for him. “Seteth’s been waiting for you ever since we spotted you dozing at the square.”
“Excuse me?” Felix gaped at the marvelous building. He was certain that was not here years ago. His mind was unable to process her words. “You said cheap lodgings. This. This isn’t—” he gestured at the opulence and swiveled around, his back turned against the building. He frowned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “OK. Well, I saw an inn before we rounded the corner and—”
“Felix,” Berndetta spoke firmly, “I want you to stay here.”
A beat of silence.
He couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder, perplexed by her sudden change in demeanor.
Before he could speak, Bernadetta spoke up without her usual reserve.
“How long have you been wandering the continent? Because your eyes…I know that look.”
“You’re asking me that now?” there was no heat behind his words. Only a familiar exhaustion found its way into his voice.
Felix slowly turned around and approached her, with arms folded across his chest. Her gray eyes locked onto his and they gazed at each other.
Bernadetta did not flinch. She only inquired him with her silence.
Unusually enough, he relented.
“For too long,” he admitted, glancing over her head and toward the manor house. “Well, what is it then? Why did you bring me here?”
She let out a lengthy sigh and seemed to loosen up. He didn’t realize how tense she had been throughout their walk.
“This is the Fódlan Postal Company.”
Another familiar voice segued into their conversation. Felix glanced to his right and saw a figure emerge from behind a topiary. Seteth stepped out, greeting the former students with a stern but noticeably softer look on his face. Seteth hadn’t changed after all of these years, but he wore a uniform similar to Bernadetta’s.
“Felix, I want you to work here as an Auto Memory Doll.”
“You’re kidding,” Felix managed out weakly. The sudden proposal made no sense. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You’ll learn then.” Seteth offered, waving a hand at his words.
“I didn’t agree to this.”
“It’ll be worth your while.” Seteth was already walking in the direction of the entrance. “Come along, Felix.”
Felix countered one last time. “You can’t be serious.”
Felix looked to Bernadetta for help. Of course, it was a mistake. She only grabbed onto his arm, her eyes sparkling as she persuaded him.  
“The lodging is free if you work here.”
“That isn’t the issue !”
Felix lost track of how many sighs he heaved that day. Unable to shake off Bernadetta, he reluctantly acquiesced and allowed himself to be dragged toward the building. A series of foul words clouded his thoughts as he passed the crowd and made his way toward the interior of the building.
Under different circumstances, he would have been impressed. Under different circumstances, he would gone more willingly. But this welcoming committee—if one could dare call it that—was so adamant about receiving him.
If anything, it felt like the past when Sylvain forced him into town for some skirt chasing. Like how Ashe insisted him to read tales of chivalry, like how Lysithea tried to bribe him with sweets, or how with Annette—
The past huh , he mused dryly. He found himself standing inside the foyer, wearily eyeing the double spiral staircases and the long window panes. As beautiful and ornate as it was, their definition of a “postal service” was greatly different from his own.
And yet…the figures that descended resembled people he knew from his academy days.
“Felix? Felix, is that really you?”
A young man with gray-brown bounded down the steps, eager to meet him. When the stranger brushed his hair out of his eyes, Felix recognized who he was.
Lord Lonato’s son was before him. He smiled at Felix, with a relieved look on his face.
“You promised to write. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?”
“There’s no such thing as a permanent address as a mercenary,” Felix replied stiffly, somewhat taken aback. “Your letters—they would have returned to you.”
“But you’re here now,” Ashe said again, with a gentler look on his face. “And hey, I’m glad you’re OK.”
Felix was at a loss for words. Instead, he looked elsewhere, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden warmth and reception from his appearance.
Seteth and Bernadetta looked at each other and smiled. They didn’t speak but only watched as Felix rubbed the back of his neck while Ashe continued to speak to him.
Just then, more figures descended the staircase. Felix struggled to recall who they were, but the moment they stood in front of him, their names entered his memory.
Marianne, Ignatz, Linhardt.
Yuri and Dorothea.
They were all members of the academy in some way, even if he wasn’t close to them, he still recognized them.  
Felix felt his chest tightened. A well of emotion opened. He felt something, but it was a strange something that left him feeling more melancholic than joyful.
He blinked, not once, not twice, but three times. Aside from the smiling faces and animated conversations, he could have sworn he saw phantoms behind them.
And they watched him with somber eyes.
“Felix? You look like you just saw a ghost,” Dorothea piped up, glancing at him with concerned eyes. “You must be tired. Seteth, isn’t there a spare room upstairs?”
“There is. Bernadetta, could you show Felix his room?”
She replied quickly. “Follow me!”
With a gentle nudge from her, Felix followed. He managed to recompose again.
Soon, they reached a rosewood door with a gold handle. Bernadetta unlocked the door and gestured for him to enter. Felix did.  
It was minimally furnished. The windows were across from the door, with a desk underneath. A bed was pushed into the left corner while the right side had a dresser and a mirror.
Bernadetta stood inside the room, pausing a little before the dresser on the right side. Her eyes roamed the room for a bit before catching Felix’s reflection in the mirror.
The faraway look in Felix’s eyes, the way he mechanically moved toward the window—it was plain to see that he was deeply contemplating something.
She hesitated to ask, but at the same time, she recalled how he vanished without a trace. Rumors of Felix’s whereabouts only amplified when a sword that resembled his own appeared on Margrave Gautier’s doorstep.
By chance, she delivered some correspondence to Sylvain that day. He started to entertain her until another parcel arrived.
She remembered how his eyes exuded a grief beyond words, that the one Sylvain cherished was not immune to a mortal fate.
While the rumors of Felix’s death proved false, the way the mercenary was now…he might as well resemble death.
It pained her to see him become a husk of a person.
If anything, it would anguish Sylvain even more after seeing Felix in this state. When the time was right, she would pen a letter to him again.
On some level, she understood how Felix felt, even if just a fraction of it.
Assimilating into civilian life was difficult. For part of their youth, they learned tactics and strategies, artillery and battle formations. From operating catapults to forging stronger weapons, it was such a stark contrast when she started ghostwriting and delivering letters.  
And yet…it made her rediscover her love for writing again.
Clearing her throat, she found the courage to approach Felix.
He stood near the window, steeped in hues of twilight. Felix tilted his head up and observed something she couldn’t quite see. She couldn’t help but feel mesmerized.  
“Seteth will see to the details tomorrow. So for today, focus on resting.”
Before Bernadetta left, she spoke softly to him.
“And welcome back, Felix. You don’t have to feel alone anymore.”
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fangbites · 3 years
Who: Felix With: Tate ( @sxncerelyme​ ) Verse: TBD​
Felix knew he looked like shit.
The thing was, it had been a long week. And an even longer month. Moving cross country kind of did that, he supposed; and so did constantly juggling both reassuring your clingy older brother that you were fine and forbidding him from moving here after you. Riel meant well, he was just… well. Codependent. They both were. But Riel didn’t really see that as something that needed to be worked on or improved, and Felix- part of him didn’t give a shit, but part of him was just… tired. Mostly, he’d wanted to escape the shadows that lingered over them both. He couldn’t even remember his father, really; Riel could, but to Felix he was just this man with a blurry voice and a soft voice and even softer bloodsoaked hands, telling him not to come out from where he was hiding and then never telling him anything ever again.
Cheers for childhood trauma. 
But to the point, he’d come here to escape the ghosts of his past and all that poetic bullshit. There were very few things he wouldn’t have accepted as a trade for that; somehow, actual ghosts hadn’t really registered on his list of possibilities. 
It was an ancient, condemned building in a sleepy town in Georgia; likely with a family history as gruesome and despicable as his own, and in hindsight it only made sense for it to be haunted up the wazoo. They weren’t particularly malevolent ghosts, though the one that liked to wail out near that old dried up well made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Mostly, they were the ghost equivalent of spited housecats, tearing down curtains, knocking shit off any flat surface they could, making loud noises in the dead of night for no fucking reason and flinging plates everywhere. That last one didn’t have quite the effect he assumed they wanted given that he was still living that post- move paper plate life, but it was still fucking annoying and a waste of his money. Combined with that and the utility bills rocketing because they wouldn’t quit messing with the thermostat or lights or the fucking water, he might have a lot of bloody family inheritance to spend but Christ, he’d be going bankrupt within six months of living there.
So he was here, in Atlanta, biting the bullet and looking for a fix for his problems.
It was an odd feeling, this; despite it being one he was used to. By nature, witches were inclined to seek out a coven, seek out a family to thrive in and nurture magical bonds. But having a lineage that was considered to be the worst of the worst and a black mark on all witchkind sort of put a damper on actually acquiring any of that, not to mention the fact that well, saying he and his brother had a complicated relationship with magic was putting it lightly. It wasn’t like a wolfpack, where anyone could find a way to contribute; if you weren’t adding to the strength of the coven you were detracting from it, and with too many bodies in a coven- that became harder to handle, harder to lead, harder to cohesively concentrate. Best to keep it small but powerful, packing a punch. Needless to say, a witch that couldn’t use magic would fall under the category of detracting from the coven and even if he hadn’t been undesirable on the basis that he was a Tabor he would have been because of the curse.
But it was fine. He’d started a fucking garden, fruit trees and all, and he’d built himself a goddamn chicken coop despite curious, irritating ghost’s interference. He’d made the executive decision that he wasn’t going to care if he never used magic again, he just- he just wanted to exist, at this point. He wanted to be.
‘Wanting to be’ had evolved into ‘wanting to be- without ghosts’, but, whatever. That was why he was here in this little magical shop equivalent of a speakeasy, hoping for a pain-free solution to solving his spirit infestation.
His first impression was that it was busy; little pings zapping at his senses every which way. Magical items in particular had a way of yearning for an owner, calling to a witch if they weren’t otherwise bound; and before the door had even fully closed behind Felix, he knew this place was the real deal. Not some kitschy tourist trap type bullshit. If he’d been anyone else and he’d had the opportunity, he would have loved to browse, would’ve loved to discover what oddities and secrets were scattered about this crowded shop. But he was here on a mission, and just hoping to get through it without any goddamn trouble.
His favored attire had an added bonus of not being anything even remotely threatening. In his opinion, at least. Black and white Adidas slides, a very worn, very comfortable black hoodie with the hood down, black, loose- fitting threadbare sweatpants and prominent, exhausted dark bags below his eyes. He’d made some kind of attempt at finger- combing his hair, but it didn’t look like he’d done anything more than that, just a mess of black strands and brown roots atop his head. Hopefully nothing memorable, but it didn’t really matter. Ideally this was meant to be his only trip here ever, and he’d get to live out his quiet, ghost free, magicless life.
What more could anyone want?
He shuffled over to the counter, pausing to blink foolishly at the pretty man behind it. Oh, what the fuck. Couldn’t it have been some crone with a red box- dye gone wrong and too- long fingernails? Why’d it have to be a gorgeous twenty- something with the softest goddamn eyes Felix had ever seen and a distracting few freckles on his neck and cheek? Felix stared for a moment, suddenly wishing he’d just stayed at home with his ghosts. “...Sorry,” He said eventually, flushing dark and closing his eyes, scrubbing a hand across his face. No, I don’t get out much, what gave that away? Christ. He exhaled, scratched at his cheek with black- painted fingernails, and accepted the fact that there was nothing he could do but press on with what he’d come here for, terrible impression and gay dismay aside.
“What would you recommend for a ghost problem?” He asked, and then paused, rethinking the conversation slightly. Exorcise them, cast them out, et cetera- things that weren’t exactly options for him personally. “Pretend I’m a human, and I’ve got this horde of annoying but old ghosts who haven’t moved on and aren’t interested in communicating any unfulfilled bullshit. What would you tell me to do? I mean, I know coming into a magic shop and asking for non- magical alternative solutions sounds exponentially stupid, but… not a ton of fuckin’ options for where to go with ghost advice around here, either.”
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
The Extremely Large Tag Game
ATagged By: @dreamystuffers​ thank you sweet pea and HOLY SHIT THIS REALLY IS THE ULTIMATE TAG GAME BUT I AM READY.
SECTION ONE: First and last tag: post the first line of a wip as well as the last line you’ve written so far!
So I have several Wips at the moment and whelp, I’m gonna do them all lol.
The Size of a Heart: Wonho and Reader (Drabble)
First Line Written: The sky was burning as the sun set for the night, cloaking the city in its familiar darkness.
Last Line Written: “I tell myself that it’s better if it hurts, but I…I can’t anymore…I can’t.”
Tentatively Falling: Vampire Jongdae and Reader (Series)
First Line Written: Strobe lights flashed around the dark bar, drawing your attention every now and then when they went wild as the bass dropped.
Last Line Written: It was more than you ever thought, but it was exactly what you dreamt about hearing him say.
Heavenly Father: Boyfriend Yoongi, Priest Jimin, Alter boy Jungkook, and Reader (Smut Crack Drabble - Title May Change)
First Line Written: The stain glass windows in the Church were a sight to see during the day, the sunlight streaming through and bringing life to the images during the service, and brought a sense of comforting to those during times of trouble.
Last Line Written: Jimin groaned and your eyes watered when your nose was pressed against the base, his dick down your throat.
Knitting You a Home: Wolf Hybrid Namjoon and Reader (Series)
First Line Written: The wind howled while rain pelted your house as the storm refused to let up.
Last Line Written: For the moment, his thoughts were cleared, allowing him to fall asleep with you safely in his arms.
SECTION TWO. Enter 15 of your biases and put them in this order to discover the story of your life
Parent: Hongjoong
well I mean he is pretty daddy at times
Sibling: Jongdae
Grandparent: Sammy
Haunts you: Vernon
Significant other: Jooheon
Ex: Yuta
damn that’s...that’s a change
Best friend: Chanyeol
Proposed to you: Yoongi
Was this before Jooheon or after Jooheon? Who’s my ass with?
Your boss: Taeyong
Random person you meet a the bar: Seonghwa
Rival: Bang Chan
First kiss: Namjoon
Drunk and singing karaoke with: Wonho
Played seven minutes in heaven with: Felix
Gave you your favorite dessert: Jackson
I...I can see this one. He’s sweet to do that
SECTION THREE. Describe your bias by their vibes as if they were someone in your life. (I’m doing my Ults, 1 from each group.)
Jongdae (EXO): The guy that everyone knows because he’s the one with that distinguishable laugh. The class clown that knows the limits and only crosses them on rare occasions. You think you know him but then he’ll say something that you never knew about him. Craves his independence but is the quiet one when in a large group, smiling as he watches the more energetic ones run about. An old soul trapped in a young body.
Yoongi (BTS): The one who devotes himself to his work and rarely sees the light of day. His room is littered with empty to go cups of coffee mixed with his own assortment of coffee mugs Coffee ring stains on furniture. You think he’s not listening or paying attention but when you least expect it, he’ll quietly do something or hand you a gift that he knows you treasure. He’ll never ask for cuddles, but he’ll always give them to you and refuse to let you go when you try to get up. Wise beyond his years because he’s suffered and doesn’t wish it on anyone else.
Yuta (NCT): The popular guy that at first everyone warns you about, but once you get to know him yourself, you don’t know why they warned you in the first place because he’s a total sweetheart. The guy who flirts with everyone and anyone, but remains loyal to his girl. He’s never without his iced coffee, and he’s dyeing his hair in the bathtub with a friend to help make sure it doesn’t go too wrong. Will entertain your drunk texts. He’s the one to text at 2 am when you’re feeling alone and down and he’ll do what he can to lift you back up with nothing but the truth.
Hongjoong (Ateez): He’s the guy who doesn’t give a shit about trends or styles, he creates his own. The guy who does the piercings at the local tattoo shop knows him by name because he’s gotten so many of his piercings done there. He is the Fashion DIY King. Will roast his friends the hardest  because he loves them the most and takes it when they dish it back. Somehow manages to rock hairstyles - long live the mullet - that no one thought should have ever existed. Don’t let him cook though. If he cooks you’ll end up with food poisoning. He’s the one who will let you try makeup tricks and new products on him. Secretly amazing at painting nails.
Wonho (Monsta X): He’s the guy friend that you never expected to be friends with. Him? You? Total opposites on a physical scale. On completely different levels. Once you get to know him, he’s a total teddy bear. Doesn’t question it when you suddenly appear and hug him without saying a word, he’ll simply hug you back while maintaining the conversation he had going. Or he’ll simply surprise you with a hug because he likes them.
Bang Chan (Stray Kids): He’s the one that always has his earbuds in even during class. Like he’s the guy that has the earbud going through the sleeve of his hoodie and is pressing his palm against his ear to listen to the music. Listens to everyone, even if he doesn’t know them that well and gives really good advice if they ask for it.
Jackson (Got7): The guy that you can hear a mile away. Hyper. Can’t sit still to save his life. He was the guy that you’d see doing laps in the hallway with his friends when he should have been in class, but he was the nice one. Passionate and when you ask him about what he’s working on, he’ll talk about it for hours. Will also apologize multiple times for going on but then continue to go on.
SECTION FOUR. Search your name + “core aesthetic” on Pinterest and make yourself a moodboard
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SECTION FIVE. Make a normal and fantasy version of yourself using this !
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SECTION SIX. Writing tag game!
What is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
A quiet office where I can play music softly in the background and be at a desk with a comfortable chair.
 What Genre do you prefer to write?
Slice of Life, Young Adult, College Age.
Do you prefer to write on paper or digitally?
It’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. What do you do?
Make a note of it in either my notebook or in the notes section on my phone.
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Jimin and Hoseok
Do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
I like to do both. Honestly, it’s kinda like a mix of both. With some of my fics, the only thing that makes them fanfics are that I’m using the real person’s name, and I’ll pin point on certain aspects of their physical features. In Brotið Hjarta, the only thing that connects to it being Namjoon is his name, and maybe his hair style/color and ear piercings, everything else was what I imagined it to be.
Have you ever written a book/story with more than 15 chapters (100K words)?
Yes. Strawberry Cream and BBQ
How often do you get ideas?
From everyday life, sometimes I’ll be daydreaming and it kinda morphs into a story or a fanfic and so I’ll make notes so that I don’t forget it.
Do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
Yessss, all the time.
What is your least favorite plot?
I don’t know about least favorite plots, but I do hate it when fics dive straight into a story without any background or anything. Wait, so maybe that’s pwp fics????? I don’t want to be a hypocrite, but even with my fics that primarily focus on smut, I still add in those background details and give them a teeny tiny plot.
SECTION SEVEN. Put your music on shuffle and reveal the first ten songs that come on.
The Kids Aren’t Alright - Fall out Boy
In the Dark - Bring Me the Horizon
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
All In - Monsta X
To the Beat - Ateez
Shot - Lil’ Jon
Daechwita - Agust D
Treasure - Ateez
Adore You - Harry Styles
Guys My Age - Hey Violet
SECTION EIGHT. Questions tag:
Relationships: 2
Break-ups: 2
Kids: Right now? 0
Brothers and Sisters: 1 older brother.
Pets: 0
Surgeries: 0
Tattoos: 0
Countries you’ve been to: 0
Been in an airplane: yes
Been in an ambulance: yes
I sing karaoke: hell no.
Ice skating: I like it but I suck at it and have only been able to go during school events in the past.
Been on a cruise: hell no
Driven a motorcycle: nope
Ridden a horse: yes
Stayed in a hospital: nope
Favorite fruit or berry: Raspberries
Favorite color: Magenta
Last text: “Perfect! I’ll let you know when I am able to send yours out!” - I do pen palling and was letting someone know when I could send them a post card in exchange for the one I’m getting.
Cat or dog: Cat
Favorite pizza: White sauce pizza with chicken and feta cheese
Met a star: nope
Flown a helicopter: nada
Been on TV: nope
Broken my leg: nope
Seen a ghost: don’t believe in them.
Been sick in a taxi: nope
Seen someone die: no
SECTION NINE: Fifteen questions tag:
One ; it’s your birthday! what did you ask for?
Gift cards, um...(this is bad because my birthday is actually coming up) maybe some things from my Amazon list?
Two ; what was the last song / album you listened to?
WAP by Cardi B
Three ; what is your go to snack when you’re hungry?
Chocolate, cookies or cookies dipped in peanut butter
Four ; what is your morning routine?
Wake up, check messages on my phone while still in bed, get up, make coffee, maybe eat breakfast, drink coffee in bed, listen to music/watch videos or read on phone while drinking coffee, get dressed, brush teeth and skincare routine, make bed.
Five ; what mythical creature would you be?
An Elf? Or a Forest Witch. Something that has to do with the Earth and nature.
Six ; how do you interact with someone you don’t like?
I give short and straight to the point answers, if I’m working on something and they come up to me I’ll pointedly focus on that task instead of them.
Seven ; how do you define a toxic person?
Someone who lies, who makes you feel bad about the things that you do, that puts you done while lifting themselves, who is constantly bragging about their own things, who puts down others, who acts like they’re better, who acts like they’re way of life should be the only way of life.
Eight ; have you ever been to a concert or a fan-meet? if not, would you want to?
I have not, but I would like to one day because they seem fun and it would be nice to see a performance in person.
Nine ; do you believe in astrology? why or why not?
I do, mostly because it’s fun and interesting and I tend to find that I do a lot of the things and act like my zodiac sign without realizing it (aka I’m a Virgo).
Ten ; if you could have only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you keep?
Eleven ; who is your favorite celebrity or idol?
At the moment, BM from Kard.
Twelve ; if you could talk to your favorite celebrity for a limited time, what would you tell them?
How do you keep going when it gets hard?
Thirteen ; I’m taking you out on a date. where are we going?
Maybe an art museum, or somewhere with flowers?
Fourteen ; do you prefer sweet or savory?
Fifteen ; do you have any Merch from any of your favorite artists?
I have several BTS albums and an EXO album.
I AM Tagging: @mygsii @myforeverforlife  @peonybane  @hobicomeholla29  @loser-dot-com @jeonsdear @namsjoon  @kpopcinnamonswirlroll @eashmo201 @1997jk @soulofatiny @cherryeoo​ @minniepetals​ @minniesmarshmallow​ @yoongi-sugaglider​  @crystaljins​ @taestfully​  @hyyunjins​ @i-am-delaney​ @worldwidebt7​ @flurrys-creativity​  @apurpledheart​ @holyfluffly​ @yunception​ @boymeetsweevil​ @chans-chair​ @brokecollegenerd​ @jinyoungsir​ @writersrealmbts​ @kpophoneybunny​ @actuallythatwaspromise​  @ladyartemesia​ @haylo4ever​ @ggukcangetit​ @kpopfanfictrash​ @wwilloww​ @jingabitch​ @kigurumu​ @jamaiskook​ @thatlongspringnight​ @ot7always-main​  @hauntedlilies​ @koophoriia​ @lorealchanelll​ @sweetheart--sannie​  @sweetae-tae​ @iniquitouspoppy​  
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msbluebell · 5 years
One of my favorite scenes from the Blue Lions route is during the fight with Randolph. Up until that point, Dimitri has given Byleth the cold shoulder, but when you take out Randolph's forces and he says 'a total loss', I love how we get to hear Dimitri call Byleth 'professor' again, especially with such urgency, which shows that despite his sharp words, deep down, he still cares. I just feel that this scene, as small as it is, deserves more recognition.
I think, deep down, Dimitri never did stop caring about Byleth.
Dimitri’s psychology during the Blue Lion Route is fascinating to say the least. I probably could 100% write a term paper on it.There’s a lot to unpack there, and a lot to explore. I’ve actually talked to a friend who is a professional counselor about his psychology several times and we never run out of new things to discuss and break down.
I think the most fascinating and complex state of Dimitri’s psychology is when he’s feral.
It’s important to understand the “how” and “why” whenever we’re discussing something like this. “How” and “why” Dimitri became feral is just as important as “how” and “why” he decided to later atone, and it’s massively important for understanding Dimitri’s actions and how the things that happen to him tie to character development.
Dedue says it best, I think, Dimitri isn’t a person who doesn’t care about others, in fact, he cares too much.  
That’s the heart of the issue right there. Dimitri, no matter how abrasive, dismissive, or aggressive he acts, still cares deeply. He never once STOPPED caring, and if you play close enough attention and pick up on small details you can spot the signs that he’s hiding it behind a mask of indifference because of his self-loathing and madness.
Or maybe he doesn’t even realize he still cares.
I find it utterly fascinating. 
If you break down Dimitri’s whole mentality while he’s feral, you kind find a surprisingly organized and moral (kinda, as moral as you can be while being...that) philosophy. Say what you will, but at the bare bones, Dimitri keeps to his ideals. For a man who considers himself nothing more than just a beast, he take special care of who his targets are. 
He specifically only targets people he actively considers a threat. Thieves and bandits, who he explains are rats preying on the weak and defenseless, Imperial soldiers who are on the enemy side and have been hunting him for years, commanders of armies. He doesn’t target villagers, or anyone in the Church (one priest is even amazed that Dimitri, while feral, patted an orphan child on the head, showing clear signs of humanity). Maybe he would if they agitated him enough. Dimitri isn’t healthy at all. He’s suffering from severe after effects of isolation, delusions, self-imposed brainwashing, stress, etc. He’s a danger to himself and others, and poking him too much. But, at his core, despite all the madness and how far he’s fallen, Dimitri somehow keeps the heart of his ideals of justice and protecting the innocent. Oh, it’s twisted beyond belief, and it’s gone ugly, but it’s still there. It’s just buried under a looooooooooot of...that...
The point is, at his heart, Dimitri still cares. That’s exactly what got him into that state in the first place. His Survivor's Guilt was so strong that he manifested auditory and visual hallucinations over it. His whole reason for wanting to kill Edelgard is so that the dead can finally rest. Heck, we see him actively begging his hallucinations to wait a little longer for him to hunt her. He cares too much and it’s actively destroyed him.
The thing is, those same hallucinations of loved ones are the driving force behind his mental state when he’s feral. We see that they’ve actively been mocking him, heck, we hear him beg them not to look at him with scorn.
Now, we know that these are projections of Dimitri’s own mind, but as far as he’s concerned these are the real opinions and demands of those who have died while he survived. He’s basically emotionally abusing and brainwashing himself so much that he not only believes that he has not other purpose than seeking revenge on the dead’s behalf (this also isn’t helped by his lack of ability to defend himself. With Felix, for example, and I DO love Felix and think he’s right to be scared, but calling Dimitri a boar may have unintentionally reinforced the idea in his head for years even before the brainwashing. Felix, I know that was your way of trying to keep Dimitri from going too far, but bad move bro), but that he ultimately isn’t deserving of the life he’s living either. He’s so damaged at this point, by what’s basically self inflicted harm, that he can barely recognize anything else as mattering.
I’ve seen people who have said that they wanted to beat some sense into Dimitri. Fight the madness out of him, so to speak. I don’t blame them, Dimitri did some disgusting things during the Blue Lion Route. But fighting him wouldn’t have helped, arguing wouldn’t have helped. The problem isn’t that Dimitri doesn’t think he’s wrong, or doesn’t see that he’s a monster. He’s aware of that, completely. What Dimitri needed was to been shown that his life was worth more than being a pawn for revenge, the opposite of having the shit beat out of him, or being yelled at. Negative reinforcement wouldn’t have worked here. Hell, it would probably have only made the situation worse, and reinforced his own brainwashing that he is undeserving of life. I think that’s why Byleth in the game never beat him over the head, or yelled at him, they realized that. 
Dimitri loves too much, and you can’t beat love with hate. He has to be loved out of his state. He has to be shown that his life is worth something, both to other people, and to himself. That’s why Rodrigue’s sacrifice was so important to his development.
(God, there’s so much to say that I’m jumping all over the place, someone Halp Meh)
And, another, just as important, thing. 
I think he’s silently resentful of Byleth and the others for not being there for him when he needed the support the most.
When he sees Byleth again for the first time in five years, when he thinks they’re a ghost, he doesn’t sound as angry and grim at first. He just sounds tired. Tired, and sad, and full of regret. With Byleth dead, he knows he failed them, that they died while he lived. He just accepts their presence in his life as a ghost, acknowledging that they were here to haunt him.
But then it turns out Byleth was alive, and all that sadness and regret and mourning was for nothing. That they were alive the whole time. And, frankly, Byleth’s reasons for WHY they weren’t around kinda DOES sound like bullshit. “I was asleep” isn’t a very good answer in any other route either, heck, in Edelgard’s routes she thinks it’s an unfunny joke. But for Dimitri it seems to piss him off. He probably DOES believe Byleth, maybe, but it’s not an answer he’s happy with. Heck, he’s not happy with anyone after that.
One of the moments where he sounds like his old self, where he looses that anger in his voice, is when Dedue shows up and explains he was too injured to find Dimitri, which is a much more valid excuse and one that Dimitri seems to readily accept. He’s much warmer with Dedue than even Byleth’s return, and I 100% believe that part of the reason was because of Dedue’s not bullshit excuse.
So, yeah, I should actually focus on the ask now. Yes, that scene is great, fantastic even. There’s a bunch of just...tiny moments like that which show the real humanity beneath Dimitri’s thick layer of madness and...feral-ness? I love it. It’s one of the many moments that really make him feel multilayered. And tiny moments like that got me through the four months he was Feral for my Blue Lions playthrough.
Little moments like that are like taking your first gulp of air after being underwater for too long.
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Defying Gravity || Jane and Kaden
TIMING: Before Regan dun got shrunk LOCATION: The Carnival PARTIES: @jane-the-zombie and @chasseurdeloup SUMMARY: Jane takes Kaden on his first roller coaster
There was no reason for Kaden to step foot in this cursed carnival ever again. Not after last time. But something about Wu’s proposal was hard to resist. Maybe it was just curiosity. Or maybe he was tired of feeling like he was always missing out. It hardly mattered one way or another why he was here. Because he was fucking here. Standing at the entrance, waiting for his pre-zombie co-worker. Trying not to show how much he was shaking ever so slightly at the thought. “You sure this isn’t going to kill me, Wu? I’m not going to get a round two, you know.” It was easy enough to joke about it now. It didn’t feel like a real problem. Not yet. “Granted I guess we haven’t heard an ear piercing scream anywhere so I suppose you may be right.”
“Langley, if this rollercoaster kills you, you have full permission to haunt my sorry ass for the rest of my days,” Jane said, shoving her hands into the pockets of her jeans. Kaden was funny in the kind of french-guy-having-a-stick-up-his-ass kind of way, but she knew the both of them needed to blow off steam after having the banshee scream for them. She was, admittedly, more disturbed than she originally anticipated. She remembered staring at the bomb, watching the seconds tick away, just rooted to the spot. If Felix hadn’t interrupted her and let her know he was in the line of fire, Jane was certain she would have just stayed there. “And the next time she screams anywhere near my ears, I’m sending both of you the bill for when I get my ears checked, I swear to god.” She grinned at him. “C’mon, I still can’t believe you never rode a roller coaster before. That’s insane to me.”
“If I become a ghost I have bigger fucking problems than you, trust me.” Kaden rubbed his palms together, trying to wipe away the sweat as they made their way towards the roller coaster. The even interludes between screaming was a little eerie. Did no one else find it eerie? Maybe it was the whole dating a banshee thing but he wasn’t sure. Looking at the coaster it kind of looked like a death trap.”Yeah well too many people die in this town to guarantee that won’t happen again.” Which meant he had plenty of chances to worry himself drunk in the near future. Still, couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Wu’s comment. “Well I grew up in a different continent for one,” Kaden snipped at her. That wasn’t exactly an excuse. Not for a roller coaster. A state fair? Sure. Amusement parks and thrill rides? Not so much. “I don’t know, my parents weren’t big on this kind of stuff. Couldn’t really afford it.” Which was partially true but not the whole picture. “We just never had time.” Never made time. “And when I got older I don’t know, this never really called my name, I guess.”
“Everyone keeps telling me that, and yet my possessed stepstool is fine when it’s trapped in a cage in the middle of a salt circle with a couple cinder blocks on top of it and, you know, not trying to kill me. Almost pleasant, even,” Jane said. She was joking. She had to get rid of that damned step stool at some point. Jane snorted as Kaden immediately turned defensive, shaking her head. “Cool it Langley, I’m just giving you a hard time. I’m sure this one will give you exactly what you need, I’ve seen some stuff online about it.” Jane grabbed a spot in the relatively short line for the coaster. She looked up at it - it was pretty gnarly for a little carnival one. With loop-de-loops and a pretty significant drop and sharp turns and corners… Pretty cool, and exciting. It wasn’t necessarily as adrenaline inducing as some of the other activities she did on a daily basis, but it would do for now. “My dad used to take us when we were all younger,” Jane said, glancing at him. “Except he and my older brother didn’t like them, so I got to take my younger sister up with me alone while they went to go do the arcade or the shooting gallery games.” They moved forward in the line, and Jane grinned. Good. They were next.
“You still have that thing? Putain, get rid of it already.” Kaden couldn’t say much of anything. He still had that pixie at his place that he didn’t know what to do with. Guess he couldn’t say much. He let out a sigh. Being defensive was stupid, especially with Wu who was so easy going for the most part. Well guess she’d have to be if she found out zombies and werewolves existed and just rolled with it. He could feel his pulse picking up the closer they got to the front. Was there anyone behind them? He could tell them to go in front of them, look polite or some shit. No one? Putain. “You and your sister, huh? Guess they’re uh, they’re meant to be fun, right?” Why did he feel like he was going to jump out of his skin? He could fight a werewolf on a full moon and keep his nerves in check, but the thought of getting on that death trap scared the shit out of him. “Oh yeah, did the shooting gallery here. Won it. Got a stupid fucking prize. Mime plush. With wings. The lady running it was a piece of work.” Shit it was their turn now. He could feel himself shaking a little as they got into their seats. Front row. Of fucking course.
“I’m working on it,” Jane waved it off. She actually wasn’t working on it, and she wasn’t too concerned about it at this point. So long as she sprinkled the salt around the cage as a refresher every once in a while, French Fry was fine, if a little agitated. “I think they’re fun,” Jane said, with a shrug. “But I also jump out of planes and off cliffs for fun too, so take that with a grain of salt.” Jane grinned at Kaden as they were lead to their front row seats. Excellent. She got into the car, put the seatbelt in lightly, and let the bar lower down over their heads. She glanced over at Kaden, and for a moment, she felt a little sympathetic towards him. At least until the ride started moving and she felt her own adrenaline start pounding in her ears. “Relax,” Jane said, “It’s going to be just fine. When we go down, do no hands, it’s fun!” Jane encouraged him. Except right when they got to the top of the hill, getting ready to go down, they dropped backwards first at full speed.
“You what?!” Kaden didn’t exactly consider himself an overly cautious person. Hell, he threw himself into all kinds of near death situations. He liked a good adrenaline rush on a hunt. But those had a good reason behind them. They weren’t manufactured. And he trained for those. And if he never had to hunt again because all the supernatural problems went away tomorrow, he wouldn’t be mad about it. More importantly, they were on the ground. His knuckles went white as he gripped the bar around him. He’d put it on so tight he could feel his chest constricted a little. Which was fucking fine by him. “No hands? No-- You must be fuckig kidding me Wu, no h--” His words caught and heart pounded in his ear as they paused at the top. He winced, prepared to plunge face forward down the edge. The waiting was agony. But he was ready for-- “What the FUUUUUCKK!” His words blended into a scream as they started falling backwards. Not what he planned for, not what he planned for! Shit, was he going to break the bar if he gripped it any tighter? Hunter strength, putain. He let up a little as he felt a bit of a lull. Until they started jetting forward and full speed up the hill again. Oh fuck this was how he died. Not fighting a monster. This.
Jane’s scream mixed with Kaden’s, except it was far more joyful and full of pleasure than his fearful ones. As they jerked back up the hill at full speed, and then down the massive drop, Jane was true to her word - no hands - as they flew down. Jane had never been on a rollercoaster like this before. They jerked around a corner that seemed to be too tight to be possible, and Jane realized that this was the perfect burst of adrenaline she had needed. A yell of joy came from her when they were suddenly upside down down, and then sideways, and then doing impossible patterns on the tracks. “WOOOO!” She screamed, as they climbed yet another hill at full speed. “Come on Kaden! No hands!!!” She encouraged loudly, just as they dropped down the final mountain that would skid them to a stop.
When they barreled down the hill, Kaden went to close his eyes. No fuck that was worse. How was Jane having fun?! Was this supposed to be fun? His stomach was in his chest and he couldn’t feel his throat any more because he was fucking screaming. He saw the loop-de-loop coming before they got there. Was that even fucking there before? He was pretty sure there wasn’t any upside down fucking nonsense before they hopped o-- Putain de fucking merde they were upside fucking down. Upside. Fucking. Down. And then they were right side up again and he was pretty sure his stomach was still back on the first goddamn hill. There was more, sideways, corkscrews, more hills fucking somehow. There was one last drop. They paused at the top for some inexplicable reason. The anticipation was the worst. And she told him to put his hands up? No way in fucking hell was he going to do that. Or so he thought. Without any reasons, his hands released from his deathgrip on the restraints and went above his head. Not by fucking choice. Goddamn fae magic bullshit. Kaden screamed “FUCK YOU WUUUUUUUUUUUUU,” the whole way down. When they skidded to a stop and the bar finally lifted, Kaden had never felt so relieved. He practically scrambled to get out of the car. Solid fucking ground, thank god.
Somehow, Langley completely losing his goddamn mind was making the whole experience even more enjoyable. Laughter spilled from Jane as she heard Kaden curse her name out, the car jerking to a stop at the end of the ride. Her laughter didn’t end as the bar raised over their heads, and she climbed out of the car. “Come on, Langley, don’t tell me you didn’t have any fun!” Jane chuckled loudly, about to clap him on the back good naturedly before deciding that maybe that wasn’t the best idea. They walked back out to where the line for the next ride was starting. “How’s your stomach, I should have told you not to eat anything too heavy? Should we grab you something to settle it?” She was in good spirits, the high the adrenaline rush gave her soothing any worries and anxieties she may have had about anything in the world. She could ride that out for the next night, probably, before she went off and sought something else fun and exciting. She glanced at Kaden, grinning at him. “I can grab you a soda, or something. I think the stall over there has ginger ale.”
Kaden doubled over a moment. Was he going to hurl? Maybe? No. Okay. “I’m fine. I’m alright,” he said, pushing himself back to standing and forcing himself to walk forward like nothing was wrong. He was fine. Walking was weird. But this was fine. Even if he wasn’t sure what the fuck had just happened. Was it fun? He wasn’t sure. At all. “What the fuck was that?” was all he could manage to say as he followed her on wobbly legs. “Are they all like that?” Why did people do that? For fun? His throat was a little hoarse from all the yelling. Part of him wanted a tall pint of beer or really just any alcohol to calm is fucking nerves. The rest of him, mostly just his stomach, thought that was the worst idea on planet earth. The longer they walked, the more his mind played it over in his head, the whole ride. Looking back at the track it, uh, well it didn’t add up to what they did at all. But he was starting to wonder if what he was feeling was maybe some sort of joy? Something tangential? Maybe? That or it was just a sick curious fascination with something that made him want to jump out of his fucking skin just after he turned and vomited. And strangely enough… “Does it get better a second time?” he asked cautiously.
Once Jane was absolutely certain that Langley wasn’t going to ruin her shoes, she patted him lightly on the shoulder. “There you go, see? It wasn’t so bad, now was it?” Though, he made a good point. Something about that coaster was rather weird. “That was actually a bit more…. Intense than some of the ones I’ve been on before. I’ve really only seen those kinds at full Theme Parks, not traveling carnivals,” Jane said, curiously looking back at it. “More like Six Flags or some hardcore ride park, you know?” They walked and Jane was just about to offer to buy Kaden a drink for his suffering (or shocked enjoyment, she wasn’t quite certain yet), when he turned and asked her if it got better the second time around. Jane stared at him incredulously for a moment, before a wide grin stretched out over her face. She did clap him on the shoulder this time. “You know, it sure does. Come on, let’s get back in line!”
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skizmin · 6 years
haunted house!au with lee minho
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prompt: minho falls in love with the actor that jump scared him inside the haunted house at a carnival
genre: fluff???? would it be anything else???? in my happy angst-makes-me-cry household???? pfft.
for: im sorry this one is lightly gender specific for females!! but the only female not made is about dressing as wendy for a costume party which some of my male readers might be uncomfortable with!! (i didnt even think abt it when writing it bc me and one of my guy friends have respectively gone as peter and wendy to costume parties)
warnings: gore mention stuff but its haunted house costumes, swearing ofc but nothing extreme (no slurs).
yo anyway so minhos one of my three ults wowzas Can He Not?
alright lets get to it
You Are Broke.
your major subject at uni really does cost a lot of money. money you have to provide. it sucks basically
whenever you think abt money you have to hold back tears bc You Have None.
sorry anyway
one of your housemates is also broke and loves scouring the internet for quick and easy ways to get money, no matter how crazy they are
one night she comes back with an idea that peaks your interest, probably purely bc your card just got declined ordering a coffee at mcdonalds
“y/n you HAVE to do this one!!!!!”
you sigh like “if its selling my sub topic notes online again, im not doing it. i didnt even know someone could be so harsh about highlighter use???”
your housemate is all pfft im not putting you thru that again
“no!! basically, you get $80 to show up for 2 and 1/2 hours at the haunted house place at that carnival nearby!! dude we gotta, its just to scare the fuck outta people and we can like!! cover ourselves in blood!! n stuff!!”
at first your mind was like lmfao 2&1/2 hours at a haunted house?? no fuckin way
but then you remembered your job only paid you $14.78 an hour so you were doubling your pay in half the amount of time
“20 minutes, get out a creepy white dress or something that looks creepy that you can get dirty.”
you fricken ran to your room
you ended up getting a cheap nightgown that you bought to dress up as wendy from peter pan to a costume party, it cost like $2 you really werent sad to see it go
“y/n!! hurry up!! they have makeup there!!”
you bolted out the front door in your nightgown, runners and a big coat with nothing but your wallet phone and keys in your pocket
you were really broke and desperate, youd already accepted it
when you got to the carnival you were in awe, it had been a fair few years since your last one and the colours and lights and pounding music and laughter just
wow, carnivals are so pretty
the guy running the haunted house came in and let you guys in so you didnt pay admission and quickly sat you down at some tables and told you you could do the makeup yourself or got someone else to
you, feeling daring and thinking fuck it, im gonna make the haunted house goers shit their pants, decided to do your own makeup
to pair with your blue nightgown you simply gave yourself extremely dark and sullen eyes with the power of purple eyeshadow, you paled out your lips and gave yourself a lil nosebleed, and on top of that you painted a random creepy looking symbol on your forehead in blood, blackening it our a little with an eyeliner pen to make it seem like it was cut open.
you were lowkey proud of your work
okay now it was show time, you were briefed on where in the house you could stay and you were told how to act and basic rules (no touching, get help if theyre freaking out too much, etc)
so now, you were in the dimly lit narrow hallways of this makeshift house when you heard the tell tale screams of your housemate meaning theres a group coming and theyd just attempted to jump scare them
you hid behind a black sheet, disguised as a wall, before your victims came up through your hallway
you heard some talk of “felix you know its fake, calm down.” before you saw some shadows pass by
the group was big, maybe 10 people? you werent sure, but you went forward with your plan anyway
just after theyd passed your hiding place, you stepped out from behind them and stood idly and innocently in the centre of the corridor before you put your head down and started whistling a nursery rhyme
you heard a few gasps and a few squeaks before you looked up with an unreadable expression
you saw them looking at you and some of the guys ushered some of the others away though one guy stood there looking at you strangely
you just tilted your head at him before taking your OPERATION: SCARE mission a step farther
bringing your hands up to your ears you let out a ear piercing scream and squeezed your eyes shut before running through the group and turning the corner at the end of the small corridor
you heard a soft what the fuck was that and a less soft language! before you turned and waited for them to turn the corner
as they were walking up the corridor however (theyd resolved to moving with just shuffles of their feet) you heard a new voice speak up. it was somewhat playful and honeydew like, especially with the phrase “not gonna lie, they were really fucking pretty.” which was followed by a chorus of “miNHO”’s and “thIs iS NoT The TiME bUddY” and “i think felix is crying”
you were taken aback
did he mean that? was that the one looking at you earlier? what the frick?
you were still blanking out, completely flabbergasted even when the group turned the corner
of course, you were unprepared, you planned to scream a loud “GET OUT!” to them but all that left your mouth was a squeak as you met eyes with the stranger again, red flushing up your neck
you ran away quickly, ducking into one of the rooms dressed up to look like a metal asylum holding centre
“hyung wtf theyre the scariest one yet”
“you guys go ahead, ill be there in a second”
“let go jisungie, hyunjins looking at you like you disgust him right now”
a chorus of laughs echoed through the hall
why was honeydew voice not going ahead?
your cheeks were still kinda red as you waited, listening for the male to go away
you slowly inched towards the doorway of the small room you were in, the flashing light behind you somewhat hindering your senses as you peeked through the shredded and knotted white sheet hanging from the top of the doorway but you couldnt see anyo-
“BOO!” “HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK” you scReAmed and jumped backwards, only to hear some cakcling from behind the sheet where the boy from earlier had appeared
“heck knuckles?”
“hmm? really?” you looked up to see the boy smirking playfully at you. 
he looks like a cat
“aH yeAh??? you just scared the crap out of me!!!1!1!!!” you huffed, amused by him behaviour. you heartbeat still hadnt calmed down
“oh? you sure it wasnt just from looking at me?” he leaned in slightly, making the question seem innocent
“mmhm, youre that ugly that i flew halfway across a room.” though the comment was monotonous and you had a bored look in your eyes, it was purely for bantering
“nice try pumpkin, nice try. anyway, when do you finish with the whole im an ugly ghost coming to kill you thing? youre terrible at it by the way.”
your breath hitched and a blush came up your neck
“o-okay listen here, uh, boy! 1, i am Not a Pumpkin. 2, i dont know you. 3, im fucking amazing at this ask your friends and 4, i dont know you” you awkwardly coughed at the end
he furrowed his eyebrows at you “its minho, and the whole point is i want to get to know you.” he beamed at you after this
you felt lightheaded honestly, it was all happening very quickly under weird circumstances
but still, you muttered back to him a soft “i get off at 10:30″
he smiled wider, triumphantly, “10:30?”
you nodded and he took a couple of steps back, out of the room
“see you then i guess!” at this, he winked, before he jogged off to find his friends
you fell back against a wal
lwhat the frick frack paddy whack just happened?
you sighed, hearing the screeching and slam of a metal door, knowing you had to get back to scaring others
like,,, @ 10:33
you had all your stuff and you were walking out from behind the haunted house set up, waiting for your housemate
you honestly didnt think youd see minho. no guy is that persistent, right?
“h-hey!!! demon child person!!!” you looked up at this
who the fuck just called me demon child person 
you saw him and holy shit
the haunted house was dark with red lighting in some places and flashing blinding white lights in others, you saw minho and you saw what he looked like, but wow, he was so much clearer now
he was absolutely gorgeous
the carnival lights against his tan skin, his dark hair, his skinny black jeans and big parka coat? you were absolutely mesmerised
suddenly you realised you were staring and he was standing right in front of you
“o-oh, uh, hi?” you could already feel the red on your cheeks
“mm, hey, wanna hang out for a bit?” he smiled at you, you saw a tinge of red on his nose from the cold
“oh, actually i uh, i came with my housemate and-”
suddenly your housemate was next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder and telling you to get home safely and asking you to not be too loud before shes nudging you closer to the attractive minho boy and speed walking off
“i gotta say, i like your housemate” minho looked to you with a wide smile. “should we get you some food first?”
you offered him a meek smile and shyly nodded. which he laughed at
“alright then, lets go!” he gripped you lightly by the elbow and led you through the crowd, passing some speedy and tall and colourful rides. you decided to speak up.
“sooo... after you get food, whatd you wanna do?” minho made a contemplating sound before simply saying “i dont mind, i just want to get to know you.”
“uh, okay then, well uh, what do you wanna know?” “to be honest, a name would be great.” minho laughed goodheartedly, you saw the apples of his cheeks rise up and his nose scrunching slightly
“oH! riGht! im uh, im y/n”
this time he turned to you “y/n?” you nodded. “thats a pretty name, it matches you.”
you turned away mumbling a thanks before you realised he’d called you pretty
“woAh wait whAt??? do you?? have no shame??”
this time he giggled
oh my god your heart practically stopped especially when he steered you to a table for the both of you to sit down
“y/n, i dont know if you noticed but i basically sorta asked you out like 2 hours ago while you were trying to scare me dressed as a demonic creepy child, a really fucking cute one at that, you need to teach me how to do that im in awe. but yeah and then now we’re here on a spontaneous first date which i have no clue what im doing for and i really dont know you at all apart from you act in a haunted house which is pretty interesting but you were just that pretty that i stayed behind in a haunted house to talk to you. now ask yourself again, does minho ever feel ashamed of his blatantly obvious attempts at flirting? the answer however is: when it comes to you? no, never.”
he was smiling proudly at his little monologue whilst you were catching flies in your open mouth
“you...are actually the cheesiest person ive ever fucking met.”
minho laughs once again.
“honestly, ill give you all the compliments in the world if it means youll give me your number or something, even the ones that arent true”
you leaned over the table and slapped his arm lightly, grumbling under your breath about fliritng getting you nowhere in life
he simply rested his elbow on the table and his cheek in his hand, gazing at you and asking you what food you wanted
you ended up being so strung in by his his gorgeous eyes and soft looking cheeks that he had to call your name 3 times and repeat the question
after eating some gross junk food and watching the midnight fireworks, minho bought you both fairyfloss and insisted on walking you home saying “its what anyone in their right mind would do” 
you walked along, him explaining his fear of heights and you explaining your situation of brokeness where you take almost any opportunity available
along the way he slinked his fingers through yours and placed them in the pocket of his big parka coat, smiling at you as you ducked your head to look at the ground, where youd started kicking your feet out extra to distract yourself from the affectionate gesture and calm the burning of your cheeks
when you arrived at your house, you fought over who should eat the leftover fairy floss.
you viciously shoved it into his hand, 
“you paid for it and you walked me home even though its late and cold, you keep it.”
minho looked like he was going to fight back for a minute before his eyes lit up
“ill take it on one condition, i get to feed a piece to you.” he beamed at you and you looked at him confused and skeptic
“uhhh, okay i guess?”
he picked a piece off of the stick and held it in front of you, you opened your mouth for it and he placed it in
before it could melt and you could smile at him however, you felt his hand on your cheek and a hand on your lower back tugging you forward to rest his lips on yours, moving his lips against them a total of three times before pulling back
“i know i shouldve asked, but id buy you fairy floss every day if i got to do that once.”
you were a stuttering mess, your mind was fuzzy, you missed the feeling of him so close to you already
“uh-i, i um. wow uh yeah. uhhh, yeah no its fine i um,,,, i didnt mind it actually. wait no, i uh, i really liked it?”
biggest smile of the century goes to lee minho, born in 1998
youre so red it isnt funny and he just moves the hand that was on your cheek to loosely grab at your fingers
“mm, okay then y/n, maybe if you wash the fake blood off of your face and text me ill kiss you again, for as long as you want.”
if your face was red before
oh god
oh god
you squeaked and nodded as he chuckled, lightly kissing your cheek before backing away
“get some sleep y/n, and message me tomorrow.” with that, he was walking away, leaving you to enter your house and be greeted by a squealing housemate who had witnessed the whole thing
(you took minho up on that offer, and he did kiss you, and it was longer, and it was great until his friend chris walked into minhos living room and saw you both and started screaming about keeping it PG because there were (17 yr old) kids around.)
finish! hope you like it!!
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ninja-muse · 7 years
Urban Fantasy Recommendation Masterpost
This is a list of the urban fantasies I’ve enjoyed most over the years, split down a few lines and to be updated as I discover new series. I’m also including contemporary fantasies because the lines often blur. Hope you find something you like on it!
$ for LGBT characters £ for characters of colour € for characters with disabilities * for potentially problematic depictions of the above ! for #ownvoices (all based on my slightly spotty memory, so feel free to correct if I’ve missed something)
or stories that spend most of their time steeping you in the magical world
American Gods - Neil Gaiman £
Shadow Moon gets out of jail and is hired by the cagey Mr. Wednesday to … he’s not really clear, honestly, but it puts him in the path of people who may or may not be gods. Multiple mythologies.
Among Others - Jo Walton €!
A 1980s teen flees her troubled home in Wales to get to know her birth father and attend an English boarding school. Is her mother’s family able to work magic or is it just wishful thinking? Reading science fiction might give her the answers. British folklore and faeries, and a very interesting take on magic.
The Boggart - Susan Cooper
A Canadian family inherits a Scottish castle inhabited by a mischievous boggart—who then stows away and finds himself in Toronto. Scottish folklore.
The Bone Clocks - David Mitchell £
The life of a woman from teen-hood to old age as she lives her life and occasionally intersects with an ancient war between good and evil, fought with telepathy and other things that look a lot like magic.
The Changeling - Victor Lavalle £ !
After his infant son is violently attacked, Apollo Kagwa, used bookseller, descends into the hidden world of New York in search of his vanished wife.
The City We Became - N.K. Jemisin - $ £ ! for race
New York City, newly alive, is being attacked, and six humans, no longer quite human, must do everything in their power to save their city.
the Dark is Rising series - Susan Cooper €*
A group of English kids—four siblings, a seventh son, and a boy who might be a reincarnated Arthur—versus the forces of darkness. Five books, only the last of which includes all the kids. Cornish and English folklores, Arthuriana.
Gods Behaving Badly - Marie Phillips
The Greek pantheon now lives in North London and is as dysfunctional as ever. Artemis walks dogs. Aphrodite does phone sex. Apollo is a washed-out TV psychic who’s just fallen, via Eros, for the cleaning lady—who’s trying to date someone else, thank you very much. Greek mythology.
The Golem and the Jinni - Helene Wecker £
A golem and a jinni both find themselves in turn-of-the-century New York, both literally and figuratively. A beautiful exploration of the immigrant experience, friendship, and identity. Jewish and Arabic folklore.
Good Omens - Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
A mostly-good angel and mostly-wicked demon discover they’ve been training the wrong Antichrist days before the scheduled apocalypse. The real Antichrist wants a dog and to save the whales. Also features a legacy witch, a rookie witch-finder, the Four Horsemen, the Four Other Horsemen, Satanic nuns, and a Queen soundtrack. Christian mythology.
The Hunter’s Moon - O.R. Melling
A Canadian teen visiting her Irish cousin ends up mounting a cross-country road trip to retrieve her cousin who’s run off with the faeries. Irish mythology.
The Left-Handed Booksellers of London - Garth Nix $£
In the summer of 1983, Susan Arkshaw travels to London to find her birth father. What she discovers is a family of magical booksellers, and an Old World that’s very much alive.
Middlegame - Seanan McGuire
Roger and Dodger are exceptionally gifted, telepathically linked, and a little more than natural. James Reed will stop at nothing to use them, or people like them, to get ultimate power. Alchemy, time travel, and portal fantasies are involved.
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman £
Richard Mayhew has it all: a good job, a hot fiancée, a nice flat. Then he helps an apparently homeless girl with the power to create doors and is pulled into the magical community below London. Nothing will ever be the same.
Of Blood and Honey and And Blue Skies From Pain - Stina Leicht
It’s tough, living in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, and Liam finds it harder than most. No one trusts him, he can’t find work, everyone wants him to choose a side, and to cap it off, he feels like a monster is inside him and knows something inhuman is stalking him and his. The war between the Fey and the Fallen is heating up, and the only people keeping peace are an order of priests—who also, surprise, want Liam’s help. Irish and Christian mythology.
The Sixth World series - Rebecca Roanhorse $£€ ! 
Maggie Hoskie is a Monsterslayer of Dinétah, but she’d rather not be. Even rescuing a kidnapped girl is supposed to be a one-shot deal. But the monster’s a new one, an apprentice medicine man’s attached himself to her, and Coyote’s around, so of course it’s not that simple. Navajo mythology.
Son of a Trickster - Eden Robinson £€ !
Jared’s life sucks. He’s sixteen, living in a crap house in a crap town with crap prospects. He’s paying his dad’s rent with weed money. His mom’s more interested in parties than holding down a job. His only friend’s a pit bull. And just when he thinks that’s as low as it gets, a raven shows up and say he’s Jared’s real dad. Heiltsuk (and other First Nations) mythology and folklore.
Sparrow Hill Road - Seanan McGuire
Rose Marshall, the Phantom Prom Date, the Ghost of Sparrow Hill Road, hitches her way from coast to coast while dealing with paranormal problems and route witches—and avoiding Bobby Cross, the immortal who killed her.
Sunshine - Robin McKinley
Rae is a baker. Tough and practical and smart, but a baker. Who’s just rescued herself and a vampire from captivity using magic she’d half-forgotten she had. Unfortunately, the master vampire’s still after them, the magical police know something’s up, and she just wants to keep being normal. Includes mild, realistic PTSD and a whole lot of delicious desserts.
An Unkindness of Magicians - Kat Howard
The Turning has started in New York and every magician in the city has their own reason for entering the tournament—power, status, acknowledgement, revenge, revolution. The high stakes would be enough for anyone, but it’s starting to look like there’s something suddenly wrong with magic, too.
Witches of Ash and Ruin - E. Latimer - $ £ € *
Dayna wants to be a witch, live her life, and block her OCD thoughts so she doesn’t have to deal with them. Then scary but gorgeous Meiner and her coven roll into town prophesying Bad Things, and a serial killer reappears who seems to target witches and shit. Meet. Fan. Themes of family and abuse.
Ysabel - Guy Gavriel Kay
Ned Marriner’s tagging along with his photographer dad to Provence when he begins to notice magic awakening around him. There’s an ancient love triangle that‘s repeated throughout history, using contemporary locals as proxies—and it’s very interested in Ned, his new friend Kate, and his father’s entourage.
or stories that spend most of their time solving a magical crime
The Arcadia Project series - Mishell Baker $£€ !
Millie’s nearly broke, scarred, a double amputee, mentally ill, and Done with all the BS around that. She’s also despairing of ever resuming her directing career, so when a mysterious woman offers her a job with her temp agency, she’s intrigued. What wasn’t mentioned? She’ll actually be an immigration agent working with the Fae of Hollywood, and one of them’s just gone missing.
the Blood series - Tanya Huff $£€
Vicky Nelson is the pinnacle of the tough, no-nonsense PI—which poses a bit of a problem when she’s hired to catch a “vampire” on the streets of Toronto and then actually meets one. (He writes romance novels.)
the Felix Castor series - Mike Carey $*
Felix Castor is an exorcist. A hard-drinking, down-at-the-heels exorcist in a London brimming with ghosts and demons. Unfortunately, he never seems to get the easy cases where he can just waltz in and play a tune—and his past mistakes might be coming back to haunt him.
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency and The Long, Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - Douglas Adams
Dirk Gently solves mysteries by wandering around, getting into strange situations, and then connecting dots no one believes even exist. Like time traveling robots and Romantic poets, or rampaging eagles and mold-ridden refrigerators.
The Grendel Affair - Lisa Shearin £
Makenna Fraser is a seer working for Supernatural Protection and Investigations in New York. “Seer” meaning she can spot the ghoulies and ghosties few people can, including her coworkers. When an off-the-books gnome removal turns into a blood-soaked crime scene, she and her partner are handed the case—but will her eagerness to prove herself just land her in hotter water?
the Greta Helsing series - Vivian Shaw $£
Dr. Greta Helsing serves the undead of London. Her best friends are vampires and demons. The boundaries between worlds are thinning, causing all manner of metaphysical trouble. Plays with 1800s horror classics; equal parts sensible, disturbing, and funny.
the Greywalker series - Kat Richardson $£
Harper Blaine prides herself on rationality and unflappability, but after briefly dying on a case, she’s suddenly wrong-footed and seeing ghosts everywhere. In the middle of all that, she’s hired by a mysterious voice to track down an organ that’s more than it seems, and suddenly haunted street corners are the least of her problems.
the Incryptid series - Seanan McGuire $£
Meet the Price family, a close-knit group of cryptozoologists whose mission is to protect and preserve endangered cryptids like dragons, gorgons, and the religious Aeslin mice from humans. They’re also hiding from the Covenant of St. George, a.k.a. why the cryptids are endangered in the first place. Technically paranormal romance.
the Iron Druid series - Kevin Hearne £
Atticus O’Sullivan is a herbalist and seller of New Age paraphernalia by day, two-thousand-year-old druid by night. He thought moving to Arizona would keep him safe from gods bent on revenge. He thought wrong. Multiple mythologies.
Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge - Paul Krueger $£€ !
Bailey Chen is fresh out of business school, broke, and living with her parents. When a childhood friend offers her a job as a barback, she takes it as a stopgap—but then she discovers the secret cabal of bartenders who fight demons using magical cocktails and after that, there’s no looking back.
Moonshine - Alaya Johnson £
Zephyr Hollis, a charity worker and ESL teacher in 1920s New York, and therefore flat broke, takes a side job from a student, Amir, without asking questions. But will the vampire mob, the drug-crazed vamps, Amir’s literal smoking hotness, or her family history do her in first?
Night Owls - Lauren M. Roy $
Valerie is a vampire with a successful campus bookstore. Elly grew up fighting monsters and fearing for her life. When their paths collide via a book in Elly’s keeping, they must unite to prevent said monsters from unleashing hell and then some.
the October Daye series - Seanan McGuire $£€
Toby Daye wants sleep, coffee, and for everyone to leave her alone already—not necessarily in that order. Unfortunately, as a changeling Knight and PI with a knack of finding people and solving problems with maximum chaos, none of those things will ever be easy to come by. Multiple folklores.
the Olympus Bound series - Jordanna Max Brodsky $£
Selene di Silva’s been keeping her head down for a long time, shutting herself off not just from New York, but from the world. (Being a former goddess will do that.) But then she stumbles on the body of a woman who’s been ritually sacrificed and her past as Artemis comes rising up again. Greek and Roman mythology
the Rivers of London series - Ben Aaronovitch $£€
When Constable Peter Grant meets a ghost at a crime scene, it’s only logical for him to take a witness statement. When DCI Thomas Nightingale learns of this, he offers him a job as an auror the sorcerer’s apprentice a valued member of a magically-focused police unit. London, its river goddesses, various magic workers, assorted Fae, and the Metropolitan Police will never be the same.
the Shadow Police series - Paul Cornell $£
Following the mysterious death of a suspect, four Metropolitan Police officers are drawn into London’s sinister magical underworld in their hunt for a killer.
the Smoke series - Tanya Huff $*£
Tony Foster’s found his footing as a PA on a Vancouver-shot vampire show. Unfortunately, the paranormal weirdness that is his life continues and it’s somehow up to him to save the day.
Unholy Ghosts (and following) - Stacia Kane £*
Chess Putnam works as a Church exorcist, partly out of obligation and partly for the pay, which goes to fuel her drug addiction. Unfortunately, no ghosts are nice ghosts and her private life keeps intruding on her cases.
the Watch novels - Terry Pratchett
Ankh-Morpork is the citiest of fantasy cities. Its City Watch is a bunch of misfits. Sam Vimes isn’t putting up with any nonsense. Somehow, they fight crime.
Zoo City - Lauren Beukes £
Zinzi December is a con artist and occasional finder of lost things who lives in the Johannesburg slums with her sloth familiar. Her latest case? Find a pair of missing teen pop stars—before the apparent assassins do.
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