#And then “Amalgamate��� happened and no one died
mysteriousbp · 2 days
We saw alot about kanako as an amalgamate but we have not seen anything about half-amalgamate kanako (first post kanako in a panic attack) and im really curious about that.
Does she have amalgamate powers (shapeshifting and possibly ignoring the laws of physics) or does she just turn a bit goopy is this something kanako and possibly clover control or is it more subconscious (i like the idea that instead of a hurt sprite she she will start to melt like zenith martlet) im a huge fan of the concept of kanako being back to normal but under certain circumstances she goes back to being an amalgamate só i really want to know what your take is
Bonus questions
Does kanako have a fear of neddles
Does she consider the other amalgamates as family, visits them and possibly tries to find a cure for them using her father's research in her teen years
(Hope this doesn't give you to much trouble i have been watching your contente since the first post of this au and i love it i hope to see more of your contente and i hope you make more of this au)
Kanako half-amalgamate form is something subconscious that happens when whoever is in control has a panic attack or is really stressed out. 
And no, she doesn't have amalgamate powers. She just becomes goopy. (Even then, Amalgamates being able to shapeshift is kind of dumb. If they can shapeshift, why don't they just shapeshift into a more normal-looking form???)
Anyway. You said that you guys haven't seen anything about half-amalgamate Kanako? THEN HAVE THIS :D
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A thing that I mentioned before that I haven't gone deep into is that my AU version of Kanako has Cleithrophobia. And that's the fear of being trapped. Which she gained after being trapped for almost 2 years in the true lab. It just felt right to give her that fear. And she gets the worst cases of panic attacks when she gets trapped inside an elevator or in a place where the only way to leave is an elevator and it's not working. She's just a little kid who was in a place she couldn't leave after losing a family member and not being able to see or hear from her mother. That would affect a child's mind really badly.
(If someone is wondering why Clover is only on one panel, it's because Kanako's brain subconsciously blocks everything around her when in a panic attack. Even Clover. So Clover has a hard time snapping Kanako out of her panic attack. And also, we only see Kanako's pov to see what's going through her head when she's panicking. Everything else, it's Sadie and GK pov.)
Bonus questions
"Does kanako have a fear of neddles"
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Yes. She also developed Trypanophobia after the accident. Clover, it's the one in control of the body when they go get a vaccination or something else... After Kanako burned a doctor's office after using a fireball out of panic.
"Does she consider the other amalgamates as family, visits them and possibly tries to find a cure for them using her father's research in her teen years"
Kanako does consider the other Amalgamates to have distant families, and she does visit them from time to time.
And no, she doesn't try to cure them. Her father died from a soul experiment; she almost died too, and the other fallen monsters needed to melt together to stay alive. She knows that soul experiments are dangerous. She doesn't want to change, making things worse. It's already a miracle that the fallen monsters are still alive. Why risk killing them with a research that has already caused so much pain?
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Have Ceroba comforting Kanako after she had a panic attack from a nightmare she had.
(Creatures notes: I don't know why... But Kanako with half-amalgamated hair looks great to me...)
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breadmecoshy · 6 months
Why are you looking at me like you care?
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stringsbasement · 5 months
May we get a bit more about UFY!Dalv? (Also ig in extension corn yaoi as collateral)
apologies for the Late Reply!! I've been brainstorming What To Say to this ask for days, since before this i didn't think about dalv/vlad all that much. so here's a hopefully Cohesive peek into his (and martlet's!!) character and backstory + some doodles!
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(i have plans for a bigger piece that ill start Later On when i have the Time.)
i do want to bring vlad a more active role to the story in yellowfell compared to uty. but like the au itself, he and martlet are still a work in progress, so dont be too surprised if things change in the future.
one day, vlad met this strange, spunky teenager named martlet and now she Wont Leave Him Alone. she tells him she sticks around because she likes the fact he didn't try to attack her at first glance, to which she took as a cue to attach herself to him and now they're somehow on friendly??? terms? (the same thing that happened to chujin. its pretty effective, apparently.)
vlad would never admit he likes her company, if only because she wont stop bullying him about being a "lonely, sad adult who's only friend is a homeless kid," (she's right)
his response was, "if it wasn't for those stripes, you'd be fried dust," except, he didn't say that out loud because his social anxiety Wont Go Away even in the presence of a dumb teen
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okay, now for the major plot divergences: kanako wasn't involved in the snowdin attack. rather, it's Vlad and martlet.
they do get hurt— vlad mostly, the scar never really healed— but luckily chujin was at the scene and chased the human away to waterfall with axis (and proceeded to Not kill them)
of course, chujin wouldn't want to get reported for hiding a living child away to poke needles at (politely), so for a while, Vlad and Martlet are made to believe they Did (indirectly, but still in some way,) caused the death of a child.
a human, but Still a child.
they try not to think too much about that, or how they could've died that day.
(it doesn't work that well)
(martlet is suspicious, but she wouldn't dare question chujin.)
then, it comes time that chujin needs a subject. he needs a monster's soul, from someone "pure" and "uncorrupted".
but no, Chujin couldn't ever touch Kanako or Ceroba. Not himself either, his family needs him; he can't be reckless, no matter how much he wants to Help Everyone. he hates hurting others, he truly does, but in this world, he Doesn't Have A Choice, does he?
he needs somebody Nobody Will Miss if they were to one day disappear.
so, he visits snowdin. he finds Vlad, already packing up to shamefully retreat into the ruins. He... "convinces" him Not To. he gives him the Opportunity to be a savior, to be greater, to be somebody other than himself. All he has to do is to come with him instead. start a New Life, somewhere far away from snowdin and those ruins.
offer up his soul because then, and only then, will his Sins be Forgiven.
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possible amalgamation form?
vlad agrees, because it's easier to believe someone else's words about you serving a Greater Purpose rather than accept that you are nothing. so, he moves into a little town far east and meets someone very, very special :)
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slothpoth · 11 months
Uncanny Vash and Knives Hcs
I just finished TriMax like— today so now I feel more comfortable being Public with hcs
TW: Body horror and the like
I’m gonna format this by saying overall hcs and then getting specific on how both of them treat/adapt to these hcs and what personal differences they have
Duo Headcannons
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Every time their voicebox reopens their voice takes on a different tone
Most of the time it’s imitating voices they’ve heard in the past, sometimes it’s a weird amalgamation of them creating a new voice.
For example when they only knew Rem their voices would sometimes go a bit too high pitched like it’s their original voice mixed with Rem or just straight up Rem
Their eyes are very glassy and doll-like
I won’t say life less because they can still emote but I think when they’re at rest it’d be very like IB/ Mad Father Doll Room Tease
I’m playing with the idea of them not blinking but I wanna make it freakier somehow so maybe they blink inconsistently? Like one eye will blink every hour and the other every two hours?
The surface of their skin is always feels like there’s an electric current underneath, like you touch their arm and they have buzzies
Independents in general start off looking very uncanny as a newborn, grow into a child that looks very human, and as they rapidly age they start to become more plant like again (got inspo for this from possuminatrenchcoat_27 on tiktok)
This could possibly be a newer adaptation after what happened with Tesla assuming that Tesla is the first instance of an independent/ the first instance of an vs independent getting brutalized like that.
When they get antsy or any high tension you’d be able to see their respective abilities kind of…..moving under their skin
When the tension or emotion gets too much they start to like leak whatever their thing is, think “Hikaru” from The Summer Hikaru Died
When they bleed it’s a mixture of blood of sometimes a feather or a leaf or two
Viewing their “human” visages as a sort of disguise, I’d like to assume they can change colors
And by change colors I mean change how saturated or unsaturated their skin, hair, nails, and other organic parts are
Like if they do choose they can have the brightest teeth none to man and plant
Speaking of teeth, they can choose how many, how little, how long, how short, and what order their teeth are in
Also!! Incredible muscle control, like thinks Fox in a trap, rather than knaw off their leg they simply move and contract the muscle (and possibly bone) until they can slip out
They can photosynthesize but when they do it’s very obvious and very ominous
Like imagine one of them standing looking up, neck limp head back, eyes wide and unfocused slightly rolled back, jaw slack, a rumbling coming from the top of their head and from the ground but nowhere inbetween
Their senses are heightened so in high traffic areas they can get overwhelmed easily, especially considering that they spent their developing and adapting years on the ships where the loudest thing was the machine hum
I think it’d be funny if they can make themselves smell like different types of foliage like one day it’s roses the next it’s honeydew the next it’s just grass
Vash Copes
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so Mr. Deluxe-Life-Like over here is a hummer
Like he’ll hum and clear his throat and make noises to try a get his speaking voicebox to around a tone that somewhat sounds like him.
He can’t just start randomly talking and sound like Milly! That’d be rude!
So along with the rainforest animal sequence chittering and chattering he’s just, “hmm hrrmm huummm buh…how are doing? Do you feel okay?”
To make up for how his eyes are he wears glasses (of course) but also had figured out how to dilate his eyes in time with what he sees in other people’s emotions (incredible muscle control)
He’ll be purposely very expressive to take as much attention from his eyes as possible so none notices how his eyes look or the blinking issue
Sometimes he’ll make himself blink when he knows he’s being looked at
So when Vash is getting antsy under his skin youll see almost like vines wiggling about underneath, but very inconsistently
Like if you’re looking at his arm you’ll see a long thin vine, that could be mistaken for a vein, jerk around sporadically
When he’s getting very antsy the vine will sprout thorns that’ll push through his skin like water. It won’t leave a wound behind the skin will just fall back together
That’s why he likes the coat so much because you can’t see the things going on under his skin
So like imagine an almost worm like part of his skin being raised that’s jerking around and moving these thorns that just glide through his skin (freaky huh?)
I think Vash would use the color changing thing for comedic effect, like the usual tinting red for blush or embarrassment, stuff like that
Despite having all these options for self customization, I think Vash would keep it pretty human like.
Well— not exactly. He hasn’t been in a place to get the details right so he kinda…fills in the blank spaces with other things!
Like since he hasn’t had the time to peek into someone’s mouth, he has a dog mouth. He’s seen the inside of a dogs mouth lot of times what’s wrong with it? They look cool!
One time him and wolfwood were play fighting and WW had pinned him so Vash started to moved his muscles around to squeeze out and WW got so scared he jumped like a foot in the air and cowered in a corner
Vash doesn’t photosynthesize often because he typically eating so that’s how he gets his energy
But when he’s on the run and another town is a ways away and he’s sooo hungry he just gotta Yknow
one time Meryl and Milly caught up to him while he was doing it and when they approached (after passing once to try to taunt him with water) he jerked out of it in a blink all creepy like
Like they were a yard away from his back and they blinked and now he’s a foot away and facing them all “Hey Ladies!” fym hey ladies bitch move
For his senses I feel like he kind of enjoys being on the run so he’s not constantly overstimulated by all the sounds of towns
Don’t get him wrong he loves towns and people but 24/7 everytime he opened his eyes? He just needs a wee break is all
Smell wise I think he’d keep to a grass kind of scent, it’s all he really knows
So when Meryl or Milly or Wolfwood come up and get personal with him and ask “what are you wearing” after answering cheekily for a while he just goes “nothing, I just smell like this”
Knives Cope
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Welcome to the stage Mr. I-Look-Like-This-For-The-Irony and his special talent How Far Can We Push The Human Assumption
One of Knives’ pleasures is seeing how far he can push what he looks and acts like until people start to think he’s not a human
He’s found it’s reasonably far if he’s careful
Voice wise, Knives’ voice really doesn’t change all that often
It gets more erratic based on the people around you and Knives is usually isolated, since he’s not constantly around voices and people like Vash he just has to deal with voice pitching up and down and less imitations
That doesn’t mean it’s never happened
When he and Conrad first teamed up and we’re talking more often about their plans and what’s possible, Conrad thought Knives was warming up and being playful by imitating his voice sometimes
He chuckled once and Knives was like “What’s so funny.” And Conrad brought the voice thing up and Knives was like “That’s unintentional, why would I wanna win your favor I already have it.”
Knives knows his eyes are off putting. He knows very well.
He intentionally makes an overt amount of eye contact until he knows the other person is freaked out
When Knives gets to a point of tension where you can see his blades poking under his skin, he just lets em out
To him it’s his base plant side telling him to free himself of this embarrassing flesh suit so he’s like ah just as nature intended
It could also be why he has the cloak of blades cause he’s always high tension
Back to his stage act, How UnHuman Can We Look Until They Start Actually Thinking I’m Not Human, when it comes to their customization options, Knives likes the keep it just about human
He wants to look like his sisters, but knows he can’t get people to do what he wants if they think he looks too sweet (in his opinion his sisters are adorable)
So he tries to balance both visuals. He’s crazy pale with platinum blonde hair because his sisters are also incredibly pale.
But on the other hand, he keeps himself looking somewhat human because what else to should humanity see at its end but itself?
When he isn’t in public, he likes to look ALOT less human, like biblical Angel.
Knives doesn’t get into situations where he needs to move his muscles around himself to escape anything, the only time he did was when he and Vash were younger and playing around
Unlike Vash, Knives photosynthesizes all the time
He doesn’t like eating, it overwhelms his senses. The sunlight? Oh the sunlight.
Knives feels the same way about the Sun like yearning gays and the moon
He will photosynthesize even if he doesn’t have to, he does it so often he can do it laying down (he looks like a corpse and if you come too close to him while he’s laying there you will get skewered right ways)
Knives remembers more about the flowers Rem showed them and how they smell so usually he’ll choose whichever plant he thinks of first
That’s the end, this took like two days straight there was more in the thinker and reading The Summer Hikaru Died mid way through making it. Can you tell how much I like figuring out how human is human?
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vapolis · 3 months
Hey just wanted to pop in and say I love that there are obvious ways that like certain ros connect with merc and like perceive them (I say certain cause I haven’t done all the routes and I’m not a fan of assumptions) but also this underlying vibe of this alien-ness too. Like in certain ways merc, jax, and orla are similar people. There’s this understanding that comes from operating in their world in the way that they do. Like speaking the same dialect while being three completely different people. Or three people from the same hometown with certain similar understandings but having wildly different lives.
I dunno, maybe it’s just me but I’ve always kind of gotten this feeling that merc is something knowable but never understood in some ways. Like jax and orla probably felt human before their current careers, and they do now, and they will when all is said and done. Maybe they don’t like the people they used to be, or maybe they’ll twist or untwist certain emotions or morals but human nonetheless. Sometimes merc gives the vibe that they don’t feel like a person. They feel like a collective, a mass grave, a midden heap, thoughts that claw and scream and hold uncomfortable vows of silence never at the right moment. Maybe they were a person before, but now they’re an amalgamation of the people they’ve died as. Like each time it’s harder and harder for them to wiggle and crawl their way out of the corpse pile. And it gives their interactions something spicy. Like jax and orla aren’t afraid of them, but whenever they’re directing or dealing with merc, it’s like they’re testing a hundred year old gun, with their bare hands and knowing that there’s a 8 out of 10 chance it’ll fire and fire well and do what you wish it to do, but there’s this 2 out of 10 chance that it’ll backfire and take your hand off. Like they’re not afraid, they’re still gonna test it, still gonna use it. But that 2 out of 10 looks a lot less comforting when you realize how much they’ll be needing that gun. And I feel like they interact with that amount of maybe wariness because neither jax or orla are dumb, certainly arrogant but never stupid. But no one trains their dog to fight in the pits and then lets them sleep in the same bed as them (which actually isn’t this kind of their romances, in which, case, I mean, should probably be fine right? Merc’s well fed… kinda. Probably.)
"merc is something knowable but never understood in some ways" OH HO HO I love that description of them. it's true in some way.
especially considering what you then say about them feeling like a collective of people, a mess grave (which goes so hard as well as the end of the ask I'm still 😵‍💫😵‍💫) that vibe certainly is something they grapple with as time goes on and their memories get weird as mentioned a little already. I love that you picked up on it and how that changes the way jax and orla interact with them.
yes, they're a tool meant to be used but at the end of the day they have their own mind made up of ghosts haunting them at night and the things left over from when they were someone else for the day and orla and to an extent jax are very aware of the fact. they want to use them but it's always a what if.
what if today is the day the merc snaps? what if tomorrow is the day we can't reign them back in? what if the day after tomorrow they turn on us? has that happened before? can they free themself of the burden of what once was and what they have done with their own hands in the name of others?
it's always at the back of their minds, even if they'd never say it. there's no fear, really, because they don't fear death itself and certainly not by the hands of merc, but a good amount of caution that warns them not to set them off too early.
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holymaccaronii · 2 months
AAAAAH okay okay, I decided myself to share 2 things in one in this post: the lore of my ihnmaims AU + a design I’m working on. To be completely honest, I’m not sure if I’ll want to develop this AU into a fic or anything like that, but for now I’ll use it as an excuse to draw and design characters. Note that I might come back to this post and edit the lore paragraph, as it is still a work in progress, though I am liking where this is going. Please PLEASE excuse my English, some things might not make sense without me noticing, but I tried describing the plot the best I could. *Ahem*, now, the lore:
The lore takes place after the bad ending in the videogame where the player is turned into the worm, yet still doesn’t allow AM to access and torture the humans sealed in the moon colony. Since the last humans had “failed” their mission to defeat AM, a “Plan B” was scheduled to happen. Unbeknownst to the humans of the colony, another AI was created and implanted within the moon, taking up almost all of the space in its core due to its large size. This machine had the sole purpose of ensuring the survival of those humans once AM was defeated, or not. Inside it were millions of plant seeds, animal embryos and frozen samples that would later be used to repopulate the earth, yet it also had defense and destruction technologies to be used in case AM was not defeated. This machine was perfectly calibrated to be able to overcome any adversity that arose, but of course, all that changed when one of the humans managed to wake up and leave their capsule. This human got to understand what all of this was about, though they did not like where this was heading one tiny bit, thus they used the time they had left before the last human on Earth was killed to change and mess it all up. Humanity's greed had claimed yet another victim, as this AI was torn apart piece by piece until it was completely separated and rebuilt into an insane amount of sentient robot models as the years passed. This human managed to transform their own body as well, rebuilding it just as a sacred temple in order to be crowned monarch of this new society now living in a city on the moon. Despite all this, the goal of bringing humanity back still remained, now with the small condition that this human had to be considered a savior and supreme leader to all. Once the last human on Earth had died, robotic troops began to be sent to Earth to study it in detail and plan attacks against AM’s systems, which were disadvantageously located deep underground. Many of these attacks resulted in large unnecessary losses as these robots were not calibrated to combat AM, but they still continued to upgrade themselves to increase their damage range over time. This continued on as a seemingly endless war that barely progressed.
Again, I am aware that maybe some stuff might not make sense (or maybe it does?), but this is basically a continuation of what happened canonically in the videogame. The name “PLAN B” also makes reference to my OC BE, thought that was cool :p. I’ll explain the events that happen here later on as well.
Many if not all of the robots I’ll design will include a whole lotta exposed wires + their outer shell/ body parts, as I liked this dynamic, and it will be important later. The “monarch” that I mentioned in the paragraph is turning out to be this guy down here. I based myself off from those ceramic sun decorations, and thought it would be cool to make his face switchable. In reality they have a body too but I jus like wire amalgamations too much + they’re easy to draw. I’ll continue workin on em :-)
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skrbol · 6 months
Percy Jackson Headcanons Pt.2
(Some of these tie into the first part)
The gods adapt to modern day but only partially, they reflect the way their domains were in ancient Greece or Rome more than how they are now. Their children on the other hand have adapted. Poseidon remains the god of the old sea, the unexplored, the terrifying depths that few would dare to enter.
Percy is the son of a much newer sea, one that has been home to all manners of beings. Millenia of people coexisting and traveling the ocean has given it some newer powers. When Percy needs help and does not have the energy to raise a storm he can sing, the songs of pirates, of sailors, he can funnel the lives of all those who lived and died by the sea into magic. A magic that belongs to the sea, that has become one with the sea. Some even rumor that the Princess Andromeda was pursued by the ghost ship herself, The Flying Dutchman, the seas wrath wrought upon it by Percy’s hand.
Clarisse has a similar power. The Spartans her father swears by never did get much into things outside battle. But as times changed so did war. During capture the flag when all seems lost its been said that the songs of marches seems to emanate from the children of war, empowering their allies. When they are beat down and tired, they die with their backs strong, a distant chant of "a Hell of a way to die" blowing in the wind. And when Silena Beauregard perished the battlefield fell silent as a memorial for a fallen friend rang through the air.
Most demigods use the mist to hide their blemishes. Percy is no different, he hides his scars, some from monsters, some from accidents, and some from Gabe. But the biggest thing he hides is his skin. Percy has fought many gods, titans, immortals, you name it. They have left their mark on him. When Percy defeated Hyperion the golden ichor that fell from his wounds never washed away, when he fought more titans in the pit it added to it. His body has always been an amalgamation of scars and tattoos, now it has splashes of the golden blood of immortals and the green blood of the more powerful monsters he killed thrown in the mix.
Him and Annabeth have theorized why it only happens to him and struggled to find an answer. It was only after Thanatos informs them that he understands. The fates wanted to remind the gods that they aren’t infallible. How better to do it than to mark their savior, the most pertinent demigod of all, with the blood of the immortals he’s beaten on the quest to save them. After all it isn’t only titans whom Percy has made bleed
Percy frequently had to fend off fights from gods before the war. Every other week it’s either Ares or Athena wanting a fight. At least Artemis stopped after he hit her with his car and Dionysius after he broke his knees with a brick thrown at Mach 1. But these two are so persistent it doesn’t matter if it’s knives, swords, spears, fists. He even beat Athena with a waffle iron once. They just never seem to give up. It doesn’t help that Phobos,Deimos,and Enyo seem insistent on fighting him too.
(t/w: suicidal thoughts, Substance Abuse, and Self Harm mentioned )
After the second Titan War Percy and Clarisse where fast on the track to self-destruction. It all came to a head when they encountered each other in their old bunker, hidden deep in the woods. It was a place where they would hang out and have fun with Beckendorf, Silena, and Lee. All of them gone. Percy saw Clarrise holding a bottle of malt liquor, he himself had just felt a bullet break against the impenetrable skin of his temple, the only way to feel. They saw each other and made a pact to keep each other alive, to confide in each other and help each other until eventually they got past self inflicted wounds and survivors guilt. Both of them were supposed to be generals, supposed to be strong. So they were weak as friends, in private, until they became strong. Many think that only Annabeth or Chris could help them through an episode, but when it’s really bad it’s Percy or Clarrise coming to help the other.
Annabeth is the full blown mama bear in the mortal world, she's at every parent teacher conference, every open school night, holiday parties, EVERYTHING. Gods help the school that tries to shun her kid for having ADHD and dyslexia, she will rain hell on them. She makes sure to listen to her kids side of the story before making up her mind.
Percy on the other hand is pretty laid back, until the Greek side of the family gets involved then all hell breaks loose. No child of his is going a quest before they're fourteen, thank you very much. Aphrodite needs to find her hairbrush for the 12th time this decade? She can go hook up with some actor and make a kid to do it for her, his child won't be risking their life for a fucking hairbrush.
Thalia, Piper, and Reyna are all in equal competition for the cool aunt title. It’s a much less intense competition than the vine riddled flaming skeletal mess that is Grover, Nico, and Leo’s competition to be the favorite uncle. (In reality Frank and Hazel have already claimed the titles)
Grandma Sally is a favorite of all the kids, and both Annabeth and Percy find family dinner where Athena glares at Poseidon from across the table very amusing.
Percy has always had a “me and mine” mentality. That is to say he’s fiercely protective of his friends and himself. That is why he fought in the wars. That is why he mouths off to the Olympians. Everything he does is to protect his friends and family, not the gods who sit and watch, but his siblings who fight next to him, who he protects with each battle.
His rage during the Battle of Manhattan was equally about his sorrow for losing members of his family as it was about protecting Annabeth. Even to this day demigod veterans remember his anger when he found that the enemy rolled a Panzer tank through HIS PEOPLE into HIS CITY. -Safehouse
Sally has an open door policy to all demigods. If you’re on a quest and you need a safe place to sleep or a meal you’re welcome to stay. Even the Hunters have taken advantage of such a boon. Not once had there ever been a monster attack on the apartment.
A couple people have theorized on how this works and the best answer is Percy is so terrifying to the monsters that know to stay away from his mother. And they’d be partially right, but Sally Jackson knows better. Because she’s the one who put the shotgun with celestial bronze ammo next to the door. Percy got his protectiveness from somewhere, and it wasn’t the God of the Seas.
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bestworstcase · 2 months
What do you think happens to the souls of Ozma's hosts? Like it it gone gone forever, or is Light Bro just keeping them on ice in his afterlife?
my pet theory
on the grounds that ozma always has someone else in his head and that person is always the host, or a facsimile of the host who is also a facsimile of himself because the curse blends them into one, and there has not been a single hint or implication that there is ever anyone else but two—meaning that he isn’t an amalgam, he’s one person who doesn’t feel like a person because he’s been forced into this parasitic existence and has no sense of self anymore—
is that ozma’s soul got split into two when the brothers were playing tug of war with his soul, and one half reincarnates tabula rasa and the other half remembers, and the god of light intervened to take advantage of/“fix” this situation by forcing them to recombine into one. but the problem is,
as penny demonstrates,
if you break someone’s soul into pieces you don’t end up with two defective half-people. you end up with two people. it doesn’t matter that penny’s soul used to be part of pietro’s soul, smashing them back together to erase her and make him ‘whole’ would be horrifying and painful for both of them. because they’re separate people now, existing independent of each other.
and if this is indeed what’s going on with ozma, then his experience suggests that merging penny and pietro back into one person by recombining their souls wouldn’t even be possible—they might become indistinguishable from each other, but there would still be two people in there.
and then the two halves separate again at the moment of death and are put back together.
NOW! you may be thinking that oscar being fourteen when ozpin died and ozpin reincarnating into him within a few months contradicts this theory. which yes it does. but i have a theory about THAT also
ozpin doesn’t seem to have anyone in his head (which might simply be for the sake of not tipping the hand, but there aren’t any moments that feel like switching or “ohhh, he’s conferring with his host” either),
there is a heavy implication that ozpin thinks the aura transfer machines will essentially inflict his curse on pyrrha and amber, thus implicitly associating the ATMs with the merge, and
reason dictates that the ATMs had to have been tested, and we know that they were more or less developed under ozpin’s auspices, despite his misgivings. the only ethical way to test these machines is on a willing volunteer.
willing volunteers like pietro. and also, i propose, like ozpin.
”you will never be alone.” this is a curse. he has not been alone even in his thoughts for thousands of years. ironwood broached the subject of a machine that can separate aura—separate the soul—from the body. ozpin has two souls fused into one. partial transfers are possible. how long were those machines in development? pietro looks quite a bit younger in the photograph. might it perhaps, possibly, have been fourteen or fifteen years ago when the first prototype was tested?
and well. ozma’s soul and the reincarnating soul know how to split apart. they do it all the time! they’re old hat at this! (pattern theory.) so it’s very easy and it’s a nice clean split and the reincarnating soul flies away to reincarnate like it always does, and oz gets about fourteen years of quiet for the first time in millennia. which he mostly uses to dissociate in peace.
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distort-opia · 9 months
What do you think about Joker and Batman’s story in the Arkham Games?
Oh I think it's great. Arkhamverse Batjokes is one of my favorite iterations of the dynamic. Starting from Arkham Origins and how they have Joker begin to be truly obsessed with Batman only after Batman saves his life multiple times-- even though it didn't make any sense, even though any rational person would've let Joker die. There's just something so compelling about Joker being so self-destructive and careless from the start, latching onto the one person acting against all he believes. Because Joker thinks he deserves to die, and doesn't try to avoid it (more like actively encourages it). But then Batman keeps saving that life of his he doesn't value, again and again... It's pretty similar to what happens in the comics, too: Joker seeing Batman as a distraction or a pest to his main plan, and then Batman doing something so out of the ordinary that Joker becomes obsessed. It's just more condensed, more obvious in the game.
"Now, why? Why? Why would you do that? Newsflash: I'm the one who's trying to kill you!" I adore Troy Baker's performance, and the sheer frustration in Joker's voice. Just love this whole scene so fucking much. Joker putting the gun to his head and Bruce's sheer... trauma and inability to witness death kicking into gear, having him instantly jump to stop Joker despite the fact he killed two people seconds before, but then punching him in the face. Genius.
Though I think the most interesting thing about Arkhamverse Batjokes is that Joker dies. It's one of the few mediums to explore in depth what would happen to Bruce afterwards, how he'd cope with it... with the answer being "badly". Both in-game and in comics or novels set in the universe, it's explicitly stated either by Bruce or by other characters that he's mourning. And he doesn't understand it. Then you've got the fact he's hallucinating Joker, and Joker's taking over his mind. In many ways it's similar to the backstory of the Batman Who Laughs; getting infected by blood/toxin after Joker's death and becoming an amalgamation of himself and Joker. Except, in the Arkham games, Bruce manages to stop the transformation. And no matter how you interpret it: the Joker in Bruce's mind being the real Joker, or Joker being a figment of his imagination fuelled by the tainted blood in his system acting to Jokerize him the way it did the others-- it's still so telling, the way it all unfolds. At the end of Arkham Knight, Bruce still doesn't kill Joker, not even when Joker isn't real. What we get, as a way of symbolizing Joker's defeat and Bruce regaining control over himself, is Joker being shoved into a cell and shouting "I need you". And how many times has Bruce put Joker in a cell before? How many times has Joker broken out of it? That isn't really the ending... there is no ending for the two of them.
God, and I didn't even mention Joker's songs, him performing Only You, the phonecalls to Bruce, the interviews in Arkham... the incredible voice acting from Kevin Conroy (he'll always be remembered, and always be Batman to me) and Mark Hamill... so many great elements. Not gonna keep ranting, but yeah! Arkamverse Batjokes is my second favorite after the comics.
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mysteriousbp · 24 days
So if Chujin 's element is ice and Ceroba's is fire what is Kanako's? I already theorized before that Ceroba's bullet patterns after she put on the mask are actually hers, which would suggest fire along with artificial motifs (lanterns, masks and bells). How would Clover's soul influence her bullet patterns? I imagine guns that shoot fireballs and, taking a page from @howlonomy; clover storms and a big rifle that shoots the giant justice laser. Given the power she has I can even imagine her pulling a similar stunt as Yellow (right before she died) in "The Six who Fell Before You" (part 41).
For that matter, how does she, Clover and everyone else react to the fact that, being a boss monster with an awakened* human soul she is now on track to become the most powerful being in the world?
By awakened I mean Clover is able to enter "justice mode" and use human specific soul magic (pewpew lasers, teleport dash and memory reading)
Kanako's has both of her parents elements of fire and ice. And she can use the same patterns has her parents with her original pattern being the lattern. (Yes she can do all the crazy attacks that geno Ceroba can do. So decreasing max HP thing.And Chujin patterns being just simple snowflakes and icicles because he was more brains than brawn. And she only has the lanterns has her original pattern because it just feels weird giving her the mask attacks without the mask itself.)
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So in short she isn't short of natural attacks that she can do. She will kick your butt.
(Side note: Ceroba can do the bell attack in her normal form. But by researching Ceroba attacks I found out that she only uses fire attacks when she uses the mask... Meaning that she can't use fire normally... Yet everyone makes fire her normal attack in fan works...)
Clover's soul doesn't change her attacks. She just gains new ones. Being the ones of the Omega Flowey boss fight.
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Being the giant gun and healing magic. Who needs items when you can heal yourself! (She tripped and fell)
But yes Kanako can use the soul big shot and dash. She can also do the mind reading thing but she can't decide when it happens. It just does. Clover and her still don't understand how that one works.
But the biggest stund that she can pull is when she’s determined enough to enact Justice, but doesn’t have enough power to do so, then her Determination will give her the power to do that. (aka the thing that Clover does in geno.)
But about Kanako being a boss monster fused with a human soul... She's actually just stronger that the average boss monster.
She isn't god like power level because of her condition when fused.
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If she was normal when fused she would have turn into a god like power level being. But because she was a amalgamate most of the magic and soul power that would go to her powers and magic is being use to keep her body together. So she is still more power than a boss monster but not by a lot.
And the fact that she's probably the most powerfull thing alive isn't brought up a lot because monsters and humans are still getting used to live together again. So if things went south Kanako would problaby be the biggest target to get eliminated if another war happened. So it isn't talked a lot for that reason.
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puppetwoman17 · 10 months
You know, I’ve always thought of Michael Afton as the FNaF series’ anomaly. It’s why I refer to it so much in my fanfiction.
There’s the obvious bit, where he’s nothing like the rest. He’s no animatronic, obviously. He’s not like his dad or brother, who were crushed by spring locks and inhabited the suits they died in. He’s not a suit fueled by the agony of a child’s death.
But he’s not human either.
He’s somewhere in the middle. A combination of the agony of his death by scooper, of remnant powering dead children. And then there’s the obvious addition of, ya know, his insides being scooped out by an amalgamated system of robots.
Different from the rest. A man haunting his own body. Others are fueled by hate and a lust for revenge. But he’s alive just because of spite. Because he won’t die.
And when I tell you he was probably the most unexpected thing to happen…
He was some bratty kid, annoyed with his brother for always crying. Then the kid dies and he feels like the worst human being. Then he does whatever he can to set things right, like going down to find his sister. And then he gets scooped, and that just FEELS like the end, right? Like the last Afton is gone, like all that’s left is just William and the creatures he created. Animatronics possessed by dead kids versus a murderer in a rabbit suit. No one to stand in the middle and watch over all of it.
They needed a middle man, and they got one.
I remember when the story was first starting out, and everyone was wondering who the guard was. FNAF one, the last guard in FNAF 2(for some, not for others), and the guard in FNAF 3. I remember so clearly, we were wondering just why the hell this guy kept coming back, if he even was the same guy. Who would come back every night and come out the winner?
And then FNAF 4 came out, and we got our first look at who would grow up to be the protagonist of these games. It’s not clear though, we still don’t have the full picture.
And then SL releases, and FINALLY, we know. We have a name, a relation, and it blows the world of FNAF into a whirlwind, because the protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy’s, the thorn in the murderer’s side, someone who can take on so many animatronics and come out swinging, is the murderer’s own son! His first born child, back with a vengeance, and an inability to pass on.
He burned his own father, he took on the corrupt company he worked for and searched for the guard who left him tapes. He tampered with robots and burned places to the ground and did it all in a decaying body.
And it all comes to a head in FNAF 6, where we see all of his hard work come to fruition, and all of his skills are utilized to take on the monsters of his past. I’m sure no one in that town expected anything from a jealous, angry kid who “killed” his brother. I’m sure they hated him. I’m sure he was expected to die. But he still got back up. He became the anomaly, and he burned those mofos to the ground!
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Fanart by KTK on Pinterest
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daresplaining · 24 days
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Matt: "In recent weeks, the streets have spread the news that the original Daredevil has returned. But Matt Murdock, Esq., is still dead. Youth home director Father Matthew has taken his place. It's not a hoax or a dream. My master's degree in Divinity is hanging up at home. And I have memories, however fuzzy, of attending seminary." Daredevil vol. 8 #5 by Saladin Ahmed, Farid Karami, Jesus Aburtov, and Clayton Cowles
After taking a little break, I am now fully caught up on the current run, which means it's time for some posts.
For everyone keeping track at home: Mike Murdock was killed while pretending to be Matt, and Matt used that as an opportunity to fake his own death. Then he went off to fight the Hand and died for real. Now he's back, but most people still think he's dead-- the people who originally thought he was dead, and the people who knew about the faked death but don't know that the real one didn't stick. But maybe...he is still dead after all? (Man, I love comics.)
I've made some comments to the effect that the Matt Murdock who has been headlining Daredevil for the past few years is essentially a new character, but I was not expecting confirmation in the new run that this is literally true: we're now following a different version of Matt, whose original memories have been almost, but not quite, overwritten by entirely different memories of a past that didn't actually happen (Mike parallels, anyone?). What does it mean for the original Matt to be "still dead"? Who, or what, is this new guy? Will the original Matt return? Will Divinity Degree Matt take over for good? Will they meld into some kind of Matt-shaped amalgam creature? As much as all of the religion in this run turns me off, and as disinterested as I am in the concept of Father Matthew, I'm intrigued by this strange, mysterious Fake Boy Matt situation.
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distressednoise · 2 months
It's not WIP Wednesday, but have some sad small Cassian amd Brasso anyway.
After his mother’s funeral half of Ferrix had crammed into their shambling rooms, a confused amalgamation of older tenements into a semi-respectable, union-owned family unit that somehow managed to be spread across three floors without ever filling one. Cass had liked it as a boy, squirrelling along its corridors with whoever else’s children were there or shadowing Brasso’s mother as she narrated her day in to him in Basic at half her normal speed and twice everyone else’s. He’d liked that you could only reach Brasso’s room, a strange triangular attic that was wedged up on the third floor and had no business being part of the property at all, by a single steep ladder, and had patiently taught him how to build a snare at the top of it in case of enemy attack.
When he’d disappeared during the wake Brasso thought he’d retreated up there, but instead found Clem and Cass arguing at the door to his mother’s room.
“Mate, you can’t be here,” Clem was saying. “It’s private.”
“Brasso doesn’t mind,” Cassian said, very confidently for someone who hadn’t spoken to Brasso at all that day and didn’t know he was currently making his way down the corridor with a tray full drinks.
“Let’s ask him then, shall we?”
“You don’t need to - ”
“Sorry about this, Brass,” Clem said, leaning round the door. “He’s not touched anything. He’s just a bit upset.”
“Because they’re doing it wrong - ”
“I told you, Cass, it’s different here. Where’s she going to find a mountain in this place?”
“It’s not in this place,” Cassian insisted, and when Brasso made it through the door he saw that Cassian was perched on the end of his mother’s bed, spine erect and face resolutely turned away from Clem, eyes focused intently on an overflowing plate of food of the dresser. “Brasso, when someone dies - ”
“What people believe happens when someone dies,” Clem said gently, “on Fest.”
“On Fest,” parroted Cassian, mustering a level of adolescent scorn that suggested he was, at most, one name day away from becoming ungovernable, “everyone knows that after they die people have to go up the mountain. And it’s difficult, so they need to take things with them. Like food and stuff. And then you need to watch to make sure that they take it, so you know they’re ok, they’re on their way.” He didn’t move, didn’t turn, just applied all his considerable attention to the food, which on closer inspection was only the centre of a wider offering that included an old drip lamp, barely burning, and a note in an awkward hand in a language Brasso didn’t recognise. Clem shrugged apologetically, a silent promise to deal with this and leave, but Brasso quite liked it. Outside, people were telling him how good his mother was, and how gone. In here, he was just babysitting Cassian again. His mother could well be in the other room, laughing with the Daughters of Ferrix and about to call Brasso to ask where the kaff was.
“Where’s the mountain?” he asked.
“You can’t see it until you’re dead.”
“What’s it called?”
“You wouldn’t be able to say it,” Cassian said, haughty, which Brasso was beginning to realise meant he’d forgotten the word in his own language.
“Okay. What’s that say?”
“Oh.” Cassian wavered slightly, his eyes cutting quickly to Brasso, his posture wavering. “It’s just a message for her to take. I thought she’d like to have someone to talk to.”
That got Brasso somewhere in the stomach and somewhere round the throat at same time. HIs mother was dead. She was going to the next place, whatever that was. And here was one of the neighbourhood kids - someone she barely even knew, really - concerned enough that he’d found her someone to talk to and wanted to make sure she got on her way.
His mother is so good, and so gone.
His face did something that prompted Clem to take custody of the tray. “I’ll take this through,” he said, and then: “is one yours?” Brasso nodded dumbly then took one of the mugs and put it on the dresser next to the rest.
Cassian hummed approvingly. “I told you he didn’t mind.”
“How long should I tell people you’ll be waiting?” Clem asked, and Cassian chirped “three days” so confidently that Brasso huffed out a laugh for the first time in days.
They didn’t manage three days: Brasso got called away and Cassian fell asleep, but after everyone was gone Brasso gave into the childish urge to curl up in his mother’s bed and in the morning the drip lamp had gone out, the kaff had curdled and Cassian’s note had found its way to the floor, so maybe someone had been through. Maybe his mother had her message and was on her way to the mountain, wherever it was.
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wanderingsorcerer · 1 year
Protection Against Malignant Spirits
Malignant Spirits are characterized by many names and many forms. We have the agitated souls of the dead, spirit, ghost, poltergeist hauntings. Then we have the Demons and Spiritual Parasites. The ones who for lack of a better term want to cause us harm in the spiritual plane by tainting your life force. 
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Ignorance Is Bliss
The first step in protecting yourself from these entities is to ignore them, this has been a method that has worked for thousands of years. Spirits not unlike humans, enjoy conversation and love to instigate contact if they believe you may have the sight. So if nothing truly horrid has happened except a few things have gone missing , or the periodic jump scares out of the corner of your eye then attempt to ignore them. Don't look them in the eye, don't speak to them, don't acknowledge their existence. And more often then not they will leave of their own accord because you aren't any fun.
The Cleaner The Better
The Second Step if the first action has proven not to remedy the situation is a basic cleansing of the energy using incense or sanctified water. This will take care of most minor spirits who hold no real attachment to the physical space they inhabit.
However if this method does not work it is time to get into identifying the type of spirit.
A Death Loop: these are the traumatic events which lead to a person's demise, usually violent ; strange noises, full conversations from thin air, visions of death , smells and tastes of foods you've never eaten flooding your mouth.
Fragments or Spirits: A Piece of the soul left behind after death, usually rather weak, they don't know that they have died or most of the time they dont have the brain capacity to understand. It's a small part of the person they used to be 
Ghosts: these are the full soul of the person on the material plane , their death was so violent or sudden that their soul just; POPPED right out of their body and they usually stay in the same place that they died , can cause minor things like electrical to go haywire, objects disappearing, whispering, death loops, dreams filled with dread, usual haunting stuff annoying for sure but not lethal 
To Remove Spirits Of This Calibre You May Do So With A Basic Banishment Spell linked Her (LINKED SPELL CAUSE YE)
Anything BEFORE This Point Can Be Dealt With Alone And Without Professional Help
However Everything AFTER You Need Multiple People, A Team To Begin The Process OF Removing , Doing This Alone Could Lead To Your Untimely “ACCIDENTAL” Demise
Running Is An Option
Poltergeist: these are the types of spirits in which the movies are based off of , these are an amalgamation of several spirits usually violent deaths in an area, sites of massacres as well as sites of great trauma have the ability to create a poltergeist. These types of spirits can and will harm you if given the opportunity. Signs of a Poltergeist Include, Rust showing up in places where humidity is low, objects disappearing after they have been placed down, doors slamming shut, smells and odors like rotting eggs and meats. If left unchecked you will begin to experience possible possession.
“Demons” or Spiritual Parasites: These are the strongest of the malignant spirits outside of the Great 72, they will cause nightmares in which your entire family is killed, they will find your secrets and whisper the most vile things in your ears, they want you scared and they want you weak so that they can overtake your very being, you will begin to see an increase in nosebleeds, bloodshot eyes, an uptake in addiction to substances, a disregard for your own safety and the safety of others, self harm and black outs of time in which you don't act as yourself. They find those who already suffer with mental illness and exacerbate the symptoms until it leads to the death of the individual.
The Exorcism while practiced primarily by the Catholic Faith is easy enough to do as a Magickal Practitioner so long as you have a group of 6 or more, I will link the spell here (The Exorcism Spell)
This next bit is a binding spell and is usually how you get things like possessed dolls in the first place but if done properly and disposed of well will make it so that you don't have to deal with the malignant entity for the rest of your days . Again this should only be attempted by a group of 6 or more people.
Binding Spirit to an object Linked Here(Link the BInding Spell at a later date because i can't for the life of me find the grimoire with it )
Thank you for being here with me and having tea with me on the other side of the Great Divide :)
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Some Assorted SequenceShift Fun Facts
I don't have art of this AU just yet and I don't have a specific topic I wanna focus on, so I decided to list some random facts in the AU. Some a bit more important than others.
There is no Barrier in this AU. Rather, instead the Monster Kingdom is a very strictly isolationistic underground country that humans are generally aware of, but absolutely not allowed in. This is due to humans in SequenceShift being a bit weaker and their war with the Monsters being considerably bloodier (well, dustier for the Monsters) on both sides. The current situation is the result of a very rough stalemate following a human occupation of the Underground, though things have died down a tad bit in more modern times.
The order of humans that fell into the Underground is Integrity -> Kindness -> Bravery -> Perseverance -> Patience -> Determination -> Justice
Clover in SequenceShift uses He/They pronouns.
Starlo and Martlet are both trans (Starlo is a Transman and Martlet is a Transwoman).
The current canonical pairings are Starlo x Dalv, Ceroba x Dina, and Moray x Martlet. I'm not against different pairings, though, as long as they aren't overly problematic. Also yeah, Ceroba and Chujin are divorced.
Kanako's 'Flowey' equivalent has been retooled quite a bit. Instead of being a flower again, Kanako is instead a pale fox-like amalgam known as Kit, who can transform into objects at will (referencing shapeshifting kitsune in Japanese folklore).
The Wild East was ravaged by the an unknown gunman sometime in the past. Almost half the town's population was killed and stirred up a lot of anti-human sentiment in the Underground. Currently, the Wild East is mainly a Ghost Town that only really acts as Ranger HQ.
Dina is well known as something of a folk hero along Frostpeak. She's greeted fondly by most of the residents, passes out candy to the kids, and is pretty good friends with Sans and Papyrus.
People say that the Honor Guard and Royal Rangers have a rivalry, but it's an Urban Legend. They generally get along pretty well with one another and the biggest point of conflict is Undyne and Starlo arguing over Anime vs. Westerns. It happens quite a bit.
Axis has both an EX and a NEO form. His EX-form was designed to better protect himself if he ever gets damaged enough. The NEO form basically turns him into a giant war mech, and designed at a time where the Kingdom was considering building robots to fill in the ranks of soldiers. Ceroba was VERY hesitant to approve of this upgrade for Axis and insisted it only be used in the worst case scenarios.
And that's what I got so far. Really loving how this AU is turning out so far.
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thatsafuckeduptale · 5 months
This is a fic based off of @pancake-shmamcake's bad end pacifist AU, please note the fic is not proof read, beta read, or even written that well considering it was written at 1am while I was super tired.
The fic has been done since the 20th and I've been hoping that I would get the inspiration/drive to rewrite it or proof read it but unfortunately that has yet to happen <:( So please do not critique my writing as I am already aware of all of the problems it has.
This fic has character death and body horror in it! It also contains some spoilers for the Pacifist ending for undertale yellow. Link to the AU post here and a link to the Amalgam's design is here.
Ceroba couldn’t breathe. The air surrounding her was suffocating and heavy with regret. Her SOUL burned within her chest, screaming at her that she’s made a mistake. A mistake that would haunt her for the rest of her life. How could this go so wrong? How could she have known that this would have been the end result? The fox monster wanted to scream. She wanted to scream and curse and swear at the world for being so cruel; but she couldn’t. She was stock still as she watched the shambling child shaped mass regain its balance on shaking legs. She watched as the mask that bore her daughter's resemblance slip and fall from its face, revealing a gaping hole.
Ceroba wanted to cry out her frustrations… but she was scared. Not scared of the security bots nor the royal scientist she had knocked out, but scared of the being she had inadvertently created. A fusion of her fallen down daughter… and the human she slaughtered mercilessly to obtain her goal. Ceroba watched as the amalgam bent down, searching the ground for the mask it had dropped. The fox waited with baited breath as it clumsily moved, shambling slowly towards where the mask lay. When the amalgam had finally located the mask it held it gently, before placing it back upon the gaping hole. Ceroba felt her magic run cold as the fusion of her daughter and the human looked at her. The cold, unfeeling eyes of the mockery of her sins stared through her. Instead of reacting to her, though, it instead focused on the torn and burnt cowboy hat lying a few feet in front of her. It reacted in excitement, a gurgling noise erupting from behind the mask as it limped towards the hat. The amalgam excitedly picked up the hat, far faster than it had lifted its own face, and gently put it upon its head. The face of Kanako remained unmoving. Unchanging as it adjusted the hat to its liking.
Then it looked back at her; and Ceroba wishes she could reset and go back. The expression on the mask was one she knew… the one she saw on her daughter before she fell down. Agony. Ceroba desperately cursed whatever higher being was out there. Whatever higher being was punishing her. This was beyond cruel. This was beyond penance. Had she not paid for her crimes already? Could she not have a happy ending? Her thoughts were ripped from her when she heard her name being yelled. The amalgam standing across from her perked at the voice, recognition dawning on it immediately. No. No no no no no no no. Ceroba wanted to stand up, to ward off her best friend from seeing what she had done. Yet the shock from what had happened chained her down. Kneeling on the cold tile of the Royal scientist’s secret lab.
“Ceroba! You can’t-“ The sheriff’s voice died in his throat as he entered, not even making it a few feet before he froze. Ceroba couldn’t stand to turn and face him. Even if she could, she knew the expression on his face would kill her inside. More footsteps followed from behind him and a cacophony of voices frantically tried to convince her to drop her plans. As soon as the others entered the room though, all their cries had died. Ceroba could hear Martlet and Moray gasp, Edward had choked on his own voice, she could even hear Mooch’s claws catch on the sleeve of Ace’s coat. Ceroba wished her body would cooperate. She wished she could stand up. Explain this horrible tragedy away. Instead, someone else spoke up.
“Un…cle… st…arl…o…” Ceroba could feel the bile rising in her throat. The voice from the amalgam was an echoing fusion of the human’s voice and her daughters. Overlapping and twisting into a horrible chorus she would give anything to forget. Ceroba flinched when she heard the thud behind her. Someone had passed out.
“No…” Starlo’s voice was strained. The fox monster didn’t need to look behind her to know how he looked. The expression of horror and realization. “Ceroba… you…” please don’t. I’m sorry. She willed her voice to work. She willed her body to speak.
Instead, the world decided it wasn’t done with her yet. Sharp bullets sliced through her as she was knocked back by a force of wind. The shock was enough to shake her from her stupor, and she stared wide eyed at her attacker. Martlet stood above her, snarling as best a bird with a beak could. “What did you do.” It wasn’t a question, not an optional one.
“I’m sorry.” Ceroba choked out the words she knew would do nothing. Closing her eyes as the royal guard member flicked her wing, sending a cascade of feather shaped bullets into her body.
“Sorry? You’re SORRY?!” Martlet’s voice was rising, anger and grief lacing every word. “You KILLED Clover! You hurt your own daughter! That wasn’t enough for you!? You had to do it again?!” Ceroba choked on her sobs. Her body aching and stinging from the cuts the feathers had left. She blinked back her tears as she gazed upon the royal guardsman. Angry tears filled the bluebird's eyes as she glowered back. Before the bird could attack again massive arms picked the bird monster up.
“Hey! You need to calm down!”
“How could I calm down! You see what she’s done? She deserves this! She-“
“You’re scaring the kids!”
Both Ceroba and Martlet froze. Their heads swinging back to the amalgam, who was in the tight embrace of the sheriff.
He held them tightly, mumbling apologies and sobbing between every word as he comforted them. The amalgam gurgled as it pat and rubbed his back, a feeble attempt at comfort. Ceroba couldn’t hear what he was saying from where she laid on the floor, but she knew it was probably apologies for how she had acted; and apologies for what she had done.
Her attention turned to the other three in the feisty five. Her heart sank when she realized it was Moray who had collapsed earlier. Their head laid on Mooch’s lap and tail as Ace attempted to heal them with green magic.
…this was all wrong. It shouldn’t have gone this way. It was supposed to go how Chujin predicted. Kanako was supposed to be healed and break the barrier.
A loud sob dragged Ceroba back to the tragedy before her. Martlet and Edward had joined Starlo with the amalgamate. The bird hugged them tightly as Starlo and Edward hung back. Martlet sobbed out apology after apology to the twisted fusion, to which it replied by patting her head and gurgling. To her surprise, it was Edward who approached her.
She stared up at him, as he stared down at her. “…you know what’s going to happen… right?” His voice was quiet. Ceroba glanced away, anxiety bubbling in her gut. “The king’s going to find out about this… and you’ll be punished.” She knew that no matter what she’d be punished by the Crown. Why bother reminding her of what she already knew? “… and Kanako and Clover are going to be experimented on.” That got her attention.
“No-!” She tried to sit up, but cried out in pain and collapsed back on the floor. Everything hurt. Her body, her SOUL, her mind. She hadn’t even considered that! Success or not, the king would probably want Kanako studied regardless! Ceroba gasped for air desperately as she clawed at the tiles furiously. She couldn’t- wouldn’t let them rip her daughter away from her again! Edward’s gaze held pity in it. Pity that made her want to rip it from his expression and beat him with it. Ceroba wouldn’t lose her daughter again! No-!
“Ceroba… it’s time to give it up.” Her body froze as Starlo’s voice cut through the air like ice. He had never spoken to her like that before. “I think you’ve done enough damage.” Ceroba desperately looked at him, but he avoided her gaze. His hat hid his expression as he knelt next to the amalgam, next to Martlet still holding onto them for dear life. “I… I know you just wanted to help Kanako… but gosh darn it, Ceroba!” His voice broke as he held back a sob. “You really messed up this time… I tried so hard to help… to make you happy, but… but I can’t help you now.” Starlo’s body shook. “I… you…” Ceroba watched with guilt as he lifted his hat to furiously wipe at his eyes with his sleeve. The amalgam noticing and reaching out to him in an attempt to comfort and console him.
“You ruined two lives trying to fulfill Chujin’s legacy… you couldn’t just let his legacy be helping others with a smile on his face… you had to-!” Martlet’s wings flew up to her hair as she stood and swung her body to face Ceroba. “You had to corrupt it! You had to turn his legacy into this!?” Edward quickly rushed to Martlet’s side to stop her from attacking the fox again. He wrapped her into a tight hug, pinning her wings to her side to prevent another hail of bullets.
Ceroba could feel her adrenaline fading. The stress was finally catching up to her. The anguished cries from Starlo as he held the amalgamate and the rage filled screams from Martlet becoming white noise in her head. All she could see once she closed her eyes… was the blood stained body of Clover, and the soulless expression of her daughter’s mask. 
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