#Aricka and Loki
But you're so precious to me, Sweet as can be, baby of mine
(Mini-Science Siblings)
(De-aged science siblings, part of a series I’m working on. 16 year old Aricka sings a new song she learned for her newfound siblings.)
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(Top to bottom: Aricka, Tony, Bruce.)
“C’mon, Tony; Shh. It’s naptime, Buddy. I promise I’ll stay with you the whole time, but you gotta close your eyes for a little bit. Shh, shhh shh…” Aricka paced helplessly as she struggled to get the now-miniature version of her big brother to sleep for even fifteen minutes.
But, he associated sleep with being alone, thus he was fighting her tooth and nail to not sleep. “Tony…” she whispered, glancing at Bruce, who had a grip on the hem of her shirt, chewing his lower lip anxiously. Both of them had their memories of adulthood, but they mostly had a childlike mindset at the moment.
“Baby upset?” He asks. Aricka nods, rocking Tony side to side, one hand cradling his bottom and the other cradling his head to her shoulder.
“He doesn’t like being lonely; like you, huh Brucie?” She hums. He nods,
“Is scary,” he says.
“I know. But I think I have an idea, if you want me to try?” Bruce nods, wayward fingers sliding toward his lips.
“P’ease.” She nods and walks over to the “nest” of blankets the two slept together in. They had escaped capture two weeks ago, and had found this abandoned building far enough away from their captors that they could rest until they figured out a way to find help.
“Hey Tony; it’s okay baby, I know you’re so sleepy, but would you like a song to help you relax? Aricka’s gonna stay right here. Stevie and Jamie are on a supply run, Thor, Loki and Nattie are watching for them. Clinty Wanda and Pietro are getting ready for bed too; they’re helping baby Petey remember? It’s okay, honey. You’re not gonna ever be alone ever again. I won’t let that happen. Shh….”
She kept up a soothing litany as she sat down, cuddling the exhausted five year old as close as possible. “I learned a new song Brucie. Before we got taken. Would you like to be one of the first to hear it?” Bruce nods; the same curious light he had as an adult ever present in six year old eyes.
“You both know you’re my babies, right?” Bruce nods, having just accepted that Aricka was gonna be there for a long, long time. Even after they became adults again.
Tony merely snuggled closer to Aricka’s warmth, “mhm,” but didn’t say so much as a single word.
“Aricka loves you both so, so much. I’m so lucky to be your big sister, and your little sister when we’re adults.” She ran a hand through messy sandy-brown hair, then through chocolate-caramel curls. “This song is for both of you. To keep. Okay? Even when we’re big. I’m gonna be there to sing our song whenever you need to hear it.”
Bruce nods, fingers dropping from his face to link both hands around Aricka’s arm. He was getting more confident in reaching out for the gentle touches, hugs and kisses Aricka readily offered. She smiles and presses a kiss to both his and Tony’s foreheads. “My good boys,” she whispers. “So sweet. I love you both so much.” With that; she settles back and clears her throat, before softly beginning to sing, and if the gasp that escaped Bruce was anything to go by: the boy recognized the song and what she was trying to convey.
“Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes…” she wipes at Tony’s face, cupping the tiny chin between her thumb and index finger.
“Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine, hmm…” she lifts her arm and drapes it carefully, gently, around Bruce’s shoulders.
“Little one, when you play
Don't you mind what they say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine…” her hand moves to carefully brush through Bruce’s curly hair, and the boy leaned against her, looking up at her like she was the most amazing person to ever exist.
She felt the same way about the two boys in her arms.
“If they knew sweet little you…” here she tipped Tony’s chin up so she could look him in the eye; and send this message home.
“They'd end up loving you too…” those expressive chocolate colored eyes widened and more tears form as she promised him,
“All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for the right to hold you…”
If people had just looked at Tony and Bruce and saw them for the wonders they were, purely for how good they were, and how they kept waking up to live another day even though they’d gone through so much pain, then maybe more people would love them as much as Aricka did.
“From your head down to your toes…” here she taps Tony’s nose, and Bruce’s little shoes, making twin giggles escape both boys, a sound that was as precious as music to Aricka’s ears.
“You're not much, goodness knows…” She taps Bruce’s shoulder and sings the next part to him,
“But you're so precious to me
Sweet as can be, baby of mine
Hmm-mm…” he smiles at her, a genuine Brucie smile, a shy, sweet one that said more than he could possibly express with words.
“If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for the right to hold you…” Tony curled up in her arms, thumb in his mouth, one arm wrapped around her neck, head resting on her chest. Bruce still had his arms around one of Aricka’s, but his eyes were closed, breathing beginning to slow.
“From your head down to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Sweet as can be, baby of mine
Baby of mine
Baby of mine…” by the time Aricka finished repeating the last verse, Tony was fast asleep, fingers curled in the collar of her shirt, mouth open slightly, allowing the tiniest of snores to escape the toddler. Bruce was asleep too, leaning completely against Aricka, who hadn’t stopped her careful, loving ministrations of brushing her fingers through his hair.
“That was beautiful.” She startled completely at the sound of someone speaking.
Blue eyes look up to see a matching pair looking down at her. Blue eyes that reminded her of home. “Stevie.” She says. “They just fell asleep. I promised I wouldn’t leave them.”
“I know you would.” He hands her a purple blanket. “Grabbed this for you. Used Tony’s card like you suggested to. It should get ahold of someone we trust. Like Phil or Pepper.”
Aricka nods. “Don’t use it again for a while, in case our captors look for us. Only for emergencies.” He nods.
“How’s it feel?” He asked. “Being the big sibling.”
Aricka smiles shyly, “I’m so thankful that I had you as an example of what a big sibling should act like. You always looked out for me, but you never controlled me. You let me learn the hard way sometimes, but you never guilt tripped me for anything.”
If Tony and Bruce thought Aricka hung the moon in the sky, then Aricka thought Stevie hung the dang sun in the sky. Her whole world used to revolve around her big brother, she wouldn’t even wiggle without his express permission at one point. She was a bit older now and a tad more independent, but she would always need her Steve. Always.
Jamie, followed by Thor, Loki, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, and Pietro holding the littlest of their family, little Peter, filtered into the bed area of their hideout. They all settled around Aricka, Steve and the two little boys in Aricka’s arms. Peter ended up crawling over to steal some of Aricka’s warmth as well, the four year old smiling sleepily up at her as she opened her arm to him, letting him crawl up right beside Tony, who didn’t so much as twitch during the entire exchange.
Jamie kissed her cheek, and Aricka outright blushed at that, smiling sweetly at her boyfriend. He smiled just as shyly back, before he settled down beside her, Bruce loosely cuddled between them.
Presently, every single one of them began to drift off to sleep, Aricka noting that Thor had decided to take the first watch, him smiling reassuringly at her. She smiles back, no words needed between them.
That was the last thing she remembered before she let her eyes slip shut, and sleep claimed her until she was needed to take the watch.
For now, however, her family was all she needed.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @tsundere-selfship @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship
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astralshipper · 5 years
Heeeyyyyyy ...... So. Gotta story for you. I ran into a cute little guy named Lonnie. He had a little smile on his face, and he seemed really distracted. BUT! He did stop to tell me he was on his way to see you. He had a bag of candy and a big fuzzy blanket. He said that he wanted to ask you if you were up for a movie marathon? Sounds like a lot of fun! You two are the cutest!!!!!! Have fun!
oh my gosh!!! thank you so much for letting me know!!! he’s such a cutie... I’m totally up for a movie marathon, eeeeee I can’t wait!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! 💞💕💞💕
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rosieshipper · 3 years
Would you and Wanda wanna join me and Loki and Mobius on a double date sometime?
We could go watch a movie and eat pizza afterwards
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Rose: Wanda! We’re going on a double date with Aricka, Mobius, and Loki!
Wanda: *grabs her car keys* Sweet! I’ll buy us all some boba and sneak in the candy into the movie theater
Rose: It’s a date then! We’d love to go on a double date with you guys!!
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Hi- it’s @aricka-and-her-fictional-others !! For the moodboard ask-
(TW knives)
Loki and Mobius, black and silver, maybe a dagger and clocks cause of the TVA? I really need it after the finale 🥺
@aricka-and-her-fictional-others hope you like it!
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asphalt-cocktail · 5 years
Hi! Could I have a Marvel ship? My name is Aricka. I'm 5"4", brown hair, blue eyes. I love to read, act, sing, dance, and sketch! I'm very affectionate and cuddly, and love learning new things! I also love to explore new places and cultures!
Hello my dear! Sorry this took so long for me to answer, anyways! I hope you enjoy it!
I ship you with!
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Our local Art Nerd! As we all know, Loki has a penchant for most things involving in the art. The two of you frequently attend dates to various shows and performances that span through out the galaxy. Ever since *ahem* acquiring the tesseract the exploration of of the galaxy seems to be endless and enjoyable. It is also no secret that Loki requires a lot of attention, so he absolutely loves the affection and cuddles you give him on the regular. He is definitly a secret soft boy and loves being the little spoon and having you run your fingers through his hair while the two of you discuss the Skrull ballet you recently attended.
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MCU Musical Fancast
Grease (1978)
Danny Zuko: Bucky Barnes
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Sandy Olsson: Aricka Rogers
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Kenickie: Steve Rogers
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Doody: Tony Stark
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Sonny: Bruce Banner
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Putzie: Thor
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Pink Ladies:
Betty Rizzo: Darcy Lewis
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Frenchy Facciano: Pepper
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Jan: Jane
Marty Maraschino: Natasha Romanov
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Eugene Felsnic: Peter Parker
Patty Simcox: Wanda
Thomas "Tom" Chisum: Clint Barton
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Leo "Crater-Face" Balmudo: Zemo
Charlene "Cha-Cha" DiGregorio: Maria Hill
School staff:
Principal McGee: Peggy Carter
Blanche Hodel: Sharon Carter
Coach Vince Calhoun: Nick Fury
Mrs. Murdock: Laura Cardellini
Mr. Lynch: Phil Coulson
Mr. Rudie: Logan Howlett
Nurse Wilkins: Susan Storm
Vi: Dori @yeehawselfshipping
Teen angel: Loki
Vince Fontaine: Johnny Storm
Johnny Casino & The Gamblers: Sam; Rhodey; Scott, and the GOTG
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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astralshipper · 5 years
Astra!!! Sam just told me he's coming to cuddle you....he was just busy with research earlier. And I saw him getting your favorite candy. So you may get your wish sooner than you thought!!! Have fun friend!
oh my gosh really??? aaaa that sounds so so perfect omfg!! i love him so so much, i can’t wait... thank you so so much for letting me know!!! 🥺🥺🥰🥰
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astralshipper · 5 years
Hey Astra. It's Sam. I heard that you're having family troubles? Don't worry. I'm on my way there right now with your favorite food, drinks, a fuzzy blanket, and your favorite movies. I'm coming. Hang in there angel. I love you. - Sam (Aricka)
sam! hey! that sounds... really really good right about now. in fact, it sounds pretty perfect. thank you so much, sunflower. i love you so much.
(thank you aricka, this was so sweet of you to send. this made me smile :) )
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rosieshipper · 3 years
Kind of a dumb au for evil Rose
I’ve been thinking about an au for evil Rose and this is what I have so far, it’s not a really good idea but an idea nonetheless
In this au, Tony never came to save her so she spent many more years in Hydra’s clutches. Soon enough by the time she was 16, she had become very powerful and Hydra sought to use her as a great weapon
But what they didn’t know was that she was actually planning to overthrow them. So one day she snuck into the room that Loki’s scepter was being held and stole the mind stone. Given the fact that she had been exposed to the stone so much, it doesn’t impact her as much anymore. In fact, it only makes her more powerful
With the mind stone in her clutches, she used it to slaughter everyone in the hydra facility that she was kept at. With her captors dead, she went to the last two survivors of Hydra’s experiments, Wanda and Pietro, and freed them
After freeing them, Rose persuaded them to join her in her mission to destroy every last member of Hydra alive. They agreed and joined her in her mission. Over the years, Rose’s group began to expand. Whispers of a group of enhanced humans sweeping across the lands destroying groups of corruption were spread about
People began to search out the group and ask to join them, and when Rose accepted, she would use the mind stone on new members to make them enhanced as well. Eventually, Rose’s desire to destroy any and all corrupt groups of power spread to her desire to destroy the avengers, believing they were the most corrupt of all
And there, that’s it, that’s my evil Rose au! Whoop dee do!
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @gambits-catboyhusband @magicalbunbun @journalofdeath
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rosieshipper · 4 years
Switch au
Summary: Everything is the same but you and your f/o have switched roles
Wanda and Pietro were found first by Tony and taken back to the avengers tower where he raised them himself
Tony trains them so they have control over their powers
Wanda has a more positive outlook on life and is more happy go lucky
Now for Rose, things for her are so different
Considering that she was kept with Hydra for much longer, she has a lot more scars, both physically and mentally
When the avengers stormed the hydra base for Loki’s scepter, she was able to escape
Outside of the base, she ran into Wanda who she immediately attacked
While they were fighting, Wanda couldn’t help but notice that she was just so pretty looking
Eventually Wanda had to retreat with the rest of the avengers and her brother
The entire ride back, she couldn’t stop thinking about Rose
Meanwhile, Rose was confronted by Ultron in Sokovia. He wanted her to work with him because of her ability to shapeshift into other people and manipulate people
During the fight in Korea, Wanda was able to use her powers to get into Rose’s head and tell her that Ultron did not have any good intentions and that he was planning on destroying the earth
That was enough to convince her to leave Ultron and join the other side
Wanda was in charge of looking after her when they brought her back to the avengers tower
During that time, the two of them grew close and Wanda was the first person Rose trusted
During the battle in Sokovia, Rose was the one helping Clint save a kid when Ultron was about to fire at them
At the very last second, Wanda stopped the bullets before they could hit them, saving Rose’s life
In civil war, Rose was the one who caused the explosion at the beginning, causing her to feel extreme guilt
After that day she saw herself as nothing more then an awful monster
Wanda on the other hand saw otherwise
Since she was the one that was looking after her, she saw her as beautiful and an amazing person
During the battle in Germany, Rose sided with Cap while Wanda and Pietro stuck with Tony
After the fight, Rose was taken into custody along with the others, this broke Wanda
After Rose was broken out, she went into hiding in Edinburg, Scotland. Only disclosing her location to one person, Wanda
Wanda immediately went and found her, living with her
In infinity war, Rose was the one who was dusted away in Wanda’s arms
Her last words to her were “I love you..”
Hellbent on revenge, Wanda went with the team to find Thanos while Pietro stayed with Tony and Pepper
Wanda was distraught when she found out that infinity stones were gone
After that, she moved in with Tony and Pepper with her brother, helping them raise their new little sister Morgan
Wanda was immediate to jump on the project of getting everyone back
During the big fight against Thanos, Rose was the one to face off against Thanos, delivering the famous “You took everything from me” line
At one point she was finding herself becoming overpowered by him
Before he could have the chance to hurt her, Wanda jumped in and immediately attacked him
The two of them faced him together as the ultimate team
Any is free to use this au for u and your f/os!!
Tags: @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @astralshipper @kittyselfships @nougatships
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rosieshipper · 4 years
A brief synopsis of Rose’s backstory
Rose was born in Sokovia and was an only child
Her mother was killed during the bombings when she was crushed underneath their apartment building
Her father took up a job with Hydra in exchange for Rose to be used in their experiments
Rose was one of their first experiments
Rose was only six when they started testing on her with Loki’s scepter
The tests they preformed on her caused not only mental changes but physical as well
The tests turned her black hair purple and her once brown eyes purple as well
Her teeth slowly turned into sharp fangs
And eventually her powers came in
She had the power to shapeshift into any living creature or person
But she could not shape shift into them if the creature was extinct or the human was dead
Rose went through many years of tests and procedures
Until just after she turned ten, the hydra facility was attacked by the avengers
They had the intention of finding Loki’s scepter but some of the hydra people managed to get away with the scepter
Tony was looking through the cells to try and find any survivors
When he was about to lose hope, he found Rose still barely alive
He took her back to avengers tower and fixed her up
She was in a coma for a few days before finally waking up
Rose was fearful of everything around her, not understanding where she was or who these people were
But for some reason she found herself drawn to Tony
She would follow him wherever he went and watch whatever he was doing
She trusted him the most out of the others
Eventually the formed a father-daughter bond which soon lead to Tony practically adopting her as his own
Eventually, Rose started warming up to the others and saw them as her huge family, much better than the previous family she had
Tony eventually helped her learn to control her powers and use them for combat and defense
After a lot of training, Rose eventually took the superhero name “The Violet Beast” and was officially part of the avengers team
Tags: @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @astralshipper @nougatships
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astralshipper · 4 years
Ooh.... You had a dream about Sammy? I had an f/o dream too! About Loki! We were having a snowball fight.
yeah!!! :DDD thats great aricka! i’m so so glad loki came to see you, that sounds like a ton of fun. though, i gotta say, having... a snowball fight.... with a jotun? loki, that sounds incredibly unfair. for some reason ive got this strange suspicion that he’s got an upper hand.
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astralshipper · 5 years
💗 with Loki, Lonnie, and Sammy?
aaaa thank u aricka!!! :DD
💗 how do you two like to cuddle?:
Sam: answered here!
Loki: oh gosh it really depends!! usually it’s classic, big spoon little spoon, and who is little spoon depends on who feels more vulnerable. loki never asks to be little spoon, but when he lays down and just lays facing away from me, it’s pretty clear, and he relaxes as soon as i curl up to him. usually it’s me a small spoon tho!!
Lonnie: okay either the whole “sweetheart cradle” thing where he lays on his back and I curl up on my side and lay on his arm and inevitably make his arm go numb like an asshole!! other times tho, he gets rlly clingy and it kinda reverses? except instead of laying his head on my shoulder, he basically nuzzles his nose into either my cheek or my neck and hugs me close to him.
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