B2, seeing Hunter entering Exocannis mode: Oh no... Hunter! What happen- LOVE HANDLES ???!!!!
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sakebytheriver · 1 year
(The last one had like 3 movies that were not Dreamworks so I'm making one that's only Dreamworks, I picked the most iconic)
Don't forget to reblog to make a larger sample size!
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phddyke · 1 year
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multiseb21 · 22 days
seb always shows up to the paddock like ms. frizzel ready to take the grid on an adventure
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Because I want more chaos child reader, can you do headcannons of how the other ancients react to pure vanilla technically adopted them?
Sure thing! Sorry this took took a while this ask got sent to me. At 3 am my time, and I had to then go get my nails done in the morning lol
Prompt: headcanons
Characters: Dark Cacao, Hollyberry, Golden Cheese, White lily
Pronouns: They/Them for child of chaos
He finds it rather cute, I mean, to think a child born of chaos could be this dang adorable
Then, he hears you call pure vanilla dad, and this, is one of the only times, you will ever hear cacao snicker. That snicker turns into laughter.
He will give, (not good-) tips to Vanilla on parenting
Mainly how it’s good to teach you the art of sword wielding young, pure vanilla, doesn’t take this advice
He’s like, Gordon Ramsey, he will call his friends stupid, but when it comes to you, you can do no wrong. Turned the clouds into Cotten candy? You were just experimenting.
Idk why, I just, see cacao as being really good with kids. For being kinda not the best dad to choco, he really try’s.
He’s happy pure vanilla adopted you, and he’s glad you’re able to get the world and more.
Holly as soon as pure vanilla gets called dad, she just says. “I call dips on being the wine grandma.”
Will brag about you to pitaya, tarte tatin, basically anyone who will listen.
“Have you heard of my other grandchild? Now you have.”
She absolutely loves you! She takes you and princess cookie out on trips.
So. Many. Gifts
“No kiddo, you can’t have Berry juice just yet!”
White lily:
Like your mom. Pure vanilla is fine with this.
She encourages you to use your powers.
Absolutely adores you, she has taken you from pure vanilla before, pure vanilla was very sad :(
They find you the perfect type of kid for Pure vanilla!
She will help explain your magic to pure vanilla, helping him understand the different types of magic you use, and how to reverse it!
Would cry if you called her mama (/pos way)
Golden cheese:
Makes fun of pure vanilla in like the friend way.
Cool aunt, it will always happen. Canon event for cheese.
She will buy you anything. ANYTHING. Pure vanilla has no say anymore
New toys, clothes, she loves throwing little fashion shows with you.
She will teach you how to fly, you have wings like her after all!!
She absolutely loves spoiling you, she doesn’t call it spoiling rotten she calls it spoiling sweet! Pure vanilla will have to take you back. Cheese would totally just keep you lol
Hope you enjoy!
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thebusylilbee · 5 months
can't believe that The Doctor having a crush on The Master and feeling like they're the closest person to them in the universe and being desperate for them to become good has been fully explicitly verbalized by Twelve... we really could have had it all
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sinn-bee · 1 month
//puppy play
[cropped version]
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Sketch done for SVSSSAction G4g
Prompt was Bingliushen puppy play with pups Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge
I just think Sqq would take such good care of his boys like this 🥹 Here’s the full art for you ⬇️❤️
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tboybuck · 7 months
Batter up!
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Chapters 1 & 2 coming to AO3 on November 12, 2023, featuring art by @thatnerdemryn and a playlist by @steves-strapcollection, written for @steddiebang
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Summary: All Steve wants for the 2023 baseball season is for the media to leave him alone for once. His reputation is still suffering after he was caught last season in a very compromising position with one of his teammates, and he just wants to lay low and play a good season. A trip to the World Series wouldn't hurt either. A voice from his past has other plans, though.
Eddie hasn't been able to forget what the two of them had together when they were in high school, or his promise to Steve when they parted ways the summer after senior year: Someday I'll write a whole album for you. It's been a decade, and all the pieces are in place for Eddie to finally make good on that promise.
Steve is in for a roller coaster of a season.
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Sneak peek under the cut
It’s around sunrise when he wakes with his alarm, properly this time, and he finds seven missed calls from Robin, and another text message from her. 
Call me. This is a PR call, not a bestie call. Get up.
So Steve calls his publicist, Robin Buckley, rather than his best friend Rob.
“Jesus, it’s about damn time,” she says by way of greeting.
“I just woke up, Rob. What do you want?”
“Eddie’s album came out today.”
Steve waits, but Robin doesn’t say anything else. “Okay? Why am I supposed to care? I haven’t spoken to Eddie Munson in almost ten years.”
“I need you to open Spotify and just. Look at the album art.”
“I don’t even remember what his fucking band is even called,” Steve lies, putting Robin on speaker, and then he thumbs his way through his apps to open Spotify. Pulling up the search feature, Steve taps in the name of Eddie’s band and right there, under recently released, is the new Corroded Coffin album.
Batter up!, it’s called. 
On the cover is Eddie Munson, looking just as wild as he did in high school and not a day older than he looked the last time Steve saw him. Eddie’s big, dark eyes are trained on the camera, and he’s got his body turned sideways. He is wearing a generic baseball uniform in blue and gray. He’s got a baseball bat positioned between strong thighs, sticking out from between his legs in an obscene suggestion of an erection. There are nails sticking out of the end of the bat and the album title is embossed on the barrel. Eddie’s hand, big and veiny, is gripped around the taper, a light gray sweatband on his wrist. He is either wearing an athletic cup underneath those fucking pants or he’s sporting some very real half chub action. What the hell.
“Jesus H. Christ. Is that… Robin, is that a number seven on his fucking wristband?” Steve asks flatly.
“That’s what you’re focusing on?”
Steve ignores her. He can’t focus on anything else. Not if he wants to keep his hard-won sanity. “We could always sue him.” “That would mean owning up to a lot,” Robin says carefully. “I listened to it, Steve. The lyrics aren’t subtle.”
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lutinsart · 7 months
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chaoticlava101 · 22 days
Seb’s ability to get the entire track together for an event…. F1’s Princess for real.
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palipunk · 1 year
hi there! you made a post about pinkwashing and Israel, recommending the organization BDS as a way to protest human rights issues going on in Israel. I just wanted to let you know that BDS is actually antisemitic, it’s in their mission statement to wipe out Judaism and Israel altogether. there’s lots of reform jews out there such as myself who are opposed to Netanyahus awful policies, and lots of different ways to show support for people who are being victimized, but BDS is not a good one of them. this isn’t on anon bc I stand by what I say and I’m open to conversation about this!
Hi so I’m just going to answer this quickly because I honestly don’t want to answer any more asks like this or for things I’ve already discussed on my account but you are misinformed, like, very misinformed, and I want to be clear to you I am speaking to you as a Palestinian and I know what I am talking about. I am assuming this ask is in good faith and you might be open to conversation or debate about this but I am not. I do not debate about Israel or Zionism and if you think that’s area for debate or conversation I’d advise you save time and block me.
You are talking about two different things. BDS is strongly opposed to Zionism and is very open about this - which is not Judaism. And many pro-Israel organizations that hate BDS have taken this to mean antisemitism, anti Zionism is not antisemitism. The conflation between anti Zionism and antisemitism hurts Palestinians the most and only seeks to silence Palestinian calls for justice, it polices the way we talk about our own experiences and history with Zionism (which has always been violent). The ADL is the second link you will find if you search more for BDS or what BDS calls for, and if you don’t already know, the ADL is one of the largest and loudest proponents of anti-Palestine rhetoric and general hatred towards Palestinians and Palestinian liberation. They also participate in genocide denial. A lot of misinformation has been spread about BDS from pro-Israel orgs (because they’re afraid of BDS actual impact) and i’ve read the entire BDS website and participated in actual events where they were present. Often times they work right beside Jewish Voice for Peace. So no, that’s complete misinformation.
I don’t understand what you mean by Netanyahu’s awful policies as if the issue is Netanyahu and just became an issue when he came to power, the State of Israel has always been violent towards Palestinians - Palestinians didn’t just start being loud about it when he got elected. My family was forcibly displaced in 1948 during the Nakba, Netanyahu was born a year later.
If BDS is calling for the dismantlement of the state of Israel, that’s actually fine by me. The state of Israel can only exist through the oppression, displacement, and mass murder of the Indigenous Palestinian population - if a state can only survive through the subjugation and murder of Indigenous people, the state has no right to exist (this also applies to the USA & Canada etc but settler states in general should all be abolished). The founders of the state of Israel made it very clear of their desire to remove every Palestinian to secure a Jewish ethnostate, that the expulsion and murder of Palestinians was an existential necessity. If you want me to say it aloud in case if wasn’t clear by my blog, I support a democratic non-sectarian Palestine ie a Palestinian state with rights for Muslims, Christians, Jews, and all other religious or ethnic minorities.
Also, please just say Palestinians. You didn’t say Palestinians once in your ask and I’m really tired of people avoiding saying Palestinian. We are not ‘people who are being victimized’ - We are Palestinians and we are Indigenous to the land of Palestine.
Hope this helped but again I am not open for debate on any of these points.
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tequiilasunriise · 4 months
“In another life, I loved you right.”
“In another life, you loved me at all.”
Tag your ship(s).
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cisacoolkid · 13 days
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Alternate crk universe where White Lily accidentally creates a cookie, and that cookie happens to be Amber Sugar
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beespaceprogram · 3 months
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Hey not sure if you heard, but Gumroad is banning adult content going forward! They are continuing in the long tradition of sites screwing over adult creators with no notice, warning, or concrete transitional period, so please feel free to let them know how you as a customer feel about that, their email is [email protected]
Anyway, I don't know how long it will take for me to find an alternative way to sell my stickers, so this might be your last chance to get some! Please have a look if you have been on the fence
Remember, fight for the internet you want!
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arabriddler · 8 months
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Soft Riddlebirb stuff
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Have this, her name is Mulberry thorn cookie should I start adding like, extra info, probably eh. Next time
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