rvspecter · 3 months
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vurelly · 8 months
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my constant mood while drawing for the last 30 minutes
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owari-no-suffering · 6 months
shoutout to lan wangji and luo binghe for being endlessly tormented by their love interests' mixed signals, reaching their breaking point, and then proceeding to never be normal about their (always reciprocated) crushes (turned husbands) ever again.
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previous-skeleton · 1 year
“Well you see…”
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Some Medic doodles because I could use the practice
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fluorescentbrains · 11 days
there’s this fic i read in like 2022 that will stick with me forever but i can’t talk in too much detail about it because. because the author IS on tumblr and what if they somehow find me just absolutely ROASTING the ending of their magnum opus but basically..it’s like 60k words of slow burn desperate pining and stymied liaisons just absolutely EXQUISITE stuff. and then they used yogurt as lube
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onlyhereforangst · 11 months
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#jiaraweek2023 day 2: through the seasons ↳ holy cannoli thank yu rudy & madison
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bettycooper · 10 months
It’s been a pleasure and an honor to sit amongst you all for this truly wild 7 season Riverdale ride.
I’ll see you all there for the second round of madness when the Riverdale resurgence happens & it gets declared a “misunderstood cult classic.”
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ssaalexblake · 4 months
I had the dumbest interaction & I had to share this with someone who has had the same problem -
Apparently people flat out missed how at the end of Flux 13 was told she was going to die? I mentioned to someone that 13 comes off as someone with a terminal illness in LotSD & got "where are you getting this terminal illness stuff from?" & it is LITERALLY IN THE TEXT.
I get annoyed at people missing really obvious subtext but how do people miss THE LITERAL TEXT? One of the complaints people have about the chibnall Era is people turning to the camera to metalize, but then they somehow miss literal major plot elements that are spoken to the camera?! Like, the heck?
it's like how people like to rip 13's line out of the timeless children out of context, where she ~apparently~ deliberately tries to insult and degrade him so she can cruelly kick him while he's down like a big 'ole meanie she is by saying she's better than him, and conveniently ignore the other half of her SENTENCE where she says 'you think that makes me lesser' like she does not explicitly state that she thinks he's degrading HER, not the other way around, and that this explicitly informs the dynamics in their entire relationship, this entire episode, which is not even to mention that entire scene???
I know the man has gorgeous wet cat anime eyes at that part but we really need to watch the rest of the scene :/
I have a complex where i have to go back and rewatch bits if i'm gonna talk about it to check i've not made a memory error most of the time, so i'm like... okay. Shout this stuff out with your whole chests while not remembering very important plot points. Sure. I'll go back to compulsively script checking and cross referencing with the closed captions provided on the screen.
(literally looked up the scene in ttc to write this answer i s2g)
And i'm gonna be honest, most of the time now whenever i see somebody complain that everything in 13's era is just spelled out to the audience, i just assume the very obvious subtext and basically anything Not said out loud (which is, honestly, a lot of things) sailed over their heads bc ironically they actually Needed to be told it to understand, and therefore think that everything that happened was spelled out for them. This is not very charitable of me at all, but it's been years and i'm very tired now.
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onemillionwordsofcrap · 3 months
...So I finished the manga
In like three days
No spoilers, but: Anime-only's, you are NOT PREPARED
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eclipsedsuns · 2 years
i love you “do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?” i love you “thank you for making me feel special” i love you “i have a duty of care” i love you “every time we do something like this, i keep thinking, ‘what if something happens to you?’” i love you “she might meet someone she can't bear to lose. that happens, i believe.” i love you “i’m changing history to save clara” i love you “i will not let clara die” i love you “i’d know you anywhere” i love you “when do i not see you?” i love you “there was a crowd too?” i love you “if you love me in any way, you’ll come back” i love you “i never said it was your mistake” i love you “because if clara oswald is really dead, then you'd better be very, very careful how you tell me” i love you “everything you’re about to say, i already know. don’t say it now. we’ve already had enough bad timing” i love you “if you think because she's dead, i am weak, then you understand very little. if you were any part of killing her and you're not afraid, then you understand nothing at all.” i love you “and you'll still be gone. whatever i do, you still won't be there.” i love you “four and a half billion years” i love you “i was dead! i was dead and gone. why? why would you even do that to yourself?” i love you “i had a duty of care” i love you “look how far i went for fear of losing you” i love you “i don’t think i could ever forget you” i love you “smile for me. go on, clara oswald. one last time” i love you “it’s okay. don’t you worry. i’ll remember it” i love you “if i met her again, i would absolutely know” i love you “you said memories become stories when we forget them. maybe some of them become songs” i love you “
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lollytea · 2 years
As a way to keep himself distracted while in the Human Realm, Gus writes, directs, stars in and does all the special effects for a passion project horror movie. It is the single most spine chilling piece of media that has ever been created but now that he's finished it, he's lost interest so he just throws it on YouTube and dips. Chaos ensues.
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loserstripes · 1 year
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Peak of insanity: Crossover time.
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ethory · 1 year
so like how small of a town do we think whitechapel is exactly? like how many people actually live there? the school seems fairly average in size and budget but i feel like we’re supposed to get the impression the town is even smaller than the average “small town” by a pretty decent margin. but then they have a theater and a MUSEUM in town? like who is funding that in fuckass whitechapel ontario
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tranakin-skywalker · 7 months
Desperately want to read some Anidala fic that involves Padme's family. The Naberries' finding out about her relationship is such an underused concept
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Me: I loved Leopard Skin for the plot.
The Plot:
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heymacy · 8 months
hiii macy! I just wanted to say quick that my shameless hyperfixation faded around last year and didn’t know how to say it cos I felt like I was the only one of my shameless moots that had that happen at the time 😣 but just now seeing that you’re having similar thoughts, idk it made me feel like I wasn’t the only one thinking this, and I didn’t know a way to say that I wasn’t as into the show as before and I didn’t mean to go AWOL but I still love interacting with everyone 💝 (sorry this became a small vent) 💓
lyle my love! it's so good to hear from you! i hope you're doing so well and that life is treating you kindly 💛 never apologize for small vents, i love vents of all shapes and sizes!
something i'm beginning to realize as i get older and have more years of lived experience under my belt is that everything has its season. i think that as a society we tend to try and define ourselves so profoundly by our interests and hobbies in order to either self-actualize or to brand ourselves (capitalism, i'm lookin' at you) and that makes it hard to feel like it's okay to outgrow things and move on if it no longer lights up that pleasure center in your brain. but it is okay! because everything is temporary and nothing lasts forever and that's not a bad thing! and we can still carry parts of those experiences and those eras of our lives with us into our next chapter, whether that be the people or the memories or our obtained skills or what have you. i think moving on is natural and shouldn't be seen as some sort of failing, you know? like oh, if i just try a little bit harder, maybe it will spark for me again. that was me for a long time, and you simply cannot force joy! i'm sorry that you felt like you couldn't be open about your waning interest in the show but i promise you are not alone. a lot of people have come and gone even just in the time i've been here and i think that is normal and healthy. so here's to moving forward, together! the love will always be there, as will the memories. ily and i'm excited to hang out with you as we step into our new chapters ✨
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