#And while Kestrel can lead
kaihuntrr · 10 months
The Sea Prince: Pirates’ Factions and Empires’ cast. Concepts!
Hello!! It’s been a while since I made a worldbuilding post, and because this AU is currently being revised, I’d like to welcome the side characters who will be making their appearances throughout the story! Firstly, I’d like to talk about the changes between Pirates SMP and Empires SMP to properly fit the vision of this world. These are still their main concepts until they’re (eventually) designed and fully realized, but this is what their general faction/ personality is like.
The factions exist! They’re split between the navy and hunters, given Team TIES are naval commanders, they should have some powerful people with them while the Red Canaries (ehehe they’re all bird names) deal with their rival group.
The shorter version is; Kites and Kestrels are Hunters, Herons are a special class of navy, and Nightingales are voyagers. Their characters and the Empires cast will be used for further development in the story. :D
I’m not well caught up in the characters of Pirates so they will not be gaining a description. The Empires cast will as I am more familiar with them!
* - special case
Here’s the general idea of the factions;
Formed out of shared interests, contracts, or skill, there are countless factions throughout the world. Like any faction or guild, they can be hired together to cover all their bases and work with each other’s strength. It’s not often this works, but they’re contractually obligated to do their jobs, so they keep their heads down. These groups and crews were formed naturally and hence, want to work with these specific members if ever brought on to jobs.
(This is still subject to change; the general idea is the same tho!)
Kites: Formidable and boastful.
Prioritizing strength, this faction of rowdy hunters are no stranger to the wilds of the ocean. They enjoy the thrill of the hunt and fighting evil monsters. This specific group cannot work with any hunter crew due to the belief of their superior strength and does not ask for help. They are particularly annoyed by the Canaries, thinking them to be spoiled and pampered due to being funded by the King himself. Hopefully their paths don’t collide. Hopefully.
Etho (formerly)
Kestrels: Relic of the past.
Some members of this great faction were once Ren’s old crew, they thrived in a lavish lifestyle their hunts have provided them. A strong leader with a fierce second-mate, they were unstoppable. It was like this for a few years, but after their Captain’s death it hasn’t been the same. Their second-mate soon left to be in his former crew, and they are unsure what the future may hold. If they ever cross paths with the Canaries, especially with their former second-mate, threats of violence look over their heads.
Ren (deceased)
Martyn (formerly)
*Scar (associated with the group in the past)
Nightingales: Explorers and Navigators.
Away from hunting and fighting, they simply want to travel and make it easier for people to get from place to place. They are a talented group who design and create machinery for travel and everyday use, but also spend their times in exploring and charting maps; a very versatile group indeed.
Herons: Elite Intelligence.
A group of very few, but strong leaders. They are special cadets from the navy who succeeded past their peers and are given special attention from their commanders as they train to, hopefully, lead in their place one day.
Cleo (formerly)
Mumbo (formerly)
Finally, we get to the Empires cast. Originally this au was only a Life Series x Empires fic due to some interesting dynamics the characters would have with some side characters, but pirates opened up a new opportunity and fills up some plot holes! I did say the Empires cast are getting their descriptions, so here they are!
‘Mythical ‘Myth’ J. Sausage.’
‘Humble’ and ‘polite’ are the first things he’d say about himself. He is particular in living the high life and wants to continue living up to his faction’s name. He can’t stand hanging around Martyn, so he openly makes fun of him for his own ego.
‘Joey Graceffa.’
Brought on by Myth/Sausage, Joey fits the bill of a Kestrel. He enjoys singing, but doesn’t do it as often as, “they don’t deserve to hear his voice”. He’s boastful and full of pride, joining Myth as he berates the former Kestrel. He doesn’t really know who the blonde is however, as he was brought to the crew a bit more recent.
‘Orion ‘Oli’ Sound.’
A wildcard. He’s eccentric and very chaotic, bringing all the energy into the Kestrels. He once challenged by Joey into a sing-off, and despite the other winning, Oli takes it in stride and forms a friendly(?) rivalry with the other Kestrel, making good laughs for everyone.
‘False Symmetry.’
A mechanic with big dreams. She helps build prosthetics and assists with any type of machinery, as she enjoys her time tinkering with any type of device. She likes to make herself useful, and would often go for a passive response to try and change things for the better.
‘Pix Rift.’
A researcher deep in his own thoughts. He joined the Nightingales out of their shared belief and interest in exploring, accompanying them in journeys and to breathe the open, fresh air towns and cities don’t have. He takes notes of all of his adventures but tries to keep up with his personal responsibilities, as it seems he can’t keep up with it usually.
‘Katherine Elizabeth.’
A vagabond hunter with no ties to anyone or anything, supposedly. She’s excitable and fun loving, adoring the thrill of the hunt and returning home to her girlfriend with a satisfied grin on her face. She makes her living like a mercenary would, sometimes it’s jarring that someone as upbeat and optimistic as she is also kills monsters for fun and a way to earn payment.
‘Shelby Grace.’
An explorer. She’s curious about the world due to living a relatively sheltered life and greets the world with open arms. She’s incredibly shy and prefers to explore on her own, but she wouldn’t mind traveling the world with her girlfriend.
‘Gemini Rose.’
A delightful person to be around but stirs up tricks with her twin brother. She means no harm to anyone she comes across, lest her overthinking get the better of her, and she’s all in to see the world despite the horror stories of the ocean. She’s not scared! If she’s with her brother, nothing is impossible.
‘fWhip Rose.’
A menace, but a fun one! He’s usually the one who initiates the schemes between the twins, but also the one who gets into the most trouble. Be it his reckless attitude, he’s not afraid to stand up for himself.
And that’s all I can say about them! Pirates has opened up so much ideas for the AU going forward, and I’m excited for you all to see! In the meantime… here’s the reveal of revised Act I’s titles and mini arcs, I can’t wait to show you what they all mean and contain >:)
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ladyevol · 10 months
Eldritch God Jellie!
Until I'm proven wrong, my belief is that Jellie is an eldritch god from the void, and every Jellie cat out there is just a vessel for her true powers. The reason why Scar has the knowledge of other versions of himself is because of how long he spends around her, which leads to her magic slipping and gives him visions of other lives (like how he gets PTSD from the life series.)
Pirate Scar is different, though. While I think that he was abandoned by his crew due to his antics (or maybe even because they feared Jellie), I believe he did end up alone, and this loneliness got the best of him. He is the only Scar who is an actual multiuniversal traveler, potentially thanks to Jellie, and travels from world to world, trying to steal collect the original people from his crew, but versions that would be more accepting.
Maybe he did kill Wagon Scar, or maybe Boatem scared him off before he could finish the job, leaving him with just the hat, and that is what happened with the other hats, too. They are all versions of Scar he tried to replace, one of them might even be the oroginal Pirate SMP Scar who may now be dead and gone.
Perhaps he became he became so frustrated with being rejected that he convinced himself he didn't need a family, hence why he joined the Kestrels. Ironically, that is where he found a crew willing to accept him. Will they still think that when they realize who he Scar really is? And can Scar truly let go of his old crew, or is he doomed by the narrative to seek a family he can never truly have again forever?
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swordswoman97 · 10 months
Pirates SMP Chekhov's Guns
So I decided to throw together a quick list of all the Chekhov's guns I've noticed in Pirates SMP. Basically, anything that's been mentioned where I'm very certain it's going to come back into play eventually, though with some of them I have no idea how
The robed people from day one. We know they did something bad to Guqqie, and they somehow turned the corrupted isle into stone, or at least mostly to stone. I almost guarentee we haven't seen the last of them.
The corruption, and Cruppy's connection to it. Cruppy is a pretty constant presense, and we know not all of the corruption was turned to stone cause apparently Acho found some. And brought it back to the faction isles. Why did star think that was a good idea? I don't know. Also Ros seems to building with blocks the corruption was made of so...
The crypt on the sandy isle with the pit. It's tied to whatever is going on with the Gabriel plotline, and with the Slayer claiming that opening it will doom them all, I will be very surprised.
Whatever group is trying to find the treasure Gabriel is after. This is an easy one, but I do think the repercussions are going to be major. This is a group of Kestrels. Not just some group of rouge pirates. One of the other factions. They locked the Slayer up in cage, tried to hold Gabriel captive under the Kestrel base. This is not gonna be good for relations between the Herons and the Kestrels when this secret gets out, and honestly a part of me wonders if this might lead to just full out war between the factions. Kestrels and Kites vs Herons and Nightingales maybe?
That weird ship that attacked Owen. For anyone who didn't see the stream, during his stream yesterday while completely a treasure quest, Owen got shot in the face by a cannon from a larger ship. This is not one of the ships the players can currently buy, plus the only other pirates online at the time were Ros and Martyn, and it definitely wasn't them. Owen said that it was probably a Kite, but other than that theory we really don't know who or what they were. The ship was too far off to really see who might have been on it, and Owen's death message didn't show a username for whoever killed him. They also didn't stick around, by the time Owen returned they were long gone, with the only sign is happened was an odd grave made for his death. And as far as I know this is the only sighting of this weird ship. It wasn't the one that chased them during the Saving Gabriel quest, and it hasn't attacked anyone else (that I know of.) Everything about it is just... weird.
The ice wall Martyn and Sausage found. While exploring today apparently Martyn and Sausage found some weird ice wall, that also might have made strange noises? This information comes second hand so I don't have details. Now I will say, I'm fairly sure this is probably Martyn finding something he's not supposed to be able to access again but who knows? It's especially weird cause the climate of the isle and the surrounding seas is very tropical in vibe. Lots of jungle and palm trees, plus I think one single island with oak and birch. What is a giant wall of ice doing in a tropical sea? This is especially weird cause the only other example we have of a cold area is the area the robed people brought Guqqie to. Did Sausage and Martyn manage to find that place? Were they supposed to be able to? I don't know and I don't think so. Edit: People who watched the stream said it seemed like the pair were meant to find it so I take the bits about Martyn finding something else he's not supposed to be able to access back. Considering he's done it twice already though, can you really blame me for thinking it might have happened again? Further Edit: Yeah, the official twitter just posted about it, that was definitely meant to be found.
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
From @hawthorne-spengler-stantz's tag for me on this post
Pick your characters and give them a book filled with every thought anyone ever had about them. What would they read first? The positive or the negative ones? The thoughts of people they actually know or a stranger’s thought?
Rae: Refuses to even open the book. For one thing, she wouldn't want people to read the thoughts she's had about them, that feels vaguely like an invasion of her mind, so she'd want to extend the same courtesy. And for another, she doesn't want her mind to get stuck on what other people think.
Robin: Comes up with a few set rules for herself before opening the book. She will not look at thoughts from friends or family, only strangers - she doesn't want it to affect any of her close relationships, no matter how curious she may be.
Madison: Goes on a seek-and-destroy mission for her parents' thoughts. She can't help the curiosity, she needs to know what they think of her after what happened with Johnny, and if they'll ever forgive her.
Ophelia: The book is mostly entertainment for her - she'll flip through the thoughts of strangers who have seen her as Argonaut, most of them are like reading crappy Yelp reviews and she finds it funny. Sometimes, if she has a really bad day, she'll flip through her mother's of Harry's thoughts for a while to ward off the grief.
Jasper: Doesn't bother looking at the book. They can sense others' emotions, so they already have a general sense of what people think of them, and they really don't need the specifics. They only ever (ever) look at one small section of the book - Kyle's thoughts when he was first brought back, when he was still struggling to communicate. They knew there was a lot he wanted to say to them... so why not see what it was that he wanted to say?
Quinn: Reads through the whole book, she doesn't care what people think of her. Some of Lex's old thoughts hurt (she didn't know how jealous and vengeful Lex really was, or how long she'd been planning for what happened in Kyiv), but they're made up by learning how early Billy's feelings for her started - about the same time she started developing feelings for him, actually. And she gets a kick out of the strangers' thoughts, though she later ends up going in with a permanent marker and redacting the worst of the transphobic ones.
Kestrel: Originally considers reading the book, hoping it would help them convince their mind that they made an impact on the world and people around them (something they struggle with). But then they realize that could very quickly lead to a rabbithole of obsession on other people's thoughts, so it's safest not to touch it. They even go so far as to bury it in the backyard - they really, really don't want that temptation.
Katherine: Ahk's section is, quite literally, half the book. He spends a lot of time thinking about her, especially when he's sitting through the daylight hours each day. Katherine reads the first page... then pauses and sets herself a stopping point. It's not fair to him that she read everything, that's a bit invasive, so she only reads up to the moment she learned the secret of the museum. That felt... maybe not fully fair, but at least a somewhat-justified stopping point - she said all her thoughts to him when she visited, not knowing he was listening, so it's not awfully unfair to read that section of his thoughts in return. She also flips through the thoughts of her old bullies, too curious for her own good, and found that a lot of their taunting just came from a mountain of insecurity.
Eris: Their book is massive from how long they've been alive, but most people in it only get a line or two since Eris rarely makes longer connections. He can't help but look through Rick's section, though. It's the only one that takes up any significant amount of pages itself, and Eris is stunned to learn how deeply he really cares about them.
Nikoletta: Flips through the thoughts of everyone at Belle Reve, and uses it as a guide to managing her status and knowing who's really loyal to her. Most of the thoughts are neutral at best, while some people are outright imagining what they'd do to her if they had the chance... those thoughts do frighten her, a bit. By the time she gets to Abner's section, she's surprised at how soft it is compared to the rest. He's about the only person who hasn't plotted her demise, even offhandedly - hell, even Adrian (her right-hand man) has wondered briefly about whether he could be the King of Belle Reve if he took care of the Queen. Thankfully that thought didn't stick.
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swanscumz · 3 months
Okay so as their guardians concerned, the prophecy was doomed to fail; since they had a RainWing instead of SkyWing and a small, deformed SandWing. She kept getting underestimated by the guardians, and that lead the DoD to agree to train her, so she can prove herself to them.
Clay helped her with strength, by constantly lifting/rolling rocks and wrestling with her. Tsunami helped her get better at fighting and holding her breath underwater longer than any other Dragon. Glory taught her how to climb to the rocks better and stay stealthy while doing so. While he didn't liked the idea of joining to the battle training, it was Starflight’s idea that her small body can be of advantage during battles, as well as just because she didn't had a barb it did not meant her tail was useless. So, the Dragonets started to focus on making her run and fly faster, as well as act quick during dangerous situations and dodge attacks/fireballs. Not only that, but she also trained her tail to be strong by lifting and pulling rocks with it, as Starflight suggested that a strong hit to a dragon’s neck, throat, back, chest or throat can cut off their breathing for a short moment. And that's how Sunny’s using her tail now; to cut off her enemy's breathing and to hit someone's leg/talon to ruin their balance. Paired with the speed, strength, stealth, quick-witted and agility that she learned from the other Dragonets, Sunny truly became a dangerous SandWing that sometimes even outran Kestrel and Dune's powers.
When Winter said something about herself at the second day of the school front of everyone and how she isn't fit to be a teacher, she proved him wrong by swiftly knocking him down to the ground with a leg hit and pinning him down effortlessly, which gained everyone's respect instantly.
She still maintains her cheerful and positive nature, she is just a badass that can fight back now. Because let's be real, she is smaller than most dragons, her scales are way brighter than they should be and doesn't have venomous barb. If she goes to the desert/kingdom like that, she'll be an easy target for SandWings that wants to hurt and take advantage of her.
And that DID happened as two NightWings fucking kidnapped Sunny in her own fucking book. If she knew how to fight back properly, she would've kicked their ass the second she saw their stupid snouts.
Anyways, that’s all beastie. I hope you liked my random writing. Love you, take care ❤️
Badger -
Theser are so COOL‼️‼️‼️I love how you portray sunny GRAHHH teeny tiny and still kicks ass you go girl‼️‼️🔥‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥 ILYY TAKE CARE BADGEY
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codenamehazard · 9 months
.:The Boogieman Cometh:.
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Chapter 14: The Boogieman Cometh
Hey guys! Holy hell this took me a lot of time and rereading and blasting music to get this to look right. I hope it looks for you guys too!
I hope you guys are ready to see what the hell those sirens are wailing on about! Here's chapter 14!
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The sirens wail and holler as we make it to the outskirts of Droptown, where I see Mako, Pangolin and Dove opening up the HEMTT, revealing that it is basically a moving forward operating base. With a plant filled triage in one trailer and a supply depot in another, all ready to go should the need arise.
Holy shit. No wonder they're nomadic, they have everything they need right there.
Pangolin slowly starts to gather the others. I turn to look towards the horizon to see what exactly we’re facing, looks like a supersized throng of those Warped I faced in the mines. A lot of them are those starving “Shamblers” I remember clearly, but some of them look… Healthy… Well, healthy for a zombie, I guess.
The thing that truly caught my eye was this… Creature, looks to be about the size of a semi-truck yet it moves faster than should be possible for a beast that size. I squint my eyes to see if I can make out any more details, but the bastard’s too far away to see more.
I spot Kestrel out of the corner of my eyes, drawing my attention from… Whatever the fuck that thing is running around with the horde. I turn to look at her and see she’s walking up to Pangolin with the missile launcher in hand. She tries to put on a confident front, but I can see in her eyes there was a certain level of nervousness to it.
“Here she is.” Kestrel states with a smile. I can see Pangolin's expression turn to relief as he takes the gun, but he seems to pick up on her hesitation.
“You sure it’s ready?” He asks as he looks at the Gunsmith, her expression looking less sure at the prompting. The exchange of words echoing in my head from a time long since past. I can’t help but to quietly mouth the words that came out of Kestrel’s mouth next.
“Uhh… I sure hope so…” She hands the gun over to Pangolin, but in my head two different people stood in their places. Zeke and myself when he gave me the Amp for the first time. That memory stung my heart like a cold knife. Of all the ways that exchange could have happened, why like that?
I touch my eyes and I feel a dampness before I shake my head with a sneer. Come on Cole! Get it together! There’s a whole swarm of things rushing towards you and the others; bound and determined to make you their breakfast. This isn’t the time, nor the place to feel sorry for yourself and bitch about your lot in life.
You made your choice, you live it… Not like anyone would give a shit anyways.
With the exchange complete and Pangolin checking how the gun handles, Kestrel dashes over to one of the trailers and starts getting into the boxes… Hm, must be their armory. The bird pulls out some new toys and…
Okay, those are some really kickass weapons.
For Mako, a rapier and twin pistols were given. For Dove, an SMG and a hatchet. For Pangolin, he was given something that looked like the bastard child of a buzz-saw and an ax. For the bird herself, she equips two six-shooters to her hips and a bigass hammer on her back. I make a mental note to ask about some of those later.
I look back at my Amp and sigh. It really needs some serious work if it’s going to last any longer, but put a pin in the thought. Not the time to worry now.
While everyone is getting ready, I look over to see what else is going on. I see other groups of Conduits rushing out with weapons of their own to take on some of the faster straggler groups. That’s good, shows that this town don’t give up without a fight. My eyes are quickly drawn back to the biggest horde as I spot them making the beeline for the Misfits and I, the creature leading the charge and…
Oh dear god, what the hell is that thing?!
That monstrosity… Words fail to truly capture how hideous the fucker was. It looks like some skinned gorilla-raccoon thing with a giant mouth, clawed hands and… Hooves?? God, it was like a fucked up teratoma was turned inside out and given the ability to move and eat, damn near genetic nonsense. The thing most repulsive about this monster? Where the second set of arms are on the thing’s back… I think I could see what remains of a person. Their screaming expression merging with their ribcage to make a second mouth and that those extra arms were once their arms.
I can feel my stomach curdle, it makes Bertrand's giant cockroach form look adorable.
“Alright, jackasses! Gather ‘round” I hear Pangolin bark out, prompting the others to gather around, I hang back some. He’s rallying up his team, I have no part of it. The Brick Spartan looks over at me and beckons me over. “You too, MacGrath. You’re gonna wanna hear this.” I roll my eyes in annoyance, but I walk over. Looking on the bright side, it’s refreshing to not be the one giving orders.
“Everyone, that bastard monster and its posse are coming, we need a plan to get that thing to open wide for the most explosive jawbreaker known to man, any ideas?” Pangolin’s voice booms over the team.
“First things first, we have to get those Shamblers and Runners thinned out.” Mako points out. “It doesn’t matter what we do to that thing, it’s not gonna stick if the bastard eats the little minions and that’s not including how much of a nuisance they would be if they ganged up on us or got in the way.” Sharp as always, Mako is.
“So from I understand, thin out the herd and then focus on ugly?” Dove pipes up, first time I heard him speak in a long time. Mako and Pangolin nod. ”Sounds like a plan.” Kestrel nod in agreement and I give a grunt.
“Let’s kick ass!” Kestrel shouts before everyone nods and gets into position, looks like I’m getting roped into this too.
Not that I mind, a good chance to get some payback on these shambling fucks.
With the swarm fast approaching, Pangolin and Mako armor up and the rest ready up before the Spartan gives the signal in the form of charging forward and turning himself into a human boulder. The spiked plating crushing and spearing the weaklings. Dove sets up what I can only amount to a launchpad under the brick-ball to send him flying into the air so he can play the role of a meteorite and crash down into another group. With Pango flying high, Dove flits about on air-bursts while letting the SMG rip through the crowd.
Kestrel darts around in the horde like the flighty bird she is, popping slag-bursts before firing off her six shooters into the heads of the Shamblers, turning their brains into a red and purple mist. Mako set plenty of shark-traps to immobilize and joined in with Kestrel in the gunslinging fun with her pistols. Slag-shards and bone-shards flying and spearing zombies left, right and center before switching to the melees when they got too close. Kes smacking them around like the biggest game of watch-a-mole while Mako channels her inner Zorro and makes mincemeat of the zombies, her shark skin rendering the bites and scratches useless.
Me? Well, I sure as hell ain’t gonna miss out on the fun. Black and crimson Skull bolts fly from my hands as I start to “run and gun” so to speak. When those sparks nailed a Warped in the head, I’m rewarded with a lightshow as the fuckers explode with a shower of sparks that took out their little friends. Tossed in a few Cluster ‘nades to keep things popping. Hell, I even found little ways I could help the others. Blasting airbornes with shockwaves and popping bastards when they try to sneak up on the others.
They weren’t making it easy, that’s for damn sure. They were relentless and were giving everyone problems and they were taking hits. They were especially persistent in trying to maul me to death. These things must have it out for me because they keep coming after me. Even that big-ass ugly son of a bitch keeps lunging at me! With the crowds constantly trying to box me in, I couldn’t be as aggressive as I wanted. Those healthier looking bastards even get a few good hits on me, leaving nasty gashes on my body. Thank god my Beast powers up my healing or I would have to be hightailing it to the HEMTT to charge back up!
The beast keeps lunging and I have to keep dodging while using blasts to give myself some breathing room. It was maddening! I wanted to blast this thing to kingdom-come but with all the little things swarming around like flies to shit, I couldn’t just stand still. Especially with how grab and bite happy they were.
With the ugly skinned gorilla-tumor focused on me, Kestrel spots an opening to take. With an air-boost from Dove, I can see her go flying skywards, Hammer raised high before dropping hard onto the head. I brace myself as the shockwave pushes me back. I could hear the hammer impact the head with a sickening crack. The bastard roars in pain from the head-trama and I quickly get out of the way knowing what’s about to happen next.
When the team hears the roar, Mako and Dove focus on getting the zombies away from Pangolin as he takes aim straight for the monster’s roaring maw. Kestrel dashes away seconds before the Spartan pulls the trigger.
The mother of all bricks whistles out of the barrel and flies straight to the thing’s screaming mouth, hitting it right in the uvula! The sound of the impact makes me hold my own throat in pain at the thought… Then the brick explodes. Masonry shrapnel rips the beast’s jaw apart. I thought for sure that would take it out, as did everyone else.
But it didn’t.
The thing gurgles with a shredded throat as it looks dead at Pangolin, he goes to fire off another shot when the weapon overloads and explodes in his hand. I look at him in utter shock before looking at Kestrel, as did everyone else.
“Kestrel, what the fuck?!” Pangolin bellows in fear and anger. “I thought you said it was ready!!” He looks like he’s about to blow a gasket as the bird is trying to avoid being hit.
“”Hoped so!”” Kestrel shouts back. “I said “hoped so!!”” Pangolin looks as if he’s about to rip into her when the teratoma-thing does that for him. With a mighty swipe to the girl, it sends Kestrel flying with the mother of all bitch-slaps. Thinking on his feet, Dove darts off and up to catch her in mid-air before she goes off too far.
The gorilla roars and more of those zombies show up to join the party, causing the fighting to begin anew. Pangolin pulls out his buzz-axe and starts hacking into bodies as the Shamblers break teeth on the brick armor, but the beast charges and backhands the Spartan in rage, breaking pieces of the armor off and sending him sliding off. Mako fires off round after round of bone-bullets to keep the creatures at bay as she goes to help Pangolin up.
Dove and Kestrel glide into the fray and dive down together to create a fire-filled shockwave before dashing back to the others. I pull out the Gigawatt blades and start tearing into those who get too close, but that seems to piss the gorilla off more as he calls for reinforcements again. It’s clear that somebody needs to find a way to shut that thing up so it stops calling its friends if we’re gonna get another opening.
Thankfully it seems like Pango’s on the ball. With all of us keeping the horde preoccupied, the Brickhouse uses his powers to create a thick brick wall above the creature’s head and when it goes to roar again, Pango drops the wall on top of the thing. Silencing it and stunning it.
Now it’s my turn to break some teeth.
My eyes glow red and black veins begin to appear on my skin as I charge up an Alpha Rocket with raw Beast power to triple its power and damage. A favorite tactic of mine for getting rid of the straggling Ice-Titans and Devourers before I left New Marias, made short work of those fucks. Should do the same for this bastard. With the charge done, I turn the Rocket loose, straight for the head. A blinding flash and cacophony of crashing thunder and electricity disorients everyone as the Super-Rocket crashes into the tumor’s face.
When the smoke clears and our senses return, we all look to see what should be the smoldering corpse of that thing…
Only to see it was not only still standing… It is… Healing!!
All the work everyone did, The bricks, both wall and missile, Kes’ hammer crash… All of it damn near undone. The Misfits stare to pure dismay and horror as they watch the jaw heal. Kestrel turns to look at me as my face drains of color.
“What did you do?!?” I could barely hear the Gunsmith utter in disbelief as the monster approaches me, a long and disgusting looking tongue licking its chomps as I back away. How? How?! How did that heal the bastard?!? Nothing like this has happened before!!!
Fear grips my heart and seems to freeze me in place as I’m racking my brain, trying to figure out what did what when I see the monster raise its massive, clawed hand, readying to swipe at my head.
Oh Shit…
[To Be Continued…]
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ilexdiapason · 9 months
I realize that maybe I should explain some of my thoughts with the anon ask I sent abt Scott not being able to swim and that mini-story... (also, yes, I'm the seawater au anon tho you probably figured aslhdbaljksd)
I love playing with sorta the same concept but in different scenarios. so:
Scott is LimLife!Scott reincarnated and has always had a calling for the sea. He always took it as something normal since he is a Denholm, a pirate. His parents knows that something in the sea wants Scott and denies whatever that wants him their son. They know that the thing will know where Scott is if he's in water too long (lakes will lead to the sea/ocean and thus are not safe either) and forbids him to be in water. He doesn't think much of it as it's always been that way. (if he decides to listen to the ocean and take a breath, he will get gills on the side of his torso)
In this story it's not as strict with helping between the factions, tho dating between them might still be a bit eyebrow raising. So Scott and Sausage are not very loud about their relationship, but Sausage really wants to. I mean, not only is Scott his lovely boyfriend, but he also succeeded in charming a Denholm. And as a Kestral, he do want to show off his loveliest treasure. But things are as they are right now.
Martyn is LimLife!Martyn. Instead of wandering the land, he stayed under water and has been for many, many years, waiting for either his own punishment for winning the game or maybe meeting one of his loves again. And when Scott touches water, he knows where he is. So he travels to Faction Isle and pretends to be human for the first time in a long time in order to look for Scott.
It's just a bit awkward trying to romance your old love while he's dating someone else and not really remembering you and trying to remember how to be human and use normal stuff, like, uteniles
(let's call this au..... um... uuuuuuuhhhhhh... ok I suck at names. first thought was "under water" sadljkbasdjkb)
i am always a slut for inter-faction romance. i'm a slut for intra-faction romance too but there's something so funny about everyone else in your faction Knowing what you're up to. guqqie and scott sneaking past each other in the middle of the night like i won't snitch if you don't, have fun
sausage would absolutely wish he could be open and proud about his catch though. he'd be like but you're soooo pretty and valuable and everyone i know would be so jealous and scott is like ah but u see. my mum would explode me. so you need to shut the fuck up xoxo. and sausage is like awwwww okayyyyyy but he still enjoys seeing how much he can get away with in public
martyn though is very much a wildcard in this situation. he's new in town, he's factionless, he's got the scrappiness of a kite but the eye for treasure of a kestrel, and he seems to make fastest friends with owen, el, and water. which means scott is suddenly seeing a lot of him. he also appears to get on perfectly well with cleo, having plenty of banter with them, but there's kind of an artificiality to it that scott can sense even if he can't tell why. same goes for scar, if they're hanging out cross-faction.
it also goes for scott, though, arguably more than the others; while he's friendly and charming and instantly intriguing to scott, there's this weird sense of a glass wall that he can't shake. maybe it's just jealousy - it does always seem that martyn gets a little frostier when sausage sneaks an arm around scott's waist in the middle of a conversation.
martyn reminds scott of the ocean. here's something so close, something he's able to interact with, but never quite reach out and touch.
only he did touch the ocean, didn't he? and it ended dangerously. he'd do well to never swim again, he knows. martyn might just be the same.
scott has always been good at resisting temptation; had to be to make his parents happy, had to stick to the approved path. but this?
this is gonna test him.
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Dear Robin and Thad,
I'm sorry for disappearing on both of you. Thank you for all the help and kindness you both gave me while I was learning to be human.
I remember those yellow rain boots. My partner, Wick, got me a pair for our first anniversary together and let me play around in the rain. We went to a bookstore afterwards and had hot chocolate. He bought me six new books.
Wick is a bit bougie, he snores, and he can't drink coffee without peppermint creamer and sugar but he has a good heart. He's not perfect, we butted heads a lot when we started dating but he tries his best and what he can't do, our wife, Kestrel makes up for.
Kes is....amazing....and kind and funny and sweet.
They're both great listeners. They're both great partners. I still don't know what I did to deserve them. I'm still not sure what I can do to keep them but I'll figure it out.
You'll be happy to know I'm going to school. I'm studying to be a librarian. Everyone should get to read.
I hope you two are okay. I hope you're having a nice life.
Damiel Cartier
Robin stares at the letter. They found it that morning, tucked amidst all the bills and the junk mail and ads for magazines they don’t want. Plain envelope, cream, the paper inside thicker and nicer than any they’ve seen before. 
They press their hand to their mouth. Let out a shaky breath. So many phrases stand out. My partner . . . anniversary . . . our wife . . .  I’m going to school . . . Everyone should get to read.
Wick, Kestrel. Names of people they don’t know, will probably never meet, and yet they can’t help but feel a connection. Someone is taking care of Dami, someone is helping them. 
They’re going to school!
Tears burn their eyelids and Robin sets down the letter. Everything inside of them screams to find Dami, to meet these people, to be a part of their life like they want to so badly. Decisions have been made. They and Thad were in Dami’s life for the right amount of time. Digging will only lead to pain they don’t want. 
“Robin?” Thad asks. He walks into the dining room, frowning. “Is everything alright?”
“Dami,” Robin whispers. “They sent us a letter.”
Thad rushes over, picks it up. He takes longer to read it, but Robin can pinpoint each highlight from how their husband’s eyes widen. When he finally sets it down, a small smile softens his face. 
“They’re happy,” Robin breathes. “They have family, we-we didn’t fail them.”
“Course not.” Thad holds out his arms and Robin collapses against him. They want to laugh, cry, run around the house and scream. “Of course not.”
“I was worried-”
“I know, love. But they’re fine. They’re going to school and are married now!” Thad snorts. “Oh God, I sound like a parent.”
Robin laughs, tightening their arms around Thad. “I’m so proud of them. Do you think they know?”
“Yeah, yeah, I think they know.”
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planetscrapstar · 1 year
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Introducing the bean who started my oc obsession, it's Kess, the artificial half-shinobi beast lab rat! She's trans and her pronouns are she/her
Full name: Kestrel Aeon (Also known as Eve in some ninjala worlds)
Age: 28 (ninja gum turned her 12)
A young woman who moved to Eagle City in desperate need of space from her family and a shot at a new life; despite lacking ninja genes, she was able to snag herself a position in the WNA retail brand. After being discovered by a scientist by the name Hugh G. Pewchofer, she was taken in under contractual obligations to be tested on to create a ninja gum that can work on all humans. Her body handled the tests poorly, and soon her genetic code became rewritten, leading her to become trapped in a mixed state of shinobi beast and human
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After various events, she was able to escape, and through a large journey met a sibling she never knew she had, and was able to come to terms with herself, regaining a human form, at the cost of turning into a child. After being recruited by a WNA agent in the area (who was unaware of her past relations with the company) she now spends her days learning the ways and culture of ninja.
If you wanna learn more about her main story, you can check it out on Ao3 here! (It's almost at 100 hits! I would be beyond excited if you helped it reach that number)
That's only one ninjala timeline too! In another timeline she was abducted by the space ninja, where she was experimented on (again), and in another, she hangs out with a group of well intentioned troublemakers, and gets a cool mech suit based on the ninjala drone!
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Her signature weapon is a weapon that fits her love and desire to protect others. The chocorama! A shield type ninja gum that excels in deflecting and powering through your foes attacks.
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All in all, she's my most utilized character, and I have a habit of fitting her into any universe I'm fixated on at a given moment (I've figured out her story also in Pokemon, Unsighted, Demon Slayer, One Piece, Wildfrost, Kirby, and even Splatoon! [Which I'll discuss another time])
While I have a lot of characters I love, Kess is the one closest to me. She is bean and I will love her in every universe and beyond
Much love to numerous people who have drawn her in the past, @drdocsir, Ronnie, Edny, and several more!
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magic-hcs · 2 years
✨✨Aviantale: The Two Skeleton Brothers✨✨
Time to go more in depth with the two skeleton brothers! Raven and Crest!
Raven (Sans) is based on a Rivoli hummingbird, which is a bird that looks like this:
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- Only Raven’s wings are purplish blue and greenish blue instead of the brown and green.
- Underneath his sockets are little half scale like plumes
- He got a long, forked tongue that he flicks out quickly (able to flick around 12 times a second) to taste his food or drinks before eating. When he got to surface Raven discovered sometimes his tongue will automatically flick out when he’s near flowers. Hie doesn’t know why he does it and he can restrain this reflex but he gotta be consciously trying to stop it.
- Raven can also use this tongue to hold objects for short periods of times but he never does it around company since it looks weird.
- Is 147 cm tall
- Raven got those bird like feet that make him capable to perch against walls or tree barks
- Back in the underground Raven was cranky, tired and restless due to the underground being crowded, the harsh ground underneath his feet, the lack of space to fly around and the huge amounts of magic needed to be used to get into the air.
- When Raven is really tired he flops on his non-existent stomach and falls asleep, his winged arms covering himself.
- Raven got a motormouth when nervous, saying everything that comes to mind
- Raven is very protective of his family and those he loves, if any dares to bring harm to them Raven won’t stay still and let them get away with it.
- Raven can’t teleport, instead he’s very agile, fast and flexible able to dodge or move a small distance in the blink of an eye.
- Raven loves flowers, he loves to make flower crowns or litter his nest and home in them. Bluebells and daisies are his favorite.
- He named himself Raven because after the incident he’s begun to forget his father and wanting to have something to remember his father (remembering he was a sort of corvid but not knowing exactly which) named himself Raven.
- Raven loves to explore, he gotten way more happy and full of life after being freed from the underground.
Crest (Papyrus) is based on a Kestrel, a falcon species that are known to hover in the air before swooping down on pray, a Kestrel looks like this:
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- Crest’s wings are orange with those black spots on them.
- Crest got a black stripe leading down from the corner of his sockets that go all the way down his chin.
- He’s 184 cm
- His scarf is a brown color but it’s hard to see it’s original color since the scarf is littered by feathers tied in the fabric. The feathers woven in the scarf go from black to purplish blue to tomato orange (with some orange feathers having a few black dots).
- The scarf is of great value to Crest, he presses his face against it whenever he’s sad, lonely, in need of comfort or nervous. It grounds him
- Crest laugh sounds like a “kyeekeekeekeeh”.
- Crest is a bit mischievous, he loves to paint his wings with all sorts of dyes while imitating someone else or camouflaging himself to his surroundings. He’s very good at that
- When confused Crest will tilt his head sideways, as if he’s trying to look at what confused him at another angle.
- Crest’s feet and claws are quite sharp, that’s why he often wears gloves.
- Crest loves sitting in trees and watching the sunrise and sunset.
- He got amazing control of his wings, capable to hover in the air in complete standstill. He’s also very agile.
- Crest is very observant and will sometimes bluntly state things he’s noticed.
- Whenever Crest find his brother Raven asleep on the floor he’ll pick him up and put him on his back, continuing on as if nothing happened.
- Ossy (Undyne) admits that Crest is way stronger then she expected at first, he got amazing control and technique. She sometimes wonders if Crest isn’t secretly holding himself back.
To those curious what they look like, I got a wonderful reference to what they look like! Done by the amazing * @redtomatofan I absolutely adore it and I can’t get over how amazing they look!!
(*important note: if you wanna check them out please be aware they do have certain content that could be triggering or uncomfortable for some people like sanscest, papcest and fontcest.)
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Hope you all enjoyed this little post going in depth with my AU!
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bushinto · 2 years
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hi hi! just a few things about ryoma here because i want to capitalize on toa's setting and do something really unique with him.
firstly, he'll be taken from the conquest route, and thus will have met any muses also from conquest as well as whichever corrin is derived from that route, which at present is @ofdusk
he's specifically postgame, after learning of the truth about hinoka and subsequently fulfilling his final duty as a samurai.
i am essentially taking an approach akin to ascended ishtar, where he's being brought back to life and is fully conscious of the events that transpired in conquest's canon.
as a result, he has scars on his midsection and trouble wielding raijinto, which accounts for its lack of combat prowess until awakened at a rank swords.
that being said, i do treat a handful of his supports with other hoshidan characters that normally only happen in birthright to be canon (permitting the other muns involved agree) and use them to flesh out smaller details in his character.
and finally, some small headcanons:
he is represented by the falcon, due to his agility and focus in battle, but more importantly his determination and high aspirations. specifically the kestrel falcon, as those are more closely related to swiftness and stoicism, which he embodies, and because he receives the kestrel stance skill in feh.
he has a bit of trouble eating, due to the wound in his stomach only being healed enough to keep him alive. mild pains that start to sting if he overeats. they will heal with time.
in hoshido, he used to know corrin as kamui. he stubbornly called her this name when trying to convince her to come back home, as a reminder that she is (in his mind) originally his family. after coming to terms with the fact that the fighting between nohr and hoshido is now over, he's made an effort to respect the name she chooses to use.
he is a sword instructor, and his teaching style involves leading by example. everything he does he considers something his students will look to learn from him, and so not only does he try to carry himself in a dignified way around the monastery, but he expects those in his class to take after him. he is also unrelenting in combat exams, making a point of never holding back so that his students may grow.
while he knows almost the entire fates cast in some way or another, if your muse is from a route other than conquest, he will not have met your specific muse. he's unaware of this fact though, or that there are multiple universes at this place to begin with. but seeing as how he's literally been brought back from the dead, when he inevitably learns of this fact, it won't be much of a surprise to him.
for now, his pairing will be left ambiguous. while i do have a few ships i'm partial to, i think those are best discussed with any shiro muns who want a specific variable parent. but, as always, priority goes to the first-generation characters involved, so anything decided before his partner arrives in toa may be subject to change.
and that's all she wrote! thanks for taking the time to read this, and if you have any questions or just wanna plot, you can reach out to me here or on discord (Orokara#4720). looking forward to writing with y'all!
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progrocksandcoke · 4 months
Kestrel: The pit
From blackness, she reaches out. Her hands reach the cold air, and her arms pull her out. She is bare, weak, and cold. Looking up, the walls of soil reach impossibly high, the trees and lamps only barely visible from the rim of a great pit that feels miles across and just as deep. Panicked, she climbs, straining to reach the figure perched upon the rim. The arm of a jogger grabs her and tries to pull her down. Then another from a civilian. A skinhead. A wanderer. A fighter. A hapless partygoer. A college professor. They all try to drag at her, reaching from the pile of corpses and desiccated animals. Each hand takes chunks of her as she pulls free, tearing flesh and exposing a dripping, bestial form. She becomes more frantic as the figure’s shape becomes clear. Her Sire gazes down upon her, her graceful and immaculate form wreathed by the glow of the moon. After hours of climbing she nearly reaches the lip, when she feels a tug on her collar pulling her up. A thin chain, held up by the hand of her Sire, pulls her up by the neck until she’s nearly free. Her Mistress’ other hand comes to her chin, nearly making contact, as those eyes look into hers. The sire examines her with an expression, one that Gale cannot parse. Disgust? Fear? Pity? Satisfaction? Disappointment? Contempt? The hand lets go, and Gale is cast down, into the waiting arms of the pit. Her eyes begrudgingly flutter open. As she rises, she drags her stiff body to the bathroom. She wipes the blood from around her eyes, thoroughly washes her face, and runs the sink while she brushes her teeth for good measure. Her reflection has become...blurry in the evenings after, but she doesn’t have time to put thought into it. She hooks her finger around the lead of her collar. Takes a breath, and tries to remember herself. Guilt can wait. Self-doubt can wait. She has work to do. She gets dressed, takes a look in the mirror, forces a grin, and heads out the door.
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marryjojo · 5 months
Are Falcons Parrots? Relationship Explained
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Falcons are fascinating birds, known for their incredible speed and hunting skills. But are falcons parrots? This question might seem simple, but it actually leads us to explore the diverse and intriguing world of birds. Falcons belong to the Falconidae family, which is a group of birds that includes both falcons and caracaras. These birds are known for their sharp talons and beaks, which they use to catch and eat other animals. Falcons are famous for their incredible flying abilities. They can dive at speeds over 200 miles per hour, making them some of the fastest creatures on Earth.
What Kind of Bird is a Falcon?
A falcon is a bird of prey, which means it is a predatory bird, primarily known for its hunting skills. Falcons belong to the family Falconidae. They are renowned for their remarkable speed, agility in the air, and keen eyesight. These characteristics make them highly effective hunters. Falcons vary in size, but they generally share some common physical traits such as: Sharp, hooked beaks: Their beaks are adapted for tearing meat. Pointed wings: They have long, thin, pointed wings, which allow for high-speed flight. Strong talons: They use their sharp talons to catch and hold onto their prey. Falcons are found all over the world in a wide range of habitats, including mountains, forests, plains, and even urban areas. Some well-known species of falcons include the Peregrine Falcon, known for being the fastest animal in the world, and the Kestrel, which is known for its ability to hover in the air while hunting. In addition to their hunting prowess, falcons have been important in human culture, especially in the practice of falconry, where they are trained for hunting. Falcon Meaning The word "falcon" refers to a bird of prey belonging to the genus Falco, which is part of the Falconidae family. Falcons are known for their distinctive hunting behavior, remarkable flying abilities, and exceptional speed. The term "falcon" itself has become synonymous with speed and precision, often used metaphorically in various contexts to denote these qualities. Falcon Symbolism: In many cultures, the falcon symbolizes several attributes: Speed and Agility: Due to their astonishing flying capabilities. Vision and Focus: Falcons have excellent eyesight, symbolizing clarity, visionary power, and focus. Freedom and Nobility: Falcons are often seen as symbols of freedom due to their ability to soar high in the sky and their regal presence. Victory and Success: In some cultures, they represent success and victory, often associated with hunting prowess. Falcon Speed Falcons are renowned for their incredible speed, making them one of the fastest creatures on the planet. The speed of a falcon varies among species and is particularly evident during their hunting dive, known as a stoop. The most notable for its speed is the Peregrine Falcon. It can reach speeds of over 240 miles per hour (386 kilometers per hour) in a dive, making it not just the fastest bird but the fastest animal in the world. While the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest, other species of falcons also demonstrate significant speeds but are generally slower. For example, the Gyrfalcon and the Merlin are also fast, but their speeds are lower compared to the Peregrine Falcon. This remarkable speed allows falcons to catch their prey, typically birds or small mammals, with deadly precision. The speed, combined with their aerial agility, makes falcons apex predators in their ecological niches. Where are Falcons Found? Falcons are found all over the world, except in extremely cold regions like the polar ice caps, and some isolated islands. They are one of the most widespread birds globally, adapting to a variety of habitats. Here's a general overview of where falcons are found: Falcons inhabit a wide range of environments, including forests, mountains, deserts, grasslands, and coastal areas. They are also increasingly common in urban areas, where they nest on tall buildings and hunt abundant city pigeons and other small birds. Global Distribution The Peregrine Falcon, known for being the fastest bird, is perhaps the most widespread and can be found on every continent except Antarctica. North America: In North America, species like the American Kestrel and the Prairie Falcon are commonly found. Europe and Asia: Europe and Asia have several species, including the Common Kestrel and the Gyrfalcon. Africa: Africa hosts a variety of falcon species, such as the Lanner Falcon and the Barbary Falcon. Australia and Oceania: In Australia, the Australian Hobby and the Brown Falcon are prevalent, and several species are also found in various Pacific islands. Migration Patterns Some falcon species are migratory, traveling long distances between breeding and wintering areas. For example, the Peregrine Falcon is known for its long migratory routes. Notably, falcons like the Peregrine have adapted remarkably to urban environments. They often nest on skyscrapers and use the high vantage points to spot and hunt prey, similar to their natural cliffside nesting sites. Falcons have a versatile presence, reflecting their adaptability and resilience in various environmental conditions. This wide distribution also shows the ecological importance of falcons as predators, helping to maintain balance in different ecosystems.Now, let's address the question: are falcons parrots? To understand this, we need to look at:
What Makes a Parrot a Parrot? 
Parrots are part of the Psittaciformes order, which is quite different from the Falconidae family. Parrots are known for their bright colors, strong, curved beaks, and their ability to mimic sounds, including human speech. Some common examples of parrots are macaws, cockatoos, and budgerigars (often called budgies).
Falcons Vs Parrots
Comparing falcons and parrots, we can see some clear differences. In terms of features, Falcons have thin, pointed wings, which help them fly fast and change direction quickly. Parrots, on the other hand, have broader wings and strong feet with sharp claws, which are great for climbing and holding onto branches. Also, parrots' beaks are designed for cracking nuts and seeds, while falcons' beaks are shaped to tear meat. In terms of behavior, there are differences too. Falcons are solitary hunters, which means they like to hunt alone. They are very territorial and don't like other birds invading their space. Parrots, however, are often social birds. They live in groups and are known for their loud calls and chatter. Parrots are also very intelligent and can solve complex problems, which is why many people train them to do tricks or speak. Here's a table that offers a comparison between falcons and parrots across various features:
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Feature Falcons Parrots Family Falconidae Psittaciformes Wings Thin and pointed Broad and strong Beak Sharp and hooked for tearing meat Strong, curved for cracking nuts and seeds Diet Carnivorous (mostly birds and small mammals) Omnivorous (nuts, seeds, fruits, some insects and meat) Hunting/Feeding Behavior Solitary hunters, territorial Social feeders, often in groups Social Behavior Generally solitary or in pairs Highly social, live in groups Mimicry Ability No mimicry ability Can mimic sounds and human speech  
Wrap up
So, are falcons parrots? The answer is no. Although both falcons and parrots are birds, they belong to different families and have different physical features, diets, and behaviors. Falcons are birds of prey, skilled in hunting and known for their speed, while parrots are often colorful, social birds, known for their intelligence and ability to mimic sounds. Understanding the differences between these two types of birds helps us appreciate the diversity in the bird world. Each bird, whether a falcon or a parrot, has its own unique qualities that make it special. So next time you see a bird soaring in the sky or hear one chirping in the trees, remember that there's a whole world of fascinating differences just waiting to be discovered.
Can a falcon talk? No, falcons cannot talk. Unlike parrots, they do not have the vocal abilities to mimic human speech or sounds. Are falcons related to hawks? Yes, falcons are related to hawks. Both belong to the order Falconiformes, but they are in different families; falcons are in the Falconidae family, while hawks are in the Accipitridae family. Are falcons related to eagles? Yes, falcons are somewhat related to eagles. Like hawks, eagles are part of the Accipitridae family, making them distant relatives to falcons within the broader order of Falconiformes. Where do Peregrine Falcons live? Peregrine Falcons have a broad range and can be found on all continents except Antarctica. They live in various habitats including cities, coastlines, and inland areas, often nesting on cliffs or tall human-made structures. Read the full article
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inquisitoracorn · 10 months
Word search tag game
Thank you @fereldan-kestrel for the tag! It reminds me I'm alive and like to do writing sometimes, but oh boy did you give me homework.
Unfortunately I've really only ever written one thing, with some small exceptions so most of this is from my long term fic, Two Songs and Three Serpents (yes, still writing it).
Note - TSTS unpublished chapter
The Cumberland contact knows that all post from Gavario is to be checked, but her heavy purse has prevented that from happening for many years now. There's a note meant for her, bearing Gavario's seal - the real one, she's made sure - informing her that all new orders and payments for raw ore will be made to an address in the Free Marches. The same address on the letter that isn't meant for her. Curiosity gnaws at her, as it often does, but caution wins in the end. She's worried that it might not, one of these days.
Learning - little drabble I wrote two whole years ago set during the Inquisition after Adamant, where Jonathan and Solas talk about the Fear Demon (edited)
The Inquisitor found it odd. He meant what he had said to Solas, that he would refrain from asking in order to respect his privacy. Having your fear mocked out in the open was a very uncomfortable experience for everyone involved. And yet, he had somehow expected Solas to tell him anyway, treat it as a lesson, a learning exercise. Maybe use it as an excuse to comment on how fear demons work - why it spoke Elvish to increase its emotional impact, how it may have latched onto a memory, how it can find fears you were not aware existed... Instead, Solas shut down the conversation with polite acceptance. What must have troubled him so?
Guide - TSTS Chapter 2 - Garnets and Merrymaking, where Jonathan deliberately steps on the toes of a stranger to earn goofy points :)))
Lady Marcelle, to her credit, tried to look lenient. "Of course, it's no matter." She pressed more into the dance, very subtly trying to guide Jonathan's steps, and when he complied and relaxed a bit, she gave a satisfied smile. After a few moments, when their dancing improved, Lady Ehlgar regarded him carefully. Jonathan thought maybe he had earned some sympathy.
Trap - I have SO many traps!! Why do I have so many traps??? - TSTS Chapter 9 - The Jeweller of Nevarra
Jonathan did not hear anything save for the sound of a desert at night – crickets and shifting sand. But they all remained quiet as Ser Magda let out a curious hum, slowly pulling apart the curtain at the back of the caravan. While the group waited with bated breath, the knight looked inside the carriage, then promptly shut it, taking a few quick steps back. "Get back, it's a trap,” she said evenly, “There's a chest in there left as bait." Jonathan frowned. How could she tell so quickly, and what if there was someone still around? "How do you know it’s bait?" Ser Magda sheathed her axe and got back on her horse, "It sings of lyrium, my lord. It's enchanted.” “Lyrium does not sing, Ser!”, Galbert intervened, but his tone made it more of a question than a statement, “But if you say it is a trap, I will trust your instincts.”
Legs - An Artober prompt a whilleeeee back where Jonathan listens to a concert of the Singquisition from the top floor of the Herald's Rest (edited)
Shadows fall and hope has fled Steel your heart, the dawn will come... The Inquisitor stopped breathing for a moment, and his grip on Dorian's hand tightened. He felt the bitter cold of the Frostbacks creep down his spine again. Again, like that night, with frost on his brow as his heavy legs stumbled out of his sickbed and into the camp. Again, as he remembered the weight that lowered itself on his shoulders like a lead blanket, pressing down further with every kneeling pilgrim.
All I'm getting here is - me like many words :)))
As it's already made the rounds and I haven't been involved with the fandom for ages, I'm choosing the coward's way out and... not tag. This time.
I'll return... soon
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
Gazooks! There's been a lab breach, and the zombie apocalypse is upon us! Which of your OCs are surviving?
Oooooh fantastic question!
(fun fact one of my little brain games when I'm bored and waiting somewhere is to imagine how good the building I'm currently in would be as a bunker in the zombie apocalypse. I've concluded that a movie theatre would make a fantastic home base and I could tell you why but that's a separate post)
Rae: Oh she's making it through. She's smart, well-versed in multiple languages and travel (i.e. less language barrier with other survivors and she won't get stuck to a place bc of sentimental value), and she has her shields to protect her from the zombies themselves. She's golden.
Robin: Would last a good long while, she's smart and resourceful, but sound-based powers aren't as useful against the undead. Breaking their eardrums with a sonic shriek deafens them, but it's not painful like it would be to a human. Not to mention, she's still got the handicap of being deaf. She can use her ability as a hearing aid, but she's still more likely to be snuck up on. My verdict? She'll survive just fine in a group, but wouldn't do as well alone since inevitably there'd be a rogue zombie that sneaks up on her.
Madison: Disappears into the wilderness and only emerges once the apocalypse is over (or... as over as it can be). She's just fine. Her one concern would be if Alex or someone close to her got bitten, since that would hit her hard, but from a pure survival aspect she'd do just fine.
Ophelia: Would struggle with the fact that her technology's shot (either by a classic apocalypse EMP or simply because the people running the cell towers and power stations are now zombified), but would make herself a bunker with all kinds of MacGyvered traps to protect her from the outside world. She'd be your stereotypical "antisocial but wickedly clever hermit scientist" character
Jasper: Look, I'm sorry, Jasper's so done. For one thing, they live in a very crowded city (New Orleans). For another, they'd get incapacitated by their empathic abilities so fast. Imagine it: the already-overwhelming battery of emotions suddenly becoming mangled and warped by the undead, the emotions too sharp and too angry and just not right all around them? Maybe they could survive if Kyle takes the lead (he already got brought back to life once, he can't exactly be turned into a zombie) but other than that they're sunk.
Quinn: I love Quinn very much, but she's very very dead. Her skillset is brilliant in the living world. She's clever, quick-witted, and can disappear into a crowd like it's nothing. But she can't run, and she's used to living in cities (crowded places, with few survival skills needed). If she finds a colony, she could maybe get by as a medic, since she's stitched so many wounds back in their old crew, but that implies she's got the good fortune to escape the immediate horde.
Kestrel: Very much depends. On the one hand, their shapeshifting means they can fly over battles as they crop up, and largely avoid the worst of the fighting. But on the other hand, their main defenses come from shapeshifting into a more powerful animal... and powerful animals can still get bitten. If any one of those zombies manages to nick an elephant's hide, or draw a bit of blood when Kestrel's fighting them off as a bear... they're done for.
Katherine: Dead. Sorry. She's got magic and that's great, but she just doesn't have enough hard survival skills to make it through. She's an artist, for crying out loud.
Eris: Would slaughter hordes of zombies and grin while they did it. He'd probably bring about the end of the apocalypse single-handedly, just because they're such perfect fodder for a good fight. The only problem would be if something happened to Rick - Eris can't get zombified since they're a metahuman, but he's always been the chink in their armor.
Nikoletta: Is more accustomed to social survival than true survival, and would probably struggle a bit in the early days. The good news is that she knows how to scrounge for food and shelter, and she can disappear into the shadows to avoid a zombie fight. But once she made it into that first rough patch, she'd come into her stride and end up not only surviving, but becoming the lead of her own survivalist colony.
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rohans18 · 1 year
Ear Tube Devices Market Applications and Current Status
Global Ear Tube Devices Market, By Material (Fluoroplastics, Phosphorylcholine (PC), Silicon, Polyethylene, Titanium, Ultrasil, Stainless Steel, Micron), End Users (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centres, Ent Clinics, Home Usage), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East & Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2028
An expert team performs systematic, object-oriented and complete market research study to provide the facts associated with any subject in the field of marketing via Ear Tube Devices marketing report. The report has a lot to offer to both established and new players in the Ear Tube Devices industry with which they can completely understand the market. SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis methods are used wherever applicable, while generating this report. One of the most important parts of an international Ear Tube Devices market report is competitor analysis with which businesses can estimate or analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors.
Key Players
The major players covered in the ear tube devices market report are Anthony Products, Inc, GRACE MEDICAL, Acclarent, Inc., Teleflex Incorporated., Medtronic, Kestrel Medical Limited, DTR Medical Ltd, Summit Medical Group, Heinz Kurz GmbH, Olympus Corporation, Adept Medical, RZ Medizintechnik, AventaMed DAC, Hummingbird TTS Preceptis Medical, Exmoor Ltd, Atos Medical AB, Innovia, Ledragomma s.r.l., Jorgensen Labs, Micronic, Maco International S.a.s, Smiths Medical, among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
 Browse More Info @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-ear-tube-devices-market
With the help of credible Ear Tube Devices market analysis report, businesses can make out the reaction of the consumers to an already existing product in the market. The report includes estimations of recent state of the market, CAGR values, market size and market share, revenue generation, and necessary changes required in the future products. A wide-ranging competitor analysis helps build superior strategies of production, improvement in certain product, its advertising or marketing and promotion for the business. Exhaustive and comprehensive market study performed in the wide ranging Ear Tube Devices market report offers current and forthcoming opportunities that put light on the future market investment.
Key questions answered in the report:
Which product segment will grab a lion’s share?
Which regional market will emerge as a frontrunner in coming years?
Which application segment will grow at a robust rate?
Report provides insights on the following pointers:
Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Ear Tube Devices Market.
Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.
Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.
Table Of Content
Part 01: Executive Summary
Part 02: Scope Of The Report
Part 03:  Global Market
Part 04: Global Market Size
Part 05: Global Market Segmentation By Product
Part 06: Five Forces Analysis
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