#Constitution of Kenya 2010
seulszn · 3 months
Haiti is a country in the Caribbean and Latin America that has been exploited and oppressed by colonial powers and imperialist forces for centuries. Its people have suffered unimaginable horrors and atrocities. Haiti was the first Black republic in the world, and the second independent nation in the Americas and the first Latin American country It achieved its independence in 1804, after a successful slave revolt against France. Haiti's independence was a threat to the racist and capitalist system that dominated the world. It inspired other enslaved and oppressed people to fight for their freedom and dignity. Haiti was also punished for its independence by the colonial powers. It was forced to pay a huge indemnity to France, and faced trade embargoes, diplomatic isolation, and military interventions.
Haiti was also exploited by multinational corporations and NGOs, who profited from its cheap labor, natural resources, and humanitarian aid. They also imposed their agendas and policies on the Haitian people, undermining their sovereignty and democracy. Haiti was also devastated by natural disasters, such as earthquakes ( a earthquake they are still recovering from that happened in 2010 and then a earthquake that happened in 2021 that killed 1,419 people) hurricanes, and floods, which worsened its already dire situation. Haiti was also victimized by diseases, such as cholera, malaria, and COVID-19, which ravaged its population and health system. The diseases were often introduced or exacerbated by foreign actors, such as the UN peacekeepers who brought cholera to Haiti in 2010. Haiti was also marginalized and silenced by the mainstream media, which portrayed it as a hopeless and helpless case, ignoring its history, culture, and achievements. The media also spread misinformation and stereotypes, fueling racism and stigma.
Haiti was also betrayed and abandoned by its allies and neighbors, who turned a blind eye to its plight, or worse, contributed to its misery. The United States of America, in particular, has a long history of meddling and undermining Haiti's sovereignty and stability. Taking 500,000 dollars from Haitian banks and still collecting money. The United States of America has invaded, occupied, and intervened in Haiti numerous times, imposing its political and economic interests. It has also exploited Haiti's labor and resources, and blocked its development and trade. sugar refining, flour milling, and cement and textile manufacturing, clothing, scrap metal, vegetable oils, dates and cocoa are all things given to other countries by Haiti. The United States of America has also supported and funded the Core Group, a coalition of foreign powers that has interfered in Haiti's internal affairs, manipulating its elections, constitution, and government. The United States of America has also failed to protect the human rights and dignity of the Haitian people, both in Haiti and in the US. It has deported and detained thousands of Haitian refugees and asylum seekers, and discriminated and criminalized them.
Here are a list of countries who agreed to help the United States and Canada evade Haiti:
France (the same country that we had to pay just to be free)
Yes I am Haitian my dad side is from Haiti. My fathers family moved up here to Seattle because Haitian was going through a small silent genocide and have been since they have been free from France in 1804, France took my countries money and told them that they have to pay reparations just for existing and they had to pay France just to be free from the French. And then America jumps onto the bandwagon and decides to take billions of dollars from Haiti. Haiti was once the richest country but became the most poorest because of ignorance.
My people are being killed everyday just for speaking out against their government, my people are being killed because nobody was their for them when the 2010 and the 2021 earthquake happened because “Haiti is a bad country and helping them won’t do anything” and they are still recovering from that to this very day. Families are being displaced, the violence is getting worse, innocent people are dying and are fighting trying to stay alive, women and children are being r$ped and kidnapped. I have family that live in Haiti that I lost all contact with because they are fighting everyday, and who knows if they are even alive.
Here are some important links to help you get a better understanding on what’s going on in Haiti and stuff to donate to
Haitian Health foundation
Partner in Health: Haiti
Hope For Haiti
Haiti Aid
Haiti Children
Haiti Twitter Link for More Donations. P2 P3
FYI a lot of these videos are from last year but a lot of them speak really well on what is always going on and why they are going through it
Haiti Debt
What is Happening in Haiti
Haiti and the Rice
Listen Part 2
Free These countries as well
What we want to free in Haiti
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAKE THE TIME OUT OF YOUR DAY TO AT LEAST LOOK AT THESE LINKS. For the sake of My dad and the sake of my family I want to see them happy they wanna go home but won’t be able to until Haiti is free I will update this if I need to and please Like, comment, reblog anything is appreciated
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jmose · 1 month
13 Vacancies Open At The Office of the Controller of Budget
13 Vacancies Open At The Office of the Controller of Budget The Office of the Controller of Budget (OCOB) is an esteemed independent office established under Article 228 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Our principal function is to oversee the implementation and reporting of the budgets of the national and county governments, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the…
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justinawamae · 4 months
Kenya lacked social democracy
In the 90s the problem facing Kenya was lack of social democracy, the lawyers, activists, NGOs delivered democracy with the promulgation of the 2010 constitution. In 2024 the challenge at hand is to democratize our economy; we need KENYANS in economic activities (production, consumption and trade of goods and services in Kenya to stand up and be counted in influencing and shaping economic…
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emunenen · 5 months
Constitution of Kenya, 2010 [PDF] download free
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atikaschools · 9 months
National symbols and national days are important elements of a country’s identity and heritage. They represent the values, history, and culture of a nation. In the context of Kenya, as outlined in The Constitution of Kenya, 2010, Chapter Two, the following information pertains to national symbols and national days: National Symbols: The Constitution of Kenya […]
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indigenouspeopleday · 10 months
Foster collaboration with indigenous youth to maximize their potential.
Youth including the indigenous youths have long been recognized as determinant of development and a key driver for the realization of Kenya’s Vision 2030 and sustainable development. The Constitution of Kenya, 2010 protects the right of youth to self-determination, cultural heritage, and participation in decision-making processes that affect their lives. Specifically, Article 55 of the Constitution of Kenya mandates the State to take measures, including affirmative action programs, to ensure that the youth; ‘access relevant education and training; have opportunities to associate, be represented, and participate in political, social, economic, and other spheres of life; access employment; are protected from harmful cultural practices and exploitation; develop their cultural values, languages, and practices; and have reasonable access to water, health services, and infrastructure’,  among others.  Article 56(a), recognizes the right of minorities and other marginalized groups to participate and be represented in governance and other spheres of public life.
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mugendike · 11 months
POLITICS, the kenyan way
this is a summary of based on my opinion, resaerch and facts out there. your opinion and critique is openly welcomed
IntroductionKenya’s political landscape is characterized by its complexity, dynamism, and a history of social and political transformation. Over the years, the country has witnessed significant changes in its political system, from the struggle for independence to the adoption of a new constitution in 2010. This article delves into the intricacies of Kenya’s political system, exploring key…
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wamuzimedia · 1 year
RAILA’s MP discovers a major flaw in RUTO’s Housing Levy after Kenya Kwanza MPs unanimously passed it without thinking – Look! This changes everything.
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President William Ruto had a field day yesterday in Parliament after Kenya Kwanza MPs unanimously passed the controversial Finance Bill 2023 with some amendments. The Parliamentary Finance and Planning Committee, led by United Democratic Alliance (UDA) stalwart and Molo MP Kuria Kimani, introduced amendments to the report, which were incorporated into the bill. Of particular significance was the resounding approval of the Housing Fund Tax, which stipulates that both employers and employees will be required to contribute a combined 3% towards the implementation of the Affordable Housing Program.The housing tax received overwhelming support with MPs voting 184 in favour against Raila Odinga’s 172 who opposed the tax. Shortly after its successful passage, Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma highlighted a significant flaw in the entire process. The vocal politician noted that the National Assembly was not mandated to discuss housing matters without the input of the Senate. According to the 2010 Constitution, it is the mandate of county governments to ensure that land in their jurisdiction is used prudently. Given that the affordable houses will be situated on land donated by the counties, it was expected that such a crucial matter would be deliberated by the Senate before introducing the tax for the program. As per the provisions of Article 96 of the Constitution, the Senate serves as the representative body for the counties, with the primary responsibility of safeguarding their interests as well as those of their respective governments. On Wednesday, Trade CS Moses Kuria argued that the 47 governors are the real owners of the Affordable Housing Program and not Ruto, which gives the Senate a say in the matter. Read the full article
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logicpublishers · 1 year
2023/2024 Kakamega County Youth Service And Women Empowerment Programme
RECRUITMENT OF 3,000 SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN IN THE COUNTY YOUTH SERVICE AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMME Pursuant to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 under Article 55, the County Governments Act No. 17 of 2012, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of the Kakamega County Youth and Women Service Act number 5 of 2019, applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the…
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karanjasan · 1 year
Has Kenya Constitution 2010 Delivered for Kenyans?
The Kenya constitution 2010 was promulgated in 2010 coming into effect in 2012 with the general election that year being conducted under the new constitution. The 2010 constitution was promulgated ostensibly to bring greater equality to the Kenyan political landscape, promising more prosperity, greater individual and media freedoms, reduction of the powers of the presidency to curtail the…
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jmose · 7 months
200 Vacancies Open In Kakamega County Government
200 Vacancies Open In Kakamega County Government. Pursuant to the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, Article 55 of the County Governments Act No. 17 of 2012, and in accordance with the provisions of the Kakamega County Youth Service and Women Service Act No. 5 of 2019, the County Government of Kakamega invites applications from suitably qualified persons to fill the positions of Senior County Marshalls…
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thesheel · 2 years
Today is Inauguration Day in Kenya. As William Ruto has taken the oath of the presidential office, Kenya News media houses watch with bated breath to see if the incoming administration will respect freedom of the press as enshrined in Kenya's Constitution. According to the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) organization, "Although guaranteed by the 2010 constitution, respect for press freedom in Kenya is highly dependent on the political and economic context." It is a known fact that many presidents have a love-hate relationship with the press. The role of a journalist in covering a president is to ask questions and, while at it, hold leaders accountable and report back to their audience. Journalists ask tough questions that often leave leaders feeling uncomfortable. Journalists put leaders on the hot seat and speak truth to power.  While some leaders are good at thinking on their feet and seem to always have the right answers, even they can be caught off-guard.  For this reason, presidents hire a press spokesperson who fields questions from the press on behalf of the president. Presidents also hire speechwriters to manage gaffes typically present during off-the-cuff or impromptu speeches. Kenya's Ruto Goes For Media Censorship Even Before His Inauguration Following the Supreme Court of Kenya's decision to uphold the win of Kenya's William Ruto to be the fifth president, William Ruto addressed Kenyans from his official residence surrounded by family, surrogates, leaders from his coalition – the Kenya Kwanza Alliance – and the press. He then decided to take a few questions from the media. A journalist from Royal Media Services asked about his agenda for the first one hundred days in office. William Ruto responded with a counter-question in what seemed like a sarcastic tone, "And how is Inooro TV, by the way?" to the amusement of the crowd before "assuring" the journalist that "you will be treated equally like all other Kenyans." William Ruto also said that "We do not harbor grudges because we are democrats." Needless to say, the president-elect did not answer the journalist's question and said he would "make a statement on my inauguration."  The president-elect did not stop there but proceeded to ask, "Where are my good friends from Citizen?" (Citizen TV is a sister station to Inooro TV). A journalist from Citizen TV asked a question, but rather than answer her question, the president-elect called out two journalists from Citizen TV by name, even though they were not present at the event.  The journalist's questions on how the president-elect planned to fight graft were met with jeers from the crowd, like a scene from a Trump presser or a Trump campaign rally.  Clearly, they knew where the president-elect was coming from. William Ruto did not answer the reporter's questions either but stated that he would be issuing a comprehensive statement later. The president-elect was either caught off guard and deflected responding, as leaders often do, or was preoccupied with vindictiveness.   Interestingly, since then, the president-elect has made remarks about his agenda even before his inauguration speech. For example, during a thanksgiving ceremony at Maya Stadium, William Ruto stated that he would be dealing with miraa (khat) cartels to revive the Kenyan economy. William Ruto Walking Trump's Path? Media Apathy Won't Lead Ruto Anywhere Former US President Donald Trump had a volatile relationship with journalists. Trump appeared to perceive any adverse reporting about him or his administration as personal criticism of his character. It did not help that he came from the television reality world – The Apprentice - that presented a perfect persona of the former president. Reportedly, Trump spent many hours watching cable news during his time in the White House. Many times, he would tweet his reactions in real time and held nothing back. He referred to the mainstream media as
"fake news" and directed his supporters to watch news channels that only covered him favorably.  He often refused to take questions from journalists representing some media houses, especially those he perceived as misrepresenting him. Other times he verbally attacked journalists in an attempt to humiliate them and did not stop his audience from booing journalists. Besides Trump's rants on social media - especially Twitter before his account was permanently suspended for January 6 incitement - there were many other events that summed up Trump's relationship with journalists. The White House Correspondents Dinner and Trump's Rigidness with Media This annual event is organized by the White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) – an organization of journalists covering the White House and the president of the United States.  The group raises money for scholarships and supports the U.S. Constitution's freedom of the press. The sitting president traditionally attends the annual dinner and is covered by the news media. The president typically adopts a light tone in addressing the audience and promotes a free press. The president may also be the object of jokes that come from invited entertainers or comedians. President Trump often appeared stoic to the public and did not appreciate jokes. He did not attend any of the annual White House Correspondents Dinners during his years in the White House and subsequently barred members of his staff and administration from attending the event. Interestingly, he attended one in 2011 when President Obama was in office and became a target of a joke by Obama. There is no shortage of instances of Trump's attack on journalists. See this one to see an example of Trump's rigidness with the media: Or even this, when he makes sexist remarks, Kenya Journalists Face Consequential Times William Ruto's supporters may say that his remarks on Royal Media Services journalists were made in jest since, after all, the President-elect was laughing when he did this. Unfortunately, that intention may be construed as a dog whistle by some who may target these journalists or the places where they work because the President-elect called them out. It also seemed vindictive because he did not call out journalists from other Kenya News media houses that appear to have taken friendlier stances toward his political coalition or his campaign. Indeed, the president-elect must be advised that in such instances, it is not the intention of the president that matters but how it is perceived by his audience. Many comments from those who viewed this interaction online showed that they supported William Ruto and felt that he was justified in calling out Royal Media Services because of how they covered his campaign. Left unchecked, such responses to questions from the media could go from subtle to full-blown eruptions, as seen with Donald Trump. And for those who feel William Ruto should be excused because this was his maiden speech as president-elect, William Ruto has been Kenya's Deputy President for the past decade and certainly has sufficient experience in dealing with the media.  William Ruto also held previous cabinet positions and is not new to public service. Also, the president is seen as speaking from a bully pulpit on a megaphone, and how he treats the press trickles down to how members of his administration treat the press. And in an interesting development, Kenyans learned that the president-elect's inauguration would be exclusively Multichoice Kenya Ltd. through DStv, and other media houses would get feeds and pick signals from them. This move by the incoming administration is unconstitutional, controlling, retrogressive, and reminisces of a dark time in the history of Kenya when the government infringed upon the rights of citizens and the independence of institutions.  After Donald Trump's inauguration in 2017, the new president was upset with the media coverage, especially when they compared crowd sizes with Obama's inaugura
tion. A day later, Sean Spicer, Trump's then press secretary, chastised journalists for their coverage of the inauguration.  "This was the largest audience to ever witness the inauguration period, both in person and around the globe." (Trump's White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer) Perhaps William Ruto, like Trump, is wary of the media controlling the narrative of his inauguration.  Journalism can be risky, and some have paid with their lives. Sadly, retaliatory killings of journalists worldwide continue to be on the rise. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists in 2020, at least 21 journalists were killed in retaliation for their work, a number higher than those killed in combat or on other assignments. Kenya ranked 69 out of 180 countries on the 2022 World Press Freedom Index. The Media Council of Kenya has called for a review of policies and laws that infringe on press freedom. Ruto needs to understand that freedom of press is a basic necessity for a progressive country/ Journalists have been attacked in Kenya while conducting their business. During the just concluded elections period, a reporter for The Nation sustained a machete wound to his left leg when he was attacked by two masked men on a motorcycle who intercepted him as he returned home in Migori, Kenya. The reporter told RSF that the attack was related to his political reporting.  Ruto Needs to Team-up with Odinga to Make Kenya a Governable Country The country of Kenya was becoming ungovernable even before the start of William Ruto's term. Raila Odinga has already refused to attend the inauguration ceremony of William Ruto, citing his deep concerns about the poor election management and widespread voter fraud. Now, William Ruto has already demonstrated that he will rule the country as a dictatorship by maintaining a poor relationship with the media. Media oppression in Africa is not hidden, and William Ruto's ambitions to kill media outlets and be uncooperative with Odinga will only make matters worse. As Raila Odinga watches for post presidential election strategy and braces himself to win the next elections, Ruto needs to be thoughful while making his election strategy. Only a government of unity can bring favorable results for Kenya, especially at a time when the ruling party may not have enough power to pass all the legislation single-handedly. As they will need the opposition members for lawmaking, the media dictatorship and anti-Azimio policies of William Ruto will only make lawmaking worse, while Kenyans will be suffering miserably. Final Thoughts Leaders must respect and protect press freedoms. During this year's White House Correspondents Dinner – the first in six years since President Obama left office – President Biden praised the role of journalism in American democracy. "I say this from the bottom of my heart, that you, the free press, matter more than you ever did in the last century. You are the guardians of truth." (Biden)  It can be said the media's coverage of President Trump helped the electorate understand who he was, what he stood for, and why President Biden was a better choice for the United States. Any president that attacks journalists does so at their own peril. 
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emunenen · 9 months
Constitution of Kenya, 2010 [PDF] download free
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pineralley · 2 years
Achieng reggy
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Achieng reggy trial#
That therefore, the preliminary objection be upheld.ħ. Limited –vs- West End Distributors (1969) EA 626. Counsel asserted that the issues raised in the preliminary objection meet threshold set out in Mukisa Biscuits Manufacturing Co. Reliance thereof was made on the Supreme Court of Kenya decision in Raila Odinga and 3 others –vs- Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission and 3 others(2013)eKLR.Ħ. That the said affidavit should be struck off the record. Counsel further submitted that the applicant’s counsel filed supplementary affidavit contrary to Order 51 Rule 14 (3) of the Civil Procedure Act (Cap 21 Laws of Kenya). 36 of 1995, Hangzhon Agrochemicals Industries Ltd v Panda Flowers Ltd (2012)eKLR, and Article 160 (1) and (5) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, to fortify that specific argument.ĥ. He cited, inter alia, David Kabungu v Zikarenga and 4 others Kampala HCCS No.
Achieng reggy trial#
Counsel submitted that transfer of a suit under Section 18(1)(b) of the Civil Procedure Act (Cap 21) from one court to another has several basic considerations including balance of convenience, expense questions, interest of justice and orders of recusal before the trial magistrate had been sought. That there was no compelling reason advanced to adjourn the hearing of the matter before the trial court.Ĥ. Learned counsel for the respondent made reference to the grounds of the preliminary objection and the background of the matter including denial of an adjournment of the matter by the Honourable trial court as date for hearing was fixed by consent of the parties. Accordingly, learned counsel for the applicant filed submissions dated 17 th June 2020 while learned counsel for the 1 st plaintiff respondent filed submissions dated 21 st May 2020.ģ. On 12 th May 2020, it was ordered and directed that the preliminary objection be argued by written submissions. That this Honourable court has no jurisdiction to determine this application as the same is a preserve of the trial court.Ģ. That further, the 1 st defendant/applicant has sneaked in further documents i.e supplementary affidavit dated 4 th May 2020, in the court record without seeking leave of court as required by law. In which orders Migori CM ELC 59 of 2018 and Migori CM ELC 60 of 2018 were consolidated, and, the court declined to adjourn the matter respectively. Richard Odenyo and Moses Obiero on 28 th November 2018 and 10 th March 2020 respectively. That the defendant/applicant has not preferred any appeal against the orders made by the Honourable Mr. He contends that the 1 st defendant’s (applicant’s) Notice of Motion dated 19 th March 2020 and filed in court on even date is hopelessly misconceived, frivolous, totally devoid of merit and mala fides on the grounds that. The present ruling is in respect of a preliminary objection dated 8 th May 2020 and filed in court on 11 th May 2020 by M/S Abisai and Company Advocates, counsel for the 1 st plaintiff, Lawrence Onduso Nyakwama (the respondent herein). NIFRIDA ADEYA IMINZA (Suing for and on behalf of the estate ofĬALEB ADEYA MAGOMERE).2 ND PLAINTIFF/RESPONDENTġ. LAWRENCE ONDUSO NYAKWAMA.1 ST PLAINTIFF/RESPONDENT OPIYO REGGY OPERE.1 ST APPLICANT/DEFENDANT IN THE ENVORNMENT AND LAND COURT OF KENYA AT MIGORI Kenya Law makes no warranties as to the comprehensiveness or accuracy of the information The metadata has been prepared by Kenya Law as a guide in understanding the subject of the judicial opinion. The information contained in the above segment is not part of the judicial opinion delivered by the Court. Ms Okota, learned counsel for the respondent. Roch Odhiambo, learned counsel for the applicant. Opiyo Reggy Opere v Lawrence Onduso Nyakwama & another eKLR Opiyo Reggy Opere v Lawrence Onduso Nyakwama & Nifrida Adeya Iminza
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letscreateafricaorg · 2 years
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Kenya’s 2010 Constitution recognizes health care as a fundamental right—including access to reproductive health care, which includes abortion and post-abortion care, as well as access to emergency medical treatment. Kenyan High Court Affirms the Right to Abortion Under the Constitution and Directs Parliament to Enact Reforms Landmark ruling in case defending a minor and a clinician will protect patients and providers from arrest and prosecution for seeking and providing abortion services. Specifically, the Court’s ruling affirmed that: ° Abortion care is a fundamental right under the Constitution of Kenya and that arbitrary arrests and prosecution of patients and health care providers seeking or offering such services is illegal. ° Protecting access to abortion impacts vital Constitutional values, including dignity, autonomy, equality, and bodily integrity. ° Criminalizing abortion under the penal code without Constitutional statutory framework is an impairment to the enjoyment of women’s reproductive rights. Background In many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, access to abortion is legally restricted, which partly contributes to high incidence of unsafe abortion. This may result in unsafe abortion-related complications that demand long hospital stays, treatment and attendance by skilled health providers. There is however, limited knowledge on the capacity of public health facilities to deliver post-abortion care (PAC), and the spread of PAC services in these settings. We describe and discuss the preparedness and capacity of public health facilities to deliver complete and quality PAC services in Burkina Faso, Kenya and Nigeria. Conclusions Our findings reveal considerable gaps and weaknesses in the delivery of basic and comprehensive PAC within the three countries, linked to both the legal and policy contexts for abortion as well as broad health system challenges in the countries. There is a need for increased investments by governments to strengthen the capacity of primary, secondary and tertiary public health facilities to deliver quality PAC services, in order to increase access to PAC and avert preventable maternal mortalities. (at Baraza Media Lab) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci8ZvpfLCQX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mediaronity · 2 years
KFCB cracks whip on movies containing homosexual content
KFCB cracks whip on movies containing homosexual content
The Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) has banned movies that contain content that promotes LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer). Speaking at an interview with a local radio station, the acting KFCB CEO Christopher Wambua stated that movies with the said content that is prohibited by the 2010 constitution remain outlawed. “The country’s laws do not allow LGBTQ+ content or even…
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