Supreme Court Fails America & The Rule Of Law
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has failed to uphold the rule of law when it comes to the insurrectionist actions of Donald Trump. It is a pretty worrying situation when the highest court in the land plays politics over upholding the constitutional laws of the land. Supreme Court fails America and the rule of law. America has ended up with an activist conservative majority of justices, who are hellbent on protecting Donald Trump by hook or by crook. These 5 guys have been placed in positions of unassailable power, at great expense to those with vested interests, to ensure that Republican endorsed values and politics get the nod.
SCOTUS Deliberately Misinterprets Article 3 Of The 14th Amendment
SCOTUS has ruled roughshod over Article 3 of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution to reroute the law the way that will favour their guy, Donald J Trump. There is no reading of this Civil War amendment that concurs historically or legally with its stated intention in the this ruling by SCOTUS – it is a deliberate misreading and interpretation of it. All trust in the independence of this highest court in the land is gone. The rule of law, when it comes to Donald Trump, goes missing in action via the ruling and opinion of SCOTUS in this matter. “The 14th Amendment's Section 3 bars from office any "officer of the United States" who took an oath "to support the Constitution of the United States" and then "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof." "We conclude that states may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office. But states have no power under the Constitution to enforce Section 3 with respect to federal offices, especially the presidency," the unsigned opinion for the court stated.” - (https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/us-supreme-court-unanimously-restores-donald-trump-to-2024-presidential-primary-ballots/2qvku6oql) Photo by Aaron Kittredge on Pexels.com
Conservative Conspiracy: Trump & SCOTUS
The way this is starting to play out leads one to speculate upon whether the fix was always in. Did Trump’s insurrectionist and election fraud attempts occur with the knowledge that he always had these justices in his pocket? Is this whole debacle a much bigger conservative conspiracy to defraud the American people and disable democracy? How can these justices not uphold the rule of law by confirming that Donald Trump  must face trial for the crimes upon which he has been indicted by the DOJ? How can any American have any faith left in the judicial system if it fails to hold Trump accountable at the final hurdle? How Much More Will America Take From This SCOTUS? Will the American people put up with a supreme court hijacked by extreme conservative activist justices? Especially, as its decisions are unrepresentative of the majority of the population. Abortion laws have been overturned at the federal level by SCOTUS, which mean that these terminations have been banned and criminalised by states controlled by GOP legislators. The majority of Americans want women to have unrestricted access to abortions and control of their own reproductive rights. IVF is now under threat in Alabama with GOP aligned judges banning it on the grounds that unfertilized human embryos are now, according to them, legally recognised human beings with rights. Republican legislators are, also, after restricting access for Americans to chemical contraception. There is a strong Christian fundamentalist anti-science push happening inside the GOP in these red states. These Republicans want to get back into the bedrooms of everyday Americans and decide what and with who they can do there. Backward policies from backward looking busybodies who want more power over the lives of their constituents. Will Americans really put up with this conspiracy enacted by conservative activists funded by billionaires aligned with the GOP? #UNGA President Donald J. Trump by National Archives and Records Administration is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0 It Is Time To Act & Vote Democrat It is time to act and to stop the rot! The Right think it is only their bully boys with guns that will determine the direction of America. There are many more Americans who want to protect their freedoms than these extremists. It is time to march and to take to the streets to protest against the hijacking of SCOTUS by the hard Right. Now, all Americans need to vote Democrat to ensure the electoral demise of Trump. Plus, it is time to extend the size of the SCOTUS bench to even the field once more. The future of America depends upon progressives, looking backward will not assist America going forward. There are no nations anywhere which have made a go of things by trying to live in the past. It is a fool’s errand and only the politics of grievance mines this for short term electoral advantage. Trump and the GOP are about white supremacy and a denial of the real racial demographics of 21C America. The culture wars are a political strategy devoid of any constructive policies that will ultimately benefit America. Nearly a million Americans died during the pandemic, under the incompetent Trump, and many of them were African Americans not adequately cared for by a heavily segregated nation. Schools and neighbourhoods in America are largely segregated. Photo by Leandro Paes Leme on Pexels.com SCOTUS needs to be enlarged to reduce the unequal power held by the conservatives. Republicans, more generally, are a shrinking demographic, especially in their current extremist manifestation. It is only through gerrymandering and voter suppression that they have held control in many districts. The highest court in the land must accurately reflect the wishes of the people and not just a group of privileged people longing for a past where white America lauded its power over all others. The slaver roots of the USA remain in the hearts of these sons and daughters of the Confederacy. Florida and many of the former states from the half of America that practiced slavery for hundreds of years have banned students and schoolkids learning anything about their slaver history from the perspective of African Americans. Whitewashing is going on in a big way via GOP policies in this regard. “Yes. The Constitution leaves this decision to Congress. It says, “the judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.” And from time to time, Congress has indeed changed the number of justices. It was six when Congress passed the first Judiciary Act in 1789 and the number fluctuated in the mid-19th century. But since 1869, the high court has had nine justices.” - (https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2021-04-16/can-democrats-really-pack-the-supreme-court) Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt & Financial Freedom ©MidasWord Read the full article
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urubuateterouge · 1 month
Pollution numérique, croissance et ressources galactiques
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Image : stevosdisposable, Unsplash
Outre leurs aspects positifs, les plateformes numériques et les réseaux sociaux polluent. D’une part, en raison des ressources et de l’énergie requises pour fabriquer les équipements, les alimenter et transmettre des données (ce qui représente plus de 2 % des émissions globales de gaz à effet de serre1); et d’autre part, indirectement, en tant qu’outils d’influence et de véhicules publicitaires omniprésents qui nous incitent à consommer toujours davantage.
Le lobbying des grandes entreprises et les réglementations laxistes qui en résultent resserrent l’emprise du secteur privé sur nos vies en ligne et hors ligne. Dans un monde aux ressources finies, il faut rejeter l’idée même de croissance économique continue. Cet objectif physiquement impossible à maintenir est pourtant celui que nos gouvernements ne cessent de viser, à l’encontre du gros bon sens et du pragmatisme dont plusieurs se réclament.
Ne serait-ce que pour cette occultation délibérée des conséquences à long terme de nos comportements, les États méritent d’être visés par des poursuites citoyennes comme celle intentée dernièrement contre la Suisse pour inaction climatique2.
Voie lactée
Dans un article3 publié dans Nature en 2022, l’astrophysicien Thomas W. Murphy Jr démontre que le maintien d’un taux de croissance économique mondiale de 2,3 % par année (le FMI prévoit qu’il sera de 3,2 % en 2025) exigerait, après quelque 2 500 années, l’équivalent de l’énergie produite par les 100 milliards d’étoiles de la Voie lactée! Tout cela au bout d’une période correspondant à un peu plus de la moitié de l’âge de la grande pyramide de Gizeh, une longue période historique, mais courte à l'échelle d'une espèce.
Stimulation de la croissance – on nous prend par les sentiments
Au-delà des gaz à effet de serre et de la pollution qu’engendrent les technologies numériques elles-mêmes, il y a un problème bien plus profond qui relève notamment de la psychologie (les réseaux sociaux, la « science » économique) et qui touche la société dans son ensemble.
Soumis·es à une logique néolibérale implacable où prime le rendement des investissements, nous nous exposons chaque jour à des publicités qui créent plus de désirs qu’elles n’en assouvissent. Une demande stable est ainsi générée, qui sert les intérêts du capital plutôt que ceux de la société.
En effet, le « social » de « réseau social » ne désigne guère plus que la marchandise sociale vivante que nous sommes. Nous évoluons dans des bocaux en forme de réseaux, toujours à la vue, occupé·es à liker, à détester, à partager, à suivre, à se comparer, à envier les riches, à déplorer (ou non) le sort que notre mode de vie réserve aux espèces non humaines qui ont le malheur de nous côtoyer (à quelques animaux de compagnie près). Mais nous ne changeons pas forcément nos habitudes pour autant. Nous gobons ce qui, utile ou non, peu importe, tombe à portée de clic, pourvu que l’objet convoité (une belle grosse camionnette à plateau pratique pour faire l’épicerie?) promette d’atténuer, ne serait-ce que momentanément, l’insécurité, l’ennui, la frustration, le désarroi, le vide existentiel, etc. Autant de sentiments exploitables par l’industrie et que la consommation matérielle ne peut durablement apaiser. Et autant de sentiments qui, chez notre industrieuse espèce, avec ses systèmes de paiement et de livraison ultraperformants, se traduisent ultimement en gaspillage de ressources et en montagnes de déchets.
La stimulation ininterrompue de la consommation à des fins de croissance constitue une attaque contre le bien-être des générations actuelles et futures.
Cessons de croire au dogme absurde et dangereux de la croissance économique continue et réduisons notre consommation frénétique de biens. Sinon, la Terre aura tôt fait de disposer de nos restes en une mince strate sédimentaire toxique.
Mais peut-être qu’il y a une appli pour gérer ce genre de situation. À suivre…
Références :
Cliche, Jean-François (2020, 7 janvier, mis à jour le 8 mars 2023). « Vérification faite: le streaming, aussi polluant que tous les avions du monde? ». Le Soleil (Québec), sur le site lesoleil.com. Consulté le 15 avril 2024. https://www.lesoleil.com/2020/01/08/verification-faite-le-streaming-aussi-polluant-que-tous-les-avions-du-monde-7acb2bf064ed0ba0d6b6bdb6b9e3f13d/
Agence France-Presse (2024, 9 avril). « La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme condamne la Suisse pour inaction climatique ». Radio-Canada, sur le site ici.radio-canada.ca. Consulté le 15 avril 2024. https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/2063533/climat-cedh-jugement-historique-condamnation-suisse
Murphy, Thomas W. Jr. (2022, août). « Limits to economic growth ». Nature Physics, vol. 18, sur le site nature.com. Consulté le 15 avril 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-022-01652-6.epdf?sharing_token=yNwL92oPzcpklZSqVsr-ndRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0N0u2htmeT1Hou6SrdtT_vjhsjDi8mPyrY6gILuO1cIPYM5r9vTrCV6dFSGWkHiq63t24rvELuWNN1w82farMIezAYiWj7ialZ8KkzI_SEgHP98WBPRE6PFu8lx9H4EP5A%3D
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fadingsunsjvj · 8 months
Code of Virginia Code - Article 3. Worker Cooperatives
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highschroeder26 · 11 months
PewDiePie's next Minecraft Plan could be his most Successful Yet
In Felix 'PewDiePie' Kjellberg's September 13 video the YouTube king thought about his future plans for the series after he was averse to mods and creations from the Minecraft subreddit.
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PewDiePie reached the 'end' of the vanilla Minecraft after taking down the Ender Dragon and reaching the lowest level of the Sandbox title on August 25 This has left some wondering what's next.
Fans were given a glimpse of what the future might be for the Swede's wildly popular gaming series when in his latest video, he responded to mods and fan creations that left him considering some potential ideas.
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PewDiePie's Minecraft future
In the video, the YouTube King showed his viewers mods made by the infamous modder 'McMakistein'. He built houses that could be walked on and fly across the landscape. The Swede was left to think about the future of his Minecraft series.
Read More: Borderlands 3 spotted Dr Disrespect egg
"See, a lot of people have been telling me that I should be using mods in Minecraft now. Modified survival is now a thing to keep it fresh. You can do this kind of stuff," the YouTube star said, showing the mod.
(Timestamp at 01:49 for mobile viewers.
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In the video, Pewds learned that bees will be coming to Minecraft in a future update, and debated whether he should wait until the official release, or use a cheater to create them instead.
"There's bees in Minecraft!? I'm not sure if I can play the new one. Since I don't believe that you can spawn them without cheating. Or should I wait until the actual update? I think I should just sit and wait." he stated.
After seeing a user-created data packet that lets people put a saddle on bees, and then ride them, the YouTuber swiftly changed his opinion. STRONGCRAFT "Oh my God, okay I'm getting the bees" he exclaimed in excitement.
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thunderrabby-blog · 1 year
The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021
The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021
Evidence showing the COVID shots are a public health disaster keeps mounting. In late December 2022, Steve Kirsch1 and Jessica Rose,2 Ph.D., both published Substack articles detailing some of the latest evidence showing the shots are destroying people’s immune systems and have triggered an avalanche of turbo-charged cancers. Kirsch’s article3 features results from a recent survey he conducted. It…
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PewDiePie's next Minecraft Plan could be his Best Yet
During Felix "PewDiePie's" September 13 video the YouTube king pondered his future plans for his series after he responded to mods and new creations from the Minecraft subreddit.
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PewDiePie reached the "end" of the vanilla Minecraft after destroying the Ender Dragon and reaching the very bottom level of the Sandbox title on the 25th of August and has left many wondering what's next.
Fans got a glimpse of what the potential future could be for the Swede's wildly popular gaming series in his latest video he reacted to mods and fan creations that made him think about a few possible ideas.
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PewDiePie's Minecraft future
The YouTube king showcased his viewers mods created by McMakistein who designed houses that can walk on their own and fly around the map. This left the Swede thinking about the future of his Minecraft series.
Read More: Dr Disrespect easter egg spotted in Borderlands 3
"See, a lot people have been telling me that I should use mods in Minecraft right away. Modified survival is now a thing to keep it fresh. You can do this kind of thing," the YouTube star stated, demonstrating the mod.
(Timestamp of 01:49 for mobile viewers.)
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Pewds later discovered that bees were coming to Minecraft in a future upgrade. He debated over whether he should wait or cheat to create them.
"There are bees in Minecraft!" I'm not sure, but am I allowed to play the latest version? Because I don't believe that you can spawn them without cheating. Or should I wait for the actual update. I think I should sit and wait." he said.
After seeing a player-created data packet that lets users put bees on a horse, and then ride them, the YouTuber swiftly changed his mind. Huliypin He exclaimed, "Oh my God, okay. I'm getting bees."
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codehunter · 2 years
Define an order for ManyToManyField with Django
Is there a way to define the order of objects related through a ManyToManyField?
ArticleContainer1 contains in this order : article1, article2, article3, article6
ArticleContainer2 contains in this order : article3, article2, article1, article4
ArticleContainer3 contains in this order : article5
Here are my classes :
class Article(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200)class ArticleContainer(models.Model): contents = models.ManyToManyField(Article, blank=True, null=True)
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chrancecriber · 2 years
A State Of Sundays 112
Channel: Electric Area (Sirius 52, XM 52)
Airdate: December 16, 2012 - December 17, 2012
Airtime: 06:00 AM - 06:00 AM
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
06:00 AM - 08:00 AM: Trance System
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM: Progressive Sessions
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Downtempo Sessions
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Progressive Sessions
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM: Trance System
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM: John O'Callaghan - Subculture
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM: Ruben de Ronde - TSOH
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM: Armin van Buuren - ASOT Bonus Hour 112 (ASOT 591)
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM: Markus Schulz - Coldharbour
06:00 PM - 07:00 PM: Sean Tyas - Tytanium Sessions
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM: W&W - Mainstage 134
08:00 PM - 09:00 PM: Progressive Sessions
09:00 PM - 11:00 PM: Armin van Buuren - ASOT 591
11:00 PM - 12:00 AM: Armin van Buuren - ASOT Bonus Hour 112 (ASOT 591)
12:00 AM - 01:00 AM: Aly & Fila - FSOE
01:00 AM - 02:00 AM: Trance System
02:00 AM - 03:00 AM: Progressive Sessions
03:00 AM - 04:00 AM: ASOT Classics Playlist
04:00 AM - 05:00 AM: Trance System
05:00 AM - 06:00 AM: Progressive Sessions
NOTE: The official ASOT site doesn’t have a page for episode 112 (113 by the site’s logic).
NOTE #2: Because information takes a while to compile, a detailed version of the tracklist will be uploaded at a later time.
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rachelle98 · 3 years
La musique est la langue des émotions. - Emmanuel Kant
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Qui ne connaît pas au moins une chanson de Céline Dion ? Artiste mondialement connue et adulée.
Nombreuses de ses chansons délivre un message, elle les interprètes afin de faire passer un message pour elle, ou pour une tierce personne. 
 “Je lui dirai” : Cette chanson écrite par Jean-Jacques Goldman (comme nombreuses de ses chansons), dont les paroles explicitent ce qu’elle dira à son enfance à sa naissance ainsi qu’au cours de sa vie. 
 “Les petits pieds de Léa” :  C’est Marianne L’Heureux qui l’a écrite, ses mots ont été couchés sur papier alors qu’elle avait besoin d’écrire pour faire le deuil de sa petite fille qu’elle a perdue à cinq mois de grossesse. Céline a aimé la chanson et eu envie de la chanter. A sa sortie, les mots de Marianne en disent long : «Ça m’a tellement fait de bien, dit-elle. C’était une forme de thérapie.»
”Parler à mon père ” 2012 : Ecrite par le célèbre auteur-compositeur Jacques Veneruso, qui vient alors de perdre son père. Celui-ci sait que sa chanson correspond au goût de Céline, elle l’interprète donc en 2013, en rendant hommage à son propre père disparu dix ans plus tôt. 
Ou bien encore :
“Destin” : une chanson écrite par Jean-Jacques Goldman à travers laquelle nous découvrons la vie que mène notre chanteuse Canadienne. 
Le 27 janvier 1984 elle déclare : "Je ressentais le besoin de chanter, de faire passer mon message aux gens, de dire ce que j'avais sur le cœur.” 
La musique est une langue à part entière ! 
Céline Dion, ne nous déçoit pas, si vous cherchez à vous exprimer, une de ses chansons le fera sûrement pour vous...
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cplusstudios928 · 3 years
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Out Now! @iamclaas Revenge, Article 3. Peep our review. Link in bio and below. Like and Subscribe. https://youtu.be/F63Z5yAM-6c #Claas #Revenge #Article3 #Review #linkinbio👆 #linkabove #likeandsubscribe (at Flagstaff, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ2EIlVFXSj/?igshid=1btuotrl1j3ca
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ame-gossip · 6 years
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                    para comentar a matéria, mande uma mensagem com a tag #article3 
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但是,投保長期照顧險的優勢在於:不論是因意外或疾病失能、失智或老化的長照風險,都能透過這張保單來轉嫁。且從另一個角度想:如果被保險人不論有沒有發生需要長期照顧,或是全殘廢的狀態,假設所領保險金額都超過所繳保費,且就算沒有發生保險事故(符合長期照顧或全殘廢狀態),還可領取所繳保險費總和的1.06倍 (註d) (,那麼,保戶也許就不會有「保費很不便宜」的感覺,而會更有意願購買了。
以40歲女性為例,只要理賠超過2年 理賠金額已超出所繳保費! 事實上,南山人壽推出的這張「南山人壽美滿人生長期照顧終身保險」以「40歲女性投保20年期繳費保單、保額NT$2萬元」為例,假設透過自動轉帳繳費,還能享有1%的保費折扣。年繳保費只要NT$7萬2072元,20年總繳保費是NT$144萬1440元。
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沒發生保險事故 身故也可領回所繳總保險費總和的1.06倍!(註d) 以上,還只是這張「南山人壽美滿人生長期照護終身保險」單從保費的付出,以及領回保障金額角度比較下的優勢。但實際上,購買保險的最大功能與意義,就在於民眾「萬一還沒有準備好之前,風險就發生」的時候。
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(註a) 被保險人於本契約有效期間內,經醫院專科醫師診斷確定符合條款約定之「長期照顧狀態」,並於免責期間屆滿時仍生存且持續符合「長期照顧狀態」者,依條款約定給付「長期照顧一次保險金」及 「長期照顧分期保險金」;或經醫院診斷確定符合條款約定之全殘廢等級之一者,且至診斷確定殘廢之日仍生存者,依條款約定給付「全殘廢關懷保險金」及「全殘廢生活扶助保險金」。 (註b)「長期照顧一次保險金」及「全殘廢關懷保險金」二者僅擇一給付,終身合計以給付一次為限。 (註c)「長期照顧分期保險金」與「全殘廢生活扶助保險金」於給付期間僅擇一給付,二者合計最高以16次為限,且累計給付達16次後,本契約效力即行終止。 (註d) 被保險人於契約有效期間內身故或保險年齡達110歲之保單年度末且契約仍有效時,本公司按其「所繳保險費總和」的1.06倍扣除「全殘廢關懷保險金」、「全殘廢生活扶助保險金」、「長期照顧一次保險金」及「長期照顧分期保險金」累計已給付之各項保險金後之餘額,給付「身故保險金」或「祝壽保險金」,且給付後本契約效力即行終止。 (註e) 長期照顧狀態豁免保險費期間,若被保險人因保單條款約定之事由致本公司停止給付「長期照顧分期保險金」時,本公司自停止給付「長期照顧分期保險金」之下一保單年度起停止豁免保險費。要保人應於停止給付「長期照顧分期保險金」之下一保單年度起繼續交付保險費使本契約繼續有效。 註:各項給付條件之詳細內容,請參閱南山人壽保單條款規定。
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spacekitty-taylien · 6 years
Poll is up for 3 more days!
Next weeks blog will depend on the winner!
What will you vote? Beach Bride or Winter Wonderland Wedding?
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octbombs2 · 7 years
#article3: E eu achando que o primeiro a começar a namorar seria ou o Devin oppa ou o Arllow oppa...
—— article #3 coments.
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weare52pc-blog · 7 years
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Sign the #WeAre52pc Article 3 Petition: http://bit.ly/2yFNPil (10-15/15)
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Luxury Cavern Listing
1 Bedroom | 3 Bath
This spacious open floor plan house comes with a gourmet chef’s kitchen, 2 small and 1 large private spas, panoramic views of Craglorn, 2 waterfalls, and an off-suite bar. 
The private entrance gives this location an awe-inspiring feel as you climb 4 flights of statue lined stairs to the hand crafted front doors. Vaulted ceilings complete this luxury escape from exile.
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