#Alex Danvers x Original Character
cardcaptorsakura96 · 17 days
Behind the Story-Through Susie's Eyes
Link to story: AO3
This story came about for doing a writing prompt for I did the Writing Workshop Week 1: Show & Tell from @bettsfic and @books. This story is in the same universe as My Everything, but takes place before both stories start. The writing prompt was to write about an object that is important to your character (if you were writing fiction).
That is when the idea of the doll Susie was born. I kept thinking of the song When She Loved Me by Sarah McLachlan. When I first heard the song in Toy Story 2, I found it heartbreaking especially for a kid's film. I didn't know they would hit me in the feels that way. I decided to do something similar for Kara and her precious doll. Thus the story was born. It was hard to write because I wanted to cry throughout it. The story has the least amount of views compared to my other stories, but it was still my favorite story to write because so much time and emotion went into it. I hope you guys like it!
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captain-josslett · 2 years
Broken Melody - Part Sixty One
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 7k
Warnings: Angst, fluff, emotions... the usual
Pairings: Alex Danvers x Sam Arias, Kara Danvers x OC
This Part: The Superfriends continue to try and help Emma and figure out the best steps forward.
Sooooo sorry for not posting in forever. I moved out to the channel islands and tried to settle into this new job.... Now I got covid! But I'm on the mend. Please let me know what you think as it does mean soooo much to me.
Remember, you are loved, you are enough and you are important.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @inquisitive-nix, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom, @checkingoutforheroes, @mmmmokdok, @certainkryptoniangeek, @starmako26
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Robyn woke up with a jump from feeling heavy licks and pressure on her torso. In the morning twilight she is able to make out Lily standing over her and feels the labrador continuously shaking her with her paws. 
“Wha? Lil?”
With a small bark Lily quickly jumps down and runs to Emma’s bed. She gives Robyn a mournful look before carefully jumping up to Emma's side.
Robyn sleepily rubs her eyes and then realises what is happening as she registers Emma’s faint groans and gasps of breath.
Stumbling to her feet, Robyn quickly moves to Emma’s side and sees Lily lying on Emma’s torso.
“Em, hey, you’re okay. You’re safe.” Robyn repeats over and over as she tries to soothe the agitated blonde.
Finally Emma’s husky groans stop and her breathing returns to some normality. Suddenly her eyes shoot open as she jerks awake.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay. You’re in Midvale, you had a nightmare. Everything is okay.” Robyn says softly, trying to reassure a clearly frightened Emma who has tears streaming down her face. “Take a deep breath for me, Em.” 
Robyn watches Emma who follows her hand motion of when to breathe and exhale.
“That’s it, you’re doing great.”
A gentle knock on the door makes them look over and J’onn quietly enters.
“Everything okay?”
“Nightmare.” Robyn responds and J’onn nods.
He walks over to Emma’s side and gently tucks a few damp hairs away from Emma’s face. “How bout we take Lily for a walk?” He offers and Emma barely nods. “I’ll go change and be right back.”
Emma watches him leave and moves to get up, she stumbles slightly and Robyn has to reach out to stop her from falling.
“Easy Em.” Robyn whispers and watches the blonde nod and sluggishly pick up her clothes from yesterday to change into. Robyn decides to do the same, figuring out she won’t be able to get back to sleep anyway.
Emma gives her a questioning look but Robyn just shrugs and follows her down to the back room where Eliza is filling two flasks with hot liquid.
“Thought you’d like some hot chocolate on your walk.” Eliza smiles lovingly at her daughter and Emma gives her a small smile back. Eliza tightly hugs her daughter, feeling worried at how her eyes aren’t as bright as they should be.
“Ready to go?” J’onn asks, holding out her coat and trainers for her. Emma nods and puts them on, she snorts at how quickly Lily’s tail wags while she waits patiently by the door. 
The trio leave and Robyn sits heavily on the stool at the island, resting her head on her fist. 
“I’m making myself a coffee, would you like one too?” 
Robyn looks tiredly up at the older blonde. “Yes please.”
Eliza begins preparing the drinks and Robyn sighs heavily as she rubs her forehead.
“Are you alright?” Eliza asks the brunette.
“Yea, I’ve just never been good at being woken up quickly. Or so early.”
“Jeremiah, Emma and Alex’s father, was the same.” Eliza chuckles and places the mug in front of Robyn and sits next to her on the other stool. “One time he got up to feed Emma but I could hear her fussing. I looked over at them and he’d fallen back to sleep with the bottle teat by the side of her mouth. Poor baby couldn’t get to it.”
“He sounds like he was a good man.” Robyn smiles at the older woman. 
“He was. He always believed in our girls.” Eliza sips her coffee.
“Must have been hard for you.” Robyn says softly, remembering the story Emma told her of her father. How she holds onto what he was like before he was captured and changed. Seeing the sadness with Eliza’s eyes, Robin decides to change the topic. “Do you have those photos of Em as a baby?”
“Of course!” Eliza chuckles and finds Emma’s photo book. “I always wanted to make sure every milestone was recorded for each of my girls.”
“Your science background is showing.” Robyn jokes as she opens the book, smiling at a toddler Alex hugging Eliza’s swollen stomach.
“I guess it is.” Eliza smiles and they continue looking through the photos. Eliza points at mostly all of them and tells Robyn the story that goes along with it. 
The first time Emma walked on her first birthday to try and follow Alex. The pride the family felt at her first word, how she quickly started singing and bouncing to music. On and on the stories go and Robyn smiles at the pride within Eliza’s eyes.
They near the end of the book and Eliza excuses herself to go get changed. Robyn continues to flick through and comes to the photo showing Emma and Lena beaming at the camera.
Robyn taps the surface of the island in time with a song on the radio while she sips her coffee. She stares at the photo and can’t help but feel torn. She knows Emma loves her family but something isn’t sitting right with the Brit. 
She hears footsteps upstairs and knows the others will be down soon to begin the next session with Alistair. 
She ponders on what else could be said as she feels a lot of the main issues have been aired. She sips her drink and wonders whether she can air her thoughts about a certain raven haired woman.
“Good morning.” Lena says politely while cautiously entering the room to the coffee machine.
“Morning.” Robyn utters back coolly, causing Lena to turn and gaze at her.
“You don’t like me do you?”
“No shit Sherlock.” Robyn sasses and Lena’s shoulders deflate and turns back to the coffee machine. Robyn frowns at this sign of weakness being shown by the CEO. 
“I completely understand, I would feel the same way if I was in your position.” Lena starts the machine and leans against the kitchen counter.
“Well, let’s hope you never have to be in a position like this.” Robyn growls and taps the cup in her hands. “To see someone you love believe she is worth nothing, that something is so wrong with her that she doesn’t deserve love. That she questions every interaction she has and shuts down when things get too much.”
Lena lowers her head but before she can respond some of the others enter the room.
“Everything okay?” Kara asks and makes a beeline for Lena.
“Yup.” Robyn says, emphasising the end of the word and stands to go over to Lucy who is patting the cushion next to her for Robyn to sit on.
Kara places a comforting hand on Lena’s shoulder as she looks in concern at Lena’s sad face. “Is she upsetting you?”
Lena shakes her head but Kara wraps her arms around her anyway. They hug and Lena buries her head into Kara’s shoulder. 
“Okay everyone, please gather around.” Alistair says, grabbing everyone’s attention.
Kara and Lena break apart, Kara takes her best friend’s hand and leads Lena to the circle of chairs. “Where’s Emma?” Kara asks with a frown as she notices her sister’s absence. 
“She’s taken Lily for a walk.” Robyn explains and see’s Alex tense up. “J’onn went with her.” She quickly explains and Alex nods in appreciation for the information.
Movement outside the door catches everyone’s attention and a knock echoes around the room. Kara zips over and opens it.
“Agent Reiff?” 
“Good morning, may I come in?”
“Oh, yes, please.” Kara steps aside and the agent enters.
“Director.” Agent Reiff nods at Alex who approaches quickly.
“What’s going on?” Lucy asks as she looks between the two. Alex motions for Reiff to continue.
“We managed to do the clean up before the news crews got there, made the site look as if the storm caused the mudslide rather than a boulder breaking cleanly in half. Agent Vasquez wanted me to show you this.” Reiff pulls out a tablet and holds it out for Alex.
The redhead takes it and swipes through the photos. The Danvers crinkle making an appearance on her face.
“Alex?” Eliza asks in concern.
“How many?”
“We estimate roughly six bottles or more.” Agent Reiff answers quietly, aware how delicate this information may be.
Alex sighs lightly. “And the contents?”
“Alien alcohol.”
“Shit.” Alex mutters. “Okay, thank you. Have agents continue to monitor and patrol the area. We will review when we are back at the DEO.”
Agent Reiff nods and Alex hands back the tablet. She stares ahead for a moment, deep in thought while the agent heads back out of the house.
“Alex?” Sam gets up and heads over to her fiance, clearly seeing that Alex was getting more and more agitated. “You okay?”
Shaking her head Alex marches out of the room and up the stairs.
“She’s going to find the rest of the bottles.” Alistair explains to the group, immediately causing Kara and Sam to run after the redhead.
“But Emma won’t like Alex going through her things.” Lena says with wide eyes and quickly follows them. She rushes up the stairs and hears Kara and Alex arguing.
“-calmly ask her about it!”
“Kara! Let go of me!” Alex snaps as Lena stands in the doorway. She pauses at the sight of the opened suitcase on the floor full of empty bottles and Kara firmly holding onto Alex.
“No! Not until you’ve calmed down.” Kara says determinedly. “We are trying to help her, not shame her or cause more friction.”
Sam steps forward and tenderly moves Alex’s hair out of her eyes. “I understand why you would be upset by this, but Kara is right.”
The stairs creak and Lena’s head spins to see who it is. Emma stares back at Lena in confusion and Lena’s stomach drops.
“She’s here.” Lena calls and the trio freeze. Emma hesitantly approaches her ex, and looks into her room. Her eyes immediately land on the suitcase of bottles and she swallows deeply. 
Her chest stings with hurt at witnessing her things being rummaged through and her shame burns her cheeks. However, she takes a deep breath and steps into the room, kneels down and zips the suitcase back up. 
“Little one?” Kara queries, still holding onto Alex who had remained frozen, her chest still heaving slightly from her outburst.
Emma straightens up and lifts the suitcase by the handle. The unmistakable rattling of empty bottles fills the silence and Emma motions with her head for them to follow her downstairs.
The four women follow the blonde into the back room where Emma lifts the suitcase onto the coffee table and opens it, revealing it to be packed with mostly empty bottles.
Emma lowers her head and moves to her seat where Lily is already waiting for her. The dog’s tail starts pounding against the sofa, Emma gives her a small smile and sits. Making Lily immediately place her head on her lap and snuggles in. Emma yawns and rubs her eyes, clear fatigue is etched on her face. 
“Good morning Emma.” Alistair softly greets her and Emma echoes his welcome back in her mind.
“Would anyone like a drink before we start?” Eliza offers, noticing Emma didn’t have one. “Sweetheart?”
Emma’s tired eyes lift up to hers and she nods.
“She would like an apple juice, please.” Fay answers for Emma and she signs her thanks.
Emma settles back and closes her eyes while she strokes Lily’s fur. She tries to block out the different conversations happening around the room but it’s difficult. Her mind races with shame with what the others must think and how she is going to explain herself.
“Here you go sweetheart.” 
Emma opens her eyes and takes the glass of cool apple juice from her mom, nodding her thanks. 
She sips the tangy liquid and glances over at J’onn. He nods encouragingly at her and she takes a deep breath in to calm herself. 
They mostly walked in silence, enjoying each other’s company but they had also discussed how yesterday had gone and how they were both feeling. They even sensed how today’s session could be harder than the previous one, causing J’onn to vow to support her, whatever happens.
“So, are we all ready?” Alistair draws everyone’s attention and they stop their conversations. Alistair waits for them to settle before talking again. “Before we discuss what is in front of us, Fay and I were both able to detect you were all holding back yesterday. Which is understandable, however, this is a safe place where no judgement should be passed.” He glances around the room and everyone nods before focusing on Emma. “Emma, would you like to explain about the bottles?”
‘Do I have to?’ Her mind asks apprehensively.
“We won’t force you.” Alistair responds and Emma shifts in her seat, feeling uneasy.
‘No, I need to.’ Emma sighs heavily and looks up at the ceiling. Unable to look anyone in the eye. Lily sits up and watches her carefully, her head tilting to the side in concentration. ‘I started drinking after the breakup with Lena. A few here and there at Robyn’s, then when I went to Europe I had a glass with each meal. But it then slowly increased over time and I found myself having more and more. A glass became two, to half a bottle, to a full bottle, to many bottles. I can see now it’s developed into a problem and I’m sorry. I know you guys are being sober but it was like an itch I needed to scratch. It would help numb what I was feeling, so I’d have a bottle or two in the evening after everyone went to bed. I’m sorry.’
Emma scrunches up her eyes and feels Lily nuzzling her nose into her cheek, sensing her distress.
“Sweetheart? Can you please look at us?” Her Mom’s voice breaks, causing Emma to lower her head and slowly open her eyes. But instead of looks of shame or disgust, she sees expressions of compassion and understanding on everyone’s faces.
Emma’s worried eyes focus on Alex’s. She notices how troubled her sister looks. She tilts her head, asking Alex to voice her thoughts.
“Alex?” Fay voices out.
Alex bites her lips before finally talking. “I understand how easy it is to use alcohol as a means to run away from your emotions. But, we can help you overcome it.”
“If you want.” Kara adds quickly but Emma is already nodding.
“I’m also sorry that I searched for the bottles instead of asking you, I just-” Alex’s face is overcome with emotion and she sighs heavily. 
‘It’s okay.’ Emma thinks and Alex sniffs. 
“Due to the nature of the group we have sponsors within the DEO and meet separately. Lena and Alex suggested it and we all started together.” J’onn reiterates what he explained to her on their walk and Emma nods.
The room is quiet for a moment and Robyn lifts her hand. “Question.”
“Yes Robyn?” Alistair asks.
“How did the whole sobriety thing start? From what Emma told me, you all like your drink.” 
Lena fidgets in her seat and plays with her hands. She looks timedly over at Alex, who seems to be silently communicating with her.
“Well, if you must know.” Alex begins telling Robyn and the others exactly what happened.
— — —
It has been over a month since Emma disappeared and Alex is sitting on her sofa in Sam’s apartment and nursing her fourth whiskey. She stares mournfully at her laptop on the coffee table. Despite her Mom telling her not to, Alex keeps trying to hack Emma’s devices to find her sister’s location.
“Where are you?” Alex whispers and takes a sip of her drink. Feeling the burn slide down her throat and course through her system.
The results ping up, making Alex feel a surge of hope. But the hope quickly drops when they show the word she is dreading: Inconclusive. 
“Fuck sake.” Alex slurs out and slams the lid of her laptop down. She flops back onto the sofa and downs her drink. Tears prick at her eyes and she presses her lips together. Her gaze falls on the collage of photos on the wall, the beaming smiles of her family and friends. Her eyes land on Lena, pressed up against Emma and beaming at the camera. Alex’s blood starts to boil.
Without much thought Alex angrily stumbles to her feet and grabs her jacket. She hops on the spot to get her boots on but manages in the end. Alex storms from the apartment and punches the call button on the elevator. She taps her foot impatiently until she's down in the lobby where she's stomp outside to hail a cab. In no time she’s in front of Lena’s apartment and she raises her fist to pound on the door.
But the raven haired woman doesn’t answer, making Alex grumble and seethe as she can clearly see the glow of the lights coming from within the apartment.
“Hope, let me in.” Alex orders.
“I do not believe that is wise due to your heightened level of-”
“Hope, please.” Alex snaps and hears the whirl of the locks. The redhead quickly opens the door and searches for her sister’s ex. 
Alex can’t help but notice Emma’s things still placed around the apartment. Her paintings, notebooks, instruments, clothes...
But what she can’t find is Lena, until she turns to the bedroom and notices the door is closed. Rolling her eyes she storms over but before she slams open the door, she hears Lena sobbing through it. 
Her eyebrows furrow tightly. ‘Why is she crying?’
Sighing heavily, Alex knocks on the door and enters. The room is dimly lit and she spots Lena’s head poking above the bed, sitting on the ground next to what was Emma’s side.
Alex stumbles around the bed and makes her presence known by clearing her throat. She can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for the raven haired woman as she jumps and stares wide eyed up at her.
“Alex?” Lena squeaks out, which Alex would have found funny if her emotions weren’t raging inside her.
“You broke her. I told you what would happen if you ever hurt her.” Alex grits out, she watches as Lena’s face crumbles and she lowers her head.
“I know.” Lena sobs out and clutches something close to her chest. 
Alex slowly kneels down to face the distraught CEO. She frowns and notices the almost empty bottle of Scotch next to Lena. “What’s wrong? Why are you so upset? You are the one that ended it.”
Lena shakes her head. “I can’t.”
“Can’t what?” 
But Lena just keeps shaking her head.
“Lena.” Alex places a hand on Lena’s shoulder, concern seemingly replacing her anger.
Slowly Lena holds her clenched fist out and opens her hand. 
Revealing a ring with an emerald diamond.
Alex stares at it, dumbfounded. 
“You- you didn’t know?” Lena hiccups as her bloodshot eyes study Alex’s reaction.
Alex shakes her head, unable to speak.
‘When was Emma going to tell me she wanted to propose?’ Her mind races as she tries to pinpoint any conversations she had with her baby sister but comes up blank.
“Where was it?” Alex asks softly.
“In her drawer.”
“Why were you looking?!”
“I was going to start moving her things out and I-” Lena says but her throat closes up with emotion and her head drops forward. More tears pour from her eyes and she clutches at the ring again. “I should die because of what I did.”
“Wow! Hey! No!” Alex says sharply, causing Lena to flinch when she grabs her shoulders. “Lena, look at me.”
Slowly Lena raises her head and stares sorrowfully at Alex.
“Yes I am really angry at you.” Alex grits out and lets out a deep breath. “But you aren’t solely to blame for Emma leaving.” 
Lena shakes her head and starts to sob again, despite trying to hold them in.
Alex pulls her friend into a hug and knows there must be more that Lena isn’t saying. 
But for now, Alex just holds her.
— — —
“Then Sam and Kara came over and we stayed with Lena that night. In the morning we both had killer hangovers and decided to be sober. Once we told everyone they joined us too.”
Robyn nods and Emma sniffs heavily. She wipes a tear away, hating the thought of how low Lena got.
“But?” Fay prompts Robyn, who does look like she wants to ask another question.
“Why are you all so chummy with Luthor when she broke Emma’s heart?” Robyn glares around the room. “Why not leave her alone after that?”
“Lena.” Fay says quickly and glances over at Emma, who’s looking irritatedly at Robyn. “Her name is Lena.”
Robyn sighs and juts her jaw to the side. “Okay, sorry. I’d like to know why Lena is still a part of your friendship group.” 
“She’s one of us.” Kara says softly. “Despite what she did, we forgave her.”
Others in the group nod and a tear slides down Lena’s cheek that she quickly wipes away. 
But Robyn’s frown deepens.
“I really wanted to hate her.” Alex admits darkly. “I really wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but then I saw how broken she was and in a worse state than me. In the end, I just couldn't hate her.”
Lena sniffs. “I know I don’t deserve the love and support they give me.”
Kara reaches out and takes Lena’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze of support.
Emma watches and feels a pang of hurt hit her chest, but she quickly pushes it away.
“Robyn?” Alistair asks. “Do you have something else to say?” He nods, giving her permission to voice the seething thoughts in her mind.
“I still don’t understand.” The brunette says cautiously. “What about Emma?”
The Superfriends frown at the question, some even looking over at the blonde.
“What about her?” Winn asks.
“She’s one of you right?” Robyn shoots back.
“Of course!” Nia responds, shocked that Robyn would even need to ask that.  
“So where were you when she needed you?” 
“Robyn.” Fay utters as Emma tries to get her attention.
“No, they need to know what you did when you came to mine.” Robyn says fiercely, her fury mounting. “She spent weeks in bed and I had to prompt her to eat, to shower and take care of herself. When I finally got her up and out of the flat her clothes were loose on her.” Robyn seethes, glaring at the group. “And do you know what she communicated to me when I asked how she was? That she was okay if she didn’t think about it. That when she does she feels like she can’t breathe and it’s just too painful.”
Emma slumps forward slightly and rubs a shaved part of her hair to try and self soothe. She understands what Robyn is doing but she still feels awkward. Lily nuzzles into her, keeping pressure on her side and keeping Emma grounded while she continues to listen.
“I spent hours holding her as she cried over you guys, how you treated her and made her feel worthless. I tried to tell her you all loved her, but I’m not so sure.”
“What?!” Kara yells in anger.
“Where were you? When she needed you guys after everything that had happened? The cancelled sister nights, or games night or whatever you all do! You let her down! But then when she left you all rallied around Lena!”
“No we didn’t!” Nia tries to fight back, remembering how she had felt awkward towards Lena for weeks. Unsure where the line was and if they were taking sides but Robyn gives her a scathing look before she can explain that.
“It sure looks that way! I’ve been watching all of you and you treat her like she hasn’t done anything wrong! That she didn’t break Emma’s heart and make her believe it was all an illusion! From where I’m standing it makes it look like you’ve chosen Lena over Emma!”
“Robyn!” Emma’s husky voice barks out but she immediately starts coughing and wheezing. Causing the heated argument to pause while Emma tries to get a hold of her breathing again.
Eliza quickly gets a glass of cool water for her daughter. “Here you go Sweetheart.” 
Emma takes it and signs her thanks before taking a few sips. There is a palpable tension in the air and she quickly tries to gather her thoughts. ‘I’m okay.’ 
“Thank you Robyn for your honesty.” Alistair nods in appreciation and sits up in his chair. “Emma? Would you like to respond?”
Emma nods and taps the glass while she continues to think.
The Superfriends wait anxiously and she can tell her sisters want to jump in.
‘I’m torn.’ Emma takes a deep breath in and closes her eyes. ‘I’m not going to lie and say this hasn’t affected me. I was relieved when Mom told me that Lena was still part of the group. But there was a part of me that felt disappointment. But as Kara said, Lena is one of us and I wouldn’t have expected anything less.’
Emma takes a few more sips and her eyes meet Robyn’s. 
‘Thank you for standing up for me, I respect your opinion but it was also slightly unfair with what you said. You knew I ran away and made it impossible for them to find me. I understand how it looks, believe me. But, I also don’t believe it’s as easy as that. I mean, your balcony doors and walls took a huge beating from Kara when she tried to find me.’
Robyn opens her mouth but Emma motions she wasn’t finished.
‘I understand what happened made you dislike Lena. How broken I was and thank you so much for being there for me. But you need to understand how deeply I still feel for her, despite what she did. But I know I need to work on myself too. That I need to repair the bridges I broke-’
“No!” Alex interrupts causing Emma’s eyes to snap to hers. “We all caused the damage. As Alistair said yesterday, we all need to work together.” She glances over at Robyn. “But we all need to be honest with each other too.” Alex hesitates and focuses back on her baby sister. “Like, when I saw you in that music video-”
— — —
The Superfriends were gathered around Kara’s coffee table for a games night. To start with they decided on playing Jenga while they waited for the pizza to arrive. 
The tv was on in the background as Alex wanted to watch the news while Lena was currently trying to get a block out, her eyes were focused in concentration.
“You always go for the precarious ones!” Kara laughs.
“That’s what makes it more fun.” Lena says cheekily and grins at her.
But then her heart drops as she looks past Kara and sees Emma on the tv screen.
The tower immediately falls.
“Jenga!” Kara and the others yell. 
But Sam grows concerned at her best friend’s pale face. “Lena?” She also turns to look at the tv and immediately unmutes it, causing everyone to gaze at it.
“-believed to be in London, although sources haven’t been able to confirm this. The music video, which shows Emma Danvers lip syncing, is believed to have been filmed in Egypt and was released at midnight UK time. Already we are seeing an outpouring of positive responses and speculation about who the song is about, which, I believe we can all take a guess at. Back to you in the studio.”
Alex quickly takes the remote and logs into YouTube to find the video. It doesn’t take her long due to it already being at the top of the most viewed list. She frowns at seeing the name of the song, ‘Perfect Illusion.’
The video starts playing and the sound of synths begin. 
The camera zooms in on a blonde’s back as they stare out at the barren, white desert in front of them. Even from behind angle the Superfriends can tell it’s Emma.
The camera swivels around and focuses on Emma’s stoic expression.
Alex leans forward as she studies her sister’s face. Kara curls into Ben, hating the broken look in her sister’s hazel eyes.
Emma starts lip syncing perfectly to Robyn’s voice, something that is a bit jarring to everyone. To hear another voice timed with Emma’s lips.
Soon different camera angles flash up on the screen showing Emma stomping and kicking up the white sand around her as she continues to lip sync and perform. The sky continues to shift from a brilliant blue to the colours of sunset.
Lena stays frigid as she watches and listens to the lyrics. When the chorus begins, it breaks her heart in two.
‘It wasn’t love, it wasn’t love
It was a Perfect Illusion.’
The raven haired woman tries to hold it together but her eyes fill with unwanted tears and a lump forms in her throat. 
When the song reaches the second verse the other members of the band are shown within the circular rig and moments of them playing in the warehouse too.
“I knew she was with them!” Lucy says exasperatedly and digs for her phone in her pocket while continuing to watch. 
The second chorus hits and Emma is brokenly staring into the camera with tears streaming down her face. Her passion radiates from the screen.
“Wow.” Ben whispers out, feeling his heart being tugged at the utter pain being portrayed in Emma’s eyes.
Kara sniffs in his arms, wanting to bury her face into them but her eyes are fixed on her sister.
While the chorus proceeds, Emma lip syncs next to the band members, the camera angles tilt, representing her heartbreak and used to make the viewer feel uncomfortable with her.
The song builds and builds until the key change hits. At that exact moment Emma swings the baseball bat, bearing the words ‘FUCK YOU!’ at the camera where it switches to show her hitting a car and denting it like the metal was nothing. Glass explodes around her as Robyn’s vocals increase.
Alex lets out a slow breath as she watches the destruction happening on the screen.
“Super strength?” Brainy asks and Alex nods.
They watch as plates and glasses go flying and crash against the walls. Showing each member giving into their rage.
The final chorus begins and the intensity on the screen almost becomes overwhelming as the scene changes with flashes of light.
But near the end it shifts again and focuses back on Emma by an edge of a cliff. The sapphire sky is a stark contrast against the white of the sand. 
As soon as Robyn utters the last words Emma falls heavily and rolls into the sand. Her face is pained as she voicelessly screams and sobs in the barren, white desert.
The music ends and the camera pans upwards towards the sapphire sky, the sound of Emma’s anguished breathing fills the room and the video ends.
The Superfriends don’t move or say anything, but continue to stare at the tv.
The silence is broken as Lena sniffs heavily and lowers her head into her hands. Her tears slip from her eyes and her curly hair shields her face from the others.
“Lee.” Sam utters quietly and slides off the sofa to comfort the raven haired woman. 
Anguished muffled words sound out from Lena’s hands.
“What was that?”
Lena lowers her hands. “I did that to her.” She chokes out and a sob breaks through. Immediately Sam pulls her into a hug.
“I don’t think it was just aimed at you.” Alex says softly while she continues to stare at the TV. “We need to find her and fast.”
The others nod around her and the notion of a games night and pizza is forgotten as they race to the DEO.
— — —
“Then we searched through footage around London, trying to find a hint of you.” Alex explains, her eyes shining with tears.
‘That’s why you all appeared so quickly?’ Fay voices Emma’s question.
“Yes.” Brainy responds. “We were monitoring every security camera by major attractions.” 
“As soon as the bus crashed through the barriers we suited up.” Nia explains and Emma nods.
Her eyes fall on Lena who seems fixated with her hands.
“So, question.” Robyn raises her hand again and glances at Lucy. “If you knew she was with me then-”
“Well, it was more of a hunch and you can’t plant bugs in someone’s home on a hunch.” Lucy shrugs and winks at the singer.
“Noted.” Robyn says softly. “But why not pursue it?”
Lucy swallows and her eyes flick over to Emma’s. “I wanted to. Believe me I wanted to catch the next flight to London, but I knew Emma needed time and I wanted her to come back on her own.”
Emma nods and signs her thanks to her friend.
“And Robyn, are you happy with their explanation about Lena?” Alistair asks and Robyn purses her lips forward.
“I guess. I mean if anything like that happened within my band, and we are as close knit as you guys, then yea. Happy, no, but I understand.”
“Good.” Alistair nods and gives Robyn a warm smile. “Are there any other questions relating to what has been said?” Alistair asks, opening the space to the group.
“I have one.” Kara says quietly and Alistair motions for her to continue. The blonde focuses on Emma, who can tell her sister doesn’t want to ask what is in her mind.
“It is okay.” Emma signs reassuringly. 
“Did, I mean, were those words-” Kara says quickly but falters and goes to fiddle with her glasses. However they weren’t there as she had forgotten she hadn’t put them on today, so she ran them through her hair.
‘Did I mean them?’ Emma tilts her head, finishing Kara’s sentence for her.
The room holds their breath, waiting for Emma’s answer.
‘I did.’
Everyone’s shoulders deflate other than Robyn, Alistair and Fay.
‘But that’s what art is.’ Emma tries to explain. ‘At that moment I was angry, hurt, upset and I needed to express it. The words and melody came quickly and before I knew it the song was there.’ Emma glances over at Robyn who nods, remembering how Emma’s pencil flew across the paper while she wrote the lyrics.
“It came from her heart.” Robyn says softly, focusing everyone’s attention on her. “Music is generally the same notes over and over, but it’s what you have to say that counts. And Emma chose to play out her pain.”
‘It’s just a moment in time.’ Emma adds.
“But do you still feel the same way?” Kara asks hesitantly and Emma pauses. Her eyes find Lena again, who slowly raises her head to watch Emma’s answer. She freezes when her apprehensive eyes connect with Emma’s.
‘I want to say no, but I’d be lying to you.’
“Which Emma is allowed to feel.” Alistair quickly interjects, feeling the build up of confusion and hurt in the room.
“How can we move forward and help you see we were wrong?” Sam asks while holding Alex’s hand.
Emma shrugs, unsure herself.
“May I offer a few suggestions?” Alistair injects and Emm nods. “You all experienced trauma that day, not just Emma. I believe doing group exercises, your film and game nights will help. Also-” Alistair pauses as he looks between the sisters. “You don’t need to do this right away, but Eliza told me the apartment where the attack happened is still empty. When you three feel ready, it might give you some healing to go back and make peace with what happened.” His eyes focus on Alex in particular who shifts in her seat.
The sisters nod in unison.
The rest of the session goes by quickly and soon the sun has set. They finish and say their goodbyes to the couple, offering for Lily to stay with Emma to help her heal.
“She has taken a great liking to you.” Fay smiles widely after hugging Emma. “See you soon.”
Emma waves goodbye and goes back into the house to eat dinner with her family with Lily staying close by her side. 
The atmosphere is relaxed and the group joke and laugh as they eat. Afterwards the group decides to go down to the beach and build a bonfire to enjoy the crystal clear night. They sit and roast marshmallows while drinking rich hot chocolate. 
Emma is listening to Winn, Kara, Lena and Brainy debate something sciency, but she cannot keep up with their discussion. However, she enjoys how passionate they are when trying to support their theory. Even if Winn gets overly exasperated to the point Ayla has to pull him back.
Emma grins and takes the last gulp of her drink before getting up.
“You okay?” Nia asks and Emma nods, motioning she is going to the water.
She stands by the water’s edge as it gently laps against the sand and takes a deep breath. Finally feeling like things could, possibly, get back to some normality. Although she still felt apprehensive about what the future could hold and whether things could repeat themselves again.
Emma flinches and frowns slightly at the monstrous voice that plays out in her mind and she remembers her dream from this morning. The same grotesque monster that demolished National City. But this time, it had destroyed her family as well.
Emma shivers at the memory, her sisters covered in blood, eyes fully dilated, staring at nothing. It had felt so real and she can’t help but feel a sense of dread.
“Hey.” Two voices greet her, making Emma jump out of her skin and slip on the sand. 
“Wow!” Alex and Kara grab a hold of her to steady her footing.
“You okay?” Kara asks in concern and Emma nods, running a hand through her hair.
“We can go if-” Alex starts to say but Emma firmly shakes her head and pulls her sisters into a group hug.
They tightly hold onto each other and Emma places a kiss on their heads. Still not used to the new height difference.
“I love you.” She whispers, causing both of her sisters to tear up and Alex to lower her head.
“Love you too.” Kara responds back and sucks in her bottom lip. “Can I ask you something?”
Emma nods and Kara steps out of the hug while Alex clings to Emma, who rests her head against Alex’s.
“So, you said you still feel the same way? That it was an illusion?” Kara shuffles on her feet, worried about the answer Emma will give.
Emma takes a deep intake of breath and straightens up, allowing Alex to look at her.
She swallows and feels her throat, wanting to voice her words rather than sign them.
“I still feel- disappointed.” Emma whispers out and coughs. Kara superspeeds to grab a bottle of water and hands it to her. Emma nods her thanks and takes a few sips before continuing. “I needed you both and you weren’t there but you were for Lena.”
“I can see how that looks.” Alex says softly and steps back but keeps ahold of Emma’s hand. Seeing this, Kara takes the other. “I can’t say anything other than I’m sorry.” Alex begins. “You are my sister and you mean the world to me. I would never choose anyone over you and I’m sorry it felt that way.”
Kara nods in agreement. “Yea, I’m sorry.” Kara agrees. “But our love for you has never been an illusion. You’re our sister and we love you no matter what.”
Emma sniffs and her sisters pull her into another hug before they start heading back to the group. 
“Oh and Mom wants to know your thoughts about New Years tomorrow.” Alex asks and Emma gazes at her questionaly. “If you wanna go to the party or stay at home.”
“Am I expected?” Emma asks and the sisters share a look, which Emma catches.
“Well the town knows you are here-” Kara begins and Emma nods.
“We can always go for a bit and come home.”
“Good plan.” Alex nods and squeezes her shoulder before they separate. Alex heads for Sam and Ruby roasting marshmallows and Kara goes over to Ben who is joking with Eliza.
Emma approaches Robyn, who hands Emma her new guitar to play. Emma grins and sits on a blanket, she softly strums the guitar while listening to the conversations around her. In time she stares into the fire and her eyes become unfocused and distant as she watches the dancing flame. 
“May I sit here?”
A velvet voice says next to her, causing Emma to blink and look up to see Lena standing there with two steaming mugs.
Emma nods and passes the guitar back to Robyn, who gazes at Lena with less animosity than she had done. 
Lena kneels down and hands her one of the mugs.
“It always amazes me how beautiful you make music sound.” Lena utters while making herself more comfortable.
Emma gives her a small smile and takes a sip of the hot chocolate. A moan escapes her lips from the velvety taste, making Lena smile and chuckle. 
“I agree it’s good.” Lena takes a sip of her own before lowering her mug to her lap. “Can I tell you something?”
Emma nods and sits so she is facing Lena more.
Lena takes in a nervous, deep breath. “I understand your process of writing songs. You write from the depths of your soul and are able to connect with others. But please know, my love for you, it wasn’t an illusion. I just wanted you to know that.”
Emma lowers her head for a moment, unsure how she can respond to that.
Placing her mug on the ground she goes to sign.
“You broke my heart.”
“I know and I will regret it for the rest of my life. If I could go back and change it, I would. But I can’t. All I can do now is try to support you the best way I can. If you’ll let me?”
Emma nods slowly. “Maybe we can rebuild our friendship?” Her eyes fall to Lena's chest, where the ring sits, hidden by the raven haired beauties clothes.
“I’d like that.” Lena gives her a small smile and the pair focus on the fire in front of them. Content to sit in silence while laughter and jokes sound around them.
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rivermonster2014 · 1 year
Kelly reunites with Maggie, they catch up.
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prpfs · 6 months
✧˖*°࿐ (admin is twenty-two, turning twenty-three next week, assigned f at birth/identify as such, time zone is cst, roleplay will happen on discord, and no pronoun preference.)
i’m looking for exclusively, but not indefinitely, fandom canon x canon roleplays (if you ask me for canon x original character or original character x original character, i can entertain that if the persuasion hits me where it's good). here are some ships below (italics are the characters i want to play, though keep in mind some ships may contain 🍪 and or incest:
michael myers/jamie lloyd
michael myers/allyson nelson
allyson nelson/corry cunningham
tara carpenter/chad meeks-martin
tara carpenter/sam carpenter
tara carpenter/ethan landry
renesmee cullen/jacob black
aro volturi/renesmee cullen
bella swan/aro volturi
max mayfield/steve harrington
eleven/billy hargrove
steve harrington/robin buckley
miscellaneous fandoms
kara danvers/lena luthor
alex danvers/kara danvers
esther coleman/john coleman
leatherface/original oc
chris redfield/claire redfield
jill valentine/chris redfield
ellie williams/joel miller
abby anderson/owen moore
(I am not looking for novel-type replies, but i am looking for someone who tries. quality over quantity, i always say. communication is critical, so talk to me. i’m not going to bug/rush you about replies, and i ask for that in return. if by any chance someone is reading this and what i said piqued your interest, then like the post, and i will get back to you as soon as i can.)
like if you're interested and op will get back to you
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cipher04 · 10 months
Fandom Frenzy (Doubling friendly) Seeking Roleplay Partners
Note: Not replacing any current partners, just always seeking to add more partners.
About Me:
I am 18+ and will only write with partners who are also 18+
Willing to double as any gender, any pairing, any fandom
Prefers writing male characters in male x female relationships (will do AxA when doubling)
Enjoys romance and action in my stories
Laid-back, communicative. I will not ghost you!
Flexible writer, quality posts: post length varies depending on the plot and the post, but my typical range is 1-3+ paragraphs
Attempts to reply every 1-2 days, but will let you know about any unintended absences
Prefers third-person
Willing to play canon characters and original characters
Prefers long-term stories
Most of all, I enjoy writing and collaborating. I consider myself easy to get along with and being able to bring my writing partner joy with each reply is something that drives my passion for this hobby!
Open to nsfw
Bonus: Not required, but I enjoy sibling dynamics. Keep in mind, I'm talking about platonic sibling interactions. If we're doubling with OC/Canon, it could be particularly interesting for our OCs to be siblings. It increases the depth of our world and increases interaction between characters. Again, not required. 
You can add me on discord at fandomfan#0404 or send a chat or message if interested.
Seeking partners who are willing to play a canon female character. I have plots, pairings, and ideas for each fandom that I list here.
I am not picky. I will not be upset if you do not portray the character with 100 percent accuracy. Please, do not expect that there will be pressure to be perfect. I enjoy it when my partner adds their own twist, anyway
Willing to double and play as anyone you want in return!
Canon characters that I am seeking a partner to play will be listed under the fandom
Pairings that I am seeking are listed beside the character, but these are not the only pairings I am willing to do. Again, for your half, I'll do whatever you want.
Here is the link to the entire list of my fandoms: https://cipher04.tumblr.com/post/678212321698611200/muse-post
If you will play someone from my list below, I can play something from any of these fandoms if you so desire! There might be others I know about as well so feel free to suggest other fandoms too
Fear The Walking Dead/The Walking Dead
Alicia Clark
Maggie Greene
Nancy Drew (CW TV show)
Nancy Drew
Betty Cooper
The Lost World (1999 TV series)
Veronica Layton
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Cassie Lang
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Karen Page
Kate Bishop
Carol Danvers
Outer Banks
Sarah Cameron
Nina Chase
Saint X
Emily Thomas
RPF: With the Women's World Cup going on, I am would absolutely love it if someone could play Alex Morgan from the USWNT for me! I would love to pair her with a male character, either a male OC, another athlete/celebrity, or even her actual husband if you're a fan of their relationship. If I'm using an OC, I am open to a number of pairings from my OC being her coach, to the OC being another professional athlete, an athletic trainer, or even just an average Joe! Tons of ideas here. However, if you like the idea but aren't a fan of Alex, I'm down to hear out any other footballer that you might wish to portray. I am willing to double with RPF as well and can play any celebrity you want, not just limiting it to sports!
If interested, you can react to my post or you can send me a chat. Thanks!
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darkrpfinder · 6 months
🕊️☽。・:*:・ admin is twenty-two, turning twenty-three next week, assigned f at birth/identity as such, time zone is cst, roleplay will happen on discord, and no pronoun preference.
i’m looking for exclusively, but not indefinitely, fandom canon x canon roleplays (if you ask me for canon x original character or original character x original character, i can entertain that if the persuasion hits me where it's good) (18+ though). here are some ships below (italics are the characters i want to play, though keep in mind some ships may contain 🍪 and or incest:
michael myers/jamie lloyd
michael myers/allyson nelson
allyson nelson/corry cunningham
tara carpenter/chad meeks-martin
tara carpenter/sam carpenter
tara carpenter/ethan landry
renesmee cullen/jacob black
aro volturi/renesmee cullen
bella swan/aro volturi
max mayfield/steve harrington or billy hargrove
eleven/billy hargrove
steve harrington/robin buckley
miscellaneous fandoms
kara danvers/lena luthor
alex danvers/kara danvers
esther coleman/john coleman
leatherface/original oc
chris redfield/claire redfield
jill valentine/chris redfield
leon s kennedy/ashley graham
sherry birkins/anyone
ellie williams/joel miller
abby anderson/owen moore
joel miller/abby anderson
i am not looking for novel-type replies, but i am looking for someone who tries. quality over quantity, i always say. communication is critical, so talk to me. i’m not going to bug/rush you about replies, and i ask for that in return. if by any chance someone is reading this and what i said piqued your interest, then like the post, and i will get back to you as soon as i can.
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findroleplay · 6 months
(admin is twenty-two, turning twenty-three next week, assigned f at birth/identity as such, time zone is cst, roleplay will happen on discord, and no pronoun preference.)
i’m looking for exclusively, but not indefinitely, fandom canon x canon roleplays (if you ask me for canon x original character or original character x original character, i can entertain that if the persuasion hits me where it's good). here are some ships below (italics are the characters i want to play, though keep in mind some ships may contain 🍪 and or incest:
michael myers/jamie lloyd
michael myers/allyson nelson
allyson nelson/corry cunningham
tara carpenter/chad meeks-martin
tara carpenter/sam carpenter
tara carpenter/ethan landry
renesmee cullen/jacob black
aro volturi/renesmee cullen
bella swan/aro volturi
max mayfield/steve harrington
eleven/billy hargrove
steve harrington/robin buckley
miscellaneous fandoms
kara danvers/lena luthor
alex danvers/kara danvers
esther coleman/john coleman
leatherface/original oc
chris redfield/claire redfield
jill valentine/chris redfield
ellie williams/joel miller
abby anderson/owen moore
(I am not looking for novel-type replies, but i am looking for someone who tries. quality over quantity, i always say. communication is critical, so talk to me. i’m not going to bug/rush you about replies, and i ask for that in return. if by any chance someone is reading this and what i said piqued your interest, then like the post, and i will get back to you as soon as i can.)
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televinita · 1 year
Top 100 Ladies of TV
Looking at old blog posts, many years ago I did a "100 favorite female characters" list, but I have met so many wonderful new ladies now that it is quite out of date and needs a major update to accommodate them. International Women’s Day seems like the perfect time to do so!
Only this time I'm restricting it to TV characters, or I will die of Overwhelm.
NOTE: This list is not in any kind of order, I just wrote them down as they came to mind. I considered alphabetical, but found it was nicer to keep everyone from a given show together. And rather than starting from scratch, I kept as much of the original list as I could and just added newer favorites on at the end, if you're wondering why some of these Very Old Fandoms are clustered at the top.
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Kimberly Hart (Power Rangers)
Katherine Hillard (Power Rangers)
Pamela Beesly Halpert (The Office)
Kelly Kapoor (The Office)
Angela Martin (The Office)
Amita Ramanujan (Numb3rs)
Abby Sciuto (NCIS
Ziva David (NCIS)
Abby Lockhart (ER)
Neela Rasgotra (ER)
Sarah Riley (ER)
Rachel Berry (Glee)
Quinn Fabray (Glee)
Tina Cohen-Chang, respect (Glee)
Marley Rose (Glee)
Juliet Burke (Lost)
Alex Rousseau (Lost)
Kensi Blye (NCIS: LA)
Nell Jones (NCIS: LA)
Marisol Delko (CSI: Miami)
Alexx Woods (CSI: Miami)
Calleigh DuQuesne (CSI: Miami)
Samantha Spade (Without a Trace)
Miranda Bailey (Grey's Anatomy)
Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
April Kepner (Grey's Anatomy)
Addison Forbes Montgomery (Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice)
Sara Sidle (CSI)
Jess Angell (CSI: NY)
Dana Scully (X-Files)
Summer Roberts (The O.C.)
Charlotte "Chuck" Charles (Pushing Daisies)
Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies)
Joan Girardi (Joan of Arcadia)
Kat Miller (Cold Case)
Tru Davies (Tru Calling)
Elaine Benes (Seinfeld)
Daphne Moon (Frasier)
Carla Espinosa (Scrubs)
Jordan Sullivan (Scrubs) -- it's either her or Ellie Torres from Cougar Town, real 6-of-1 situation
Donna Pinciotti (That 70s Show)
Jackie Burkhart (That 70s Show)
Kitty Forman (That 70s Show)
Kara Danvers (Supergirl)
Stephanie Tanner (Full/er House)
Grace Adler (Will & Grace)
Lexi Vaziri (Blood & Treasure)
Jaz Khan (The Brave)
Lux Cassidy (Life Unexpected)
Rachel Matheson (Revolution)
Julia Shumway (Under the Dome)
Nancy McKenna (L.A.'s Finest)
Paige Donohue (Scorpion)
Happy Quinn (Scorpion)
Max Black (2 Broke Girls)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (Criminal Minds)
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
Mae Jarvis (Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders)
Reba Hart (Reba)
Cheyenne Hart (Reba)
Jess Parker (Primeval)
Abby Maitland (Primeval)
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Tani Rey (Hawaii Five-0)
Kate Beckett (Castle)
Alexis Castle (Castle)
Kat Warbler (The Class) - FOREVER UPSET we were robbed of more than 22 eps of her snarky glory!
Ivy Lynn (Smash)
Elizabeth McCord (Madam Secretary herself)
Carrie Heffernan (i'm sorry i LOVE HER) (The King of Queens)
Frankie Heck (The Middle)
Sue Heck (The Middle)
Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project)
Lisa Miller (News Radio)
Beth of no apparent last name (NewsRadio)
Sabrina Spellman (the Teenage Witch, Good Version [WB])
Tia Landrey & Tamera Campbell (Sister, Sister) (I know it's rude but they're both aces and this way my list is secretly 101!)
Jade McKellan (Family Reunion)
Holly Tyler (What I Like About You)
Anathema Device (Good Omens)
Eve Baxter (Last Man Standing)
Sabina of no official last name (Siberia)
Ryan Clark (Off the Map)
Phoebe Buffay (Friends)
Monica Geller (Friends)
Rachel Greene (Friends)
Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Melissa Schemmenti (Abbott Elementary)
Barbara Howard (Abbott Elementary)
Ava Coleman (Abbot Elementary)
Molly Flynn (Mike & Molly, a terrible show made watchable by its women, though I only have room for 1 today)
Henrietta/Hetty Woodstone (Ghosts [CBS])
Shirley Bennett (Community)
Alex Russell (Maid)
Jenny Hoyt (Big Sky)
Cassie DeWell (Big Sky)
In conclusion:
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femslashhistorian · 1 year
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I posted 2,704 times in 2022
That's 459 more posts than 2021!
53 posts created (2%)
2,651 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,656 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#fan art - 830 posts
#supercorp - 597 posts
#supercorp fic rec - 396 posts
#pitch perfect femslash fic rec - 320 posts
#bechloe - 286 posts
#fanfiction - 286 posts
#fanfic rec - 282 posts
#other femslash fic rec - 136 posts
#korrasami - 132 posts
#supergirl femslash fic rec - 123 posts
Longest Tag: 50 characters
#abigail bellweather x tally craven x raelle collar
My Top Posts in 2022:
NCIS: Hawai'i but it’s only Lucy Tara/Kate Whistler (Kacy)
Watched the whole playlist on YouTube and really enjoyed it. They are a cute ship. 
And here is a link to the #Kacy (Kate / Lucy) supercut/playlist:
I’ve started to look for fic on AO3 and yay, there is a good amount for a relatively new show/ship.
21 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Supergirl Femslash Ships & Fics Retrospective 3: Astra/x
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Welcome back to the Supergirl (TV 2015) femslash ships & fics retrospective. This is the first part in which we focus on femslash ships of a particular character and a selection of fics and fic recs. In part 3 we focus on Astra In-Ze and her ships. 
Table of contents
a) A quick introduction to Astra
b) Astra's ships overview
c) Alex/Astra fic recs
d) Alex/Astra/Maggie fic recs
e) Astra/Maggie fic recs
Series Overview: Supergirl Femslash Ships & Fics Retrospective
Part 1: Introduction, the TV show [tumblr [WordP]
Part 2a: List of F/F Ships [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 2b: List of Polyamorous Ships [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 3: Astra/x [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 4: Andrea/x [tumbl] [WordPress]  
(links to be added once the parts are done)
a) A quick introduction to Astra
Astra In-Ze was a Kryptonian general, the twin sister of Kara's mother Alura and thus Kara's aunt. She was put in prison for eco terrorism and together with the other inmates of in Fort Rozz was one of the few survivors of Krypton's destruction. As a Kryptonian on Earth she has similar powers and weaknesses as Supergirl.
On the show Astra only appears in season 1, in which the was one of the main antagonists. Astra is an original character created for the show, who did not appear in DC comics before.
Astra was a fascinating character and one of the highlights of season 1. It was sad that Astra never got a redemption arc, but considering the quality of the show's writing, it is hard to imagine that it would have been satisfying anyway. Aw well, this is what fanfiction is for, and there are indeed several fics with redemption arcs for Astra.
b) Astra's ships overview
Astra/Alex Danvers (GeneralDanvers)
This was the first pair I shipped in Supergirl and the one that made me fall in love with the show and the fandom.
When I watched the first scene Alex and Astra had together I thought wow, this is kinda gay and a lot of subtest. I wonder if they will ever do anything with it. Of course, they didn't.
But looking at AO3, I realized that I was by far not the only one who saw the potential for this ship. Unsurprising considering the source material, there is a lot of potential for angsty and darker fics, but there are also a few lighter AUs.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Astra/Alex Danvers
Astra/Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer (General Sanvers)
If you shipped Alex/Astra and were open for/to polyamorous relationships, this was the natural progression to combine Astra with Alex's season 2 canon relationship. Not the rarest ship but pretty rare.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Astra/Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Astra/Maggie Sawyer
See the full post
22 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
Scrolling Through Lists of Possible Loves by Netgirl_y2k
Summary:  Corporations, rather than kings, make matches.
Great Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell (Sansaery) fic
Sansa gets tested on her 18th birthday. She is matched with Margaery but is in denial that she might be gay.
I loved this soulmate take. They don't just meet and fall in love, but eventually there is a happy ending. Highly recommended.
26 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
Supergirl Femslash Ships & Fics Retrospective 4: Andrea/x
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In part 4 of the Supergirl (TV 2015) femslash ships & fics retrospective we focus on Andrea Rojas, her femslash ships and a selection of fics and fic recs.
Table of contents
a) A quick introduction to Andrea
b) Andrea's ships overview
c) Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
d) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
e) Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas fic recs
f) Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas fic recs
g) Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
Series Overview
Supergirl Femslash Ships & Fics Retrospective
Part 1: Introduction, the TV show [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 2a: List of F/F Ships [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 2b: List of Polyamorous Ships [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 3: Astra/x [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 4: Andrea/x (this part)
(links to be added once the parts are done)
a) A quick introduction to Andrea
Andrea Rojas joined Supergirl in Season 5, when (a heartbroken) Lean, who felt betrayed by Kara, sold CatCo Media on to her friend Andrea, who is also the CEO of Obsidian Tech.
Andrea has a secret identity and powers as Acrata and appeared in several DC comics and shows before, but her backstory and character were heavily tweaked for the Supergirl TV show.
To be hones I did not watch enough of Season 5 to really understand the plot and background around Leviathan and the medallion that is linked to Andrea's powers (and from what I have seen of the show this might not have made all that much sense away...) What is important to know (and is often referenced in fic) is that to get the medallion, Andrea needed to betray Lena (and break her heart).
While at first it seemed that Andrea was just another shitty boss for Kara at CatCo, she turned out to be a fascinating character with a lot of shipping potential.
I read somewhere that Andre was so high maintenance that she might as well be a Maserati and obviously this is the car she drives in several of the stories.
b) Andrea's ships overview
Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (RojasCorp)
In canon Lena and Andrea are former best friends but many fans interpret their history as ex-lovers. Andrea and Lena definitely have history (some of which is explored in the show) and a lot of chemistry. While shipping Andrea with Lena an obvious shipping choice, this is a relatively rare pair, especially considering that there are few long fics and in a large part of the fics in the AO3 ship tag RojasCorp is not the actual or main ship.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
See the full post
33 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
International Fanworks Day 2022 - Classic Fic Recs
Tumblr media
In case you have not seen this.
“On February 13th, 2022, AO3 made a news posts encouraging users to post their recommendations of "classic" fics, while acknowledging the definition of classic may vary from user-to-user. These were the fics recommended that day in the comment section.”
This is an excellent collection on AO3 that includes a many brilliant femslash fics: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/IFDRecs
Many fandoms, including (there are more).
Harry Potter
Marvel Cinematic Universe
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
Warehouse 13
Pitch Perfect (Movies)
The Owl House (Cartoon)
The Old Guard (Movie 2020)
Supergirl (TV 2015)
Note on the number of works / filters:
There are 74 to 129 F/F fic in the collection.
If you just set the include filter to F/F you get 129, but this includes some fics in which the F/F ship is the background/side ship to a main ship which is M/M or M/F.
If you set the filters to include F/F and exclude M/M and M/F the number is 74 (but this might exclude fics in which the main ship is F/F ...)
This has bigger impact in some fandoms (such as Harry Potter) and less in others.
Here is a link with the filters to get the narrow F/F selection.
64 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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proshipp-rp-finder · 5 months
🕊️☽。・:*:・ admin is twenty-two, turning twenty-three next week, assigned f at birth/identity as such, time zone is cst, roleplay will happen on discord, and no pronoun preference.
i’m looking for exclusively, but not indefinitely, fandom canon x canon roleplays (if you ask me for canon x original character or original character x original character, i can entertain that if the persuasion hits me where it's good) (18+ though). here are some ships below (italics are the characters i want to play, though keep in mind some ships may contain 🍪 and or incest:
michael myers/jamie lloyd
michael myers/allyson nelson
allyson nelson/corry cunningham
tara carpenter/chad meeks-martin
tara carpenter/sam carpenter
tara carpenter/ethan landry
renesmee cullen/jacob black
aro volturi/renesmee cullen
bella swan/aro volturi
max mayfield/steve harrington or billy hargrove
eleven/billy hargrove
steve harrington/robin buckley
miscellaneous fandoms
kara danvers/lena luthor
alex danvers/kara danvers
esther coleman/john coleman
leatherface/original oc
chris redfield/claire redfield
jill valentine/anyone
leon s kennedy/ashley graham
sherry birkins/anyone
ellie williams/joel miller
abby anderson/owen moore
joel miller/abby anderson
i am not looking for novel-type replies, but i am looking for someone who tries. quality over quantity, i always say. communication is critical, so talk to me. i’m not going to bug/rush you about replies, and i ask for that in return. if by any chance someone is reading this and what i said piqued your interest, then like the post, and i will get back to you as soon as i can.
0 notes
finleyfray · 3 years
TW: dying, language
Finley sighs as she crashes down on her bed. It was late in the afternoon and she had a half hour break before she needed to go to work. She is tired after the whole day of classes. Lately she was so busy she didn’t even see her girlfriends for two weeks. Fin was living alone, so she had to work hard to be able to pay for her rent and food. Besides this, she was also in her last year at university. 
Those two activities took all of her time and while she tried so hard to make it work, she knew Alex and Maggie were very irritated with her lack of time to meet them and do something together. She promised them she’s gonna have a day off soon, but this was a month ago, and Finley really couldn’t afford a day off. Her rent price went higher last month and now she has to work extra hours to be able to pay for it.
Finley hides her head in her hands. She really misses her girlfriends. It’s only been 10 months that they’re dating, and they haven't even told each other “I love you" yet, but Fin realised that a while back. She loves them and she really wants to spend the rest of her life with them. 
Her phone rings and Finley picks it up. 
“Hey" Fin smiles as she hears Alex’s voice. “Can we come over for a second? We want to tell you something.” She frowns at Alex’s cold voice.
“Hi babe. I would love to but I have to go to work in half an hour.”
“That’s nothing new. Okay, we tried to talk with you, to maybe try and find another way. But I'm done with constant excuses. I’m putting you on speaker."
“What’s wrong?” Finley’s heart beats fast as she tries to suppress anxiety inside her. This doesn’t sound like the Alex she knows. 
“We talked a lot.” She hears Maggie's voice. “And we are really tired. You never have time for us, and it looks like there’s only me and Alex. So we might as well just be like that.”
“What do you mean?” Fin asks with a trembling voice. 
“We are breaking up with you.” 
“What?” She gasps. 
“Yeah. Sorry. We can’t go on like that. You never have time.”
“No, wait, don’t do that, I’ll make time, just give me one more chance, please...” Finley panickes. This can't be happening. After everything, they just decide she wasn't worth it… The woman feels anger inside her. Mixed with pain and sadness, but mostly anger. She hangs up and throws her phone against the wall. Her phone crashes and lands on the floor. Screw that. 
The black-haired woman stands up and goes to the elevator. She still needs to pay for her bills even when she was just dumped. She pushes the button to go down, but she never arrives at work. 
Finley opens her eyes and looks around her. She was in a dark room with chains around her wrists and ankles. Last thing she remembers was going into the elevator and then she felt a sharp pain in her head and she was out cold.
The blue-eyed woman has no idea why she was kidnapped. She wasn't any special, she was just working in a restaurant and in the shop and she went to the school. Work… she didn't arrive. Pretty sure they'll just fire her. 
She hears footsteps and tries to locate the people that were approaching. Even in this weird situation, Finley wasn't scared. Safe to say, she didn't even care.
"Good to see you awake. My goons might've hit your head a bit too much." She watches as the older woman enters the room, together with two men. 
"And who are you exactly? And why am I even here?" Fin looks at her confused.
"Lillian Luthor, and you're here to give me kryptonite." The woman spoke and Finley laughed. 
"Give you what? I don't even know what that is, I'm just a student, can't give you anything." 
"You can't, but your girlfriend can. See, I watched you for a while, and looks like you're the one I had to get to make Agent Danvers give me kryptonite from DEO. So now I'll call them, tell them we can exchange, they bring me kryptonite, you walk free." The woman circled her with a phone in her hand.
"Which girlfriend, what do you mean DEO? Also I hate to break it to you but that won't work. They broke up with me, I don't mean anything to them and I'm pretty sure they won't trade anything for me." The black-haired woman huffs and Lillian smiles. She taps on her phone and Finley screams with pain as electricity rushes through her.
Alex sighs as she looks at Maggie. She tries her best to not give away her sadness. Her girlfriend looks at her and gently cups her cheek. 
"Talk to me." 
"We shouldn't have. I don't want to lose her. This was a stupid idea. We got so mad when she said she doesn't have time… We shouldn't break up with her. We have to try and fix it." The redhead looks at the floor, her eyes wet and Maggie sighs. 
"You're right. Come on, she should be home already. We try once more, but Alex, if it doesn't work… I'm tired of having a girlfriend I don't actually have." 
"I know Maggs, but… I love her… Yea, it was hard the last few months… And we didn't even go that far in this relationship. But can you remember the time before it went to shit? Her smile that lights up the whole room? The way she checks on you after she knows you had a rough day at NCPD? The way she always knows what to say to make us laugh and feel better? The way she looks at us like we're the most important people in her life? How she says she's proud of us for doing all we can to protect this city. Even though she doesn't know I work for the DEO but thinks I work for the FBI. Maggie, I'm not ready to give her up and I know you aren't either."
"You're right." The raven-haired woman whispers and gently wipes away her girlfriend's tears at the same time blinking her eyes to get rid of her own tears. "We have to figure it out. We can't lose her. While we were a couple, don't get me wrong, I love you, but there was always something missing. And when we met Finley… It felt whole again. We stopped arguing that much. She's like a glue that holds us together. We have a lot to work on but I really think we have to try." 
"Let's get our girl back." 
They both rushed to Finley's apartament and knocked. 
"Finley, please open the door, we want to talk." Alex knocks on the door but she's met with silence. They wait a bit and knock a few more times but there's no response. 
"Use the spare key?" Maggie proposes and the redhead nods, taking out the key Fin gave them a while ago in case something happens. The agent opens the door and calls out. They go to the small room and look around.
"Finley's not here." Alex sighs and watches as Maggie goes to the wall and picks up a broken phone. "I think she was angry. Maybe she's still at work?"
They check the work but the manager tells them Finley never arrived to work. After hearing that, they begin to panic. It was not like her to miss her work. Alex takes them to the DEO and they ask Winn to look for any monitors around her living and work place. It doesn't help that Finley lives in one of the worst places in the whole city, they don't have any monitoring system. Alex calls her sister and Kara arrives in a minute. They're about to send her to patrol when Winn yells.
"We have an incoming transmission. Agent Danvers, you want me to put it through?"
"Yes. Put it through and track it immediately."
"...up with me, I don't mean anything to them and I'm pretty sure they won't trade anything for me." Alex gasps as she hears Finley's voice. Maggie goes to her and she clenches her fist.
"Luthor." She growls. She watches as Lillian pushes a button on her phone and their girlfriend screams in pain. "Let her go!"
"Looks like the transmission is one sided. They can't hear us. We can only see them." 
Finley gasps as she finally breathes. Every muscle in her body hurts. 
"Fucking hell! I told you they won't give you anything, you stupid bitch!" 
"Oh my dear, of course they will." Fin tried to look at the woman but another rush of pain went through her. "They will give me the Kryptonite once they realise they can't track us." 
"Just fucking shoot me already! I told you, they don't care, just get it over with." 
"I can shoot her ma'am." She heard one of the men saying enthusiastically. 
"Stand down Barnes, this is not the plan." Lillian said and Fin smiled, she forced herself to look up at the man.
"Yea, stand down. Good dog. Bet you don't even know how to fucking shoot, don't ya Barnes? Woof woof." Finley laughs trying to make the man angry. He doesn't look too smart, if he loses control, he'll shoot her. "Good obedient fucking dog." 
"Barnes no!" Lillian tries to stop him but it's too late, he fires 3 times and Finley stops moving.
"Fucking hell! I told you they won't give you anything, you stupid bitch!" 
Alex curses and looks at the screen. 
"What the hell is she doing!? She should stay quiet, not enrage Lillian more!?" Her girlfriend screams.
"Oh my dear, of course they will." The redhead winces as she hears their girlfriends screams. "They will give me the Kryptonite once they realise they can't track us." 
The agent looks at Winn but he sadly shakes his head. 
"I have nothing yet." He gets back to typing on his computer. 
"Just fucking shoot me already! I told you, they don't care, just get it over with." 
"No, no, Finley, no! Please, no, we do care, don't provoke them." Maggie sobs as she grabs the desk tightly.
"I can shoot her ma'am." 
"Stand down Barnes, this is not the plan." 
They look at the screen and Alex sees Finley reise her head. 
"No! Don't do it, Fin!" She feels it. She feels it with everything that her girlfriend is about to do something stupid.
"Yea, stand down. Good dog. Bet you don't even know how to fucking shoot, don't ya Barnes? Woof woof. Good obedient fucking dog." 
"Barnes no!" 
They hear Lillian scream and then 3 gunshots. They all hold their breath and look as Finley stops breathing. 
"You stupid fool!" It's all they hear and transmission stops. Alex feels herself falling to the ground and Maggie tries to hold her.
"Finley!" The redhead sobs as her girlfriend hugs her tightly, sobs escaping both of them. She can't believe it. It's all their fault. They made her believe they don't care and she felt like she didn't have anything to fight for. It was their fault.
Two days later they held a small funeral for their girlfriend. They couldn't find the body so the casket remained empty. Lena apologizes to them a hundred times. They know it's not her fault, but they still can't believe what happened. It was their fault and the only reason Finley is dead is because of their stupid idea. 
Finley gasps as she shoots up to the sitting position. She looks around, she's still in the same room, but there's no one here anymore. This dying was really exhausting. The black-haired woman thought that after dying so many times, she'll be used to it. She doesn't even know where she is. At least Lillian was "kind" enough to let her free from chains. 
Fin looks at her watch to see the date. Four days passed since the day their girlfriends broke up with her. She sighs and finds her way out. Looking at her shirt stained with blood she doesn't have any other option than to ask someone where she is. 
After 4 hours of travelling, Finley finds herself by the door of her apartment. The door isn't locked, but she remembers locking it. She opens the door and in two seconds she's pinned by the door by Kara. Who knew the little blonde had this much power.
"Who are you!?" She growls and Fin sees her girlfriends, ex-girlfriends coming behind her. Their faces pale as if they've seen a ghost. 
"Let me go, what the hell! You can't attack me inside my own house like that!" 
"This isn't your house, this is Fin's house. And she died. So who are you and why are you looking like her!?" She hears Alex growling. "Let's take this impostor to the DEO for interrogation."
Before she had any chance to say anything, Kara flew her to some kind of underground base and tossed her inside a cell. 
"For fucks sake, I am Finley! Let me go, Kara!" 
One thing was Kara, that she could fly and had so much power. Another thing was them locking her up in a cell. She looks at the blonde seeing tears in the corner of her eyes and she turns around and flies out of the room. 
Few minutes later her two ex-girlfriends and Supergirl enter the room. 
"Of course, you're Supergirl. It makes more sense now. And you're what?" She looks at Alex in the same outfit she wears normally to her work. 
"Agent Danvers, Department of Extranormal Operations and this is Detective Sawyer, NCPD."
"Well obviously, I know who you are, I am not stupid. We used to date, remember? Like you broke up with me 4 days ago. I might have trouble with my memory, but I am not an idiot!" 
"Who are you!?" Maggie asks, she looks as if she was on the edge.
"I am Finley. Like you can see it. Like obviously, I'm Fin!" 
"You died!"
"How do you know I died? You weren't there?"
"We saw you dying! You were shot three times!" Alex yelled.
"Yes, see, I know." Fin points at her shirt.
"Then who are you? You're a white Martian?"
"Uhhh, what? No, I am Finley! I am immortal, I can't die!"
"We saw you dying…." 
"Sure, I die but then I wake up after my wounds heal and I'm alive again!" Finley screams irritated.
"This is bullshit! Supergirl, did you get J'onn on the phone?" The redhead asks Kara.
"Yea, he's already flying here. He'll be here any minute and then we'll know who's hiding inside Finley's body." The blonde looks at her sister. "Let's get out of here." They go out and Finley sighs. Nothing else she can do then to wait for that J'onn guy.
After J'onn, who Fin found out is director of DEO, read her mind and confirmed that she indeed is herself, she was let out of the cell. Two pairs of arms circled her.
"We thought you were dead…" Alex sobbed. 
Fin closes her eyes and mutters.
"I didn't know that. I thought you didn't care anymore."
"Of course we care!" Maggie huffes while wiping away her tears. "We went to your house to apologise and talk it out but you weren't there… We asked Winn to look for any street footage but there was nothing. And then Lillian transmission… We watched you die!" The raven-haired woman sobs. "We're so sorry Finnie… We got mad at you, but we shouldn't break up… And then we watched you die… We can't lose you."
Finely looks at them while wiping away her own tears. She closes her eyes. 
We're they honest? She sees them now, crying, apologising. But once everything goes back to normal… Will they still stay, or will they run away yet again.
"I understand you're sorry. I am too. I wasn't avoiding you, I was so busy, trying to maintain work and uni. But will you still stay while I will be busy yet again?"
"Finley… you're dead… officially… We pronounced you dead. You can't go back to your old life."
"What!?" Finley screams as she steps back and looks at them. "Why!?"
"Well, you died! How were we supposed to know you're not really dead?" Alex looks at her as if she told her the time.
"I died 75 times and never once did I lose my identity! What do I do now!?" 
"Seventy-five times!?" Her girlfriends look at her in shock.
"Yea, my dad used to kill me for fun. It doesn’t matter now! Who am I now. What do I do now?" 
"We can get you a new identity." The director enters the room.
"I would have to search for work again! Go through 2 years of university again! I don't have the energy to do it again." Fin sobs and looks at the ground.
"I can offer you a job here at the DEO. Your abilities would be very useful and you would train with agent Danvers. If you want, of course." The man nods. "I'll let you think and talk about it. Let me know what you decide."
Finley thought about it. It wasn't a bad offer. Sure, she wasn't ever planning on working for a secret government agency, but is really someone planning that?
She looks at her girlfriends… Ex girlfriends…? Girlfriends? But they look at her too, waiting for her decision.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 10 months
Through Susie's Eyes
I did this for the Writing Workshop Week 1: Show & Tell from @bettsfic and @books. Hope you guys enjoy!
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Original Character Susie The Doll, Kara Danvers, Eliza Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Original Characters-Ari Arias and Jonas Arias
Summary: A doll is given to a teenage girl. Will she treasure it or think it is something trivial?
Word Count: 3401
Susie sat on the box counting the stokes the spider made on his web ahead of her. It was the only lively thing in this place in recent months. Or had it been years. It is really too hard to tell. She is in the attic after all. There is a window in front of her, but it is all smudged. You can only tell if it is night or day. She tried to listen for sounds, but heard none. She sighed. Once the younger girls had moved out of the house, no one was really ever around except the mother. However, that is barely true. She is only here to sleep and is then off to who knows where. 
Susie felt a shift in the box she was sitting on. The side of the box had lost stability and began to tear. It caused the side of the box that Susie was on to dip and she fell down to the ground. She fell on her side grateful that the box also didn’t come tumbling down on her. She looked in front of her and saw her reflection in the mirror. She knew that her looks had degraded, but didn’t know it had gotten this bad. Her button eyes were sagging, her dress was torn, her red hair was missing in chunks and the ones that were left were frazzled, her shoes were scuffed, and her hands (or could she even call them hands since she didn’t have fingers), had small puffs of cotton coming out. Her blue ribbons were completely missing and the trim of her dress was now a grayish color. She always hated that mirror because it showed her imperfections every single time. Looking at herself made her think about what she looked like in her former glory when she met her person, Kara. 
Long Ago
Susie was in a box with the other Susie dolls at the Tree General Store. All of them looked the same: red braided pigtails with a blue ribbon at the end, a blue long sleeve dress with a white ribbon going around the middle, white trim going around the end of the sleeves and the bottom of the dress, white socks, black penny loafer shoes, black button eyes, a red button nose, and a black stitch smile. The dream of a doll was to be picked by their person and go to their forever home. The waiting was brutal. She heard of dolls having to wait years to be picked by their person. 
Susie felt fortunate that she was only on the shelf for a week. The mother had picked her up. Usually, most parents are happy or at least content picking up the toy for their child. However, she noticed that this mom looked really sad and a little bit frazzled. 
“Bringing a child a doll should be a joyous occasion,” thought Susie as they headed to the checkout line. 
Despite this perplexing display of emotion, Susie couldn’t help but be excited about the child she was about to meet. She dreamed of all the new toys she would get to meet and all the tea parties they would get to have. She snapped out of her daydream when she realized the car had stopped. 
The mother took her inside. It was a nice house from what Susie could tell. There was a spacious living room. They ended up making a stop in the kitchen. The mother took her out of the box and placed her into a pink small bag surrounded by tissue paper. 
“This is it! I will finally meet my person!” thought Susie excitedly. 
Susie could tell they were on the move again and that it sounded like they were heading up some stairs. After a little bit, she heard a knock. 
“Kara, is it okay if I come in”
“You can come in, Eliza,” said Kara softly. 
Susie heard the mother shuffle forward, but then stopped. It was silent for a minute until Susie felt the bag being handed over to Kara. 
“I know that you have been having nightmares since you have gotten here. I know this isn’t much, but I thought it would help.”
“Nightmares. That is terrible. I hope I can bring some comfort to this child,” thought Susie. 
She felt hands go into the bag and wrap around her waist pulling her up. As she faced her new person, they both stared at each other baffled. Well, if Susie could make faces it would be one of bafflement. Before her was not a child, but a teenage girl. She had heard horror stories about them. They were at the age where they grew out of playing with any toy and focus on more trivial things like make up, boys, and fashion. She felt her heart sink at the possibility that she may be thrown out a lot sooner than she thought. 
Kara looked up to the mother and said, “Why did you give me a doll?”
The mother looked down nervously and said, “I know it may be silly. However, when i was younger, I had frequent nightmares. One thing that helped me through them was my doll Lilly.”
“But this thing can’t do anything!” 
The mother sighed and said, “Sometimes, the best thing anyone can ask for is someone to listen.”
She kissed Kara’s forehead before heading out of the room. 
Kara stared back perplexed at Susie. 
Kara shook her head and said, “I don’t know why she thinks a doll can solve my problems.”
“I can listen though,” Susie thought hopefully. 
“It is not like you can stop the nightmares of seeing my home planet explode every single night. You can’t stop the feeling I get that I am being followed by the phantoms from the phantom zone after staying there for so long. You can’t bring my family b…”
Kara broke into tears. She brought Susie into her chest hugging her hard. She then curled into  little ball on her bed. Susie was shocked that a girl so young has gone through so much tragedy. She wished there was more that she could do for Kara, her person. All she can do is be by her side and be a sounding board. 
Kara held her in her arms until she fell asleep. Susie wished for her sweet dreams. The next morning, she watched Kara wake up with a baffled look on her face.
“No nightmares,” said Kara bewildered. 
She looked down at Susie and smiled.
“I guess Eliza was right about you.”
If Susie could smile, she would.
“I am not going to be thrown out!” she thought excitedly.
As much as she wished for having tea parties and other toys to talk with, Susie was happy with the groove that she and Kara developed. At the end of each day before bed, she would tell Susie about her day. It was mostly school and boys. It sounded like survival of the fittest to Susie, but Kara seemed to enjoy it. As Susie spent more time with Kara, she realized that she wasn’t your everyday child. She had a tendency of breaking things easily. Desk, chairs, walls, etc. You name it, she had at least broken it once. Normally, Susie would just think she was a klutz, but some of the things that she did seemed beyond human. 
Susie didn’t really think anything of Kara’s behavior until she watched them float to the ceiling one night. Susie initially thought it was the phantoms Kara had talked about until Kara woke up and yelped. They instantly fell back to the bed. 
“I can fly,” said Kara with a smile. 
Susie watched as Kara proceeded to try to jump off the bed and fly but no success. After the twelfth time, she huffed and clutched Susie in her chest. 
“I know I didn’t just imagine this,” huffed Kara. 
She turned Susie over so that she was looking her directly in the face and asked, “You saw it, didn’t you Susie? I flew. I wonder if Clark would be willing to…”
She sighed as she fell on the bed while holding Susie. 
“He barely sees me now. Why did I even think he could help me,” muttered Kara. 
Susie hated whoever this Clark person was. Every time Kara mentions him the spirit always drains out of her eyes. She wishes she could provide more comfort to her. However, all she could do was watch. 
Susie didn’t know how Kara did it, but she figured out how to fly. Whenever her sister Alex didn’t want to go with her, she would take Susie to fly at night. Sometimes they would just fly though the sky looking at the constellations. Other times, they would fly to the beach and sit in the sand making sand castles or just sit watching the waves roll in. Susie enjoyed these times with Kara the most because it was when Kara was the most at peace with herself. Her blue eyes would sparkle and the smile on her face just screamed joy. She admired how Kara went from being a scared teenager to a young adult. 
“An adult,” Susie sighed. 
For toys like Susie, the worse thing than watching your child become a teenager was to watch them become an adult. Some toys are lucky to stay with their person through their teenage years, but to stay as an adult. That was never heard of. As Kara’s graduation from high school grew closer, Susie dreaded it. She knew soon that she was going to meet her fate. A couple of days before Kara went to college, Susie was put face up in a box with a random assortment of items. 
“I am being given away,” thought Susie sadly. 
She felt the box on the move until everything stopped. She then felt them start driving. 
“Let’s hope that I will be picked up by another girl that needs help,” thought Susie hopefully.
Susie was lost in thought until she felt the car stopped. Her heart sank that this was it. She felt them begin to move a while until they stopped and felt the box being placed on a hard surface. She watched the box open and was startled at what she saw: Kara. 
She grabbed Susie and placed her on the desk next to her bed.
“I didn’t get left behind!”
If Susie could cry tears of joy, she would. She didn’t know what she did to deserve Kara. She talked to Susie less since entering college. She was busy with making new friends, doing new activities, and school. However, the conversations that they did have were more meaningful. Kara didn’t have a sense of direction of what she wanted to do in college. Susie thought that it had to do with Clark though. Kara would talk about her love of literature, writing, meeting new people, and fighting for people’s rights. She would be a perfect journalist. Susie would watch Kara make diagrams that took up the whole wall on what careers she could do. All Susie could do is sigh when she watched her do this. 
“I hope she realizes that being in journalism won’t make her like that jerk Clark,” thought Susie. 
It took Kara three years of denial, but Susie was glad that Kara came to the conclusion that journalism was the correct path all on her own. Once Kara embraced her career choice, she soared in all of her classes. She even got an internship at a famous magazine. Kara would often come back from the internship complaining about her boss, but overall loving the experience. Susie was just happy to see that Kara was finding her way in life. 
One thing that Susie didn’t like is when people would come over. Sometimes, when people came over, Kara would turn her over and wrap a ribbon around her eyes and ears. She would stay like that until her guest left. Kara would always look flushed when she finally took the ribbons off of her. 
“I hope you didn’t hear anything that would scar you for life Susie,” Kara chuckled. 
She would say that every time. Susie wished she knew what it meant. She just hated the feeling that she was being put in time out. However, when she looked at Kara, it made her wonder if she was doing it for her benefit. At least, she hoped she was. 
Soon Kara was graduating college. As she watched Kara leave for the ceremony in her black and gold gown, she wondered if she would be able to see what type of adult she will become as she gets older. She didn’t know what to expect. No toy she knew of has gotten this far. 
“I don’t think she would abandon me now though,” thought Susie hesitantly. 
As she sat in thought, she didn’t realize Kara came back until she placed her on top of a box and carried her out to the car. They drove back to her home. When they arrived, she placed her and the box at the door, and then she went to eat. Kara then left to meet with some friends. After a little bit, the mother came down and took the box and her to the attic. 
As she saw the mother walking away leaving her there, Susie tried to scream, “No, I am meant to be with Kara. Don’t leave me here!”
However, no one could hear her screams. There, Susie has sat waiting for Kara’s return. 
Present Day
As Susie laid on the dusty floor, she wondered if Kara even thinks of her and sighs. 
“I hope that wherever you are, you are happy.”
Suddenly, Susie hears the attic door hope. She hears footsteps coming towards her and then stops. 
“Are you sure you left her up here?”
A moment of silence happens before the footsteps continue. 
“You don’t have to yell. It is just no one has seen her in years. I will be….Okay, Okay, I will look.”
The person starts walking again until their feet are now in her view. The person picked her up and Susie was surprised to see it was Alex.
Alex picked back up the phone and said, “I found Susie, but she is in bad shape.”
She remained silent a couple of minutes while listening to the other person on the other end. Susie wished she could hear what the other person was saying. 
After a couple of more minutes, Alex sighed and said, “I know what to do.”
She disconnected the call and stared at Susie with a frown on her face. 
“I was hoping you were in a better state. However, we still have time to get you ready before they arrive.”
“Who are they? What are you going to do to me?” thought Susie terrified. 
After being in the attic for so long, parts of her wondered if they were going to send her off to a second hand shop or even worse, a garbage dump. Susie laid in despair as Alex brought them down to the kitchen. Susie watched as Alex went and brought back a sewing kit. She gradually fixed her eyes and sewed her new hair. She then took off her clothes and shoes, and placed Susie in the washer machine. 
Susie hated the washer machine. It was dizzying and she couldn’t see what was going on with all the soap suds everywhere. The water made her body heavy. The only positive thing about the experience was that she didn’t have any dust or webs on her anymore. When Alex took her out, she thought the nightmare was over until she put her in the dryer. It made her lighter again, but it made her disoriented and hot. Once she got out of the dryer, she was really out of it. It took her a couple of minutes to realize that she was facing the phone and could see her reflection. She squealed internally with joy. She looked like her former self. Her dress looked like it was brand new, her pigtails were back, the trim on her dress were white and she now had ribbons. Her arms no longer had cotton coming out of them. 
“I took the photo mom, and I sent it to you….Yes, I think they are going to love this.”
Alex turned to Susie with a smile and said, “You are really going to make a couple of people’s day.”
She placed Susie in a pink bag with tissue paper. It reminded her of the day she met Kara. She wonders if the people that Alex talked about were as nice as her. Susie thought that they were going to leave, but surprised they stayed in the kitchen. She suddenly hears a knock. Alex gets up and leaves her in the kitchen. Susie waits nervously. 
“I got extremely lucky with Kara. Hopefully, these new people will be just as great,” thought Susie hopefully. 
Susie suddenly felt the bag begin to move. They don’t move far though. A hand comes into the bag and picks her up. Once she gets out, she is overjoyed. In front of her is Kara with tears streaming down her face. She instantly hugs Susie very tightly.
“I thought that I lost you,” cried Kara. 
Susie beamed inside. Kara never forgot about her. She just couldn’t find her. Kara looked up at Alex with a joyous expression on her face. 
“Where did you find her?”
“She was in the attic.”
Kara frowned and said, “The attic? I never placed her there.”
Alex sighed and said, “I think mom did it by accident. I think she thought that you wanted Susie in storage with the rest of your things.”
“I think she did it on purpose,” Susie sulked to herself. 
Kara scoffed at Alex and said, “As if I would put Susie in storage.”
Another woman came into Susie’s view and said, “So this is the infamous Susie.”
“Yes, Lena. The very one that Kara accused me of throwing away over the years which she still hasn’t apologized for.”
Kara sighed and said, “I am sorry. I should have known you wouldn’t do something like that. I think that I was just mad that I couldn’t find her and you were an easy target.”
Alex patted her on the back and said, “I understand. I know how much that doll means to you.”
“Do you really think that Alexa will like her though?” asked Lena,
Kara smiled proudly and said, “Alexa will love her. Susie is the best. She listens to your problems and makes everything better.”
“Really?” chuckled Lena. 
“I know it sounds silly. However, when I first came to earth, I didn’t have an outlet. It was just nice to talk to her knowing that she was there to listen and not judge.”
Lena kissed Kara on the forehead and said, "I am glad to hear that darling.”
Kara looked down beaming at Susie and said, “Now it is time to introduce you to someone special.”
Kara brought Susie over to the couch where sat two car seats. One had a baby girl with black hair and green eyes that was clutching a brown bear. The other seat had a baby girl with blonde hair and blue eyes that was a little fussy. 
“Wonder if she will throw Susie like every toy we have tried to give her,” murmured Lena. 
Kara chuckled while shaking her head. She sat on the couch and pulled the blonde girl out of the car seat. She placed Susie in the baby girl’s arms. 
“Alexa, I want you to meet Susie. She is the best friend and listener you will ever meet.”
Alexa looked down and smiled at Susie and grabbed her into a hug. Kara looked up at Lena with a smug look on her face. 
“I told you she would like her.”
“Yes, you did. I am glad that we finally found something she likes,” said Lena, smiling softly. 
Susie felt overjoyed. Not only did she get returned to Kara again, but now she will be a special friend to her daughter too. She knew that she could always depend on Kara, and she hoped that she could provide her daughter with the same level of comfort that she provided to Kara when she was younger. 
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captain-josslett · 2 years
Broken Melody - Part Sixty
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 7.1k
Warnings: ⚠️ Suicidal thoughts ⚠️ Angst, fluff.
Pairings: Alex Danvers x Sam Arias, Kara Danvers x OC
This Part: The Superfriends come together to try and help Emma out of the pit of depression she is in.
Apologises for the late post. Things have been a bit tough here but my writing has helped keep me going. Please let me know what you think as it does mean soooo much to me.
Remember, you are loved, you are enough and you are important.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @inquisitive-nix, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom, @checkingoutforheroes, @mmmmokdok, @certainkryptoniangeek, @starmako26
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Emma is sitting with her legs laid out on a sunlounger on the patio, sipping a mug of hot chocolate while she watches the colours of sunrise brighten the dark sky and listens to the morning chorus of birds. She leans her head back against the upright chair, remembering how she thought yesterday was her last sunrise. Parts of Emma still wishes it had. Lily lays sprawled on her lap and nuzzles her head against Emma’s thigh, letting out a soft whine, obviously sensing Emma’s turmoil.
The blonde lowers her hand and gently strokes the white German Shepherd's head. Grateful for her non judgemental presence, especially with what is planned later today.
She had spent all of yesterday with Alistair and Lily, only taking breaks to use the bathroom or for her Mom to bring them drinks and food. And even though Emma trusted Alistair, it took her some time to open up to him.
– – –
Emma sat with her head lowered, unable to make eye contact with her therapist. The clock in the office ticked loudly in the room, making Emma acutely aware of the seconds ticking away.
“Please Emma, tell me how you are feeling.” Alistair says softly, the warmth of his voice slowly eases Emma’s tension.
‘I don’t want to.’ Emma admits quietly in her mind.
“Are you worried about what I will think?”
‘Kind of… More thinking it out loud to you will make it more real.’ Emma shifts uncomfortably on the sofa, causing Lily to move from Alistair’s side and jump up onto the sofa to lay her head on Emma’s lap.
“That is understandable, but there is no judgement here.” Alistair says reassuringly and Emma takes a deep breath. “Tell me what’s been happening since I was last in contact with you. From what I remember you were happy with Diana and doing shows with Robyn’s band?”
Emma nods and tears fill her eyes. She sniffs heavily and feels the tears slowly fall down her cheeks.
“It’s okay Emma. Take your time.”
Emma crumbles forward, placing her head in her hands and her body shakes with her silent cries. Lily sits up and places her head on Emma’s shoulder and nuzzles her nose against Emma’s cheek, trying to comfort her.
This makes Emma cry harder and she allows herself to cry freely and openly, using many tissues that Alistair passes to her. She mourns and grieves about her failed relationships, of her mistakes and her failings. To feel things she should have felt a long time ago and not buried into the depths of her soul.
Though her thoughts jumbled together Alistair had understood her perfectly and his kind eyes reassured her while he listened.
Slowly the heaviness that had been crushing Emma started to lift from within her, like she was able to take a breath and feel life enter her lungs again.
“And what happens now? Will you stay in Midvale forever? ”
This made Emma pause. The thought had crossed her mind.
‘But what would I do? I can’t stay hiding here forever.’
“Why not? You have the money too.”
‘I do love Midvale, but it isn’t my home.’
“And where is your home?”
Lena fills her mind and Emma’s eyes widen in shock.
“I see.” Alistair clears his throat. “I do believe it will be beneficial for you to communicate with Lena. Even if you just remain as friends you need to get some closure.”
Emma lowers her head and nods in understanding. Lily lifts hers and gives Emma’s cheek an affectionate lick. Making Emma nuzzle her face into the loveable dog causing Lily to cover her face with more licks.
“Will you communicate with Lena soon?” Alistair asks with a slight laugh at Lily attacking Emma’s face with kisses.
‘Yes.’ Emma’s mind quietly answers.
“And what about where you would go? Would you head back to National City or move somewhere else?”
A deep pang hits Emma’s gut. She knows staying in Midvale would not be the right choice. But where would she go?
Her mind wanders to the little villages she saw in Europe, how she could see herself settling with-
Emma shakes her head and focuses again on Alistair.
“I think NC would be the obvious option. I mean, I still want to be close to my sisters.
“Would you move back into your old apartment?”
Emma freezes and her breath hitches.
Glowing red eyes fill her vision and Emma feels a weight settle on top of her torso. Recognising it was Lily from the slight panting near her ear.
‘I’m here.’ Emma manages to call out while her body shakes in fear.
“That’s it, stay in this reality. Nothing is going to harm you here.” Alistair says soothingly. “Well, maybe being licked to death by Lily.”
Emma manages to smile and blinks. The office materialises around her and she breathes in deeply.
“So by your reaction, getting a new apartment would be more beneficial?”
‘Yes.’ Emma reponds and motions for Lily to lie back on her lap, which she immediately does.
“That’s understandable, however I think it would be a good idea to visit the apartment again. Maybe treat it as an exercise for when you feel able to.”
Emma nods, although the thought makes her feel physically sick.
“First we need to take the small steps in helping you gain control of your life. Thinking about moving back to National City is one of them.”
‘And to learn about my powers?’
Alistair smiles warmly at her. “Yes, I was going to recommend that too. Would you want to become a hero?”
Emma shakes her head. ‘That’s Alex and Kara’s domain. Yes I want to learn how to control them, to keep everyone around me safe.’ Emma runs her hands gently through Lily’s fur. ‘But I can never see myself doing what they do, fighting crime, being a hero.’
“What is it you want to do?”
Emma swallows. She is already feeling the itch to get back into the recording studio. Maybe as a producer and songwriter. She remembers how much she enjoyed working with Robyn and creating music.
Alistair nods at her thoughts. “Do you think your voice will come back enough to sing again?”
Emma fiddles with her hands at that question, causing Lily to nuzzle her cold nose into them to get her back to stroking her head.
‘I don’t know. I hope so, but-’ Emma pauses and her eyes become misty with tears.
“Better not to get your hopes up?” Alistair asks and Emma nods sadly.
They continued communicating until they realised it had gone midnight. When Alistair got up to leave he suggested that Lily stay the night with her and bid her farewell.
Emma remained in the office a little while longer, feeling utterly drained from the marathon of a session. But she started to feel something she hadn’t felt yesterday.
– – –
After having some time to think about it there were seemingly many roads and options that lay in front of her. But fear seemed to be holding her back. Making her heart ache and stutter at the thought of trying to move forward.
“Just let go.” Lena’s voice whispers softly in her mind.
Emma sighs heavily. Hoping the action would rid her of the nervous energy she is harbouring. Especially with the approaching group session that Alistair wanted to do with everyone. Thankfully Ayla had offered to entertain Mary and Ruby, giving the chance for Emma to be truthful and honest with how she is feeling.
Although Emma thinks it is a terrible idea.
What would everyone’s thoughts be? Would they reject her? Be offended? Figure out she isn’t worth the effort?
Lily lifts her head and whines again. Staring soothingly into Emma’s eyes as if telling her everything will be okay.
Emma lovingly strokes Lily's face, gratefully that she had stayed by Emma’s side all night. She had been surprised when Alex and Kara said they were going to sleep in their beds instead of with her. Explaining that Alistair had said she may need some space. Emma nodded and headed straight for bed. Lily had then trotted behind her and lept onto the bed, flopping heavily on one side while she waited for Emma to join her. Making Emma’s right lip pull up in a small smile. Lily had even kept to her side when Emma had sat on the patio lounger outside, where the pair stayed for a while.
A creak on the bottom step makes Emma turn to look through the window, she sees Robyn entering the back room and downs the rest of her drink.
Emma looks at Lily and points to the floor. Asking her to get down, which Lily does immediately and follows Emma back into the house.
“Good morning.” Robyn says softly while turning the kettle on for a cup of tea. “How are you?”
Emma shrugs and sits on a stool, but she doesn’t make eye contact with her best friend. Instead she focuses on her hands, feeling unable too.
“Em, please look at me.” Robyn’s voice cracks, making Emma’s head lower and Lily starts pawing at her pyjama covered leg. “I’m not angry at you. Really I’m angry at myself-”
Emma’s head snaps up at that and she stares in disbelief at the brunette.
“I noticed you weren’t yourself, that something was wrong, but I got so caught up getting to know Lucy I didn’t do anything about it and I’m sorry.”
Emma deflates and bites her lip. “No, I’m sorry.”
Robyn walks around the island and hugs Emma close. She kisses her best friend’s head. “You know I love you right?”
Emma nods and narrows her eyes slightly at Robyn’s hesitant tone.
“Okay good, cause I think you may want to have a shower before everyone else gets up, you a bit stinky.” Robyn jokefully swats her hand in front of her nose.
Emma rolls her eyes and lightly pushes Robyn away from her. But takes her advice and gets up to use the shower. Lily trots behind her and insists on sitting on the tiled floor, despite Emma signing for her to stay outside the bathroom.
When Emma finishes she heads into her room and finds Robyn laying on her bed with her new guitar.
“Have I told you how much I love this thing?” Robyn asks, Emma makes a mock face and shakes her head dramatically. Even though yes, Robyn has told her countless times how much she loves her new guitar. “Bitch!” Robyn laughs and Emma starts drying herself. “I was going to call her Emma, but now I will rethink.”
Emma voicelessly chuckles and puts on her underwear and a loose pair of jeans. She runs a hand through her wet hair and suddenly has an idea.
“What’s that face for?” Robyn asks with a tilt of her head.
“This may be cliche, but could you shave my hair?”
Robyn’s eyes widen like dinner plates. “All of it?!”
Emma shakes her head. “I am thinking of an undercut, probably up to here?” She draws the line high above her ear.
“Wow, that’s a lot of hair! I mean, you have a lot anyway and could get away with it, but it is a big commitment. To grow it back you’ll prob need to shave your hair or get a pixie cut like me.”
Emma nods and motions for Robyn to stay there. She quickly rushes to the bathroom as Lena goes to enter.
“Oh do you need-” Lena starts to say but Emma gives her a quick smile before ducking in and grabbing the box from a cupboard. She places it under her arm and signs to the raven haired beauty.
“Thank you, all yours.”
“You’re welcome.” Lena whispers as Emma zooms back into her room.
Robyn sits on the edge of the bed, absentmindedly stroking Lily. “Are you really sure about this?”
Emma nods again and puts the hair she doesn’t want to have shaved in a high bun. Next she grabs her towel, wraps it tightly around her shoulders and holds it with one hand. Plopping on a chair she gazes up at Robyn with a small, excited smile.
“Okay.” Robyn breathes out and plugs the clippers in. Emma pulls out the number 1 clipper guard from the box and holds it towards the brunette. “You don’t wanna try maybe a 4?”
Emma shakes her head and places the guard in Robyn’s hand.
Robyn takes a deep breath and clips it in. “Do you wanna record it?”
Emma’s eyes flash brightly and she reaches for her phone. She opens the camera and starts recording.
“Here we go-” Robyn turns it on and it immediately starts buzzing. She quickly turns it off and asks again. “Are you really sure?”
Emma scoffs and nods, she rolls her eyes at the camera, making Robyn chuckle.
“Okay, okay. Don’t try this at home kids.” Robyn turns the clippers back on and starts from the back of Emma’s neck.
Emma shivers from the sensation and is able to see Robyn’s work from the mirror behind her. She grins and takes a deep breath in.
Soon over half of Emma’s hair was gone and was sprawled across her bedroom floor.
“There.” Robyn declares and wipes Emma’s head and neck with the towel to make sure she got everything.
Emma beams at her and reaches up to touch her newly shaven undercut. She absolutely adores the soft feeling and turns her head to look at the result from different angles. Blowing the camera a kiss she stops recording and undoes her still damp bun.
“Oh of course you can’t tell what you’ve done! I seriously have hair envy!” Robyn jokingly complains and Emma aims the blow dryer at her. Robyn squeals and quickly exits the room with her guitar while Emma begins drying her hair.
She plays with different partings even sweeping it over to one side and enjoys the look. However, her hair naturally parts off to the right and she lets it fall that way.
Heading to her wardrobe she grabs a plain black t-shirt and puts on her Supergirl hoodie, knowing she needs all the courage she can get.
Emma plans to wait in posting the video of her head being shaved by Robyn. Maybe after the session ends.
Butterflies start zooming around Emma’s stomach at the thought of what could happen later.
She glances down at her floor and notes the mass amount of cut hair that Lily is currently pawing at. Due to the length Emma is able to easily gather it up and put it in the bin. She sits on the floor against the bed and pats her lap, summoning Lily over to her. They wait a little longer until Emma hears Alistair come back into the house as he is being greeted by her Mom.
Taking a deep breath in, Emma stands and makes her way downstairs with Lily by her side. She can feel her anxiety growing with each step and her hands become increasingly clammy. But before she enters the back room Emma halts and leans against the wall.
“Hey, you okay?” Sam comes up from behind her and Emma tries to breathe. “That’s it, just take nice, deep breaths.” Sam says calmly and motions with her hand for Emma to follow. Lily whines and nuzzles Emma’s legs.
“Emma?” Alistair’s voice calls from the doorway.
‘I’m scared.’
“That is completely understandable.” He says softly and motions for Sam to head into the room. She does so and Alistair focuses back on the blonde. “I’m not going to lie and tell you this is going to be easy or fix everything right away, but it will be a step in the right direction.”
Emma nods but her body still shakes, causing Lily to stand on her hind legs and hug her.
Alistair gives Emma a moment before gently placing his hand on her shoulder. “Are you ready?”
‘No, but let’s do it.’ Emma thinks and helps Lily get back onto her front paws. She lowers her head and they enter together into the back room.
“Morning Sweetheart.” Her Mom greets her by the island and Emma falls into her arms. Eliza rubs her back and her hand instinctively reaches up to her head. “Emma? What have you done?”
Emma takes a step back and lifts her hair up into a bun.
“You… You shaved it?” Eliza asks dumbfounded.
Emma bites the inside of her lip, worried about her Mom’s reaction.
“It suits you!” Eliza smiles brightly at her daughter and Emma sighs in relief.
“Okay everyone, welcome.” Alistair gives everyone a kind smile and motions for Emma to sit on the settee near him.
The sofas have been moved to allow everyone to be in a circle but there is a noticeable gap around Emma. The blonde guesses it is so everyone can see her properly.
Emma sits down and Lily lays by her feet. Emma reaches out for a pain au chocolat from a box of pasties on the coffee table and a plate.
“As I discussed with you all yesterday, today will be about clearing the air.” Alistair starts to explain and Emma shifts uncomfortably, making Lily lift her head upwards. “However, the main goal will be ensuring Emma can move forward and start rebuilding her life.”
Emma lowers her head and continues chewing on the pastry, although it is starting to taste like cardboard.
“I have discussed this with J’onn and to help the flow of this session, I propose that my wife be an interpreter.” Alistair pauses, naturally noticing Alex bristling and opens her mouth to speak.
“She has signed all the necessary paperwork.” J’onn adds, halting whatever the redhead was about to say.
“She had to even before I met Emma. We both support each other and talk openly and honestly. She’s my rock.” Alistair says with a smile, making Emma raise her head up to look at his expression.
A pang of grief hits her stomach and she puts her plate back on the coffee table. Alistair turns to her with a sympathetic expression.
“Of course it is your decision, she will be able to read your mind and emotions.”
‘Like you can?’
‘Already got two mind readers in here, what’s the harm of one more?’ Emma thinks and reaches for a glass of orange juice. Despite her slight hesitation she understands how beneficial it will be for everyone. Mainly whoever has to interpret her signs won’t be able to be fully in the moment.
Alistair smiles reassuringly at her and sends a message on his phone. He places it back in his pocket and glances at everyone in the room. “I presume all ways of communication are turned off?”
Some get their phones out to check or put them on silent, the others have seemingly already done so and nod.
“Only our communicator with the DEO.” Alex says as she crosses her arms. Emma’s stomach tenses at how hostile Alex is looking right now, she can sense the apprehension rolling off of her sister. Thankfully Sam seems to sense it too as she reaches for Alex’s hand to hold it, making the redhead uncross her arms.
“Which will only happen if it is absolutely necessary.” J’onn adds.
A knocking sounds behind Emma and Alistair gets up to open the back door, revealing a black woman Emma thought looked like Karen, the choir leader. However, instead of grey dreadlocks, Alistair’s wife’s hair colour was velvet black and her eyes were a warm walnut brown.
“Good morning everyone.” She greets the room kindly.
“Please allow me to introduce my wife, Fayola.” Alistair beams and leads his wife to the empty seat next to Emma, the Superfriends nod in greeting. Kara gives her a little wave.
Fayola sits and focuses on Emma, who watches her very closely. “It’s wonderful to meet you Miss Danvers.” Fayola holds out her hand to her.
The blonde hesitantly reaches out and shakes it. ‘Likewise and please call me Emma.’
“Okay Emma and please call me Fay.” The woman leans back into her chair and studies Emma intently. Emma can’t help but be mesmerised by her eyes, like a pull she can’t get out of. Fayola tilts her head and grins. “You are very fascinating.” Her smile grows at Emma’s confusion in her mind. “My abilities go deeper than my husband’s, a different sense if you will.”
Emma nods and bites her lip.
“You have nothing to worry from me, little one.”
Naturally Emma’s eyes flick to Kara’s and her sister gives her a small smile.
“Okay, so let’s start with some ground rules, do any of you have any suggestions?” Alistair asks.
Alex raises her hand and Alistair motions for her to continue. “To not talk over each other.”
“To allow honesty and authenticity.” Nia pipes up, making Alistair nod.
“Yes I agree, this session will be pointless if you aren’t all honest with how you are feeling.” He suddenly feels a surge of nerves from someone in the room and pinpoints it on a certain raven haired woman. “Any other suggestions?”
“Everything that is said stays in this room.” Winn offers as he anxiously taps his glass.
“Very good, this is a safe space and you can talk freely here.”
“To be respectful of others’ opinions and feelings.” Kara says and reaches up to fiddle with her glasses. “Even if we don’t like it.”
“That is key.” Alistair glances around the room. His eyes linger longer on Lena, making her uncharacteristically look away, unable to keep eye contact with him. “If any of you need to take a break at any point, just say so and we will pause.”
Emma feels her chest getting tighter with worry, causing Lily to sit up and place her head on Emma’s lap.
“Emma? Are you okay?” Fay asks and Emma nods, keeping her head lowered while she strokes Lily’s fur.
“Are you sure?” Alistair asks softly and Emma nods again. “Okay, Fay will speak out your words if you don’t want to sign.”
‘I understand.’ Emma thinks and feels slight relief at not needing to sign.
“Would you like to explain what happened the other day?”
Emma takes a deep breath in. ‘I got overwhelmed.’
Fay speaks her words out, her voice conveying exactly how nervous Emma was feeling.
Emma runs a hand through her hair and continues. ‘I know you all love me, I know that. But-’ Emma leans forward and places her head in her hands. Lily immediately jumps on the sofa and rests her head on Emma’s shoulder.
“It’s okay Emma. Take your time.” Alistair says softly. He gazes around the room at the saddened expressions of the group as they watch Emma.
‘But I can’t help but hold onto what has been said to me, the cancelled plans, being a nuisance, a distraction, in the way-”
“That’s not true!” Kara yells passionately but Emma flinches at the sudden noise and curls into herself.
“Kara, please let Emma finish.” Alistair says smoothly. “Continue Emma.”
‘When the attack happened, my whole world fell apart. It was like my life was put on hold. My music. My purpose. I felt like I was paralysed. All my plans, everything was just… gone.’ Emma sits up but still keeps her head lowered. Unable to meet anyone’s gaze. ‘And I get that life goes on. No matter what happens to you, the world keeps on turning. But I felt like I was being left behind. No matter how many messages I sent or tried to get anyones’ attention.’ She leans back against the sofa and looks, noticing the cobwebs in the corners of the high ceiling. Lily moves so her head rests on Emma’s chest and the blonde welcomes the reassuring pressure. ‘When I left, I felt ashamed. A failure. Unloved and uncared for.’ She feels the room ripple in shock and hears a few sniffs of silent tears. ‘Like I wasn’t enough. Like it was all an illusion.’
“And what happened yesterday?”
‘The pain I’ve been carrying, it never went away. I pushed it down so far and I ignored it.’ Tears start rolling down Emma’s cheeks. ‘But when Dia-’ Emma’s head rolls forward as she tries to hide her face and stop herself from crying.
“Emma, it’s okay.” Alistair says soothingly. “Let it out.”
Emma sobs and Lily moves more onto her. Trying to give Emma reassurance and keep her grounded.
Soon Emma is able to take back control and Lily moves back a bit. Allowing Emma to continue.
‘When Diana left, it was like the dam broke and everything just became too much. All my fears, my feelings of not being enough just boiled over and-’
Emma takes a deep breath, knowing what she is about to say will hurt her family and friends.
‘And I didn’t want to be here anymore. I didn’t have the strength to keep living. I’m sorry-’
Emma starts rocking, her face scrunches up and tears stream down her face.
“Alistair please.” She hears her Mom beg and soon Emma feels Lily jump down and her Mom wrapping her arms around her.
‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-’ Emma keeps repeating and clings to her Mom.
“I’m here, I love you baby girl. My sweetheart.” Eliza coos and feels her heart breaking for how far her daughter has fallen. ‘It’s my fault.’
“No, it isn’t.” Fay says compassionately. “We need to make one thing clear. This is none of your fault, granted you could have handled things differently. But, the only ones to blame are the League of Shadows.”
Emma swallows and lifts her head off her Mom’s shoulder. Alistair offers her a tissue and she shakenly takes it to wipe her tears while her Mom rubs her back soothingly.
“Eliza, I know it’s hard, but please go back to your seat.”
Eliza places a kiss on Emma’s head and goes back to sit down in her seat. J’onn takes her hand and passes her a tissue.
“Thank you for being honest with us Emma.” Alistair says softly and Emma fiddles with her hands, feeling as if she is going to throw up.
Lily jumps back onto the sofa and rests her head on Emma’s shoulder. The blonde refuses to meet anyone’s gaze, feeling too shameful at what she has just admitted.
“Now, I know that would have been difficult for you all to hear. But you need to honour Emma in her honesty in telling you how she is feeling.” He gazes around the room and hears the pained thoughts of the Superfriends. The tears gathered in their eyes and sorrowful expressions. “This session will not magically make this better, however it will help lead us in the right direction.”
He glances over at Emma who still keeps her head lowered, her hair acting like a curtain and hiding her face from her loved ones. “Emma? If you feel able, can you lift your head for me?”
‘Do I have too?’ Emma’s mind whispers out.
“No, but it may be more beneficial if you look at those responding to you.”
Emma takes a deep breath and slowly lifts her head up, but her eyes are kept lowered to her hands.
Alistair nods at Fay and looks at the group. “Who would like to go first?”
Kara raises her hand and a tear slips from her eye.
“Go ahead Kara.” Fay says encouragingly and Emma shifts in her seat.
“When I first came to earth I felt like my entire world had ended. I mean, it had, figuratively and physically. I saw Krypton explode-” Kara swallows, her throat constricts and she clears it. She watches as Emma’s bloodshot eyes lift and connect with hers. “When Superman brought me here, I suddenly had this other family that I didn’t ask for. I was terrified and I felt so alone.” Kara sniffs heavily. “But there was a little blonde child who refused to leave me alone. She showed me all her toys and introduced me to every one of her cuddly toys, even allowing me to choose a few for me to cuddle at night.” Despite her tears Kara smiles at her sister. “People say I am the paragon of hope but really, I was only able to hope because you shone your light into my darkest moments. You still do. You show people how they can shine theirs and I hate to think how dark the world would be if your light was no longer shining in the world.”
Emma’s face scrunches up as more tears fill her eyes, truly touched by her sister’s words.
“And I know you say you feel you don’t have the strength to keep going, well, if no one else will, I will hold you up and go on this journey with you.” Kara says passionately and others nod with her.
“You’ve said that before.” Fay speaks out while Emma keeps staring mournfully at her sister.
“We made mistakes.” Alex admits quietly and wipes the tears from her cheeks. “And I can’t promise you that we won’t make them again. But you are not a failure or unloved or uncared for-”
“And I am so sorry we made you feel that way.” Kara sobs out and Ben places a comforting hand on her back.
“Ben?” Alistair asks and Ben’s head whips over to him.
“Me? Okay, erm, it’s pretty similar to Kara really. Although I haven’t been introduced to your cuddly toy collection.”
A few chuckles sound around the room and Emma even manages to pull the corner of her right lip up.
“When I met you, I was in a really dark place and-” Ben takes a deep breath in. “I was in a similar boat as you are now. I’d even written my Nonno a letter, saying goodbye and that I was sorry. But you, you didn’t even know me, yet you showed such beautiful kindness. You supported me and I was able to get through the darkest time of my life. Please let me, let us, support you now to get through your darkest time.”
A few tears roll down Emma’s face and she nods. Lily eagerly licks away the tears and Emma tries to move her head away. She lets out a muffled laugh, causing Lily to jump in surprise and stare at her, tilting her head to the side as she studies Emma.
The blonde strokes the gorgeous dog and kisses her head. She touches her throat having felt a stronger vibration from her vocal chords.
“It’s getting stronger.” Alistair states with a smile and Emma nods, taking a deep breath to calm her stuttering heart. “Progress, step by step.” Alistair reminds Emma and Lily gives her cheek another affectionate lick before settling her head back on Emma’s lap.
Emma breathes in another deep breath and her eyes finally search the room. They settle on Lucy who is actively avoiding her gaze.
“Lucy.” Faye calls to the brunette who sniffs heavily.
Lucy turns back to Emma but keeps her eyes lowered. “I-” She coughs as her words get caught in her throat and runs a hand through her hair.
“Take your time.” Alistair says softly.
Lucy sits up straighter and finally gazes into Emma’s eyes. “Do you remember when I messaged you about my break up with he who must not be named?”
Emma nods, watching the brunette intently.
Lucy fiddles with her hands and swallows deeply. “I… in a moment of grief and feeling like my world had imploded, I had gathered all the medication I could find and I was gonna end it.”
The room stills at Lucy’s confession and Emma feels her heart break for her friend.
Lucy sniffs and tears fill her eyes. “I was so ready to check out, I was so done. I even wrote a note to Lois.” Rubbing her hands on her thighs, Lucy takes a shuddering breath as she begins to cry. “But then there was a knock on my door and I hid the pills and the letter. I opened the door and you were standing there-” Lucy breaks down and Emma goes to get up to comfort her, but both Fay and Alistair motion for her to stay seated. “You were standing there with a mountain of my favourite foods, films and booze. You just came over, I didn’t ask you to but you came anyway.” Lucy wipes under her eyes and takes a shuddering breath. “Do you remember what you told me?”
Emma shakes her head, but does remember how distraught Lucy had been.
“You pulled me into your arms and said that no matter what happens, you were there for me. And I want to say the same to you. That no matter what, I am here for you, you are not alone in this. Not anymore. And I’m sorry I made you feel that way.” Lucy’s voice breaks and more tears roll down her cheeks, causing Robyn to take her hand, giving it a slight squeeze.
One after the other the group tell Emma stories of how she helped them, how the world would be a darker and gloomy place without her. For all of them their eyes misted over and they voiced their genuine thoughts.
It pained Emma greatly that she put them through this but Alistair reassured her that it was a good thing that she was hearing it.
“Thank you Winn.” Alistair says encouragingly after Winn manages to calm his sobbing cries. “And finally, Lena.”
Emma feels her stomach twist and her heart drop, her eyes slowly move to Lena’s mournful gaze and Emma wishes she could run.
“Emma?” Fay asks and Lily sits up, sensing Emma’s distress. “Take deep breaths.”
Emma does so, but her lungs feel like they aren’t drawing enough air in.
“Lena? Do you want to say anything?” Alistair asks kindly and Lena nods. Although Emma can see how uncomfortable Lena looks, despite her blank expression. The vein on her forehead was protruding and despite how Lena is trying to look relaxed, Emma could see Lena’s body was tense.
“I am truly sorry for what I did to you. I know no amount of words will ever repay for what I did and it shouldn’t.”
Emma’s breath shudders and her heart starts to crack and break at the sincere tone in Lena’s voice. How her eyes and face soften.
It starts to become too much for her as Emma remembers the level of hate and annoyance in those eyes from all those months ago.
“And I just want to say, if you ended your life, I wouldn’t be able to go on. Because despite what I’ve said in the past, you are my world and it wasn’t an illusion-”
Before Emma registers what she is doing her body has already jumped to its feet and she races for the door.
She hears her name being called and the sounds of movement as they go to chase after her.
“No, wait.” Alistair orders and Emma gets stopped by Lily on the porch.
The blonde tries to move past Lily but she wasn’t having any of it.
“Emma.” Lena’s voice says softly behind her. “Please, communicate with me. I know this is selfish but I want to make this right, even if you never want to see me again.”
Emma sighs heavily and turns around to face the raven haired beauty.
“Thank you.” Lena says sincerely. “After I left you, the morning before-” Lena falters and inhales deeply. “Before I broke your heart, I was summoned to see Lillian. I went to see what she wanted, knowing I had plenty of time to get back for our… for the date.” Lena crosses her arms and shivers, feeling the chill of the winter air. Emma holds a finger up to ask for a moment and quickly grabs one of her hoodies from a stand by the door. She doesn’t look at the others but immediately hands it to Lena, who looks touched by the gesture. “Thank you.” She puts it on and Emma notices Lena relaxes a bit more.
“There’s no easy way to say this but Lillian and Lex were waiting for me and they told me they heard the Shadows were after you. That you were a prime target due to our relationship and if we broke up, you wouldn’t be harmed.” Lena lets out a dark chuckle. “And I fell for it, I fucking believed them and look what happened. When I saw you on that bridge and realised you were the target, I knew I had been played a fool.” A sob breaks from Lena’s lips. “I wanted to protect you and I did the opposite. I caused this! I am so sorry. I know I broke your heart and I am so, so sorry.”
Lena breaks down and Emma instinctively wraps her arms around her. She closes her eyes at how warm her heart feels hugging Lena. How, despite everything, it feels like home.
“I’m sorry.” Lena repeats over and over as she clings to Emma, her cries being muffled by the top of Emma’s chest.
Emma rubs circles in Lena’s back, wishing she could somehow reassure her. Deciding to try, Emma swallows and opens her mouth.
Lena immediately stops crying, unsure she really heard her name. Her head snaps up and she stares at Emma with wide eyes. “Did you?”
Emma nods with a sad smile. “Lee.” She whispers again, her voice is cracked and husky but the joy of hearing it sends both women into a hysterical state.
Kara and Sam come rushing out and the others follow.
“Say it again!” Kara demands.
Emma opens her mouth and whispers again. “Kar.”
Alex steps forward beside Kara.
“Al.” Emma croaks and coughs.
“Sweetheart.” Eliza cries out.
“Mom.” Emma answers and finds herself surrounded in a big group hug where everyone is laughing and crying all at once.
– – –
When the group calms down it is decided they will have a break for lunch and then they will continue on with the session.
After eating and feeling utterly drained, Emma curls up on the sofa with Lily and takes a quick nap. Only being woken half an hour later when Fay takes Lily outside for a bit, but Alex quickly takes Lily’s space and holds her.
“I’m so proud of you.” She says softly and Emma snuggles into her sister. The heaviness surrounding her heart and mind was slowly fading and Emma felt she was able to breathe more clearly for the first time in a very long time.
“Love you.” Emma husks out, causing a bit of discomfort in her throat and she coughs. She hears Alex sniff heavily and pokes her head up to see what’s wrong.
“I love you too.” Alex whispers back and rubs the shaved parts of Emma’s hair.
Soon the group are called back to the sofas and Emma has to begrudgingly let go of Alex. She sits up and Lily jumps back onto the sofa by her side.
“Okay everyone, we had a great session this morning and I imagine we are all feeling a bit depleted but it would be wise to keep going.” Alistair encourages the group and they are given the chance to say anything more and they discuss how they can move forward. Together.
“Lena?” Fay asks, catching her attention. “Do you have anything else to add?”
“I do.” Lena shuffles in her seat. “I wanted to apologise to all of you too. I kept the truth of what was going on a secret and I will regret it for the rest of my life.” Lena looks intently over at Emma. “I know we still have a way to go and if you are willing, maybe we could have some sessions together?”
Emma nods slightly. ‘I’ll think about it, I want to have some time to process what you told me. I am angry, sad and frustrated, but I want to give you a chance.’
Lena nods and looks slightly relieved at Emma’s response.
“If I may say, it sounds like a wonderful idea to give you two a chance to hear each other out properly and rebuild.” Alistair says encouragingly before looking at the group. “I would suggest we all meet again soon after we leave Midvale. Maybe in a month’s time?” Alistair asks and everyone gives nods of approval. “Now, I think it may be a good idea to share the steps Emma and I were talking about yesterday. Firstly, where Emma is going to stay.”
‘I cannot go back to the apartment, so I will need to look for a new place.’
“We can look for you, if that helps?” J’onn asks but Emma shakes her head.
‘I would like to look into it myself, get the feel of each apartment and I can stay in a hotel or something in the meantime.’
“Why don’t you stay with us?” Sam asks and Alex immediately nods.
‘Are you sure?’
“Yes of course!” Sam says, almost outraged at the question. “We have a spare room that you can crash in.”
“Although the lady above us in the penthouse is really loud.” Alex says jokingly, causing Emma to tilt her head and Sam to look confused.
“Oh yea! She is extremely vocal, plays a lot of music, sings terribly in the shower and snores like a banshee.”
“I do not!” Lena yells, enraged at the couple’s teasing.
However, this makes Emma frown deeply.
“We moved into a new building and Lena moved into the penthouse above us.” Alex explains and Emma slowly nods in understanding.
‘Why?’ Emma asks in her mind and focuses on Lena.
“Because I kept seeing you everywhere in our apartment.” Lena answers simply.
Emma’s eyes shift to the necklace chain, partly hidden by the hoodie and feels a flutter in her stomach.
“Okay, so we have a plan in place of the living arrangements.” Alistair jots a few notes down.
“And if you ever want to come over to mine, you are more than welcome.” Kara offers and Emma smiles at her in thanks.
“Excellent. Also, I would advise that Emma starts to learn and train with her powers. Even if she doesn’t use them, this will help protect herself and those around her.” Alistair says mainly to J’onn and Alex.
“I couldn’t agree more.”
They start discussing logistics and Emma listens, but her mind starts wandering while stroking Lily’s fur.
Part of her was ready for these next steps, but it felt so daunting at the same time.
She didn’t want to die, not really, but the fear of the unknown still made her want to freeze and curl up into a ball.
However, while Emma gazed around the room at her family and friends, she started to feel the hope inside her start to burn a little brighter.
(Sixty One)
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rivermonster2014 · 1 year
Been a long time but I've uploaded not 1 but 2 chapters. Only two chapters left then we're on to the next adventure.
Kelly returns home and has to reconcile with her family. Her next stop; Lena. What will her aunt say?
Later she visits Kara and Lori, one is happier to see her than the other.
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Make Wise Choices:  Part 7 Cuore  Mio
The next couple of days were rough on you, filled with cold meds, soups, lots of chamomile tea  and water and you felt like your teeth were about to swim out of your mouth, but according to Alex you needed to be hydrated and tea was good for colds.
A few days after Alex had to go back to the DEO, she was needed but Kara was able to stay with you as Supergirl wasn’t required to be there, not at the moment anyways. So that’s how you found yourself at Thursday afternoon Infront of the TV with Kara next to you in the couch watching some musical. Well, Kara was watching the musical, you were engrossed on your cellphone texting away with a very goofy smile on your face.
Kara: “Is that the hot doctor your texting…again?” –
Y/N: “well, if you really must know. Yes, I’m texting Cassie”
Kara: “Cassie huh? So now you’re on nickname bases I see”
y/n: “I heard Lena called her that and I liked it, also I think Cassandra is a beautiful name, but a mouthful. And calling her hot doctor sounded a bit rude, at least for the time being”- you give a naughty smile.
Kara laughs at that and mutes the tv “You really like her, don’t you?”
y/n: “I do, I mean I feel things when I speak with her and when I’m near her. And Oh my God she is sooo beautiful. You’re not mad, aren’t you?”
Kara: “Sweet girl I could never be mad about you liking someone. Besides she really is hot. But honestly it would be kind of hypocrite from me to not approve you liking her. She is also someone very dear to Lena so that makes her even more special. So no, I’m not mad, I’m actually happy for you, you never really showed any interested in anyone like you seem to be with her. Just be careful and don’t feel pressured into something you don’t really want”
y/n: “I know, I mean I’ve dated but there was no spark, nothing there. I did fool around a little but never really liked someone to go all the way. If you know what I mean?” – you blush pink at this.
Kara: “I figured as much. You’re a lot like Alex in that aspect, you concentrate too much in your grades and other things, work. But you never really sounded super doped on anyone you dated, when mom and Alex gave you the sex talk you were almost sick thinking about it, that was funny to watch” – You throw a pillow at your sister face “Hey!!!, don’t attack me little bean. And then when you asked about sex with women you sounded more interested but still, I can tell you weren’t ready. The question is, do you feel like you are ready now?”
y/n: “I feel like I am. Truly I’ve only known her for a little while, and I know is soon. But I really like getting to know her and to spend time with her. She is amazing and so caring. I can feel getting serious with her you know. Like I can trust her, and I can share that level of intimacy. It’s weird because is so soon, but I just know it feel right. Do you think is too soon?”
Kara: “If you feel like you can open up to her, if she makes you feel safe enough, why not? you are very good at judging people’s character and I trust your judgement. I’m not gonna lie though, Cassandra being Lena’s friend and all I’ve heard from her she does sounds like a great person and I know Lena also doesn’t trust easily. So yes, that a great bonus and makes me feel more comfortable of you dating her. But I do trust you baby, you’ll know when you feel ready and what to share with her. Also, I know you won’t be able to hide who I am from her that much longer if things do get serious. When you feel ready to tell her I will support you, okay? Oh and if she ever treats you wrong I will throw her into the sun”. - she winks at you.
y/n: “Thank you Kara, that means a lot to me” – you hug your sister and you kiss her cheek while your cellphone sounds with an incoming text, you look down at your phone- “She wants to come over…” you give a small smile
Kara: “well, tell her yes. Go change into something more appropriate at least nicer pajamas. and if she does happen to make you diner again, I wouldn’t be opposed to her amazing pasta. Man, I’m so jealous of you, she cooks like a pro and if I wasn’t dating Lena or you being my sister I would totally charm my way to her, her cooking skills are so amazing. Now don’t get jealous little bean, I’m good with her being my sister in law, she still needs to get point and be on my good side. Just tell her food is the way to my heart” – you sister laughs while walking to the kitchen. “Go get change and tell your girlfriend to come over”
y/n: “You and your stomach. Crazy alien food crazed woman. And sister-in law, seriously? Let me date her first, jeez!” – you mumble while walking into your room.
You hear someone at the door, and you know is the blonde doctor, and you don’t even try to rush to the living room well aware that your bubbly sister will open the door and let her come in.
Kara: “Hello Cassandra, come on in please, y/n will be here in a moment. Y/N!!! you hot date is here!”
Dr. Sharpe: “You’ve been waiting a while to do that don’t you?” – the doctor greets the other blonde and kisses her cheeks hello.
Kara: “You have nooo idea for how long. She used to say things like that or worse when I first began to date Lena, even at the very beginning of our friendship. I’ve been waiting patiently for the time for payback! Ha…” Kara rubs her hands like a Disney villain but she honestly looks quite like the adorable golden retriever she really is.
y/n: ““Really Kara? You couldn’t wait a little longer?”- you shake your head amused and then walk to where the blonde doctor is standing, and she quickly kisses your cheeks and gives you a warm hug.
Dr. Sharpe: “Ciao Bella ragazza”-  
You blush at the words spoken by the blonde doctor
Y/n: “hello to you too gorgeous”
Kara: “Oh you guys are so cute, I can’t even…”- Your sister speaks and walks into the living room
  The three women spend the afternoon talking and the doctor even offered to make diner, much to your sister delight and happy squeal. Lena was on her way over and you got to know more of the blue- eyed doctor and you could see why Lena loves and admires Cassandra so much. She is an amazing kind and dedicated woman. You learnt that not only did the good doctor was a certificated periodontist, she had received a Master’s Degree in Oral Biology  and while in graduate school she also received the Balint Orban Award, which apparently is the highest level of certification in the field of periodontist. And that the reason Lena and the blonde woman couldn’t see each other so often was because Cassandra gives lectures all over the world on a wide range of topics including dental implants, gum grafting, cosmetic periodontal surgery, and bone regeneration. She is also the founder and program director of a dental study club whose purpose is to positively impact the quality of dental care by hosting the highest quality international speakers in the field of dentistry to speak to local dentists in different cities in the US. And in addition to that she also made multiple mission trips to countries in Latin America like Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela among others where she has been able to utilize her skills to help the neediest of people.
To say you were amazed by the woman was an understatement, she was funny, beautiful and crazy smart. But behind all those accomplishments you could see a sadness withing her. And you felt the need to change that, to make her smile and a pull to her that you couldn’t quite understand. But you were pulled out from your thoughts when Lena spoke.
 Lena: “Sorry to cut my time short but I just got a text and I’m needed for a consult” – Lena discreetly elbowing Kara to see the text on her phone. Both her and Supergirl were needed at the DEO, so they needed to leave.
Kara: “Oh shoot, ok well let me drive you then”
And of course you couldn’t be cool about it and spoke before you could understand why they needed to leave “Kara you don’t even own a car and Lena has her own driver”- you look at your sister like she just said the stupidest thing ever. Until you recognize their looks and realized they both were needed for something important, DEO important. You curse yourself.
y/n: “Buuuut I mean I totally get it, you should go with her, you haven’t been able to spend time just the two of you because you’re been busy taking care of me. Soooo why don’t you guys leave. I´ll be okay on my own. “
Kara: “Yeah I don’t think so little one, you always forget to take your meds and…”
Lena: “If you don’t mind Cassie, can you stay for a little while with y/n ?” – Lena interrupts her girlfriend ramblings.
y/n: “Hey Lena, I thought you were on my side. I can totally take care of myself” – you pout at her
Dr. Sharpe: “I can stay, I don’t mind at all. I like spending time with you y/n”
y/n: “Yeah me too, I just find itoffensive my sister and Lena don’t think I could spend a few hours on my own. But sure stay we can watch a movie or something”
Kara: “Ha, yeah. Like last night you were so tired you fell asleep on the bathtub and knocked the shampoo inside the water and you made a huge mess with shampoo foam or you know when trying to make a chocolate shake with the blender and forgot to remove the metal spoon and you almost cut you hand when the blender broke to pieces, yeah totally you can handle yourself. Klutz!”
You gasp and look offended: “How dare you!!! Says the woman that burnt the brownies and set the microwave and toaster on fire !!! - you just childishly stuck your tongue out and pouted: “Well you make it sound like I’m the worse, thank you Kara”
Lena and the blonde doctor laugh at the antics and pouting face you make at your sister.
Lena: “I knew it was you the responsible for the toaster, Kara. That one was new”
Kara: “No, you are not the worse, but when you feel tire or sick you tend to make messes and I don’t want you alone, you haven’t completely got rid of your cold and you still under some strong meds. We just worry, you know we love you so much. And honey it was an accident I did got a new one though”
y/n: “Fine leave us now, bring back home some chocolate if you can pleaseeeee?”
Kara: “Totally my little klutz” -your sister engulfs you in a big hug and gives you a kiss to your head.  “let’s go Lena and…” – looking back at you and the blonde doctor “behave yourselves and don’t do anything I wouldn’t” – You hug ger back just as strong and let go of her.
Lena: “Come on sweetheart and leave them be”- Just rolls her eyes and walks away with the blonde superhero next to her. The door closes.
You just exhale and keep looking at the door and then your turn around to face the blonde doctor.  You are both now sitting at the couch and the blue-eyed woman is looking at you with a sweet and soft smile.
You scrunch up your nose adorably: “What?”
Dr. Sharpe: “Nothing, I just like the way you are with your sisters. You care very much and they as well. That’s nice, it reminds me of the way I used to be with my nonna and my brother” – the blonde woman face goes from fond to a little sad.
y/n: “are they in Italy?”
Her face is just so sad, and you can see a hint of tears in her eyes, and it makes your heart aches.
Dr. Sharpe: “No, they died” -you try to apologize but the blonde doctor sees that and stops you “Don’t, you didn’t know, you couldn’t. and it was a very long time ago. My nonna basically rise me and my brother. She died when I was 25 and my brother, he was my best friend. He …he uhm he was a Navy SEAL, he died in a terrorism-related mission three years ago.” – the blonde doctor just stares down at her hands trying to gain control over her emotions.
You just wanted to make her stop hurting so you did the only thing you knew you were an expert at. Hugging and cuddling people. So, you just hug her firm and strong you cling to her and try to convey through physical connection instead of words, that you are sorry, and you want to make the pain go away or at least lessen the burnt. You stay like that hugging each other and basking in the feel of each other arms.
Dr. Sharpe: “Okay, well you truly are an amazing hugger sweetheart, thank you”- the blonde woman kisses your cheek and near your mouth but not quite there. So, you take things into your own hands and sit up, throw a leg over the blonde doctor waist so you can straddle her. You put your arms around her neck and stare directly into those beautiful eyes, you really love those eyes. They are mesmerizing.
y/n: “God I really love your eyes, is like seeing the color of the sky when there’s a summer storm”.
the blonde doctor was completely still, mouth barely open and a little smirk on the corner of her mouth as she looks up to you amused loving eyes.
You took the opportunity to movie in and crush your lips against the blonde woman, who was more than happy to reciprocate. You initiated the kiss trying to control the kiss, hungrily kissing her lips, however the honey blonde had other plans, she bit down ever so slightly your bottom lip but soon you were surprised by strong arms shifting. The blonde grab ahold of your ass  and stood up with you in her arms and holding you tight against her waist  and twisted her body so you hold on just as tight and you felt yourself being lowered on the couch. The blonde had a hand behind you head, holding you were laid down flat on your back and she was hovering above you and broke the kiss but kept looking directly into your eyes.
You were just as turn on as the blonde doctor, she was looking down at you with such hunger in her eyes, and she was panting.
Dr. Sharpe: “Calm down little one” – the blonde woman lowered her face next to your ear and kissed the side of your neck – “if you keep pushing me, I won’t be able to stop”
y/n: “Well I don’t want you stop” – you tried to gain some sort of friction from the tight nestles between your legs.
Dr. Sharpe: “no?”- the blonde doctor keeps kissing your neck and jaw and you shiver in delight. You never felt this aroused by someone before. But the blonde just kissed you sweetly, you tried to hug her to bring her down on you, but the blonde kept it sweet and gentle, not really letting you get any traction in the kiss. Like an innocent sweet kiss.
You felt yourself being sat up by strong and gentle arms. She pulled you into her your legs intertwined, and she positioned you to lay on her your head being cradled in the crook of her neck and you felt another kiss this time to your temple. The blonde woman kept making soothing circles on your back with her free hand, rubbing your arm and face. You wrapped yourself even further into her.
You love cuddles and hugs, you did it all the time with your sisters and some friend, specially Lena. But this felt so different, probably the most intimate thing you ever done with anyone. You didn’t put up any fight, you felt so cozy and happy in her arms.
Dr. Sharpe: “shh cuore mio, I know you want this. But I want to take you on a proper date first I want to do this the right way, you deserve better and not rushing it in the heat of the moment” – she spoke so softly to you, that you just melted.
You kept basking in the tender touches and soft skin- “ I like it when you call me Italian pet names”
The blonde woman just smiled and kept the soothing touches.  You nuzzled you face into her neck finding that smell that was just hers, Cassandra’s and her warmth. You felt completely at peace and you felt yourself falling asleep in the most comfortable embrace. The blonde doctor kept looking at you and touching softly your back and arms, until herself felt the pull of sleep and the both were completely asleep in each other’s arms.
  Note: Well this happened, I hope you like it. 
Until next time...
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cipher04 · 9 months
Fandom Frenzy (Doubling friendly) Seeking Roleplay Partners
Note: Not replacing any current partners, just always seeking to add more partners.
About Me:
I am 18+ and will only write with partners who are also 18+
Willing to double as any gender, any pairing, any fandom
Prefers writing male characters in male x female relationships (will do AxA when doubling)
Enjoys romance and action in my stories
Laid-back, communicative. I will not ghost you!
Flexible writer, quality posts: post length varies depending on the plot and the post, but my typical range is 1-3+ paragraphs
Attempts to reply every 1-2 days, but will let you know about any unintended absences
Prefers third-person
Willing to play canon characters and original characters
Prefers long-term stories
Most of all, I enjoy writing and collaborating. I consider myself easy to get along with and being able to bring my writing partner joy with each reply is something that drives my passion for this hobby!
Open to nsfw
Bonus: Not required, but I enjoy sibling dynamics. Keep in mind, I'm talking about platonic sibling interactions. If we're doubling with OC/Canon, it could be particularly interesting for our OCs to be siblings. It increases the depth of our world and increases interaction between characters. Again, not required. 
You can add me on discord at fandomfan#0404 or send a chat or message if interested.
Seeking partners who are willing to play a canon female character. I have plots, pairings, and ideas for each fandom that I list here.
I am not picky. I will not be upset if you do not portray the character with 100 percent accuracy. Please, do not expect that there will be pressure to be perfect. I enjoy it when my partner adds their own twist, anyway
Willing to double and play as anyone you want in return!
Canon characters that I am seeking a partner to play will be listed under the fandom
Pairings that I am seeking are listed beside the character, but these are not the only pairings I am willing to do. Again, for your half, I'll do whatever you want.
Here is the link to the entire list of my fandoms: https://cipher04.tumblr.com/post/678212321698611200/muse-post
If you will play someone from my list below, I can play something from any of these fandoms if you so desire! There might be others I know about as well so feel free to suggest other fandoms too
Fear The Walking Dead/The Walking Dead
Alicia Clark
Maggie Greene
Nancy Drew (CW TV show)
Nancy Drew
Betty Cooper
The Lost World (1999 TV series)
Veronica Layton
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Cassie Lang
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Karen Page
Kate Bishop
Carol Danvers
Outer Banks
Sarah Cameron
Nina Chase
Saint X
Emily Thomas
RPF: With the Women's World Cup going on, I am would absolutely love it if someone could play Alex Morgan from the USWNT for me! I would love to pair her with a male character, either a male OC, another athlete/celebrity, or even her actual husband if you're a fan of their relationship. If I'm using an OC, I am open to a number of pairings from my OC being her coach, to the OC being another professional athlete, an athletic trainer, or even just an average Joe! Tons of ideas here. However, if you like the idea but aren't a fan of Alex, I'm down to hear out any other footballer that you might wish to portray. I am willing to double with RPF as well and can play any celebrity you want, not just limiting it to sports!
If interested, you can react to my post or you can send me a chat. Thanks!
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