hi hello i am the random stranger who just followed you and came to say, affectionately with hopes that none of this comes off in an uncomfortable way, that your art style is FUCKING AMAZING. i know nothing about kingdom hearts or any other fandoms i skimmed but i'm here for the fact that your art? those lines?? that colouring??? scratches an itch i didn't know i had. i want to print it out and eat it and roll around in it much like a cat would do to important documents. (I will not be printing out your art dw that was just dramatics for self expression)
just. fam it has been a hot minute since i've seen art on my dashboard that made me stop and stare just because of how much my eyes loved it even with having no connection to the actual content. and i wanted to let you know that it's awesome and you are awesome and i hope you have a fanTASTIC day
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rival-ado · 2 months
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commission for @perenlop !
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twistedappletree · 7 months
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sugarpsalms · 8 months
wait are you fr right now?? YOU WROTE "COME DOWN FROM YOUR HOLY MOUNTAIN" ?? I WORSHIP AT YOUR ALTER!! i remember talking about this fic in my REAL LIFE to my REAL FAMILY MEMBERS saying whatever talented god wrote this is now FOR SURE off writing novels for lucasfilm or smth because it's been orphaned and it is HANDS DOWN THEE BEST FANFIC I HAVE EVER READ IN MY LIFE!!! and being absolutely devastated because i couldn't read the author's other stuff, and now HERE YOU ARE!! ON MY DASH!! just casually reblogging stuff like i'm not OBSESSED WITH YOU!! holy shit. i can't believe this. the force works in mysterious ways i guess. i'm so FUCKING STOKED to read your other stuff. i knew it was gonna be good but i've been putting it off because i knew i would like it TOO MUCH and i have so many other things i am behind on. but now you have jumped to the top of the queue! i am having the best day since like, jesus invented the calendar. i adore you 🥰🥰🥰
AHHHH hi hello!!! Yes I did write that, and gosh golly I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it so much 🥰 that fic really did bring me and lots of cool folks together, and it's so nice to hear that you even talked to people about it sksksksk for real, I love this!! (not writing canon books, unfortunately, but I do have my shameful folder of plot pitches for if LF+Disney ever notice my Other Stuff lmao)
Anyway I'm glad you found me again!! My other fics are slow going, but they're definitely active and being worked on and will get finished! So you have plenty of time to catch up and marinate and think about them. Also! To talk to me about them!! That's my favorite part 💌
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xsolastine · 5 months
every now and again, i remember this happened;
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and i will never not find it hilarious. i'd love to do some silly brother stuff like this 😌
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cherrysha · 1 month
just wanted to say that your sukuna fix was my final push to get into jjk. Your writings are some great stuff
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godnectar · 2 months
YOUR THEME IS SO COOL LIKE I NEVER EXPECTED TO SEE A THEME OF THE MILKMAN GUY BUT I LOVE IT SMMM 😭🙏 it makes me rlly happy js with the fact that you made a theme of him but it's not even only that, you literally made it super gorgeous I love it SM 🙏🙏🙏
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aureatchi · 3 months
incredibly overdue but thank you so much for 400+ followers 🥹 i appreciate everyone who enjoys my works <3
+ this is already sappy but thank you for the love on my latest fic, i’m smiling so hard w/ all the comments & rbs sjsjjanw. they mean sm to me !!
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succutiddies · 4 months
Dont just feel pretty! Youre are pretty! Youre are fucking gorgeous!
aaaa thank u so much 🥺😖💗
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pebiejeebies · 7 months
no req- but i hope your day goes well or gets even better!!
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*sees cabby*
*C A P T U R E S*
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dude. i read a couple of your fics back to back (geto breakfast in bed, gojo pastries in the fridge) now tell me why... i was on the bus. but reading them i Felt like was in bed on a spring morning. i felt like i was wrapped in my duvet with my teddy bear next to me. i almost actually felt the quiet and the warmth of the sunshine. god damn dude. u write us so cute and sleepy. <333333
OUGGHHH ANON…. you have no idea how soft this made me 🥺🥺😭😭 ur so real for reading fanfic on the bus btw….. but aaa!! feeling like you were in bed on a spring morning is such a huge compliment, that means sm…. that was exactly the kinda vibe i wanted to convey hehe !! i love writing fics w sleepy vibes so im glad u enjoyed <33
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taegularities · 10 months
Hi Rid, so you mentioned sth abt ‘evermore’ & since I wasn’t aware what you were talking abt (I’m very recent follower of yours) I checked your master post. And from the briefing of every story, I liked the concept of all members, there’s so different from one another. But I think I’m very excited abt Yoongi,Tae & Jk’s fics! If you can you elaborate on their themes I’d love that 💛🥹 also I wanted to point out that the fic that drew me in to your account were Not my fault & Ruined (i didn’t even realize it was a part of a series LOLz read Ruin You right after & that has so much potential to be made into a novel just sayinn) patiently awaiting the evermore series to drop by!!
hi love!! first of all, thank you for being here and welcome, i hope it's been fun so far 🥺 also, i'm so happy you're already excited for the evermore series!! once i'm done with joon's fic, we can finally dive in!! wahh please, the taegikook fics are what i'm most excited about, too!!
so cotton candy is a 90s au; tae, oc's childhood friend, is a photographer and model. this fic doesn't have a super detailed or deep plot, it's literally just slice of life and a story about a friendship morphing into deep love. very old school, nostalgic aesthetic. it's one of the most comforting fics i've ever written and i think i'll always be in love with it. hope you will be, too <3
then, run like a river is an ex2l fic about producer yoongi who returns to his hometown after retiring and finds his bubbly ex still there. they don't have a super painful or hateful relationship with each other as usual in ex2l stories, but they start finding their way back to each other with time. it'll be a soft, soothing fic, especially since this is how i imagine their hometown (that's darjeeling irl!! so pretty).
andddd i think timbre could turn into a reader fav. it's gonna be a trilogy! singer and brother's best friend jk who's always been in love with oc, but she doesn't really know or realise until he rises further in popularity and starts dating someone else. chaos ensues!! which is all i can say :')
really really hope you guys will enjoy these! i cannot fkn wait to have them out there, bc these stories are my everything fr. <3
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autistic-ranpo · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers <33 (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
ah shit ok here we go
-tall (ish??? idk im taller than most of the people i know but im only 5'8)
-great hair colour
-kind (??)
-owns a Richie Tozier Button Up™
-good at math (sometimes)
god why would you do this to me this took so long
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clone-whore-99 · 1 year
I just want to say, I think about Troublemaker a lot.
I think about how interesting of a premise it is, having reader be this angry, uncontrollable mess, who was sent off to Kamino to a father that’s distant but still loving. There’s problems between them but it’s complicated it’s not cut and dry. I think about the scene in the mess, when the clones spot her bite marks on her hand and get worried-meanwhile she’s kinda flustered and trying to not get embarrassed. I think about how Wrecker made her a lil cot/swing/I forgot the word for reader. I think about how cool it was to see Echo added to the team after starting the story.
I just think about it a lot. So thanks for writing it.
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Get off anon so I can shower you with love and appreciation! You don't know how many times I've reread this ask, it really makes my heart melt and makes me so so SO happy
I wanted to keep this in my inbox forever, like a beautiful little treasure only I can see, but I also want you to know I recieved it and appreciate it so much, so I hope you see this and know you've made me cry so many happy tears ❤❤
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dobythealpaca · 2 years
we can only insult or roast u ??? oh no..... just as i pulled up this empty canvas to quickly doodle something appreciative !! well lets see what i can come up with for roasts...
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oh wait whats this ??? the canvas suddenly filled up with appreciative and supportive hearts ?? and they're specifically for doby for being so cool !!
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well i cant just let these hearts go to waste can i ? all of these supportive hearts cant just wilt nuh uh !! so here you go !! you are so cool and have inspired me to draw a bunch of stuff !! so thank you lots !! i simply could not insult u !! so i am breaking your ban and will compliment u !! >:) actually i can just ignore the ban !! i will simply phase through it to deliver because as per name, i am a ghost !! outsmarted. >:)) get complimented noob !!
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im not saying that i can’t stop thinking about the bad idea scene in a movie and that i’m listening to get like, devils advocate, and bad idea on repeat
but what i am saying is that if there are no fans of your ssmh au left on the earth, that means i have died a horrible death
Rj. Rj. I’m shaking you. Shaking you so much. This literally made my day, I’m so so happy you enjoy it so much because it’s absolutely my favorite brain child. You are so nice and I’m gonna cry
If I randomly win the lottery and can direct the SSMH au movie, you are in a director’s chair, no doubt
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