#Also hahaha once my dad was mad at me so he threw away my bed and i slept on a dog bed for years and i didnt have a real bed that was my
raccoonspooky · 1 year
Lemme be a self insert for a moment and explain why Brahms and I would get along just fine:
I collect vintage porcelain dolls and have them all over my apartment.
Got kicked out of private school as a kid for behavioral reasons but also because I stole a golf cart and drove it into a ditch after punching a girl and locking her in the pool bathroom. Dont worry she super deserved it.
All through middle and high school i was the “puppet girl” who’d bring my fkn ventriloquist doll to school and carry him around to bother people with. His name was juan pablo and when I ran away from home my dad decided to take it out on my fkn puppet and rip his head and his arms off and drive around to find me to deliver me his corpse. He was also my prom date.
All through school again, I wanted to be artsy and wanted nothing to do with school after I left. I wanted no one to remember me so I took my photos in wigs and costume makeup and when allowed I wore masks. Literally a friend showed me a classmate’s tiktok that was showing my pictures saying “who the fuck is this bitch.”
My little art desk and workspace is literally under the stairs and I have a weird old timey “refrigerator” wooden cabinet where I store my junk in.
Used to live in a garage/basement for years. Once someone called the police on me because they thought I was breaking into the house, but no I lived there.
I make weird lil dioramas out of insects and random junk I find. I love finding weird little figures and dolls to put in my boxes.
I can play pretty much any stringed instrument.
I eat and live like a fucking goblin. Pretty much nocturnal.
My strap big.
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 15
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Peter and you have started another prank war. Who will come out on top?
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: Thanks to anon for submitting this idea for a cute fluffy scene to include in the story! Also, for my records this chapter ends on day 29 of the Guardians living with reader. Enjoy!
Word Count: 6,812
It soon became clear that the prank war was back on.
Just as you had resolved to the previous night, you squirted lemon juice in Peter's coffee when he wasn't looking.
He made a face upon tasting his ruined coffee, but just gave you a look of sleepy contempt as he dumped it in the sink rather than complaining. He knew what he had done to deserve it. However, that didn't mean he wasn't going to get you back.
He had his revenge later in the sitting room. He called you over, stating he had a question about a book. When you got closer to him, he then asked, "Hey, do you smell popcorn?"
You raised an eyebrow, and of course took in a big whiff. Big mistake.
You immediately gagged, your nostrils having been assaulted by the rankest smelling fart you think could have ever been expelled from a human body. It even rivaled Yondu's incident with dairy.
Peter lost it, doubling over with laughter as you backed away with your mouth and nose covered.
"Ugh! You nasty fecker! Oh my god!" you cried out, still backing away. "What's wrong with you!"
Kraglin, Drax, and Rocket were now also laughing from their places near the television. Drax laughed the loudest, saying, "Quill! That was brilliant! I'm not even mad that I lost the bet! HAHAHA! I'm going to try that!"
The bet he was referencing had happened moments prior, when Peter saw you in the hall and hurried into the sitting room whispering to his friends that he bet 20 units he could make you willingly smell his farts. Ah, what an immature lot they are.
You would have smacked Peter, but that would mean getting closer to him and the smell and you thought better of it, instead turning with the intent to leave the room completely, leaving them still laughing in your wake with only revenge on your mind.
You tried to think about what you had at your disposal, and remembered that you still had the whoopee cushion after you had snatched it back from Kraglin during the last prank war. You kind of wish you knew where your spider went though. It proved marvelously effective last time. After Peter threw it at you and it resulted in your arm getting injured, you hadn't really thought about what happened to it afterwards until now. You obviously hadn't taken it, so you just assumed that it must still be with Peter. You momentarily considered looking in his room for it, but the thought of searching through his stuff felt strange to you, even if you would be looking for your own toy.
You remembered the sticky notes in your desk up stairs and thought if worse came to worse, you could always pull a classic "Kick me" sign.
You decided a walk might help you consider your options better and so you collected your earbuds from the hall table and made your way towards the back door. You noticed Gamora in the kitchen on your way, and realized she might actually have the answer to one of your questions.
"Um, hey, Gamora?"
She turned to give you her attention. "Yes?"
"I was wondering..." You suddenly felt ridiculous for asking, but pushed it down, "if maybe you had seen if Peter still had that toy spider of mine? I was wondering if I might have it ba-"
"Nuh-uh. That ain't happening."
You raised an eyebrow in surprise, but not at her, for she hadn't been the one to answer, and she was just as surprised by this sudden third-party interjection.
It had been Yondu who had spoken, and he spoke again. "I'm the one that's got it, and I ain't givin' it back." He sat at the table looking at you with his arms crossed and wearing a smirk, as if daring you to complain about it. He had snatched it the night you dislocated your elbow, around the time he was scolding Peter and Kraglin and calling an end to that prank war himself after it had resulted in an injury.
You raised both eyebrows in surprise now. "Excuse you?" you say, surprised at his boldness and a bit irritated at how he now seemed like a scolding teacher who had confiscated contraband from a naughty child.
"Yondu, you can't just steal her property." Gamora chided.
"Ya heard me. Last time she and Quill had it that happened," he gestured to your arm. "So I'm keeping it since clearly neither of the two of 'em seem to have any sense. She wouldn't be askin' for it back if they weren't gettin' into it again."
You exchanged a look with Gamora. Her expression told you that she seemed to agree with his argument, but didn't want to risk saying so, and that she now seemingly regretted being involved in this situation.
Deciding you were on your own you opened your mouth to tell him off, but before you could he spoke again.
"Don't try denyin' it either. I saw ya putting that sour juice stuff in his coffee. I know the two of ya are back at it again with that prank war stuff," he said almost smugly. "Ya ain't getting it back." He didn't want another prank war to result in more injuries, and if he was honest, he was still slightly salty about having been caught in the crossfire of one of your pranks that had been meant for Peter. He thought outright admitting to confiscating your spider toy would hopefully send the message to you to knock it off before you got started.
You bit your lips and narrowed your eyes at him, half embarrassed at being called out like that. You then shook your head. You were not about to demand or beg for the return of a rubber spider like a child. You straightened your back slightly and said, "Whatever. Keep it then. Don't care." in your best flippant tone. You turned away, putting in your earbuds and added, "Going for a walk. Try not to burn the house down," as you exited out the back door and left the two of them in the kitchen.
You didn't need that spider anyways.
It was a cooler day out, overcast in a way that made you think it might rain that night, and you were glad you thought to grab a jacket before you left for your walk. You thought you might visit your old tree, and assess that old door while you were out there. There wasn't a whole lot you could do with your arm still in a brace, but you knew you could still at least open it and give it a general look to see what you might need to build a new door for it.
However, when you got there you quickly realized that the door was simply too awkwardly big and slightly too flimsy due to decay from the elements to risk trying to open it with just one arm. You didn't want to risk falling in it and either causing further injury and/or not be able to climb back out if it turned out the ladder rungs descending into the tunnel were bad too. You were now kicking yourself for not having fixed it months ago when you first noticed how bad it had gotten. At least at that period of time your arm wasn't in a brace and you didn't have eight houseguests to worry about.
You sighed. For now you settled on making a list in your phone of the different materials you'd need to make a sturdier door in the future when you were less... indisposed. No big deal. The world wasn't going to end if you couldn't fix it immediately, and honestly it was probably dumb of you to come out there right now in the first place. Sure, maybe you could get the door built in your current state. Maybe. If no one was around to see you breaking the doctor's orders on the weight restriction and then tell on you to Fury. But that didn't change the fact that you'd then need to carry it out there somehow. Something you definitely couldn't do in your current state. There was perhaps the option to bring the materials out there and assemble them on-sight, but you knew you couldn't carry them out there in a timely fashion either. Could you if you asked for help? Absolutely. Were you going to? Not a chance.
You hung out around the tree for a bit, just listening to music before deciding to head back, and that's when you noticed some pine cones littering the ground.
This gave you an idea. You remembered once when you were little and your dad took you and your brother camping. Your brother had hidden pinecones in the bottom of your sleeping bag. Your feet came in contact with the foreign objects, and being met with weird almost scaly feeling forms instead of the softness of your sleeping bag made you jump right out of said bag with a shriek.
You grinned. You had found your revenge prank. You only hoped that it would have the same effect on a grown man finding these at the foot of his bed as it did on seven-year-old you finding them in your sleeping bag.
Now you had another reason to be glad you wore a jacket. You could hide the pinecones in the pockets as well as hiding them inside the jacket itself and zip them inside.
You loaded up several pinecones. Enough to be sure he'd notice when crawling into bed, but not so many that they'd be noticed as you snuck them into the house.
You arrive back at the house to find the house mostly quiet, and it made you worry that Peter might be in his room and you wouldn't be able to place the pinecones.
However, just to your luck, you managed to catch a glimpse of him and a few others out front through the kitchen window. Perfect.
You quickly make your way upstairs and headed towards Peter's room. The upstairs seemed to be empty and you were just about to congratulate yourself on your good fortune as you already started pulling pinecones out of your pockets, until you noticed Rocket standing in Peter and Gamora's room.
Seeing him caused you to start and you dropped a couple of your pinecones on the ground due to your arm brace hampering your ability to reflexively catch them before they fell. The sound of the pinecones hitting the floor caused Rocket to startle in turn.
"Uh..." you said awkwardly, stepping into the room and picking up your pinecones, "What you doing?"
Rocket, who had been digging through a dresser drawer, responded with, "...Nuttin. What are you doing?" He eyed the pinecones in your hands.
"Nothing." You responded.
An awkward silence fell for a moment. You both knew the other wasn't really supposed to be there, that the only reason for being there right then was mischief of some sort, and you both knew that the other knew that you knew. There was only one thing for it.
Rocket spoke again. "Right..."
You nod. "Yes... good. So... carry on then?"
Rocket nodded slowly. "Yeah..." He turned back to looking for whatever it was he was snooping for.
Taking the hint, the unspoken 'I won't tell if you won't," you carried out your plan, removing the pinecones from your jacket and placing them at the foot of Peter's bed under the blankets.
You finished quickly, catching Rocket's gaze again before you left. A silent nod was all that was exchanged and you were on your way.
The rest of the day was mostly uneventful. You read, you listened to music, you got roped into a game of Monopoly that went on far too long because Mantis kept needing reminded of the rules. You didn't entire blame her. It was pretty obvious that it was everyone but Peter's first time playing.
Speaking of Peter, you were surprised he hadn't tried to mess with you the entire game, and you wondered if Gamora might have got on him after hearing Yondu say he could tell that the two of you were starting in on another prank war, or if Yondu had scolded him himself.
Sometime after the game had finished- Gamora won, and Peter pouted- you went to get a drink from the kitchen. When you returned to the sitting room to grab another book to bring upstairs to read you saw Drax approach Yondu and ask, "Yondu, do you smell popcorn?"
Not wanting to sit through another round of what Peter had done to you that morning, you quickly grab a random Sci-Fi/Fantasy book from the shelf and turn to get out of there just in time to hear Yondu reply with, "What the hell is popcorn?"
This was immediately followed by the sound of a very loud fart along with Drax's booming laughter.
In startled surprise you sharply turned in their direction to see Drax laughing and Yondu's face scrunched in both confusion and what was likely disgust.
Peter was laughing too, but at Drax rather than Yondu's misfortunate proximity to his offender. "Drax! Buddy, the fart's supposed to be silent."
Drax didn't seem to mind his mistake, just simply responded with "Ohhh!" and continued to laugh while Yondu shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
Taking in the sight you couldn't help but giggle too at just how ridiculous the situation was. You brought a hand up to your mouth to suppress it, but the sound caught the attention of Yondu and Peter anyway. Yondu's eyes narrowed and Peter was pleasantly surprised that you found the situation funny as well.
You broke their gaze and retreated to your room. Better to escape before you risked smelling anything awful.
It wasn't hard to tell when Peter found what was waiting in his bed that night. However, instead of girlish screams like the night he found the spider, he let out a cry of, "Gah! What the hell!?"
You grinned as you sat on your bed reading your book. Mantis was already fast asleep in her bed, and she stirred at the sound of Peter's cries just on the other side of the wall. After looking toward you and seeing you sitting calmly she determined there must not be any danger and soon fell back to sleep.
A few minutes later, though, you were surprised to see Peter walking into your room.
Startled at the sudden intrusion you jolted and as he approached you, rather quickly at that, you said, "Hey- what are you doing?"
He stopped in front of you with a smirk and raised his arms. It was then you realized he had been carrying a shirt bunched up as if it were being used as a sack.
Unceremoniously he emptied the shirt/sack over your head, showering you with all the pinecones you had hid in his bed.
"Hey!" you complain, raising your good arm to shield your head from the coniferous onslaught.
Mantis stirred again, lifting her head to see what was going on.
"This is for leaving those in my bed." he laughed, turning to leave. "And don't think that counts as me getting you back!" he added as he stepped out the door.
Mantis yet again laid back down to rest upon seeing the disturbance was just Peter's shenanigans. You got the feeling that she must be used to it.
The next couple days were mostly spent with you and Peter battling back and forth via small pranks.
Yondu obviously noticed, and despite him acting like he didn't want the two of you to get started again, he didn't say or do anything to stop it. It was clear it was keeping your mind off what what had been bothering you, so he just let the two of you be. Especially as it seemed to be harmless.
Kraglin mostly stayed out of it this time. Sure, he helped Peter some, but he was still more likely to bend to Yondu's orders of "This prank war is over!" from last time. That, and he still felt bad about what happened with the incident with the spider, even if it had been mostly Peter's idea.
Peter got you with the old 'shoulder tap misdirection' a couple times, where he'd tap one shoulder and either be on the other side when you turned to look, or have walked away completely.
You hit back by turning the batteries backwards in the remote, knowing he'd likely be the first to use it that morning.
After he finally figured that one out, he decided he'd retaliate by turning all your books backwards on the shelf. When you walked in that evening to see him mid-prank, you simply sighed and rolled your eyes. Seemingly embarrassed to have been caught mid-prank he laughed nervously and straightened up, rubbing the back of his head.
You rolled your eyes and left the room, hoping that since he'd been caught he'd then turn them back right way round. Knowing it was unlikely, you decided to shove some newspaper in his shoes. You could hear Drax in the background laughing at Peter for getting caught as you walked away to retrieve an old newspaper from the table in the hall.
He clearly must have found it at some point the next morning because he got you back around lunchtime by pouring just a little bit of water in your seat right before you sat down to eat.
You jumped from your seat the moment you felt the cold water soak the left side of your ass and after a few seconds of reaching back to feel the wet spot and checking the chair you looked over to where he was sitting and narrowed your eyes.
He simply grinned at you like he had pulled the best prank ever.
Taking a breath, you straightened and just shook your head, warning him that he shouldn't escalate unless he wanted you to do the same.
He didn't seem to take your warning seriously.
The next morning when getting ready you saw that Peter had struck again. You didn't know when, or how he had managed to find the time to both sew a pair of your socks shut halfway down with sloppy grey stitches and place them back in your dresser (on top so they'd be first picked, of course) without you noticing, but you did know that this meant double war.
He had pranked you twice in a row, without waiting for you to have retaliated against his last prank first. Or, more likely, he had set this prank and then pulled another without waiting for you to find the first one. Tsk, Tsk, Peter. Bad form.
You found another pair of socks, luckily he had only bothered to adulterate one pair, and then went to confront him.
"You're really asking for it." you say, thrusting the socks towards him in the hall.
"What?" he asked. Trying to act innocent, no doubt.
"You sewed my socks shut. I warned you, don't escalate unless you want me to do the same."
There wasn't really any anger in your voice despite your warning tone, which Peter took as a good sign. "I didn't escalate-"
"Oh-ho! Don't try that with me! You double pranked!" As the words left your mouth you internally cringed. This reminded you of how the two of you had bickered like children in the grocery store. You pushed the feeling that you sounded like a teenager in a Disney sitcom aside for now.
Peter eyed you for a moment before crossing his arms and smugly replying, "Technically no. You interrupted my book prank and then stuffed paper in my shoes. So, because I technically didn't finish my prank, you double pranked."
"No-" you started.
"Yes." He laughed. "So if anyone escalated, it was you." He said in a teasing voice, aiming a couple pokes to your abdomen and making you flinch back at the touch.
"I did not!" you argued, smacking his hand away.
"Eh... ya kinda did..." he drawled out with a grin. "So, I think that means you gave permission for all unwritten rules of pranking to just be thrown out the window." He chuckled, a mischievous glint to his eyes.
"No-" you said warningly. "I did not." You could tell he was just trying to piss you off, but you weren't going to let him win.
"Yeah, I think you did..." He lightly laughed. "So anything else that happens... you'll only have yourself to blame." He said the last bit in a sing-songy voice and went to walk into the kitchen. He stopped momentarily and turned back to you with a grin. "However, you can always avoid any further annoyance by just declaring me the prank master..."
You blinked at him. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. Declare I'm the prank master and you won't have to worry about what I'll do next."
You scoffed at him. "You're dreaming."
Peter grinned wider. "Nope. I'm just 'The Prank Master.'"
You narrowed your eyes and walked past him into the kitchen. "You're gonna regret that," you warned, earning only a chuckle from him. There was no way you were going to declare him master of anything.
You made your way to the pantry to find something quick for breakfast and Peter went to pour himself some coffee.
That's when you found it. Your next prank idea. And boy, was it going to be good.
While grabbing a pop-tart from the pantry, you happened to notice a certain box of gel food dye sitting next to your spices. Your eyes lit up, knowing exactly what you would do with it. You quickly pocketed the blue vile and hid the rest of the box behind the spices where it couldn't be seen for security purposes, just in case Peter would happen to have the same idea. You weren't going to do it right away, but knew it couldn't hurt to have the little bottle on hand just in case...
After breakfast you decided to head out to the shed to survey the pile of spare wood you had.
In the shed you found Rocket. This wasn't surprising as he spent a decent amount of time tinkering in the shed since you showed him the workshop. You still hadn't gotten around to finding the spare key for him, just letting him continue to use yours since there wasn't a lot you could do out there anyway until you got the brace off anyway.
You greeted him with a simple, "Hey," that Rocket returned as you made your way back to the spare wood to look over what you had on hand as far as repairing the old tunnel door to get an idea of what might you need to pick up from town.
Was it useful to look now seeing as you likely wouldn't get the brace off for at least a couple more weeks? No, but you were restless and you were really just looking for an excuse for something to do until that night when you could enact your prank.
"Whatcha doing?" Rocket asked, barely looking up from whatever plans he was drafting up on the old pad of paper you left out in the workshop.
"Nuttin," you reply, finishing up your shifting around of the wood and determining that you might have just enough of the right cuts already out there to make a full door, but you might need to pick up some more wood for it, as well as some brackets, later.
Rocket grunted in response and you start to walk back out when something caught your eye over by the long workbench.
You looked down to examine it, and a slight smile played on your lips.
"Did you fix my stool?" you asked, turning to him.
He didn't look up. "Nope."
You raise an eyebrow, mouth twitching upwards in humor. "Oh really? Then who did, if not you? Other than me, you're the only one who comes out here."
Rocket's gaze remained on the notebook. "Dunno. Must have been a 'stool fairy.'" Those last two words were laced with sarcasm.
You smirked. "Ah. I see. Well if you happen to see this 'stool faery,' be sure to tell him I said thank you." You turn and begin to walk out of the shed.
Rocket's ears twitched back for just a second and he grunted out in response, "Uh huh. Sure thing."
Unfortunately the stars didn't align that night for you to use the gel coloring on Peter. You had to time it just right to both make sure no one got caught in the crossfire and to not make it obvious you were up to something.
This, however, was probably for the best because Fury's visit the next day caught you off guard. You had been so busy pranking and being pranked and researching door construction and tunnel maintenance that you had managed to lose track of the days and didn't realize it was time for another weekly check-in until you heard him knock at the door that late afternoon. The sound actually startled you at first, and you mentally cursed him for insisting on keeping the times he'd show up a surprise.
Again, probably for the best you weren't able to pull that prank. You weren't sure how pleased Fury would be with you if he saw what you had planned to do to Peter if you had succeeded in going through with it.
The visit was brief. Same old news about the Guardian's situation; nothing changed, little to no progress made. It was time to re-stock the rations again and the guys helped Maria with that like last time. The doctor also accompanied them, and of course he ignored your case for removing the brace and instead just set the hinge to a slightly increased range of movement. He did say that as long as you continued your 'good behavior' it might be ready to come off the next week. You weren't going to hold your breath. Oh, and he also increased your weight restriction to ten pounds. Yay...
At one point Agent Hill pulled you aside like last time, wanting to check in to see if matters regarding your mental health had improved since the last visit.
You answered honestly that they had, but didn't bother to mention that the reason why was likely because Peter had managed to keep you annoyed enough that you didn't have time to dedicate enough thought to what had previously been bothering you.
She tried to pry more, but you weren't really giving her anything, so she just resigned that what she had been able to garner was good enough and the two of you rejoined the group just before Fury announced they would be leaving.
It didn't take long after they left for Peter to resume being his annoying self.
You were in the sitting room trying to read, but Peter kept singing along to a song on his Zune that he had come to realize you absolutely hated. To make matters worse, it seemed that he was intentionally singing as poorly as he could just to annoy you. He even got Kraglin to join in with him.
How could you tell it was just to annoy you? Well it didn't start with the singing. It started with tapping. Constant tapping. With his foot on the floor. With his knuckles on the coffee table. He even came up behind you at one point after you refused to react and started tapping you on the head as you sat curled on the sofa attempting to read. That one finally got you to react and scold him to knock it off, and that's when he switched to singing.
Of course, you told him to take it somewhere else. Did he listen? No. He instead moved to sit right next to you and sang louder.
You threatened to chop him in the throat if he didn't take his annoying self somewhere else, and while that got him to stand up, he didn't leave. Instead that's when he recruited Kraglin, who had walked in just a few moments prior to see what all the racket was, and who also didn't hesitate to accept an earbud from Peter and follow his lead.
You tossed your head back on the sofa in frustration and let out a growl as you gritted your teeth.
Peter broke his singing to laugh and tell you that he warned you, all you had to do to make it stop was admit his was the master.
And that's when you threw the pillow at him.
Well, you had been aiming for him, at least. You would have hit him too, had he not dodged at the last second, allowing for the pillow to instead smack Yondu, who no one had noticed had walked into the room, right in the face.
Your eyes widen, as do Peter's and Kraglin's. Only they're trying not to laugh as Yondu's stony face stares at you.
In your startled shock you stammer as you attempt to make an apology, but as he picks the pillow up from the floor all you are actually able to get out is, "I- Uh- I didn't mean-" and a nervous giggle.
Yondu stands back up, pillow now in his hands, and cocks his head at you. "Oh so ya think that's funny, huh?" He starts to walk towards you.
You of course deny it, trying to set the record straight that it had been meant for Peter, but the glint of a playful grin mixed with his grouchy façade made you unable to suppress a nervous grin as he approached. He then tossed the pillow back at you and you deflected it back onto the sofa.
"Nah, I think ya thought that was funny, even if it was meant for my boy." He was standing over you now and Peter and Kraglin were snickering as Peter encouraged him, saying that he thought you definitely thought it was funny to have hit Yondu with the pillow.
"Looks like someone needs to teach ya a lesson in manners, missy." Yondu said as he reached out and squeezed rapidly right above your knee.
Caught off guard you instantly throw back your head and cackle, your hands instinctively reaching for his as you kicked out. "No! Stop it!" you cry out between giggles before managing to free yourself and stand up from the sofa.
Abandoning your book you attempt to escape, but Yondu just grabs you by your good arm and pulls you back, effortlessly succeeding in securing you in a headlock and purposely arranging it so that your good arm was between the two of you and your braced arm was out to the open. He knew with the limited range of motion the braced arm had available you wouldn't really be able to use it to help free yourself in any meaningful way. He then proceeded to give you a noogie.
"Hey! Cut it out!" you complain, uselessly pushing against his shoulder from behind with your good arm. You cursed your arm brace. Without it you could have gotten out of this hold in 3 seconds tops. You still technically could, but didn't want to use that method unless you had to. You didn't want to risk hurting the older man, after all.
Yondu paused a moment and pretended to think. "...Nah. I didn't get an apology yet."
"Ugh! Fine! I'm sorry about the pillow! Happy? I already told you I meant it for Pe-TER!" You squeaked when Kraglin cheekily couldn't resist coming up to pinch your ribs in your current vulnerable state. "Knock that off!" you ordered. It of course only earned you another tickly squeeze from the first mate and the three men to laugh as you commanded Yondu to let you go before you made him.
"Ya ain't gonna make me do nuttin, missy." Yondu laughed, clearly believing he could take you in a fight any day even if your arm wasn't injured. "Where's my apology for when ya pranked the sink and it sprayed all over me?" Yondu asked with a mischievous chuckle. He then pinched your nose shut just to mess with you further. This prompted you to smack his shoulder with your good hand, but he did let go, laughing about how you were a 'feisty one.'
"Yeah," Peter egged on for the sink comment, laughing. "He yelled at me for that!"
You huff out a sigh. "Fine. Sorry for that too. Now this is your last warning to let me go!"
This only made Yondu and the other two laugh and Yondu went to noogie you again. Clearly they were underestimating you. Well, you did try to give him a warning...
In one quick motion you positioned your foot between his so that your leg was locked behind his thigh, reached your good arm up to rest your hand on his forehead, and threw your weight backwards, sending you both to the floor.
Yondu went easily, clearly having been caught off guard and landed on his back with an "oof!" and subsequently released you. Surprisingly though, he didn't seem angry about landing on the floor.
As you both sit up he was actually chuckling, to your surprise.
"Damn, didn't think ya had that in ya." Yondu laughed as he stood up.
Peter and Kraglin, who had went momentarily silent when the two of you fell, were now laughing again. Kraglin made a joke about how he didn't know you could actually fight.
You just grumbled and grabbed your book, deciding you would retreat to your room to finish reading for the night where you were less likely to be annoyed.
Ironically, the whole ordeal actually caused you to forget about the prank you had intended to pull on Peter until you again missed your chance to do it. Oh well, there was always tomorrow, right?
The next day you announced to those in the kitchen that you were making a run into town and told them if there was anything they needed to let you know now while you were making a list.
They didn't list-off much. Again, SHIELD provided them with pretty much everything they needed. Some razors, hair conditioner, lotion, and a couple requests for some Earth snacks they had come to enjoy were among the items requested. Simple stuff.
Then Yondu decided to be cheeky and claim his request was for you to take Peter with you again.
"No way," you say flatly, remembering the last run into town. "Not happening."
Yondu just grinned and leaned against his chair. "Fury said ya got to. Ya can't leave without a buddy 'til yer arm is healed up." He elbowed Kraglin and added, "Didn't he, Krags?"
Kraglin, clearly not expecting to be suddenly roped into the conversation said, "Uh, yeah. When you was in the other room talking to that Miss Agent Hill lady when they was here yesterday. He-uh- he told us then." He wasn't exactly the best liar.
You narrowed your eyes. "He did not." You looked to Gamora, who seemingly then immediately realized she had anywhere else to be before you could ask her to confirm.
"Ya can always ask him yerself." Yondu smirked, sure that like last time you wouldn't dare call Fury to confirm.
"Or I can not do that because I know he didn't," you countered.
"I wouldn't be too hasty girl," Yondu drawled. "'Cause what if I'm right? Ya leave without a buddy, and we can just call him and tell him ya broke his rules... and well, we all know what he said he'd do with ya if ya did that."
"You know, I didn't really take you to be such a snitch." You say, irritation clear in your voice. You knew it was at best childish, and at worst fighting words, but you were too frustrated to care.
Instead of being offended, Yondu just laughed and leaned back with his hands folded behind his head. "Gotta do something to pass the time. 'Sides, I think 'blackmail' has a nicer ring to it than 'snitchin'."
You glare at him, not giving him the satisfaction of telling him that he was technically right. This wasn't him being a snitch. This was blackmail. You just didn't understand why this was the hill he decided to die on.
He continued. "Yer better off to just save yerself the trouble and take Peter."
You eye him for a bit before deciding this time you would call his bluff. Partially because you knew he was lying, but also because a tiny part of you was afraid he wasn't, and you knew what would happen if he wasn't.
You dialed up Fury, knowing that the consequences for possibly annoying him with a dumb phone call were vastly less than what they'd be if you disobeyed an order, especially since you were already skating on thin ice. He also seemed to be less upset with you lately due to your 'good behavior,' so at least you had that going fo you. You almost thought you saw Yondu's smirk falter when you started dialing. Almost.
To your surprise, Fury answered after only a couple rings. You put the phone on speaker, and inform him your reason for calling was to confirm something that had been said.
"They're trying to tell me that when Agent Hill pulled me aside yesterday you instructed them to tell me that, under your orders, I am not allowed to drive into town without taking someone with me until my arm heals. Is that correct?"
Fury was quiet a moment before he answered, his voice seeming neutral. "I did not say that."
Yondu and Kraglin's faces fell slightly, and like a child you made a quiet, "Ha!" noise and stuck your tongue out at them, but before you could thank him, Fury spoke again.
"But I am now."
Your eyes widened and shot back to the phone, as if you'd be able to see your director in there. "I'm sorry, what?"
Yondu burst out laughing at your expression, and Kraglin joined in with a grin.
"Effective immediately I'm requiring you to bring a companion on any trips you make into town. Mr. Quill would be the safest choice, but as long as they pass for human, I don't care who it is."
You tried not to sputter. "Sir-... that-... Why-??"
"It's not a bad idea," he said cooly, adding, "and if you're gonna call me to settle a petty squabble then you better be prepared to get an outcome you aren't going to like." He didn't sound angry, more just matter-of-fact.
You blinked. Did he really just imply he was doing this just to annoy you? "Sir, I ask you to reconsid-"
"If you want to keep going, Agent, I can easily make this decision permanent."
This set off another round of laughter from the guys, including Peter from behind you who had walked into the kitchen with Gamora at some point. You didn't know how long they were standing there, but it seemed he had also heard Fury's decision.
With slight heat in your cheeks, you respond to your director. "No, sir."
"Good. Have a good day, Agent." Fury replied, and then hung up. If you didn't know better, you'd say his tone sounded almost amused.
You put the phone back in your pocket and rubbed your hand over your eyes while the others teased you.
"That's what ya get for not just listenin' to me in the first place, girl. Now ya really do have to do it!" Yondu laughed.
"I hate you," you say bluntly.
He only grinned in response and called over to Peter. "Ya heard the man, boy! Looks like yer takin' a trip!"
Peter grinned cheekily at you and you roll your eyes. "Fine. Get ready," you order as you walk past him and out of the kitchen. Then, seeing an opportunity to let out some frustration (probably misplaced in this instance, honestly) you turned back with a smirk and added, "This time don't forget to go potty before we leave!"
You turned away again, but not before being able to see the cheeky grin fall from his face and hear him yell back, "Not cool, dude!" along with some snickering from the others in the background.
Little did you know, though you probably should have, that decision to embarrass him would seal the fate of your nerves, and possibly your sanity as well, on the trip to come.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
Word of Honor eps 21-30 (thoughts)
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So, instead of doing a general opinion (that is sure to get messy because my brain is trying to keep up with so many things these days lol) I decided to write down just a few thoughts on each ep. It worked great to remind me what had happened in these past 10 eps. Enjoy my random thoughts!
Ep 21: YeBaiYi is off to fetch someone who can save ZZS. The family has reunited!!! Also, poor WKX he seems very torn but also doesn't exactly know what's up? Scorpion King is trying something but I don't get it. Also, poor beauty Ghost.
Ep 22: well that should be illegal, it was so painful to see WKX that tortured. Dude practically had an attack because his past is so damn traumatic. btw ZZS must know WKX is the Ghost Valley leader, right? Also, that beggar was totally going to kill someone, he had a knife, so back off, CWN. I like you a lot but not at the expense of my badass A-Xiang. i appreciated the abs 😏🤤
Ep 23: WKX is a cranky bish after waking up from trauma induced faintness lol but ZZS can calm him down in a second. Also, he totally knows WKX is ghost valley leader, which had to be obvious but I still wonder what gave him away. Awww A-Xiang being worried of not being worthy for CWN broke my heart. You're the best and a badass my girl. We had father in law WKX and it was the best. Also, ZZS losing his senses is so tragic. Why was this ep so sad?
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Ep 24: Such a bittersweet ep. If there's no WKX trauma time, it's ZZS's instead. Also, gay domestic life is the best kind of fluff I can ask for. Just say yes, WKX and be the master of Four Seasons alongside your soulmate. Also, what is truly the origin of ZZS? He has noble blood? Who is he? In the novel it was never clear to me, but I'm expecting some answers here.
Ep 25: WKX'S angsty monologue in front of his once upon a time Master’s grave will live in my mind rent free from now on. Finally we know how WKX figured out who ZZS was, but I still don't get how/why WKX and his family were left behind in Four Seasons, I mean I guess it’s because they thought they were already safe. I can't believe everyone and their mothers know that WKX is the leader of Ghost Valley. I don't think I like this change from the novel 🤭 it was such a powerful reveal because no one had any idea. Now all of China knows lol
Ep 26: Wow Zhao Jing is such a sick bastard, but what's new? His scenes with Scorpion King were creepy ans sick lol i kinda pity him. Awww WKX you really have no plans for this, do you? He is taking such care to do everything quietly so ZZS and Chengling don't find out and ZZS is worried for him because he knows everything. Such fools in love. When it's Lord Seventh coming??
Ep 27: Omggg this episode was a delight to see for my shipper heart, if only everything could end here, AhXiang and CWN happy in his sect, OTP and their son in Four Seasons and just forget about all the chaos outside in the world. But no, drama is coming and ZZS still has to be cured. Also, Scorpion my man, wake the hell up, that evil old bastard is manipulating you and you're just letting him ugh
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Ep 28: Finally the Prince appears and lol it looks Like Zhao Jing is going nuts, it was hilarious to see the ruckus he made in front of the memorial of all his dead friends. I wonder if this means he still has some conscience...I laughed so many times this ep because of the contrast between the evil dudes and their conspiracies to get the Glazed armour vs the domestic fluff of the two gay dads and their adoptive child celebrating the new year hahaha
Ep 29: Ooofff what an episode! I loved it! So many things happened! Poor WKX being so tortured and guilty for the the death of Han Ying, it was so sad but tragedy didn't stop there, since they took ZZS away. Finally Lord Seventh and his wizard bf made it lol just in time to knock out WKX who was having an ep of madness, though I'm sure he will still be angry when he wakes up and will try to kill Zhao Jing again (one can only hope). I can't believe CWN found out about WKX being the Ghost Master that way, but it speaks volumes of his feelings for AhXiang that he didn't reveal her identity in that moment.
Ep 30: What a disgusting piece of shit is the Prince, it unsettled me so much that he kidnapped ZZS and dressed him up like his plaything and then threw around the "I thought we were soulmates" argument. Eww. no, sir, please go away. At least it looks like ZZS got a little revenge against him. Not enough of WKX this ep, but I hope next is better on that department along with Lord Seventh and his wizard bf. I'm happy A-Xiang and CWN moved past the whole revelation of her identity, their love is so pure. Also, Scorpion my dude, rebel and kill your sugar daddy he's goddamn awful.
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I liked that the focus of these ten eps (concerning our two male leads' portion of the story) was on their pasts, who they were before meeting each other and their regrets and traumas about it, but also, that they became close by being honest and vulnerable with each other, and now they practically have no secrets between the two of them (or do they? Looking at ya, WKX). Seeing their tranquil and sweet domestic life with their adopted son at the Four Seasons was a delight (it was also one of my favorite bits to read in the novel and I'm so glad they kept it for the drama a pity they couldn't include the hugs and cuddles on the bed at midnight but in my mind they happened) but all good things must come to an end someday and I guess that, given that the whole martial arts world is looking for WKX and that ZZS could only get so far before the crazy Prince found him (on top of him slowly dying by the nails) it was only a matter of time before things escalated and got to where they are. Now we have to believe love conquers all hahaha and I cannot wait to see WKX rescuing his husband in all his dark ala Master of the Ghost Valley gloriousness!
I would love to write an essay on A-Xiang and CWN love story and how pure and true their bond is, but because I know their ending that would only mean torture for me, so I will only say that I'm so glad that they're together and able to talk to each other and clear misunderstandings. Communication is key for any healthy and long lasting relationship.
Drama plot was always a bit different from novel plot, but at this point in the drama they're telling a completely different story so I have no idea what's next (well, I do, I know spoilers but I also need the context) but I'm excited nonetheless. I would say though I have no idea who really has the glazed armour and who has fake pieces, damn you Wen KeXing lol I'm just so confused but it doesn't really matter because as long as they don't have the key, it's all useless. And I do know who has the key and where it's gonna end up (or with whom 😏 hahaha). I'm actually a bit sad that I know that spoiler, could have been great to be surprised as I watched the drama but that's on me lol
Because I've been following the drama on Youku's youtube channel, this experience has been longer for me than it was for lots of others, and I liked that but because of it the withdrawal syndrome will hit me a lot harder. Ugh and I'm not looking forward to it.
Last six eps, here we go!
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ayma-nidiot · 3 years
“Don’t Speak Their Names” - Shrimpshipping fanfic Epilogue
This chapter can be found here on AO3.
Epilogue - The Evergreen Greenhouse
~29 December 2007~
Even throughout his almost-over undergrad career - which involved a lot of trips to archaeological sites with Spinos - Rex still found the time to duel. As a matter of fact, he proudly approached the front door of his off-campus apartment with a trophy he just won from a local tournament - and against his father, no less.
“Weeves!” Rex called out. “I just won the tournament! Since we both just turned 21, why don’t we go celebrate with drinks?”
The first one to answer him was not his husband, but rather his 2-year-old daughter. “Papa!”
“Amber!” Rex picked Amber up and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. “How ya’ doing, big girl?”
Indeed, Amber was a big girl; though she just turned two years old, she already showed signs of being gifted. She could already speak in complete sentences, count to 100, and recite the alphabet pretty well. Still, she loved many of the same things that typical toddlers did - not the least of which was her mother. “I’m feeling awesome! But… But…”
“You okay?”
“Someone’s not feeling so awesome… It’s Daddy.”
“Why, what’s wrong with him?” Rex put Amber down, and allowed her to lead him to the loo. He was not at all pleased to see Weevil there, praying to the porcelain goddess. “Gods, Weevil! What’s wrong?”
“Ugh…” Weevil gave Rex a pained look before throwing up into the loo again.
“Daddy’s been like this aaaaall morning.” Amber sounded like she was about to cry. “What should we do, Papa?”
It was then that Rex had just remembered Weevil drizzling a ton of chocolate syrup over his fried bee larvae a few weeks ago. At first, he thought that Weevil was just being a buttmunch as usual. But then Rex recalled the cravings he had during his pregnancy - and the speech his college doctor gave him, the one that all male shapeshifters were capable of getting pregnant. “It… It can’t be…”
“Papa?” Amber looked at her mother quizzically.
“Amber, get my phone. I’m gonna call the doctor and get Daddy there right away.”
After his wave of nausea finally abated, and Rex had made that call, Weevil put the toilet cover back on and pouted at his husband. “Rex, honey, come on. You don’t have to go that far. Just give me some Pepto-Bismol, and I’ll be fine.”
“Throwing up for an entire morning is totally not fine.” Rex picked Weevil up princess-style and put him in the middle of the 2006 Mazda 5 with Amber. “And you’re about to see that.”
~A quick drive and 30 minutes later~
“So… So, what did you find, Doctor?” Weevil asked Dr. Balls.
“After performing the ultrasound, we’ve discovered that you’re pregnant, Mr. Raptor. Eleven weeks, to be exact.”
“Aww, how sweet…” Rex smiled as he stroked Weevil’s belly.
“Anyway, I do not anticipate that you will need hospitalization, just some light bed rest for now. I’ll prescribe some antiemetics, though. You are more than welcome to visit should you feel the need to do so.”
“I… I see. Thank you, Doctor.” After Dr. Balls left, Weevil turned to glare at his husband. “Why didn’t you tell me that I’m capable of getting pregnant, dino brain?”
“Yeah, about that…” Rex scratched his nose. “When I first visited this doctor, he told me that all male shapeshifters are intersex. But they each have their own unique heat cycles, depending on what they can change into. Yours just aren’t as frequent as mine.”
“I’m sorry, Weeves, are you mad? You still want to keep the baby, don’t you?”
“Oh, I’ll keep the baby, all right. But you better treat me to bee larvae whenever I ask for it.”
“Yay!” Amber gave her father a happy hug. “I’m going to be a big sister!”
“Indeed you are,” spoke a middle-aged woman in scrubs, who had just entered the room.
“What? Mother?” Weevil didn’t expect to see Camellia come out of nowhere. “What are you doing here?”
“Grandma!” Amber ran to Camellia to give her a hug too. 
“I’m just getting some shadowing hours, that’s all,” Camellia spoke as she hugged her granddaughter back. “After seeing what Rex went through during his pregnancy, I’ve decided that I want to become an obstetrician.”
“That’s great! Congratulations!” 
Rex’s smile turned upside down when Camellia turned on the T.V., and the first thing that came on was a replay of Weevil’s now-infamous regionals victory.
“It’s hard to believe that Rex Raptor used to lose so much back in the day,” one of the Duel Monster Channel’s announcers spoke over a still of Rex’s face in defeat. “But now that he’s won a championship against Spinos Saurus, I think he’ll reach his former fame once again.”
“Oooh!” Amber had never seen this duel of her parents in their teen years. “Is that you, Papa?”
Rex facepalmed. “Yeah, yeah, that’s your Papa, all right.”
“So have you learned to use strategy since then, dino brain?” 
“Nah. Strategies are for dweebs and bug boys.” Rex held tightly onto Weevil’s hand. “And I’m so proud to be married to a man who’s both of them.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
The doctor interrupted this conversation, coming in with a few papers. “Okay, Mr. Raptor, here are your antiemetic prescriptions. I’m also going to schedule your 20-week ultrasound. As you know, not only will we be able to search for abnormalities, but we can also determine the sex of your baby.”
Weevil had just recalled what Phuckdis said right when future Amber was “supposed” to kill the bug duelist. “Oh, there won’t be a need for that second one. I already know that I’m carrying a boy.”
“You… You sure?” Camellia asked.
“I’m willing to bet my deck on it.”
“Then how are you supposed to beat me, bug boy?” spoke a voice from the adjacent hospital bed.
“Whoa!” Rex turned around to see Mai laying on that bed, with Joey by her side. “Again with the coincidental meetings, Joey?”
“Great, just the person I wanted to see…” Weevil felt another wave of nausea about to hit him, and clutched his gut tighter.
“Hey!” Amber ran over to Joey. “Now look what you did to Daddy!”
“Ehehehe…” Joey waved a nervous hand. “Hey.”
“...I know you! You’re that big meanie who took Papa’s Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Daddy’s Insect Queen, aren’t you?”
Amber ignored her mother. “Someday, I’m going to beat you and get them back! You’ll see!” She stuck her tongue out at Joey. “You big buttmunch!”
“Okay, Amber, that’s enough,” Rex laughed as he picked up his daughter.
“I suppose our rivalry never really will die, will it?” Joey laughed back, then turned to talk to Amber. “Amber, you’re a very smart kid. I’d love to duel you someday.”
“...” Amber only pouted in response. “Okay, but you’re going to be bug juice.”
Weevil smiled, as he always did when his daughter used catch phrases from both of her parents. “So what brings you here, Joey?”
“Well…” Mai sat upright. “I’m almost done with my degree, and I moved to this university for the upper-level courses. I started feeling sick on my way to class today, so Joey escorted me to the clinic. And… it turns out I’m pregnant. With triplets, if I might add.”
“And if you couldn’t tell, I’m the dad!” Joey proclaimed proudly. 
“Of course, this idiot got the whole ‘marry first, have kids later’ thing backwards.” Mai rolled her eyes. “He only got the courage to propose to me yesterday.”
“Touché,” replied Weevil.
“Soooo.” Rex waggled his eyebrows at Joey. “Looks like Weeves and I weren’t the only ones busy making babies on my wedding night.”
“Hehehehe...” Joey chuckled nervously. “And what a coincidence that Mai and Weevil will probably give birth on the same day.”
“Then maybe you should be the ‘godparents’ of our son.” Weevil was only half-joking.
“You know what I think would be cool?” Rex stepped forward and started making grand gestures. “If we had one bed over here and another one over here. Weeves and Mai can be in the same delivery room. That way, we can all witness each other’s kids’ births.”
“I’m down for that!” Mai appeared to agree with Joey.
“I dunno…” Weevil’s eyebrow twitched when he looked at Joey. “Not sure I want to be anywhere near this sasquatch when I experience the most awful pain of my life.”
“Actually, that can be arranged,” Dr. Balls cut in. “It’s more common than you think for friends or their spouses to give birth together.”
“Good to know.” Weevil groaned slightly as he got out of bed. “Well, I’ve got a final paper to write for biochemistry, so if you’ll excuse me.”
“Weeves, take it easy!” Rex helped Weevil out of the bed until he was confident he could walk on his own. “It would suck if you threw up all over your expensive laptop - or all over this floor - now wouldn’t it?”
“So I’ll see you again in nine weeks?” Dr. Balls patted Weevil on the shoulder, giving him the ultrasound pictures on his way out.
“You bet.”
“Fantastic. Now, no dueling or other strenuous activities until your second trimester, understood?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Weevil bowed on his way to the nearby pharmacy, giving a congratulations nod to Joey and Mai. He didn’t feel nauseated at the moment, but still felt muscle soreness from his morning sickness bout. While waiting for his antiemetic medications to be made, he rubbed his belly, speaking to the unborn child in there. “So help me Ra, if I ruin my entire semester’s work because of you, you’ll be sorry.”
“That’s not very nice!” Rex used a much more caring tone with their future child, patting Weevil’s belly at the same time. “Don’t listen to your mom; he’s just cranky. Final exams and all that.”
“It’s weird how I’m the mom this time around… So, we can get each other pregnant.” Even with his antiemetics now in hand, Weevil didn’t yet feel like getting up from the pharmacy’s small sofa.
“Hey, Weevil?”
“Yeah, Rex?”
“Wouldn’t it be cool if we could, like, get each other pregnant at the same time?”
“Hahaha!” Weevil refrained from laughing too loudly, out of fear of exacerbating his morning sickness again. But now he felt like getting up, and held Amber by the hand. “Yeah, right. The stars would have to align perfectly for us to be in heat at the exact same time. Oh, and Rex?”
“Yeah, Weevil?”
“You owe me ¥2000 if the child I’m carrying is a boy.”
“Naw, that’s no good. You’ll owe me ¥3000 if it’s a girl.”
“Then it’s on!”
~02 March 2007, 11:00~
“Hmm!” Dr. Balls looked closer at the 2D. “Well, Mr. Raptor, I’ll be. You guessed right; you are carrying your first son. And he’s a perfectly healthy lad, he is.”
“Ha!” Weevil turned to smirk at Rex. “What’d I tell you? Now pay up.”
“Grr, whatever…” Rex forked over three ¥1000 bills. “Seeing as how we’re married and share most of our finances, this is kind of pointless.”
“Wait a second…” Dr. Balls probed around a bit more after he switched the ultrasound to 4D mode. “Hmm, very interesting!”
“Wh-What, is there something wrong with my baby?” Weevil stammered.
“No, no, it’s just… I’ve had many male shapeshifter patients, some of them insect shifters. But… none of them had a cocoon around their baby.”
“Are you serious?” Weevil looked at the ultrasound, and sure enough, his unborn son had not only tiny moth antennae and wings, but a thin moth cocoon keeping him warm. “It’s like… my body literally is the Cocoon of Evolution. I’m totally digging it.”
“Aww!” Amber kissed Weevil’s growing baby bump. “Hi there, baby brother. I can’t wait to meet you!”
“And I’m totally not. ” Even in his married life, Rex had not quite gotten used to insects.
“Since the two of you will complete your doctorate work at the university, you’re more than welcome to give birth here,” Dr. Balls informed his patient while rummaging through files on his tablet. “Especially if you and Rex plan to teach at this university someday. Now, let’s see… Your due date is July 20th. A day before your own birthday, if memory serves.”
“Yeah, well, you know that whole thing about most people not giving birth on their due dates? I get the vibe I won’t. And with any luck, Mai won’t either.”
“The important thing is that the both of you have healthy pregnancies, yeah?” Dr. Balls began to pack a few items for Weevil. “By chance, Rex, do you still have the fetal doppler from your pregnancy?”
“Of course. I couldn’t just part with the damn thing.”
“Splendid! And, as always, feel free to call if and when you need something. Good day now!”
“Good day.” With that, Weevil blocked the incoming sun from his eyes, and without looking, he knew a bee had just landed on his finger. “Say, Rex? Can we stop by somewhere really quick before lunch? I just got an idea.”
“Sure! Where, exactly?” Rex spoke with Amber sitting upon his shoulders.
“I want to visit my old home. You know, the one I haven’t set foot into in nearly four years.”
“Whatever for?” Rex couldn’t believe that Weevil would ever want to go to the home he was mercilessly abused in. 
“You’ll see when we get there.”
“Argh, I’m not that patient, you know!” 
“Careful.” Weevil pointed to Amber as the small family crossed the street. “You’ve got a toddler on your shoulders.”
Before Rex could think of a comeback to that, he heard a middle-aged man’s voice suddenly call out from underneath him. “Change? You got spare change, young man?”
“Huh?” Rex looked down to see a raggedy man in a group of other homeless people. “Sorry, but I don’t carry cash on me.”
“Is it…?” The homeless man got up to get a better look at Weevil. “Could you be…?”
“Hey!” Rex put Amber down and instantly got defensive of Weevil. “Leave my husband alone, you freak!”
“No, hun, it’s okay.” Weevil stopped Rex from throwing any punches. “I know this man.”
“Weeves?” Rex couldn’t understand why Weevil, of all people, would want to take time out of his busy day to talk to a group of homeless people.
“So what happened?” Weevil asked.
“It turns out that I couldn’t keep The Underwood Company afloat. Not only were we about to file for bankruptcy, but all my employees revolted. Now I’m stuck here, depending on the goodwill of others just to have something to eat.”
“And they revolted because of how horribly you treated them, didn’t they? You know that maid Adelaide you abused, just because she was being kind to me? She’s working on her business degree now and wants to take over the company - under a new name, of course. In fact, my family and I were just on our way to visit the old Underwood house. Oh, and just so you know, your ex-wife is going to be an obstetrician soon. Not even your horrific abuse of her could stop her from achieving her dreams.” Weevil held his baby bump protectively. “Or mine.”
“Adelaide and Camellia are…” The homeless man knelt and cried. “And you…?”
“I can’t believe I’ve wasted my time talking to you. I have better things to do with my time. I hope that you suffer for the remainder of your days, and that karma is an utter bitch to you.” Weevil got one last look at the homeless man. “Goodbye, Roach Underwood.”
“Daddy, who is this creepy guy?” Amber looked at the homeless man curiously, still unaware of just who he was or what he had done.
“That’s just it - a creepy guy.” Weevil gestured for Amber to grab his hand. “Come along, Amber, there’s something I want you to see.”
“Weeves… That man we met, is he…?” Rex tried to say as Weevil rang the doorbell to the Underwood mansion; surprisingly, the exterior was rather well-kept.
“Yes. He is.”
Rex didn’t need to hear anything more, and didn’t want to dwell on what he knew was a prickly subject. So instead he commented on how nice Weevil’s childhood home looked like on the inside.
“Is that…?” One of Weevil’s old butlers noticed his former master’s presence.
“You can let him in!” Adelaide called from a far-off room. “It’s Master Weevil!”
“Master Weevil, you have returned!” Several maids and butlers flocked the entrance of the home, giving Weevil lots of hugs.
“Oh, I never thought I’d see the day!” a maid cried. “You look just like Madame Camellia!”
“Guys, guys, take it easy!” Weevil showed off his baby bump after everyone had stopped. “I’m not a little kid anymore; I have my own family now.”
“‘Sup!” Rex waved. “I’m Weevil’s husband, Rex Raptor. And this is our daughter, Ambrosia Camellia Ptera Raptor.”
“How do you do?” Amber curtsied with her sun dress.
“Oh-ho!” Adelaide chuckled. “You’ve raised a fine young lady already. Not to mention you’ve given her a pretty middle name. Well, now that you’re here, what can I do for you? Some lunch, perhaps?”
“Before we get to that, I want to show Amber a little something. By chance, is my childhood greenhouse still here?”
“As a matter of fact, yes. It’s the only room in the mansion that has remained untouched by the renovations.”
“R-Really?” Weevil didn’t expect that response from Adelaide. 
“Yes, really! Feel free to check it out for as long as you like before lunch.”
“Thank you! Come on, guys, come see!” Weevil sounded far more excited than either Rex or Amber. He cried tears of joy upon arrival, and stopped to smell a hibiscus flower. “It… looks just like I remember!”
“What’s so exciting about a bunch of plants?” Rex didn’t want to admit it, but he wasn’t all too interested in looking at a bunch of plants.
“Yes, we’ve got the best plants ever, but there’s something even better. Something that’s made me into the duelist I am today.” Weevil allowed a moth caterpillar from the hibiscus flower to crawl on his finger, and showed it to Amber. “Amber, this is a baby Acherontia lachesis , or the greater death’s head hawkmoth.”
“It looks just like your Petit Moth, Daddy!” Amber let the caterpillar crawl on her finger too. “It’s sooooo cute! Ooh!” A pink butterfly landed on Amber’s nose, causing the toddler to sneeze.
“You just sneezed off Greta oto, or the glasswing butterfly.”
“It’s so pretty!” Amber laughed, wanting to play with every little insect that touched her. “Can I stay here forever? Pretty please, Daddy? I wanna learn more about your beautiful bugs!”
“Wish we could, but Auntie Adelaide is gonna have lunch ready soon. But you can play here until then.”
“Hooray!” And with that, Amber ran off with the hawkmoth caterpillar still in her hand.
“Should you really be letting our toddler play with a creepy crawler called ‘death’s head hawkmoth?’” Rex raised an eyebrow.
“Spoken like a dino brain who doesn’t know jack diddly squat about insects.”
“Well, at least it’s good to know how you became an insect duelist.” Rex hugged his husband from behind as he watched their daughter play in the greenhouse. He let his hand drop to Weevil’s baby bump.
“She looks just like me when I was little. If it wasn’t for this greenhouse, I… I don’t know where I’d be today.” Weevil placed his hand on top of Rex’s. “I wonder if I can get our son to love insects, too.”
“So…” Rex laced his fingers with Weevil’s. “Speaking of our little boy, what do you think we should name him?”
Thinking about his adventures in San Francisco with Rex seven years ago, and how they deepened their bond there, it didn’t take Weevil long to think of an answer. “I want our son to be named Francis Bakura Raptor.”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by tickticktmr
Do people spell your name wrong very often? LOL, of course. When your name is the less-common variant, expect it to be misspelled all the time. Only like 2 out of 10 times do people ask me if my name is spelled with an i or y, but it’s them I appreciate the most.
Who will your next phone call be with? I’m not expecting any phone call for a while.
Would you rather be taken or single? Ugh, taken. I love being in a relationship; I always enjoyed looking after someone else and doing things to make them happy. Being independent has its perks too, but I always feel lonely at the end of the day.
Do you plan to move any time soon? Nope, I’m taking it slow.
Would you rather have pink or green hair? I’d go with green but only if it’s a dark shade, like the color of seaweed. I wouldn’t appreciate neon green on my hair.
Do you miss anyone's smile right now? I saw it again yesterday, so I’m good.
Do you want kids? I used to, but now I’m back to the drawing board when it comes to kids.
Do you know who sings 'Let it rock'? It’s not ringing a bell, and honestly the first thing I remembered was the Goofy Goober Rock song from the Spongebob Movie HAHAHA. Sorry to disappoint.
Do you think stargazing is a romantic thing to do with someone? Sure, but I think it also works platonically. Stargazing is generally a nice and relaxing thing to do whether you’re alone, with an SO, with a friend, or with a bunch of friends.
Do you want to tell someone something right now? Yes, but I can’t.
What's your opinion on sex before marriage? It’s whatever. People can do what they want, and the only things they should watch out for are consent and being safe.
Do you own a car? I don’t own it, i.e. I didn’t pay for it, but it was given to me so I can have a car to drive myself when I need to go to places.
What is something that is always in your kitchen cupboards? Rice.
The last person you spoke to: have you ever lied to them? For sure. Growing up with strict parents taught me how to lie convincingly.
Have you ever made out with them? That person is my mother. No.
What woke you up today? I did so naturally.
Have you ever had a pet rock? No. People do that? How do rocks become pets?
Have you ever been lost? LOL like the lost-in-life kind of lost? Sure. I’m going through it at present because life threw a shit ton of curveballs at me over the course of two months.
How long is it until your sibling)s) birthday? My brother’s birthday is in 5 months; my sister’s is in 10 as she celebrated her birthday just last September.
Are you lazy? I can be if I want to. But I’m not always, of course.
Do you read the newspaper? No.
Have you ever heard of the song 'Teeth the size of piano keys'? No.
Who was your last thought about? You got me thinking about my sister because of the earlier question about her birthday.
What made you in the mood you are in right now? I’m relaxed at the moment and that’s thanks to the fact that it’s Sunday, I’ve recently gotten into a new hobby and a show I can dive into, and tomorrow’s a holiday so no work for me :) Gonna make the most out of this evening for sure.
Have you ever told someone to go to Hell? I’ve most likely done so, but only as a joke.
Do you know anyone named Jos? As in, pronounced ‘Jaws’? No. That’s one of the more unique names I’ve heard.
What's your font on MSN/AIM? I don’t use either. I never used either, either.
What's more important to you: books or music? Music.
Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nah. Even when I still collected magazines, I preferred physically going to magazine stands and buying new issues. It was more exciting that way.
Has someone ever really hurt you without even realizing? Yeah.
What do you sleep in? A bed, most often. Sometimes I’ll pass out on the couch but that doesn’t happen too much anymore.
Have you changed in the past six months? Yes, both naturally and forcibly. It’s been... quite a year for me, even if we put Covid aside.
Do you bite your nails? When I’m anxious. I haven’t had to do this for a while though, and I mostly did when I was in school awaiting a presentation I had to make.
Do you like the name Natasha? I used to like it when I was younger, but it slipped out of my favorites for no real reason at some point; it just did.
What's a food that starts with the last letter of your first name? Naan.
Does your house have a white picket fence? It used to, but we had them removed after a string of typhoons increasingly deteriorated their quality over the years.
Have you ever been given flowers? Sure.
Do you have a YouTube account? How many videos have you watched on it? I do. Is the second one a real question lol? I’ve watched thousands, as I’m sure most people who use YouTube have done as well. This is like asking how many tweets in total I’ve read on Twitter since I first signed up.
Do you know anyone who is really, really conceited? My mom can be one. She likes to act as if she can do no wrong.
Who’s the last person you told off? My manager at work. I did something she asked me to do and followed the instructions down to a T...and then she said I shouldn’t have done it? That kind of thing happens at work every now and then and it’s fucking exhausting. It’s like every move I make has its own script and the script changes every five minutes. 
Are you optimistic? Sure, but not always.
How do you get to school/your job? I work from home, but under normal circumstances I would’ve been driving myself to the workplace.
Love or lust? Love.
Do you smoke cigarettes? Yeah, but I keep my use of it at an extreme minimum. I’ve only done it socially and I’ve only asked for cigarettes from my friends who have their own packs (and were willing to give me a couple of sticks, of course).
Have you ever been so mad at someone you hurt them? Like, physically? Yes, but it’s only because I was hit first.
Have you ever met someone you met online in person? This is on surveys a lot...yes. I’ve met several online friends who were once in the wrestling circle with me; and one time I bought a product from someone online so we had to meet up for that, too.
Have you ever not studied for a test and gotten 100%? Probably not a 100%, but close. I never studied for my Language exams in middle school because it was just literal English grammar, which I was already good at by that point.
Where is your boyfriend/girlfriend right now? I don’t have any.
Have you ever won a contest for public speaking? No, but I’ve joined one. I got a little frazzled by the middle of my speech (it was impromptu and I didn’t know my question until I got on stage) so in the end that cost me first place.
Are there any woods near where you live? Nah, it’s a private village so it’s super suburban and no hidden woods or forests anywhere.
What did you do today? So far I’ve watched 3/4 of an episode of Start Up, cried, washed my face, washed the glass that I drank soju from last night, and sat up in bed and continued this survey.
Have you ever considered suicide? Yes.
Do you have a lot of myspace friends? No. I never really used my account.
What was your favorite subject in grade six? Science was fun then. Partly because I could tell the teacher liked me, and partly because her method of teaching was big on memorization of terms and processes which was always more my speed.
Hot chocolate or coffee? I could go for coffee right now. Hot chocolate is best when I’m on vacation and having breakfast at a fancy hotel.
Do you like your neighbours? I don’t dislike them, that’s for sure.
Did you do something stupid today? Not yet. 
Name a five letter word that starts with the same letter as your first name. Ripen.
What time did you go to sleep last night? Around midnight. That soju/Yakult combo knocked me out.
Did you have fun yesterday? It was an okay day, sure. I got productive and even drank for a bit last night just because.
How many people are online on your MSN/AIM right now?
Would you like to/did you drop out of school? No, that was never a part of my plans.
What was your favorite book as a child? If we’re talking kids’ books, I never got tired of rereading Corduroy and The Giving Tree. I also had a book of poems and nursery rhymes and I remember taking a liking for The Owl and the Pussycat because it was the longest poem in the book and it helped me train my English.
How far away does your best friend live from you? Both live around 20-30 minutes away, just in different directions.
Do you think you could write a book? A memoir, yes. Anything fictional, no.
Is it hard to tell someone you like them? Yes.
How many bedrooms does your house have? 4.
Do you know anyone who can't speak French? Nearly everyone I know.
When's the last time you brushed your teeth? Last night.
Are you the same religion as your parents? Legally. But I disowned Catholicism/Christianity a long time ago.
Would you do anything for a certain person? Yes, I would.
Do you know anyone in your science class? The last science class I took was a course on chemistry, and I only knew one person in that class.
Describe your room: Cozy, starting to get a little cluttered, big enough for one person.
Do you still write letters to Santa, even when you know he's not real? No, and I never wrote letters addressed to a Santa.
Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Nope.
Have you ever been lied to by a girlfriend/boyfriend? I’m sure she did.
Where is your dad right now? I can’t tell whose turn it is to make breakfast today, so he’s either in the kitchen cooking or in their bedroom watching TV.
Are any of your relatives pregnant? As far as I know, no. But I also haven’t been on Facebook in a while, so I’m poorly updated on what my relatives have been up to.
How many garabe buckets are in your house? I have no idea what this is talking about.
Would you want the truth if you asked if your pants made you look horrible? If I asked that then yeah, I obviously would want to hear the truth.
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hockeyluver-1995 · 5 years
Chance Meetings- Morgan Rielly Story Chapter 6
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Chapter Six
Word count: 4.1 k
October 6th, 2018
Morgan’s POV
The next morning I woke up with Hailey in my arms and I couldn’t help but smile as I looked down at her as she buried her head further into my neck. Her hand slowly reaching up, so that it was placed on my chest. Her pink lips parted slightly so I could see her perfectly white teeth as she smiled in her dreams.
Last night was entertaining, to say the least, but seeing Hailey with the Green Family gave me more of an insight into the type of person she is.
It may have been a little uncomfortable when Tom asked me the sex question last night but he apologized multiple times throughout the night. Even though it was inappropriate and something Hailey and I should have discussed together I could understand where he was coming from wanting to protect Hailey, it just could have been done in a better way.
Having the chance to sit down and talk to Tom over a couple of beers gave me more of an insight into who Hailey is and how much everyone in the family truly loves her.
I was falling for Hailey fast and I couldn’t help but picture what our family would look like as I saw her interact with the children.
At 24 years old that thought should scare me but I couldn’t help but think that if this relationship progressed as it has been I could see myself wanting to start the rest of my life with her as soon as possible. The day I ran into Hailey at the Hospital I phoned my mother and told her that I met a girl that was truly beautiful inside and out. Mom said that she could tell by the way my voice changed when I talked about her that I was in deep.
We had a game tonight vs. Ottawa and I had to force myself to get out of bed so I could head to the arena for my day of game routines. I kissed Hailey on the forehead softly, waking her up from her slumber. “Good morning beautiful, I have to go to the arena for the day of game routines,” I whispered as I leaned down slowly to kiss her on the lips. She nodded her head and with her adorable morning voice said “morning, I will see you after the game.”
I gave her one more kiss before I made my way to my vehicle to head towards the arena. I couldn’t help but laugh as I thought about all of the commentaries I would receive from the boys based on the fact that I am wearing the same clothes that I left practice in yesterday.
Hailey’s POV-
As I was getting ready for the game Jess comes knocking at the door.
“Come in”
“Hails, we really like Morgan.” She said as she sat down on the couch in my room. “Ella told me he is just like a prince.”
“I really really like him, Jess,” I said sitting down on the couch too. “Like I think I already like him more than I did Lucas and it’s only been a month.”
“Well, he handled Tom like a pro so he is really invested in this relationship as well.”
“Omg I felt so bad for him but he was so amazing all night,” I said as I nodded my head agreeing with Tom.
“I am sorry again for what Tom asked at the dinner table. Even though his heart was in the right place that was a topic you and Morgan should have discussed in private.” Said Jess as she shook her head picturing the look of embarrassment on Morgan’s face.
“Morgan and I discussed it last night and I truly believe he is not like Lucas and that he won’t cheat on me.”
“I’m glad you discussed it but I still would like Tom to apologize to Morgan again. I was so mad at him last night.” She said as she rolled her eyes at her husband antics last night.
“I’m sure Tom will have plenty of opportunities to apologize to Morgan again. Morgan asked me if it would be possible to come over once a week to hang out with the family. He mentioned something about a Games night on a day he doesn’t have a game.”  
“That’s a very good Idea. I can tell that he genuinely cares for you and the children and wants to become a part of your life and incorporate himself into our family dynamic.”
“So how was it with Morgan staying over?” Asked jess as she winked at me.
“Hahaha, we just slept... like we fell asleep watching Netflix.”
“But it was so nice waking up in his arms this morning.”
Jess nodded her head at my answer And asked “What are you going to wear to the game tonight? Are you planning on wearing something casual, fancy or a little bit of both?”
“I was thinking of wearing my grey Nike shoes, black leather leggings, my grey hoodie sweatshirt, and my jean jacket,” I said As I walked towards my closet getting the clothes out and placing them on the couch beside Jess.
“Ooh that will look good, What were you thinking of doing with your hair?” Jess asked.
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“I was thinking of curling my hair loosely for a beach wave look. Also this morning Morgan left his Pirates baseball cap here, So I think I am going to wear that to the game.” I told Jess.
“Tom will definitely comment on the Pirates hat haha.” Laughed Jess “I can picture him shaking his head muttering ‘you are in jays territory’” said Jess as she imitated her husband's voice causing me to giggle as I shook my head.    
I made my way to the arena waiting outside the ticket booth for Lucy so we could head into the arena together. As I was texting Morgan my usual ‘good luck’ message Steph and Lucy made their way towards me.
“Girl, love the outfit,” Steph said as she gave me a big hug.
“That’s Morgans Pirates hat, isn’t it?” Lucy questioned as she pulled me in for a big hug.
“Yes, he left it at my place this morning,” I said as we pulled apart from the hug.
“This morning?” quipped lucy as she winked.
“Mitch told me something about Morgan being incredibly nervous to meet the family you work for. Even asked Mitch for advice on what flowers he should get you.” Steph stated, “I don’t know why he asked Mitch because he barely even buys me flowers.” She added as she shook her head laughing.
“Jake wouldn’t have been any help either though... I swear that since we have gotten married and had Henry he thinks he needs to stop being romantic and impress me.” Lucy said as she rolled her eyes making fun of her husband.
“Boys,” Steph stated as she looks towards a group of Leafs fans that had huge cardboard cutouts of Mitch’s face.
“The night went really good but Tom, the dad I work for made both Morgan and I uncomfortable during dinner when he asked how many girls he has slept with,” I whispered so that the fans around us couldn’t hear.
“Omg.” Gasped both Steph and Lucy “how did Morgan handle it?”
“His answer was perfect, he showed how genuine he is and what type of guy he is when he is in a relationship.”
I continued to go into detail about how the night went down as we walked into the arena and made our way to our seats.
Once we got to our section Steph grabbed both Lucy and my arm to stop us from walking “we need to take a picture of the three best friends!”  
She handed pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of us altogether and posted it to her Instagram story.
She looped her arm back with mine and we made our way down to the seats. I noticed that they were the exact same seats as last time. Lucy must have seen me realize the seats and whispered “Morgan gets seats in the family section during the season. He just never used them before you, Well except for when his parents came.”
‘Wow,’ i thought ‘I must be special if he is already giving me his family seats. When he could have got me tickets anywhere in the arena.’
The first period flew by as Lucy, Steph and I got to know each other better as we sipped wine, took pictures, and watched our boys.
As the boys skated a lap around the ice after the first intermission Morgan locked eyes with me and sent a wink my way causing my cheeks to flush.
I could hear Steph whisper to Lucy “they are both in deep already”
Not even A couple of minutes into the second period Morgan took a wrist shot and score his first goal of the season, Mitch getting an assist. I jumped up with the girls to celebrate as both Steph and Lucy threw their arms around me for a big hug. As we pulled away from the hug I locked eyes with Morgan who pointed in my direction he skated back to the bench.
I couldn’t help but smile as that was Morgan’s way of telling me ‘that goal was for you.’
The rest of the game flew by with the Leafs winning 5-3, Morgan picking up an assist on Mitches Goal during the second period.
After they announced the three stars, Mitch, getting the second star of the game, We made our way to the family room to wait for our guys.
Once we got into the room Christina came walking over to us pulling us in one by one for hugs.
“Morgan’s goal celebration was adorable.” She whispered as we pulled apart from the hug.
“Hailey, I know it’s last minute but tomorrow I’m hosting a watch party at my house for all of the wives and girlfriends to celebrate the first road trip of the season. I would love for you to come!” Christina said as she looked across the room to make sure her children were behaving.
“I would love to. What should I bring?”
“Morgan has been bragging to anyone who will listen about your baking skills. Would you be able to bake something for the party?” She asked as she looked toward me after seeing her boys were behaving.
“I would love to,” I replied.
“Thank god,” stated Steph “I’ve been wanting to taste your baking since Morgan told Mitch about it.”
“The cookies she made at Morgan’s place last weekend were amazing,” Lucy said as she winked at me remembering when Jake and her interrupted our date just so Jake could annoy Morgan and steal the cookies I made.
I couldn’t help but laugh, I guess my mom was right about the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
We continued talking about the party until the boys started filing into the room. Looking towards the doorway I watched as Morgan walked into the room with his hair still wet from his post-game shower. His tie loosely around his neck as he mouthed “There’s my girl,” towards me from across the room as we locked eyes.
He made his way towards me and once he got close to me he pulled me into his arms and connected our lips for a soft but romantic kiss.
“Nice goal superstar,” I whispered as we pulled apart.
“Looks like I need to sleep with you before every game,” Morgan said winking as he did. Totally aware that Jake had heard what he said. Whispering “Also my hat looks amazing on you.” As he sent me a wink.
“You totally did do the walk of shame this morning Modaddy. Stop denying it.” Said Jake laughing and teasing Morgan.
Lucy shook her head at her husband and whispered towards me “he just fell asleep Didn’t he?”
I nodded my head in reply to her question causing her to scold him “ Jake stop picking on the happy couple... they are still in the honeymoon stage. I’m sure they just fell asleep watching Netflix as we do.”
“So they Netflix’d and chilled,” Jake said wiggling his eyebrows trying to be seductive.
Mitch and Auston quickly coming over to join in on the fun of picking on both you and Morgan.
Morgan pulled me in close and whispered: “this will shut them up.” As he dipped me and gave me a long passionate kiss as the boys whistling around us. Causing us to pull apart laughing.
I stand beside Morgan as he talks to A couple of the boys about their upcoming road trip.
“Boys, the bus is here to take us to the plane.” States Babcock as he walks into the room.
Morgan signs as he pulls me in for one more hug and kisses. As we pull apart I slip and envelope into the pocket of his suit jacket whispering “open this when you get to your hotel room.”
Morgan nodded his head and grabbed his backpack and made his way out the door and toward the bus.
“The first road trip is always the hardest,” Lucy says as she gives me a smile.
Lucy and I made our way out of the arena as we discussed the plan for tomorrow. “So I was thinking you, I and Henry should have a sleepover tomorrow after the watch party! It will be like we are in college again.”
“Sounds good!” I replied
“The party starts at 5:30 pm so if you could come to my place around 4:30 pm that way you can drop your bag off and we can go together.”
October 7th, 2018
I woke up to the sound of my cellphone ring. I quickly grabbed the phone and saw that it Lucy phoning.
“Hailey, did I wake you up?” Lucy asked as she Heard the sleepiness in my voice.
“Well Lucy, it’s 8:30 am any person without a kid would be sleeping at this time.” I joked as I sat up in bed yawning as I did so.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about what time it was. Henry has been up since 6:30 am.”
“Jeez, that’s early.”
“Anyways the reason why I woke you up probably isn’t as important as sleep.”
“Well, I’m up now.” I replied, “what did you need?”
“I was just going to ask if you wanted to come here earlier? That way we could have some girl time and bake the cookies together.”
“Sounds good, I can be there for 1:00 pm.”
“Perfect! We can have lunch and bake the cookies while Henry is having his nap.”
“See you then.”
Thankfully I was able to fall back to sleep. 
I quickly packed a bag, and Around 12:30 pm I headed over to the Gardiner residence.
“Did you bring the goods?" Asked Lucy as soon as she opened the door.
“Omg, that sounds like a drug deal,” I said as I started laughing.
“Well, your cookies are addicting.... so in a way you are a drug dealer.” She said as she started laughing.
“Haha, yes I did bring some of the ingredients to make the cookies.”
“Perfect, let me take your overnight bag and put it in the guest room,” Lucy said as she grabbed my bag out of my arms. “Oh, feel free to head into the kitchen to get all the ingredients set up.” She added.
I made my way into the kitchen and saw that Lucy had a bottle of wine already on the counter ready as well as a cheese and meat board.
Lucy came back into the kitchen and poured us a glass of wine each.
We listened to music and drank wine as I started making the cookies.
“Do you mind if I ask you a couple questions about being a Leafs players girlfriend?” I asked as I watched her make us lunch as the cookies were in the oven baking.
“Of course Hails, I want you to know you can always come to me if you need anything.” Said Lucy as she was getting the ingredients out of the fridge to make a cobb salad.
“What’s it like being the wife or girlfriend of the maple leafs? When I was dating Lucas he didn’t really like me hanging out with the other girls or going to game. Which should have been a big sign that I wasn’t the only one in his life.”
“When dating a leaf player be prepared for everything to be under a microscope. From the media on the way and from the fangirls on the way you look. But the hockey wives and girlfriends are a big family. And not just within this team but within the league. No one understands the lifestyle more than them. They understand the late nights, early mornings, they understand the long road trips and the media pressure the players go through. They understand what it’s like supporting and believing in their guy and team especially when people start to doubt and criticize their abilities. They understand the criticism the WAGS get from fangirls and the messages they receive on social media. She is either too fat or too thin, players only go for models what is he doing with her? she isn’t blond or pretty so she must not be a wife or girlfriend. She is only with him because he has money. We get messages that your significant other is cheating on you ‘don’t you know that he has a girl in every city? He isn’t faithful to you.’ They will do anything possible to make you doubt your relationship.“
“Hailey, just know that I will always be here to support you as well as the other lady leafs.”
“Any advice you can give me about being a good hockey girlfriend to Morgan?”
“When you date a hockey player There dreams become your dreams. They have been dreaming about winning the Stanley Cup since they were little boys. They will push themselves and do whatever it takes in order to achieve it. It’s our job to love and support them on this crazy hockey journey. The Stanley Cup is the hardest trophy to win so the wife’s and the players become a family and teammates as we all work together to achieve our goals.”
“They are on a winning streak right now but what happens when they have a bad game or they start losing games?” I asked as I looked towards the girls.
“Each player handles a bad game or loosing different, but Jake comes home and likes to watch the game tape to see what he can do better next time. We have a glass of wine and I sit in his arms as he discusses the game. We just need to be there with open arms ready to love them and support.”
We arrived at Christina’s House just before 5:30. Christina’s answered the door and pulled us in for a big hug welcoming me to her house as It was my first time.
“I’m so glad you were able to come over on such short notice Hailey,” Christina stated as she looped her arm with mine and guided me into the television room. “I can tell we are already going to be best friends.” She whispered.
Once we got into the room I saw that a bunch of ladies were already here. Instantly the nerves started to set in, ‘i really hope they like me’.
“Ladies this is Hailey, she is Morgan’s girl.” Christina’s announced as we walked into the room.
Instantly the lady’s stood up from their seats and gave me big hugs welcoming me into their family.
I had a chance to talk to all of the ladies before everyone found a seat to watch the game.
I sat between Lucy and Steph as they waved me over and patted the seat in between them.
Throughout the game we eat snacks and drank wine, talking about everything the WAGS do throughout the season.
Tavares scored 2 goals and Morgan got both assists. Aryn looked at me from a couple of seats over and we both stood up and high fived each other.
The game was tied going 6-6 going into over time. I was sitting beside both Steph and Lucy so we grabbed each other’s hands squeezing them for support.
As the boys skated around my eyes were glued to Morgan as he skated around the ice. The puck came to Morgan and he took a wrist shot scoring. As Morgan celebrated his goal on the ice with his teammates I celebrated with my teammates. We jumped up screaming as we all gave each other big hugs and high fives.
“Dam Hails, ever since Morgan asked you to be his girlfriend he has been on fire!” Joked Lucy “I mean come on, 2 goals and  4 assists in 3 games.”
“I have a feeling Morgan is going to have a record year now that he has his good luck charm,” Lucy stated as she put her hand on my shoulder sending me a wink.
We watched as the boys celebrated their overtime win. The rest of the lady leafs thanked Christina for hosting the party and headed home.
Lucy, Steph and I started cleaning up the television room so that Christina didn’t have to do it.
“Oh my god, thank you for tidying up. You really didn’t need to do that.” Christina said as she walked back into the room after saying goodbye to everyone.
While Steph was tidying up the coffee table she knocked the remote and it changed the channel. We looked at the TV and saw that the movie Mean Girls was on.
“Mean Girls.” Exclaimed Steph as she sat down on the couch.
“Oh, that’s one of my favourites.” Agreed Christina as she joined Steph on the couch. Lucy and I joined the girls on the couch and we all watch Mean Girls.
“OMG, what if we did a girls costume for the Halloween party instead of with our guys?” Asked Steph after she took a sip of wine. “Like what if we didn’t tell them what it was and we just showed up the party together.”
“What costume should we do then? It has to be a costume that has four people.” Stated Christina as she took a cookie off of the coffee table and took a bite.
“Mean Girls.” Stated Steph just as the Halloween scene of the movie Mean Girls played on the Television in front of us.
“Yes!” Exclaimed Lucy.
“I love that Idea!” I exclaimed, “I just hope Morgan isn’t mad that we aren’t doing a couples costume seeing as it’s our first Halloween together.”
“He will get over it.” Joked Steph “I’m sure there will be plenty more Halloween parties in your guys future.” She added as she sent a wink in your direction.
“So Hailey can be Cady, Lucy can be Regina George, Christina can be Gretchen, and I’ll be Karen!” Steph stated as she grabbed a pen and paper from the coffee table and started writing things down.
“Oooh Yes, we can dress up in their Halloween costumes from the movie.” Stated Christina as she pulled out her phone to look up possible outfits on Pinterest.
“We should totally have some fun with this and dress up sexy to drive the boys crazy.” Stated Lucy as she looked around the room at all of us girls.
“We can go shopping later this week for our costumes,” Christina said as she took another bite of the cookies. “God Hailey, Morgan wasn’t lying about your baking abilities. That has got it to be one of the best cookies I have ever had.”
It was like Morgan had heard his name because my phone started to buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that it was Morgan, quickly picking up the call and walking into the front hallway.
“Good game superstar.”
“Thanks, babe. How was hanging with the girl?” Asked Morgan
“It was really good Mo, they are all so nice and welcoming.”
“I’m glad babe, god I wish I could have you in my arms right now,” Morgan said whispering the last part as he didn’t want the other guys to hear him as they were walking into their plane.
“This week will fly by and before you know it I will be in your arms again.”
“What are you doing the day after we get home?” Asked Morgan as he sat down in his seat on the plane.
“Well, I planned on seeing you.” I joked into the phone.
“I’m glad haha, a couple of the guys wanted to go out for dinner with you, Lucy and Steph. Is that okay with you?”
“Sounds like a plan Mo, I can hear you’re on the plane. Have a safe flight and text me when you are in Dallas.”
“Okay, Goodnight Babe.”
“Goodnight Mo.”
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mihanada · 6 years
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
(back to masterpost)
There is a lot going on in this chapter that is both immensely satisfying and extremely creepy.
And this arc is so tiny! Only two parts, I believe.
Chapter 61: Evil (Part 1)
Alright, this is not quite as gross as the Xuanwu chapter for me, but just in case anyone forgot, this novel is not for the faint of heart. The levity distracts from the heaviness of the rest of the content for you to also forget about the gross bits until they come up again and hit you in the face. This novel strikes a nice balance between all of these elements, which is nice.
“It’s been three months since I threw him into Burial Mound. Why are you still having dreams of him? Just how many times has it been?!”
Up until the icky stuff happens, that ^ is what I was whispering fiercely the entire time.
“How could it be possible? Before this, how many cultivators have our sect sent to clean Burial Mound up? Did any one of them come back alive? Now that he’s been thrown inside, his corpse has probably rotted away already.”
Whose bright idea was it to create a great big mound of CORPSES. It got so bad that everyone you sent to clean it up dropped dead. Seriously, you would think cultivators would not let something like this get that bad. Obviously they had wanted to do something about it a while back, so why didn’t someone clean it up before it became a literal hellhole...
“The people who died in Burial Mound, all of their souls would be shackled there.”
Apparently this is a thing, too.
“What Sunshot Campaign? Some Sunshot it is. Want to shoot down the sun? Dream on!”
“Wang LingJiao felt wronged, but she felt hatred as well. She put down the teacup. Fixing her hair and her robes, she walked outside with a smile.
Just as she went out the door, the smile on her face faltered.”
I’ll take this opportunity to say that I appreciate the small attempt to humanize Wang Lingjiao here. I appreciate the disintegration of hers and Wen Chao’s relationship even more, but. xD
She was one of those typical bitchy villains, but hey, at least she wasn’t totally dumb and naive enough to believe without a doubt that Wen Chao would continue adoring her. She hoped, but when it was clear that he had enough of her, she also decided it was best to derp off.
ooh the pieces are finally falling into place! Wen Xu being beheaded was mentioned during Nie Mingjue’s flashbacks.
“When they emerged under the banner of the ‘Sunshot Campaign’, nobody took them seriously.”
I wish we could’ve seen this thing form instead of after the three month time skip, but oh well.
“However, three months later, the circumstances didn’t turn out the way they expected them to at all!”
and they managed to turn the tables without demonic cultivation meddling! though that probably helped immensely, later in this chapter.
“There was none of her beloved treasures, only a pale-skinned, curled-up child!”
I’m actually wondering what the hell this was. Was she hallucinating? But it ends up in the room later...
What matter of demonic cultivation is this?? xD
it’s delightfully creepy though a bit cliche. want horror? go straight for the creepy babies.
“A white-colored child lay prone under her bed, staring into her eyes.”
what is happening, seriously
“Wen Chao shouted. He unsheathed his new sword and sliced at her, “Go away! Get lost!”
“new sword”
I appreciate that the author remembered he lost his back in the cave. xD
“Wang LingJiao’s shoulder had been gashed by the sword. Her features were even more twisted as she shrieked, “Ahhhhhh… It hurts, ahhhh… It hurts, ahhhh!!!”
the, uh, creepy and disturbing part is that she’s not actually dead, yet acting almost like a corpse being controlled (we know this isn’t going to happen yet though, since mr. Ghost General was the first).
“On the ground, Wang LingJiao had already picked up one leg of the stool, frantically stuffing it into her mouth, laughing as she did, “Fine, fine, I’ll eat it, I’ll eat it! Haha, I’ll eat it!”
I’m wondering what and how she is compelled to do this by...? It’s definitely something to do with demonic cultivation, and it’s a no-brainer who is responsible.
However, getting her to literally eat a chair leg is pretty impressive. 
“Wen Chao was almost dead from the shock.”
hahaha I was also all ??? at this point. what is going on, how-
“Each carrying their cultivators, they flew on their swords in silence.”
notice that? notice it?
a certain someone who lost their golden core can suddenly fly again...
we should all wander a nameless mountain blindfolded for 7+ days
“Two months ago, the Two Jades of Lan cooperated in a surprise attack with Jiang Cheng.”
That’s pretty impressive with just three of them.
“Jiang Cheng looked at him, as if surprised that he had suddenly asked about Wei Ying. He answered, “No.”
hahaha we all know why he asked about Wei Ying...
To Jiang Cheng though, it probably is a little random.
awww Jiang Cheng is toting his sword around though...
imagine if things didn’t work out and he never got to give it back hahahaha. well, Jiang Cheng, things have pretty much been shit for you, but at least that worked out.
Like, I guess these are objectively gross. xD not enough to squick me, but yeah, pretty nasty.
However, having recently read a novel that truly had a gratuitous amount of violent, bloody, and disgusting deaths, GDC has a good balance. It’s not exactly for the shock factor, nor gratuitous. Gross, yes, but not to a pointless degree.
I’m wondering how they all died in a different manner though. We’ve never gotten to see demonic cultivation used in this way yet.
I like the bit of mystery behind it.
“She had killed herself by forcing herself to swallow the stool leg into her stomach.”
So yeah, it has to do with controlling people. They’re not dead yet when they controlled though.
“Jiang Cheng turned the corpse’s twisted face over. After he had scrutinized it for a while, he gave out a cold laugh. Holding the stool leg, he shoved it into her mouth, somehow managing to stuff the half that had been outside into her body as well.”
We’ve reached the point that Lan Wangji didn’t comment on this. Yeah, he was inspecting the talismans, but you can’t say he didn’t notice Jiang Cheng shoving a stool leg down a corpse’s throat.
this, was kind of a yuck moment.
But can you blame Jiang Cheng after the shit these people put him through. and she’s dead anyways.
“These brushstrokes were the ones that entirely changed the pattern of the talisman. Now, looking at it, the talisman stuck to the door seemed to be the face of a person, smiling eerily.”
someone has been busy~
“Jiang Cheng was shocked, “Talismans… could attract evil? I haven’t heard of anything like it.”
yes you have, once, in speculation, two years ago!
“Jiang Cheng, “Then who could this person possibly be? Amongst all of the renowned cultivators, I haven’t heard of any who can do such a thing.
Immediately after, he continued, “But no matter who they are, it’s fine as long as their objective is the same as ours—to kill all of the Wen-dogs!”
oh, jiang cheng.
“Jiang Cheng snorted, “Dark? In this world, could there be anything darker than the Wen-dogs?!”
Oh, you say that now, Jiang Cheng...
It is quiet funny and such a part of human nature for this to occur though. “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and once the Wen sect is no longer around as a common enemy...
“This person had to be Wen Chao. But how did Wen Chao’s voice become like this? So thin and so sharp, it didn’t seem to be Wen Chao at all?”
I mean, this is terrible and all, what happened to him but you can’t help but feel a bit of satisfaction as well. that’s what you get for terrorizing everyone and murdering basically an entire clan!
I’m amazed Jiang Cheng managed to find people to recruit at all in those three months, actually.
“Wen ZhuLiu appeared to be indifferent, “Perhaps.”
those are some words of encouragement, Wen Zhuliu.
never go to Wen Zhuliu for comfort, ever.
“Wen ZhuLiu, “You need ointment. Or else you’ll be dead for certain.”
Practical, though. And oddly loyal. What is with this guy? Though, at this point, even if he abandoned Wen Chao, his life would still be on the line. All he would have is some more time to run.
“Wen ZhuLiu peeled off the bandages layer by layer, revealing the skin of the bald man. On the face, scars and burn marks scattered without order, making him look as if he’d been cooked. Ugly, hideous, they couldn’t see at all the shadow of whom he used to be!”
What in the world happened???
We better find out what demonic art thing is responsible eventually. xD
“Don’t cry. Or else the tears would make the wounds fester and worsen the pain.”
Well that sucks. They are burn wounds, though.
“Suddenly, Wen Chao shrieked, “The flute! The flute! Is it the flute?! I heard him play the flute again!”
Wen ZhuLiu, “No! It was the wind.”
I guess his flute can do more than control corpses.
“Seeing this, Jiang Cheng remembered what a plight he and Wei WuXian were in the day when they fled. The didn’t even have any food. Such a situation was karma indeed!
Heart filled with joy, the corners of his curled lifted and he broke into mad but soundless laughter.”
can you see the current Jiang Cheng in him now.
after what happened to his sect, it was just a downward spiral from there....even though he’s got his cultivation back, the experience and trauma altered his personality forever.
Everyone is unhinged in this chapter omg. Lan Wangji and Wen Zhuliu are the only sane ones.
“He threw the bun away and screamed, “I’m not eating meat! I’m not! I’m not! I’m not eating meat!”
Geez, what happened to you??
“No no no, Wen ZhuLiu, Brother Wen! Don’t go, don’t leave me behind. If you can take me back to my dad, I’ll let him promote you to the highest level guest cultivator! No no no, you saved me, so you’re my brother—I’ll let him recognize you into the main clan! From now on you’ll be my elder brother!”
what an asshole. this is the only guy who is willing to stay by your side and strong enough to do so, he could have just ditched you and taken his chances running but instead he is lugging your sorry ass around for some reason.
Come to think of it, Wen Zhuliu has a pretty abhorrent ability that is NOT classified as demonic cultivation. But perhaps that’s the reason he ended up with the Wen Sect. Who else would want to be associated with such a horrible ability? Only those with the power to suppress all opposition and no care for morals.
“Wen ZhuLiu stared in the direction of the stairs, “There’s no need.”
Once again, never go to this guy for pep talks.
“The pair of palms, on the other hand, was bare, without a single finger on it!”
It’s amazing he’s still kicking (...well...) actually.
“The person slowly walked upstairs. He was covered in black. With a slender physique, he had a flute at his waist, hands behind his back.
However, when the person strolled up the stairs and turned around, smile on his face, Lan WangJi’s eyes opened wide, having seen those bright features before.”
(quotes from ExR’s translations)
← back・onward →
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rejectedbyeharmony · 5 years
The Last Time I Dated A Friend’s Brother
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Growing up, I had this best friend named Haley, and I spent a lot of time at her house. Haley, Sarah, and I were like the three amigos. We did everything together. I smoked weed for the first time in a tent in her backyard. She had an older sister who was away at college, and a little brother who always seemed to be around. It was like this kid had no friends, he was always bothering us. He was super annoying, and I vividly remember actually punching him one time because he wouldn’t leave us alone. I heard a few years after high school he had been dating a mutual friend, Amelia, and that they had a baby together. I was happy for them, and that was probably the only time I ever thought about him as an adult.
After my breakup with John, I decided to get on Tinder. I was having a hard time getting over him, and the idea of getting into a new relationship was not even on my radar. Instead, I was pursuing a casual dating situation. This was my first foray with this dating app and I met a few fun guys, and had some good dates, but nothing serious. I was traveling for work one week, and it occurred to me that Tinder matched based on location. So, while I was in North Carolina, I deleted the app to avoid matching with someone great that would be too far away. On the way back, sitting in the back of my coworker’s car while everyone was sleeping, I was bored so I downloaded the app, to check my messages, and started to swipe again as we got closer to home.
I saw a very familiar face, so I swiped right to dig a little deeper. Immediately, I got a match notification. I cracked up when I realized he was Haley‘s little brother, Matt. When we were kids he seemed so much younger than us, but in truth it was only four years age difference. But he had grown up a lot and got pretty cute over the years. He messaged me first, “If you promise not to hit me again, I would love to see you!” I responded with about four lines of HAHAHA, followed by “holy shit, how are you?” We chatted for a couple days and found that we had a lot more in common than we ever knew before. We were quickly bonded, and our conversations turned a little flirty. Eventually, we decided to hang out, and he came to my apartment with his son.
Now, I know that seems weird, and even now writing it if feels weird because… can you imagine meeting somebody’s kid on the first date? But I’ve known this guy like my whole life I just felt like he was a longtime friend introducing me to his kid! We hung out and played cars on my living room floor, while Matt and I caught up. His son was funny, adorable, and bad! Like, Dennis the Menace bad. Matt told me a little bit about his relationship with his ex, Amelia. It sounded a little difficult, but I had no idea how toxic it really was. In the beginning, I didn’t even weigh this into my decision to date Matt.
My bigger concern was Haley. We hadn’t spoken for years. The summer after Senior Year, I got the opportunity to travel abroad with some fellow students. This was a very eye-opening experience, and I was exposed to a lot of things in Europe that I hadn’t encountered in the US. When I got home, I told Haley that I kissed a girl. I hadn’t really worked through my feelings about it, but it wasn’t any kind of declaration of sexual identity… it was just confiding in a friend that I had a new experience. Haley told our friend Sarah that I was a lesbian. Sarah worked with my sister, and told her… and then my sister told my mom. So, here I thought I was just sharing a secret with a friend, and I ended up having to explain to my mom that I wasn’t lesbian. The truth is, I don’t know what I am, even now at almost 36 years old I don’t know. I have never had nor pursued a romantic relationship with a woman, but I’ve definitely been attracted to them. I don’t know if that needs defining either, because I don’t believe that sexuality is binary. Anyway... what I didn’t know, was that she didn’t think that was a big deal. She hadn’t spoken to me because I didn’t invite her to my very small wedding. I barely invited any friends, it was mostly family there. We had approximately 50 guests, there was one friend from high school (who knew my husband well) and a handful of friends from work (who were also friends with Joe). I hadn’t spent any amount of time with Haley since she told my secret.
But, Matt assured me that Haley still loved me and his family would accept me with open arms, and he was totally right. Being with his family again was like being in high school. But I dont want to mislead you, Haley and I didn’t pick up where we left off. She had new best friends, and so did I. But it was still cool, and we were cool. Once I had his family’s blessing, it didn’t take long for us to start dating, and for me to start coparenting his child. His ex-girlfriend, Amelia was a former friend of mine, but now treated me like I was a stranger. I don’t know with what went on in her life in the 10 years since we last hung out, but she was not the most mentally stable person. It affected the kid and deeply affected Matt.
He was very much a pacifist and never stood up for himself in their relationship. His vain attempts at trying to coparent were constantly thwarted by her miserable attitude and unreasonable, aggressive communication style. She had a horrible time keeping a job, and it seemed like our custody schedule would change as frequently as week to week. I encouraged Matt to get an official custody agreement with the courts, but he was honestly afraid of her taking the kid away from him completely, so he would lay down to her demands all the time. It was infinitely frustrating to stand by and watch her make him feel like less of a man. And honestly, sometimes it made me see him as less of a man, too.
I tried to create some stability at home by moving us in together. I bought a house out of necessity, because a 2-or-3 bedroom apartment would cost much more than buying a home in Northern Virginia. Our first couple months in the house were met with tons of problems. We moved in at the end of December. By the time we got everything unpacked and settled, we discovered bed bugs. It was hard to discern whether they had been transferred from the moving van, or the house Matt lived in before, or if they had always been in the house I purchased. Ultimately the source didn’t matter as much as the remediation, so we asked Amelia to help us out and take her son when it wasn’t “her week”. She completely blew the situation out of proportion and called CPS on us for endangering their son, when we were really trying to protect him. We had pets we had to move to his sister’s house, and we slept in her basement while our house was being treated. If you’ve never had bedbugs, let me explain what a complete mindfuck they are. I was not getting bitten, Matt was. Every morning he would wake up with welts all over his body that he couldn’t explain. But we worked different schedules, so we weren’t waking up together to see if we both had welts. He didn’t tell me about them until the third morning, asking if I also was experiencing this. That’s when we discovered the little splatters of blood on our mattress and walls from the bugs after they bit Matt. Even after the bedbug dog sniffed our entire home and the bug company assured us we were safe, we felt like victims in our own home. Every tiny tickle on our skin would send us reeling. It was psychological warfare.
Once we safely moved his son back into the house, I decorated his room first. We painted the walls, we made him a little toy/art workstation, and hung a huge light-up Bumble Bee, his favorite transformer, on the wall above his bed. Matt invited Amelia to come see our house when we were all settled. It wasn’t breaktakingly beautiful, like some of the homes I’ve designed in my career. It’s kind of like the housekeeper who doesn’t clean her own house, our house was cozy and humble. But we were proud of what we built together. This was the one and only time we had a amicable meeting with Amelia, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth. She brought her son to us for our custody week, and walked him inside. We showed her around the main floor, and the kid noticed some candy on the kitchen counter. He asked me for some, and I said no, and he threw himself into a rage fit. He was jumping up and down, stomping his feet, screaming about wanting that candy. I stood back and waited for either Matt or Amelia to react. And they both just stood there staring at him in horror, like most people stare at other people’s kids when they are having a tantrum in public. I got down on one knee, at his eye level, and said “it’s not time for candy bud. It’s time for bed. We can have candy tomorrow. Ok? Now why don’t you go show your mom your new bedroom?”
His tears dried, and his face lit up. He turned, grabbed his mom’s hand and ran toward the stairs. I heard Amelia say, on her way up the stairs “you are so lucky you have three parents.” And I looked at Matt and said “he has one parent. It’s me.”
Now any parents reading this might be pissed at that statement, but trust me when I say, I believed it was true. I was the only one parenting him.  When he was with his mom, there were no rules and no boundaries. And Matt had the typical single dad attitude of never wanting to be the bad guy, so he also had very few rules. But when he was with me, there were rules. We sat at the dinner table to eat. We used our forks and spoons. We didn’t act like a fucking lunatic in public, and we said please and thank you. It was like trying to train a puppy, because he was constantly unlearning these behaviors with his parents. I was the only one who cared about him being a decent human being some day. Fuck me, right?
This is the part where I’m too mad to finish the story today. To be continued. 
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kayliemusing · 3 years
Who are you? - My name is Kaylie. I’m 22 (soon 23). I live in Canada.
What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you? - I’m a writer, I love Taylor Swift lol, I always need to process things before making a decision.
Where do you want to be in 5 years? - In five years I’ll be almost 28, I think. Hopefully I’ll have some semblance of a writing career or the beginning of one. I hope I’m financially stable, in a job I enjoy and maybe in Calgary (which I’m planning to move to this year but the decision hasn’t completely been made yet!!)
Are you more child-like or childish? - Child-like, because I don’t think that’s a negative connotation. 
What is the last thing you said out loud? - “Yeah”
How do you handle a rainy day? - I love a rainy day. I like to drink hot chocolate on a rainy day and stay inside so I can just watch the rain.
What did you want to be when you grew up? - I remember wanting to be a hairdresser and I also had plans to open up a vet clinic lol. Don’t want either of those things now hahaha
Are you more of a giver or a taker? - Giver. I’ve never been called a taker so I don’t think that’s me and I love giving to others, but I’m not going to say I’m completely selfless because I think I have my moments where I’ve been inconsiderate and taken from someone.
Have you ever been given a second chance? - Yes
Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind? - My decisions I think are instinctual, so I listen to my gut feeling/heart.
What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you? - When I was about fifteen or sixteen, I slipped and jammed my toe into the wall/baseboard and I broke my toe nail completely off my toe and I think it was fractured but I never actually went to the doctor for it lol. I remember even the blanket touching my toe hurt so bad that I needed advil like every four hours. Eventually and grossly, my toe nail fell off and I thought it was damaged for good but I kept managing the new toe nail as it grew and I fixed it!!
Who have you hugged today? - Nobody
If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by learning, what would they be? - Singing, drawing, dancing
What 3 things do you want to do before you die? Live. That’s really about it, honestly. I feel like it sums things up quite nicely, actually.
What three things would you want to die to avoid doing? - Public speaking of any kind, anything that results in an awkward conversation or a moment of humiliation, anything that has me needing to approach a stranger/talk to a stranger/ice breakers with strangers, etc.
Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved? - No
What was the last thing you made with your own hands? - I wrote a poem a little over an hour ago
What was your favorite toy as a child? - I don’t totally remember, but I loved playing with Barbies and I had this Barbie Cruise ship and hot pink car which I used a lot.
What is your favorite thing to do outside? - I like going for walks or sitting by a firepit to relax.
How do you feel when you see a rainbow? - “Look, it’s a rainbow!!” is usually the first thing out of my mouth but I don’t know if I feel anything. I’m just kind of happy to see it and I admire that it’s pretty.
Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true? - This happens to me a lot!! I kept dreaming my sister and her bf would break up and they did. Along with other smaller things.
What one thing have you done that most people haven't? - Watched my dad die 
Are you a patient person? - Yes, unless it has to do with slow wi-fi lol
What holiday should exist but doesn't? - I’m not sure but I wish there was a holiday in the summer time that was really festive because I always feel like summer is boring in the aspect that there isn’t really any holidays (because I love festive things)
What's the best joke you ever heard? - I don’t know if this qualifies as the best joke, but Jim Gaffigan gave me a laugh when he said it’s called Covid 19 not because of the year, but because of the 19 pounds we all gained during quarantine.
Is your hair natural or dyed? - Mostly natural, but I do get blonder highlights just to make a little brighter and then I of course get it toned. My hair is super brassy blonde so I like to brighten it up.
What is under your bed right now? - Old painted canvas’s from high school lol and then an old bulletin board filled with old poems and quotes I liked in high school.
If you drive do you frequently speed? - No, because I’m terrified of having to talk to a cop if I get pulled over. (I hate feeling like I’m in trouble or I’ve done something wrong, and I also hate talking to strangers because it makes me nervous)
What is the world's best song to dance to? - Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
What song was on the last time you danced with someone? - I haven’t lol
Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney, but I do like Warner Bros movies.
Would you consider yourself to be romantic? - Yes
If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off? - Yeah we’d probably all die
If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole? - If Santa was real, the north pole, but for now I’ll say the equator because I feel like the north pole is a little too cold for me.
Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television? - Watching Tv. 
What do you think makes someone a hero? - Saving someone or being selfless/putting others first. 
What cartoon would you like to be a character in? - tbh spongebob
Name one thing that turns your stomach. - Caviar
What was the last thing you paid for? - Some scrubbing sponges, a journal and some leggings at wal mart.
Get anything good in the mail recently? - Yes, I ordered some colourful eyeliner pens from Colourpop and they’re beautiful
Tell me some of your greatest fears. - Spiders, enclosed spaces, loss, letting go, dying painfully, failure/not achieving my dreams, physical pain. Tbh the list is quite long.
What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn? - This isn’t really that eccentric but in the tenth grade I wore these pants that were black and white stripes, however, the night before robin thicke wore the same type of pants when he performed that terrible performance with miley cyrus so when I went to school everyone made fun of me so when I got home I threw them away. 
Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet? - We used to catch water bugs as recess and bring them into the class until the teachers were like pls stop.
You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items... - Sleeping bag, flashlight, tent
List five people you love starting with the one you love the absolute most. - My mom, my sister, my grandma, my best friend megan, and taylor swift of course
If you could have 3 wishes...but none of them could be for yourself...what would you wish for? - I wish that my mom could be financially blessed so she could cut her hours majorly and start truly living her life again, I wish that my sister could move out again for many reasons, and lastly I wish covid would end
How much money would it take to get you to drive to school naked in? - Nothing would make me do that because money could never bandage the scar that would be my humiliation looping forever in my mind.
Have you ever been on the radio or on TV? - I was on tv once for five seconds but it was just my legs and butt when I was walking through the neighborhood with my third grade class delivering christmas cards. Still don’t know why this warranted news coverage but oh well.
Have you ever named an individual part of your body? - No
What is the punishment you would come up with for Osama Bin Laden? - This is totally a random question, but I think death was a good call.
Is there anyone you trust completely? - My mom
Have you ever lost someone without having the chance to say goodbye? - Yes, my dad was in a coma before I could ever say goodbye.
Would you rather have an indoor Jacuzzi or an outdoor pool? - Indoor jacuzzi
Would you consider yourself to be intelligent? - Not really
Would you consider yourself to be wise? - Yes
Would you ever creep into the subway tunnels to go exploring? - If there wasn’t a subway that would trample me, yes.
Would you rather be a world political leader or a rock star? - Rock star baby
Have you ever given someone a love letter that you wrote? - No
Are you looking forward to any concerts right now? - Not currently, but when covid ends, I’m hoping to go to a TS concert in the future because I’ve never been.
About how many emails do you get a day? - Too many, but they’re all promotional.
Have you ever though about hitchhiking across the country? - No
Who would you bring with you on this kind of a road trip? - I would never hitch hike therefore wouldn’t bring anyone with me.
If you are single, at about what age do you think you will be ready to settle down? - Late 20′s.
Do you often wonder, when you say goodbye to people, if it is the last time? - Not always, but sometimes if fear sneaks in I’ll think about it.
What movie are you most looking forward to seeing when it comes out? - Jurassic World 3!!
What's on your key chain besides keys? - I have a cute little mirror that’s a kitty!
How do you feel about endangered species? - I love them and wish there was more we could do, but I also don’t think about it a lot.
Do you like feather pillows? - Yes
What was the last CD you bought? - I didn’t get a physical copy, but it was Taylor’s Evermore album on itunes. The last physical CD I got was her folklore album lol
Would you be willing to go hang gliding? - I’m not sure what that is oops!
Have you ever taken a lock of someone else's hair? - No and I’m concerned why this is a question.
Have you ever given anyone a lock of your hair? - Again, no and still concerned.
If you had a locket what would you put inside? - Probably a pic of my dad.
What is the difference (if any) between madness and brilliance? - It’s 11 pm at night and this is too philosophical for me right now.
Write any random sentence here - Random sentence. 
Say the sentence you wrote out loud. Did anybody answer? - I didn’t say it out loud, sorry :/
If you were to hit redial on your phone right now, who would it call? - It would either be my sister or my mom.
Miracle on 34th street: which is better the original or remake? - I don’t know if I’ve seen the original.
Have you ever been in a parade? - No
Do you turn the base up all the way in your car? - No. I can go a little loud, but not vibrating all the cars on the street loud.
Do you care if what you do annoys others? - Yes, I’m obsessed with people being mad at me.
What keeps you from being happy? - Dissatisfaction with life, depression, creative-blocks,
Can you talk for one hour without using the word 'like'? - No
Why is it that a fly can't bird but a bird can fly? - hahahah this was cute. But it’s probably because bird isn’t a verb and fly is a verb depending on the context.
What websites are addictive to you? - Tumblr and Youtube
Who do you love so much that you would clean live maggots out of their garb? - Taylor Swift
Have you filled out an organ donor card? - No
How many oxymorons can you think of? - I’m too tired sorry
. How many years old is your diary/livejournal/myspace? - I don’t have a myspace or anything like that, but my tumblr is about eight years old.
Would you ever wear vinyl pants? - It’s aesthetic, but no.
What was the last thing that you printed out? - A journal entry
What are you dependent on? - My mom lol
What do you look forward to each day? - Lately, nothing, but usually reading a new book lol
What did you think of the Columbine shootings? - So sad
What takes your breath away? - Taylor Swift’s lyricism!! Like???? Also, Richard Siken poetry.
Have you done anything recently that you regret? - Eating lol
Will you ever do it again? - Yeah
Would you rather live in a world of perfection or do you like the world now? - Perfection
Is a frightening world a more interesting world to live in? - No, and that kind of opinion is disappointing
In your opinion what gives people depth and character? - Hardships, because even though they hurt, we come out differently and we’re able to look at the world differently and also appreciate things more. 
What’s the name of your favorite band? - Of Monsters and Men
Do you have an account on neopets.com? - No. How old is this survey lmao
Who is the next person you will hug? - Probs mom
Where was your last vacation to? - I think it was BC a few years ago
Where was your last car ride to? - My moms work.
Where was your last bus ride to? - I haven’t been on the bus in YEARS.
Where did you last walk to? - To the car lol
What is the worst band in the universe? - I don’t know
What is the next book you want to read? - A book called A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas is one I’ve been waiting on for a long time and it’s coming out next month so that’s one I really want to read soon.
What gives you a peaceful feeling? - Soft music, worship music, laying on my couch watching game grumps, reading or journaling. Anything soft and content.
Do you ever stay up late watching infomercials? - No
Are you a light sleeper? - Not overly.
Are you a toys-R-us kid? - I was :(
Are you part of the mile high club? - I don’t know what that is
Would you rather be part cat, or part scorpion, and why? - Part cat, because i could communicate with my cats.
When you sleep next to someone who usually falls asleep first? - Me. I’m usually out before my head hits the pillow.
What is your usual breakfast? - Bagel w strawberry cream cheese or butter
How quickly are you willing to take drugs to numb pain? - Only if it feels intolerable
Have you ever had your car towed? - No
Have you ever used Kool-Aid to dye your hair? - No
Would you rather be naked and famous or dressed and non-famous? - Dressed and non-famous...
What band or singer do you believe started rock and roll? - I couldn’t tell ya.
If you had a large black vase what would you put in it? - Flowers or maybe some fancy decor sticks
Would you rather live in the city, suburbs or the country? - I feel like I can do any. If I move to Calgary we’ll see how I do in the city, but I think I’d definitely like country and suburbs. 
Would you ever participate in a 'sock hop'? - Don’t know what that is.
What’s your age? - 23
What’s your hair color? - Blonde, but it’s a lil brassy
What’s your eye color? - Blue/grey
0 notes
ayma-nidiot · 3 years
“Don’t Speak Their Names” - Shrimpshipping fic Chapter 34 (LAST CHAPTER)
This chapter on AO3 can be found here.
Epilogue - The Evergreen Greenhouse
~29 December 2007~
Even throughout his almost-over undergrad career - which involved a lot of trips to archaeological sites with Spinos - Rex still found the time to duel. As a matter of fact, he proudly approached the front door of his off-campus apartment with a trophy he just won from a local tournament - and against his father, no less.
“Weeves!” Rex called out. “I just won the tournament! Since we both just turned 21, why don’t we go celebrate with drinks?”
The first one to answer him was not his new husband, but rather his 2-year-old daughter. “Papa!”
“Amber!” Rex picked Amber up and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. “How ya’ doing, big girl?”
Indeed, Amber was a big girl; though she just turned two years old, she already showed signs of being gifted. She could already speak in complete sentences, count to 100, and recite the alphabet pretty well. Still, she loved many of the same things that typical toddlers did - not the least of which was her mother. “I’m feeling awesome! But… But…”
“You okay?”
“Someone’s not feeling so awesome… It’s Daddy.”
“Why, what’s wrong with him?” Rex put Amber down, and allowed her to lead him to the loo. He was not at all pleased to see Weevil there, praying to the porcelain goddess. “Gods, Weevil! What’s wrong?”
“Ugh…” Weevil gave Rex a pained look before throwing up into the loo again.
“Daddy’s been like this aaaaall morning.” Amber sounded like she was about to cry. “What should we do, Papa?”
It was then that Rex had just remembered Weevil drizzling a ton of chocolate syrup over his fried bee larvae a few weeks ago. At first, he thought that Weevil was just being a buttmunch as usual. But then Rex recalled the cravings he had during his pregnancy - and the speech his college doctor gave him, the one that all male shapeshifters were capable of getting pregnant. “It… It can’t be…”
“Papa?” Amber looked at her mother quizzically.
“Amber, get my phone. I’m gonna call the doctor and get Daddy there right away.”
After his wave of nausea finally abated, and Rex had made that call, Weevil put the toilet cover back on and pouted at his husband. “Rex, honey, come on. You don’t have to go that far. Just give me some Pepto-Bismol, and I’ll be fine.”
“Throwing up for an entire morning is totally not fine.” Rex picked Weevil up princess-style and put him in the middle of the 2006 Mazda 5 with Amber. “And you’re about to see that.”
~A quick drive and 30 minutes later~
“So… So, what did you find, Doctor?” Weevil asked Dr. Balls.
“After performing the ultrasound, we’ve discovered that you’re pregnant, Mr. Raptor. Eleven weeks, to be exact.”
“What a sweet coincidence…” Rex smiled as he stroked Weevil’s belly.
“Anyway, I do not anticipate that you will need hospitalization, just some light bed rest for now. I’ll prescribe some antiemetics, though. You are more than welcome to visit should you feel the need to do so.”
“I… I see. Thank you, Doctor.” After Dr. Balls left, Weevil turned to glare at his husband. “Why didn’t you tell me that I’m capable of getting pregnant, dino brain?”
“Yeah, about that…” Rex scratched his nose. “When I first visited this doctor, he told me that all male shapeshifters are intersex. But they each have their own unique heat cycles, depending on what they can change into. Yours just aren’t as frequent as mine.”
“I’m sorry, Weeves, are you mad? You still want to keep the baby, don’t you?”
“Oh, I’ll keep the baby, all right. But you better treat me to bee larvae whenever I ask for it.”
“Yay!” Amber gave her father a happy hug. “I’m going to be a big sister!”
“Indeed you are,” spoke a middle-aged woman in scrubs, who had just entered the room.
“What? Mother?” Weevil didn’t expect to see Camellia come out of nowhere. “What are you doing here?”
“Grandma!” Amber ran to Camellia to give her a hug too. 
“I’m just getting some shadowing hours, that’s all,” Camellia spoke as she hugged her granddaughter back. “After seeing what Rex went through during his pregnancy, I’ve decided that I want to become an obstetrician.”
“That’s great! Congratulations!” 
Rex’s smile turned upside down when Camellia turned on the T.V., and the first thing that came on was a replay of Weevil’s now-infamous regionals victory.
“It’s hard to believe that Rex Raptor used to lose so much back in the day,” one of the Duel Monster Channel’s announcers spoke over a still of Rex’s face in defeat. “But now that he’s won a championship against Spinos Saurus, I think he’ll reach his former fame once again.”
“Oooh!” Amber had never seen this duel of her parents in their teen years. “Is that you, Papa?”
Rex facepalmed. “Yeah, yeah, that’s your Papa, all right.”
“So have you learned to use strategy since then, dino brain?” 
“Nah. Strategies are for dweebs and bug boys.” Rex held tightly onto Weevil’s hand. “And I’m so proud to be married to a man who’s both of them.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
The doctor interrupted this conversation, coming in with a few papers. “Okay, Mr. Raptor, here are your antiemetic prescriptions. I’m also going to schedule your 20-week ultrasound. As you know, not only will we be able to search for abnormalities, but we can also determine the sex of your baby.”
Weevil had just recalled what Phuckdis said right when future Amber was “supposed” to kill the bug duelist. “Oh, there won’t be a need for that second one. I already know that I’m carrying a boy.”
“You… You sure?” Camellia asked.
“I’m willing to bet my deck on it.”
“Then how are you supposed to beat me, bug boy?” spoke a voice from the adjacent hospital bed.
“Whoa!” Rex turned around to see Mai laying on that bed, with Joey by her side. “Again with the coincidental meetings, Joey?”
“Great, just the person I wanted to see…” Weevil felt another wave of nausea about to hit him, and clutched his gut tighter.
“Hey!” Amber ran over to Joey. “Now look what you did to Daddy!”
“Ehehehe…” Joey waved a nervous hand. “Hey.”
“...I know you! You’re that big meanie who took Papa’s Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Daddy’s Insect Queen, aren’t you?”
Amber ignored her mother. “Someday, I’m going to beat you and get them back! You’ll see!” She stuck her tongue out at Joey. “You big buttmunch!”
“Okay, Amber, that’s enough,” Rex laughed as he picked up his daughter.
“I suppose our rivalry never really will die, will it?” Joey laughed back, then turned to talk to Amber. “Amber, you’re a very smart kid. I’d love to duel you someday.”
“...” Amber only pouted in response. “Okay, but you’re going to be bug juice.”
Weevil smiled, as he always did when his daughter used catch phrases from both of her parents. “So what brings you here, Joey?”
“Well…” Mai sat upright. “I’m almost done with my degree, and I moved to this university for the upper-level courses. I started feeling sick on my way to class today, so Joey escorted me to the clinic. And… it turns out I’m pregnant. With triplets, if I might add.”
“And if you couldn’t tell, I’m the dad!” Joey proclaimed proudly. 
“Of course, this idiot got the whole ‘marry first, have kids later’ thing backwards.” Mai rolled her eyes. “He only got the courage to propose to me yesterday.”
“Touché,” replied Weevil.
“Soooo.” Rex waggled his eyebrows at Joey. “Looks like Weeves and I weren’t the only ones busy making babies on my wedding night.”
“Hehehehe...” Joey chuckled nervously. “And what a coincidence that Mai and Weevil will probably give birth on the same day.”
“Then maybe you should be the ‘godparents’ of our son.” Weevil was only half-joking.
“You know what I think would be cool?” Rex stepped forward and started making grand gestures. “If we had one bed over here and another one over here. Weeves and Mai can be in the same delivery room. That way, we can all witness each other’s kids’ births.”
“I’m down for that!” Weevil and Mai appeared to agree with Joey.
“Actually, that can be arranged,” Dr. Balls cut in. “It’s more common than you think for friends or their spouses to give birth together.”
“Good to know.” Weevil groaned slightly as he got out of bed. “Well, I’ve got a final paper to write for biochemistry, so if you’ll excuse me.”
“Weeves, take it easy!” Rex helped Weevil out of the bed until he was confident he could walk on his own. “It would suck if you threw up all over your expensive laptop - or all over this floor - now wouldn’t it?”
“So I’ll see you again in nine weeks?” Dr. Balls patted Weevil on the shoulder, giving him the ultrasound pictures on his way out.
“You bet.”
“Fantastic. Now, no dueling or other strenuous activities until your second trimester, understood?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Weevil bowed on his way to the nearby pharmacy, giving a congratulations nod to Joey and Mai. He didn’t feel nauseated at the moment, but still felt muscle soreness from his morning sickness bout. He rubbed his belly while waiting for his antiemetic medications to be made, speaking to the unborn child in there. “So help me Ra, if I ruin my entire semester’s work because of you, you’ll be sorry.”
“That’s not very nice!” Rex used a much more caring tone with their future child, patting Weevil’s belly at the same time. “Don’t listen to your mom; he’s just cranky. Final exams and all that.”
“It’s weird how I’m the mom this time around… So, we can get each other pregnant.” Even with his antiemetics now in hand, Weevil didn’t yet feel like getting up from the pharmacy’s small sofa.
“Hey, Weevil?”
“Yeah, Rex?”
“Wouldn’t it be cool if we could, like, get each other pregnant at the same time?”
“Hahaha!” Weevil refrained from laughing too loudly, out of fear of exacerbating his morning sickness again. But now he felt like getting up, and held Amber by the hand. “Yeah, right. The stars would have to align perfectly for us to be in heat at the exact same time. Oh, and Rex?”
“Yeah, Weevil?”
“You owe me ¥2000 if the child I’m carrying is a boy.”
“Naw, that’s no good. You’ll owe me ¥3000 if it’s a girl.”
“Then it’s on!”
~02 March 2007, 11:00~
“Hmm!” Dr. Balls looked closer at the 4D-ultrasound. “Well, Mr. Raptor, I’ll be. You guessed right; you are carrying your first son. And he’s a perfectly healthy lad, he is.”
“Ha!” Weevil turned to smirk at Rex. “What’d I tell you? Now pay up.”
“Grr, whatever…” Rex forked over three ¥1000 bills. “Seeing as how we’re married and share most of our finances, this is kind of pointless.”
“Aww!” Amber kissed Weevil’s growing baby bump. “Hi there, baby brother. I can’t wait to meet you!”
“Since the two of you will complete your doctorate work at the university, you’re more than welcome to give birth here,” Dr. Balls informed his patient while rummaging through files on his tablet. “Especially if you and Rex plan to teach at this university someday. Now, let’s see… Your due date is July 20th. A day before your own birthday, if memory serves.”
“Yeah, well, you know that whole thing about most people not giving birth on their due dates? I get the vibe I won’t. And with any luck, Mai won’t either.”
“The important thing is that the both of you have healthy pregnancies, yeah?” Dr. Balls began to pack a few items for Weevil. “By chance, Rex, do you still have the fetal doppler from your pregnancy?”
“Of course. I couldn’t just part with the damn thing.”
“Splendid! And, as always, feel free to call if and when you need something. Good day now!”
“Good day.” With that, Weevil blocked the incoming sun from his eyes, and without looking, he knew a bee had just landed on his finger. “Say, Rex? Can we stop by somewhere really quick before lunch? I just got an idea.”
“Sure! Where, exactly?” Rex spoke with Amber sitting upon his shoulders.
“I want to visit my old home. You know, the one I haven’t set foot into in nearly four years.”
“Whatever for?” Rex couldn’t believe that Weevil would ever want to go to the home he was mercilessly abused in. 
“You’ll see when we get there.”
“Argh, I’m not that patient, you know!” 
“Careful.” Weevil pointed to Amber as the small family crossed the street. “You’ve got a toddler on your shoulders.”
Before Rex could think of a comeback to that, he heard a middle-aged man’s voice suddenly call out from underneath him. “Change? You got spare change, young man?”
“Huh?” Rex looked down to see a raggedy man in a group of other homeless people. “Sorry, but I don’t carry cash on me.”
“Is it…?” The homeless man got up to get a better look at Weevil. “Could you be…?”
“Hey!” Rex put Amber down and instantly got defensive of Weevil. “Leave my husband alone, you freak!”
“No, hun, it’s okay.” Weevil stopped Rex from throwing any punches. “I know this man.”
“Weeves?” Rex couldn’t understand why Weevil, of all people, would want to take time out of his busy day to talk to a group of homeless people.
“So what happened?” Weevil asked.
“It turns out that I couldn’t keep The Underwood Company afloat. Not only were we about to file for bankruptcy, but all my employees revolted. Now I’m stuck here, depending on the goodwill of others just to have something to eat.”
“And they revolted because of how horribly you treated them, didn’t they? You know that maid Adelaide you abused, just because she was being kind to me? She’s working on her business degree now and wants to take over the company - under a new name, of course. In fact, my family and I were just on our way to visit the old Underwood house. Oh, and just so you know, your ex-wife is going to be an obstetrician soon. Not even your horrific abuse of her could stop her from achieving her dreams.” Weevil held his baby bump protectively. “Or mine.”
“Adelaide and Camellia are…” The homeless man knelt and cried. “And you…?”
“I can’t believe I’ve wasted my time talking to you. I have better things to do with my time. I hope that you suffer for the remainder of your days, and that karma is an utter bitch to you.” Weevil got one last look at the homeless man. “Goodbye, Roach Underwood.”
“Daddy, who is this creepy guy?” Amber looked at the homeless man curiously, still unaware of just who he was or what he had done.
“That’s just it - a creepy guy.” Weevil gestured for Amber to grab his hand. “Come along, Amber, there’s something I want you to see.”
“Weeves… That man we met, is he…?” Rex tried to say as Weevil rang the doorbell to the Underwood mansion; surprisingly, the exterior was rather well-kept.
“Yes. He is.”
Rex didn’t need to hear anything more, and didn’t want to dwell on what he knew was a prickly subject. So instead he commented on how nice Weevil’s childhood home looked like on the inside.
“Is that…?” One of Weevil’s old butlers noticed his former master’s presence.
“You can let him in!” Adelaide called from a far-off room. “It’s Master Weevil!”
“Master Weevil, you have returned!” Several maids and butlers flocked the entrance of the home, giving Weevil lots of hugs.
“Oh, I never thought I’d see the day!” a maid cried. “You look just like Madame Camellia!”
“Guys, guys, take it easy!” Weevil showed off his baby bump after everyone had stopped. “I’m not a little kid anymore; I have my own family now.”
“‘Sup!” Rex waved. “I’m Weevil’s husband, Rex Raptor. And this is our daughter, Ambrosia Camellia Ptera Raptor.”
“How do you do?” Amber curtsied with her sun dress.
“Oh-ho!” Adelaide chuckled. “You’ve raised a fine young lady already. Not to mention you’ve given her a pretty middle name. Well, now that you’re here, what can I do for you? Some lunch, perhaps?”
“Before we get to that, I want to show Amber a little something. By chance, is my childhood greenhouse still here?”
“As a matter of fact, yes. It’s the only room in the mansion that has remained untouched by the renovations.”
“R-Really?” Weevil didn’t expect that response from Adelaide. 
“Yes, really! Feel free to check it out for as long as you like before lunch.”
“Thank you! Come on, guys, come see!” Weevil sounded far more excited than either Rex or Amber. He cried tears of joy upon arrival, and stopped to smell a hibiscus flower. “It… looks just like I remember!”
“What’s so exciting about a bunch of plants?” Rex didn’t want to admit it, but he wasn’t all too interested in looking at a bunch of plants.
“Yes, we’ve got the best plants ever, but there’s something even better. Something that’s made me into the duelist I am today.” Weevil allowed a moth caterpillar from the hibiscus flower to crawl on his finger, and showed it to Amber. “Amber, this is a baby Acherontia lachesis , or the greater death’s head hawkmoth.”
“It looks just like your Petit Moth, Daddy!” Amber let the caterpillar crawl on her finger too. “It’s sooooo cute! Ooh!” A pink butterfly landed on Amber’s nose, causing the toddler to sneeze.
“You just sneezed off Greta oto, or the glasswing butterfly.”
“It’s so pretty!” Amber laughed, wanting to play with every little insect that touched her. “Can I stay here forever? Pretty please, Daddy? I wanna learn more about your beautiful bugs!”
“Wish we could, but Auntie Adelaide is gonna have lunch ready soon. But you can play here until then.”
“Hooray!” And with that, Amber ran off with the hawkmoth caterpillar still in her hand.
“Should you really be letting our toddler play with a creepy crawler called ‘death’s head hawkmoth?’” Rex raised an eyebrow.
“Spoken like a dino brain who doesn’t know jack diddly squat about insects.”
“Well, at least it’s good to know how you became an insect duelist.” Rex hugged his husband from behind as he watched their daughter play in the greenhouse. He let his hand drop to Weevil’s baby bump.
“She looks just like me when I was little. If it wasn’t for this greenhouse, I… I don’t know where I’d be today.” Weevil placed his hand on top of Rex’s. “I wonder if I can get our son to love insects, too.”
“So…” Rex laced his fingers with Weevil’s. “Speaking of our little boy, what do you think we should name him?”
Thinking about his adventures in San Francisco with Rex seven years ago, and how they deepened their bond there, it didn’t take Weevil long to think of an answer. “I want our son to be named Francis Bakura Raptor.”
Author’s Note: HOLY SHIT, thank you for those of you who stuck this far. This is my second longest fic, and it's for a rare pair! As always, leave comments, constructive criticism, etc. if you can!
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