#Aya Cash as jane
filmes-online-facil · 2 years
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A vida de Zoe Crandle não saiu exatamente como planejado. Suas amigas se casaram e têm filhos, e a falta de bons pretendentes e de dinheiro desanima sua vida amorosa e profissional. Até que ela conhece Paul, um adorável bobão, e uma forte ligação acontece. Só tem um problema: Paul é casado com Jane. Com a ajuda de Claire, sua melhor amiga, Zoe planeja salvar seus negócios e sua vida amorosa.Uma comédia franca e honesta sobre relacionamentos modernos, Social Animals tem no elenco Noël Wells, Josh Radnor, Aya Cash, Carly Chaikin, Fortune Feimster e Samira Wiley.
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Aya Cash on Social Animals
as Jane on Social Animals
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Easy Season 03
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Easy Season 03    [trailer]
Intertwined groups of friends in Chicago fumble through the modern maze of love, sex, technology and culture.
Ep1 Swipe Right: I still like how matter-of-factly an open relationship is treated. Though considering their age, the way the two handled their respective "open" situations felt a bit immature.
Ep5 Swipe Left: However, the second episode with Andi and Kyle, is clearly the best. It has the most intense and real talk about relationships I've seen in a long time. Raw emotions. No wonder it's about twice as long as the others episodes. I suspect no one wanted to stop it. Open relationships are difficult. And doomed to fail. At the end it's difficult to say if the open relationship "experiment" is a success or not.
Ep2 Private Eyes: I can't relate to the character. But once again, it is treated very matter-of-factly, how someone is starting to get interested in BDSM.
Ep3 Spontaneous Combustion: The "art" of leaving someone. While easier said than done, I think it's an excellent decision not to start a new relationship until the "third person in the room" is entirely gone.
Ep4 Yes: Slice of life. It ends well, but dating someone at the workplace is always a difficult decision.
Ep6 Blank Pages: Good contribution to the #MeToo conversation. If only it would be possible to happen that way more often.
Ep7 Number One Seller: Not sure what to make of this one. A daily hustle, and then blowing it all at a strip club because of exhaustion.
Ep8 Low Rolling Boil: The background of trying to start your own busines is still very good. But Franco's character is still annoying me. Even if the episode tries to bring the story arc to a good close.
Ep9 She's Back: Another good episode about two challenges to relationships, long distance and career choices. The ending is not happy, but felt sensible.
Overall, it was very nice to see established story lines continue over the three seasons.
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leafvy · 3 years
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𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
here’s a list of short names to coincide with my long names list :)
[ disclaimer: my sincere apologies if there are any spelling/meaning/origin mistakes in any of my name lists, i am by no means a professional in this area, i just like creating lists to help aid storytellers. i do try my best to find each name’s corresponding origin/meaning/spelling but i am a human who is prone to make the odd mistake. p.s, i take requests! ]
Ada - German - First born female
Ali - Arabic - High, elevated, champion
Amy - French/Latin - Beloved
Anne - Latin/Hebrew - Favour, grace
Aria - Hebrew/Italian - Air, song, melody
Aura - Latin/Greek - Wind
Ava - Latin - Bird-like
Aya - German/Japanese/Hebrew - Sword, colourful, beautiful, bird
Ayn - Hebrew/Finnish/Russian - God has favoured me, grace, eye
Bay - English/French - Auburn-haired
Bea - Latin - Bringer of happiness
Beau - French - Beautiful, handsome
Belle - French - Beautiful
Bia - Latin/Italian - White, fair
Bindi - Noongar - Butterfly
Blair - Scottish - Plain, meadow, field
Blanche - French - White
Blythe - English - Joyous, kind, cheerful
Bree - Irish - Exalted one, strength
Briar - English - Bush of wild roses
Brook - English - Small stream
Bryn - Welsh - Hill
Buffy - Hebrew - Diminutive of Elizabeth, my god is an oath
Cara - Latin - Dear friend
Chloe - Greek - Blooming, fertility
Cia - Greek/Hebrew - Light,
Clair - French - Bright, clear
Coco - Portuguese/Spanish - Diminutive of Socorro, help, relief
Cora - Greek - Maiden, girl, daughter
Cove - English - Small coastal inlet
Dara - Hebrew/Irish - Pearl of wisdom, gift, compassion
Dawn - English - Sunrise
Doe - English - Female deer
Dot - Greek - Diminutive of Dorothy, gift of god
Dove - English - A bird
Eden - Hebrew - Delight
Edie - English - Prosperous in war
Ella - Greek/Norman/Hebrew/German/Spanish - Beautiful, fairy maiden, goddess
Elle - French - She
Elm - English - Elm tree
Elsa - Scandinavian - Joyful, Noble, god is my oath
Emi - Japanese - Blessed, favour, beautiful
Emma - Germanic - Whole, universal
Erin - Irish - Peace, from the island to the west
Esmé - French/Persian - Esteemed, beloved, emerald
Etta - Latin - Of noble birth
Eva - Hebrew - Giver of life
Eve - Hebrew - Giver of life
Faith - Latin - Confidence, trust, belief
Faye - French - Fairy
Fern - English - Green shade-loving plant
Fiona - Gaelic/Scottish - White, fair
Fleur - French - Flower
Flo - Latin - Flowering, flourishing
Gia - Italian - God’s gracious gift
Grace - Latin - Gracious
Greta - Greek/German/Persian - Pearl
Gwen - Welsh - White, holy
Hope - English - Desire of fulfillment
Ida - Scandinavian - Labour, work
Isla - Scottish/Gaelic/Spanish - Island
Ivy - English - Fidelity
Jade - Spanish - Stone of the colic, precious gemstone
Jae - Korean - Ability, talent
Jane - English - God is gracious
Jessie - Hebrew - He sees
Jill - Latin/English - Child of the God’s, youthful
Joan - Hebrew - God is gracious
Joy - English - Happiness, joyful
June - Latin - Born in June
Juno - Latin - Queen of heaven
Kai - Hawaiian/Japanese - Sea, ocean, shell, restoration, recovery
Kat - English/Greek - Clean, pure
Kate - English/Latin/Greek - Clean, pure
Kim - English/Korean/Chinese/Vietnamese - Gift of God, gold
Kira - Russian/Japanese/Persian/Greek - Mistress, ruler, leader of the people, beloved, light
Kyla - Hebrew/English/Scottish - Narrow channel
Lacy - English/Latin/French - Lace, cheerful, unbridled
Lake - English - Body of water
Lana - Slavic/Gaelic - Little rock, light
Lark - English - Songbird
Lea - Hebrew/English - Delicate, weary, meadow
Leda - Greek - Woman
Leigh - English - Delicate, meadow
Lia - Greek - Bearer of good news
Lily - English/Latin/Greek - Pure, passion, flower
Lisa - Hebrew - God’s promise
Liv - Norse - Shelter, protection, life
Lois - Greek - Superior
Lucy - English/Latin - Light
Lula - German/English - Famous warrior
Luna - Italian/Spanish/Latin - Moon
Lux - Latin - Light
Luz - Portuguese/Spanish - Light
Lyla - Arabic - Night
Mae - French/Latin - Month of May
Maeve - Irish/Gaelic - Intoxicating
Mara - Hebrew - Bitter, strength
Mary - Aramaic/Latin/Hebrew/Greek - Bitter, beloved, rebellious, marine, drop of the sea
Maude - German/French/Hebrew - Powerful battler
May - English - Month of May
Meg - Greek - Pearl
Mia - Scandinavian - Of the sea, bitter
Mila - Slavic - Gracious, dear
Mina - German - Love
Mira - Latin/Slavic - Wonder, wonderful, peace
Moon - English - The moon
Mya - Greek/Arabic/German/Persian - Sea of bitterness
Nelly - Greek - Light
Nia - Gaelic/Swahili - Lustrous, goal, purpose, resolve, brilliance
Nina - Spanish/Hebrew/Russian/Babylonian - Enclosure of fish, little girl
Noa - Hebrew - Motion
Nora - Irish/Latin/Arabic - Honour, light
Nova - Latin - New
Nya - Swahili/Gaelic - Purpose
Opal - Sanskrit - Gem
Ora - Latin - Pray
Paige - Latin/Greek - Assistant
Paris - Latin/Greek - Pouch, wallet
Pearl - Latin/English - Smooth round bead formed by a mollusk
Pia - Latin - Pious, reverent
Pixie - Celtic/Swedish/Cornish - Fairy
Quinn - Irish/Gaelic - Counsel
Rae - Hebrew - Ewe, female sheep
Rain - English - Rain
Reese - Welsh - Ardent, fiery
Remi - French - Oarsman
Ren - Japanese - Water lily, lotus
Rita - Spanish - Pearl
Rose - Latin - Flower
Ruby - Latin - Red gemstone
Rue - English/Greek - Regret, herb
Ruth - Hebrew - Friend
Sadie - Hebrew - Princess
Sage - Latin - Wise
Shae - Gaelic/Irish - Admirable, full of majesty
Sky - Norse - Cloud, scholar
Sloan - Irish/Gaelic - Warrior
Sue - Hebrew - Lily
Suzy - Hebrew - Lily
Tara - Sanskrit - Star
Tate - English/Norse - Cheerful
Taya - Japanese - Young
Tess - English/Greek - To harvest, to reap
Teva - Hebrew - Nature
Thea - Greek - Goddess
Tia - Spanish - Aunt
Uma - Hebrew/Sanskrit - Nation
Una - Irish - The personification of truth, beauty and unity
Velma - German - Determined protector
Vera - Slavic - Faith
Wren - English - Small bird
Zara - Arabic - Radiance
Zelda - German - Grey fighting maid
Zia - Arabic - Light
Zoe - Greek - Life
Zuri - Swahili - Beautiful
Ace - Latin - One; unity
Amir - Arabic/Persian/Hebrew - Prince, chief, immortal
Araz - Arabic - Provisions, commodities
Arik - Norse - Eternal ruler
Arlo - English - Fortified hill
Arris - Greek -Best
Asa - Hebrew/Japanese - Healer, physician, born in the morning
Ash - English - Ash tree
Atlas - Greek - To carry
Axel - Hebrew - Father is peace
Bane - Slavic - Glorious defender
Bear - French/German - As strong and brave as a Bear
Beau - French - Beautiful
Beck - Norse - Small stream
Blaire - Scottish/Gaelic - Plain, field
Blake - English - Fair-haired, dark
Bodhi - Sanskrit - Awakening, enlightenment
Bolt - English - Bar, arrow
Bran - Scottish/Irish/Gaelic - Bramble, thicket of wild gorse
Brock - English/Celtic - Badger-like
Brody - Scottish - Broad eye, broad island
Bron - English - Son of a dark man
Buck - English - Male deer
Cade - English - Round, barrel
Cain - Hebrew - Something produced, spear
Cash - English/Latin - Hollow
Chase - English/French - To catch, to seize, hunter, huntsman
Clark - English - Scribe, secretary
Cody - English - Helpful, pillow
Cole - English - Swarthy, coal-black, charcoal
Colt - English - Young horse
Crew - Latin - Chariot
Dane - English - From Denmark
Dax - French - Leader
Dean - English - Valley
Drake - English - Dragon, snake
Duke - English - Leader, son of Marmaduke
Eden - Hebrew - Place of pleasure, delight
Eli - Hebrew - Ascent
Evan - Welsh - Youth, young warrior
Ezra - Hebrew - Help, helper
Felix - Latin - Happy, lucky
Fig - English - Fruit
Finn - Norse/Irish - Finn, Sámi, white, fair
Fox - English - Cunning, sly
Gage - French - One who is defiant
Gale - English/Greek - Jovial, tranquil
Grant - English/Gaelic - Tall, big
Grey - English - Grey-haired
Guy - French - Guide, leader
Heath - English - Someone who lives by a moor or heath
Hugh - English/French/Germanic - Mind, spirit
Ian - Scottish - The Lord is gracious
Ike -Hebrew - Laughter
Iker - Basque - Visitation
Jack - English - God is gracious, supplanter
Jax - English - God is gracious
Jay - Latin - Bird in the crow family
Jeb - Hebrew - Beloved friend
Jed - Hebrew - Beloved of God
Jet -English - Black, airplane
Jody - English/Hebrew - Jehovah increases
Jon - Hebrew - God is gracious
Joss - German - One of the Goths
Jovi - Latin - Father of the sky
Judd - English - To flow down
Jude - Greek - Praised
Kade - Scottish - From the wetlands
Kai - Hawaiian/Japanese - Sea, ocean, shell, restoration, recovery
Kiam - Unknown - Unknown
King - English - Monarch
Kit - Greek - Bearing Christ
Knox - Scottish/English - Hillock, round-topped hill
Koa - Hawaiian - Warrior, brave one
Kye - Welsh/Scandinavian/Gaelic/Greek - Keeper of the keys, earth, narrow, straight
Kylo - Latin - Sky
Lane - English - Small roadway or path
Lars - Latin/Scandinavian - From Laurentum, crowned with laurel
Leif - Scandinavian - Heir, descendent, beloved
Leo - Latin/Greek - Lion
Leon - Latin/Greek/French - Lion, son of a Lion
Levi - Hebrew - Joining, attached
Luka - Italy/Slavic - A person from Lucania
Luke - Latin - The bright one, the one born at dawn
Max - Latin - The greatest
Milo - German - Soldier, merciful
Nash - English - By the ash tree
Neo - Latin - New, gift
Nico - Greek - People of victory
Noah - Hebrew - To comfort
Oak - English - Oak tree
Otis - German/English - Wealth, son of Otto
Pax - Latin - Peaceful
Piet - Dutch - Rock
Pike - English - A person who lives on a sharp hill
Poe - English - Peacock
Quana - Native American - Aromatic
Ray - English/German - Counsel, mighty protection, guards wisely
Reed - English - Red-haired
Remi - French - Oarsman
Ren - Japanese - Water lily, lotus
Rhett - English/Dutch - Advice
Roan - Gaelic - Little red-head
Rory - Irish - Red-haired King
Ross - Gaelic - Promontory, headland
Roth - English/German - Red, wood, renown
Roy - Gaelic - Red
Rudy - German - Famous Wolf
Ryan - Irish - Little King, illustrious
Saint - English - Holy person
Saul - Hebrew - Ask, question
Sid - French/English - Wide meadow
Slade - English - Valley
Tate - Norse - Cheerful
Teo - Spanish - God
Tim - English - One who honours God
Toby - English - God is good
Torin - Gaelic - Chief
Troy - Irish - Descendent of a foot-soldier
Tye - English - Someone who lived near a pasture
West - English - Western stream
Wolf - German - Travelling Wolf
Zane - Hebrew - God is gracious
Zeke - Hebrew - God strengthens
Zen - Japanese - Peace
Zev - Hebrew - Wolf
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nicolemaiines · 3 years
Hi Victoria. Can I please request some alternate/replacement fcs for Scarlett Johansson, please? thank you so much!
lizzy caplan, dianna agron, rachel bilson, jane levy, kat dennings, yael grobglas, monica raymund, nikki reed, kate hudson, evan rachel wood, emmy rossum, zosia mamet, jurnee smollett, rachel bloom, aya cash, lauren cohan, natasha lyonne, jenny slate, sara rue, olivia thirlby could all work for you! 
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film--s · 7 years
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Easy (2016-) season one title sequences (creator Joe Swanberg)
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oijio · 6 years
70th Emmy Nomination Predictions
Last year, five new dramas broke into the race, and they’re looking to be as strong as they were last year. With former champ Game of Thrones returning to the race, though, people need to make some room. Should be interesting. On the comedy side, Veep, which has won the Best Comedy three years running, is off this year, including its leading lady Julia Louis Dreyfus who has won six times in a row, opening up the Comedy race. Looking forward to seeing some new faces over on that side. Here are my predictions for the 70th Primetime Emmy Awards!
Outstanding Drama Series The Americans The Crown Game of Thrones The Handmaid’s Tale Killing Eve Stranger Things This is Us
Alternate: Westworld Spoiler: Ozark Wish (not including any above): Dark; Orphan Black
Outstanding Comedy Series Atlanta Barry Black-ish Curb Your Enthusiasm GLOW The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Silicon Valley
Alternate: Modern Family Spoiler: Will & Grace Wish: The Good Place; You’re the Worst; Broad City; One Day at a Time; The End of the F***ing World; Dear White People
Outstanding Limited Series The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Godless Howards End The Looming Tower Twin Peaks
Alternate: Genius: Picasso Spoiler: Patrick Melrose Wish: American Vandal; Alias Grace
The rest after the cut!
Outstanding TV Movie Black Mirror: USS Callister Fahrenheit 451 Flint Paterno The Tale
Alternate: Electric Dreams Wish: Black Mirror: Black Museum
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Jodie Comer, Killing Eve Claire Foy, The Crown Mandy Moore, This is Us Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale Sandra Oh, Killing Eve Keri Russell, The Americans
Alternate: Evan Rachel Wood, Westworld Spoiler: Emilia Clarke, Game of Thrones Wish: Tatiana Maslany, Orphan Black
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series Sterling K. Brown, This is Us Freddie Highmore, The Good Doctor Matthew Rhys, The Americans Liev Schreiber, Ray Donovan Milo Ventimiglia, This is Us Jeffrey Wright, Westworld
Alternate: Jason Bateman, Ozark Spoiler: Kit Harrington, Game of Thrones Wish: Matt Smith, The Crown
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, The Handmaid’s Tale Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Ann Dowd, The Handmaid’s Tale Lena Headey, Game of Thrones Chrissy Metz, This is Us Thandie Newton, Westworld
Alternate: Uzo Aduba, Orange is the New Black Spoiler: Yvonne Strahovski, The Handmaid’s Tale Wish: Vanessa Kirby, The Crown
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones Noah Emmerich, The Americans David Harbour, Stranger Things Justin Hartley, This is Us Anthony Hopkins, Westworld Mandy Patinkin, Homeland
Alternate: Joseph Fiennes, The Handmaid’s Tale Spoiler: Noah Schnapp, Stranger Things Wish: Sean Astin, Stranger Things (Note: fun tidbit, five of last year’s seven nominees are ineligible or in a different category this year - makes for a lot of space, but also there are tons of people fighting for spots here)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series Pamela Adlon, Better Things Alison Brie, GLOW Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Allison Janney, Mom Tracee Ellis Ross, Black-ish Lily Tomlin, Grace & Frankie
Alternate: Jane Fonda, Grace & Frankie Spoiler: Debra Messing, Will and Grace Wish: Aya Cash, You’re the Worst; Rachel Bloom, Crazy Ex Girlfriend; Kristen Bell, The Good Place; Ilana Glazer & Abbi Jacobson, Broad City; Ellie Kemper, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt; Jessica Barden, The End of the F***ing World
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series Anthony Anderson, Black-ish Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm Zach Galifianakis, Baskets Donald Glover, Atlanta Bill Hader, Barry William H. Macy, Shameless
Alternate: Eric McCormack, Will and Grace Spoiler: Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Wish: Ted Danson, The Good Place; Chris Geere, You’re the Worst; Alex Lawther, The End of the F***ing World
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Laurie Metcalf, Roseanne Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live Rita Moreno, One Day at a Time Megan Mullaly, Will and Grace
Alternate: Jessica Walter, Arrested Development Spoiler: Betty Gilpin, GLOW Wish: D’Arcy Carden, The Good Place; Kether Donohue, You’re the Worst; Jane Krakowski, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt; Andrea Martin, Great News (Four of the six nominees from last year are also ineligible this year, exciting)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series Louie Anderson, Baskets Alec Baldwin, Saturday Night Live Tituss Burgess, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Brian Tyree Henry, Atlanta Tony Shalhoub, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Henry Winkler, Barry
Alternate: Sean Hayes, Will and Grace Spoiler: Ty Burrell, Modern Family Wish: LaKeith Stanfield, Atlanta; Jaime Camil, Jane the Virgin; Manny Jacinto, The Good Place; Marc Maron, GLOW
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series/TV Movie Hayley Atwell, Howards End Jessica Biel, The Sinner Laura Dern, The Tale Michelle Dockery, Godless Elisabeth Moss, Top of the Lake: China Girl Sarah Paulson, American Horror Story: Cult
Alternate: Regina King, Seven Seconds Spoiler: Cristin Milioti, Black Mirror: USS Callister Wish: Letitia Wright, Black Mirror: Black Museum; Sarah Gadon, Alias Grace
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series/TV Movie Antonio Banderas, Genius: Picasso Darren Criss, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Benedict Cumberbatch, Patrick Melrose Jeff Daniels, The Looming Tower Kyle MacLachlan, Twin Peaks Al Pacino, Paterno
Alternate: Michael B. Jordan, Fahrenheit 451 Spoiler: Jesse Plemons, Black Mirror: USS Callister Wish: Jimmy Tatro, American Vandal; Douglas Hodge, Black Mirror: Black Museum
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series/TV Movie Penelope Cruz, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Laura Dern, Twin Peaks Nicole Kidman, Top of the Lake: China Girl Angela Lansbury, Little Women Judith Light, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Merritt Wever, Godless
Alternate: Naomi Watts, Twin Peaks Spoiler: Elizabeth Debicki, The Tale Wish: Anna Paquin, Alias Grace
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series/TV Movie Bill Camp, The Looming Tower Jeff Daniels, Godless Edgar Ramirez, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Peter Sarsgaard, The Looming Tower Michael Shannon, Fahrenheit 451 Michael Stuhlbarg, The Looming Tower
Alternate: Ricky Martin, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Spoiler: Brandon Victor Dixon, Jesus Christ Superstar Wish: Cody Fern, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Outstanding Reality Competition Program The Amazing Race American Ninja Warrior Project Runway RuPaul’s Drag Race Top Chef The Voice
Alternate: Dancing with the Stars Spoiler: Survivor
Outstanding Reality Host Alec Baldwin, Match Game Gordon Ramsay, Masterchef Junior Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, Project Runway Jane Lynch, Hollywood Game Night RuPaul, RuPaul’s Drag Race W. Kamau Bell, United Shades of America
Alternate: Queer Eye, Queer Eye Spoiler: Ellen DeGeneres, Ellen’s Game of Games
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Jodi Balfour, The Crown Pam Grier, This is Us Diana Rigg, Game of Thrones Marisa Tomei, The Handmaid’s Tale Cicely Tyson, How to Get Away with Murder Samira Wiley, The Handmaid’s Tale
Alternate: Laverne Cox, Orange is the New Black Spoiler: Kate Burton, This is Us Wish: Rinko Kikuchi, Westworld
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series Alan Alda, The Good Fight Matthew Goode, The Crown Michael C. Hall, The Crown Ron Cephas Jones, This is Us Gerald McRaney, This is Us Peter Mullan, Westworld
Alternate: Jimmi Simpson, Westworld Spoiler: Sylvester Stallone, This is Us Wish: Hiroyuki Sanada, Westworld
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series Blythe Danner, Will and Grace Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live Tiffany Haddish, Saturday Night Live Lisa Kudrow, Grace & Frankie Jane Lynch, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Wanda Sykes, black-ish
Alternate: Maya Rudolph, The Good Place Spoiler: Molly Shannon, Will and Grace Wish: Tessa Thompson, Dear White People
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series Bryan Cranston, Curb Your Enthusiasm Donald Glover, Saturday Night Live Bill Hader, Saturday Night Live Jon Hamm, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Leslie Jordan, Will and Grace Bob Newhart, The Big Bang Theory
Alternate: Chadwick Boseman, Saturday Night Live Spoiler: Sterling K. Brown, Brooklyn Nine Nine Wish: John Cho, Difficult People
Outstanding Variety Talk Series Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Jimmy Kimmel Live Last Week Tonight with John Oliver The Late Show with Stephen Colbert The Late Late Show with James Corden Real Time with Bill Maher 
Alternate: The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon
Outstanding Variety Sketch Series At Home with Amy Sedaris Drunk History I Love You, America Portlandia Saturday Night Live  Tracy Ullman’s Show
Another Emmy nomination prediction list done! Gonna be Game of Thrones vs. The Handmaid’s Tale it seems, with THT getting more nominations than it did last year. Will be interesting to see which of the five new shows that arrived last year can maintain their momentum. Hoping for some new, new faces everywhere else!
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tuseriesdetv · 3 years
Noticias de series de la semana
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Netflix ha renovado Love and Anarchy por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado Cidade Invisível por una segunda temporada
CBS ha renovado The Equalizer por una segunda temporada
Apple TV+ ha renovado Central Park por una tercera temporada
Amazon ha rescatado la tercera temporada de Loudermilk que no llegó a emitir Audience Network
La segunda temporada de Special (Netflix) será la última
La quinta temporada de Queen of the South (USA Network) será la última
Claire Foy (The Crown) y Paul Bettany (WandaVision) protagonizarán la segunda temporada de A Very English Scandal. Serán los duques de Argyll, cuyo divorcio fue muy sonado en los años 60.
Josh Holloway (Lost, Colony) protagonizará Duster. Será el valiente conductor de las escapadas de una banda criminal en el suroeste de Estados Unidos en los años 70.
Dakota Fanning (The Alienist, I Am Sam) será Marge Sherwood, americana viviendo en Italia que sospecha de las motivaciones de Ripley (Andrew Scott), en Ripley.
Lucy Hale (Pretty Little Liars, How I Met Your Mother) será Lake Edmunds, nueva agente de policía, en Ragdoll.
Chloe Bennet (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nashville), Dove Cameron (Liv and Maddie, Descendants) y Yana Perrault serán The Powerpuff Girls en The CW.
Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin, Kajillionaire), Jake Johnson (New Girl, Stumptown) y Kesler Talbot (50 States of Fright) protagonizarán Lost Ollie, la serie de Netflix híbrido entre acción real y animación. Serán Sharon y  James, los padres de Billy; y Billy, el niño que ha perdido a su conejo Ollie. Jonathan Groff (Mindhunter, Looking) pondrá voz a Ollie, que ha acabado en una tienda de segunda mano sin poder volver a casa. Mary J. Blige (The Umbrella Academy, Power Book II: Ghost) y Tim Blake Nelson (Watchmen, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) pondrán voz a Rosy y Zozo, una osita de peluche y un muñeco payaso que ayudan a Ollie a encontrar a Billy. La serie de cuatro episodios ha sido creada, escrita y producida por Shannon Tindle (Coraline, Kubo and the Two Strings). Será dirigida por Peter Ramsey (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Rise of the Guardians). La animación corre a cargo de Industrial Light + Magic (The Mandalorian).
Famke Janssen (How to Get Away with Murder, X-Men) será recurrente en Long Slow Exhale como la doctora Melinda Barrington, la rectora de la universidad.
Annie Murphy (Schitt's Creek, Kevin Can F*** Himself) y Carolyn Michelle Smith (House of Cards, Colony) se unen a la segunda temporada de Russian Doll. No se conocen detalles.
Connor Swindells (Sex Education, Emma.) protagonizará SAS: Rogue Heroes. Será David Stirling, un excéntrico soldado aburrido. Hospitalizado tras un ejercicio de entrenamiento que sale mal y convencido de que los comandos tradicionales no funcionan, decide crear otra forma de ataque y reclutar a los soldados más duros, valientes e imprudentes para una unidad encubierta. Le acompañarán Jack O'Connell (Skins, Godless), Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones, Jojo Rabbit), Sofia Boutella (Modern Love, Atomic Blonde), Dominic West (The Wire, The Affair), Amir El-Masry (Industry, Jack Ryan), Theo Barklem-Biggs (The First Team, Carnival Row), Corin Silva (The Bay), Jacob Ifan (Bang, Cuffs), Dónal Finn (Cursed, The Witcher), Jacob McCarthy (A.P. Bio), Michael Shaeffer (Bodyguard, The Salisbury Poisonings) y Miles Jupp (The Durrells, Rev.).
Leslie Bibb (Popular, Nobodies) y Kevin Dunn (Veep, Samantha Who?) serán Satán y Gene, el padre de Clark (Ben Falcone), que es el mensajero de Dios, en God's Favorite Idiot.
Tom Mison (Sleepy Hollow, Watchmen) participará en la segunda temporada de See.
Katrina Law (Arrow, Hawaii Five-0) se une como recurrente a la decimoctava temporada de NCIS con posibilidad de convertirse en regular en la decimonovena. Será la agente especial Jessica Knight, experta en negociación en secuestros.
Snoop Dogg (Dolemite Is My Name), La La Anthony (Power, The Chi) y Serayah (Empire) serán recurrentes en Black Mafia Family como el pastor Swift, consejero espiritual de la familia Flenory; Markaisha Taylor, esposa de un traficante de drogas; y Lori Walker, novia de Demetrius Flenory (Lil Meech).
Mark Pellegrino (Supernatural, 13 Reasons Why) se une como regular a American Rust. Será Virgil Poe, marido de Grace (Maura Tierney).
Michelle Gomez (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Flight Attendant) se une como regular a la tercera temporada de Doom Patrol. Será Madame Rouge, excéntrica con una misión muy específica pero que no recuerda.
Lexi Underwood (Little Fires Everywhere) será recurrente como Malia, la hija de Michelle Obama (Viola Davis), en The First Lady. Aya Cash (The Boys, You're the Worst), Jake Picking (Hollywood), Cayden Boyd (Heathers, Awkward), Marc Hills (Snatchers), Ben Cook (Paterno), Leslie Rodriguez Kritzer (Bridge and Tunnel), Thomas E. Sullivan (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; Roswell, New Mexico) y Patrice Johnson Chevannes (Chambers) serán Esther Liebowitz, secretaria de prensa de Betty Ford (Michelle Pfeiffer); la versión joven de Jerry Ford (Aaron Eckhart); Michael, Jack y Steven, los hijos de Betty Ford; Martha Graham, profesora de baile de Betty en 1939; Bill Warren, el primer marido de Betty y Clara Powell, la niñera de los Ford; en The First Lady.
Shar Jackson (Moesha) participará en los episodios finales de Shameless como Constance, una prima de Veronica (Shanola Hampton) que vive en Louisville.
Adelayo Adedayo (Timewasters, Origin), Ian Hart (My Mad Fat Diary, The Last Kingdom), MyAnna Buring (Ripper Street, The Salisbury Poisonings), Kerrie Hayes (The English Game, Tin Star), Warren Brown (Strike Back, Luther), Josh Finan y Emily Fairn protagonizarán The Responder junto a Martin Freeman.
Lizzie Broadway (Here and Now, The Rookie) y Jaz Sinclair (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) se unen al spin-off de The Boys que Amazon estaría a punto de encargar.
Barrett Carnahan (Cobra Kai, Alexa & Katie), Andrea Anders (Joey, Ted Lasso), Benjamin J. Cain Jr. y Nicole Bilderback (Dawson's Creek, Dark Angel) se unen como recurrentes a Cruel Summer.
Ruby Cruz (Castle Rock, Mare of Easttown) sustituye a Cailee Spaeny en el papel de Kit, la hermana melliza del príncipe secuestrado, en Willow.
Midori Francis (The Birch, Dash & Lily), Gavin Leatherwood (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Christopher Meyer (Tell Me a Story, The Affair), Ilia Isorelýs Paulino (Queenpins), Lauren "Lolo" Spencer (Give Me Liberty) y Renika Williams (Over-the-Rhine) se unen como regulares a The Sex Lives of College Girls. Serán Alicia, Nico, Canaan, Lila, Jocelyn y Willow, estudiantes de Essex College.
Babs Olusanmokun (The Defenders, The Widow), Christina Chong (Line of Duty, Bulletproof), Celia Rose Gooding (Jagged Little Pill), Jess Bush (Playing for Keeps) y Melissa Navia (Dietland) se unen a Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
Uyoata Udi será Inspectah Deck en la segunda temporada de Wu-Tang: An American Saga.
Joshua Caleb Johnson (The Good Lord Bird, Snowfall) se une como recurrente a Women of the Movement. Será Wheeler Parker Jr., el primo y mejor amigo de Emmett Till (Cedric Joe).
Dominique Fishback (The Deuce, Judas and the Black Messiah) será Robyn, amiga de la familia que ayuda a Ptolemy (Samuel L. Jackson), en The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey.
Sarah Catherine Hook (NOS4A2) y Imani Lewis (Star, The Get Down) protagonizarán First Kill. Serán Juliette Fairmont, una tímida y amable vampira adolescente; y Calliope Burns, una adolescente vulnerable y valiente cazadora de monstruos.
       Nuevas series
Natalie Portman (Black Swan, Jackie) y Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave, Us) protagonizarán Lady in the Lake, limited series de Apple TV+ ambientada en Baltimore en los años 60 y adaptación de la novela de Laura Lippman (2019). Serán Maddie Schwartz, un ama de casa y madre que se reinventa como periodista de investigación tras un asesinato sin resolver; y Cleo Sherwood, una mujer muy trabajadora que combina la maternidad con varios trabajos y la meta de ayudar con el progreso de la comunidad negra en Baltimore. Escrita por Dre Ryan (Colony, The Man in the High Castle) y Alma Har'el, dirigida por Har'el (Honey Boy) y producida por Ryan (The Man in the High Castle, The Exorcist), Har'el, Portman y Nyong'o.
Kaley Cuoco (The Big Bang Theory, The Flight Attendant) protagonizará y producirá una limited series sobre Doris Day. Basada en su biografía 'Doris Day: Her Own Story' escrita por A.E. Hotchner (1976). Producida por Warner Bros TV y Greg Berlanti (The Flight Attendant, Brothers & Sisters). Aún no hay cadena asociada.
Will Forte (The Last Man on Earth, Saturday Night Live) protagonizará y producirá Expiration Date, drama de Peacock sobre un hombre roto que considera suicidarse para que su familia pueda cobrar el dinero del seguro y planea qué hacer en el año que todavía debe permanecer con vida. Escrito y producido por Harry y Jack Williams (The Missing, Liar).
Peacock encarga Langdon, serie precuela de The Da Vinci Code y adaptación de la novela de Dan Brown 'The Lost Symbol' (2009) en la que Robert Langdon (Ashley Zukerman; Succession, A Teacher) deberá resolver una serie de rompecabezas mortales para salvar a su mentor y frustrar una escalofriante conspiración global. Completan el reparto Valorie Curry (The Following, The Tick), Rick Gonzalez (Arrow), Eddie Izzard (Hannibal, Powers) y Sumalee Montano (This Is Us, Scandal). Escrita y producida por Dan Dworkin y Jay Beattie, guionistas de Criminal Minds y Revenge y creadores de Scream y Matador. Producida por Dan Brown, Brian Grazer y Ron Howard, que ya produjeron las adaptaciones cinematográficas de The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons e Inferno.
FX ha encargado nueve episodios de Fleishman Is in Trouble, limited series sobre un cuarentañero recién separado y con hijos cuya esposa desaparece sin dejar rastro y deberá afrontar qué pasó con su matrimonio para saber qué le ha ocurrido a ella. Escrita y producida por Taffy Brodesser-Akner y basada en su novela (2019).
ITV encarga tres episodios de The Tower, thriller criminal en el que un policía veterano y una adolescente mueren al caer desde lo alto de un edificio en Londres mientras quedan vivos en la azotea un niño de cinco años y una agente novata que desaparece horas después. Adaptación de 'Post Mortem' (2015), la primera novela de la saga de Kate London, antigua agente de la Policía Metropolitana en la unidad de homicidios y delitos graves. Escrito y producido por Patrick Harbinson (Homeland, Person of Interest) y dirigido por Jim Loach (Save Me, Victoria).
Amazon desarrolla Women of the Year, antología adaptación del proyecto 100 Women of the Year de Time. Cada episodio se centrará en una mujer. Creada y producida por Alma Har'el (Honey Boy).
OWN ha encargado The Kings of Napa, drama sobre una familia afroamericana cuyo patriarca abandona la empresa de viñedos dejando a sus tres hijos luchando por el control. Escrita por Janine Sherman Barrois (Claws, Criminal Minds) y producida por Oprah Winfrey. Matthew A. Cherry (Hair Love) dirigirá los dos primeros episodios.
Amazon desarrolla The Wives, thriller sobre una mujer localmente enamorada de su marido, aunque sepa que tiene dos esposas más que ella no conoce, que un día entabla una relación con la más joven y comienza a preguntarse quién es su marido exactamente. Adaptación de la novela de Tarryn Fisher (2019). Escrita y producida por Kayla Alpert (Code Black, Ally McBeal).
Searchlight Television ha adquirido la saga de novelas fantásticas The Inheritance Trilogy, donde los dioses moran entre los mortales y una familia poderosa y corrupta gobierna la Tierra, para su adaptación televisiva. Producida por Will Smith y Jada Pinkett Smith.
Bradley Walsh (Doctor Who, Coronation Street) y Joanna Scanlan (No Offence, Hold the Sunset) serán Pop y Ma en The Larkins, dramedia adaptación de la novela 'The Darling Buds of May' (1958) de H.E. Bates para ITV. Sabrina Bartlett (Bridgerton, Victoria) será Mariette Larkin, una de los seis hijos de esta familia de clase obrera. Tok Stephen (Grantchester, Holby City) será Cedric 'Charley' Charlton. Escrita por Simon Nye (The Durrells, Finding Alice). Producida por Bradley Walsh. Seis episodios.
Peacock desarrolla Wild Cards, adaptación de las novelas de George R.R. Martin que desarrolló previamente Hulu.
ITV encarga seis episodios de The Ipcress File, adaptación de la primera novela de la saga de Len Deighton (1962) protagonizada por el espía Harry Palmer (Joe Cole; Gangs of London, Peaky Blinders). Completan el reparto Lucy Boynton (The Politician, Sing Street), Tom Hollander (The Night Manager, The Missing), Ashley Thomas (Them, Top Boy), Joshua James (Industry, Life), David Dencik (Top of the Lake, Genius) y Tom Vaughan-Lawlor (Dublin Murders, Love/Hate). Escrita y producida por John Hodge (Trainspotting, The Beach). Dirigida y producida por James Watkins (McMafia, Black Mirror).
HBO Max desarrolla Enjoy Your Meal, comedia que examina satíricamente la cultura tóxica de la industria food media. Inspirada en los escándalos del verano de 2020 en adelante, se centrará en un grupo de jóvenes asistentes negros que se alzaron para destrozar la cultura corporativa. Escrita y producida por Amy Aniobi (Insecure). Ryan Walker-Hartshorn (Bon Appétit) servirá como consultora.
ABC Signature y Searchlight Television han adquirido City of Ghosts, la novela de Victoria Schwab (2018) que sigue a una adolescente que se ve inmersa en una épica batalla entre fantasmas y humanos, para su adaptación. Escrita por David Lowery (A Ghost Story, Pete's Dragon) y Sehaj Sethi (Two Sentence Horror Stories) y dirigida por Lowery (A Ghost Story, Pete's Dragon). Producida por Schwab y Gerard Butler.
ALLBLK ha encargado seis episodios de Lace, que sigue a una prolífica y exitosa abogada de Los Ángeles (Maryam Basir) que no respeta los límites entre el bien y el mal al proteger a su rica y poderosa clientela. Completan el reparto Skyh Black (Sistas), Tanyell Waivers (Queen Sugar), Antoine Harris (Ballers, The Breaks), Terrell Carter (Empire), Leonard Roberts (Heroes, American Crime Story), Kellita Smith (The Bernie Mac Show, Z Nation), Shanti Lowry (Family Time, The Game), Chris Attoh (A House Divided), Nate Walker, Jordan T. Johnson, Taylor Bynoe, Mollie Dolcimascolo y Isaac Stephen Montgomery. Creada, escrita y producida por Katrina Y. Nelson y Michelle Ebony Hardy y dirigida por Jamal Hill (Deuces, Brotherly Love).
Grace se estrena en ITV el 14 de marzo
La tercera temporada de Family Reunion llega a Netflix el 5 de abril
La quinta y última temporada de Queen of the South se estrena en USA Network el 7 de abril
Them llega a Amazon el 9 de abril
La quinta y última temporada de Van Helsing se estrena en Syfy el 16 de abril
La segunda temporada de Bigger se estrena en BET+ el 22 de abril
La segunda y última temporada de Special llega a Netflix el 20 de mayo
Tráilers y promos
Line of Duty - Temporada 6
Family Reunion - Temporada 3
Van Helsing - Temporada 5 y última
1 note · View note
linestv · 5 years
Mattys - 2019
I try to do my own version of the Emmys every year, and these are the results for 2019. The eligibility requirement for shows is, as always, having to finish half of a season before May 31st. Winners are bolded.
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Outstanding Drama Series
Doom Patrol
The Good Fight
Killing Eve
This Is Us
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Sterling K. Brown, “This Is Us”
Brian Cox, “Succession”
Stephan James, “Homecoming”
Bob Odenkirk, “Better Call Saul”
Billy Porter, “Pose”
J.K. Simmons, “Counterpart”
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Christine Baranski, “The Good Fight”
Jodie Comer, “Killing Eve”
Diane Guerrero, “Doom Patrol”
Taraji P. Henson, “Empire”
Julia Roberts, “Homecoming”
Mj Rodriguez, “Pose”
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Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Jovan Adepo, “Sorry For Your Loss”
Bobby Cannavale, “Homecoming”
Peter Dinklage, “Game of Thrones”
Harry Lloyd, “Counterpart”
Michael Sheen, “The Good Fight”
Jason Tobin, “Warrior”
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Rose Leslie, “The Good Fight”
Margo Martindale, “Sneaky Pete”
Carrie Preston, “Claws”
Susan Kelechi Watson, “This Is Us”
Olivia Williams, “Counterpart”
Constance Zimmer, “UnREAL”
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series
Bruce Campbell, “Lodge 49”
Griffin Dunne, “This Is Us”
Luke Kirby, “Sorry For Your Loss”
John Cameron Mitchell, “The Good Fight”
Samuel Roukin, “Counterpart”
Jeremy Allen White, “Homecoming”
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Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series
Carice van Houten, “Game of Thrones”
Phylicia Rashad, “This Is Us”
Nicole da Silva, “Wentworth”
Alison Tolman, “Good Girls”
Alanna Ubach, “Dietland”
Breeda Wool, “UnREAL”
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series
Better Call Saul, S04E02 - “Breathe”
Counterpart, S02E05 - “Shadow Puppets”
Game of Thrones, S08E03 - “The Long Night”
Homecoming, S01E08 - “Protocol”
Pose, S01E01 - “Pilot”
Warrior, S01E01 - “The Itchy Onion”
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series
Counterpart, S02E06 - “Twin Cities”
The Good Fight, S03E10 - “The One About the End of the World”
Killing Eve, S02E08 - “You're Mine”
Pose, S01E06 - “Love Is the Message”
This Is Us, S03E13 - “Our Little Island Girl”
Wentworth, S06E03 - “Bleed Out”
Outstanding Comedy Series
BoJack Horseman
Get Shorty
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
The Other Two
You’re the Worst
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Hank Azaria, “Brockmire”
Ted Danson, “The Good Place”
Chris Geere, “You’re the Worst”
Bill Hader, “Barry”
Christopher Meloni, “Happy!”
Chris O’Dowd, “Get Shorty”
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Rachel Brosnahan, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”
Aya Cash, “You’re the Worst”
Ilana Glazer, “Broad City”
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, “Veep”
Phoebe Waller-Bridge, “Fleabag”
Heléne Yorke, “The Other Two”
Catherine Zeta-Jones, “Queen America”
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Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Anthony Carrigan, “Barry”
Patrick Fischler, “Happy!”
Melvin Gregg, “American Vandal”
Tony Hale, “Veep”
Maaka Pohatu, “Wellington Paranormal”
Andrew Scott, “Fleabag”
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Alex Borstein, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”
D’Arcy Carden, “The Good Place”
Anna Chlumsky, “Veep”
Kether Donohue, “You’re the Worst”
Rita Moreno, “One Day at a Time”
Molly Shannon, “The Other Two”
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
Jerry Adler, “Broad City”
Brett Dier, “Jane the Virgin”
Tyrel Jackson Williams, “Brockmire”
Peter MacNicol, “Veep”
Michael McKean, “The Good Place”
Luca Padovan, “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”
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Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series
Rose Byrne, “At Home with Amy Sedaris”
Judith Light, “Queen America”
Jane Lynch, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”
Sally Phillips, “Veep”
Maya Rudolph, “The Good Place”
Wanda Sykes, “The Other Two”
Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series
Barry, S02E05 - “ronny/lily”
Broad City, S05E01 - “Stories”
The Good Place, S03E09 - “Janet(s)”
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, S02E01 - “Simone”
Veep, S07E07 - “Veep”
You’re the Worst, S05E13 - “Pancakes”
Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series
BoJack Horseman, S05E06 - “Free Churro”
Fleabag, S02E01 - “Episode 1”
The Marvelous Msr. Maisel, S02E05 - “Midnight at the Concord”
The Other Two, S01E09 - “Chase Drops His First Album”
Veep, S07E07 - “Veep”
You’re the Worst, S05E13 - “Pancakes”
Outstanding Limited Series
Fresh Eggs
State of the Union
The Haunting of Hill House
When They See Us
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie
Christopher Abbott, “Catch-22”
Jared Harris, “Chernobyl”
Jonah Hill, “Maniac”
Jharrel Jerome, “When They See Us”
Michael Sheen, “Good Omens”
David Tennant, “Good Omens”
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Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie
Amy Adams, “Sharp Objects”
Aunjanue Ellis, “When They See Us”
Carla Gugino, “The Haunting of Hill House”
Joey King, “The Act”
Rosamund Pike, “State of the Union”
Emma Stone, “Maniac”
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie
Kyle Chandler, “Catch-22”
Timothy Hutton, “The Haunting of Hill House”
John Rhys-Davies, “Fresh Eggs”
Bill Skarsgård, “Castle Rock”
Stellan Skarsgård, “Chernobyl”
Justin Theroux, “Maniac”
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or Movie
Patricia Arquette, “The Act”
Patricia Clarkson, “Sharp Objects”
Danielle Cormack, “Fresh Eggs”
Felicity Huffman, “When They See Us”
Kate Siegel, “The Haunting of Hill House”
Sissy Spacek, “Castle Rock”
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Outstanding Directing for a Limited Series or Movie
Castle Rock, S01E07 - “The Queen”
Catch-22, S01E05 - “Episode 5”
Chernobyl, S01E01 - “1:23:45”
Good Omens, S01E01 - “In the Beginning”
The Haunting of Hill House, S01E06 - “Two Storms”
When They See Us, S01E04 - “Part Four”
Outstanding Writing for a Limited Series or Movie
Castle Rock, S01E07 - “The Queen”
Chernobyl, S01E05 - “Vichnaya Pamyat”
The Haunting of Hill House, S01E05 - “The Bent-Neck Lady”
Sharp Objects, S01E08 - “Milk”
State of the Union, S01E06 - “Nigel and Naomi”
When They See Us, S01E01 - “Part One”
The shows with the most nominations in drama, comedy and limited are pictured throughout the list.
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2017 Emmys Wishlist
I’ve randomly gotten a lot of followers this past year and I have no clue why, but you haven’t had to endure my nonstop Emmys blogging which will be starting approximately now. Anyway I watch way too many shows so that’s why I love shit like this. Here’s my wishlist even though I know Emmy voters don’t even watch like half these shows (my number one fave I want to win is in bold)
Best Comedy Series:
Atlanta (FX)
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (The CW)
Fleabag (BBC)
The Good Place (NBC)
Santa Clarita Diet (Netflix)
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Veep (HBO)
Lead Actor - Comedy:
Anthony Anderson as Dre Johnson on Black-ish (ABC)
Aziz Ansari as Dev Shah on Master of None (Netflix)
Ted Danson as Michael on The Good Place (NBC)
Donald Glover as Earn Marks on Atlanta (FX)
Thomas Middleditch as Richard Hendricks on Silicon Valley (HBO)
Timothy Olyphant as Joel Hammond on Santa Clarita Diet (Netflix)
Lead Actress - Comedy:
Rachel Bloom as Rebecca Bunch on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (The CW)
Aya Cash as Gretchen Cutler on You’re the Worst (FXX)
Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Selina Meyer on Veep (HBO)
Kaitlin Olson as Mickey Molng on The Mick (FOX)
Tracee Ellis Ross as Bow Johnson on Black-ish (ABC)
Phoebe Waller-Bridge as Fleabag on Fleabag (BBC)
Supporting Actor - Comedy:
Louie Anderson as Christine Baskets on Baskets (FXX)
Titus Burgess as Titus Andromedon on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Tony Hale as Gary Walsh on Veep (HBO)
Brian Tyree Henry as Paper Boi Miles on Atlanta (FX)
Timothy Simons as Jonah Ryan on Veep (HBO)
Zach Woods as Jared Dunn on Silicon Valley (HBO)
Supporting Actress - Comedy:
Zazie Beetz as Van Keefer on Atlanta (FX)
D’Arcy Carden as Janet on The Good Place (NBC)
Carla Jimenez as Alba Maldonado on The Mick (FOX)
Jenifer Lewis as Ruby Johnson on Black-ish (ABC)
Jayma Mays as Carol Anne Keane on Trial & Error (NBC)
Kate McKinnon as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Guest Actor - Comedy:
Aziz Ansari as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Dave Chappelle as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Josh Charles as Duke Snyder on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Santino Fontana as Greg Serrano on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (The CW)
Ray Liotta as Paulie Fucillo on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Peter MacNicol as Jeff Kane on Veep (HBO)
Guest Actress - Comedy:
Angela Bassett as Catherine on Master of None (Netflix)
Anna Camp as Deirdre Robespierre on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Rachel Dratch as Professor Leonora Van Arsdale-Yates/Professor Dianne Delamonte-Shapiro on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Melissa McCarthy as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Sally Phillips as Minna Häkkinen on Veep (HBO)
Maya Rudolph as Dionne Warwick on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Outstanding Drama Series:
Bates Motel (A&E)
Better Call Saul (AMC)
The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
House of Cards (Netflix)
Stranger Things (Netflix)
This Is Us (NBC)
Westworld (HBO)
Lead Actor - Drama:
Freddie Highmore as Norman Bates on Bates Motel (A&E)
Anthony Hopkins as Robert Ford on Westworld (HBO)
Bob Odenkirk as Jimmy McGill on Better Call Saul (AMC)
Kevin Spacey as Frank Underwood on House of Cards (Netflix)
Dan Stevens as David Haller on Legion (FX)
Justin Theroux as Kevin Garvey on The Leftovers (HBO)
Lead Actress - Drama:
Carrie Coon as Nora Durst on The Leftovers (HBO)
Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth II on The Crown (Netflix)
Mandy Moore as Rebecca Pearson on This Is Us (NBC)
Elisabeth Moss as June/Offred on The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
Evan Rachel Wood as Dolores Abernathy on Westworld (HBO)
Robin Wright as Claire Underwood on House of Cards (Netflix)
Supporting Actor - Drama:
Ed Harris as Man in Black on Westworld (HBO)
Ron Cephas Jones as William Hall on This Is Us (NBC)
Joel Kinnaman as Will Conway on House of Cards (Netflix)
John Lithgow as Winston Churchill on The Crown (Netflix)
Michael McKean as Chuck McGill on Better Call Saul (AMC)
Jeffrey Wright as Bernard Lowe on Westworld (HBO)
Supporting Actress - Drama:
Emily Browning as Laura Moon on American Gods (Starz)
Vera Farmiga as Norma Bates on Bates Motel (A&E)
Grace Gummer as Dom DiPierro on Mr. Robot (USA)
Thandie Newton as Maeve Millay on Westworld (HBO)
Aubrey Plaza as Lenny Busker on Legion (FX)
Rhea Seehorn as Kim Wexler on Better Call Saul (AMC)
Guest Actor - Drama:
Reed Birney as Donald Blythe on House of Cards (Netflix)
Jermaine Clement as Oliver Bird on Legion (FX)
Orlando Jones as Mr. Nancy on American Gods (Starz)
Gerald McRaney as Dr. Nathan Katowski on This Is Us (NBC)
Lars Mikkelsen as Viktor Petrov on House of Cards (Netflix)
Peter Stormare as Czernobog on American Gods (Starz)
Guest Actress - Drama:
Gillian Anderson as Media on American Gods (Starz)
Alexis Bledel as Ofglen on The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
Ann Dowd as Patti Levin on The Leftovers (HBO)
Betty Gilpin as Audrey on American Gods (Starz)
Cloris Leachman as Zorya Vechernyaya on American Gods (Starz)
Amanda Warren as Dorothy Hill on This Is Us (NBC)
Outstanding TV Movie (lol I looked at the list and couldn’t find many I watched):
Black Mirror: San Junipero (Netflix)
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (HBO)
Outstanding Limited Series:
American Horror Story: Roanoke (FX)
Big Little Lies (HBO)
Fargo (FX)
Feud: Bette and Joan (FX)
The Night Of (HBO)
Lead Actor - Limited Series (Once again, clearly didn’t watch enough):
Riz Ahmed as Naz Khan on The Night Of (HBO)
Alex Lawther as Kenny on Black Mirror: Shut Up & Dance (Netflix)
Ewan McGregor as Emmit and Ray Stussy on Fargo (FX)
John Turturro as John Stone on The Night Of (HBO)
Lead Actress - Limited Series:
Bryce Dallas Howard as Lacie Pound on Black Mirror: Nosedive (Netflix)
Nicole Kidman as Celeste Wright on Big Little Lies (HBO)
Jessica Lange as Joan Crawford on Feud: Bette and Joan (FX)
Susan Sarandon as Bette Davis on Feud: Bette and Joan (FX)
Oprah Winfrey as Deborah Lacks on The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (HBO)
Reese Witherspoon as Madeline Mackenzie on Big Little Lies (HBO)
Supporting Actor - Limited Series:
Reg E. Cathey as Zakariyya Lacks on The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (HBO)
Alfred Molina as Robert Aldrich on Feud: Bette and Joan (FX)
Alexander Skarsgård as Perry Wright on Big Little Lies (HBO)
Michael Stuhlbarg as Sy Feltz on Fargo (FX)
David Thewlis as V.M. Varga on Fargo (FX)
Stanley Tucci as Jack Warner on Feud: Bette and Joan (FX)
Supporting Actress - Limited Series:
Laura Dern as Renata Klein on Big Little Lies (HBO)
Jackie Hoffman as Mamacita on Feud: Bette and Joan (FX)
Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Kelly Booth on Black Mirror: San Junipero (Netflix)
Adina Porter as Lee Harris on American Horror Story: Roanoke (FX)
Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Nikki Swango on Fargo (FX)
Shailene Woodley as Jane Chapman on Big Little Lies (HBO)
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donheisenberg · 7 years
Emmy Nominations Reaction:
As I write this the 2017 Emmy nominations have just been announced and it is certainly a fascinating if not quite frustrating list. Awards always get some things right and some things wrong, but looking at in particular the drama categories the Emmy’s have certainly got more wrong than right, although you could potentially say the opposite for drama. Let’s take a closer look at some of the major categories.
Outstanding Comedy Series
Master of None
Modern Family
Silicon Valley
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Veep Okay this is a strong list, minus Modern Family. To be fair the state of the half hour comedy/dramedy is so strong it would be tough to come up with a bad list but I am certainly happy to see the excellent Atlanta included, alongside the likes of Veep, Kimmy and Master of None, even if I expected all of those to get nominations. I would like to have seen Catastrophe get nominated and I really like the latest season of Transparent even while others saw it as a bit uneven, but I’m not going to complain too much about their choices here.
Outstanding Drama Series
Better Call Saul
The Crown
The Handmaid’s Tale
House of Cards
Stranger Things
This is Us
Well firstly wow. This is a crazy list. Only BCS and HOC have any pedigree here with the other five choices all being new to the party. Yet while I like to see the Emmys mixing it up I have to say I’m not crazy about these choices. Admittedly I have not got around to seeing all of them (peak TV and all that) but I must say that I don’t believe that HOC, Stranger Things and Westworld deserve to be nominated instead of the unparalleled The Leftovers, the fantastic Halt and Catch Fire or even the slightly below-par fifth season of The Americans, plus a whole host of other great shows like Rectify and OITNB. 
Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Viola Davis
Claire Foy
Elisabeth Moss
Keri Russell
Evan Rachel Wood
Robin Wright
I really did not like Westworld, at points I may have even actively disliked it but I have to say I’m happy to see Evan Rachel Wood get recognised, she was the best thing on the show. Also delighted to see Keri Russell continue to get nominated even when her show is not. On the other side of things Carrie Coon’s admission while not surprising is disappointing (although she has been nominated in the limited series category for her work in Fargo) because that is the best performance on TV.
Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Sterling K Brown
Anthony Hopkins
Bob Odenkirk
Matthew Rhys
Liev Schrieber
Kevin Spacey
Milo Ventimiglia
Sorry but Liev Schrieber, Anthony Hopkins, Kevin Spacey are any of these actually good performances. I mean they are all fun but are these performances really better than Justin Theroux, Lee Pace, Wagner Moura, the answer is no. Otherwise happy to see Rhys be recognised and maybe this year he will finally get his long overdue victory.
Lead Actress, Comedy
Pamela Adlon
Jane Fonda
Allison Janney
Ellie Kemper
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Tracee Ellis Ross
Lily Tomlin You can’t really argue with this list in terms of the talent that is there but there is something boringly predictable about it. Pamela Aldon is something of a curve-ball but I would have loved it if they had thrown in a couple more like maybe Sharon Horgan, Aya Cash or Rachel Bloom just to name a few. I mean for however amazing she is Julia Louis Dreyfus does not really need another Emmy, at this stage they’re just cluttering up her house.
Lead Actor, Comedy
Anthony Anderson
Aziz Ansari
Zach Galifianakis
Donald Glover
William H. Macy
Jeffrey Tambor
Another strong if predictable list. Not 100% sure about the inclusion of Ansari, I know many praised his performance this year but I’m still not convinced by his abilities as an actor. I think that place might have been better served going to Rob Delaney or Chris Geere. 
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Uzo Aduba (Orange is the New Black)
Ann Dowd (The Handmaid’s Tale)
Chrissy Metz (This Is Us)
Millie Bobby Brown (Stranger Things)
Samira Wiley (The Handmaid’s Tale)
Thandie Newton (Westworld)
Can’t argue with these choices to much either other than to say Amy Brenneman should have been recognised for her fantastic episode of The Leftovers this season.
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Jonathan Banks (Better Call Saul)
Michael Kelly (House of Cards)
John Lithgow (The Crown)
Jeffrey Wright (Westworld)
Mandy Patinkin (Homeland)
David Harbour (Stranger Things)
Ron Cephas Jones (This Is Us)
Jonathan Banks is more deserving of his nomination than everyone on this list but how Michael McKean has not been nominated is beyond me. One of the single best performances on TV and it gets nothing. Christopher Eccleston and Clayne Crawford (Rectify) both can feel aggrieved to, but not surprised.
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Louie Anderson (Baskets)
Ty Burrell (Modern Family)
Alec Baldwin (Saturday Night Live)
Tituss Burgess (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
Tony Hale (Veep)
Matt Walsh (Veep)
Again like Banks Hale and Walsh are very deserving but this was the year of Jonah Ryan and Timothy Simons should have been nominated here.
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Leslie Jones (Saturday Night Live)
Kate McKinnon (Saturday Night Live)
Vanessa Bayer (Saturday Night Live)
Kathryn Hahn (Transparent)
Judith Light (Transparent)
Anna Chlumsky (Veep)
The dominance of SNL is telling but outside of that I am happy to see Kathryn Hahn and in particular Judith Light, just for her cover of Hand in Pocket alone, get nominated.
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tinseltowncloud · 7 years
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Lead Actress - Comedy Series
Kristen Bell - The Good Place
Rachel Bloom - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Aya Cash - You’re the Worst
Ellie Kemper - Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Gina Rodriguez - Jane the Virgin
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Social Animals
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Nothing kills a comedy quicker than a clammy feeling that it’s a little too eager to prove how audaciously smart and subversively hip it is. Consider that “Social Animals” was originally titled “F*cking People.”  Good thing it was replaced since that coy little asterisk is just asking to be slapped. The film  desperately tries to be wild and out of control, but it ends up as more of a slapdash portrait of cartoony desperation than any sort of realistic depiction of millennial angst when it comes to current-day female lifestyle choices. Writer/director Theresa Bennett picks the over-tried but rarely true framework of focusing on three 30-ish women—struggling body-waxing salon proprietress Zoe ("Saturday Night Live" alum Noel Wells), engaged band manager Claire (Carly Chaikin) and neurotic mom of three Jane (Aya Cash)—as they grapple with the concept of what was once known as maturity but now is cutely referred to as “adulting.” In the process, Bennett basically kicks any Bechtel test considerations to the curb by primarily defining these ladies by their sexual proclivities (or lack thereof) with men. While there might be some gold to be mined from a deep dive into relationship choices beyond married with children, this depiction of alternate options barely skims the surface.
Bennett at least takes a stab at post-Trump social commentary with an early montage of outdoor graffiti art that decorates a gentrifying Austin, Texas, neighborhood. Needless to say, the messages lean to the left. Among them, “Make America Hate Again,” “Live a Great Story,” “So Close Yet So Far Out” and “Coming Soon: More Rich People.” Verbally, there is a slight attempt at a Melania joke, too. So far, OK.
Then the plot kicks in. Imagine if “Girls” were a mumblecore production packed with cursing and bad behavior but without any explicit canoodling. Pot-loving, flask-carrying party girl Zoe, who gets the most screen time, is given an excuse for her irresponsible behavior and lack of social skills. Her parents, who she describes as “the Bonnie and Clyde of tax evasion,” are both dead. She lives in a tiny trailer and is about to be evicted by her fed-up landlord—or, rather, lawn-lord—while her follicle removal biz is on the verge of going belly up. But instead of scrambling to get a new source of income, Zoe indulges in a string of one-night stands that she chronicles with Polaroid photos.
As for gainfully employed buddy Claire, her fiancé is such a diehard Republican, he gets turned on by re-watching the 2000 GOP presidential convention and forces her to wear a George W. Bush mask during sex. She goes through the garbage hoping to find signs of cheating just so she can leave him. Then there is Jane, who is overloaded by her truckload of responsibilities—including being the main bread winner as well as the caretaker of two unsmiling twin daughters straight out of “The Shining” and a 5-year-old son who thinks and acts as if he is a dog, to the point that he walks on all fours while on a leash. Meanwhile, husband Paul indulgently runs a cavernous video emporium, which appears to have zero customers – that is, until a curious Zoe stumbles in one day. Given that depressed Jane has lost all of her desire for Paul while encouraging him to have an affair, he and Zoe begin to hang together platonically—a situation that is bound to lead to romance.
The three ladies first intersect when they attend a wedding for bridezilla Lana (Samira Wiley in glow mode, who deserves a break from the travails of “The Handmaid’s Tale”), representing those women who look down upon steadfastly footloose singletons like Zoe. As for stand-up comic Fortune Feimster as sex-shop owner Sarah-Beth, she is tasked with pulling off the film’s detours into slapstick shenanigans, such as allowing Zoe to give her a Brazilian, a scene that doesn’t come close to Steve Carell’s man-scaping torture in “The 40-Year-Old Virgin.” Feimster also delivers an oral sex seminar, in which cucumbers play a big role. But that demo pales next to Phoebe Cates’ school cafeteria carrot tutorial in “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.”
I guess Bennett deserves some credit for focusing on female interactions in her feature directing debut. Yet, the lone character who feels the most real and deserving of sympathy is Paul, who is fleshed out with some semblance of subtlety by Josh Radnor of “How I Met Your Mother.” He is in the impossible position of not knowing how to satisfy a wife whose main complaint, other than the fact he is about to lose his lone source of employment, is that he never straightens the hand towels in the bathroom. Also, Wells ups her acting game whenever she and Radnor shares the same space. But that isn’t enough to make up for the fact that the song over the end credits is called “Shit Makes the Flowers Grow.”
  from All Content https://ift.tt/2sqRwqL
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Easy Season 2
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Easy Season 02    [trailer]
As with the first season, a bit of a mixed bag. It's nice that many characters return from previous episodes.
Ep 1 Package Thief: That escalated quickly.
Ep 2 Open Marriage: While you can guess what will happen, still well told.
Ep 3 Side Hustle: My favourite episode. Impressive exercise of connecting four people in brief but concise portraits in less than thirty minutes
Ep 4 Spent Grain: So much Dave Franco shouting. Difficult for me to imagine Franco as anything but a shouty, hedonistic fratboy. Hard to imagine his character doing anything entrepreneurial.
Ep 5 Conjugality: Social media, a pact with the devil. He certainly deserves to be alone.
Ep 6 Prodigal Daughter: Exposing people who think of themselves as "Christian" just because they mechanically attend mass every week. And exposing churches who pretend to do good but spend big money on themselves. Two related things I strongly cheer for.
Ep 7 Lady Cha Cha: It's not always easy to practise what you preach.
Ep 8 Baby Steps: A bit short on story. But life would certainly be much easier if people were more open to flexible arrangements.
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ramascreen · 5 years
Watch This Trailer For Netflix's EASY Final Season
Watch This Trailer For Netflix’s EASY Final Season
#Netflix has unleashed this trailer for #EASY final season which is launching May 10th, 2019 only on Netflix.
Category: Anthology Series
Created, Directed & Executive Produced by: Joe Swanberg
Starring: Elizabeth Reaser, Michael Chernus, Jake Johnson, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Marc Maron, Jane Adams, Melanie Lynskey, Kate Micucci, John Gallagher Jr.,  Megan Ferguson, Sophia Bush, Kiersey Clemons, Jaz…
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catbeckster · 5 years
TV This Week: Watching Billions, Better Things, The Case Against Adnan Syed, Jane the Virgin, You're the Worst, This is Us
TV This Week: Watching Billions, Better Things, The Case Against Adnan Syed, Jane the Virgin, You’re the Worst, This is Us
The Case Against Adnan Syed (HBO)♦♦♦
This 4 episode documentary just finished airing on HBO.  For anyone who listened to Sarah Koenig’s brilliant 2014 “Serial” podcast which covered the same case, it is impossible not to make a comparison. The question of whether Adnan Syed was given a fair trial in his conviction for murdering his ex-girl friend, Hae Min Lee twenty years ago became very murky…
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