#Aricka and Natasha
rosieshipper · 3 years
Just finished watching the black widow movie
Fucking hell this movie was amazing! I loved it so much!!
I have to say Yelena’s and Natasha’s sisterly relationship with one another and the whole found family aspect that stuck around in the entire movie had to be my favorite parts of it and I absolutely adored this movie. I cannot wait to watch it again when it becomes available on Disney plus. If you have the money and the time I seriously recommend you all go watch it!!
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @recordplayershipping @magicalbunbun @journalofdeath
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But you're so precious to me, Sweet as can be, baby of mine
(Mini-Science Siblings)
(De-aged science siblings, part of a series I’m working on. 16 year old Aricka sings a new song she learned for her newfound siblings.)
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(Top to bottom: Aricka, Tony, Bruce.)
“C’mon, Tony; Shh. It’s naptime, Buddy. I promise I’ll stay with you the whole time, but you gotta close your eyes for a little bit. Shh, shhh shh…” Aricka paced helplessly as she struggled to get the now-miniature version of her big brother to sleep for even fifteen minutes.
But, he associated sleep with being alone, thus he was fighting her tooth and nail to not sleep. “Tony…” she whispered, glancing at Bruce, who had a grip on the hem of her shirt, chewing his lower lip anxiously. Both of them had their memories of adulthood, but they mostly had a childlike mindset at the moment.
“Baby upset?” He asks. Aricka nods, rocking Tony side to side, one hand cradling his bottom and the other cradling his head to her shoulder.
“He doesn’t like being lonely; like you, huh Brucie?” She hums. He nods,
“Is scary,” he says.
“I know. But I think I have an idea, if you want me to try?” Bruce nods, wayward fingers sliding toward his lips.
“P’ease.” She nods and walks over to the “nest” of blankets the two slept together in. They had escaped capture two weeks ago, and had found this abandoned building far enough away from their captors that they could rest until they figured out a way to find help.
“Hey Tony; it’s okay baby, I know you’re so sleepy, but would you like a song to help you relax? Aricka’s gonna stay right here. Stevie and Jamie are on a supply run, Thor, Loki and Nattie are watching for them. Clinty Wanda and Pietro are getting ready for bed too; they’re helping baby Petey remember? It’s okay, honey. You’re not gonna ever be alone ever again. I won’t let that happen. Shh….”
She kept up a soothing litany as she sat down, cuddling the exhausted five year old as close as possible. “I learned a new song Brucie. Before we got taken. Would you like to be one of the first to hear it?” Bruce nods; the same curious light he had as an adult ever present in six year old eyes.
“You both know you’re my babies, right?” Bruce nods, having just accepted that Aricka was gonna be there for a long, long time. Even after they became adults again.
Tony merely snuggled closer to Aricka’s warmth, “mhm,” but didn’t say so much as a single word.
“Aricka loves you both so, so much. I’m so lucky to be your big sister, and your little sister when we’re adults.” She ran a hand through messy sandy-brown hair, then through chocolate-caramel curls. “This song is for both of you. To keep. Okay? Even when we’re big. I’m gonna be there to sing our song whenever you need to hear it.”
Bruce nods, fingers dropping from his face to link both hands around Aricka’s arm. He was getting more confident in reaching out for the gentle touches, hugs and kisses Aricka readily offered. She smiles and presses a kiss to both his and Tony’s foreheads. “My good boys,” she whispers. “So sweet. I love you both so much.” With that; she settles back and clears her throat, before softly beginning to sing, and if the gasp that escaped Bruce was anything to go by: the boy recognized the song and what she was trying to convey.
“Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes…” she wipes at Tony’s face, cupping the tiny chin between her thumb and index finger.
“Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine, hmm…” she lifts her arm and drapes it carefully, gently, around Bruce’s shoulders.
“Little one, when you play
Don't you mind what they say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine…” her hand moves to carefully brush through Bruce’s curly hair, and the boy leaned against her, looking up at her like she was the most amazing person to ever exist.
She felt the same way about the two boys in her arms.
“If they knew sweet little you…” here she tipped Tony’s chin up so she could look him in the eye; and send this message home.
“They'd end up loving you too…” those expressive chocolate colored eyes widened and more tears form as she promised him,
“All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for the right to hold you…”
If people had just looked at Tony and Bruce and saw them for the wonders they were, purely for how good they were, and how they kept waking up to live another day even though they’d gone through so much pain, then maybe more people would love them as much as Aricka did.
“From your head down to your toes…” here she taps Tony’s nose, and Bruce’s little shoes, making twin giggles escape both boys, a sound that was as precious as music to Aricka’s ears.
“You're not much, goodness knows…” She taps Bruce’s shoulder and sings the next part to him,
“But you're so precious to me
Sweet as can be, baby of mine
Hmm-mm…” he smiles at her, a genuine Brucie smile, a shy, sweet one that said more than he could possibly express with words.
“If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for the right to hold you…” Tony curled up in her arms, thumb in his mouth, one arm wrapped around her neck, head resting on her chest. Bruce still had his arms around one of Aricka’s, but his eyes were closed, breathing beginning to slow.
“From your head down to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Sweet as can be, baby of mine
Baby of mine
Baby of mine…” by the time Aricka finished repeating the last verse, Tony was fast asleep, fingers curled in the collar of her shirt, mouth open slightly, allowing the tiniest of snores to escape the toddler. Bruce was asleep too, leaning completely against Aricka, who hadn’t stopped her careful, loving ministrations of brushing her fingers through his hair.
“That was beautiful.” She startled completely at the sound of someone speaking.
Blue eyes look up to see a matching pair looking down at her. Blue eyes that reminded her of home. “Stevie.” She says. “They just fell asleep. I promised I wouldn’t leave them.”
“I know you would.” He hands her a purple blanket. “Grabbed this for you. Used Tony’s card like you suggested to. It should get ahold of someone we trust. Like Phil or Pepper.”
Aricka nods. “Don’t use it again for a while, in case our captors look for us. Only for emergencies.” He nods.
“How’s it feel?” He asked. “Being the big sibling.”
Aricka smiles shyly, “I’m so thankful that I had you as an example of what a big sibling should act like. You always looked out for me, but you never controlled me. You let me learn the hard way sometimes, but you never guilt tripped me for anything.”
If Tony and Bruce thought Aricka hung the moon in the sky, then Aricka thought Stevie hung the dang sun in the sky. Her whole world used to revolve around her big brother, she wouldn’t even wiggle without his express permission at one point. She was a bit older now and a tad more independent, but she would always need her Steve. Always.
Jamie, followed by Thor, Loki, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, and Pietro holding the littlest of their family, little Peter, filtered into the bed area of their hideout. They all settled around Aricka, Steve and the two little boys in Aricka’s arms. Peter ended up crawling over to steal some of Aricka’s warmth as well, the four year old smiling sleepily up at her as she opened her arm to him, letting him crawl up right beside Tony, who didn’t so much as twitch during the entire exchange.
Jamie kissed her cheek, and Aricka outright blushed at that, smiling sweetly at her boyfriend. He smiled just as shyly back, before he settled down beside her, Bruce loosely cuddled between them.
Presently, every single one of them began to drift off to sleep, Aricka noting that Thor had decided to take the first watch, him smiling reassuringly at her. She smiles back, no words needed between them.
That was the last thing she remembered before she let her eyes slip shut, and sleep claimed her until she was needed to take the watch.
For now, however, her family was all she needed.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @tsundere-selfship @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship
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MCU Musical Fancast
Grease (1978)
Danny Zuko: Bucky Barnes
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Sandy Olsson: Aricka Rogers
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Kenickie: Steve Rogers
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Doody: Tony Stark
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Sonny: Bruce Banner
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Putzie: Thor
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Pink Ladies:
Betty Rizzo: Darcy Lewis
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Frenchy Facciano: Pepper
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Jan: Jane
Marty Maraschino: Natasha Romanov
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Eugene Felsnic: Peter Parker
Patty Simcox: Wanda
Thomas "Tom" Chisum: Clint Barton
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Leo "Crater-Face" Balmudo: Zemo
Charlene "Cha-Cha" DiGregorio: Maria Hill
School staff:
Principal McGee: Peggy Carter
Blanche Hodel: Sharon Carter
Coach Vince Calhoun: Nick Fury
Mrs. Murdock: Laura Cardellini
Mr. Lynch: Phil Coulson
Mr. Rudie: Logan Howlett
Nurse Wilkins: Susan Storm
Vi: Dori @yeehawselfshipping
Teen angel: Loki
Vince Fontaine: Johnny Storm
Johnny Casino & The Gamblers: Sam; Rhodey; Scott, and the GOTG
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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The flying four reunite
(Aricka x Bradley, Aricka and Jake; Aricka and Robbie)
(Special appearances by: Maisie and Sienna Bradshaw; Pete and Penny Mitchell-Benjamin, Natasha Trace.)
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Aricka nods along to the song playing in the radio of the familiar first-gen Ford Bronco, which just happened to be, “Country Girl,” by Luke Bryan. Her currently blonde-highlighted hair was pushed out of her face by the breeze, and one of her hands was held over the gearshift by one Bradley Bradshaw, who, like something out of a Taylor Swift song, had a “one hand feel on the steering wheel.”
This was the first time the pair had been together in six months, having been on separate deployments. They hadn’t even had a chance to see their kids yet, since Aricka’s mom was watching them and they were currently at the Hard Deck, where Aricka and Bradley were heading.
Being back home, being back in the car that Aricka and her now-husband had shared so many memories in, sent a wave of nostalgia through her, and made her curious as to why they were being called back to Top Gun. Bradley had fixed the car since they had been gifted it, and painted it a new color of blue, but it still had the same homey qualities as always, and Aricka was glad to be back in her so claimed passenger princess spot.
They come to a stop, but Aricka remains seated- she would get the mock scolding of her life if she didn’t let her husband open her door for her and help her out of the vehicle like he had for any occasion since their first date their senior year of high school.
Bradley does as expected, and she can’t help but slip her arms around him for another hug, soaking in the warmth of having him back in her arms. “Ready to see everyone?” He asks, seeming to know
Aricka nods. “Ready to see my parents,” she says. It was always difficult, Aricka being such a daddy’s girl, being separated from her dad, being that he was the first person to really want her in his life. Bradley was the second.
The pair walk into the bar, and their eldest, Maisie Nicole, was the first to spot them, her eyes lighting up as she darted over toward them, her twin sister hot on her heels. Maisie jumps into her dad’s arms while Sienna fell into her mom’s embrace, both twins eager to see their parents again for the first time in a long time. “Cici!” Aricka exclaims, holding her baby close. The girl had grown in the last six months; she was almost taller than Aricka by now.
“Mama!” The girl exclaimed back, not caring that she was 13 and technically shouldn’t still be calling her mother that. “You’re back! And early too. Are you all done?”
“No, no, my starshine. Dad and I got called back for a special mission for Top Gun.” Cici must have just noticed that her father was indeed standing there with her mother, because she let out an ear-piercing sound and leapt into his arms next,
“DADDY-!” Maisie folded into her mom’s comfortable and familiar hug, having missed the moments when she could seek her mom out for a quiet hug and a forehead kiss.
“My baby,”‘Aricka whispered. “How’s my little duck doing?”
“I missed you mom, it’s not the same when you’re gone.” Maisie perked up sooner than Sienna did, “Uncle Jake: auntie Nat and uncle Robbie are here already, and Jake brought our new uncle Javy with him!” Aricka grinned at hearing her oldest claim Jake’s wingman so readily. Javy was a great man, one Aricka, Brad and Robbie knew would have their childhood friend’s back on the land, at sea and in the air.
“Uncle Javy didn’t believe uncle Jake could hit the dartboard with his eyes covered and uncle Jake proved him wrong,” Cici said with a familiar, Bradshaw brand smirk. “It was AWESOME!”
“Okay: kids let’s let your parents in the door,” Aricka looks up and grins when she sees her mom standing at the bar; a familiar smile on her face.
“Mom!” It was her turn to greet, walking around the counter to hug her, an exception made only for Penny’s husband, daughters, son-in-law and grandchildren. “Dad not here yet?”
Penny gave her a confused look. “You don’t know?” She shakes her head no. “Of course you don’t- they wouldn’t have told you. Your dad is on his way but he’s- he was in a work related accident.”
Aricka knew her dad was prone to the occasional accident every now and then but for her mom to phrase it like that instantly had her internal worry system running full tilt. “Do we know the details?”
Penny tsks and shakes her head; “Classified government information but if you remember he was working on a super important project.”
Aricka remembers the details vaguely. “That dark star thing, right?” Penny nods. “I hope he’s okay.”
“He’s fine, he’s just ready to hug his kid again.” Aricka whirls around and beams as she sees her dad standing there, and throws her arms around him. Pete Mitchell, callsign “Maverick,” or to Aricka, “MavDad,” or just “dad”, and to his grandkids, “Papa Mav” wraps his oldest kid in a tight hug; and for a moment everything from the last six months faded to oblivion; and Aricka was a little girl behind welcomed home from school. “Hey mini-me,” he says; and she giggled at the familiar nickname.
“Hi dad.” She felt the familiar material of a brace under her dad’s shirt and she gave him a worried look.
“I bruised a few ribs in that accident your mom was telling you about. It’s mostly just bruises and scrapes but I’m fine, kiddo. I promise.” Aricka accepted the explanation for the moment, just relived her dad was still alive and relatively in one piece. “Go see your friends; I know you missed them.” He sends her off with another hug and a kiss to the forehead, and Aricka drifts back over to Bradley’s side.
“I spy with my little eyes a certain WSO and pilot,” she says. Bradley follows her gaze. “How hard do you think it is to sneak up on Robbie now?”
“Just a little bit, but if anyone can do it it’s you, sweetheart,” Bradley says; the vote of confidence making her beam as always. She walks over, trying to be as sneaky as possible; Robbie having not seen her yet, and slides her arms around his waist excitedly as she exclaims,
“Hiya Robbie!” Just like when they were kids. The stealth pilot managed to jump out of his skin at that but when he noticed who it was he quickly returned the hug,
“Aricka Bradshaw you little menace-!” She laughs and hugs him as tightly as possible,
“I’ve missed you-! How’ve you been?! How’s Lemoore?”
“Boring without you guys but I manage,” he says. Bradley walks up at that moment; and that’s when Jake noticed the pair standing there.
“Bradshaws! As I live and breathe,” he exclaimed, and Aricka ran around the pool table to hug her other childhood best friend; who immediately scooped her up and swung her around. “You look stunning as always Aricka.”
“I’ve missed you too Jakey,” she says. Bradley shakes his head; a teasing smile on his face.
“Hangman. You look- good.” Aricka shakes her head. Oh boy. Here we go.
“Oh I am good, Rooster. I’m very good. In fact,” here he ruffles Aricka’s hair: much to her chagrin and complete fondness, as she shoved him playfully, “I’m too good to be true.”
“You didn’t tell me you were stateside,” said one Natasha Trace; and Aricka winces. Oh Bradley. Never anger your real wife or your work wife.
“I wanted to surprise you-!” Bradley protested. Nat goes to take a shot at the pool game, and hits Bradley in the stomach with the pool cue.
“Now I’ve surprised you; too;” she says with a familiar smirk, and Aricka laughs outright at the look of stunned pain on Bradley’s face.
“Good to see you, Nat,” he says, patting her shoulder.
After a little while of catching up and talking about the new mission, Aricka spies her husband wandering over to the jukebox, bending over to unplug it, and she grins as she follows him over to the piano at the end of the bar, letting Bradley tug her down into his lap as he wraps his arms around her to begin playing a few keys, “any requests, m’dear?” He asks, aviators slipping down his nose. She pushes them back up, kissing his forehead for a moment, before saying,
“Play our song Brad.” He grinned, and she knew if his sunglasses were off he’d wink at her before launching into the song that defined not just their relationship, but Bradley’s parent’s relationship.
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane-!” He cues her in with a tip of his head and Aricka joins,
“You broke my will, but what a thrill
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” The two couldn’t contain the smiles on their faces as their friends joined in, singing the song at a loud and proud pace, some of them unable to hide the laughter in their voices,
“I laughed at love 'cause I thought it was funny
You came along and you moved me honey
I've changed my mind, this love is fine
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” Everyone drops out so Bradley could sing direct to Aricka,
“Kiss me, baby, ooh, feels good-!” As she laughs and kisses him again as the song instructs, wrapping her arms around him and singing,
“Hold me, baby
Well, I'll still love you like a lover should-!”
“You're fine-!” Bradley
“So kind-!” Aricka.
Imma tell the world world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine-!”
Maisie and Sienna walk over, the aviators parting so the kids could sing with their parents, and Bradley noticed, saying,
“May-May, Cici, sing with the family-!” And they all sang the third verse,
“I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I'm getting nervous, but it sure is fun
Come on, baby, you're drivin' me crazy
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” Maisie and Sienna laughing and clapping their hands like they did every time their dad sang this song.
Pete and Penny stood back at the bar, watching the scene with equal looks of pride and nostalgia. “They remind you of anyone?” Penny asks. Pete nods.
“Reminds me of us. Of Nick and Carole. Too bad they’re on that anniversary honeymoon of theirs. They’d have wanted to see this.” The scene before them reminded Pete of another diner; of another piano, where two kids sat on top, the little boy holding the little girl’s hand as they sang the same song they were currently singing, but it wasn’t Bradley playing or singing, it was his father, and Charlie had been there, as well as Aricka’s twin brother Jeremy.
“Kiss me baby
Ooh, that feels good, baby
Hold me, baby-!” Everyone but Aricka stops singing as she looks at Bradley she says,
“I wanna love you like a lover should-!”
“You're fine, you're so kind
I'ma tell the world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine-!” The pair were continuously lost in each other’s orbit, even the music faded for a moment as Aricka and Bradley looked at each other with an unreadable expression to anyone but each other.
“I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I get nervous, but it sure is fun
Come on, baby, you're driving me crazy
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” The song finishes and Bradley looks at Aricka for another request, but the girl in question merely leans forward to lovingly kiss her husband, resulting in various reactions- hoots; hollers and wolf whistles from everyone present. “Brad Brad, you big stud?” She whispered. Bradley knew what was coming but played along, keeping both arms wrapped around his wife.
“That’s me honey.” She laughs and leans her head against his shoulder, saying,
“Take me to bed or lose me forever.” Bradley pulls her up so her legs are across his on the piano bench, looking her in the eye before replying,
“Show me the way home, honey.” Not that she needed to. Anywhere Aricka Mitchell-Bradshaw was; that was Bradley’s home.
And it always would be.
So- this was supposed to be more centric on the four friends but ended up being a cute fluffy Aricka and Bradley fic.
Oops-? 😅
Anyway, I couldn’t sleep so have a fluff story!
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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******DWTS AU cast members*******
Hosts: Julianne Hough and Alfonso Ribeiro
Judges: Carrie Anne Inaba Derek Hough Pete Mitchell and Bruno Tonioli
Pros and celebrities
Aricka Mitchell and Bradley Bradshaw
Rylee Arnold and Mickey Garcia
Val Chmerkovskiy and Natasha Trace
Emma Slater and Reuben Fitch
Sharna Burgess and Javy Machado
Sasha Farber and Callie Bassett
Witney Carson and Bob Floyd
Koko Iwasaki and Jake Seresin
Jenna Johnson and Brigham Lennox
Daniella Karagach and Billy Avalone
Peta Murgatroyd and Logan Lee
Brit Stewart and Neil Vikander
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rosieshipper · 3 years
Endgame rewrite Part one
Summary: Rose and the rest of the avengers return to the compound after Thanos’s victory. After Tony returns to Earth, Rose stays by his side while the others go to find Thanos
A/N: This is the first part to my endgame rewrite series! Aricka belongs to @aricka-and-her-fictional-others! Thank you for letting me borrow her!!
It was a long and quiet ride back to the compound in America. No one spoke a word to anyone during the ride. Rose was sitting near the back of the quinjet, Natasha having an arm wrapped around her and rubbing her back while she cried silently to herself, hot tears rolling down her cheeks. Rose had just lost one of the most important people in her life. Her girlfriend, Wanda. She collapsed into dust while Rose was holding her in her arms
Sniffing quietly, Rose reached up and wiped away her tears as best as she could. “I told you I’m fine, Nat. You don’t need to fuss over me.” She said with a hoarse voice as she looked back at her aunt. “Nonsense. You wouldn’t be crying so hard if you’re fine.” Nat lightly chastised her. “I’ll be fine. You shouldn’t be worrying about me. I just..want to get home. I want to see mom. I need to know if she’s ok because I haven’t seen her in two years. She needs to know that I’m alive.” Rose rambled, starting to get overwhelmed
Nat noticed her becoming worked up and gently rubbed her back to try and calm her down. “I know you want to get home and we’re gonna get home. Pepper is gonna be there, don’t you worry.” Nat told her gently as she hugged her close. At that, Rose let out a shaky sigh, hugging her aunt back. “She’s right, Rosie. You shouldn’t overwhelm yourself more than you already are.” Rose looked up when her other aunt, Aricka spoke up
Rose tried to say something but her mind wouldn’t let her. There was just too much going on in her thoughts to the point where she could just barely speak. Sensing her distress, Aricka stood up from her spot across from Rose and knelt down in front of her. Using her powers she conjured up a small stuffed bear in her hands, before gently handing it to Rose for her to hold. With a shaky hand, Rose took the stuffed animal into her hands, hugging it close as more tears began to spill down her cheeks. “Th-Thank you..” She mumbled shakily as she looked down at her. Aricka nodded slowly, taking her hand into her own, rubbing her thumb over the back of her hand
The rest of the flight was quiet, but they arrived back at the compound by nightfall. By the time the quinjet had landed, Pepper was already standing outside of it. The moment the doors had opened and Rose saw Pepper standing outside, she wasted no time rushing out of the quinjet and into her mother’s open arms. Rose practically crashed into Pepper, almost knocking her over as she buried her face in Pepper’s shoulder, crying quietly about how she was so glad that she was alive. Pepper was shedding her own tears as she hugged Rose close, pressing a shaky kiss to her violet hair
Soon enough, everyone was off the quinjet and heading inside to the compound. Rose never left her mother’s side, too shaken up to be by herself. The rest of the group explained the situation to Pepper who had a horrified look on her face. The thing that was most prevalent in her mind was if Tony was ok. The last time she saw him was when he went off with that Dr. Strange. The last she heard from him was when she called him asking if he went on the ship to space, that was the last she ever heard from him
After everything was explained and the group talked for a bit, everyone went off to their separate rooms that were still in the compound to try and get some rest. But they all knew that rest was practically impossible. After the day’s events. Rose practically refused to sleep in her own room alone. The bed that she used to share with Wanda just felt too big and lonely. So late into the night, she walked around the halls until she found Tony’s room. Not much to her surprise, she found her Pepper curled up in the deep red sheets, quiet sobs leaving her
“Mom?” Rose called softly as she stepped into the room. Pepper jumped a little at Rose’s soft voice before slowly sitting up in bed. “Rosie, what are you doing up so late?” She asked her softly, reaching up and gently wiping away her own tears. Rose was quiet for a moment, suddenly feeling bad that she disturbed her mom. Wrapping her arms around herself, she looked down at the floor as tears filled in her eyes. Pepper immediately knew something was wrong and climbed out of bed, walking over to her daughter. Rose looked up as Pepper stood in front of her, giving her a look that was asking her to tell her what was wrong. With a shaky sigh, Rose finally told her
“C-Can I sleep with you tonight? My bed is just too big and lonely and I don’t want to be alone..” Rose asked in a soft voice, tears spilling down her cheeks. Pepper frowned sympathetically before pulling her into a comforting hug. “Of course you can hun.” She whispered as she pressed a motherly kiss to her temple before ushering her towards the bed. Rose slowly crawled into the bed while Pepper laid down beside her. Rose instinctively cuddled close to her mother, burying her face in her neck while Pepper hugged her close and rubbed her back to try and lull her to sleep. It took a while but eventually Rose drifted off to sleep, clinging to her mother all throughout the night. While Rose slept, Pepper whispered out a quiet prayer, hoping that if Tony was still out there that he would make it home safely
For the next few days, the team worked on trying to find Thanos’s location as well as checking the status of the world. A worldwide census was being conducted and it seemed that Thanos did exactly what he said he would do by wiping out half the population. Soon days turned into weeks with no sign of where Thanos could possibly be. Nothing much else happened until about 22 days after the snap
It was late at night and Rose couldn’t sleep. Thankfully, neither could Pepper. So the two of them stayed up with a few of the others, watching some shows in the lounge area to try and take their minds off things. But suddenly at one point, there was the sound of loud rumbling coming from outside. Everyone looked at each other in confusion before rushing outside to see what the commotion was. Once they were outside, they could all see a bright light in the sky, slowly getting closer to the ground. As it got closer, they soon realized that it was a person. A glowing woman with long blonde hair who was carrying a giant ship before gently settling it on the ground
After a few moments, the ship's doors opened and two people emerged down the ramp. Rose’s jaw practically dropped to the floor when she recognized one of the people. It was her father Tony. Everyone came rushing up to the ship as Tony walked off the ramp. Steve was the first to get to him, helping Tony keep himself up on his feet. Even from a distance, Rose could see how exhausted and sickly Tony looked. The next person to get to him was Aricka, of course she would be there in an instant, he was her adoptive brother after all. The next to come to him was Pepper. Rose watched as she broke down in tears, hugging her fiancé close
For some reason, Rose couldn’t move. She wanted to run to her dad and hug him tightly, sobbing about how she thought that he was dead, but nothing. It was like her feet were planted to the ground. She watched silently as everyone Tony ever cared for came up to him and hugged him. She didn’t think that this was real, she thought this had to be some kind of dream. But when he suddenly looked past the others towards her, her heart almost stopped. In that fleeting moment she knew that this was all real, her father was alive. And that realization only solidified further when Rose heard him call out to her
“Rose..” He called out, causing everyone around him to move away from him to allow Rose to come up to him. At that moment, she finally broke down for the first time in almost three weeks. With tears spilling from her eyes, Rose rushed over into Tony’s open arms and hugged him tightly. She let out loud sobs as she clung to her dad tightly, not being able to get a single word out because she was crying so hard. Tony just held her close, rubbing his hand up and down her back to try and comfort her. He was just so relieved to know that his family was alive. “It’s alright, munchkin. I’m ok. I’m alive.” He whispered before kissing her forehead lightly. After a few minutes, Rose eventually calmed down enough and they all headed inside
Once inside, Bruce looked Tony over considering how malnourished he was. He eventually hooked Tony up to an IV to try and get some fluids in him. Once Bruce was done looking him over, they all gathered in the lounge so that they could talk the situation over. As they filled Tony in on what was going on, they noticed that he wasn’t exactly all there to begin with. “We’ve been hunting Thanos for three weeks. Deep space scans, satellites, nothing. Tony, you fought him.” Steve said as he looked over at him. Tony only looked up at him with a questioning look in his eyes
“Who told you that? I didn’t fight him. He wiped my face with a planet while the bleecker street magician gave away the store.” He told Steve matter-of-factly before looking away from him. “I saw this coming a few years ago, didn’t want to believe it at first.” He said with a shake of his head. Steve let out a quiet sigh as he walked a little closer to Tony. “Tony, I need you to focus-“ He was gonna say more but Tony cut him off. “And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It’s too late buddy.” He told him with a shake of his head. Tony was quiet for a moment before clumsily standing up. “You know what I need? I need a shave and a burger. Not a bowl of soup.” He said as he pulled the IV out of his arm
At this point, Rose and Rhodey both stood in worry when Tony started to become more unstable. Rhodey rushed over to try and get him to sit back down. “And I said long ago that what we needed was a suit of armor around the world, whether it affected our precious freedoms or not.” Tony hissed as he glared daggers at Steve. It was obvious that he wasn’t over what happened back in the confrontation between him and Steve and Bucky. “But that didn’t work out, did it?” Steve said quietly as he looked back over at him. Tony only moved closer to Steve, but was stopped halfway by Rhodey. “I said we’d lose, you said we’d “do that together, too.” Guess what, Cap, we lost, and you weren’t there.” He spat at the man who seemed practically unfazed by him
“But that’s what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We’re the “Avengers”, not the “Pre-vengers-.” Tony said as he looked at Rhodey who was still trying to get him to sit down. “You made your point Tony, just sit down.” Rhodey told him before Tony quickly moved out of his grasp, walking up to Steve and getting in his face. “I’ve got nothing for ya, Cap. No coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero, zip, nada. No trust. Liar.” He hissed in his face. Suddenly, Tony reached up and ripped the nanobot holder off of his bare chest and put it in Steve’s hand. “Here. You take this. You find him, you put this on, and you hide.” He told him before suddenly stumbling back and falling to his knees
“Dad!” Rose called out in shock as she rushed to his side. “I’m fine. I just need to..” Tony didn’t get to finish his sentence before he suddenly fell unconscious, falling to the floor. Worry running through her veins, Rose quickly tried to pick her father up to carry him to the medical ward. Steve noticed her struggling and moved over, helping her pick him up and carry him to the medbay. Once there, Bruce quickly looked over Tony again before giving him a sedative so that he could rest for a while. Rose sat next to Tony’s bed alongside Pepper. She knew that her mother needed company now more than ever
After Bruce walked out of the room, Rose looked past her father and into the hall where Bruce, Steve, Nat, and that woman, who Rose learned her name to be Carol, were out standing together in the hall. They were planning something and a few days later, Rose found out just what. They had located the planet that Thanos was hiding out on and they were going to go there to kill Thanos and get the stones. Rose chose not to go with them, despite the fact that she wanted to get revenge on that horrible monster for taking Wanda away from her. But she knew that her mother wouldn’t be able to handle much more heartache if the mission somehow went wrong. So she stayed behind
On the day of the mission, Rose watched the ship take off into the sky from the medbay window. She hoped with all her heart that this mission would be successful and that they would bring everyone back. But she would only know the outcome when they get back. So in the meantime, Rose stayed in the medical ward with her mother and father and hoped for the best
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @capitaine-amour @magicalbunbun @journalofdeath
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rosieshipper · 3 years
Here’s the scene. Rose manages to slip away from the compound shortly after the events of civil war. She meets up with Steve and Natasha to help bust everyone out of prison. When she’s reunited with Wanda, Wanda is hesitant, wondering if she’ll ever be anything more then a monster in the public’s eyes. That’s when Rose tells her to leave her life as hero and just be kids for once. She tells her that she’s tired of being a hero and just wants to have a normal life with Wanda and live out the rest of their teenage years together. Cue them singing the song above which ends with them going on the run together
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @magicalbunbun @recordplayershipping @journalofdeath
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rosieshipper · 3 years
Baby’s first crush
Summary: Tony finds out that Rose has a crush on Wanda and like every dad, teases the hell out of her for it
A/N: Just a short funny little drabble about Tony being a dad and teasing Rose for having a crush! I also based this drabble off that one trend on tiktok with the song “Campus” by Vampire Weekend which I will link below!
It was early one Saturday morning. Rose had woken up around 9:30 and was changing into some training clothes to go train with her father, Tony, and Natasha. As she walked out of her bedroom, closing the door behind her, Rose froze when she heard a familiar voice. Looking over, she saw Wanda. A blush immediately creeped up on Rose’s cheeks when she saw her
“Oh hey Wanda! You’re up early.” Rose said with a sheepish smile as she straightened up a little. “Well tell by how you're dressed, you’re heading to training too?” Wanda mused with a smile of her own. “Oh yeah, just gonna do some basic sparring with Dad and Nat. I didn’t know you were training this morning too.” Rose hummed as she looked back over at Wanda, this time noticing what she was wearing. Wanda had on a red tank top and some comfortable black leggings, which she looked so so pretty in
“Well, it’ll be nice to have a training buddy with me this morning.” Wanda mused with a chuckle. “Yeah, it’ll be a lot of fun, can guarantee that!” Rose said with a chuckle herself. While she and Wanda chatted away, Rose noticed Tony turn the corner at one point. And when he saw her and Wanda chatting with Rose having a very obvious blush on her cheeks and a sheepish smile, Tony had only conclusion in his mind
Rose eventually made the mistake of making eye contact with Tony and saw the shit-eating grin on his face, which only made her blush deepen even more. Tony then looked between her and Wanda, flicking his gaze between the two back and forth. Eventually Tony just chuckled to himself before turning around and walking back around the corner and out of sight, causing Rose to let out a quiet sigh under her breath
“Well, I better get heading towards the training room, I’m sure Steve is waiting for me there. I’ll see you there, Rosie.” Wanda said with a smile and a wave before walking in the direction of the training room. Rose smiled fondly and waved back before she eventually disappeared from sight. Once Wanda was gone, Rose let out a quiet sigh and leaned against the wall, a hand covering her deep red face
“Well that went smoothly wouldn’t you agree?” Rose heard Tony’s chuckling voice as he came out from behind the corner and over to her. “You were no help.” Rose huffed as she moved her hands away from her face to look at her father. “My little baby girl has her very first crush, oh happy day.” Tony teased in an overjoyed tone, wrapping his arm around Rose’s shoulders and pulling her into a tight hug. “Daaad!” Rose huffed as her cheeks brightened in hue. “You know, I think Wanda likes you back. I’ve for sure heard her talking about you.” Tony mused as he looked down at his daughter with a grin
“She has?” Rose asked as she looked up at Tony with a hopeful look in her eyes. “What did she say?” She asked him incessantly. Tony merely chuckled and began walking towards the training room. “Sorry, kiddo, not saying a word.” He said with a grin as he walked off. Rose huffed and raced after him. “Well why not?” She asked as she caught up to him. “Listen kiddo, if you do good in training today, I’ll tell you what I’ve heard, deal?” Tony mused as he looked down at her. “Fine, deal. But if you tell Wanda about any of this I won’t talk to you for a week.” Rose threatened as they walked to the training room. Tony merely chuckled with a shake of his head, making a motion of zipping his lips shut. “My lips are sealed, kiddo”
Tags: @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @astralshipper @catangelalien-selfships @magicalbunbun
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rosieshipper · 4 years
So I’ve seen that there’s a take over going around so I figured I’d join in on it too
For the next week all my Marvel f/os will be participating in the takeover, I’ll list them down below
Wanda maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Bucky Barnes (also qualifies as older brother figure so he’ll be listed in familial as well)
Sam Wilson
Peter Parker
Tony Stark (Father)
Pepper Stark (Mother)
Morgan Stark (Little sister)
Bucky Barnes (Older brother figure)
Natasha Romanoff (Aunt)
Steve Rogers (Uncle)
Clint Barton (Uncle)
Thor (Uncle)
Bruce Banner (Uncle)
So feel free to ask any of my Marvel f/os a question! I’ll be reblogging asking games all throughout the week!
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @kittyselfships @nougatships
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