#Author: Anonymous
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I'm gonna be honest and serious for a moment here. As an intense reader, who in many occasions felt the pages of a book or a fic as the only escape possible from life and it's problems, SP's dialogue hit me like an emotional truck; and I really think I needed to read this
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qsmpficsarchive · 20 days
May Our Souls Bask in Glory by anonymous
Oneshot | T | 1,814
Major Character Death
Reunions | Bittersweet Ending | Angst w/ Happy Ending
It's unfair, it's unfair. After seeing Richarlyson again, his beloved Richas, he waited and waited still— He did so because he wanted to see his Ramón, his Fit. His family, whole and together and at peace, with nothing in the way to ever separate them again. But he'll never see them again, will he?
Pac dies, along with Richas. It's not okay, then eventually it is.
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lockwood-fic-recs · 2 months
March Masterlist
All the fics we shared in the third month of 2024!! Thank you again for all the support :)) We'll keep sharing as long as you keep reading! <3
04/03 | The boy out of time by The_Biscuit_Agreement
07/03 | lavender, sunshine, and salt by hazelnut_chai
08/03 | [EXPLICIT] Through The Open Flames by ScienceFantasy93
11/03 | Stone Walls and Light Cracks (This will be us) by Mirroringdust
14/03 | the sum of our shadows by RainShadow07
18/03 | i’ve never seen someone lit from within (blurring out my periphery) by youareiron_andyouarestrong
19/03 | Ask: Good Boyfriend Lockwood Fluff
21/03 | Buttered Toast (And Other Essentials) by ConYamArtist
22/03 | [EXPLICIT] caught up in orbit by Anonymous
25/03 | Second Choices by MissPennington
28/03 | First Question, Alive or Dead? by lemonsharks
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queerromancerecs · 5 months
Darling and the Cinderella Club
Title: Darling and the Cinderella Club
Author: Anonymous
Summary: About to graduate from school and enter the real world, lovable, upright, seemingly a bit dim (and straight) Jack Harte is escorted to an underground queer club by his daring, clever, too-wonderful for him friend Rupert Darling.
Genre: Romance - Historical (1920s England)
Ship type: m/m
Why I like it: Pining. I adore pining. Everyone knows this. Also crossdressing. Feelings revelations. And, in the author’s own words “Wodehousian nonsense.”
No major content tags apply, but period-appropriate awareness of laws and attitudes toward queerness.
Darling and the Cinderella Club
(This is a test post so this format might change)
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nacefanfic-quotes · 8 days
She’s used to people treating her like a feral animal, like an unstable substance, like an improvised explosive device. And she understands why. Her love is sharp, barbed, prone to wound those closest to her no matter how hard she tries to soften the hard edges, to rein it in, to lessen the blow.  But that’s not what Ace wants from her. Never has been. And once she looks, really looks, blinking the tears from her eyes and studying him like a detective instead of a lovesick girl, she sees that the large palms he holds out toward her, his easy, deliberate movements — they’re meant to comfort her, not protect him.
-torn map by Anonymous (submitted by @perfectpurls )
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yeehanfrf · 1 year
Week 5 Recs: Golden Oldies
This week's Yeehan fic rec theme was "Golden Oldies," or those fics from Overwatch's early days that left a lasting impression. I asked for recs from 2016 and 2017, and boy, did folks have plenty! Check out the recs gathered from the Yeehan community below, organized by rating then alphabetically by title.
Not Rated
Fair Enough (5 Things McCree Can Do But Doesn't Let On + 1 He Simply Won't) by AsheRhyder [5,776 words] Reccer comment: "Everything AsheRyder wrote during this period is solid gold. Tasty, angsty gold."
“So what do you say? You interested?” McCree’s smile was as wide and inviting as an open door. Hanzo looked over the scruffy cowboy with a critical eye and a severe frown. “No,” he said and watched the door shut, quiet and easy. “Fair enough.” McCree tipped his hat and sauntered off.
In the months that followed, Hanzo learned many things about McCree that made him change his opinion on man; amazing, curious, and terrifying things. The most infuriating of them being this:
Jesse McCree never asked twice.
Lucid Dream by Somebody_Someone [WIP; 277,255 words] Reccer comment: "one of my two all time favourite, brain chemistry altering fics!"
Years ago he was a successful writer, and now he is struggling to get by every single day. Between art block, depression, insomnia and a comatose brother, Hanzo is constantly hanging on by his fingernails.
One day, he finds solace in the strangest shape; lucid dreams of a most unwelcoming land where he meets a terribly frustrating cowboy, gets in deep trouble and goes on a quest for a mysterious treasure. With the insufferable cowboy as his guide.
The journey will be long, scattered with obstacles and dangers, but may it be enlightened by the unexpected blooming of a friendship and perhaps something deeper.
Two Noons in their Moccasins by Scrumpadouchus [WIP; 89,675 words] Reccer comment: "This!! It's a Your name AU and it's still a work in progress but it's seriously gold! I suggest to watch the film before but for me this ff is a 10/10"
In which an archer and a cowboy start suddenly waking up in each others' bodies, and they attempt to make the most of being suddenly dropped into the life of a complete stranger.
In the process they make some mischief, make some mistakes and change each others' lives.
Teen and Up
A Comedy of Eros (A Tragedy of Communication in Five Acts) by AsheRhyder [9,886 words]
Hanzo wondered why they even made mission plans when they all went horrifically wrong. Take this last one: what was supposed to be a quiet artifact retrieval from Ilios turned into a brawl with Talon over an ancient quiver full of arrows.
Arrows that, apparently, had some Very Interesting Side Effects on enemy and friend alike.
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors by vandoodle [75,467 words]
Hanzo Shimada regrets ever joining Overwatch after he is paired with Jesse McCree, known cowboy enthusiast, and dropped off in the middle of American suburbia. Forced to blend in with the environment, endure neighborhood cookouts, and share his new living space with his so-called 'Husband', the two prepare to preform the ultimate sting operation: taking down the Vishkar corporation once and for all. He can't help but think this will all go horribly wrong.
Or, alternatively titled: the undercover fake-marriage fic that every fandom deserves.
Hanzo: Koi no Yokan by franklytriggering [WIP; 15,998] Reccer comment: "this one's not hyped up enough imo. should be a classic. (unfinished by honestly the ending still slaps!)"
Hanzo struggles to rein in his delinquent brother, Genji, as their father's health wanes and obligation demands their answer. While their fate speeds towards its inevitable breaking point, Hanzo wrestles between family tradition and his wayward emotions-- marrying well, or giving in to his own needs.
Heartless by AsheRhyder [6,504 words]
Once upon a time, a wicked sorcerer cut out his heart and sealed it away. He hid it in a needle, put the needle in an egg, put the egg in a duck, put the duck inside a rabbit, and put the rabbit in a box on an island at the end of the world. So long as his heart was safe, nothing could kill him. Or so the legends say, anyway. Nowadays, people know what a silly story that was. Nobody bothers with rabbits anymore.
Cole Cassidy has no heart.
Like the River by Goodluckdetective (scorpiontales) [5,847 words] Reccer comment: "I do love me some good ol 'dragons expose Hanzo's inner workings'"
Dragon Spirits don’t trust just anyone.
McCree never expected for them to ever trust him.
Or how McCree gained some trust, won a shootout, almost caught the flu, and proceeded to be the most handsome damsel in distress Overwatch has ever seen.
Lone Wolf by AsheRhyder [Series; 66,124 words]
After the fall of Overwatch, Jesse McCree survived for years like a lone wolf. But wolves weren't meant to live alone, and as the Recall draws heroes back to the forefront, he'll have to learn how to adapt or get left behind again.
Lotus-Eater by AsheRhyder [16,116 words]
Only Jesse McCree would have the ridiculously bad luck to be abducted by a mad scientist during a mission.
In the aftermath, the line between dreams and waking blurs and distorts. Which holds more weight; the flawed reality, or the perfect dream? Which is worth fighting for? Which will hurt him worse?
More Than True by AsheRhyder [Series; 34,346 words]
"Fairy tales are more than true..." -G.K. Chesterton.
In which there are dragons, and castles, and monsters of all sorts.
That series of stories in which buildings repeatedly fall on Hanzo.
People Like Us by fishpoets [8,764 words]
Jesse's never much believed in 'happily ever after', but it turns out it might be possible after all, even for a man like him. That is, if life doesn't ruin it for him first.
Adaptation by CommonNonsense [13,315 words]
McCree always did like a challenge, and Hanzo Shimada is a bundle of challenges wrapped up in a handsome package and tied with a gold ribbon.
Body Heat by BatKatBrown [2,575 words]
Little oneshot inspired by this comic which is amazing. http://disteal.tumblr.com/image/158383507645
Crown of Horns by Anonymous [150,888 words] Reccer comment: "I've recently started Re-reading one of my fav old ones: Crown of Horns (mind the tags!)"
"But you know, I rather like the idea of you as one of those beasts. Wouldn't that look nice for the clan, Hanzo? A living, breathing dragon, chained to a post in the gardens."
four days by feyhound [23,869] Reccer 1 comment: "one of my all time favs Four Days"
Reccer 2 comment: "One of my first fav is this 🥰 I have a weak spot for fics like these 🥺"
“I have an embarrassin’ favor to ask of you,” Cole says.
Hanzo stares at him expectantly, a single brow arched. “And what is that?” he asks.
“Y’see, my family might currently be under the impression that I’m bringin’ home a date for a few days next week. And, the thing is, I don’t really have one. So, I’m currently S-O-L and would really, really appreciate it if you came home with me for a few days and, uh. Pretended. To be my boyfriend.”
He stares down at his plate and jabs a fry into the enormous puddle of ketchup gathered in the center of it. If only the fry could be his hypothetical four-day boyfriend, he thinks; it would save him an enormous amount of embarrassment. It would be tastier, too.
[ Or - Cassidy desperately needs a fake date to bring home to his family, and Hanzo never does anything half-assed. ]
Foxhole Dreaming by fishpoets [18,569]
After Hanzo and McCree are ambushed on an undercover mission and McCree is injured, they need to hide out in a secret bunker that McCree knows of while they wait to be rescued. The prospect of a few days in close-quarters alone with McCree wouldn't be a problem, except for one thing: Hanzo's feelings for the gunslinger don't stop at friendship.
Hang the Fool by AlmaMeDuele [231,922 words] Reccer comment: "i remember reading it in 2017 and its still my fav one in this fandom"
How the heroic organization Overwatch acquires the talents of one Hanzo Shimada, and how gunslinger Jesse McCree will probably suffer because of it for the rest of his days.
Love Bites and Liquid Courage by timehopper [4,633 words]
McCree should not show up at his door in a drunken haze this often; and yet every time he does, Hanzo lets him in.
May I by Ingridarcher [182,716 words] Reccer comment: "my rec is the first Yeehan fic I read that I remember making An Impression on me"
"We're nothing alike, Shimada. You? You fell down from the sky. And me? I clawed my way up, outta the dirt."
Jesse was there. He was on the Blackwatch team that dragged Genji Shimada's body away and brought it back to the Overwatch medical facility. He saw what Genji's brother, Hanzo, did to him. Now, Overwatch has been recalled, and when Genji comes back he brings along the last person McCree ever expected: his murdering brother. And while Hanzo seems oddly drawn to McCree, Jesse wants nothing to do with him.
Points on a Circle by AughtPunk [111,325 words] Reccer comment: "it's not exclusively yeehan but omg it's such a well-crafted piece"
It began when Cole Cassidy summoned one of Hanzo's dragons in the middle of battle.
It began a month ago when Hanzo looked at Cole and realized he's already in love.
It began an hour ago when Satya heard the word 'magic' and refused the believe.
It began six months ago when Genji introduced his his brother to Cole, not knowing the two of them have a past.
It begins.
Undercover by lyriumveins [14,749 words]
Hanzo is a new member of Overwatch, working undercover in a coffee shop with a few other agents. He’s adjusting to his new life – and making good progress on his missions – when he starts finding ridiculous messages scrawled on coffee cups… Messages that are, apparently, for him. While he’s convinced it’s all just a ridiculous prank, D.Va calls them “pick-up lines” and insists that he has a “secret admirer.”
Whiskey Lullaby by CaptainCorgi [WIP; 64,791 words] Reccer comment: "Unfinished! But classic"
The buzz of the communicator had him jumping, knee slammed against the metal desk and a string of curses followed. Not looking, Jesse palmed the device, opening its front screen and stopped cold. The message wasn't from any of his team mates. In fact it wasn't from Overwatch at all. There was no sent from address, no name, and it contained one sentence.
Recipient: 10.29M.76 Status: Urgent Subject: -
Welcome home.
Who Taught You How to Hate by Valpur [46,594 words]
He’d always known it was going to happen. There weren’t many ways to go for a rogue like him, but all in all he would have much preferred a clean hole in his skull rather than being hanged for robbery and murder. Especially because this one single, fucking time he was not guilty.
McCree is having the worst time of his life and an outlander happens to save his sorry ass. Things go awfully weird after that - and he enjoys it all too much.
Afterdrop by ClaroQueQuiza [WIP; 638,116 words]
Overwatch can be forgiven for keeping Hanzo at arm's length despite the endorsement of his intended murder victim. Six months of provisional membership, spent in the field, is a reasonable compromise.
But not everyone is on board with giving Hanzo a chance.
Cassidy, least of all.
Backroom Deals by dragonspell [7,754 words]
“Oh.” Jesse shifts on the chair, rattling the cuffs again, as his eyes dart helplessly downward, drawn by a kind of gravitational force. “I was wondering if you might, uh, show me your ankles?”
(Or, Jesse gets himself captured while trying to infiltrate a Shimada safe house and he and Hanzo reach a deal; Blackwatch-era, slight-AU; the foot fetish McHanzo that no one asked for)
the best medicine by fishpoets [4,298 words] Reccer comment: "Happy smut"
Hanzo and Jesse, a successful mission, a night alone together. Bad jokes and lots of laughter.
The Dragon's Mate by kdwalbring [116,347 words] Reccer comment: "The dragons mate is one I will always recommend! I've reread this more times than I can count all the way through and love it more each time!"
Talon is too powerful for the newly formed Overwatch to handle head-on, so plans are made to infiltrate one of their strongest supporters. Jesse McCree hasn't found a home or family quite like what he had in Blackwatch, but he's determined to protect his new friends whatever it takes.
Turns out, mating to your best friends murderous brother is what it takes and he goes willingly. Something's not right in the Shimada clan though and he's going to figure it and Shimada Hanzo out.
Or: Arranged Marriage Yakuza ABO AU, because all the things! THIS WILL HAVE A HAPPY ENDING!!
Familiar Habits by Philosophics [8,176 words] Reccer 1 comment: "I really like this one"
Reccer 2 comment: "One of my first ever Yeehan bookmarks back in the day!"
After joining Overwatch, Hanzo finds it difficult to sleep some nights. It is nothing a hot cup of tea cannot fix, but he never expected that he would have company.
(or: hanzo is very thirsty, in more ways than one)
I got this fever, fever burning inside by CourtneyCourtney [11,300 words]
Hanzo has heard stories of this 'weapon', the most lurid tales courtesy of McCree, naturally. A libido accelerant Talon injects intravenously, giving its victims the option of mauling a stranger for sexual release, forcing themselves on a teammate and ruining any trust built between the two, or - to quote Jesse's turn of phrase - dying of "blue balls."
In other words, not a way for someone like Jesse McCree to go. Not if Hanzo is determined to help. It would be a shame to lose a colleague as altruistic and reliable as McCree to a weapon so primitive.
If he has to choke out the voice at the back of his mind questioning his own altruism in performing this act, then so be it.
(or, McCree gets sex pollened by Talon, and Hanzo helps him out the way any good friend would (Really. Stop gagging, Genji.))
Ichigo by morrezela [27,121 words] Reccer comment: "Ichigo will forever be my go to fic. 😭😭 even tho it’s so heartbreakingly good"
They break up on a Wednesday
It's All Your Fault by Cadeykat [25,100 words]
Hanzo Shimada joins the ranks of Overwatch and finds that he quite likes teasing the resident cowboy. That is, until a single compliment ruins his thought process, and he has to deal with feelings he's not exactly well versed in.
Magic McCree by Cadeykat [15,105 words]
Hanzo Shimada does not want to be here, he does not like strip clubs and never has. And Genji is wrong, he does not need to 'get laid', no matter how long this dry spell has lasted. He knows he'll regret being here tonight, and he needs a drink. And the tall glass of water clad in plaid that just bumped into him could be what cures his thirst.
More than Most by leoandlancer [7,103 words] Reccer comment: "Shooting at your loved ones always works to confess your love, right?"
Initially, McCree thinks he's the one chasing Hanzo for time alone. However, after Hanzo tips his hand slightly playing target practice, McCree's less certain. Then Hanzo accompanies him to a private island, where he neatly lays to rest all of McCree's assumptions about his reticence. McCree simply chased until Hanzo finally caught him. Short little thing because McHanzo smooches and smut are giving me so much joy.
Poker Face by Cadeykat [28,383 words]
“Shark, my ass. Man cleared out $60,000 at the first table he played at.”
Hanzo shrugs, silently delighting in how Daniel sucks in a bracing breath at his nonchalance. Oh, he loves riling him up. Serves him right for calling him in on his day off. “So? That’s not entirely uncommon. Perhaps he’s just good at poker.”
“He’s won almost $250 grand over the last four days.”
This is going to be fun.
Scoundrels and Thieves 'verse by vaguely_concerned [WIP; Series; 127,655 words]
Canon AU where the Shimada family and the Deadlock gang used to do business, Hanzo and Cassidy had a thing… and then Cassidy gets the ‘offer’ from Overwatch.
stop me if you've heard this one by losebetter [WIP; 9,516 words] Reccer comment: "my oldest yeehan bookmark, a very old WIP, but I recommend it regardless and still occasionally reread it because it's so good"
love or death. grab an end, pull hard, and make a wish. richard siken.
“Mmm. And, here, here is the best part of this, Jesse,” Hanzo slurs, afterwards, about oh-two-hundred by Jesse’s estimation. He’s standing around nude in the en suite, and Hanzo looks downright decadent lounging in the wrecked sheets back on the bed, all dark eyes, dark hair that cuts down over one shoulder like spilled ink. His long fingers shift on the flask propped up next to him, and Jesse swears some part of his tattoo ripples with the movement, too eye-catching to have come from the dim ceiling light. Maybe he’s still a little tipsy, but he can’t pretend he’s never seen Hanzo in action before, either.
Target Panic by Philosophics [20,500 words] Reccer comment: "an old fav of mine, funny, sexy and a bit angsty"
McCree looks him steadily in the eyes. “I said, I’m in love with you,” he repeats. Hanzo stares some more as the words sink in. “You,” he states imperiously, “are mistaken.” Then he promptly turns on his heel and strides out the open carrier door. - In which McCree confesses his love, Hanzo has some difficulty believing him, and the team seems entirely unable to keep from sticking their noses into the whole affair.
We're all Blackwatch Now by firefly_quill [WIP; Series; 18,491 words]
“Blackwatch under scrutiny after complaint from Japanese government”.
How Jesse McCree gets in trouble *for* following orders, for once.
This wraps up the Week 5 recs! Thank you to everyone who sent in a recommendation! Keep an eye out for next week's theme: "Show & Tell," all about the love confessions.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 4 recs here or check the list of past and future themes here!
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lupines-slash-recs · 20 days
Rec: I’m Alright if You’re Alright by Anonymous
Title: I’m Alright if You’re Alright Author: Anonymous Canon: Jujutsu Kaisen Pairing: Yuuta Okkotsu/Toge Inumaki Rating: Teen [🍋] Word Count: 14,256 Summary: “Wow,” Itadori says, “I had no idea you and Inumaki-senpai were so Continue reading Rec: I’m Alright if You’re Alright by Anonymous
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ferretlovesscarhead · 2 years
Oneshot | NC-17 | 13.700
Romance | Fluff | Eighth Year/Post-Hogwarts
It all starts with a pair of chilly feet under Harry Potter’s bum.
My heart is bursting from all the happiness and I cried. This is so lovely.
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Every Monday evening, Tony Stark dies. And then every Monday morning, Tony Stark wakes up again.
Words: 12341
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sunnydale-digest · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
I'm kind of looking for a possibly very old Bangel time travel fic, and maybe this page could help? I remember - Someone is after Angel and Buffy has to go back in time to save him.
- While there she and Liam get together, meanwhile in the future (present) Angel loses his soul when he gets the memories of Buffy/Liam in the past
- There's a scene w/ Angelus in pain remembering Buffy and Liam together, Buffy has his head in her lap ? Anyone know it ?
*We got this ask at @sunnydaleherald, but that's not where we boost individual posts. Hopefully anon will find this when it circles back to being included in the Herald.
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I've read this fic at least ten times by now, and sometimes my mind still blurts out at completely random times "Who the fuck is Greg?" And yes, with feeling; that's how much of a grip this scene has on me
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qsmpficsarchive · 5 months
Daylily Daycare Co. by Anonymous
5 Chapters | T | 12,518
Modern with Magic | Daycare | Ambiguous Relationship
Foolish was a guardian angel, meant to protect his charge at all costs. So when he discovers that her daycare is run by a definitely-not-attractive demon, he has no choice but to apply for a job.
To supervise, of course.
Immortal loversssss, taking care of kids in a daycare what could be cuter
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lockwood-fic-recs · 3 months
caught up in orbit
by Anonymous on ao3
Rating: E | Category: F/M | Relationship: George/Lucy
(Click for summary)
He closes the cabinet and stands, and Lucy hears the distinct sound of footsteps in the hallway. She clamps a hand over George’s mouth, eyes wide, and tries to think.
“Closet,” George whispers against her palm, tilting his chin towards the janitor’s closet behind her. She nods, once, and they walk as quickly and quietly as they can to the closet.
The door has just closed behind them when Lucy hears the room door open, footsteps creaking in before hitting the plush carpet and dulling. She can’t hear where the person is, anymore.
“George,” she hisses, barely more than a breath. He looks at her, his eyes glinting in the darkness, and lists a bit closer to her. “Kiss me.”
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ao3feed-hayffie · 1 year
Merry Christmas, Baby
by Anonymous
“This Would Have Happened Anyway” Challenge for Christmas. 2022.
Katniss is a survivor, she's strong spirited and believes that life can go on no matter what the loses, but what will happen when someone close betrays her? Can she really keep going on? Intended as a one shot, but...
Please excuse me for any errors, haven't been beta. All mistakes are entirely mine.
As usual Suzanne Collins owns the wonderful characters of THG. I just love to mess around a little with them
Words: 4017, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games Series - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Primrose Everdeen, Haymitch Abernathy, Effie Trinket, Mrs. Everdeen (Hunger Games), Gale Hawthorne, Madge Undersee, Johanna Mason, Delly Cartwright, Glimmer (Hunger Games), Marvel (Hunger Games)
Relationships: Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen/Primrose Everdeen, Haymitch Abernathy/Effie Trinket
Read this story on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4AnjRZT
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*wears a little clown hat with a tiny bell and dances* SELF INDULGENCE!!
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nacefanfic-quotes · 1 year
“George gets mad when I breathe.”
“Not anymore,” Ace says gently. “Not really.”
Nancy doesn’t know why she’s so moved by that now, of all times—but she is. Somehow, it loosens the knot of pain and energy in her chest, just a little, just enough.
She closes her eyes, because she doesn’t want to look at him for the next part.
“I think I need somebody to touch me,” she says, voice thick. “I think I need somebody to touch me until the rest of it is gone. Until it’s out. It’s the only thing I can think of.”
Ace is quiet. She opens her eyes again—expecting disgust, or embarrassment, or some other entirely warranted emotion—but in the half-dark of the closed restaurant, as the beam from the lighthouse sweeps across his face, she finds that he’s looking at her just the same. The same way he’s always looked at her. How strange.
- earth air water trees by Anonymous (submitted by @bethanyactually )
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