#Although the competition will be awesome! :D
easterartist · 1 year
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Here's the official cover for my Lost under the sea au!
(I'm terrible at logos lmao)
Also, for a treat have a sneak peek at Leo's design :)
(I was making this anyways, but seeing as the @non-rise-tmnt-au-competition had mentioned that if we wanted a cover for the polls we could , I decided that this will also be the cover for the competition! :D I'm so excited for this fjsbaiab-)
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
May I request some recs for games where you play as a dragon? ::D Thank you for your time!!
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THEME: Dragon Games
@foggedover and @vanderlyon both of you asked this question so I am killing two birds with one stone this time around! These games were so much more cute and wholesome than I expected Dragon games to be.
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Hot Gay Bro Dragons, by Riverhouse Games.
Bro, he’s your whole world. He makes you feel fabulous. His body is smoking hot, and when you look into his eyes they sparkle like gold.
He’s a dragon. So are you. You’re in love.
This is HOT GAY BRO DRAGONS, a gay game about telling your boyfriend you love him.
This is a silly goofy game about dragons in love, that can work for 2 players but can also play with more! What I really love about this game is when you choose how big of a dragon you are, you also tell your dragon boyfriend about how you feel about him based on his size relevant to yours. The game also encourages you to use phrases like “oh my god bro” and “bro you’re so smoking” and “that’s bro-lliant my dude”. If you’re just looking for a fun goofy time with someone you love, this game can do that for you.
Dragonhearts, by FractalDragon.
You get to be a dragon
You get to kiss dragons
Need I say more? 
This Tabletop RPG is about about the clash of over-sized personalities between shapeshifters who can assume human or dragon form, or anything in between. It's GMless—meaning everyone has equal narrative authority—and plays best over one or two 3-4 hour sessions, with 3-4 players. 
As a Firebrands hack, Dragonhearts is rather poetic in its character creation and plays through a series of mini games. These mini games include fights, rituals, moments of intimacy, competitions and more - and most of them can be played in whatever order makes sense for your story. This game also comes with a solo game, which each player will play as they set up their characters but might be interesting to play if you want to explore this game by yourself. If you are interested in short, segmented forms of play that can be mixed and matched as your dragons wrestle with emotions and learn about who they are, I definitely recommend Dragonhearts.
Epyllion, by Marissa Kelly (at Magpie Games).
Dragonia faces a threat we dragons have all but forgotten. Inside each of us are seeds of Darkness waiting to take root in doubt, anger, and sorrow. You and your fellow dragons— although small now—must protect Dragonia from the growing Darkness…and learn what it means to be a true friend.  -- Tass the Gigantic, Councilmember
Epyllion is a tabletop role playing game about young drakes who investigate rumors, solve problems, and discover the truth of a growing evil in Dragonia. While you play, you and your friends tell awesome stories, explore what it means to be a drake of Dragonia, and discover the value of friendship through magical, whimsical, and heartfelt adventures.
This is an adorable game about young dragons, perfect for all ages. You are young dragons trying to save their home from evil. It gives me the same vibes as Land Before Time, although others have described it to have the same tone as Spyro, or My Little Pony. Epyllion has received many accolades in the gaming community, and its author, Marissa Kelly, is also one of the brains behind the gorgeously haunting game of Bluebeard’s Bride. If the kind of dragon you want to play is cute and trying very hard to be a hero, then this is the game for you.
Hearth Dragons, by M. Davis.
With powerful magic, someone has created you, a dragon. Not a true dragon, no, but one crafted with care and love and given a purpose: to protect your home. With a special ability you were crafted with and a dragon's flame within, many adventures await you and your fellow hearth dragons as you strive to be the best caretakers one can be. And you don't even need to leave the house!
Hearth Dragons is a Lasers & Feelings hack inspired by The Last Dragon Chronicles by author Chris d'Lacey and the Pennykettle Dragons who made the stories as magical as they were. With friends and a game master, you'll make your own clay, paper, or other kind of handcrafted dragon and work together to solve problems and tell stories using your own imagination or the random adventure generation table within.
This is a quick little game with easy-to-generate characters and goals. You’ll create a house together and then do your best to protect it from forces such as an ominous neighbour or a a dangerous creature, from doing things such as ruining brunch or capturing the family pet. This is a great little game, perfect for one-shots and pick-up games.
If you like this creator's work I also recommend their solo journaling game, called An Afternoon As A Dragon, a game about someone who's become a dragon because of a curse.
Baby Dragons, by Litza Bronwyn.
In this game, you are a fierce baby dragon, hatched amongst a variety of other dragon eggs and left to discover the wonders and dangers of the world with your draconic siblings. You must choose if you are better at mental or physical, and go out in search of food, loot, more minions, and/or a better lair.
A simple one-page game that is easy to pick up and play with little to no prep! This is also inspired by Lasers and Feelings, but rather than manufactured dragons, you’re just babies, and you’re more likely to cause trouble than prevent it. If you’re interested in Epyllion but you want something that requires less commitment, you might want to check out Baby Dragons.
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egg-poll · 1 year
the first half of round 1 was very competitive, with a few unexpected turnarounds! as always guys lets try to remember that this is just a silly competition for fun, and whoever ends up winning every headcanon here is awesome just by nature of making it into the tournament!
hunter vs tobias
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this poll was a lot closer than expected, especially considering hunter was the #1 most submitted character! tobias had a really strong showing, especially with a lot of campaigning in the post tags, but in the end hunter pulled through. this result could suggest hunter is a lot weaker than initially thought though, will he make it to the next round?
gene vs neo
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this one was also surprisingly competitive, with a lot of campaigning on both sides. gene got the most initial nominations so he was the expected winner, but neo is one of the most classic trans readings of a character, and got a lot of support from people who might not have thought of him originally! in the end neo pulled ahead. neo and hunter will certainly make an interesting match up next round!
ashe vs leonardo
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ashe was one of the most interesting nominees to watch going in, as he ended up sweeping the nominations with 18 submissions! in the end though, the huge support for this headcanon among just roll with it fans couldn't offset the fandom's small size. but this was in no small part thanks to the tmnt fandom's rallying around leonardo! both of these characters got a huge amount of support, and we ended up with our first two pieces of amazing fanart! but if tmnt's success in the autism swag summit is any indicator, leo might be a competitor to watch going into future rounds!
rain vs finn
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rain was another nominee with a size disadvantage going in. while ward fans did their best to rally, they couldn't beat finn, another character with an overall few number of submissions but who ended up winning from sheer popularity. ward fans took it in stride though, with some noting that rain losing in the first round might be the most in character outcome. we also got another great piece of fanart! finn did not get a lot of campaigning, definitely indicating he might be in danger in future rounds.
ralsei vs ken
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this was a difficult one for me as i really love both of these headcanons! digimon fans presented some great arguments, but couldn't overcome the trans ralsei headcanon (which has years of support, pioneered by yours truly...) time will tell if deltarune fans can push this headcanon forward to other rounds! either way trans girl ken will surely live on in our hearts :)
sonic vs haruhi
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this one was a pretty surprising upset! sonic was one of the most nominated characters, but got beaten out by haruhi who actually received zero direct nominations. sonic fans likely put more weight behind tails, which is overall a more popular headcanon. some argued haruhi is too textually trans to really be considered an egg (although by not being canon she still fits into the rules of this competition). this argument will surely come into play in future rounds though, and likely with mion vs lake in part 2 of this round!
luigi vs double d
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another upset, although not the most surprising one. although luigi recieved a lot of support in the nomination round, fans overall decided this headcanon didn't hold up to scrutiny quite as well as double d, who is arguably(?) canon already (but still eligible according to tournament rules) i would not be surprised to see double d go even further in future rounds!
tails vs fuuta
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this was another with a pretty obvious outcome from the beginning, with transfem tails being another super classic egg headcanon. fuuta didn't really stand much of a chance, with some fans calling it a popularity poll (this is just how seeding works guys, i'm sorry!) despite their smaller fanbase though, milgram fans showed a lot of support and provided evidence of their own. while egg fuuta will always live on, sonic fans may end up pushing even harder for tails in future rounds with sonic eliminated. only time will tell!
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thats all for this time guys, be sure to come back tomorrow for part 2 of this round!
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hplonesomeart · 4 months
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Aaaaa I’m sorry about this art being finished so late into the competition!! I know this particular voting poll had already ended (several weeks ago), but I still wanted to show my appreciation for all the Chloe votes and @dr-imbadatnames-enstein’s awesome character Disco for participating! So although this is related to past events I hope you still like the art :D
Thank you @ahatintime-oc-competition for hosting this event, it’s been very fun so far <3
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irish-urn · 1 month
Battle of the Bands
I can't help it, I adore Sheldon. I am a Schleppette.
Sam, being the realist to Derek's dreams. I do like that Derek needs a right hand man to remind him of, like, reality.
Sheldon wants to be liked by Derek SO BAD. I cannot blame him. Also, Casey looked SO PRETTY just then and I cannot blame Sam for being sad.
I can't believe they're actually practicing in front of the family. I already have second-hand embarrassment. Although, I guess this is what starts LWL Derek's career, huh?
he's not the absolute worst but it's not great.
"Yeah it was awesome when you all stopped playing." Lizzie, I adore you.
(I forgot how cute Ralph is??? DOES HE HAVE PIERCED EARS???)
Derek's little offended nostril flare when Casey says they're awful. What a drama bean. And now he doesn't want to sing because he's self conscious WHAT A LITTLE SOOK.
POOR DEREK. he just wants a cool band to remind people that he's still cool after the DISASTER that was Class President elections. And his family is unsupportive, his friends are distracted, and his only choice... Is Casey. Who makes his life incredibly difficult AND DEFINITELY ISN'T COOL.
Lizzie I adore you playing Casey's agent. THEY HAVE CONTRACTS. WHAT LOSERS.
I love Ralph. He is loving watching Derek and Casey fight. Sam is used to this show and is just happy to munch. I respect you, Sam Richards.
Lizzie is the MVP of the episode.
I adore Paul. So much. He's so good at his job.
Aw dude. Derek you look so scared. And Casey wants so badly to do the right thing whatever that is.
Derek's FACE. HIS FACE. I always thought he was checking her out, but I think it's more SUCH RELIEF. He was absolutely terrified. He was Puking. He thought he was just going to be a screw up again, but this time in front of the whole school and Casey SAVED HIM. CASEY SAVED HIS BUTT.
This is even worse than finding her hot. This includes FEELINGS.
🎶Sheldon you're a star🎶 Your song is no better or worse than D-Rock's.
I really wanna know who did Derek's makeup. Marti? Maybe?
Okay, I need to take a moment to talk about how well they handled the Sam and Casey thing. They both obviously just... Genuinely like each other as people, even if they know they don't work as a couple. But there's a lot of awkwardness and bruised feelings, but they WANT to be friends. And I'm so proud of both of them for talking it out.
I also love how, at the end, Derek and Casey are just chatting and talking like equals, like friends, both annoyed that they lost to Sheldon because they are incredibly competitive, but neither blaming the other because they know they did their best. And then them both getting the hell out of lame-ass dodge and the family jam session... Like: it's a glimpse of what they COULD be.
also, was it just me, or did the camera angles make Derek VERY tall compared to Casey in this episode? Sometimes they have them look almost the same height, putting them at the same level, but there were quite a few scenes where their 5-inch height difference was VERY CLEAR. I don't know what that means, but it means something... A reminder? That this is Derek's thing, not Casey? Hm... Something to think about.
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tiepodseaters · 10 months
"this is not a competition!?"
"Says the guy with zero unicorns."
Heya!! I'm Mikey, Micheal, Miguel, Angelo you know the drill.
I am the host for the nightclub system!
I go by he/she Im male and questioning!
HII !!! I am the one and only (and best) Leon / Muni / Starlight ! :D
I go by it/he/star and some times she/her!(limit on fem terms, nue / masc awesome!)
Transgender and genderfluid ‼️
I am the host of the starry garden system! :3
Basics for both of us
Most of my postings will be funny hahas me and Leon make, as well as source memory, fiction Improv, art, asks, tips. Ect.
Leon will be doing the same thing. With his silliness added
If not obvious on who's posting, I will end the more worded posts with my sys tag -🌕
Leon's would be -💫
General Boundaries:
Don't flirt with us!
Respect both of us and we'll respect you
Do not vent to us, although I can give tips we are not built for that.
We are alive, and not a rp please treat us like a human (I'm serious. Just cuz we a turtle doesn't give you the right to bend what I mean.)
No Tcest or Pro shipping
Don't hint at anything NSFW towards us
No me or my brothers dying jokes. That's like woah?
Do not bring up sensitive topics to get a rise out of us
Will be updated as time moves on. For now this is all.
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WEEK 2 - Wrap Up
Let's start naming nuts! (SURVIVOR RECAP)
Week 2 and we are already just down to 4 left in Survivor. So, it got me thinking about this classic scene from Best In Show - and if I were to start naming nuts they would be names like - Young, Jones, Cappillino, Scott, White, Howard, Norman and yes Breen. These clowns, with 32 teams to pick from could not pick a winner and are out by week 2. So it's up to Allmendinger, Rutledge, Krippayne and Gullahorn to carry us through. Good luck guys!
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This was a good one. Both Cliff and Dana started the season out with a loss so there was a lot on the line for each of them. No one wants to start out 0-2 as it's a hard climb out of that situation. In fact, in the actual NFL if you start out 0-2 your chances of making the playoffs slips to like 11%. Those teams this year are Raiders, Bengals, Panthers, Falcons, Texans and the Titans...oh and Cliff Young. Cliff did start T Hill it was just Taysom not Tyreek...if he had Tyreek we would be talking about Dana moving to 0-2! Dana had huge games from Goff, McCaffrey and Mike Williams. Great game Dana. Nice bounce back for a guy who autodrafted.
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Well this one got out of hand quickly. Brett started his week with an amazing Thursday night from Herbert and from the first game of the day on Sunday from Waddle and from that point on it didn't matter what Krippayne did he wasn't going to catch him. Well, I guess he could have played Cooper instead of Gage but other than that.... It also didn't help Scott that Mahomes had a horrible week only putting up 21 points. If you own Mahomes and don't put up 50...your week is ruined...trust me. Great win Brett! Scott, so sorry and next week you face Kyle who will be searching for his first win - so he will be focused.
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Yes, as noted in the previous paragraph - the Backdoor Bandits move to 0-2 as the strange and unpredictable "Moose" ate up his competition in a single bite. It did come down to Monday Night for these guys - with Mitch still with Henry and Kyle with DeVonta Smith but Kyle was down 25 points to start the night - so he would need that from Smith and for Henry to break his leg in warm ups to avoid the loss. And as you know, none of that happened ( although Henry might as well broken his leg for how bad he looked ) and so Mitch grabs his first win of the season and probably now feels embolden to try something like this girl in the GIF is doing. Please Mitch...please no. Congrats!
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Yes...it happened. Bebo Norman just bitch slapped Rob Howard in week 2. I have to be honest guys...I am a bit concerned for Rob. I mean I know he eeked out a win in week 1 but I just don't sense the passion and determination that a three time champion should have. I know he's been busy with his Polka Band - and maybe that's it - a focus thing...but shout out to Bebo who grabbed the high point win of the week ($20) with 146 points, and just had amazing performances from Rodgers, Swift, Tyreek, Kupp and Bucs D. I am glad I don't have to face him until week 7...when most of his team will hopefully be banged up or suspended!
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Yep. You guessed it...it's the "High Five Guys" match up. This is the week each year, when the two "best friends" in the league - Andy and Gabe...who everyday do a high five walk (as documented by CBS Sunday Morning) face each other in fantasy football. And, we are suppose to believe that even in the heat of the battle of something massive like fantasy football - that they can still face each other, (snap and clap) and remain friends? My theory is they are both sick of pretending to be friends and are both sick of doing this high five bullshit. But each of them thinks the other really loves it and so it goes on. Like an old couple in a dead marriage who don't want to hurt their kids feelings or break up the family so they continue in misery. This has to be what's going on with this whole "were best friends, we play badminton and play musical instruments really really well" thing. Anyway - what you thought happened happened....Andy won.
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Well, this was the final game of the night. Before the two MNF games had started, Stu had the lead 101.08 to 76.82 - so I was down 24.26. He had just 1 player left to play - but a good player so of course I was concerned...Stefon Diggs was that player. I on the other hand had 4 left to play...and many of them good players as well - Delvin Cook, AJ Brown, Devin Singletary and Tyler Bass (kicker). So I felt like Diggs would put up at least what he did last week which was 23... so my goal was to get to 125 and seal the win...meaning roughly 50 points from these 4 amazing players. I won't bore you with the details since it's been a long night. Needless to say Diggs put up 37.80 points and collectively my 4 players didn't even come close to Diggs numbers alone. So, Stu wins...as he should. I can't expect to put it all on Kelce or Lamar. Good win Stu.
Did you all know that there are seven teams in the NFL that DON'T have cheerleaders in 2022? Giants, Bears, Bills, Browns, Chargers, Packers and Steelers. CRAZY!
This weeks cheerleader I couldn't actually find her name but there are a few things about her that I could determine from just seeing her photo. She likes to work out. She lives in the Dallas area. She's a ton of fun. Very funny. She's #94 and she's very energetic and has a positive attitude.
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repostsandramblings · 2 years
If you couldn't tell,
I fucking love Homestuck
Although I still have a long way to go with competition of it (on act 6 act 4 right now)
I can still confidently say I love it!
It's so fun! The characters are so refreshing and fun!
And seeing characters mentioned in fan art or from my boyfriend's ramblings about Homestuck is awesome!
It always gets me excited!
And I love how the story evolves!
Like how gamzee goes from a pretty scary character early in the story to basically the D tier villain who is manipulated by the real big bad.
It's so interesting!!!
And I love how relationships are handled! A lot of care and effort is put into making it make sense and I love that!
The only real hurdle for me is how Hussie writes tbh
Sometimes it just sucks my very soul out and I can't bring myself to read
But when I do read it's always a joy
I can wait to finish Homestuck, then maybe read the epilogues and such
I'm definitely gonna play pesterquest and hiveswap tho
That'll be amazing!
I almost wish the fandom wasn't so small nowadays
It'd be awesome to interact with the community at its peaks
But it's probably for the best
I know the few that are stinking around are fucking awesome
And they make amazing content!
If you find a small Homestuck artist be sure to support them!
They deserve all the love and support they can get!
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cabinofimagines · 3 years
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could u do a part two of the pumpkin carving fic I love to see these friends just,,,, vibe at a party thank danny I love u
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Halloween 2021 masterlist
YOU GOT IT MY DUDE— Also pretty fucked up what you did with the request I sent but it’s okay I’ll fix it -Danny
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Oct 30th: The Party.
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After absolutely humiliating yourself with Percy’s dad, you decided to walk around to sober up and enjoy the party, everyone was having a blast, you saw Apollo, Mr D and Ares doing a beerpong competition (with diet coke), surrounded by their cheering kids— further away you saw Annabeth and Piper welcoming in the roman campers, Hazel and Frank being cute as always, and Nico hoarding the snacks while Will pretends he doesn’t see.
Finally, you spot Jason and you decide to ask him to look after you until you sober up completely, then you see Leo standing next to him. You haven’t really been around to talk and clear things out with him since the accident, so you decide to approach and show him you’re okay.
“Hey guys! Nice costumes!”
Jason shows you one of his winning smiles and returns the compliment, Leo’s smile is a happy one, but you see his hands hiding in his pockets as soon as you approach.
“Having a fun night, Y/N?” Jason asks knowingly. “Percy said we should keep an eye on you, or you’ll start a fight with Ares—”
“Oh, tell him to shut up,” You scoff. “He won’t let me forget it..."
“I think it was pretty awesome,” Leo teases. “You feel like fighting still? I can call my dad so you can yell at him for being an absent father.”
You groan in exasperation and the boys laugh at your reaction, nevertheless, they both decide to take pity and get you a non-alcoholic drink along with a bowl of chips.
After a while more people start to join you and then you’re surrounded by a bunch of friends, your eyes continue to glance at Leo from time to time, and although he’s no longer upset, you know he’s an expert at hiding and ignoring his own feelings, therefore you decide to make sure he’s truly okay in an indirect way.
“What are you, then? A science fiction mechanic or something?” You lightly kick his foot to get his attention.
“I’m human Festus!” He replies proudly. 
“Ah, so that’s why you’re helmet’s a dragon head!" You grin. “Nice pick, Valdez. It truly is on brand.”
“Thanks,” The boy smiles softly. “Glad to see your arm’s okay, would’ve hated to ruin your looks before the party.”
There it is, he just gave you entrance to the subject you wanted to address and you’re not going to let go of it.
“I told you it was no big deal,” You reply patiently. “Honestly, I’ve had worse injuries, you know it, that was barely a scratch!”
Leo shifts tensely on his chair. “No yeah— still, you’re human, it still hurts when something burns you—”
“Nah, it’s like when someone pinches you, it hurts a moment and then it’s over, really nothing to worry about,” You pat his shoulder. “Maybe we can try out that Jack O’Lantern costume next year? And I can dress up as Ichabod Crane?”
“You still want to do that?” He chuckles. “Dunno, it went bad already...”
“We can fix it, we’ll be careful,” You shrug. “There was no lasting harm done, and I’m sure that with your brains and my creativity we can figure out a safe way to get it done.”
Leo smiles at you, and it's his sideways smirk, his real smile. He looks back at the large group sitting with you and raises his voice.
“Guys, let’s thank Y/N for the best Halloween party the camp has ever seen!”
The choir of voices obey messily, your friends raise their glasses and some throw kisses at you playfully. Some others chant your name and you feel your face warming up with all the attention.
“Hope we can do this every year,” Will says, “I had a blast with the preparations.”
“As long as we can alternate the responsabilities,” Percy raised a brow. “Cause I won’t be feeding all of you every year.”
“Good, because you didn’t even bring all the good stuff,” Nico replies unbothered. “Next time I’m bringing the food.”
Percy’s definitely offended by his comment, and he’s about to speak against him when Frank speaks up:
“Next year we’ll host the party!” 
Everyone speaks at the same time, all excited at the prospect. You sit back and smile at the conversation, pleased at the thought of not having to plan a single thing next year. It was exhausting...
Although Halloween isn’t over for you yet, tomorrow you’re taking trick or treating Percy’s sister, you can’t wait!
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@beneaththeiceandsnow @smileitsisa @lovinghufflepuffgirl @diaphragmjellyfish @bandshirts-andbooks  
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vierschanzentournee · 3 years
Ski Jumping Survey 2020/21 - The Results
So, 2020/21 was… a season. It’s certainly had its ups and downs, but I’m grateful that we were able to have the majority of a season, including the world championships, despite whatever the hell has been going on the in the wider world!
Luckily, there’s no reason that coronavirus should have an impact on my third end-of-season survey — in fact, I got an absolutely awesome 103 responses this year! For reference, last year I got 68, and the year before that I got 66. I don’t know whether my survey just reached more people this year, or whether the ski jumping family on Tumblr has grown, but either way I’m super happy.
The results for overall favourite jumpers were scored the same way as usual: a vote for favourite was worth 3 points, a vote for second favourite was worth 2, and a vote for third favourite was worth 1. The jumpers were ranked based on their total number of points, which meant that the most popular World Cup ski jumpers this year were…
Maren Lundby & Daniel-André Tande
I always knew this season would be an interesting one for my survey (...and yes, I do start thinking about it quite a bit in advance), because the male winner of the previous two years, Stephan Leyhe, wouldn’t be an option due to his injury. Daniel, however, wasn’t a completely unexpected winner — he came second to Stephan last year. I do wonder whether Daniel got an extra little boost because of his terrible fall in Planica at the end of the season, which meant he was very much at the forefront of everyone’s minds, but I’ve got no way to confirm or deny that! The full results for the men are below - if two jumpers had the same number of points, ranking was based on who had the highest number of votes for favourite (if that was identical, it then went down to who had the highest number of votes for second favourite). If two jumpers share a ranking, it means they had the exact same distribution of votes.
1. Tande (78 points)
2. Stoch (57)
3. Geiger (57)
4. Granerud (51)
5. Eisenbichler (38)
6. Boyd-Clowes (31)
7. Schlierenzauer (30)
8. P Prevc (27)
9. Lindvik (26)
10. Wellinger (22)
11. R Kobayashi (18)
12. Stekala (16)
13. D Prevc (15)
14. Y Sato (15)
15. Lanisek (12)
16. Pavlovcic (12)
17. Freund (10)
18. Freitag (8)
19. Hayboeck (8)
20. Wolny (7)
21. Aalto (7)
22. Nakamura (6)
23. D Huber (6)
24. Hamann (6)
25. Kubacki & Kraft (5)
26. Schmid (5)
27. Johansson (5)
28. C Prevc & Jelar & Semenic (4)
29. Fettner (4)
30. Kot (3)
31. Klimov (3)
32. Paschke (2)
33. Forfang (2)
34. Kytosaho & Aigro & Markeng & Aschenwald (1)
Karl Geiger defends his third place from last year, while Kamil Stoch jumps a few places from 5th to second (perhaps courtesy of his third Four Hills victory this year?). Obviously, the biggest winner here is Halvor Egner Granerud, who has gone from only 2 points last year (when he struggled immensely in the World Cup and finished with only a few points) to finishing fourth with 8.28% of the vote (Tande had 12.66%, while Stoch and Geiger had 9.25% each). Others who have moved up include Eisenbichler (from 10th to 5th) and Stekala (who I believe did not compete in the World Cup last year and so wasn’t available as an option, but has clearly won a lot of hearts this season). Conversely, there are also a few who seem to have lost out — Marius Lindvik fell from 4th place to 9th, while Andreas Wellinger, who wasn’t an option last year due to his injury but dominated the non-World Cup vote, could only manage 10th in comparison to his second place in 2019.
The women saw another season of dominance from Maren Lundby in this survey, although not so much on the hill. The full results for the women are:
1. Lundby (103 points)
2. Takanashi (85)
3. Kramer (62)
4. Althaus (57)
5. Kriznar (52)
6. Opseth (50)
7. Freitag (19)
8. Klinec & Pinkelnig (15)
9. Vogt (13)
10. Hoelzl (13)
11. Rogelj (12)
12. Iraschko-Stolz (11)
13. Voros (11)
14. Rupprecht (9)
15. Karpiel (8)
16. Bjoerseth (7)
17. Pagnier (6)
18. Twardosz (4)
19. Rajda (4)
20. Avvakumova & Stroem & Haralambie (3)
21. Maruyama (2)
22. L Malsiner & Strate (2)
23. Kvandal & Ito & Eder & Seyfarth & Iwabuchi & Brecl (1)
Although Lundby has secured the win yet again, her share of the vote is a little lower this time at 16.74%, compared to 21.27% in 2020. Sara Takanashi has overtaken Katharina Althaus for second place, but undoubtedly the highest climber is Sara Marita Kramer, who received no votes at all last year (despite ranking 9th in the overall World Cup), but this year won 10.06% of the women’s vote. Many other results were largely stable — Kriznar, Opseth, and Freitag are in the same area of the rankings as they were last year — but Ema Klinec made some gains, moving up from 15th to 8th.
The votes for favourite teams were simply added up, and the team with the most votes won. For the men, the rankings were:
1. Norway (34 votes)
2. Poland & Germany (23)
3. Slovenia (9)
4. Austria (7)
5. Japan (4)
6. Finland (1)
7. France (1)
Interestingly, the Norwegians have overtaken the Germans — possibly this has something to do with the Germans essentially losing their two most popular jumpers, Wellinger and Leyhe, while the Norwegians saw excellent results from Halvor Egner Granerud. Poland have also overtaken Slovenia, by a significant margin, which I’m not entirely sure I can explain!
For the women, the rankings were:
1. Norway (28 votes)
2. Slovenia (24)
3. Germany (19)
4. Austria (12)
5. Japan (9)
6. Poland (3)
7. Russia (2)
8. France (1)
Again, Norway have taken the lead from Germany. Slovenia have jumped from fourth to second, leapfrogging both Austria and Germany, while Japan are steadily catching up to Austria too. 2020/21 was a strong season for the Slovenian women on the whole, with Nika Kriznar winning the overall and Ema Klinec becoming a world champion, which perhaps explains why they’ve been on people’s minds more often.
The vote for favourite male athlete who didn’t compete in the World Cup this season wasn’t actually quite as much of a slaughter as I’d thought it would be — the winner was exactly who you think it is, but others mounted a strong challenge!
1. Leyhe (29 votes)
2. Fannemel (12)
3. Gangnes (9)
4. Bickner (8)
5. Morgenstern (6)
6. Kasai (5)
7. Pedersen & Peier (3)
8. Hautamaki (2)
9. Stjernen & Schmitt & Ahonen & Malysz & Raimund & S Huber & Larinto & Hannawald & Descombes Sevoie & Kranjec & Aune & Hilde (1)
There was a far greater variety of answers this year, probably thanks to the much larger sample size - so while roughly a third of respondents were still missing Stephan, plenty of people also found room in their hearts for long-time absentees like Fannemel, recent retirees like Gangnes and Kranjec, those relegated to the Continental Cup or below like Kasai and Pedersen, or those who have long since retired but whom we still miss, like Morgenstern, Schmitt, and Malysz.
The same question didn’t get a huge amount of responses for the women:
1. Hendrickson (8 votes)
2. Seifreidsberger (3)
3. N Prevc & Wuerth (2)
4. Sagen & Straub & Van & Iakovleva & M Malsiner (1)
Sarah Hendrickson, one of the first legends of women’s ski jumping who announced her retirement at the end of this season, was at the front of many respondents’ minds — others were looking towards the future with Nika Prevc, the younger sister of Peter, Cene, and Domen.
It’s a little bit difficult to compare the results for favourite tournament each year, as 2 out of the 3 years I’ve run the survey have seen the cancellation of various tournaments. The one consistent, however, has been the Four Hills Tournament, which still remains the favourite of most of the fanbase:
1. Four Hills Tournament (75 votes)
2. Planica7 (14)
3. Willingen Six (13)
I didn’t ask about favourite podiums this year, as the headache it caused me last year was not worth repeating, no matter how interesting the comparisons might be!
One of my favourite elements of this survey is the predictions. The most popular predictions for the winners of season 19/20 were correct; the predictions for 20/21, however, were much less accurate — no one at all saw Granerud coming, and only one person correctly predicted that Nika Kriznar would win the women’s World Cup. The most popular predictions to win this season were Geiger (who finished 6th, after a busy season which involved catching Covid-19, welcoming a baby daughter, and winning a variety of ski flying and world championship medals) and Lundby (who finished 8th, struggling to find her best form in early World Cup competitions but hitting a groove towards the end of the season and winning several world championship medals). Inspired by this rather topsy-turvy season, we’ve got a wide variety of predictions for next year:
1. Geiger (29 votes)
2. R Kobayashi (17)
3. Eisenbichler (12)
4. Lanisek (8)
5. Pavlovcic (5)
6. Lindvik (5)
7. Stoch & Granerud & D Huber (4)
8. D Prevc (3)
9. Boyd-Clowes (2)
10. Y Sato & Zajc & Fannemel & P Prevc & Schlierenzauer & Kubacki (1)
Interestingly, not many people seem to think Granerud can do it twice in a row — this certainly fits the pattern we’ve seen over the past few decades, with the last male jumper to win two consecutive titles being Janne Ahonen in 2003/04 and 2004/05. Despite his failure to deliver on the overall title this year, Karl Geiger has again received a vote of confidence, while his teammate Eisenbichler is being seriously considered for the title for the first time. There’s also a lot of support here for jumpers who haven’t even had a World Cup victory: Lanisek, Pavlovcik, Huber, and Boyd-Clowes have never won a competition. There are a few other long shots here too, considering that Fannemel has been out for three consecutive seasons (and isn’t even confirmed to be jumping next season), and Schlierenzauer finished 65th in the World Cup this season (although it’s of course worth noting that Granerud was 61st last season, and we all know that Gregor knows how to win!)
There’s far less variety to be found among the women:
1. Kramer (49 votes)
2. Takanashi (13)
3. Lundby (11)
4. Opseth (6)
5. Kriznar (3)
6. Klinec (2)
Again, not many people think Kriznar can do it twice in a row — instead, all eyes are on Sara Marita Kramer, who came within touching distance of the crystal globe this year but was stymied by various cancelled competitions. This is the first year that Lundby hasn’t been the fandom’s top prediction, and it seems that when it rains for her, it pours, because she’s not even the second choice. That title goes to Sara Takanashi, who hasn’t won an overall title since 2016/17 but who finished second to Kriznar this season.
Sadly, only one of the jumpers tipped for a first victory last year actually managed to achieve one this season — Nika Kriznar. Many of the other favourite picks, such as Constantin Schmid, Philipp Aschenwald, and Ziga Jelar instead suffered something of a downturn in form, while others like Anze Lanisek and Silje Opseth have performed well, but not quite well enough for a win. This year’s votes are:
1. Lanisek (21 votes)
2. Stekala (20)
3. Pavlovcic (17)
4. Opseth (9)
5. Boyd-Clowes (6)
6. Schmid (3)
7. Bjoerseth (2)
8. Jelar & Nakamura & C Prevc & Pedersen (1)
Towards the end of the season, Pavlovcic in particular seemed to be knocking on the door of victory; Lanisek was a consistent top 10 finisher; and Stekala achieved his very first podium. It’ll be interesting to see where these jumpers go next year, and I hope that it’s not quite as much of a curse as it was last year!
As ever, the final part of the survey was focused on demographics — who are the ski jumping family?
According to this year’s survey, the average ski jumping fan on Tumblr is 21.6 years old, a German-speaker who is from and lives in Germany, and has been watching ski jumping for slightly over 7 years!
I put together charts showing the data collected about respondents’ country of origin, country of residence, age, languages, and time watching ski jumping:
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So, all there’s left to do now is thank everyone who took the survey for their invaluable contributions to “science” — thank you to @telemarcs @queen-maren @na-woke-i-nakamura​ @damn-d4niel @louddreaming @skiijumpingg @hill-record @june-skijumping @ificouldflyhigh @flautist10 @blueplastichairbrush @vixmise @skijumping-is-my-aesthetics @startgate13 @lewanarta @oneoutof @sportschaos @sparflamme @anagraves @turquoiseheart1 @jumpingtodreams @entropuff @paringeverywhere @omi-om @blueberryfriday @rpntws @jokkeblobfish @reindeersonmytshirt @ski-jumper-stan @cryingismyonlyhobby @itsloveit @mlledevoltaire @prinshoppmarius @skiijumpinng @czarnewino @ski-schlieri @badlandings @one-more-jump @ilovenearlyeverything @iliketheusual @lipasworld @jensontodd @scandinavianbyheartt @ryoyuftw @sarcasticlilkid @moon-ascendant @eksperimentgaj @damnconfused @flegm-a @witchsdog @byeseefeld @stephanleyhes @anttiaaltostan @magioghvitetekopper @merlex93, the person who gave me an Instagram username when asked for a Tumblr username, and, last but not least, the person who replied “wouldnt you like to know weatherboy” when asked for a URL. I will never know who you are, but I love you.
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Peter Parker - I’ll find my way to you(1)
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Did I watch Far From Home and decided to write about it instead of doing responsable things? Of course. This will be a little different to what you’re used to do, becuase I’ll follow the movie and dialogues mostly, only that reader is the romantic interest instead of MJ. Hope you enjoy it, I’m really excited for this series!
If Tumblr fucks this fic up and doesn’t show the tags I’m suing them
Plot: Peter Parker couldn’t be more excited for the trip. It wasn’t only the best vacation he could dream of - I mean, Europe? Cool - but they also gave him the chance to spend more time with you, his new found crush that makes him stutter and blush. He should have known that something would get in the way.
Spider Man far from home featuring Peter Parker as a clueless, cute baby and reader, who is Bucky Barnes’ daughter and as badass as her father.
Warnings: far from home spoilers - but come on, you’ve seen it.
“I have a plan”
Peter all but fell on the chair, dropping his bag on the ground and making a few classmates look his way. He had just ran through the hallways, nearly colliding with a few people in his way. But if he wanted to talk to Ned before the class started, and the rest of the students came in, he had to be quick. Flash was talking about how the teacher had to grab some books from the library before starting the lesson, and he had took his chance; because lately, finding Ned alone was something weird.
Said boy looked at his friend with raised eyebrows, and put his notebook away. He had been making a list about the best ways to impress an European girl, something he didn’t want to forget. Ned was determinated to meet some pretty girl and impress them with his American accent; Peter had a hard time believing that, but he didn’t dare to break his hopes.
Before talking, he made sure there was no one around who could listen to their conversation.
“Okay, first. I’m gonna sit next to Y/N on the flight” Peter rushed his words out, and Ned hummed. “Second, I’m gonna buy a duple headphone adapter and watch movies with her, the whole time”
“Right” Ned nodded, his eyebrows furrowing as Peter kept talking.
“Three, when we go to Venice – Venice is super famous for making stuff out of glass, right?”
“So I’m gonna buy her a bright read star necklace, cause her favourite colour is red” Peter shrugged, moving his hands around. “And because of, well”
“It reminds her of her father, a worldwide recognised assassin but also the man who lives five blocks away from your apartment” Ned completed. “Didn’t he drive you to the last decathlon competition?”
“Yeah, her father” Peter nodded, not even blinking at Ned’s words. “Four. When we get to Paris, I’m gonna get her to the top of the Eiffel tower, give her the necklace, and then five, I’m gonna tell her how I feel. And then six hopefully she tells me… she feels the same way”
“Oh, don’t forget step seven” Ned crossed his arms in front of his chest, and Peter missed the sarcastic remark as he reached again for his notebook, where he had written down all the steps. “Don’t do any of that”
Brown, tired eyes met Ned, and the boy felt bad for about a second. It was obvious that Peter had been having a hard time in the last months; Tony’s death, the feeling of being on borrowed time because of the ‘blip’, and the pressure of being Spiderman in a world who needed superheroes more than ever. He could count with the fingers of one hand how many hours of good sleep he had gotten that week, and they were on Wednesday. Besides, he was also stressing with the stupid plan with the steps, and the final trip to Europe.
May had had the idea of writing down the steps. He had come to her – after Ned proved to be useless for it and Happy refused to talk about girls – when he had realized he had feelings for someone. Not just someone, but one of his new friends who shared with him more than just a friendship. Y/N Barnes, friend and work-colleague, talking about avengers. And of course, crush.
“Why” he sighed, not even asking. He thought of himself as a balloon that had just been poked with a sharp needle, and was slowly deflating.
“Because we’re gonna be bachelors in Europe, Peter!” Ned said, his voice too similar to a whine.
“Look, I may not know much, but I do know this” he nodded at his friend to make sure he was still listening. “Europeans love Americans”
“Really?” Peter tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, knowing that probably Europeans didn’t really care about them. If he was European, he would sure not give a damn about America.
“And more than half of them are women!”
“Okay, sure. But… I really like Y/N” he gave him a tight smile. “She’s awesome. She’s super funny in a kind of a dark way. And sometimes I catch her looking at me and I feel like I’m – She’s coming – don’t say anything!”
Ned looked to his right, and indeed, another person walked in class. Betty waved from the door at you and you gave her a small smile, still not used to her and having so many teenage attention to yourself. Still, you made an effort and contributed to some of her conversations, although most of them were monologues. Again, that feeling that Ned had had about being wrong just moments ago came back when you looked at them and lighted up at the sight of Peter.
Not a lot of people noticed, but you were nothing like your father. The stereotype of a bad mean soldier died when someone talked with you for a few minutes. You were shy, liked puppies and colour pink, and even if your jokes sometimes crossed the line of personal baggage and were a little too dark, you were funny.
You clutched the big sketchbook to your chest and skipped towards your friends. Peter kicked Ned softly under the desk to avoid him saying anything about the plan, and Ned just chuckled awkwardly.
“Hi” you smiled at them, dimples on your cheeks that made Peter mess with the pen on the desk. “Excited about the trip?
“Hey. Uh, yeah” Peter tried not to make it too obvious that he was staring at you, so he looked at Ned. “We’re just – talking about the trip”
“Yeah, and Peter’s plan”
“You have a plan?” you raised your eyebrows, and Peter felt himself stopping breathing for a moment.
“I-I don’t… I d-don’t have plan”
“He’s just gonna collect tiny spoons while we’re traveling through all the countries”
The wink that he sent his friend wasn’t at all discreet, because to do so Ned moved all his face along with his left eye. Peter didn’t feel any better with the answer, if anything it made him feel a small pressure on his chest. He turned the pen around his fingers as he looked at you again, who thankfully, looked unsuspicious. In times like that he was grateful that you still hadn’t caught everything about the sarcasm and indirect intentions.
But even you, who spent more than half of your life locked in a cell and used as leverage for the winter soldier, knew that it was something weird to do. So you hummed and made a small grimace.
“Like a – like a grandmother?”
“I’m not collecting tiny spoons” he scoffed, pointing with the pen at Ned. “He’s collecting tiny spoons”
“Oh. Okay. Well… that was… a real rollercoaster”
Peter’s eyes drifted to your wrist as you moved your hands around, and his previous mood fell like a ton of bricks. He knew he should be thankful that you were allowed to come with them to Europe, since your father wasn’t welcomed in at least half of the countries. Thick, black bracelets fell on your wrist, a huge contrast to your delicate skin. They had a small red light that was always on, unless you broke one of the rules Thaddeus Ross had set.
He had been there when the secretary forbid you to leave the country, using words as ‘freak’ and ‘danger’. Between your father, Sam and a little bit of help of Pepper Potts, he had agreed as long as you carried the bracelets. Peter himself had threatened to go and talk to him too, rambling and speeding across the walls and ceilings as he traumatised May. But then, you had asked him to stay put, and he could never say no to you.
Peter bit his lip and tried to hide his discomfort at seeing your wrists. You had to endure enough from the rest of the classmates, and he would hate himself if you dropped that smile.
“By the way, my dad gave me some stuff for you” you changed the topic, digging into your backpack for something. A metal, clanking noise came from inside. “Told me you should have it since I’m not even allowed to cut an apple if I want to stay out of jail. In case something happen”
“What – don’t!”
Peter jumped out of his seat and pushed your hand back into the bag, careful of the sharp edges. He was too busy pushing the knives back into the bag to notice how your hands touched for more than one second, or to admire how your cheeks turned pink and you eyes went wide. You were so close that he could smell your vanilla scent, and you could see the wrinkles of his sweater’s neck.
The whole class seemed to disappear around as he finally noticed what he had done. Peter was always careful of not being too close to you, in case you could get overwhelmed – like in your first day of highschool – or feel uncomfortable. His own cheeks went red, and the tips of his ears started to burn. He pulled his hand out of your bag so quick that he got a scratch on his palm; not that he cared, as he jumped back to his seat and almost fell out of the chair.
“Did you bring knives to class?” Ned squealed out. A girl nearby had noticed, but she chose to turn away.
“Well, not knives” you tried to explain. “They are like – uh – daggers? Throwing daggers. Dad got them from internet, and some of them have dents so that when you stab someone –“
“Okay, class! I’m here!” the teacher cut your conversation, and a flow of students filled the class.
You quickly ran to your place at the back, besides another boy your age, and Peter tried to follow you as you moved. He could have sworn that you smiled when you passed his side, but he wanted it so bad to be true that he could have imagined it. Most of the times he thought you were looking at him in class, and when he looked at you, there was nothing to see. Sure, you liked to sit beside him at lunch time, and never turned down an awkward proposal for a “date” with Peter, although he was the only one calling them that, as nothing ever happened.
Still, he allowed himself a sweet second of happiness as he watched you greet your classmate and pull down your sketchbook.
“Dude” Ned chuckled behind him, and Peter stared with amused eyes. “I think that went really great”
“Yo, Parker”
Peter turned around and saw Flash calling him from the other side of the plane. He was sitting on the closest side of the window, but even from there he could see the boy’s smug smirk. So far, the whole ‘getting into the plane and not having any problem’ was going good. He had his headphone adapter on his right hand, and was preparing himself to tell Ned to change places with MJ and let him sit with you. The rest of the class seemed fine too, and he was enjoying the trip so far.
But of course not a lot of things in his life went right, and he felt his mood lower down a bit when Flash called him. He fidgeted with the adapter on his hands and nodded at him.
“This is called an airplane” Flash said, and to Peter utter mortification, you stopped right beside his seat to look at Flash. “It’s like the busses you’re used to, except they fly over the poor neighbours instead of driving through them”
“Madam?” a kind looking woman appeared beside Flash and looked at you, smiling. “He blipped, so technically he’s sixteen, not twenty one”
“I’ll take that”
“No – no she’s – s-she’s lying! I don’t even –“
Flash trailed behind the woman as he tried to take back the drink, giving you the nastiest look he could manage. Which wasn’t too big, as he was mostly embarrassed.
When you had first arrived to Midtown, two years ago after you father went to Wakanda and Tony – as a favour to Steve, who was like you uncle – let you stay with him and attend highschool, Flash thought you were pretty. He followed you everywhere you went, tried to win you over with the stupidest and most expensive details about his life and invited you to every party. Then, he noticed that you ignored him in favour of staying with Peter, who you had met in that airport fight. And from that moment, he liked to pretend he hadn’t liked you at all.
Once he was gone, you looked at Peter and gave him a small, shy smile. He smiled back, his face melting at the sight of you. He almost dropped the headphone adapter as he watched past by, if it wasn’t for Ned catching it in the last second.
“Classic of Y/N, right?” Brad Davis appeared out of thin air, following you into the airplane and making Peter drop his smile.
“Did you know Brad was coming?” he asked Ned once the boy was out; although he didn’t stop looking at him.
“It’s… so weird” Ned chuckled, looking at Brad too. “Like, one day he’s a little kid that cried and got nosebleeds all the time, and suddenly we blip back and he’s totally ripped and super nice. And all this girls are after him”
“Not all the girls are after him”
“No man, they’re all after him”
Peter felt a sudden weight on his chest that he couldn’t describe. Brad was helping you to put your handbag on the top part of the plane, apparently saying something funny; really funny, because you weren’t using that fake smile you put when you didn’t get what was funny or what people were talking about. The sound of your laugh usually made his stomach flutter, but that time it made him feel sick. He knew he was selfish for thinking that way – you were allowed to have friends, to be interested in someone, and to like Brad.
But he didn’t know all of that, it was just you laughing with Brad. He was so busy drowning in his own feelings that he missed how you looked at him once more before sitting beside MJ.
“Anyway” Ned went back to his bag, taking out his computer. “Onto more important things, it’s an nine hour flight. We play beast slayers the whole time”
“I need your help sitting next to Y/N” Peter blurted out, finally tearing his eyes away from Brad.
“Seriously?” Ned sighed. He left his computer on the desk and tried to look miserable to Peter, who was too busy already tearing his seatbelt away.
“Yes, seriously”
“What about our plan? American bachelors in Europe?”
“That’s your plan. That’s a solo plan. Come on, this is my plan” Peter tried to remember how May told him that he could get almost anything with those puppy eyes, so he put them on for Ned; who couldn’t be more unbothered by them. But Peter really, really wanted to sit with you. “Please”
Ned threw his head back and scoffed, leaving the computer back on the bag and tugging at his own seatbelt. Maybe the puppy eyes didn’t work with him, but Peter was glad to have such a good friend.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists​, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
Tom Holland and Peter Parker Taglist
@gypsystuf​​​​​​ (since you didn’t answer me, I just put you on the general taglist. Let me know if you want to change!)
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pacific-rimbaud · 3 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagging @dreamsofdramione @scullymurphy @feelingofthesea @heyjude19-writing @niffizzle @ms-merlinblack @anneamm @frumpologist @raven-m-3 @ravenslightwrites and anyone else who would like to do this!
(I made a separate post, the other one has grown vry lorge)
Les Pèlerins
Draco x Hermione, Rated M, 10k words complete one-shot
I still cannot believe I was asked to write for D/Hr Advent. Thank you again to anyone who put my name in that hat. 🤯 I had a few ideas for Advent (Mall AU where Draco and Hermione are elves at the North Pole, Bletchley Park codebreakers AU) but really wanted to do an urban walking-and-talking piece just to see if I could write something that was actually readable. I particularly love what you don’t see: a broken Draco sitting in churches contemplating redemption, trying to glue himself back together and discovering his shape has changed, Hermione trying to make life and love work through sheer force of will and then learning to ease her grip, what it looks like for D&H that morning, the rest of the winter, in the spring.
Bright Objects
Pansy x Neville, Rated E, 17.5k words complete multi-chapter
This is less about the piece itself and more about the process of creating it with @grangerdangerfics @scullymurphy and @provocative-envy​ I am SO proud of what the four of us built as a whole, and our time working on it was one of the very best parts of a really terrible year. 25/10, would die for this crew and also for this soft soft Neville and this vulnerable, relatable bébé Pansy having a watershed WTF moment at the threshold of adulthood.
The Secretary
Pansy x Percy, Rated E, 45.9k complete multi-chapter
This was my second completed short multi-chapter after A Dress with Pockets, and it was a total pleasure to write. I have a lot of feels for these two. I loved this office AU so much I wrote in it again. Also I sometimes think about how smutty this is and want to hide my face, WHAT HAVE I DONE?
Notes on the Temptation of Peter and Heloise
Pansy x Percy, Rated T, 3k complete one-shot
This was exceptionally satisfying to write. I don’t know about anyone else but I loved watching this Pansy Parkinson lose her goddamned mind over this Percy Weasley. The absolute ache of these two. This is tied with Field Guide to North American Dragons for my favorite of the pieces I wrote in Death by Quill 2020. I grew tremendously over that competition and am deeply grateful for that experience.
One and Done
Draco x Hermione, Rated E, 35k complete multi-chapter
I know this is just a small slice of zesty Hermaco cheesecake, but it’s also probably the most Me thing I’ve written. My soul looks like this fic. Gawain Robards: a self-insert. This is my very, very favorite Draco (although he is very much adjacent to Draco from Love and Other Historical Accidents). I LOVE HIM. I love how much he loves her. I LOVE PANSY in this, I love that Pansy “Dislocated Cunt” Parkinson is the woman who loses her shit for Percy “Keep Calm and Carry On” Weasley in this AU, and for all its frivolity and spice, the scene where Pansy narrates Draco’s fantasy is structurally one of the more elegant things I’ve ever written.
Also, I’m not burning down the fandom art world, but I am SO proud of the art that sparked One and Done. I drew this from absolute scratch (this is a very art-nerdy thing to be excited about!) including that lace, and FUNNY STORY: to make it look right I had to draw and shade her bare breasts and then add the lace over her skin as a separate layer, which was a much, much spicier place than I was ever planning to go with fan art.
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YESYESYES (I tried something a little different today, so I hope you enjoy it!)
Jumin had recently bought this island, that was famous because of their cats. Yes. Cat island. And so because Jumin is such a sweetheart he got everyone some plane tickets so they would head out for the island the next day!
At first, everyone except Saeyoung and V weren’t really up to the idea. But then, when you got so excited and said that it would be so fun to have a beach trip, they changed their minds pretty quickly!
And so, all of you woke up at about 4am, Jumin sent some cars to pick you all up and soon you were all in his private jet. V and Jumin were listening to some classical music and drinking some wine, Yoosung at first was looking around everywhere, since he had never been on a private jet before, but a few minutes later he fell asleep on his seat, next to Zen, who was complaining loudly to Jumin, about how waking up at this hour was stupid, and that he only agreed to go because you were going.
Jaehee was watching some of Zen´s DVD in the background, Saeyoung was loudly singing to some music (you joined him lmao) which made Saeran groan and put on his headphones at full volume, trying to ignore his way too energetic twin.
You smiled as you looked at everyone in the RFA. This would be so exciting!
After you all checked in in the hotel -the fanciest hotel you had ever been in- you all changed into your swimsuits and decided to meet up in a bit.
You all set up on the fancy beach, Jumin and V sitting on some chairs under a really big umbrella, meanwhile Jaehee was wearing a hat and walking around the beach, looking at Zen, who was teasing Yoosung into getting in the water. Saeyoung was building some sand cats, yes, sand cats and Saeran was standing awkwardly on the side, not really knowing what to do.
This was going to be awesome!
After traumatizing Yoosung for a bit, Zen called you over to get into the ocean with him. You smiled and grabbed his hand, as the both of you walked along the water, happily chatting. “I have to admit, even though I can’t stand that jerk, this beach trip was pretty nice. We haven’t all gone out like this in a while.” He said, while looking at all the RFA members, a big smile in his face. But then he turned around and pulled you closer to him, running his hands up your sides. “Although it is making me a bit jealous that they all got to see you in your swimwear like this. You look amazing.” A seductive smirk appeared on his face and Zen kissed you, and you both stood there, holding each other.
Until a big fucking wave got you guys and everyone laughed at the both of you. “THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING ALL LOVEY DOVEY!” Yoosung yelled, and Zen glared at him. Apart from that the beach trip was awesome, and you enjoyed spending time with Zen!
So, he wasn’t really a big fan of the ocean, but he liked the swimming pool! Yoosung and you had a swimming contest! And you ended up winning by a lot lmao. Afterwards you both made your way around the beach resort, admiring how fancy everything was.
Until you got lost. Yeah that wasn't good at all.
You both walked along for hours trying to find everyone else. And you didn’t succeed. At one point it had become night, and you were both back at the beach, holding each other’s hands. “I’m sorry Y/N. If I had just stayed with everyone we wouldn’t be in this predicament.” You shook your head and caressed Yoosung’s cheek. “It’s alright Yoosung. I had fun, to be honest! I love spending time with you.”
As Yoosung became red in the face, you saw a bright light and a loud bang followed right after. Fireworks!!! The two of you screamed happily and ran over to get a better view, and Yoosung wrapped his arm around you, giving you a forehead kiss.
It was absolutely adorable, and even though Saeyoung later teased the crap out of you two, you really enjoyed it!
“Y/N? Are you alright? Why are you so red in the face, oh! Don’t tell me you have a fever! Let me check!”
You blushed even more as Jaehee placed the back of her hand in your forehead, and you nervously chuckled, gently pulling it away. “Uh. It’s alright Jaehee. I-I just got distracted for a bit haha, anyway! Look at those seashells!” You quickly made your way to the shore, trying to hide your flushed face. When you saw Jaehee in a very cute two piece swimsuit you felt as if you were about to die. How could she look so freaking hot yet adorable at the same time?! You were just speechless.
Jaehee slowly followed you and helped you picking up shells. You both laughed as Seven tackled Yoosung in the water, while Zen was screaming loudly at the both of them for getting his beautiful face wet!
Soon enough you and Jaehee had picked up enough shells, and you placed them in a little bucket. Then, Jaehee grabbed your hand and led you to the water, where you were both looking at the beautiful sunset. Everything was perfect.
Until you felt a splash of water hit your face. You dramatically gasped as Jaehee giggled, and splashed some more water in your face. Before you knew it, it had become a water battle between the two of you, and you enjoyed it greatly! Jaehee kept running around and giggling the whole time, even when you grabbed her by the waist and carried her up, spinning her around.
When you came home from the beach, you both took the seashells and made them into a frame, and you put your favorite picture of the two of you together.
She really enjoyed spending the whole time with you, and she would love to do it again!
When you came to the beach, you made your way to Jumin and sat beside him, while talking to him and V, who had a huge smile on his face.
“Thank you for the trip, Jumin. It’s been a while since all of us travelled like this, together. I never thought we’d go out again ever since Rika passed away. But now, thanks yo Y/N, we’re able to do this again.” You blushed and shyly smiled at V.
Jumin didn’t really like to go and swim in the ocean, but you two decided to build some sand castles, since apparently he had never done that before. It all started as an innocent competition, until Jumin literally started making blueprints and measured everything so his sandcastle could be perfect!
And it was :D
Afterwards, you both went to your room and you changed into some clothes that Jumin had bought you. He escorted you to a really fancy restaurant in the place, and he got seats near a balcony so you could look at the sea while you ate. It was absolutely beautiful, the wind rustling his hair a bit, and everytime he looked at you and smiled, god, was he trying to kill you?
At one point Jumin grabbed your hand and kissed it, looking at you with eyes full of love. 
¨Thanks to you we're able to go out like this now...you've done so much for us, and you don't understand how lucky I feel to be here with you, right now. I love you, Y/N.¨
You both had an amazing dinner, and after the trip Jumin would sometimes take some days off so you could go there again.
He was so thrilled to go to the beach with you and his brother!
Honestly, he had never felt so happy in his life!
Then you saw that there was a place where you could rent surfing boards! And holy crap you both had never ran so fast to a place before.
The two of you tried (and failed miserably) to surf. Saeyoung had actually gotten the hang of it pretty quickly, but you kept getting distracted!
He just looked so handsome with his hair all wet, and pulled back a bit so it wouldn’t get in his way. And when he surfed he looked so fucking good.
At one point you bit your lip, and when Saeyoung saw the way you were looking at him he led you to a nearby bathroom.
After the both of you and back, and played some pranks on Yoosung, you decided to go and....LOOK FOR THE CATS! That was honestly one of the only reasons why he agreed to wake up that early and everything!
You both made your way around the little town that was near Jumin’s resort, and you soon found cats everywhere. They were so fucking cute holy shit.
The rest of the trip you took a bunch of pictures, sometimes with the cats and sometimes with Saeran (who was acting as if he didn’t want to be here but he was having a hella good time.)
One night Saeyoung led you to the roof of the resort and kissed you.
¨I love you so much Y/N. Thank you for everything.¨
When you come back Saeyoung promised you that you will go on trips more often now, and he just can’t help but smile remembering the good things that happened.
“How many times did we tell you to NOT DO IT?!” Zen screamed.
“This is not how I thought I’d spend my time. I’m leaving to see how Elizabeth the third is doing.”
“No you don’t, you jerk! You have to stay here with the rest of us.”
“Lololol Yoosung I never thought you’d actually do it!”
“Luciel this is partially your fault too, you were the one who urged him to do it, so you’re to blame too. If you hadn’t thrown your food it wouldn’t have been this bad.” Jaehee glared at Luciel, and he quickly hid behind you.
“AGHHHH Y/N SAVE ME!! That gaze almost turned me to stone, brrr so scary!”
“It’s your fault you idiot. You should’ve realized by now that Yoosung is dumb enough to fall for those stupid tricks of yours. Besides you didn’t even tried to help him, you made things worse!”
“Aghhh! Not you too Saeran! My own brother!! Everyone is against me right now, hey V, help meeee!!!”
“Well Luciel....if you hadn’t even dared him to jump in there, we wouldn’t be here right now...so I’m afraid I’m going to have to agree with Jaehee on this one.” V laughed nervously.
You may be wondering, what the hell happened?
Seven did.
Let me explain.
You were all eating lunch, when Seven dared Yoosung to go and jump into this little pond (that was made because of some rocks) to grab some crabs. It was going fine, until a whole bunch of them decided to go against Yoosung, and they started pinching him everywhere, so Yoosung quickly got out and started screaming.
Zen was about to help him, when Seven threw his sandwich at Yoosung while yelling YEET and NATURAL SELECTION DO YOUR THING, making some seagulls who were passing by, go and attack Yoosung.
Then Yoosung fell in a sand hole that you and Seven had made before near the shore, it was really deep, and when the crabs and seagull were finally off him, a fucking little octopus appeared and decided to latch onto Yoosung’s head.
Seven just laughed while Zen and Jaehee tried to get the octopus off, Jumin was sighing like a disappointed parent, and Saeran was actually smirking.
Meanwhile V had tried to go and help, but he went to the wrong place because...well he can’t see, so he was touching a palm tree while yelling for Yoosung.
And that’s how Yoosung became traumatized for life!
But it was honestly so funny lmao
Later when you’re all in the restaurant Seven orders some octopus on purpose to traumatize Yoosung even more.
And that’s why, kids, you should never go and pick up crabs because Seven dared you to.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
20 AEW Dark and Elevation Regulars that AEW should sign
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Now I know, AEW has a very stacked roster, in fact I've considered writing an essay on the risk of AEW's growing roster being top-heavy
I mean we've barely scraped the potential of Brian Cage, Scorpio Sky, Wardlow, Sammy Guevara, TH2, Sonny Kiss, Matt Sydal, Proud and Powerful, Nick Comoroto, Will Hobbs, Serena Deeb (who I know is injured atm), and many more. But with Rampage oncoming maybe there is room for them.
But, we'll stick a pin in that for now, because tonight is AEW's 100th Episode of Dark. A big deal still considering it's one of AEW's 2 weekly youtube wrestling shows, and one of AEW's many Youtube weekly shows if you include vlogs such as BTE, SammysVlogs, Ethan Page's vlog and the AEW-promotional Countdown to and Outside the Ring with Lexy Nair segments and the Unrestricted Podcast. In the pandemic era, Dark became a home to several indie talents in need for work, some got signed but not all, so I'm gonna list 10 men's and 10 women's wrestlers who were regulars on Dark and Elevation who AEW can and should still sign
Note: I will not be including wrestlers who look set for regularity, so Wheeler Yuta, Jora Johl, Fuego and the Wingmen won't be on the list, as will any AEW Women's tournament entrants (Maki Itoh, Madi Wrenkowski, Nicole Savoy etc.). Danny Limelight and Konosuke Takeshita are also signed to MLW and DDT Pro just fyi
10 Men AEW should sign
The men's division is already stacked, and it has a lot of up and comers too, but there are still a few areas where AEW's Dark stalwarts have proven they can fill a void for.
Honorable mentions for: JDX, El Australiano, M'Badu, Jake St. Patrick, Brick Aldridge, Megabyte Ronnie, Suge 'Pineapple Pete' D and Vary Morales. Also Kidd Bandit, but he hasn't wrestled on Dark or Elevation so I couldn't add him in.
10. Marty Casaus Better known as Marty 'the Moth' Martinez from Lucha Underground, Marty trained with AEW after some time out with injury and made some appearances on Dark. As the Moth, Marty demonstrated his character work as a gross heel, but his size was also an asset to his disturbed and near-psychotic persona.
9. Dean Alexander An alumnus of the Nightmare Factory, Alexander has frequented on Dark and Elevation usually in tag action where he hasn't been able to get his dickhead persona across. He is your traditional cocky heel which in the Nightmare Factory showcases has led to his hilarious downfalls, even losing to Negative One in his multiple failures to win in the Main Event of these showcases. Frankly, this is what Baron Corbin should be like if you're gonna mock him, he's also very impressive in the ring.
8. Dillon McQueen Another Nightmare Factory alum, Dillon McQueen has also only been used for jobbing, but his character is actually great. The King of Queens, Dillon brims charisma that would be a winner for crowds, but he has a babyface fire to him as well, easily could be a rising talent with the right training.
7. Dan Barry To be honest, I like his Hawaiian Shirts. He has a lot of experience in the indies and can work in a similar way Colt Cabana works balancing serious and comedy wrestling, would just be pretty cool to see him more.
6. & 5. TNT (Terrence and Terrell Hughes) Sons of D-Von Dudley, TNT have had less appearances on AEW as of recent, which is a shame, because they can definitely be developed as some of the next gen tag teams the Acclaimed and Blonds have been. AEW haven't shied from legacy wrestlers in the past, and the duo definitely have potential.
4. Chandler Hopkins Chandler Hopkins has shown up to be squashed by the big men a lot, but somehow he also manages to eke out some strong entertainment and fluid wrestling in it. His match against Brian Cage is an effective example of this. Like Fuego, Chandler is definitely someone you can use on the undercard for some enhancement, maybe even push up once more character comes across.
3. Ryzin Ryzin has stuck with AEW for quite a while now, even having skits on BTE. The Unholy Father however never got a W on AEW, which is a shame because he has character and promo skills in hand. He could easily be a fit for Chaos Project as well or teamed with Abandon in a James Mitchell kinda role.
2. Carlie Bravo One of the first class alums of the Nightmare Factory, Carlie Bravo remains charismatic and athletic in his showings, he even had a great little pairing with Shawn Dean until Dean's signing, I'd love to see them bring that back - two Navy veterans tearing up the tag scene would be pretty awesome.
1. Baron Black Few have stayed the course during the pandemic era like Baron Black. Debuting in April and still yet to get his first win, he was one of the three touted stars by Cody on Sammy's vlog who he encouraged to be booked around the world because of his workrate and skill. If anyone has earned it that isn't named Fuego del Sol (or that other name Cody mentioned), it's Baron Black.
10 Women AEW should sign In contrast to the men's division, AEW's women's roster does look like it could use some buffing, for midcard and even building more stars.
Honorable mentions are plenty in this one, so just missing out are the following: Ashley D'Amboise, Leila Grey, Renee Michelle, Jazmin Allure, Savannah Evans, Willow Nightingale, the Renegade Twins, Holidead, Kenzie Paige, Jennacide and Brooke Havok (who I would guess will be signed once her leg recovers).
10. Ashley Vox With or without her Sea Stars tag partner, Delmi Exo, Ashley Vox has proven herself a frequent flier for AEW. Talented in singles and tag competition. She also has a strong rapport with many of AEW's current roster.
9. Alex Gracia The Pink Dream has been on ROH as of recent but remains a freelancer, her last appearance being a squash from Dr. Britt Baker DMD. AEW must've been high on Gracia at one point because they gave her a title shot on Dynamite. With experience in Shimmer and Stardom, Gracia would definitely be a worthy addition.
8. Tesha Price Another woman who AEW put on Dynamite rare times, Tesha proved herself to play face and heel during her time on Dark and Elevation. As a heel she showed a lot of fire especially against KiLynn King and Ryo Mizunami, the Psycho Sweetheart definitely has something she can give to the division - who are tbf lacking in heels right now.
7. Vertvixen I am not sure what it is about Vertvixen specifically, but whenever I see her I think she has the look, not to mention the athleticism to boot. Her triple threat on MPW against Jennacide and Jazmin Allure was a definite highlight as of recent.
6. Miranda Alize A former Mae Young Classic competitor, like Jennacide and Gracia she's recently been used by ROH, but she is definitely a confident wrestler and does not shy from the intergender matches either, having fought Laredo Kid and Danny Limelight. She's worked with many impressive wrestlers too, including an Impact Knockouts Title match against Jordynne Grace and matches against Deonna, Taya and Tessa.
5. Reka Tehaka The Samoan Savage may've debuted on AEW's first ever house show, but regular Dark and Elevation appearances have been met with positive reactions. Being partly trained by the Nightmare Factory, Tehaka has done well to establish herself despite only wrestling for a year and a half, she could definitely be a prospect.
4. Veda Scott Okay, so I cheated a little by saying no competitors, but I could not leave out Veda on this list. She has in-ring talent and intergender experience - tagging with her Speedball husband - but on AEW Dark and the Deadly Draw she proved herself excellent on commentary. A female voice in the booth even for just the women's matches would go a long way for the division and Veda's the perfect voice for it.
3. Dani Jordyn The Mean Girl is definitely someone you can call a regular on Dark and Elevation. She works hard and works with a lot of main roster talent, and I don't think I've seen her put on a bad match. So it would be nice to reward her with a contract.
2. Diamante It still baffles me actually that Diamante has yet to become All Elite. Deadly Draw winner and involved in a lot of the Elevation/Dark women's feuds, Diamante has a wealth of knowledge and experience under her belt. She's still popular with fans and can easily step back into her LAX days by pairing with the Inner Circle. Few unsigned talent have won as much as her too, I would say it's when rather than if, but when is taking a long ass time.
1. KiLynn King The three names Cody praised highly were Fuego, Baron Black and KiLynn King, so I think above all else they should be given contracts. In fact, I was surprised King wasn't on the Dark 100 card, by virtue that although King has shown up on Dynamite a few times, she has been on Dark and Elevation 41 times since debuting in May 2020, it was a shock that someone so regular wasn't on the card. King showed she could work as the bully heel but also as a charismatic babyface, even having a little faction brewing with Swole and Red Velvet as RSK, but when crowds came back we seemed to drop the potential of AEW's first all-women faction. King is over with fans...so long as you don't put her against someone as over as Thunder Rosa, and she has put on some lowkey bangers during her time on AEW, especially the one against Riho. Tall and powerful, but fun in the ring and outside the ring with clips of her in the crowd chanting and even vibing to Angelico's music. King would definitely be on the top of my list of AEW Dark regulars that deserve a contract.
I'm sure I might've missed some and opinions may differ, but I think these lot would definitely be able to fit into AEW effortlessly thanks to their time on Dark and Elevation. Many of whom could be used to build or become future champions themselves, and I hope still to see more of them beyond Dark 100.
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magpieinthemorning · 3 years
Up next for rage blogging a netflix show as I watch it: Next in Fashion
- Omg everybody’s outfits and their personalities!!! <3 <3 <3 It’s really painful that every episode someone gets eliminated because they are all so amazing.
- Really hated Isaac’s attitude, though, and the dynamics that resulted from pairing him with Nasheli. She deserved so much better! She would have done so much better with another partner! It was extremely unfair to her.
- I especially loved Carli and Daniel’s pantsdress in ep 1 - I really wish I could wear it! :O
- Painful watching Hayley and Julian - he was such a character and I would have liked to see more of both of their work, but they just did not fit together. No surprise at all that the teams who know each other well and have worked together a lot already are the most successful. 
- In the streetwear competition, on a scale from 1 to 10, how racist was it that both of the teams chosen as the bottom two had the only Black women, and the only Black people left in the competition? In streetwear? Seriously? Bless guest judge Kerby Jean-Raymond. The show is edited and scripted to be extremely emotional (literally people are crying all the time, it’s fantastic), but at that point, when he decided to walk out, I truly felt it so much. Love him. Love Kiki and Farai, who are constantly being judged much harsher than the other contestants. Thankfully here the “nobody gets eliminated” move was used for good, and not to keep in boring old white guys like in Blown Away ... because there are no boring old white guys in this show! Yay! :D
Ep. 5 - I’m not that interested in underwear, but I really enjoyed all the boxer shorts for the women’s looks. And Angel’s men’s look was amazing! I wish they would have shown it without the jacket. There was way too much focus on the made-up bra support issue. Women actually like to feel comfortable, and wasn’t it interesting that both of the all-women teams made bras without wires ... maybe because they know how uncomfortable that shit is?! So yeah ... :-/ To be honest it felt like a setup that the tops MUST have underwire and pushup. (That’s so 90′s though?) The judges didn’t ask Farai and Kiki’s model how she felt in it, like they asked one of the others, they just straight up decided to hate their creation because of the missing underwire. They acted so rude when they were looking closer at their design, the whole “What’s this?!” and pawing right under the model’s boobs. :/ Also I didn’t like Claire’s attitude and being angry that nobody was eliminated last time - so she’d have preferred if her own team was eliminated? And guess what ... 
Ep. 6 - Claire and Adolfo were eliminated, so maybe it taught her a lesson to not throw her own people under the bus? Or not ... I don’t know, it was somehow interesting how she stressed her Asian half at the end (in the speech about how she is still to be taken seriously even though she is small and half Asian), as if she wanted to distance herself from her Blackness, and look away from how racist the elimination process was? I may be reading too much into it - I’m also mixed race and really interested in how other mixed race people experience it. Still impressive that Claire and Adolfo got so far without having worked together before, if I’m not mistaken. Btw one of the judges went out of their way to compliment the unfinished edges on one look, while it had been so harshly criticized when Farai and Kiki did unfinished edges on the streetwear challenge. Sigh. All the looks in this challenge were really great, and I guess that says something about my own style ... \m/ 
I don’t know if I want to keep watching, because the judges are so irritating (sorry Tan :( ) and the elimination part is so stressful ... But I also want to see more amazing clothes and how these amazing people make them in such a short time!
Ep. 7 - Nooo, Angelo ... It was totally fair that he was eliminated for his grave lack of technical skill, I just loved watching him on the show so much. Together with Charles they were unstoppable and complemented each other so well, but apart? ;___; Same with Carli, together with Daniel they were awesome. I could relate a lot to wanting to quit instead of finishing something half-assed. :/ So nice that other contestants were looking out for her. It felt a bit more relaxing to watch now, although the stakes keep getting higher and the contestants fewer, but it seems like they are being judged more fairly now that Anti-Black racism is off the table lmao ... Sigh, I’d really love to watch arts and crafts contests with only Black judges and contestants. + I adore Adidas and wear way too much of it, but cringe at Jo Aberg’s heavy Swedish accent, haha (I used to live in Sweden and way too many of them go around telling foreigners that Swedes don’t have an accent when they speak English *eyeroll*).
Ep. 8 - Daniel seems like such a genuinely nice and caring person, so it’s kind of okay that the white guy stayed in the game over the two Asian guys. Charles on his own was perhaps missing Angelo’s pizzazz ^^ ... I liked Marco and his stuff a lot, and it seemed a bit like a setup here, too, that they criticized his design for being “too costumey” (I kind of hate that word now thanks to this series) and he got thrown off, instead of just doing his thing the way he wanted it, regardless of whether he would be eliminated for it.  Kind of “pro wrestling” that Minju was so freaked out by the challenge and then she made the best look hands down. Loved it! Especially with the leather band/harness - I don’t get why they criticized it. Overall I was a bit disappointed in all the other looks, because I like a lot about military style, but very few except Minju used the kind of stuff that I like. I didn’t really like Angel’s look that much - the concept was amazing, but that coat seemed a bit awkward to wear and I’m a bit confused about why everyone liked it so much, but maybe I just don’t get that about fashion. Happy for her though! Many of her other looks have been really great. + Judge Elizabeth’s crooked tie drove me bonkers. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE FASHION WHEN YOUR TIE DOES NOT COVER YOUR TOP BUTTON. lol
I’m happy for Minju and Daniel and can’t wait to see them in the finale! I liked Ashton’s looks so much! I’d love to wear the women’s top (and maybe I will try to sew something similar for myself :-p). Loved the reference to hakama - I thought he made all the right choices of what to adopt from the inspiration. A bit bummed that he got eliminated, especially since he was so community oriented when he talked about what it would mean for him to win.  I squealed when I heard Angel’s inspiration, Tibetan horse racing! Here I felt like the looks were a bit far off from the inspiration. But they looked so gorgeous. Maybe if she’d used the bleach lace pattern (on the edges for example) it would have been even more amazing. The women’s look was so great! Though I was a bit concerned about the crotch exposure :D Overall maybe Angel didn’t need the win so I guess it’s fine that she got eliminated. I’m a bit confused about why they were so in awe about Daniel’s looks. Both of the looks were really nice and clean, but I didn’t think they were all that interesting or innovative, and the message was a bit simplistic. And I literally made a similar quilt a few months ago, so I can’t really agree with the “it’s NEVER been done before” sentiments. I’m really looking forward to his stuff in the finale though! For Minju I felt the same, it was great, but I couldn’t really relate to how they thought it was so new and fresh. The men’s pant length would have surely gotten her eliminated if she’d been Black, haha. Can’t wait to see what she makes in the finale - I’ve loved almost everything she did so far.
OMFG MINJU!!!!! YAY!!!!! Aaaaah, her collection was so beautiful and fun! And all women’s looks! It was so nice!  It was so nice that Minju’s sister also realised that she had held Minju back creatively and that it was wrong to do that. I didn’t read spoilers about the ending, and kept nervously thinking that it wouldn’t surprise me if Daniel the white guy won the entire competition, but then Minju won and Daniel was so happy for her! <3 <3 <3 I cried so much!
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the-unwrittenwriter · 3 years
Self Appreciation Tag!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5-10 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc..) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writerblrs/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Thanks for tagging me in this one @raenawrites! I’m tossing everything under the cut because I’m a rambler through and through.
1: The Accidental Sidekick
This 👏 one 👏 takes 👏 the 👏 cake 👏
When I decided to take on this WIP for Nano, I honestly didn't expect to get all that far; It was a mix of knowing I'd face writers block along the way and knowing this project had been in the works for ever that had me initially shying away from the task.
It all worked out though! I hit 50k and finished with a better understanding of the direction I want the story to go in-- a better understanding of the characters, and a better understanding of what the book is trying to say. I'm honestly so proud of this WIP and everything 2020 helped it accomplish.
2: An Open Letter To Lazarus
I got really into writing poetry in 2020, and although I haven't shared any of it on here, I've got a bunch of pieces I'm proud of.
An Open Letter to Lazarus is a response to being ghosted by an old friend (it was a bit of a mutual thing though.) Although I never posted it on here I did submit it to a writing competition! Maybe I’ll share it one day-- who knows?
3: Ode To Persephone
Another poem! I love this one a lot, and if I get around to posting it I’ll definitely link it back here. It’s short, sweet, and literally just me gushing over the fact Persephone is the goddess of spring and the queen of hell because that’s a complete mood.
4: What Remains In Ruins
I wrote this one for another short story competition! It follows the apprentice of a great wizard trying to find her missing mentor, and in true short story style, finding herself along the way. I’m not sure if I can post it because of the competition and all that, but once I figure that out I’ll probably end up posting it on here!
5: Blessed Be The Queen
2020 was the year I became a DM! Blessed Be The Queen is a homebrew campaign my friends and I are running through, and we’ve had three sessions for it so far. It’s our first shot at D&D, but we’ve had a blast each time we’ve played and I love being able to tell this story with them.
Alrighty! For this one I’m tagging @flyingfalconflower12 @strangerays @tracle0 @teasenpaiwrites and anyone else who wants to tag along!
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