dipolardruid · 1 year
I got another request already🕴️
How would the yanderes react to reader saying “Oh, I thought we were dating? 🤔” Like out of no where maybe if the yanderes were introducing reader as a friend or saying they were just friends to someone
-🌊 anon
TW: None
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You just gave her the strongest case of whiplash due to how fast she turns her head towards you her eyes wide open and mouth agape.
She looks over to her father before quickly looking back at you and back at him, she realizes he seems to stare at you intensely, This causes her face to turn a deep shade of red so much so that she begins to cover her face with her right hand. Her father realizes Anell's reaction towards what you said with confusion causing him to start speaking
"Yes! Yes we are! I simply misunderstood that's all, that's a mistake on my part how about we all go out you're here until tomorrow correct?" She says practically shaking in anticipation.
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She stares at you with a huge smile her eyes glowing her cheeks showing red tints on them as she flaps her hands in excitement grabbing your arm yanking you closer to her before pressing her chest tightly against your upperarm.
"Forget what I said we're dating!" Tina says with a satisfied smile as her parents look at both of you completely confused.
"What about paul?" Her father says taking a step forward almost in disbelief "Him too." Tina says without hesitation even as her father looks at her as if she's got two heads, you look behind him seeing her mother not looking fazed in the slightest besides the side smile she gives you before she walks up to tina's father patting his back in an attempt to calm him.
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You feel the back your collar get yanked to the left as he wraps his right arm around you tightly "I was just kidding, we're dating!" He quickly begins to force both of you out of the big circle of people surrounding you both asking about Tina "she's alright with it!" Paul responds to all at once.
"Wa-" before you can get a word in he already has you being dragged down the hallway despite protest from teachers "hopefully you can jump fences we're going on our first date!" You'll end up with some cuts and scrapes along the way but atleast you had a good date and a lot more things that are taller than you if you pile them up.
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She goes deathly still and quiet as you say this infront of a class full of other student presidents and teachers before anyone can comment on what you said she is able to quickly move the subject back to what was being discussed without much issue besides a few glances being locked onto you.
She will only show some semblance of emotion after you both are alone which you'll be able to tell by her shaking shoulders and red ears "Was that some joke?" You look at her feeling unease due to her tone "No I actually did think we were dating, I shouldn't have just blurted it out sorry."
You step back as she takes one big step towards you "Don't be its fine even though I would've prefered to have heard that in a more desirable place I'm still happy." Her face is now completely red as a way to hide it from you she puts her face against your shoulder.
"Let's just stay like this for now."
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If you said this infront of anybody he'd just side smile and not "correct" you, he'd be super vague to the person interested in knowing more but there is one more thing.
He already knew and simply played the friend role maybe as an act of revenge or simply because he wanted some entertainment but when you finally reveal your thoughts to him he'll feign ignorance "Really? You thought we were something? I'll have to think on that one." He'll look at your face to see your reaction but smirk at you.
"Just a tease no need to for the face, come on we have a busy day ahead of us." Jake just for the day won't be such a pain in the ass and will actually be quite accommodating and sincere with you, you'll also see him smiling more and even initiate physical affection bound to your limits of course.
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fauxpapillons · 1 year
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And now's to another addition! This time @inkdasquimp  commissioned me Oolin.... daydreaming something?  Anell is absolutely going to dynamo roll him tbh SDFKÑDSFKDFD Thank you for your support!! It means the world to me! 
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negreabsolut · 1 year
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Anell d'or minoic amb un relleu que mostra una deessa sedent que agafa una copa i és acompanyada d'una corrua de genis minoics amb gerres. Trobat en un context micènic, a Tirint (s. XV aC, Bronze Tardà), però d'origen minoic. Referència: Museu Arqueològic Nacional d'Atenes, N 6208.
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untitledstreetsblog · 2 years
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esmeu · 11 months
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rl3000 · 8 months
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geniousbh · 18 days
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ancaxbre · 3 months
Am dat cumva de Ana cu cea mai de cacat viata din toata literatura romaneasca? Nu-s sigura, dar ma cam obsedeaza viata fetei astea. Si, da, stiu ca amestec doua variante destul de diferite a unei balade pentru toata povestea, ceea ce poate n-ar trebui facut, dar sunt pe prea mult paracetamol ca sa-mi mai pese. So...
Fata de imparat frumoasa ca o stea, floarea florilor etc etc, isi traieste viata linistita pe langa ma-sa cand se trezeste unu' sa se indragosteasca de ea. Cine putea sa fie decat cel mai voinic dintre voinici, brat de buzdugan etc, etc, Iovan Iorgovan fecior de....acelasi imparat. Fata normal ca-l trimite la plimbat de ursi, dar afla parintii si ii blesteama pe amandoi pentru incest. De ce pe amandoi? Ca sa se mire cititorii. Fata nu mai poate cu drama asa ca fuge de acasa si traiese in pustiu ca o fata salbatica. Isi gaseste la un moment dat niste prietene cu care se intelege de parca ar fi surori si zburda impreuna prin paduri, dar alea de dovedesc a fi fake friends ca o lasa intr-o zi de izbeliste in mijlocul padurii cand ea dormea si nu mai stie saraca cum sa iasa din padure. Dar totul e OK e un cuc pe aproape si in n mii de balade cucul e defapt un Fat-Frumos care te scoate la civilizatie daca ii promiti sa te mariti cu el. Amamdoua problemele ei s-ar rezolva cu aceeasi pasare, daca ar avea si ea putina bafta, dar cucul ei e doar pasare si n-are chef nici s-o ajute, nici de insuratoare. Apoi un balaur vrea s-o inghita ca n-o avut fata destule pe cap pana acum. O aude un voinic strigand si vine si omoara balaurul. Is fate finally giving her a break? Nu. voinicul ala e frate-su, Iovan Iorgovan, si inca vrea sa se insoare cu ea. Ca cica 'scumpi, nu mai pe tine te vreau ca esti ca Ileana Simziana si nu se mai gaseste nicaieri in lume alta ca tine' si bla bla si bla bla. Fata normal ca-l refuza iar, si incearca sa-i explice 'mai omu' lu' Dumnezeu, suntem pe valea Cernei nu a Nilului si nu merge cu incest pe aicea.' dar nu se prinde nimic de el. Iovan o leaga si o suie pe cal si nu-i mai ramane fetei nimic de facut decat sa incheie povestea aruncandu-se in Cerna. Dupa ce se ineaca se transforma intr-o floare de colt.
Numai una din variante ii da nume fetei si cred ca nu surprinde pe nimeni ca e Ana. 🙃
Exista cumva vreo Ana in toata literatura romaneasca care nu moare si are o viata fericita?
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fromirkwood · 1 month
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does anyone know what interview these pics are from??
ive been looking everywhere but i cannot find it.... i found these pics on pinterest with no link and no comments allowed on the pin :(
also can we talk about the wedding ring omg?? never seen him with one in anything else and then suddenly hes wearing it like.... i think it was bc of l'etabli, where his characters married?
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egolifontein · 3 months
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Anele Precious Mxakaza (@ anelemxakaza_twin)
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dipolardruid · 1 year
How would the yanderes deal with a very perverted Darling kinda like they touch their chest or comment about their body etc all of it with consent of course
TW: Mentions of touching, mentions of intimacy, pretty much anything that comes up with this kind of ask, nothing too out of hand.
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The more touchy you get the more touchy she will get, If your very big on chest touching she will be also be no shame, so if you get a little too naughty be prepared for her to pounce, she will not hold back.
If you allow her to she will take you to her place for a night of fun with no regrets just be very careful she can become big on the denial if you tell her you're not dating since she sees the moment you both give in to eachother as a confession even if you never saw it that way, also she's got a mighty right hook if you get a little too bold with other people.
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She will love it she will even start to purposely leave herself open for you to touch anytime you want, tighter and smaller clothes will be worn while you're both behind closed doors, expect her to also give long cheek kisses and hugs.
Also her delusions will skyrocket you both are now officially dating, you agreed to move in with her officially, you both have a plan for your future, etc no if's or buts.
Why do you keep interrupting her when she's trying to discuss the wedding plans and what you will wear, say and behave? Why are you walking away? That will not fly so well with her you will be forced if you aren't cooperative you decided to start the relationship in the first place.
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He will have straight up make out sessions with you infront of the whole school and will go beyond that unless you or someone else stops him from doing so but this will cause him to get a little grumpy at being interrupted when he was getting into it.
So be a little careful when being so touchy with him he will see that as an invitation to much more, If you're alright with it do expect to be missing for sometime until one of the others go looking or staff realize that two students haven't shown up, so good times.
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Poor innocent child even with permission her mind won't be able to compute with the touching she will become a red blubbering mess everytime you do, just don't be too touchy high chance she'll go into overdrive and end up punting you into a wall and when her emotions run high and with super strength do expect more than half your body to end up broken.
Once she gets more accustomed to your touching she will even start giving a touch here and there maybe a small squeeze but that's about how far she's willing to go for now anyway, this will open the door to other things in the near future but until then just try not to get punched into the next dimension.
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By the time you're already lifting your hand he's using two to grab at you, there is no winning with this man and he loves your reactions when he takes you off guard, he will do it infront of the others with no hesitation, you can be talking to one of the others minding your own buisness and next thing you know your making eye contact with a smirking Jake.
He will be a huge tease and purposely put both of you in situations that are quite questionable while looking you straight in the eye acting as if he's innocent in all this, so the more you touch the more mischievous he'll be so unless you love the adrenaline keep a watch over your shoulder.
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i6gyu · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤ☆ !! PRETTIEST TO ME 📸 !!
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brilhclaluna · 8 months
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Um casaco pesado, de última hora emprestado por uma amiga, era tudo que ocultava o pijama de cetim - o melhor que possuía - vestido por Luna, que caminhava pelo castelo ao som dos passos abafados produzidos por suas pantufas, cujo formato representava as garras de um daemon como o seu. Havia feito uma promessa para Alastair que envolvia conforto e suas palavras seriam honradas. Ainda suspeitando das intenções do rapaz com aquele encontro, ela desconsiderava todos os alertas que rompiam seus pensamentos, agindo como um verdadeiro inseto atraído pela luz. Além do interesse em furtar a joia que ele possuía, também estava curiosa para descobrir o que o dia tinha reservado aos dois. Durante a madrugada que antecedeu a tarde reservada ao compromisso, Rider tivera a ideia de monitorar o sono do outro, atenta à possibilidade de obter o artefato mágico enquanto ele estivesse dormindo. O plano certamente era arriscado, mas talvez a melhor chance que tinha naquele momento. Não era exatamente a inocência que guiava suas escolhas. Atravessando a torre dos vilões sem qualquer receio, mantinha seus objetivos claros, ainda que estivesse aberta a algumas distrações pontuais. Quando viu-se defronte a porta do dormitório designado a Mortimer, ela bateu os nós dos dedos da destra contra a madeira maciça, comunicando sua chegada no horário marcado. Esperou até ser atendida, primeiro se certificando de que estava no lugar certo antes de cumprimentá-lo. ── Quem aqui está pronto para a melhor soneca de sua vida? ── Anunciou-se através da indagação, ostentando um sorriso entusiasmado nos lábios. ── Eu sei que eu estou. ── Por decoro, espertou ser convidada a adentrar o aposento alheio.
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Comprei um anel para dar ao meu grande amor, ele era dourado e com uma florzinha do lado, só hoje percebi que estou sozinho há muito tempo, ao abrir a caixinha e vê-lo todo enferrujado, e a florzinha até já caiu.
Jonas r Cezar
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rl3000 · 9 months
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soon-palestine · 2 months
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A US State Department official resigns in protest against American support for the Israeli genocide
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