#Aya being obvious
fgkanna · 3 months
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Might as well confess now, Aya 😆
Sauce: The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All
#yuri #yurimanga #manga #TooObvious #JustConfess #AyaBeingObvious #AyaxMitsuki #gl #CuteMitsuki #FlusteredMitsuki
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tinogiehd · 1 year
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the irony of op saying “take a hint” brother take the damn hint that they are dating 😐
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 7 months
Trying to figure out which Touhou character is most likely to interrupt a conversation to go "What are you two FUCKING talking about?"
I mean it's obviously highly dependent on the context and location. That said, the obvious options in general are Aya, Hatate, and Yukari, due to the former two being tengu reporters and the latter just showing up uninvited whenever, but I think Yukari would never allow herself the indignity of being heard saying "What the actual SHIT? WWWWHAT?!"
Hatate obviously has less of a verbal filter than Aya, but she doesn't get around as much. Meanwhile, Aya has canonically done this face:
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Predictions for Soukoku’s fate (BSD CH 109 spoilers!!)
How I be looking after dedicating two posts on the possibility of Chuuya not being a vampire due to the fact he was faceless for absolutley no reason during some chapters, thinking it was important: 
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alright people, i wish i could express my embarassment further but instead of kicking my feet, screaming and crying over my miscalculations, i will proceed to (hopefully) redeem myself with my following predictions.  
Guys, first of all I need to tell you something that I think is absolutely obvious: Dazai is not going to die. 
thematically, it makes absolutley no sense for Dazai to die considering how many characters still depend on him, EVEN HIMSELF.
We still haven’t learned his backstory, we still haven’t had a cathartic moment between Akutagwa and Dazai, Atsushi is yet to learn more from his mentor, and he’s overall a very key character to foil others and develop them while he’s at it.
Even Dazai himself dying right now feels extremely weightless, we haven’t even learned anything about Dazai’s past and he’s already killed? without growing as a person? without fullfilling Oda’s promise?  I don’t know, personally to me, direction wise, development wise and plot wise killing him off is absolutley nonsensical.
Asagiri does tend to take a very unique and unpredictable route with his writing and characters, but for plots sake, I highly doubt Dazai is gone forever.
Also, Fydoor and Dazai continue throwing uno reverse cards at each other, always catching one another unexpectedly. I am still going strong on the idea that Double Black will catch Fyodor off-guard.
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Fyodor during these whole prision sections has been constantly belittling and teasing Dazai over how shallow his bond with Chuuya is.
When that’s beyond the truth. Dazai and Chuuya’s trust is literally undying. Stormbringer, the double black chapter and dead apple show us this in the most obvious way possible.
Asagiri himself has quoted that Soukoku knows each others motives, which has also been proven plenty of times when they are working together. 
Dazai himself admited there really was moments where their hearts reached out to one another.
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and I think that’s enough to understand, Fyodor is wrong. THEY ARE DOUBLE BLACK FOR A REASON!!!
So far in this chapter, I got various things confirmed. Let’s walk through them together. 
1. Dazai’s nullifcation ability works on vampires, confirmed by Fyodor himself.
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So what does this tell us? That Dazai had been planning all along to get in contact with Chuuya. He knew his partner’s abilities will break him out of the water trap, he’s not dumb.
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So Dazaj totally meant to get in physical contact with Chuuya in order to nullify his vamparism. And no, it’s not only because Dazai cares for Chuuya (which is a true statement, but not the main reason.) It’s because out of everyone in this room, Chuuya is the only one able to physically overpower Fyodor. 
And even if Chuuya somehow can’t overpower Fyodor, atleast Chuuya can be Dazai’s bodyguard considering well...Dazai’s countless of injuries. Chuuya is Dazai’s ticket to get out of the prision.
Dazai needs Chuuya in his corner. He needs double black in action. He needs Chuuya. 
2. Dazai is genuienly frustrated that his plan to bring back Chuuya didn’t work.
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I can’t be the only one who ADORED seeing Dazai panicking. (I sound so masochistic but seriously, it’s rare to see Dazai unmask this way).
Anyways, Dazai’s panic and frustrating during these pannels are unfortunately proof that things did not go at all how he planned.
3. Aya is attempting to take out the sword that stops Bram from having full atonomy on his vampire abilty. 
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If by any luck, Aya is able to detach the swoard from Bram, Chuuya and literally every other vamp will return to normal. (which honestly, let’s do hope Aya removes the sword bc this is getting too agonizingly dragged out.)
4. Chuuya and Dazai are destined to....
 kiss?? marry?? make out under the moonlight??
Nono my friends, Chuuya and Dazai are destined to die together.
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Chuuya and Dazai dying together has been hinted since Fifthteen, but my theory of these two dying together strenghtened during Stormbringer when Mori teased Dazai about a double suicide with Chuuya.
I’m not saying they will die right now but in order to solidify the need for Shin Soukoku in Yokahama.....
This old married couple gotta go and make room for the highschool sweethearts/hj
5. Dazai took the L
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Honestly, I won’t lie to you and say that Dazai’s way out of this situation is going to be hard. But Dazai has attempted to kill himself plenty of times, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has shot a bullet through his head in his early 20s. (Im not joking when I say this i swear).
Anyways, Dazai seems somewhat imune to death and honestly, his character is too important to die, especially in such a meh, anticlimatic way. 
Dazai said it himself best, him and Chuuya are destined to die together.
6. Vampire Chuuya’s expression
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I mean,,,, what is the need for the random three little pensive speach bubble ?? we have been proven by Akutagawa that vampires are capable of some sort of sentinence, especially when it’s tied to their deepest desieres/mental strenghts.
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I don’t have anywhere grand to go with this but, I just wanted to point it out lol.
I can’t say for sure what is going to happen, but with Aya’s attempts of removing the swoard the possibility for Chuuya to become concious and do something to get out of there and save Dazai still remain pausible in my books.
I am not too confident on where this section of the story will go exactly but I am certain that Soukoku won’t die yet. MARK MY WORDS!!!
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remingtoniii · 4 days
Spoiler warning
Oh my god. Poor Fukuzawa. Poor Teruko. She was only 12? :((((((((((((.
So we obviously have Fukuchi from the anime. Like. What. Did they discuss this beforehand or something? Probably. But theory time! So it's obvious that Fukuchi being there means that Akutagawa is coming too. This is weird, though. You can see his outfit, and the running theory was that it was an alternate dimension thing.
My personal theory about how Akutagawa will show up is something similar will happen, but with abilities instead. I don't know how that would work, but obviously Atsushi didn't transform into a vampire, so maybe he is just special or quirky?
So Fyodor is still bound by the vow that Bram made to protect Aya. First of all, it's Bramover :(. Second of all, this could mean that since becoming a vampire in this universe could involve the removal of the soul, and therefore the killing of another person, since he swore not to kill anyone else, Akutagawa simply just can't transform others into vampires, and therefore, can't kill anyone. I don't know how that would cause him to transform into the anime version of him, but my bet, based on the costume, is something really funny will happen with Atsushi and his abilities and just combine and he'll be ok.
Great chapter though!
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yamada-ryo · 5 months
Slightly late comiket c103 masterpost
(Long post)
Someone cosplayed Bocchi from the house visiting episode (with the sash and party glasses)
Staff cosplaying as Mori Calliope and Oozara Subaru
RX-78-2 cosplayer waved to the crowd entering the venue (almost everyone in that section waved back)
Bocchi and Ryo cosplayers in the Blue Archive section
This one cosplayer manning a stall who very nearly handed me back 11000 yen when I handed her 10000 yen for a 1000 yen item
A Kurisu Makise cosplayer who didn't have Dr Pepper on hand but did have some tea
Arknights Platinum cosplayer who was like 180cm tall (with like 3 inch heel boots)
Went to I211's booth. Saw him talking in English to the customer in front of me. Tried to ask for the new book by asking in English. He replied in Japanese. Thanked him in English again. He thanked me in Japanese.
Guilty Gear May cosplayer with like a really really big hat
Different staff cosplaying as Calliope Mori (again)
Seems obvious when said but its interesting to see that people quite often dress in something related to what they're selling (train stuff/conductor's uniform, military stuff/camo uniform, 男の娘 etc)
Singular Ruri Dragon doujin booth
Someone was cosplaying as the guy from The Mask of all things. Like the one with the green face and yellow suit
The guy who married Miku had a booth and a Miku doll was handing out stuff to people visiting
A pair of Ryo and Kita maid cosplayers selling Bocchi stuff together
Saw a whole ass VSK, Kalashnikov and two RPGs in the military section
Overheard in an american accent "I'm telling you man it's all just horses"
3 completely different Touhou cosplayers just browsing the military section (Junko Aya and Sakuya)
A pair of Uma Musume cosplayers manning a booth in the train section
A pair of Chisato and Takina cosplayers manning a booth in the train section
For some reason quite a lot of booths in the train section accepted electronic payment (everywhere else was cash only)
Train ASMR
Somehow got called 'onee san'
A Witch from Mercury book being sold with the cover designed like one of those HG kit boxes
Bocchi the Cock. Like, a lot of it
Quite a sizable number of Kikuri Hiroi booths
There were like 4-5 booths in a row all selling AI generated stuff and you could tell which ones used the same program
One singular Brisket (strive) cosplayer
A booth that was just a guy handing out political flyers
A booth that just had "stop censorship law" written all over
Some guy cosplaying in a full ghillie suit
Okuyasu cosplayer (without The Hand) (or Josuke)
A staff who had a hat with a batter operated spinning ferris wheel like thing on it
A staff who had a Blue Archive halo taped on his hat but wasn't otherwise cosplaying (it was pink idk whose halo it was)
A staff who didn't know what colour his hat was and called it "yellowish orange" (オレンジ黄色いぽい)
As always there were many 男の娘/女装/etc
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kozachenko · 3 months
Do you feel Gensokyo would indeed be better off if Reimu WAS more thorough in youkai extermination (i.e. actually successfully punishing Mamizou at all)? It's part of her real job, sure, but it's also a point against Gensokyo. Basically, do you think Mizuchi is right that humans and youkai should be as far away from each other as possible and constant enemies?
I think it all depends on the severity of a Youkai's actions, like, if a Youkai were to just walk around disguised in the human village and they're just kind of chilling and not causing problems then that probably isn't worth an extermination, on the contrary if a Youkai were to try and kill a bunch of humans in the village and/or threaten Gensokyo, then yeah, that's probably worth at least a beatdown from Reimu. In regards to the most recent Lotus Eaters chapter, I think that Reimu should probably punish Mamizou with more than just a slap on the wrist and expose what she did to the human village, but at the same time, the tanuki have to eat too. They can't normally just go and buy food from the human village because that would be too obvious. But still, if Reimu were to expose Mamizou's plotting, then that would probably help them in the long run if humans were more scared of them, and it's not like Reimu just exposing them would stop them from doing what they want anyway. Besides, worst case scenario, if Reimu does exterminate Mamizou, then there will just be a new tanuki who takes her place as leader. Again, it all depends on how necessary it will be for Reimu to exterminate them, and what doing so will actually accomplish.
I also don't agree with Mizuchi's statement that humans and Youkai should be as far away as possible, mainly because we've seen examples of humans and Youkai getting along peacefully together throughout the series. Some examples I can think of right now are. Alice and Marisa, Miyoi in Geidontei, Nitori just coming to the human village mainly to sell things, Aya schilling for her own newspaper to the human villagers, heck, all of Myouren temple seems to be in pretty good relations with the human village and a lot of the people who live there are Youkai, and Byrakuren's whole thing is wanting for humans and Youkai to live in peace. However, since Youkai run on fear to fuel their existence, I think there is some validity to what Mizuchi is saying. I'm not saying that the Youkai should be all buddy buddy with the human villagers, but I'm not saying that they should be enemies either. To use Miyoi as an example again, since she's a Zashiki Warashiki, she's only bringing good luck to the buisness she watches over. Her existence isn't as reliant on fear, like a lot of other Youkai.
Again, it's not a simple black and white thing, it's more so a spectrum of how badly a Youkai being near humans will fuck things up. Even if you take a look at the "balance of Gensokyo," constantly punishing Youkai for just chilling in the human village and not actually doing anything bad is only going to lead to more problems in the long run. Resentment will build overtime towards humans, and more drastic problems will start presenting themselves, which only leads to a constant cycle of Reimu having to fight even more dangerous and powerful Youkai that try to attack the human village, eventually leaving Gensokyo in a constant state of unrest, and while yes the spellcard system exists for that whole reason, there are going to be Youkai who don't give two shits about it and just do whatever they want anyway. For the safety of the human villagers in Gensokyo, not holding as big a fear of Youkai would probably help keep relations peaceful for a longer period of time, as well as keeping Youkai from becoming so powerful that it's basically impossible to keep them in check without having to exterminate them.
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smellypire · 7 months
The Real Reason why Aya Stole Bram..
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So, we all know that in the start of the vampire infection arc, Aya steals Bram after witnessing what Fukuchi did to Jouno, in attempt to save the world and to prove the agency's innocent as not terroists.
But what if I told you, she did it because Ango and her were in cohoots?
I know this does not make any sense but hear me out..
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In this panel, Dazai tells Sigma how he and Ango were in communication despite him being imprisoned in meursault. So what if Aya can also manipulate her heartbeat/knows morse code in some shape or way and was secretly a government agent all along?
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What if Chuuya choked Ango bc he knew that Aya was working along side with them all along?
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What if Ango got Bram to listen to music as a hoax? To lure them into thinking they were friendly, all apart of Ango's plan and ideas.
All along Ango and Aya worked together all along. It would make sense considering Aya's martial art skills and her strong sense of justice.
"But Asher! Aya didn't know about the military's plans!"
No that's where you're wrong. It's obvious here how Aya's dad was part of the military force. The dad and Ango also have black hair.
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So wouldn't her dad also known they were framed? What if her dad got her to be a government spy? What if Ango is related to her dad? what if Ango is secretly her uncle and got her to be in the government all along?..
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And what if since, the arahabaki project is connected to the military. What if Aya knows everything about it?
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What if Aya knew of Fukuchi's plans all along and perhaps even played along with it? What if Aya being the governmet secret spy was to gather all the information she knew, letting everything happened, but unlike Ango, not making it well known how she is helping..
What if everything we knew of BSD itself is a fang-tsy?
Aya and Ango both want to help the ADAand are connected to them but.. What if they are RELATED?!
what if aya will never give you up, let you down, or dessert you?
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Securing my family’s exit from Gaza to a safe place
Message from creator:
I would like to extend my deepest thanks and gratitude to university students around the world for their ongoing support for Gaza during these difficult times. Your noble stance embodies the spirit of brotherhood and human solidarity.
I am Adeeb Skaik from Gaza, and this is my small family consisting of seven members: my father, my mother, two brothers, and two sisters. The war has destroyed our lives, our home, and our beautiful dreams. Nothing is left for us except the clothes we wear and a few identification papers we managed to grab as we fled our home. Gaza has become uninhabitable. We are reaching out here with a sincere plea for assistance.
The impact of war transcends the obvious effects such as physical and psychological trauma, displacement, and societal costs. Each person has their own story, aspirations, and the fundamental right to live with dignity.
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Medo: the seven-year-old child, had pizza as his passion and secret of happiness, but war and siege took away that joy. Losing fifteen kilograms of weight and being affected by the harsh events made him suffer from psychological disorders, where pizza, symbolizing peace and joy, became just a distant dream. Faced with the sound of rockets and the cries of terrified people, his childhood faded away along with the brightness of his face, and he eagerly awaited the return of safety and pizza with desperate longing.
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Dana : A passionate marketing student at the university was brimming with enthusiasm and ambition for her future. Eager to realize her dreams in marketing, she immersed herself in her studies, growing more determined with each passing day. Tragically, destruction struck, shattering her university and her aspirations. Despite the setback, she remains resolute, determined to rebuild her future despite the obstacles ahead.
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Aya : A high school student with dreams of dentistry faced adversity with a heart condition but pursued her studies diligently. The outbreak of war shattered her dreams, leaving her school in ruins and her future uncertain. Despite the devastation and her health struggles, she clung to hope, believing in the possibility of a brighter tomorrow to rebuild her aspirations amidst the chaos of war and illness.
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Adeeb : After years as a passionate graphic designer, each project was a source of joy. But with a sudden job loss, his dreams shattered. Now, facing harsh realities, his focus shifts to basic needs like water and food, a stark departure from his previous aspirations.
Every donation, no matter how small, will play a crucial role in helping them leave Gaza and reach Egypt, providing the necessary means to survive. Your support during this difficult time will give them hope in harsh conditions. The generosity you show will not only contribute to their departure from Gaza, but will also pave the way for a better future for them.
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daz4i · 8 months
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@mike-queerler hi hi i didn't wanna derail casino's post so! other instances of transgenderism in bsd (the original tag was partially a joke but these are stuff that certainly makes you go Hm):
kouyou and kyouka being based on male authors, yet being depicted as. well. girls (p sure that's where the common hc that kouyou is trans came from)
q, and that one wan chapter i unfortunately don't know how to find rn. i can't remember who it is but there's someone questioning if q is actually a boy, but it ends with smth along the lines of "when i saw how cute his face looked when he's happy, i stopped caring about whether he's a boy or not"
gin's whole Thing. like presenting as generally androgynous (at work at least) and not correcting anyone when they refer to her as "he" or call her a guy
these are just the most obvious i can think of tbh, not even getting into other androgynous characters (sigma is most obvious, tho fyodor, nikolai, kenji, chuuya are all characters I've seen confuse readers about their gender too) or dazai using gender neutral language etc (bc that's more a homage to irl dazai's writing. still, not gonna stop me from being insane abt nb dazai) and other smaller things that are easier to brush off hehe
also, this one's I'm certain is accidental, but aya and her dad's thing about how she's a failure at being a woman is so. both transmasc and transfem pain. and that last chapter where she talks abt how she never wanted to be an ideal woman but wanted to be like him! is! while not great! even more of a transmasc thing imo
and ofc chuuya being a short guy who speaks in an excessively masculine manner, doesn't remember his childhood + that more angry once a month joke. and his story is all about questioning your own identity due to the people around you - your family especially, or at least people who claim to be your family and that they know what's best for you - insisting you are something that you're certain you aren't, and you have to stick with it and keep believing in it to make it through and truly be yourself, and generally coming to terms with your identity, can be very easily read as a trans allegory as well
tldr: transgenderism. fuck yeah 🔥 if asagiri did even one of these things on purpose then well. i think that'd be really cool 😌 but even on accident it's still p fun!
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sweetbottletops · 3 months
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I was going to look up what it's called when you're into animal ears, but I don't want to do that to the FBI agent assigned to my search results. Maybe taking her to Universal Japan every year will be enough.
Ch 79
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Aya is taking this golden retriever boyfriend trend to heart. Only Koga has zero retriever energy so she is sticking with old lady dogs.
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"It doesn't hurt that much."
Let the record show Koga was the one who got herself in this situation. She is going to out herself as cool at school. And then what? Have school friends? Friends that think you are cool? Outrageous.
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How did they not notice all those holes before? I know Koga tries being invisible and she wears her hair down at school -
But as someone who has to look down ~~ at her own printed band tshirt ~~ to see what the store clerk is complimenting like I'm three years old....perhaps I shouldn't throw stones. “So you like The Sounds?” *gasp* “Yeah, um…” *follows eye line down to shirt*
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Koga, your glasses are off! They're going to realize you're Superman!
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It has to be a shock getting positive attention for things you've been meticulously hiding while at school. She's this close to getting head pats from everyone. Woof.
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Mao is really getting into this. I'm going to need to see her dressed up to see some eventual gig once the cat is fully out of the bag (continuing with the animal theme). She might be a Narita match in more ways than one when it comes to her future Oshi. And she was the first friend to try out their music too.
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This is all easing them into "meeting" the cd shop "bf" isn't it?
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Aw, Aya is a bit jealous. Koga being cool and appreciated by more people is what she wants for her, she literally has been wanting to see her happy face at school, but it is a big difference from having a special Oshi to yourself.
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What do you mean by "this", Koga-chan? *steeple fingers* Other people may come to think she's cool, but they got something that's just for the two of them. And that sounds a bit like -
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- the famous, loyal, change-for-nobody, akita dog name Hachiko. March 8th is Hachiko day. One day off of Koga's birthday. Now that is out of Aya's system maybe don't revisit the role-play until y'all have some bigger relationship talks.
Thematically Koga needs to step onto the big stage (both actual and in life) by the end of the series imo. So keep your secrets from your friends now you two (especially the dog stuff, Aya), but eventually Koga's going to debut and it will be very obvious to everyone who Aya has been into this whole time.
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frankenjoly · 22 days
Hopefully tumblr doesn't troll you again with the asks... (this app is so buggy sometimes)
I'd like to request Bram & Aya + "beach" (it's missing them hours)
thankfully i discovered the issue quick-ish lkjlk but yeah... also: bramcraft mention bramcraft mention bramcraft mention
“And here I thought you wouldn’t like this.” Aya said, with an amused smirk, as she gave the final touches to the sand castle they had spent part of the afternoon making. “The beach, I mean.”
“What I am not an enthusiast of is being too much exposed to sunlight, but I do enjoy the shore and the sea.” And a day as cloudy as that one did the trick, even if they needed to be ready for the possibility of some rain. Besides, such weather also meant less people around, something Bram wouldn’t exactly complain about but quite the opposite.
“Yeah, it didn’t occur to me that you gotta come here a lot with your sea creature boyfriend.”
“Strictly speaking, Mr Lovecraft does not exactly come from any sea.” Or that planet by that matter, nor was ‘boyfriend’ as a term enough to describe their relationship either. But it started conveying the idea, he had to give that some credit.
“I know, I know, but you get me.” She simply said, and Bram nodded.
“I do.” The last detail was adding some little stones as decoration, then putting a tiny paper flag over the highest tower. And once that was done, Aya smiled from ear to ear. “Waddaya say, lord, count and expert? Is this a good castle?”
He didn’t even have to think about it; the answer was obvious.
“The best from the best, undoubtedly.” Bram assured her, smiling too.
(Also on ao3.)
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bunglegaydogs · 9 months
bsd ep 61 spoilers fr xoxo
so uh
that was a fucking wild ride
and it was only 30 seconds long
i have a couple of things to say on this subject
i also cant feel my hands from the cold so im dreading how long its actually gonna take me to write this post
Obvious spoilers for episode 61 preview!!!
So, my first thing was that Aya looks much happier in the anime than the manga lol. I don't know why this is important to me but I felt as if I should say it, because I don't know what exactly her plan is? But it's almost as if there's not a chance of her falling to her death involved in this little stunt that she's pulling.
Next thing to note is that she's clearly intending to land on something - and I saw a post just before that said maybe she misses the table and lands on Atsushi and Aku instead and in turn saves Atsushi from becoming a vampire. Which I do think is plausible - because if I've learned anything from this fucking series it's that if you expect something to happen after a certain thing happens, don't, you're wrong. Don't expect what you're expecting. It will be something completely out of left field that you get slapped across the fucking face with like a chilled fish bro that shit stings from the iciness.
Next, of course, Atsushi and Aku. Now, I don't think that Atsushi's going to become a vampire - it seems pretty long-winded now, plus where would the story go after that? Him and Aku just sit there and stare lifelessly at each other whilst Aya falls from the building? I think, maybe, Aku will see Aya falling, and his instinct will be to save her, because he's been keeping his promise to Atsushi, and maybe he recognises that if she falls and dies, it's "his fault" (it obviously won't be, but by means of association, the fact that he put her up there, he's like damn my bad fr) and go to save her, dropping Atsushi and obviously going to her, but I don't know, maybe that's not plausible at all.
Also, Atsushi is awake here??? Hello? Atsushi wasn't originally awake. Plus, Aku has that bitch hanging by Rashoumon - how has he gotten him awake and why's he pulled him closer? Anyways lol.
So, when I saw the split second of Fyodor, I actually almost did scream this time. Because I immediately recognised that he was in a vehicle of some kind. I, at first, thought that it was a van or a car, but someone else pointed out that it could have been a helicopter.
Ah, okay, looking back on the scene, that lowkey seems plausible.
For Nikolai.
Nikolai's hair is blowing in the wind. So either he's outside and it's windy, or he's in a helicopter or something. But Fyodor's scene looks pretty still. His hair isn't moving, the scenery outside is staying the same. It looks like a sky.
Behind Nikolai, it actually looks like a wall of some kind. Maybe a gate pillar thing. What if he's waiting outside Meursault, and sees Dazai and Chuuya coming out? I don't know.
Disregarding that theory, my guess is they're just trying to trick us into thinking that Nikolai is reacting that way because of Fyodor, or something he said, or him escaping, but I think that they're just two completely different scenes set at the same time maybe? I really don't know. I also don't know what Nikolai could have seen or heard for him to be shocked after smiling, I don't know.
Anyway, Fyodor is looking rather smug. No blood on him. And I don't really know, but we can't see his shoulder properly, but from what we CAN see, there's no wound or blood from where Sigma shot him. BUT that might be unimportant because I don't think Sigma actually shot him in the anime like he did in the manga. Just grazed him. Anyways.
He's looking fantastic for supposedly having just escaped Meursault after nearly drowning, burning his hand, getting shot in the shoulder, AND being covered in blood from where he'd just shot the time manipulator ability user.
He's clearly explaining something.
Also, is it weird if I say that he looks eerily similar to Mori here? Because I can't lie, he's looking an awful lot like him - more than he usually does. Violet eyes, long black hair, manipulative, etc. I don't know. It's also... is it an expression we see on Fyodor a lot? It seems... different. Off. What if this motherfucker's actually just Mori in disguise? LMAO Imagine I'd piss.
See, because, Nikolai isn't a happy surprised, or mildly amused. He just looks... shocked. I don't know.
I'm really looking into this sorry lol.
His hair's a bit messier than usual. Which, you know, valid, considering what's just happened. But... everything else is fine. No blood, no wounds, no anything. He's normal. So why is his hair a bit messier? Is it important or am I just looking too much into it? Maybe he was in a helicopter with Nikolai, or in a windy place. Also, just skimmed through episode 10, ignore me about the blood, he's apparently already wiped it off after he shot the bitch lol okay Mr. fucking hygiene.
Anyways, yeah, his shoulder has a rip in the shirt. I know we can barely see his shoulder in the clip we've been gifted with, but the rip is pretty high up. And, even after having a pretend mental breakdown, being drowned almost, getting shot, etc. Even after all of that, his hair does not look messy. WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT TO ME, I DON'T KNOW. I LOOK FOR THE SMALL THINGS I'M SORRY.
There's going to be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this and I'm just chatting shit.
I don't actually know what the fuck is happening here. I really don't. I'm just clutching at straws to preserve what little of my sanity Bungou Stray Dogs has left me with. I don't know. The way Fyodor is talking and just his expression doesn't sit right with me. It feels more like the way Dazai and Mori sometimes talk when they like know that they're right or explaining something or predicting or something, do you get what I mean? No? Okay. LMAO.
So, my next thing is of course the two fucking Fuku's because I lowkey wanted to scream when I saw Fukuzawa was not dead. I'm glad we have that confirmation - can I ask where the fuck the 'One Order' has gone though? Because Fukuchi's not holding onto it anymore. His arms bleeding. His neck is pouring with blood (fresh wound), but from what? Fukuzawa hasn't even took the sword out of him yet. How has he gotten sliced up already? He doesn't have any weapons on him. Neither does Fukuzawa. And, to me, it looks like Fukuzawa's just stood up or something.
And Fukuchi's reaching for something.
He's reaching out for something, and Fukuzawa has his back on him. Fukuchi looks enraged before he leaps at Fukuzawa, hand outstretched, maybe to grab Amenogozen, maybe not. But Fukuzawa is alarmed, and turns around, ripping the sword out of his fucking abdomen.
I don't know. The way Fukuchi ran towards him seemed... desperate. He seems like he's losing. His last resort. I don't know. It's just not very Fukuchi to charge towards him so clumsily and try and grab something the way he tries.
And again, why is Fukuchi's arm bleeding, and why is he sporting a rather Aku-type injury on his neck? Because it certainly seems that it wasn't Fukuzawa who caused that - he had his back turned and the only weapon he has is currently wedged deep inside of his stomach. Maybe it was Tecchour from afar. Maybe it was Tachihara manipulating metal. Maybe it was Kyouka. Maybe it was Yosano. Who knows. Maybe it was Fukuzawa.
Right okay so I've just skimmed through the episode again and Fukuzawa doesn't even have the fucking sword inside of him to begin with, so half of my rambling there has been rendered useless lol.
Anyways, and more importantly, where the fuck is 'One Order'?
It's no longer in Fukuchi's hand or ear. What the fuck?
His cape is missing. One Order is missing. Fukuzawa has somehow acquired a sword through his abdomen. Fukuchi is injured from his neck and arm. He's angry. Fukuzawa had his back turned. Fukuchi seems desperate for something.
Man, this is like a fucking riddle.
So, yes. Fukuzawa (quite easily, actually) rips Amenogozen out of himself and makes to swing for Fukuchi, who is without any weapons, injured, angry, and seemingly desperate.
Fuck, the sakura petals and the implication of Fukuzawa using Fukuchi's own sword to kill him, after fighting with him so many times oh my GOD I could get more into this but I won't, I won't. (Maybe later fr)
He seems pretty determined, dead-set on slashing this bitch. However, he becomes shocked at something, and not just a normal shock. That's an "Oh, fuck." shock. Then, it cuts to Fukuchi fucking smiling.
Smiling and reaching a hand out to Fukuzawa. We don't see his eyes. We only see his smile. A portion of his hand. The sakura petals. AAAA I'm so fucking sick.
Then, of course. We get a flashback. They're fighting. And for just a split second, you can see a smile on Fukuzawas face. Literally such a minuscule fucking thing.
And then it cuts to them now. And I don't mean now as in, middle of battle now, nor do I mean prior to their fight now. I mean, now. I don't know where now is or how it came to be, but they're obviously in their current attire. And you can see the wound on Fukuzawa's back. You can literally see it. So, whether they both die and this is some sort of heaven sequence, or something happens and they clash inside Amenogozen, and time is slowed or something, I don't know.
Does a sword count as a subordinate to Fukuzawa? Because if so, he can utilize that sword and manipulate it to his heart's content.
Anyways, it's peaceful. There's two cups of tea on a bench ahead of them. There's a fuzzy sort of outline to everything, maybe trying to make us assume that it's a flashback, when it is, in actuality, not. Unless, they've had a fight very similar to this one, in the same attire, but at a different time (obviously) and it wasn't fatal (again, obviously).
Now, this was honestly just me trying to put the preview in order in my head and I thought other people might like to read my thoughts lol.
Long story short, there was a lot to unpack here, and I think a lot of hidden meanings and misdirections, trying to make us think one thing but in fact it's going another way.
Anyways, have a lovely day/night! Thank you for reading ^^
(Wow, I did not mention Soukoku or Chuuya and Dazai ONCE in this post (shush I mentioned Dazai before that doesn't count) and yes I am hoping that they showed us nothing in this preview because they're fine and safe and going to pull something off and be very surprising but we can only dream and fuck I'm dreaming so hard I'm DELUSIONAL bro)
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dear-mrs-otome · 1 year
Tamamo - Main Story - Chp 01
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Standard Disclaimer: I do this for fun. I don’t, and never would, claim to be proficient at JP. There will be mistakes herein. There will be dialogue I choose to smooth out or change, because it feels choppy just straight translating. There will be the occasional snarky aside and irreverence and just plain summarizing. If you’re looking for 100% pure accuracy, without commentary or localizing, this is not for you. If you don’t mind that…then proceed, and I hope you enjoy! And please, support your local localizer (they make this stuff look easy) and Cybird by playing the games and routes if/when they come to English.
If you are unfamiliar with the story of Ikemen Genjiden, I will direct you to read the excellent prologue summaries posted by @/sakura-samsura here - these are the updated ones that include the introductions of the newer characters as well. You may notice discrepancies between my character's onscreen name, Aya, and what I use in the translations, but given that Yoshino is the 'canon' name and I prefer writing that over 'MC' I will use it in these stories.
Done with all that? Then carry on, and meet our mischievous fox.
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Outside the gates of the shogunate’s castle, Yoshino is reminding herself of her goals now: absorb enough magical mojo to fulfill her pact with Tamamo, and open her own apothecary business. With an enthusiastic cheer, she thanks the gathered men and says she looks forward to working with them and offers Yoritomo a respectful bow. 
Tamamo, looking on proudly, strokes her head and praises her energetic good cheer. “That’s just like my girl,” he declares, as she awkwardly thanks him.
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He brushes it off, thanking her instead for her honest nature with a smile, and she can’t help blushing slightly under his compliments and his hand on her hair. 
Shigehira though voices his obvious mistrust of Tamamo, and the two bicker slightly as Tamamo mocks him back, clearly enjoying pushing the prickly man’s buttons.
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Yoshino looks on, fretting, and tries to break up the squabble insisting they shouldn’t get off on the wrong foot if they’re all gonna be comrades.
Kagetoki cuts her off though. “Comrade’s a bit far. We’re just agreeing to use each other for our own ends, aren’t we?”
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She’s appalled at his mercenary categorization, but Kagetoki insists it’s important to be clear about these sorts of things, leaving her stunned. 
At a word from Yoritomo, Morinaga threatens both Shigehira and Kagetoki and they both step back from him, clearly chastized...and she’s left wondering if this bizarre dynamic is what passes for the norm around the shogunate. Morinaga insists they’ll get to know each other better soon enough, no need to sweat the small stuff now, which only sours Shigehira’s mood even further. 
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“Troublesome man…” Tamamo says at Shigehira’s continued suspicions. “Do you want to know who I am?” His eyes gleam gold, preternatural in the dim night light as he surveys each of them. “I am Tamamo, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Nothing more, nothing less. And I am most pleased to make your acquaintance, humans.”
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They all look at him, stunned into silence, as Yoshino thinks that he really didn’t answer ANY question at all.
Shigehira grumbles as much aloud, and Kagetoki agrees. “The only thing we know for sure at this point is he’s a troublemaker.”
Yoritomo muses how the more tails a fox has, the higher its power - and he’s heard that the nine-tailed fox, a kyuubi, is a once-in-an-era being.
“Tamamo’s that big of a deal?!” Yoshino asks, stunned to realize exactly what sort of ayakashi she’s gotten herself tied to - and realizing it’s no wonder he’s got such a dignified air about him if he’s such an illustrious being. 
“Feel free to worship me,” Tamamo agrees with a genial smile, to her sputtering protest. “No matter then...give it time, and my greatness will come to you.” 
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She wonders again at the circumstances that have led to him choosing HER of all people to ally himself with...as Kagetoki points out dryly in the background that currently Tamamo has nowhere near enough power left to assume that anyone would revere him.
The two bicker a little now too, Tamamo bristling slightly at Kagetoki’s implications while Kagetoki tells him the equivalent of ‘put up or shut up’ - that it’s not about what you’d done in the past but what you can still do that matters. “My power will eventually recover,” Tamamo reminds him.
“I certainly hope so, or else that’s a real problem,” Yoritomo interjects, looking around at the people gathered there, exuding the dignified confident air she’d expect of the shogun. “All of you, human or not, I have just one thing to say to you - do your job well.”
Tamamo assures him there’s no cause to worry there, and his self-assured smile only serves to highlight his beauty in the luminous moonlight...as Yoshino looks on, wondering if things will really be as simple as all that.
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The next morning finds her and Tamamo invited to a meeting with Yoritomo. She’s trying to hustle Tamamo through the corridors, as he keeps getting distracted and gawking at different decorations and other things, strolling leisurely along as she frets.
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He whines as they go about humans misguided priorities, and how looking at the art on the walls in infinitely preferable to going and staring at a bunch of dude’s faces. 
She scolds him again, saying they can’t keep Yoritomo waiting - the very idea terrifying her because he seems so stern. Tamamo assures her though they’re too valuable to Yoritomo for him to do anything to them.
“Even so, he could still say something terrible!” she insists, reminding Tamamo that Yoritomo IS the shogun and therefore basically the leader of everything they know. It illustrates the difference between ayakashi and human outlooks, she thinks.
Tamamo finally relents though and admits that it’s obvious Yoritomo has power and influence, if only because it’s illustrated by his rough, samurai-filled war-oriented castle still holding many valuable items of art and craft from all corners of the world. 
“It seems the samurai came to great power while I was sleeping in that stone,” he observes. “It’s fascinating to see the changes of the human world, isn’t it Yoshino?”
Finally, they make it to the gathering hall and find all of the shogun’s head retainers gathered there with Yoritomo - Kagetoki, Morinaga, and Shigehira, along with more than a dozen other samurai as well. 
“Bold of you to be late to the very first meeting,” Kagetoki snipes, and she wilts under the weight of the stares of all those gathered as she wonders if she dares try for an excuse. 
“Yoshino,” Tamamo says in a quiet voice only she can hear. “Just play along, and do as I do.”
Baffled, she watches as Tamamo steps forward and gracefully kneels, bowing his head. She hastens to copy him, as he begins to speak. “Unfamiliar with the place as I was, I found myself lost. I humbly beg your pardon, Lord Yoritomo.”
Yoshino blinks at the abrupt change in Tamamo, and looks around to see all of the samurai appear enraptured by Tamamo’s dazzling smile. 
“Of course, of course - please, take a seat,” Yoritomo replies, fake-charming smile plastered firmly on his own face as Tamamo thanks him.
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He and Yoshino head towards the last open seats as the samurai speak up, asking Yoritomo who the newcomers are. Yoritomo introduces Tamamo as a man who’s traveled from China and has paused in his journeys to share his knowledge with the shogunate. 
Yoshino is startled by the smooth lie Yoritomo offers them, but the samurai all seem reassured that Tamamo’s strange air can be explained away by his foreignness. 
“Please forgive me in advance for any rudeness, given that I am not yet familiar with the culture here,” Tamamo demurs, to a chorus of reassurances from the gathered men, and Yoshino notices that - perhaps due to the words of Yoritomo - the vassals all seem to have defaulted to using the most respectful language with Tamamo. 
The men exchange more pleasantries and Yoshino is mostly just impressed with the slick improv of both Yoritomo and Tamamo on the spot - the two men bringing to mind to her a fox and a tanuki conversing, two shifty characters acting their parts so well. 
“What about the woman, then?” one of the samurai finally asks. “ She doesn’t look like a foreigner at all.”
She’s nervous all over again as the attention shifts her way once more, introducing herself and saying she is usually a healer and now she’s acting as Tamamo’s assistant. They all clearly are still suspicious of her obvious commoner status though, especially in comparison to Tamamo’s elegance, and she’s sweating bullets now…
Only for a sweet scent to tickle her nose as an arm comes around her shoulders and pulls her closer. She realizes it’s the smell of incense that always clings to Tamamo, just as her cheek comes to rest against his firm broad chest. “I fell in love the moment I laid eyes on this woman in Kamakura,” Tamamo proclaims. “So forgive my impertinence in asking for your consideration of her during our brief stay.”
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Yoshino’s sputtering to herself, stunned at his wild story - love? At first sight?? - when Tamamo interrupts her thoughts. “Isn’t that right, Yoshino?”
“What? Y-yes,” she stammers in confused agreement. 
Tamamo goes on to say he needs some time to get used to living in their country, so please excuse Yoshino’s presence - he would consider it a great personal favor if they treated her kindly as well. The samurai are all so charmed and under Tamamo’s sway they agree immediately...and at Tamamo’s urging she manages to thank them all. 
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He finally releases her and she marvels all over again to herself at how easily he pulls one over on people, and how quickly he has them eating out of his hand - so well, in fact, it’s almost scary.
With that, Yoritomo gets the meeting underway and she sits back to listen to the reports and discussion, before Tamamo quietly asks her what’s up. She thanks him for his quick intervention when she had faltered. He says no biggie, and fudging things a bit like that won’t hurt anyone since they’re not staying there forever. 
Shigehira calls them out for not paying attention and talking, but Tamamo just smiles nonplussed. “Forgive me. I was asking after a word I didn’t understand,” he smoothly lies, and Shigehira clams up sheepishly. 
Then, regular business finished, Morinaga segues them to the next  far more somber piece of business. “Minamoto no Yoshitsune is alive,” he tells the gathered men grimly. “From this moment on, the shogunate prepares for war.”
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The stunning news ripples through the assembled men like wildfire, setting them abuzz with anxiety and apprehension until Kagetoki harshly tells them to be quiet and listen to what Yoritomo has to say. They immediately fall silent, and Yoritomo begins to explain the particulars - how Yoshitsune and his rebels have formed a base at the town of Hiraizumi, how they have been recruiting amongst the disenfranchised to swell their ranks, and that they plan to attack Kamakura. 
The mood goes immediately somber.
“It is imperative that I crush this movement, destroy it entirely. To protect what we have created,” Yoritomo tells them all gravely. “Which of you will take up their sword and fight at my side? Are there any among you that will brave the very gates of hell with me?”
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“Yes! We will give our all for the shogunate!” the assembled men cry. “For Lord Yoritomo!”
As she watches, the men erupt in a fervor, battlelust written plain on their faces...and she realizes what a unimaginable place she’s found herself in, via circumstances utterly beyond her control. She glances over at Tamamo beside her, the source of all of this -
“I’m getting bored,” he proclaims, stifling a yawn, and she wonders if he’s truly that uninterested in human warfare. 
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After the meeting she returns to her quarters, exhausted by the morning’s events, and ponders how out of place she feels here in the midst of all these samurai. All of her prior anxieties rise up to nip at her heels again, and just as she’s about to slide into another funk she hears Tamamo’s voice from outside, asking if she is in and if this is a good time.
Confused, she tells him it is and he sweeps in - with a veritable entourage of men and women burdened with trunks.
“Tamamo, who are all these people…?” she asks, baffled. 
He smiles and reassures her, as the boxes are opened and their contents removed and lined up - the room overflowing with a bounty of colorful kimonos and accessories in a matter of moments. Seeing her stunned expression, Tamamo grins like a mischievous boy who is quite proud of himself. “Surprised? I called in a clothing merchant.”
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“Merchant?” she echoes, as an assembly of men bow before her. “Whatever for?”
The merchants fall all over themselves, obsequious towards Tamamo, as he thanks them for bringing their wares to him - then he turns to take Yoshino’s hand, pulling her smoothly to her feet. She’s caught in his magnetic golden gaze as he draws her nearer…
“Would you like me to undress you, Yoshino?”
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Chapter 02 >>
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grimeye-j · 9 months
BSD godly parents pt.1 - Hunting Dogs
If the cast of BSD were demigods from PJO/HOO what would their godly parents be? (This post is going to be about the Hunting Dogs, I might do other characters later if I feel like it)
Tachihara: I feel like with his ability being all about metal he should be a Hephaestus camper. Hecate could also fit because his ability feels a bit more magical than some of the others, and she is also the goddes of crossroads which fits his whole identity crisis and him being forced to choose between the Hunting Dogs and the Port Mafia.
Teruko: With her temper I would probably say she's a child of Ares, but given her mischievous nature Hermes could also fit.
Fukuchi: I don't think I need to explain that he would be child of Ares, right? He's literally a war hero and also the cause of a worldwide conflict.
Jouno: I feel like Jouno would probably be a son of Athena. He's definitely the smartest among the Hunting Dogs and he even figured out that there was something up with Fukuchi and is responsible for the fact that Aya is currently saving the world. Alternatively, he could also be a child of Hades. I don't really have a logical argument for this one, it's purely based of vibes.
Tecchou: This one was probably the hardest because the obvious choice would be Ares because Tecchou's main strength is his ability to fight. However his motivation is more about preserving peace than waging war, so I don't really think he would fit into the Ares cabin. If I had to choose a god that has appeared in the books I would probably go with Nike as Tecchou's godly parent, since he's always pretty confident in his ability to win, but if I could choose any greek deity would go with Dike who is, according to some quick googling, a goddes of justice which seems pretty fitting for Tecchou. (I didn't go with Themis cuz she's also associated with wisdom and good counsel, and as much as I love Tecchou, he's not exactly the smartest)
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juni-aldaine123 · 2 months
LOVE EVERY FACE OF YOURS/ tgswiiwagaa ; ayamitsu
・❥・fluff . light angst maybe . cute . oneshot . canon universe . canon compliant . the green yuri manga . set after events of ch 78, you're too obvious
The sky lights up and the clouds thunder against each other as rain showers around Mitsuki. Her fortune must be going downhill with all the events that have been happening currently. First and foremost- she broke her ankle.
Though the perks that come with that make her feel slightly better about her rotten luck. Aya constantly hovers around her and tends to all her needs, even picking her up for school and dropping her off, helping her with her school work, and most importantly- she spends all her time and attention on Mitsuki.
She totally does not get butterflies at this.
But then she had to ruin everything by spilling seeds of the past. 
Mitsuki isn't really sure who the 'she' is.
Is it Aya? She was the one who had brought up 'Onii-san' out of the blue. And she also seemed to be missing 'him' if Mitsuki puts it like that. When all the misunderstandings were already cleared and Mitsuki was the one standing right in front of Aya, why did she call her 'Onii-san'?
Mitsuki heaves a sigh. It isn't Aya's fault when she is jealous. Of herself? Or this fake persona she'd created of herself that Aya happened to like better?
But....does Aya truly think about 'Onii-san' still? Or had she meant it in another context and it was her who took it the wrong way?
Her thoughts round about one girl, they have been for quite sometime now; Mitsuki can't stop thinking about Aya.
"Totally forgot to bring an umbrella." She glares at the clouds hanging heavy overhead, as if they were the bane of her existence. (which they kind of are now, since she can barely walk back home without getting drenched by the downpour and she'd rather not fall sick in addition to her broken leg.)
She has frightened her poor uncle and troubled Kanna-san enough. But she knows the one who would shoulder the burden the most would be Aya. That girl will probably think it's her fault for not coming to Mitsuki's aid even though Mitsuki is the one (trying) to avoid her.
Mitsuki knows what conclusion Aya might possibly stumble upon. 
'No Oosawa-san, you're not abandoning me or anything like that. It's just me being me,' she grimaces as she speaks to the voice of Oosawa Aya that doesn't seem intent on leaving her mind anytime soon.
'Should I just run home?' But then she looks at the crutch and hides a disappointed sigh.
"I guess this is pay back for my sins..." she mumbles to whoever deems to hear her self deprecation words.
She doesn't expect it to be Aya though.
"What is?" comes a question out of the blue.
"Oosawa-san?!" she shrieks out, pale as a ghost. Aya stands beside her, eyes glued to her phone, as if she'd never called out to Mitsuki and the ravenette is just imagining things.
Maybe she is. Maybe Aya isn't even here but Mitsuki wants her to be, so her mind conjures up this image- that Aya's free hand rests too close to hers, their knuckles brushing. It's not as if they weren't this close before but with the latest revelations Mitsuki has had a simple touch drives her crazy.
Silence rings heavy around them and Aya seems content not to break it so Mitsuki takes the initiative.
"Is- is that Incubus?" she asks, noticing the song that plays in the backdrop. Aya finally looks at her; unreadable intent brewing in her peachy eyes.
"Yeah. Wish you were here," 'But I'm right here,' calls out a voice in her head. It's kind of ironic. "That song- I mean." Of course, Mitsuki knows the song very well.
"The...The way it starts calmly feels pretty nice, right?" She tries to smile. "I...like that song too."
Aya only stares, unblinking, as if she is assessing her. Then she doesn't look at Mitsuki anymore, opting to turn her gaze ahead.
"Do you think...Onii-san likes this song too?" Aya doesn't respond to what she had instead. Doesn't tell her what she thinks about Mitsuki liking the song. Instead she asks if Mitsuki knows what 'Onii-san' thinks of this song.
"B-But-" she stammers out. "By 'Onii-san' you mean-"
"That's right." Aya opens the umbrella, holding it in front of them. "You had said 'Are you being nice to me just because I'm Onii-san,' didn't you?"
"Are you jealous? What for!" There's a sparkle in her eyes; it's back, Mitsuki realises. Aya gives her a blinding smile, like that of the sun that shines after rain.
It's beautiful, like a daydream.
"You're one and the same for me!" Sunshine doesn't leave her face.
"What?!" Mitsuki's heart is in a frenzy! And her mind is beyond repair at this point. 'Does Oosawa-san even realise what's she's saying?! She's too bold!' The blush refuses to leave her cheeks. "No-! I was just- I mean-"
"Just get under!" And Aya yanks her towards her, but still mindful of her injury.
"I like all sides of you Koga-san. You're so cool in every way!" She gushes non-stop the moment Mitsuki is under the umbrella, by her side.
"But you know- if I liked 'Onii-san' more than you I would've been helping him not you." Mitsuki wants to retort that she couldn't help someone who doesn't exist anyway, understanding dawning on her as she remembers Aya's words.
"If I liked him more than you, why do you think I'm always with you? Even at school, where you're Koga Mitsuki and not 'Onii-san'?" She's suddenly all too aware of the warm hand holding her cool sweaty ones.
"I just like you Koga-san. I never became your friend just because of the disguise you wear outside of school," she laughs. "I became your friend just because-" There's hesitancy in her voice, but Mitsuki wants to hear more. So she squeezes her hand urging Aya to continue.
"Just because?"
"You're- well- You're you!" she blurts out in a panic. Mitsuki stifles a chuckle at the outburst. 'Cute...'
"Because you're so pretty and kind and- and nice! We like the same type of music. We have so much in common- and at the same time not-!" Guess even Aya notices the disparity between the two of them. But- "We bonded over our shared interests, right? But we also always talk about whatever we like to do individually. We take an interest in eachother's hobbies, even if we may not personally like it. But that's 'cause we are friends!"
Ouch, the 'friends' suddenly stings.
"I'll admit I'd started frequenting the store because of Onii-san- and music of course! That was the reason I came! But do you know why I stayed?" Aya looks at her with a fondness and Mitsuki feels as if her heart would leap out of her chest any minute now. "It was because of you Koga-san."
"The feelings I had for Onii-san....they never actually changed even when i found out the truth you know? But instead they've just gotten stronger....And that's why I still stick around! For you! Not for Onii-san or anyone else-"
Aya feels like combusting! She had just planned on saying a little of her true feelings to Mitsuki, once she figured the ravenette might need her assurance. It was just to tell her enough that Aya liked her and not anyone else, even her own alter-ego. But she hadn't expected her mouth to go rampant and blurt out everything!
"Just me..." Mitsuki thankfully finishes for her, struggling to cover her own heated face.
The confession lingers between them. The small space they share is comforting. Like Aya.
"Thanks for telling me....Aya-san." The butterflies in her belly flutter with happiness.
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