#own until I was like… 17 when I ran away mgnskdjskjd
raccoonspooky · 1 year
Lemme be a self insert for a moment and explain why Brahms and I would get along just fine:
I collect vintage porcelain dolls and have them all over my apartment.
Got kicked out of private school as a kid for behavioral reasons but also because I stole a golf cart and drove it into a ditch after punching a girl and locking her in the pool bathroom. Dont worry she super deserved it.
All through middle and high school i was the “puppet girl” who’d bring my fkn ventriloquist doll to school and carry him around to bother people with. His name was juan pablo and when I ran away from home my dad decided to take it out on my fkn puppet and rip his head and his arms off and drive around to find me to deliver me his corpse. He was also my prom date.
All through school again, I wanted to be artsy and wanted nothing to do with school after I left. I wanted no one to remember me so I took my photos in wigs and costume makeup and when allowed I wore masks. Literally a friend showed me a classmate’s tiktok that was showing my pictures saying “who the fuck is this bitch.”
My little art desk and workspace is literally under the stairs and I have a weird old timey “refrigerator” wooden cabinet where I store my junk in.
Used to live in a garage/basement for years. Once someone called the police on me because they thought I was breaking into the house, but no I lived there.
I make weird lil dioramas out of insects and random junk I find. I love finding weird little figures and dolls to put in my boxes.
I can play pretty much any stringed instrument.
I eat and live like a fucking goblin. Pretty much nocturnal.
My strap big.
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