#BHC Stretch
lover-of-skellies · 5 months
Blue: Punch me
Red: Why?
Blue: Just do it
Red: I'm not gonna punch you
Blue: Go on, do it
Red: *Punches Blue*
Blue: Stretch, Red just punched me!
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necrolexic0n · 2 years
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some aggie drawings !!
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pandimoostuff · 1 year
BHC Papyris, Blooshy Skellies
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the bhc papyris my beloveds 💕✨
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g0nefischin · 9 months
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Been inspired by some of the scrapbook style stuff ive seen floating around
So I did a little thing with BHC Stretch :>
Inspired by @/calciumdreams, @/starryaike, and @/packet-of-staples
Bonely Hearts Club: @/bonelyheartsclub
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jaxxwrites4you · 10 months
Rainy Day Snuggles - Stretch (BHC Swap Papyrus) x Reader
When the storm had started earlier in the morning you had been a little frustrated about having to reschedule some of your plans for the day. However when Stretch had still showed up, movies and snacks in hand, you couldn’t help but smile. Now the two of you sat snuggled up on the couch, you leaned up against him while he had his arm wrapped around your shoulders. The storm had calmed and now all you could hear outside was the soft pattering of rain against the windows and the roof.
“I think this is better than our original plans.” Stretch mumbled, resting his head against the top of your own, “You’ve been busy lately and I think a nice relaxing afternoon is more what you needed.”
He’s not wrong with that observation, you had been busy lately and while you were excited to go out for your lunch date, this was just as nice.
“I think you’re right.” You said, voice soft as you tried to fight off sleepiness, “I didn’t realize how tired I was until we got comfortable.”
The movie continued to play although the two of you weren’t really paying attention, by the time the first movie was done you were on the verge of falling asleep. You grumbled when Stretch had to get up to switch out the movies and he just chuckled softly, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your forehead. 
“Come on honey, I’ll be back in a sec,” He said, “Then I’ll go back to being your pillow.”
It didn’t take him long to get the next movie started, but you pouted at him until he was settled in next to you again. You were not happy with your comfiness being interrupted.
“Better?” He asked, wrapping his arm back around you and pulling you close again, you nodded up at him, your eyelids already beginning to feel heavy. The movie started and not even ten minutes in you were nodding off, the warmth of Stretch next to you and the soft sounds of the rain outside on top of the movie, all made for the perfect napping conditions.
As you drifted off into dreamland you smiled, despite being frustrated earlier, your wonderful bonefriend had still made today so nice. The two of you both ended up falling asleep for a while, before eventually waking up. You sat up and stretched, your back and shoulders cracking a bit as you did so and you couldn’t help but laugh at Stretch’s face.
“No matter how many times you do that it still catches me off guard.” He said, yawning halfway through his sentence, “So, what now, honeybun?”
You shook your head fondly and chuckled at him, getting up and heading into the kitchen.
“I’ve got the stuff to make soup and grilled cheese for dinner.” You said, looking over your shoulder, “And then maybe we can actually watch that second movie.”
He laughed, following after you, “Sounds good to me.”
Changing your plans hadn’t been so bad, today had actually been even better than you’d hoped for. Besides there was always another day the two of you could go out.
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day-nish · 1 year
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The Swap expressions are next~! Still sad to have made Blue cry T-T
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Things Probably Heard in the BHC House- #22
Stretch: You're a lying piece of shit! Red: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! Blue: I'm leaving and I'm taking Rus with me! Sans, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today.
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Nox: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Stretch: *Crouches down*
Papyrus: *Kneels down*
Boss: *Sits on the floor*
Nox: I hate all of you.
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lilli-chae · 2 years
Some monochrome sketches of some of the @bonelyheartsclub boys! They're teasing Boss over getting a crush on the Player :))
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Want sketches like this for yourself? Head over to my Ko-fi, make a donation, and add your request to the message that goes with!
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farrenlaharpie · 1 year
I come back to the Undertale fandom. And I fall in love... again!!!!
Long story short, I played a little demo called "Bonely Hearts Club " and ... OMG!!! Like they 're so cute?! Hello ?!
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And my heart is beating for two Papyri:
Underswap Papyrus aka Stretch and Swapfell (indigo) Papyrus aka Rus.
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I also made my persona in two differents outfits:
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And last but not least, I just drew a wholesome sketch of me and this two dorks!!
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So yeah, I really enjoyed the game and I think I'm gonna draw a lot about it once I have free time!
Stretch and Rus belong to @bonelyheartsclub
Farren: me
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askthelovenest · 1 year
🎵🥂🤝💞 for Megatron and/or Stretch! :3c
🎵: Do you have a playlist for your F/O(s)? Is it about them or is it music you think they'd like? Share it!
Like Blitzo, I have playlists for Megatron and Stretch that are our songs.
🥂: If they're able to, do your F/O(s) drink? What's their preferred drink? If they don't drink, do they like mocktails or anything like that?
Megatron likes himself a nice...cube? Of high grade, class A. At least that's what he told me. He hasn't had one for so long.
As far as Stretch goes, he doesn't drink. He might have a beer once every blue moon, but he would rather have something sweet, like a Shirley Temple.
🤝: What's your partnership with each other like? Are things domestic, or do you each take on things non-traditionally?
Well--oh gosh how do I explain. So with me and Megatron, we're--uh--we're very much in love, but not so much in a tradional domestic way. I know this sounds cheesy, but he's my king and I'm his lion heart. We're both each other's confidants and we both have each other's back.
Stretch and I very much have a more domestic relationship. It's weird, in a way. I feel like I'm living with my best friend, who's also my boyfriend if that makes sense?
💞 : Do they do anything that makes your (or your S/I's) heart flutter? What is it? Do you make them flustered?
When Megatron trains...also when he looks at me with those blood red I just--get a little weak in the knees~
For Stretch, it's when he calls me Honey Bee, ESPECIALLY when he calls me his Honey Bee💜💜💜
(Thank you so very much for the asks! Just a reminder, please make sure to check who's available for questions.)
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lover-of-skellies · 8 months
Red: I think the goose game was so successful because it captured a fundamental desire to be absolutely, but harmlessly, bastardous
Red: It's the same reason we smash pots in Zelda games. Sometimes you just need to be a moderate to severe nuisance
Stretch: We are all poltergeists in bone suits
Red: What a horrifying way to phrase this. Thanks
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starry-visitor · 2 years
Decided to download Bonely Hearts Club [spoilers ahead for those who haven't played]
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poor man haunted by the ladder ghost
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Stretch absolutely enjoying this.
.... and that's about it for the intro. This was amazing!
Bonely Hearts club by @owl-bones Gamejolt link: https://gamejolt.com/games/bhc/538663
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farrenwitchbird · 1 year
BHC Stretch saw someone faked dragon...
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Just a silly sketch i did yesterday:
I watched a short video about Toast making a "deez nuts" joke while looking for some Undertale / BHC fanart, i couldn't help but imagine Stretch doing the same thing...
Now I imagine his brother and cousins' reaction...
Original: https: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxzpp4UGl_k
BHC Stretch belongs to @bonelyheartsclub
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prism-project · 1 year
I'm gonna do some bonely hearts club stuff. This may be a bit of a spoiler but I don't think it's too bad? So comment with some suggestions on stuff for me to doodle!
Also have some end game paper design!
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evildadstims · 2 years
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Stimboard for Stretch from Bonely Hearts Club (6/14).
Please read my pinned post before interacting.
Please do not tag as kin! Sources below.
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