#Alejandro Vargas x y/n
gothicflowers · 3 months
Alejandro x F!Reader
“You’re in for a long night”
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Wrote for the #amoraalejandro challenge. First time actually doing something like this! Challenge by @glitterypirateduck
Warnings: Some NSFW towards the end, anxiety, body image issues. insecurity, bullying, hyperfemininity, trad wife ideation
Another after successful mission the Los Vaquero gathered at the base. Bottles and beers in every hand. You sat quietly at the table while your friend who was quite the people person gathered a crowd around her while she shared stories.
Things had been odd between your best friend and you. She was on the same Los vaquero task team as you. She started getting snippy and distant towards you. Criticizing your appearance, how you spoke. It never seemed to end. Your best friend you met on the school playground started feeling like a stranger. And here she was infront of a group of soldiers telling one of your most guarded secrets. You never thought your friendship would end like this.
“I mean look at her she can’t even get a boyfriend because she’s so anxious and awkward” she said turning and laughing at you. All the soldiers joined in the laughter. It was horrifying.
Your heartbeat was starting to drown out the laughter and voices. Your throat felt like it was closing in. Tears started pricking your eyes as you scanned the room looking for the exit. And the one man you didn’t want to hear the things she said stood shocked behind you. Alejandro. You both made eye contact but you quickly ripped your eyes away and speeded out the door.
You could hear Alejandro call after you but every fiber of your being was telling you to run. Run from her, run from them, run from the anxiety of not being good enough for someone, run from him.
Unsure of how long you’d been walking your subconscious led you to a place you considered peaceful. You found yourself at the old fountain in the town square. A marvelous sculpture of a man on this knees clinging to a beautiful woman. Her hand lying on his cheek. You never understood why people appreciate art so much until the day you seen it.
To be loved by a man was something you always desired. But for a mans love to no longer be just love, but pure devotion. For another soul to long for yours. That was more beautiful than all the roses in the world. But it’s something you know isn’t in the books for you.
You didn’t have the traditional beauty. No long blonde hair, no toned supermodel legs, breasts that you didn’t think complimented your figure. You had a unique style that few would appreciate without judgment.
You tried many times to gain the attention of men you admired but you never seemed to be what they wanted. Until one day your trusted captain told you the hardest truth you’d ever hear.
“The men you had even been interested in seen you as one of them, a man. You are your mother’s least favorite daughter and your father’s strongest son. You’re a kind person with a heart of gold and deserve the world, but most men are to ignorant to past the job. Weak minded men can’t handle a strong woman such as yourself. But don’t give up little one, there’s a man that will appreciate all these things about you. He just hasn’t found you yet.”
It was true. Nobody ever wanted to see the woman that laid behind the bulletproof vest and gun. Femininity wasn’t going to win wars so through the years the girl in sundresses and lipstick slowly disappeared much to your dismay. You couldn’t shake the feeling of looking at a stranger in the mirror. The woman who looked back at you was someone else, a woman who lost herself trying to prove she was enough.
You sat on the edge of the fountain looking at all the coins lying at the bottom of the water gracefully reflecting the light from the full moon. The few wind chimes hung around the square gently chimed while the peaceful water flowed at the fountain. It was the most peace you’d had to yourself in the years since joining Los Vaqueros.
After a while the anxiety subsided and the tears had dried. But the familiar feeling of emptiness remained. And the new feeling of betrayal of someone who you considered family. It stung knowing how easy it was for her to turn your secrets into late night entertainment for others. And in front of a man you deeply admired and had feelings for.
That brief moment your eyes locked before you ran out felt like forever. He looked shocked, disgusted even. You could only imagine what his opinion of you was like now.
You never talked to your friend about Alejandro, she would have told you he was a pipe dream. Someone like yourself could never charm a man like him. He always had women swooning over him. Who wouldn’t go after a tall, dark, handsome, funny man. Oly enough what attracted you the most about him was his ability a dominant leader who seen his men not as soldiers but as family. Rough callous hands that you’d dream about holding you tight.
You spent many late nights talking with him about everything under sun. He didn’t just listen, but he remembered things about you. How you make your coffee, your favorite flowers. But you know you’ll never belong to him.
“You didn’t deserve that” Alejandro’s voice pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Alejandro… what are you doing here”
“Well someone important to me was being embarrassed by a friend, had to go looking for her because she wasn’t in her normal hiding spots so I got worried. I don’t like seeing her upset. Looks like I found her though.”
“You really didn’t have to come after me, you should be back there celebrating with the others.”
“Not when I know your hurting mi ángel”
“Can’t say anything she said was a lie though. I trusted her with all of my secrets, even though I’m done with our friendship I’ll still never tell hers.”
“You truly are a beautiful soul amor”
“What do you mean?”
“Most people would be quick for revenge. Even after she clearly hurt you, you chose to keep her secrets. Because you know what it’s like to hurt.” He sat down next to you. You felt small next to him, and your senses were filled with the sent of his cologne. It was comforting though, but you knew you couldn’t get close to him. Don’t let what could be break your heart.
“It’s a weird feeling though, when I lost my family to the cartel I only had her. Never thought my only friend, my family, would do that to me.” A deep sigh left your chest as you stared down at your hands.
Unknowingly to you Alejandro was looking down at you with eyes that would make a woman weak. He hated that everyone isolated you. How could they? And how dare that bitch for making you cry. Few things on this earth could make his heart break, the way seeing you upset made him feel almost helpless.
“She doesn’t look at you like a friend. Whoever she was to you before, I don’t think that girl is there anymore. Behind your back she’s jealous of you. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve had her captain reprimand her for her behavior.”
“Really?” Had he really been seeing how your friendship had changed?
“Si, last month Rudy caught her using your pin to unlock the ammunition room. Last week she put bleach in the washer thinking it was your clothes, they were mine though. She tried telling me you had been selling secrets, of course I didn’t believe her. There’s something about you that she can’t become herself, so she’s been trying her hardest to keep you down.”
“I don’t see how she could be jealous of me. I mean she’s everything that I can’t seem to be”
“What you mean” you look up at him almost confused. His eyes look lost in your words, like there’s something about you that you can’t see.
“She’s attractive, always has guys falling at her feet. Confidence like no other. And everyone loves her. But me… I put on this uniform and I’m unrecognizable to myself. I’m not attractive. I can’t talk to a man to save my life, and I’m not confident enough to do anything about it.“
“You’re talking to me, no?” He playfully leaned against you, a stubble nudge.
“Oh Alejandro” you giggle looking up at him. He was smiling down at you making you blush and look back down at your hands.
“You know… the first time I saw you… you had on a long sundress that looked beautiful against your skin. Your hair was perfectly done and your lips a shade of pink that made your eyes shine. You were helping an old lady carry her groceries home because her cart broke. I so badly wanted to introduce myself to you. The most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. But we were tailing a possible suspect and I couldn’t leave my men.”
“Since that day I regretted not introducing myself. Then a month or so later Rudy introduces you as our newest recruit. So shy and sweet. Still as beautiful as the first time I seen you. And every day since you find new ways to make me love you. You’re so strong and skillful, most men train a lifetime to be as good as you. You are always the first to check on someone and the last one to leave. Are you a typical soldier? No. But you are every man’s dream.”
Your cheeks felt burning hot despite the dropping temperature. Suddenly every detail of your appearance felt overwhelming and wrong. There was no way the man that you’ve been secretly in love with is speaking about you like this. Maybe this was all a dream. A lovely but impossible dream.
“I don’t think I’m any man’s dream. Everyone sees me as if I’m a man. I can’t even count the times I’ve been rejected. All men ever see is the girl with the gun. Not the girl that would rather be in a dress and tending to flowers in a garden, a house with a porch swing, cooking dinners and chasing after a kid.”
Alejandro stands up and offers you a hand. You put your delicate hand in his and are standing face to face with him. His eyes shined with a look that nobody had ever looked at you with before. What is admiration? Love? Attraction? Pity?
“I think there’s someone that wants you to have all of that. The garden, the kids, the house. But he’s just been too afraid of saying something.” His hands held your small hands in his. Bringing them up for a kiss.
“Oh Alejandro don’t give a hopeless romantic like me hope like that” you looked up at him with a sparkle in your eyes that he always tried to bring out.
“I can give you everything you’ll ever desire. Princesa, I have loved you from the moment i first seen you. I’m sorry it’s took me this long to tell you.” His tone was serious but soft. Everything he wanted was in front of him it was now or never.
“You… love me?” Your voice could barely escape past your lips. He had stolen the breath out from your chest.
“Si” if Alejandro could see his own face he’d smack himself for looking like such a smiling dork.
“But what if I’m not-“
“Do I need to prove my love, my devotion to you mi amor? I will do anything you ask me to.”
There’s that word. Devotion. For a man to say he loves you is almost as easy as lying. But for a man to admit devotion is different. A willingness to walk eternity on thorns barefoot, to burn at the stake, to carve your name into his chest. Devotion.
Alejandro could see the see the hesitation in your eyes. He didn’t want you to have to question his intentions, or yourself. When you looked back up at him there was a glimmer of hope and passion in your eyes, love.
“What if I do this”
His lips kissed yours softly as if asking if it was okay. You leaned into the kiss feeling all your worries melt away. Without realizing your hand made its way to his neck gently. A quiet mix between a moan and grunt rumbled from his chest. His arm wrapped around your waist pulling your bodies flush against each other. His other hand cradling the nape of your neck. Once you both had you fill you separate lips but still cling together in each others warm embrace.
“te amo princesa” his voice deep in desire said to you. His thumb caressing your cheek.
“Te amo Alejandro” your heart was beating so fast your words almost stuttered.
“How does staying the night with me sound? I mean, I know everyone back on the base is probably plastered. And I promise I can make a good breakfast. And I’m sure you’ll enjoy the view.”
“Oh trust me, I’ll enjoy the view wherever we’re at.” Your voice was more seductive than you realized when you took a good look at him up and down.
Alejandro was surprised by your reply, not expecting you be so forward considering your usual shy demeanor. But it made him blush bright red and made his skin hot. And your voice like silk wrapped around his mind. His self control was surely being tested. Every fiber of his being wanted to rip your clothes off and claim you as his. To leave love bites along your neck, chest, and thighs. To hear you cry out his name like a prayer as you come undone over and over for him before he even thinks about his own release. And for any man that glances at you to know you’re worshiped and adored. He finally had you, pure perfection. But he didn’t want to rush and scare you away by trying to immediately bed you.
“princesa you have no clue what your words can do to a man.”
“What I was just stating the obvious Alejandro. And to actually answer your question going to your place sounds great.”
After a short walk to his vehicle you arrived at a home just on the outskirts of town overlooking the lights of the city. Alejandro wasn’t wrong about the view, it was beautiful and peaceful. But your mind kept racing back to the feeling of his hand resting on your thigh the ride home. His cologne, the way his shirt collar showed just enough of his chest. You could feel your panties clinging to the slickness of your heat. By the time you both made it through the front door desire took control of both of your bodies.
The Colonel picked you up by the waist, bringing you up against his muscular chest while your legs wrapped wound his hips. “My love” he whispered into your ear as his hands run up your sides, bringing you closer to him. His lips brushing and sucking against your neck peppering toe curling kisses down to your collar bone. His hands made quick work of removing your shirt but leaving on your lace bra.
You couldn’t control the soft moans escaping your lips. Being kissed had never felt so… euphoric.
Alejandro’s hands trail down your back, resting on your hips. “Oh, you like that…” he whispers, his voice deep and husky. He lips showed much needed attention to the other side of your neck, his hands back up, until they rested on your breasts giving them a gentle squeeze.
“You’re such a tease Ale” you gasped out as his sucked down on the spot your back arched at when he passed over moments ago. Showing it extra attention since you liked it so much.
“Please Alejandro”
Alejandro laughs. “Please what? Your words are so sweet... it makes me want hear you beg” He stands tall again looking down at you. “Use your words princesa”
“You know what I want” your lips came up to kiss him but he pulls back just enough that they just barely brush against each other. His large hands undoing your belt and pants pulling them off you.
“That’s still not what I need to hear princesa” You could see the amount of restraint and control he had over himself even though deep down he was losing his mind over the sight of you in just your matching bra and panties.
“Make me yours Alejandro, make all of me yours” you fingers locked into his belt loops pulling his hips in closer into your spread legs.
“As you wish. But I’m not rushing this amor, I’ve waited too long to get to worship you and I’m going to take my time doing so” his voice was raspy with lust. He grabs the back of your head with his hands, running his fingers through your hair. It sends shivers all through you and you pull back slightly, catching your breath, “you looks so perfect in my hands” Alejandro chuckles warmly.
“Take me to bed Ale and fuck me… please”
“Oh mi vida,” Alejandro walks into a bedroom carrying you to a king size bed with silk sheets in the middle. The window casting the moonlight into the room wasn’t enough for him to be able to see every inch of your perfect body. He carries you over to the bed setting you down. He turned over and switched on the bedside lamp. Layed out perfectly on his bed in just your lace lingerie softly caressed by the soft light. The most precious woman he’d ever met was his now, and he is yours. “You’re so beautiful mi amor” his voice dripped desire while his eyes reflected passion and love.
He took off his button up shirt throwing it on the ground. You laid up at pillows propped up on your elbows, watching him at the foot of the bed. You bit your lip finally getting to see his strong arms and shoulders with his bare chest.
“See something you like” his voice ripped you out of your gaze.
“Something I like, something I want” you flirted back. He got onto the bed staying in between your legs. His lips started kissing your inner calf tickling the skin as he brought your leg up to rest on his shoulder. Kissing by your knee he made way up to your thighs leaving kisses and love bites.
He give your thighs one last kiss before he laid down on his stomach with one of your legs still over his shoulder. Your heart beating out of your chest seeing him like this, so close to the most intimate part of you. His lips just close enough to brush over your pantie cover cunt.
“You’re in for a long night mi amor”
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madlittlecriminal · 6 months
I dont know if your requests are open but yk yk... I'm here.. for alejandro 🥰 Can I have a little smut with the theme "save a horse ride a cowboy" or basically just the cowboy hat rule...
If you don't know what it is its basically if you take off the hat on a cowboy and out it on your head you have to ride..... a horse!! Haha... that horse being the person you took the hat from
Saving Horses ↠ Cowboy!Alejandro Vargas × Female!Reader
@shadofireshinobi because "Salva un caballo, monta un vaquero" (Save a horse, ride a cowboy)
Warnings: smut, riding, cowboy hat, one mention of rudy because he's also my baby, unprotected p in v
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You could lie and say you didn't know how it happened, but you knew exactly how it happened.
You stole his hat as a joke after he took it off from the heat of the Las Almas sun to wipe his sweat off his forehead after cleaning his horse's hooves. When he noticed you running off with his hat, he chuckled and chased after you. "¿Por dónde vas, cariño?" (Where are you going, darling?) You laughed softly before continuing your run, heading towards the barn. When you got there, Alejandro caught up and shook his head as he closed the barndoor. "Give me my hat, cariño." You shook your head and giggled softly. "Why not?"
"Because I said no." Alejandro reached to grab it, but you moved it away from him and he sighed with a smirk. "That's what you want to do?" You shrugged. "Try to get it." You began running down the barn and Alejandro chuckled before chasing you. When you leaned against a wall, he stopped himself and rested his hands on either side of you while looking in your eyes. You smirked before placing the hat on your head. His eyes widened at your action before chuckling.
And that's how you ended up on his cock, grinding your hips against his as he bit his lip. He didn't understand why a few of the men he worked with on the farm said they hated when their partner did it. He and Rudy were the only ones to disagree and say they enjoyed it because as he sat on a bench in the barn, watching you get off with his cock, he was enjoying every second of it. "That's it, baby. Use me." You moaned at his words. "Fuck, Alejandro." He reached up and kissed you, resting his hands on your back. "¿Te gusta?" (You like that?)
You nodded before beginning to bounce. He threw his head back in pleasure and gripped your hips. "Such a good girl, you know that? Always so good for me." You rest your hands on his shoulders as you moaned loudly while still bouncing on him. "Oh god, Alejandro! You feel so good inside me!" He groans and thrusts up into you while letting one of his hands trail down to your clit and playing with it. You gasp out moan as your hands grip his shoulders tightly. "I'm gonna cum!" He nodded. "Go ahead, baby. Cum all over my cock like the good girl you are." You moaned loudly before cumming on his cock.
Alejandro came shortly after, riding out both of your highs and letting you both catch your breaths. "You alright?" He asked while rubbing your back. "Yeah, just the first time I've been fucked by a cowboy like you." He chuckled and pecked your lips softly. "And I'm your cowboy, mi amor." (my love.) He fixed the hat on your head with a soft smile. "Also, I think you should wear my hat more often. You look absolutely breathtaking in it." You snicker before nodding. "I'll keep that in mind."
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spaceagerabbit · 1 year
i want this man to do the most horny, disrespectful, downright nasty things to me and i hope to god that alain mesa nevers finds this post because i could not even claim that i was making a joke
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i wont him
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Alejandro, being the passionate man that he is : At your request, Mi alma, I would rip out my eyes! At your command, Mi vida, I would crawl on my belly through hot coals and broken glass!
Y/N, sits there with a knowingly smirks that he might do all those things : Why wait?
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mehidktbh · 1 year
Last Fair Well
Pairing: Alejandro Vargas x Fem!Reader
Summary: You wish your husband a fair well right before he leaves. (Something short)
Warning: Established relationship, crying, swearing, war and military shit, kissing and implied SMUT/NSFW
A/N: Ngl Alejandro is 100% the husband to be so possessive over you, he probably has anger issues too. I could go on and on about Alejandro, I should make an HC about him soon 🤔 (Italic font is flashback/memory)
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Your mind is racing, and your heart feels as if it's going to break out of your chest any second now as you try to keep your excitement inside. There's a slight tingle in your legs, the wobbly feeling is like jelly as you hung close to the wall. "Amor." Your head wraps around to see your husband who stands there handsomely, his hands at his side as they open wide for you.
"I'll be back for you, hun," Alejandro whispers like butter in your ear, smirking when your bury your head further into his chest armour. His husky cologne is something you're well used to now but you can't help but love the way it brings back the most memories.
♡ ♡ ♡
You sit there, your head resting against the palm of your open hand as you watch the sight in front of you. "It's nearly ready, querido" You hum back, stalking your husband’s every move as you watch him prance around the kitchen, his hands glide over every appliance. Watching his body move like silk and how it brings back the nights you would spend in bed with Alejandro.
Endless nights of pleasure and moans, his head buried in between your thighs as you can't control the pornographic sounds coming out. His tongue works wonders as he swirls his tongue around, "Calm down..." You whimper, trying to pull yourself together, almost making out the laugh that comes out from between your thighs, the feeling of his stubble getting tougher up your leg until he has his head on your stomach.
"Solo recuéstate, déjame cuidarte..." God the words slipping out of his mouth goes unregistered by you as you suddenly feel his fingers expending you out. His other hand holds onto your thighs from closing as his fingers only add to the overwhelming pleasure.
♡ ♡ ♡
The sound of yelling can be heard from down the hall, one of his men demanding in Spanish for Alejandro to hurry up. But you hold onto him tighter as you feel his cold wedding ring leave your hand as he begins to pull away.
"Promise?" Alejandro looks back, locking eyes with your red, puffy eyes. A sympathetic smile is plastered on his face as he leans in to kiss your forehead, the cold sensation of his ring is felt back onto your hand as he traces little shapes. You pull him closer into a kiss, your hands come around his neck as his hands rest and grope your butt.
"I promise."
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mlmxreader · 1 year
A Grounded Pilot | Alejandro Vargas x trans!m!reader
Anonymous asked: And well it means I'll request again.
I had in mind alejandro vargas x pakistani!ftm reader where reader is again a pilot and he has to go on a mission but, his jet goes off the radar for a week before the people that were sent to search for him bring him back, he had injuries but he wasn't severely injured. He would be devastated about his favorite jet. With this prompt "I was so fucking worried, when they'd said that you-" "Hey, it's alright. Look, I'm fine" 
Sorry if this is too specific and confusing, feel free to ignore it :)
summary: Alejandro is all too aware that being in the air force is dangerous, but that won’t stop him from worrying when the man he loves suddenly disappears. 
tws: mentions of blood/bruises/minor injury, plane crashes, swearing, smoking 
Every day had felt like a curse as Alejandro religiously checked his phone and checked any letters that had been addressed to him, always chewing his lip and reading things once, twice, three times, sometimes four, just to make sure that he had read them properly; he didn’t want to think that it was true, he didn’t want to think that every day, another squadron of the Pakistan Air Force had been sent out to retrieve you and had come back empty handed every fucking day. Sometimes, Alejandro would ask Allah to do him a favour, and to keep an eye on you, keep you safe until you could be found again, but he knew that it was a lot to ask; it had been several days since you had gone off of the radar during a mission, and nobody had seen hide nor hair of you and could hardly even stomach the thought of thinking the worst. Not you, you couldn’t be dead, not when you were an aerial ace in your own right and when Alejandro knew, he fucking knew better than anyone else, that you were the most talented, most lethal, most dangerous pilot that the Pakistan Air Force had to offer. 
You couldn’t be dead, Alejandro knew that, but his hope that you would ever be found was beginning to fade; he didn’t think that you would be dead, he knew better than that, but captured? Held somewhere either for ransom or so that some asshole could torture you for information? Those were both likely, especially where the game of war was considered; it could have easily been the case that someone had grabbed you when you landed for a moment, and that they had dragged you off somewhere. You could be chained up, bloody, beaten for all Alejandro knew. You could be bloodied and bruised and weak and on death’s door, begging for mercy and begging for you life, maybe even trying to bargain your life for someone else’s; Alejandro was giving up hope that you would be found, if he was honest, he knew that the chances of you being found in a warzone went from slim to none within hours, and as the days crawled by and started to approach a week - a week with Pakistani pilots telling him that they were sorry, but they had not found you - Alejandro knew that the chances of you being alive got smaller.
“Will you find him this time?” Alejandro asked, tears in his eyes and desperation in his voice as he held Ansharah’s hand tightly. “Iqbal, please, you have to find him.”
Ansharah gave his hand a little squeeze as she sniffled and licked her lips, not really sure how to answer as she shook her head and swallowed thickly. “Ale, I will do what I can, I promise.”
“You have to find him,” his voice was getting more desperate, more weak and pleading. “You have to bring him home.”
“I’m gonna do my best,” her voice broke a little bit as tears came to her eyes, shaking her head as she cleared her throat. “I’ll do my very best to find (y/n), you know that… you just focus on getting yourself cleaned up, Ale - go shower, go get something to eat. Please?”
Alejandro nodded, but didn’t dare to break apart as he pulled her into a tight hug, careful not to mess up her Hijab as he buried his face against her and shook his head. “I miss him… the fucking pendejo shouldn’t have gone out…”
“I miss him, too,” she murmured, rubbing his back. “But he was never the type to follow orders… couldn’t keep him grounded…”
Alejandro eventually broke away, still teary eyed and still hardly able to speak without pleading as he took a step back and wandered off to the showers while Ansharah prepared to go and search for his boyfriend; she had a map with her of where she had not yet looked, and started from the furthest area, making her way back steadily - but as she was turning around to head back to base, she spotted it. The wreckage of a JF-17 Thunder. Her hands shook as she brought herself down to land nearby, shaking her head and repeating the word ‘no’ over and over again as she raced towards the wreckage.
You were there alright, sat on the broken wing as you puffed on a cigarette and waved at her, a grin on your face. “Mornin’ Iqbal - I was starting to think you’d never show up.”
Ansharah’s first instinct was to smack the back of your head, nearly causing you to drop your cigarette as she growled at you softly. “You fucking asshole! We’ve been out looking for you every fucking day! And you’ve just been sat here?!”
“All my Comms were down,” you started, “no radio, no satellite - couldn’t even show up on radar if I tried… the trek to base is fucking three hours, too, mind.”
She frowned at you, then kneeled between your legs as her shaky hands roamed your body, searching for injuries; but all she found were a few scrapes and a few minor cuts that had already healed, mostly cleared up bruises, and ash and charcoal littering your skin. So she didn’t hesitate, waiting for you to finish your cigarette before she dragged you back to her own plane, loaded you up in it, and started the flight back to base.
“The Air Marshal is gonna have my guts for garters,” you sighed. “My fucking plane got wrecked, and it’s my fucking fault.”
Ansharah shook her head, keeping her eyes on where she was going as she sighed. “I know you loved that plane, (y/n), but just be glad that you’re alive - be glad you haven’t been captured, either.”
“But I don’t have a plane,” you pointed out. “What fucking use is a pilot without a plane?”
“One that’s lucky enough to be alive and uncaptured,” she admitted. “Get some rest, Flight Lieutenant, we’ll have you back home soon, anyway.”
You did as she said, getting as comfortable as you could and doing your best to doze off, but you couldn’t sleep; your head was swimming, thoughts of your poor plane, reduced to nothing but rubble and ash as it sat back at the crash site, thoughts of Alejandro, your loving boyfriend who you knew would be worried and would be glad to see you, making you feel guilty for ever leaving in the first place. You shouldn’t have accepted the mission that day, intercepting an enemy aircraft, you should have left it to someone else; maybe if you did, then you never would have worried Alejandro in the first place, you never would have worried anyone if you didn’t leave that day. You didn’t get any sleep, and when Ansharah landed, you were the first to get out, first to run off and to find Alejandro; he crashed into you, wrapping his arms around you tightly as he held you so close, his eyes wide and teary.
“You pendejo,” he grumbled. “I told you not to go! I told you not to leave! You… you could’ve been killed, amor… fuck, I was so fucking worried when they’d said that you-”
“Hey, it’s alright. Look, I’m fine,” you pulled away so that he could get a good look at you, smiling weakly as you allowed him to put his hands on you, roaming your body as he asked if it hurt. “My plane’s fucked, but I’m alright.”
“Oh, amor,” he said softly, raising his brows a little as he gently cradled your face in his hands, shaking his head. “(y/n), mis disculpas, I know how much that plane meant to you…”
“I’m grounded, Ale,” you said, shaking your head. “I’m useless.”
“No, no,” Alejandro shook his head again, daring to press a sweet kiss to your forehead. “You’re not useless, mi rey, you’ll get another plane…”
He couldn’t stop himself, grabbing you and pulling you in close again as he sniffled and pressed his mouth to your shoulder, keeping you so close to his own body that he could have sworn he could hear your heart thudding gently; he had been so worried, so fucking terrified that he had lost you, that you had gotten captured or worse, that he couldn’t help but to be a little overwhelmed with joy to have you back. To hold you in his arms again was just a way of making sure that he knew, that he could not doubt, that you were well and truly back and that, above all else, you were alright. He didn’t even try and hold back the few tears that he dared to shed against your jacket, leaving little wet spots as he did his best not to become too overwhelmed and give himself a headache; but then you pulled away, your eyes glistening with unshed tears as you reached into your pocket, and pulled out the packet of cigarettes that you had managed to save from the wreckage.
“Ale, you want one?”
He nodded, letting you light it for him before he dared to take it, taking a long drag and hoping that it would steady him slightly. “Gracias, mi amado… shit, it’s so good to have you back.”
You smiled when he grinned, nodding slowly as you took a drag from your cigarette and cleared your throat. “Take me home, Ale… please?”
“Of course,” he agreed without even needing to think about it. “But catch your breath a moment… are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m not broken,” you told him gently, shaking your head. “I’m not broken, I’m not even that bruised - it’s all shit that’s healed over, or mostly healed over.”
“Have the medics checked you over?” He asked, and when you told him that he was the first person you had seen, he sighed. “Come on, we’ll get you checked out by them before we go home, estúpido, you should know that I can wait!”
“Alejandro,” you couldn’t help but to laugh, looking at him so terribly fondly. You didn’t move as he started to walk off.
But then he turned back, and he dared to smile again as he swiped a hand down his face. “Sorry, amor, but-”
“You’re worried,” you dared to catch up to him, taking his hand in yours and daring to rub his knuckles with the pad of your thumb. “I know, but you don’t have to be. I’m alright.”
“I won’t believe that until a medic says otherwise,” Alejandro admitted, scratching his jaw as he let out a long sigh. “Por favor, mi amor, for me?”
You looked him up and down, realising just how worried he was, and you couldn’t help but to nod slowly as you licked your lips. “Alright, alright, for you, I will go and get myself checked out - once I get the all clear, can we please go home?”
He nodded, kissing your forehead as he dared to crack half of a smile. “Of course, but only if you get all the all clear. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Colonel,” you teased, and when he shot you a playful glare, you dared to grin. “Still don’t think I’m perfectly okay?”
“No,” he deadpanned, removing his hand from your grasp so that he could wrap his arm around you, keep you close to his side so that he wouldn’t forget what it felt like to hold you, to be close. “You’re getting checked out by the medics, (y/n), I won’t take you home unless they say you’re fine.”
“You worry too much,” you told him softly, kissing his neck so awfully tenderly. “Y’know that, don’t you?”
“Maybe I do,” he agreed. “But you don’t worry enough, Flight Lieutenant.” 
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; if you don’t wanna reblog, then you’ll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months
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Day 17: Wearing nothing but a Santa hat
Fandom: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare II
Character: Alejandro Vargas
Naughty or Nice
Warnings: soft love making, p in v.
A/n: Plus size! Reader cause he's my favorite and I am plus size myself!
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Watching, Alejandro could not help but look at you with love. His eyes ranking over your form as you hummed to some random Christmas song. The shirt you wore rising showing off your belly as you placed some ornaments on the tree.
You were so beautiful, he could not understand, fathom how he was married to someone like you, hoe he got so lucky. Shaking his head, he made his way toward's you as he wrapped his arms around your waist as his fingers slipped under your shirt as they grazed your belly. "You are so beautiful." He whispered as his lips grazed your neck.
Laughing, you pulled out of his arm as you gave him a teasing grin. "Can I show you something, to make this more festive?"
Seeing the glint in your spine, Alejandro gave you a grin wetting his lips. "How can I say no to you Mi Amore?"
Grinning, you grasped his hand then tugged him towards the bed room. Giving your husband a long kiss you pulled back then gave him a wink as you slipped away. Stepping into the bathroom you quickly stripped your clothing off then placed a Santa hat on your head, taking a deep breath you placed your hand on your hip. "What do you think?"
Alejandro couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as Brooke slipped away, leaving him momentarily alone. He eagerly anticipated the surprise she had in store for him, his heart racing with anticipation.
When you returned, wearing nothing but a Santa hat, Alejandro's eyes widened, taking in your beautiful, vulnerable form, he couldn't help but be captivated.
A soft groan escaped his lips as he looked at you, a mixture of desire and admiration evident in his eyes. "Mi amor, you are absolutely stunning," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine awe. "Your body is a work of art, and though next time I will have to wrap you up in a little bow."
He reached out, gently tracing his fingers along your stretch marks, his touch tender and loving. "You are perfect. Every inch of you. Your belly, your curves, they make you unbeliviably beautiful. Sexy." His voice husky.
Alejandro leaned in, capturing youd lips in a passionate kiss, his hands caressing your body with reverence. In that moment, he wanted you to feel desired, cherished, and loved, to understand that you were perfect.
Alejandro, feeling the intensity of your desire, breaking the kiss he looked deeply into your eyes. His voice was filled with tenderness and passion as he responded. "So beautiful."
He gently guided you towards the bed, youd bodies pressed close together. Alejandro's hands roamed over your curves, his touch gentle yet filled with a burning desire. With each caress, he whispered words of adoration, reaffirming youd beauty and worth.
Your bodies entwined, Alejandro's lips found their way to your neck, kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin. His hands continued to explore your body, worshipping every inch of you.
Slowly, he trailed kisses down your chest, pausing to pay homage to your breasts, lavishing attention on each one. His tongue swirled around your sensitive nipples, teasing and pleasuring you. As he moved lower, he planted soft kisses along her stomach, cherishing the stretch marks and softness that made you unique.
With a gentle touch, Alejandro parted your legs, his fingers tracing delicate patterns along your inner thighs. He lowered himself between your legs, his tongue finding its way to your most intimate place, eager to show you the pleasure she deserved.
His tongue danced skillfully, exploring every sensitive spot, as his hands caressed your thighs, offering both physical and emotional support. He was devoted to bringing you pleasure.
Alejandro then rose, shifting his body as your gazes locked. With a deep breath, he entered you slowly, allowing your body to adjust and savor the sensation. Your bodies moved together in a rhythmic dance of love and desire, their connection deepening with every thrust.
In the midst of their passionate union, Alejandro whispered words of affirmation and love, reminding you that she was perfect, how good you felt.
Together, you found release. A deep groan escaped his lips feeling your walls clench around his shaft as he emptied himself with in you.
The Santa hat fully off your head as he gave you a grin. "Now that was a wonderful treat."
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
MW2 Reaction to You Having an OnlyFans
Warnings: 18+, Non-Explicit Implied Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Imagery, Territorial MW2 👀, Possessive MW2  👀👀, MW2 having a Crush on Reader, Petnames, Profanity, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You’.
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Initially, he was in disbelief.
Denial, even.
But when you accidentally sent him a link to your OnlyFans instead of a link to the website of the restaurant you were visiting, Simon’s heart almost stopped.
You deleted the link immediately after, but it was too late.
The tab was already open on his browser.
Despite his agility and lightning reflexes, this situation is not one he’s going to be able to bounce back from quickly.
Will just stare at his phone for a minute or so before eventually starting to understand that yes, you did just send him evidence of your goings-on online.
And yes, you had just confirmed that you made intimate images of yourself accessible to whoever wanted them, though for a hefty fee.
You know your worth; you charge above average.
For days afterwards, the idea of you compromising yourself haunts him.
He doesn’t condemn you for your actions. Far from it !
He’s just surprised he hadn’t found out sooner. That he’d failed to read you well enough to know that this is what you did for work.
And, trying to justify to himself that it’s ‘just out of curiosity’ and ‘a need to confirm that it is actually you’ who is featured on the account, Simon buys a subscription.
He’s glad he waited a while since the appearance of a new subscription days after the incident is much less suspicious than receiving one right after.
Let’s just say, whatever morbid fancy Simon had before seeing your work transformed into a ravenous appetite after he’d seen what you had to offer.
Can’t see you the same way afterwards. But in the best way possible.
When he looks at you, he feels like he knows a secret.
Sure, he does feel creepy when you look at him, not knowing that he’s beaten himself off to videos and pictures of you approximately eight times that week.
But he tries to justify it. Again.
He’s supporting your business, he’s being a good friend (he winces when the word passes him by like a phantom), he’s…
He’s absolutely eneamoured with the way you look.
And the fact that he knows you personally – that he can (and has) heard you call his name – makes whatever little fantasy you’re acting out feel that much more real.
His favourite image of you is one where you have your arms bound above your head.
He always finds himself coming back to it.
Until one day he realises…How are you tying those ropes by yourself ?!
It’s impossible. Simon knows because he’s tried it on himself (don’t ask). So now he’s faced with the burning question of: Who is helping you with these shoots ?
And why isn’t it him ?!
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Didn’t realise what he’d stumbled upon at first.
One minute, he was checking your socials to see how you were doing while he was away.
The next, he was at a sign-up page for something he’d never heard about.
The fact that it asked for his bank details left him somewhat suspicious, but your endorsement of the site – your claim of it being ‘The best investment of your life <3’ eased him into a false sense of security.
Oh, how König condemned his trusting nature.
Past the paywall, König didn’t know what to expect.
Whatever he could have dreamt of, he never expected it to be…this.
You in the most indecent images he’d ever seen.
Yes, König did scream when he realised what he was seeing. Yes, he did close the tab out of sheer panic.
After a minute, then two, he found the ability to breathe again.
His phone quivered in his hand, his grip a python about its glass neck.
Sighing shakily, König dared to unlock his phone.
Swallowing thickly, he approached the OnlyFans tab.
Opening it, he gasped, your likeness filling his screen and his mind once again.
“Oh, (Y/N),” he said, nobody else about to hear him save for himself. “What have you done ?”
After the aftershock fizzled out, König’s cheeks warmed.
Though, whether of anger, disappointment, or something else, he could not be sure.
He’d enjoyed thinking of the two of you as more than friends. For a while now, too.
And you hadn’t helped: not with how you took to his lap as if it were your throne, how you’d bend and hit him at just the right angle when he was behind you, reaching up for something.
Not with how you clung to him and whined his name at night when you slept over, always a doe-eyed look accompanying whatever minimal favour you were about to ask of him.
So to see you capitalise on yourself like this before he’d ever even seen your bare torso made him…
“I can’t let you get away with this, Engel,” he promised. Your smiling face was oblivious to his threat.
He palmed the bulge in his pants, his grip on his phone tightening.
“One way or another,” he found himself smiling. “You will be mine.”
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Buys a subscription immediately.
He genuinely only did it as a joke to embarrass you. At first.
A rather expensive joke, mind you.
He almost choked on his energy drink when he saw your lowest monthly rate.
He bought it.
And his mind promptly went blank.
When seeing a friend in a compromising position, one typically tends to look away, either out of respect or embarrassment.
Soap didn’t.
He couldn’t.
He just stared at the image of you with your legs spread and your face the image of viscous lust.
Only after every pixel of that image was burned into his memory could Johnny look down.
And there, between his legs, sat a growing, pulsing, aching problem.
One which he had been vaguely aware of yet entirely unwilling to accept.
Every time your likeness throbbed in his mind, he felt himself twitch.
He sighed, his hand a resting place for his face as a dark dawn of realisation washed over him.
For what was unlikely the first time, Soap dealt with himself to the image of you, a euphoria he’d never known before shooting through him now he had you to look upon in such delicious detail.
At first, guilt impeded him, strangled his chest, propelling the likelihood of you walking through his door at any minute and catching him like this.
But all caution threw itself to the wind as the promise of release clouded his judgement.
“Besides,” he told himself. “You let other guys do this. So why not me ?”
After he finished, post-nut clarity settling over him, Johnny couldn’t help but feel dirty.
Getting off to the image of his best friend in such gruesome detail while they were completely unaware…
Sure, he’d done it before, but the fantasies had been vague enough for Soap to evade guilt.
Until now.
But, even so, with the weight of his actions on his shoulders, Johnny couldn’t bring himself to loathe his actions.
Not when you made yourself up so pretty for him.
Something tells him that this won’t be the last time he visits your page.
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This woman is already possessive to the max, so to see you posting content of yourself at your most intimate angles is nothing short of infuriating.
Regardless of whether you’re hers yet or not (you already belong to her, Valeria just doesn’t have the official title of ‘girlfriend’ yet), she will have something to say about your page.
Of course, she’s upset. Angry doesn’t even begin to cover it.
But more than anything, she’s…
Hurt that you never told her about your little account. Hurt that you didn’t trust her enough to let her know that this is what you did for work.
You weren’t obligated to, but where Valeria is concerned, there is no excuse.
Will drive up to your house in the dead of night and interrogate you.
And when she’s got you crying and shaking and apologising for having a career, she consoles you.
“I’m not angry,” she says, her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes are hard; black pearls. “Just disappointed.”
Female manipulator 100%.
She’ll tease you every now and then because of your account, nothing but playful banter (as she calls it). But you can tell there’s venom to her words.
Especially when she refuses to let you pursue it as a career anymore.
“Your body is for me to see alone, Mi Amor.”
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This DILF may not know how technology works, but he does know that he likes what he sees when a grotesque little picture of you floods his screen.
Don’t ask how he got here; that’s not important.
What is important is how full of you his mind is both during and after the initial discovery of your OnlyFans.
All he can think about as he’s scrolling through your portfolio is how devilishly sly you’ve been as to keep such an impressive career a secret from him of all people.
Like some kind of secret.
He’ll definitely tease you about it – drop eerily familiar turns of phrase into conversation with you, ones which you’d used on the captions of your pictures.
Calls you things which you refer to yourself as online: “Prince/Princess”, “Puppy/Kitty”, an extremely specific nickname that you’re certain you’ve never mentioned around him before.
He just loves watching you squirm under the false scrutiny in his eyes as you question yourself as to whether he’s found you out.
Little do you know that he’s your most generous benefactor, tipping you most ardently on your posts where the angle of the camera gives him a glimpse of what lays beneath the thin layers of your robe.
Comments something like ‘Fucking beautiful, Love. Keep up the good work for Daddy x’
And, when he’s ready to let you know that, yes, he has been following you for months, he’ll repeat that same sentence as his mouth is to your ear, his head just over your shoulder, as he guides your hands as he teaches you how to defend yourself.
And the feeling of your body stiffening, stepping back into him in disbelief and rubbing him just right is enough to send him over the edge, his breath shuttering, his hips pressing into yours.
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Despite the disciplinary values the military taught Horangi, nothing can restrain the sheer carnality brewing in his lower half as the video of you bent over a desk, an unknown antagonist taking you from behind filled his computer screen.
If it weren’t for your breathy, whining moans, your glassy eyes and the overwhelming fact that the person I like most is literally on full display in front of me, Horangi may have been mad enough to question who was railing you right now.
That, and why did one of his associates have a subscription to your OnlyFans ?
Better yet – since when did you have an OnlyFans ???
So many questions, and Horangi can’t focus on any of them.
His first instinct is to close the tab – to preserve your privacy, your dignity
But…something stops him.
Call it logic. Call it a sick need to fulfil his own desires, but Horangi stops just short of exiting the tab.
You’re putting this online with only a paywall to separate you from the common man. So why should he feel guilty for seeing it ?
Long story short, Horangi’s shame dies, and there is little that can resurrect it or stop what’s coming next.
For the rest of his mission, his mind drifts back to you – in that position – more often than he’d like it to.
Granted, his mind had wandered to such places long before now, but he’d never had anything so visual to fuel his fantasies save for a time or two when you bent over and your underwear peeked out from beneath your shirt whenever you slept over.
When he gets home – his long-awaited reprieve – he purchases his very own subscription to this newly-found slice of Heaven.
And he gives no indication that he knows of your activities, instead waiting for the day that you ask him for his help in filming your latest masterpiece.
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He may not look like it, but Alejandro is lowkey an internet sleuth.
I’m talking, you mention a YouTube video you watched once when you were younger that’s since been removed, based off a blurry thumbnail and Alejandro will finish your sentence like: “Oh, the one with that cat who steps on that leaf and jumps up its owner’s leg,”
So, finding your OnlyFans account isn’t exactly detective work for him when, after an outing with the boys™, he sees you get particularly jumpy when you pull out your phone.
Through the process of elimination, Alejandro concludes that you’re pursuing a more adult career.
And since he follows all your socials, he knows what your handle is likely to be.
And when he finds you in some rather compromising positions on your beloved little app, he can’t help but crack a smile.
“My, my, mi Corazon…What have you been up to ?”
He takes a leisurely stroll through your portfolio, makes a note of some noteworthy posts. Then, he makes a decision. An investment.
He purchases a subscription.
Sure, he could feel guilty about doing so – feel ashamed of his deep-rooted desire to see someone he’s seen as more than a friend exposed in ways he’s only dreamed of so far.
But he takes comfort in the fact that he’s admiring your artistry for what it is; hard work, dedication, and beauty.
Yeah, he still gets off to the stuff you post, but unlike the basement-dwellers who’ll pop a shot to a lewd picture of you and then go upstairs for their dino nuggies and their off-brand energy drink, Alejandro takes time, care, to really analyse your work – to see the colours you’ve used, the camera angles.
And to try and capture even a reflection of the guy who seems to “help” you in your productions.
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Screamed out loud the first time he caught sight of your page, which was open on Alejandro’s phone.
To be honest, he was too dazed by the risque picture of you in a very frail-looking swimsuit to consider the implications of Alejandro having access to your OnlyFans.
At first, he did the only thing he could think of – the gentlemanly thing to do.
Which was to look away; to grant you your privacy and pretend he’d seen nothing.
At first.
Rudy managed to make it a whole 24 hours before, after fighting a losing battle of wills with himself (one which he put little fight into the longer that image of you stewed in his mind), he found himself on your page. Again.
Shamefully, one might add.
And, much to his chagrin, he didn’t hate it.
Nor did it satiate his growing hunger for you.
And, considering how he already liked you well before making this discovery, Rudy is…conflicted, to say the least.
On one hand, you’re letting whoever has an internet connection and a bank card see you in ways that, even in his wildest imagination, Rudy never had.
Conversely, you’re letting whoever has an internet connection and a bank card see you in ways that, until now, Rudy never had.
Two sides of the same coin. Identical outcomes. It just all rested on how Rudy wanted to view the situation; as a hurdle, or an advantage.
A loyal follower of two months now, his evenings spent worshipping the visage of you in what one could barely consider clothing, Rodolfo chose the latter.
And you have no idea. And Rudy is going to keep it that way until he feels you’re ready to learn that your top contributor is the man who’s sat beside you right this second as you stay at his house for a sleepover; one upon which you rest your head and listen to the deceptively steady beating of his heart.
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Not that he would admit it, but he felt somewhat offended the first time he found out about your OnlyFans account.
Bruised his ego considerably ☹️
He took your self-sufficiency personally.
Did you not believe he could provide for you ? Is that why you turned to…adult practices ?
He sulked about it for a little while – about a day or two – before the fact that the person he’d been – dare he say it – crushing on for the last few months had an ONLYFANS ACCOUNT.
Needless to say, he hopped right back on his computer and got to buying your most elite subscription available.
Yeah, perhaps the idea that a couple thousand or so other weirdos were ooglign your body aside from himself bothered him. But he wasn’t exactly whiter than white himself, so he dropped the subject (with himself).
However, his jealous tendencies do lead him to some rather unorthodox places.
Has genuinely, seriously considered acquiring OnlyFans to try and get you scrubbed off the platform.
His accountant managed to (eventually) convince him otherwise after drilling it through his skull “How questionable this would look on your company record, Sir.”
And then, obviously, Graves decided to just try and buy the internet.
Bless him, he may be a CEO, but he isn’t a boyboss. Or tech-savvy.
Regardless, he eventually cools off and actually sees this situation as playing to his advantage.
He could already feel the cogs in his turning as he realised that you didn’t know he’d seen your account, nevermind contributed to it.
And thus began Philly’s plan to make you so financially dependent on him through anonymous donations and financial contributions. A hostile takeover, as it’s known in the trade.
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Since he is both the youngest and the most tech-savvy of the 141, he knows what he’s doing.
He’d heard a whisper while traversing your socials that you owned a fabled OnlyFans account.
And, like the good friend he was, instead of embarrassing you and asking you directly, he went on the hunt for it himself.
Okay, maybe he didn’t do this without your knowledge out of pure chivalry – rather a need to see if there was a possibility that, yes, you posted yourself online for money.
And, perhaps, a need to see if he can get his hands on some of those images himself…
Eventually, ever the internet sleuth he is, Gaz found your account.
And boy, did he underestimate what he thought he’d find.
“Jesus, (Y/N)...What have you been doing ?”
But that isn’t to say he didn’t like it.
On the contrary; he couldn’t help but feel drawn to it.
Especially when, in one of the pictures, he saw you drenched in a shirt of his he’d lent to you months ago. One which he still hadn’t gotten back.
He doesn’t pester you about it anymore. Even jokingly.
Though, he is somewhat envious that his shirt gets to be that close to you, especially in those conditions.
That, and…
Wait, who’s taking these pictures ?!
Not that you’d know this, but, his chest alight with the need to identify this mystery victor, those dark rings under Gaz’s eyes when you meet for lunch the next day are for you.
“Gaz, Sweetie, did you get into a fight or something ?”
And Gaz can’t bear to tell you how much an effect the jealousy you’d inadvertently inflicted on him has had on his psyche – had on his sleep schedule as he burnt through the night trawling every image and video of you for any identifying feature of your work partner.
As evidenced by the crusted tissues piling up in the bin beside his desk, to dry his tears and…other fluids.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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In Every Trio, There's Always A Duo
John Price X Reader
You were following behind Soap and Ghost, keeping a close eye on your surroundings while watching their six. Soap was on Ghost’s left, you were on his right, so how could they have gotten to you so easily?
A/N:this is probably the angstiest fic I've written in a while lol, the idea popped up in my head after scrolling tiktok and now I'd like you all to suffer with me(also I know I promised the Gaz fic first, it is coming! I promise!) warnings:mentions of blood, injuries, wounds, gore, depressive thoughts, thoughts of suicide, mentions of death
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Price had been the one to introduce you to everyone, saying that you were the newest member of their team. Gaz welcomed you with open arms and even offered to show you around so that you wouldn’t get lost. Soap was happy to greet you, talking too quickly for you to understand even half of what he’d been saying. Ghost was a little more closed off, friendly enough to say hello and introduce himself but didn’t go out of his way to be your friend. It was something you were used to, men in the military were one of three things. Friendly, flirty, or standoffish. While Ghost wasn’t your typical “I’m better than you” military meathead, he wasn’t an open book.
It was all fine though, you had gotten close to the rest of the group and made friends with all of them quick enough. Alejandro and Rudy were much friendlier during the first meeting, Rudy and you swapped recipes and talked about your interests. Ale joked that you would end up stealing his best friend right from under his nose. Of course you would never do that, stealing someone else’s best friend was a big no no in your book.
“I would never steal him away from you! Best friends are sacred.” You smiled over at Ale, watching the way he became flustered ever so slightly.
“Well, thank you then.” He wasn’t sure what to say, most people teased them for being such close friends, this was a nice change.
“Of course, no need to thank me.” Rudy pulled you back into the conversation, explaining how to properly cook one of his mother’s best dishes.
It went on like that for months, you making friends with everyone on the task force, along with Ale and Rudy. When everyone would go home for break you didn’t leave, assuring everyone that you would leave the following day. No one needed to know that you didn’t want to go back to your family, their toxicity pushing you to where you were now. Your mother had been an alcoholic your entire life, your father no better when he actually bothered to come around. Your brother had up and left the moment he turned eighteen, leaving you behind to suffer.
No one needed to know what happened in your past, to them things were good and you had a loving family. They didn’t need to know that you had nothing left waiting for you, no family, and no friends for if you succumbed to your death during a mission. You’d wanted to tell them the truth so badly, that you truly weren’t alright, but you couldn’t.
You were out at the bar with everyone, sitting between Gaz and Soap. The Scot had interrupted you nearly five times now, voice booming as he recalled a tale about how Price had embarrassed himself during a mission. You bit your lip, sinking into your seat and not bothering to try and speak up anymore. The night continued on like that, everyone talking about different things as the drinks flowed. You’d even learnt a little bit more about Ghost, how his parents weren’t the nicest of people, how he’d done what he could to help them. It reminded you of your own situation, abusive parents that refused to take accountability.
It continued on like that for months, you would head out with everyone and continue to turn into nothing but a shadow. Seven turned to six, six turned into five, and soon enough it was only you, Ghost, and Soap going out. Price was too busy with paperwork, Ale and Rudy had their own duties to attend to, and Gaz was seeing someone. You were happy for Gaz, he was a total catch and anyone with eyes could see how attractive he was. Though you missed his corny jokes at the tables when you’d go out. Soap was the main jokester, Ghost throwing in a few from time to time to throw the Scot off his game.
It was strange seeing Ghost without his mask, the first time your jaw dropped open but you refused to comment. Nothing more humiliating than bringing up someone’s scars to them when you’re in public. He ignored everyone who tried to flirt with him, shutting down their advances with a “not interested” before they could utter another word. That same night they left you behind at the pub, you’d gone to the bathroom to relieve yourself before heading back. When you walked out the table was empty and cleaned, surely they were waiting outside. However once you stepped foot outside you noticed the truck you’d all driven in was gone as well.
Your throat closed up as you realized they had completely forgotten you, the base was over ten miles away. Refusing to try and call them, you tugged your jacket closer to your body and made the journey on foot. Price was still awake when you arrived, feet nearly bleeding from the blisters you now had, and tears running down your face.
“Sweetheart? What’s going on?” Price abandoned his paperwork to rush over to you.
You lied and told him you were simply too intoxicated and had forgotten you had gone to the pub with Soap and Ghost, the two men soundly asleep in their own rooms. He didn’t look as if he believed you, but nonetheless he let it slide. You would tell him the truth when you finally felt ready. Instead of pushing for more answers he helped treat your wounds, and gave you some warmer clothes to sleep in for the night.
Your sleep had been restless that night, struggling to get over how much pain you were in physically, and emotionally. Maybe they had just forgotten because you hadn’t talked the entire night? Sure, that’s what it probably was.
Price kept you on light work for the next two weeks, letting your feet heal before putting you into weapons and basic training. You were being sent out on a mission in a few days and he wanted everyone to be prepared. You stuck close by Gaz and Price for the most part, not wanting a repeat of the pub again. Training was easy, you excelled with each weapon you were given and surpassed everyone else, even Ghost.
Laswell was happy with the progress you’d made since joining, happy to know you had integrated so well with everyone else on the team. It didn’t matter if she didn’t know the entire truth, or that you were miserable deep down. She lead the briefing for your next mission, you were to get the intel required and get out, taking out any hostels if needed. You were a little nervous, the last firefight you’d gone into had nearly gotten you killed. Had Rudy not yanked you down behind the pillar you wouldn’t be standing there.
The helicopter hovered as you rappelled down onto the ground, unclipping your belt and grabbing your gun. There was no one as far as you were able to see, though you couldn’t be too careful, enemies were trained to hide in plain sight. Price and Ghost lead the group, guns raised as they begin a slow but cautious walk towards the building. No one noticed the enemy as they slid from behind their own hiding spots. 
The bullets were raining down on the group before any of the guys or yourself could take cover. Price had thrown Gaz behind one of the pillars, Ghost doing the same with Soap to help prevent his teammate from becoming swiss cheese. Alejandro wrapped his arms around Rudy and tackled him to the ground, laying completely still until the sound of the enemy reloading calmed his nerves. It wasn’t until they realized that you were laying out in the open, screams ripping the air apart as you began to slowly bleed out. Ghost’s heart stopped, how the hell did they completely forget about another person! 
“Shit!” Soap turned to run around Soap’s bulky frame, grunting as Ghost grabbed the collar of his tac vest.
“You do that an’ you’re both dead!” Ghost couldn’t risk someone else getting injured, they needed to neutralize the threat.
“We need to save her!” Soap couldn’t watch you bleed out, it would destroy him.
“Stand down!” Ghost winced as the gunfire drew closer, they needed to retreat before they lost anyone else.
The group slowly retreated, watching the way your frame became smaller and smaller with each step they took. Ghost was gnawing the inside of his jaw, angry that he’d let something like this happen under his watch. Shit, they’d have to figure out how to get you back before you ended up bleeding out on the field.
“Ghost!” Gaz was staring over at the older man, eyes wide with terror.
The enemy had grabbed you, running off while they seemed to be too preoccupied figuring out a plan to stop them in their tracks. His blood ran cold, they were surely going to kill you if they couldn’t rescue you soon enough.
“Stop them!” Ghost raised the gun in his arms, aiming down the scope to try and get a shot off.
It was with a sickening realization that he noticed they were all gone, nothing but dust kicked up in the air as they fled. He’d always kept everyone safe, or as safe as he could when they were in enemy territory. This? This was his worst nightmare come to life, someone getting injured and captured because of his actions. How the hell had he not realized you were near him? While you were quiet when needed you always made your presence known.
“We’ll get them back, but we can’t go in with our heads up in the clouds.” Price was angry, they were split up into two groups. 
You were following behind Soap and Ghost, keeping a close eye on your surroundings while watching their six. Soap was on Ghost’s left, you were on his right, so how could they have gotten to you so easily?
“You let her get hurt, you were too busy keeping an eye on Soap that she got hurt!” Gaz stood up harshly, stomping over to where Ghost and Soap were crouched.
“Hey! Let’s not start going at each other’s throats.” Price grabbed onto his tac vest, stopping him before he could reach the other two.
“I saw it, she was walking too far from Ghost and instead of remembering that she was even there he saved Soap instead, and now she’s been taken by the fucking enemy!” Gaz was angry, angrier than he’d been in quite a while.
Ghost wanted to deny it, that he had been keeping an eye on you the entire time, but it would’ve been a dirty lie. It had been obvious over the last few months how little attention they ever spared you, especially him and Soap. The three of you would go out during your leave together and it was simply as if you didn’t exist to them. You were the third wheel during their conversations, trying your hardest to speak up only to be ignored.
Everyone had gone out for a night of drinks and dinner, mainly because Price all but demanded on getting off base for at least one night. Things had been silent for a little while and he needed to release some tension. You and Gaz were up getting drinks for everyone at the bar, the waitress already swinging by to get everyone’s order for food. Price had seen how sullen your expression was, the sparkle your eyes usually had seemed so dull now. Maybe this would help bring it back and things would go back to normal. You were his favorite(don’t tell Simon)and he would do his damndest to make sure you were okay.
“Sorry about the wait, bar was a little busier than expected.” You and Gaz set down all the drinks, being careful not to spill any liquid onto the, for now, clean table.
“No worries love, food won’t be out for a little while anyway.” Price smiled at the way your face flushed, proud that he could still have you blushing like a schoolgirl. 
The conversation seemed to flow easily with everyone, Gaz was telling a story from his teenage years that had everyone laughing. He’d embarrassed himself trying to impress a girl and refused to even look her in the eye afterwards. You opened your mouth to make a comment before Soap cut you off, the entire table echoing with laughter. Clearing your throat quietly you took a quick sip of your drink. 
The chatter died down once the food was brought out, everyone eating in near silence, save for the bustle of the restaurant around you. You wanted to talk about something, anything, but the timing never felt right. So instead of opening your mouth to talk you kept eating, your stomach turning slightly as you pushed the food around the plate. The chance to strike up a new conversation was dulled entirely once Ghost started talking about something. You didn’t bother to listen, eyes locked onto your plate as you tried to muster up the energy to keep eating.
Everyone was pulled into the conversation, offering their own bits and pieces here and there, everyone except for you. Why bother speaking to people who clearly didn’t notice when you did anyway? It would be a waste of energy and you needed to worry about what would happen on your next mission. Only you didn’t notice the way Price’s gaze lingered on you, a frown marring his nearly perfect features.
“If you don’t get them back, then I sure the fuck will.” Gaz knew the risks that rescuing you would entail and right now he was willing to take that risk.
“Kyle, if you go running in there you’ll be dead before you can get to her. I’ll go with you.” Price was willing to do whatever it took to get you back.
“Sir.” Soap felt terrible, had he kept a closer eye on you this wouldn’t have happened.
“No, we need to start thinking about how we’re going to rescue her, I’ll call Laswell.” Price turned and walked off without waiting for anyone to follow.
Ale and Rudy were horrified, they’d known the men for quite a while, having only just met you a few months prior, and watching the way this had gone down? It sickened them, but they wouldn’t voice those opinions out loud. They’d do whatever needed to be done to rescue you, to make sure that you came back home alive.
You, Ghost, and Soap were all sitting in the cafeteria, trying to enjoy the MRE’s that had been given to you earlier that day. A new shipment wouldn’t be in for a few more days so you were suffering through what had been left over. They weren’t terrible, but it was obvious why these were the ones left over from everyone else. Ghost and Soap had been keeping conversation going between them from the moment you sat down. You didn’t bother to say a word, simply ate your rather dry and tasteless food and waited for it to be gone so you could leave.
It was becoming more obvious as each day passed how little they liked having you around, from the way they would simply ignore you, to even brushing you off when you tried to join the conversation. It had stung in the beginning, but this was something that happened quite often, and you weren’t going to sit there and whine like a child. No, instead you learned to hide the disappointment and hurt deep down inside. If John ever found out how you were mentally, he’d have you discharged before you could even blink and stop him.
“‘M tellin’ ya! You nevah believe me!” Soap was laughing at something Ghost had said, you were sure of that, but the effort to even pretend to listen was too much.
“Oh will you stop with that? I don’t need to believe ya if I don’ want to.” Ghost rolled his eyes, shoving another forkful of…something into his mouth.
Neither of them had so much as glanced at you in the twenty minutes it had been since you’d sat down, another reminder that you weren’t wanted. Your throat closed up slightly, a sickening feeling clawing at your chest as you tried to keep the negative thoughts at bay. That was all wiped away when Price walked in, your back straightened immediately. It was a habit you had tried to break so often but never seemed to be able to.
“At ease soldier, just here to let you know that we’ll be headed out at 0400, so I suggest you get ready to go.” Price nodded at you before heading out.
You would all be debriefed on the plane ride over, it was something Price had begun to do so you went into the mission with the details fresh in your mind. Unless things were sensitive, then he wouldn’t run the risk of the wrong person hearing. Maybe this would finally be the mission you’d be left behind, a girl could have dreams right?
Soap was pacing the room, mumbling to himself to figure out how he could even try and get back on your good side. It was his fault that you were not only shot, but also captured. Price had gotten into contact with Laswell the moment they were back to safety. She was furious, asking how you’d managed to get captured when it was a simple recon. Gaz had exploded then, telling her how Ghost and Soap had been too caught up in each other to keep an eye on you. Price had to calm him down, nearly threatening him.
“There’s been an update, and before any of you say anything I need you to watch this and not rip out each other’s throats.” Laswell turned towards the screen, hitting play.
The screen was blurry for a few seconds before your slumped over form became clearer, it was obvious they’d done a shitty patch up job to your wounds. Your wrists and ankles were bound to the chair, blood dripping down your temple.
“If you want her back, we want something as well.” A voice, presumably someone behind the camera, spoke.
You laughed loudly, the sound surely causing your head to throb as you struggled to sit upright in the wooden chair.
“You couldn’t have picked anyone worse to ransom. Everyone knows I'm expendable on the team, nothing but a throwaway.” Your smile tore at Price’s heart, you looked defeated, ready for the comforting embrace of death.
They growled in anger, fist colliding with your jaw as a sickening crack echoed through the speakers. You groaned, spitting blood onto the floor with a huff.
“You don’t understand, they’re never going to come back for me. You’re better off letting me just die.” Your body was begging for death now, pain surging through every nerve ending.
The man turned towards the camera, angry that you seemed so unwilling to help get whatever they were so desperate for.
“You have two days.” The screen suddenly went black, leaving the room completely silent.
Price walked over to Laswell, afraid of what answer he was going to get for the million questions running through his mind.
“How long do we have?” The video wasn’t brand new, they would never actually give the men enough time to properly plan.
“Less than twenty four hours, we found her location from that bracelet you gave her a few months ago.” Ghost’s head whipped around, why was his captain giving you gifts?
“Everyone gear up, we need to get her back before it’s too late.” Price wasn’t going to waste another second, not when you were so close to death.
The plane was fueled up and ready to go by the time everyone headed out, briefing over the plan during the flight. Gaz would go in guns blazing if it meant saving you, and he’d force Ghost and Soap to wait until they got you. It was reckless to think that way of course, and being angry with his teammates wouldn’t do him any good either. Once you were back and safe with them he’d reprimand the other two. It didn’t matter that Ghost ranked higher than him, he’d give those two an earful they’d never forget.
“Rudy, do you have eyes on her?” Price walked over to check the monitor, a small sigh of relief when he saw your outline.
You were still breathing, the motions slow and labored as you struggled with each breath. Rudy was going to stay on the plane, keeping an eye out to make sure no one tried to sneak on. It was a risky move, especially considering he’d be sitting alone, save for Nikolai. They each geared up, checking their weapons ammunition to make sure everything was loaded.
“Hold down the fort til we get back.” Price slapped a hand against Rudy’s shoulder, nodding towards Gaz and Ale to follow him.
Ghost knew better than to argue, Price was their leader and right now he was definitely on his shit list. Soap wasn’t getting off scot free either, it had been both of them that caused this entire situation. No, the focus was solely on you, Ghost could deal with the repercussions later on when you were safe.
Their footsteps were silent, Gaz lockpicking the door before heading inside behind Price and Ale, guns drawn high as they looked around for enemies. The air was thick with tension, sweat beading up underneath Price's hat as he tried to keep his breathing steady. The sound of fists colliding with skin they picked up pace. They’d managed to find you quicker than expected, but what awaited them beyond those doors?
“Tell us where they are!” It was the same voice as your abuser from the tape, they were enraged at how you simply laughed at their anger.
“I’m tellin’ ya, don’ know shit.” You groaned as his fist collided with your stomach, doubling over in the chair as much as you physically could.
They’d been interrogating you for hours, doing whatever they could to get any information from you before they’d finally send you into the afterlife. The pain was excruciating, resonating through your body like a livewire. How long would you last before you would finally succumb to the wounds that adorned your skin?
The sound of gunshots echoed inside the tiny room, deafening you as the pain in your skull amplified by a thousand. You’d surely had a concussion, if the amount of times you’d been punched had anything else to do with it. The scent of gunpowder and blood filled the air, though you were positive almost half of the blood was yours. A hand grabbing your face caused you to flinch back violently, a terrified screaming ripping from your lips.
“Please! No more!” Whoever had killed your captors wouldn’t have the best intentions for you.
“Sweetheart it’s me, we’re here to get you.” Gaz’s voice was calm, even if his heart was nearly beating out of his chest.
“Gaz.” Your eyes filled with tears, staring back at your teammate and friend.
Price stood right behind him, eyes filled with worry at your state, they needed to get you to a medic immediately. Gaz cut through the ropes binding you to the chair, helping you to stand up. It became obvious that one of your legs was broken as you stumbled in his hold, grabbing onto your thigh with a vice grip.
“Fuck, I’m gonna let Price carry you to the plane, we’ll get you hooked up to an IV to get some fluids in you, alright?” You could barely nod but it was enough of a confirmation to hand you over to Price.
He lifted you gently, cradling you in his arms as Gaz and Ale lead the way back out. Ghost and Soap were checking for any stragglers, not wanting to leave anyone else alive. They hadn’t managed to find anyone, or anything else of importance when they met back up with you. Soap could see the way Price was holding you, as if you would turn into dust in his arms. The two men wanted to apologize, to beg for your forgiveness but with Price it wouldn’t be allowed. You needed to make that decision on your own.
“Alright, we’re gonna get you back to base soon enough,” Price had let the team medic take over, checking your vitals and setting up an IV drip.
Ghost opened his mouth to apologize before Gaz’s glare stopped him in his tracks, Soap quietly sat down in a seat without so much as glancing at you. Clearly some things needed to be worked out, and right now they weren’t going to be talked about. Ghost never backed down from a challenge, not when it came to his teammates. He’d gotten enough shit from Soap to last him a lifetime, lord knows the other man never knew when to stop.
That was the whole point though, wasn’t it? He was being taught a very important lesson about how blind he’d become. Maybe not literally, but Ghost was focusing on the wrong things and it was biting him in the ass now. Soap didn’t seem any better, silently sulking in his seat as he went through a million different scenarios in his head. How long had you been suffering in silence while they simply ignored you? How terrible of a friend was he that he didn’t even notice what was going on.
“We left her at the pub one night.” Ghost nearly missed Soap’s words over the engine of the plane.
“What?” His head whipped around, when the hell had they genuinely forgotten you during a night out?
“Remember O’Malley’s? It was that one.” Soap felt the guilt eating at his soul.
Everything began to hit him like a freight train, they were neglecting you both and off the battlefield. You were an amazing teammate and an even better friend and they’d completely taken you for granted. They didn’t know anything about you aside from that you’d joined the army at eighteen and were now with the task force. The first thing Ghost would do was apologize and do whatever he could to help ease your pain.
“We’re about to land, already let them know we’ve got injuries.” The routine medic, a man named Jacob that couldn’t be any older than twenty two, began to prep you for departure.
You’d need surgery to set your leg properly, the break was most likely a shatter which would cause an intense infection. Nurses ran out to grab the gurney, rushing you inside to get you prepped and ready. Price stood at the top of the ramp, back turned towards everyone else.
“You will not go near her at all, she’s going to need space to process and heal. Do I make myself clear?” Price glanced over his shoulder at Soap and Ghost.
“Sir I-” “I said, do I make myself clear sergeant?” Price couldn’t let his emotions take over, but losing a teammate because of someone else’s negligence.
“Yes sir.” Soap straightened up in his seat, ignoring the way he felt like a scorned child.
“Good, we’ll have a debrief once she’s out of surgery.” You wouldn’t be joining, but once he knew you would be alright Price could finally relax.
The doctor and nurses worked quickly to fix the broken bones littered across your body, extracting pieces of bone that had dug into the muscle of your thigh. It took them over five hours to fix you completely, relaying the news to Price. His shoulders relaxed ever so slightly, the worry that you wouldn’t pull through finally gone. Now it was all about making sure you healed properly.
Laswell called them to the debriefing, waiting until everyone was seated before beginning with getting every piece of information. Her expression didn’t give away any emotion of how she felt, it wasn’t the smartest thing to do, getting attached to the task force. She was a little upset with them though, being unaware of your surroundings could cost your life.
“Unfortunately, she’s going to have to be discharged..permanently.” Price slammed his hands down.
“Absolutely not! You are not sending her off after everything that’s happened.” How could they just throw you away so easily?!
“I’m sorry John, this is even outside of my own jurisdiction. She got injured during a mission and might not be able to walk properly for a few years.” Fuck, you were going to be devastated hearing this.
“If she’s gone, then so am I.” Price was risking a lot for you, but you’d saved his life countless times before.
Laswell sighed, running a hand over her face before heading off to contact god knows who and see if they could keep you as part of the task force. He hadn’t fought to get this team together for nothing, and he would do whatever he could to keep everyone together. Things would work out, they had to.
You’d been struggling through physical therapy, learning to walk after having your right femur reconstructed was not easy. Price had found you the best physical therapist in all of England, determined to make sure you made a full recovery. It warmed your heart that he was so willing to help, to make sure that you were safe. He’d been by your side for months, helping you settle into your apartment and all but moving into the spare bedroom.
“Sweetheart, you’re doing amazing.” Price was standing at the opposite end of the walk way, ready to catch you in case you lost your balance.
“Fucking hurts.” You winced, arms shaking as you struggled to keep yourself upright.
Price hadn’t wanted to tell you, but Ghost and Soap had wanted to apologize, to sit down and have a discussion about everything. He wouldn’t push the subject if you disagreed, you deserved to be treated with respect first and foremost. It would be better to wait until you were back in the apartment where you could relax. Maybe he could give you one of his sweaters to wear, you always seemed to relax when wearing his clothes.
Your physical therapist was happy with your progress, saying that you were exceeding expectations and could possibly go down to three days a week instead of four. It made you feel a little bit better, knowing you were doing so well. You hadn’t been in the apartment for longer than two minutes before Price was wrapping one of his jackets around your shoulders. It was something he tended to do when he had bad news.
“Now you have every right to say no, but Johnny and Simon want to come by and talk.” John waited to see how you would react, knowing physical therapy had been a good day he felt optimistic.
“What’s there to even talk about? That they don’t see me as anything other than an annoyance? John, we're having a good day, I don’t want to ruin it.” Your eyes were pleading with him.
He wanted to argue that this conversation needed to happen or else things would only get worse for everyone. So, instead of listening to your pleas of “don’t you dare call them” John let them know to come over. He’d make it up to you later with a great dinner and some dessert. After all it was the very least he could do after subjecting you to their antics. Hopefully Johnny didn’t end up saying the wrong thing and pissing you off even more.
No one had dared utter a word for nearly ten minutes once Johnny and Simon arrived. The taller of the two had forgone even his surgical mask, muttering how it felt wrong to hide. Johnny was twiddling his thumbs, waiting for someone to break the ice so that he could make amends. John had made you a cup of cocoa(extra marshmallows and whipped cream as always). Simon sighed to himself before straightening up in his seat on the couch.
“No amount of I’m sorries will ever be enough for what happened. We never truly realized how shitty our actions were because we’d gotten so used to routine that adding someone else didn’t feel natural. I’m not saying that as an excuse, you didn’t deserve what happened, and I fully blame myself for you getting taken and for all of this.” Simon gestured vaguely to where you were perched in what was apparently John’s favorite chair.
You glanced at Simon over the rim of your mug, sipping the warm liquid as you soaked in his words. Simon wanted to mention the dollop of whipped cream on the end of your nose, but John beat him to it. He reached over and gently turned your head to face him, wiping off the cream with his thumb. Your smile was radiant, eyes sparkling as you stared back at your captain. 
This was something entirely new, but it also explained why John had been so angry that you were going to be discharged originally. Somehow they’d convinced Laswell, and whoever else, that you were too much of an essential player to lose. You were in love, and here they were intruding on an otherwise very personal moment. John suddenly seemed to remember the other two were there, awkwardly clearing his throat before sitting back in his seat.
“It’s going to take a while before I can fully trust you guys again, I’ve been through a lot in my life but having my teammates basically throw me to the wolves? It fucking hurts.” Maybe it was time to finally come clean about your life and who you truly were.
You couldn’t stop the words from spilling out, telling them about your abusive home life growing up before finally making it out and finding a purpose in life. How on every break you would stay on base and make sure it looked like you’d left when they all came back home. You didn’t want their pity, you just needed them to finally understand why you were hurt by their actions.
John had carefully scooped you up and placed you into his lap when tears began to slide down your cheeks, comforting you the best way he could. Simon could understand your pain, having dealt with abuse from his own father growing up. It was a reminder that sometimes the strongest people were often hiding the darkest past. He’d done the same thing for years, refusing to open up and let anyone close.
“We really just wanted to apologize for treating you like shit, and wanting to make sure that you were doing better now.” Johnny could see that even being shot, tortured, and left for dead that you still had that shine to you.
“I know, I’m just going to need time to process everything, it hasn’t been easy.” You wanted to forgive them, but deep down the feeling that it would happen all over again ate at your mind.
“I understand lass.” Johnny nodded, he would gladly give you time to process and even see if you could forgive him.
John set you back into the chair so he could walk Johnny and Simon out, promising to keep in touch if anything changed. He wouldn’t disrespect your decision, and with the other two being on board he wasn’t going to argue. Now it was time to sit and think about what he could make for you to make up for everything.
“Hey, I just want to say thank you for everything you’ve been doing, it means a lot.” You pushed yourself off the chair slowly, stepping over to John who looked seconds away from panicking.
“You don’t need to thank me love, it’s my pleasure.” He kept his hands out, ready to help in case you needed it.
“You’re doing a lot more than you might think, so yes, I do need to thank you.” You rested your hands on his shoulders, slightly winded at how far you’d had to walk.
John’s hands slid to your waist, pulling your body closer to his. He wanted to lie and say it was only because he was afraid you’d stumble. How would you react to hearing about his true feelings? Knowing that he’d harbored a crush for frankly much too long than was appropriate to be honest. Your gaze landed on his face, lips parted as you watched the way his eyes dilated ever so slightly. John couldn’t stop himself before he was kissing you, lips pressed softly against yours. You would be a liar if you’d said you hadn’t dreamt of this before, hoping that John felt the same way towards you.
You were the first to pull away, face flushed and lungs desperate for air as you clung to the cotton shirt John wore. A small chuckle slipped through his lips, fingers digging into your hips as he pulled your bodies closer.
“I’ve wanted to do that for quite a while if I’m being honest.” Your heart was racing, had you really heard him correctly?
“So have I.” You rested your forehead against his chest, relishing in the warmth he exuded.
Neither of you made to move from the kitchen, simply wrapped in each other’s embrace. You couldn’t forgive Simon and Johnny for causing the damage they did. But maybe they helped push you into the right direction. tagging: @gaylemonshark
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦I have more C.o.D Quotes✦
Gaz: How’s your head? Y/N: Well, I haven’t had any complaints yet. Gaz: …excuse me? Y/N: Oh uh, I think I’ll live-
-- (Somewhere in Greece with a fuck ton of cats) Ghost, watching Price sneeze every five seconds: What a catastrophe. Gaz: No. Y/N: PFFT- Soap: Stop, no, don’t encourage him. Y/N: Ahem! Right, right. Not funny. Ghost: I am purrfectly capable of being funny. Y/N: *struggling* Gaz: Sometimes I wish you didn’t have a mouth.
-- Just a scene of Y/N taking out a bottle of whiskey, unscrewing they cap, then putting one of those lid caps on. (Like the ones you have on those fancy Gatorades) Taking a huge swig and closing the cap on it as Soap watches in amusement, & Price in fear.
-- Ghost: Quit messing with my hand. Soap: Quit messing with my hair! Y/N: Quit being gay. Gaz: PFFFT Y/N: Both problems solved.
-- Y/N, on the comms: You have thirteen seconds before the building fucking explodes you hot topic wannabe- Ghost: … Y/N: And you green gumball son of a bitch. Gaz: Wha-?! Soap: *WHEEZE* Y/N: You have done nothing but ruin my life; I hope you both die.
-- Soap, Gaz, & Y/N: *cackling* Laswell, losing at poker: I miss my wife, Price. Price: *places down cards* Laswell: I miss my wife.
-- Ghost, overstimulated & a lil drunk: AHHHHHH MY BONES Y/N: *frantically getting headphones* Soap, drunk: *wheeze* Gaz: Ah. I know I should’ve- *dies coughing* Soap: *more wheezing*
-- Graves *kicks in door* WHO POSTED MY NUDES ON TWITTER DOT COM?! Y/N: SUCK IT, BITCH BOY!! Alejandro: *aggressively slapping his leg while silently laughing* Rudy: *pointing and laughing* Valeria, in handcuffs: Ha, dumbass.
-- Graves: Bitch, you are gonna get in this car or I’m popping between ya eyes! Valeria: Hey, I know you. I saw your dick on Twitter! Graves: NOOOOOO Y/N: AHAHA!
-- Graves: C’mon Johnn- Y/N: *chucks a rock at Graves’ head* Graves: OW, WHY?! Y/N: NO JOHNNY FOR YOU! He goes by Soap and we respect that! Graves: Ghost calls him that! Y/N: CAUSE GHOST HAS PERMISSION, you EARN the right to Johnny! And I will be damned if anyone else earns the right before me. I been working my ass off to get the Johnny privilege and you will NOT get it for free! Soap, who’s just been standing there the whole time: *leans to Gaz* Have they actually been taking it that seriously? Gaz: Yeah. They’ve also been working real hard to try and get the right to call Captain “John”. Shoulda seen their face when I said they can call me Kyle. Soap: That’s…really sweet, I’ll give’em permission later. Gaz: Why not now? Soap: I wanna see that bastard get chewed out some more.
-- Y/N, perched on Price’s desk: Captain. Price: *sigh* Y/N: Captain I crave violence.
-- Ghost: Your family line deserves to die with you, only shame it didn’t end before you. Graves: ….I just sat down!
-- Y/N: You’re like…the human incarnation of crumbs in the bed. Graves: Oh c’MON THAT’S REAL MEAN Ghost: It’s true though. Y/N: The kinda crumbs that you keep swiping away but somehow they never leave- Graves: Alright! You know what- Soap: Like getting in bed after going to the beach. Gaz: Sand in the bed, yeah. Feels like that when he talks. Graves: I’M JUST GONNA FUCKIN LEAVE! Y/N: *watches him go* Annnd now the sheets have been changed. Ghost: Clean from filth. Alejandro: You all are so cruel and it’s perhaps the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.
-- Gaz: Things Gucci with you? Y/N: It’s Goodwill at best, my guy. Price: I don’t know what this means but I feel like I should be concerned.
-- (Mild NSFW Jokie Time) Gaz: You alright? You been zoned out. Y/N: Hm? Nah I’m good, just having depraved thoughts. Gaz: Depraved, you say? Soap: Oh do tell. Y/N: You just…you ever see someone and think “they have pretty eyes”. And that’s normal. But then the little devil in the back of ya skull goes “yeah they’d look good rolled back”. Or am I just a whore? Gaz: That is depraved. Soap: Got a good point though.
-- Y/N: Ooo! Look! Old pictures of Captain, this one’s dated. You would’ve been…19 in this one. Lemme s-…… Gaz: Lemme see! ….. Price: What? Y/N: …..you were a whore, weren’t you captain? Gaz: That’s the face of an arrogant bastard who fucks regularly. Price: I…might’ve been a bit of a playboy. Y/N: And I would’ve fallen for it you god damn bastard, no ones fACE SHOULD BE THAT NICE!
-- Valeria, painting her nails: I might kill my ex, not the best idea. His new girlfriend’s next- Alejandro: ….. Rudy: ….should I be worried? Alejandro: Move away quietly and pray.
-- Ghost: For the record this is self destructive. Soap, chugging his 5th energy drink in the past hour: For the record, I’m aware of that.
-- MILF!Y/N: Boys. Bed, now. I wanna talk to your captain. Price: No, boys stay. Please stay- Y/N: Go. Price: Stay. The boys: *concern, panic, perhaps a bit of fear* Y/N: Go! Price: Stay! Y/N: You go! Soap: *speed walking* Price: Soap, stay! Y/N: NOW! Gaz: *slowly backing away* Price: Gaz, don’t move! Y/N: YOU GO! Price: SIMON- Ghost: *leaving*
-- Ghost: What was Plan A? Soap: …don’t fuck up. Ghost: And what was Plan B? Gaz: Don’t fuck up Plan A. Ghost: And what did you do? Y/N: …fucked up plan a- Ghost: YOU FUCKED UP PLAN A-
-- Ghost: What’s rule number one? Soap, with dynamite: Party! Ghost: NO! No, not party! No!
-- Graves: How about after this, we get a drink? Y/N: …I would rather gouge out my eyes and blindly navigate a way to turn them into earrings than ever be anywhere alone with you. Soap, grinning: Ooooo brutal! Ghost: Karma.
-- Ghost: Wait…Johnny’s into me? Like…he LIKES me?? Gaz: Oh Si…you poor, sad, dense mother fucker.
-- Ghost: At least nothing of importance was lost. Laswell: …Graves was kidnapped. Ghost: I know. I said what I said. Y/N: Nothing of value was lost but we did shed off some trash! Ghost: Precisely.
-- Ghost: These lights make me wanna pull my eyes out and eat them. Medic!Y/N: *turns lights off in favor of a lamp* …alright, so you’re autistic, good to know.
-- Ghost: Should I get my reading glasses? Y/N: Oh no no, this isn’t an eye test. It’s a GAY test. Now tell me, *holds up picture of Farah & Graves; Price being 1* Number one, or number two? Ghost: Number one?… Y/N: Interesting. *holds up Farah & Soap, Soap being 2* Okay now number one, or number two? Ghost: *gasp* Y/N: Number two, right? Ghost: Maybe I am gay?
-- Waitress: So, I’ve gotta ask, I’m really curious. 141: ? Waitress: Have any of you ever used like…the military language in bed? Soap: Naaaah. Y/N: No, I don’t- PFFFT, I- *wheeze* I’m sorry I’m imagining it- Gaz: *biting back laughs* Y/N: “You gonna come?” Affirmative. *laughs* Soap: *WHEEZE* Gaz: *cackling* Price: Oh lord- Gaz, snickering: Picking up speed. Y/N: COPY- *Laughter x100* The entire team: *giggling like hyenas* Ghost: Uh, that’s a no. I don’t think we’ve done that.
-- Price: *smiles at Soap & Gaz being stupid* Y/N: I like when you smile. Price: …huh? Y/N: Your smile, I like it. Makes your eyes crinkle up and your beard makes you look like a cuddly bear. You should smile more. Price, internally on the verge of tears: *fond sigh* Get back to drills, soldier. Y/N: Yes sir!
-- Ghost: *minding his fucking business* Y/N: You have pretty eyes. Ghost: *chokes on air* Pardon? Y/N: You have pretty eyes. Ghost: No I-…they’re just brown. Y/N: So? Your eyes don’t have to be blue or green to be pretty. They’re pretty because they’re expressive, and when the sun hits them they look like syrup. I like’em best when we’re all at a bar. They get brighter then. Ghost: Ghost: …stop talking, sergeant. Y/N: Copy that, L.T! <3
-- Gaz: *laughing at something on his phone* Y/N: You have a great laugh. Gaz: Hm? Oh…really? Y/N: Mhm. It’s cute, comes from your chest. I’ve never heard you laugh in anyway that’s not genuine. Really fills the room with joy. Gaz: Dude, you’re gonna make me all soft with words like that. Y/N: All according to plan!
-- Soap: *rambling about something* Y/N: *listening intently* Soap: Then-…ah, I been talkin’ at you this whole time, eh? Should probably quiet down. Y/N: No no, I like your voice! Soap: Eh? Y/N: It’s super energetic and loud, and when you tell a joke or talk about something you love, it’s like you can hear your smile. It’s really fun to listen to. I like when you talk! Soap: *inhale* You’re gonna make me cry- Y/N: I have tissues!
-- König: *fidgeting* Y/N: *takes his hands* You have beautiful hands. König: Wh- Huh?? No they are not. Y/N: They are too! König: Nien, they’re rough and calloused, they break a lot of things… Y/N: They also pet stray cats, make the best coffee on base, and create crotchet works of art. They also mend wounds pretty well. Yeah they fire guns but that doesn’t make them less beautiful. König: *he’s actually crying* …Danke. Y/N: Don’t mention it!
-- Rudy: *rolling his shoulder* Y/N: Anyone ever tell you that you have great shoulders? Rudy: Hm? Oh uh…no, I don’t believe so. Y/N: Well you do! Rudy: Ah, gracias. When I was younger I wanted them to be broader, sometimes now I wish they were more narrow. Can never really be happy with’em, you know? Y/N: Well I think you should be. They’re strong! *gently pats his shoulders* They hold a lot of weight, metaphorically and physically. And even when they’re weighed down, you shoulder it and keep moving. You’re real good at that! I like your shoulders. Rudy, prepared to die for them: …gracias. Y/N: No problem! Now c’mon, the guys are waitin’ for us!
-- Y/N: You have good collarbones. Alejandro: What was that? Y/N: Sorry, I know that’s real specific, but I think your collarbones are pretty. It’s like…the rest of you is bulky and strong, rugged. Then you have these delicate bones. I’m probably being too poetic but it’s like a subtle nod to your gentler side, just, built into your body. Alejandro: …you have a lovely way with words, camarada. Y/N: Thank you! I appreciate that!!
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gothicflowers · 6 months
Alejandro x Reader
“You speak Spanish?”
SFW Fluff
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Warnings: Fluff
It was just a crush at first. I mean he’s tall, dark, handsome and a voice that will make your knees weak. You felt like a teen again blushing every time you were around him. It’s been six months since you stepped off that plane and were greeted by Alejandro. He quickly picked out an affectionate nickname for you. Unknowingly to you he loved seeing you blush whenever he called you it.
He admires your eyes, your laugh, the way you fidget with your clothes when he talks to you. But most of all how caring you were. You always checked in on everyone after missions. You had a way of speaking and showing love and compassion in everything you do. He wants to give you the world. He wants a necklace around your neck with both your names engraved. He realized it all when he found you lounging on the old couch in the garage wrapped up in his blanket reading book.
“What is that book your reading about”
“It’s a love story”
“You read love stories, I didn’t take you as a reader”
“Most people read to escape a reality to go to one they want to be in”
“Is that what you desire”
“Love, and romance. That is what you want.”
“I guess so”
“Do you not have that waiting for you at home”
“No, I don’t think there is a man who understands this job and could meet my needs who would be willing to love me. Do you have someone?”
“I have my family but not someone to come home to”
Being in tf141 made it almost impossible to have a relationship. How each of your teammates had spouses was something you couldn’t figure out. You had given up on dating or any idea of a future relationship. But over these past months you’ve grown extremely close with Ale. He would bring you books, small trinkets that reminded him of you. Flowers would randomly appear on your table whenever he got back from scouting. Always having your coffee made when you walked into the meeting room. Things that where small but so important to you.
The mission was done. A small celebration was held with everyone involved in the operation. The night was finally unwinding and most had turned into their beds for the night. But something had caught your attention. Alejandro’s office door was cracked open and his was talking to Rudy, you’re not one for ease dropping but you could play it off like you where going to grab something from your bed so why not listen in momentarily.
“Me he enamorado de ella pero no quiero alejarla. Ella es todo lo que quiero, todo lo que jamás podría soñar. No quiero que t/n se vaya sin que yo diga lo que tengo que decir.” (I have fallen in love with her but I won’t want to pull her away. She is everything I want, all I could ever dream of. I don’t want y/n to leave without me saying what I need to say) his voice was desperate and full for worry. It was clear in Rudy’s body language from what you could see that this wasn’t the first time Alejandro was talking about you this way.
Entonces ve y dile cómo te sientes hermano. (Then go and tell her brother) Rudy was practically begging and laughing at the same time for Ale to confess to you.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. He felt the same way about you. Slowly backing away from the door you practically skipped like a child to outside to your recent lounge spot. What do you do now?
It was well past midnight when you heard footsteps coming up from behind.
“Seen you out here so I thought maybe you’d like some company” Alejandro’s deep voice said.
“I always enjoy your company” you shyly say to him with your cheeks blush covered by the night sky.
He sat next to you on the bench for two. The crickets chirping and the breeze was a soothing silence. You needed to tell him, just get it off your chest. The mission was over. So if this conversation doesn’t go well you will be heading back to base in two days anyways and you could forget about him.
“You know all you have to do is ask”
“What do you mean mi amor” his eyes staring deep into yours.
“Pídeme que me quede contigo y lo haré. Te escuché hablar con Rudy y he estado tratando de encontrar una manera de decirte lo mismo” (Ask me to stay for you and I will. I overheard you talking with Rudy and I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you the same thing.)
Ale looked at you in shock. Partly in shock that you just said that all in fluent Spanish but that you’re asking him to take you.
A brief second of panic sets in when he continues to say nothing. Then his lips are crashing into yours. His lips are soft and are in perfect sync with your lips moving against his.
“Stay with me. We can build a life together.”
“I will stay for you Alejandro”
He pulled you in for another passionate kiss. After what felt like eternity you both pulled apart for air. Foreheads still touching. His eyes blown full of joy and love for you.
“You didn’t tell me you spoke Spanish”
“You asked if I knew enough to get by, not if I was fluent”
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madlittlecriminal · 4 months
Hi there, love your writing. I have this dream where I'm on a blind date that's going horrible and need to be rescued, so Alejandro Vargas steps in, would love if you could make it into a reality, thanks 💐🩷
Rescue ↠ Alejandro Vargas × GN!Reader (PLATONIC)
Warnings: blind date, misogyny (i don't support it), he has dog tags, reader is not mexican, but it takes place in Las Almas, mentions of cartel, reader is a journalist, strangers to friends, but alejandro is a natural flirt
hope you like it anon! sorry for being late with this request.
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Alejandro could tell from where he was sitting that you were uncomfortable from the way you shifted in your seat to the smile that he knew was forced after working in Special Forces for so long.
You took a sip of your water as you listened to this guy blabber about being great and how he wants his partner to worry about the housework. Normally, you don't care because you respect those who do regardless of gender, but he wanted it to be forced and not let it be a choice.
Why did your cousin think this guy was a good fit for you again?
Alejandro tilted his head to the side as he watched you.
He was about to leave since Rudy and a few other Vaqueros couldn't make it for a dinner after a mission, but instead, he got up to make his way towards you, pretending to know you.
"I thought it was you!" He said as he rested a hand on your shoulder, you looked up at him and knew exactly what he was doing.
"(Y/N)? You know this guy?" Your dumb date asked, and you nodded as you saw the chain of his dog tags peeking out from under his shirt.
"We met about two years ago. I interviewed him about the issues here in Las Almas with the cartel." You lie, making your blind date tilt his head to the side.
"Why didn't you ever tell me this?" He asked, making you raise a brow.
"Because it wasn't relevant...?" You say in confusion, making him snort.
"If another man is in your life, I should know. No other man should be in your life that isn't me."
Alejandro blinked at the guy as he clenched his jaw, debating whether or not to punch him in the face. Even if this was a lie to get you out of this situation, no one should be forced to have only one person, regardless of gender, in anyone's lives.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asked looking between you and the date.
"No, we can chat." You gave Alejandro a smile before looking back at the guy. "Thanks for the meal, but I don't think this is going to work out." You tell him before getting up and leaving with Alejadro.
"You alright?" He asked as soon as you both were out of the restaurant.
"I am now. Thank you..."
"Alejandro." He held his hand out and you gladly took it, shaking it.
"(Y/N). Nice to meet you."
He grinned. "Can I walk you to your car?"
"I'd like that."
Alejandro nodded, letting you lead the way through the parking lot of the restaurant to your car. He listened to you as you spoke, nodding, showing you that he was listening to you.
When you got to your car, you unlocked it, but he opened the door for you.
"A gentleman?" You asked as you got into your car, a brow raising slightly.
He chuckled. "For a beautiful person like you? Of course."
You felt your cheeks warm up as you smile.
"Also, how about I take you out to get to know you better? See where things go?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.
"Great," he hands you a piece of paper that had his number on it. "Let me know when you're free and we'll go. We'll talk about it more when you give me the green light." He closed the door and gave you a wink before stepping away from your car.
You smiled and started your car before opening your window. "I'll let you know, Alejandro." You pulled out of the parking spot before driving off.
You missed his grin as you drove off, but he hoped to receive a text from you soon.
And it happened when you sent him a text, thanking him for saving you and wishing him a good night.
You saved his name under 'Hero' since he saved you from an awful date. You'd have to thank your cousin for setting it up on that day, time and place.
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buckysmith · 2 years
He gets drunk
Includes: Alejandro, Grave, Ghost and Soap
Warning: Adult stuff, mention of alcohol use, 18+ stuff but not to heavy
(Has nothing to do with the headcanons I just love that song and listened to it while writing )
Alejandro: (not my gift)
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- he is actually a man who can stand a lot of alcohol
- he doesn't really like drinking games, but if Rudy challenges him, he's not the one to shy away from it
- as I said, he can stand a lot of the devils liquor but holy hell after an amount of it that could possibly kill any other human he’s not the stoic thinking Alejandro Vargas.
- He knows he’s a good locking man so it’s not unusual that some chicas or chicos flirts with him
- some of his team would call you in situations like that, not because he’s a cheater no. They would call you to pick him up because he gets whiny and grumpy about that your not here with him
- ofc you would pick your love sick husband up but to be honest, after one whole bottle of Mezcal he’s fucked up (just to remember you that would most possible kill any other person) and wouldn’t really recognize you
- at first he would tell you to go away cause he’s in a relationship
- when you want to take him with you he gets angry, telling you to fuck off cause he has the most beautiful, loving, kind hearted and attractive S/O in the whole world
- you would giggle about it, telling you your his s/o
- he would try to recognize your face but because of the darkness and way to much alcohol he just couldn’t
- but he would recognize your scent
- yeah, good luck going home after he recognized you
- cough instead horny cough
- anyways, even though he’s fucked up your night wouldn’t end quickly after you got him home
- oh and even in this state your his top priority ;)
(I’m sorry but I think drunk as fuck he would dance/ sing to that song Vamos a la Playa)
Graves: (not my gift)
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- He hates drinking games more than anything else
- but if someone challenges him he can’t say no, his ego ist waaaay to big for that
- after a good amount of alcohol he would call you to take him home
- he knows he’s an attractive man so from time to time people would hit at him but he would causally show his wedding ring (he doesn’t even want to look at the people that want him)
- he knows he can’t drive and he doesn’t want to take an Uber (it’s just not safe as someone like him) so he would wait for you
- he would wait till you show up with another drink in his hand
- he’s not quite talkative on your way home, but he would lay his hand on your thigh, murmur a lot of sweet nothings and a lot of dirty things
- after you both got home he would ask you to take his clothes off
- cough alcohol makes him horny and you do too cough
Soap: (not my gift)
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- he likes the taste of scotch that sharp, distinct flavor is what he likes about it
- The few times he has with his whole team are most likely to have a serious matter but the rare times when they can sit in a bar drinking with each other and don’t have to worry to get killed end most of the time with a drinking game
- he isn’t as good with alcohol as ghost or price but he would definitely try to win that stupid drinking game
- price would be the one that calls you
- soap would only sit in some corner, with a picture of you in his hand whining that he wants you to be here with you (he’s love sick)
- the moment you’re in front of him, kneeling between his legs and gently touching his cheeks would end with you back first in the wooden floor
- Ghost would definitely take pics/ videos of you too, most likely to tease soap after he’s sober
- You would take your big boy home
- he’s more on the cuddle side
- he wants you to touch him, to tell him sweet nothings and praise him
Ghost: (not my gift)
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- no matter how much he drinks, he isn’t able to get drunk
- fr this man can drink stuff that could kill any other human and he’s still fucking sober (at least he seems to)
- But even though he isn’t the usual drunk man, he gets homesick or better he wants to go home to you
- he knows even though he’s still able to put one and one to two he’s not gonna drive home so he would call you
- he’s a ghost, the others wouldn’t notice that he disappeared (at least they would notice when he’s already over the hills)
- love sick puppy
- he had it rough and in times like that he needs you more than anything
- he’s quite emotional when he’s drunk, it’s most likely the only time he’s able to cry and to let out his feelings
- Cuddle with him, praise him, pet him, take care of him, you’re the one he needs the most
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kittsch · 2 months
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ranking cod boys' intimacy style from gentle to rough feat: 141 + los vaqueros + others reader: afab, implied different readers for each cw: explicit smut, kink, fluff, pretty tame imo but lmk if you'd like something tagged NSFW BELOW CUT * MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
1.) the gentlest, surprisingly, is ghost. make no mistake, he'll absolutely fuck the daylights out of you if you ask him to -- would enjoy it, too. but as simon riley... honestly, this man is touch-starved and nearing forty. he is tired, baby. coming home from deployment, first thing simon does is shower (knows you hate the smell of war on him), then take a fat nap with you. if you're in the middle of something, no you're not. he'll literally scoop you up and fireman-carry you to the couch or bed, whichever is closest. simon loves holding you, wants to be touching you all. the. time. his favorite way to nap is wrapped around you like a fitted sheet; skin on skin, nose in your hair as he breathes in the scent of your shampoo. loves it even more when, later, he gets to wake you with soft, open-mouthed kisses on your neck; the flat of his palm sliding down the gentle swell of your tummy, cuping you through your sleep shorts. simon likes you best like this. how you just... melt into him, still sleep-sodden and docile. it's one of the few things that feels right in his life. chemically, cosmically, karmically (somehow--simon doesn't think he'll ever feel like he earned this. you. that he'll ever really deserve to be yours). he takes his time; fucks you slow with his fingers, savoring your muted whimpers as he grinds into your clit with the heel of his hand. to simon, watching you come apart in the firm circle of his arms is kin to a fresco on a ceiling; a sliver of the divine, and he, a sinner, doomed to watch heaven from afar. but by some small miracle, you offer him salvation. when you cum, it's with his name on your lips, so round and lush with love, and fuck--if that isn't the thing to save him, then nothing will.
2.) second is rudy. sweet, sweet boy. he sees you barefoot in a sundress one time. one. that's all it takes to precipitously shift the trajectory of his life to one where he wifes you up and makes you a mother, in that order. you're the first person he's ever envisioned having children with -- the only one he thinks knows will be worth risking everything for. and once that mental picture settles in his mind, it’s all he can think of. it becomes his sole mission to get you under him and fill you with him til it takes. rudy is a missionary guy through and through--wants to see that pretty face, cariño so he can watch your cheeks and chest flush when you're about to cum. and the cute way your lashes flutter ("como alles de pollila, mi amor. fuck--") as he bottoms out in your sweet pussy, stretching you so good. and you're always so good for him -- wrapping your legs around his waist and tilting your hips to take him deeper, deeper. but god help you when he succeeds in knocking you up, you’re never getting a moment alone. consider rudy glued to your side for the foreseeable future. can’t seem to keep his goddamn hands to himself, either. doesn't matter that you’re uncomfortable and prickly and prone to random bouts of inconsolable crying at the worst moments. he takes it all in stride. his love is steady, solid. once, you blurt out something to the effect of i'm never going to be attractive again, my body is gonna be ruined by the end of this. and rudy (after a beat) laughs. pulls you forward til your face is buried in his chest, cradles you there when you try to squirm away. tells you he's literally so attracted to you right now he feels like he should be on some sort of list. he's watching you build a new human being inside your body. you're fucking powerful. he can't imagine anything sexier.
3.) next up is könig. from jump, he adores you; the way you smolder at the edges, the unwavering bite of your tone. kleine katze, such pretty claws you have... and he's perfectly content to settle for admiring you from afar; but where others shy from him instinctually, finding his size and perpetual quiet off-putting, you don't. seem to gravitate towards him because of it. you touch him with a gentleness that should feel foreign, but actually feels like home. this man is fucking gone for you. loves you in a way that irreparably and fundamentally changes him. may or may not have cum more than once to the thought of you: hips bucking desperately into the clench of his own fist. but he knows precisely nichts about romance, even less about flirting. has no idea you've been trying to get his attention for months. ultimately, you have to make the first move. and you do--crawling into his lap one night in a grimy off-grid safehouse after a mission went the wrong kind of sideways. when you draw up the mask he goes rigid, tense; but he almost lost you today. (thought for one endless, horrific moment that he had.) so he lets you pull back the mask--lets you see his face. and when you finally kiss him, it pulls a kind of sound out of him the likes of which he's never made before. a desperate, animal keen that claws at the walls of his chest. and könig's a gentle giant, but he is giant. you're both too hasty the first time; too desperate for closeness to prep properly, so it hurts when he bullies his cock inside you. he's significantly bigger than any of your previous partners -- twice as thick and several inches longer -- and by all rights shouldn't fucking fit inside you, but you're both tenacious enough to make it work. könig is certain salvation resides in the gummy clutch of your cunt when you take him to the hilt; shuddering as you cum around him from nothing but the way his cock stuffs you full and the pressure of his calloused thumb on your clit. it's so unbelievably hot, he cums on the spot; not needing friction or movement when he has you clenching down on him like that, scheiße. after, he takes care of you--holds you close to his chest til your breath evens out and you slip into the dreamless, black pool of sleeping.
4.) alejandro, my love. truly a man of passion. it's a long process seducing you, and he enjoys every minute of it. loves finding new ways to get you to blush almost as much as he enjoys fucking you til you're blubbering and cock-stupid. almost. he likes the idea of having a family with you, but is less pernicious about it than rudy. he knows how he feels about you; is confident it'll happen someday. that said, this man's breeding kink knows no bounds. the mating press was built for him; the perfect mix of intimacy and intensity, where he can look you in the eye as he ruts you so deep you can feel him in your fucking throat. also the most likely to suggest expanding your sexual horizons. frankly, alejandro is bisexual as fuck. loves the idea of you getting railed by another man (perhaps rudy, winkwonk) while he watches; loves the idea of you taking the both of them at once even more, but it's always about you. your comfort and pleasure is paramount, and he'll go to unfathomable lengths to make sure your needs are met. happy wife, happy life, he says, hauling you into a deep kiss when you point out that you're not technically married, yet.
5.) alex is the perfect equilibrium of rough and gentle. initially respects you as a colleague, maybe a friendly acquaintance. internally, he finds your competence and no bullshit attitude deeply attractive, but he's a consummate professional; would never put you into a position where you'd feel unsafe (outside of the obvious dangerous shit you already do). and then--he sees you shoot a gun. the way your body slides liquid-smooth into weaver, the easy roll back into isosceles in the recoil... it gets him so fucking hard so fucking quick. he has to physically remove himself from the range and rub one out in a bathroom stall, images of those firm hands pumping his weeping cock pulling him over the edge. images that don't fade, to his chagrin, even after the initial arousal is dealt with. every time he sees you, it just... pops back up, so to speak. he keeps it locked down as best he can, but fails pretty comprehensively at doing so. alex finally breaks after catching one too many recruits staring after you when you walk away (fuckin' animals--only he's allowed to do that). he seeks you out when you're both off the clock and ends up fucking you on top of one of the washing machines in the base's communal laundry room. the epitome of soft dom, comes pre-programmed with an obligatory daddy kink that you absolutely abuse to get your way. takes you out to nice restaurants seemingly for the express purpose of fucking you in the fancy-schmanzy bathroom. honest-to-god almost passes out when you choke on his cock for the first time; begs like his life is on the line for you to do it again, please, please--oh, fuck baby, yes. that experience reveals two truths to him: one, that he might be a switch, and two, that he might just have to marry you.
6.) now, keegan is a pretty tough nut to crack. it's hard to read him initially, even without the mask--but once you pick up on his tells, he's an open book. and that book wants you upended on the couch within seconds of you both entering the room. initially its just sex; a shared need to vent some frustration and stress. keegan is very private, mostly due to social discomfort and introverted tendencies. in the early days of your relationship, it manifests as him keeping you at a distance. for the first few months, he only ever kisses you when he's balls deep, and leaves after a five-minute come down. you rectify this through sheer persistence and charm. it's clear to you (far sooner than it is to him) that he's weakest to you when you give him big, sweet doe eyes and ask real pretty. this little trick works particularly well when you're riding him slow over the course of an hour, grinding down each time he bottoms out, til he's shuddering and begging you to please go faster--ah. f-fuckin' hell, kid, you're so tight, so good, fuck. when he cums, it's with a crackling whine of your name that pulls the knot of heat in your belly, sending you over after him. then, exhausted and fucked out, he falls asleep with you in his arms. he's still there the next morning when you wake, expression open and lax as he watches you wake. it's the first time you see keegan without reservations, when you realize he's got a gentleness to him--a kind of poet's sensitivity meant for libraries, museum archives, and the kinder side of nature. all overwritten by force to survive, to complete his mission. once you've seen the cracks in his mask, there's no going back for either of you. very quickly, your relationship shifts from distant and transactional to deeply personal; a tenderness blooming in the same garden as the newfound dedication to one another. keegan doesn't say I love you for a long time, but you know he does--you feel it in the way his dark eyes find you in a crowd, always seeking your familiar shape. you feel it in the way he presses your bodies flush from tip to tail while he's fucking you, when being inside of you isn't close enough. you feel it when he, for the very first time, asks you quietly if you'll stay the night with him, because he sleeps easier when you're there. so you stay--the night, and all those that follow.
7.) oh, gaz. such a mischievous little shit. your friend from your training days, you two scrap like puppies over anything and everything. banter is the cornerstone of your relationship, one-upping being a close second. you delight and infuriate one another in equal measure, bickering amongst yourselves til one of you takes a swing at the other. price has reprimanded you both multiple times for horsing around, but you're never in any real danger--you work too well together. there's a kind of shared consciousness between you; a base-level understanding, two wolves hunting in tandem. still, ghost refuses to let either of you sit together on the heli; not since that one time your game of grabass devolved into full-on grappling on the tarmac. ultimately, one of your little tiffs goes too far; ends with you both laid out on a training mat, groaning into each other's mouth as you grind your hips together through your clothes. you both pretend it didn't happen for maybe a week--then it happens again. and again. and again. being 'together' is never something you actually discuss with kyle. it just... happens. much to the chagrin of your lt and captain, the bickering actually increases when you two get together; becomes more like foreplay you can get away with doing in front of your superiors. and if this man isn't an absolute goddamn menace when it comes to exhibitionism. when he wants you, doesn't matter if you're in the middle of a meeting. fuck it--it's happening, and it's happening now. very playful in and out of the bedroom, likes teasing you in every sense of the word. he edges you so long sometimes you nearly kick him in the head when he finally lets you cum. there's my girl--oh shi--ah, haah, good fuckin' girl. he's largely aloof when it comes to his emotions--not the best at verbalizing how he's feeling or what he needs. so instead, he shows you. he shows up every. single. time. kyle's your friend before he's your lover; your partner in (war) crime(s). he's always got your six, you've always got his, and what is love if not someone who'd die (and live) for you?
8.) soap proudly describes himself as a pleasure dom, which is mostly true. but he's got serious switch potential. which you know for a fact because fuckin' hell, does that boy whimper somethin' pretty when you throat him juuuuust right. he's such a 'tits' man, it's crazy. loves to hold you close, feel your breasts smashed against his chest while he drives deep into the tight clutch of your cunt. but most of all, soap loves being on his knees for you. this man definitely moans while he eats you out, tonguing your pussy like it's a mouth. he feels big in every sense of the word--in sex, in love, in anger. and make no mistake, he loves you deeply. you two have some serious yelling matches, storm about slamming doors til the neighbors threaten to call the feds, but it's just your way. you're both headstrong and stupid; arguments are bound to happen, and any unresolved hurt feelings get a solid patch-job from the frankly earth shattering makeup sex that follows. like rudy, soap wants a big family with you, and he knew early. actually doesn't tell you just how early til years down the line. how after your first official date, he called his ma and asked if she'd send his nan's ring, please? because he's pretty sure he just met his future wife. said ring which glitters on your hand now, as you reach over and flick his forehead teasingly. tell him he can stop trying to romance you, you're already married. and could he grab more diapers on his way home from work?
9.) as are all things with graves, your sexual relationship is about power. he's an asshole in the worst way--condescending, smug, underhanded, sneaky in his sexism so you always look like some hysterical woman when you retaliate. the kicker? it turns you on as much as it pisses you off. he's happy to string you along, work you into a lather just to leave you high and dry. lord help you once he gets a taste of you--bending you over his desk and cramming you full of his cock with precisely zero prep. he kisses you, loves you, fucks you like he hates you. because he kind of does--he just wants you more. graves loves it when you cry, wipes your tears with his thumb before forcing it into your mouth. coos when you offer your neck up to him--yeah? want my hands on ya that bad, sugar? gonna be a good girl for me, hm? fuck yeah you are--and proceeds to make you cum so hard you black out. your 'relationship' (which it is; ring on your finger a year in, a little one on your hip not long after) is intense. toxic. would be just downright miserable if it wasn't so fucking hot. you cling to each other with gouging force; a livid-blue kind of love, painful and permanent. he carries a picture of you in his wallet: a small polaroid of you in your wedding dress, ashing a cigarette with one hand while the other flips the cameraman (him) the bird.
10.) and the roughest of them all: price wants more than to love or fuck you -- he wants to possess you. he's so tightly controlled everywhere else in his life (has to be for his work), doesn't seem the type to lose his head over a bird. but when he meets you, something shifts. you're soft. impossibly good. flippant and stubborn as a mule, sure -- you drive him up the fuckin' wall with your headstrong antics. (so goddamn petulant. so sure you're fuckin' right.) but war and death hasn't stained your world, left your indomitable spirit unsullied and intact. which, unfortunately, means you haven't gotten a thorough education on the importance of discipline. price wants to consume your disobedience; crack your rose-tinted glasses under his heel, roll the ambrosia of you in his cupped tongue. he'll do more than make you fall in line -- he'll make you want to do it. it's really just a matter of time before he acts on it. when he does, it's decisive. unsubtle. he crowds you up against the door of your flat on a sticky summer night, brandy on your breath. sinks a hand into your hair, holds you steady as he brings your mouths together with bruising intensity. he fucks you before he ever makes love to you; sinks his teeth into the velvet of your shoulder as he crushes you flat to the tabletop using just his bodyweight. snarls low when you keen wordlessly, overwhelmed and empty-headed at the deep burn-sting of his cock stretching your pretty little cunt, the lewd slap of his thighs against your ass. he batters you til you're not sure what's sweat and what's tears; til your skin bears a mural to his cacoethes, all blue and purple like a deep west sunrise. til there's not a person alive who won't be able to see you're his. always have been, always will, right dove? go on--tell him. tell him who this pussy belongs to.
written by kittsch, do not repost. not to be used for bots nor AI of any kind.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 3 months
Little brainrot.. Alejandro, Simon, Price or really any CoD man really, who has a partner that constantly gets overwhelmed/overstimulated by cuteness aggression that causes them to bite him and he lives for it. Cocky bastard finds it as an excuse to flex his muscles whenever you bite his arm.
Sometimes when it's surges of energy that you get rowdy with him but he's a patient man.. maybe not towards anyone but when it comes to you anyway. Zoomies?.. Zoomies!
Finds it absolutely amusing when you squeal and kick your feet up from the bed under the sheets in order to release some of the pent up energy. That soft sigh after gets him to chuckle, grabbing you and pulling you closer to him to rest both of your bodies, feeling the soft warmth of your skin and the movement of your breathing.
My CoD Masterlist
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simping4konig @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @thelightdjinnofpalestine @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @fawnchives @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @the-second-sage @starryylies @everlastingmoonlightsworld @keiva1000 @iexiam
Tw: mentions of abuse on the author's note, do not read if such topics make you feel uncomfortable or disturbed. This is not a vent but it is to spread awareness on a case.
A/n: Before you guys ask, I'll establish this, the reader is doing this consensually and they do not bite hard enough to actually hurt their partner, it's just playful like many people do in NORMAL and NON-ABUSIVE relationships, I do not wanna hear shit comparing them to Wilbur because in general this idea is cute, playful and domestic but that guy just ruined it for all of us but this isn't about him, GO SUPPORT SHELBY!! She deserves all the love she can get after going through the shit Wilbur put her through. This has been on for a long time now, no one should stop talking about it especially because everything he did was fucked up and has hurt someone in every way possible.
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mlmxreader · 5 months
Family Loyalty | Alejandro Vargas x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Alejandro
44 “No one’s gonna believe we’re a couple if you’re gonna act like this” ❞
: ̗̀➛ it's a shame that there's so little time that you and Alejandro can actually have together.
: ̗̀➛ swearing, smoking, very mild angst
At the best of times, neither you nor Alejandro liked to flaunt your relationship, and neither of you were particularly fond of large gatherings; but as it was winter, and as the new year was approaching, it was only natural that your family and his had arranged for everyone to meet up and to gather at one of the houses.
Neither of you were particularly fond of the idea, but when you found out that your step brother Gaz would be there, you did feel quite a fair bit of relief. You had missed him, and didn't often get the chance to see him due to his job; a Sergeant in the SAS, your brother was away from home more often than not, and with you and Alejandro often being in Los Almas, there was rarely a chance for you and your brother to actually be siblings.
But even you couldn't deny that as much as you loved your family, a large gathering was not something that you were interested in doing. Alejandro was the same, as although he knew that his right-hand man Rodolfo would be there by virtue of being his childhood best friend, he would have preferred to have a small, intimate gathering.
But neither of you could deny your families, and with some hesitation, ended up agreeing to it. Admittedly, Alejandro was a far better actor than you, and could actually pretend that he was happy to be there, whilst you stood beside him and scowled. Your arms folded across your chest as you watched everyone run around and cause havoc.
Stood in the kitchen, you were by Alejandro's side, stood directly opposite Rodolfo and Gaz as you shook your head and wished that the four of you could go somewhere quieter.
"No one's gonna believe we're a couple if you're gonna act like this," Alejandro joked softly, nudging you in the side playfully. "C'mon, amado, lighten up."
You glared at him, looking him up and down as you scoffed. "Ale... don't."
"C'mon," Gaz chided with a grin. "You're scowling so much, your face is gonna freeze like that."
"Might be an improvement," Rodolfo giggled, shoving his hands in his pockets.
You rolled your eyes, huffing as you leaned into Alejandro's side. Immediately, he put his arm around you and allowed you to rest your head on his shoulder as he smiled and laughed under his breath.
"Amado," he hummed, using his free hand to search the pocket of his leather jacket. "Cigarette?"
You nodded, grumbling as you held out your hand; Alejandro dished them out, giving one to you first before handing one to Gaz and Rodolfo each and then keeping one for himself. He passed the lighter around in much the same manner, then leaned forward slightly to see if anyone had noticed. Gaz scoffed.
"My mum's a smoker," he started, "she's not gonna care."
"Our mum might not," you agreed. "But Ale's mum might."
"She won't," Alejandro admitted. "Mi madre doesn't mind."
It didn't take long for Gaz's mother to realise, quickly chastising all four of you for smoking inside before ushering you all out into the front garden; at least it was quiet, and when she gave Gaz a shopping list, he took Rodolfo with him. It was only up the road a little bit, but not by far; they would be gone for ten minutes at least and they told you and Alejandro that they would get some drinks whilst they were up there.
With the air so cold and so icy, though, you quickly found your back against Alejandro's chest as he held you tightly against himself, wrapping his jacket around so that the pockets were at your sides. A vain attempt to keep warm as you continued smoking.
It was a lot nicer than being inside amongst the chaos and the havoc, at least, and you were enjoying the little bit of one on one time that you could have with him; it wasn't often that either of you got it. He was deployed so often thanks to being a Colonel, and you rarely got the chance to see him for very long when he had breaks.
Paperwork became mountains within days, and even worse than that, he was often asked to advise other regiments on certain matters that he couldn't discuss with you. It was difficult sometimes, and you did often miss him terribly when he wasn't around, but you knew that you chose it when you agreed to marry him.
You knew the nature of his work just as much as you knew the nature of the man you had married, and nothing would change that. Alejandro loved you dearly, of course he did, and he always did his best to do right by you and to look after you.
But even he found it difficult with the long distances and the frequent disappearances; he wanted to be with you, to actually be your husband without there being any interruptions, but it seemed like that just wouldn't happen.
He couldn't even get his forty-second birthday off two months ago, let alone be able to spend it with you the way that he wanted to; he rarely even got your birthday off, let alone his own. But it was just the nature of his job, and there was nothing he could do to change it even though he wished he could.
"I've missed you," he admitted quietly against your ear. "I really have."
"I know," you hummed. "It's a shame that we only ever get time like this when everyone else seems to want our attention."
Alejandro nodded, tugging you a little closer as he swallowed thickly. "But little time is better than none."
"True," you agreed quietly, turning around so that you could look into his big brown eyes. "Maybe one day we'll have enough time."
"Hopefully," he gently traced your jaw, daring to grin. "Do you wanna go inside and get to the quiche before Gaz?"
"Absolutely," you laughed as you grinned back at him. "And the tinnies."
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