#Also I know this haiku fucking sucks. Don’t care
austinpanda · 2 years
Dad Letter 070422
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4 July, 2022
Dear Dad--
This one’s gonna be short! I have little to write about, and I’m annoyed that I’m unwilling to watch fireworks displays any more, since Zach goes to bed by 8:30, and I’m not keen on going by myself. Also I’m missing my phone. My phone died a few days ago, and while Zach was able to order me an even nicer phone on Amazon, it’s going to take a week or so. In the meantime, I am phoneless. Prepare for a letter that consists of nothing but haiku I wrote about the death of my phone, and a song I wrote about how I’m now phoneless, and 22 rhyming couplets I wrote about how being without a phone fucking sucks. I was apparently relying on it more for music, podcasts, news, communication with family, photography, and other kinds of entertainment, than I realized. It’s now Monday; the new phone should arrive by Friday. Here’s how it could all go pear-shaped: it’s a refurbished phone. (That made it affordable!) The last time I ordered a refurb, it was for Zach, and it didn’t work, and we had to send it back. Then I ordered another refurb, and it also didn’t work, and I had to send it back. Then I just bought him a new phone. I don’t have that option now, so I’m really, really, really hoping this phone works. 
Stacy is without boobs, and that too fucking sucks. I don’t care if it’s hot in Austin; I wish I could have been there when she woke up from the surgery. 
Our town fireworks display is starting! I can hear it, which means the kitties can hear it, which means they’re unhappy, and in hiding.
I used to have a phone! In the before time. In the long, long ago. 
My car’s airbag light is on. This indicates money needs to be spent on something related to either the airbags or the seat belts. 
That’s why this phone shit is badly timed. How can I not afford to replace my phone when I’m busy not being able to afford getting the airbag light fixed? I’m going to have to break new ground in being unable to pay for multiple things at once.
I painted my smallest coffee table with copper-to-green color shifting paint. There were three coats of black primer, four coats of color shifting paint, and three coats of lacquer. It is awesome. 
Stacy is going to get a tattoo, and I’m dying to know what it’s going to be! I’m thinking something with a skull and flames and a dagger going through the skull and some dice. You know, something timeless.
My weekend is over and I didn’t go anywhere or do anything! Also I think we’re going to have to cancel the plans we made for a weekend vacay because we can’t afford it. 
Yeah, I’m going to bed. Just realized that, even if gay marriage is overturned next year, and my marriage is nullified, it will still have lasted longer than the Confederacy. 
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ask-harvester · 2 years
My teeth go clack, clack, clack.
At what point will
My jaws go snap, snap, snap.
- 🥩
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Modern AU: House Husband!Kasen Kanesada
Warnings: Sfw+Nsfw, BAD POETRY
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Kasen is no doubt an early riser, but more so along the lines of reluctant riser. He values his sleep no doubt, and will mumble and grumble as he slowly opens his eyes and wakes up. Kasen is also a kind of man who needs caffeine (tea or coffee, depends on what he’s feeling like at the time and his coffee has to be extra sweet with a cute little whipped cream swirl on top, don’t ask) to fully function. He’s sluggish when he wakes up. A kiss will be just as nice as his morning drink too! He will flush when you give him a morning kiss but will happily kiss you back before telling you to go brush your teeth.
Kasen is also pretty damn good at cooking. Will also stylize his dishes and post them to social media. But he is also posting poetry, aesthetically pleasing shots, and hes that one aesthetic blog on social media or something. His captions on food pics aren’t flashy or anything of the sort, it’s just a mere post and maybe a lil haiku in the description of how proud he is to have made it, or something of the sort!
Most of the posts on his social media are beautiful shots of you, framing your gorgeous self and of course the caption is just a poem that spans like 50 pages of how much he loves you.
When he gets up, he’ll help you chose your clothes for work! Most of the time it’s done the night before, set out on your desk or something.
Your lunch always has a little note tucked into it, most likely a poem of encouragement. 
Date nights are always consisting of book reading, poetry writing, or dance nights! It doesn’t have to be out of the house but if it is, damn right is Kasen going to look BEAUTIFUL. Will make sure you two have matching outfits. Also adores it when you two match, wittingly or not!
Is not shy about sharing clothing with you. Sure perhaps it’s smaller/bigger for him to wear but who the hell cares???? He loves you and damn right he will show it off! Flushes when you wear his clothing and will shyly admit that he adores it. 
Kasen is a bit of a shopaholic. He also has a bit of a habit of impulse buying things: stuff you like, stuff he likes, matching items for you two to wear together. Hell shopping dates are common between you two! Sure Kasen will try to steal the bags from you and forbid you from holding his stuff but it's just showing that he cares. You're his muse after all, don’t be surprised if he suddenly stops at a random store with clothing he thinks suits you! He will drop everything and drag you inside to see if anything will suit you! 
Will 100% show up at your workplace to bring you lunch personally, your coworkers cannot help but be enamored with your husband, his elegance, how he walks, how he is cordial with everyone he meets but almost lights up when he sees you. Everyone teases you at work that you have such a cute husband who always leaves you with a peck on your cheek and lunch - Kasen probably has a side business of making poems to help people confess/make their partner happy! 
The only PDA you’re getting from Kasen is hand-holding and cheek kisses, that’s that. Ain’t no one allowed to see your happy little face when you two kiss. You surprising him with PDA on the other hand will end him, flushed face, turns away, mumble something that it’s inappropriate before diving in to give you a taste of your own medicine.
Shibari. Lingerie. Whatever the hell. Kasen adores a sense of beautiful elegance and will not hesitate to pick out some lingerie for you, taking in how your body is made/shaped, colors that suit you, material, what you like, so on and so forth! He’s...a regular at this one sex shop. The cashier knows Kasen by name and they regularly have debates on what kind of stuff you should wear.
Though if you surprise him with picking out something yourself Kasen will be just as happy to see you like that! Not before wanting to make you into a sobbing fucked out mess but he loves it when you have something underneath your clothing!
Sexting consists of nothing but long ass poems of EXACTLY what Kasen will do to you that night. It’s like 60 pages long but it’s WORTH IT. If you’re lucky, you’ll sometimes see HIM in lingerie, sending you naughty little pictures of what he’s wearing. And then there are audio clips that are like just him reading his naughty poetry to you. He won’t send videos often but when they do, HOOOO BOI. 
“Your lips are of liquor, for even a glance at them gets me drunk. A flush against your cheeks, roses cascading down your form, dipping under the twine and silk that dares to bar my way. 
“Forever let me stay within your heart, your breast, your soul, they beat as one. Our hands collide, fingers seeking with earnest, I never want to leave you.”
“Paint your body white, forever with my dear love, I am enamored.”
Nothing but body worship here my friends. Kasen will draw out paintings and poems with his tongue on your skin if he must. Hickies are placed only in the most intimate of places. He doesn’t mind marking up your neck, oh no! It’s fine but this is an art piece that only he is allowed to see. 
And then we get to his tongue. He is a poet, he has a silver tongue, he knows how to use that damn thing. Will adore it when you two suck on each other’s fingers. 
You two are fucking in the bedroom, that’s it. You two can tease each other all you want around the house, but the bedroom is a sacred place. He won’t lie that he hasn’t thought about fucking you in his studio/office but is also worried of making a mess. So that’s more or less off of the table. 
Your wedding night was nothing short of slow and lovely, Kasen wouldn’t even initiate the act until much later. You two would just lie there in a bed, kissing and tracing each other’s forms until you are satisfied. Oh so slow languid kisses shared, hands tangling in hair. Kasen would be slow, taking his time with you. He wants to savor that moment, when you two have sex the first time as a married couple; wanting to etch that into his body and memory. 
Yes Kasen might have a slight oral fixation, but you look me in the eye and tell me gagging Kasen wouldn’t be a cute as fuck sight. He never wants to be blindfolded though, he has to see you!! No way are you hiding your beautiful form from him!
Aftercare is so tender and sweet, his hands would massage every joint and every inch of your body, pressing sweet kisses and whispering praises. A bottle of water, and of course, making sure that you two are clean - bed sheets too. Gonna change those no matter how tired he is. 
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57 and 10 for shoni ?
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
Forgotten First Meeting  & Airport/Travel AU 
so i've gotten a couple of anons bugging me about poet!toni so here is the beginning of an au i'm chewing around with. this is more actually an au of an au, as this won't actually be a scene in it, it was just me dicking around with the characters. Basically, shelby and toni play sisters in king lear and also toni's poetry is slowly driving shelby up a wall and has been since they first met in an airport and shelby robbed toni of her notebook but toni forgot she existed and shelby has hung onto the notebook ever since. The first poem is an original, the second is an excerpt from my girl adrienne rich. it's barely an airport au, anon i'm sorry, but suck my dick <3
It’s a little leather bound notebook, moleskin and only half full.
Toni Shalifoe!!
Don’t read!!!!!!
Email me here!!!! [email protected]
It’s something of a haiku, which is line with the first poem, also pretty intensely structured.
There is one apple left on the old apple tree
My golden color turns to brown
Bite by the squirrels chews me down
There is only a core
Left of me
On that old apple tree
But my seeds are planted
And I have left
A legacy
Shelby reads every single poem in there, disregarding the first entry begging her not to. The scrawl is childish but she thinks the girl must be old, middle school or something. She never shows her parents and she never emails to return the notebook.
It was in a Minnesota gate anyway, what was she gonna do, mail it?
The poems are odd, one is about climbing a mountain, another about the angel of death, a third about an apple tree. Shelby never quite gets them and she decides the writer doesn’t really either. Toni. Whoever she is.
She’s only a fourth grader and she’s not allowed to use a computer without parent permission anyway. So she doesn’t think about it.
Years pass.
King Lear is the worst Shakespeare play Woods could’ve chosen for the fall production. For one thing, it’s not a history like Richard is, so it won’t get cool and bloody. That wasn’t a problem for her but if they wanted guys to audition, blood and gore was necessary. It wasn’t a comedy like Twelfth Night nor was it famous like Midsummer, meaning audiences would be bored and ticket sales would go down. Again, not a problem for her but they were already operating a shoe string budget, ever since the football team got that new scoreboard.
Shelby wasn’t saying the football team didn’t deserve that scoreboard! Andrew might not have thrown a completed pass since the ninth grade but football was an important sport. They needed it.
The one thing that pissed Shelby off about King Lear was that it wasn’t a romance. Call her basic but she was a sucker for love stories. King Lear was just a tragedy about some king losing his throne. There was nothing interesting or important or applicable and she didn’t get how she was supposed to play Cordelia. Cordelia refused to say she loved her father, that was her whole thing. She was just a pretty girl who didn’t love her father.
“Shelby,” Woods said. “This is your sister, Goneril,”
Shelby looked up from the script to the antagonist, a short women with a furrowed brow. “Have we met?”
“I don’t think so,” Shelby held out her hand. “Shelby Goodkind. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Toni Shalifoe,” Toni Shalifoe said. She took Shelby’s hand and Shelby kept her expression clear, continuing to grin brightly at the girl’s who’s poems had haunted two years of her life. It had to be a different Toni. What were the chances?
“Toni here,” Woods clapped her shoulder, “Just moved from Minnesota.” Frick. “I thought maybe you could show her around.”
Shelby smiled wide. “I would love to.”
How did some random no one from nowhere become Goneril? One of the biggest parts in the show? That wasn’t fair to Cindy, who’d been auditioning every year! Probably because Toni was a senior or something, had to be it. Or maybe she’d been held back? Shelby had been so sure the writer was older than her.
“So,” Shelby said, once Woods walked away to harass the orchestra. “Do you like Texas?”
“Fuck no,” Toni said.
“It’s not that bad,” Shelby tried.
“Literally what’s to like?”
“Clearly you’ve never been to a dude ranch.”
Toni rolled her eyes. “Hard pass.”
“That wasn’t an invitation,” Shelby said.
“Thank god,” Toni said.
She sorted through her lines, brow furrowing again as she made notes and Shelby watched her, wondered if she was still brilliant. If she was the same age as Shelby, which she seemed to be, surely she still had to be writing right?
“At least we’re doing a decent play,” Toni said.
Shelby blinked at her. “You think King Lear is decent?”
“Duh,” Toni looked up. “It’s like—one of his best? C’mon, don’t tell me you don’t get it.”
“I guess I don’t get it,” Shelby said. “It’s just about some crazy king giving up his throne. Divine right to rule and like not democratic.”
“It’s about three daughters struggling to figure out what to do with their parent in his old age,” Toni said. “It’s about the sick and dying not being taken care of and being cheated by their kids.”
“Okay,” Shelby tried. “So?”
“So,” Toni said. “Eventually you’ll have to decide what to do with your parents. Whether to put them in a home or have them stay with you or whatever. They’re gonna get old and sick eventually.”
“I know that,” Shelby said.
“So why don’t you like King Lear?” Toni said. “Let me guess—you prefer Romeo and Juliet?”
“I’m a sucker for a good romance,” Shelby said. “Sue me.”
“Romeo and Juliet isn’t a romance, it’s a treatise on the importance of letting your kids be happy,” Toni said.
“If Romeo’s parents had realized how deep heartbroken he was, or if Juliet’s parents realized she didn’t want to marry Paris, they both would’ve been and probably wouldn’t have fallen in love,” Toni said.
“Hold on,” Shelby said. “You’re saying the greatest love story ever told was actually teenage rebellion?”
“If that’s your greatest love story, I’m sorry for you,” Toni said.
Shelby got up and walked away.
Later, and she wasn’t proud of this, she realized Toni had left her bag behind. She knew it was Toni’s because she had to open it to find out who it was. And when she opened it she saw a little spiral notebook.
Property of: Toni Shalifoe
Please email me if you find this.
There was no instruction not to read so…
I dreamed you were a poem,
I say, a poem I wanted to show to someone…
and I laugh and fall dreaming again
Of the desire to show you to everyone I love,
to move openly together
in the pull of gravity, which is not simple,
which carries the feathered grass a long way down the upbreathing air.
Shelby slammed the journal shut, shoved it in the backpack, and raced out of the auditorium. Hopefully, Toni would return for her own backpack.
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derivativealigner · 3 years
Well, I’m done rewatching season 2 of south park and I’ve taken plenty of notes and screenshots to document all the facts and tidbits I thought were interesting or just funny. Under the cut is a collection of notes where I progressively start caring more and more about fake children
Kenny’s house is full of empty bottles, his family eats frozen waffles for dinner, and his dad is drinking at the dinner table
Kenny’s and Kyle’s dads have some history. They were best friends as teenagers
Kenny’s dad is kind of anti-Semitic, he says Kyle’s dad was successful because he’s Jewish
Cartman kind of expresses agreement with Stuart’s anti-Semitism, which I think is the first time Cartman’s been clearly anti-Semitic
Kenny’s house has rats, but his room has lights that shut off when you clap twice
WOW KYLE wtf he says “Kenny's not really my friend, Ma. I don't give a rat's ass about him.” FUCKING RUDE
Kyle and Kenny have a fun little sleepover where they play “ookie mouth”, a game where they take turn spitting in each other’s mouths. This episode (S02E10 Chickenpox) is great for fans of K2 despite how absolutely disgusting ookie mouth is
The McCormick house was something Stuart and Gerald built as teenagers. A fort in Stuart’s mom’s backyard
Gerald went to community college
Gerald and Stuart have a fun fist fight by a pond
Kyle makes a haiku: Fatass Cartman was / not on the school bus today. / What a big, fat turd.
Kenny makes a haiku: When you rub your dick, / you might find a discharge that / winds up on the floor.
Kyle makes another: Ass full of pork fat / jiggles like a Jello mold. / Mouth is flapping, too.
And another by Kyle: I bet you don't win. / They don't let big fat asses / perform on TV.
Cartman responds: Shut your God-damned mouth / or else I'm... gonna... kick you / square in the balls... asshole
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I spy with my desperate eye the beginnings of Craig’s gang, featuring Kenny with wonky eyes
Bebe thinks Kyle has a hot ass and she’s not shy about saying it
Bebe writes a note to Kyle, and Stan tries to pass it on but Mr. Garrison thinks it’s Stan’s note for Kyle and makes him read it out loud. So he reads: “Dear Kyle. You have got such a great ass. I could sleep for days on those perked cheeks, let me tell you. I'd like to live with you and wear your ass as a hat for all eternity.” (If that happened to me I’d be embarrassed forever)
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POV: You’re Stan and you just said you love Kyle’s juicy ass in front of the whole 3rd grade class
The first time Stan’s mom and dad get a divorce is in S02E12, way sooner than I remembered
Bebe kisses Kyle when they’re playing truth or dare in their clubhouse, probably Kyle’s first kiss. Kyle thinks it’s disgusting (despite having played ookie mouth with Kenny which is arguably more disgusting)
Bebe breaks up with Kyle and goes off with Clyde, who says “Bitchin’ 😎”. Later Clyde is with Bebe, Stan, and Wendy at the club house
Cartman and Kyle have a fist fight once again. Kyle hated Cartman way more than Stan did very early on, kind of all along really, they truly were destined to be arch enemies
Kenny has food stamps
Oh, and Cartman’s made poor jokes about Kenny and twice (I think) Kenny has punched him in retaliation in the past 2 seasons. Kenny’s family is probably a bad and violent example for him
By the way, if you’ve ever wondered what Kenny says in the theme song but never looked it up, in seasons 1-2 he sings “I like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with deep vaginas” but in the remastered versions of seasons 1-2 (which is the version I’m watching) they changed it to the season 3-5 lyrics: “I have got a ten-inch penis, use you mouth if you wanna clean it”.
When an evil twin version of Cartman says nice things, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny stare at him in horror. Stan says, “Dude, this is creepy.”
Also, the boys say dude a lot. At least Stan, Kyle, and Kenny do, Cartman not as much
Kenny’s mom hits him when he’s hogging the blanket from his brother. Kenny makes a sad face and it made me feel bad :(
When evil twin Cartman comes to give the McCormicks some supplies, Kenny’s dad asks if that was his “fat, racist, foul-mouthed friend” so Cartman clearly has a reputation
When Stan gets scared of his evil fish, he wakes Shelly up and she slaps him. Their mom sees it and says nothing
But on the other hand his mom buries a body that Stan’s fish killed because she thinks he killed it so I guess she’s not entirely a bad mom
Kenny was supposed to buy a pumpkin for Halloween but he could only afford a squash and his friends are really mean about it. The more I watch the more I feel bad for Kenny (and Stan)
Cartman kind of has a shitty friendship with Kenny. He says “I hate you Kenny” because of the squash
Kyle is really annoyed by Cartman saying “hella” all the time, nobody else is as annoyed
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Evil Cartman sings a cute little song while wielding a knife: You guys / are my best friends, / through thick and thin, / we've always been together! / We're four of a kind, / having fun all day, / palling around and laughing away. / Just best friends, / best friends are we!
Stan still has his dog, Sparky, in season 2
After Stan’s fish kills Kenny, Kenny’s mom comes over to ask about her son and she’s drunk and upset. Honestly seeing Kenny die all the time makes me kind of sad
Stan says Kenny’s squash isn’t a bad little squash. Very heartwarming. The squash gets first prize at the pumpkin carving contest :)
Cartman’s grandma and extended family live in Nebraska
When the boys go to Cartman’s family to have Christmas dinner, Kenny’s dad tells him to take any leftovers and bring them back home (he does it very gently and Kenny just says “okay” and why do I care that this fake child dies all the time and barely has food at home, like why the fuck do I care so much???)
Cartman’s mom is wearing glasses when she drives. She doesn’t do it in the later seasons but maybe she has contacts
Cartman and his mom sing a road trip song for 4 hours. Kyle says “please stop” but when they ignore him, he kicks Cartman’s seat and makes Cartman hit his head
Stan has a complicated relationship with his family, he says they’re dead to him because they didn’t want him to go on a road trip to Nebraska so Stan went without telling them
Kenny doesn’t eat at the dinner table with Cartman’s family, he just shoves the food in a bag :( I feel so bad for him
Stan, Kyle, and Kenny all hit Cartman after they wake in the night to make sure they’re not dreaming
Under his coat, Cartman wears a pink tank top that says BEEFCAKE. He wore it in S1E02 Weight Gain 2000
Charles Manson invites Kenny to go to a more secluded location and Kenny just says okay and goes, but honestly he should know better since he’s aware that he keeps dying
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Cartman bonks his cousin Elvin on the head and gives him brain damage. Elvin gets better though
Token gets named when he’s put in a group with Wendy, Bebe, Clyde, and Pip. Craig’s gang is getting closer to becoming a thing!!
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Tweek says he’s awake at 3:30am because he can’t sleep, ever
Jesus, Tweek’s dad kind of sucks immediately. He says he might have to sell Tweek to slavery if his coffee shop goes out of business
Cartman says Kenny’s family is happy being poor and on welfare, “right, Kenny?” and Kenny says “fuck you” which is completely justified
When the underpants gnomes don’t appear, Tweek is worried he’s going insane and pulls on his hair
His parents say Tweek is jittery and anxious just because he has ADD (but the kind of severe jitteriness and anxiety Tweek has isn’t a symptom of primarily inattentive ADHD, even though people with ADHD do experience restlessness and can even have some tics and are more likely to have anxiety as a comorbid disorder than a neurotypical person is, but I mean come on, we all know Tweek’s slurping way too much coffee so even if he has ADHD beneath all that, his parents should stop giving him coffee and they definitely should not start lacing it with meth. Basically what I’m saying is that Tweek’s parents are full of shit)
Actually Tweek’s mom is kind of okay. She tells Tweek’s dad that he’s being shitty for using kids to advance his agenda. But… the agenda is against big corporations and I hate to say it but Tweek’s dad kind of has a point
Ew, the boys are giving a pro big corporations speech. That aged really poorly considering how shitty billionaires are
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Aww, look at Kenny! He got scared of a crocodile that Steve Irwin is about to bother by jamming his thumb up its butthole
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The boys are really excited about Steve Irwin jamming his thumb up a crocodile’s butthole
Oh my God, Kyle calls Cartman a fatass penis
Kenny is a mediator between Stan and Kyle. They ask him which one found this ice man in a cave first, but Kenny just deflects and agrees with Kyle’s name suggestion (Steve) for the ice man
I kind of like Dr. Mephesto. I’m glad he came back for Fractured But Whole
Stan and Kyle are having a terrible fight about who found the ice man. Kyle says they’re not best friends anymore and that Cartman is his new best friend and Cartman says “Sweet!”, then Stan claims Cartman as his new best friend and Cartman says “Killer!”
This prehistoric ice man episode is actually funny, I love it
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Stan and Kyle are having a fight to the death
They reconcile and become best friends again. They both agree that Cartman’s a sucky best friend
Well, that was the last episode of the season. This was fun. South Park is actually a fun show
Kenny deaths:
S02E10 Kenny is in the hospital because of chicken pox. He laughs at Cartman’s joke so hard that his heart flatlines like beeeeeeeeeeeeeep
S02E11 Kenny’s head explodes after Stan and Kyle make him watch planetarium lights at a high intensity
S02E12 Kenny gets trampled in a mosh pit
S02E13 A cow impales Kenny’s head with its horn
S02E14 Ozzy Osbourne bites Kenny’s head off
S02E15 Kenny is killed by Stan’s evil fish, he gets spun in the fish tank until the water’s red
S02E16 The police shoot Kenny who came outside with a white flag during a hostage situation, then the police hit his dead body with a baton and handcuff him
S02E17 Kenny gets crushed by the underpants gnomes’ mine cart. The gnomes are horrified but Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Tweek are kinda like whatever
S02E18 Kenny gets squished underneath a conveyer belt
Onto the next season I go. I’ll watch the movie too since it was released around halfway through season 3
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babydotcom · 3 years
asami and sokka for the ask game
Vee my abhorred thanks for the ask! I haven't watched past maybe S2E5?? of Korra but I'll give this woman everything I got. Sokka under the cut bc I already know I'm gonna ramble.
First impression: hnnng pretty lady
Favorite moment: The first time she uses that electrocution glove thingy in a fight. So hot.
Idea for a story: I know very little about this woman but I think a korrasami college au where she tutors korra so korra can keep her athletic scholarship and they fall in love would be nice :)
Unpopular opinion: The whole Mako/Asami>Makorra>Korrasami pipeline is weird. Like I get we're dealing with Nickelodeon here and Mako getting Sokka'd is Hilarious but damn that whole situation was stupid.
Favorite relationship: Asami/Me. Duh. But also I think Bolin and Asami were funny together. I don't remember very much though.
Favorite headcanon: She drives a mo-ped right?? Consider dirtbike racer Asami I guess :D
First impression: Aw man this guy sucks. He reminds me of my brother.
Impression now: AWOOGA HELLO favorite boy best boy I love him so much. There are few characters I have ever cared about as much as I care about him. I relate to him in all the worst ways and I desperately want him to be happy. He's simultaneously the most competent genius in the world and my poor little meow meow. He's great. I love him. I look up to him. I project onto him like a motherfucker.
Favorite moment: Any and all moments where he is being vulnerable. It's never for his own sake but this boy needs to let it out sometimes, jeez. The haiku club. Killing melonlord. The moment he realizes he is going to die with Toph on the airship.
Idea for a story: I won't say much bc I've already got this one in the works but I feel like we need to explore what his life looked like between the men leaving and Aang resurfacing. I don't know if you guys realize this but he was pretty much Chief for two years??? At age 13??????????????
Unpopular opinion: I've managed to only follow smart people but I think the greater fandom doesn't appreciate Sokka's intellect as much as it should. Like. This guy is not your average Joe goofball funny guy who only serves to be a sexist sidekick to his sister. He is bar-none the smartest character in the entire show, and his whole arc is about learning and growing into this world he's never seen before. He is cynical and mean and self-deprecating and kind of an asshole but that's all because he's a child of war and had to be the man of his tribe FAR before he was actually a man. S1E1 Sokka is 1% of who Sokka is but some of y'all act like he didn't grow.
Favorite relationship: Sokka has such beautiful relationships with all of the main cast so it's ridiculously hard to choose. Sokka and Katara have a lovely complex sibling relationship and how much they love each other bleeds into every single moment of the show. Nobody knows them like they know each other but they still have so much to learn as they go on this journey together. I like him and Toph because that's simultaneously his buddy and his little sister. It's the S&K relationship without the baggage which puts S in this position of Protector (which Toph would not like him thinking that way pre-finale) AND Pal and Toph is such a good friend for him? Like she's got all of his snark and brashness without the cynicism. S&Aang is so lovely because Aang is just everybody's best friend, and I like how he forces S to have fun. I think Suki and him make a good pair because she really challenges him and Sokka gets to learn that he can't and shouldn't protect everybody and that's a really important lesson for him. and S&Zuko.... y'all already know how I feel. The parallels drive me up the wall insane. They would be the same person except that Z&K have the same personality and S&Azula would be much more similar if Ozai hadn't fucked Azula up so bad.
Favorite headcanon: Non-binary Sokka all the way. I have a post about Sokka's relationship with masculinity already so I won't expound to much on it here, but it's incredibly unhealthy and I think that in a world post-war or in a modern au he'd really kind of reckon with that relationship and realize that he's putting up this front that isn't useful to him anymore and realize that there are a lot of ways to Be A Person. also the Inuit have a term for intersex people (as far as my sources have shown and this may be completely wrong and please correct me if you know better), sipiniq, and typically they were raised as boys until they reached marrying age and then they could decide to have children or not?? Again I could be wrong but sipiniq sokka is a very interesting concept to me and could line up really well with canon.
game here!
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
she - warren worthington iii
More Warren!!! He honestly makes me just 🥺 but also 🥵
Requested by the lovely @kurt-nightcrawler​: so,,,, Warren’s writing poetry for a class and he’s really struggling,, so someone suggests he writes about what makes him happy and it’s the reader and then y/n finds out he wrote this really good poetry about them and the reader is all like 🥺🥺
This is so cute thank you for sending it in ✨💕 hope u like it boo i changed it a little i hope it’s still okay :)))
Okay but the tea is I SUCK with poetry okay so I stole song lyrics from a song that I just think is so super cute and kinda goes with the request and that is She by Dodie 🥺 (but I changed it to be more poem like)
Word count: 1,891 :)))
Warning (s): tooth rotting fluff, swearing (obviously), I'm physically incapable of not including Peter in these, that good kissing shit 
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"Okay, class. Have that assignment for class on Friday." The English teacher spoke loudly to the room full of students and Warren had to fight to contain a groan.
Creative writing - poetry or the way that Warren saw it, torture. Not to get him wrong, he loved poetry. It was deep and it could say things without really saying anything at all, he was one of those people who just got symbolism, no explanations needed. 
However, that didn't mean that he was any good at actually writing poetry. And this assignment was due for Friday, which meant he had four days to figure out how to write a decent poem. 
The thought occurred to him to simply pull some shitty haiku out of his ass and maybe get some marks for effort, but, he dismissed it as English was pretty much the only subject that he had an active interest in, he didn't want his average falling because he handed up one shitty poem.
After the bell rang signalling the end of the class and the end of the day, the winged boy made his way to his dorm to work on his homework and make a start on the dreaded English assignment, where would he even begin?
"Hey man, you coming to hang out?" Warren's roommate, Peter, asked speeding into the dorm room.
Looking up from the blank page of his English copy, Warren cocked an eyebrow at his silver haired friend, "Who's gonna be there?" 
"The whole gang." Peter replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world to which Warren nodded his head and got up from his bed, tossing his English copy onto the floor, he'd work on it some more tomorrow.
"(Y/n) was wondering where you were." Peter told Warren nonchalantly, as if it didn't even matter, oh if only he knew.
At the statement Warren's eyes widened and he was flooded with worry, "Why is she okay? Did she need me for something?" He questioned frantically, as Peter pursed his lips and made a face at him.
"No. She just wanted to know why you didn't come to hang out after class ended…" Peter replied heading out the door with Warren following behind him, a lot calmer now.
When the two boys entered the room, Warren caught sight of you immediately, the bright smile you gave him once he entered the room very nearly floored him.
It was no secret to anyone, not even you, that Warren Worthington III was absolutely crazy about you. You were soft and bright, you were the human embodiment of sunshine. To Warren you felt so familiar, like the cool release of fall coming in after a hot summer.
See, he absolutely understood symbolism, especially when it came to you: His girl that isn't actually his girl. 
Warren walked over to the seat you'd saved him on the couch, beside you, trying his best to keep up his cool exterior Warren sat down and threw his arm over the back of the couch, his hand brushing against your shoulder as he did.
"Hey, Princess." He reveled in the way the nickname brought a hue of pink to your cheeks, and the smile you tried to hide from him only made him chuckle.
"Hey, War. Where have you been?" You asked, scooting ever so slightly closer to him.
At your question Warren groaned and his head fell into your shoulder in exhaustion. "Ugh, I've got an assignment due for Friday. Have to write a poem- I was trying to work on it after class. It's hell." 
Laughing at him, you brought your hand up to play with his blonde curls that were brushing against your neck as he huffed about English. 
"I thought you loved poetry?" You wondered out loud, frowning as he shook his head against your shoulder.
You were sure he loved poetry, something about the symbolism and depth of words.
"Not if I'm the one writing it." He elaborated for you, noticing your frown and adorable furrowed eyebrows and he didn't even realize he was staring up at you until Peter let out an exaggerated groan from the end of the couch.
"Ugh! Would you two just kiss already? The tension is k-i-l-l-i-n-g me!" He exclaimed, dragging out the word ‘killing’ for as long as he could. 
"Peter! Shut the hell up they were being cute!" Jubilee shouted, throwing a handful of popcorn at the speedster who only shrugged.
Kurt looked at you, Warren, Peter and Jubilee confused as Jean and Scott watched you all in amusement.
"Are you two going out?" Kurt asked innocently, looking between each member of the group.
"Might as well be." Peter remarked causing your cheeks to heat and you only added to the teasing as you hid your reddening face in Warren's blonde curls.
"SEE!" Peter exclaimed, pointing at you and Warren accusingly.
You knew better than anybody that you and Warren acted like a couple, but you and him never had that conversation. But it's not like you needed to, it's not like you ever kissed or anything, you were just close.
"Shut the fuck up, Maximoff. You don't know what you're talking about." Warren said, irritation clear in his voice, he didn't even bother to untangle himself from you, you were both used to your friends acting like this. 
He cared a little less about the teasing than you did, however. Awkwardly, you cleared your throat and eased Warren's head off your shoulder before standing up, "I'm, um, yeah I'm gonna go… do homework or something." You stuttered out before practically running out of the room.
If looks could kill, Peter would've dropped dead from the glare Warren was giving him, "Way to go, asshole."
Come the next day everything went back to normal, Peter's teasing hadn't upset you, not really, it was just that fact that you were in some weird in-between phase with Warren where you both knew you wanted to be more than friends but neither of you had said anything yet and Peter calling you out had just sent you into a whirlpool of thoughts about you and Warren that just left you wanting to be more.
It was always the same, day in day out, you hung out with your friends, you or Warren saved each other the seat beside the other and then your friends teased you about what you already knew. "(Y/n) and Warren act like a couple." This and, "(Y/n) and Warren look so cute together." That. Well you were sick of it. You didn't want to just act like a couple, you wanted to be a couple.
The cycle continued until Thursday. Warren had denied Peter's attempts to get him to go hang out as he still had to write his stupid fucking poem. He hadn't made even a word of progress since the project had been assigned. It was getting frustrating.
He'd been slumped over his English work for about 5 hours, it was late in the evening now and sometime during his struggling to write the sun had gone down.
Warren was pulled out of his trance when you peaked your head through his door, smiling sweetly and glancing to Peter's bed to make sure he wasn't in the room before entering.
"Brought you a snack." You told him, handing him the plate of food and sitting down behind him, propping your chin on his shoulder and looking over it with a sympathetic look, "Still no luck with that poem, huh Birdy?"
Warren only hummed, leaning into your body for comfort, he was stumped.
"Yeah, I've got nothin'."
"Well," You started thoughtfully, "Why don't you try writing about something you like?" You suggested while Warren closed his eyes, "Something I like?"
You nodded against his shoulder, "Yeah, like things that make you happy!" You chirped as he opened his green eyes to look at you, your face so close to his. He could smell your shampoo and see every single detail of your face, like looking at a picture.
A smile broke his face, "I think I'll be able to think of something." He told you smugly.
Looks like he'd found some inspiration.
After you left, Warren didn't waste anymore time and quickly finished his poetry assignment and handed it up on time in his class on Friday.
The stress of the previously unwritten poem had evaporated and Warren enjoyed his weekend with you and the rest of your friends, he had to thank his English teacher for handing out the assignment, though. It made him realize everything he'd really been thinking, the little things he noticed often subconsciously.
When his teacher handed him back the graded poem, he couldn't have been happier, he got an A+ and honestly, it was all thanks to you.
His final product had been about you, after all.
After class he'd walked into the common room, to see that you were the first one there and by yourself.
"Princess." He greeted happily, plopping down next to you and shoving the piece of paper with his poem on it, into your hands.
"Ohhh, A+, can I?" You asked, glancing between Warren and the poem.
Warren nodded confidently, impatient and wanting to see your reaction to his poetry.
"Go on. Read it."
"Okay." You smiled and cleared your throat dramatically before beginning to read.
"Am I allowed to look at her like that?
Could it be wrong
When she's just so nice to look at?" You read out softly, a teasing tone to your voice that soon faded away as you continued.
"And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
Oh, you would find her in a Polaroid picture
And she...
Means everything to me" Warren was biting his lip as he watched you read with a small smile, the lines making sense to you, he hoped.
"I'd never tell
No, I'd never say a word
And oh, it aches
But it feels oddly good to hurt" As you read aloud you knew exactly what he was saying, smooth bastard.
'And I'll be okay
Admiring from afar
'Cause even when she's next to me
We could not be more far apart
And she tastes like birthday cake and story time and fall
But to her
I taste of nothing at all." You finished, looking directly into his eyes, lip between your own teeth almost mimicking him.
"Not to be seen annoyingly oblivious or anything, but I have to ask… who is this 'she'?" You asked Warren shyly, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
"She is you." The winged boy stated clearly and you couldn't stop the relief filled laugh that left your mouth, followed by a muttered "thank God".
Warren barely had time to process what was happening before you had practically pounced on him, legs either side of his lap, both hands on either side of his face and your lips pressing against his.
Instinctively his hands grabbed onto your ass to keep you steady as he returned your passionate kiss, lips moving frantically against yours while he pressed you closer to him.
Little did either of you know that none other than Peter Maximoff was standing in the doorway of the common room, shaking his head disbelievingly, "Fucking finally."
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deltaengineering · 5 years
Spring Anime 2019 Part 1: git gud
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I was trying to wait until something really good came along. This ran into a problem. Yes this is a day behind but not because of... that.
Amazing Stranger
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What: Otaku dipshit buys a figurine that turns out to be an alien robot girl from an anime.
❌❌ Otaku dipshit nonsense about perving on a figurine-sized robot girl. It’s bad, yo.
❌ Execution is as questionable as the content. I’ll give it a star for using 3DCG and 2D animation where they respectively make sense.
♎ Only ⅓ runtime so it ended before I could get mad.
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
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What: Overachiever gets conned into tutoring a bunch of girls with specialized talents and general uselessness. The twist is that they don’t look identical.
♎ Basic ass harem setup with little to distinguish itself. And if it’s not a real harem it’s just a lacklaughter comedy.
♎ Characters aren’t terrible but sort of just there. Their talents are also too cartoonish to take seriously but not outlandish enough to be funny.
♎ You guessed it, production is workmanlike/undistinguished as well.
❌ Didn’t I just watch this? In any case, this lacks Quintuplet’s trademark sass so it’s just painfully mediocre.
Fruits Basket
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What: Poor but optimistic high school girl gets involved with a harem of supernatural critters.
♎ This seems incredibly derivative and unoriginal. Seems of course, because Fruits Basket is the OG so all the others ripped it off in the first place. Doesn’t change the fact that I’ve sampled and discarded dozens of otome harems exactly like this.
✅ The production is aware that they’re adapting a classic over here, so the production values are high. It looks nice.
✅ It’s directed quite competently as well, especially the comic bits have the right timing.
❌ I don’t like the characters much. Tohru is a little annoying and the boyz are a big nothing. That’s not good for a romantic comedy. Side characters fare much better but hey, side characters in a show like this don’t matter.
♎ I have no attachment to Fruits Basket so this will have to stand on its own. So far it looks watchable, but very middle of the road.
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu
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What: Kiraralike about a class of middle school girls that are all named after their personality. The main character (Bocchi Hitori, natch) is lonely and made of social anxiety.
❌ Dealing with #relatable topics is always sketchy, but Bocchi talking to herself for the majority of the episode just gets really old no matter what.
✅ However, once she starts actually talking to other people it gets better. Slightly above average for a show like this, which means inoffensively cute and very mildly comedic.
♎ This is a Kiraralike where all the characters are named after their personality, so I wouldn’t expect any depth. Not that that’s unusual for the genre.
♎ I’ll probably give this 3 episodes because these shows live and die by the cast, which we haven’t seen much of so far. If Bocchi’s character development sticks and we get a few good support characters, it might be fun.
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What: the sound of one thigh slapping
❌ but
✅✅ though
Kimetsu no Yaiba / DEMON SLAYER
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What: Edgy shounen about a dude whose family gets KILL BY DEMONS (no, he isn’t the demons (his sister is the demons)).
✅ Actually better than that sounds, it’s pretty serious with its approach to the whole revenge thing. The edginess is also only apparent on the margins, so tonally it’s more or less fine.
✅ The main guy isn’t terrible and his superpower (a superlative sense of smell) is fairly subdued for the genre. You could tell a story with this.
✅✅ This is ufotable and it looks REALLY good. ufotable shows are always very elaborate, but their aesthetics can be questionable. This, however, keeps the postprocessing to a minimum and uses CG only where appropriate. I’d say it rivals Emiya-san for the best looking thing they’ve ever done.
❌ The OP shows a bunch of supercool superdudes fighting like they're in a shounen anime, just in case you’re wondering.
❌❌ Three words: Weekly Shounen Jump. This is an instant death sentence for the long run, since it will be stretched until nobody cares anymore, then get swiftly killed - with some lipservice to closure, if you’re lucky.
❌❌ In case you’re willing to take your chances, WSJ is still a magazine for babies and imbeciles, so get ready for its “distinctive” writing style. Here it isn’t quite as bad as in Promised Neverland, but you’re still getting 100% wall-to-wall voiceover coverage explaining things that you either don’t need to know or are blindingly obvious. 
Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO
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What: 90s eroge protagonist starts hopping dimensions to look for his dad or something.
❌❌ Those 90s eroge protagonists sure were hilarious, what with their lechery etc. Rest of the cast fills the genre template nicely as well, which is to say they suck.
❌ Doesn’t look outright terrible so far, but it already shows signs of slight jankiness that would lead me to suspect this is a candidate for a production collapse in the future.
❌ Story? Surely you jest. All that happens in the first episode is vague exposition and naked girls falling from the sky. I hear the game gets real good 100 hours in, btw.
❌ This isn’t just some 90s eroge, it is the 90s eroge. You know, before KEY came along and made them all respectable (ostensibly). In any case, YU-NO is regarded as some stone cold classic of epic feels. I have experience with those, and they usually are only great for as long as you can’t read them.
Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
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What: High school girls hates men because her father happens to be one. Understandable, since he’s also a tiny dirty old man caricature from the 60s. Can love bloom on the ecchifield?
♎ This is mostly inoffensive...
❌ ...except when it isn’t, of course. Which isn’t that often but still too often.
❌ It would also be appreciated if it could be less offensive in those instances because hot damn.
❌ Even if it removed the main source of irritation it would still be nothing much. Something like Hitoribocchi or Benkyou ga Dekinai has at least some potential, this doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere.
❌❌ My man Kenjiro Tsuda is wasting his time on this goblin’s comedy voice.
Mix - Meisei Story
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What: Some kids play baseball, very slowly. You’re supposed to care because you presumably cared about Touch (which Mix is a very far removed sequel to).
❌ I did not in fact care about Touch. Nor about baseball, for that matter.
❌ Seriously, the entire selling point for this is “Sequel. To. Touch.” It cares not for your indifference towards Touch and would rather you go away.
❌❌ The languid pace is a killer. I know baseball is a boring sport but Mix doesn’t even attempt to make it interesting. This could work as an iyashikei-type show but in that case it would need different hooks, such as characters whose personality goes beyond “good at THIS aspect of baseball”. Maybe they’ll get to that but with this pace it’ll take a few seasons.
✅ I think the 80s design with a few contemporary animation frills looks quite nice. They’re probably doing their job right over there.
Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma
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What: One “Oda Nobunaga” is an otaku and somehow also a teacher. Girls looking for his better known ancestor approach him with marriage plans, and since they’re looking for a Sengoku warlord, they come with era appropriate sensibilities.
❌ Do not care much for anime about 14 year old time travellers falling onto some dork’s dick, sorry. Unless they’re real good. Which this isn’t.
❌ I suppose i should be thankful this isn’t an all-out ecchi show, but unlike the characters, “lmao they can’t fuck” gets old.
❌ Besides the obvious, this fails at pacing, comedy, heartwarming, production, etc. I’m getting tired of spelling it all out again, this season definitely has an overabundance of not-quite-terrible-but-subpar-in-every-way romantic comedies.
Senryuu Shoujo
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What: Senryuu is poetry that’s pretty much a haiku, but not hella deep. A quiet weirdo girl and a delinquent type write some of those.
✅ This has low ambitions, but manages to meet them. It’s chill and cute and the characters are likeable.
✅ Half length, which is the correct runtime for something as slight as this.
♎ It’s cheap but not to the degree that it detracts from the experience.
✅ It’s the second coming of Go Go 575 and I’m all about that. Check it out!
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What: uLtRaMaN is an ultrasequel to UlTrAmAn in which Ultraman is now Ultradad and has to take care of his Ultrason.
♎ Decent looking by CG TV anime standards, though the amount of action is so low that it raises the question why it isn’t just live action, especially since it’s partially mocapped already. I would have expected more pizzazz, especially with Kenji Kamiyama AND Shinji Aramaki directing.
♎ Old man superhero has some charm, but the show suggests and Wikipedia confirms: He’s about to get his ass kicked and his much more standard progeny takes over. There goes your selling point.
♎ Apart from that, this appears to be a competent but not especially engaging sequel to Ultraman (i.e., it’s most definitely not SSSS.Gridman). I have no special affinity for Ultraman.
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alex-baebae · 5 years
Pieces of honor
Chapter 6
(The image isn't mine, credits to the respective owners)
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“Yeah, we had sex” she tells me, this hurts me for sure, I mean for me it wasn’t just ‘sex’. She drinks all her coffee “I wish we could drink some alcohol” she adds, maybe she is not in her five senses, she must be as astonished as me. “___” I call her “I love you” I tell her, she giggles.
My dad told me to not think that ___ could me ‘mine’, she’s the daughter of boss Zhao, she could have as many men as she wants to. However, it is different for me, he told me that if I continue being her lover, she could throw me out whenever she decided to, she can do whatever she wants to me. And dad also told me that when I accepted to be with her, I became her property...
He told me to think twice, because all my life, I’ve expected that lovers must be loyal to each other. I want to be with her, I’m so in love that... I will accept every single one who she wishes to have sex with.
“Seunghyun, what do you think of Daesung?” she asks me “what do you mean?” I ask back “he’s kind of strange” she says “strange?” I ask again “yeah, he has a strange behavior” she’s looking through the windows of the café.
“Do you think he could be a spy?” I ask her “no... I don’t know how to explain this, it is not that I don’t trust him, but he’s like the people who you shouldn’t trust” she explains me “did you know him? I mean your father recommended him to boss Zhao” she says “boss Zhao? he's your father” she smiles “yeah but now we’re his mercenaries, I’m not his daughter now” she adds “about daesung... I don’t know him, but my father does. He was a neighbor of my father, in Korea, when he was too young. Daesung is ten years older than us, I guess” she is seeing the table like in trance.
“When Amber is going to be at the mansion?” she asks still looking to the table “I don’t know” I respond, she really misses Amber. “Let’s go to the hotel, we have to rest” she says.
“Can I sleep with you?” she asks not making eye contact, it seems she’s even more shocked than me. She was lost in her mind all the way, so I had to pay more attention, anything could happen anytime. “Sure” I answer, she smiles and hugs me in the corridor, I hold her, then I carry her inside my room. “Are you taking a shower?” she asks “yeah” I tell her “go first” she says.
Thanks to the supreme energy he accepted to sleep with me, if I stay alone five minutes more, I’ll suicide this time for sure. Look at how weak am I, my father would be disappointed if he notices it. After all, I’m a deception. Where’s that arrogant ____? She’s a coward as well.
Seunghyun is drying his hair, I’m letting the warm water soak all my skin, my hair, my soul it is comforting. I walk into the room, it seems Seunghyun is not there.
I feel his hands on my shoulders “You are so beautiful” the voice of my lover, he starts to dry my hair with a clean towel, I just enjoy the warmth of his body behind me. “Let’s rest for a while” he suggests “I don’t want to rest” I say “if I do so, the image will torment my mind” he doesn’t say anything.
After a while he talks “I know how to make you forget everything”, he removes my towel, I’m naked, he’s in his pajama.
"Sit on the couch" I order him, he was surprised "let's forget then" I take off his shorts as soon as he is sat down. I start to lick his sex, sometimes I suck, but what I’m more focused on now is coating him with my saliva.
He is getting harder; I continue kissing and licking him. Suddenly he grabs my hair and pulls me apart to kiss me. I don't know why we trust so hard each other. Why do we feel so comfortable around each other? I simply don't know maybe we are mate souls, ha! what a stupidity.
His tongue is inside of my mouth licking every single corner, I keep my mouth wide open for him, I like to feel this way, to feel attacked somehow. Neither at fighting neither in life I have felt this way, but with him it feels like magic to be submissive, to be vulnerable.
"Get on the bed" he orders me, I get in doggy style on the big bed, showing him my wetness "you're so sexy" he whispers in my ear before throw his shirt, he lifts me so I am now kneeled. He's behind me sucking my back's skin, his hands are touching my neck, my breasts, my abs.
"Seunghyun, please" I take his right hand guiding it to my clit, he caresses my it with no mercy, two of his left hand’s fingers are inside of me, trying to find my g-spot. I start to shake violently when he finds it, my moans are blasting out "how can you be so wet? Fuck, you’re soaking my hand" He tells me then he bits my shoulder gently, I blush. That makes me feel embarrassed, he pushes me softly, I’m in doggy again.
I feel my liquids drench my inner thighs. I whimper at the time his tongue makes circles around my tight hole. I fell over the bed, my ass in the air giving him more access. he sucks my thighs, he groans. “So good” his husky voice fills my brain. His hands spreads my pussy, then his tongue goes as deep as it can.
"Let me help you" I say spreading my sex with my own hands “shit, ____" I'm moaning hard, convulsing, my toes curling... well, I guess no one will care here.
He suddenly moves apart, he's taking a condom from his black backpack "do it quick, Seunghyun" I say while fingering me, I was so aroused "your wish is my command”. How can he act like this? Like he knows everything about sex, how can he fuck me so good as if he had lots of experience? But, how can he also can be so innocent as the last night? I don't care now. You know I have such a high sex drive... and fortunately he has it too, he’s perfect for me.
He was going deep and rough, the perfect mix for me “Seunghyun, harder” I beg, soon his making me tremble with every single thrust “yes, Seunghyun!” I mewl. I’m feeling so good, my legs are quivering for him, my sex desperately clenches around him “shit, fuck me harder!” I cry out. He grabs my hips helping him to do it quicker and rougher “Seung...!” I’m not able to speak properly his name, my high ts me in waves. All I can hear now is Seughyun trying to catch his breath
“Seunghyun” I call him while he takes the condom off “my beloved señorita” he says “my spanish classes are not that bad, are it?” he chuckles “I love when you teach me how to speak spanish, it turns me on” I laugh at his confession “oh my god, I’ll do it more often then” I say.
Daesung’s point of view
I shopped some groceries, I ate at the hotel’s restaurant, the normal things I used to do when we were in this kind of missions. I was watching videos after receiving the instructions of Boss Zhao for tomorrow.
In no time I heart ___ voice. She was moaning, maybe she was... well masturbating. I was getting hard, I tried my best to not pay attention but... I couldn’t
In no time I was enjoying her beautiful voice. At some point the sounds of skins clashing, and the moaning of a man could be heard too. She was with someone, I wished to be that one as hell. I keep stroking me, I imagined her in the top of me, I’m such a pervert.
In a minute I was in the edge, hearing her voice was too much for me, staining the gray blankets. ‘Yes, Seunghyun’ ‘Fuck me harder’ I heard her almost shouting “so she is with him” I whispered.
When I saw them cozied at the pekin exam I thought that maybe I misunderstood everything, I mean... they could be just close friends... anyways it’s not like I could have an opportunity with her. But why him? He’s not a Boss of a mafia, he’s normal as everyone of us, he works for them. I believed she only dated that kind of men, those ones who have lots of power. I need to rest too, so I clean everything quickly, then I fell asleep in no time.
I've been working on my fanfictions, but I haven't have so much time due to the Week of International Relations at my faculty. So we have to attend many symposiums, conferences, presentations of book, etc. I tried to write in my spare time but my friends keep asking what am I writing, so I get embarrassed and I stop. Today another friend thought I was writing a Haiku 😝
Have a nice week! Love y'all!
If you have a special request let me know! 😊
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wlwhc · 6 years
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A to Z Fluff - Lena Luthor
I apologize for the low quality of this thing, I’m doing my best at writing on my phone since Tumblr on my PC does not let me post anything, Idk why
I also have to put the codes like and you guys know I write long things so…it’s making me crazy, sorry for any grammar mistakes to JUST SORRY FOR EVERYTHING OKAY?
A= Attractive.
what do they find attractive about the other
Your hands,  off all things,  this angel find your hands to be the most attractive part of your already unbelievable attractive body. Is not just because she’s a thirsty gay, is also because she finds your hand movements to be as graceful as art itself. You use your hands a lot to be express yourself, from a simple point of view to a delicate touch that reminds her how much you love her,  she loves your hands.
B= Baby
Do they want a family?  Why? / Why not?
Y E S. But not soon,  she would love have kids with you,  two or three as much, but she doesn’t want to rush things and she has the company and too much work,  she likes her work, so she want to have a family with you when the right time comes,  and she knows she’ll have time for you and the baby(ies). *whispers* and she wants a girl
C= Cuddle
How do they cuddle?
The tighter you hold her the better. She will be so close to you,  she just loves to dive into your arms and forget about the world and the weigh of the company on her shoulders. A lot of neck kisses oh my god,  this girl,  she just can’t help it,  she will see a little bit of skin and she’ll have to kiss it!
Also,  don’t even try to get up from that couch or she’ll murder you with a glare,  or she’ll do grabby hand and will pout and you’ll probably die from so much cuteness.
She’s really needy for affection, most of the times she’s between your legs or sitting on your lap,  either way,  she will always manage to hide in the crook on your neck if she gets sleepy,  and she’s always holding your hands.
D= Dates
what are dates with them like?
A lot of laughs and gossip. You want dates for her to be fun,  so you always manage to make her laugh and complain about her Co-workers if necessary,  she loves the awful nicknames you give them.
“so,  it’s monkey ass face bothering you again? ”
“no,  this time is Assbut”
“ugh freaking Assbut,  he’s worst than coin face”
But there’s also heavy flirting and a lot of compliments,  specifically from her part. A lot of lips bites too,  thirsty gay mode on.
E= Everything
You are my ____ (e.g my life,  my world)
“You’re my everything, I see you everywhere I laid my eyes to,  I hear you in every melody, I don’t how you did it y/n,  but I’m immersed in your world,  and I don’t think I can get out of it”
F= Feeling
When they did know they were falling in love?
She noticed it,  it was subtle almost non-existing but it was there, her smile was bigger when you were around her,  her body would nonchalantly get closer to you like a magnet, she knew what was happening… And she didn’t hold back.
G= Gentle
Are they gentle with you?  if so,  how?
She’s such a sweetheart. She’s really sweet and soft with you,  even when she has to be firm or spat the truth at your face she will do it with a soft voice, never raising it or looking threatening.
H= Hand/Hold
How do they like to hold hands?
It’s subtle,  sometimes people misread it as a common thing because she will hold your hand mostly to drag you from place to place on the company. But you know that is not actually it,  she is not a big fan of PDA.
She loves to hold your hand while she’s taking with you,  softly caressing it with her thumb.
I= Impression
First Impression/s
Stunning,  you are stunning and oh my she was dying to talk to you. She nervously aproches you,  your eyes focus on your project,  clearly interested on whatever thing you were writing down. She clears her throat,  calling your attention,  and when she started talking to you asking about your project,  she was stunned. You are not only gorgeous,  but smart too!
J= Joker
Are they into pulling pranks?
Yes,  that devilish smirk of her should be enough for you to noticed when she is going to prank you. From little jumps scares,  to dyeing your hair, but nothing that may hurt you,  it’s just to get revenge on something or just to have some laughs.
K= Kisses
How do they kiss?
Extremely good, she will kill you,  or revive you,  she has no in between. Sometimes she will suck the life out of your tiny body with those hungry kisses that will also make you weak,  or will revived you with those sweet sweet kisses where you are sure angels are singing and bells are ringing.
She is a sucker for lip bites, so be prepared my friend,  she will eat you. A hand in your neck, so she can deep the kiss,  another hand either on your waist or hip,  she’ll grip you tightly. Her lips are so fucking sOFT.
Will absolutely don’t give a damn sometimes and make out with you on her office, sometimes neck kisses will be involve and she LOVES, Neck kisses.
L= litttle things
what little things do they love/notice?
You stumble over your words everytime you’re excited. And she can’t help but love it,  she thinks is adorable.
Another thing she noticed is how handworker you are,  you even spend more hours working that her. And even though she’s your boss,  she can’t get you out of your office,  too busy with your project. She sees your passion and interest in your project,  she loves it. Because no matter how tired you are,  you always smile at her at the end on the night when she asks you about how’s your project.
And a thing that she loves,  is how protective you are,  even though you said otherwise. You show this with little gestures,  a lunchbox on her office,  giving her your jacket when it’s raining,  arguing with anyone that dares to throw dirt on her name. You care,  she noticed that you care.
M= Memory
they favorite moments together
That moment after falling asleep. A lot of things can happen, but the best thing is that it’s just Lena and you,  no one else to bother,  just your girlfriend and you. Lena adores this moment,  when she can kiss you and talk to you with the comfort of her pajamas and bed.
N= Nickel
Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?
“Aw what a cute Puppy-LENA PUT THAT MONEY DOWN”
“but I want to buy it for you!”
She is rich,  she is in love,  she will spoil you to death,  I think that there’s no need to explain this. Whatever you want,  look or even just thought about,  you will have it,  no discussion.
O= Orange
what color reminds them of their other half?
Your favorite color
P= Petnames
What pet-names do they use?
Dear - Babe - Love -Sweetheart - Baby - Dr. Y/L/N (kinky cinnamon roll)
Q= Questions
what are the questions they’re always askin?
Have you eaten yet? 
Being a scientist and working for such an important company plus you being very passionate about your work,  would always lead you to forget about taking care of yourself,  your take more care of Lena that yourself. So Lena has to remind you to take a break,  just like you do with her. The biggest problem with you is food,  sometimes you will forgot to eat,  so Lena is always asking you if you had something to eat.
R= Remember
Their favorite memory of each other
That moment when it was just you and her,  alone, in a blanket fort at 4 am after she had a nightmare, product of the countless times when she almost faced death. She needed to get herself out of that dark world,  so you build a blanket fort,  drag her inside and begin talking about future projects she wanted to do, needless to say,  she forget all about her nightmare,  and got consumed by your voice, messy hair and paper mess.
I know a look people will think this is not romantic or shit, and you’re right, but it was what she needed,  no sugary words or endless promises about keeping her safe,  she needed someone to be there for her. You didn’t got scared or pity her,  you were there for her, and you know when she needs to be hold and when to be distracted. You are her friend,  not only her beloved,  and that’s something she hadn’t figure it out yet… Until that day.
S= Sad
How they cheer themselves / each other up
Disney marathons + cuddles
Lena loves it, sometimes you’ll have to sneak some alcohol to the mix but sometimes is not even necessary,  your warmth is enough for her.
She will cheer you up with kisses, cuddles and going out to do something out of the ordinary to make you forget about whatever had upset you.
T= Talking
what do they love talking about?
Science. You’re the only one that can understand her, and geek out with her. From Stars Wars conversations to the theories and number and oh my lord she won’t stop geeking.
U= Universe
Use a metaphor,  what are they to each other?  (e.g he was the universe, ever-changing and mysterious)
“She is made up of words that not anyone can understand, her mind is a dictionary of sadness and headache, her heart is a poetry book for the hopeless, she is the prettiest song, the most meaningful haiku, nd the longest novel, It takes a while to read her, Seconds to love her, And a lifetime to forget her”
V= Very___
they thoughts about each other (e.g she’s very smart,  he’s very stubborn, they’re very annoying)
she’s can be very childish with you, you’re very fond of her, she’s very soft with you, you’re very smart
W= Why
Reason why the love each other
You’re her everything. You’re not just a lover, someone to hold at night, you’re also her friend, and even though she has Kara, is still weird for her to have friends, and now she has you. You’re there for her, good times and bad times no matter what happens you are there, you listen to her and also know when to keep your mouth shout, but most important, you don’t have doubts about her, about the weight on her shoulders, about her turning “evil” , you trust her with your life, and that…that made her dive into you, that made her heart feel safe.
X= Xylophone
What’s they’re song?
Coldplay - Something just like this 
Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM7MFYoylVs
Y= You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookie to my milk,  the macaroni to my cheese)
You’re the force to my Jedi 
Z= Zebra
if they wanted a pet,  what pet would they get?
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jeneelestrange · 7 years
How Death Note *MIGHT* Still Pull This Off
*deep breath*
Here’s the thing.
I think some of ya’ll discussing this in general are…..leaving some stuff out of the discussion, and I don’t know whether or not its intentional, but here it goes. Have any of you tried to translate anything? Because for any sufficiently complicated piece of work(what people would consider Literature™), a perfect translation does not exist. Period.
Death Note stopped being Authentically Japanese™ the minute your Western eyes saw it. A lot of the meaning a work has is brought there by the viewer. And I’m not even talking about the more nitty-gritty details, I’m talking about the very PREMISE. The idea of a teenage boy with a notebook that can kill people is just plain not going to have the same impact on an American that it does on a Japanese person. Japanese has a next-to-nonexistent crime rate. Americans are constantly surrounded by teenage boys with access to literal death machines. Every month, there’s a new random shooting in my country. I am CONSTANTLY SURROUNDED by teenage boys who could indiscriminately kill me and everyone I love, AT ALL TIMES. I live in an ENTIRE COUNTRY of Light Yagami’s. If it wasn’t for all the other squeeing weebs around me who gave me a recommendation, I would not be that interested in that premise. I LIVE that premise.
And some of ya’ll are not realizing that, by your logic, we shouldn’t translate anything ever. You may think I’m exaggerating, but muddle over the fact that JAPANESE TRANSLATIONS for SHAKESPEARE exist. HOW DO YOU EVEN HOPE TO DO THAT??? There are works for which the original meaning is UNSALVAGEABLE(a good example is in The Inferno with the famous “Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here” line. Italian has gender, and “hope” in Italian is gendered female–calling back to Beatrice in heaven in the first part. What do you do? Put in a note and interrupt the flow of the reader in the story? Try to cram in a reference to women somewhere else? There literally is no perfect solution). And NO, the solution is not to annotate every goddamn thing! They interrupt the flow of the story! Dyslexic people often can’t read them! And sometimes people just want to Enjoy A Thing, not take an entire course on a country’s culture(this is rich coming from me, but still)! Not to mention trying to translate a COMEDY word-for-word is the worst idea imaginable if you’ve ever had a joke explained to you–if you weebs don’t believe me, watch “Nerima Daikon Brothers” and read the essays upon essays on its jokes and tell me you find that shit funny.
So how can you make it actually have the same punch to someone who has never heard of Death Note? You’re either going to have to give up and make something shot for shot the same–which audiences AND fans don’t like because WHAT’S THE POINT–or you’re going to have to change something.
LET ME STOP HERE FOR A MOMENT TO SAY, that I *completely* agree that whitewashing is a problem. That we need more movies with characters of color. That it is simplistic and stupid and wrong what they did in Avatar, Gods of Egypt, Pan, Prince of Persia, Ghost In The Shell, basically everything else. But I am going to speak up and say it might be different for THIS MOVIE IN PARTICULAR. Why?
Because Light Yagami, from the eyes of an American like me, acts like every typical overprivileged white dude I know. I’m not even kidding, he reminds me of every single guy I went to school with in IB–full of himself, full of ennui, convinced with how smart and great he is just because he happens to get A’s with a stacked life deck. Then when he gets the Death Note, it takes him like a couple of seconds of thought to get to God Mode™ because he’s had everything come easy to him his whole life, right, so of course he must just be smarter and all around better than everyone else. Light is the dominant race in his country. He is not Ainu, he is not Ryukyu Island Native, he is not Burakumin, he is not one of the other Asian minorities in Japan. Remember, the Japanese do not have the same racial dichotomy that America does. The Japanese are the dominant race there.
If you tell me, “Imagine Death Note happened, but in America,” I would immediately switch Light to white. Because while yes, that character flaw and personality can technically happen to anyone, I see it faaaaar and away more commonly with white men. In basically all the other examples of movies I listed above? They didn’t have that issue. Their main characters didn’t act like a privileged white shit.
NOW AT THE SAME TIME, the writers have to confront that they must change SOMETHING about the narrative. It’s either going to seem like “who cares” to an American audience that is desensitized to everyone carrying around death machines, or it’s going to seem like the movie is making commentary directly on this fact–which it originally never meant to. And when a movie accidentally ignores an elephant in the room, that normally sinks the entire story because your audience can’t stop thinking about it. So as I see it, the show’s only possibility of it not sucking is to confront the problem head on. It will inevitably be compared to white terrorism. This is simply the life we’re living in the West, and it is not at all early 2000s Japan. It has to dig the knife deeper and make it a commentary directly on it, otherwise it will be guaranteed to be tonedeaf as all fuck.
“But I don’t want to watch a commentary on our shitty current events in this movie!” THAT’S TOTALLY FAIR. I would like to not be reminded of this shit either. But please acknowledge that deciding to release THIS PARTICULAR FRANCHISE in THIS PARTICULAR COUNTRY at THIS PARTICULAR MOMENT puts the writers between a rock and a hard place. There is NO WAY you can have the internet erupting in love for Kira like it does in the original and *NOT* think of how similar that is to life on the internet with the altright at this moment. It’s options are this, doing an exacting replica which will inevitably make it SUCK, or not doing it at all. And like I said, if not for people making transliterating compromises, we wouldn’t have Japanese Shakespeare. We wouldn’t have haiku in English. We wouldn’t have anime at all. So please don’t say the last option and not expect me to call you out on it. Stop implying that a fucking anime is Uniquely Untranslateable™ and we must treat it like a heavily indexed, dry-as-dirt work that we all study like goddamn Beowulf in a literature class, because that’s problematic as fuck.
Now, I didn’t think it would actually have the balls to do this possibility UNTIL I heard they had cast both Light and L. And L was played by a black man. That perfectly sets up the dichotomy for this–white terrorist shithead who thinks he should rule the world, black man protecting the good and the interests of everyone else. That could be why they were not accepting Asian actors for the two leads–they intentionally went with white for Light and black for L to make a point that specifically ties into the narrative(also this just so happens to both play into AND subvert the black-and-white aesthetic that Death Notes has going on).
That, and the fact that this is a Netflix series, NOT a movie. And not only does that give us more narrative room for depth than a movie, but Netflix can sometimes get it really right sometimes(and sometimes not, but like I said, I’m just giving it a shot–not saying it will be good).
This is important because relevant example: In the very back of my mind, I did admit to myself that it *might* be possible to make a Ghost In The Shell movie with a white actress work if you actually made the movie a critique of Whiteness and our technology–that she was originally Asian, but only white cyborg bodies exist because of the usual marketing speak that justifies racism in media, of just not testing and test-marketing on anyone who wasn’t white because they forgot other people exist, etc. But I didn’t even BOTHER to say that because I knew that the suits would rather strangle themselves with their own ties than allow precious run time in a big budget action movie to go to EMOTION and DEPTH and BACKSTORY. Ghost In The Shell was doomed the minute it was decided to be a big budget action movie–the suits won’t allow any risk to occur lest they lose money, so it inevitably ends up being a mediocre, paint-by-numbers story. Whitewashed!ScarJo was just adding dirt on top of the coffin. And SPOILER ALERT, Hollywood scrambled and got someone who actually knew what the fuck they were doing and ended up shoving JUST THAT TWIST into the movie, but because they had no run-time to actually devote to it and don’t actually give a damn about trying, it fell flat and failed, no shit. This interview with prominent Asian-American agrees–if Ghost went with its addition in a way that was genuine, it might have worked and been poignant, but it was the slapjob quickfix that would be expected so of course it wasn’t:
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/ghost-shell-4-japanese-actresses-dissect-movie-whitewashing-twist-990956?utm_source=twitter Netflix has the ROOM and ABILITY to go to the depth it needs to in order to make an effective cultural critique. And taking the “exacting translation” path, as I earlier went into, will only end in failure.
Now, WHETHER IT’S ACTUALLY GOING TO DO THIS *AND* DO IT EFFECTIVELY, I have no idea. It could do it for the same ol’ moneymaking reasons that made all the others shitty. It could do it exactly as I’ve laid out but do it inexpertly and ham-fisted, and so I will hate it. I don’t know. But because I see the possibility of it actually trying to salvage new meaning out of the situation, I will actually give it a shot. Also, please give a little bit more thought to people whose job it is to actually translate a work into another culture for everyone, holy shit, some of ya’ll act like everyone should have access and ability to subtitles and cultural research and that’s just not true. And they have to take that into account when they write. You can make the movie work with a white lead *if* it ties into a movie’s specific critique of whiteness. But that takes the stars aligning in the right ways, and we have at least a couple of them actually doing so. All of the technical details that could stop it from doing so have been taken away, as far as an outsider like me can see. Now I just have to cross my fingers the writers know what they’re doing and pray.
ALSO, THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE IN THIS GENERAL DISCUSSION OF THIS MOVIE THAT I NEED TO CALL THE FUCK OUT: If Light’s actions suddenly become disgusting to you because “ew now he’s just like every other white fuckboy” whereas before he WASN’T, you just might be fetishizing Asian men!!!! Light was always an absolute horrible human being and swooning over him meant you have always been swooning over a serial killer! If changing someone’s race suddenly makes someone killing a bunch of people and playing god easy to ignore for you, HOLY SHIT, you’re a fetishistic piece of shit! I’ve seen so many things going around saying x Asian actor could play Light, and the only reasons listed were Asianness and “how hot they are!!!!!” And absolutely no mention of past roles, acting ability, ANYTHING ELSE. JEEEEEEEESUS. Examine your actions! Also, as an aside, I threw this idea out there with some POC friends of mine, who overall said, “Okay, good point actually.” But they know me personally and that I’m not a Total White Shithead™, so your mileage may vary. Still, I welcome polite points and critiques. If there’s something I have overlooked addressing, hey, let me know, I want to learn.
TL;DR - I finally get to use both my majors in Sociology and English AND my minor in East Asian Studies on an opinion, hooray! Edit: Shit, I almost forgot--YA’LL! STOP ACTING LIKE JAPAN DOESN’T HAVE RACE ISSUES. Yeah, Light’s actions look pretty eugenics-y in an American setting, but that’s because you’re FAMILIAR with Western history of eugenics and not Japan’s. PEEP THIS SHIT OKAY: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics_in_Japan GUESS WHAT, THERE ARE MINORITY GROUPS IN JAPAN THAT ARE OFTEN ALSO FUNNELED INTO ORGANIZED CRIME BECAUSE OF RACIST LACK OF OPPORTUNITY ELSEWHERE AND POLICE PREJUDICE--THE YAKUZA ARE SERIOUSLY MOSTLY BURAKUMIN AND ETHNIC KOREANS AT THIS POINT! IT’S JUST THAT JAPAN DOESN’T LIKE TO ACKNOWLEDGE FUCKING ANYTHING EVER
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trouvxilles-blog · 7 years
a conversation. #4
“so you’re actually going to do it?”
quinn snorts, attention on the tablet in his hands because, like terry, he can’t stop working - even on weekends. but, unlike terry, quinn actually has money. in this little home away from of home, terry’s pretty much the only one who’s consistently flat broke.
not that they care. they love him. shocker.
“why not?”
terry forgets about the coffee made prior - the moment he walked into the cafe, bob just called him over to the counter to come get it. early saturday routine, he guesses. it almost feels like another schedule, but one he doesn’t mind at all.
quinn lowers his tablet enough to look at his friend dead in the eye. “because you can’t even remember his name.”
“it’s not like i’m not fucking trying. it’s a weird-ass name. unlike, you know, bob. which, by the way, is apparently not short for robert like stephen calls him.”
“who?” a pause as quinn gives him another look, a combination of disbelief and exasperation. “ah. shit. yeah - okay. sylvan. i should get his name tattooed on my fucking hand.”
“add a heart, and believe me, he’d pass the fuck out right in from of you.”
with a sigh, terry slumps in his seat, back sinking into the cushion. he zones out, the smoke rising from his cup a blur. “why me, even? i’m from the fucking ghetto. and, judging by his financial status, i think his parents are hoping for a litter.”
quinn shrugs. “i don’t know, either.” it’s a joke, and he proves it by setting his ipad on the table between them. he offers terry a smile. “really, what’s not to like? you’re hot, you work hard - too hard - and, even with the shitstorm that is your life, you’re well-read.”
“then why don’t you ask me out instead?” he offers the other a tight-lipped, sarcastic smile.
“i would,” quinn replies, purposely slow. “but i like someone else.”
“is it bob?”
“let’s get back to the point, please.”
terry glances over at the register, where sylvan is leaning over the counter and flirting with girls. flirting, in a sense that he’s quoting shakespeare, and apparently, in bob’s words, chicks dig that.
bob, the wingman, does his best. terry can tell. especially since bob, also the cafe manager (an absolute joke, that lazy ass), resorts to calling sylvan that hunk of a man that is my best friend.
but to the whole shakespeare thing, sure, terry’s into that as well. at least, to an extent. if only he’d have noticed sooner. it’s hard to when girls are constantly flocking around him. isn’t sylvan’s dad the ceo of the media enterprise terry’s working at? carter. thanks for the last minute head’s up, q. jesus. he should have known. then again, last names aren’t exactly the first thing to remember because he can’t even fully grasp the barista’s given name.
the daily, self-composed haiku written on the side of his coffee cups wouldn’t have been so anonymous lest there were at least initials. or just a name. a name he’ll probably forget. but that’s beside the point. because those coffee cups are handed over to staff, and terry never batted an eyelash until one of the directors asked him about it. fuck if he knows.
three in the afternoon. without fail, he’s always behind the counter with tinted cheeks, stuttering words, and a bright smile. bob comes in to ruin the moment. that part, also without fail. so quinn spills his coffee on purpose, ceramic shards on the floor, forcing bob’s attention elsewhere. both a good and bad thing - for every one of them.
“yes,” quinn says, firmly. terry zones back in to see a smug smile on his friend’s face. “that’s his name.”
terry wasn’t aware he said it out loud. he throws his head back, feeling the cushion on his neck. “christ, what do i do?”
“it’s one date, ter.” quinn mumbles on the side of the coffee cup. “you owe him that, at least. he’s been trying to get your attention for months.”
“how does someone like me date someone with the second name alexander?”
“how do you remember that, and not his first? unbelievable.” quinn takes a sip of his coffee, finally. terry doesn’t touch his. “anyway, your second name is a character from shakespeare.” point taken. his mom is a pretentious cunt. “just follow your heart.”
“my heart says to kill myself.”
“then your gut.”
“my gut is a blackhole of guilt, my dude. always has to remind me that i’m already dating someone else.”
“not the last time i checked.”
quinn takes another sip, winces because it’s still piping hot. terry would chug that down until it burns his throat enough that his larynx will be deemed useless. his own coffee has grown cold. quinn puts the cup back down.
“exclusive means the same thing.”
quinn knows. of course. one of them has to, and quinn’s the only one with a sound enough mind to consider this. then again.
“it’s not. it’s really not.” he rolls his eyes at this, lightly scratches his cheek. a habit quinn’s formed when he’s thinking. “did he say - deliberately - that you cannot go on this one date?”
“what if i actually end up genuinely liking him? you think i’m all for playing cinderella?”
“why the hell not? you’re as pretty as cinderella,” quinn grins. terry scoffs. “come on, you’re also just as on the verge of a mental breakdown as cinderella if you don’t learn to put yourself first. for once. evil step-siblings aside.” quinn pauses, studies terry’s torn expression. “look, t. he can take care of you.”
“i don’t want to be taken care of.”
“well, sometimes you need to be.”
terry has no idea how to respond to that, so he just considers. the date, not the fairytale ending. everyone only offers good points - even that aiden kid. “i mean, i can ask -”
“don’t do that.”
of course.
quinn’s moral compass rarely ever points in the right direction. he nods toward the counter, and for a moment, terry catches sylvan’s eye. the barista almost trips on his own two feet.
quinn adds, “he’s a catch.”
“i know,” terry says, mostly to himself. but it seems more like sylvan’s the one that needs catching. terry’s not sure if he’s up for that yet. quinn tosses his cup on the floor - the ceramic breaks. he calls for bob.
for fuck’s sake!
oops, sorry.
sylvan is ready with a mop in hand, and quinn gives terry the look. fucking do it. it’s not ideal to ask someone out - or agree to it - when they’re miserably mopping up steaming espresso off the floor. but as he watches sylvan stride over, terry instinctively sucks in a breath.
here we fucking go.
he can’t do it.
at least, not yet.
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polystumbles · 7 years
Diary 7/30/2016: Safe Enough
Amy and I head to drop of the kids and we talked for a bit about my mom’s hoarding. Now that I’ve had to time to work through it, its become clear that no amount of slow throwing out of items is going to work, and I can’t do it alone, we’re going to need a service. Amy hear’s my stress and had a plan for the evening since I didn’t have time to make plans. However, the evening’s downpour spoils her plan.
She had planned to put on some lingerie and head to a beach late at night so we could take some photos. It was a great idea, especially since she had fallen asleep before trying a similar adventure in NOLA. At the beach, lingerie wouldn’t be totally out of place, and with a less crowded evening group, perhaps even a bit deserted. But the rain was non-stop and the plans had to be shelved.
I think I’ve mentioned that Amy has been trying to work on her mindfulness and appreciation of me. She has been giving small gifts every week along with an accompanying haiku. It was mostly cute at the start. Sometimes it has caused some disagreement — particularly the times where they showed carelessness not carefulness. At home, I tell her that I’m ready for my gift, but she responded that she doesn’t have one. She felt the gifts were not being well received. She was right. I guess my main issue with the gifts was that aside from the flowers she got me a few times, they were the kind of gifts that weren’t particularly romantic — they could have been for a friend. There was often no intimacy to them, some were functional, funny, beautiful, or just something I had mentioned needing during the week but they lacked the intimacy of a carefully prepared gift. It was a little  like I was talking to one of those Amazon Alexa devices and saying order the toilet paper. In honesty, I dreaded it because it was usually inauthentic and I didn’t know how to express that any clearer than I had been.
At home say I'm ready for my Saturday gift but she lets me know that today she doesn't have one. She had gotten the message. She said that she felt that the gifts we're not being well received so if that's what those were her words and that we going out to take photos was much more what she was going to do and I told her that her assessment was correct as nice as it is to the way that I want to be thought about is romantically and desired and intellectually so far her gifts has been a mix but never extended to the erotic. She cries at my agreement with her assessment, and I comfort her.
There is something that will make her feel better, something Z mentioned as I left this morning. Z told me that she would be ok with my dropping barriers with Amy again. I didn’t intend on starting right away, but this is an occasion where it would make her happy to begin with some bonded contact at least. So I grabbed a bit of paper, like the one she uses for the haiku and jokingly wrote a note as if in her handwriting, as if from her.
Blow job for [2 syllable name] Wet and sloppy,  as you like No condom needed
I knew she’d laugh at my method of consoling her. But I didn’t know that she wouldn’t be surprised. I guess they had already discussed it. I never know what work when they talk. Amy decided we should stay in the evening, and not venture out into the rain. So she suggests we watch some porn, since we hadn’t done so in a while. Amy likes to watch porn together a few times a year, usually its more like Hump or CineKink, but at home she likes from time to time to arouse her voyeuristic tendencies. She was talking about the sexually charged environments she likes -- the time she blew me in the hall way at a Dark Odyssey Event.
I had downloaded a silly porn she might like. I try and keep a couple on hand for such occasions. It comes in handy as we move through the evening. She sucks my cock bareback for the first time in since Last November, well she certainly welcomes me back. I slip on a condom for sex, we fuck till she cums, which she does quickly from the excitement of the blowjob, then give he a minute to relax then she asks me to get her off again. She’s normally too sensitive after cumming, but I oblige. We fuck for a long time, but eventually I just cum on her as she can’t yet cum a second time.
There’s a lot going on that I didn’t jump right back into being fully fluid bonded with her. In my sexual practice prior to becoming fluid bonded to Z, I never considered condoms a requirement for blowjob safety. I considered it acceptable risk. PhD in particular had a bit of a cum fetish and (after exchanging test results) enjoyed my younger days of thorough (splash against the wall)  sprays, and she got particular a thrill out of being my first partner to gulp down a load at the end of a blowjob.  It’s an amazing feeling of acceptance to experience, and PhD thoroughly enjoyed my freak show.  But protection for vaginal contact, even with exchanged results that was always a must. Until Z. 
Some partners have used condoms for blowjobs but most did not. STIs from blowjobs while definitely possible, are rare enough to meet my bodily safety needs.  (To be clear, HPV, HSV, Gonnoreaha, Chlymida, Hepatitis, and others be exchanged with oral sex, even as the receiver. I am however, vaccinated against Heps  A & B, no one will vaccinate me for HPV (too old, so in general it’s just acceptable risk), and have generally taken inspection, discussion, and the safety practice of my partners for the rest.) Together with the different sensory experience of a blow job, I used to leave it up to my partner to decide what they prefer, but preferred the experience personally without one.  
However, Z practices a very strict safety and, in part that’s why it’s easier to see her date, but also you have to understand that it was comforting that she did in general. It wasn’t a problem at all to do as More than Two Suggests to raise the poly-cule’s standards to the highest safety needs so that we all would feel safe enough. Today, it’s me who’s not quit ready to let go all the way unprotected with Amy again. Why? Because if she is to return to dating any time soon, I don’t want our fluid bond to hang over her decisions. Might she breaks safety again, and lie to protect the fluid bonding should we resume? Might she not express her needs, suppress an actual desire to be more promiscuous, to preserve the fluid bond? I wasn’t sure. So in a sense, I don’t feel safe yet. So I listen to myself, as I do and on goes the condom before vaginal intercourse.
In the morning, Amy’s soccer game is still on. She gets up and 30 minutes later she is out there door to there game. I plan for my day with Z, but am super horny all morning, so I masturbate. Z eventually writes back and decides to have us stay in. In the mean time Amy gets home. 
Horny bastard me  bend her over a table  fuck to her delight.
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The Great ATOG Reread; Grey part 6
Since I read these chapters yesterday, I read 13 chapters yesterday. I have no life.
Chapter 16
We start with the craziness that is fandom, and Draxie is not in the mood for the fuckery that is BB and Ghostly.
Addition to the ghostlanx haiku series: omg shit fuck no no no no no nope no no fuck I just can't
The Ghost and Phalanx have to live with the new information. The team, the government, is trying to take them down.
The team is a bit awkward. The Ghost and Phalanx don’t like the kind of hero-worshipping of Agent Sylvester, but really, the rest sucked.
At least, Artie is kind of friendly with Phalanx now. In the beginning, Artie was the only one who simply didn’t seem to care. Others hated them, others tolerated them, but Artie didn’t give a flying fuck. That’s over now.
Also, Kurt’s two problems get together. He’s disappearing and he’s terrified, especially now that he also knows Blaine won’t get a normal life with him. It ties together.
Except that this isn't a fairy tale, and some things a kiss can't fix . . .
The miscommuniction is really starting. Kurt doesn’t want to talk to Blaine because he’s afraid.
And well, shit.
The next thing.
Wade/Unique is afraid, but he (since this is Blaine’s POV, I’m going to refer to Wade as him) doesn’t understand. Quite frankly, it was fucking annoying. He wasn’t even willing to listen to them. He was so caught up in his own emotions that he made his own (wrong) conclusions.
And then probably one of the worst things ever happened.
I knew this was coming, but still, I stopped reading afterwards and I just sat there by myself, thinking for 10 minutes or so. When I first read Grey, I didn’t know what he’d seen. I didn’t understand and all I knew was that Blaine was scarred for life. So when he eventually told the Ghost and I read what he’d seen, I screamed. I actually screamed.
He starts to cry, then, harder, and Phalanx just stands there, stands there like an idiot, like someone's put a lance through his guts, a chisel through his heart. He doesn't understand. He doesn't understand. He saw that.
The fact that the Ghost saw something that made him so happy, fucked Phalanx up big time. How could the Ghost be so happy? Is this what makes Phalanx happy? Fucking christ.
Welcome back, problem 3.
Phalanx has been afraid of what he can do to others, but now he’s afraid of what he can do to his boyfriend.
It was real, but it also wasn’t. It wasn’t a hallucination, but it wasn’t a memory either. It was so real, they could feel it, even though it never happened. This is so fucked up.
You don't want to be touched, you don't want to tell me, you don't even want to look at me?
Chapter 17
Yeah, Blaine is pretty fucked up, but Kurt is too. He knows that what he saw wasn’t a bad thing (since Blaine is fucking dying right now), but it still throws him off-guard.
He misses his mom.
He'd thought he'd lived through the last time he'd ever see her when he was a boy. And now he's had to live through the last time he'll ever see her again, and he feels as shaky as a sapling, stripped bare, trembling as the wind rises. He feels shaken, and he wants very badly for his boyfriend to hold him but Blaine - whatever Blaine went through was worse, worse than that, and how can Kurt . . . ?
Recovery is something they’ve gotten used to. They’ve been beaten, shot, sedated, and fuck knows what. But well, for Blaine this isn’t recovery, it’s coping. He is so caught up in what he saw and he tries to act normal, but how can he? 
This is so fucked up.
Jesse was absolutely nothing to Wade/Unique.
How can he live with this? He has absolutely no fucking clue what is happening. He already had an identity crisis because of the whole Phalanx thing, but this is getting worse. Kurt obviously knows something is totally wrong, so he tries to comfort him, but he actually makes it worse.
What if he could? Blaine opens his eyes, this new thought stirring like an eel in his guts, some slimy snake-like thing in the dark, cold and ugly and evil. What if Kurt could just deal with it, suffer and let it go, and still love Blaine? What if even if Blaine did that to him, Kurt would just wipe his eyes off and love him still? He forgave Karofsky for what Blaine can't grasp, sadistic, soul-destroying psychological torture, and he . . . what if he . . . How could it make it better, knowing that there's no depth of abuse that Blaine could subject him to that would ever make Kurt put his own safety first . . . ?
Phalanx nearly killed a man last year. His brother looks at him and sees someone who could, potentially, have a few drinks and casually abuse his boyfriend on an evening. And Kurt, Kurt, Kurt . . . Kurt trusts him with his life. Kurt trusts him more than anyone else on the planet except maybe his dad, and -
Problem 3 is really kicking his ass.
At this point, it’s easier to be the Ghost and Phalanx, since Kurt and Blaine are kind of in a pile of shit. This all makes sure you see them as four different people. 
The way he wasn't breathing. The way he wasn't crying. He digs his heels into the carpet. He would never do that to Kurt. He would never. He would never. He knows Kurt wants to be with him tonight, but Kurt offered the night to Blaine instead. Would he . . . would he let Blaine . . . would he ever let Blaine do the worst things just because he thought . . . He wouldn't. Would he? He wouldn't. It was only carelessness, that was the worst part of that - that not-dream, that not-nightmare, the waking horror that's followed Blaine's footsteps ever since, breathing on the back of his neck like a spiteful ghost. Blaine knows what had happened: he hadn't noticed Kurt's reaction, or Kurt's lack of reaction. It hadn't been an act of violence, it hadn't been done out of aggression, just - just sheer selfishness, he just hadn't even thought about him, he'd . . .
Even though Kurt has no fucking clue what’s going on, he knows what it’s like to want to be left alone, so he gives Blaine time. Is it the right decision? He’s on his own and he has time to think, but instead of thinking, he’s overthinking.
It takes the Ghost almost losing to snap back to reality. He’s still coping, he will never forget, but he knows that it is messing with his head and he wants it to fucking stop. 
Life goes on. They finally start to get back to each other. Blaine finally lets Kurt in, but he’s still not telling him what’s happened to him.
Kurt is so afraid of what Blaine might have seen that he can't think about it. Blaine wants to pretend normality and not touch him, fine, Kurt can do that. But he can't make Blaine say anything. He can't say to Blaine, I know I made you wait for months before I was ready to speak but I need you to tell me right now. And he can't think about it. He can't. He doesn't want to reduce Blaine to it, turn Blaine into just the vessel of some awful thing, Blaine is Blaine. If his boyfriend wants to play at ordinary life ('ordinary' life, out there in his superhero's mask saving the day for someone) then Kurt will play it like he's got an Oscar riding on the role. He will only ever treat Blaine as Blaine. Blaine the dork, Blaine the gentleman, Blaine the fanboy, Blaine the hero. Not Blaine who had something done to him that he had no say in and clearly can't bear to even think about.
YOU JUST FEEL SO BAD FOR THESE PEOPLE. Now it’s Kurt’s time alone, and it’s hit time to overthink. He’s busy with the dress and with everything that is going on.
Phalanx is out on his own.
Blaine's silent for a moment, stroking the backs of Kurt's wrists with his thumbs. Then he says, "A guy I rescued from a mugging wouldn't let me help him up. Didn't want to be 'touched by a homo'." The dark is clearer, suddenly, as he blinks. "What did you do?" Blaine is silent for another second, then takes a little breath and says, "I told him to have a nice night and I left." And Kurt knows that that's exactly what he did. Little pause and little breath and all. And he turns his head sleepily, lifts a hand to reach for Blaine, fingers curled in his hair, palm to his cheek. "If it doesn't patronise you," he says, voice too low with sleep, as Blaine's nose nudges his cheek. "M'very proud of you. Always. I always am." He feels Blaine's eyes brush closed against his cheek, then he says to his jaw, "I want you to be."
I may have squealed because of a) it shows Phalanx way of work and b) canon!Klaine reference.
They keep working on being together and ditch the team (wonderful idea), and even though Blaine’s still scarred, they’re getting better. In fact, Phalanx plays basketball with some teens in the Bronx, and it’s amazing.
What’s not amazing is that Kurt ghosted in his sleep.
Chapter 18
He still feels strange, sometimes, not good, sickly with too much memory of that thing. But he's learning to forget it, to put it to the back of his mind. Kurt trusts him, loves him, seems so, so much happier now Blaine is taking his hand and kissing him and curling around him in bed again.
Blaine’s in a somewhat okay place again, but Kurt’s still buzzing. Not only because of the stress, now that Sophie wants his design, but because he knows it’s not over. I love how rainjoy points that out. Really, they’re doing better and like I said, Blaine’s somewhat okay, but they both know a kiss can’t fix it. That, and the fact that problem 1 is still nagging him big time.
(Meanwhile, that’s the most I’ve ever heard of BB)
Phalanx considers that, resettling himself into a fighting pose, fists raised, face shielded. Occasionally, guys have been a bit weird at his gym. Talked to him aggressively about football and only mellowed out once he could pass their strange test and prove that no actually he does like watching football. He drinks beer and politely does not intrude on their conversations about women. He can get by in their company, he can still count as a guy. But he does see how they glance on the rare occasions when Kurt walks in, when Kurt struts in in pants so tight he could hardly not walk that way in them, arms wrapped nervously around himself, nose twitching to the scent of trodden-in male sweat. Kurt's martial arts classes have always been pretty mixed, and it is New York, so it's not even like he's the only person there who might have a rainbow sticker on their bag for one reason or another. Blaine's gym is very guy-heavy. There's a women's boxing club two blocks down, so there's never been any reason for it not to be. When it comes to it, Kurt couldn't pass their test, not even if he tried, and he has no intention of ever doing that. He knows who he is. Oh how blessed that must be, he knows exactly who he is . . .
Things have finally calmed down, and both of them can take a fucking breath, because holy shit, the hard part is over. 
The universe has a different plan, because Cooper Anderson’s theatre is on fire, and Cooper is trapped with the other actors. The Ghost goes to safe him, since Phalanx can’t be trusted in situations like that.
The Ghost looks around them, mimes counting them again, and they one by one name themselves in the order they've chosen; Cooper is last. He shrugs, and says lightly through his mask like he doesn't mind it, "I've only got a little brother waiting for me." and something in the Ghost tugs, but he just takes the arm of the man who approaches him, and pulls him back with him through the wall.
Yeah, speaking of that kid brother, he’s the one saving your ass right now.
And then they're invisible, and Cooper Anderson, Cooper Anderson who can hold forth indefinitely in front of any audience, Cooper Anderson whose monologues can last out the entire time Blaine watches a TV show and Kurt watches him, Cooper Anderson who so loves to just speak - Cooper is silent, and the Ghost feels like he left his stomach back in that theatre. There's a hollow space low in his guts and Phalanx might be as still as a stone, but the Ghost's hands are starting to shake.
Chapter 19
Time for the next big reveal (remember: Mike and Tina, Rachel, Cooper, well shit)
Cooper is livid, but honestly, he just needs to get used to it.
Blaine doesn't even think about it, because Kurt isn't the Ghost, Kurt doesn't even defend himself, Kurt just goes still under attack like a sacrifice waiting to happen and he's got nothing but Blaine. Blaine's between them before he's realised what he's doing and roaring back at his brother, "I swear to god if you touch him I will break your jaw -"
Really, Cooper can’t just get it that his kid brother, who was afraid of a fucking pasta sauce commercial when he was three, is the one saving the city almost every night, and that his boyfriend, the most klutzy delicate person ever, has been doing it for longer on his own.
Cooper looks at Blaine, and says, slowly, ". . . nuclear bomb . . . ?" Something cold on his spine; "That was not a good night."
Now that Cooper knows, Blaine can finally let his guards down and he finally takes down the posters. It’s time for him to be himself.
Are you my mummy?
Kurt, Cooper, and Blaine will be okay, y’all.
"Did he ask for your autograph the first time he met you?" Kurt plays with his eggs, shakes his head biting the grin to try to make it smaller. "No. He did actually introduce himself to me as my 'number one fan' though." 
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