#And every character that doesn't speak much in canon but I'm biased...
neonscented · 1 month
I am absolutely over the moon hearing you compliment the writing for Reverie
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Of course!! I said it already but it's very well done. OMORI has a very particular style to it's writing and humor, and it's replicated so well in Reverie.
Unsurprisingly I was very happy with how the twins were written, considering they don't have too many lines in canon.
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arceespinkgun · 11 months
Jazz is much more interesting and multifaceted than people give him credit for. And it's super disappointing to see how the fandom interacts with him, especially as a black-coded character. The sheer amount of casual racism and fetishization is distressing, especially because it's mainly dispersed by his so-called "fans"
Jazz's interpersonal relationships are very fascinating and could be an important part of his character. However people seem to be unable to properly handle or understand that aspect of him; both official creators and fans. While I don't claim I know the character better than anyone else, I also don't think it's that hard NOT to write anti-black content and fetishize the character
An opinion I have which could almost be called controversial, is that I don't think Jazz and Prowl should get along at all. I would like them to be dysfunctional, I love them as worsties. I don't want them to have a bonding moment where they suddenly understand each other and work in tandem harmonically. I want them to retain that conflict of clashing ideologies and methods. I want them to agree to disagree, rather than meet each other halfway
I really feel this—at this point, I've seen most of the media Jazz appears in, and there's so much to his character that just doesn't seem to be engaged with at all. For example, how social is Jazz really? This is the guy who just stood in a field and let snow completely cover him in one episode of the Sunbow cartoon... and he often comes across as isolated from the people around him. How much of this is because he won't open up, and how much of it is because he is just a very independent person? Could he be a secret introvert? How deep are his friendships with others when many of them seem to amount to "the person Jazz hangs out with" and there are often fewer interactions between him and his friends than you'd think? These are just a few fascinating questions about the character that people rarely ask.
The rest of my response got really long so I'm putting it under a cut:
While I'm Asian and not Black (and I don't want to speak over the voices of Black fans) the racist, anti-Black tropes found in a lot of fandom writing about Jazz truly do seem like they could be so easily avoided. Basically every single one of them involves interpreting the character in the exact opposite way that multiple different series portray him! One example is how many people write him as being lazy/trying to get out of work constantly—no version of Jazz has EVER been portrayed this way in ANY series, so wouldn't it be so easy to just not?! I'm 90% certain that this is due to a mix of people's racist biases showing through in their fanwork, and also the uncritical replication of other people's racist fanwork without actually stopping to look at who this character really is (also largely caused by racist biases).
I'm not letting racist tropes in actual TF series off the hook, but I'd really wish that as transformative media the creations of fandom would be attempting to address and improve these issues instead of making them 10,000x worse by adding racist tropes that weren't even present in canon. For example, how is the Sunbow cartoon—the show so racist it had fucking Carbomya in it—one of the best portrayals of Jazz there is? I feel sad that the continuities most often discussed are some of the ones that serve the character the worst, actually. Like basically nobody's going to talk about how Jazz bravely fought Galvatron one-on-one in the Marvel comics or anything.
When it comes to Jazz and Prowl—I have very mixed feelings. I took no issue with them being longtime friends in some earlier media like the Marvel UK comics run or the Dreamwave comics, and I felt like it made a lot of sense with how they're characterized. But it doesn't seem like people examined or explored it. Instead, what's popular is layer upon layer of racist tropes (and other gross, strangely essentialist ones—why are fanfic writers so weird about characters from Praxus?) and in later canon media (with IDW2 being the worst in its messaging), Prowl has been so linked to police brutality and more issues than I can even go into here that it feels deeply inappropriate for these characters to be friends now. Because of these issues, I even feel uncomfortable having acknowledged that they were friends in any media, and while normally I'd analyze this dynamic in more detail or show excerpts that highlight it, I don't feel like I can because I can't trust people to not be gross in response.
I also remember the whiplash between IDW's Spotlight: Jazz (very underrated story by the way) in which Prowl is maybe the kindest anybody has ever been to Jazz, versus a couple years later, Prowl thinking it's a good idea to POINT A GUN TO JAZZ'S HEAD to get his attention. It's bad enough that the character the Autobot logo is depicting is horribly stained in this way—very disturbing—but I feel even worse knowing that something that was once nice for Jazz has been so ruined in both canon and fandom. I think this situation is beyond the scope of fans to tackle and that TF just needs to get its shit together regarding social issues. That being said, I feel like this makes it even more important that fans stop replicating racist tropes in their fanwork, since that's making the situation even worse.
TL;DR Jazz is great and if I see one more fic in which Prowl stops Jazz for speeding I'm going to explode
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its-elvie-innit · 9 months
I always forget what to tag so I'm making a guide for myself on how I should work ao3
-does it have a happy, sad, ambiguous, or hopeful ending?
-is it hurt comfort, hurt no comfort, fluff, angst?
-is it beta'd?
-what are the main characters?
-what are the main character relationships?
-are there specific fandom biases in your characters part 1? (For example, in bnha you have "bakugou katsuki swears a lot" and in almost every fandom you have "x character needs therapy" "x character needs a hug" or "x character gets a hug/therapy".)
-are there specific fandom biases in your characters part 2? The most expansive types of tags are these ones. Is a character that can range between sympathetic and villainous on clearly one side? Is this a villain (character name) tag? Are they unsympathetic? Is there a dark tag for these characters of this group?
-is it focusing on a specific era of this character?
-Is this character portrayed differently from how they are in canon?
-are they ooc
-is there a specific trait you are ramping up in this character? This is separate from the sympathetic/villain slider. Is a character who used to be a bully but is now reformed shown as a bully in this fic? Are they shown to be reformed in this fic? Add it.
-is your character emulating a physical headcanon? Is there a winged or hybrid tag you need to include for these characters? Be careful not to tag hybrids for characters that aren't too prominent. If someone goes looking in this tag for this character, will they find the stuff they want? Is it in there enough to be excluded from search if someone doesn't want to see it <- this type varies in how much you should tag, from characters to relationships. Some people may not want "winged x" for a side character, but a / or & relationship might need to be included even if it's background
-Speaking of background relationships, are there any? Tag it as background relationship- x/y, or background x/y. Don't do a main relationship tag. This doesn't apply much for & tags, however.
-i just do this because I like to, is there an order for the relationships? I always put the most focused on relationship first for less confusion.
-is the fic a specific character centric? Tag it as such. There may not be a centric tag for your character yet, but still.
-tag trigger warnings. Is there dd;dne in this fic? Are there specific triggers that wouldn't be specific to an archive warning? GDOV and MCD don't mean someone expects sadism or torture in a work. Trigger tag to the best of your ability.
-You can explain a little in your tags. Don't make it a page long, but if extra context needs to be added, or a joke can be made that's alright. If a trigger is only there for a second, or some character is there for a sentence, a tag can be used to mention that.
-Is a character trans when they canonically haven't been shown to be?
-Does a character use only certain pronouns, or is referred to as only certain pronouns, in specifically this fic? (For example- any pronouns character using only they-them in a fic to improve flow)
-Is it crack? Is it crack taken seriously?
-Was it a single chapter that expanded or got out of hand?
-Can it stand alone? Is it in a series?
-Does it spoil a certain season of a show. Can someone read this without other context? Does it take place in one arc? Does it not acknowledge the future canon?
-is it canon compliant? An AU? A common au, like a coffeeshop, university, highschool?
-Does it use a common trope, like hanahaki?
-Are the relationships established? Is it enemies to lovers? Is it enemies to friends?
-Does it exclude some canon established thing that you could include beside canon divergent? Is someone alive? Revived? Did you cleverly write around something that happened and everything else is the same?
-Everybody lives / Everybody dies tags?
-Are there groups of characters you might want to include? Names of fanon groups.
-Is this apart of a work contest? A character month? In collaboration with a discord server, a plot bunny you might have figured out while role-playing or in a conversation?
-Can a character do something they normally couldn't? Or can they not do something they would be able to?
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So, life's been hectic, but rest assured, I will still be coming to you all with blog posts, tips and tricks and guides now thay things have calmed down. So.. To ease back into this, let's talk about the Borderlands movie.
Now, I will preface this saying thay I am extremely biased in my opinions. I have been playing Borderlands since the very first game came out. I've played every game god knows how many times, and have dedicated too much of my time into the franchise. So before I begin, I want to state, that these are merely my opinions. If you loved the trailer and are excited for the movie, then awesome! I won't take that away from you. So that being said, let's get into it.
So the Borderlands movie trailer just dropped.. and theres.. well, there's a lot of issues. So let's talk the first big thing: the casting.
Now this is no disrespect to the actors themselves. I think all the actors in this movie are AMAZING actors, however, I don't think they're the right choices for the characters that they are playing. The first one I'm gonna talk about is Claptrap. Now I LOVE Jack Black. I've seen nearly all his movies, I love his band, and I think he's the perfect choice for comedic based movies and characters.. however the biggest thing about Claptrap isn't just the comedy, it's the *voice*. Claptrap doesn't *sound* like Claptrap.. he sounds like Jack Black. Similar to the Chris Pratt/Super Mario situation.. the voice wasn't the character, it was just the actor. That being said, I don't doubt that Jack Black can portray Claptrap in the best comedic manner that our favorite robot deserves, I just don't feel his voice fits the character. I feel with the budget they spent on actors, they could have simply hired Claptraps *actual* voice actor.
The next casting choice I want to talk about is Kevin Hart. I love Kevin Hart, but similar to Jack Black, Kevin Hart is a more comedic actor. He's a comedian. Roland, as we all know, is a stoic man, very close to the chest, hides his emotions. I don't think that's Kevin Hart.
Kevin Hart is perfect for comedic rolls, for snarky, back talking characters. That just.. isn't Roland. Given the way the trailer has portrayed him thus far, it seems their taking a more comedic route with Roland, which just takes away the original allure of his character.
Now Jamie Lee Curtis.. one main issue I have, is that her portrayal make Tannis a lot older than she actually is. Tannis ranges from 20s-40s throughout the timeline of the game, and given that this movie is supposedly taking place before any vaults are open, that would put Tannis in her mid to late 20s. There's also the fact, that Tannis is canonically autistic, and has very little super expressive emotion, and tends to be very blunt and to the point. Now while I'm sure Jamie Lee Curtis can pull that off, i just.. don't think she was the right choice.
Finally, Cate Blanchett. Cate Blanchett is versatile. I love her, from her role in Thor Ragnarok, to LOTR and Oceans 8. Action is Cate Blanchetts thing.. but is she *Lilith*.. Possibly. I have no doubt Catr Blanchett could pull off an AMAZING Lilith, but this choice is going to depend solely on the writers and directors of the movie, and how they want her to play Lilith. This choice is iffy, but we'll see.
Now I can't say much on the other actors as I personally have not heard of any of them, so, there's not much I can say about it. What I can speak on, however, is the costume design.
Now if you have any presence on Twitter (or X), or anywhere where Borderlands is widely spoken about, you may have seen the biggest costume design complaint.. Kriegs mask. Keeping in mind the $100 million budget of the film, which is about the average for films, this costume design is atrocious.
Kriegs mask looks like a cheap piece of plastic given out for pre-order release of Borderlands 3. It looks like something any amateur cosplayer could have made with spare supplies they found in their closet. It's.. Bad..
Now, while Kriegs mask is *my* biggest pet peeve costume design wise, let's about other issues. Liliths hair. Normally, when you wear wigs in film, you try to make it not obvious that it's a wig. Well Liliths wig.. it doesn't look real. It is so clearly a wig, and it looks so unnatural on her. Now yes, Liliths hair has always had that unnatural natural swoop, however the could've simply went with her Borderlands 1 look, where she didn't have that swoop. The rest of her outfit is.. ok. It's not terrible, but it could've been better.
Now Tannis' outfit is.. well, it's an outfit. It doesn't scream "Tannis", but I can't say it's entirely.. bad. I can't quote explain what it is, but something about it just seems off.
The same goes for Tina's outfit. It's not terrible, but there's just something missing. Something that would make it scream "Tiny Tina". As for Roland, I have no complaints there. It's kind of hard to mess up an outfit such as Roland.
Ok, let's talk about the trailer itself now. It's a trailer alright. The first major thing that I noticed, is Liliths lack of tattoos. You know, the major thing about her, her siren abilities. Now, this isn't to say she *doesn't* have siren abilities, as we do see the sign of the firehawk at one point in the trailer.. however, the trailer doesn't showcase her abilities, and every view we get of her arm, we can see there's no tattoos. Seeing as how the movie descriptions online label her as an "infamous outlaw", instead of as a siren or "infamous siren outlaw", it's leading me to believe that she simply.. isn't a siren. Which is a major part of her character. Hell, Sirens are a major part of the overall Borderlands franchise.
So Liliths lack of Siren abilities aside, the trailer overall failed to me as a movie trailer. Trailers, be they for movies or games, to me, should be able to accomplish at the bare minimum two things. One, give the audience a decent overall understanding of what exactly the movie is going to be about.. and two, give you a introduction to the main characters. This trailer failed in both of those.
Over the course of the trailer, we see a lot of action, a lot of familiar faces, and plenty of Borderlands famous raunchy toilet humor. Yet the only thing we really get story wise, is what Lilith says at the beginning, about finding a vault. We get all sorts of characters thrown at our face, and a look at this new Atlas CEO(?) but.. that's about it. Now anyone who's ever played Borderlands knows that it's always about finding a Vault, so.. why can't they give us just a little bit more. From what I've gathered, this movie is about finding the first vault, or at least, the first vault the main group has been able to find.
Which leads me to my next point.. the characters. Now not only did the trailer seem to focus mainly on introducing Roland, Lilith and Claptrap, it seems to majorly ignore the fact that Tima, Krieg and Tannis are the main cast as well. Leading me to another point.. why exactly are Tiny Tina and Krieg in this film? Going off of original lore, which this movie clearly does not care about, it makes zero sense as to why Tina and Krieg would known Roland and Lilith by now. On top of this, where are Mordecai and Brick? They aren't in the trailer, and they aren't in the casting list. On top of this, if we *are* going to bring in Borderlands 2 vault hunters, why is it *only* Krieg? Yes, Krieg is a big fan favorite, but so are Zer0 and Maya, two characters which arguably had more of an effect on the stories than Krieg did.
Another thing that made the trailer just feel bad, was that it felt.. cheap. From the clearly lacking costumes, to the props that look like five minute craft DIY projects, it's clear that a majority of this films budget went towards its casting and CGI for creatures I feel we won't even see that much.
While I could go on for hours about everything my Borderlands perfectionist mind sees wrong with this trailer, I don't want this post to be too long. So, I'll leave it at this.. Will I be seeing this movie? Absolutely. However, I'll be going into it with the same expectations I went into other game based movies with, like Warcraft and Assassins Creed.. hell, even Slenderman. Expecting to be disappointed. That said, if you haven't seen the trailer yourself, I'll leave the link to it. Disagree with me? Awesome! I'd love to hear your take on it, get some new perspectives as to how you all feel about the movie. Again, this is all my opinion, and who knows? Maybe I'm being too harsh.. maybe this movie will end up being amazing! Only time will tell.
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vintageseawitch · 1 year
if there are any twilight book sequels written then published, i promise to look up spoilers because if i find out the Volturi decide to create hybrids of their own (🤢🤮) then i will refuse to read let alone own them. as curious as Aro may be about it, it's horrendous that he would try it out himself. the creation of hybrids is legitimately terrifying body horror to me & even Aro's "indifference" towards humans doesn't automatically make him a psychopath about this sort of thing.
Aro, despite his penchant for ruthlessness, is a softie, too. i like to imagine the thought of putting a uterus-owner through such a specific & horrific form of torture fills him with revulsion & guilt. yes, humans are red-eyed vampires' food, but even humans get disturbed at the thought of animals they consume going through needless pain especially for selfish reasons.
at this point the canon of this silly franchise means approximately shit to me so if smeyers decides to make her refined, considerably more interesting clan of vampires into true monsters, she can fuck right off because they deserve better than that. they're not villains simply because they're doing what is natural to them & the Cullens are a creepier cult than the Volturi will ever be. at least everyone knows that the three kings are dangerous. the Cullens are too busy being gentrified hypocrites (completely beige & lacking a good, old-fashioned dungeon & set of coffins... the dark drama is what draws us to vampires in the first place & someone like Forever Emo Teenager McWalking Red Flag scoffs at such things like a good little boring creeper on top of them actually not giving a damn about humans considering how in midnight sun it's clear they wouldn't have batted an eye at killing bella because said little boring creeper - or the prodigal son 🙄 - can barely control himself around her like it's her problem to deal with. glob i hate that & his losing control around her would make their "lives" a Little Bit Uncomfortable lmao) with Whatever The Fuck Weird Dynamic they have going on.
if anyone would be cruel anyways, it would be Caius out of the three kings, but i refuse to believe even he would go that far. a part of it is the thought of needing to be close to a human like that would disgust him but another is at least when they feed it's quick. if anyone is to endure a terribly long torture it would be Nahuel's biological father because he's a real monster. like, yes, somehow the Volturi never found out about hybrids, but they never went & tried to find out what would happen themselves.
i like to think the more the three kings researched it the more horrified they would be, but that could just be my biases & preferences showing. bella & edward's daughter displays disturbingly similar compulsory "abilities" or however one would describe them like Immortal Children because everyone's sudden pull to her after she touched them is WAY too similar to the enchantment vampires experience around the latter type of child so i think the Volturi (especially Jane) would be weirded out by that connection considering how long they've studied them.
i'm not saying every hybrid is like bella & edward's kid, but i'm pretty sure Aro noticed that neither she nor the rest of the family really like or trust the Volturi that much PLUS the Romanians are some of her favorite vamps. pretty sure that has put the Volturi on their guard (so to speak) (also Carlisle what the FUCK why are you being so weird about the Volturi. why tf does edward have his stupid attitude about them whyyyy make them your enemy especially considering the drama in new moon & eddie blatantly disrespecting the ancient group by expecting them to be Suicide Assistance as though that's what they're there for & have nothing better to do & Aro doing you a MASSIVE favor). ya know, as pretty as he's portrayed in the movies, i'm liking him as a character less & less (he's the biggest hypocrite of them all & playing a dangerous game of delusions - like hun, sorry, but no matter how much you pretend, you are not a human any longer & maybe you don't realize it (or WANT to) but you totally think you're better than humans seeing as you bend their rules especially if it's for your extremely problematic red-headed "son" - but THEN AGAIN you're certainly good at wiping out local wildlife like big predators so maybe you're more like humans than you think & i mean that as a slur).
i totally get derailed in my little rants on here & i'm only a little bit embarrased since this is pretty much how my brain works & how i talk lmao so tl;dr if the Volturi become the worst kind of monsters in future books when it comes to hybrids (aka "making their own" 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮), smeyers can fuck right off some more & the Cullens & their creepy cult & creepier hybrid kid are the worst. i still like Emmett though even if he chooses to stick around the problematic bunch (pretty sure Carlisle has a gift as well; it's amazing that so many vampires are not only able to live with each other peacefully but rigidly stick to a diet that is unnatural to their kind - a kind of creature that follows their instincts above almost most things. oh Carlisle, you certainly transferred your wild need to repress almost too exceedingly well).
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How do you feel about the characterization given to the elder dragons with the gen 3 leggys? They have such unique world views and I can see how each one of them got twisted into being more agressive. Like Zhi just wanting to help people not be afraid of death by ripping off the band-aid so to speak
So far I'm really enjoying the content we're getting for the elder dragons. I'll fully admit I was a dinosaur/dragon kid and as an adult nothing has changed and in game any snippet we got for the dragons as characters over force of nature had me raring to develop it further and think about who they are and what they could have been. I'm going to snip the..absolute essay I've typed continuing this for peoples dash's sake lol.
I've been pretty pleasently surprised that every drop has either aligned closely to my + my friend-slash-rp-and-worldbuilding-buddy's interpretations of them or has shed light to aspects we hadn't considered but made a lot of sense with what we already had. Zhaitan being our first drop and giving us a side that we never got to see (both because elder dragons be elder dragons and GW2's stories evolved in leaps and bounds since the personal storyline from 10 yrs back!) was so exciting cause Zhaitan is probably the dragon I leant into characterising first because his death always felt so tragic to me. I'm biased as a dragon-lover who hates any dragon dying but I think about the corner he was in and the urge to round him out was immense and he's kinda become one of my favourites. How I read the descriptons I can't help but see a theme/connection between Zhaitan and Trahearne in a way. That Zhaitan, in his own way, was trying to make something of Orr, admired the beauty of something long dead, in a similar fashion to Trahearnes love, he dedicated his life to studying it after all. Mordremoth was also wild to me because gonna be honest I found it VERY hard to decide who he was. The legendary text gave me a lot to see his angle with the Sylvari and whilst I see him as being the most similar in nature to the Mordy we meet in the canon, I understand his reasons so much better. (He's still probably up there for hardest dragon for me to write as other than Jormag, though in Jormags case its I'm not as good at being so chatty whilst also keeping so much close to chest.) My interpretation, headcanon (is it headcanon if this is basically what the canon says?) I guess, about what we see in the weapons and the hints of character is that... ultimately the dragons were doomed to what they became. That they were individuals with unique personalities which coloured their personal form of 'corruption' as such but that their purpose of handling the worlds magic would inevitibly steal away who they were, void poisoning I guess you could call it. That doesn't excuse the harm all of them have caused the world of course. But it sure as hell makes me feel very deeply for this messed up family who never really had a chance of turning out any better. I am both excited and terrified to see how they handle Primos weapons after seeing Jormags. I feel like it may help enlighten some of Jormags descriptions because I go back and forth with how I'm reading Jormags flavortext at the moment. (Then of course in future we'll get Soo-Won, who we got a decent amount of speaking time with but I would LOVE to hear more from Momma Dragon herself)
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kagrenacs · 2 years
Please can you elaborate on why you think Sotha Sil is trans and autistic? I'm also trans and autistic so I like this idea very much
Certainly! (added note, sorry for going off a bit, but I want to explain my thoughts here because I really do love this character. And I want other people to be able to also enjoy and maybe learn from the complexities I see here!)
There's canon weight to Sotha Sil being transgender, he has a daughter he carried named Memory! She's mentioned in the 37th lesson of Vivec as well as c0da.
You can see the little one in this image, Discussion from MK, found here:
Vivec is at the side facing away from the viewer for a reason. Almalexia is front and center because she is the motherfucking boss. Also note the cosmic baby growing inside Sotha Sil. While Sotha Sil is dead as we saw in the add-on pack “Tribunal”, the child survived.
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This lore is MK brand, so it is dubious and can be taken however one likes, but I think there's something poetic in taking a character from a transphobic dev, taking what is meant to be weird and wacky to cis individuals, and having it just be a normal thing. If you want to add further weight to it, his female presenting anticipation, Azura, is the goddess of transitions and change between dusk and dawn.
As for autism, I suppose you could go the easy route and say technology is his special interest, modelling his city somewhat after Dwemer cities. But that honestly that wasn't notable to me when considering it. I look at things through my own experience with autism, and those of people around me. It’s also important to note this headcanon was developed pre clockwork city dlc, At that time, the only true words we heard from Sotha Sil was his last words (it's canonicity is debatable, but I think most consider it with some weight.) And the Enigma of Sotha Sil + possibly his servant in Ebonheart. From the language used there, he has a very concise and formal manner of speech which is pretty common in autism, to better convey thoughts that neurodivergent people have difficulty expressing (as I'm sure you can see within my own speech). This wasn’t what my entire headcanon rode off though, just a minor point in favour.
I look at the Tribunal as flawed, tragic, very mortal individuals, that’s always what made them interesting characters to me. I think ultimately, Sotha Sil’s fatal flaw was avoidance, He's an isolated man, very few people ever enter the Clockwork City, and even from the other Tribunes he doesn't seem present in their lives much. He remains non-political for the most part, leaving that to Almalexia and Vivec, and ultimately his fellow tribunes break from the stress. Almalexia turning back on him for his passiveness.
Now, this doesn’t apply to every autistic person, plenty of allistics have these traits, but escapism and avoidance in autism is very common due to the disruption of established routines. I see folks use fandoms as rigid and repetitive escapism, autistic people tend to self report as introverts, autistic shutdowns has become common terminology. This isn’t always a bad thing! Our brains need time to digest information, it can be traumatic if it happens too suddenly, too often or too long. But this form of self-care becomes something pathological when it impedes your happiness, prevents learning coping skills to deal with society as it is, and when it hurts others. My own bias definitely plays in here, for many, many years I struggled with just being in public, and only just recently understood why this was. In my teens, I completely avoided any distressing situation that could arise by any means possible, and ultimately I ended up causing emotional harm to others. Another relevant example I can think of is some people in fandoms refusing to critically examine biases in texts, or listen to marginalized people speaking on them, because it’s disruptive to their view of the material, and therefor disruptive to their semblance of security- always at the expense of those marginalized people also trying to enjoy something.
It’s strange to bring this up on a headcanon post about a video game character from 2003, but developing this idea through the years helped me reflect a mirror back to myself and grow from that. None of this necessarily means he’s autistic, allistic people do this too, but coupled with other traits and my own view, I took it as such. Good stories should have a message to take from it, in my opinion especially tragedies. I believe Sotha Sil’s tragedy- and that of ALMSIVI as a whole apart from Vivec, is the inability to adapt and let go, in hopes of a better future.
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witch-of-the-sands · 1 year
Alcor NPC Headcanons
So while I've been writing and planning Lulling Waves and Empty Skies over the past year, I've also been compiling a lot of headcanons about the main NPCs I've been writing about.
There have been a lot of original characters that I've had to make throughout the storyline since it's set in Fontaine, but I still have been obsessed with the members of the Alcor and Crux Fleet specifically. So like I did a lot of deep diving into Juza and Little Yue because they're more important to the plot in Lulling Waves and Empty Skies than in Genshin itself.
So much time has been dedicated to thinking about him because he's just so cool :( there is no other reason for me to have so many thoughts about him tbh I just want to be him
Acne scars because I say so, I feel like he's a very weathered person in general. He definitely has scars from fights and ship accidents too, as well as some moles from the sun exposure
He's also very tan, I imagine him both with a darker complexion than in game in general as well as tanned from being on the ocean so much
Grew up with Beidou in Liyue Harbor (I don't care if Beidou's backstory says otherwise, this is canon in my brain because I wrote it down long before that was released)
Can wield most weapons to a certain extent, but he seems like he'd fight most with either his fists or a claymore (that or similar to the treasure hoarder who fights with a hammer!) this goes along with him growing up with Beidou
This one makes no sense whatsoever, but he's definitely unable to flirt with anyone, he absolutely just clams up and can't speak to anyone
Adding on to the previous, he's the best wingman of all time by the grace of the archons, the whole "coaches don't play" thing is his motto
Basically Little Yue's second parent (first is Beidou), but is still called uncle instead of parent, he would do anything for his little man I swear on my life
Little Yue
A lot of headcanons about him are absolutely just about him growing up tbh, so a lot of it is just ideas of him when he's grown up, but there's a lot of stuff that I kinda have for possible future works too.
Like the most important one is I personally believe he has a pyro vision as an adult, he's a very passionate person which is what reminds me of a lot of pyro characters
Takes over the Crux Fleet after Beidou retires! I know this is pretty much his canonical continuation of his life from his pieces of story, but I don't care he's the next leader of The Crux
He definitely eventually persuades Changchang to also join the fleet after a short amount of time, I also have a crazy idea for a continuation of Lulling Waves and Empty Skies based on this idea that I probably won't have the energy to write
Okay I pinkie promise I'm done with adult headcanons omg I didn't realize I had that many for his adulthood
One of the nosiest kids you will ever meet, he's the kind of kid who constantly plays the why game
He also basically refuses to listen ever! He's constantly sneaking onto the ship, probably a criminal in the making if not for Beidou teaching him morals
Yue is also incredibly street smart, I don't think we think a lot about how those who aren't rich enough to have personal tutors are able to learn, he's probably not the best educated when it comes to classical things, but he's a genius on his feet
Along with that, Ningguang probably ends up getting him some sort of tutor but he's a menace (Yue not the tutor) he doesn't seem like he'd be a fan of standard learning anyway
The Alcor as a whole
I don't have that many headcanons for the Alcor, but I can say that all of them are the epitome of it takes a village, especially when it comes to Yue
I tend to focus the most on Beidou and Juza (I may or may not be biased toward them a little) but every single person in the Crux Fleet, especially The Alcor, is imperative to shaping Yue's personality, goals, and life
I love them all so much
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drydak · 19 days
anyone want to read my stream of consciousness about the bad batch....no....ok
ok so the thing about tbb is that it is almost something i could really like except there's like a million things holding it back. the introduction in tcw where they established that they hate 'regs' because they were looked down on and then never did anything with that, which is crazy because clones in the sw universe are very explicitly not in any position of privilege. they show them getting idk. bullied? on kamino? but the most we get about solidarity between the bad batch and the other clones is the mayday episode. frustrating!!!! the way that the clones features in general in animation are whitewashed is frustrating enough but then they bring in a group of 'elite' clones who are also ostracized and then make two of them just look like white guys and another (because he died and was re-animated) just completely pale. and are we dealing with the fact that echo used to be a 'reg' but due to his death doesn't feel like he fits in anymore are we talking about that. no ok. also we are in the final season and omega and echo are like the only ones that want to rescue the clones that are being experimented on.
also the way the plot has been going is driving me bonkerssss okay so first of all did anybody actually get some sort of clarity about how the chips worked from what they did because i sure didn't!! can we get some consistency!!! crosshair's stint being an imperial also doesn't feel like it's really been explained. ok you gave your loyalty to the wrong people why did you do that in the first place when every other bb member did not. i guess there had to be some interpersonal conflict before they could just face up to the bigger one (and there's only so much they can do there due to established canon) but way too many of crosshair's actions in the early seasons feels inexcusable!! and at the same time i loved the episode with mayday but at what costttt like we've already seen him get orders to kill civilians and go okay we're doing this and when the people he's in charge of don't want to he does it anyways. maybe it has been too long since i watched it but there's too many pieces that don't feel like they mesh into a full 'character redemption'. and i like crosshair like half the time which is why it's so frustrating.
speaking of plot threads. there are two episodes left. where is cody? i know i'm a bit biased because he is one of my favorite characters but there was sooo much in the solitary clone episode that felt like it was hinting at 'cody is testing the waters to see if crosshair will defect with him' and then he doesn't get the response he was hoping for so he leaves by himself. 'it appears he's gone awol' ok cool will we ever see him again? is there a larger role he's fit into? it feels like the episode with rex and his clones would have been a good opportunity to see him again (maybe slightly messy so just like a mention? at least? considering i'm convinced crosshair is the only one like in the universe who knows he's defected?). one episode and that's it no mention again what are we doing here. especially with rampart back (who i have a side beef with - yeah they all hate him and are using him but part of me feels like they're trying to do a bit of a kallus with him which i do not want because it is not earned storytelling wise. if he dies whatever if he betrays them i'll be annoyed) who was also there telling crosshair that cody left like......hi.
maybe this is just my frustration with how much recent star wars is doing to shore up the 'somehow palpatine has returned' plotline but there are other stories i wish the bad batch was telling and i am just not getting that. and maybe i'll be happier if it turns out that they announce another clone project but as it stands it feels like they're sort of wrapping up anything they would do with them? which is making me crazy because there's sooo much untapped potential that not even the clone wars touched because half the time it was going 'this is the anakin and ahsoka show and the clones die a lot'. (which is a very uncharitable take of a show i enjoy a lot i just have had enough of anakin forever and ahsoka is a character i love but would love more if every time we got a chance to dive into a specific culture it ended up just being her story....which is my way to say that i wish totj was about The Jedi and not Dooku and Ahsoka. SORRY)
what was i saying. um. anyways i really want to like them and a lot of the time i do and maybe i am just being more of a hater because i have felt largely unfulfilled by this show in general but. oh i just remembered i can't believe everyone is so sad about tech dying because i don't know if they really earned that sadness for me. and i am a big fan of both characters remaining dead and characters coming back from the grave but i think people are going to be disappointed when it turns out that tech did actually die and CX-2 is a clone with all of the bad batch traits mixed together (just my theory which is also probably wrong). anyways i think the most emotionally impacted i was was during the solitary clone AND at the end of the episode with mayday.
also the underutilization of characters is like a consistent problem echo will disappear with a throwaway line for multiple episodes at a time and will show back up to deliver a ship and be with them again and then separate. they have barely devoted any time to him. he has not gotten to change and grow. he has gotten to go on side missions with rex that we don't see to rescue his brothers which is something that i think would be important to show because echo's introduction to the bad batch is being saved from the enemy by his brothers!!! but he is there so that they can use his skills and then he leaves. i really hope they've been taking him off screen because they plan on doing something else with him otherwise it just feels. lazy.
none of this is cohesive. sorry. i am maybe also representing some of these things more extremely than i actually feel about them. i am not the only opinion in the universe. i am just deeply unsatisfied by this final season and it is getting dire
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deadtower · 1 year
G/t anon over here, I'm very glad to hear you understand my point of view and tbh I 100% agree with Tioga being a sentient, intelligent being capable of consent ❤️ Truth be told I did check through the Harkness test more than once (and they successfully passed it every time ofc) while reading the fics and before sending the ask, and although it's still not entirely my cup of tea I appreciate that part a little more now that I've spoken with you about it ^^
It's also worth noticing that Tioga/Giratina in the Cor Unum series definitely isn't an entity like any other, they're a powerful divinity not unlike Arceus (just writing down their name makes me want to have them disappear ewww) and tbf it's quite sad and unfair that in the PLA game they kept such a huge difference in knowledge and sentience between the two. For example Giratina simply roars their cry and fights like a normal pokemon would in battle, while Arceus is able to communicate and have conversations with you (even tho it's highly possible that the real Arceus is the one speaking, not the vessel/part of themselves the player receives after defeating them at the Hall of Origin) and can unleash their power with ease in a complex, multilayered boss fight. Also, even Dialga and Palkia are shown being capable of communicating via telepathy with their respective clan leader, while with Giratina we only get some... off-screen dialogue between them and Volo, before PLA events and in the post-game? The writers at GameFreak are literally so biased tbh xD I'm getting off track here but you get what I'm saying, lol
Yeah Non Mortem, Somni Fratrem (my knowledge of Latin grammar is literally so so rusty btw, apologies xD) will most likely kick me in the butt so hard lol, I love the Submas brothers a lot and I'm very curious to see how you're going to write them! x3 ❤️ also I forgot to mention it in the previous ask but omg I really liked Deus Nolens Exitus too! I'm a big fan of 'Volo wins!' scenarios but upon realizing he was secretly carrying all his followers' and everyone else's afflictions on his back like some kind of Atlas, it made me whine and weep immensely 😭 I was like "Volo no, baby… you gotta stop this, it's actually super unhealthy and it's hurting you so much!" 😭😭 He can be such a selfless character and I love him for that but omg, he really doesn't deserve any more pain, he's been through so much already 😞😞
Pater Peccavi is great so far btw! Tioga having to face different incarnations of Arceus with each chapter being a kind of trial is super interesting and thrilling! And I've just realized what you meant about the first letter of each tag being so important OMGGG, that's genius!!!! Also I'll definitely read Febris Amatoria too, cause the ending of chapter 3 from PP totally went over my head xD
Oderint Dum Metuant is just really good tbh! All the g/t interactions make it even more fun of course, and witnessing Volo being in distress pulled at my heartstrings too 🥺🥺 (Latios with his creepy hunger can fuck off btw, Latias is the superior sibling of the duo lol). Thankfully Tioga won against Carnifex, but omg the final chapter… aaaaaa the feels, when we finally catch up with how much time has passed since their fight, and what's been happening in the meantime while Tioga was asleep ;-;
Oh well, where to even begin xD I think it's basically canon how Arceus acts so mercilessly to Volo and mocks him too by favoring the player character instead of him (which isn't also completely true all the time btw, like the MC is literally unwillingly taken away from the present time and their family and friends, but Arceus never let them return home once they're done?? Like hello?? Who even does that!), but your version of Arceus is so cruel, sadistic and evil it could put Ghetsis Harmonia to shame and I like it xD I'm almost sure in saying they're the biggest divine bitch I've ever read about, lmfao xD
Also I absolutely get where your religious feelings come from, it must be very tough for you guys to deal with anything God-related if said God (whether they exist or not) is literally so apathetic they let anything happen to you and your ancestors for thousands of years :( it does resonate with Volo's story a lot tbf, taking also into account the fact that his people have disappeared from history (except him and Cogita ofc) and Arceus doesn't ever or even bring them up to the player :(( for this reason I'm sending you (and to Volo and Tioga too ofc) so many hugs! ❤️
Omg this ask is getting very long, but I wanted to mention two more things first:
I'm currently planning out to write a g/t story including a gender neutral Reader and Volo (it's a slow process but I'm getting there xD)
I've just made a meme about Tioga&Volo vs. Arceus but I can't send it to ya anonymously because Tumblr doesn't allow it, so this might be the last time I'll be addressing myself as g/t anon x3 tbh tho I think it's fair, we've been discussing stuff for a while and I feel like I can come off anon to keep chatting with you if it's okay!
yeah no it's completely fine for it not to be your thing! tbh i think i turned it over in my head for a few weeks before deciding i was comfortable with it so trust me you're all good haha
HMMM yes i definitely agree oh my god. the other gods really and truly got so much more communication than giratina, who was just painted at this primal and chaotic force... but at the same time GF has them capable of enough thought to, uh, come up with this whole plan of giving volo the spooky plate and having him collect all the plates so that it can cross over into our world and challenge arceus? like, pick a side, gamefreak. lol. how giratina got done dirty really did upset me as a long, LONG-time giratina fan (i've adored giratina ever since platinum first came out) not to mention that volo and giratina are supposed to, you know, have the same convictions and the same "heart" (hence cor unum in general) yet giratina is painted as this sorta feral beast not really capable of doing anything except for battling alongside volo... i really, really wish we had gotten more scenes of volo and giratina interacting, and volo speaking to them, and/or them speaking back, because there's no way volo just saw this fuck-all big dragon on the other side of our world and was like ah yes i know exactly what to do now. not to mention his comment about "i was the one to feed you the power you needed to take on arceus" like THEY MAKE IT A THROWAWAY LINE AND IT'S LIKE... WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT!!! did he transfer over his energy at regular intervals to nurse giratina (who likely had nearly given up by this point) back to (emotional, if not physical) health?? why don't we get any scenes of volo exhausted as hell from giving giratina energy and them comforting him?? WHERE ARE THESE SWEET, HUMANE MOMENTS, GAMEFREAK?? but they probably figure that makes him "too sympathetic" or some shit. give me a break. where are the hidden tapes GF i know you have them
jgdhjdg to be fair in NMSF ingo is a little more reserved than you're used to due to being in hisui so long (didn't he seem more quiet to you?? i couldn't get that reserved ingo out of my head. god) but yeah i fucking love the submas twins and i was so excited to include them. i do have another little spinoff type thing that happens after the end of pater peccavi that is of the "ingo is zekrom, emmet is reshiram" variety where tioga and volo comfort the twins (but mostly emmet because he is their "train cutie" meaning they. er. Have Relations occasionally. and dote on him a lot and call him "emmie" lol) but i haven't posted it yet so NMSF and the end of pater peccavi are currently the only bits where the submas come into play... but more later :p
I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED DEUS NOLENS EXITUS god it's one of my proudest works. i fucking loved writing it so much. you hit the damn nail on the head, volo taking everything on to himself and how fucking sad it is, like, you want to let him and tioga and everyone else live in peace, but at the same time it's obvious from how his priestesses react that volo taking it all onto himself is not okay with him, and they would all much rather experience their own suffering than have him take it onto himself... tioga getting their memories back and being upset volo lobotomized them hurt so fucking much to write lmao especially because they are COMPLETELY AWARE that he did it because he loves them, but taking away the part of them that is so invested in protecting him? is something they can't abide. which sucks because volo wants so badly to be able to protect them the way they protect him, because, like, he's in love, and that's just what you do when you're in love... but. augh. anyway
IRONICALLY LATIOS IS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE OF THE SIBLINGS but also this particular latios would be pokemon heroes's latios's father (the one that died that bianca and lorenzo talk about in the beginning of the movie, the one that movie-latios and latias fly around with in the end) which is solely because heroes!latios's dad is revered as this self-sacrificing hero and i think it would be really fucking funny if, like, he definitely was a hero, no argument there, but also was just like. irritating as hell and had a petty feud with giratina. i dunno i was just like god this would be funny as fuck and serve to be like "hey yeah heroes are heroes and he did a great thing but like he was also a person, and people are flawed, and he had this stupid schoolyard animosity towards giratina" LMAO. still love him. def not going for a "people who do great things don't deserve the accolades because they're people too and they do shitty things", more of a "wouldn't it be fucking hysterical if" sort of thing LOL
OH I DEFINITELY AGREE like it did not ask reikari if they were ok with being sent back in time away from anyone they ever knew, and it didn't f*cking send them back afterwards! what the hell! i'll always be mad about that. and volo is definitely pissed about it too when he finds out. if reikari came to him and was like "do you know why arceus would do this and then. not send me back." volo would be like are you fucking serious? i may not like you but this is completely unsurprising and i'm, like, angry for you. LIKE... literally fucking hate arceus and whenever i see people characterizing volo as if he worships the thing (he does say he "worshiped it as the creator of our world" but it's worth noting he says this in past tense... which is exactly what i, as a formerly religious jew, and now an atheist one for the exact same reasons as volo, would say about my former self), i'm always like. no i don't think you get it. volo doesn't want to meet arceus so that he can be its treasured disciple or anything. he literally canonically says he wants to dethrone it and make a new and better world than the shit one arceus made where people suffer and it does nothing to help. LIKE........ the audacity of people to be all "they'd be best friends :) he'd worship at its feet :)" im like did we play the same game. just asking. HJGHJFCG
(also thank u for the hugs i appreciate it hgjdfg you would not believe how much i see people telling us to "get over" what happened to us n other reprehensible shit like that lol like sure let me get over the repeated attempts at genocide of my people, literally like. multiple per century. and how the god we trusted has like. abandoned us. that's just my opinion of course and i highly respect any jew who is still religious and still trusts hashem but for me i'm fuckin done believing or at the very least he's gonna have to fucking answer for a lot of shit if he does end up existing lol)
oh my god i would LOOOOVE to read that thing :3 make sure u send it when it's ready! if you wouldnt mind hehe. and YEAH OF COURSE omg... tbh we will probably continue this convo over discord considering how fuckin long it's gotten (dw i love it) if you don't mind! but i am like so eager to see this meme now LMAO
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
The FNDM’s ableism has been getting really bad, Clyde. I mean, people are going so far as to compare James and Pietro and say that, because James’ prosthetics allow him to be more mobile, he’s there for “less handicapped”…yeah, really.
Yeah, I came across that comment a couple of days ago, did a horrified double-take, and by the time I'd pulled myself away from a OFMD fic long enough to think about commenting, the rest of the RWDE community had done it all for me.
There's just... so much there. The inherent ableism of believing there's this disability hierarchy at play and every character gets a color-coded sticker for how disabled they "really" are. The biases attached to less visible/less represented disabilities in media (the guy in the wheelchair is accepted in a way the "passing" amputee capable of covering his prosthetics with long sleeves is not). The belief that "real" disabilities are tied directly to suffering (inspiration porn). The belief that Good People (Yang) are inherently "more" disabled and worthy of compassion than Bad People (Ironwood). How all of this is tied up in the rest of Ironwood's character, including his Schrodinger's semblance that reads like a mental illness. Even lacking an acknowledgement of really basic fandom facts like how Ironwood has been written as Penny's dad in AUs because he's been a full-fledged character with a connection to her since Volume 2... whereas Pietro didn't become more than just a profile until Volume 7. Generally speaking, are there problems in fandom at large with ignoring (other) disabled characters/characters of color? Abso-fuckin-lutely. But in this particular case I'd lay that accusation at RT's feet, considering they literally put Pietro in a potentially life-threatening situation and then just forgot about him, including having his magically-turned-human daughter (read: no longer sporting a disability-metaphor body) die without once wondering whether her dad made it to safety. The fans writing fun AUs about a character with Volumes more development because the writers already do not care about Pietro? They're not the ones to go after.
As said, it's all already been covered — I'm late to the party — but honestly? It bears repeating. Not because I believe in dog-piling any one person who makes a mistake, no matter how horrible a mistake we perceive it to be, but because this narrative of, 'I as an individual made a mistake don't blame the fandom at large' is ignoring the bigger problem. The fandom is ableist. Does that mean every individual in it is ableist, either knowingly or ignorantly? Of course not, but it means there's a reason why these takes keep cropping up; why we keep ending up in this cycle of someone saying something ableist, others getting (rightfully) upset over it, and then trying to downplay it like a one-time thing until the next ableist post inevitably comes along. As someone who blocks sparingly, I see all the takes that get tons of notes before someone finally speaks up and says hey, that's not okay. The idea that these takes are the opinions of just one (1) person is nonsense. We exist on a website that literally shows you how many people agree in the form of hearts and that doesn't even begin to cover all the silent readers who agree but never engage. The fandom is ableist because the world is ableist and because the canon has a host of ableism built into it, despite (and sometimes because of) its attempts to give us disabled characters. That's the reason why comments like these turn into "drama." It's never just about you, a one-off fluke posting something bad when that's definitely never ever happened before /s. The entire point is that it keeps happening and that so many support it until the tide turns against them. Fans are up-in-arms about the most blatant ableist comment we've seen in a while because there's been years worth of more subtle, but still very ableist fandom-ing before this. People are sick of it. Ironwood fans in particular are sick of it because too often the ableism they call out is hand-waved away with 'Oh, you're just a lunatic who likes dictators,' or whatever the current insult attempt is. Of course people aren't letting this pass with a metaphorical slap on the wrist because it's not something that has passed. The ableism is alive and well in the RWBY fandom. Libraries' worth of fanart of Yang sporting her prosthetic doesn't erase that.
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wowsoboring · 3 years
Deconstructing baseless Harry Potter arguments #1: Harmony Edition
There’s a very helpful account on instagram (this instagram page merely gathers toxic harmony shippers, they don’t ship Harmione or hate all Harmione shippers, please don’t send them hate, show them love and support) where you can essentially find stupid fucking bashers who make baseless arguments. I’m all for Harmione shippers, as long as they don’t denounce Romione, bash Ron and just peacefully co-exist. To my pleasure, such people are out there: they just dont seem to be seen as often as the ones that are not nice. Maybe all I see is the mean people and the majority is nice, but in this post, I am attacking those who make baseless claims and bash Ron/Romione/Hinny/Ginny. I don’t myself hate all Harmione shippers. On top of that, as a Romione/Ron fan, i do acknowledge Ron’s character flaws along with Hermione’s and I hold them on the same pedestal.
This is copied directly from my own instagram page, granger.weasley_ on ig.
Anyways let's get deconstructing
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Yeah okay mf; maybe don’t compare real-life relationships with fucking fictional ones. Your relationship going wrong has nothing to do with Ron/Hermione. It has everything to do with you and your ex: the *real life* people involved in it.
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The weird subreddits and discord servers also seem to have a lot of die-hard Harmione “non-canon” shippers. They bash Ron and Romione (along with Ginny and Hinny) with a burning passion without any objective sense of remorse. They ignore all the merits of Ron’s character and bash him to push their agenda. They can’t even do so much as fucking acknowledge any of Hermione’s character flaws but still somehow manage to fixate on that one time when 11 year old Ron just shit-talked one line while Hermione had just publicly humiliated him in front of the Charms class and practically shouted at him for doing the spell wrong just before. I personally don’t because Hermione was 11 too and wasn’t that good at social cues that early on, which is more than okay. Neither am I.
Only a few people in the Romione fandom bash Hermione. And it’s not like Harmione shippers (most, not all!) don’t bash Ron and Ginny remorselessly, right? The fucking hypocrisy.
If someone considers Ron as the best member of the trio, it is their own opinion and not a fact. I do that. If you consider Harry and Hermione as the best member of the trio or in the whole wizarding world, most people don’t give a flying fuck and probably won’t argue with you because it is simply an opinion. That will only happen when you pass that off as a fact.
Statistically speaking, most (not FUCKING all) Harmione moments are in the movies. The weird dance scene especially. The passionate kiss that happens in Ron’s vision, shit like that. Ron is pushed to the sidelines in the last set of movies while Harry and Hermione show each other endless love and support. “I’ll go with you”. The books on the other hand, describe Harry and Hermione as siblings multiple times, with very little Harmione references.
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So you don't want us to fixate on the large majority of Harmione shippers who do the exact same thing, just kissing Hermione's and Harry's ass and hating on Ron. However you will fixate on people who are most likely not EVEN bashing or hating but pointing out a few character flaws in Hermione in a fair and unbiased way. I would know, I'm a huge fan of Hermione as an individual character (in the books). The only criticism I've seen of Hermione to this day has not been bashing. In the comment section of my own fics (shameless plug) I've seen some Hermione bashing. On an ao3 comment section. And I've seen so damn fucking many people bashing Ron, Ginny, the Weasleys etc. and garner tens and thousands of upvotes on quora.
What does Ron even need excusing for? The running away incident and Krum. What does Hermione need excusing for? Canaries, contributing to Ron's insecurities by making him jealous through Cormac and Krum even though she didn't even like them (especially not Cormac, she fucking hated him). Ron wore a locket that literally highlighted his fatal flaw (insecurity) in an echo chamber. Harry kept getting annoyed when Ron wanted to check in on his family. Harry asked Ron to leave; Ron didn't say that shit in the books about Harry's parents being dead: that was plain shock value.
And sorry for repeating myself but I have seen quite a few Harmione shippers bash Ron and Ginny and excuse every single thing Harry and Hermione have done.
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37 upvotes on this weird comment that makes no sense? Echo chamber alert! You know what us Romione/Ron fans all have in common? We have never experienced such an echo chamber. I made a pro Ron/Romione post on reddit and got a considerable amount of people who bashed Ron and Romione in the comments.
The amount of Hermione haters is very few compared to Ron bashers. Nobody hates Hermione for being independent, determined, etc. We dislike perfect movie Hermione who’s an unrealistic image of females and seems like some sort of agenda than a real woman. Most Romione shippers/Ron fans and book fans in general (except for you apparently) dislike movie Hermione and still are fans of realistic book Hermione. Most, not all. In general, we do not claim anyone who does the exact same thing to Harry and Hermione that these sorts of Harmione shippers do to Ron, Romione, Hinny and Ginny. I say this on the behalf of all Romione shippers and Ron fans.
Ron's not a bitchy lay-about drama causing loser. That's Steve Kloves's movie Ron. In the books Ron is realistic and simplistic and apologizes whenever he causes problems. He acts up substantially twice in a span of 7 years where he is also a hormone-fuelled teenager.
This is so contradictory and juxtaposed to the point of near delusion. First you talk about how Romione shippers bash Hermione and then you bash Ron as a Harmione shipper. Mate, fighting fire with fire will get you called a hypocrite. Fix yourself.
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So the movies are fine when they work according to your agenda? And yes how dare he add such a (fake) chemistry fuelled moment between Harry and Hermione while defeating the entire purpose and groundwork for Romione, the sadness caused by Ron leaving and so many more things? Those Harmione moments you mention seem friendship -esque more than anything else.
Steve Kloves's moments ruined many things while just paying fan service to the Harmione fans he'd birthed through years in the course of 6 movies where he showed Ron as a, how you so eloquently describe it, lay - about drama causing bitchy loser, Harry as one dimensional and Hermione as a zero - dimensional Mary Sue who might as well be the main titular character. Obviously Harmione fans such as yourself don't see the problem with it as it fits your narrative
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We do care about Harry and Hermione at large. Most Romione shippers rightfully bash Draco, Pansy, etc. not particularly Harry and Hermione, that's quite rare. Harry and Hermione can get along without Ron as friends. Ron and Harry can also get along without. Hermione as friend. So can Hermione and Ron without Harry as friends or more. I don't understand your point and how what you said is any different than Romione or Ronarry’s friendship.
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Constant arguing is not what they do. They bicker, they apologize, and sometimes they just do it for the heck of it. They are argumentative teenager. Opposites attract doesn't work in the sense of fire and ice, it works in the case of Brownie and ice-cream. Ron is passionate, laid back and insecure. Hermione's passionate, a workaholic and not as insecure. Ron can help her get calm and composed and get her to give herself a break. Hermione can motivate Ron and re - enforce his confidence.
It wouldn't be step incest. Harry and Ginny do not regard each other as siblings. They do not look similar whatsoever. And a Harmione shipper also bashes Hinny and Ginny along with Ron and Romione? Checks out
" that fucked up Harmony" hahaha. What?
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Are you literally going to date someone on the basis of what Harry Potter ships they prefer? That is so shallow end depraved. Your Harry Potter ship preferences should not be the groundwork for your dating life. Please understand that. Harry Potter is a fictional world which is not real. Hogwarts doesn't exist. Magic doesn't exist. I sound like a Dursley but that's what it is: a fictional realm with fictional character. I would personally not give a fuck if my best friend or significant other was a Harmione shipper. In the case of them being a Ron basher, I would ignore it as if it was just a minor inconvenience and something we wouldn't be discussing and that's how it should be with you. Fuck BuzzFeed, your opinion on what Harry Potter ship / character is your favorite says squat about your personality and relationship with others in a romantic or platonic context. But who cares? Live your life however you want. I'll be stoic.
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It's not opposites attract rubbish or high school opposites attract. Ron and Hermione aren't polar opposites like I said, they are a bit different but similar too in many ways. They have a lot more in common than Harry and Hermione. Ron and Harry have the most in common. Both Ron and Hermione are passionate, loving, argumentative, caring, etc. Your argument lacks substance. It's biased trash. And what does “obhwf " mean?
at the end of the day, i’m just an annoyed teenager. I try my best to be open-minded to people but only as long as they are too. I tried to use my brain more than my feelings for this post. 
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altcvnningham · 2 years
georgia!! do uhm 1 to 13 and then 25, 28, and 29 :)
WOW thas a whole lotta questions I'M SO EXCITED
also keep in mind that i'm still the one person on earth who hasn't fully played mafia 3!! so most or maybe all of these r gonna be biased towards mafia de + 2 <3
thank u for the ask i adore u :*
1. What is your favorite game from the whole trilogy?
mafia 2 because i get to dress vito in little outfits like a barbie doll of the setting and plot :)
2. Who are your favorite characters and why?
vito, joe, paulie, and [looks at smudged writing on hand] horny trombonist
ANYWAY vito bc uhhh see question 3
joe bc haha funny man but also has a huge heart and unflinching loyalty and ugly shirt
paulie bc haha funny man but also has a huge heart and unflinching loyalty and-- wait
henry bc uhhhhhh fhfhfhnfnfuhhhhh holfd my hand,,,..............
3. Which character do you connect with the most?
uhhhh mostly vito and henry just bc they both have this certain like,, defensive aloofness and awkwardness that i find really relatable and oddly endearing, and i think that they both like to put on this tough front that is just So Fragile- bc they're just stupid softies deprived of affection and that just vibes w me yknow
also to me vito seems to inhabit a kind of naïvety, and sometimes i think he associates w things the way a kid would,,, not in an infantilising way, but having simplistic pleasures, not being able to forsee/care about consequences, and possessing a kind of "everything's going to be okay" mentality. like,, "oh as long as i'm with my best friends it's gonna be okay. nothing bad's gonna happen" and then henry dies and it's like "well time to wreak absolute havoc and go on a fucking massacre. don't see how this could ever backfire lol",,,, and idk there's something about it that never comes off as "stupid" to me the way it might to other people- vito isn't dumb he just cares so, so fucking much about those he loves that it like, never occurs to him that it could all fall apart with just one wrong move and. ANYWAY
also my chest hurts whenever i see ralphie bc i used to have a stutter that was just like his akdhsjsk 🥺👉👈
4. Which character is scarily close to how you act?
joe not taking fucking anything seriously and thinking he's a comedian and acting like a little slut and swearing too much
5. Which characters do you dislike and why?
ummm uhhh,,,,..???? won't lie salieri kinda annoys me but i'm positive half of it is bc of the dog thing and then the other half is bc in mafia de he doesn't have like an Italian Gangster Accent™️ like he just speaks like a normal guy??? also i think i could take him in a fight he looks like he has shaky knees
every single fucking race driver npc in fair play yall can die forreal
6. What were your favorite songs from each Mafia game?
i'm extremely partial to django reinhardt (thanks bioshock) so whenever any of his songs are in mafia de i go a little bit crazy
ummm in mafia 2 i got so excited the first time i heard billy ward and the dominoes' rendition of rags to riches that i drove vito off of a bridge and died which i now accept as a canon ending
the first time i listened to keep me hangin' on by vanilla fudge in mafia 3 i actually had to sit down and just Stare because holy shit. Holy ShSET ME FREE WHY DOOOON'T YOU BAAAAAAAABE GET OUT MY LIFE WHY DON'T YOU BAAAAAAABE YOU REALLY DON'T WANT MEEEEEEEEE YOU JUST KEEP M
also i can't remember if happy feet by cab calloway was in mafia de or 2 but i was OBSESSED w that song for like 2 months straight
7. Your favorite ship and why? (OCs can be included.)
vito/henry, vito/joe, vito/henry/joe or die
henry/having a long warm hug and some therapy
8. Which character shares your sense of fashion?
sarah w the pretty blouse + skirt combo and i have a beautiful collection of vintage men's coats that nearly come down to my ankles, and i own one that looks very similar to tommy's in that one mission where he goes out to the country in the rain :) i wish there were more prominent female characters in mafia 2 bc i incorporate a lot of 40s-50s accessories and silhouettes into my wardrobe!!
9. The last Mafia game you played/watched, you so happened to get trapped in. How would you react and what would be the first thing you did?
well considering i like to frequently play mafia de for free-roam around lost heaven (i would KILL to have mafia 2 free-roam), i think i would be very happy to walk around and look at all the pretty lights :')
10. If you could give a hug to any character(s), who would they be?
henry bc that mf NEEDS it also i need it he could fix me
and then immediately joe paulie n lincoln bc they look like they give THE BEST hugs
11. Which character do you think is underrated?
frank colletti considering he went on a whole ass rant about this bitch dog that got fucked by all the neighbourhood chad dogs and then fully told tommy "you're the bitch" like that isn't the funniest fucking thing i've ever heard in my life
12. Which character(s) do you think you would get along with?
paulie bc he likes to be annoying and i also like to be annoying
john donovan i could listen to that clown talk all damn day
13. Which character(s) do you think you would NOT get along with?
marty i fucking hate him im so sorr- [gunshot]
25. This one is a bit silly. Who is a character you would not mind dating?
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28. Some things you dislike about Mafia and why?
uhhhhh i feel like the plot of each game could've been fleshed out WAY more, and i won't lie the only reason i don't replay mafia 2 often despite it being my favourite is because i get bored w how formulaic it is and how little there is to do beyond the main story (which,, i understand that a lot was cut,, and i want to go easy on it bc ofc i'm so used to modern games having tons of content,,,,, but like mafia 2 came out the same year as arkham city,, which has a ton of shit to do :/) i get that it isn't easy to translate the tone and 'feel' of iconic mafia films into video games, but like,,,, c'mon why am i replaying fair play for the fucking twelfth time
the casual racism, especially in mafia 2, and i understand that it's staying true to the era but,,,, like shut up oh my god
29. How did you come across the Mafia Trilogy?
??? idk i don't remember one minute i was normal then the next i was making shitty vito fancams two hours before my assessment deadline was due and i've been mentally ill ever since
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tsukidrama · 2 years
Thank you so much for waiting this long. I had a lot of schoolwork and tests I had to get through, so now that that whole ordeal is over I can finally respond! I didn't want to half-ass writing back to you, so I figured I'd wait until I well and truly had the time.
I heard you're updating TRNT tomorrow! I'm super excited to read that, especially considering we're getting a some redemption for Mr. Leonhardt. I've always considered him a very interesting character, though before reading your fic, I didn't particularly like him. I don't really have any guesses or predictions of sorts for whats going to happen, but you did say prepare for angst and awkwardness so that is what I'll do!
of course! i always understand when it comes to school. i hope that you were able to get through everything without stressing out too badly. i hope you get spring break soon at least. you've got this!
but also, same... sorry it took me so long to reply to this message, i'm struggling. i'll be okay. i hope you enjoyed the most recent chapter! i worry that it went over some peoples' heads though, or maybe i stunned my readers too much to speak lol
can he ever be redeemed? in my opinion he's always going to be kind of a dick of an old man lol but i think i can fix him. enough to make him a good father to Annie the second time around, at least. it's complicated as hell and hard to describe without reading the entire 17k word chapter
> What you said about fics regarding Annie not telling the reader about her 'secret identity', I completely agree. I always find reading them is gut-wrenching, but it's also a guilty pleasure of mine? I really like the dynamic and the questioning and the "will they won't they" element it adds, that is to say "will they work through this and flourish." <
> The shift at the beginning of the Trost Arc from hopeful to just filled with mind numbing fear... it fucked me up when I first watched it. They really were all just naive kids, especially the warriors, they had no idea what they were getting into or how bad their situation was getting. I can't even think about how destroyed, mentally and emotionally, Annie was after that. To have Marco plead with her and beg for his life, thinking she couldn't do anything, it must've been terrible for her psyche. Annie is an extremely complex and deep character, and I feel like with TRNT and Please Be, I'm learning more about her and her emotions. Sure, it isn't technically "canon" but I accept your writing as law when it comes to AOT. Annie returned to her girlfriend, built a farmhouse, and settled down, I think that's what she deserves. <
oh absolutely... that dynamic is what drew me to her in the first place. it genuinely just made me sad to think about her future while she was in the crystal, because it seemed so bleak. that's why i never wrote fanfic for her when i was younger. she's in so much pain and doesn't know how to deal with it. and i don't think she had time to truly process the reality of what she did or went through until the crystal, which is it's own punishment. but now that i know it'll be okay in the end for her and that she ends up happy in the cottage, i can bear to put myself through the angst of writing about canon-era Annie 😭
EEEE HEEH ASLVHBLJDS THANK YOU!! oh mygod this makes me really happy to hear, that your understanding is made better with my writing. obviously i'm biased but.. lol i also take my writing as law. i've said before that if you want something to be done right then you gotta do it yourself AND I HAVE. i might be a bit kooky but i swear to god i know what i'm talking about when it comes to complex emotions and character motivation. those who i love, i know inside and out. it gives me very specific type of imposter syndrome though because i feel like i can understand other people's emotions more than my own? does that even make sense?
> I think I'm more at peace with the fact that I won't be able to write all day, every day, and your words really helped with that. Thanks again, and I'm really glad you liked my fic! The long comment you left really warmed my heart, so much that I'm actually trying to write a part 2! Honestly, the first one was a bit rushed and I wasn't really happy with it. I feel like if I work on the second one a lot and I take my time with it, then I'll really enjoy the final result. As for the plot, I'm thinking it's gonna feature a few different moments when their love for each other is tested, but ultimately pulls through, giving them Annie the happy ending she deserves. I'm actually really surprised and delighted that you said we had many of the same ideas! We both love Annie an unreasonably high amount, I think. Though yours will be angstier, I am extremely excited to read it. Once again, thank you so much and I'm really glad you liked it! <
i really did like that fic! [linking it here] and now i'm excited you want to write a sequel! i support you in taking your time to write the story and vibe you want the for the fic. you're not on a timeline and i agree that you'll be happier with how it turns out in the end 💖 i'm glad i could help you in any way, it was my pleasure! it really is in line with some of the ideas i have for please be, you'll see. why surprised? you're a damn good writer, don't sell yourself short.
even right now while i'm not going into work and spending most of my time at home (to be fair i'm not sitting around doing nothing but still) i'm still not writing all day every day. creativity is a muscle just like anything else, you know? sometimes it needs to rest or you need to find inspiration somewhere different. i'm glad that you seem to be less stressed out about writing. it should be something that you enjoy and not a source of anxiety!
and i wish you the same! i hope to hear from you again soon and again i'm sorry for how long it took for me to respond. much love to you 💕
> I wish you wellness, <
> Pink Anon <
> (P.S. Tell Mars I'm really looking forward to the finale of The Infected! I'm itching to find out how it ends, and I really liked the last chapter!) <
check the comments for a response from mars herself but from me, hope you enjoy the ending! it's been a wild ride but i'm quite proud of her for finishing a big series like that. me and TRNT could never lololol
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Hey Clyde, have you caught Shaun's recent video on Harry Potter? It's quite good, but while watching I was also struck by a number of his general criticisms of the series (no good or bad actions only good or bad characters, lack of forethought when introducing new world elements, lack of engagement with established world elements, extremely poorly thought out racial allegories etc) and you can probably guess the other series I thought of lol
I'm watching it now! Thanks for the rec, this is quite good (and I love the background art). I'm about a half hour in and:
"What is done isn’t so important as who is doing it.”
Yup. Yuuuup. That covers a lot of RWBY's current problems right there, alongside that specific tendency to not plan ahead while also attempting to fix things later with the same lack of thought put into the explanation that created the problem in the first place. "Why can't everything be solved with time turners? Oh no, all the time turners were conveniently smashed, problem solved" feels very similar to, "How in the world will they survive the immortal witch? Oh yay, Oscar has a magical nuke in his back pocket, problem solved." Sure, technically speaking both scenarios could (and obviously did) happen, but that doesn't mean they're satisfying to watch/read. I think both RWBY and HP suffer from a lot of moments that never had to be problems in the first place if the authors had just thought ahead a bit more, or even just gave some honest "There's no good explanation because I didn't think about that at the time, sorry" responses to fan questioning. Although, the problem might lie in how those two things appear to contradict for some people. There's such a desire for authors to have thought through every aspect of their stories that when they're faced with a question they don't have a good answer for, they scramble for one to avoid looking bad. Hence ill-thought-out ideas they'd "always planned" that either wreak havoc on the canon, or just come across as ridiculous. The silver lining I suppose is that these moments give fans a chance to come up with cool explanations that the authors failed to consider (with the "My headcanon is actually canon, how dare you suggest the author is less than perfect" take being an extreme result of that play). By coincidence I finished up a HP fic the other night and one detail I liked was the author considering the question, "Why did Voldemort have his followers create a two-way portkey that ultimately allowed Harry to escape from the graveyard? Surely a one-way-ticket (ha, Weiss) would have been better." The kids theorized that all portkeys are like that. Later the reader learns that's incorrect and Malfoy just blames Crouch for being incredibly foolish. It's eventually revealed that Voldemort did that deliberately, hoping to send Harry's body back to Dumbeldore as a warning. It was one of those moments when I went, "Oh cool, the fans aren't just thinking through the world building more, but also thinking through the facts of the world vs. student ignorance vs. biased assumptions vs. egotistic plans that thoroughly backfired."
Though it's by no means a new conversation, I'm really glad fandom is unpacking problems like the fatphobia and alcoholism, alongside JKR's TERF-rhetoric, especially since much of it is all bound up together. Also, I immediately like any vid that acknowledges how utterly ridiculous Cursed Child is lol. Look, I have heard from multiple people whose taste in media I greatly respect — one of them very recently! — who say the play is absolutely amazing... but I just can't get over the plot. Or the characterization. Or the, well, everything else. I too might get caught up in the spectacle of the production if I ever get the chance to see it, but strip that away and you've just got a bad story imo. So yeah, I'm always sitting up when someone else mentions how insane it is that Cedric became a Death Eater because he lost a contest. Guess it's a good thing he was killed and that moment is no longer the tragedy that sparked the second war!🤦‍♀️
(Ah man, now I'm thinking about parallels to Penny's death: a similar revision where we strip the tragedy away for silly shenanigans that exist only to bring a beloved character back into the spotlight, no matter how their characterization is butchered in the process.)
I've gotta admit though, as well done as the video is so far and as much as I agree with Shaun's primary points, I think he's excluding important context for some of the smaller examples to push the "This is very badly written" angle. For example no, we don't know that Harry is a horrible child who didn't give his friends gifts for Christmas. The books are written in a limited third person, mostly Harry's POV, which mean the texts, especially early on, tend to focus on what he's received, not what he's given. But the existence of later gifts and Harry's overall characterization say pretty clearly (to me anyway) that of course he gave his friends presents, we just don't hear about them because the short paragraphs assigned to describing Christmas are more concerned with what he got. To be honest, I've always taken issue with the, "Harry should have solved the Weasley's financial problems and the fact that he didn't means he's a shitty person" take. Beyond the fact that I don't think 12yos should be responsible for solving or attempting to solve the financial problems of those around them (especially abused 12yos who randomly learned one day they have a fortune), JKR may have fucked up a lot of the story, but she does a pretty good job of establishing Harry's careful approach to wealth and the Weasleys. As Shaun lays out, Harry offers to share his candy and tries to trade for Ron's sandwich. He recognizes right from the start that Ron's pride won't let him accept a straight up, charitable gift. In later books Harry thinks about how he'd happily pay for all the Weasley's stuff, but he knew by then they wouldn't accept. By the fourth book Harry is old enough to have figured out a way to help without embarrassing anyone:
"Harry," said George weakly, weighing the money bag in his hands, "there's got to be a thousand Galleons in here."
"Yeah," said Harry, grinning. "Think how many Canary Creams that is." The twins stared at him.
"Just don't tell your mum where you got it... although she might not be so keen for you to join the Ministry anymore, come to think of it."
"Harry," Fred began, but Harry pulled out his wand.
"Look," he said flatly, "take it, or I'll hex you. I know some good ones now. Just do me one favour, OK? Buy Ron some different dress robes and say they're from you."
The twins are the most carefree and chill of all the Weasley clan and they're still pretty reluctant to take money they know Harry doesn't need, money he won through traumatic events to boot. Imagine the response if he tried to get the most money-concerned member (Ron) to accept an expensive new wand at 12 years old, using the money his dead parents left him. Toss in practical concerns like "The wand chooses the wizard," so these kids need to get back to Diagon Alley for this Christmas present — Harry can't just order one in the mail — or else get Molly and Arthur involved, so we're right back to the embarrassment of this kid doing for Ron what his parents can't. It's just always seemed silly to me, this idea of, "I can't believe the literal child who has known about magic for about a year didn't solve the financial difficulties of this prideful family. Harry is such a jerk." The REAL question is why McGonagall, the adult Deputy Headmistress and Head of Ron's House, was willing to shell out a stupid amount for Harry's racing broom, but won't buy her student a new wand. There's some characterization to unpack. Obviously though Shaun's end point is the main takeaway: we have to ignore a lot of easy fixes to set up Ron's broken wand ending up in Lockhart's hand (personally, I would have just had the wand break during the fall into the chamber), but I don't actually think Harry's money is one of those easy fixes here. For all the awful problems with the novels, Harry as a fully realized character is something I've always liked. He makes bad choices, silly choices, often does things and doesn't do things based on emotion rather than what's the Objectively Right Choice. I absolutely buy a 12yo who grew up with the Dursleys keeping his head down about money problems until, a few years later, he's figured out a way to give some without embarrassing everyone in the process.
ANYWAY I've ranted about HP for too long now (surprise, surprise). Gonna watch more of the vid tomorrow👌‍
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