#Anti Raylo
anoaktrea · 11 months
I just remembered group chats were a thing on Tumblr for a bit at some point
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bubblesandpages · 4 months
I'm still not entirely unconvinced that a lot of Raylo drama wasn't just trolls and I say this knowing someone who during peak SWST relevance would go online and impersonate different people to start fake anti/pro-ship fights then sit back and watch the ensuing flame war they'd started. No I can't get them out of my life.
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trishvaylar · 4 years
OK, I understand what ship wars are like in any fandom. They always begin with "I understand that this is fiction, but I hate this ship because in real life that would be toxic relationship".
I have been privy to such wars far more then once. I was on both sides of the conflict (in SW o one side, against a ship, and in the Blacklist on the other, pro-ship, but that is neither here nor there, of no importants) and I know how ugly that could get. And how far this "I would never accept this irl" could actually get.
And those who say "I understand it is all fiction", do get offended anyway by the ship they disapprove of.
The only way out I see is to find grounds to be friendly and kind as opposed to being offensive/offended, but takes a lot of effort and honest willingness.
But this is not what this post is about. The more "civilized" we get, the more limitations in communication we create for each other. There are men and women of all kinds in the world, but the survival of our species depends on the attraction of one to another, a man to a woman, a woman to a man. The moment that stops, our species is doomed.
But right now there is a movement called feminism. Inicially it had to do with women's rights - job opportunities, equal salaries, respect, comfortable working conditions for pregnant, breastfeeding women, or those who are having period. All the right things. Respect, position, status.
Now? Now this feminism puts any kind of flirting or sex talk between males and females into the category "sexual harassment". Anything now could be deemed sexual harassment. Talking of sex? Offensive. Looking at a woman appreciatively? Criminal. Kissing a woman with consent in public? Almost like public rape. But they go further: holding a door for a woman, letting her have your seat in the bus or train, giving her a hand to cross a steap slope? The woman could claim you gender-harassed her.
HOW in the world are we going to keep surving if soon dick-owing people will be mortally afraid to approach or even look at pussy-owing people?
Think me rude if you will, but normal sexual attraction is what guaranties our future, because a single woman or a single man biologically do not procreate alone.
I always mention my favourite Boston Legal as an example of what it means to be a man, sexually attracted to women, and what it means to overstep the boundary between flirting (yes, a means to an end) and sexual harassment. A Man (spiritually) is drawn to a Woman (again, spiritually). It is an irony, if their genders are not what their Spirits are, but that happens and can not be denied.
Only the attraction never errs, it is always a spiritual Man attracted to a Woman. It has an underying desire to have sex, to unite and procreate. Then, if the match is ideal, they would be perfect Parents, even if they refer to an adoption due to biology failing them. The Family starts with a match of a Man and a Woman.
But if Men and Women are forbidden to flirt, to dirty talk, to show sexual interest (neither of those could be considered harassent if there two overage people involved and both are willing), then as specias we are doomed, but not only as specias, as sentient beings.
Now we are back to what we began with: ship wars. Those are directly connected to this consept of love/sexuality/competability, and what we perceive as harassment, and what we do not.
I shall give just two examples of the above, those where I was directly involved.
So, one is the popular Star Wars ship I am adamantly opposed to: Raylo.
And two, the Blacklist ship I support and love: Keen2.
I shall state my reasons (personal, of cause) for detesting one and loving the other.
1. Why I hate Raylo - it is abusive at its core, extreamly so. Not because it is heterosexual, but because it is abusive, period. Explaining, why I consider it abusive, in detail, would take hours, so I will just limit it to two reason: a) Kylo Ren abuses a girl 10 years his junior phisically; he beats her, tortures her, manipulates her, kills or maims people she cares about; and b) he abuses her emotionally, manipulates, lies, gives her faulse hope, uses her naivite to gain what he wants, seduces her, using her inexpirience, not physically, emotionally. He plays on the split she believes in, but which really is non-existant.
Yes, Raylo is now considered canon (although Ren dies twice, as Ren and Solo - well, those are SW), despite the fact Kylo/Ben dies and Ray goes on with her life and friends, naming herself Skywalker, not Solo😁.
Now we go to Keen2. It is a tragic love story of a man being a deep cover operative with mysteries in his past, of which he learns much later in life, and a woman, who is an FBI profiler and a daughter of a Russian master spy and an American naval officer. They met because the woman's Mother hired him to watch over the girl' safety. She falls for him, he falls for her, which was not in the job description; he marries her and switches his allegience from his primiry employer to that employer's enemy, so as to be able to build his Family life with the girl. After a lot of turmoil and a tonn of shit they lived through together, they have a baby together, they remarry, they are happy, loving Family until he is killed over a secret, which shadowns the woman's past.
So, why do people think she was being abused, harassed, emotionally manipulated? Because, to put it shortly, she fell in love with a fiction and until the end she kept loving fiction, who abused her, lied her into having sex (albeit concensual), and never changed his vily ways.
So, why I do not think that those people are right? Yes, I am pro Tom Keen, seeing him as a tragic protagonist, and I am pro Keen 2. First and foremost because Tom Keen/Jacob Phelps/Christopher Hargrave was in love with Elizabeth, right from the beginning. Yes, he was hired, but that does nothing to annulate the mutual love for each other that existed between them. For me this is simple sercumstance, a plot devise, as it usually happens in fiction. Their love for each other is established during the span of 4,5 seasons, and is as true, as love in fiction happens to be true. Why so many people dislike Tom? Well, probably they never got over what they believed was an antagonistic role in the first season. Yes, Tom was responsible for many tragedies happening to other people, but this is the style of the show, because so are Liz, Red, and practically every other lead character on the show. The Blacklist is a crime drama, take it or leave it. And Keen2 is not toxic or abusive no matter which way we look, as on fiction or as on real life.
And here we are back again to a spiritual Man and a spiritual Woman and their compatibility. They are called soulmates. Raylo is nowhere near soulmates. Keen2 is a story of two soulmates coming together, albeit their peaceful time together did not last long. It is a tragic story, nevertheless a story of LOVE. Love is diverse and complex, and is far from the same for over 8 billion of homo sapiens on Earth.
So every ship war is just that - our own notions of Love. What's the use of arguing, if the individual consepts of Love are varied. What is important is not to take those wars too far. Where? Into the realm of reality.
#all about ship wars #and the consept of Man and Woman #soulmates #Love #In fiction and irl
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zambomarti · 4 years
Good morning.
I’m Star Wars fan and GoT fan and I’m a clown
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(maybe I should specify: I HATE Reylo and the only good thing about this film is the end of Kylo Ren)
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luna-drinker · 4 years
Not to be a hater but...I don't get reylo. Like wheres the "chemistry" I keep hearing about? Where?
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I swear to christ did I just had to read a R*ylo shipper saying that abuse victims are most likely abusers over a SHIP FIGHT????? Do y’all even hear yourselves????? This whole website is damned. I keep screaming but God just wont listen...
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apex-knight · 6 years
Damn like... anti shippers really freak me out. It doesn't even have to be a ship I'm into ..like you just be hanging out on their blog, enjoying it so far, and then:
And then you are just like... :\ This person needs therapy.
I personally run for the hills when I see these kinds of people behaving this way over fiction. If they can't distinguish the difference between fiction and reality that's usually a red flag they aren't entirely there if you know what I mean. I stay away from crazy.
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motor-duck · 6 years
You get really awful messages. I'm really sorry you have to read such terrible messages in your inbox. I can't believe that Star Wars, a series about hope and friendship, can make people so aggressive about fictional ships. It's a disgrace to this amazing fandom. I hope you have a nice day, and don't let any antis get you down. :)
I don’t care. I learned hard way that there are some stupid people on the Internet. If they will meet me… they would be afraid to even say hi to me. We should just don’t care about assholes like it. People who just want to hurt us for liking ship or what we’re doing.
Star Wars is about hope and forgiveness but some people went to this fandom only for hate. They forget that it’s just fiction and for them Finn and Rey…exist. They are just puppets in the show.
I’m just afraid of people who never had hate messages and are sad and hurt because of it. I’m laughing because of anon like this in 5 minutes, but there are more terrible anons sent to people who will cry all day because of it. Like massages to a rape victim that they should be rape again. It’s truly disgusting.
I just want to see IX and see what will become canon. I want and believe in reylo, but if in some miraculous way finnrey will be canon… I won’t stop watching SW.
Thank you for message and have a nice day
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lilith19822 · 6 years
“ I mean holy shit, you guys, redemption arcs are reserved for people who didn’t massacre innocent people and kill their freaking dad. “
Sorry Janice, you ceep using that word, i dont think it means what you think it does.
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vexedpuff · 6 years
So I’ve been dodging spoilers for star war like a boss, right?
I’m scrolling down my dash, minding my own business. And out of no wear I see someone say reylo is cannon.
It better not be, please tell me this a lie. I can’t start the new year like this. Please send help.
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just-antithings · 2 years
Why can't anties understand that Raylo isn't incestuous. Their not related. But then the to and search for the next best thing to target shoppers for. The fact it's going to be a problematic ship. Abusive. They wont stop till everyone's fun is depleted.
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doesthendnlive · 3 years
Hi I'm really sorry for my ignorance but if you haven't already can you explain the anti native racism of Lindsay elles i know she has a lot of racist problems ie the raylo Harriet tubman tweet. But honestly i just dont know whats going on. I know twilight is super bad with its eraser of native culture and like fake lore and everything but i just don't know who it connects. Again sorry for my ignorance. I really like your blog and hope you have a great day!
Search this blog for your answer. It's not like I've been subtle with my disdain.
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trishvaylar · 4 years
You know why I don't give a rat's fart about any fandom members thinking that what I believe in is rediculous (I chose this word deliberately, because it reflects their attitude the best)? Because if someone needs to be accepted and understood and supported by everyone in the world/fandom/society/country/city etc, they would have to wait a thousand years and still not get it!
It is a great luck if you can get a few people to share in your hobby/creativity/theory etc; it is a great gift if your creativity gets a response, either you are a world reknown author/playwite/artist etc or a fic writer with a group of readers or admirers on social media. You are even in more luck if you have people, just a few, who share in your beliefs.
So yes, I am fine with being ridiculed by the raylo Star Wars part of the fandom for being a Kyluxer, for I have other Kyluxers to talk to, and I appreciate my friends, and have nothing to say to those who make fun at my expanse, at the expanse of what I love. Again, because I already have people to talk to who understand me.
Of cause that does not mean I like being redeculed, I mean, who does?!? 😁But I don't really mind, I simply continue talking to likeminded people and remember that you can not be liked by everybody.
So, right now, when people in the blacklist fandom ridicule Rederina, I am almost OK with that, for I understand, being 40, that people could like one thing, but differ on the details (ships, theories, favourite characters etc).
What I don't appreciate and would NOT tolerate is this: when ridiculing Rederina (as an example) becomes ridiculing Rederinaists! When from a simple fandom differenciation it becomes war on personal field. An example? Please: "Those who still believe Rederina are as stupid as f*ck". THAT is what I do not appreciate and would never tolerate! Because that is a stright up insult, which is completely unwarranted and should not be part of any fandom! We at least should respect each other no matter what we believe in, for each person's reason for so doing is very personal and individual! Hurting other people's feelings because you disagree with a theory or dislike their ship? That is paramount to any other discrimination - how dare you be Jewish, Black, White, Female, Male, Young, Old, Russian, American, Fat, Thin, etc (you get my meaning). And that is a crime! So a discrimination in a fandom is the same. One thing you ridicule a theory, character, ship (which is not very good in itself, but that is a moot point anyway), and another if you ridicule A PERSON! We are free to love, believe, care about anything we want, and no one has the right to insult us for it!
It is one thing I dislike a ship, and another when I slight the shippers! Yes, sometimes I do think it strange that people manage to see lust where I do not see even a single sign of it, but I would never dream of slighting them for it! And by the way, respect for other people's feelings is a good bonus, allbeit soooo rare, unfortunately.
So, OK, I do not aspire for Rederina to be universally accepted, but I would like antis to show some personal decency, and, when they ridicule the theory, refrain from insulting the real people, whose feelings may be genuinely hurt! You may find our theory whatever you want, but you know nothing about us, so please, leave your judgement call for another situation. Or, better still, never laugh at people's feelings unless you are absolutely ready to be laughed at yourselves (and most people are not only not ready, but are on the contrary very touchy about it, like the killer clings to their life, even so they are taking lives...you get the idea, reflective psychology).
So, if you redicule my theory, I may be tolerant. But ridicule me or like-minded people I am friends with, I shall not be tolerant or even civil, for I believe in "what you give, you get back". No more, no less!
#Star Wars #Kylux #The Blacklist #Rederina #My ship #My theory #To all antis out there #There is a line #Between theory and person #Do not cross that line #We all should be civil #I accept difference of opinions #I do not respect personal insults #For things that are part of any fandom #Cross that line and I won't be civil
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awesome-bamon · 4 years
Reylos be like: “All of these Antis being fake woke by talking about how Finn is mistreated as a black character or how John Boyega faces racist harassment for being a black actor in this industry.  They just need to be quiet and settle for the writing that our god Rian Johnson gave to Finn.  And need to step being woke and playing the race card when it comes to what John Boyega faces as a black actor.  Because he doesn’t face any racism really, it’s just his fans trying to be “fake woke” all of the time.” 
Also Raylos: “How about everyone be more woke about the topic when it comes to the serious issues of  cyber bullying and harassment.  Because that he what the Reylo fandom faces on the daily.  Everyone tries to oppress Reylos, just because they believe our ship is toxic and abusive.  And it’s a unfair travesty of how the Reylo fandom is treated.  Look at how we’re treated and wake up to the facts of how wrong bullying and harassing is.  Let’s hope that everyone has a real woke moment here and realize that harassment and bullying isn’t cool at all.  And also get into more woke discussions about how abuse victim Kylo deserves to be redeemed.” 
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zenzilihasmoved · 4 years
sar wors raylos are like ah... ah.. this .... this guy donest like my nast y ship.. ah... ah... time to be anti black...
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