#Auto Serve Meal Only
ffullstopsims1 · 1 month
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No Auto Snack & Auto Serve Meal Only Function with All Maxis Fridges
No Auto Snack:  When Sims are hungry, they won't try to have a snack from these fridges automatically. But if you control them to have a snack manually, they will still have a snack.
Auto Serve Meal Only: When Sims are hungry, they won't try to have a snack, a meal, or a quick meal from these fridges automatically. They will only serve meal automatically. You can still control them to have a snack, a meal, or a quick meal manually. Download link: Dropbox Simfileshare
I'm a noob mod creator…So I can't guarantee if there is bug or some other problem. If you are interested, you can try it.
I made this mod because I was sick of Sims always trying to have snacks automatically.
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paper-mario-wiki · 5 months
give me your air fryer
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here are both my air fryer and my rice cooker.
Instant 2 Qt Vortex Air Fryer
Zojirushi Micom 10-Cup Rice Cooker and Steamer
the air fryer is relatively cheap, i got mine for less than $60 new. it's not huge so you probably won't be able to make a family meal for it, but for one-person serving sizes it hasn't gone wrong for me yet. i can air fry veggies and make chicken nuggets, thats all i need it for.
on the other hand, the rice cooker is a nice fancy one with a computer in it that auto-magically adjusts temp and cook time based on how you prepared your rice (quantity and water ratio mostly) for the most consistent results every time. its got sensors and stuff in it. and it can also make a shitton more stuff. you can make a damn cake in that thing. havent done it yet, but i also only finally received it in the mail a few days ago.
it was a combination birthday/christmas gift from my sister Zoe and it was bought on sale for $190.
there u have it.
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thegreatstoryteller · 2 years
The Great Shift: Friendsgiving
“So we’ve got the turkey in the oven, the mashed potatoes being mashed, yams ready for serving, and gravy on the stove top! Am I missing anything?” Reggie asked looking eagerly at his boyfriend Roth.
“Nope! You’ve got everything honey. It’s gonna be fine. I already have dessert in the fridge and drink ready to pour. Tonight is gonna be great, you’ve got nothing to worry about.” Roth consoled, looking up at his concerned man while rubbing the his lower back. His eager hands couldn’t resist pulling at the shorts Reggie liked to wear around the house when he went shirtless.
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“I know.. I know.... it’s just been such a long time since we all got together. I’d been keeping up with Chan a bit... but the others only briefly... What.... has it been 3 years since the Great Shift?” Reggie said sullenly as if recounting the time.
“It sure has been. 3 years since the world went full on swap crazy... and 3 years since I got lucky enough to be swapped so close to you.” Roth smirked hugging his boyfriend lovingly.
Reggie smiled as he turned to gaze down into his boyfriend’s beautiful brown eyes, covered by glasses he didn’t originally need till it all happened. He couldn’t believe his luck. Nearly 3 Thanksgivings ago his friends Roth, Chan, Phil, Monty, and Joseph were all eager to be in town for their family’s celebrations. They were close all throughout high school and college and wanted were finally all in the same place. But then the shift happened. Reggie was in the kitchen helping his mom out with a meal when suddenly he was somewhere else entirely.... in someone else! He was having the most intimate moment he’d ever experienced with one of the most handsome men he’d ever seen! For the nerdy one of his group Reggie had never gotten remotely intimate with anyone, but now it was as if his body was moving on auto pilot. Thrusting, moaning, and kissing like a top notch adult film actor!
It was only after the most satisfying hour off passionate love making that he managed to come down from that high. The next few minutes were furious explanations and apologies, that were immediately shushed by who Reggie later learned was Roth! The former nerd couldn’t believe his straight best friend who played football and was a notorious ladies man was this incredibly cute African American twink who he’d just been inside of! Not to mention the glasses and Pokémon necklace completing the whole new nerdy look!
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 And when Reggie finally got a good look at himself there was no trace of the former nerd. Hard muscles and broad shoulders were the only thing anyone would see when they stared at him now. That and a handsome face, framed perfectly with his new Asian features. People would say he could be a model with that physique and bone structure, but his shy nature wouldn’t call for anything more than attention from his soon to be boyfriend. 
Needless to say the rest was history. The two survived the strange transition from great shift craziness back to normal lives and had been living together and getting closer the entire time. Reggie as the newly Asian 6′2 fitness model. Roth as the nerdy 5′4 twink who had a knack for admiring his boyfriend’s body.
Soon the doorbell broke Reggie’s train of thought. “Oh that must be them! Mind taking the turkey out babe? I’m gonna get the door!” Reggie directed as he strode towards the doorway. When Reggie opened up he was greeted by the open smoldering smile of Chan.
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“S’up guys. Great to see you. Looking good there Reggie. Guess I’m not the only one who’s been hitting the gym since the change! Now that I’m back in town maybe we can start working out again.” Chan smirked, his once thicker accent gone with time and apparently a new body.
Reggie simply hugged his friend still inwardly surprised. He’d kept up with Chan, but he hadn’t seen any pictures that would suggest he was now a white guy. Chan had been the second nerdiest of the group and a Chinese immigrant, originally meeting his friends when his parents moved for work. He stayed in college under a student visa and after they graduated was worried he’d be unable to continue living nearby when he couldn’t find work right away. Well then the shift happened landing him in the most American body he could think of with a thick East Coast accent!
“It was actually funny. When it happened I thought I was in some kind of dream, but it happened to be true. Once identities were being re-established I had to explain who I was and they had a hard time wanting to deport a guy who could barely speak Mandarin or Kantonese! Still sucks how I’m one of those guys who had that dang language aphasia post swap the prevents me from knowing words that my current body didn’t know.  But hey, I may not be a language major anymore, but I at least got some solid work! Have to hold back saying things like ‘forget about it’ these days. It’s like a weird verbal compulsion, y’know?” Chan explained as he got inside to greet Roth. 
Then the doorbell chimed once more and two larger men were there.
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“Hey Reggie!... that is you right?” the first larger man said. The signature casual grin on that face was unmistakably Phil! There seemed to be no sign of his tall skinny friend who loved to smoke pot in the basement.  “Y-yeah. This is me. Wow Phil! It’s great to see you again. Come on in.” The larger man laughed. “Don’t worry. I’ve seen that face all around town when I re introduce myself to people! I know I’ve put on some weight since you last saw me. I’ve been embracing my new dad bod these days, especially my new appetite! When I first got into this guy I was surprised to say the least. Not every day you gain over 100lbs and are sitting in front of some corporate desk job. And I lost my long silky hair! But hey, I’ve got this kickass beard now and a beefier bod! Not bad being 6′4 with these huge thick feet. They’re size 15 if you can believe! And of course I’m at least not alone. Monty is in the same big guy boat as me.”
Phil stepped aside as if to hide the pretty obvious big guy behind him.
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 “Yeah. Hi. Good to see you again Reggie. I take it Roth and Chan are already inside?” Monty asked. This larger guy looked less comfortable in his skin. Clothes clearly tight over his larger body.
“Yeah of course. They’re just in the kitchen. Dinner is about to be served soon.” Reggie explained as the two large bellies before him rumbled in excitement. “Gosh this embarrassing.” Monty winced. “I used to be the lean put together one of our group and now I can barely contain myself whenever someone mentions food.... a lot of things taste real good now... but I just can’t keep the weight off. I keep trying to do exercises and diets, but my self control isn’t what it used to be... but it’s at least good to see friends and... well Chan is always looking good these days.” Monty blushes. He was once a lean 5′10 with a runner’s build, and while he’d maintained his height it was now enlarged with a hefty coating of hair and fat.
Reggie wasn’t sure what to make of this but lead the two larger men to the table as Chan joined them. As the three friends caught up Reggie went back to the kitchen to see his smaller boyfriend struggling with taking the big turkey out of the oven. 
“Here let me lend you a hand.” Reggie offered as he effortlessly grabbed some oven mitts and lifted the meal with ease.
“Thanks babe,” Roth smiled. “I forget I��m not as strong as I used to be. Chan offered to do some workouts later this week. Maybe I’ll join him! Get some of my old physique back.” Roth patted his lean arms of non existent muscle. 
“I’d love that Roth. You’re the one who showed me how to maintain this body while the world was still going mad. I couldn’t have got through all that without you.” Reggie admitted with a blush.
“Hey, we got each other through all that.” Roth pulled his boyfriend in for another one of their legendary kisses, both men feeling the other stir with pleasure. When they release Roth smirked. “Now how about we get out there and serve them a delicious meal.” Reggie nodded excitedly and the two came out with the food.
It was clear for anyone at the table to see that Chan and Monty were making eyes at each other, but even that was broken when the food was placed and the feast began.
“Had anyone heard from Joey? I was hoping he’d come by too.” Roth asked as he passed the mashed potatoes. 
“Oh you hadn’t heard?” Chan said. “Joey is going by Joseph now. He’s been all over social media ever since he turned into that hot straight guy. Look here’s his latest post.” Chan produced his phone and showed them a classic social media post with a cringe caption.
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“Thankful for my busty babe Jessica for snapping me before my morning workout in Milan. #blessed #truefriends”
“Woah is that really Joey?” Reggie stared wide eyed. The Joey he knew was an outspoken gay man who was advocating for rights, while attending Pride! He was a shorter guy who had no problem grabbing people’s attention too. Granted he knew he was a bit of a horny twink at times, but still. The guy he was seeing seemed to post countless shirtless pics with beautiful women left and right. His latest post suggested he was traveling abroad with a collection of different hot women offering him places to stay throughout his trip.
“It really is. I tried to get him to come but he just said he had more babes to meet up and knew we’d understand.” Chan scoffed with disappointment.
Roth just shook his head. “What a jerk. Guess some people really let the shift change em for the worse.”
“Aw come on. Let’s not let o’l joey get us down.” Phil said patting the smaller guy on the back, nearly knocking him off the chair. “We got a whole table to be thankful for this year! And i’m not talking just about the food!” 
They all laughed, comforted by Phil’s familiar light heartedness. “I’m just saying. We survived a weird time in human history and are still friends. I’m real lucky to have you guys here and wouldn’t change it for the world.”
“Now that sounded like a cheers. How about we raise a glass?” Monty suggested.
“I like the sound of that.” Chan nodded as he held Monty’s thick hand under the table, causing both men to blush.
“To the people in our lives! And the one’s we’re lucky enough to call friends!” Phil cheered.
“Cheers!” “Salud!” “Here here!”
The group of friends continued to eat happy for the things they could be thankful for and were hoping for even more moments like this to share.
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thegongoozlerreacts · 7 months
Dead Plate (Part 1)
hello!! its been a while since ive posted but here i am!!! so this game is Dead Plate created by STUDIO INVESTIGRAVE
i had played one of their games before, Elevator Hitch, and i really really enjoyed it! so im very excited for this new game that theyve released
though, this game is probably really different from Elevator Hitch, because that game was a visual novel type of game while this one has restaurant tycoon gameplay
still, im very excited
i hope i can get all the endings today (but probably not) as always, spoilers under the cut!
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i know its literally just the title screen BUT it looks very classy
also the music? its a bop like yo BellKalengar is the composer and sound designer and like yo!! amazing job its literally just the title screen and im amazed already LMFAO
alright then lets begin
lolol i like the way they named the buttons for doing the tutorial, skipping the tutorial or just leaving the game on auto progress time to show up at 5 am then
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the art is really cute these characters are really cute too esp the protag
i know its just the tutorial but i am very nervous LOL doing service jobs make me nervous (even tho this is only a fictional one)
bro protag why did u skim the interview thing 😭 is that why u've had 28 jobs in 7 years 💀
ooh interesting the cooks have an order in which they cook meals i need to remember that
wow so theres a lot to do huh theres seating the customers, taking their orders, bringing those orders to the kitchen, serving the food, going to the cash register to take their payments, cleaning up the tables AND throwing out the trash its a lot more than i was expecting,,,, lol good luck to me i guess
so like fun fact im actually not that good at playing games LOL esp this kind of game where theres like people and they have like a happy meter kind of thing going on i wonder if any of the endings will be tied to how well we do during the work day ?? probably
also can i just say that the music is really good i like the kinda jazzy (is that the right word??) vibes going on
it makes me less nervous about serving customers since its very chill LOL
there is a right answer and i have no idea what it is im gonna lose my mind please. ok well lets pick an answer
im gonna go 'no' since the restaurant has a strict menu that changes daily right? so maybe they wouldnt do to-go boxes or ordering ahead and stuff (RIGHT???)
oh phew ok i picked the right one
LOL the banter between the protag and the tutorial guy (i dont know his name)
??? what the hell this customer just left right as i got the food bro 😭😭 have some patience damn this aint a fast food place
now i have to throw away this perfectly good meal (sorry cooks)
oh no now the real game is starting uhh aight alright then lets go
ok so that was like only three customers, i did pretty well but the day's not over yet shdajhsdsakhj i feel like a disaster n it was only three customers LMAO
oh it was only 3 customers for day 1 nice (i got jumpscared by the sound effect for the day ending LFMAO)
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ooh green onion rolls,,, it looks good damn now i want to eat LOL
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the music for this area is pretty chill tho
the window has a horrible view its just another building
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oho? she? who???
bro dont leave the dishes for later thats sooo gross
i am appalled at the protag's lifestyle i cant even
so he has not finished writing lyrics and love letters for this girl he mentioned earlier the game is not revealing her name and im wondering why hmm its very sus
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sorry im laughing so hard??? its mostly empty except for some cans and the fucking green onion rolls im cackling?? they look so out of place in this fridge LMFAO
bro how are you so bad at cooking that you burnt food in the microwave??? what are you doing???
wait. is his bed the couch???? bro i feel so bad for this guy
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he biked through the rain,,,,, and he thought doing it fast would dry him,,, in the rain,,,,, im starting to understand why he somehow managed to burn cereal
he doesnt own an umbrella
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aww this is cute thanks boss
he LIVES here??? wow damn his apartment is upstairs thats very cool
LOL protag keep ur mouth shut
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day 2 here we go
SHIT HELP I TOOK TOO LONG ONE OF THE CUSTOMERS LEFT NOOO im restarting jkdsljlds its a good thing i saved
ahh i did way better this time but the day ended right as i was about to take out the trash LOL
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oooh those look tasty too
oops ok so like i started day 3 right
well i was like 'i'll take out the trash before serving any customers' so that i can just easily clean up the tables right
uhh but then suddenly this happened ??? so like protag dropped the bag and cut their finger and the boss is having an odd reaction to the sight of blood methinks
bro he just slapped him then was like 'oh dw someone else will clean it up' hello???? you just slapped ???? me ???
ok then moving on to the rest of the day i guess??
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kinda weird looking but it still looks appetizing (the magic of art LOL)
oh shit theres a magazine ?? oops im gonna go back and read through previous ones oh nevermind its just the same one lmao
ohhh so this is where i buy items ok aight
and this catalogue is how our protag knew about the job for a waiter it also has an interview with our boss (Chef Vincent Charbonneau, i finally know his name) about the low number of employees i was wondering why we were the only waiter in the restaurant and i guess thats why
ok i bought the rollerskates cuz i need to be faster for the customers
oh and u can interact w the telephone to call 'her' but she doesnt pick up oof
sorry what is happening right now
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what is that weird squelching sound?!?!?
BRO?? WTF WAS THAT ??? so like his body felt itchy, pressed Z to scratch and then suddenly lines were all over his body and then knives came out and i am so very confused
i think that was just a dream but what a weird nightmare
i guess onto day 4 then ?? at least i have my sick new rollerskates now
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ooh that looks tasty
man i think im too slow cuz the timer always runs out while one more customer is still around lmfao, oh well
oh shit another nightmare
ohh so i can only equip one item at a time hmmm well since i bought the watch anyways i guess i'll use it
PFFT A CUSTOMER LEFT SORRY LADY,, she was waiting to be seated but i was preoccupied with serving food oopsies
restarting the day then
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the nightmare hmm is the protag's name Rody since thats what it says on the label
ok im just gonna use the rollerskates this time
restarting again,,,,
should i just let it go? probably but im not going to
ok well youve not seen it but i have restarted day 5 soo many times and i am hungry so,,, here's where i'll leave it for today
even though i am struggling and getting frustrated, im really enjoying the game so far! i wish i wasnt so terrible at playing it so i could see more of the story LOL
like what is up with the boss? who is this girl that the protag likes so much? what is up with his weird nightmares??? and will i ever be able to finish day 5 ?????
tune in next time LOL byebyeee
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littlemssam · 2 years
Mod Updates
A bunch of non Patch related Updates & Content Updates for the new Werwolves Pack
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache when updating my Mods!
Added Addon which moves the Lot Trait to be a Lot Challenge instead since you can only have three Lot Traits but unlimited Lot Challenges
Auto Employees | Custom Lot Trait Dress Code | Custom Lot Traits Entrance Fee on Community Lots | Custom Lot Trait Foster Family Live in Business More Visitors | Custom Lot Trait My Little Neighborhood My Pets Roommates
Added Support for Werewolves. Moved the Lot Trait to be a Lot Challenge instead since you can only have three Lot Traits but unlimited Lot Challenges
Gender & More | Custom Lot Trait
Added a Certificate for Werwolf Babies
Advanced Birth Certificate
Small Tweaks regarding Vacuum & Laundry. Tweaks to GoToSleep Addon to prevent more naping interactions like Lounge Chair, Rocking Chair etc.
Better Butler (and Hire more Butler)
Small Tweaks regarding Vacuum & Laundry and small tweaks to the Not On Duty Addon. "NotOnDuty" Addon is now a Package File!
Added Addon which moves the Lot Trait to be a Lot Challenge instead since you can only have three Lot Traits but unlimited Lot Challenges. Small Tweaks to Live in Maid regarding Vacuum & Laundry. Tweaks to GoToSleep Addon to prevent more naping interactions like Lounge Chair, Rocking Chair etc.
Live In Services
Added new Recipe from the Werewolves Pack. Added some new Basegame Recipes EA added lately
More Servings Options & Better MealTime Menus
Using my Call to Meal Mod Options on NPCs should now let them grab some food even if the NPCsNoFoodGrab Addon is installed
No Auto Food Grab after Cooking
Fixed an Issue where earning Money while giving Massages did not work (from the SpaDay Free Update)
Romantic Massage
"The Table has Inventory is" Feature is an Addon now instead of a part of the Main Mod. The Inventory is changed to the STORAGE_CHEST_DORM which does not share the Inventory between Objects with the same Inventory Type. Adding the Addon does disable the live drag onto the table slot option, so you can only start to work on artifacts via the Sims Inventory.
Small Archaeology Overhaul
"Go to the Forest to chop Wood" (SimpleLiving Addon) will give Werewolves additional Wood Bundles as well as XP.
Woodworking Table Rework + No Autonomous
Random Bug Fixes
Fixed an Issue where the Death Interactions showed up on Sims
Weather NPC Deaths
Random Small Mods
Vampire & Werwolves will gain XP while sparing
Spar with Sim
The EA Vaccuum Cooldown of 12hrs does not stop Sims from autonomously vacuum when the floor is filthy
Vacuum Time and Autonomy Changes
Added a "Go for Feral Run" Interaction to Werewolves who are rampaging to be able to calm them down then too
Feral Run Lowers Fury
"DisableToggleOptions" Addon is now "HideToggleOptions" Addon which hides the Toggle Interactions in the Cheat Debug Menu instead of disabling them completely (Filename changed!)
Auto Brush Teeth (after Puking)
Added Addon which moves the Lot Trait to be a Lot Challenge instead since you can only have three Lot Traits but unlimited Lot Challenges
Change into Everyday when inside
Don't download these Updates if you have the Legacy Edition!
Support Questions via Discord only please!
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scoops-aboy86 · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Steve’s chronic migraines getting worse so Eddie and Robin convince him to go to the doctor. The medication he is given helps but perhaps it starts to cause weight gain #chubby Steve Harrington
To be honest, I don’t know if I know enough about migraines to go too deeply into that part of it. My brother gets them, and I briefly thought I was getting them in college but that turned out to be just my sinuses trying very hard to murder me on a seasonal basis. The campus health center had me keep a food journal for a while in case it was a dietary trigger, though, which I kind of want to foist on Steve. Like, what if…
(This got away from me, what else is new, please either enjoy or suffer for the next 3k words. The meds definitely kicked off Steve’s weight gain, partly because meds do that and partly because he doesn’t end up puking his guts out as often anymore, but the combo of the food journal and the stress reduction of he finds in eating definitely awakens something that keeps it going.)
Hawkins Memorial Hospital and all its patient records were obliterated over the course of defeating Vecna. So now that the Upside Down is gone and the older teens have moved out of Hawkins, Robin and Steve got into college somewhere (Steve by the skin of his teeth, if only because I’m not sure if community colleges have health services for their students), and Eddie lives with them too while he works at an auto shop and tries to scrape a new band together.
Between the migraines and the campus nurse “what if”ing him about shit, because he no longer has the medical history on his whopping total of four concussions in three years, Steve has very little patience for being instructed to write down everything he eats for a week or two on the off chance his headaches are triggered by something he’s eating. He’s sure that’s not it. Robin and Eddie bully him into actually doing it, basically resulting in a communal journal where they all take notes on Steve’s meals. 
So Eddie is uniquely tuned in to Steve’s eating habits, even for a trauma-bonded roommate with a big gay crush. He doesn’t think much of it, but does have a lot of fun being all “You deserve a treat for finishing that homework on time, I’ll pencil you in for a donut and we’ll hit the corner market!” and whatever. Just a little bit of friendly teasing on the days Steve decides to be lazy and eats mostly junk. 
By the time Steve finally gets medication and a routine that actually helps keep the migraines at bay more often than not, the food journal is long done but Eddie still notices that stuff and is vaguely aware that Steve has started snacking more often, taking a little extra at dinner, doubling up on his usual bowl of cereal for breakfast. He also notices the way all of his jeans start to hug his ass more, the faintest suggestion of a future muffin top starting to bunch over waistbands when his shirts are tucked in, how he starts moving a little slower when taking the stairs up to their apartment two at a time (or, eventually, one at a time like what Eddie considers a normal person). 
He casually brings it up at one point, something offhand like, “Extra hungry today, Harrington? Or are you carb loading before a hot date, or whatever it is you jocks get up to before strenuous activity?” But Steve just laughs and helps himself to more pasta or whatever’s for dinner, his third serving, and says he’s pretty sure it’s the new meds are doing something to his appetite. So no, not just today. 
And Eddie doesn’t push, because Steve seems fine with it. The extra weight looks good on him, in Eddie’s opinion—anything would look good on Steve, but especially the contentment that comes with indulging the whims of his appetite. He’s quickly developing a snacking-while-studying habit, and Eddie learns that when Steve gets frustrated and tries to blow off doing the work, he can be both placated and bribed to continue with donuts. His grades are steadily improving, and that’s not the only thing on the upswing; he eventually consults both Robin and Eddie on how to size up his closet on a budget, too. 
The only thing Steve complains about is the dating dry spell he’s on, grumbling about shallow girls who don’t want to take the time to get to know him. Robin comments that he’s like a broken record, she heard all of this before when his parents cut him off and he didn’t have the money to plan lavish dates anymore… and Eddie feels like he’s been knocked over the head by the comparison. He can’t imagine not wanting to date Steve just because his money doesn’t grow on trees or he’s put on weight, what is wrong with those women?!
Because, call a spade a spade: if Steve were into guys, Eddie would ask him out in a heartbeat. Even if it could potentially torpedo their friendship. He puts so much energy every day into not flirting with Steve, and to be honest these days he’s mostly redirecting it towards bringing him treats. Steve has this unfortunate habit of licking his fingers (even when it doesn’t seem like he should need to!); Eddie is developing a staring problem. A worse staring problem. Whatever. 
Sometimes the three of them smoke up on Friday and Saturday nights when they have nothing better to do. (Read: don’t have dates. Eddie is used to being a dateless loser, but he feels bad for Steve and Robin. Indignant on their behalf. Secretly pleased whenever Robin has plans and relieved when Steve doesn’t, and guilty about both.) They pick out a tub each of ice cream in advance and order too much pizza and watch movies they barely pay attention to while bickering and giggling like idiots, and if it’s a double lame day weekend none of them bat an eye when Steve starts getting two tubs for himself so he doesn’t run out part way through. Goads one or both of them to bet on whether he can finish it in one sitting before it completely melts, leaving Eddie to have to hide a boner whenever the challenge devolves into messily slurping of whatever’s left at the bottom. 
It’s at the end of one of those nights where it’s just Steve and Eddie; they turn in for the night (or the pre-dawn hours at least), Steve taking a little longer to shuffle into his room because he offered to put the leftovers in the fridge. Eddie gets back up because his mouth is dry as hell, and opens the fridge for light while he hunts for a clean cup… only to realize the leftovers aren’t there. He checks the freezer, and his own mostly empty ice cream carton is missing too. Turns out, they’re in the trash, scraped clean. Steve must have finished everything. When he goes back to his room he can hear Steve moving restlessly through the thin shared wall, soft grunts and moans and muffled burps and—
Usually, Eddie tries to be a good roommate and put his headphones on when he realizes that Steve is having some alone time. But he’s sleepy and still stoned and doesn’t feel like getting up again, so he stays prone and closes his eyes, telling himself that he’s not listening, really he’s not, he’s just trying to sleep. The hand he’s palming himself through his pajama pants begs to differ, though. And if he thinks he hears choked moans of “more, give me more” and “please, I need it” and “yeah, give it to me, Eddie,” no he absolutely does not. He obviously just nodded off into a wet dream, because while Steve often joins him at Robin at the local gay establishments for nights on the town, he only ever hooks up with girls. 
The next weekend it happens again. Eddie has no idea if Steve is eating up all the extras in the kitchen or taking some of it back to his room, but it’s obvious where it’s all going. And either way the end result always seems to be the same: Steve eats and jerks off afterwards, and Eddie listens in and does the same. He feels like a creep for doing it, but the shame doesn’t hit until after he’s done biting his pillow to keep quiet and pumping into his fist until his toes feel permanently curled. 
But, he rationalizes, it’s not that weird that they each have their own guilty pleasures. Everybody’s got to have something at the end of the day, right? And at least pinning after Steve this way keeps him from doing anything stupid, like spending his weekend cruising for one night stands and STDs. It happens enough already on the rare occasions that Steve does have a date, he doesn’t need to up his risk factor for catching anything. 
This goes on until Robin and Steve graduate. Like, actual years. Eddie would feel like a monk by now if he wasn’t secretly indulging himself while imagining Steve on a regular basis, which is… it’s fine. At least it goes a long way towards keeping lingering nightmares about demon bats and evil veiny wizards at bay. 
They have two different ‘Congrats Grads’ parties in their cramped apartments, one with all their friends from school and around the city, and one for everyone who knows about the Upside Down. Eddie buys two huge sheet cakes for both, but is puzzled when there’s way too much left—and Steve doesn’t seem to have touched them. 
After the last round of guests has gone, including Robin who had announced out of nowhere that she was going to crash with Nancy in the latter’s hotel room and wake up early to do touristy things in the city while Nancy is visiting from Boston, Steve calmly gets both platters of remaining cake out. Without explaining himself, he also produces a gallon tub of ice cream and lays everything out on the coffee table in front of their second hand couch. His thighs and arms have grown thicker over the years, cheeks fuller, jawline softer. His belly rounds out before him, spilling over in front and a litte to either side even while empty, and he has this way of kind of holding it as he shifts further back on the couch to get comfortable, like he doesn’t want to jostle it or maybe, maybe just needs it a little out of the way to better move around. 
Eddie pretends not to watch but the second he glances up realizes he’s been caught out, because Steve meets his gaze, staring right back. 
“I wanted to show you something,” Steve says, and holds out the old food journal, abandoned many semesters and a whole diploma ago once it had been determined that Steve’s triggers were mostly bright lights and stress-related. 
Except… it wasn’t abandoned, apparently. Notes fill it up from cover to cover, post-its sticking out more and more towards the back pages where Steve’s increasingly squashed handwriting had run out of space for that day. Everything Steve had eaten, carefully recorded quantities. Some entries, Eddie notices, have a small ‘e’ written and circled next to them, and he’s about to ask when Steve sees where he’s looking and says, “That’s all the food you gave me.”
And Eddie hadn’t even realized how much he’d been doing that, because Steve had always just taken everything he’d offered without comment. It had become normal, like a reflex. And, okay, maybe he’d noticed that on days Steve ate more he tended to be a little more audible through the wall at night as he worked his way to completion, and maybe it had become Eddie’s favorite soundtrack to fall asleep too. 
He doesn’t realize that his jaw has dropped until Steve sits forward with a grunt—a series of them really, because Eddie is on the bean bag chair on the other side of the coffee table and that was a bit of a reach even before Steve had started adding pound after pound to his own frame—and nudges it closed with a finger under his chin. Your move, Steve’s eyes seem to say as he sits back, resettles his ass and then his belly all over again. 
“I’m bisexual,” Steve announces bluntly. “Figured I should just come out and say it, since I’m either really bad at hinting or you haven’t picked up on the fact I’ve been trying to for… a while now. Robin says it’s pretty painful to watch me fail so hard and you still act so oblivious. I think she’s sad for both of us. And,” he adds, laying a hand over the crest of his belly, “while I’m doing the open and honest communication thing—I like this. I like to eat, and I like how I look. And either you like it too or you’ve got this… codependent blind spot, Robin called it? Which I guess means you just give me things that you know I want without really thinking about it. But she also said that you might just think of me as off limits because we’re friends and we live together and I’ve never actually, like, told you that I like both, which… I don’t really have a good excuse for, other than being kind of a moron. So.” He gives his belly a double pat, which Eddie’s dazed brain can only liken to a judge banging a gavel, but whatever it’s supposed to mean is kind of drowned out by the way it wobbles and fills said brain with silent fizz. “This is me telling you. And asking, uh, if you’ve noticed, or have… any interest in me at all. If giving me food means anything, because—at the risk of making things incredibly weird between us—it makes me feel really good when you do.”
For a moment Eddie just gapes at him. He doesn’t even know when his mouth fell back open. His brain is still the equivalent of a shaken can of Coke that Steve’s just popped the top of, metaphorically foaming out his goddamn ears. And then when he tries to say something, it’s too many different sentences at once and just comes out as as a garbled, “Stehuhyuhwha…?”
Steve just huffs and says, “Stop trying to cheat at Scrabble, Eds.” Which is what Robin always says when Steve’s dyslexia or Eddie’s abuse of creativity in regards to spelling rears up during important moments. Like when she’s tricked them into playing Scrabble. 
Eddie tries again. “Steve, what are you talking about? What do you mean you’ve been trying, to… to what? Both? Picked up on—What?!”
Immediately, Steve’s face flushes. “Shit, you really didn’t know? Any of it?”
“I knew about the eating,” Eddie says, and he feels like his voice has gone unusually high but can’t focus enough on that to decide if it’s actually true. “I mean, I knew you seemed okay with it, but you said your meds make you hungrier or something—How like is much, I mean, is like, I mean—” He slaps a hand over his own mouth to stop that runaway train of a sentence before it goes over a cliff any more than it already has, then tries to rephrase. “What do you mean by you like it?”
“Eddie. Have you noticed how often I put my fingers in my mouth when you’re around? Haven’t you heard me through the wall?”
Eddie’s face feels hotter than the sun. “Y-yeah…” He wonders if it’s really possible to die of spontaneous combustion, but confronted directly like this he can’t find it in himself to lie. “You… you touch yourself after you…”
“Eat a lot,” Steve finishes. “It feels good, getting so full like that. I sleep better after, especially if I, uh, come.” He flushes a little at the admission, too, so at least Eddie isn’t completely alone. “I say things sometimes, hoping you’ll hear.”
“I thought I was dreaming most of that,” Eddie admits, which makes Steve perk up a little. 
“You dream about me?”
“I…” Letting out an embarrassed whine, Eddie brings a hand to his hair, dragging a clump of it down over his mouth in a ludicrous attempt to hide. “Shit, yeah. I do. I…” And, okay, if he’s going to admit this he’s not going to do it by halves, because if Steve can just say things that would get him labeled a freak in most circles, then so can Eddie, the official Freak of Hawkins, Indiana. “I listen and I picture what you might be doing in there, and I get off to it, man. I thought I was being a huge creep for doing that, but I couldn’t help it because it’s you, alright? At the risk of making things incredibly weird between us, Steve, I’ve been fucking gone on you for a mortifyingly long time and it’s only ever gotten worse, and I’m pretty sure that you saying any of what you’re saying now means I’ve finally lost my mind and I want you to be my padded cell. I don’t even know what that means, Steve, but I want it.”
Steve tilts his head slightly. “It’s gotten worse? In a bad way?”
“Oh my god,” Eddie groans, and drops his flaming face into his sweaty palms. “It’s gotten bigger. It’s gotten… more. What do you want from m—”
“Eddie,” Steve interrupts, cutting through his Freudian slips like a knife through butter. “Come here.”
When Eddie lifts his head, he sees that Steve is patting the section of couch next to him. Feeling dazed and like this might as well happen, Eddie climbs his feet and ambles around the laden coffee table on rickety Bambi legs. Jesus H Christ, is this what having a stroke feels like?
He sits. Steve lays a hand on his thigh and Eddie feels like it’s leaving a mark straight through the ripped denim. 
“I want to show you something,” Steve says. “Try something, I guess. You can say no, but… I’m hoping you won’t. Because I’ve been thinking about this ever since you started writing things in that stupid journal for me. I want you to feed me cake and ice cream, and when the cake runs out I want you to pour the melted ice cream down my throat. Okay?”
“Should,” Eddie starts, and then has to clear his throat a few times because holy shit, his voice is rough and all the blood in his body just rushed south. “Should we do this on a communal couch, or… your room…?”
Steve’s eyes go hooded and dark, bedroom eyes if Eddie’s ever seen them. The goddamn Harrington Charm. “You wanna see where all the magic happens, baby? Finally get the visual to go with the audio?”
And well, that kind of answers the question of whether Steve was wolfing down leftovers in the kitchen or in bed, doesn’t it?
The next day, Robin gravely thanks them for not doing “hungry penis stuff” on shared furniture, a phrase which they vehemently beg her never to use again with varying degrees of dismayed wailing and hysterical laughter. And then she whacks them both upside their heads with a heartfelt, “Took you long enough, you dingi!”
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vampnyx · 1 year
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Race: Demon
Occupation: Mechanic
Personality: boisterous, charming, easy to get along with, VERY flirty, good liar, intimidating when he wants to be, has a dark side, introvert-leaning ambivert
Family: Demons don’t really have families. He’s got several demons in hell that he keeps in touch with (one could call them childhood friends), but he has no relationships with his blood relatives (this is common for demons).
Background: Young demons are quick to become self-sufficient and often are just set loose in hell to torture souls. Some demons escape to the human world, shift to a human-like form and take manual labor jobs as they are much stronger and dexterous than the average human. Diaval began working on a farm where he was often brought in to help repair heavy machinery. It was here that he found he liked the work of a mechanic, and studied auto repair in his spare time. He now owns an auto body shop that primarily employs and serves the needs of other monsters. 
Likes: meeting people, motorcycles, taking apart/re-assembling intricate machinery/tech, sports, mechanical things, puzzles, honest/genuine people
Dislikes: nosy people, crowds, people who look down on monsters, silence
Strengths: very knowledgeable about machinery, charismatic, great at first impressions, good at making excuses/changing the subject, good storyteller
Weaknesses: short-sighted, has a bit of a temper, intense/intimidating, emotionally closed off/not used to being open about his feelings (or having them)
Beliefs/Morals: doesn’t really think of humans as equal to monsters (they just have the numbers), no moral compass to speak of but he defers to his more morally-inclined friends
Appearance: lavender dreads, red eyes, strong/bulky, painfully casual
Human form: The tallest of the group, big muscles, defined only bc he forgets to eat
Demon form: pointy red horns, bat wings that are almost translucent, physically larger than his human form but not as big as Lycaon’s werewolf form, claws
Style: masculine, casual, likes to wear leather, either covered in grease/oil or cleaned up there’s no in between
Distinguishing marks: do dimples count?
Habits: smokes blood cigarettes, likes to have a device to fidget with (he wears a spinner ring when he’s not at work)
Favorites [music, movies, foods, etc.]: anything with heavy guitar, horror movies & gore (because it reminds him of hell…), he’s not picky about food and tries to balance his meals but he really doesn’t enjoy cooking so he’s not usually successful on his own. 
Hobbies: He likes working out when he’s not at the shop, and otherwise loves tinkering with things. He buys old electronics to take them apart and either build new things or make them work again (he’s the guy with a 90s imac that runs on macOS 13)
Cardinal Sin: lust 
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happyhealthycats · 2 years
Hey there! I’m really happy to see you more active - I always feel so hopeful when there are professionals around the webspace to advocate for the kitters. 💕
I’m sure you’ve got a million asks to sort through, so no pressure - but in your opinion, could an auto-feeder encourage compulsion/obsession in a particularly food-motivated cat?
My 2yr DMH is a thespian when it comes to the times of day he is not being fed (he gets wet food twice a day and small servings of kibble four times a day from the auto-feeder, so he is not lacking for a variety of mealtimes lol), and sometimes he sits by the feeder for hours just… waiting… is this something I should be worried about?
Thank you so much and again, so good to see you around! Here is the puzzle-master himself using his little smarty-pants brain on his newest puzzle:
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BIG claps for the multiple feeding times! You're listening amazingly to your cats individual needs and helping him.
As for the compulsion, it's possible to spark up, especially around a resource like food. At the end of the day it's an issue only if you dislike him hanging around the bowl - OR if he figures out how to get to the food in the autofeeder.
If it's at all possible, it may help to start switching up locations of the feeder. While cats love a schedule, small shifts in their daily situation can help more confident cats! I've also seen some products that are toys shaped like mice and meant to hold food. They can be hidden around, and if your cat is food motivated, it can be a super mega AWESOME way to marry hunting and feeding, which may wind up leading to some of those good brain chemicals that cats get from solving food puzzles. It may help reward your cat for a job well done, in addition to getting a meal out of it. Admittedly if you're not able to (this can be tough to do if you have multiple animals), it's not the end of the world! Try to challenge him in what little ways you can and you may notice an improvement. Heck, you may even be able to use this motivation to train him to do simple tricks - which can also reward a cat for a job well done with food.
Your dramatic little guy could be made to play dead so he can show you how he's WASTING AWAY (joking!). I'm so intrigued by that puzzle he's got! I haven't seen one like that and I'm curious! Does anyone know where to find it?
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gnattyplayssims · 11 months
Dandy Generation Gameplay Rules
Generation Challenges
First Decade - Sexual Revolution
Second Decade - Vietnam War
Marriage and Family
Divorce now allowed for whatever reason
Adoption now allowed
First Decade - Baby Boomer era. All couples should reroll for number of children even if they had already capped out their number.
Second Decade - Can marry sims of other cultures as well as have same-sex relationships (cannot marry)
Woohoo is now openly allowed and birth control now available (3% chance of pregnancy)
Second Decade - Teens can "mess around"
Bottle feeding now allowed
Teens come of age at 16 rather than 14.
Elder death rolls now done on d20 rather than d6
Birthdays are now as follows - Infant @ 6mos, Toddler @ 3 years, Child @ 6 years, Teen @ 13 years (marrigable age @ 16), YA @ 18 years, Adult @ 30 years, Elder @ 50 years
Affairs % = 20, Auto marry % = 50.
Architecture and Design
Bikinis now allowed
Apartments now available
Showers allowed
House can now have pop-art, carpet, patterned and brick floors
Kids paintings may now be hung anywhere (any size of canvas available for painting)
All wallpaper available
Fire alarm available
Women may wear pants freely
Second Decade - May now have expensive comfort items like couches, beds and chairs
Phones allowed but can only be used within own home and must always be used in the same room (preferably same part of room)
Private pools allowed (upper middle class)
Housing upgrades/updates are allowed again
Education and Hobbies
Elementary and High school are now mandatory
Better grades means better marriage (A-rich, B-well-off, C-Average, D-poor, F-destitute)
TV now allowed but only the three oldest/cheapest options and can only be watched between 6am-9pm. Only News and Classic channels allowed.
Pop music allowed (radio listening requirement lifted), Listening device allowed
Sunblock, snorkel and sun lounger allowed
Second Decade - May now visit Sulani and play with dolphins as well as study robotics, bowling alleys also became popular
Second Decade - Meditation, yoga, incenses and tea/coffee brewers are allowed and lava lamps become common as well as space heaters, kotatsu tables, in-home hotsprings and bubble blower.
Second Decade - Spooky and Japaense Folk music available as well as Action and Comedy TV channels.
Second Decade - All subjects available for studying in University and student loans are available
Parties and events allowed again
Second Decade - All YA's who remain single must roll to join (or start) a cult on their YA birthday (set MCCC club settings to monitor: enabled, open members: 3)
Second Decade - University not allowed until after serving in war
Second Decade - Female and Singles Nights are now unlocked
Career and Money-Making
Unlimited meals on the stove is allowed again
Butlers, Maids and Nannys may be hired by rich sims
Available jobs for men include: Criminal (boss), Doctor, Entertainer (both), Gardener, Military (both), Politics (both), Scientist, Writer (both), Critic (both), Culinary (chef), Painter, Detective, Secret Agent(both), Actor, Athlete (both), Critic (both), Engineer (Mechanical), Freelancer (Fashion Photographer, Writer), Interior Decorator, Law (both), Veterinarian
Women may have the above jobs with a few exceptions. They cannot become Military (Covert Operator) Doctors, Politicians, Scientists, Critics or Detectives.
Part time jobs available include: Babysitter, Fast Food, Fisherman, Lifeguard, Manual Laborer and Retail
Women may no longer marry after they become pregnant or as long as there are children or younger in their home. They can return once all children become teens. They cannot work active jobs as their goal is still to raise their kids.
Playground equipment available (except ballpit)
Second Decade - jobs for men include previously stated with addition of Conservationist (both), Astronaut (space ranger), Business (both). Jobs for women include previously stated with the exceptions of Astronaut and Business (Investor). Part time jobs remain the same.
Second Decade - Women have maternity leave (3rd trimester only) and no longer have to leave work when they become pregnant
Second Decade - All YA's (age 18-26) may be drafted at any time during decade. This does not include those who become YA's during decade, are primary caretakers for their children or have mental illness. Not all YA males will fight but all will roll for draft.
Musically inclined sims may opt out of a real job to be street performers.
Special Rolls
Draft - All YA Males roll d6 - Evens are spared, Odds get drafted (roll d20 to determine when to make survival roll. One number for each day in decade), must join military career and roll for survival. All eligible, unmarried females roles d20 - 1 = drafted as nurse (must roll for trauma trait)
Vietnam War - All drafted soldiers must roll 2d6 - Snake eyes = death. All drafted males must remain on military lot for 2 years
Trauma Traits - 1) Gloomy, 2) Hot-headed, 3) Clumsy, 4) Erratic, 5) Meloncholic, 6) Mean(or Evil), 7) Lazy, 8) Non-Committal, 9) Squeamish, 10) Paranoid, 11) Cold-Blooded, 12) Impassive, 13) Insane, 14) Joyless, 15) Unstable, 16) Avoidant, 17) Cruel, 18) Hostile, 19) Obsessive, 20) Repressed
Cults - roll d6 - odds start or join a cult - roll d6 again to determine which cult and change/add traits as necessary- 1: Friends of Fortune (kleptomaniac, add $1000 per year to leaders funds, ends with leader being considered fraud and breaking up) 2: Dragon Empire (Evil, add $1000 to leader funds each year and sacrifice townie sim, ends with leader being sacrificed) 3: Brother Nature - Vegetarian, move to lot with other members, ends with sim returning home) 4: Woohoo Womb (Player, open love for all members with no birth control, ends with disease scares) 5: Grilled Cheezus (Foodie or Glutton, only eats grilled cheese, minus $1000 each year, ends with sim being sick of grilled cheese) 6: Anarchy Echo (Erratic, minus $1000 each year for fines, ends with sim being killed)
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renee-writer · 1 year
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Baby Girl Chapter 20
They go out that night before another case makes it impossible. She is nervous, having dated very little. Her focus was on her education and then work. Now to be going out with someone from work, it has her stomach tied up in nuts.
What to wear? She stands in front of her closet  scanning through her available items. Nothing feels right. Finally she chooses a little black dress. You can’t  go wrong with that, right?
Minimal make up, her hair casually pulled back, she is ready. The door bell rings and her heart jumps. “Come one Beauchamp. It is Jamie. Your mate. You can do this.” She tells herself as she sooths down the dress and walks over to the door. She opens it.
He, dressed in a button down off white shirt and jeans, stands holding flowers. Handing them to her, his eyes roam, taking in her long legs, previously unseen bare in all their glory. “Hey Claire. You look stunning. A real knockout.”
She blushes as she takes the bouquet. “Thank you and thank you for the flowers. They are beautiful.”  She hurries to place them in water.
“I feel overdressed.”
Another blush. “ I wasn’t  sure what to wear. Little black dresses are always appropriate, I thought?” Her teeth work her bottom lip as she worries.
“Oh no, you are right. Your dressed wonderfully.” He offers his arm and she takes it. They walk towards his car. “My lady.” Said as he opens the door. She smiles and slips in. Closing her door and the wonderful clean and somewhat green smell of her perfume in. Walking around, he finds she has reached out and opened his too.
“Manners, eh?” She grins at him. He returns it.
They make a point not to talk shop as they drive to the restaurant.  Instead, they discuss the other members of the team.
“Exactly how smart is John?”  
“Oh he is a certified genius.  Has a perfect memory. Everything he sees, reads, hears, experiences, he recalls. “
“A blessing and a curse in…”
“Aye. Being the youngest doesn’t  help either.”
She rests her head on her hand and looks over at him. *Who is the oldest?”
“Murtagh .” he laughs, “He is nicknamed  ‘Godfather’ because he makes it his mission to look after everyone.”
They pull up in front of a cute little restaurant. He comes around and opens her door and offers his arm again. With a brilliant smile, she takes it. They walk in.
Sitting across from her, orders taken, he asks, “So tell me about yourself, your family.”
“I am an only child. My dad has one brother, my darling Uncle Lamb. “
“Lamb?” he raises his eyebrows.
“Quinton Lambert. He goes by Lamb. He is the man who has raised me since I was five and my parents passed in a auto accident.” She says it without a break in her voice. He knows she has reached a stage of acceptance. Still, he lays his hand over hers.
“I am sorry.”
“Thank you. I was blessed to have Uncle Lamb. He was father and mother, best friend and counselor. He took me in without a word about how it would disrupt his life. He was a archeologist when I came to him. He became a professor so I could have stability.”
“Sounds like a wonderful man.”
“He is. Your turn. Tell me about your kin.”
He smiles. “How many generations back?”
Her eyes roll. “Your parents will do.”
He settles back in his seat, preparing to tell  a tale. She grins in anticipation.  “My parents meet when they were in upper school. She was a Mackenzie and her parents had no love for the Fraser’s …Well, she snuck out the window and into his car…They we’re married before her parents discovered her missing.  William was born nine months later. Janet, who everyone calls Jenny, three years after him. Myself three years later.”
She is fascinated by the story. “Did your maternal grandparents ever forgive them?”
“Aye. With Willie ‘s birth. Nothing like a grandchild to thaw cold hearts.” Their meals were served during his story. They take a few minutes to eat.
“It is just Uncle Lamb and I and you have such a large family.”
“Aye, let’s see there is Willie and his wife,  Rose. They have two children, Brian, after my dad and Violet to go with Rose.  Jenny and Ian have, Wee Jamie, Maggie, and the twins, Janet and Michael.”
“I am the only one not married with children. Jenny frets about it but my mam, Ellen, she tells her to let me be. That the right one will come and then I will settle down.”
She grins over the last of her fish and chips.  “Been a bit wild, have you?”
Now with the blokes he would answer that differently. But with her, honesty wins out. “No, only two serious girlfriends. One in uni and one a few years back.”
“Two. That isn’t bad.”
“Not at all. My sister considers me unsettled until I get married. “They share a laugh. “How about you?”
A flush and her head goes down.  She debated how to answer this question. “None.” Honesty  wins.
His blue eyes, almost  indigo in the candle light, grow huge.
 “None?” She shakes her head.
“No I was a socially awkward teen and young adult. Then my career  consumed my time.” She shakes her head again. “That is true but not completely. I wanted someone as giving and understanding as Uncle Lamb. It couldn’t be just anyone.”
“I think that is wonderful. To be so sure of who you want.” He draws closer across the table. Both their breaths still. She sees the gold that runs through the red in his hair. He sees the same in the brown of her eyes. They sparkle like whiskey. A second and then…
Both their phones ring at the same time. “Blast it!” he mutters. It is Murtagh. They have a case.
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pearchive0 · 2 years
25 "Must Have" Objects In Your Car Emergency Kit
The downside is that you simply want more storage space than the survival food path, and if it’s not your regular habit to cook dinner much at house, there’s a limit on how much you can store before risking any waste. If you’re able to wait out an emergency safely on your own property, this behemoth of an emergency package should maintain you and your family sustained for a couple of days. This roundup of survival essentials makes an ideal starter package for those dipping their toes into the world of disaster preparedness, but it could want some supplementation. A tactical backpack with veteran-approved gear for your emergency preparedness. Discussions with well being department employees are confidential. This means that your personal and medical data will be stored non-public and only shared with those who could must know, like your well being care supplier. Mayday offers simple, comprehensive and affordable first aid kits, auto roadside emergency kits and supplies. Mayday is the manufacturer of the Mayday meals bars & water packets. Emergency survival kits are designed to carry a quantity of days' value of emergency supplies and survival gear in a number of classes – meals, ingesting water, warmth, security, tools, and first help. When https://untappedreviews.com/the-lost-ways-review/ , have one other member of your family care on your pets while you are sick. The FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine manages outbreak response for animal food and is similarly staffed and ready to reply to incidents of foodborne illness in animals. View the current record of merchandise that meet EPA’s standards for use towards SARS-CoV-2, the purpose for COVID-19. Anyone dealing with, getting ready and serving food ought to always observe protected meals handling procedures, similar to washing hands and surfaces typically. However, one of the most vocal critics of the ‘worst-case scenario’ gang, Michael Mann, has been quoted in the UK nationwide press as describing the future for our children as “dystopian”. When I wrote that unique piece in 2019 I really wasn’t capable of recognize the sheer scale and seriousness of the situation that we’re going through. I didn’t realise that my youngest daughter’s phrases had been part of the call for assist that psychologists are telling us is coming from youngsters everywhere in the world. Be Wealthy & Smart,™ is a private finance present with self-made millionaire Linda P. Jones, America’s Wealth Mentor.™ Learn easy steps that make a big difference to your financial freedom.
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rabbitcruiser · 21 days
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International Red Sneakers Day
Not everyone knows that allergies can be life-threatening, so education on the fatality of allergies is one of the aims of International Red Sneakers Day, which is observed on May 20. The non-profit organization Red Sneakers for Oakley invites the entire world to join and requests that everyone wear their red shoes to draw attention to the rising food allergy problem, which affects around 250 million people around the world. Today provides an opportunity to use a straightforward but powerful symbol like red sneakers as a means of drawing attention to the severity of the challenges that people with food allergies face all around the world. The event also serves as a platform to raise awareness about the dangers associated with food allergies.
History of International Red Sneakers Day
On Thanksgiving Day in 2016, the Debbs family traveled to Maine with all of their extended family to celebrate the holiday. Because it was freezing outside, aside from spending most of the day participating in sports, Oakley Debbs also spent around two hours at a fun park bouncing on trampolines. After everyone went to eat dinner. Oakley did not eat his meal because he said it was too spicy.
Oakley returned home and ate a cake that included either nut extract or nuts without realizing it, resulting in a fatal allergic reaction. The unfortunate outcome was that he passed away, and his family felt that they were not adequately informed about the danger of allergic responses, which ultimately resulted in his death. In their opinion, Oakley’s allergist’s office did not provide them with sufficient information about the hazards of food allergies. In their ignorance, they did not realize that antihistamines (such as Benadryl) do not alleviate systemic symptoms and that epinephrine is the only first-line treatment for anaphylaxis. After that, they realized they needed to do something to stop this from happening to anyone else in the same situation. So to create public awareness and in memory of their son, they established the non-profit organization Red Sneakers for Oakley. It was only natural for Oakley’s parents to use his favorite shoes as a powerful symbol to convey the severity of his food allergies, given that he wore red sneakers in all of the sports that he participated in.
With the belief that education is needed between allergists, hospitals, first responders, parents, school personnel, and the general public at its core, the nonprofit organization’s mission is to raise awareness of food allergies around the world, and they have committed their resources to education and activism.
International Red Sneakers Day timeline
1910 Histamines
Sir Henry Hallett Dale makes the first discovery of histamines as a contaminant of ergot, which is produced by bacterial action.
1937 The Antihistamine Chemical
The first antihistamine chemical is identified by Daniel Bovet and found to be beneficial in treating allergic reactions because it counteracts the effect of histamines.
1944 Pyrilamine
Bovet’s invention, Pyrilamine, is made into a medication.
1980 The EpiPen
The EpiPen Auto-Injector is invented and goes on to save countless lives.
International Red Sneakers Day FAQs
What is the significance of the day?
To assist friends, coworkers, and family members who are affected by food allergies.
Who is eligible to take part?
Anyone interested in raising awareness about food allergies and preventing anaphylaxis can get involved.
What location will be used for the day?
Any place is acceptable, including your home, a park or sports field, your school, a library, your place of worship, a restaurant, or your office.
How to Observe International Red Sneakers Day
Wear red sneakers
Cook with allergies in mind
Hold a sports event
To celebrate the day, you can wear red sneakers, which were Oakley’s favorite kind. You can take a picture and upload it on social media to raise awareness. If you do not have red shoes, you can wear any red item you have.
Increase the ease with which people who suffer from food allergies can identify potentially dangerous items. Provide support for restaurant food protocols that are simple to understand.
Oakley loved playing sports. So, a good way to honor his memory is to organize sporting events. At the event, you can encourage people to make a donation that will help other people and go towards education, awareness, and community outreach programs.
5 Important Facts About Allergies
A delayed reaction
Epinephrine vs. antihistamines
Keep two EpiPen Auto-Injectors
When anaphylactic symptoms first appear it may take up to an hour for the body to react.
Food allergies can be exacerbated by exercising before eating an allergen, and asthma as well as harsh weather conditions are also included in this group.
Use epinephrine if two bodily systems are affected after consuming an allergen.
Anaphylaxis can only be treated with epinephrine as the first-line treatment — antihistamines (such as Benadryl) may help with hives, but they are not capable of treating anaphylactic shock.
In the event of an emergency, you should always have two EpiPen Auto-Injectors on hand in case you need them.
Why International Red Sneakers Day is Important
It promotes engagement
It raises awareness
It creates a community for those with allergies
Red shoes and other red clothes are worn by people with food allergies to raise awareness of the issue among their friends. Friends, relatives, and acquaintances are encouraged to join in, which raises awareness about the need for food allergy education and advocacy. In the office, at school, and at home, today’s businesses, families, students, and parents are empowered with relevant messages.
To raise awareness of the seriousness of food allergies and anaphylaxis, International Red Sneaker Days seeks to provide a safer environment while teaching each other about the hazards of food allergies and how to prevent fatal anaphylactic reactions. This can be accomplished by working together with schools and the workplace to educate about allergy procedures.
People with food allergies and those who suffer from allergies can come together to show their support for each other during International Red Sneaker Day. This creates a sense of belonging where allergy sufferers can relate to one another in this way and it pushes for the unification of communities learning how to help one another.
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sunalimerchant · 2 months
Boosting Retail Success: The Strategic Role of Visi Coolers in Enhancing Product Visibility and Sales
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In the highly competitive retail and food service sectors, the presentation and preservation of perishable goods are paramount. Visi coolers, with their transparent doors and efficient cooling systems, have emerged as indispensable tools in this context. Not only do they ensure the optimal freshness of products, but they also significantly enhance product visibility, directly influencing consumer purchasing decisions and, ultimately, sales. This article explores the multifaceted role of visi coolers in retail environments, including the impact of size, capacity, and energy efficiency on their effectiveness.
Enhancing Product Visibility and Appeal
The primary advantage of visi coolers lies in their design. By offering a clear view of the products inside, these units invite customers to visually explore the variety of offerings without the need to open the door. This not only maintains the internal temperature stability but also reduces energy consumption. The strategic placement of visi coolers can further capitalize on natural customer movement patterns within a store, ensuring that high-demand or high-margin products are prominently displayed. LED lighting within the coolers highlights the products' freshness and quality, making them more attractive and enticing to potential buyers.
Size and Capacity: Matching Business Needs
The size and capacity of a visi cooler are crucial considerations for any business. Selecting the right size impacts not just the quantity of merchandise that can be displayed but also the overall store layout and customer flow. For smaller establishments, a compact visi cooler can maximize limited space while still offering a variety of chilled products. Larger stores, on the other hand, might opt for full-sized models that can accommodate a broader range of products, from beverages to dairy, enhancing the one-stop-shop appeal for customers. The key is to balance spatial constraints with inventory needs, ensuring that the most sought-after items are always in stock and visible.
Energy Efficiency: A Sustainable Choice
Energy efficiency is another critical aspect of visi cooler selection. Modern visi coolers are designed with advanced cooling technologies and insulation materials that minimize power consumption while maintaining consistent temperatures. Energy-efficient models not only reduce operational costs but also align with growing consumer expectations for sustainable business practices. Features such as auto-defrost, adjustable thermostats, and energy management systems further enhance efficiency, making these units both economically and environmentally sustainable choices.
The Impact on Sales
The influence of visi coolers on sales cannot be overstated. By effectively showcasing products in an appealing manner, these units encourage impulse purchases, especially in the case of beverages and ready-to-eat meals. The ease of access and the visual appeal of well-organized, brightly lit displays can significantly enhance the customer's shopping experience, leading to increased basket sizes and repeat business. Moreover, the ability to maintain product integrity through optimal cooling ensures that customers are always met with the highest quality, reinforcing brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.
Visi coolers play a pivotal role in the retail and food service industries, serving as both functional refrigeration solutions and effective sales-enhancing tools. Their design maximizes product visibility and appeal, directly influencing consumer purchasing behavior. When selecting a visi cooler, businesses must carefully consider the unit's size and capacity to match their specific needs and maximize space efficiency. Additionally, opting for energy-efficient models can lead to significant cost savings and contribute to a business's sustainability goals. Ultimately, the strategic use of visi coolers can significantly boost sales, enhance customer satisfaction, and solidify a store's reputation for quality and freshness. In today's market, investing in the right visi cooler is not just a choice but a necessity for success.
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rybergherbert83 · 5 months
Techniques And Tips With regard to Tending to A Cat
good cat toys for older cats Your cat probably looks like probably the most 3rd party animal you've ever seen. They don't seem to need the attention like some sort of dog might, and even they seem self-reliant in almost every single way. That may possibly be so, however your cat still requires some care a person. Here are a few cat here are some tips to assure an individual give your cat the best treatment. Cats love to be able to play so make sure that an individual provide them with plenty of toys. Cats enjoy batting around a fake mouse button or little soccer ball around the place. Some cats actually develop a favorite toy. Playing using your cat is definitely not only enjoyable, it will help them to get exercise as well. If your cat is picky regarding drinking water, spend in a cat fountain. These electric battery operated or plug-in fountains keep water circulating and oxygenated. Many cats prefer this. A cat fountain will aid keep cat out there of the destroy and the lavatory. It will likewise help prevent your cat coming from pawing water upon the floor searching for fresh water. By no means have your cat declawed. Lots of people get me wrong declawing, thinking it is the basic removal of a cat's nail. This is definitely not true. In fact , the veterinarian must remove the top rated knuckle along along with the claw in the procedure. This can certainly bring about arthritis soreness later in life and several behavior difficulties, for example biting. Generally there are many alternatives from scratching posts glue-on claw hats that can shield your belongings from a cat's claws without resorting to these kinds of a harsh surgery solution. If a person cat is expectant is with babies, you can expect to be able to have got a lot regarding kittens on your palms. Create a comfy place for typically the cat to deliver her babies somewhere in your house. Make sure the spot is just right for typically the kittens to move since they grow. Work with petting to examine on your cat's health. Petting isn't very just a method for you and your current cat to invest time together, but it can a great way to look for anything unnatural issues body. You can pet all of them to feel for bumps, lumps, or even sores. This is also a lot of fun intended for you to check their ears. Possessing a difficult experience giving your current cat a bathtub? Try this. Consider an old home window screen and set it within your sink or bathtub. Place your cat inside, and he will claw the screen and stay right now there. Then start cleaning, but do avoid dilly dally. Work with a cup to help you to serve warm water in your cat except if you have the movable shower head. Simply because your family did it when you were a child, does not mean allowing your cat to go outside is really a wise choice. This can give up your cat's protection. Fleas can infest your cat, or perhaps something worse could happen. They can acquire in a battle or be strike by an auto. Let your cat step out in your current backyard and participate in on your garden. Just as significant as it will be to take care of your personal teeth, take care of your pet cats as well. Cats and kittens can produce tarter plus plaque build-up more than time. Investing in a toothbrush and toothpaste built specially for cats is a good solution to keep your cats teeth clear and healthy. Give food to canned food to the cat. Dry meals can be fewer costly, but there are quite the few benefits to be able to canned food. Typically the water content is higher, and generally there is more healthy proteins and fat throughout the canned food. Older cats find it easier to consume, too. Speak along with your veterinarian prior to making any key changes, however on general, canned food is better regarding your cat. Whenever taking your cat or kitten in order to the vet, or even to other areas that involve a new car ride, it is wise in order to socialize him in order to this situation. Try taking your cat, always in some sort of carrier, on small rides, adding moment to the drive every so often. Getting your dog used to the car often means the particular end of his fear and aggravation, as well because yours. Fixing your cat can seem like a thankless job more often than not, but any cat owner is thrilled to do it. A person just need to utilize the information in this article to be sure you are undertaking all you could to your independent feline companion. If you follow these pointers, an individual might hear a lot more purring!
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arunarura · 7 months
Premier EK4812 Sizzle Kettle: Safe and Efficient Boiling
The Premier EK4812 Sizzle Electric Kettle in Black, with its 1.5-liter capacity, is a sleek and versatile kitchen appliance that brings convenience and style to your daily routine. This electric kettle is a must-have for anyone who enjoys a quick and efficient way to heat water for various purposes, from making tea and coffee to preparing instant noodles or hot cereals. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of the Premier EK4812 Sizzle Electric Kettle, highlighting why it's a top choice for those in need of a reliable and stylish kettle.
Design and Build Quality:
The Premier EK4812 Sizzle Electric Kettle boasts a contemporary design with a black finish that complements any kitchen decor. Its compact and space-saving design ensures that it won't take up too much countertop space, making it a great addition to both small and large kitchens. The kettle is constructed from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity. Its ergonomic handle and user-friendly design make it easy to use, while the cordless base allows for hassle-free pouring and serving.
Rapid Boiling:
This electric kettle is equipped with a powerful 1500-watt heating element, which allows it to boil water quickly. Whether you need hot water for your morning tea or coffee or you're in a hurry to prepare a meal, the Premier EK4812 can have your water ready in a matter of minutes. The rapid boiling feature not only saves time but also conserves energy, making it an eco-friendly choice.
Large Capacity:
The 1.5-liter (approximately 6.3 cups) capacity of the Premier EK4812 Sizzle Electric Kettle makes it suitable for a variety of tasks. You can easily prepare multiple cups of tea or coffee for yourself and your guests, or use it for cooking purposes where hot water is required. The large capacity ensures you won't have to repeatedly refill the kettle for every serving.
Auto Shut-Off and Boil-Dry Protection:
Safety is a top priority with this electric kettle. It features an auto shut-off function that stops the heating process once the water reaches its boiling point, preventing over-boiling and potential damage to the appliance. Furthermore, the built-in boil-dry protection feature automatically turns off the kettle if it detects that there is no water inside. This protects the heating element and ensures the kettle's longevity.
Easy to Clean:
The Premier EK4812 Sizzle Electric Kettle is designed for easy maintenance. The wide opening of the kettle makes it simple to clean the interior and remove any mineral deposits or residue. The removable and washable scale filter ensures that your water remains clean and free from impurities, providing a great taste for your beverages.
This electric kettle is not limited to boiling water. It can also be used to make various hot beverages, such as tea, coffee, and hot chocolate. Additionally, it's an excellent kitchen companion for preparing quick meals like instant noodles, oatmeal, and soups. The versatility of the Premier EK4812 makes it a valuable addition to any kitchen.
In conclusion, the Premier EK4812 Sizzle Electric Kettle in Black, with its 1.5-liter capacity, is a reliable, stylish, and versatile kitchen appliance that simplifies your daily routine. Its rapid boiling, safety features, and ease of cleaning make it a top choice for those looking for an electric kettle that combines functionality and aesthetic appeal. Whether you're a tea enthusiast, a coffee lover, or someone who appreciates the convenience of a hot water source in the kitchen, the Premier EK4812 is a valuable addition to your home.
Buy the Latest Premier EK4812 Sizzle Electric Kettle Black 1.5L Online @ Best Offers from Poorvika!
Click here: https://www.poorvika.com/premier-ek4812-sizzle-electric-kettle-1-5-l-black/p
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mcbex · 7 months
The Battle of the Asian Dish
I went out for Asian food the other night with friends. Feeling adventurous I decided to order something I had never tried before. I cruised around the menu, asked minimal questions of our server, and after not quite understanding any of her answers I threw caution to the wind. Pointing at the dish I wanted, I waited in anticipation for a meal I had never eaten before. I mentioned to a friend how I tend to shy away from new food while eating out because I don't want to pay and hate it. But with sushi on the way and plenty of kind hearted souls around me whatever comes is sure to be gobbled up even if it isn't me that does the chewing.
When my dinner arrived, I realized I had merely ordered a Plain-Jane plate of noodles and stir-fried veggies! One of my friends begins to laugh loudly about this because he knew how excited I was to try something new. My reply to his laughter was a light hearted, “Isn’t this just how my life is... I say, 'God use me' and he hands me back a large serving of the same thing I’ve been eating for years."
I muddle over this on my ride home. Of course he does! The message is faint but as I think on it, it becomes clear. The point is, He is using us right where we are.
Then on the radio this morning I heard a song that sort of wrapped up the message a bit more. A line in the song was “complacency can be so bitter”. Which reminds me that there is a likeness in being still verse being complacent. At least there is from the outside looking in.
Being complacent would mean lack of growth or vision. It is doing things on a loop because you're told to or because you can. Complacency feels like disconnection to the world around you. An auto pilot of unfeeling, unchanged existence. But I’m not talking about being stagnant. I'm talking about the stillness of living in Gods will.
His stillness requires respect, vigilance, caring and growth. It requires attention to detail and in the waiting, we grow. While constantly being aware that God may call us to act at any moment. And I do mean any moment.
Unfortunately they can look the same. But they do not feel the same. One is self reliance in a word where we are separate from one another. The other means I am connected and piece by piece I can feel the work of God as he centers me.
And finally this afternoon the final piece of this message comes to me on a run. Where I speak freely and loudly and hear him clearly. It comes in the stillness of knowing him. I am asking the wrong questions. It's not in the 'why won't you use me', or 'where will you use me' or 'what will you use us for'. The question I need to be asking is who. Who needs help, who isn't asking, but should. In the stillness provide by the creator there is attention to others not found anywhere else.
If I hadn't been handed stir fry when I thought I was ordering sashimi I may have missed his point. I need to stop looking for doors to open and walk through the doors already open to me. Help those in need by my side. Then we can be warriors together.
Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still.
Romans 12:10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
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