strawberryloveyyy · 5 months
Whoever thought of dried mangoes are genius
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wtnvwiki · 1 year
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fun quote from wtnv: a novel! in light of... recent events
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clairles · 2 years
Sometimes, I read something I wrote myself and think "wow, I am actually good"
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
Its funny that anon mentioned daniel day lewis b/c this man barely promoted his projects, didnt really do the hollywood thing and he really let his work/acting do all the talking and arguably considered one of greatest actors of all time and was on top of hollywood with directors desperate to work with him, the same could be said of denzel washington not really into the hollywood thing obviously he was invited to parties but his talent did almost all the talking or jaoquin phoenix or emma stone or angela bassett etc the list goes on.. Being aggressive is one thing for some actors and may be the best route for them. but also like sometimes just working and you'll get them opportunities. Like going to events and whatnot is not the only way to thrive. Austin literally his route to fame was working with other actors and networking through them to get elvis and then through tom hanks got masters of the air just working alone is gpod enough. Again yoi dont need to got timmy or JE etc nothing wrong with that but you got acknowledge there are other ways of succeeding than just chasing every role.
Also why does anyone want one person to dominate the industry thats boring, I rather see multiple people succeeding at the same time and allowing newcomers to come and allowing them a platform to succeed. Stop obsessing over comparing tom to other actors everyones path is different. If he wants to place emphasis on breaks so be itz if hes in only for big paydays so be it, if he chooses to leave acting so be it, if he wants do theatre so be it, its his career the only perosn you need impress is yourself.
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Its funny that anon mentioned daniel day lewis b/c this man barely promoted his projects, didnt really do the hollywood thing and he really let his work/acting do all the talking and arguably considered one of greatest actors of all time and was on top of hollywood with directors desperate to work with him, the same could be said of denzel washington not really into the hollywood thing obviously he was invited to parties but his talent did almost all the talking or jaoquin phoenix or emma stone or angela bassett etc the list goes on..
Exactly! Your WORK will eventually speak for itself. You don't need to be at every Hollywood party, or function in order to get recognized or get film roles.
I will say this though, a lot of the actors you mentioned (i.e. Denzel, Daniel Day, etc) WERE at Hollywood functions earlier in their careers. Just look online and do some Google search and photos. They attended the Oscars, the Golden Globes, etc.... Like, many of them (especially Denzel) were pretty regular at these functions, especially when they were in their prime.
They're older now, and they can AFFORD to not have to go to every single function or awards show. Some of these men are in their 60s and beyond. Of course they're not gonna be doing what some of the younger folks are doing lol. Some just wanna be in their bed ROTFL. 😅🤣
Either way, IF you are a GOOD actor, your WORK WILL speak for itself, and you WILL be getting people wanting to work with you. PERIOD. End of story. Now, whether you choose to accept these roles that come your way are another story. Not every actor wants to do everything. Not every actor wants to be another Leo DiCaprio or Daniel Day Lewis.
To me, Tom seems like he just wants to LIVE a normal life first and foremost, and then act on the side lol. 😅 And yes, maybe his whole focus and purpose changed when he met and fell in love w/the love of his life... 🥰 He's not a single man. He's found the LOVE of his life....so he might want to slow down some and focus on other things.
Also why does anyone want one person to dominate the industry thats boring, I rather see multiple people succeeding at the same time and allowing newcomers to come and allowing them a platform to succeed. Stop obsessing over comparing tom to other actors everyones path is different. If he wants to place emphasis on breaks so be itz if hes in only for big paydays so be it, if he chooses to leave acting so be it, if he wants do theatre so be it, its his career the only perosn you need impress is yourself.
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YES Anon! All of this! I wish I could laminate and frame this whole entire last paragraph of yours lol. 😅
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her-pale-shadow · 1 year
I've got a last one 😌 would you rather... put me on my back on your bed and force yourself into me and hold me down and go harder when I try to tell you it hurts, or bend me over in front of a mirror and tell me to look at myself.. and spank my clit every time I close my eyes or look away? 🥰
You always come up with two very good options that make me want to do both! Of course it's not like you could stop me doing both 😇
But I think right now I want to put you on your back on your bed. I'd get such a gpod view of you, and your tits bouncing as I fuck you 😏😏 So easy to hold you down and put my hands where they're needed.
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hahanoiwont · 2 years
Literally lying in bed trying to go to sleep and remembered 'of course it is I gave it to you' Black and Frisks relationshop isnso gpod oh my god. He named them!!!!! He gave them a name hebgave them a voice sobbing crying sniffle snif snfif hes their dadddddddd
he gave them. a name. a voice. a home. he taught them what they could expect from family, what they should always have been able to expect from family. he gave them the very best of him. he loves them SO much they are his baby. they're his beloved child and he would do anything to make them happy. it's just that he never gets enough of a chance.
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korusalka · 3 years
Not me panicking over the possibility of unwanted romantic advances in the workplace when I've already successfully thwarted another attempt from someone else over the last few weeks🤦
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gresiniracing · 2 years
wow! im having an awful time!
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sullina · 3 years
I had. A thought about feather au. Yknow how all demons have an Indura and it’s implied that either the berserk form he took in Vaizel, AM form, or the dragon in purgatory is Mel’s? I raise you to all of those but super feathery
(Me about to write this: oh this is gonna be so self-indulgent)
To make things more clear, I'm gonna say that Berserk Mel is Mel ruled completely by his instincts, but distinct from Indura.
In combat mode, Berserk Mels feathers grow bigger and stronger at an alarming rate into an unpenetrable yet ultralight armor. Like 90% of the down feathers grow and transform into hardened feathers, making the armor-like coat possible. The feathers on his tail are also strengthened, covered in darkness, and the big ones at the end are hardened and used less for stabilizing in flight and more for batting around his opponent. The whole thing is pretty energy intensive.
When not in combat mode, like when Mel was sniffing Eli after obliterating, the down feathers relax into their soft fluffy state. If he can't sense any danger nearby, his feathers still grow until he has a thick coat, but they're unbelievably soft. Darkness is threaded through the feathers of his tail, but the feathers are not covered, though more than ready to do just that at any moment. He gets snuggly and latches onto Elizabeth or the closest person he likes the most. If there are several people he likes (the sins), he'll pull them all close to him to make sure they're safe. He'll get distressed if they try to leave, so the best way to turn him back from berserk is to snuggle him back and keep him calm and just letting him know that they're safe. Afterwards, once he's back, he's very hungry and tired.
Assault mode Mel can think clearly, and consciously raises his combat class on his own. He pulls his darkness over his feathers as a more efficient way to raise his defensive ability. His tail becomes completely black, with the darkness using the underlying feathers as a sort of mold. That makes it easier to fling it, think of it like throwing knives, or how Stormfly uses the spikes on her tail in HTTYD. Mel also stiffens the big feathers at the end of his tail to be able make more precise maneuvers and sharp turns in the air that otherwise would physically not be possible.
We never saw Indura Mel, but considering that demons sacrifice 6 of their 7 hearts in order to make a contract with the darkness inside them and gain that power, the last heart should be guarded considerably (also I'm gonna make this up as I go). Mels feathers grow until they cover almost his entire body, with all of them being armor feathers. He'll die anyway (since the literal life force is used up), no need for down feathers to keep warm, plus the movement will keep his body plenty warm. He'll grow actual wings, which are a mix of feathers and leather, and claws on his hands and feet. The feathers on his tail turn into sharp spikes, with the big feathers at the tip basically turning into swords with how hard and sharp they become. Needless to say, he becomes incredibly aggressive, and thanks to his feathered armor, you could use him as a battering ram and he would barely feel it (but he definitely wouldn't let you).
Dragon Meli isn't much different. But with how Chonk he is, he reminds me of a seal, and seals bulk up with fat to be able to withstand the extreme cold. And Dragon Meli, despite literally being a shadow of himself, also needs to protect himself against the harsh environment of purgatory. But with how much the temperatures fluctuate (?) in purgatory, feathers could be a gpod way to isolate against outer temperatures and regulate his body temperature. His actual body is a little slimmer, but there's A Ton of fluff. When Ban leans against his side after they fought for so long, he almost entirely disappears into the fluff. He can just barely save himself from drowning in feathers XD
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official-saltbag · 5 years
a soft, relieved purr. "good... all the gpod. um, now if you have a request for dinner, should make it now, so I can let Pyre know! amazing cook, very good. knows how to cook stuff that's not just baked stuff even." they loose their grip slowly, totally not looking liked they're both smiling, and needing to wipe their eyes, at the same time.
Can has some pasta? And maybe a pizza and soda or two??
...sibling movie night sounds, normal enough.
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god1ngs · 3 years
i literally have to eat breakfast to take my meds so i just eat protein bars they're gpod though
also bonez pls i actually wanna know (i am pretty tho)
idk brown hair???? bro idk i just see you as drama
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ajani · 7 years
I want to play with some LGBT dms. I try to be but in my area it's hard esp when I'm explaining smth LGBT-wise and someone's like "nah, that's not how it is" and I try to correct them and they're just like "and HOW do you know this?" and so instead of outing myself I either remain silent or say "research" and if I remain silent they're just like "told you so."
That is super unfortuate. When I had an in person campaign that dm was a cishet white guy and while he was gpod overall some stuff was questionable and I left the campaign (though this was for time reasons)
If you have any friends online that are lgbt and stuff, you can use roll20 as a shared virtual map with built in voice chat (thougj due to bad experiences id recommend using discord seperately and disabling voice input and output on roll20)
Roll20 can let you put up looking for group type things I believe, and if you make a post in here about wanting to start a group im sure you'll find ppl interested, at least a few. 
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